1 Introduzione Introduzione
1 Introduzione Introduzione
www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Introduzione CLINICA VALLE GIULIA, Rome Diverso approccio farmacologico alla induzione della ovulazione e superovulazione in donne con alterazioni endocrino-metaboliche Filippo Maria Ubaldi M.D. M.Sc. L’induzione dell’ovulazione o superovulazione in donne con anovulatorieta’ e alterazioni del ciclo spesso correcorrelate a problematiche endocrino-metaboliche preprevede l’utilizzo di farmaci con diverse modalita’ di somministrazione Le pazienti che possono usufruire di questo tipo di trattamento rientrano principalmente in due categorie: I Master di Medicina della Riproduzione Umana Padova, 2009-2010 www.generaroma.it Introduzione www.generaroma.it Fattori ambientali IV compartimento SNC 1) Amenorree ipogonadotrope (ipogonadismo Ipotalamo ipogonadotropo o amenorrea ipotalamica) amenorrea di tipo I (WHO) GnRH 2) Sindrome dell’Ovaio Policistico (amenorrea iperandrogenica) amenorrea di tipo II (WHO) III comp. Ipofisi FSH LH II comp. Ovaio 3) Amenorrea ipergonadotropa (ipogonadismo ipergonadotropo (WHO) amenorrea di tipo III Progesterone Estrogeni Utero I comp. Mestruazioni 1 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it ASRM Practice Committee (Fertil Steril 2008) Introduzione I compartimento -disordini a livello vaginale o uterino II compartimento -disordini a livello ovarico III compartimento -disordini a livello ipofisario IV compartimento -disordini a livello ipotalamico o del SNC www.generaroma.it ASRM Practice Committee (Fertil Steril 2008) www.generaroma.it ASRM Practice Committee (Fertil Steril 2008) 2 www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipotalamica www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipotalamica: GnRH pulsatile Letteratura: Terapie Miller ‘83 GnRH pulsatile Mason ‘84 Gonadotropine Hurley ‘84 Clomifene Citrato Santoro ‘86 Filicori ‘ 87 www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipotalamica: GnRH pulsatile GnRH pulsatile utilizzato in varie condizioni di anovulatorieta’ 20-30 % grav/ciclo 60-90 % grav/paziente www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipotalamica: GnRH pulsatile Via di somministrazione Endovena Sottocute Dosaggi: 2.5 - 20 mg/pulse Intervallo pulse: 60’ - 90’ - 120’ 3 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipotalamica: GnRH pulsatile Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Results of ovulation induction using hMG or FSH-HP in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients Effetti collaterali Cefalea, nausea Orticaria, broncospasmo, ipotensione Tromboflebite (somministrazione e.v.) Ematomi (somministrazione s.c.) Endocardite (somministrazione e.v.) Shoham Z et al., Fertility Sterility 56(6):1048, 1991 FSH-HP: amps (<0,04); leading follicle (<0,05) serum E2 (<0,002); endometrial thickness (<0,02); ovulation rate (<0,05) Conclusions: In isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients it is consistent with the two-cell two-gonadotropin hypothesis, that both gonadotropins are required to Drop-out accomodate their synergistic action for appropriate stero- Scarsa compliance idogenesis. The superior efficacy of hMG compared with FSH-HP is beyond question www.generaroma.it Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism www.generaroma.it Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Extensive clinical testing in patient suffering from severe deficiency in LH and FSH has demonstrated that A daily dose of 75 IU rec-LH in addition to rec-FSH serum LH levels >0,5 IU/L are necessary to provide is effective in the majority of women in promoting adequate LH support to FSH-induced follicular deve- optimal follicular development and steroidogenesis lopment when endogenous LH secretion is absent. in WHO I women and safe in all of them. Good preg- O’Dea, 2002 nancy rate can be achieved. The European Recombinant Human LH Study Group. J.Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1998 Sufficient LH supply can be delivered by a daily injection of 75 IU r-LH The Spanish Collaborative Group on Female Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism. Hum. Reprod. 2001 4 www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipogonadotropica: GnRH pulsatile vs hMG www.generaroma.it Amenorrea ipogonadotropica: GnRH pulsatile vs hMG Gravidanze multiple Martin, JCEM 1993 Martin, JCEM 1993 www.generaroma.it Amenorree ipergonadotropiche www.generaroma.it PCO syndrome When amenorrea is associated with evidence of androgen excess the most common disorder is PCOS and less com- Fallimento ovarico primitivo (POF) mon the hyperandrogenism is from adrenal disease or from androgen-producing tumors (Moran, 2000) PCOS patients are more likely to present with oligomenor- Ovodonazione rhea (76%) than with amenorrhea (24%) (Imani, 2002; Bili, 2001) and 75% of North American PCOS women are obese (Legro, 2001) and most of them hyperinsulinemic 5 www.generaroma.it PCOS www.generaroma.it PCO/PCOS classification (The Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus) PCOS is one of the most common endocrinopathies affecting 5-10% of women of reproductive age with a lot Diagnostic criteria of polycistic ovaries (PCO) of controversies regarding both its diagnosis and treat- 1) Presence of >12 follicles (2-9 mm in diameter) ment 2) and/or increased ovarian volume (>10 ml) (ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Whorkshop 2008) A woman having PCO in the absence of an ovulatory Revised 2003 diagnostic criteria of PCOS disorder or hyperandrogenism (“asymptomatic” PCO) should not be considered as having PCOS 1) Oligo- and/or anovulation 2) Clinical or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism 3) Policistic ovaries “Asymptomatic” PCO ovaries if stimulated for IVF behave like the ovaries of PCOS women at increased (2 out of 3 criteria) risk for hyperstimulation and OHSS (McDougall 1992) www.generaroma.it PCO syndrome www.generaroma.it PCOS: suggested treatment Hyperinsulinemia due to insuline resistance occurs in 80% of women with PCOS and central obesity but also in 40% Various interventions have been proposed: of lean women with PCOS (Dunaif, 1997) due to a post-re- o Lifestyle modification (diet, exercise) ceptor defect affecting glucose transport, unique to PCOS o Insulin-sensitizing agents PCOS HYPERINSULINEMIA + Central obesity Ovarian androgen production SHBG Free testosterone 5 alpha reductase ANOVULATION FSH for ovulation induction Multifollicular response pregnancy miscarriage o Laparoscopic ovarian drilling o Clomiphene Citrate (and aromatase inhibitors) o Gonadotropins with or without GnRH analogues Ovulation induction Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IUI or IVF Hirsutism/Acne 6 www.generaroma.it PCOS obese: lifestyle modification www.generaroma.it PCOS obese: lifestyle modification Perdita di peso e outcome clinico PERDITA DI PESO La diminuzione del 5-10% del peso corporeo COMPLETED (N = 67) la severita’ dell’irsutismo e dell’acne, ripristina la regolarita’ del ciclo CHANGE IN BMI (Kg/m2) e l’ovulazione nel 60-70% delle pazienti soprattutto con RESUMED OVULATION - 3,7 ± 1,6 “DROP-OUT” (N = 20) - 0,4 ± 1,4 a 90 % 0,0 % SPONTANEOUS 27 0,0 TREATMENT 53 0,0 MISCARRIAGES (%) 18 0,0 DA SEGNALARE: miglioramento della efficacia di tutte le WOMEN PREGNANT (%) 77,6 0,0 terapie farmacologiche per la induzione ovulazione WOMEN WITH LIVE BIRTH (%) 67 0,0 WRH (obesita visceale) (Pasquali 1989) e protegge per il diabete tipo 2, migliorando la dislipidemia. MECCANISMI: riduzione insulina, riduzione androgeni PREGNANCY (%) a = P<0.01 www.generaroma.it PCOS obese: lifestyle modification Perdita di peso e modifiche sull’assetto ormonale, sul metabolismo e caratteristiche cliniche in PCOS obese Effetti Parametri Ridotta grasso totale e viscerale Migliorata Hirsutism score Cicli mestruali (n°) Ovulation and pregnancy rate Acanthosis nigricans Ridotta Testosterone Androstenedione Insulina Migliorata Insulino sensibilità Uguale / aumentato SHBG Uguale / ridotto LH Clark, 1998 www.generaroma.it PCOS obese: ipoglicemizzanti orali FARMACI IPOGLICEMIZZANTI (Metformina) MECCANISMI: riduzione della concentrazione plasmatica di insulina e androgeni; ripristino dell’ovulazione METFORMINA: da 500mg x 3 a 850mg x 3/die EFFETTI COLLATERALI: diarrea, disturbi neurovegetativi La metformina non induce ipoglicemia nelle pazienti normoglicemiche 7 www.generaroma.it PCOS obese: metformina www.generaroma.it Change in frequency of menstruation (cycle/month) 1.25 1.00 E’ stato dimostrato che questo farmaco, da solo 0.75 o in combinazione con farmaci induttori della 0.50 ovulazione, è utile per il ripristino dell’ovula- 0.25 zione e per l’ottenimento di una gravidanza in 0.00 pazienti affette da PCOS -0.25 Nestler et al., New Engl J Med. 1998; Fertil Steril 2002 -0.50 Metformina Placebo Moghetti, J Clin Endo Metab 2000 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Metformina e fertilita’ in PCOS PCOS: ovulation induction CC is the treatment of first choice in anovulatory women Migliori risultati ovulatori su cicli spontanei o indotti da clomifene citrato (Nestler, 1998-2002; Moghetti, 2000; Ibanez, 2001; Vandermolen, 2001; Kelly, 2002; Kocak, 2002; Fleming, 2002; Yarali, 2002) Incremento della fecondazione ovocitaria con ICSI (Stadtmauer et al 2001) Ridotto rischio di OHSS in seguito a trattamenti farmacologici di induzione dell’ovulazione (De Leo et al 1999) Aumento della pregnancy rates dopo cicli di induzione dell’ovulazione (Stadtmauer et al 2001, Vandermolen, 2001; Batukan et al 2002, Kocak et al 2002, Heard et al 2002) -low cost -oral route is patient friendly -few adverse effects -little ovarian response monitoring -aboundant data regarding the safety of the drug Efficacy 70-85% of patients with PCOS will ovulate after CC (Homburg 2005; Messinis 2005) Life-table analysis indicates a conception rate of up to 22% per cycle in those ovulating on CC (Hammond 1983; Kousta 1997; Heijkemans 2003; Messinis 2005) 8 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it PCOS: CC e induzione della ovulazione Risposta inversamente correlata a BMI, FAI, volume ovarico e gravità del disturbo del ciclo PCOS: ovulation induction Combination therapy There is clear evidence that the addition of metformin E’ da valutare la opportunità di aggiungere piccole dosi (Moll 2006; Legro 2007) or dexamethasone (Daly 1984) to di EE nei giorni successivi per contrastare l’azione anti- CC as primary therapy for OI has no beneficial effect estrogica del CC sul muco cervicale ed endometrio 50 mg/die x 5 gg 100 mg/die x 5 gg 200 mg/die x 5 gg dal 3° o dal 5° gg dal 3° o dal 5° gg Se no ovulazione Se no ovulazione dal 3° o dal 5° gg Alternative therapies Anti-estrogenes other than CC: Tamoxifen, comparable efficacy (Messinis 1982; Steiner 2005) (not licensed for this porpouse), alternative in women with intolerable side effects to CC Se no ovulazione IA / gonadotropine Aromatase inhibitors (Bayar 2006; Begun 2008; Badawy 2008) www.generaroma.it PCOS: aromatase inhibitors and OI www.generaroma.it PCOS CC resistant: aromatase inhibitors Mechanism of action AIs block E2 production by inhibiting aromatization in Authors Dose mg Letrozole Follicles number Ovulation Endometrial rate (%) thickness mm the ovary (conversion of A and T to E2) releasing the Mitwally 2001 2,5 2,1 75 8,1 development of ovarian follicles (Lidor 2000; Mitwally 2001) Al-Omari 2001 5 1,9 87,5 9,4 Androgens augment follicular FSH receptor expression Elnashar 2006 2,5 1,2 54,6 10,2 hypothalamic/pituitary axis from E2 negative feedback As a result, FSH secretion increases stimulating the in primates and promote follicular growth indirectly by amplifying FSH effects (Fisher 2002; Kilic 2003; Mitwally 2005) 9 www.generaroma.it AI vs CC in PCOS (RCTs): clinical results Authors Dose mg Let CC Pregnancy (%) Let CC P ASRM 2005: Higher risks of congenital cardiac and bone malformations in the newborns (Biljan, Fertil Steril, 2005) Atay 2006 2,5 100 21% 9% ns Bayar 2006 2,5 100 22% 17% ns Babies born after CC or AI treatments in Canada: 2001-2005 Treatment No. of newborns Sohrabvand 2,5 100 2006 Begun 2008 Total www.generaroma.it Aromatase Inhibitors: safety considerations 7,5 150 33% 16% ns 18% <0,05 43/152 (28%) 23/157 (14%) 0,005 www.generaroma.it Ovulation induction with gonadotropins 252 Birth weight (gr.) 3287,3 Age of mother 40% Letrozole 33,1 Letrozole+FSH CC CC+FSH 262 293 104 3248,4 3158,8 3322,5 32,9 33,9 32,4 Major malformation 6/514 (1,2%) P=0,07 12/397 (3%) Minor malformation 9/514 (1,6%) P=0,8 7/397 (1,8%) Tulandi, 2006 www.generaroma.it Ovulation induction: type of gonadotropins In PCOS with high LH, u-FSH or rec-FSH have theore- 13-44% of PCOS will not ovulate with CC or AI (Guzick, 1998; Kovacs, 2001; Slowey 2001; Mitwally 2001; Al-Omari 2001 Homburg 2005; Messinis 2005; Elnashar 2006; Atay 2006; Begun 2008) thical advantages over HMG, but whether this claimed advantage extends into clinical practice is uncertain Gonadotropins 1) Type of gonadotropins 2) Stimulation protocols Issue 2, 2008 10 www.generaroma.it FSH vs HMG: ovulation rate www.generaroma.it FSH vs HMG: multiple pregnancy rate www.generaroma.it FSH vs HMG: pregnancy rate www.generaroma.it FSH vs HMG: miscarriage rate 11 www.generaroma.it FSH vs HMG: OHSS www.generaroma.it Ovulation induction: stimulation protocols The aim of OI in anovulatory PCOS is to restore fertility and achieve a singleton live birth hCG FSH threshold FSH dose FSH dose FSH window FSH window Follicular growth Low dose step-up Follicular growth Step-down www.generaroma.it Low dose step-up regimens hCG FSH threshold www.generaroma.it Step-down regimens The original gonadotropin administration in PCOS ano- Achieve the FSH threshold through a loding dose of vulatory women used 150 IU/day FSH with a subsequent stepwise reduction when as soon unacceptable rate of multiple follicle development (risk of multiple pregnancies) and of OHSS (Dor 1980; Wang 1980) Chronic low doses of gonadotropins (Kamrava 1982) o 75 IU/day for 7-14 days starting any time if no follicle >10 mm 37,5 IU/day at weekly intervals up to maximum dose of 225 IU/day. o HCG when the leading follicle >18 mm with no other follicles >14 mm (Polson 1987; Messinis 1997; Sagle 1991) as follicular development is observed on US (Schoot 1992) Step-down regimens (Schoot 1992) o 150 IU/day untill a follicle >10mm is seen by US 37,5 IU/day for 3 days and to 75 IU/day untill the day of HCG (Macklon & Fauser 2002) o 300 IU/day followed by 3 days with no treatment 75 IU/day individually adjusted with a step-up protocol (Balasch 2001) 12 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Step-down regimens Combination with GnRH analogues LH serum levels may interfere with fertility (?): To optimize treatment with the stepdown regimen: - premature oocyte maturation (Jacobs 1990) o First cycle with a dose finding low-dose step-up - deleterius effect on granulosa cell steroidogenesis (Willi 1996; Willi 1998) protocol to determine the FSH threshold (Imani 2002) - increased pregnancy loss (Regan 1990; Balen 1993) o Starting daily dose is the effective response dose of the first cycle increased by 37,5 IU. Comparing the first step-up and the second step down cycle no differences in terms of monofollicular development and pregnancy rates (van Santbrink & Fauser 2003) (not confirmed by more recent data Rai 2000; Oliveira 2007) No o o o in pregnancy rates (Dodson 1987; Fleming 1988) Risk of OHSS (Homburg 1990; Scheele 1993; van der Meer 1996) Risk of multiple pregnancy (Homburg 1993; Clifford 1996) Costs and disconfort The use of GnRH agonists is not justified www.generaroma.it Combination with GnRH analogues (Hughes 2004) www.generaroma.it Combination with GnRH analogue:ovulation rate Issue 2, 2004 13 www.generaroma.it Combination with GnRH analogue:ovulation rate www.generaroma.it Ultrasound monitoring www.generaroma.it Combination with GnRH analogues: OHSS rate www.generaroma.it Low dose step-up vs step-down: efficacy o Baseline assessment of the ovary before starting OI o Accurate assessment of follicles >10mm o Cycle cancellation when >3 follicles >16mm (Calaf 2003) - >4 follicles >14mm (Hughes 2006) >2 follicles >14mm (Fahri 1996) >3-4 follicles >10mm (Tur 2001; Dickei 2005) >1 follicle >16mm >1 foll. >12mm (Leader 2006) It is prudent to withhold HCG administration with >2 follicles of >16mm or with one 1 follicle >16mm and 2 follicles of >14mm under the age of 38 (ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Whorkshop 2008) (ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Whorkshop 2008) 14 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Ovulation induction and IUI Because subfertility is mainly due to anovulation in PCOS OI is the main treatment No RCTs in women with PCOS comparing OI and spontaneous intercourses vs OI and IUI In PCOS associated to mild male factor or after having failed OI and spontaneous intercourses, OI and IUI may be considered (Cohlen, 2000) Careful monitoring is essential to reduce the risk of OHSS and multiple pregnancies (ESHRE Capri Workshop, 2003) and in case TV ultrasound-guided aspiration of the supernumerary follicles (De Geyter, 1996) Ovarian superovulation and IVF o Anovulation is not an indication for IVF o After failure of weight reduction, CC, or ovarian drilling OI with gonadotropins o It may be argued to replace OI with IVF(Eijkemans 2005) in order to make single embryo transfer with of multiple pregnancies Data from IVF cycles irrespective for indication for IVF are not in concordance Meta-analysis (Daya, 2002) - rec-FSH significantly higher pregnancy rate - total dose of rec-FSH significantly lower - spontaneous abortion, multiple pregnancy and OHSS rates comparable For every 19 patients treated 1 additional patient would conceive when treated with rec-FSH risks (Papanikolau, 2006; Heijnen, 2007) o PCOS with associated pathologies (tubal damage, severe endometriosis, PGD, severe male factor) www.generaroma.it COH and IVF: gonadotropins of choice? risks of multiple pregnancies. IVF www.generaroma.it COH and IVF: gonadotropins of choice? Meta-analysis (Al-Inany, 2002) - comparable pregnancy rate between u-FSH vs rec-FSH Meta-analysis (van Weley, 2003) - significantly increased pregnancy rate with HMG in GnRH-a cycles Prospective study (Goldfarb, 2003) - significantly increased implantation rate with rec-FSH No firm conclusions can be reached regarding the superiority of one gonadotropin in IVF-PCOS 15 www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Conclusions COH and IVF: combination with GnRH-analogue Suppression of LH with GnRH-agonist may reduce the incidence of spontaneous abortion (Homburg 1993) Spontaneous abortion was not affected by using HMG vs u-FSH CC is the treatment of first choice in anovulatory women. AIs are effective in OI in PCOS women and may have better clinical results than CC. Some concerns are risen on their safety and actually are off-labelled (Balen 1993; Homburg 1993) No differences in term of ovulation, clinical pregnancy GnRH-antagonists: no controlled study that compare multiple pregnancy and miscarriage rates between FSH agonists and antagonists in IVF PCOS patients and HMG. Significantly increased OHSS with HMG Theoretical advantage to reduce the incidence of Low-dose step-up and step down protocols are compa- OHSS by GnRH agonist induced LH surge to trig- rable in term of ovulation rate and clinical outcome in ger ovulation OI. Combination with GnRH-analogs (Engmann 2008; Kol 2008) risk of OHSS www.generaroma.it www.generaroma.it Conclusions CLINICA VALLE GIULIA, Rome US monitoring must be very accurate. During OI it is prudent to withhold HCG administration with >2 foll. of >16mm or with one 1 foll. >16mm and 2 foll. of >14mm under the age of 38 Centre for Reproductive Medicine Gynaecology: Embriology: No firm conclusions can be reached regarding the su- Filippo Ubaldi Laura Rienzi periority of one gonadotropin in IVF-PCOS Elena Baroni Stefania Romano Silvia Colamaria Roberta Maggiulli Fabio Sapienza Laura Albricci Maddalena Giuliani Antonio Capalbo The combination of GnRH-agonists might the risk of miscarriage The combination of GnRH-antagonists might the risk of OHSS by GnRH agonist induced LH surge to trigger ovulation 16