School Program parent Packet - Ozark Natural Science Center
School Program parent Packet - Ozark Natural Science Center
2014-2015 School Program parent Packet “Enhancing the understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the Ozark Natural Environment” Revised 12/31/14 Dear Parents, We look forward to hosting your child’s class at the Ozark Natural Science Center! There are several important items to mention in preparation for the trip. Please review the attached ONSC Guidelines form with your student. For a closer look at our program and the teacher naturalist staff, please visit the School Programs section of our website ( • Please follow the packing checklist closely so your child will be well-prepared for an enjoyable trip. • Your child’s comfort is essential to learning. It is important to pack layers of clothing to add or remove as needed. We will be in the outdoors in changing weather conditions. • Participants must wear closed-toe boots or shoes. No new boots (they often cause blisters). • Participants must wear long pants. No shorts or capri-pants will be allowed during program time. • Raingear with head protection is required. No umbrellas please. Gloves, scarves and stocking caps are a necessity for cold weather. • Please involve your child in the process of careful planning and packing. They must be aware of the gear requirements and be familiar with their gear. • Complete the medical/liability release form in its entirety and sign it. parent/guardian signature areas. • All medication must be given to your child’s teacher or school nurse prior to the visit (students are only allowed to possess rescue inhalers, Epi-pens or medications that must be administered immediately). Please send medication(s) in their original container with detailed dosage instructions in a zip-lock bag labeled with the student’s name in permanent ink. Please note our participant form has three The ONSC experience is much more than school field trips. Check out our website, for special programs, weekend activities, summer camps, volunteer opportunities & more. Look for ONSC L.I.V.E., our newest nature venture. There’s always something happening in Bear Hollow! Sincerely, Matthew Miller Executive Director 1905 Madison 1305 | Huntsville, AR 72740 | 479.202.8340 | About the Ozark Natural Science Center: Programs and Focus ONSC is a nonprofit field science and environmental education center which exists to enhance the understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the Ozark natural environment. Visitors enjoy the rugged natural beauty of the Ozark Mountains and receive instruction from professional field staff and guest speakers. Age appropriate programs are seasonally adjusted to complement and enrich traditional education. Many programs are interdisciplinary, weaving the natural history of the landscape with the cultural history of Native Americans and pioneer settlers who came to the War Eagle and Kings River valleys. During the school year, the Center’s primary focus is a residential program for students from public, private, home and independent schools in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The school-based program complements and enhances standard science curriculum, helping teachers meet state and national requirements for science education. Summer camps provide opportunities for youth to reconnect with nature and be involved in hands-on studies of field science that emphasize: • • • • • terrestrial and aquatic ecology local flora and fauna astronomy art and nature expeditions Campers develop an understanding of natural diversity using scientific techniques and creative problem solving strategies. They celebrate nature through music, writing, and the visual arts, and they draw inspiration from the classic writings of wellknown naturalists and scientists. Campers also have fun hiking, swimming, canoeing and forming strong bonds of friendship as they develop a sense of responsibility for others and for their own personal actions. Location ONSC is located in the heart of the Interior Highlands on the Springfield Plateau, a natural division of the Ozarks. Our 500-acre campus in the Bear Hollow Natural Area is three miles off Highway 23 between Huntsville and Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The central campus is bordered by the AGFC McIlroy-Madison County Wildlife Management Area. Facilities Amenities and services are available for day, overnight, weekend, or week-long activities for private and corporate groups. Indoor space is suitable for a variety of programs, and a covered pavilion provides shelter for campfires and outdoor programs. Overnight visitors are housed in one of three comfortable, climatecontrolled lodges, with a 68-person (total) sleepover capacity. The kitchen and dining hall are well equipped, and meals are prepared with careful attention to quality and health. Gate Policies When students are on the ONSC campus, all ONSC policies and procedures must be followed. If you have discipline problems, illnesses, accidents, or incidents, please contact our administrative offices or Executive Director, Matthew Miller immediately. ONSC will only release a student to an authorized adult. Our gate will be open during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and will be locked after hours. All arrangements to have the gate unlocked after hours must be made with our administrative office. Supervision ONSC Staff Matthew Miller – Executive Director Jen Pecor – Program Manager Sonja Rodden – Office Manager Deb Bluma – Finance Manager Foodservice Loretta Crow Brenda Jones Kristine Rawlings Caretaker Paul Rawlings While at ONSC, program participants will receive instruction from our professional field staff. All Teacher Naturalists have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a natural resources field. Areas of expertise range from aquatic resources to wildlife ecology. Teacher Naturalists Alyssa DeRubeis Matthew Griekspoor Steve Keltner Erin Plum Meghan Elgan Dan Hicks Dr. Joanie Patterson All ONSC personnel undergo full background checks as a condition of employment. All employees are trained in first aid, CPR and emergency procedures and receive training in participant safety and rescue applications annually. Teacher Naturalists have various levels of Wilderness First Aid certifications. Students are supervised at all times by their teachers, chaperones and ONSC Staff. An ONSC liasion is on 24-hourduty and instructors remain on site for the duration of the program. Teachers for each program select adult chaperones; chaperones must agree and be physically capable of supervising students at all times and participate in moderate physical activity over rough terrain. Please see our parentchaperone guidelines available at our website for more information. Accommodations Sleeping accommodations are provided by gender in our 3 climate-controlled lodges. Supervision in the lodges is provided by the students’ teachers and adult chaperones. Each room has two or three sets of bunk beds, cubby spaces for clothing and gear, a private vanity, toilet and shower. Meals are prepared fresh daily by our professional kitchen staff. Parents should communicate dietary restrictions and/or food allergies to ONSC via email at or 479.202.8340 at least one week prior to arrival at ONSC. Hunting NO hunting is permitted on the 500-acre ONSC campus and Bear Hollow Natural Area. Because limited hunting is permitted on the nearby Madison County – McIlroy Wildlife Management, all program participants wear orange vests during hunting season as a precaution. Contact Information Ozark Natural Science Center 1905 Madison 1305 Huntsville, AR 72740 ONSC business & after-hours emergency number 479.202.8340 Office hours – Monday through Friday – 8:30 am – 5:00 pm ONSC PACKING CHECKLIST Please follow the checklist closely. Students should be involved in the packing process so that they are aware of the gear requirements. Please note that it is not necessary to buy anything. Please double check that your child has ample cold weather clothing for their safety and comfort – our programs are outdoors regardless of the weather! REQUIRED CLOTHING AND GEAR Two complete changes of clothes, including: Long pants or jeans for hiking (no shorts or capri pants) T-shirts Long-sleeved shirt or sweater Three pair of socks- during the winter, we recommend wool or wool blend socks. Sleepwear Underwear Jacket or heavy coat (weather appropriate, a sweatshirt is not sufficient) Comfortable, practical, sturdy sneakers or hiking boots. All shoes need to be close toed and close heeled (no sandals, flipflops, or shoes with open sides, and please no new boots!) Sleeping bag or twin-sized sheets and blankets Pillow Toothbrush and toothpaste Soap, shampoo, deodorant, and other toiletries (none are provided) Towel and washcloth Brush or comb Plastic or cloth bag for dirty clothes A backpack will be provided for your student to use while hiking at ONSC: Please pack the following for your child’s use on the trail: Warm gloves and hat (as weather appropriate). We discourage chemical hand-warmer packets – please help us keep our trails clean by not sending them. Extra layer such as sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket One extra pair of socks- during the winter, we recommend wool or wool blend socks. Reusable water bottle (32 oz. capacity recommended; avoid excessively large bottles) -Please no commercial bottled water. ONSC can provide a reusable bottle if needed. 2 or more pencils Raingear (jacket and pant set or poncho) Camera with students name (optional – ONSC cannot be responsible for any personal gear so please talk to your children) DO NOT BRING: Cell phones, TV, radio, tape, CD, or MP3 players, electronic or media devices of any kind Flashlights Alarm clock Knives or weapons of any kind Hair dryer, curling iron, curlers, perfume or cosmetics Umbrellas Food, drink, candy, gum Jewelry Money (merchandise money may instead be given to your child’s teacher in an envelope with their name clearly written on it) “HotHands” or similar hand-warmer packets – please help us keep our trails clean by using warm gloves instead Disposable water bottles (i.e. Aquafina, Ozarka, Dasani, Sam’s Club) – ONSC can provide reusable bottles if needed Shorts are no longer permitted during program activities or hiking. Please remind your child to wear long pants for their field trip to ONSC. ONSC PARTICIPANT GUIDELINES The following guidelines are essential for the safety, enjoyment, and well-being of all participants. Students and parents should read the following information together. Respect • Show respect for other students, ONSC staff, and chaperones. • Respect ONSC facilities and property; participants will assume financial responsibility for any damages they cause. • Respect the personal property of others. If it is not yours, leave it alone. • Respect the environment: “Take only pictures, leave only footprints, kill only time.” • Respect quiet time in the lodges and on trails. • Respect shared living spaces by keeping your belongings neatly stowed. Readiness • Be prepared to participate enthusiastically in all activities. • Bring a spirit of teamwork and friendship for your fellow students. • Follow the packing checklist and be familiar with your gear. • Bring a backpack with water bottle, rain gear, pencil, and extra socks with you to all activities. • Be on time for all activities. Responsibility • Take responsibility for your own personal items throughout your stay. The ONSC is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property. • Share responsibility for cleaning dining area, lodges, and living spaces. • Be responsible for your well-being; communicate any questions or concerns to the ONSC staff. They will be happy to listen and assist you. • Wash hands before every meal and be responsible for personal hygiene. Safety • • • • • Listen to all safety instructions before and during every activity. No running at any time. Stay on trails at all times. Do not stand on top bunk beds. Only one person at a time on top bunks. Do not pick up or throw rocks, sticks, or other items. Science • Be curious • Be observant • Ask good science questions • Listen to the answers to your questions • Record your findings in your journal (provided) All students should understand that their conduct must be appropriate to the standards of ONSC at all times and that failure to abide by the guidelines may result in their dismissal from the program. Visiting teachers, adult chaperones, and ONSC staff will counsel students whenever possible to avoid dismissal. PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM Participant Name Teacher (student) Email Employer (adult) Mailing Address City Home # cell # Date of birth Age State Zip work # Sex Height Other # Weight Date of last tetanus shot? lbs. Participant history history with any of the following - ○ Asthma* ○ Cancer ○ Diabetes ○ Heart abnormalities ○ High blood pressure ○ Seizures* ○ Stroke ○ Other (please specify any other medical conditions) __________________________________________________________ * Participants with severe asthma, history of seizures or other serious medical conditions, must submit a copy of their most recent Emergency Action Plan to onsc at least one week prior to arrival at ONSC Medications - (please list ALL medication(s) including inhalers, over-the-counter medication, etc. participant will bring to ONSC) Medication name / mg Taken for Dosage amount Doses per day / time Date medication began Allergies/ Dietary Restrictions - (Please list specific details related to allergy, including type of reaction) ○ Food ○ Pollen/Hay Fever ○ Other (please be specific) ○ Latex ○ Medication(s) ○ Metals/Minerals ○ Plants/Trees ○ Insect bite/sting Other Limitations - (Please explain) Recent operation or illness Physical or mental limitations Parent / Guardian - (for youth participants) Name(s) Home # Cell # Relationship Name(s) Home # Cell # Relationship Local Emergency contact - (in addition to parent/guardian, those listed also have permission to pick-up youth participants) Name(s) Telephone # Relationship Name(s) Telephone # Relationship For office use only: yl s m l xl 2xl eds com Please complete & sign reverse side → Health Coverage information - (used only in the event of an emergency) Health Insurance Company Policy Number Policyholder’s Name Policyholder’s date of birth Family Physician Telephone ONSC school programs include a student tt-shirt. Please select student size Adult or Non-Program T-Shirts and other merchandise may be purchased in our business office or online at Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult X-Large Adult XX-Large Program Permission & Waivers: Communication - Yes No ONSC sends periodic news updates and event announcements to our mailing list. To join our mailing list, Please list your email address(es) where you wish to receive our announcements: You may easily unsubscribe at any time. ONSC will never provide your email or contact information to any other organizations. Media Acknowledgment I grant permission for any photos or videos taken of participant or any artwork or statements made during educational programs at the ONSC can be used for ONSC’s public relations program. No, please do not use participant’s photographs or statements Participate in ONSC Education Study - Yes No ONSC may conduct a study on its education program. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. The information gathered will be used to improve the program at ONSC. Names will not be used in any publication of this study. By signing below, you give your written permission for your child to take a brief written survey about their experience at ONSC. Tick Awareness - (Please read/check this section if you will participate in a program between February 15 and November 15) 15 Ticks are common throughout Arkansas and may carry disease. ONSC advises participants to check themselves for ticks during program and in the days following. The Lyme Disease website ( has information on tick removal and tick transmitted disease. I (participant or parent/guardian of participant) have received the materials provided by ONSC about ticks and Lyme disease and understand this inherent outdoor risk. Permission to Participate Please note participant or parent/guardian signature required before acceptance into any onsc programs. I assume all of the above inherent risks and any other ordinary risks incidental to the nature of these activities which are not specifically foreseeable. I will hold ONSC harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts and claims and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether for bodily injury, property damage or loss otherwise which may arise from mine or my child’s participation. By signing this waiver I release ONSC and its staff from any negligence incurred. My child enters into this activity voluntarily, and I take full responsibility for the decision for him/her to participate or not to participate. Date participant name Sign here! here! Participant/adult signature Parent/guardian signature required for participants under 18 Ozark Natural Science Center A non-profit field science and environmental education, camp and conference facility in northwest Arkansas. 1905 Madison 1305 ● Huntsville, AR 72740 ● 479.202.8340 ● Revised 12/31/2014 – ONSC Participant registration form – v141231.doc
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