Shelby - Medina County SPCA


Shelby - Medina County SPCA
SUMMER 2015 Established 1985
Shelby loves to talk to the new
people that come to visit her at
MCSPCA. Visit Shelby today!
A New Haven for Second Chances
Ethel is a gorgeous grey-brown Chihuahua with
round black eyes and a curly tail. She came to
the MCSPCA from a shelter that is forced to
euthanize for space. As she nuzzled my neck
and plastered my face with licks, I thought what
a haven of love and salvation our shelter has
been to her and to 1300 abused, neglected,
or homeless animals every year. In my three
years as a volunteer, I’ve seen some, like Abu
and Andor, arrive at the shelter emaciated
and nearly dead, but restored to a healthy,
active life.
Even though the MCSPCA shelter on South
Medina Street has meant salvation to thousands of animals for six years, it is a rental that
is simply inadequate for our mission to rescue
and rehabilitate Medina County’s animals
in need. It consists of only 2100 sq. feet of
office space plus about 800 sq. feet of storage
space, and it sits just a few yards away from
a busy railroad. When a rumbling train passes
and blows its ear-piercing whistle, the noise is
unbearable for the animals and humans. The
current space leaks, is expensive to heat and
cool, and limited in area for exercising dogs
and hosting big fundraisers or adoption events.
Its porous, cracked surfaces are difficult to
sanitize. The single ventilation system that
circulates air between rooms with sick animals
and rooms with healthy animals risks the
spread of disease.
We have an extraordinary opportunity
to purchase a 13 acre property with
a 4000 sq. foot state-of-the-art indoor kennel
plus a 2100 square foot residential building on
the premises. It is located on 8790 Guilford
Road. There would be plenty of room for all
our animals, including the horses. Many
people don’t realize that we also rescue
horses, not just dogs and cats and various
, dedica
ted volu
nteer at
other small animals. Our present shelter space
the MCS
is so small that rescue horses have to be
housed on private property in Litchfield where
we can’t publicize their location or put an SPCA $350,000. We would need to rebuild the barn
and improve the drive and parking lot, an essign. But the new property will have hay fields
timated $110,000. Along with additional funds
to feed and exercise the horses as well as a
for three months of operating costs ($140,000)
two-acre fenced-in area where dogs can play.
and a slush/repair fund ($32,000), the Capital
The new kennel would be a more efficient
Campaign goal is to raise $575,000. This is a
shelter because it was developed especially
fraction of the $1.4 million needed to build a
for animal welfare. It has sanitary FRP panel
new 4000 sq. foot kennel on a few acres that
surfaces (commonly used in hospitals) and
the county has leased to the MCSPCA for free.
separate HVAC and energy ventilation systems
Please help the MCSPCA secure a healthier,
for different rooms. This prevents the spread
happier, safer, more efficient, more spacious
of airborne and surface germs, creating one of
shelter for the many thousands of animals hopthe healthiest shelter environments possible.
ing for a second chance at life and happiness.
In addition, the new space would be owned by
Thank you, Demetra Mihevic
the MCSPCA and save money on utilities.
Full Color Digital Printing
For all your printing needs:
• Flyers
• Letterhead
• Business Cards
• Business Forms
• Brochures
• Copying Services
• Business Cards
• Specialty Items
And More
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: 330-725-4121
455 W. Liberty St. • Medina, OH 44256
Belle and Vy
These two gentle girls are deeply bonded to each other and must be adopted together,
but the two of them together are less trouble than any one dog you’ll meet!The adoption
fee is only $25 for the paws perfect pair! Meet Belle and Vy at the MCSPCA!
Brighter DAY
MCSPCA Officers
George “Hub” Marquis
Thomas Jenkins
Nicole Florio
Capital Campaign
We can make the lives of the animals
Sandy Larson
Board of Directors
Will Klingel
Lloyd Knudsen
Erica Moehring
James Prueter, DVM
Susan Vlcek
Shaun McWilliams
Shannon Waller
Executive Director
Help us Make
this Dream
a reality
Online Giving
You can make donations to the
Medina County SPCA at
Tracey Miller
Director of Operations
Newsletter Editor
Carol Klingel
Atelier Design, Graphics
Tina Wagner
Medina County SPCA
245 S. Medina St
Medina, OH 44256
capital campaign
Why Are We Moving?
our animals are at the shelter in Medina. Many
people who come to our shelter don’t realize
we have horses as well as dogs and cats, and
we can’t publicize the location of our barn or
have an SPCA sign there because it’s private
Our current space has porous, cracked surfaces that are difficult to sanitize, and a single
ventilation system that circulates air between
rooms with sick animals and rooms with
healthy animals. This increases the chance
that diseases will spread from sick animals to
healthy ones.
The new space has over thirteen acres–
plenty of room for all our animals. Our rescue
horses will get just as much face time as the
rest of our animals, so we’ll save money and
give them better lives by adopting them faster
Here are the primary reasons
we are asking you to help us
get a new facility for the
animals who need it most:
The new kennel has sanitary FRP panel
surfaces (commonly used in hospitals),
and separate HVAC and energy recovery
ventilation systems for different rooms. This
prevents the spread of airborne and surface
germs, creating one of the healthiest shelter
environments possible.
Our current space has significant noise
stress from active train tracks and barking
dogs, which carries throughout the shelter.
Both noises are stressors for dogs and barking
particularly stresses the cats. Not only does
stress lower the immune system, making the
animal more susceptible to disease, it also can
have a negative impact on animal behavior.
The new kennel was designed with a floor plan
and materials that reduce auditory stimuli. The
smaller animal bedrooms will allow us to
segregate the cat areas from the dog areas.
Currently, we have our equines housed on
private property in Litchfield, while the rest of
Our current shelter is a rented, makeshift
kennel with limited space to exercise the
dogs. It is too small to host big fundraisers
or adoption events, consisting of 2,100 square
feet of office space plus about 800 square feet
of storage.
The new 13-acre space would be owned by us,
save money on utilities, was developed especially for animal welfare, has hay fields we can
utilize to feed our equines, a two-acre fenced in
area for dogs to play, space for special events
and room to expand our operation. It has over
4,000 square feet of indoor kennel space plus
a 2,100 square foot residential building.
Help us do better for rescued animals. Help us
get a healthier, more efficient shelter.
Please note: 8790 Guilford Road is on
the open market, and our offer has to be
contingent upon getting a zoning variance to
operate our shelter. If we are unable to acquire
this property, we will continue searching for a
better home, but are doing our best to make
this opportunity a reality!
You can make donations to the
Medina County SPCA at
With your help
we can bring the animals
we rescue to thrive in a
healthier environment.
Capital Campaign
We can make the lives of the animals
Our Animal Affair Dinner Auction was a rousing success!
We netted over $33,000 (compared to about $29,000 last year).
Kudos to everyone involved.
Thanks to ALL our supporters who helped to make the 12th annual Animal Affair
dinner auction a “pawsitively” amazing evening! The animals in need in Medina
County are truly blessed by the kindness and generosity of everyone who
sponsored, donated, volunteered, attended and worked to make this
event a huge success.
Most of our revenue (75%) comes fundraising, memberships and private
donations. Just 9% comes from voluntary contributions from local government,
and the remaining 16% is from grants and fees. That’s why the Animal Affair
was so critical to our continued care for the animals, and we greatly
appreciate the contributions everyone made.
Your gracious dedication to the
MCSPCA helps us
save lives!
Waiting for the race to start!
Lay your bets everyone!
The key to a
Resisting that adorable face is simply not possible. Humphry is a hound with a very real need,
the need to be part of your family. Stop by and play with him for a bit and I bet you
won’t be able to walk away from those sweet hound eyes. They say, “Take me home!”
Happy endings
Forever Friends
Ice blue eyes and a heart of gold, our
Izabella just moved on to her forever
home just last week! We are so excited
that she was able to bond with a new
family. She will be missed by all of the
volunteers and staff at MCSPCA.
It warms our hearts to see her
happily going HOME!
Enjoy a happy life
Vasara has found someone to love! The robins that LOVE to dive
bomb her in the play area will miss her, as will Penny. Lots of
energy and loves to snuggle, Vasara will enjoy being part of
her new family. You can see by her enormous smile she is
happy to go to quieter surroundings. Even though the volunteers
and staff work very hard to socialize and enrich the lives of the
animals that reside there, ultimately they would be happier in your
peaceful home. If you are thinking about rescuing a dog or cat
through adoption, come on out and we will introduce you to our
available pets. There are plenty to choose from!
You will be missed Vasara!
Spanky &Alfalfa
Chirpy little fellows, Spanky and Alfalfa, are up for adoption at the
MCSPCA. The two feathered friends await a new home patiently.
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet, look no further!
Blake is what we call a survivor. He’s a great cat and would
Athena is a true sweetheart and is beginning to turn into a lap snuggler!
love for you to come adopt him today! He was born in August of 2012.
She really enjoys her kitty toys and the time she spends with her
He gets along wonderfully with cats and dogs.
loving MCSPCA Volunteers. Come visit Athena today!
rescue EVENTS
Pet Adoption Reunion
P cnic
Number Attending:
Adults __________
Pets __________
Children __________
Pet(s) Name:
Amount Enclosed: $____________________
We cannot attend, but would like
to make the enclosed donation of
$ ____________ to the
Medina County SPCA.
RSVP by Monday July 13th, 2015
Mail to:
Medina County SPCA
245 South Medina Street
Medina, OH 44256
July 19
2:00pm to 6:00pm
Medina VFW Post 5137
3916 Pearl Road
Medina, OH 44256
COST: $15 per person
$40 per family
Please bring a favorite picture of your pet to create a collage to
display all our rescued friends.
Family fun, prizes and raffles
Leashed and vaccinated friendly dogs are invited
Come and join the fun! Everyone is invited to come and participate in this
event, whether or not you have adopted from the MCSPCA. We had a
wonderful time last year and look forward to seeing our adopted
families & their pets.
Facebook: MedinaSPCA
(330) 723-7722
MCSPCA Calendar
Adoption Reunion Picnic
Medina VFW Post 5137
3916 Pearl Road
Medina, OH 44256
july 19
Faceplant 500
Aug 8
Regan Park
Sledding Hill
Between Reagan Parkway and Weymotuh Road
Medina, OH
2015 Paws
for the Cause 5K
Oct 24
Art to the Rescue
Medina Public Square
Medina, OH
Rustic Hills Country Club
5399 River Styx Road
Medina, OH
Brighter Day Campaign
Capitol Funds & Property Campaign
Look for additions to this list on our website,
or watch for our emails.
Board of Directors Meetings
Rustic Hills Country Club—5:30pm
July 16, 2015*
August 20, 2015
Spetember 17, 2015
Shelter News Updates and Event Announcements
If you do not receive emails from the MCSPCA, and would like to keep up-to-date on the upcoming events and happenings, please send your email to She will be
sure you get on our email list. At this time, email is the most inexpensive way of communicating
to the members of the MCSPCA. If you have changed your email recently, please send us an
updated email address. Thank you for supporting the MCSPCA!
Recycling Ink Cartridges
We are collecting ink cartridges to help the MCSPCA save money. You can turn in your cartridges
at Staples, tell them to put it under the Medina County SPCA’s telephone number, which is
330-723-7722. This will help in purchasing the office supplies we use in the shelter. Every penny
counts when you are saving the lives of neglected and abused anuimals. Collect up your used
cartridges and turn them in today at Staples!
3rd Annual
Paws for the Cause
Save the date for the race of the year!
October 24, 2015
Register at:
Paws for the Cause
Fundraising Committee Meetings
See our list of upcoming events. If you’re
willing to help out, let us know, or come to a
fundraising meeting. They are always the first
Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Buehlers
River Styx community room. We would love to
see new faces with even more ideas.
Contact Don and Robin Laub at rdlaub3209@ for more information.
News that Matters
Since 1985, the Medina County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a non-profit volunteer-based organization, has helped abused,
neglected and injured animals in our community. Thousands of dogs, cats, horses and other companion animals have been saved through
the efforts and generosity of our caring members and donors, to whom we are deeply grateful. To all of these donors we would like to express
our deepest gratitude.
SPCA Memorials, honors and tributes
Bob Medvick
The Kearns Family—Alec,
March–May 2015
Rebecca, Madeline & Matthew
N S Fahey
Randy Wertman
Sylia Medvick, Kathy Dragomir,
Jerry & Sue Brewer
Sandy Troncone, Wayne &
Judith Rowlands
Sue Smirh,Tom Pajik & Joyce
Doris Myers
Joey & Bill Campbell
Holly Traegner
Elsie & Jim Clees
The Petsche Group
Carole Drake
Merrill Lynch
Edward Schaumburg,
Tom, Tina & Lucy McIntosh
father of Ed Schaum
Bob & Katherine Walls
George Marquis
Debra Traxler
Rose Anne Riggenbach
Ohio Farmers Insurance
NALS of Northeast Ohio
Cynthia Huber
Leon H. Ross
Karen Poltrone
(Suzanne Stiffler’s father)
Wanita Corey
Saturday & Monday
Frederick Corey
Agility Class Friends
Becky Backus
Paul & Patricia Widenmeyer
Lloyd & Joanne Knudsen
Tom & Debra Garnick
Carol Klingel
Sandra, James & Linda Crissman
George Marquis
Nicole Rubino
Tracey Miller
James Anderson
Earl & Ellen Leiken
& Jody Davis
Nancy Masi
Grace Zay
Nancy Builder
Douglas & Elizabeth Nabors
Donna Hodge
Stephen & Eileen Brubaker
Joyce Prusha
Robert & Jeanne Letkiewicz
Metzger, my mom
Judy Gorfido
Bonnie Metzger
Helen Riehm
Martha Naftzger, retiree
Sampsel Plumbing, Heating
Ohio Farmers Insurance Company
& Air Conditioning
memory of Ann Kukay for
Lois, Tim & Marcie Gorfido
Edward Havir
Christopher Kukay
Wendy Pugh
Mike Golz & his beloved brother
Farmers Insurance
Ronald Scuderi
Diane Radey
Honors & Tributes
Amber Shivak
Honoring Diane Radney &
Beverly Spaethe
her love of animals
Marilyn Duncan
Amber Shivak
Barbara Sumwalt
For Susan Vlcek, Leadership Medina
Bruce Sumwalt
County, Class of 2015
John Conte
Homestead Insurance Company
Lester Jeup & Family
Honoring Stephanie Armbruster, my
Andy Herout & Family
amazing sister, an awesome volun John & Debbie Virgili
teer, for her birthday
Robert & Carol Whitehead
Love you, Brie (Brianna Henning)
Ruby, beloved pet of
Brad & Kathy Hastings
Nancy Block
Oliver, beloved pet of
The Hohn Family
Sherry Zimmerman
My little Gremlin
Barbara Kremer
Bentley “Boo,”
Laura Ussery’s beloved cat
Gail Torok
In loving remembrance
of all my pets,
Nancy J Hermann
Sadie, beloved dog of David &
Celaine Gruver
John Recny
In memory of my pretty Tigger
Lauren Formoso
Max, Morritz, Wootsee & Mitzi
Nina Frischherz
Karen Malloy
My foster dog, Charlie
Nora Wooley
Happy Birthday, Carleigh!
Grace Zay
Rainbow Bridge
Roscoe & Wishes
Wayne Winchip
My cat Oscar—I miss you, buddy
John Hood
Summer, a 5lb 17yr old Yorkie
Hope Sehring
“Maggie” Brodnik
Mike & Sandy Larson
Karen Malloy
Richard Wooley
Dudley Fitch
Linda Pfaff
Pita, Luna & Tang
Richard Robinson
E. Allen Arrington
Kathleen Price
3rd Annual
Paws for the Cause
It’s a party for the PAWS,
don’t miss the FUN!
October 24, 2015
Register at:
Paws for the Cause
Products for your Pets!!
1244 High Street (Rt. 94)
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Engraved Rocks
Cremation Urns
Cremation Jewelry
Julia Kitten Mitts
At the MCSPCA you can always find a bunch of kitties
Julia is a friendly girl looking for love.
waiting for their forever families to come pick them up and love
She’s approximately 6 years old so she’s out of the kitten stage
on them. Stop in today and see what those adorable little
and into the lap loving stage. Stop out to meet her today.
kittens are up to!
Sandridge Foods Manufacturer
providing solutions for today’s retail
and foodservice industries.
133 Commerce Drive • Medina, OH 44256
10127 Broadview Heights Road
Broadview, OH 44147
588 West Sturbridge Drive
Medina, OH 44256
(330) 408-2059
Preserving the Past.
Carving the Future.
City of Medina
Medina City Hall
132 North Elmwood Ave.
Medina, Ohio 44256
Phone: 330-725-8861
Adoption stories
An Unexpected Gift
Milo has been an unexpected gift. I knew I
would always end up with a Weimaraner again,
but just couldn’t manage a puppy right now. I
had a Weim, Simon, for 12-1/2 years. He was
my BEST friend and I still miss him dearly after
losing him three years ago. We have twin four
year olds and two other dogs that keep me
busy. A friend of a volunteer posted a picture
of herself and Milo, at the Medina SPCA, and
it was forwarded it to us. I immediately told my
husband that we need to go get him! Knowing
Weimaraners and how they NEED people, my
heart broke that he was at a shelter. I was communicating almost daily with Tiffany who would
give me Milo updates and send me pictures.
She assured me that Milo was being loved on
by all the wonderful volunteers. We went to
see Milo and couldn’t take him home that day
because we were moving the next week. We
introduced our Great Dane (Emma) and our
Golden (Maverick) to Milo and the greeting
went so smoothly! I cried leaving him there,
but knew we couldn’t take him until Thursday.
The staff at the Medina SPCA were so kind to
help work out this adoption. We moved on a
Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Thursday
we picked up Milo. He has settled in and more
of his personality has come out. He wants to
be near us all the time which is typical for the
breed. Several times I have taken him into a
garden center with me and it was unbelievable
the amount of attention he receives.
I was told that Milo’s original owners went into
a nursing home and the granddaughter was
heartbroken to bring Milo to the shelter. It had
been weighing on me that if I had to give up my
dog, I would want to know that he was ok. After
thinking about this, I contacted the shelter and
asked if they would forward a message to the
Nancy Danisek
Nancy has been volunteering with the MCSPCA for two years now.
She is a member of our Rescue Team, Co-Race Director for our Paws for the
Cause, and works with both cats and dogs at our shelter at least two days a week.
You can also find her helping in the laundry and at adoption events. She
has two dogs, one cat and a turtle at home. In her spare time she likes
to read, go running or meet up with friends at the local dog park.
family that Milo was home and he was loved by
his new family. Tracey, the Director of Operations, forwarded my email to the granddaughter
along with pictures of Milo. The granddaughter
was so happy to hear the news. She contacted
me directly and said that she shared the info
with her grandparents, as well as the pictures.
She said she cried tears of sadness dropping
Milo off and tears of joy when she received my
email. She did say that I was welcome to send
her more pictures and updates and she would
share them with her grandparents.
This summer my 4 year old twins are excited
to have their first Lemonade Stand and donate
the money to the Medina SPCA. My daughter
just said, “We will give them the money so they
can help more dogs like they helped Milo!”
When my husband picked up Milo, he met the
most amazing man, Wayne Winchip. What
he does for dogs at the MCSPCA is truly
AWESOME! We have sent him Milo updates.
The staff and volunteers all work tirelessly for
the dogs that deserve to sleep in a home every
night and be loved. Thank you MCSPCA!
Adopter, Kristen Pado
Thank you for volunteering,
Nancy Danisek!
Formerly Sheerdeen’s Kennels
4070 Foskett Rd Medina, OH 44256
Book your reservations NOW
for Spring Break!!!
It will be here sooner than you think!
• 500
S. S.
“We Love a Challenge and Our Dogs”
5399 River Styx Rd.
Medina, OH 44256
(330) 725-4281
1480 Pearl Rd. • Brunswick, OH 44212
Medina County SPCA WISH List
If you are looking to make a donation to the shelter, here are some much needed items on the MCSPCA Wish List: non scented clay litter, Purina dry cat or kitten
chow, Pedigree Dog food for both average sized dogs and small bites, paper towels, HE bleach and laundry detergent, rolls of forever stamps, TSC gift cards to
purchase horse feed, and Walmart and Petsmart gift cards to buy miscellaneous supplies. We always need volunteers, volunteers, volunteers!
Contact Tracey Miller, Director of Operations, at 330-723-7722.
Become a Ray of Hopein an abused animal’s life
Please help support the MCSPCA by renewing, becoming a new member or purchasing a gift of membership for a friend or family member.
One hundred percent (100%) of fees stay in Medina County and directly support the thousands of dogs, cats, horses and other companion animals
that have been saved through our efforts. Consider becoming a member today and make a difference in an abused animal’s life.
Membership Levels
Individual $25
Family $45
Student $10
Senior (60+) $15 Corporate $200
Lifetime $1000
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: _____ Zip: ______________ Phone: __________________________
Please give us your email address, so we can keep you updated on all upcoming events and news.
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
I am interested in finding out more about the following:
____ Adoption Committee _____ Fundraising Committee _____ Humane Education ____ Newsletter
____ Shelter Volunteer _____ Event Volunteer ____ Newsletter _____ PR/Marketing ____ PR/Marketing
____ Being a Rescue Agent in my Township ____ Being a Cat Foster Home ____ Being a Dog Foster Home
Please make all checks payable to:
Medina County S.P.C.A., P.O. Box 135, Medina, OH 44258-0135