Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS)
Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS)
Mauritius Council of Social Service (MACOSS) No. Name of Organization Area of Work 1. Action Catholique Independante- Foi et Vie (ACI) Peace Drive, Camp Samy Branch Road - Moka President :Mrs Dominique Rey Secretary :Mr Ayle Duval Tel: Fax: 6976638 Poverty Human Rights & Good Governance 2. Action Familiale Bon Air, Moka President : Mr Guy Mc Intyre Secretary: Contact Person: Mrs P. Gouges Tel: 433-8377 /464-4667 Fax: 433-8304 Email: 3. Adolescent Non Formal Education Network ANFEN 5, Celicourt Antelme Street, Rose Hill President: Mr Goolam Rahimbaccus Secretary: Mr Antoine Sauterelle Contact Person: Mr Koomaren Vadeevaloo Tel: 465 1484 Fax: 465 1484 Email: Education 4. Adventist Development Relief Agency – ADRA C/O Diocese Adventiste 10 Rue Paul Badaut – Phoenix President : Mr Lai Choo Secretary :Mr Baktanaden Perumal Tel: 454-7467 Fax: 464-2221 Relief & Development 5. African Network for the Protection and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect – (ANPPCAN) 2 Suffolk Close, Vacoas President :Mr Desiree Mucktoom Secretary :Ms M. Ancrasamy Tel/Fax : : 698-7337/764 4710 Email Children 6. Agricultural & Environmental Protection Association Camp Bombaye Road Sebastopol President: Mr Jaddo Kabirpant Secretary: Mr Kishan Babooa Tel: 59479281/4374956 Email: Agriculture Environment Poverty Alleviation Health Women Teenage Pregnancy Family Welfare Thematic Reproductive Health Abuse 7. Ahead Temple Road Amitié, Riv. du Rempart President: Mr Suraj Ray Secretary: Mr Tedj Iswar Boodia Tel/Fax: 257 4922 Email:; Human Rights and Good Governance Community Development 8. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Dr Maurice Cure Street Rose Hill President :Mr Moussa Taujoo Secretary :Mr. Hafees sookca Tel: 464-0374 Fax: 454-2223 Cultural/Faith Base Community Development 9. Aid Action 28 Bassin Road Quatre Bornes President :Mr Karansing (Ajay) Lachhman Secretary :Mr Rajcoomar Ramchurn Tel: 910 0201 Fax ; 427-7374 Email : Health and Quality of Life Community Development Poverty Alleviation 10. Alma Action Group Chemin Nonor Alma Dagotiere President: Mr Sunil Sonea Secretary: Ms R. Sunita Thondee Tel: 5256 1602/ 59551602 Email: Elderly Women Sports and Leisure 11. Alpha Consulting 3 Thomy Pitot Street, Rose Hill President: Mr Jean Noel Macaque Secretary: Mrs Anne Macaque Tel: 9247162/ 9511475 Email: Community Development Training 12. Alphalec Avenue Pigeot Bk CS2 Res Roches Brunes Rose Hill President : Mr Stephane Oozeer Secretary: Ms Natasha Towokul- Jiagoo Tel: 52514681 Email: 13. Al-Waadjidah Ladies Welfare Association 22 Diego Garcia Street Port Louis President: Mrs W.B Kootbally Secretary: Mr Iza Oozeer Tel: 5734 3824/ 5748 9687 Email: Education Women Poverty Children Elderly Health Environment Disability Education HIV/Aids Substance Abuse Literacy Empowerment of Women 14. Amicale Maurice Comores 18 St Francois Xavier Street Port Louis President: Mr Swalay Dinally Secretary: Mrs Zeenat B. Bengah Tel: 4646523 / 57702129 Email: Cultural 15. Amicale Maurice Israel Seeneevassen Street Forest Side President: Mr Alain Soupe Secretary: Mr. D. Seetahul Contact Person: Mrs K. Veerasamy Tel: 6706916 Email: 16. Amies des Trois Monde Dreepaul Street New Grove President : Mr Sahgadeven Curreevanden Secretary: Mr Goolab Nundcoomar Tel: 766 4829 Email: Poverty Alleviation Health and Education 17. Amour et Espoir Cotteau Raffin La Gaulette President: Mr Louis Richard Petite Secretary: Mrs Nancy Appadoo Tel: 57071815 / 57916592 Email: Community Development 18. Angel Special School and Welfare Association Terre Coupe Camp Charlot Chemin Grenier President: Mrs Soojanee Sokappadu Secretary: Mrs Simathree Swavna Contact Person: Mrs Soojanee Sokappadu Tel: 5290-1389 Email: Children Education 19. Anti Violence Support Organisation St Jean Road, Quatre Bornes President: Mrs Kokila Devi Deepchand Secretary: Mrs Premila Foolchand Contact Person: Mrs Kokila Devi Deepchand Tel: 4275313 – 4549395 Fax: 4275313 Email: Human Rights Violence HIV AIDS Disabled Children 20. APRIM – Association des Parents pour la Réhabilitation des Infirmes Moteurs Raoul Rivet St, Opposite Mariamen Kovil, Mont Roches President :Mrs Mala.G.Tulsidas Secretary : Mrs Jacqueline Laurent Contact Person: Mrs J. Ah Siong Tel: 466-4748/ 5757 4076 / 5922 1204 Fax: 466 4748 Email : 21. Arsenal Force Vive Royal Road, Arsenal (20101) President : Mr Janayswur Moosoohur Secretary :Mr Dharmaraj Bangaleea Tel : 5755-6018 / 5791-8837 Email: / 22. Disability Children Education Art of Living Foundation (Mauritius) Art of Living Centre Wooton, Curepipe President: Mrs Savitree Oogarah Secretary: Ms Lakshmi Appadoo Tel: 57778527 23. Association (Aides Infos Liberté Espoir & Solidarité) Loges de Magalkhan, Floreal President : Mrs Emanuelle Coquet Madou Secretary: Mr Noel Souriah Contact Person: Mrs Brigitte Michel Tel : 696 2118 / 5755-2950 / 5919 1700 Email : Environment Health and Quality of Life Disabled Children Health and Quality of Life Children Women Poverty 24. Association Alzheimer Jean Vaulbert de Chantilly Old Moka Road Belle Rose President : Dr Ameenah Sorefan Secretary :Mr L. Eric Nicolas Tel: 466-0731; 425-1991 Fax: Email: Health Elderly 25. Association Anou Grandi Royal Road Mont Loisir –Rivière du Rempart President :Mr. Eddy Yeung Secretary :Mrs kathleen Perrine Tel: 412-6778 Fax: 412-6778 Children Education Moral Values HIV Aids Alzheimer 26. Association Bien Etre de Mahebourg J.N Roy Allee Gheude Mahebourg President : Mr Harold Armoogum Secretary : Faycal Roomaldawo Contact Person: Ms Yashna Puran Tel: 631 0142 / 5790 3952 Email : 27. Association Civique Cite St Joseph Cite St Joseph Montagne Blanche President: Mr David Friquin Secretary: Mr Catherine P. Rivaltz Contact Person: Mr David Friquin Tel: 437 5564 / 5724-0892 Email: 28. Association Civique Midlands Royal Road Midlands President : Dr Gowtam Raj Chintaram Secretary :Mrs Laxnowtee Ballchand Tel: 6645580/ 251 5151/ 7973700 Fax: 664-5580 Email: 29. 30. Association Culturelle de Sensibilisation et d’Eveil Artistique (ACSEA) C/O Joanne Matelot Back Lane Floreal President: Ms Tiina Fabre Secretary: Mr Nicolas Torrijos Tel: 492 3974 Email: Association de Familles et des Personnes Agées du Canal Dayot 2 Canal Dayot G.R.N.W President :Mr. Chatargoon Madhow PDSM Secretary :A. Poonoosawmy Tel: 212-2979 31. Association de l’Oeuvre Hospitaliere St Jean de Dieu Powder Mills Road- Pamplemousses President : Mr Thekkumkaduthadathl P.K Secretary :Mr Eddy Appasamy Tel: 243-3552 / 5421 4153 32. Association de Parents d’Enfants Indaptés de l’Ile Maurice – APEIM Morc Belzim – Trianon President :Mrs Margaret Wong Ping Lun Secretary :Ms Corinne Duval Latreille Contact Person: Mrs Arlyne Tadebois Tel: 467-1398 / 467 1681 Fax: 466-9490 Children Health Elderly Women Poverty Environment Poverty Children Elderly Women Environment Community Development Education & Training Elderly Artistic development ` Elderly Home Education Children Disabled Children 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Association des Amis de Don Bosco 136, Pamplemousses Road, Sainte Croix, Port Louis President : Mr Jean Guy Roger Rabemananjara Secretary : Mrs Marie Audré Désiré Contact Person : Jean Guy Roger Rabemananjara Tel : 241 1311- 913 8790 Fax : 240 7023 Email : Association des Brancardiers de L’Ile Maurice D 19 Avenue Dattiers Cire Chebel Beau Bassin President :Mr. Jean Claude Lauraté Secretary :Mr Jean Claude Ako Tel: 5772 8455 Association des Handicapés de Mont Roches Mont Roches Social Welfare Centre Contact Person : Mr Mardaymootoo Camatchee President: Ms Sungeeta Wardally Secretary: Ms Bibi Beegum Dawood Tel: 466 2104 Email: Association des Malades et des Handicapés de l’Est St Maurice Road Poste de Flacq President :Mr Jasmin Walter Secretary :Ms Anick Rose Contact Person: Mrs Christine Chenel Tel: 413-2231/ 5792-1314 Fax: 413-9346 Email: Association des Parents d’Enfants aux Besoins Spéciaux – APEBS 9 Rémono Street Curepipe President :Mr Lekraz Burton Secretary :Mrs.Pascale Manoovelloo Contact person: Mrs. M. Anaudin Tel : 674-6916 / 57069947 Fax : 674 6916 Email Association des Parents de Déficients Auditifs – APDA 16 C Bougainville Lane Curepipe Road President :Mrs Kamini Tulwa Secretary :Mrs. Mariam Sumun Tel: 676-4681 – Fax: 670-2919 Shelter Children Education Cultural/ Faith Base Children Education Education Disabled Education Disabled Disabled Children Disabled Children Disabled Children/ Deaf 39. Association des Sourds 2nd Flr, Ramdhur Building 118 St Jean Road Quatre Bornes President : Vikash Kaundun Secretary : Kathy Appadoo-Ramiah Tel: 713-8440 / 704-8934 / 923-3925 Email : 40. Association Diocésaine des Institutions Charitables – ADIC Siège : Evêché – Port Louis President : Sr Marie Joel Raboute Secretary : Sr Marie Lourdes Le Bon Contact Person : Sr Marie Joel Raboute Tel: 454-3319 / 4549086 Email: 41. 42. Association Dominique Savio 5 Shakespeare Lane Barkly Street – Beau Bassin President :Mr. Philippe Lactive Secretary :Mr. Gerard Fabre Tel: 465 5688 / 4645411/ 5757 7957 Fax: 467-7019 Email: Association Ensam Autruche RD, Morc. Sohun Pointe aux Sables President : Mrs D. Rayeroux Secretary: J.C Emilien Tel: 5731 8495 / 2342921 Email: 43. Association EXEMP C/O Sivananden Vyapoory 221, Jawaharlall Nehru Road Quatres Bornes President : Mr Previn Samoo Secretary : Ms Shirley Antonymootoo Tel : 427 1159 / 5250 0837/ 5773 5404 Email: 44. Association for the Welfare of Orphan and Handicapped Child -AWOHC Avenue Neon Morc. Nouvelle Vive Roches Brunes President : Mr. Veeren Gengan Tel: 213 0895/ 57681870/ 52525309 Email: 45. Association Jeunes Inadaptés de Curepipe (AJIC) Rue Vitry, Curepipe President : Mrs Sindy Pama Secretary: Lora Domah Tel : 5440 2882/ 5717 3692/ 5717 5820 Disabled Deaf Cultural/ Faith Base Community Development Disabled Children Education Rehabilitation Drugs and Substance Abusers 46. Association Kinouete 11, De Burgh Edwards St, Floreal President : Ms Christine Audibert Secretary : Ms Pauline Bonieux Tel : 6971243/ 6971244 Fax : 697 1248 Email : Rehabilitation of Ex-Detainees Poverty Women Children 47. Association Kontribution Positif Amenn Vision (KPAV) 21, Cere Street, Curepipe Contact Person : Mr Mahen Saulick President : Mr Mahen Saulick Secretary: Ms Carine Trousquin Tel: 5798 9870 Email: Poverty alleviation Children Youth 48. Association Mauricienne des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises C/o ISYS Evolution Ltd 83 Robert Edward Hart Street, Rose Hill President: Ms Marie France Chamary-Samy Secretary: Ms Sylvette Krueck Tel: 5764 7334 / Fax: 4666921 Email: Women 49. Association of Blood Donation Organisers ABDO La Paix – Piton President : Mr Hemant Kumar Jugurnauth Secretary : Mr Hurdwaj Seewoosaha Tel: 264-2388 Fax: 264 1168 Email: 50. Association of Community Development and Social Work Professionals SILWF Building, 2nd Flr, 15-21 Editth Laurent St, Port Louis President: Mr Vishwadeo Jodha Secretary: Mr Sateedanand Jeewoth Tel: 5773 7673/ 5750 7077 Fax: 210 4108 Email: 51. Association of Contractors E 21 Begonia NHDC Complex Camp le Vieux - Rose Hill President: Gerard Uckoor Secretary: Sakeen Sumodhee Tel: 240-3680/ 5737 00 88 Fax: 467 2035 Email: 52. Association of Disability Service Providers Royal Road Long Mountain President: Mrs. Patchemah Ullagen Secretary: Ms Madhvi Ullagen Tel.No: 2451373 / 5251-1303 FaxNo: 2451373 Email: Health Blood collection Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health Capacity Building, Promotion of Arts and Culture Human Rights Disabled Rights of Small Entrepreneurs 53. Association of Probation Officers Curepipe Probation Office, Cheekoree Building Curepipe President :Mr. O. Baboolall Secretary :Mrs B. G. Rambaccussing Tel: 676 2771 Fax: 6707456 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Rehabilitation of Ex-Prisoners Policy & Advocacy Family Welfare Association of Retired Civil Servants and Other Employees 80, Royal Road, Coromandel Port Louis President :Mr Pooreshwar Jadunundun Secretary :Mr. M. Bhoyroo Tel: 418-4492 / 5910 9989 Association of Rotarians of Beau Bassin/Rose Hill C/o of Mr Bucktowonsing 76 Volcy Pougnet Street - Port Louis President :Mr Reihaz Ismael Secretary :Sudhir Misri Tel: 259-7377 - Fax: 213-4595 Service Clubs Community Development Association pour l’Accompagnement , la Réhabilitation et l’Insertion Sociale des Enfants (ARISE) 2 Albatross Debarcadere Pte aux Sables President : Mrs Palakaksing May Secretary : Sister Songor Elisabeth Tel : 5721 2999 / 5756 4811 Email : Association Pour l’Education des Enfants Défavorisés - APEDED Dr Bour Street Forest Side President :Mrs Anooradah Poorun Secretary :Ms Anju Beechook Tel: 670-1943 / 773-6443 Email : Association pour l’Education et la Rehabilitation des Personnes avec Déficiance Intellectuelle School Lane Dagotiere President :Mr Balraz Boodooa Secretary :Mr Resham Rai Raj Tel: 790-0787 Email: Disability Elderly Environment Health Children Women Poverty Alleviation Shelter SME Children Education Environment Women Poverty Alleviation Children Education Disabled Children 59. Association Pour la Promotion de la Santé – APSA APSA International APSA Diabetes Care Centre BP 113, Trianon, Quatre Bornes President :Mrs. Audrey Hardy Secretary :Mr. Patrick Méyépa Contact Person: Ms Kamla Pandoo Tel: 467 5858 / 5942-5477 Fax: 454 4866 Email: Website: 60. Association Pour la Protection des Droits des Handicapés - APDH Route Bois Cheri Moka President :Mr. Raj Soodeehul Secretary :Ms Bina Bookun Tel: 5725-5378 Email: Disabled Human Rights 61. Association Pour la Protection des Emprunteurs Abusés – APEA 1 Sir Celicourt Antelme St. Rose Hill President :Mr Michel Hardy Secretary :Mr J.Daniel Camoin Contact Person: Mr. Antoine Grenouille Tel: 466-5694 / 454 9356/ 5733-1946 Fax: 466-5694 Children Elderly Women Consumers Rights 62. Association Pour le Bien-être des Rodriguais – ABRO Ah Soon Chong Fat Bldg, Port Mathurin Rodrigues President: Mr Joseph Marcelin Larcher Secretary :Mr. Jovany Phillipe Tel: 8770424/ 9760521 Community Development Poverty Alleviation Rodrigues 63. Association pour le Developpement Durable (ADD) 30, Antelme Avenue, Quatre Bornes President : Mr S. Chacowry Secretary : Mr S. Ragoonaden Contact Person: Mr S. Ragoonaden Tel: 465 0116 Email:, Website: Twitter: Environment Sustainable Development Climate Change Marine Protection Health Diabetes Children Disability Providing specialised education, Sheltering services, Occupational therapy, physio therapy, counselling, social work services 64. Association Pour les Handicapés de Malherbes 9 Rue Leclezio, Curepipe President : Ms Swaleyha Dinally Secretary: Ms Stephanie Dussoye Contact Person: Mary Jane Vellen Tel: 5291 8050 / 5717 8861 Email: 65. Association pour personnes en larmes (APPEL) Ex Rishi Building Abattoir Rd, Roche Bois President : Mr Darmen Ellayah Secretary : Mr David Joly Tel: 242 2441 / 5258 4525 Email: Social Treatment and rehabilitation of addicts and families Empowerment of prisoners 66. Association Sportive Black Riverside Royal Road Gros Cailloux President: Mr Preetam Poodun Secretary: Mr Gaurav Heerowa Tel: 2385384, 5755 1540 Fax: 238 5384 Email: 67. ATD QUART MONDE 9, Colonel Draper Street- Beau Bassin President :Mrs Jacqueline Madelon Secretary : Mr Gilbert Descombes Contact Person: L.Evenor Tel :454-6150 / 5914 5623 / 5910 6800 Fax :454-6150 Email: Website: 68. Autisme Maurice 13 Rue Gabriel Pitot Rose Hill President: Ms Yasmin Affejee Secretary: Ms Marie Agnes Valeram Tel: 465-3120 Email: Website: 69. Baden Powell Scouts Association Balkan Road Goodlands President : Mr Goolam M. Peerbux Secretary : Mr Shakeel Oozeer Contact Person: Mr Dharamveer Bundhoo Tel: 283-1782 / 5701 2465 Fax: 283-1782 Children Poverty Sports Women Environment Elderly Health Disability Chidlren Community Development Poverty Alleviation Disability Children Education Children Environment Health Community Service Disabled Children Autisme 70. Bahaï National Council 40 Volcy Pougnet St Port Louis President :Mr Madhusuddan Appadoo Secretary :Mrs. Sylvana Dholah Tel: 212-2179 / 210-9685 Fax: 211-1212 71. Befrienders Mauritius 1st Floor Flat 152 Royal Road - Beau Bassin President : Mr Jose Emilien Secretary : Mrs Poospa Jugun Tel: 467 0160 / 5494-1651 Email: / 72. Bhakt, Bhakti Aur Bhagwan Association B.B.B Ashram Lane Midlands President :Mr Dhirajsingh Ramkissoon Secretary :Ms Dewantee Luximon Tel: 5787 2241/ 5732 0875 Fax: 464-1877 Cultural/ Faith Base 73. Bible Society of Mauritius Crn S. Fouquereaux & de Gaulles Streets Eau Coulée President : Mr Maurice Davantin Secretary :Mr. Marc Etive Contact Person: Mrs Anne-Marie Meyepa Tel: 686-6646 / 670-1118 / 712-1798 Fax: 674-4776 Cultural/ Faith Base 74. Blood Donors Association (Mauritius) Central Blood Bank Victoria Hospital - Candos President :Mr. S. Seegoolam, MSK Secretary :Mr Gawtam Ruhee Contact Person: Mr R. Teeluckdharry Tel: 427 0711/ 5254 3932 Fax: 427-0711 Website Blue Lotus 28 Maharana Pratap Street, Port Louis President: Mr R. Seebun Secretary: Mr D. Gobin, OSK Tel: 2082866 Fax: 2082866 Health Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Capacity Building in blood donors recruitment Blood Collection Community Development Elderly Home 75. Cultural/ Faith Base Human Rights Emotional support to people in distress and despair with suicidal tendency 76. Blue Ocean Reiki Association Residence de Colombe NHDC Ahee BK E24 Forest Side President: Bhalan Beebee Feroza Secretary: Ujoopa Anooradha Tel: 670-2346/674-7466/757-4920 Email: 77. Bois Marchand Women’s Association Peer Jahangheer Street Bois Marchand President: Mrs. Pierre Linda Secretary: Ms Stéphanie Guillaume Contact Person: Ms Chung Marie-Thérèse Tel: 249-0994 / 5786 7855 / 766 5322 / 709 6759 78. Bringing Change in Children Association 77 A, Raoul Rivet St, Port Louis President: Mr Shahin Uddin Sardar Md Secretary: Mrs Bibi Zeinab Ally Sardar Tel: 5737 9073 / 5946 2876 Fax: 286 6833 Email: 79. Buddha Dhamma Association 57, Bel Air Road -Camp de Masque President: Mrs Kalawtee Laldeosingh Mungur Secretary :Mr Manoj Sweenarain Contact Person: Tel: 416-7013/7574283 Fax: 433-1642 Women Community Development Health and Quality of Life Moral Values Women Empowerment Cultural Recreational Educational Religious Social Health and Quality of Life 80. Caritas - Ile Maurice 1 d’Estaing Street Port Louis President :Mr. Thierry Goder Secretary :Mr Jonathan Ravat Contact Person: Mrs Patricia Adèle Félicité Tel: 212-3405 / 5250-1226 Fax: 212-3405 Email: Children Poverty Literacy and life skill management 81. CDM 1A Tagore Lane Mesnil -Phoenix President :Ms Laila Hossenbux Secretary: Mrs Yashoda Beekawoo Contact Person : Allia Syed Hossen-Gooljar Tel: 698-5653 / 696 4712 / 5725 9777 Fax: 696 4712 Email: / Website : Empowerment of Women Children Disability Women Health Inter faith Dialogue Functional Literacy Life skill Mgt Training Ecole Complementaire Centre d’Eveil Food Security Night Shelter “SDF” 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Centre d’Education et de Développement pour les Enfants Mauriciens - CEDEM Beetun Lane, Floreal President :Ms Aarthi Burtony Secretary :Mrs Hemabye Babajee Contact Person: Mrs. Rita Venkatasawmy Tel: 697-7640/ 5422 3015 Fax: 697-7640 Website: Centre d’Information sur l’Islam 19 Vishnu Kchetra Street Ward 4 Port Louis President : Mr Hossen Kurrimboccus Secretary : Mr Shoaib Ally Ramjane Tel: 208 5907/731 7024 / 755 4414 Email: Centre de Solidarité pour une Nouvelle Vie CDS Impasse Larcher - RoseHill President : Mr Mario Tance Secretary : Mr Jonathan Ravat Contact person: Edley Jaymangal Tel: 464-9980 / 5784 7431 Fax: 464-3342 Website: Centre pour L'Education et le Progrès des Enfants Handicapés - CEPEH Royal Road -Argy -Central Flacq President :Mrs Zama Claudia Secretary :Mr. V. Kumar Domun Tel: 413-1077 / 5913-2346 Fax: 413-1077 Century Welfare Association 4 Kleber Street Cité Martial - Port Louis President :Mr. A. Fouad Uteene Secretary :Mr Abdel Koodruth Contact Person: Mr Said Nisa Tel: 216-8080 Fax: 216-8080 Child Hope 83 Avenue Berthaud PO Box 1, Quatre Bornes President: Mr Anil Nookadee Secretary: Mr Prithiviraj Tonoo Tel: 427 5034/4219050 Fax: 427 5034 Email: Children Disability Poverty Environment Rehabilitation of Abused Children Family Counselling and Support Cultural/ Faith Base Health Rehabilitation Drug addicts and alcoholics prevention Children Disabled Education Disability Children Women Poverty Health Environment Elderly Children Drugs and Substance Abuse Disabled Children 88. Children Foundation 9 Britannia Park Vacoas President : Mr. Veenace Koonjal Secretary : Mr. Anand Bundhun Tel: 686-8603 / 5250 4945 Fax: 686-8603 89. Chinmaya Mission – Mauritius Charles Jolivet St Beau Bassin President :Mr. Hootesh Ramburn Secretary :Mr Ayave Narrainen Tel: 4642561 / 5255 0596 Email: 90. 91. 92. Christian Care Home St Paul’s House Avenue Dupouy – Quatre Bornes President :Ms. Emilie Dolly Secretary :Ms. Eda Marechal Contact Person: Mr Eric Bienvenu Tel: 427-5957 Fax: 427-5815 Website: Chrysalide Royal Road Bambous President : Mr Edouard Espitalier Noel Secretary: Mr Arekion Aumeerally Ackbaree Contact Person: Ms Dominique Thomasse Tel: 452-5509 / 5739-3518 Fax : 452-5504 Email : Church Team Ministries International (CTMI) Trianon Quatre Bornes President: Mr. Michel Hardy Secretary: Mr Kurt Thesee Contact Person: Mr Clarence Thesee Tel: 403 4500 Fax: 454 4500 Email: Children Disability Children Elderly Environment Women Health Elderly Children Women Children Elderly Women Poverty Youth Leaders Home HIV/AIDS Empowerment of Women Women Ex Detainees Sex Workers 93. Civic Action Team 2, Dr James Burty David Avenue Pailles President: Mrs Jacqueline Dursoniah Secretary: Mr Niteheel Seewoogobin Tel: 5763 2978 Email: 94. Clavet Samelan Sabha Clavet, Sebastopol President : Mr Luchmeecant Soopal Secretary : Mr Govindut Sahobartiah Tel: 753-4212/ 4197753 Email: 95. 96. 97. 98. Club Le Flamboyant 6 Eloas Atom House Royal Port- Louis President :Mr. V. Mulloo Secretary : Mr y. Dwarka Tel: 208- 6658 - 752-9278/ 7542042/ 7708278 Fax: 208-6659/ 4672114 Club Parrainage pour le Bien Etre des Enfants en Difficultés 36 Residence Barbe Chemin Balisson Rose Belle President :Mr B. Barbe Secretary :Mr D. Anodin Tel: 627-1621 Club Sportive Zanfan Vallée Pitôt 57 Alma Street Vallée Pitot Port Louis President :Mr. Imran Hosany Secretary :Mr. Nizam Nasroollah Tel: 242-4969 /5250-7421 Email: Collectif Arc-En-Ciel 52 A, Avenue des Manguiers Morcellement St Jean Quatre Bornes President : Mr Jean Daniel Wong Secretary : Ms Pamela Bolli Tel: 465-4596 Fax: 465-4596 Community Development Elderly Children Poverty Alleviation Community Development Youth Human Rights Welfare of the Elderly 99. Collectif Urgence Toxida 76 1st Floor Dr O. Beaugeard Street Port Louis President : Mr Abdoolwahed Noor-e-Deen Secretary : Mr Dominique Chan Low Tel : 210-8124 Fax 210-7669 Email :; 100. Comité Amélioration la Santé – CAS Bloc N7 Napoleon Bonaparte St Cite Rozemont, Vallee Pitot President :Mr. Ackburally Ahmad Secretary :Mr M. Vythelingum Tel: 208 9530 Fax: 211-5236 Rehabilitation Health and Quality of Life Health 101. Comité Bien-Etre Stanley Camp Levieux & Trèfles Ste Anne Road Stanley- Rose Hill President :Mrs Hajma Bibi Namah Secretary :Ms Simi Parsand Contact Person: Mr Waheed Nubee Tel: 464 7005/ 5913 1278/ 5923 575 Email: 102. Comite Quartier de Belle Rose 13 Avenue Draper Quatre Bornes President : Mr. Yoganundsingh Dabeedyal Secretary : Mr. Rajendranath Leelah Tel: 2089722 / 5254 7399 Fax: 208 9722 Email: 103. Comite Quatier La Paix -C/o Mr Feizal Sheik Fareed 108 Bis La Paix Street -Port Louis President :Mr A J Garia Secretary :Mr Feizal Sheik Fareed Tel: 241-5987/241-5390/ 795-7783 Fax: 241-5987 Email: 104. Commission Diocésaine du Monde Ouvrier – CDMO 1 D’Estaing Street Port Louis President :Ms Joslyne Minerve Secretary :Ms. Pascaline Lubois Tel: 212-2999 Children Poverty Environment Elderly Women Community Development Community Development Substance Abusers 105. Committee on Poverty Association Lot 11B Moka Business Centre Moka Road, Moka President :Dr Satish Boolell,OSk Secretary :Mr Vasdev Hassamal Tel: 432 0957 Fax: 106. 107. Communauté de Partage L6, Jules koenig Beau Bassin President : Gilda Bhoyroo Secretary : Ms Christelle Lebrasse Tel : 454-4676 CommunicActions 1A Célicourt Antelme Street, Rose-Hill President: Ms Georgina Piat Corson Secretary: Mr Jacques Lafitte Tel: 466-7943 / 5790-5826 Fax: 466-7943 Email: 108. Community Development Programme Agency 23 Royal Road La Louise - Quatre Bornes President :Mr. Boopen Doobah Secretary :Mr. Ahmad Soogali Tel: 427-5409 109. Confédération des Travailleurs du Secteur Privé 5 Nalla Street & Elias Street Rose Hill President: Mrs Jane Ragoo Secretary: Mr Reeaz Chuttoo Tel: 4549919 / 947 3201/ 758 6354 / 9473201 Fax: 4549919 Email: Poverty Alleviation Poverty Alleviation Community Development Poverty Conflict Management Community Development Poverty Alleviation Training Consumers’ Union C/O CHA Credit Union Arcades Ramdour, Royal Road Rose Hill President: Mr. Sateedanand Jeewooth Secretary: Mr. Kupildeorai Bhugwan Tel: 57530686 / 4673867 Fax: 6986549 Email: Trade Unions Consumers protection Human Rights Human Rights 110. Mediation 111. Craft Academy c/o Danielle Babooram 7 Eagle Street Morc. Laconfiance Beau Bassin President :Mr. Jean Pierre Hardy Secretary :Mrs. Mylene Bamboche Tel: 427-6712 ; 7956838 Fax: 427-6669 112. Curepipe Handisport Association C/O Raj Balloo, Tout Court Lane, Camp Fouquereaux, Phoenix President : Mr Gaetan Cornet Secretary :Mrs Emilie Poudret Contact Person: Mr Raj Balloo Tel: 5750-4005 / 5496-2616 Training Community Development Disabled Handisport 113. Curepipe Probation Hostel for Boys Impasse Desvaux Les Casernes - Curepipe President :Mr. Devanand Jooty Secretary :Mrs Cylee Kien On Contact Person: Mrs Cylee Kien On Tel: 676-2438 / 6864949 / 7710648 / 9184467 Fax: 676-2438 Email: Rehabilitation Boys 114. Cutchee Maiman Society 33 Corderie Street Port Louis President : Dr A. Carrim Jackariah Secretary : Mr Firdaus Y. Dawood Contact Person: Mr Ariff Noormohamed Tel : 208-0185 Fax : 208-0185 Email: Community Development 115. Cyprès Handicapped Association Gautray Lane La Mairee – Eau Coulee President : Mrs Jeannine Oudeuil Secretary :Mr Lindsay Dercy Contact Person: Ms Chantal Lazare Tel: 605 8292 / 5915 9777 Fax: 605 8292 Email : 116. Defenders Social & Welfare Association 20 Perimbe Street Port Louis President :Mr Mohamedally Maudarbocus Secretary :Mr Kadir SK Heerah Tel: 5712-6638/ 5755-9915 Email: 117. Deokee Seva Sangam 51 Lees Street Curepipe President :Dr. Shyam Nundun Purmessur Secretary :Mrs H. Purmessur Tel: 676-1215/738-3630 Disabled Poverty Community Development Community Development Shelter 118. Destiny Community Foundation La Croisee Royal Road -Plaine Magnien President :Mr Jean Ivon Paulette Chenney Secretary :Ms Sylvaine Bignoux Contact Person: Ms Sylvaine Bignoux Tel: 292-9822 / 728 3242/425 3242/6374304/ 636 7377/771 9274 Fax: 637-4354 Email : 119. Diabetes Parents Support Group Boodram Street Mont Roches Beau Bassin President: Mr Baboo Nirmal Ramrazsing Secretary : Mrs Sumookhee Balloo Tel : 5911 6737 Email: Development Community Education for Children: 916yrs Elderly Caring and Assistance Women Poverty Alleviation Health Children and Adults’ Health Non Communicable Diseases Health Education Training in Health Education 120. Discharged Persons’ Aid Committee Sir F. Herchenroder St. Beau Bassin President :Mr. Rajkishore Manrakhan Secretary :Mr. Ramesh Boojhawon Tel: 466-6020 Fax: 466-7284 121. Dis-Moi 11, Broad Avenue, Belle Rose, Quatre Bornes President : Ms Arielle Moraghen Secretary : Ms Anousha Duva Pentiah Contact Person : Mr Lindley Couronne Tel : 466 5673/ 5440 4501 Email : 122. District Council of Black River Geoffroy Road Bambous President :Mr M.V. Leu Govind Ass .Secretary : Mrs. M.A Bhujohory Contact Person: V. Goomany Tel: 401 3100 / 5705-0755 Fax : 452-0303 Email : 123. Dr Beergoonath Ghurburrun Home Royal Road Petit Raffray President :Mrs. N. Ghurburrun Secretary :Mr. Adimoolen Curpen Contact Person: Mr D. Domah Tel: 283-8604 Fax: 282-1772 Email: Rehabilitation of Ex-Prisoners Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health Elderly destitute persons with physical/ mental handicap Urbanisation Home 124. Dr Idrice Goomany Centre for the Prevention & Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Sir Edgar Laurent St -Port Louis President :Mr. Imran Dhannoo Secretary :Mr. Norman Tambanivoul Contact Person: Mr Samad Dulloo Tel: 242-3016 / 217-3734 Fax: 242-6098 Children Women Poverty Health 125. Eastern Volonteers Association Royal Road Sebastopol President : Mr. Hemraz Bundhoo Secretary: Mr Lalldeo Doorga Tel: 5922 8721 126. Eastern Welfare Association for Disabled Royal Road, Beau Champ President :Mrs. Cosila Jugun Secretary :Mr. Vidyachand Ramkhelawon Contact Person: Saroj Gooniah Tel: 417 5107 – Fax: 417 5911 Email: Disabled Training 127. Eco –Sud Casa-do-Sol,Rue des Bonites, Blue Bay, Mahebourg President :Mr. Alain de Falbaire Secretary :Mrs. Doris Sénèque Contact Person: Mr. Alain de Falbaire Tel: 631-5403 Fax: 631-5403 Website : Environment 128. Ecozjen de Petit Verger Bois Cherie Road Petit Verger Saint Pierre President : B. Bheenuck Secretary : Mrs. N. Doorgah Tel: 57274450 / 59188314 Email: Development Community 129. Education & Therapy Centre 12 Lapeyre Street Rose Hill President: Mr S. K Leung Yin Ko Secretary: Mrs Ya Ling Leung Yin Ko Tel: 253-0988 Fax: 466-4802 Health and Quality of Life Drugs and Substance Abusers Marine and Coastal 130. Educational and Holistic Health Care Association Trio Road, Triolet President: Mr Sunildutt Purmessur Secretary: Mr Aniroodh Ramjeeawon Tel: 7792003/ 7040772/7585980 Fax: 248 2181 Email: ehhca@ 131. Edwin De Robillard Foundation C/o Bruneau Dorasami, 28 Avenue Hennessy, Quatre Bornes President : Mr Maurice De Robillard Secretary : Ms J.Bruneau Dorasami Contact Person : Mr Gilbert Ducasse Tel : 5251 7831 / 5251 7831 Email : 132. EDYCS- Epilepsy Group 442 Boulevard Rivaltz - Port Louis President :Mr. Youssoof Noormamode, CSK Secretary :Ms Anwari Begum Rajabalee Contact Person: Mr. Youssoof Noormamode Tel: 2131733/ 2081904 Fax : 213-1733 Email 133. Elles C Nous Association 8 Bis, Serge Alfred St Beau Bassin President :Mrs Milene Abdoolkader Secretary :Mr Nitin Heera Tel: 4666593/ 5983 6079 Email : 134. Environment Care Association 51 Royal Road Coromandel President: Mr Poorundeo Ramgoolam Secretary : Mr Ally Busawon Tel : 233 4237 Fax; 233 4237 Email : 135. Esther Women’s Association Social Hall Cretin Avenue Camp Levieux Rose Hill President :Ms Claudette Valere Secretary :Ms Robie Gapaulen Health and Quality of Life Children Disability Environment Poverty Health and Quality of Life Women Epilepsy Empowerment of Women Environment Women Empowerment 136. Etoile d’Esperance Association – Alcool Femmes Quatre Bornes No. 3 Avenue Stanley President :Ms Veronique D’Unienville Secretary : Ms Danielle Tennant Tel: 427 0542 / 5729-3577 Email : 137. Falcon Citizen league Royal Road - Bois Pignolet Terre Rouge President :Mr Gunsham Seeborun Secretary : Mr Rakesh Kaidoonakoo – C/o G Seeborun Tel: 249-8976 Fax: 211-7636 138. Fédération des Maisons Familiales Rurales 18, Rue des Chartres, Port Louis Contact Person : Mr Raj Jatoo President : Mr Philip Ah Chuen Secretary: Mr Yerkiah Ramkallawon Tel: 213 8975/ 5732 6076 Email: 139. Federation of Parastatal Bodies and Other Unions( FPBOU) 33 Corderie Street Port Louis President :Mr. Deepak Benydin Secretary :Mrs Rehana Abdool Gafoor Tel: 797 7379 Fax: 211-4167 Email: 140. Fellowship First Aiders Old Moka Road- Rose Hill President :Mr. D. Grandport Secretary :Mrs Lise Bizlall Tel:4664251 Fax: 465-6386 141. First Aiders Association 26, Dentrecasteaux St, Port Louis President: Mr Raamiz Rajbally Secretary: Mr Darmen Appadoo Tel: 211 0146 Fax: 212 0164 Email: 142. Flacq Disabled Centre No. 2 Hibiscus Residence Central Flacq President :Mr Sewooduth Junkee Secretary :Ms S. Jaunky Contact Person: Ms V. Aukhey Tel: 413-0897/ 57046561 Fax: 413-0897 Email: Women Health Children Poverty Substance Abuse – Women Community Development Educational Social Human Rights Trade Unions Health and Quality of Life Relief and Development Training First Aiders Health Disabled Training Shelter 143. Florida Cultural & Sporting Club Florida Lane Terre Rouge President : Mr Ropon Yatranand Secretary : Mr Neha Jeewuth Contact Person: Mr Ropon Yatranand Tel: 783-9411 / 774-5989 / 248-1765 Email: Community Development 144. Fondation Georges Charles 16 Royal Road Terrasson Pte aux Sables - Port Louis President: Br. Antonio AH-Youn Secretary : Mr. Jocelyn Adolphe Contact Person: Jac Falzara Tel: 234 5415/ 234 1603 Fax: 234-5415 Email : Disabled Children Training 145. Fondation Pour L’enfance Terre de Paix Camp Creole - Albion President : Ms Mary Coopan Secretary : Mr A.. Muneean Contact Person: Ms Patricia Yve Tel : 238-3011/ 238 3170 Fax : 238-4196 Email : Children Poverty 146. Force Vive de l’Est Bel Air Rivière Sèche Social Welfare Centre President :Mr Gopaldoo Sunassee Secretary : Mrs Myrcette Sunassee Tel: 419-2680 / 5947 5416 Disability Elderly Health 147. Force Vive de Montagne Longue Sohodree Jhowry Street Long Mountain President : Mr. Amrit Beeharry Panray Secretary: Mr. Deepnath Bukhory Tel: 57638303 Email: Community Development 148. Force Vive Gorah Issac 15 Gorah Issac Street Port Louis President : Mr Reeyad Dhoorundhur Secretary : Mr Iqbal Damoo Contact Person: Mr Iqbal Damoo Tel: 57698667 / 4217681 Email: Community Development 149. Force Vive Residence St Jean B9 Yalipots Residence St Jean Quatre Bornes President : Mrs Florence Rungasamy Secretary: Ms Cindly Louis Tel: 771 3036 / 7660505 Email: Elderly Shelter Child Welfare Early Childhood Alternative care Special needs education in relation to Socio-economic vulnerability and Behaviour problems. 150. Fragrant Roses Disabled Persons Association Triolet SWC 8th Mile Triolet President :Mr. Sunil Dev Gopaul Secretary :Mrs. Parmawtee Woodhoo Tel: 261-6722 Fax: 261-6722 Disabled 151. Fraternité Mauricienne des Malades et Handicapés -FMMH 175 Royal Road GRNW- Port Louis President :Mr Ravindra Bookun Secretary :Mrs Nalini Ramasamy Tel: 210 5012 /5918 5932/ 5791 0698 Email : 152. Friends in Hope Goburdhun Lane S. Bissoondoyal Avenue –Vacoas President :Mr David Martial Secretary :Ms Zakiya Buhora Tel: 427 1870/ 4244067/ 427 0495 Fax: 4244067 153. Gender Links 98 Corner Pope Hennessy and De Rosnay Street Beau Bassin Director: Ms Anushka Virahsawmy Contact Person: M. Mena Gopaul Tel: 467 4642/3 Fax: 467 4649 Email: Disabled Disabled Women and Gender Research 154. Giants Group of Mauritius C/O Mr Shyam Motah 73 Telfair Avenue Quatre Bornes President :Mr D. Sibartie Secretary : Mr. S. Motah Tel: 4549660/ 57593235 Email: Poverty Alleviation Disabled 155. Global Rainbow Foundation Old Mill Road Pereybere President: Mr A. Parsuramen Secretary: Mr. M. Purbhoo Tel: 2691501 / 52507130 Email: 156. Grace Centre Foundation 13, La Chaumière Street Quatre Bornes President :Mr. Chandrayah Appadoo Secretary :Ms. M. Stéphanie Louise Tel: 427-9279 Fax: 427-9278 Community Development Mental Health Community Development 157. Grand Bay Neighbourhood Crime Watch Royal Road Grand Bay President: Mr Cassamally Sheik Imran Secretary: Mr Gilles L’Entété Tel: 7059983/7937089 Email: 158. Groupe Elan Ex imprimerie Père Laval, 28 Nicolay Rd Port Louis President : Mrs Marie Lise Eileen Marie Secretary :Mrs Naurabelle Citta Tel: 217 3874 Fax: 217 0406 Email: Rehabilitation of Ex-Prisoners 159. Groupe Hope Pte d’Esny Road Beau Vallon President : Mr. David Mungan Secretary: Mr. Rooben Armoogum Tel: 57268005 Email: 160. Groupe Pauvreté Le Morne Village Royal Road Dilo Pourie Le Morne Village President : Mrs Indrawtee Beeharry Secretary : Mrs Darshinee Algoo Tel: 59480438 Email: Poverty Women and Gender Children Education 161. Groupe Sable Noir Cite Vallijee 10, Ave Strauss Cite Vallijee President : Mr Stephan Serret Secretary: Mr Livan Laprovidence Tel: 4949696/ 7335907 Email: 162. Groupement FIAPA des Institutions et Associations des Personnes Agées Centre Vaulbert de Chantilly, Couvent de Belle Rose, Old Moka Road, Belle Rose President : Dr Pascale Dinan Secretary: Mrs Vianey Cimiotti Contact Person : Mme Patricia Anine Louse Tel: 466 0709 / 454 3593 / 453-9195 / 759-2570 / 425-2817 Email: 163. Guides Club C 49 Cité Malherbes Curepipe President : Mrs Francoise Rose Secretary : Mrs Prisca Babajee Contact Person : Francoise Rose Tel : 59813158 / 57366286 / 59760605 Email : Community Development Elderly Health Youth Empowerment 164. Haemophilia Association of Mauritius 2, Impasse Camphriers Mon Desir, Vacoas President : Mr Asraf Caunhye Secretary :Ms Tatiana Bathfield Contact Person: Ms Mohsena Olath Tel: 424 3627 / 5250 7412 Fax: 424 3627 Email : Health Children Disability 165. Healers Counselling Association Pailles Educational Centre, Pailles Arya Samaj M2 Lane, Pailles President: Mr Kasaven Casavooloo Secretary: Mrs Beeneswaree Sonah Contact Person: Mr Kasaven Casavooloo Tel: 248 8765 / 5774 2857 Fax: 210 3778 Email: Counselling services – Pre marital, Marital, Domestic Violence, Adolescent, Elderly, Psychological Support 166. Helpline Direct 253, Royal Road Mon Désir Vacoas President : Mr Deepak Ghoora Secretary: Mr Kevin Esley Vial Tel: 440 0712/ 756 7634 Email: d.ghoora71@ . Health 167. Hindu Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation – HESCO HESCO Headquaters, Ghoorah Lane Long Mountain President :Mr. M. Ghoorah Secretary :Mr. Nootun Ragpot Tel: 245-2601 Email Community Development 168. Hindu Maha Sabha Cnr of Poudrière Street & Felicien Mallefille Street Port Louis President : Mr. V. Goburdhun Secretary : Mr Hurynag Gooroodeosing Contact Person: Mr Hurynag Gooroodeosing Tel: 212-8904 Fax: 210-5444 Community Development 169. Hindu Rashtra Sangh C/O Mr D Hurrynundon Ramasawmy Road -Goodlands President :Mr. D. Hurrynundon Secretary :Mr. R. Damry Tel: 283 9025/ 5753-5006 / 5717 4618 Fax: 282-0349 Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Gender Poverty Health and Youth Human Values &Counseling Diabetes 170. Hindu Yuvak Sangh Baitka Road, Nehru Nagar, Argy, Central Flacq President: Mr Kiran Kumar Ghoseawon Secretary: Mr Vidya Prakash Mungra Tel: 413 6574 / 5766 0013 Children Elderly Environment Women Povert Health Elderly Children Disability Health Educational Children Disabled Poverty 171. HINDUTVA Movement 22 Volcy Pougnet Street Port Louis President :Mr. Somduth Dulthumun Secretary :Mr. V. K. Sujeeun Tel: 210-2222 Fax: 210-2222 172. Human Service Trust Krishnanand seva ashram, Calebasses Pamplemousses President : Mr Nirlup Bauhadoor Secretary : Mr. Premchand Boojhawon Tel: 248-9651/ 5729-3377 Fax: 248-9025 173. I CAN 12, Fadeulle St, Beau Bassin Contact Person: Ms Vrinda Luchmaya President: Mr Somanah Seetanah Secretary: Ms Shrinamila Seeboo Tel: 5750 8108/ 5443 0606 Email: / 174. Indian Educational Association 60 S. Dhanjee Street Rose-Hill President :Mr. D. Kurrumchand, OSK Secretary :Mr. R. Phoolchund Tel: 266-6256 Fax: 266-1985 175. Indian Ocean Centre For Education in Human Values 39 Rosiers Avanue Quatre Bornes President :Mrs Gayeetree Ramchurn Samboo Secretary :Ms Krittica Kattal Tel: 250-5505; 425-6796; 781-8107 Email:; 176. Indo Mauritian Catholic Association – IMCA St Ignace Residence Rose Hill President :Mr. Jacques Jaymangal Secretary :Mr. Jean Joseph Davasgaium Tel: 4998709/912-0976 Fax:2082030 Email: Education & Training Education & Training Community Development Home Moral Values 177. Inner Space Benevolent Association C/O Inner Space Meditation Centre 2nd Floor Sharon House Sir William Newton Street Port Louis President: Mr Ricardo Rose Secretary: Mrs Mala Gungah Tel: 2105928/ 57602721/ 5787 7484 Fax: 2083683 Email: 178. Institut de Médiation Educative c/o Loreto college of Rose Hill, Dr Roux st, Rose Hill President : Mrs Fernand Ginette Secretary :Mrs. Mariannick Trabut Larue Tel: 454 5217/ 5785 0151 Fax 466-1607 179. Institute of Occupational Safety and Health P.O Box 23 Vacoas President: Mr Sanjay G. Raggoo Secretary: Mr Yoosoof Jauhangeer Tel: 698 1202 / 750 1771/ 721 9411 Email: 180. Islamic Centre for Disabled Children State Land Military Road, Cité Martial Port Louis President :Mrs Salima Alleemudder, MSK Secretary :Mr Azad Wadallee Tel: 2409815 Fax:2173151 Email: 181. Islamic Welfare Foundation – IWF 63 Etienne Pellereau St, Port Louis President :Mr. Shakil Sayed Secretary :Mr. A.Samad Sairally Tel: 240-2170 Fax: 242-9942 182. Jarya Memorial Trust c/o AXIS Fiduciary Ltee 4th Floor, Unicorn Centre 18N Frère Felix de Valois Street Port Louis President :Mr. Assad Abdullatiff Secretary : The Secretary Tel: 2131111 Fax: 213-3333 Email : 183. Jeunesse Sebastopol C/O Mr Kabir Panth Jadoo, Camp Bombaye, Sebastopol President: Mr Neelesh Babooa Secretary: Mr Kabir Panth Jadoo Tel: 437 4956 Email: Children Elderly Environment Women Health Education & Training Parents Health & Quality of Life Health & Safety Disabled Poverty Education Training and Campaign Road Safety 184. Joie de Vivre Universelle 11, Barthelemy Ohsan Street Beau Bassin President: Mrs Uma Sooben – Arnauld Secretary: Ms Ria Boisimo-Naiko Tel: 57692165 Fax: 467 9559 Email: 185. Joint Aid Management International C/O CIM Administrators Ltd Les Cascades, Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis The Director Secretary: Cim Administrators Ltd Tel: 2129800 Fax: 2129833 Email: Children Poverty 186. Joint Child Health Project - JCHP 75 Celicourt Antelme Ave Quatre Bornes President :Mr. Adrian Raine Secretary :Ms. Lori Lacasse Tel: 424-5517 Fax: 424-0506 • 187. Jummah Mosque Port-Louis 39 Royal Road Port Louis President :Mr N. Ramtoola Secretary :Mr M. Yacoob Ramtoola Tel: 242-1129 Fax: 242-8025 Email : 188. Junior Achievement Mascareignes (JAM) Sozar Lane, Botanical Gardens St, Curepipe President: Mrs Audrey d’Hotman Secretary: Me. André Robert Contact Person : Mrs Renuka Jacquette Tel : 2917913-2917963 Fax : 6751357 Email : 189. Kiddy Paradise Association c/o Lot 454 Water Lily Avenue Morc Beerjeeraz Albion President: Mrs Linda Totah Secretary: Mr Baroda Seeboruth Contact Person: Mr Baroda Seeboruth Tel: 724-3443/786-8897 Email: 190. Konsey Social Organisation Kreol Maurice Street _ Mahebourg President : Pamela Jean Charles Secretary Mr Jean Claude cesar Tel : 631-5458 Email: Disabled Research Cultural/Faith Base Youth SME Community Development Health & Quality of Life Community Development Entrepreneurship for Youth 191. L’Aile Feminine de l’Escalier Sir Claude Noel Lane L’Escalier President : Mrs Narjamah Babooram Secretary : Mrs Roshni Parahoo Tel: 57506948/ 59158626 Email: Community Development 192. La Maison Cœur-Ecoute de Barkly 11, Geranium St, Residence Barkly, Beau Bassin President: Mrs Robinson Mario Jolicoeur Secretary: Mrs Marjorie Nathalie Ravina Contact Person: Mrs Rosemary Jolicoeur Tel: 465-3612/ 5713-9773/ 5798-4572/ 476 8145/ 5781-4247 Email: 193. Labourdonnais Social Association 75 Volcy Pougnet Street Port Louis President : Mr Dashinath Dalloo Secretary : Mr G. Bucktowonsing Tel: 259-7377 Fax: 213-4595 Email: 194. Laventure Technical School for Disabled Shivala Road Laventure President :Mr Laldeo Ancharug Secretary :Mr Yogesh Ancharug Tel: 418-2988/ 5765-6865 Email: Community Development Disabled Education & Training Poverty Alleviation Empowerment 195. Le Centre des Pauvres Rue Parkinson Morc. Tara Terre Rouge President :Mr. Herbert Joson Secretary :Ms. Marie Louise Ernest Tel : 2086365 Fax : 213-2530 Email : 196. Le Cercle D’Epanouissement Féminin Valton Long Mountain President :Mrs. Kaminee Rughoobur Secretary :Ms. Bharti Cheetamun Contact Person: Mrs. Kaminee Rughoobur Tel: 245-3151/ 5792-8970 Email: 197. Le Nouvel Institut Pour le Developpement et le Progres Avenue Becasse Debarcadère Pointes aux Sables President : Mrs Marguerite Duval Secretary :Mrs Joelle Merville Tel: 798 6536; 763 4667 Email: Children Environment Women Poverty Health Community Development Empowerment of Women Poverty Alleviation Children 198. Le Pont du Tamarinier Village du Tamarirnier Riviere Noire President : Mr Luc Merven Secretary :Mrs Sylvie Gravil Tel: 777 6988, 291 4780 Email: 199. Le Visionnaire Vegan & Yoga Society c/o Mr Pravin Boodhna La Marée Eau Coulée President : Mr Pravin Boodhna Secretary : Mr Uttam Seegoolam Tel: 421-6569; 696-1102 Email: Community Development 200. Leonard Cheshire- Mauritius Perrefonds Palma – Quatre Bornes President :Mrs. Ginette Lan Yee Chiu Secretary :Mrs Manda Boolell Tel: 427-4141 Fax: 427-8626 Elderly Home 201. Link to Life 13 Britannia Park Vacoas President :Ms Elizabeth Dalais Secretary :Mr Rajen Gangoosingh Tel: 686-0666 / 57587259 Fax: 686-0666 Health and Quality of Life Cancer 202. Lions Club de Port Louis BP 1131 Port Louis President :Mr. Rai Basgeet Secretary :Mr. Clergy Joseph Tel: 4261318; 2598540 Service Clubs Community Development 203. Lions Club Riviere Noire C/O Safe and Sound Academy 7 Avenue D’Epinay Quatre Bornes President : Mr. Melvin Boodhoo Secretary: Mrs Sandrine Cavaloo Contact Person: Mr Clergy Joseph Tel: 4663326 / 5729 2811/ 5828 0889 Fax: 466 3898 Email: 204. Lions Clubs of Curepipe Residence Pallazzina Flat TuscanyPallazzo Victor Hugo Street Beau Bassin Fax: 4663898 President : Mr Anwar Kaidoo Email:; Secretary :Mrs Evelyn Kee Mew Tel: 706 2440 Service Clubs Community Development Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health 205. Lizie dan la Main / Union des Aveugles de L’ile Maurice Louis Pasteur Street Forest Side President :Mr. Reynolds Permal Secretary :Ms F. Poché Contact Person: Mr. Reynolds Permal Tel: 675-1777 / 5728 6777- Fax: 670-2676 Handicapped Blind/ Visually impaired 206. Disabled Blind/ Visually impaired Health and Quality of Life LUPUS Lois Lagesse Trust Fund 101, Colonel Maingard Beau Bassin President :Mr Retnon Pyneeandee Secretary :Mrs. L. Jumnoodoo Tel: 454-3253 Fax : 465-9961 Email 207. LUPUS Alert E111 Clos Verger Rose Hill President :Mrs. B. Venkatasamy Secretary :Ms.Rabia Yerally Tel: 464-8276 Fax: 464-8276 208. Maha Yogi Shri Aurobindo Society Jackson Lane 3 Clairfonds No 1 Vacoas President :Ms. P. Boodhena Secretary :Ms. Naitah Dabee Tel: 698-9628 209. Maharana Pratapsing Benevolent Association 28 Maharana Pratap Street, Ex Souillac Street, Port Louis President: Mr Roshan Seebun Secretary :Dhurmanund Gobin Tel : 208-2866 Fax: 208 2866 210. Mahebourg Espoir C/O Mahebourg Espoir Education Centre Rue Cardinal Margeot Ville Noire - Mahebourg President : Mr Francis De La Haye Secretary :Mrs Silvie Mayer Tel: 6312338 Fax : 631-3198 Email : 211. Maison Familiale Rurale du Nord Balisage Raod Branch Road Calebasses President :Mrs A.N. Naga Secretary :Mrs Josic Fangamar Tel: 243-7145 Email: / / Community Development Community Development Community Development Education/ Training Handicapped 212. Make a wish organisation Clairfonds No 2, Vacoas President :Mr Mahendranath Kumar Ramlochurn Secretary: Mr Serwan Randhir Kapoor Tel: 697 7775/ 5767 1359 Email: 213. Mare-La-Chaux Senior Citizen Association C/O Mr I. Balgobin Mare La Chaux Central Flacq President : Mr Ramchurn Lutchmeenarain Secretary :Mr. Seechurn Chandraduth Tel: 415-1183 Email: 214. Mauritian Organisation on Drugs and Aids – MODA C/o Mr Ravind Lahootun 88 Raoul Rivet Street, Port Louis President : Mr Ravind Lahootun Secretary : Ms Ajit Kumar Radha Tel: 5775-1507 Fax: 212-3808 Email: Elderly Health and Quality of Lifer 215. Mauritian Reading Association A 13 Residences Candos Quatre Bornes President :Mr H. Johnson Secretary :Mrs Chantal Piagnee Tel: 425-4243/7826137/755 2189 Fax : 425-4243 Email Drugs HIV Aids Education 216. Mauritius Alliance of Rural Youth Movements – MARYM C/O Mr Bissoon Mungroo Royal Road Montagne Blanche President :Mr. B. Mungroo Secretary :J. Babet Tel: 5250 2538 – Fax: 212 2865 Email: / 217. Mauritius Alliance of Women – MAW St Jean Road , Quatre Bornes President :Mrs Indranee Nath Varma, OSK Secretary : Mrs Rutnabhooshita Puchoos Tel: 424-3489 Fax : 424 3489 Email 218. Mauritius Arya Ravived Pracharini Sabha 54-56 Mahatma Gandhi Street Port Louis President :Mr Suryadeo Sungkur, OSK Secretary :Mr Pitambar Ramdhoneea Tel: 212-1038, 250 2331, 2550341 Fax : 210-2439 Email : Website : Disability Elderly Children Health Poverty Women Environment Agriculture Women Training Community Development SME 219. Mauritius Arya Sabha 1, Swami Dayanand Street Port Louis President :Mr B. Tanakoor Secretary :Mr. H. Ramdhonee Contact Person: Dr Jaychand Lallbeeharry Tel: 212- 2730/ 59136808/ 52557328 Fax: 210- 3678 Email: Website: Community Development 220. Mauritius Council of Youth Leaders Major Lane – La Paix - Piton President :Ms Reena Chumun Secretary :Mr Hemant Kumar Jugurnauth Tel: 264-2388/ 947-9243 Fax: 264-1168 Community Development 221. Mauritius Diabetes Association – MDA Bell Village Port Louis President :Dr Mrs Veenoo Basant Rai Secretary :Mr. Jumoondar Sunkur Tel: 212-8112 Email: Health and Quality of Life 222. Mauritius Education Development Association (MEDA) Shivala (Kovil) Lane, Grand Baie Contact Person: Dr G.Guddoye President : Mrs Krishna Guddoye Secretary : Mr Dhuneshwarsing Guddoye Tel : 263 8115/ 5800 6991/ 5885 0262 Fax : 263 8115 Email : 223. Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association – MFPWA 30 SSR Street Port Louis President :Mrs R.Y.Moorghen Executive Director :Ms V.B. Charan Tel: 211-4101/ 5257 3806 – Fax: 208-2397 Email: / Cultural Educational Religious Social Children Elderly Women Poverty Health Education 224. Mauritius Girl Guides Association Impasse Malherbes Curepipe President :Mrs Annabelle Nemorin Secretary :Ms Nadine Pierre Tel: 948 0667 Email : Youth Diabetes 225. Mauritius Heart Foundation Galerie Mont St Michel Leclezio Street –Curepipe President :Mr Premchand Gungadin Secretary :Mr Mouhendra Govind Tel: 5292 0834/ 5751 3426/ 5757 4784 E-mail : 226. Mauritius India Friendship Society – MIFS 7, Ave Talipot Quatre Bornes President :Mr. M. Ramphul, OBE Secretary : Mr Y. Bissessur Tel: 454-6898 Fax: 4546898 227. Mauritius Islamic Mission 2 Rue Velore Street Port Louis President : Mr. A. F. Khodabaccus Secretary : Mr. Bashir. A. Oozeer Tel: 216 0843 / 5769 0658 Fax: 216 0843 Email: / 228. Mauritius League of Hospital Friends – MLHF Victoria Hospital, Candos President: Mr. P. Vijay Lutchmun Secretary :Ms Purwin Bunourah Contact Person: Mrs P.Babooram Tel: 424-3490 / 5911 5407/ 5701 5253 Email:; 229. Mauritius Library Association – MLA Northern Boundary Quatre Bornes President: Mr Gheerishsing Gopaul Secretary: Ms Reeshmabye Essoo Contact Person: Ms Trisha Luckhenarain Tel: 5769 7392 / 5701 7907 Fax: 427 2514 Email: 230. Mauritius Mental Health Association – MMHA Berthaud Avenue Stanley- Rose Hill President :Mrs Paula Atchia Secretary :Ms Amelie Espitalier Noel Contact Person: Mrs Naddy Coowar Tel: 465-9508 / 5729 2976 Fax: 465- 9508 Email: Health and Quality of Life Community Development Poverty Disability Children Elderly Women Health Health and Quality of Life Poverty Environment Women Children Elderly Health Poverty Disability Disability Health Literacy & Numeracy Mentally 231. Mauritius Muslim Brotherhood 31 Jawaharlall Nehru & Wellington St, Port Louis President Mr Muktar Rajabalee Secretary: Mr Eshan Ismay Mamode Contact Person: Mr Goolam Mohamud Dulloo Tel: 2131173 / 5752-8366 Fax: 213 1173 Email : 232. Mauritius Red Cross Society Ste Therèse Street - Curepipe President : Mrs O. Jawaheer Director General : Mr Roshan Chikhuri Contact Person: Navin Mahadoo Tel: 670 0276/ 6701274 Fax: 674- 8855 / / 233. Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation 1 Justice Street Port Louis President :Mr. Somduth Dulthumun-OSK Secretary :Mr. Somduth Permala Tel: 208-0575/ 211 4491 – Fax: 208- 8671 234. Mauritius Scout Association Baden Powell House Trianon – Quatre Bornes Chief Commissioner: Mr Jaywunt Tannoo Secretary : Mr Sylvain L. Ok Choo Tel: 466-6771 / 5250 5353 Fax: 466-6771 Email:; 235. Mauritius Society for Environment and Conservation Coastal Road Belle Mare – Quatre Cocos President :Mr S. Bagha Secretary :Mr. R. Seewoonauth Tel: 415-1805 Fax: 415-1805 236. Mauritius Telegu Maha Sabha Royal Road GRNW-Port Louis President : Mr Narainsamy Sanyasi, MSK Secretary :Mr Ramdass Gouriah, M.S.K Contact Person: Mr Ramdass Gouriah, M.S.K Tel: 212-1641 – 2533750 – 2514127 Fax: 208-7162 Email: Website: www// Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health Children Poverty Health Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Relief & Development Community Development Religious Children Environment Poverty Environment Community Development 237. Mauritius Trade Union Congress MTUC, E.Anquetil Labour Centre, J. Smith Street, GRNW, Port- Louis President: Dewan Quedou Secretary: Chacoory Nundeo Tel: 210- 8567 Fax: 210-85 67 Email: 238. Mental Health Federation c/o Mrs Marie Michelle Pierre Mental Health Federation 9 Raoul Rivet Street – Port Louis President : Dr Charles Yip Tong Secretary : Mrs Marie Michelle Pierre Tel : 2131733 /208-1904 Fax: 213-1733 Email: 239. MIDAS 17 Ave Gourami Morc Nouvelle Villes Roches Brunes President : Mrs Marilyne St Louis Secretary : Ms Jessica Sunnasy Tel : 4651955/7558018/2506217 Fax : 4651955 Email : Human Rights Trade Unions Health and Quality of Life Mental Health and Quality of Life Substance Abusers HIV Aids 240. Mille Soleil Association for the Welfare of Disabled Persons Mahatma Gandhi Road Roche Terre, Grand Gaube President :Mr Theertharaj S.Ramkissoon Secretary :Mr Darmen Mooken Tel: 288 1355 /5752-1670 Fax: 288 1355 Email: Disabled 241. Mission Verte Rue Avrillon, Curepipe President : Claude Pougnet Secretary: Nadia D’Unienville Tel: 4214429 Email: Website: Environment 242. M-Kids Association 151, Volcy des Sennevilles, Camp Chapelon, Port Louis President : Mr Irfaan Abdool Secretary : Ms Zahra Bolaky Contact Person: Imaam Joomun Tel: 5961-5601 / 5759-6430 Fax: 2336436 Email: Children Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health Religious Community Development 243. Mo’zar Espace Artistic 4 Desperoux Street Roche Bois Port Louis President : Mr. Mario Isbester Secretary : Ms. Marie Nadia Armance Contact Person: Mr. José Thérèse Tel: 5772 8220 Email : 244. Mouvement Bien-Etre Maingard Colonel Maingard Community Centre, Colonel Maingard St, Beau Bassin President : Mr S.J. Sunassee Secretary: Mr V.Beeharry Contact Person: Mr M.Ayelou Tel: 5733 7497/ 5718 7885 Email: 245. Mouvement Civique de la Baie du Tombeau 32 SSR Ramgoolam Street Monc. Ilots Baie du Tombeau President :Mrs. Rozy Khedoo Secretary :Mrs Natacha Ballgobeen Tel: 2909876 Fax: 2473846 Email:; Children Health Elderly Women Sports & Education Children Community Development Poverty 246. Mouvement Civique de Verger 95 Verger Bissamdar Mont Roches President :Mr José Mooken Secretary :Mr Jean Yves Pompon Tel: 4642936; 7587479 Street children Community Development 247. Mouvement Civque de Grannum Grannum Road – Vacoas President : Mr Govinden Soobramanien Secretary : Mr Ravesh Rampersad Tel: 6759-8726; 727-2034 Email: 248. Mouvement d’Aide a la Maternité – MAM 6 Rue Notre Dame de Lourdes Rose Hill President :Mrs Monique Dinan Secretary :Mrs Priscilla Bignoux Contact Person: Ms Cleante Credo Tel: 466-2080/ 466-0742/ 5793 6050 Fax: 466-2080 Website: Music Community Development Women Health Pregnancy 249. Mouvement Développement et Solidarité C/o Roland Rose Lapeyrouse Curepipe Road President :Mr. Louis Roland Rose Secretary :Mrs. Dhanalutchmee Mootyen Vanessa Tel: 5717 5491/ 686-4321 Email : 250. Mouvement pour le Progrès de Résidence Barkly W 24 Résidence Barkly Beau Bassin President : Mr. Laval Batterie Secretary : Mrs. Domah Tel: 57071931 Email: • • Community Development Poverty Community Development 251. Mouvement Pour le Progrès de Roche Bois – MPRB GMS Marcel Guetto Street Cité Roche Bois President :Mr Lindsay Morvan Secretary :Mr Alixe Réné Contact Person: Mrs Vanessa Seegattun Tel: 2404148 / 729 0199 / 795 1182 / 932 7790 Fax : 2168306 Email : 252. Mouvement Social de la Jeunesse Mauricienne – MSJM St Ignace Residence Rose Hill President :Ms. Chantal Zaire Secretary :Mr. P. Provence Tel: 464-2936 – Fax: 464-2936 253. Mouvement Social Débarcadêre 4, Ave Picadilly, Cite Débarcadere, Pte Aux Sables President: Maxwell Moonsamy Secretary: Cyril Palmyre Tel: 234-5871/ 5781 5433/ 5733 7089 Email: 254. Mouvement Social Plaine Lauzun 43 Dr Henri Seneque St Plaine Lauzun- Port Louis President :Mr. Ameene Kodabux Secretary :Mr. Mukhtar Hoosein Ismail Tel: 286-3308/ 5790-9416 Fax : 242-8870 Email : Poverty Children Women Elderly Youth Children Elderly Poverty Sports Activities Community Development Poverty Alleviation 255. Muscular Dystrophy Association 2, Rue de Rochecouste Forest Side President :Mr. Philip Wan Secretary :Mr J. Gabriel Semeon Tel: 6704282 Fax:6704282 / Health and Quality of Life 256. Muslim Benevolent and Welfare Society 42 Benares Street Port Louis President :Mr. Muktar Allybokus OSK Secretary :Mr. Adam Mahmade Ally Contact Person: Mr. Javed Owarish Tel: 2421621 / 211 1194/ 5701-0202 Fax: 213 7971 Email: 257. Muslim Citizens Council Ozeer Building 2nd Floor Volcy Pougnet Street Port Louis President : Mr. C. Auckloo Secretary : Mr R. Manoga Tel: 2131173 Email: Community Development 258. Muslim Educational Society 28 Pope Hennessy Street Port Louis President :Mr. Monsoor Basseer Secretary :Mr. Hassam Amide Tel: 208-1366 Fax: 213 2367 Email: musedus@ Community Development 259. Muslim Ladies Counil 12 St Francois Xavier Street Port Louis President :Ms Mariam Bibi Goodur Secretary :Nazmounebie Sobdar Tel : 241 8560 / 773 2046 Email : 260. Muslim Youth Federation 64 Etienne Pellereau St Port Louis President :Mr. Raffique Santally, MSK Secretary : Mr Anwar Figue Contact Person: Mr Anwar Figue Tel: 240-4065 / 5722 1894 Fax: 240- 4065 261. Muvman Solidarité Kréol de L’Est Royal Road Quatre Cocos President : Mr Louis Rene Fortano Secretary : Mr Jacques Lucien Thomas Contact Person: Mr Christian Bazerque Tel: 415-1599 / 5916 7729 / 5763 7920 Children Environment Women Poverty Vocational Training Women Community Development Children Elderly Women Poverty Health Poverty Children Women 262. Nari Pragati Sabha Avenue des Vergues Glen Park- Vacoas President :Mrs Jagmatty Rampall Secretary : Mrs Taramatee Uma Daby Tel: 684-9407/684-4191/5945-9731 Fax: 684-4101 263. Children Environment Women Poverty Health Noon Society Beryl Rose Coromondel President :Mr Goolam Hossen Dowlut Secretary :Mr Moh. Ziad Chetty Tel: 211-6186 Fax: Email: Community Development Northen Association for the Welfare of Disabled People Coastal Road Roches Noires President: Mrs Taukoorah Varsha Secretary: Mr Ram Avala Gurriah Tel: 4486810 Email: Disabled 264. 265. OCEANYKA 41, Azalées Avenue, Quatre Bornes President: Mr Vassen Kauppaymuthoo Secretary: Mrs Nancy Brochu Contact Person: Mr Vassen Kauppaymuthoo Tel: 4216666 Fax: 4664594 Email: 266. Old Age Pensioners Association – OAPA Behind S.W.C Saint Pierre President :Mr. Kissoon Satyabun Secretary :Mr. Rajman Ramchurn, MBE Tel: 433-7507 Elderly 267. Old Visually Impaired Students Association (OVISA) Azunkhan Lane Coromandel President :Mr B. H Ramdour Secretary :Mr H. Hurdoyal Contact Person: Mr. G. Hurry Tel : 233 4550 / 5917-9209 Disabled 268. OMAT (Mauritius) Ltd Impase Cassim, Eau- Coulee President :Sylvain/ Mourguin Secretary : Clency Lajoie Tel :7868854 Email Evironment Visually impaired 269. Open Mind Corner Victoria & Le Conte de Lisle Streets Quatre Bornes President : Mr Iqbal Rajahbalee Secretary : Mrs Marylene François Contact Person : Ms Sophie Montocchio Tel : 464-1361 / 259-6755 / 252-3912 Email : Health Disability 270. Organisation Mondial Pour l’Education Préscolaire –OMEP Queen Elizabeth Avenue Curepipe President :Mr. S. Valayden Secretary :MS. M. Narainsamy, CSK Tel: 675-5810 Fax:6703400 Email: 271. Organisation pour l’Unité Angle de Rue Challenger & Maingard La Cornette- Roche Brunes President :Geeanduth Gangaram Secretary :Mr Camille Moutou Tel : 454-6174/ 5757-7545 Children Education 272. Organisation Social Team Education of Roche Bois 32 A, Balisage Street Roche Bois President: Mr Stephen Bourdon Secretary: Mr Kengy Paswin Contact Person: Mr Fabrice Hokin – Mr Vigeiye Thomas Tel: 242 2073 / 5726 5782 - Fax: 242 2073 Email: 273. Peace and Harmony Women’s Association Govinden Road, Goodlands President: Mrs Sylvie Elmire Secretary: Rolaine Permes Contact Person: Mrs Linda Bardou Tel: 59163483 – 2832474 – 9315093 – 2821205 Email: 274. PEDOSTOP Allée des aigrettes Morc Swan, Pereybere President: Ms Joëlle Hannelas Secretary: Mr Jean-Patrick Ferrat Tel: 573 44227 Fax: 208 1123 Email: Poverty Children Women Disability Environment Women Education Children Health 275. Pensioners Welfare Association – MPWA 5 Guy Rozemont Square Port Louis President :Mr Ram Nookadee Secretary :Mr Chetlall Teckdharry Tel: 213-7329 / 5751 3880/ 418 1545 Elderly Community Development 276. Physically Handicapped Welfare Association – PHWA Joseph D’Argent Street Rose Hill President :Mr. S. Poinen Secretary :Mrs. L. Chinnien Tel: 464-4845 / 5922 1325 Fax: 465-0549 277. Pointe Jerome Sailing School & Club MSC Sports Complex Pointe Jerome Mahebourg Contact Person: Mr Alain Gerard President: Mr Pierre Seneque Secretary: Mr Alain Gerard Tel: 5778 3871 / 5820 0175 Fax: 631 2010 Email: 278. Pont Blanc Women Association Branch Road, Pont Blanc President: Mr Murugan Glenda Secretary: Mrs Karoo Soomeetra Contact Person: Mrs Bijmohun Jayanti Devi Tel : 413-8063 / 413-0578 / 413-5190 279. Positive Approach to Total Health ( PATH) Royal Road, Curepipe Road President :Mr P. Jagutpal Secretary :Mr D. Dyall Tel: 259-5206 /425-0180 Fax: 4250180 280. Presbyterian Welfare Service – PWS C/O Presbyterian Church of Mauritius Cnr Royal Farquhar Streets Rose Hill President : Mr Martial Claude Emmanuel Secretary : Mrs Armand Nicole Tel: 464 5265 / 5253 2056 281. Prévention, Information et Lutte contre le SIDA – PILS 3rd Flr, Labourdonnais Court, 47 St Georges Street, Port Louis President :Mr Nilen Vencadasamy Secretary :Ms Rachel Constantin Tel: 210-7043/212 4841 Fax: 211 7377 282. Probation Home for Girls 44, Charles Regnaud Eau Coulée President :Mrs. S. Baguant Secretary: Mrs Bundhoo K.V Contact Person: Mrs Bundhoo K.V Tel: 686-5133 Fax: 686-5133 Email: Disabled Physically Women Health and Quality of Life Poverty Pre Primary School (Education) Health and Quality of Life Youth (Rehabilitation) AIDS Girls Shelter 283. Protection of Animals Welfare Society -PAWS Allee Coco, Union Vale Trois Boutique President :Mrs Moira Van der Westhuizen Secretary :Ms Sonia Ozoux Tel: 263 0541 / 637 3025 / 5727 5365 Fax : 686-9497 Email : Web : Animals Welfare 284. Quartier de Lumiere C/O of Mrs. Isabelle Adrien Avenue Vairon Morc. Nouvelle Ville Roches Brunes President : Mrs Marie Therese Tadebois Secretary : Mr stephane Franchette Tel : 454-3763 Email : Community Welfare Poverty Children 285. Restore Another Child’s Hope Rue Solidarité Port Mathurin – Rodrigues President : Mr Adeline Serge Bryen Secretary : Mr J.C. Leslie Bazerque Tel : 831-0370 Fax: 831-0370 Email : 286. Rêve et Espoir Royal Road Black River President :Mr. Alain Dalais Secretary : Mrs Danielle Dussell Contact Person: Mrs Amélie Noël Tel: 483-8738 Fax: 483 8738 Email: 287. Rivière du Rempart Catholic Association Maurel Road Rivière du Rempart President :Mr. Freddy Pursun OBE, CSK Secretary :Ms. Maureen Baya Tel: 412-7573 Fax : 790-4859 Email 288. Rotary Club of Port Louis P.O Box 69 Port Louis President :Mr. Adam Moollan Secretary Mr Phil Hadley Tel: 5728 7204 / 5259 3500 Email: / Disability Children Community Development Service Clubs 289. Royal Life Saving Society 17 Avenue des Manguiers Quatre Bornes President :Mr Dhiraz Dosieah Secretary :The Secretary Tel: 454-3690 Community Development Education Community Development 290. S.K. Creations Club 2 Kureemun Street Ripailles Saint Pierre President : Ms Arya Kumari Kureemun Secretary: Ms Amita Gangabaksh Contact Person: Ms Arya Kumari Kureemun Tel: 431 5048/ 719 9768 / 793 2921 291. Safe Environment and Education Focusing on Email: Action and Research Elias Street Rose Hill President :Mr Gerard Tara Secretary :Mr James Tanner Tel: 784 0379; 454 9919 Email: Education and Training 292. SAFIRE 505 Chancery House Lislet Geoffroy Street –Port Louis President :Ms Narghis Bundhun Secretary : Ms Mariam Gopaul Tel: 211-8789 Fax : 210-8155 293. Sanatan Vedic Trust Mr Aniroodh Ramjeeawon Trio Raod Triolet President:Mr Aniroodh Ramjeeawon Secretary: Mr Soobodh Soborun Tel: 251 8778 294. Satyam Gyanam Anandam Society Prashant Ashram Temple Road –Dubreuil President :Mr Rajesh K. Nundlall Secretary : Mr. Gyandev Bacceea Tel: 2534190 Email: 295. Satyeshwar Prakritic Chikitsalaya Evan Yog Kendra Ramsahaye Lane – Wootun- Curepipe President :Mr Outumchandra Runjeet Secretary :Ms Harshita Devi Runjeet Tel: 675-1647/ 7337177 Fax: 686-1467 Children Culture/ Faith Base Community Development Health and Quality of Life Street children 296. Savanne Tamil and Benevolent Society Savannah S.E L’Escalier President :Mr. Deven Ramasawmy Secretary :Mr D. Chengan Tel: 259 0194 Email: 297. Selex Senior Citizen Association 6 Avenue des Orchidées Quatre Bornes President :Mr. Chit Dukhira Secretary :Mr. NavinduttGopaul Tel: 454-5760 Email: 298. Senior Labour League Bassin Road Quatre Bornes President: Mr Hemraz Bessoondyal Secretary: Mr Laval Dassagne Contact Person: Mr Hemraz Bessoondyal Tel: 425 0772 / 5764 2892 / 5931-2113 Email: Community Development Elderly Elderly 299. Service Volontaire International – SVI Peace Drive Avenue Samy, Moka President :Mr Deepak Seeballack Secretary :Mr Reaz Nundoosing Contact Person: Mr Ayle Duval Tel: 433-7287 / 5766 3908 Fax: 433-7287 Email: 300. Women Children Shelter for Women and Children in Distress Trust Fund Jeery Street –Forest Side –Curepipe President :Mrs. Sheela Baguant, CSK Secretary :Mr. O. D. Cowreea Tel: 674-8875 Fax: 674-0375 Peace Environment Disability Children Poverty Elderly Women Health 301. Shivopasack Mahila Sabha Hari Har Chetra Mandir, la louise Quatre Bornes President : Ms Siamah Bucktowonsing Secretary :Mrs Solabha Naik Contact Person: Mrs Indulekha Jugroo Tel: 5292-8516 / 5705-5415 302. Culture/ Faith Base Shree Krishna Sayak Maha Mandal Royal Road New Grove President: Mr Liladhar Ramdharshan Secretary : Mr Indrasen Mahadoo Tel: 57549511 / 6272217 303. Shri Kabir Dharma Maha Sabha Shri Kabir Smrita Mandir Bonne Terre 304. Vacoas Shri Krishna Senior Citizens Association Mr DaleepMr Kumar Bhageerutty President: Ravin Sonah 64 La Source Secretary: Dr Avenue K. Baichoo 305. Shri Sanatan Dharma Mandir Parishad of Quatre Bornes Tel: 426 0405/ 6865134 Mauritius President : Mr Vasoodevah Seeboo Email: Royal Road Secretary : Mrs Damanti Naraidoo Gentilly Moka7550424 Tel : 424–2490; President :Mr. Subhod Roy Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Culture/Faith Base Elderly Community Development 306. SIDATAK 1 Rue des Merles Morc Fonsin Baie du Tombeau President: Mrs Fleurette Casimir Secretary: Mrs Pascaline Lecluse Tel: 768 6983/ 780 9789 Email: 307. Sivananda Healing Association 33, Rue Dupont Beau Bassin President :Mrs Eileen Mongelard Secretary :Mr Bheemabye Ramjeet Contact Person: J.G. Hurbunsingh Tel: 454-0758 / 454-0758 / 756-8393 / 7587434 / 775-8005 308. Small Farmers Movement C/O Vima Bundhoo Royal Road Beau Bois Saint Pierre Health and Quality of Life Community Development HIV AIDS Health and Quality of Life Environment President :Mr. Rajan Medideen Secretary :Mrs Vima Bundhoo Contact Person: Mr. Rajan Medideen or Mrs Vima Bundhoo Tel: 467-3610 / 686 9198 / 788 2325 / 778 0591 Email: 309. Société de Saint Vincent de Paul 4 Maidstone Rd, Morc. Antelme, Forest Side President :Mr. Jean Serge Frederic Secretary :Mr Daniel Sanspeur Tel: 424-8731 / 6748001 Community Development 310. Society for Aid to Children Inoperable in Mauritius – SACIM 2 Britannia Park Vacoas President : Mr Shareef Ramjan Secretary : Mr Jean Ramiah Contact Person: Dr. Amrit Rajkomar Tel: 696-1842 / 6861821 Fax: 686-1821 Email: Children Health and Quality of Life Agriculture and Small Entrepreneurship 311. Society for Living Angels 49, Capitaine Pontré Street Ste Croix Port Louis President : Ms Joylena K. Kistnasamy Secretary : Ms Lovena K. Uppadoo Tel: 2400086 Email: Education Children 312. Society for the Welfare of the Deaf Pope Hennessy St Beau Bassin President :Ms. N. Joonas Secretary :Mr. N. K. Caleechurn Tel: 464-3834 – Fax: 465-0784 Disabled 313. Society of Biology Teachers 5th Floor New Complex MIE- Reduit President :Mrs. J. Naugah Secretary :Mr Ravhee Bholah Ph.D Tel: 466-1940 Fax: 467-5157 314. Community Development SOLARIS Jugdambi Road, Goodlands President: Mr Avinash Teeluck Secretary: Mr Ashvin Chundoo Tel: 2821454/7685710 Email: 315. Solidarité Unité Deverloppement (SUD) 6, Napier Broome Street, Beau Bassin President:Jonathan Ravat Secretary:Brigitte Thomas Tel:466-7959 Fax: 316. Soroptimist International – IPSAE 2 A, Rue Julien Desjardins 74503 Curepipe President :Ms Rosemay Abraham Secretary :Mrs Florence Pruvost-Sooriah Tel: 674 3044/ 5777 1920 Email: Community Development Women Deaf Women Children 317. Soroptimist International de Port Louis C/O of Mrs Heba Capde Old Quay D Road, Port Louis President: Mrs Christine Rochecoute-Collet Secretary: Mrs Annette Treebobhun Tel: 4223216/ 2510440/ 7504569 Email:;; 318. SOS Children’s Village Mauritius 11 Impasse Selmour Ahnee St , P. O Box 141 Rose Hill President :Mr. René Sanson Secretary :Mrs Danielle Low Kwan Sang Contact Person : Amédéa Dabeecharun Tel : 466-5668 / 467-8450 Fax: 465-1480 319. SOS Patrimoine en Peril Couvent de Bonne Terre - Vacoas President : Mrs Nelly Ardill Secretary : Ms Elisabeth Baissac Tel : 696 5315 Fax: 674-4678 Email 320. SOS Poverty 24, Mamelon Vert St., Vallee Pitot, Port Louis President : Mrs. Saajidah Dauhoo Secretary :Mr Eshan Abdool Rahman Contact Person: Mrs. Saajidah Dauhoo Tel: 216 5028 / 5761-4269 / 5490-6287 Fax: 216-5028 Email: 321. Southern Handicapped Association – SHA Coastal Road Riambel President :Mrs. Santee Choytun Secretary :Mrs. Arlette Jacquin Contact Person: Mr Ramesh Bondy Tel: 625-4055 / 5913 9798 Fax: 625-4055 Email: 322. Special Educational Needs Society – SENS Sir Charles Lees Street, Rose Hill President :Mr Prithbeejay Bheemsingh Secretary :Ms Ellen Looi Tel: 467-6741 / 5728 2998 Fax: 467 7867 Email: Children Education Poverty Alleviation Environment Women Education Preservation and protection of historical/national sites Chidlren Elderly Women Poverty Disabled Children Education and Training Disability Children Poverty Mentally 323. Sponsor A Child 4 Avenue Glaieuls Quatre Bornes President :Mr Navindranath Hoolooman Secretary :Mrs Dorothy Bissoonauth Contact Person: Ms Kreshnowtee Bhuckory Tel: 454 4718 Fax: 454 4718 Email: 324. SSR Disability Service Centre New Market Lane, Near Post Office 8th Mile, Triolet President : Ms H.Jugurnauth Secretary : Mrs Brinda Ram Tel : 261-9710 / 5774-9190 Fax: 261-9710 Email: 325. St John Ambulance Brown Sequard Street P.O Box 165 – Curepipe Chairman: P.N. Chadee Secretary: Mr. Dhanandjaye Madhoo Contact Person: Mr. Dhanandjaye Madhoo Tel: 6709331 – 2516629 Fax: 674-1511 Email: Website: 326. State and Other Employers Federation Unity House 107A, Royal Road Beau Bassin Chairman: Mr R. Sadien Secretary: Mr I. Amiran Tel: 4644242/ 4660626 Fax: 4653220 Email: Children Poverty Alleviation Disabled Children Health Elderly Poverty Women Environment Youth Education and Training Human Rights 327. Ste Cécile Senior Citizen of Bambous Virieux Bambous Virieux, Polyvalon Center President :Mrs. Aline M. Ramjan Secretary :Mr. Paul Nadal Contact Person: Mrs. Aline M. Ramjan Tel: 59315909 Elderly Poverty Alleviation 328. Students Support Group Eau Coulée Curepipe President: Mrs O. Salmah Mahamrullee Secretary: Mr. A. Samad Lalloo Tel: 57274804/ 57135648 Fax: 6969700 Email: Poverty Alleviation Trade Unions 329. Sukhi Parivaar Maansarovar 198 Avenue SSR – Quatre Bornes President :Prof. Soodursun Jugessur Secretary :Mrs Vimi Dookhun Tel: 750-1763 Fax: 413-3281 Email: 330. Sunshine Family Welfare Foundation 17 Jules Koenig Street Port Louis President: Ms. I. Padya Secretary: Mr S. Dookhy Tel: 2133603/ 57666039 Fax: 2110165 331. Email: Surinam Centre D’Ecoute et de Developpement Veeren St, Surinam President : Mr Bradley Toofany Secretary: Mr Christopher Allegary Tel: 6257 743/ 5807 2587 Email: Family Welfare Family Welfare Poverty Children Women 332. Surtee Soonnee Mussulman Society Taher Bagh 18 Frère Félix de Valois Street – Port Louis President :Mr. Salim Timol Secretary :Mr. Ismael Bawamia Tel: 212-0449 – 211 6240 Fax: 212-9732 333. Tamil League Martindale Street, Reduit President: Mr Soopayah Samy Secretary: Mr Sadaseeven Cunjamalay Tel: 454 5901 Fax: 466 3510 Culture/Faith Base Poverty Alleviation Cultural Recreational Educational Social 334. Teens in Control Royal Road, Moka President :Ms Dorise Curpanen Secretary :Ms Patricia Potage Contact Person: Ms Wairimu Ristic Tel: 5255-7333 / 433-6033 Fax: 433-6033 Youth Women Health Poverty 335. Terrain for Interactive Pedagogy through Arts TIPA A. Abbe de la Caille Street Curepipe President: Mr Gilbert Gauthier Secretary: Mr Jagganaden Muneesamy Tel: 6740536 Fax: 6740536 336. Email: Thalassemia Society of Mauritius Cnr Jhurry and Seebaruth Streets, Floreal President :Mrs Amrita Vayid Secretary :Mrs Leebasha Sambhoolaul Contact Person: Mrs. Nandinee Dwarika Tel: 5448-2610 / 5728-8556/ 5795-4812 Fax : 433 8866 Email Website : Children Education and Training Health and Quality of Life 337. The Aaleemee Society Couvent de Lorette Street Curepipe Road President :Mr Saheed Thupsee Secretary :Mr Hassam Thupsee Tel: 762-3008 338. The Blue Crescent Block D 2, Cite Pitot, P.O. Box 204, Curepipe President : Mr B. Diljore Secretary : Mr Goolam Mohammud Tel : 492-4883 Fax: 6987799 339. The Christian Council Email: Loreto Convent Street Curepipe Road President: Mr Gabriel Richard Dookhit Secretary: Ms Patricia Sababady Tel: 675 8243 / 5778 8378 Email: 340. The Hassam Toorawa Trust 11-13 Farquhar Street Port Louis President : Mr Shawkat Mahmood Toorawa Secretary :Mr Mohamad Saleem Ibrahim Toorawa Contact Person: Mr Mohamad Saleem Ibrahim Toorawa Tel: Heart 242-1578 341. The Foundation Fax : 217-3192 Cardiac Centre Email: Pamplemousses President :Dr. T. K. Gunness Secretary : Mr Ram Nookadee Tel: 427-7374 Fax: 427-7374 342. The Mothers’ Union The Mothers’ Union House Holy Trinity Church, Old Moka Road – R. Hill President :Mrs Ya Ling Leung Yin Ko Secretary :Ms Giliane Saupin Tel: 686-5158 Fax: 697- 1096 Email: 343. The One Association Nalleytamby Road, Phoenix President: Mr T.K.Boodhram Secretary: Mr Roshan Ramracheea Tel: 5713 1475/ 5757 4683 Email: / 344. The Ramayana Centre Royal Road Union Park President :Mr Rajendra Arun Secretary :Mr Mohunlall Gangoo Tel: 677-1012/728-9233 Fax: Ranger 677-1012 345. The Foundation Trust C/o Curatus Trust Company (Mauritius) Ltd, 12th Flr, Raffles Tower, Ebene President : Mrs Ruma Kissondharry Secretary : Ms Melissa Hg Fo Yun Tel : 454 1040 / 5772-3815 Fax : 468-1449 Email: Website : Women Poverty Alleviation Education and Training Poverty Alleviation Community Development Community Development Health and Quality of Life Health and Quality of Life Community Development Women Poverty Culture/ Faith Base Children Disability SME 346. The Way to Light Association New Mosque St Chemin Grenier, 60417, Mauritius President :Mr Shameem Burakuth Secretary :Ms. D. Subratty Tel: 5795 2515/ 5769 4937 Fax: 6227 599 347. Ti Diams No 1 Suffolk Close Vacoas President : Mr Abdullah Dustagheer Secretary : Mr Pravesh Guness Contact Person: Mr Didier Jean Pierre Tel : 696 5877 FaxRayons : 698 4667 348. Ti Soleil Email : P.O Box 8 Website : Curepipe President : Ms Marie Aimee Thomas Secretary : Mr Christelle Essoo Contact Person: Gabriella Feliciane Tel : 290 2256 / 290 6088 Email : Website : Children Shelter Health and Quality of Life Children Poverty Diabetes Children Poverty Alleviation 349. Trimurti 28, Bis Nehru Street, Port Louis President: Rana Pertad Tacouri Secretary: Beejaye Ghoorah Tel: 2543932/ 57857810 / 5259 1310 Fax: 4270711 Email:; / 350. Tulsi Sewa Trust Royal Road Belle Mare President: Mr Premen Jugoo Secretary: Premdeep Chummun Tel: 5784 3795 Community Development 351. United Nations Association (Mauritius) C/O RDC, Bahemia Building, 4th Sir Virgile Naaz Street, Port Louis CEO: Mr. Nundkeswarsing Bosoondyal Secretary: Mr Dewendra Vikram Dookna Tel: 52543777 Fax: 2409964 352. Email: United Skill Workers Cooperative Society Ltd 42, Prince de Galles, Edward VII Street, Rose Hill President: J. Hurreeram Secretary: S. Murday Tel: 454 7205 / 5790 4459/ 5701 1931 Fax: 454 7205 Email: Youth Education and Training Environment Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health & Education 353. Vacoas Clairfonds Hindu Progressive Assn Clairfonds road No.1 Vacoas President: Mr. Mohit Jahgi Secretary: Mr. Lutcham Segobin Tel: 426-7095/ 763-0177 Fax: 696-8216 Email: Community Development 354. Vegan Society for New Generation C/o Vegan Heaven, Pearl House, 16 Sir Virgil Naz Street, Port Louis President : Mr Dikshant Ramdewor Secretary : Ms Dominique Ng Cheong Kai Contact Person: Mr Gossagne Baba (Jim) Sewtohul Tel: 5767 6384/ 5958 2080 Email: Health Environment Veganism & Animal Rights 355. Victim Support Mauritius P. O Box 211 Curepipe President :Mr. Raj Moothoosamy Secretary :Mr. Jagdish Sanhye Tel: 670-4815 Fax: 670-5224 356. Vivre Debout Association 2 Charles Cheron St Eau Coulée, Curepipe President :Ms Marie Lourdes Gerard Secretary : Ms Martingale Aurore Contact Person: Mrs Gontran Jouahnie Tel: 670-5898/ 5939 2699 / 5735 3796 Fax: 670-5898 Email: Human Rights Poverty Alleviation Education & Training 357. Vuillemin Voluntary Association 39 Pope Hennessy Street Vuillemin Quartier Militaire President :Mr. Kamallal Adonnee Secretary :Mr. D. Jhummun Tel: 435-7893 Community Development 358. Poverty Disabled Health Warm Heart Foundation 117, Ave des rosiers, La Preneuse, Riviere Noire President: Mr Patrick Virginie Secretary: Ms Shalini Alladee Contact Person: Ms Carole Blatch Tel: 5796 0214/ 5257 0049/ 5259 6660 Email: 359. Women Achievers Association Reserve Street Port Louis President : Mrs Bharatee Boodhoo Secretary Mrs Manishka Kistamah Contact Person: Mrs Boodhoo Bharatee Tel: 213 2101 / 9375050 Email: Women Children Poverty Alleviaton Veganism & Animal Rights 360. Women Empowerment Association Corner Draper Avenue St Jean Road - Quatre Bornes President :Ms. Bhawtee Ramdin Contact Person: Mrs Rama Dalilabai Tel: 5793-3477 / 465 6579 Fax: 465 6579 Email: Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health 361. Women’s International Association Cr Murphy & St Jean Quatre Bornes President :Ms. S. Brigemohane Secretary :Ms Preetilah Ramtohul Tel: 467-3805/7860149 Women 362. Wooton Emerging Light Association Loreto Convent St Eau Coulée President : Mr Keshwar Rumjaun Secretary : Ms Nazli Khodabocus Tel: 670 4485 / 5914-9903 363. Young Ones Clavet President : Mr Bramdeo Bundhun Secretary : Mr Govinduth Burthia Tel: 5 7498295 Children Disability Elderly Environment Women Poverty Health Community Development 364. Youth Alive c/o Pastorale des Jeunes Le Mont Martre Royal Road - Rose Hill President : Mr Benoit Lebon Secretary : Mrs Elisabeth Sangor Tel : 454 4699 Fax 454 4699 Email : Youth Education and Training 365. Youth Empowerement Forum International Canda Lane Stanley –Rose Hill President :Mrs M. Chundunsing Secretary :Mr K. Chundunsing Tel: 782-6910 Email: Youth Education and Training 366. Youth For Christ Allée Brillant Road, Castel, Phoenix Contact person: Cyril Palan President: Mr Mario Pampusa Secretary: Ms Brinda Bunjhoo Tel: 286 7333/ 5254 0150 Fax: 286 7334 Children Poverty Youth Empowerment Women Empowerment 367. Youth Network of Mauritius Camizard St. Mahebourg President : Mr Munsoo Kurrimbaccus Secretary : Mr Shakeel Rosun Contact Person: Ms Simi Bhuguth Tel : 631-3121/772-1888/712-4207/776-4832 Email : 368. Zero Tolerance Against Domestic Violence C/o C. Kalloo Rue Pierre Simonet - Forest Side President :Mr Frederick Atisse Secretary :Mrs Christina Kalloo Tel: 5772 2499/ 5749 4406 Email: Community development Children Women Poverty
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