Project Manual for SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. Security Enhancements Salina, Kansas July 20, 2016 Project No. 16-2798 Set No. _______ SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. - SECURITY ENHANCEMENTS SALINA, KANSAS Project No. 16-2798 DATE OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS July 20, 2016 OWNER SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT. Sheriff Glen Kochanowski 251 N 10th St Salina KS 67401 785 826 6500 Fax 785 827 1050 ARCHITECT JONES GILLAM RENZ ARCHITECTS Charles A. Renz, Project Architect 730 N 9th St Salina KS 67401 785 827 0386 Fax 785 827 0392 SECURITY CONSULTANT SIMPLEX GRINNEL Blaine Heble 11019 Strang Line Rd Lenexa KS 62215 913 894 0010 Table of Contents Page No. INVITATION TO BID BID FORM GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT LIST OF DRAWINGS STATUTORY BOND INV-1 - INV-2 BF-1- BF2 A201-1997-1 - 38 SC-1 - SC-3 LOD-1 SB-1 - SB2 Division 1 - General Requirements Section 01010 General Work Requirements Section 01019 Special Provisions Section 01030 Alternates Section 01500 Temporary Facilities Section 01732 Selective Demolition 01010-1 - 01010-4 01019-1 - 01019-3 01030-1 01500-1 - 01500-2 01732-1 - 01732-3 Division 4 – Masonry Section 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout Section 04300 Unit Masonry System 04100-1 - 04100-2 04300-1 - 04300-3 Division 6 - Wood and Plastics Section 06114 Wood Blocking and Curbing Section 06200 Finish Carpentry Section 06410 Custom Casework 06114-1 06200-1 - 06200-2 06410-1 - 06410-3 Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection Section 07213 Batt Insulation Section 07900 Joint Sealers 07213-1 07900-1 - 07900-2 Division 8 - Doors and Windows Section 081113 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Section 08211 Flush Wood Doors Section 08710 Door Hardware Section 08800 Glazing 081113-1 - 081113-4 08211-1 - 08211-2 08710-1 - 08710-2 08800-1 - 08800-2 Division 9 - Finishes Section 09260 Gypsum Board Systems Section 09306 Floor and Wall Tile Section 09650 Resilient Flooring Section 09688 Carpet – Modular Tile Section 09900 Painting 09260-1 - 09260-2 09306-1 - 09306-2 09650-1 - 09650-2 09688-1 - 09688-2 09900-1 - 09900-4 Division 10 – Specialties Section 10850 Building Specialties 10850-1 Division 13 – Equipment Section 131010 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment 131010-1 - 131010-5 Division 28 – Electronic Security Section 281300 Access Control 281300-1 - 281300-47 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS TOC-1 Table of Contents JGR 16-2798 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. - Security Enhancements Salina KS JGR 16-2798 Jones Gillam Renz Architects 730 N 9th, Salina Kansas 67401 785.827.0386 F 785.827.0392 INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids in duplicate will be received by the Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. (Owner) for the furnishing of all labor and materials as hereinafter specified for the Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. – Security Enhancements in Salina, Kansas. Bids will be accepted and opened in the City/County Building, 300 West Ash, Room 217, Salina, KS, at 10:00 a.m.. Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at which time and place the bids will be opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time above for the particular project will not be accepted. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. – Security Enhancements Salina, Kansas Project Scope to include demolition of existing reception counter and replacement with two new bullet resistant window system with pass-through counter opening. Existing carpet and tile flooring is to be replaced with new tile. Existing exterior door is to be modified for new access control system. Existing interior door is to be removed and replaced with new pair of doors to be connected to the new access control door system. New door and sidelight is to be installed and connected to the new access control system. Basis of Access Control System shall be Corporate Edition Entrapass system including complete and operational access control and all associated equipment, software, hardware, etc. as provided by Simplex Grinnell. Alternate systems/vendors may submit voluntary alternate pricing, but will be considered only after all bids have been received. Mechanical and Electrical work is incidental to the installation of new work and not a significant portion of the proposed work. Project Name: A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. Monday, August 1, 2016 at the Saline County Sheriff’s Office, 251 North Tenth Street, Salina KS 67401. All interested Contractors and subcontractors are encouraged to attend. Failure to attend may be grounds to reject Contractor’s Bid. All Bidders shall visit the site prior to submitting Bids. Site visits, other than the scheduled pre-bid conferences must be coordinated with Glen Kochanowski, Saline County Sheriff, 785.826-6502. The Owner reserves the right to waive any defects and informalities in Bids, to reject any or all Bids, to take any or all Bids under advisement, or to accept any Bid as may be deemed in its interest of meeting the standards of lowest responsible Bid. Project completion: Construction days shall be bid by the General Contractor. The DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS and CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained by bona fide Prime Bidders (General, Mechanical and Electrical) from JONES GILLAM RENZ, 730 North 9th Street, P.O. Box 2928, Salina, Kansas 67402-2928, 785-827-0386 upon deposit of $50.00 for one set of GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS. Drawings and specifications will be available for review on the website at General Contractors, Mechanical, and Electrical Subcontractors who are bidding from documents via website or plan room, must contact the office of Jones Gillam Renz 785.827.0386 to register as an official Plan Holder. Those who submit bids may obtain refund by returning sets in good condition no more than two (2) weeks after bids have been opened. No refund of deposit will be made to Contractors not submitting a bid, unless all documents are returned in good condition five (5) days prior to time of receiving bids. 2nd set of Drawings and Specifications may be purchased by Prime Contractors for $50.00 (no refund) Partial Sets of Contract Drawings and Documents or individual sheets may be obtained by Subcontractors, material suppliers, etc., (no refund) for the following amounts: Drawings - $3.50 per sheet Specification sheets accompanying these drawings, 15¢ per page Postage and Handling - $8.50 per partial order Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS INV-1 Invitation to Bid JGR 16-2798 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will be on file and may be examined at the following locations: Jones Gillam Renz Architects, 730 North 9th Street, Salina KS 67401 Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, 120 W. Ash, Salina KS 67401 BID SECURITY in the amount of 5% of the bid must accompany each bid in accordance with INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS. BY ORDER OF: Sheriff Glen Kochanowski Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. July 19, 2016 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS INV-2 Invitation to Bid JGR 16-2798 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. – Security Enhancements BID Form Bid of _________________________________ (Firm Name) Date __________________________________ BID FORM FOR: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION TO: Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS JGR Project No. 16-2798 In compliance with your INVITATION TO BID, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the General Construction, including Mechanical and Electrical Work, incidental for the Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. – Security Enhancements, Salina Kansas in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications mentioned therein for the consideration of the following: BASE BID ____________________________________________________________DOLLARS $_____________________________________________ The Base Bid includes all allowances as outlined in Section 01019 – Special Provisions Number of consecutive Calendar Days to complete this project in accordance with Drawings and Specifications, to be coordinated with General Contractor and subject to Liquidated Damages, Section 01019 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS. ________________DAYS The Undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum #1 ____ Addendum #2 _____ Addendum #3 _____ Addendum #4 _____ ALTERNATE PRICES: For the Alternates as described in the Specifications and/or Drawings, the UNDERSIGNED agrees to ADD or DEDUCT the following amounts to or from the BASE BID as hereinafter itemized: Alternate No. Add Deduct Alternate No. 1 Remove existing quarry tile floor at existing Vestibule 100, install new Ceramic Floor $ $ Alternate No. 2 Remove existing quarry tile floor at existing Lobby 101, install new Ceramic Floor $ $ Alternate No. 3 Access Control System and all associated components by a supplier other than Simplex Grinnell. $ $ $ $ Alternate No. 4 (As described by Addendum) I (or WE) FURTHER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BID a. The General Construction bid shall incorporate all of the Work into one (1) bid. b. The General Contractor shall assume all responsibility for supervision and coordination of the Work. c. The General Contractor shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the Work. d. The General Contractor shall secure and pay for all required permits. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS BF-1 Bid Form JGR. 16-2798 e. The General Contractor shall carry and pay the insurance premium covering all aspects of Work, including, but not limited to: 1. Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. 2. Bodily Injury and Property Damage - Limits shall be as follows: (1) Limits of liability coverage shall be $2,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. 3. Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance. 2. If written notice of the acceptance of the Bid is mailed, faxed or delivered to the Undersigned within 30 days after the date of the opening of the Bids, or anytime thereafter before this Bid is withdrawn, the Undersigned will, within ten (10) days after the date of such mailing, faxing or delivery of such notice, execute and deliver a contract in accordance with AIA Document A101, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, and give Performance Bond in accordance with the Specifications and bid as accepted. 3. That upon failure or refusal to execute and deliver the contract and bonds required within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of acceptance of the Bid, that security deposited with Bid shall be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal. DECLARATION: 1. The Undersigned hereby declares that he has carefully examined the Invitation and Information for Bidders, the Drawings and Specifications, has visited the actual location of the Work and has consulted his sources of supply, and has satisfied himself as to all quantities and conditions, and understands that in signing this Bid, he waives all rights to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. 2. The Undersigned understands that his competence and responsibility and that of his proposed subcontractors, time of completion, as well as any other factors of interest to the Owner will be considered in making the award. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept or reject alternate bids and unit prices and to waive technicalities concerning the bids received, as it may be in his interest to do so. (SEAL, if bid is by a corporation) (Legal Name of Bidder) (Address of Bidder) BY (Signature) (Print Name and Title) Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS BF-2 Bid Form JGR. 16-2798 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OF AIA DOCUMENT A201-2007 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, Project Manual 1. DEFINITIONS - Supplement Paragraph 1.1 as follows: a. When words such as approved, proper, satisfactory, equal, and as directed are used, they imply such reference to the Architect’s specific approval and directions. b. Provide means to furnish and install. c. The provisions of the Agreement take precedence over all other Contract Documents. 2. WARRANTY - Supplement Paragraph 3.5.1 as follows: a. Contractor warrants to Owner and Architect that on receipt of notice from either of them, within the period of one (1) year following date of Substantial Completion, that defects in materials and/or workmanship have appeared in the Work, Contractor will promptly correct such defects to the state of condition originally required by the Contract Documents at Contractor’s expense. 3. SHOP DRAWINGS - Supplement Paragraph 3.12 as follows: a. The Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of all Shop or Setting Drawings and Schedules required for the work of the various trades, after same have been checked and compared with the Contract Document Requirements, and after checking with field conditions at the job and so certified on the Drawings by the Contractor. Above Drawings will not be checked by Architect unless same bear certification. 4. b. The Contractor may submit Shop Drawings in electronic format (PDF) if approved by the Owner and Architect. Electronic submittals shall be organized into a single document for each section being submitted. Submittals that are not organized or that include multiple files will be rejected. c. Architect’s approval is subject to notations on Drawings, Compliance with Drawings and Specifications, and conditions and measurements at project. Measurements and quantity not checked or approved. SAMPLES - Supplement Subparagraph 3.12.3 as follows: a. All samples as called for in the various Sections of this Specification and any other samples, as directed, shall be furnished by the Contractor for approval. b. 5. All samples of materials that require approval as to color, texture, finish and type shall be furnished at the same time, so that an intelligent selection of colors and textures may be made by the Architect. COLOR SELECTIONS a. The Contractor shall provide for and coordinate into the project construction schedule, a 6-week time frame for the Architect/Designer to make final color selections from Contractor's submittals, obtain approval from the Owner and to submit a color schedule, indicating what colors go where, to the Contractor. Time frame begins when Architect has received 100% of submittals listed below. b. Submittals, i.e., actual samples, manufacturers' literature, full color line options, etc., shall include as a minimum, but not limited to: Ceramic Wall Tile Ceiling Types Corner Guards Wood Stain for Doors 6. CLEAN UP - Supplement Paragraph 3.15 as follows: a. Each Contractor shall, at all times, remove any and all of his rubbish from the buildings and grounds and keep the building site clean. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS SC-1 Supplementary Conditions JGR. 16-2798 b. c. In addition to the general broom cleaning, the General Contractor shall do the following special cleaning for all trades at the completion of the work: 1) Glass. Remove putty, stains and paint from all glass and wash and polish same. Care shall be taken not to scratch the glass. 2) Painted, Decorated, and Stained Work. Remove all marks, stains, fingerprints and other soil or dirt from all painted, decorated and stained work. 3) Temporary Protection. Remove all temporary protections; clean and polish all floors at completion. 4) Woodwork. Clean and polish all woodwork upon completion. 5) Hardware. Clean and polish all hardware for all trades. This shall include removal of all stains, dust, dirt, paint, etc., upon completion. 6) Tile Work. Remove all spots, soil and paint from all tile work, wash same upon completion. 7) Fixtures and Equipment. Clean all fixtures and equipment, removing all stains, paint, dirt and dust. All combustible rubbish, and all debris and other rubbish shall be removed entirely from the premises. 7. MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS - Supplement Paragraph 6.2 as follows: a. General Contractor shall assume general coordination and direction of the project. General Contractor shall cooperate with Mechanical and Electrical Contractors and other subcontractors and/or suppliers on the Work and install their work in sequence to facilitate and not delay the completion of the project. The Architect is not the coordinator or expeditor of the work of the contractors and/or subcontractors referred to hereinbefore. 8. CHANGES IN THE WORK Refer to Paragraph 7.2 and insert the following: a. Whenever a Change Order involves net cost decrease, the CREDIT to the Owner shall be such net cost decrease. Whenever a Change Order involves a summary net increase, the Contract shall be increased by the amount of such net cost increase plus a percentage of such net cost for overhead and profit as indicated on the Bid Form. The General Contractor will furnish supervision and coordination for a percentage as noted on the Bid Form, of the cost of additional Mechanical and Electrical work ordered by the Owner. 9. b. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner an itemized accounting with supporting data used in computing the value of any change that might be ordered. c. Change Orders must state a number of added days or days to be deleted from completion time. If no change in days is required by the change order, write NONE. Failure to comply with above voids any later request for extra time. APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT a. Amend Subparagraph 9.3.1 and insert the following: On or before the 25th day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized Application for Payment supported by such data substantiating the Contractor’s right to payment as the Owner or Architect may require. b. Amend Subparagraph 9.4.1 and insert: If the Contractor has made application for payment as above, the Architect will, with reasonable promptness and within seven (7) days after receipt of the application, issue an application for payment to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor in the amount of 90% of the value of the Contract the Architect determines has been completed to the date of application, thus a 10% retainage, less any amount paid to the Contractor, or state in writing his reason for withholding an application as provided in Subparagraph 9.5.1. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS SC-2 Supplementary Conditions JGR. 16-2798 c. 10. Date of payment of the Application for Payment by the Owner is hereby defined as the earliest possible date that the Owner can prepare vouchers after receipt of Application for Payment from the Architect and approval of same by any governing body of the Owner and issuance of vouchers to cover Application for Payment. PROPERTY INSURANCE MARINE ALL RISK SPECIAL BUILDERS RISK AND TRANSIT FORM Refer to Paragraph 11.4 Property Insurance and insert the following: a. Until the Work is completed and accepted by the Owner, the Owner shall effect and maintain total Property Insurance (Marine All Risk Special Builders Risk and Transit Form) upon the Work at the site to 100% of the insurable value thereof (plus 8% of this insured value for Architect’s Fee in connection with any loss covered by this insurance) including items of labor and materials connected therewith in or adjacent to the structure insured, materials in place or to be used as a part of the permanent construction, including surplus materials, shanties, protective fences, bridges or temporary structures, miscellaneous materials and supplies incidental to the Work, and such scaffoldings, stagings, towers, forms and equipment as are not owned or rented by the Contractor, the cost of which is included in the cost of the work. EXCLUSIONS: This insurance does not cover any tools owned by mechanics; any tools, equipment, scaffoldings, stagings, towers and forms owned or rented by the Contractor; the capital value of which is not included in the cost of the work, nor loss of equipment, materials, tools, etc., by theft. Contractor shall not commence construction prior to receipt of policy copy from Owner. b. 11. CONTRACTOR’S LIABILITY INSURANCE a. Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance - Refer to Subparagraph 11.1.1. b. 12. Bodily Injury and Property Damage - Refer to Subparagraph 11.1.2. Limits shall be as follows: (1) Limits of liability coverage shall be $2,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS - Supplement Subparagraph 11.4.1 as follows: a. 13. This insurance shall include the interest of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractor and SubSubcontractor in the Work. Bond shall be equivalent to AIA Form A311, two part Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond with amount shown on each part equal to 100% of the total amount payable by the terms of the Contract. Surety shall be company licensed to do business at the place of building and shall be acceptable to the Owner. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS – The contractor shall bear all costs associated with testing and inspections where required by the construction documents, the City of Salina, or by standard construction practices. END OF SECTION Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS SC-3 Supplementary Conditions JGR. 16-2798 LIST OF DRAWINGS General Cover Demolition D1 Demolition Floor & Reflected Ceiling Plans, Photographs Architectural A1 Proposed Floor Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan, Access Control Plan Interior Finish, Door, & Window Schedules, Details Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS LOD-1 Table of Contents JGR 16-2798 SAMPLE COPY - STATUTORY BOND Statutory Bond shall be furnished in quadruplicate, two (2) copies shall have Power of Attorney attached. Wording of Statutory furnished must be an exact copy of this sample and on 8½" x 11" paper. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS SB-1 Statutory Bond JGR. 16-2798 STATUTORY BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: , as Principal, and , a Corporation organized under the laws of the State of , as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the State of , in the penal sum of Dollars $ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly made, said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assignees, jointly and severally by these presents. Signed, sealed and delivered on this day of 20 . THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT WHEREAS said Principal has entered into a written contract with , hereinafter called the "Owner" dated 20 , for the construction or marking of the following described improvements: all in accordance with the detailed Drawings and Specifications on file in the office of the Owner. NOW THEREFORE, if the said Principal or the Subcontractor, or Sub-Subcontractors, of said Principal shall pay all indebtedness incurred for supplies, materials or labor furnished, used or consumed in connection with, in or about the construction or making of the above described improvements, including gasoline, lubrications, oils, fuel oils, greases, coat and similar items used or consumed directly in furtherance of such improvements, this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the Specifications. (SEAL) Principal By: (SEAL) Surety By: Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS SB-2 Statutory Bond JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 01010 GENERAL WORK REQUIREMENTS 1. GENERAL Should conflict occur between these General Work Requirements and the General Conditions, the requirements of this Section take precedence. 2. INTENT OF DOCUMENTS The Contract Drawings are complementary and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called by all. The intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the proper execution of the work. 3. MANUFACTURERS’ DIRECTIONS All manufactured articles, materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturers, unless herein specified to the contrary. 4. COOPERATION - CONTRACTOR WITH OWNER It shall be clearly understood that the Owner reserves the right to install various equipment in the building prior to completion and acceptance, and it shall be the duty of the Contractor to cooperate with the Owner’s employees rendering such assistance and so arranging his work that the entire project will be delivered complete in the best possible condition when required. 5. BUILDING PERMIT As stated in Subparagraph 4.7.1, AIA DOCUMENT A201, General Conditions, the General Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permit. 6. CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION A. Before starting construction, a meeting shall be held with Contractor(s), Architect, and Access Control provider in attendance to plan and coordinate the schedule of construction and to review intent of Contract Documents. Contractor(s) shall follow instructions received at meeting in prosecuting the Work. B. The contractor shall coordinate and schedule any utility and/or functional interruption to occur during weekends or evening hours. Any unavoidable interruptions shall be coordinated with and approved by the owner 7 days in advance of such interruption. 7. MATERIALS - EQUIPMENT - SUBSTITUTION A. In general, these Specifications identify the required materials and equipment by naming one or more manufacturers, brand, model, catalog number and/or other identification; the first-named manufacturer’s product used as a basis for design; the other named brands considered equivalent. Equivalent brand manufacturers named must furnish products consistent with the Specifications for the first-named product, as determined by the Architect. Base Bid shall include only those brands named and must be used on the project, except as hereinafter provided. B. Materials or equipment specified exclusively, Base Bid shall be based on same and used on project, except as hereinafter provided. C. Prior to receipt of bids, should Contractor wish to incorporate in Base Bid, brands or products other than those named in the Specifications, he shall submit written request for substitution to Architect not later than seven (7) days prior to date bids are due. Architect will consider request and items approved will be listed in an addendum issued to all bidders. D. After execution of Contract, substitution of product brands for those named in the Specifications will be considered, only if request is received within thirty (30) days after Contract Date and request includes showing credit due Owner. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01010-1 General Work Requirements JGR. 16-2798 8. E. Materials specified equivalent and those proposed for substitution must be equal or better than firstnamed material in construction, efficiency, utility, aesthetic design, physical size shall not be larger than space provided for it. Request for substitution by full description and technical data in two (2) copies, including manufacturer’s name, model, catalog number, photographs or cuts, physical dimensions, operating characteristics, and any other information for comparison. F. Owner reserves the right: 1) To require any or all bidders, before execution of Contract, to state what materials they will use. 2) To require “if bound with the Bid Form,” the Contractor to fill out a BID SUPPLEMENT listing the BASE BID and “ADD” or “DEDUCT” for other materials he proposes to use. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS - MATERIALS A. The Contractor, if requested, must submit for approval before signing Agreement, list of Subcontractors and material suppliers enumerating items of work to be performed, name of materials, equipment, etc., to be furnished and/or installed. Refer to Paragraph - MATERIALS - EQUIPMENT SUBSTITUTION. B. 9. 10. If the list is not requested prior to signing of Agreement, list, as described in previous paragraph, shall be furnished within ten (10) days of signing Agreement. PROTECTION - Supplement, ARTICLE 10, AIA GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Refer to Paragraph - WEATHER CONDITIONS. B. Each Contractor shall assume responsibility for his materials stored on the premises. C. General Contractor shall take charge and assume general responsibility for proper protection of project during construction. D. The General Contractor shall protect trees, shrubs, lawns and all landscape from damage, providing guards and covering. Damaged work shall be repaired or replaced at his expense. Protect streets and sidewalks and make repairs at his expense. 1) Water Protection. The General Contractor shall, at all times, protect the excavation, trenches, and/or the building from damage by rain water, spring water, ground water, backing up of drains or sewers and all other water. He shall provide all pumps and equipment and enclosures to provide this protection. 2) Temporary Drainage. The General Contractor shall construct and maintain all necessary temporary drainage and do all pumping necessary to keep the excavation free of water. 3) Snow and Ice. The General Contractor shall remove all snow and ice from public sidewalks and from the building, as may be required for the proper protection and/or prosecution of the Work. 4) Bracing, Shoring and Sheeting. The General Contractor shall provide all shoring, bracing and sheeting as required for safety and for the proper execution of the work and have same removed when the work is completed. 5) Guard Lights. The General Contractor shall provide and maintain guard lights at all barricades, railings, obstructions in the streets, roads or sidewalks and at all trenches or pits adjacent to public walks or roads. 6) Weather Conditions. The General Contractor shall, at all times, provide protection against weather; rain, winds, storms, frost, or heat, so as to maintain all work, materials, apparatus, and fixtures, free from injury or damage. At the end of the day’s work, all new work likely to be damaged shall be covered. WEATHER CONDITIONS The Contractor shall protect all portions of his work and all materials, at all times from damage by water, freezing, frost and is to repair, replace and make good to the satisfaction of the Architect, any portion of same which may in the Architect’s opinion, have been damaged by the elements. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01010-2 General Work Requirements JGR. 16-2798 11. 12. 13. GRADES, LINES, LEVELS, AND SURVEYS The Owner will establish the lot lines, restrictions and a bench mark. All other grades, lines, levels, and bench marks shall be established and maintained by the General Contractor, who shall be responsible for same. The General Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions as shown on the Drawings and he shall report all errors or inconsistencies in the above to the Architect before commencing work. A. The General Contractor shall provide and maintain well-built batter boards at all corners. He shall establish bench marks in not less than two (2) widely separated places. As the work progresses, he shall establish bench marks at each floor, giving exact levels of the various floors. B. As the work progresses, the General Contractor shall lay out in the forms and the rough flooring the exact location of all partitions as a guide to all trades. C. The General Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions as shown on the Drawings and he shall report any errors or inconsistencies in the above to the Architect before commencing work. USE OF COMPLETED PORTIONS The Owner reserves the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the building, and further reserves the right to install equipment and facilities which are not a part of the Contract, notwithstanding the fact that the time of completion of entire work or portions thereof may not have expired; but such taking possession or installation of facilities shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Owner, in taking possession of completed portions or installing such equipment, and facilities, shall do so at his own expense any damage which may occur either directly or indirectly by reason of such action. A. Building Completion-Occupancy. Owner reserves the right to occupy building when the time for completion of work as stipulated in Contract has been reached, even though all parts of the work have not been completed and accepted by Owner. All work, including heating, electrical, and water service, will be discontinued only to Owner schedule. B. Limit of Contract is not confined to any particular area of the site, but includes any area required to perform work shown on the Drawings and/or specified in these Specifications. REQUIREMENTS IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Immediately after execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect the following items which are described more fully in following Articles: Schedule of Values Schedule of Operations Progress Charts Samples Superintendent’s name and resume of experience List of Subcontractors and Material Suppliers A. Schedule of Values on AIA Form G702, or other form approved by the Architect, a detailed breakdown of the Contract Sum indicating the amounts allotted to the various divisions of the work for labor and material. The schedule will serve as a guide to the Architect in determining the amounts due each month as the work progresses. The schedule shall be broken down as directed by the Architect. B. Schedule of Operations based on the above Schedule of Values and indicating the progress of the work up to the first day of each month shall be prepared by the Contractor in a form approved by the Architect and shall be delivered to the Architect in duplicate with each application for payment. C. Progress Charts based on the above specified schedule of operations and indicating the progress of the work up to the first day of each month shall be prepared by the Contractor in a form approved by the Architect and shall be delivered to the Architect in duplicate with each application for payment. Progress charts shall be in the form of a bar graph. Along with progress charts the Contractor shall provide an estimated monthly cash flow chart. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01010-3 General Work Requirements JGR. 16-2798 14. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE A. Each Contractor shall schedule his work so as to cause a minimum of interference with operations during all of the construction work. B. In-Use Areas. Construction work within areas immediately adjacent to existing in-use areas shall be coordinated with the Owner, so that work is accomplished during periods of light occupancy of the areas and cause the least disturbance. Work shall be executed by methods that will create the last amount of noise. Work shall be prefabricated when practical to do so. New facilities shall be ready for use prior to disturbing existing areas. C. Work affecting any area outside of the tenant space shall be coordinated with the Owner and shall occur outside of normal business hours. This includes but is not limited to issues related to excessive noise, vibration, construction activities, waste removal, disruption of utilities, etc. All contractors shall include cost for evening and weekend work in their bid price. D. Precautions and Cooperation 1) Notify the Owner 7 days in advance before any utility (natural gas, water, electricity, sewer) is to be interrupted. 2) With proper notification, interruption in utilities up to 24 hours will be permitted without special provisions by the Contractor. *If any interruption of a utility exceeds 24 hours the Contractor must make arrangements for temporary alternate utility service. 3) Interruption of utilities must be coordinated with the Owner with change-overs and out of service at night. 4) Openings to be cut in existing exterior walls must be saw cut or core drilled. No jackhammer work will be permitted. Notify the Owner 7 days in advance of cutting of exterior walls. 5) New construction will require work at other floors. Contractor shall coordinate with and cooperate with affected building tenants. Work shall be performed after working hours. Equipment and office related items shall be moved/protected by the contractor to protect from damage issued by construction. END OF SECTION 01010 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01010-4 General Work Requirements JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 01019 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. GENERAL Should conflict occur between these Special Provisions and the General Conditions, the requirements of the Special Provisions shall take precedence. 2. TIME OF CONSTRUCTION - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES a. Time of Construction - The Contractor will commence the work within ten (10) days after the The time for completion herein set forth shall be extended for the period of any reasonable delay which is due exclusively to causes beyond the control and without the fault of the Contractor, including acts of God, fires, floods, and direction by the Architect. It is impractical to perform any operation of construction and acts of omissions of the Owner with respect to matters for which Owner is solely responsible; provided, however, that no such extension of time for completion shall be granted the Contractor, unless within ten (10) days after the happening of any event relied upon by the Contractor for such extension of time, the Contractor shall have made a request, therefore, in writing to the Architect. Extended time will be submitted with pay request for Owner’s approval. 3. b. Liquidated Damages - The time of completion of the construction of the project is of the essence of this Contract. Should the Contractor neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the project within the time herein agreed upon, after giving effect to extensions of time, if any, herein provided; then in that event and in view of the difficulty of estimating with exactness damages caused by such delay, the Owner shall have the right to deduct from and retain out of such money, which may then be due or which may become due and payable to the Contractor, the sum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) per day for each and every day that such construction is delayed in its completion beyond the specified time, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. If the amount due and to become due from the Contractor to the Owner is insufficient to pay in full any such liquidated damages, the Contractor shall pay to the Owner the amount necessary to effect such payment in full; provided, however, that the Owner shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of the manner in which the amount retained, deducted or claimed as liquidated damages was computed. c. Joint Responsibility - The General Contractor and/or Subcontractors causing the delay in completion of the project shall be responsible for payment of liquidated damages. In no case shall the total liquidated damages for all contracts exceed the sum of daily liquidated damages multiplied by the number of days of delay in completion. WORK SEQUENCE, SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES A. Schedule requirements for each area are outlined as follows. U Area 1 Sunset Security Enhancements Available Start September 1, 2016 Substantial Completion To be bid Final Completion 14 days following S.C. Liquidated Damages $200/Calendar Day Liquidated Damages $200/Calendar Day 4. ALTERNATES - Refer to Alternate Schedule, Section 01030 a. Alternates specified are not a part of Base Bid, but are Alternates to same, their acceptance being at option of Owner. 5. CASH ALLOWANCES a. Costs included in Allowances: Cost of Product to Contractor or Subcontractor, less applicable trade discounts, delivery to site, except those taxes saved by use of Owner's tax exemption. b. Costs Not Included in the Allowance: Fees for overhead and profit, product handling at the site, including unloading, uncrating, and storage; protection of Products from elements and from damage and labor for installation and finishing. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01019-1 Special Provisions JGR. 16-2798 c. d. e. f. Architect Responsibilities: 1. Consult with Contractor in consideration and selection of Products, suppliers and installers. 2. Select Products in consultation with Owner and transmit decision to Contractor. 3. Prepare Proposal Requests and Change Orders. Contractor Responsibilities: 1. Assist Architect/Engineer in selection of Products, suppliers and installers. 2. Obtain proposals from suppliers and installers and offer recommendations. 3. On notification of selection by Architect, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier and installer. 4. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data, and samples. Arrange for delivery. 5. Promptly inspect Products upon delivery for completeness, damage, and defects. Submit claims for transportation damage. 6. Product handling at the site, including unloading, uncrating and storage, protection of Products from elements and from damage and labor for installation and finishing. 7. The Contractor shall include in his Bid all fees for all cash allowances. Funds will be drawn from Cash Allowances only by written authorization from Owner. Cash Allowances: 1. Owner Project Allowance. To be used only at the discretion of Owner and Architect. Amount - $10,000.00. 2. Door Hardware Allowance. To be used for the purchase and delivery of door hardware. Amount - $10,000.00 6. ENUMERATION OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS a. Correlation. Accompanying these Specifications are the Drawings, which jointly with these Specifications, are intended to explain each other and describe and coordinate the work to be performed under the Contract. b. Verification of Documents. Before submitting his bid, each Bidder shall check his set(s) of Drawings and Specifications and advise the Architect if any sheets are missing. c. Specifications Explanations. For convenience of reference, the Specifications are separated into Titled Divisions and Sections. Such separation shall not, however, operate to make the Architect an arbiter to establish limits between the Contractor and Subcontractor or SubSubcontractor. d. Drawings. Refer to LIST OF DRAWINGS. e. Specifications. Refer to TABLE OF CONTENTS. 7. WARRANTIES Before being eligible for final payment, Contractor shall deliver to Owner, through Architect, all special warranties specified for materials, equipment and installation. 8. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Before being eligible for final payment, Contractor shall deliver to Owner, through Architect, three (3) copies of manufacturer’s operating instructions, one (1) complete set of shop drawings on each piece of equipment, and such framed instructions as instructed. Contractor shall provide ONE (1) electronic disk of all operation and maintenance manuals. 9. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS Before being eligible for final payment, the Electrical and Mechanical Contractors shall prepare and deliver to Owner, through Architect, one (1) set of AS-BUILT DRAWINGS. These drawings may consist of marked-up prints, if the Contractor so chooses, but shall show the correct location of every item of equipment, piping, conduit, panel boards, ductwork, switches, valves, etc. If marked-up prints are used, they shall be new white prints. Contractor shall provide ONE (1) electronic disk of all as-built drawings. 10. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Upon completion of project, Contractor is to furnish written Certification to the Architect that he has complied with every paragraph of the Specifications and Drawings. 11. CONTRACTOR’S MONTHLY APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT FORM Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01019-2 Special Provisions JGR. 16-2798 Contractor’s monthly Application for Payment shall be submitted as per General Conditions. AIA Document G702, Application and Certificate for Payment is approved and acceptable. 12. FILING AND RECORDING OF BONDS In addition to furnishing the number of combination Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond, and Statutory Bond, if required, the Contractor shall file copies of such bonds with Clerk of the District Court and furnish Architect with receipt furnished by Clerk of the District Court, covering charges for filing and recording of said bonds. 13. STATUTORY BONDS In addition to furnishing the combination Performance and Labor and Materials Payment Bond specified in General Conditions, the Contractor shall furnish Statutory Bond in an amount not less than 100% of the Agreement in such numbers and form stated in Sample Copy bound in the Specifications. Statutory Bond shall be filed and recorded with Clerk of the District Court, as specified in Paragraph - FILING AND RECORDING OF BONDS. 14. DOCUMENTS FURNISHED CONTRACTORS The General Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, the following working drawings and specifications, including modifications for construction of the project - 15 sets. The General Contractor will be responsible for distribution of these sets to the Subcontractors and suppliers. The Contractor shall pay the actual cost of reproduction and postage for all additional sets requested by him. 15. SALES TAX EXEMPTIONS a. Materials and equipment incorporated into this project are exempt from the payment of sales tax under the laws of the State of Kansas and such sales tax shall not be included in the Bid of the Bidder. b. The Owner will provide the Contractor with a proper exemption certificate within twenty (20) days of the Contract date. 1) Should the Owner fail to provide an exemption certificate within the required time period, the Contractor shall be reimbursed monthly for all sales tax amounts for which he becomes liable until such certificate is provided. 2) To minimize the Contractor’s record keeping expense, the Owner shall provide an exemption certificate within sixty (60) days or it shall be presumed that the project will proceed on a nonexempt basis, and the Contract amount shall be equitably adjusted in writing in a lump sum amount sufficient to cover the Contractor’s sales tax expense. 3) Upon issuance of a proper exemption certificate to the Contractor, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for his own proper use of the certificate, and shall pay all costs of any legally assessed penalties relating to the Contractor’s use of the exemption certificate. END OF SECTION 01019 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01019-3 Special Provisions JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 01030 ALTERNATES 0. GENERAL a. The General Contractor shall state in his Bid Form the amount of dollars to be ADDED or DEDUCTED from his Base Bid for the following Alternates. b. Alternates are not in order of acceptance. c. It shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to advise all necessary personnel and suppliers as to the nature and extent of all Alternates selected by the Owner. 1. ALTERNATE NO. 1 The Contractor shall state the amount of dollars to be added to the Base Bid to remove existing quarry tile floor at existing Vestibule 100 and prep and level existing sub floor, and install new carpet and rubber base. 2. ALTERNATE NO. 2 The Contractor shall state the amount of dollars to be added to the Base Bid to remove existing quarry tile floor at Lobby 101, prep and level the existing sub floor, and install new Ceramic Floor tile throughout. 3. ALTERNATE NO. 3 The Contractor shall state the amount of dollars to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid to provide Access Control System and all associate components by a supplier other than Simplex Grinnell. Any alternate system/integrator shall bidding as an alternate system shall provide detailed information about out the proposed system, a list of completed installations, and client contact information with their bid. Alternate vendor shall be required to give a presentation on the system and its operation prior to acceptance of alternate systems by the owner. 4. ALTERNATE NO. 4 The Contractor shall state the amount of dollars to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid as described by Addendum. END OF SECTION 01030 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01030-1 Alternates JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES 1. GENERAL Should conflict occur between the Temporary Facilities and the General Conditions, the requirements of this Section take precedence. 2. TEMPORARY HEAT a. The General Contractor shall provide heat, fuel and services as necessary to protect all work and materials against injury from dampness and cold until final acceptance of all work and material in the Contract, unless the building or buildings are fully occupied by the Owner prior to such acceptance, in which case, the Owner shall assume all expenses of heating from date of occupancy. The General Contractor shall provide heat as follows: 1) At all times during the placing, setting and curing of concrete, provide sufficient heat to insure the heating of the spaces involved to not less than 50° F. 2) From the beginning of the application of gypsum board taping and during the setting and curing period, provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature in the spaces involved of not less than 50° F. 3) For a period of ten (10) days previous to the placing of interior wood finish and throughout the placing of this and other interior finishing, varnishing, painting, etc., and until final acceptance of the work or until full occupancy by the Owner, provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature of not less than 70° F. Heating Subcontractor shall set such necessary temporary radiation as may be required. 4) Mechanical Subcontractor shall, as soon as possible, provide temporary heating facilities through the installed heating equipment. 3. TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICES General Contractor may use construction space as field office. Coordinate a location with the owner where a small area within the building may be used by the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a neat an professional work area. 4. TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES General Contractor to provide: a. Temporary weathertight enclosures for all exterior openings as soon as possible as walls and roofs are built to protect work from weather. Temporary exterior doors equipped with padlocks. b. In cold weather, provide additional precautions necessary, including heat at such openings to protect building and contents. 5. TEMPORARY STORAGE The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the premises watertight enclosures for storage of all materials which may be damaged by weather. These enclosures shall have raised floors above the ground. To the maximum extent practical, materials shall be stored off-site in a secured area. All stored materials shall be in an insured location. Contractor shall submit proof of insurance for warehouse locations. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01500-1 Temporary Facilities JGR. 16-2798 6. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ITEMS General Contractor shall furnish necessary temporary stairs, chutes, runways, scaffolds, ladders and hoist. All ducts communicating with others areas shall be sealed to prevent construction dust from EXISTING mechanical systems and equipment. Dust walls shall be constructed to prevent dust from all in-use work areas. Temporary walls shall not limit free egress from the building. 7. TEMPORARY TOILET ACCOMMODATIONS The General Contractor may use public facilities and keep such clean. 8. TEMPORARY TELEPHONE The General Contractor to provide and use cell phones. 9. TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER a. For new construction, the General Contractor may utilize the building’s existing electrical service, receptacles, and lighting. Contractor shall be responsible for all extensions and modifications necessary for construction. b. Permit other Subcontractors to use same. Other Subcontractors requiring additional extensions, make and remove same at their expense. Owner shall pay for all electricity consumed. 10. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Owner will furnish all water for construction. The General Contractor will be responsible for necessary fixtures and water connections to existing source. 11. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS. The contractor shall coordinate requirements for sprinkler shut down as required for installation or new and modified sprinkler systems and devices. Partial shut-down/draining of sprinkler system shall be coordinated with owner and shall be coordinated to minimum possible disruption to any areas of the building. END OF SECTION 01500 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01500-2 Temporary Facilities JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 01732 PART 1 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 2 - GENERAL 2.1 A. 2.2 SUMMARY This Section includes the following: 1. Demolition and removal of selected portions of building or structure. QUALITY ASSURANCE Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project. B. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by an EPA-approved certification program. C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. D. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6 and NFPA 241. A. 2.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted. B. Notify Architect of discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition. C. Hazardous Materials: It is not expected that hazardous materials will be encountered in the Work. 1. If materials suspected of containing hazardous materials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and Owner. Owner will remove hazardous materials under a separate contract. D. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site is not permitted. E. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. A. PART 3 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 4 - EXECUTION 4.1 EXAMINATION Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. E. Engage a professional engineer to survey condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective demolition operations. A. B. 4.2 A. UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Existing Services/Systems: Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Cover/filter all return air registers and ducts that are to remain in use during construction. All exposed duct openings shall be covered with caps to prevent miscellaneous dust and debris from entering the ductwork. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01732-1 Selective Demolition JGR. 16-2798 B. 4.3 Service/System Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. Delete subparagraph above or first subparagraph below to suit Project. 1. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. 2. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with selective demolition provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building. 3. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. a. Where entire wall is to be removed, existing services/systems may be removed with removal of the wall. PREPARATION Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 1. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area and to and from occupied portions of building. 2. Provide temporary weather protection, during interval between selective demolition of existing construction on exterior surfaces and new construction, to prevent water leakage and damage to structure and interior areas. 3. Protect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work that are to remain or that are exposed during selective demolition operations. 4. Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed. 5. Comply with requirements for temporary enclosures, dust control, heating, and cooling specified in Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls." 6. Protect all smoke detectors that may be affected by construction dust or demolition activities. C. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, and structural supports as required to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction and finishes to remain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1. Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of selective demolition. A. 4.4 A. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, GENERAL General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. Proceed with selective demolition systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete selective demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on the next lower level. 2. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. 3. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. 4. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flamecutting operations. Maintain fire watch and portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. 5. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. 6. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site. 7. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. 8. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. 9. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01732-2 Selective Demolition JGR. 16-2798 B. C. D. 4.5 Reuse of Building Elements: Project has been designed to result in end-of-Project rates for reuse of building elements as follows. Do not demolish building elements beyond what is indicated on Drawings without Architect's approval. Removed and Reinstalled Items: 1. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. Paint equipment to match new equipment. 2. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 3. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFIC MATERIALS A. Concrete: Demolish in small sections. Cut concrete at junctures with construction to remain, using powerdriven saw. Dislodge concrete from reinforcement at perimeter of areas being demolished, cut reinforcement, and then remove remainder of concrete indicated for selective demolition. Neatly trim openings to dimensions indicated. B. Precast Concrete: Existing second floor is pre-stressed concrete slab. Contractor shall ensure that existing reinforcing is NOT cut or core drilled when cutting or drilling existing floor. Contractor shall be responsible to identify existing reinforcing locations. Locate original field drawings and/or X-ray is required to identify reinforcing locations. C. Masonry: Demolish in small sections. Cut masonry at junctures with construction to remain, using power driven saw, then remove masonry between saw cuts. Revise paragraph below to suit Project. D. Floor Coverings: Remove floor coverings and adhesives. 1. Remove residual adhesive and prepare substrate for new floor coverings. E. Air-Conditioning Equipment: Remove equipment without releasing refrigerants. F. Fireproofing Materials: Protect existing spray applied fireproofing of existing structural components. Reapply where removed or exposed by demolition and construction related to this project. 4.6 A. B. C. 4.7 A. DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS General: Except for items or materials indicated to be recycled, reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or otherwise indicated to remain Owner's property, remove demolished materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in an EPA-approved landfill. 1. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. 3. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. CLEANING Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. END OF SECTION 01732 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 01732-3 Selective Demolition JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 04100 MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT PART 1 GENERAL A. Mortar and grout for masonry. 1.02 A. GENERAL All notes or specifications on structural drawings shall override any discrepancies listed. 1.03 A. B. SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of the General Requirements. Include design mix, indicate whether the Proportion or Property specification of ASTM C270 is to be used, required environmental conditions, and admixture limitations. 1.04 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform Work in accordance with ACI 530 and ACI 530.1. 1.05 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect, and handle products to site under provisions of the General Requirements. Maintain packaged materials clean, dry, and protected against dampness, freezing, and foreign matter. 1.06 A. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to minimum 40 degrees F prior to, during, and 48 hours after completion of masonry work. Maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to maximum 90 degrees F prior to, during, and 48 hours after completion of masonry work. B. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. MATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type, Masonry Cement: ASTM C91, Type S, Premix Mortar: ASTM C387, Type S, Mortar Aggregate: ASTM C144, standard masonry type. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. Water: Clean and potable. Bonding Agent: Latex or Epoxy type. 2.02 A. MORTAR COLOR Mortar Color: Natural Gray. 2.03 A. MORTAR MIXES Mortar For Load Bearing Walls and Partitions: ASTM C270, Type M or S using the Property specification. Mortar For Non-Load Bearing Walls and Partitions: ASTM C270, Type M or S using the Property specification. Mortar For Engineered Masonry: ASTM C270, Type M or S using the Property specification. Pointing Mortar: ASTM C270, Type N or O using the Property specification. B. C. D. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. MORTAR MIXING Thoroughly mix mortar ingredients in accordance with ASTM C270 in quantities needed for immediate use. Maintain sand uniformly damp immediately before the mixing process. Add mortar color and admixtures in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Provide uniformity of mix and coloration. Do not use anti-freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of mortar. If water is lost by evaporation, re-temper only within two hours of mixing. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements – Salina KS 04100-1 Mortar and Masonry Grout JGR 16-2798 F. 2.05 A. B. 2.06 A. B. C. Use mortar within two hours after mixing at temperatures of 90 degrees F (32 degrees C), or two-and-one-half hours at temperatures under 40 degrees F. GROUT MIXES Bond Beams, and Lintels: 2,000 psi strength at 28 days; 8-10 inches slump; premixed type in accordance with ASTM C94. Engineered Masonry: 2,000 psi strength at 28 days; 8-10 inches slump; premixed type in accordance with ASTM C94. GROUT MIXING Mix grout in accordance with ASTM C94. Add admixtures in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions; mix uniformly. Do not use anti-freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of grout. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Request inspection of spaces to be grouted. 3.02 A. B. C. D. INSTALLATION Install mortar and grout in accordance with premix mortar manufacturer’s instructions. Install mortar and grout in accordance with ASTM C270. Work grout into masonry cores and cavities to eliminate voids. Do not install grout in lifts greater than 16 inches or two CMU courses without consolidating grout by rodding. Do not displace reinforcement while placing grout. Remove excess mortar from grout spaces. E. F. 3.03 A. B. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Test and evaluate mortar in accordance with ASTM C780. Test and evaluate grout in accordance with ASTM C1019. END OF SECTION 04100 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements – Salina KS 04100-2 Mortar and Masonry Grout JGR 16-2798 SECTION 04300 UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Concrete masonry and brick units. Reinforcement, anchorage, and accessories. 1.02 A. B. SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of the General Requirements. Product Data: Provide data for masonry and brick units and fabricated wire reinforcement. 1.03 A. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1.04 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of the General Requirements. Accept units on site. Inspect for damage. 1.05 A. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to minimum 40 degrees F prior to, during, and 48 hours after completion of masonry work. Maintain materials and surrounding air temperature to maximum 90 degrees F prior to, during, and 48 hours after completion of masonry work. Hot Cold Weather Requirements: IMIAC - Recommended Practices and Guide Specifications for Hot or Cold Weather Masonry Construction. B. C. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS Hollow Load and Non-Load Bearing Block Units (CMU): Standard weight units, typical. All exterior exposed concrete masonry units and mortar shall contain integral water repellent. Units shall comply with ASTM C 33 and ASTM C 90, grade N water permanence per ASTM E 514 test. Wind driven protection per ASTM E 514-74, Class E. Full wall flexural bond strength per ASTM E 72-74 all interior concrete masonry shall be grade S, Type I, moisture controlled units. B. Size and Shape: Nominal modular size of 6 x 16, 4 x 16 x 8 inches. Provide special units for 90 degree corners, bond beams, lintels, and end walls. All outside corners of interior CMU walls and window sills shall be bull nose type. Top of non-full HT walls shall be bull-nose sill block, type 2.02 A. REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGE Single and Multiple Wythe Joint Reinforcement: Truss type; steel wire, hot dip galvanized to ASTM A641 after fabrication, No. 9 side rods with No. 9 cross ties. Manufacturers: a) DUR-O-WALL b) TRU-MESH c) BET-R-WALL B. C. 2.03 A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, 40 or 60 ksi yield grade, deformed billet bars, uncoated finish. Vertical Reinforcing: Place #6 bars at 16” o.c. and at ends of walls. Extend full HT. Drill and epoxy vertical reinforcing into slab. All cells, including non-reinforced cells, are to be fully grouted. MORTAR AND GROUT Mortar and Grout: As specified in Section 04100. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 04300-1 Unit Masonry Systems JGR 16-2798 2.04 A. B. C. 2.05 A. ACCESSORIES Preformed Control Joints: Rubber, Neoprene, Polyvinyl chloride material. Provide with corner and tee accessories, heat or cement fused joints. Joint Filler: Closed cell polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polyurethane or rubber; oversized 50 percent to joint width; self expanding. Cleaning Solution: Non-acidic, not harmful to masonry work or adjacent materials. LINTELS As detailed on drawings. All lintels shall be field painted to closely match adjacent masonry material. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. EXAMINATION Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. Verify items provided by other sections of work are properly sized and located. Verify that built-in items are in proper location, and ready for roughing into masonry work. 3.02 A. B. PREPARATION Direct and coordinate placement of metal anchors supplied to other sections. Provide temporary bracing during installation of masonry work. Maintain in place until building structure provides permanent bracing. 3.03 A. B. C. COURSING Establish lines, levels, and coursing indicated. Protect from displacement. Maintain masonry courses to uniform dimension. Form vertical and horizontal joints of uniform thickness. Concrete Masonry Units: 1. Bond: Stack to match existing, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Coursing: One unit and one mortar joint to equal 8 inches. 3. Mortar Joints: Rake Joints to match existing CMU, unless noted otherwise. 3.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. PLACING AND BONDING Lay solid masonry units in full bed of mortar, with full head joints, uniformly jointed with other work. Lay hollow masonry units with face shell bedding on head and bed joints. Buttering corners of joints or excessive furrowing of mortar joints are not permitted. Remove excess mortar as work progresses. Interlock intersections and external corners. Do not shift or tap masonry units after mortar has achieved initial set. Where adjustment must be made, remove mortar and replace. Perform job site cutting of masonry units with proper tools to provide straight, clean, unchipped edges. Prevent broken masonry unit corners or edges. Cut mortar joints flush where wall tile is scheduled, resilient base is scheduled, cavity insulation vapor barrier adhesive is applied, or bitumen damp proofing is applied. Isolate masonry partitions from vertical structural framing members with a control joint. Isolate top joint of masonry partitions from horizontal structural framing members and slabs or decks with compressible joint filler. G. H. I. J. 3.05 A. B. F. REINFORCEMENT AND ANCHORAGE Install horizontal joint reinforcement 16 inches o.c. Place masonry joint reinforcement in first and second horizontal joints above and below openings. Extend minimum 16 inches each side of opening. Place joint reinforcement continuous in first and second joint below top of walls. Lap joint reinforcement ends minimum 6 inches. Support and secure reinforcing bars from displacement. Maintain position within 1/2 inch of dimensioned position. Place #6 re-bar at 16”o.c. full HT. Grout reinforced cells solid A. GROUTED COMPONENTS Reinforce bond beam as indicated or detailed. C. D. E. 3.6 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 04300-2 Unit Masonry Systems JGR 16-2798 B. C. D. E. 3.7 Lap splices minimum 24 bar diameters. Support and secure reinforcing bars from displacement. Maintain position within 1/2 inch of dimensioned position. Place and consolidate grout fill without displacing reinforcing. At bearing locations, fill masonry cores with grout for a minimum 12 inches either side of opening. D. BUILT-IN WORK As work progresses, install built-in metal door and glazed frames, fabricated metal frames, window frames, wood nailing strips, shower accessories, anchor bolts, plates, and other items to be built-in the work and furnished by other sections. Install built-in items plumb and level. Bed anchors of metal door and glazed frames in adjacent mortar joints. Fill frame voids solid with grout. Fill adjacent masonry cores with grout minimum 12 inches from framed openings. Do not build in organic materials subject to deterioration. A. B. C. D. TOLERANCES Maximum Variation From Alignment of Columns: 1/4 inch. Maximum Variation From Unit to Adjacent Unit: 1/32 inch. Maximum Variation from Plane of Wall: 1/4 inch in 10 ft and 1/2 inch in 20 ft or more. Maximum Variation from Plumb: 1/4 inch per story non-cumulative; 1/2 inch in two stories or more. E. F. G. Maximum Variation from Level Coursing: 1/8 inch in 3 ft and 1/4 inch in 10 ft; 1/2 inch in 30 ft. Maximum Variation of Joint Thickness: 1/8 inch in 3 ft. Maximum Variation from Cross Sectional Thickness of Walls: 1/4 inch. A. B. C. 3.8 3.9 A. B. CUTTING AND FITTING Cut and fit for chases, pipes, conduit, sleeves, and grounds. Coordinate with other sections of work to provide correct size, shape, and location. Obtain approval prior to cutting or fitting masonry work not indicated or where appearance or strength of masonry work may be impaired. 3.10 A. MOCK-UP Provide a 4 ft. by 4 ft. mock-up panel on the job site to be used as a standard for similar masonry construction on the project. Include window and wainscot flashing system as part of the mock-up. 3.11 A. B. C. D. CLEANING Remove excess mortar and mortar smears as work progresses. Replace defective mortar. Match adjacent work. Clean soiled surfaces with cleaning solution. Use non-metallic tools in cleaning operations. 3.12 A. B. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK Protect finished Work. Without damaging completed work, provide protective boards at exposed external corners which may be damaged by construction activities. END OF SECTION 04300 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 04300-3 Unit Masonry Systems JGR 16-2798 SECTION 06114 WOOD BLOCKING AND CURBING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Concealed wood blocking for support of wall hangings, wall cabinets, and wood trim. Exposed plywood panel for computer/telephone panel boards. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. D. MATERIALS Miscellaneous Blocking: Minimum stud grade. Blocking: APA Rated,, Grade C-D; Exposure Durability 1. Exposed plywood: Fire retardant treated material. Paint to match walls. “A” face where exposed. 2.02 A. ACCESSORIES Fasteners and Anchors: 1. Fasteners: Hot-dipped galvanized steel for high humidity and treated wood locations, unfinished steel elsewhere. 2. Anchors: Toggle bolt type for anchorage to hollow masonry. Expansion shield and lag bolt type for anchorage to solid masonry or concrete. Bolt or ballistic fastener for anchorages to steel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.02 A. B. FRAMING Set members level and plumb, in correct position. Place horizontal members flat, crown side up. Construct curb members of single pieces. Space framing and furring 16 inches o.c. Curb roof openings except where prefabricated curbs are provided. Form corners by alternating lapping side members. Coordinate curb installation with installation of decking and support of deck openings, roofing vapor retardant, parapet construction. SHEATHING Secure sheathing to framing members with ends over firm bearing and staggered. Install telephone and electrical panel boards with plywood sheathing material where required. Over size the panel by 12 inches on all sides. Exposed sheathing or blocking shall be fire retardant treated. END OF SECTION 06114 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 06114-1 Wood Blocking and Curbing JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Finish carpentry items, other than shop prefabricated casework. Hardware and attachment accessories. 1.02 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform work in accordance with AWI Custom. 1.03 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of the General Requirements. Protect work from moisture damage. 1.04 A. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify that field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings and as instructed by the manufacturer. 1.05 A. COORDINATION Coordinate the work with plumbing and electrical rough-in, and installation of associated and adjacent components. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. 2.02 B. C. LUMBER MATERIALS Softwood Lumber: PS 20; Graded in accordance with AWI Custom; Birch, where indicated or to match existing. Hardwood Lumber: Graded in accordance with AWI Custom; Red Oak, where indicated or to match existing. SHEET MATERIALS Interior Plywood: Interior or Exterior type, Group 1 or 2, Grade B-D where concealed, Grade A-C one side exposed and Grade A-A two sides exposed. Wood Particleboard: ANSI A208.1 Type 1; AWI standard, composed of wood chips, medium density, made with high waterproof resin binders; of grade to suit application; sanded faces. 2.03 A. FASTENERS Fasteners: Of size and type to suit application; galvanized finish in concealed locations and brass or chrome finish in exposed locations. 2.04 A. B. C. FABRICATION Fabricate to AWI Custom standards. Shop assemble work for delivery to site, permitting passage through building openings. Fit exposed sheet material edges with 3/8 inch matching hardwood edging. Use one piece for full length only. When necessary to cut and fit on site, provide materials with ample allowance for cutting. Provide trim for scribing and site cutting. D. 2.05 A. B. C. D. E. SHOP FINISHING Sand work smooth and set exposed nails and screws. Apply wood filler in exposed nail and screw indentations. On items to receive transparent finishes, use wood filler which matches surrounding surfaces and of types recommended for applied finishes. Seal, stain and varnish exposed to view surfaces. Brush apply only. Prime paint. Seal surfaces in contact with cementitious materials. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Secuirty Enhancements, Salina KS 06200-1 Finish Carpentry JGR. 16-2798 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify adequacy of backing and support framing. Verify mechanical, electrical, and building items affecting work of this section are placed and ready to receive this work. 3.02 A. B. C. INSTALLATION Install work in accordance with AWI Custom Quality Standard. Set and secure materials and components in place, plumb and level. Carefully scribe work abutting other components, with maximum gaps of 1/32 inch. Do not use additional overlay trim to conceal larger gaps. Install components trim with nails, screws, bolts with blind fasteners or wall adhesive by gun application. Install hardware in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. D. E. 3.03 A. B. C. SITE APPLIED WOOD TREATMENT Apply preservative treatment in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Brush apply two coats of preservative treatment on wood in contact with cementitious materials, roofing and related metal flashings. Treat site-sawn cuts. Allow preservative to dry prior to erecting members. 3.04 A. B. PREPARATION FOR SITE FINISHING Site Finishing: Refer to Section 09900. Before installation, prime paint surfaces of items or assemblies to be in contact with cementitious materials. 3.05 A. SCHEDULE Interior: 1. Floor Base & Trim: Stain and seal. Color to be selected to match existing; prepare for transparent stain and finish. Reference Section 09900. 2. Wood Panel & Trim: Stain and seal. Color to be selected to match existing; prepare for transparent stain and finish. Reference Section 09900. END OF SECTION 06200 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Secuirty Enhancements, Salina KS 06200-2 Finish Carpentry JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 06410 CUSTOM CASEWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. D. SECTION INCLUDES Countertops, base and wall cabinets. Cabinet hardware. Prefinished surfaces and preparation for site finishing. Preparation for installing utilities. 1.02 A. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Indicate materials, component profiles and elevations, assembly methods, joint details, fastening methods, accessory listings, hardware location, and schedule of finishes. 1.03 A. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years’ documented experience. 1.04 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store and handle products to site. Protect units from moisture damage. 1.05 A. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify that field measurements are as on shop drawings. 1.06 A. COORDINATION Coordinate the work with plumbing and electrical rough-in. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. MANUFACTURERS Salina Planing Mill Grant Woodcraft Crestwood Glen Alspaugh Substitutions: Under provisions of the General Requirements. 2.02 WOOD MATERIALS A. Hardwood Lumber: FAS and F1F by NHLA; Graded in accordance with AWI Premium Grade; average moisture content of 6 percent; species and grade as follows: Red Oak. 2.03 A. SHEET MATERIALS Hardwood Plywood: S 51; graded in accordance with AWI, core materials of veneer, and lumber, type of glue recommended for application; face veneer and cuts as follows: ITEM Drawer ‘Box’ Construction Door Construction Cabinet ‘Body’ Construction FACE SPECIES Melamine (unless noted otherwise) - Per AWI Premium Grade. Plastic Laminate (u.n.o.) - Per AWI Premium Grade. Plastic Laminate at exposed (u.n.o.). Melamine at unexposed (u.n.o.) - Per AWI Premium Grade. Backs Plastic Laminate at exposed (u.n.o.). Melamine at unexposed (u.n.o.) - Per AWI Premium Grade. Shelving Melamine (u.n.o.) - Per AWI Premium Grade. (Note: Melamine color to be black. ) Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 06410-1 Custom Casework JGR. 16-2798 B. High Performance particleboard Core: 1. Particleboard to be ¾” thick of 45 lb. Density, and balanced construction with moisture Content not to exceed 8%. All particleboards shall meet or exceed the requirements for its type and classification under Commercial Standard CS-236-66, Federal Specifications LLL-B-800A, and ASTM D 1037-78. 2. Particleboard shall meet the following performance requirements. Submit compliance data from the manufacturer prior to fabrication: Screw Holding, Face 471 lbs. Modulus of Rupture 2,400 psi. Modulus of Elasticity 450,000 psi. Internal Bond 90 psi. Surface Hardness 900 lbs. C. Hardboard: Hardboard shall meet or exceed Commercial Standards CS-251 and Federal Specifications LLLB-00810. Tempered hardboard ¼” thick, smooth both sides. 2.04 A. MANUFACTURERS - PLASTIC LAMINATE Formica, Color Wild Cherry 5904-43, typical at all exam room cabinets. If alternate color is selected it may be selected from Wilsonart, Pionite or Nevamar. (Full Line of all manufacturers). Final color selections for all areas to be submitted by Architect. 2.05 A. LAMINATE MATERIALS Plastic Laminate: AWI, 0.048 inch General Purpose quality V32 grade; color, pattern, and surface texture as selected from “premium” color range, shall meet NEMA standards for vertical grade. Laminate Backing Sheet: 0.020 inch Backing Sheet grade, undecorated plastic laminate shall meet NEMA standards and be of a type and thickness to properly balance face finish. Countertop high pressure plastic laminate: 1. High-pressure plastic laminate, satin finish, .048” thickness. Color as selected from manufacturer’s stock standard colors. 2. Heavy gauge, neutral-colored backing sheet for balanced construction. 3. Tops to be 1” thick with 4” backsplash. Edges 1 ½”, U.N.O., 3mm edges typical. 4. Edges to be finished Red Oak. 5. Provide moisture resistant substrate at all counter tops in which sinks occur. Melamine Laminate: 1. Thermosetting melamine laminate, permanently bonded to substrate. 2. Melamine laminate to be 9 to 11 mills in thickness, 62% resin content, colorfast and neutral in color (gray, almond, white). 3. Colored melamine laminate for semi-exposed cabinet interiors behind doors and drawers, and underside of wall cabinets. B. C. D. 2.06 SOLID SURFACE MATERIALS 1. Not Used. 2.07 A. ACCESSORIES Adhesive: FS MMM-A-130 contact adhesive, type recommended by AWI and laminate manufacturer to suit application. Fasteners: Size and type to suit application. Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lags, Pins, and Screws: Of size and type to suit application; approved finish in exposed locations. Concealed Joint Fasteners: Threaded steel. B. C. D. 2.08 A. FINISHING MATERIALS Stain, Varnish and Finishing Materials: As specified in Section 09900. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 06410-2 Custom Casework JGR. 16-2798 2.09 A. B. C. D. E. 2.10 A. B. C. D. E. F. FABRICATION Shop assemble casework for delivery to site in units easily handled and to permit passage through building openings. C. Cap exposed plastic laminate finish edges with material of same finish and pattern. When necessary to cut and fit on site, provide materials with ample allowance for cutting. Provide trim for scribing and site cutting. Apply plastic laminate finish in full uninterrupted sheets consistent with manufactured sizes. Fit corners and joints hairline; secure with concealed fasteners. Slightly bevel arrises. Locate counter butt joints minimum 2 feet from sink cut-outs. Apply laminate backing sheet to reverse side of plastic laminate finished surfaces. Provide cutouts for plumbing fixtures, inserts, appliances, outlet boxes, fixtures and fittings. Verify locations of cutouts from on-site dimensions. Seal contact surfaces of cut edges. FINISHING Sand work smooth and set exposed nails and screws. Apply wood filler in exposed nail and screw indentations. On items to receive transparent finishes, use wood filler, which matches surrounding surfaces and of types recommended for applied finishes. Seal, stain and varnish exposed to view surfaces. Seal, stain and varnish internal exposed to view and semi-concealed surfaces. Seal surfaces in contact with cementitious materials. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Verify adequacy of backing and support framing. 3.02 A. B. C. D. INSTALLATION Set and secure casework in place; rigid, plumb, and level. Use fixture attachments in concealed locations for wall mounted components. Use concealed joint fasteners to align and secure adjoining cabinet units and counter tops. Carefully scribe casework abutting other components, with maximum gaps of 1/32 inch. Do not use additional overlay trim for this purpose. Secure cabinet and counter bases to floor using appropriate angles and anchorages. Countersink anchorage devices at exposed locations. Conceal with solid wood plugs of species to match surrounding wood; finish flush with surrounding surfaces. E. F. 3.03 A. ADJUSTING Adjust moving or operating parts to function smoothly and correctly. 3.04 A. CLEANING Clean casework, counters, shelves, hardware, fittings and fixtures. END OF SECTION 06410 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 06410-3 Custom Casework JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 07213 BATT INSULATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. D. SECTION INCLUDES Miscellaneous interior wall locations. Batt insulation for filling perimeter window and door shim spaces, crevices in exterior wall and roof. Sound batt insulation. Vapor retarder. 1.02 A. REFERENCES ASTM C665 - Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing. ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. B. 1.03 A. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Materials of This Section: Provide continuity of thermal barrier at building enclosure in conjunction with thermal insulating materials in Section 07212. Overlap insulations to ensure complete thermal envelope at all exterior surfaces. 1.04 A. COORDINATION Coordinate the work with all related Sections for installation of vapor retarder and other forms of insulation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. MANUFACTURERS - INSULATION MATERIALS OWENS-CORNING FIBERGLASS Product - thermal batt insulation. Substitutions: Under provisions of the General Requirements. 2.02 A. MATERIALS Batt Insulation: ASTM C665; preformed glass fiber batts; loose laid and taped, conforming to the following: Sound Batt Insulation: 1. Batt size: 3-1/2” 2. Facing: Unfaced. Supports: Provide support anchors to prevent sagging. B. C. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify site conditions. Verify that substrate, adjacent materials, and insulation are dry and ready to be installed. 3.02 A. B. C. INSTALLATION Install insulation and vapor retarder in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Insulate miscellaneous gaps and voids. Fit insulation tight in spaces and tight to exterior side of mechanical and electrical services within the plane of insulation. Install with applied vapor retarder membrane facing warm side of building spaces. Lap ends and side flanges of membrane, caulk or tape. Tape seal butt ends, lapped flanges, and tears or cuts in membrane. D. E. END OF SECTION 07213 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 07213-1 Batt Insulation JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Preparing substrate surfaces. Sealant and joint backing. 1.02 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform work in accordance with sealant manufacturer’s requirements for preparation of surfaces and material installation instructions. Perform acoustical sealant application work in accordance with ASTM C919. B. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. B. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. Applicator: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum years documented experience. WARRANTY Provide five year warranty. Warranty: Include coverage for installed sealants and accessories which fail to achieve air tight seal, water tight seal, and exhibit loss of adhesion or cohesion, or do not cure. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. 2.02 A. B. C. D. SEALANTS Acrylic Latex (Interior Minor Movement): ASTM C920, Single component, non-staining, non-bleeding, non-sagging; white color paintable; manufactured by Pecora AC 20 + silicone. Butyl Sealant (Interior Minor Movement): ASTM C920 single component, solvent release, non-skinning, non-sagging, white, paintable; manufactured by Pecora BC 158. Silicone Sealant (Exterior, Interior Major Movement and Water Resistant Areas): Single component, solvent curing, non-sagging, non-staining, fungus resistant, non-bleeding; color as selected or to match adjacent materials; manufactured by Pecora 895 silicone. ACCESSORIES Primer: Non-staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. Joint Cleaner: Non-corrosive and non-staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials. Joint Backing: ASTM D1056; round, closed or open cell polyethylene foam rod; oversized 30 to 50 percent larger than joint width. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify that substrate surfaces and joint openings are ready to receive work. Verify that joint backing and release tapes are compatible with sealant. 3.02 A. B. C. D. PREPARATION Remove loose materials and foreign matter which might impair adhesion of sealant. Clean and prime joints in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Perform preparation in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Protect elements surrounding the work of this section from damage or disfiguration. 3.03 A. B. C. INSTALLATION Install sealant in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Measure joint dimensions and size materials to achieve required 2:1 width/depth ratios. Install joint backing to achieve a neck dimension no greater than 1/3 of the joint width. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 07900-1 Joint Sealers JGR. 16-2798 D. Install bond breaker where joint backing is not used. E. F. Install sealant free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags. Apply sealant within recommended application temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within these temperature ranges. 3.04 A. B. SCHEDULE Interior: Caulk around all frames, windows, doors, openings, trim, etc., as required to seal or fill gaps, cracks, to make material transitions watertight and/or visually tight and finished. Exterior: Miscellaneous areas around existing door frames and storefronts. END OF SECTION 07900 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 07900-2 Joint Sealers JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 081113 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 1.2 This Section includes the following: 1. Steel doors. 2. Steel door frames. 3. Sidelight frames 4. Fire-rated door and frame assemblies. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of door and frame indicated, include door designation, type, level and model, material description, core description, construction details, label compliance, sound and fireresistance ratings, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: Show the following: 1. Elevations of each door design. 2. Details of doors including vertical and horizontal edge details. 3. Frame details for each frame type including dimensioned profiles. 4. Details and locations of reinforcement and preparations for hardware. 5. Details of each different wall opening condition. 6. Details of anchorages, accessories, joints, and connections. 7. Coordination of glazing frames and stops with glass and glazing requirements. C. Door Schedule: Use same reference designations indicated on Drawings in preparing schedule for doors and frames. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Steel Door and Frame Standard: Comply with ANSI A 250.8, unless more stringent requirements are indicated. B. Fire-Rated Door Assemblies: Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire-protection ratings indicated, based on testing according to NFPA 252. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver doors and frames cardboard-wrapped or crated to provide protection during transit and job storage. Provide additional protection to prevent damage to finish of factory-finished doors and frames. B. Inspect doors and frames on delivery for damage, and notify shipper and supplier if damage is found. Minor damages may be repaired provided refinished items match new work and are acceptable to Architect. Remove and replace damaged items that cannot be repaired. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 081113 - 1 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames JGR 16-2798 C. Store doors and frames at building site under cover. Place units on minimum 4-inch high wood blocking. Avoid using nonvented plastic or canvas shelters that could create a humidity chamber. If door packaging becomes wet, remove cartons immediately. Provide minimum 1/4-inch spaces between stacked doors to permit air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Steel Doors and Frames: a. Amweld Building Products, Inc. b. Benchmark Commercial Doors; a division of General Products Co., Inc. c. Ceco Door Products; a United Dominion Company. d. Copco Door Co. e. Curries Company. f. Deansteel Manufacturing, Inc. g. Kewanee Corporation (The). h. Mesker Door, Inc. i. Pioneer Industries Inc. j. Republic Builders Products. k. Steelcraft; a division of Ingersoll-Rand. MATERIALS A. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheets: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B, with an A40 zinc-iron-alloy (galvannealed) coating; stretcher-leveled standard of flatness. B. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 591/A 591M, Commercial Steel (CS), Class B coating; mill phosphatized; suitable for unexposed applications; stretcher-leveled standard of flatness where used for face sheets. 2.3 DOORS A. General: Provide doors of sizes, thicknesses, and designs indicated. B. Interior Doors: Provide doors complying with requirements indicated below by referencing ANSI 250.8 for level and model and ANSI A250.4 for physical-endurance level: 1. Level 3 and Physical Performance Level B (Heavy Duty 16 gage) 0.042-inch thick faces. 2. Model 2; seamless (no seams on door face or edges). 2.4 FRAMES A. General: Provide steel frames for doors, transoms, sidelights, borrowed lights, and other openings that comply with ANSI A250.8 and with details indicated for type and profile. Conceal fastenings, unless otherwise indicated. B. Frames of 0.053-inch- (16 gage) thick steel sheet for: Interior. C. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped frames, fabricate stops to receive three silencers on strike jambs of single-door frames and two silencers on heads of double-door frames. D. Plaster Guards: Provide 0.016-inch thick, steel sheet plaster guards or mortar boxes to close off interior of openings; place at back of hardware cutouts where mortar or other materials might obstruct hardware operation. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 081113 - 2 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames JGR 16-2798 E. Supports and Anchors: Fabricated from not less than 0.042-inch thick, electrolytic zinc-coated or metallic-coated steel sheet. F. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard units. Where zinc-coated items are to be built into exterior walls, comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class C or D as applicable. 2.5 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate steel door and frame units to comply with ANSI A250.8 and to be rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects including warp and buckle. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacturer's plant. Clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment, to assure proper assembly at Project site. B. Exterior Door Construction: For exterior locations and elsewhere as indicated, fabricate doors, panels, and frames from metallic-coated steel sheet. Close top and bottom edges of doors flush as an integral part of door construction or by addition of 0.053-inch thick, metallic-coated steel channels with channel webs placed even with top and bottom edges. C. Interior Door Faces: Seamless, no seams on faces or edges. Fabricate exposed faces of doors and panels from the following material: 1. Cold-rolled steel sheet. D. Core Construction: The following manufacturer's core materials that produce a door complying with SDI standards: 1. Vertical steel stiffeners with sound-deadening insulation filler. E. Clearances for Non-Fire-Rated Doors: Not more than 1/8 inch at jambs and heads, except not more than 1/4 inch between pairs of doors. Not more than 3/4 inch at bottom. F. Clearances for Fire-Rated Doors: As required by NFPA 80. G. Single-Acting, Door-Edge Profile: Beveled edges. H. Tolerances: Comply with SDI 117, "Manufacturing Tolerances for Standard Steel Doors and Frames." I. Fabricate concealed stiffeners, reinforcement, edge channels, louvers, and moldings from either coldor hot-rolled steel sheet. J. Exposed Fasteners: Unless otherwise indicated, provide countersunk flat or oval heads for exposed screws and bolts. K. Hardware Preparation: Prepare doors and frames to receive mortised and concealed hardware according to final door hardware schedule and templates provided by hardware supplier. Comply with applicable requirements in ANSI A250.6 and ANSI A115 Series specifications for door and frame preparation for hardware. L. Frame Construction: Fabricate frames to shape shown. 1. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped and continuously welded corners. 2. Provide welded frames with temporary spreader bars. M. Reinforce doors and frames to receive surface-applied hardware. Drilling and tapping for surfaceapplied hardware may be done at Project site. N. Locate hardware as indicated on Shop Drawings or, if not indicated, according to ANSI A250.8. O. Glazing Stops, Moldings: Formed from 0.032-inch thick steel sheet. 1. Provide nonremovable stops on outside of exterior doors and on secure side of interior doors for glass, louvers, and other panels in doors. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 081113 - 3 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames JGR 16-2798 2. 3. P. 2.6 Provide screw-applied, removable, glazing stops on inside of glass, louvers, and other panels in doors. Provide flush design stops and moldings in door faces (no overlap at door face), fixed stops integrally formed into door face. Removable stops with mitered corners. Astragals: As required by NFPA 80 to provide fire ratings indicated. FINISHES A. Prime Finish: Manufacturer's standard, factory-applied coat of rust-inhibiting primer complying with ANSI A250.10 for acceptance criteria. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Install steel doors, frames, and accessories according to Shop Drawings, manufacturer's data, and as specified. B. Placing Frames: Comply with provisions in SDI 105, unless otherwise indicated. Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is completed, remove temporary braces and spreaders, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. 1. Except for frames located in existing walls or partitions, place frames before construction of enclosing walls and ceilings. 2. In metal-stud partitions, provide at least three wall anchors per jamb; install adjacent to hinge location on hinge jamb and at corresponding heights on strike jamb. Attach wall anchors to studs with screws. 3. Install fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. 4. For openings 90 inches or more in height, install an additional anchor at hinge and strike jambs. C. Door Installation: Comply with ANSI A250.8. Fit hollow-metal doors accurately in frames, within clearances specified in ANSI A250.8. Shim as necessary to comply with SDI 122 and ANSI/DHI A115.1G. 1. Fire-Rated Doors: Install within clearances specified in NFPA 80. 2. Smoke-Control Doors: Install to comply with NFPA 105. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Prime-Coat Touchup: Immediately after installation, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touch up of compatible air-drying primer. B. Protection Removal: Immediately before final inspection, remove protective wrappings from doors and frames. END OF SECTION 081113 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 081113 - 4 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames JGR 16-2798 SECTION 08211 FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. SECTION INCLUDES Flush wood doors; flush and flush glazed configuration; fire rated and non-rated. 1.02 A. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Illustrate door opening criteria, elevations, sizes, types, swings, undercuts required, special beveling, special blocking for hardware, identify cutouts for glazing, and louvers. Product Data: Indicate door core materials and construction; veneer species, type and characteristics; factory machining criteria, and factory finishing criteria. Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate special installation instructions. B. C. 1.03 A. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE Perform work in accordance with AWI Quality Standard Section 1300, Custom Grade. Finish doors in accordance with AWI Quality Standard, grades identified in schedule. 1.04 A. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1.05 A. B. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Fire Door Construction: Conform to NFPA 252, UL 10B. Installed Fire Rated Door Assembly: Conform to NFPA 80 for fire rated class as scheduled. 1.06 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect, and handle products to site Accept doors on site in manufacturer’s packaging. Inspect for damage. Do not store in damp or wet areas; or in areas where sunlight might bleach veneer. Seal top and bottom edges if stored more than one week. Break seal on-site to permit ventilation. 1.07 A. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify that field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings. 1.08 A. COORDINATION Coordinate the work with door opening construction, door frame and door hardware installation. 1.09 A. WARRANTY Provide warranty to the following term: 1. Exterior Doors: 5 years. 2. Interior Doors: Life of original installation. Include coverage for delamination of veneer, warping beyond specified installation tolerances, defective materials, telegraphing core construction. B. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. MANUFACTURERS Marshfield. Weyerhaeuser Graham Substitutions: Under provisions of the General Requirements. 2.02 A. DOOR TYPES Flush Interior Doors: 1-3/4 inches thick; solid core construction, fire rated as indicated. 2.03 A. B. DOOR CONSTRUCTION Core (Solid, Non-Rated): AWI Section 1300, Type PC-Particleboard. Core (Solid, Fire Rated): AWI Section 1300, Type FP or FM rating as required or indicated. 2.04 A. FLUSH DOOR FACING Veneer Facing (Flush Interior Doors): AWI Custom quality Red Oak species wood, plain sliced, uniform grain, for transparent stain and finish. Finish to match existing. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08211-1 Flush Wood Doors JGR 16-2798 2.05 A. ACCESSORIES Door Lite Kit Frames: Heavy duty metal light kits, primed and ready for field paint. Note special sizes may be required for special types/thickness of glazing. 2.06 A. B. FABRICATION Fabricate non-rated doors in accordance with AWI Quality Standards requirements. Fabricate fire rated doors in accordance with AWI Quality Standards and to UL requirements. Attach fire rating label to door. Astragals for Fire Rated Double Doors: Steel, T shaped, overlapping and recessed at face edge, specifically for double doors. Provide lock blocks at lock edge and top of door for closer hardware reinforcement. Vertical Exposed Edge of Stiles: Of same species as veneer facing. Hardwood for transparent finish. Fit door edge trim to edge of stiles after applying veneer facing. Bond edge banding to cores. Factory machine doors for finish hardware in accordance with hardware requirements and dimensions. Do not machine for surface hardware. Provide solid blocking for through bolted hardware. Factory pre-fit doors for frame opening dimensions identified on shop drawings. Cut and configure exterior door edge to receive recessed weather stripping devices. Provide edge clearances in accordance with AWI 1600. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 2.07 A. FINISH Site finish doors in accordance with AWI Quality Standard Section 1500 to the following finish designations: Finish Doors: Submit stained sample and finished samples for selection. Match existing. Conversion varnish alkyd-urea, custom quality, sheen. Reference Section 09900. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify that opening sizes and tolerances are acceptable. Do not install doors in frame openings that are not plumb or are out-of-tolerance for size or alignment. 3.02 A. INSTALLATION Install fire rated and non-rated doors in accordance with AWI Quality Standard, NFPA 80 and to Warnock Hersey requirements. Trim non-rated door width by cutting equally on both jamb edges. Trim door height by cutting bottom edges to a maximum of 3/4 inch (19 mm). Trim fire door height at bottom edge only, in accordance with fire rating requirements. Pilot drill screw and bolt holes. Use threaded through bolts for half surface hinges. Machine cut for hardware. Core for handsets and cylinders. Coordinate installation of glass and glazing. B. C. D. E. F. 3.03 A. B. C. 3.04 A. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES Maximum Diagonal Distortion (Warp): 1/8 inch measured with straight edge or taught string, corner to corner, over an imaginary 36 x 84 inch surface area. Maximum Vertical Distortion (Bow): 1/8 inch measured with straight edge or taught string, top to bottom, over an imaginary 36 x 84 inch surface area. Maximum Width Distortion (Cup): 1/8 inch measured with straight edge or taught string, edge to edge, over an imaginary 36 x 84 inch surface area. ADJUSTING Adjust door for smooth and balanced door movement. END OF SECTION 08211 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08211-2 Flush Wood Doors JGR 16-2798 SECTION 08710 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. SECTION INCLUDES Hardware for wood and hollow steel doors. Thresholds. Weatherstripping, seals and door gaskets. 1.02 A. ALLOWANCES Cash Allowance: This contractor shall install and furnish all Finish Hardware not specified in other sections, such as millwork. This contractor shall allow the sum of $10,000.00 for the purchase and delivery of hardware only. Allowance includes purchase and delivery of hardware only. Installation is included in the Contractor’s Bid price, not the allowance. Any differential in the allowance listed and the original invoices from suppliers will be adjusted in the contract price. B. 1.03 A. B. REFERENCES ANSI A117.1 - Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People. ADAAG: ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities 1.04 A. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Maintenance Data: Include data on operating hardware, lubrication requirements, and inspection procedures related to preventative maintenance. 1.05 A. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum 3 years’ documented experience. Hardware Supplier: Company specializing in supplying commercial door hardware with 3 years’ documented experience approved by manufacturer. B. 1.06 A. B. C. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site. Package hardware items individually; label and identify each package with door opening code to match hardware schedule. Deliver keys to Owner by security shipment direct from hardware supplier. 1.07 A. WARRANTY Provide five year warranty. 1.08 A. B. MAINTENANCE MATERIALS Provide special wrenches and tools applicable to each different or special hardware component. Provide maintenance tools and accessories supplied by hardware component manufacturer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. KEYING Door Locks: Master keyed. Include construction keying, and key to existing keying system. 2.02 A. COORDINATION WITH ACCESS CONTROL Hardware provider shall coordinate all hardware requirements directly with the Access Control vendor and installers to ensure coordination with access control system and all components. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08710-1 Door Hardware JGR. 16-2798 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify that doors and frames are ready to receive work and dimensions are as indicated on shop drawings. Verify that electric power is available to power operated devices and of the correct characteristics. 3.02 A. B. C. INSTALLATION Install hardware in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Use templates provided by hardware item manufacturer. Mounting heights for hardware from finished floor to center line of hardware item: 1. Locksets: 40” 2. Push/Pulls: 45” 3. Dead Locks: 48” 4. Exit Devices: 42” Thresholds not to exceed ½ “ in height. D. END OF SECTION 08710 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08710-2 Door Hardware JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 08800 GLAZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. SECTION INCLUDES Glass and glazing for Sections referencing this Section for products and installation. 1.02 A. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Glass and glazing materials of this Section shall provide continuity of building enclosure vapor and air barrier: 1. To utilize the inner pane of multiple pane sealed units for the continuity of the air and vapor seal. 2. Maintain continuous air and vapor barrier throughout glazed assembly from glass pane to heel bead of glazing sealant. Size glass to withstand dead loads and positive and negative live loads acting normal to plane of glass as calculated in accordance with UBC 91 code. Limit glass deflection to 1/200 flexure limit of glass with full recovery of glazing materials, whichever is less. B. C. 1.03 A. B. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Do not install glazing when ambient temperature is less than 50 degrees F. Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and 24 hours after installation of glazing compounds. 1.04 A. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify that field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings. 1.05 A. COORDINATION Coordinate the Work with glazing frames, wall openings, and perimeter air and vapor seal to adjacent Work. Glass at Door #02 shall be etched per design as indicated on drawings. Coordinate etching with tempering process to ensure integrity of glass is maintained. B. PART 2 2.01 A. B. C. 2.02 A. B. C. PRODUCTS FLAT GLASS MATERIALS Float Glass (Type FG): Clear, 1/4 inch thick minimum. Safety Glass (Type SG): Clear; fully tempered with horizontal tempering 1/4 inch thick minimum at all locations where glass is less than 18 inches above finished floor, or adjacent to doors. Tempered/Laminated: (Type TL): Clear; 2 layers ¼” fully tempered with integral 1/16” laminating material. All locations associated with door 102 including door lites and side lites. GLAZING COMPOUNDS Exterior windows not shop installed shall be glazed with vinyl or neoprene gaskets, extruded elastic polybutene tape sealant, a combination of polysulphide base compound and elastic glazing compound, or a combination of extruded polysulphide tape, polysulphide base compound elastic glazing compound. Doors and interior stopped -in glass shall be glazed using putty or elastic glazing compound and stop beads. Exterior glazing of steel sash shall be DAP Metal Glaze. Interior glazing of steel sash shall be DAP Steel Sash Putty. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08800-1 Glazing JGR. 16-2798 2.03 A. B. C. D. D. E. GLAZING ACCESSORIES Setting Blocks: Neoprene or Silicone, 80 - 90 Shore A durometer hardness, length of 0.1 inch for each square foot of glazing or minimum 4 inch x width of glazing rabbet space minus 1/16 inch x height to suit glazing method and pane weight and area. Spacer Shims: Neoprene or Silicone, 50 - 60 Shore A durometer hardness, minimum 3 inch long x one half the height of the glazing stop x thickness to suit application, self adhesive on one face. Glazing Tape: Preformed butyl compound with integral resilient tube spacing device; 10 - 15 Shore A durometer hardness; coiled on release paper. Door Lite Kit Frames: Heavy duty metal light kits, primed and ready for field paint. Note special sizes may be required for special types/thickness of glazing. Glazing Clips: Manufacturer’s standard type. Mirror Attachment Accessories: Mirror adhesive, chemically compatible with mirror coating and wall substrate. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify that openings for glazing are correctly sized and within tolerance. Verify that surfaces of glazing channels or recesses are clean, free of obstructions, and ready to receive glazing. 3.02 A. B. C. D. PREPARATION Clean contact surfaces with solvent and wipe dry. Seal porous glazing channels or recesses with substrate compatible primer or sealer. Prime surfaces scheduled to receive sealant. Install glazing in accordance with Flat Jobbers Association Glazing Manual. 3.03 A. B. INSTALLATION - MIRRORS Set mirrors with adhesive, applied in accordance with adhesive manufacturer’s instructions. Place plumb and level. 3.04 A. CLEANING Remove glazing materials from finish surfaces. Remove labels after work is complete. Clean glass and mirrors. 3.05 A. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK After installation, mark pane with an “X” by using removable plastic tape or paste. Do not mark heat absorbing or reflective glass units. END OF SECTION 08800 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 08800-2 Glazing JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 09260 GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. E. SECTION INCLUDES Metal stud wall framing. Acoustical insulation. Gypsum board. Taped and sanded joint treatment. 1.02 A. B. C. REFERENCES ASTM C36 - Gypsum Wallboard. ASTM C475 - Joint Treatment Materials for Gypsum Wallboard Construction. ASTM C630 - Water Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. MANUFACTURERS - GYPSUM BOARD SYSTEM United States Gypsum. Other acceptable manufacturers offering equivalent products. Substitutions: Under provisions of the General Requirements. 2.02 A. FRAMING MATERIALS Studs and Tracks: ASTM C645; galvanized sheet steel, 20 gage thick C shape, with knurled faces unless noted otherwise. Furring, Framing and Accessories: ASTM C645. Galvanized sheet steel, 20 gage thick, unless noted otherwise. Anchorage to Substrate: Tie wire, nails, screws and other metal supports, of type and size to suit application; to rigidly secure materials in place. Adhesive: ASTM C557. B. C. D. 2.03 A. B. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. GYPSUM BOARD MATERIALS Fire Rated Gypsum Board: ASTM C36; fire resistive Type X, UL rated; 5/8 inch thick, maximum permissible length; ends square cut, tapered edges. Hi-Abuse type located at all interior walls unless noted otherwise. Gypsum Wall Board Tile Backer: ASTM C36; Gypsum, Type “X” fire resistive type, UL rated; 5/8 inch thick. Acrylic coated mold and moisture resistant panel. Panels to be cut to maximum permissible length; ends square cut, tapered edges. Product – Goldbond eXP. Located at: 1. Exterior walls 2. Interior walls scheduled to receive tile. ACCESSORIES Acoustical Insulation: ASTM C665; preformed glass fiber, friction fit type, unfaced, 3-1/2 inch thick and 6” thick to fill depth of stud wall. Reference Section 09511 for acoustic batt locations at ceilings. Corner Beads: Metal. Edge Trim: GA 201 and GA 216; Type L bead. Joint Materials: ASTM C475; reinforcing tape, joint compound, adhesive, and water. Install cement based joint finishing compound as recommended by the manufacturer at cement board areas. Fasteners: ASTM C1002, Type S12, W, and GA-216. Resilient channel: USG, RC-1 or equal. Drywall accent/control joints: Per manufacturer’s recommendations. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Verify that site conditions are ready to receive work and opening dimensions are as indicated on shop drawings. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09260-1 Gypsum Board Systems JGR. 16-2798 3.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.03 A. B. C. D. METAL STUD INSTALLATION Install studs in accordance with ASTM C754 and manufacturer’s instructions. Metal Stud Spacing: 16 inches on center, unless noted otherwise. Refer to Drawings for indication of partitions, extend stud framing through the ceiling to the structure above, unless noted otherwise. Maintain clearance under structural building members to avoid deflection transfer to studs. Provide extended leg ceiling runners. Door Opening Framing: Install double studs at door frame jambs. Install stud tracks on each side of opening, at frame head height, and between studs and adjacent studs. Blocking: Nail wood blocking to studs or Bolt or screw steel channels to studs. Install blocking for support of plumbing fixtures, toilet partitions, wall cabinets, toilet accessories, and hardware. Clean the wall cavities prior to installation of any drywall materials. WALL FURRING INSTALLATION Erect wall furring for direct attachment to walls. Erect furring channels vertically; space maximum 16 inches on center, not more than 4 inches from floor and ceiling lines, abutting walls. Install thermal insulation between furring channels directly attached to concrete masonry walls in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Erect free-standing metal stud framing tight to concrete masonry walls, attached by adjustable furring brackets in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 3.04 A. FURRING FOR FIRE RATINGS Install furring as required for fire resistance ratings indicated. 3.05 A. B. C. CEILING FRAMING INSTALLATION Coordinate location of hangers with other work. Install ceiling framing independent of walls, columns, and above ceiling work. Reinforce openings in ceiling suspension system which interrupt main carrying channels or furring channels, with lateral channel bracing. Extend bracing minimum 24 inches past each end of openings. Laterally brace entire suspension system. D. 3.06 A. B. ACOUSTICAL ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION Install resilient channels at maximum 24 inches on center. Locate joints over framing members. Place acoustical insulation in partitions tight within spaces, around cut openings, behind and around electrical and mechanical items within or behind partitions, and tight to items passing through partitions. 3.07 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. GYPSUM BOARD INSTALLATION Install gypsum board in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Erect single layer standard gypsum board vertical, with ends and edges occurring over firm bearing. Erect single layer fire rated gypsum board vertically, with edges and ends occurring over firm bearing. Use screws when fastening gypsum board to metal furring or framing. Place second layer perpendicular to first layer. Offset joints of second layer from joints of first layer. Erect exterior gypsum soffit board perpendicular to supports, with staggered end joints over supports. Treat cut edges and holes in moisture resistant gypsum board and exterior gypsum soffit board with sealant. Place control joints consistent with lines of building spaces as directed. Place corner beads at external corners as indicated. Use longest practical length. Place edge trim where gypsum board abuts dissimilar materials as indicated. Caulk at sound walls. J. 3.08 A. B. C. D. E. JOINT TREATMENT Tape, fill, and sand exposed joints, edges, and corners to produce smooth surface ready to receive finishes. Feather coats onto adjoining surfaces so that camber is maximum 1/32. All painted and Vinyl cover walls shall be skimmed, sanded and prepped to a LEVEL 5 finish. Tape joints and corners of cementitious backing board. Clean all gypsum board walls to be free of dust and construction debris and residue prior to priming or painting of walls. 3.09 A. TOLERANCES Maximum Variation of Finished Gypsum Board Surface from True Flatness: 1/8 inch in 10 feet in any direction. END OF SECTION 09260 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09260-2 Gypsum Board Systems JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 09306 FLOOR AND WALL TILE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Ceramic tile floor finish using the thinset application method or as recommended by Manufacturer. Ceramic tile wall finish using the thinset application method. 1.02 A. B. C. SUBMITTALS Submit under provisions of the General Requirements. Product Data: Provide instructions for using adhesives and grouts. Samples: Submit two samples illustrating pattern, color variations, and grout color. 1.03 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site. Protect adhesives from freezing or overheating in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 1.04 A. B. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Do not install adhesives in an unventilated environment. Maintain 50 degrees F during installation of mortar materials. 1.05 A. EXTRA MATERIALS Provide 10 square feet (full/uncut) of each type of tile to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. TILE MANUFACTURER Crossville – Products: Reference Schedule. Substitutions: Under provisions of the General Requirements, Materials listed are for pricing purposes, final colors to be selected by Architect. Alternate tile manufacturers and styles may be selected at architect’s discretion, based on similar cost and availability. 2.02 A. CERAMIC TILE MATERIALS Porcelain Floor, Wall & Base Tile: ANSI A137.1, reference schedule. 2.04 A. ADHESIVE MATERIALS Adhesives: Thinset bond type as recommended and/or manufactured by the tile manufacturer. 2.05 A. ACCESSORIES Metal edge and corner trim: Molded alum or brass trim installed at 90º corners, exposed tile edges, and where abutting carpet. Product by Schluter Systems, size required to match tile, finish and profile to be selected by architect. GROUT MIX Mix and proportion pre-mix grout materials in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Color to be selected. Grout shall be EPOXY type at all floor areas. Manufacturer: TEC, AccuColor XT, full range of colors. 2.06 A. B. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Verify that surfaces are ready to receive work. 3.02 A. B. C. D. PREPARATION Protect surrounding work from damage or disfiguration. Vacuum clean surfaces and damp clean. Seal substrate surface cracks with filler. Level existing substrate surfaces to acceptable flatness tolerances. Apply sealer conditioner to substrate surfaces in accordance with adhesive manufacturer’s instructions. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09306-1 Floor and Wall Tile JGR. 16-2798 3.03 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. INSTALLATION - THINSET METHOD Install adhesive tile, thresholds, and grout in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/or the TCA Handbook. Lay tile to pattern indicated. Do not interrupt tile pattern through openings. Place edge strips at exposed tile edges. Cut and fit tile tight to penetrations through tile. Form corners and bases neatly. Align floor, base and wall joints. Place tile joints uniform in width, Floor joints shall be as narrow (approximately 1/8”) as allowed by manufacturer, subject to variance in tolerance allowed in tile size. Make joints watertight, without voids, cracks, excess mortar, or excess grout. Provide mock-up area (approximately 4’x4’) for owner review of joint spacing and grout depth prior to installation of finish floor tile. Sound tile after setting. Replace hollow sounding units. Keep expansion, control joints free of adhesive or grout. Apply sealant to joints. Allow tile to set for a minimum of 48 hours prior to grouting. Grout tile joints. Apply sealant to junction of tile and dissimilar materials and junction of dissimilar planes. Install shower pans per manufacturer’s instructions. 3.04 A. B. CLEANING Clean tile and grout surfaces. Grout Joints shall be sealed (2 coats) using sealer product as recommended by the grout manufacturer. 3.05 A. B. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK Do not permit traffic over finished floor surface for 4 days after installation. Install protective material as required to protect finished installation thru completion of construction. 3.06 A. SCHEDULE OF TILES Styles and colors identified are for bidding purposes, final styles and colors may vary depending on availability and alternate manufacturers or installers. 1. Crossville; Moonstruck; 12X24 nominal size w/ ¼” joints. UPS finish, color to be selected from full range. Assume two colors. Install joints/tiles in a stack bond pattern, direction of tile to be determined in the field. END OF SECTION 09306 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09306-2 Floor and Wall Tile JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 09650 RESILIENT FLOORING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. B. SECTION INCLUDES Resilient sheet & tile flooring. Resilient base. 1.02 A. COORDINATION WITH OWNER Coordinate all cleaning and finish products with supplies used by the owner to ensure the use of compatible materials and products. General Contractor shall work with the installer to coordinate scheduling and any other issues affecting either contractors work. B. 1.03 A. B. C. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical characteristics; sizes, patterns and colors available. Samples: Submit one sample, illustrating color and pattern for each floor material. Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures, perimeter conditions requiring special attention, and seaming recommendations. 1.04 A. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Conform to code for flame/smoke rating requirements in accordance with ASTM E84. 1.05 A. B. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site under provisions of the General Requirements. Protect roll materials from damage. 1.06 A. B. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Store materials for three days prior to installation in area of installation to achieve temperature stability. Maintain ambient temperature required by adhesive manufacturer three days prior to, during, and 24 hours after installation of materials. 1.07 A. MAINTENANCE DATA Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning, stripping, and re-waxing. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. 2.02 A. B. MATERIALS - BASE Molded Synthetic Base: FS SS-W-40. Rubber; coved; 1. Height: 4 inch 2. Thickness: 3/8 inch thick 3. Length: Roll. Maximum permissible lengths 5. Color: To be selected to match existing. Multiple colors may be required (up to 3). Base Accessories: Premolded end stops and external corners, of same material, size, and color as base. ACCESSORIES Wall Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by adhesive material manufacturer. Primers and Adhesives: Waterproof; types recommended by flooring manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. EXAMINATION Verify walls and floors are dry and prepared to receive adhesive and hold base material. Verify floor and lower wall surfaces are free of substances that may impair adhesion of new adhesive and finish materials. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09650-1 Resilient Flooring JGR. 16-2798 3.02 A. B. C. 3.03 A. B. C. D. PREPARATION Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. Vacuum clean substrate. Apply primer as recommended by manufacturer. INSTALLATION - BASE Fit joints tight and vertical. Maintain minimum measurement of 18 inches between joints. Do not miter internal corners. At external corners, use premolded units. At exposed ends, use premolded units. Install base on solid backing. Bond tight to wall and floor surfaces. Scribe and fit to door frames and other interruptions. 3.04 A. B. C. CLEANING Clean all work as described in the General Requirements. Remove access adhesive from floor, base, and wall surfaces without damage. Contractor shall install clear sealant around all door frames, between frame and floor, at all floor to frame transitions. 3.05 A. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK Protect finished work. Prohibit traffic on floor finish for 48 hours after installation. END OF SECTION 09650 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09650-2 Resilient Flooring JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 09688 CARPET – MODULAR TILE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Carpet and backing, glue down type to match existing. B. Accessories. 1.02 A. B. 1.03 A. B. C. D. 1.04 A. B. ALLOWANCES Cash Allowance: This contractor shall install and furnish all carpet. This contractor shall allow the sum of $30.00 per square yard for purchase and delivery of carpet only. Allowance includes purchase and delivery of carpet only. Installation, glue and accessories are included in the Contractors Bid price, not the allowance. Any differential in the allowance amount listed above and original invoices from the mill/manufacturer will be adjusted in the contract price. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; sizes, patterns, colors available, and method of installation. Samples: Submit two samples illustrating color and pattern for each carpet material specified. Submit two samples of edge strip, material for each color specified. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures, perimeter conditions requiring special attention. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing specified carpet with minimum five years documented experience. Installer: Company specializing in installing carpet with minimum five years documented experience, approved by manufacturer, and pre-approved by architect 20 days prior to bid. 1.05 A. B. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Store materials for 3 days prior to installation in area of installation to achieve temperature stability. Maintain minimum 70 degrees F ambient temperature 1 day prior to, during and 24 hours after installation. 1.06 A. MAINTENANCE DATA Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning. 1.07 A. EXTRA MATERIAL Provide 1 full carton. ft. of carpeting of each type, color, and pattern specified. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS – CARPETING A. Product as selected by Owner. 1. Carpet will be tile/modular. 2. Two colors to be selected. B. Special Walk-Off Carpet (Vestibule 100, Alternate 1) J&J Envision, Runway (7000); Color to be selected. 2.02 A. B. C. ACCESSORIES Sub-Floor Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by adhesive material manufacturer. Adhesive: Compatible with carpet material and as recommended by carpet manufacturer. Edge Strips: Aluminum edge strips where carpet abuts tile flooring. Schluter Schiene AE/R series, field form for radius edge. Height to match ceramic tile thickness. Color – Submit samples for selection. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09688-1 Carpet – Module Tile JGR. 16-2798 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. EXAMINATION Verify that surfaces are smooth and flat with maximum variation of 1/4 inch in 10 ft., and are ready to receive work. Verify concrete floors are dry to a maximum moisture content of 7 percent; and exhibit negative alkalinity, carbonization, or dusting. B. 3.02 A. B. C. 3.03 A. B. C. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. 3.04 A. B. PREPARATION Remove subfloor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with subfloor filler. Apply, trowel, and float filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. Vacuum clean substrate. INSTALLATION Apply carpet and adhesive in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Verify carpet match before cutting to ensure minimal variation between dye lots. Double cut carpet at accent areas to allow intended seam and pattern match. Make cuts straight, true, and unfrayed. Edge seam carpet at traffic areas. Lay carpet tight and flat on subfloor, well fastened at edges, with a uniform appearance. Provide monolithic color, pattern, and texture match within any one area. Do not change run of pile in any room where carpet is continuous through a wall opening into another room. Locate change of color or pattern between rooms under door centerline. Cut and fit carpet around interruptions. Bind cut edges where not concealed by edge strips. Carefully install seam seal or other product as recommended by manufacturer to prevent unraveling of carpet at exposed edges and seams. Fit carpet tight to intersection with vertical surfaces without gaps. Where wall bases are scheduled, cut carpet tight to walls. Fit carpet tight to vertical interruptions, leaving no gaps. Where carpet abuts floor tile or other material of differing height, provide sub-floor filler to elevate edge of carpet to match adjacent material. Level out floor a minimum of 2’ from carpet edge. Intent is to create smooth floor transition to eliminate bumps when rolling carts over floor. Install carpet tile to match existing carpet patterns at field and accent areas. CLEANING Remove excess adhesive without damage, from floor, base, and wall surfaces. Clean and vacuum carpet surfaces. END OF SECTION 09688 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09688-2 Carpet – Module Tile JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. SECTION INCLUDES Surface preparation and field application of paints and coatings. 1.02 A. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. Applicator: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum years documented experience and approved by manufacturer. B. 1.03 A. B. C. D. 1.04 A. B. C. D. E. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site. Deliver products to site in sealed and labeled containers; inspect to verify acceptability. Container label to include manufacturer’s name, type of paint, brand name, lot number, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup requirements, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F and a maximum of 90 degrees F, in ventilated area, and as required by manufacturer’s instructions. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Do not apply materials when surface and ambient temperatures are outside the temperature ranges required by the paint product manufacturer. Do not apply exterior coatings during rain or snow, or when relative humidity is outside the humidity ranges required by the paint product manufacturer. Minimum Application Temperatures for Latex Paints: 45 degrees F for interiors; 50 degrees F for exterior; unless required otherwise by manufacturer’s instructions. Minimum Application Temperature for Varnish and Finishes: 65 degrees F for interior or exterior, unless required otherwise by manufacturer’s instructions. Provide lighting level of 80 foot candles measured mid-height at substrate surface. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 A. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturer - Paint, Transparent Finishes, Stain, Primer Sealers, and Block Filler by SHERWINWILLIAMS or as approved equal. 2.02 A. MATERIALS Coatings: Ready mixed, except field catalyzed coatings. Process pigments to a soft paste consistency, capable of being readily and uniformly dispersed to a homogeneous coating; good flow and brushing properties; capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. Accessory Materials: Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, paint thinners and other materials not specifically indicated but required to achieve the finishes specified, of commercial quality. Patching Materials: Latex filler. Fastener Head Cover Materials: Latex filler. Extra Materials – Provide one unopened gallon of each color (4 colors for bidding purposes). B. C. D. E. 2.03 A. FINISHES Refer to schedule at end of section for surface finish schedule. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09900-1 Painting JGR 16-2798 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. 3.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. EXAMINATION Verify that surfaces and substrate conditions are ready to receive work as instructed by the product manufacturer. Examine surfaces scheduled to be finished prior to commencement of work. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. Test shop applied primer for compatibility with subsequent cover materials. PREPARATION Remove or mask electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, escutcheons, and fittings prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. Correct defects and clean surfaces which affect work of this section. Remove existing coatings that exhibit loose surface defects. Seal with shellac and seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes. Impervious Surfaces: Remove mildew by scrubbing with solution of trisodium phosphate and bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. Aluminum Surfaces Scheduled for Paint Finish: Remove surface contamination by steam or high pressure water. Remove oxidation with acid etch and solvent washing. Apply etching primer immediately following cleaning. Asphalt, Creosote, or Bituminous Surfaces Scheduled for Paint Finish: Remove foreign particles to permit adhesion of finishing materials. Apply compatible sealer or primer. Insulated Coverings: Remove dirt, grease, and oil from canvas and cotton. Concrete Floors: Remove contamination, acid etch, and rinse floors with clear water. Verify required acidalkali balance is achieved. Allow to dry. Copper Surfaces Scheduled for a Paint Finish: Remove contamination by steam, high pressure water, or solvent washing. Apply vinyl etch primer immediately following cleaning. Gypsum Board Surfaces: Walls shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted prior to painting or priming of wall surfaces. Do not paint over drywall dust or other construction residue. Gypsum Board Surfaces: Fill minor defects with filler compound. Spot prime defects after repair. Galvanized Surfaces: Remove surface contamination and oils and wash with solvent. Apply coat of etching primer. Concrete and Unit Masonry Surfaces Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dirt, loose mortar, scale, salt or alkali powder, and other foreign matter. Remove oil and grease with a solution of trisodium phosphate; rinse well and allow to dry. Remove stains caused by weathering of corroding metals with a solution of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to dry. Plaster Surfaces: Fill hairline cracks, small holes, and imperfections with latex patching plaster. Make smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Wash and neutralize high alkali surfaces. Uncoated Steel and Iron Surfaces: Remove grease, mill scale, weld splatter, dirt, and rust. Where heavy coatings of scale are evident, remove by hand, power tool wire brushing or sandblasting; clean by washing with solvent. Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution, ensuring weld joints, bolts, and nuts are similarly cleaned. Spot prime paint after repairs. Shop Primed Steel Surfaces: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. Interior Wood Items Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to priming. Seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after primer has dried; sand between coats. Interior Wood Items Scheduled to Receive Transparent Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to sealing, seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after sealer has dried; sand lightly between coats. Exterior Wood Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dust, grit, and foreign matter. Seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections. Fill nail holes with tinted exterior caulking compound after prime coat has been applied. Exterior Wood Scheduled to Receive Transparent Finish: Remove dust, grit, and foreign matter; seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes with tinted exterior caulking compound after sealer has been applied. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09900-2 Painting JGR 16-2798 U. V. 3.03 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 3.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. 3.05 A. B. 3.06 A. Glue-Laminated Beams: Prior to finishing, wash surfaces with solvent, remove grease and dirt. Wood and Metal Doors Scheduled for Painting: Seal top and bottom edges with primer. APPLICATION Apply products in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry. Apply each coat to uniform finish. Apply each coat of paint slightly darker than preceding coat unless otherwise approved. Sand wood and metal lightly between coats to achieve required finish. Vacuum clean surfaces free of loose particles. Use tack cloth just prior to applying next coat. Allow applied coat to dry before next coat is applied. Where clear finishes are required, tint fillers to match wood. Work fillers into the grain before set. Wipe excess from surface. Prime concealed surfaces of interior and exterior woodwork with primer paint. Prime concealed surfaces of interior woodwork scheduled to receive stain or varnish finish with gloss varnish reduced 25 percent with mineral spirits. FINISHING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Remove unfinished louvers, grilles, covers, and access panels on mechanical and electrical components and paint separately. Prime and paint insulated and exposed pipes, conduit, boxes, insulated and exposed ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports except where items are prefinished. Paint interior surfaces of air ducts, and convector and baseboard heating cabinets that are visible through grilles and louvers with one coat of flat black paint, to visible surfaces. Paint dampers exposed behind louvers, grilles, and convector and baseboard cabinets to match face panels. Paint exposed conduit and electrical equipment occurring in finished areas. Paint both sides and edges of plywood backboards for electrical and telephone equipment before installing equipment. Reinstall electrical cover plates, hardware, light fixture trim, escutcheons, and fittings removed prior to finishing. EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing walls scheduled to receive new paint shall be cleaned, nail holes, and defects patched to be consistent with general condition of space. Sanding and preparation is required as necessary. Existing wood shall be protected from damage and new paint. Where wood edges are damaged or exposed by construction and/or demolition, prep area and finish to match general condition of the wood trim. CLEANING Collect waste material which may constitute a fire hazard, place in closed metal containers and remove daily from site. 3.07 SCHEDULE The following are for exterior and interior surfaces, and are all products of Sherwin-Williams. INTERIOR SURFACES 1. GYPSUM WALLBOARD A. Painted (Eg-Shel Finish/Latex Base) 1st Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Wall Primer, B28W200 2nd Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Eg-Shel B20W200 Series. 3rd Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Eg-Shel B20W200 Series 2. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. Painted (Eg-Shel Finish/Latex Base) 1st Coat: LOXON Block Filler SW A24W200 2nd Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Eg-Shel B20W200 Series. 3rd Coat: ProMar 200 Latex Eg-Shel B20W200 Series Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09900-3 Painting JGR 16-2798 3. FERROUS METAL (Doors and Door Frames, Spray applied) A. Painted (Semi-Gloss Finish/Alkyd Base) 1st Coat: Kem Kromik Metal Primer, B50N2/B50W1 2nd Coat: Industrial Enamel, B54 Series 3rd Coat: Industrial Enamel, B54 Series 4. WOOD AND PLYWOOD (S.C. Doors) A. Stained and Varnished (Clear Finish) Opened Grained Wood 1st Coat: S64T00008 - Sher-Wood® Wiping Stain Clear 2nd Coat: T77F00037 - Sher-Wood® Catalyzed Lacquer PreCat Medium Rubbed Effect 3rd Coat: T77F00037 - Sher-Wood® Catalyzed Lacquer PreCat Medium Rubbed Effect END OF SECTION 09900 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 09900-4 Painting JGR 16-2798 SECTION 10850 BUILDING SPECIALTIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 A. SECTION INCLUDES Building specialties shall be furnished and installed as shown and herein specified. Installation shall be in accordance with the respective manufacturer’s instructions. Certain manufacturer’s products have been selected as a basic standard, and reference to these products has been made. Other manufacturers’ products of equal capacities and design characteristics may be used, if approved by the Architect prior to the Bidding. The Contractor shall submit for approval shop drawings or standard cuts and illustrations or a combination thereof showing all items he proposes to use. 1.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. CORNER GUARDS Install at each outside corner in corridors, install C/S ACROVYN, surface mounted corner guards. Color as selected by Architect. Multiple colors to be selected to match walls. Full height from 4” a.f.f. to ceiling. Use SM-20 for single corners, SSM 25 for end of walls. BALCO or IPC corner guards will be considered equal. Quantity: As shown on drawings.. 1.03 A. B. C. D. E. WALL PROTECTION Install at exam rooms and reception areas as shown on drawings. Product: C/S ACROVYN. crash rail color to be selected. Model #FR-225H Crescent Profile. Provide end caps and molded corners as required for complete installation. Balco or IPC crash rails meeting size and profile requirements will be acceptable. LOCATION: Install full length of North wall at Waiting Room 102 (approximately 16 l.f.) 1.05 PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING DEVICES Install U.L. listed firestopping systems at pipe penetrations through rated wall and floor assemblies. Firestopping devices shall be appropriate for the condition being firestopped. Systems shall include but are not limited to firecaulk, pipe collars, pillows, wrap strips, etc. Manufacturers: 3M fire Protection Products or equal. Contractor submit specific material/assembly for approval by City of Salina. A. B. C. END OF SECTION 10850 Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 10850-1 Building Specialties JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 13 10 10 BULLET RESISTANT PARTITIONS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 SECTION INCLUDES A. Bullet Resistant Financial Counter Lines. B. Bullet Resistant Transaction Windows. C. Bullet Resistant Transparencies. D Bullet Resistant Opaque Armor. E. Bullet Resistant Ballistic Counters. F. Bullet Resistant Currency Trays. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry. B. Section 08 70 00 - Hardware. C. Section 08 81 00 - Glass. REFERENCES A. ASTM B 209/B 209M - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate. B. NIJ Standard 0108.01 - (National Institute of Justice) Standard for Ballistic Resistant Protective Materials. C. Underwriters Laboratories: UL 752 - Standard for Bullet Resisting Equipment. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Design, fabricate and install all partition materials specified in this section to meet or exceed the requirements of UL 752. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 131010-1 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment JGR. 16-2798 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. C. Shop Drawings: Submit Manufacturer approved shop drawings detailing plan, section and elevation views as necessary to ensure proper field installation procedures. Coordinate locations with those listed in the Contract Drawings. D. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and patterns. E. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum size 6 inches (150 mm) square, representing actual product, color, and patterns. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: All primary products specified in this section will be supplie by a single manufacturer with a minimum of ten (10) years experience. B. Installer Qualifications: All products listed in this section are to be installed by a single installer with a minimum of five (5) years demonstrated experience in installing products of the same type and scope as specified. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store and dispose of hazardous materials, and materials contaminated by hazardous materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.9 Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. WARRANTY A. At project closeout, provide to Owner or Owners Representative an executed copy of the manufacturer's standard limited warranty against manufacturing defect, outlining its terms, conditions, and exclusions from coverage. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 131010-2 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment JGR. 16-2798 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 2.2 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Total Security Solutions, which is located at: 170 National Park Dr.; Fowlerville, MI 48836; Tel: 517-223-7807; Fax: 517-223-0805; Email: request info (; Web: B. Substitutions: Manufactures shall submit for approval minimum 4 days prior to bidding. C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01 60 00. COMPONENTS A. Glazing: Bullet Resistant Glazing: 1. Glazing Type: Monolithic acrylic. 2. Rating: UL 752 Level 3. 3. Glazing Thickness: 1 ¼ inch (32mm). 4. All panels finish 48 inches (1219mm) above the teller riser, 60 inches (1524mm) above the teller counter or to the underside of an existing soffit if lower than 100 inches (2540mm) Above the Finished Floor (A.F.F.). 5. All transparent panels within a vertical baffle system span the teller risers or the money trays edge to edge. A transparent backer will overlap the money trays by 3 inches (76mm), be set back 2 inches (52mm) and extend to match the other transparent panels. B. Aluminum Sections: Extruded aluminum alloy 6063 T5 manufactured in accordance with ASTM B209. Anodized or powder coated finish to match the existing decor and be free of sharp edges or burrs when in place. 1. Glazing Channel: U-Channel specifically designed for securing transparencies tightly in place. Angles and stops are only acceptable for top attachment. 2. Door Frames: 1 3/4 inch by 4 inches by 1/8 min. (44mm x 102mm x 3mm) wall thickness. Anodized or powder coated finish to match the existing decor and be free of sharp edges or burrs when in place. 2.3 BULLET RESISTANT COUNTER LINE SYSTEMS A. Scope: Custom fabricated bullet resistant panels with secure air passage as required for voice transmission. Panels are prefabricated to fit existing fixtures, with all necessary components, hardware, and accessories being supplied as needed for complete installation. 1. System Type (2): Vertical Baffle System and Voice-Around System. 2. Rating: UL 752 Level 3. B. Glazing: As specified in Article 2.2 of this section. Meets Underwriters Laboratories Standard 752 for bullet resistance and/or tested by H.P. White Laboratory for specified bullet resistance. 1. Glazing Type: Monolithic acrylic. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 131010-3 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment JGR. 16-2798 2.9 C. Frame: Extruded aluminum alloy 6063 T5 manufactured in accordance with ASTM B209. Anodized or powder coated finish to match the existing decor and be free of sharp edges or burrs when in place. 1. Type: U-Channel. 2. Finish: Clear Anodized. D. Cash Tray: 1. Mounting: Recessed. 2. Finish: Brushed Stainless Steel. OPAQUE ARMOR A. Bullet resistant fiberglass armor tested and approved to meet U.L. 752 for the level of protection specified. 1. Model: 3. a. Rating: UL 752 Level 3, UN Listed. b. Panel Thickness: 1/2 inch (13mm). c. Panel Weight: 4.0 Lbs per square foot (19.53 kg/sm). 2.10 BALLISTIC COUNTERS A. Scope: Countertop integrated into a complete bullet-resistant barrier system matching adjacent materials featured. Ballistic counters use layered, reinforced, structural polyester laminate (fiberglass). B. Counter Surface: 1. Material: Plastic Laminate. 2.11 CURRENCY TRAYS A. Mounting: Recessed. 1. Dimensions: 14 inches by 10 inches by 1-1/2 inches (356mm x 254mm x 38mm). B. Finish: 1. Finish: Brushed Stainless Steel. 2.14 STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS A. Where installation requires lateral bracing, locate braces no wider than 96 inches (2438mm) on centerlines. The depth of the brace below the counter and vertical support (brace) above the counter must maintain a ratio of at least 20 percent of the total installation height. B. Install 1 1/2 inch (39mm) square steel tube braces below the counter and hoods with a minimum wall thickness of 1/8 inch (3mm). Welded in place and include two vertical and horizontal members. Bolt or weld a diagonal member between the two horizontal members. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 131010-4 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment JGR. 16-2798 C. Extend braces located above the counter and hoods to the top of the acrylic slotted jump shield. Material to be of the specified bullet resistant material. At no time shall the vertical supports be less than 10 inches (254mm) in depth. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. INSTALLATION A. 3.4 Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PROTECTION A. B. Protect installed products until completion of project. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 131010-5 Bullet Resistant Partitions and Equipment JGR. 16-2798 SECTION 281300 ACCESS CONTROL 1. GENERAL This section includes the specification for the access control system per the Basis-of-Design Entrapass system and required components. The specification included is the manufacturer’s standard specification. The contractor shall be responsible for all system components, devices, wiring, software, hardware, along with all labor for the installation of the complete and operational access control system. The access control vendor shall be responsible for all required design drawings, wiring diagrams, submittals and installation as required for final installation. Saline County Sheriff’s Dept. Security Enhancements, Salina KS 281300-1 Access Control JGR. 16-2798 Access Control and Security Management Software Architectural and Engineering Specifications DN2109-1503 / Version 6.03 Architectural and Engineering Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I GENERAL .............................................................................................. 4 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................ 4 1.2 SUBMITTALS .............................................................................................. 4 1.2.A Shop Drawings......................................................................................... 4 1.2.B Product Data ............................................................................................ 5 1.2.C As-Built Drawings .................................................................................... 5 1.2.D Manuals .................................................................................................... 5 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................ 7 1.3.A Manufacturer Qualifications .................................................................... 7 1.3.B Contractor / Integrator Qualifications ..................................................... 7 1.3.C Testing Agencies ..................................................................................... 7 1.4 WARRANTY ................................................................................................ 8 PART II PRODUCTS ........................................................................................... 9 2.1 MANUFACTURERS ................................................................................... 9 2.2 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 9 2.3 PERFORMANCE - MONITORING .......................................................... 10 2.3.A Monitoring Mode .................................................................................... 10 2.3.B Graphics Screen .................................................................................... 12 2.3.C Communication Methods ...................................................................... 12 2.4 PERFORMANCE – PROGRAMMING & CONFIGURATION............... 14 2.4.A User Section........................................................................................... 14 2.4.B Video Section ......................................................................................... 17 2.4.C Definition Section ................................................................................... 19 2.4.D Devices Section ..................................................................................... 20 2.4.E Alarm Interface....................................................................................... 21 2.4 F Integration .............................................................................................. 21 2.4.G System Section ...................................................................................... 22 2.4.H Report Section ....................................................................................... 23 2.4.I Help Section ........................................................................................... 24 2.4.J Options Section ..................................................................................... 24 2.4.K System Status Section .......................................................................... 24 2.4.L Various Tools ......................................................................................... 24 2.4.M Video Vault ............................................................................................. 25 2.5 PERFORMANCE – EntraPass Web / MOBILE APP ........................... 25 2.5.A EntraPass Web ...................................................................................... 25 2.5.B Mobile APP............................................................................................. 33 2.6 INTEGRATION .......................................................................................... 35 2.6.A SmartLink ............................................................................................... 35 2.6.B Card Gateway ........................................................................................ 35 2.7 REDUNDANCY & MIRRORING .............................................................. 35 2.7.A Redundant Server ................................................................................. 35 2.8 HSPD-12 COMPLIANCE AND INTEGRATION .................................... 35 2.9 OPERATION.............................................................................................. 36 2.10 EQUIPMENT.............................................................................................. 41 DN2109-1503 Page 2 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2.10.A Server and Redundant Server Requirements ................................. 41 2.10.B Multi-Site Gateway Requirements .................................................... 42 2.10.C Workstation Requirements ................................................................ 42 2.10.D Controllers .......................................................................................... 43 2.10.E KTES (Kantech Telephone Entry System) ...................................... 44 2.10.F Card and Reader Support ................................................................. 45 PART III EXECUTION ....................................................................................... 47 3.1 TESTING .................................................................................................... 47 3.2 TRAINING .................................................................................................. 47 3.3 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................ 47 DN2109-1506 Page 3 Architectural and Engineering Specifications PART I 1.1 GENERAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Security Management System (SMS) shall be a modular secure access management system used to better control employee and visitor movements at various establishments. The SMS shall be designed to maximize all tools offered by the Windows platform. All commands shall be accessible using nothing more than a mouse, and keyboard use shall be limited to documenting fields requiring numeric or alphanumeric data. The operating program shall be multi-user and multi-tasking and capable of running on a non-proprietary CPU or virtual machines. The application software shall be based on a standard, high level programming language. The SMS shall be modular to facilitate its installation and the development of its capabilities while avoiding major modifications in its operation and in saving all defined system and historical data. The server shall be a database server using a Sybase embedded SQL database. All database management tools shall be included, such as back-up, indexing, and database cleaning tools. No third party database tools or licensing shall be required. The multi-site gateway shall communicate system information between the server and controllers. The workstations shall be the primary user interface to perform supervisory and programming functions. The SMS shall enable the selection of at least two user languages. The basic dictionary shall include English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Turkish, and German, however, the system shall include a vocabulary editor to be used in designing custom language dictionaries. The operator’s profile shall permit the selection of one of the two basic languages. The SMS shall include RS-232 / RS-485 communication link between the various system components as well as TCP/IP network interface capability. Field devices such as card readers, alarm inputs, control points, etc. shall be connected to fully distributed intelligent field panels capable of operating without host computer intervention in a non-degraded mode. The SMS shall be able to design customized ID cards directly from the access management software. No specific program or software other than the access management software and no additional licensing shall be required for this function. Any workstation shall be capable of being used as a badging station. Badging shall be fully integrated with the card database. 1.2 SUBMITTALS 1.2.A Shop Drawings Prior to assembling or installing the SMS, the Contractor shall provide complete shop drawings which include the following: 1. Architectural floor plans indicating all system device locations. 2. Full schematic wiring information for all devices. Wiring information shall include cable type, cable length, conductor routings, quantities, and point-to-point termination schedules. 3. Complete access control system one-line block diagram. DN2109-1506 Page 4 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Statement of the system sequence of operation. Riser diagrams showing interconnections. Detail drawings showing installation and mounting. Fabrication drawings for console arrangements and equipment layout. Test and Commission site report All drawings shall be fully dimensioned and prepared in DWG format using AutoCAD. 1.2.B Product Data Prior to assembling or installing the SMS, the Contractor shall provide the following: 1. Complete product data and technical specification data sheets that includes manufacturer’s data for all material and equipment, including terminal devices, local processors, computer equipment, access cards, and any other equipment provided as part of the SMS. 2. A system description, including analysis and calculations used in sizing equipment required by the SMS. The description shall show how the equipment operates as a system to meet the performance requirements of the SMS. The following information shall be supplied as a minimum: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 1.2.C Central processor configuration and memory size. Description of site equipment and its configuration. Protocol description. Hard disk system size and configuration. Backup/archive system size and configuration. Startup operations. System expansion capability and method of implementation. System power requirements and UPS sizing. A description of the operating system and application software. As-Built Drawings At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor shall provide “as built” drawings. The “as built” drawings shall be a continuation of the Contractors shop drawings as modified, augmented, and reviewed during the installation, check out and acceptance phases of the project. All drawings shall be fully dimensioned and prepared in DWG format using AutoCAD. 1.2.D Manuals At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor shall provide copies of the manuals as described herein. Each manual’s contents shall be identified on the cover. The manual shall include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each security system integrator installing equipment and systems and the nearest service representatives for each item of equipment for each system. The manuals shall have a table of contents and labeled sections. The manuals shall include all modifications made during installation, checkout, and acceptance. Date of project commencement, milestones, CCO’s and completion to be included also. The manuals shall contain the following: 1. Functional Design Manual The functional design manual shall identify the operational requirements for the system and explain the theory of operation, design philosophy, and specific functions. A description of hardware and software functions, interfaces, and requirements shall be included for all system operating modes. All operational DN2109-1506 Page 5 Architectural and Engineering Specifications changes required by customer are to be documented in writing where they differ from original Specification 2. Hardware Manual The hardware manual shall describe all equipment furnished including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. General description and specifications Installation and test and commission procedures Equipment layout and electrical schematics to the component level System layout drawings and schematics Alignment and calibration procedures Manufacturers repair parts list indicating sources of supply Load calculations of equipment operating at maximum load Software Manual The software manual shall describe the functions of all software and shall include all other information necessary to enable proper loading, testing, and operation. The manual shall include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4. Definition of terms and functions Use of system and applications software Initialization, startup, and shut down Alarm reports Reports generation Data base format and data entry requirements Directory of all disk files Operators Manual The operator’s manual shall fully explain all procedures and instructions for the operation of the system including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 5. Computers and peripherals System startup and shut down procedures Use of system, command, and applications software Recovery and restart procedures Graphic alarm presentation Use of report generator and generation of reports Data entry Operator commands Alarm messages and reprinting formats System access requirements Maintenance Manual The maintenance manual shall include descriptions of maintenance for all equipment including inspection, periodic preventive maintenance, fault diagnosis, and repair or replacement of defective components. Maintenance manual shall also include a list of recommended spares which are liable to be encountered as part of routine service procedures. DN2109-1506 Page 6 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.A Manufacturer Qualifications The manufacturers of all hardware and software components employed in the SMS shall be established vendors to the access control/security monitoring industry for no less than five (5) years and shall have successfully implemented at least 5 systems of similar size and complexity. 1.3.B Contractor / Integrator Qualifications 1. The security system integrator shall have been regularly engaged in the installation and maintenance of integrated access control systems and have a proven track record with similar systems of the same size, scope, and complexity. 2. The security system integrator shall supply information attesting to the fact that their firm is an authorized Kantech Corporate Dealer. 3. The security system integrator shall supply information attesting to the fact that their installation and service technicians are competent factory trained and certified personnel capable of maintaining the system and providing reasonable service time. 4. The security system integrator shall provide a minimum of three (3) references whose systems are of similar complexity and have been installed and maintained by the security system integrator in the last five (5) years. 5. There shall be a local representative and factory authorized local service organization that shall carry a complete stock of parts and provide maintenance for these systems. 1.3.C Testing Agencies 1. The following hardware have been tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for UL 294 for Access Control System Units. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. 2. KT-300. KT-400. KT-1 IP link. P225W26. P225KPW26. P225XSF. P225KPXSF. P325W26. P325KPW26. P325XSF. P325KPXSF. KT-MOD-REL8. KT-MOD-INP16. KT-MOD-OUT16. KT-3LED-Plate. KTES. The hardware shall comply with the following regulatory requirements: a. FCC Part 15 Class A. b. FCC Part 15 Class B. c. FCC Part 68 (TIA968). DN2109-1506 Page 7 Architectural and Engineering Specifications d. ICES-003. e. CE. f. ECCN for AES 128 bit encryption for IP communication. i. IP Link, KT-400 or KT-1 only. g. Government standards NISPOM 5-313 Automated Access Control Systems, DICD Annex F 2.3 Accept/Reject Threshold Criteria, JAFAN Annex D 2.3 Accept/Reject Threshold Criteria. 3. 1.4 The SMS shall support Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in door and access operation. WARRANTY The Security Management System (SMS) shall be provided with a 12 month product warranty from date of registration. Software version updates shall be available for no charge during this warranty. The software media warranty shall be 90 days. DN2109-1506 Page 8 Architectural and Engineering Specifications PART II 2.1 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS The Security Management System (SMS) shall be the Kantech EntraPass Corporate Edition. 2.2 DESCRIPTION The Security Management System (SMS) shall be an integrated system that utilizes a Sybase embedded SQL database for the storage and manipulation of related data. The SMS shall include a server with applications software, multi-site gateways for communication between the server and controllers, operator and administrator workstations with appropriate software, hard copy printers and secure backup media. The security field devices (readers, door position switches, REX, etc.) shall communicate with the field panels via a dedicated cable network. The field panels shall communicate to the server via a Fast Ethernet 10/100 TCP/IP network, RS-232/RS-485 connection, or dial-up modem. The SMS shall allow for growth and scalability from a smaller system to a larger, highend, or enterprise system. The SMS shall be modular in nature, allowing system capacities to be easily expanded without requiring major changes to system operation. All defined system data as well as historical information shall be maintained. Customizable user interfaces shall allow management of system information and activity for administrators and operators. The response time between the moment when a card is presented at the reader and when the door is unlocked shall not exceed one second. The SMS shall include a badging solution with a GUI for badge design. No extra licensing shall be required for the badging solution. The SMS shall be able to connect to authenticated non-SSL or non-authenticated email server for all email features described. The SMS shall be able to connect to SMTP or POP3 authenticated email server. The SMS shall support up to: 20 50 20 40 41 2,048 10, 000 10, 000 100,000 100,000 Unlimited Unlimited 2 DN2109-1506 Workstations Concurrent Web/Mobile applications Redundant servers Digital video recorders Multi-site gateways Connections per Multi-Site Gateway (max: 10, 000 doors) Door controllers per Multi-Site gateway Readers per Multi-Site Gateway Monitored points per Multi-Site Gateway Control relays per Multi-site Gateway Access cards Card families or site codes Simultaneous operator languages Page 9 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2.3 PERFORMANCE - MONITORING 2.3.A Monitoring Mode 1. The SMS shall enable every operator to customize their desktop configuration. It shall be possible to modify the desktop appearance and to create up to 8 desktops and to associate up to10 different display screens to each. It shall be possible to modify the size and position of all screens. It shall be possible to determine if these screens shall be floating anywhere on the desktop or fixed on the desktop. If the workstation is equipped with a dual output video card and two or more monitors, it shall be possible to distribute the screen to multiple monitors. However, each screen shall be able to be viewed alone or together depending on operator needs. Once these parameters are saved, the configuration shall automatically take effect whenever the operator logs in. For all types of screens, it shall be possible to access the general properties of the screen by simply right clicking at the center of the screen. From there it shall allow for linkage between associated screens without having to exit the current screen or section. It shall be possible to right click events on the desktop for editing which shall bring the user directly to the card, door, or component window and back. 2. Message Screen All events that occur shall appear in real time. The text shall include at least the date, time, and a pertinent description of the event as well as its condition. The display of this screen shall be customizable and a different background and message color can be used for every type of event. In addition the background color shall be chosen per operator. Events shall appear in their defined color or the operator shall have the option to choose a text color for the events. All component modification events shall be tagged with an addition (+), modification (=) or deletion (-) tag. Every in-coming event shall be documented by one or more icons representing video images, photos, access card, server, gateway, controller, card reader, and relay or supervision point. It shall be possible to classify the events on the screen by sequence, date and time, type of event, or type of message. In addition, a text filter shall be available to facilitate searching. It shall be possible to access the last up to 100,000 transactions from this window without the need to request a special report. It shall be possible to see the origin of the event so that the operator shall be able to see the event’s parent. For example door and access events shall show the location (site) of the event. It shall be possible to right click on an event and perform edit or other functions linked to the event. 3. Card Holder Photo Screen When a card is presented to a card reader, the software shall automatically display the photograph of the cardholder in this window. From this screen it shall be possible to select the cardholder’s name, card number, event text, and comments as well as specify a door or group of doors for which the operator would like to display a photo. The SMS shall support the display of up to 4 pictures simultaneously. Furthermore DN2109-1506 Page 10 Architectural and Engineering Specifications the SMS shall allow that each picture box be assigned to a specific door for additional filtering 4. Filtered Message Screen This screen shall be a copy of the text messages screen except it shall be possible to select a specific message filter. The SMS shall include a choice of pre-configured filters and the ability to create customized filters. For every new filter it shall be possible to associate a name to it, select the type of event, select door, select workstation, select gateway, select supervision input, and select output. 5. Alarm Screen Alarms that require an acknowledgement by an operator shall be displayed on this screen in text form only. The text shall include at least the date, time and description of the alarm, and its condition. It shall be possible to classify events on the screen by sequence, date and time, type of event, or type of message. A text filter shall be available in order to facilitate the search. If instructions about an alarm are envisaged, they shall automatically appear in a second window on the screen. If a graphic is associated with the alarm, it shall appear automatically on the screen defined to this effect. The icon associated to the control point shall be represented and show the actual state of the point. The operator shall be able to access a log book in order to document the alarm that occurred. Once this information is recorded in the log it shall not be erasable or modifiable. Operators shall also be able to see previous comments or system logs added for this event. Operators shall be able to run a report of the alarms from this window. It shall be possible to associate video call-up with an alarm. When this occurs, the main screen shall become the video screen, not the alarm screen. 6. Video Screen (Video View) When the SMS is integrated with American Dynamics, Intevo Advanced, Intevo Compact, Exacq or Panasonic DVR/NVR, it shall be possible to view the video images of cameras associated with them. The SMS shall enable the creation of an unlimited number of video views, each one associated with up to 16 different cameras or graphics. It shall be possible for the operator to see at a minimum 48 cameras simultaneously using three video views per screen. It shall be possible for an operator to edit or modify an existing view or create a new one directly from this screen. For each video view it shall be possible to select sequential, mosaic pattern, or preset viewing modes. The SMS shall allow the operator to switch between pre-programmed video and dynamic view. The dynamic view shall allow the operator to select any camera and view it regardless of the need to create a new video view. The dynamic view shall support up to 16 cameras simultaneously. It shall be possible for an operator to access all the commands of a motion PTZ camera to include rotate on its axis, adjust its focus, and have a larger view of the image. Accessibility to camera images and commands shall be limited by operator security level. DN2109-1506 Page 11 Architectural and Engineering Specifications No additional licensing shall be required to perform this function. 7. Historical Message Screen This screen shall allow operators to choose from a previously created custom report. Operators shall choose a start/end date/time. The report will be populated in this window and have the same characteristics of the message screen including all right click functions. The historical message screen shall allow operators to add comments to any event this can be later seen and reviewed. 2.3.B Graphics Screen 1. There are three options for graphics that appear as background on the screen. The first is a reproduction of the building(s) floor by floor. The graphic module shall be capable of importing files in BMP, EMF, WMF, JPEG, GIF, PCX, PNG, TIF, or PCD formats. 2. The second option is using web pages, or WebViews, as background on the screen. This can be used in the following manners: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Accessing to DVR web servers. Embedding default web pages into operator desktops. Adding an IP camera onto a video view. Embedding intranet pages or directories into the operator environment. Adding PDF, Word documents, etc. to the desktop. HTML or PDF pop-up instruction on alarm. Integrating report folders in the desktop for quick access. 3. The third option is to assign a live video view as background on the screen if video integration is being utilized. 4. For all three options, control points shall be represented by a descriptive icon. Control points include workstations, gateways, controllers, card readers, doors equipped with either card readers or supervision contacts, cameras, relays, cameras, video views, task triggers and input monitoring points such as motion sensors. The icons shall be animated, meaning they shall represent the state of the point to which they are associated in real time. Every graphic shall support at least 100 control points. Right clicking on an icon shall directly access the manual commands of each control point. A door shall be capable of but not limited to temporarily unlocking, manually unlocking or locking, and enabling or disabling a reader, viewing the reader’s comments, and enabling or disabling the KT-400 or KT-1 door contact. A supervision point shall be capable of being enabled or disabled. A control relay shall be capable of being activated, deactivated, or temporarily activated. Cameras shall be capable of viewing images or live video. No additional licensing shall be required to perform this function. 2.3.C Communication Methods 1. The SMS shall ensure the communication to remote sites over a LAN or WAN/Internet using a dedicated communication server device, Kantech IP Link, KT1 Controller or the KT-400 controller. This shall only be applicable with the use of DN2109-1506 Page 12 Architectural and Engineering Specifications Multi-site Gateways. It shall ensure secure communications by the use of 128-bit AES Encryption. It shall reduce bandwidth consumption by managing the communication protocol of Kantech controllers at the remote site. Polling of Kantech controllers shall be done by the Kantech IP Link, KT-1 controller or KT-400 in the field and not over the network. The Kantech IP Link, KT-1 controller or KT-400 shall provide support for up to 32 door controllers. The Kantech IP Link or KT-400 shall be configured from the access software or from a web page which has the security feature of being disabled after successful use. 2. For connections that do not have network links, communication to remote sites shall be ensured by Dial-up modems. This shall only be applicable with the use of Multisite Gateways. The SMS shall support up to 32 such modems that can simultaneously communicate and transmit or receive data from remote sites. No modem shall be dedicated to specific sites; communication shall be established such that the first site calling shall have access to the first available modem, and so on. 3. Each Multi-site Gateway shall be able to control 32 local controller loops by using the RS-232/RS-485 protocols via serial or USB port. In addition, each Multi-site Gateway shall be able to control up to 2048 (10 000 doors maximum Ethernet loops using TCP or UDP protocols, via the use of the Kantech IP Link, KT-1 controller or KT-400 of 32 controllers each. 4. The SMS shall differentiate between sites and connections. A Connection shall be a hardware connection of controller over IP, direct, or dial up to the Multi-Site Gateway. A site shall be a collection of any connection from any multi-site gateway. a. Operators shall be able to add connections to sites as needed. b. Operators shall assign access levels to card holders via the site. Having to assign an access level to every connection shall be not be acceptable as this is time consuming. c. Operators shall be able to view/unlock/lock all the doors belonging to a site regardless of their connection. i. Operators shall have the option to expand the site and see where which connection the doors belong to. d. When programming access levels operators shall see all the doors belonging to one site; from there the operator shall be able to assign a schedule to a door for the user’s access. 5. Each site and connection shall have the ability to have 20 user definable fields. The field label names shall be changeable. a. Operators shall be able to enter up to 40 characters per field. 6. In all communication methods, the door controller shall retain in their memory all necessary data for controlling doors that they supervise. In case of communication failure, the door controller shall execute all its functions normally. 7. When using a KT-1 it shall be possible to use the auto-enrollment functionality. An operator shall be able to press a button on the KT-1 controller which shall find the EntraPass multi-site gateway. Once found by the SMS, the operator shall quickly and efficiently be able to enroll the KT-1. a. The auto-enrolment shall work on a local LAN segment of the network b. The SMS shall display in dedicated list all unassigned KT-1. From the EntraPass workstation or Web. The operator shall simply pick the KT-1 they are interested in. c. The SMS shall allow using the auto-enrolment wizard: DN2109-1506 Page 13 Architectural and Engineering Specifications i. Assign a KT-1 to a site ii. Name the door iii. Activate the exit reader iv. Activate the door contact v. Activate the Request to exit d. The SMS shall auto-fill the MAC address and Serial number. Having to manually enter the MAC address or serial number in the auto-enrolment shall not be acceptable. 2.4 PERFORMANCE – PROGRAMMING & CONFIGURATION 2.4.A User Section 1. This section shall include all functions involved in the issuance of an access or ID card as well as database search and importation tools. During the addition or modification of a card, information about the card shall be sent to the door controllers affected by these new parameters as soon as the operator accepts the addition or modification. An additional command requiring a reloading of the cards database in the door controllers shall not be acceptable. 2. The SMS shall allow adding door access exceptions to the cardholder’s list of access rights. a. The SMS operator shall be able to provide a pre-defined access level and separately add a specific door to be part of the cardholder’s access rights. b. The door shall have its own schedule. c. The SMS operator shall have the option of allowing or disallowing access to that door based on that schedule. d. There shall be no limit to the number of doors that can have exceptions. e. The KT-400 and KT-1 shall keep in memory the door access exceptions even in standalone mode. This feature shall be available with the KT400 and KT-1. 3. The SMS shall enable the creation and definition of a user access card. There can be up to five cards per user and users can be managed by cardholder name or card number. When creating user cards, the operator shall be able to select a card format directly from a Card dialog and enter the card number as it is printed on the card. 4. The following user information shall be able to be saved in the user section: a. 5 card numbers each with their own expiration date, trace and lost or stolen statuses. b. First and last name. c. Card type. d. Additional information (10 fields). e. Start date. f. Expiry date. g. Personal ID number (PIN). h. State of the card. i. Multi-swipe activation. j. Comments. In addition, it shall be possible to associate a photograph, signature, and badge template to a card. The picture of the card holder shall always be visible when the profile is active on the screen. DN2109-1506 Page 14 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 5. The SMS shall allow for the creation of an unlimited number of card templates to be used as ID cards. Template parameters include name, number of sides, and size. It shall be possible to directly print a template on an access card. The operator shall be able to design customized badging templates directly from the access management software. No specific badging program or software other than the latter and no additional licensing shall be required for this function. Any workstation shall be capable of creating ID cards based on operator security level. The following items shall be capable of being added to and modified on a badge template: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. All information fields associated to a cardholder. Bar code. Text zone. Start date, expiry date, today’s date. Saved images and logos. Borders. Rectangles (including rounded rectangles, ellipse). Lines and arrows. Photograph (can be cropped). A background. 6. The SMS shall allow for the creation of a day pass to be issued to visitors for a single day. The SMS shall also have the ability to create temporary ID visitor cards. 7. The SMS shall offer the possibility of modifying the parameters of a group of cards simultaneously based on Card Type. The system shall enable the creation of an unlimited number of card types. The following fields shall be modifiable: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Card status (valid, invalid, lost, stolen). Card monitored (yes, no). Start date (schedule). End date (schedule). Delete after expiration (yes, no). Wait on keypad (yes, no). Access group (selection menu). Template model (selection menu). 8. The operator shall be able to search for a card by last or first name, card creation date, card number, or any of the ten fields of user definable information. The system shall display the last card transactions, namely the latest sixteen denied access events, authorized events, database events, and/or time & attendance events. 9. The operator shall be able to quickly view the cardholder’s door list a. Operators shall be able to export the door access list. b. A detailed view of the door’s schedule shall be show when selecting a door. 10. The operator shall have the option of expanding the comments field in the user section for better viewing. 11. The SMS shall enable the creation of an unlimited number of Import/Export models, give them a name, select required fields, select their layout, and determine the filed delimiter. This shall allow for acceleration of the data entry process by importing databases from a spreadsheet. DN2109-1506 Page 15 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 12. The SMS shall allow for 250 access levels programmed per loop/site of controllers. Every card shall be assigned an access level which shall determine where and when the access card will be valid. When the system consists of several sites or gateways, it shall be possible to use batch programming of access levels. 13. The SMS shall support up to a total of 5 access levels for each card user per site/connection when using the Multi-site gateway. This feature shall be available with the KT-400 and KT-1. The SMS shall advise the operator if doors are not supported when adding additional access levels (2-5). 14. The SMS shall allow for creation of tenant lists that can be imported in the (Kantech Telephone Entry System) KTES units. The lists shall be easy to fill up and allow for up to 3000 tenants in each list. The SMS shall support the creation of unlimited amounts of tenant lists. 15. The SMS shall allow of importing and exporting of tenant lists. The operator shall have the ability to choose which fields to import and export. 16. The following tenant information shall be able to be saved for each tenant. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. Tenant name. Tenant ID (customizable in length per tenant list). Primary Telephone Number. Secondary Telephone number. Tenant PIN (customizable in length per tenant list). Pin access schedule. Tenant level. Tenant language. Card number. Disable card trace. Start/End date. No disturb schedule. Prioritized tenant in the display list. Call second phone number option schedule. i. Ability to call the second phone number only (does not call primary) during valid schedule. 17. The SMS shall allow for a card number to be assigned to specific tenant. The KTES unit will be able to send the card number to other controllers of a Wiegand protocol. 18. The SMS shall allow for an unlimited amount of Card Types. Cards types shall be used to group cards together for ease of management. Card types shall have the option of being assigned a card access group template. Card access groups shall be copied to the card holder profile to give the card holder’s access levels. 19. The SMS shall provide the possibility to perform card batch operations. The mass card modifications shall take effect in real time. Each batch operation shall allow for mass cards to be changed based on their card type. The batch card modification shall be able to change: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. DN2109-1506 Card State. Supervisor level. Card count value. Card Tracing. Start Date. End Date. With deletion on expiration. Page 16 Architectural and Engineering Specifications h. i. j. k. l. m. n. 2.4.B Waiting for keypad. Card access group. Replacing access levels. Updating access levels. Adding new access levels. Updating and adding new access levels. Card Badge layout. Video Section 1. The SMS shall be capable of being combined with up to 128 American Dynamics Intellex digital video recorders and American Dynamics Hybrid DVR (HDVR), American Dynamics TVR2 , American Dynamics Video Edge, American Dynamics Video Edge Hybrid NVR v4.03, Intevo Advanced, Intevo Compact, and exacqVision A, Z series, exacqVision EL series (EL-S, ELX-S, ELX-IP, ELX-SR) and the exacqVision LC series (LC, LC-IP) IP DVR/NVR products without any additional licensing. 2. The SMS shall be combinable with up to 128 Panasonic DVR/NVR with a valid option code. The SMS shall support the following Panasonic DVR/NVR: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3. WJ-ND400 WJ-ND200 WJ-ND300A WJ-HD220 WJ-HD309A WJ-HD316A WJ-HD616/WJ-HD716 WJ NV200 From any of the workstations it shall be possible to do the following: a. b. c. d. View one or more camera images from different sources. Query the history of each recorder and view images saved on disk. View, modify, or delete programming parameters of a recorder. Control the movement of all motion cameras directly with the workstation mouse of the SMS (PTZ control). e. Export camera images to hard disk and Video Vault (capable of exporting multiple formats, password protected to protect chain of evidence). 4. The SMS shall ensure the time management and synchronization for all the American Dynamics DVR/NVR. It shall be possible to determine the time refresh frequency on the network for the American Dynamics DVR/NVR. The SMS shall allow for configuration of each DVR/NVR. For each recorder it shall be possible to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Assign a name. Determine the recorder type. Determine the network IP address or domain name (DNS). Manually configure the video, communication and event ports. Determine the number of cameras. Determine the query frequency. Determine the number of failed queries required before a loss of communication message is displayed on the screen. h. Import camera details from existing video servers. DN2109-1506 Page 17 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 5. The SMS shall define the programming parameters for every camera connected to a DVR/NVR. For each camera it shall be possible to: a. b. c. d. e. f. Assign a name. Determine the type of camera. Assign a representative icon for identification on a graphic screen. Determine if the camera image can be visible on a video view. Determine the type of recording. Determine which events from the recorder shall display an alarm message on the screen. g. Determine the number of pre-selections desired. h. Determine the number of patterns desired. i. Add comments to record in the Video Vault. 6. The SMS shall allow for the creation of an unlimited number of video views. For each video view it shall be possible to connect up to 16 cameras from various sources. 7. The SMS shall be able to incorporate on the same view multiple cameras from different American Dynamics Intellex DVRs or graphics. Furthermore on different video views the SMS shall be able to incorporate multiple cameras source from different American Dynamics HDVR, Intevo Advanced, Intevo Compact, exacq or graphics. In addition on different video views the SMS shall be able to incorporate multiple cameras source from different American Dynamics TVR2 or graphics. In addition on different video views the SMS shall be able to incorporate multiple cameras source from different American Dynamics Video Edge NVR or graphics. Also, on different video views shall the SMS be able to incorporate multiple camera sources from different Panasonic DVR/NVR of the same model or graphics. 8. The video view programming parameters make it possible to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. 9. Assign a name. Determine the view size. Determine the refresh rate of the image. Determine whether to show metrics. Determine whether to show camera controls. Determine whether to show overlays. Determine whether to auto-hide text. Determine whether to activate image zoom. Determine whether to activate video sequence. Determine delay before sequence launch. Determine camera display delay. Determine display pre-selection delay. Determine pattern display delay. Determine graphic display delay. Determine display mode (1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4). Incorporate up to 16 cameras from various sources or 16 graphics. The SMS shall be able to trigger, from one or more specific events, the start of a recording on a recorder with one or more cameras connected to it. The SMS shall allow for the creation of an unlimited number of video triggers. The SMS shall allow for the creation of an unlimited number of recording parameters. For each recording parameter it shall be possible to: a. b. c. d. DN2109-1506 Define a name. Select the DVR/NVR to which this recording parameter refers. Select the camera to which this recording parameter refers. Associate a pre-selection or size. Page 18 Architectural and Engineering Specifications e. f. g. h. Determine the start recording trigger. Determine the pre-alarm time. Determine the total recording time. Determine the stop recording trigger. 10. It shall be possible for a video event on one DVR/NVR to trigger an action on another DVR/NVR. 11. The SMS shall allow the playback of all recordings stored on the hard drive of any of the DVR/NVR. The operator shall be able to save the video into the Video Vault. 12. The SMS shall provide the operator access to the complete list of normal and abnormal events that required the activation of video recording. The sequence of images can be saved to a hard drive for subsequent consultation and shall be encrypted. The SMS shall allow the operator to access a complete list of alarm recordings in progress including origin of the alarm. The SMS shall be capable of displaying a list of exported videos. 13. It shall be possible to view recorded video tagged to an Access or Video event by quick linking from the Message desktop. 14. The SMS shall be capable of connecting 128 American Dynamics, Intevo Advanced, Intevo Compact, exacqVision A, Z series, exacqVision EL series (EL-S, ELX-S, ELXIP, ELX-SR) and the exacqVision LC series (LC, LC-IP) IP DVR/NVR products with no additional options needed. 2.4.C Definition Section 1. The SMS shall allow the creation of 100 schedules per connection/site of controllers and an unlimited number of system schedules. Each schedule can include up to 20 intervals. By default each schedule shall support 4 internals. A schedule can be associated with a supervision point, a relay, an access level, a door, elevator floor, an operator, or an event. The SMS shall allow time zone management. 2. With a Multi-Site Gateway, specific schedules which include up to 20 intervals shall be available for the KT-400 and KT-1. The KT-400 and KT-1 shall keep all 20 intervals in memory when in standalone mode. 3. The SMS shall allow the creation of 366 holidays. It shall be possible to define a name, define a date, and determine the type. The SMS shall allow the operator to view all the holidays defined in holiday type and sites by viewing them all in a yearly calendar. a. The SMS shall not require for a same date to be created multiple times when affecting certain sites. The SMS shall allow for the same holiday date to be used on certain sites or on the entire system. 4. The SMS graphics shall enable operators to view the exact location of a component installed at the site, or the state of components and peripherals represented in the graphic such as doors, contacts, motion sensors, controllers, video views and cameras. The SMS shall allow for the creation of an unlimited number of graphics. The components on the graphics represented by icons as well as the graphics themselves shall have the ability to be modified. The SMS shall allow for printing of the graphics with their respective components on the graphical floor plan. DN2109-1506 Page 19 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 5. The SMS shall allow the management of 2,048 elevator cabs of 64 floors each for each gateway. It shall be possible to associate a schedule to the call button. Outside of the schedule, a valid card for a particular floor will have to be presented to the cab reader for it to be activated. The floor selection button group associated with the card’s access level will become operational for a predefined duration and all other buttons shall become inactive. The SMS shall allow the creation of groups of floors and access levels. 6. When using KT-400 controllers, each elevator floor shall have the ability to associate to its own unlock schedule. Thus, every elevator floor shall be available without a card read at its respective time. 7. The SMS shall provide the possibility to setup unlimited amount of tasks via the user friendly Task Builder. The operator shall be able to create email templates that can incorporate variable to dynamically populate the emails. Using the command GUI menu, the operator can program commands for any component in the SMS. Commands such as but not limited to lock, unlock, temporary unlock, toggle, back to schedule for the doors, relays, inputs and enable and disable readers. The operator can also program commands for specific card count. The commands shall be able to accept specific components or variables that can filled dynamically. 8. The SMS shall provide the possibility to setup unlimited batch card operations via the user friendly Task Builder. The batch card modifications shall take effect in real time. Each batch card modifications task shall allow for cards to be changed based on their card type. The batch card modification task shall be able to change: a. b. c. d. e. f. Card state. Supervisor level. Card count value. Card tracing. Start date. End date. i. With deletion on expiration. g. Waiting for keypad. h. Card access group. i. Replacing access levels. ii. Updating access levels. iii. Adding new access levels. iv. Updating and adding new access levels. i. Card badge layout. 9. The SMS shall provide the possibility to assign the tasks previously created to be triggered on specific components and specific events. 10. The SmartLink Task Commander shall process the command from the first available SmartLink application on the SMS. a. The use of a specific SmartLink to run the SmartLink Task Commander shall not be accepted. The SMS shall accept multiple SmartLink to be installed thus providing a redundant SmartLink for all SmartLink Task Commander tasks. 2.4.D Devices Section 1. The physical components of the SMS including workstations, Multi-site gateways, gateway, site, controllers, Kantech Telephone Entry System (KTES), doors, relays, and monitored inputs shall be individually configured and defined. Individual sites DN2109-1506 Page 20 Architectural and Engineering Specifications shall also be defined. The software shall allow the use of a controller Express Setup feature in order to minimize the time needed for controller definition. 2. 2.4.E Each component in the Devices Section shall allow for a comment section per component. The SMS shall allow for unlimited amount of characters in the comment section. Alarm Interface 1. The SMS shall interface with any external alarm system thereby arming or disarming the system by presenting a valid card to an entry / exit door. It also shall be possible to associate a keypad with a reader forcing the cardholder to enter a number in the keypad after presenting a card. This integration shall only be possible with the use of a Multi-site gateway. It shall be possible at a minimum to: a. b. c. d. e. Set a monitored input as an arming button. Associate a usage schedule with an arming button. Set the exit and entry delay. Determine whether the system must wait for a valid access to arm. Determine whether the system must wait for a valid access card swipe and appropriate pin number to disarm. Determine whether the door must relock on arming request. f. Associate a monitored input with an alarm panel condition. g. Lock a door unlocked by a schedule when armed. 2.4 F Integration 1. The SMS shall allow interface with the DSC PowerSeries PC1616, PC1832, PC1864, MAXSYS 4020 and DSC NEO HS2016, HS2032, HS2064, HS2128 series alarm panels intrusion panel thereby eliminating hardwired integration between the SMS controllers and the DSC PowerSeries® intrusion panel. The DSC PowerSeries, Maxsys and Neo intrusion panels shall communicate with the Multisite gateway via RS-232 or directly to a KT-400 and KT-1-PCB controller via RS232. The SMS shall allow for: a. Single/multiple partitions arming and disarming via reader. i. Disarm via card only or forced valid card and pin. b. Single/multiple partitions arming and disarming via operator commands. c. Receive events from intrusion panel. d. Receive partition names, user codes and zone names programming. e. Update user codes. f. Assign user codes to cardholders. g. Viewing a fully functional virtual keypad to perform all functions available on the DSC PowerSeries® 1616, 1832, 1864 or the MAXSYS 4020 intrusion panel keypad. h. With the MAXSYS 4020 integration the SMS shall be able to control the PGM outputs from a graphic screen. i. With the Maxsys 4020 and NEO integration the SMS shall allow bypassing and unbypassing zones. 2. The SMS shall allow interface with the Simplex 4100ES Fire Panel, thereby eliminating hardwired integration between the SMS controllers and the Simplex 4100ES fire panel. The Simplex 4100ES fire panel shall communicate with the Multi-site gateway via rs-232 connection or directly to a KT-400 and KT-1-PCB controller. The SMS shall allow for: a. Events coming from the Simplex 4100ES fire panel to be viewable DN2109-1506 Page 21 Architectural and Engineering Specifications b. Events to be used for but not limited to reporting, video triggers, e-mail notification c. Viewing the virtual keypad 2.4.G System Section 1. The SMS shall define the profile of a system operator based on name, password, language, privileges, login schedule, security level, workspaces, and password expiry date. The SMS shall provide the possibility to force the operators to assign a mandatory card type to the users. The operator shall be able to provide a default card type for every card. 2. The SMS shall allow configuration of their Web/Mobile rights to each operator: a. Allow to login to Web/Mobile b. Default message list filter c. Default message filter buffer upon login d. Concurrent login option e. Session timeout on idle timer 3. The SMS shall offer the option for the SMS administrators to force strong passwords for operators. The strong password settings shall be configurable by the SMS administrators. 4. The SMS shall determine access rights granted to an operator based on security levels. There shall be three predefined access levels called Installer, Administrator, and Guard. The SMS shall have the ability to create an unlimited number of security levels that can be assigned to one or more operators. It shall be possible to determine from which system components the operator shall be authorized to receive events and take action. It shall be possible to specify for each programming window if the operator can (any combination): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. View the component in read only. Add new components. Modify existing components (cannot add new). Delete components. Save as. Print components. View links. 5. The SMS shall allow System Administrators to grant or deny operators access to all system physical components such as gateways, sites, controllers, doors, relays, inputs, access levels, reports, schedules, tenant lists, video servers, card types, etc. using Workspaces. This allows greater ease for larger sites to locate and assign components that pertain to specific gateways and sites. System administrators shall be able to tailor specific system applications and workstations Workspaces, therefore restricting access to information to all levels of operators. Operators shall be able to use temporary workspaces to narrow their fields of view when accomplishing specific tasks, and then easily revert back to their main workspace. 6. The SMS shall allow for the creation of unlimited instructions. These instructions shall be attributed to one or more events that will be used in documenting the event and guide the operator on duty in performing tasks. It shall be possible to edit the instructions in two different languages. DN2109-1506 Page 22 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 7. The SMS shall make it possible to customize system events. All events shall be predefined to display on all system workstations. For each event it shall be possible to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2.4.H Determine a display schedule. Determine a color. Assign a printer. Associate one or more workstations. Associate an instruction. Associate a schedule for an acknowledgement request. Determine the priority level. Report Section 1. The SMS shall include templates for various types of reports to include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Card use reports. Manual operations reports. Alarm reports. Historical reports. Time & Attendance reports. Detailed reports. Summary reports. Statistical reports. Roll Call Reports. 2. The SMS shall allow for the creation of custom reports based on any event or component in the system. The SMS shall support an unlimited amount of customized reports. 3. All reports shall be able to be displayed on screen, printed, or sent by e-mail on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. All event reports can be automated to be generated and sent at a specific time for a specific time period. 4. The SMS shall support at a minimum the following report formats: Sybase, Dbase IV, CSV, XLS, PDF, RTF, and TXT. 5. The SMS shall be able to generate an access report in CSV with all the card information associated to that access event. 6. All component modification events shall be tagged with addition (+), modification (=) or deletion (-) tag. In all event driven reports the operator shall have the choice to specify a tag or all tags in order to further filter report. 7. The system shall support for the creation of custom Time and Attendance reports. Each time and attendance report shall support up to 32 rules for masking the entry and exit times of each card. Also each report shall support a “First entry and last exit” feature. 8. Time and attendance reports shall have the possibility to compile the report in using fractions base (percentage) or actual hours and minute base. 9. The SMS shall allow the creation of custom Roll Call reports, which can without operator intervention be emailed to multiple people and/or printed on multiple printers. The Roll Call report shall be a system wide feature. 10. Each report, quick report, historical report and time attendance report shall have a priority number assigned to it. When multiple reports are requested. The SMS shall DN2109-1506 Page 23 Architectural and Engineering Specifications prioritize the creation of the report based on their priority number. From the Report queue management window the operator shall have the possibility to promote the report to a higher priority. The operator shall also have the ability to request more processing power form the computer in order to expedite the report creation. 11. Reports shall be prioritized from queue of 1 to 99. When the report is requested as priority 1 it shall be processed first. The default value for all new reports shall be set to 50. Operators shall be able to change it as needed. 2.4.I Help Section 1. The SMS shall have contextual help button every window. The operators shall also have option of pressing F1 on their keyboard and Help window will appear with the correct section of the item they were looking at in the SMS. 2. The SMS shall include an About window which shall include basic information about the SMS. It shall also include the KAP start/end date and tokens needed. The operator shall be able to send KAP details via email to a pre-defined email list by the click of one button. 3. In addition the About Window shall include contact information for the SMS manufacturer and contact information for the installation company/dealer. In addition the SMS shall support to identify the SMS to the customer with his contact information The dealer information shall at a minimum but not limited to: a. b. c. d. 2.4.J Company name. Address. Website link. E-mail link. Options Section 1. The SMS shall allow operators to access basic server and display functions and allow the operator to determine default settings for the server hard drive. The operator shall also be able to determine the time to perform a server backup, programmable on monthly, weekly, or daily basis. It shall be possible to schedule and plan mass automatic KT-400 and KT-1 firmware updates. 2. The SMS shall allow for the servicing company to enter their contact information for the SMS operator’s disposal. 2.4.K System Status Section 1. 2.4.L The SMS shall allow operators to view the state of various access system components in text or numerical form. A specific controller’s state shall also be able to be viewed in graphic form via the picture of the controller with the status of each terminal. Workstation and database status shall also be able to be displayed. Various Tools 1. The SMS shall employ an Express Setup to configure system components such as sites and controllers, as well as peripherals associated to these components such as ports and inputs. This utility will reduce the programming time to a minimum. 2. The SMS shall employ a database utility to allow the re-indexation and verification of archived files and verify the integrity of indexes, links, and database arborescence. DN2109-1506 Page 24 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2.4.M 3. The KT-Finder tool shall help troubleshoot the Kantech IP Link, KT-1 and KT-400 on site or remotely. It can also be used as an alternate method of configuration for both. 4. The SMS shall include a vocabulary editor to be used in designing custom language dictionaries. Video Vault 1. Video Vault is an optional remote networked application used to automate recovery of video data from the DVR/NVR and save it on a disk for long term video storage and retrieval. The information can be stored on an independent system or within the server. The footage that shall be tagged and recoverable from the DVR/NVR shall include SMS triggers, manual triggers, and saved video server footage. 2. For the archived video files it shall be possible to: a. Assign a folder name to index the archived files. b. Create sub folders based on day of the week, day, week, month of the year, month, video server name, camera name and/or event description name. c. Determine the hard drive to store the recovered videos. d. Determine the composition of the name of the saved file. e. Determine the format of the saved video. f. Assign a frame from the saved video to represent as a saved file. g. Determine the number of simultaneous downloads. h. Determine a size limit for recoverable videos. i. Assign a password to videos stored. j. Determine a delay between requests to the server. 3. There shall be scheduled transfers for archiving thereby reducing video network traffic during peak times. 2.5 PERFORMANCE – EntraPass Web / MOBILE APP 2.5.A EntraPass Web 1. EntraPass Web shall be an optional tool that will allow for performing certain functions from a remote location to be used with the regular SMS system via a Web browser. 2. EntraPass shall be Silverlight based and be a download application from the main web server. The operator shall simply have to run the EntraPass Web from their Desktop. 3. EntraPass Web shall be automatically updated when the main web server is updated. a. Manual updating of EntraPass Web shall not be supported. 4. The EntraPass Web interface shall allow the operator to have a favorite list of connections. The operator shall be able to select from the favorite list of servers and logins. A username and password shall be required for each one. 5. EntraPass Web shall offer the following operations: DN2109-1506 Page 25 Architectural and Engineering Specifications a. Operator specific security rights. The SMS workstation shall allow configuring operators to be able to access EntraPass Web. It shall also allow the operator’s security rights and workspaces to be used on the EntraPass Web. An operator who cannot add cards on the SMS workstation shall not be able to do the same on EntraPass Web. b. Automatically adjust the operator’s language selection. The language selection shall be done at the creation of the operation in the SMS workstation. The languages supported shall be English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Turkish and German. c. There shall be no limits to the amount of EntraPass Web that can be installed. d. Shall not require any kind of refreshing to receive any new data i. Refreshing the “page” shall not be supported. e. EntraPass Web licenses shall be managed by concurrent active logged on sessions. i. The need to have dedicated licenses per computer shall not be supported. f. Shall support right-clicking to allow additional functions. g. Shall include onscreen overlay tutorials to help guide the operator on how to use the user, access level, holiday, tenant, schedule, Dockview windows and others. i. The tutorials shall be simple, easy and straight to the point. The tutorial overlay shall fade out when the operator actively moves in the screen. ii. The tutorials shall have the ability to be turned off if no longer needed. h. Shall include context-sensitive help in a separate window to provide complete help on specific topics. 6. EntraPass Web shall have a complete, easy to use and intuitive look and feel. 7. EntraPass Web shall allow the following for door, relay and input menus: a. The operator is allowed to select multiple components using the SHIFT/CTRL buttons on the keyboard and the mouse. b. The operator is allowed to view real-time status of the components. Systems righting a manual refresh shall not be acceptable. c. The operator is allowed to search for a particular component within the site. The search filter shall update the results as the operator types. d. Retrieve the last site visited and load the same site when revisiting the menu. e. On doors the operator shall be able to: i. Unlock/lock a door ii. Use the one time access functionality (pulse door) iii. Temporarily unlock a door iv. Return to schedule DN2109-1506 Page 26 Architectural and Engineering Specifications v. Enable/disable exit/entry readers separately using the same door icon vi. Arm/disarm doors when using the KT-400, KT-1 and alarm panel vii. View full text status viii. Enable/disable floors when programmed as elevator ix. Change unlock schedule for the door x. Clear unlock schedule for the door f. On relays the operator shall be able to: i. Activate relays ii. Deactivate relays iii. Temporarily activate relays iv. Retrieve the initial door schedule g. On inputs the operators shall be able to access the following features: i. Normal supervision ii. Continuous supervision iii. No supervision iv. Temporary no supervision 8. EntraPass Web shall provide complete card management. a. EntraPass Web shall learn and remember the operator’s screen settings. i. It shall be possible to see all settings of the cardholder at once without the need to use tabs. ii. Its fields shall be grouped in a logical order to allow operator to completely accomplish their tasks without moving around the window. b. The EntraPass Web shall support up to a total of 5 access levels for each card user per site/connection when using the Multi-site gateway. This feature shall be available with the KT-400 and KT-1. The SMS shall advise the operator if doors are not supported when adding additional access levels (2-5). c. The EntraPass Web shall allow adding door access exceptions to the cardholder’s list of access rights d. EntraPass Web shall allow configuring every aspect of the card that the EntraPass Workstation offers. e. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to print badges using dyesublimation printers (badge printers). i. The operator shall be: 1. Able to assign a badge template to a user. 2. Able to preview both sides of the card printing. 3. Assign a badge printer to print on. 4. Able to print both sides, back side only or front side only. f. DN2109-1506 EntraPass Web shall include additional operations for the cardholder: i. Link a cardholder to a tenant list for the KTES; ii. Import and take a picture of the cardholder using a web cam; iii. View a list of cardholders; iv. The cardholder list shall be configurable to include cardholder information. It shall also allow to sort by columns; v. The cardholder list shall allow for a right click function to modify or delete the cardholder; vi. Search by card number and username; vii. Import and export cardholders via CSV; Page 27 Architectural and Engineering Specifications viii. View all doors assigned to a cardholder regardless of an access level 5. The door list shall be printable and exportable in PDF or EXCEL (XLS) formats. 9. EntraPass Web shall provide complete access level management. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to customize their access level list to show more access levels in columns in order to provide a better view of the access levels. b. EntraPass Web shall provide a preview on how the access level is programmed: i. It shall be possible to zoom in the access level preview and see down to the hour how the access level is programmed. 10. EntraPass Web shall provide complete schedule management. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to customize their schedule list to show more schedule in columns in order to provide a better view of schedule. b. EntraPass Web shall provide a preview on how the schedule is programmed i. It shall be possible to quickly program the schedule by either entering the times or using a scroll bar. ii. It shall also be possible to quickly program the days by choosing them manually or selecting pre-defined day templates. 11. EntraPass Web shall provide complete holiday management. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to customize their holiday list to show more holidays in columns in order to provide a better view of holiday. b. EntraPass Web shall provide a preview on how the holiday is programmed. i. It shall be possible to program the holiday date and using the drag and drop function to select the appropriate sites affected. 12. EntraPass Web shall provide complete tenant and tenant list management. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to customize their tenant list to show more tenant lists in columns in order to provide a better view of tenant lists. b. EntraPass Web shall allow for complete tenant programming in an easy to use GUI interface. c. It shall be possible to see all tenant settings at once without the need to use tabs. 13. EntraPass Web shall allow for map management. a. The operator shall be able to easily and intuitively use the map creation tool to import floor plans or maps in EntraPass Web. The image formats support shall be JPEG and GIF. b. The operator shall have the ability to place components on specific parts of the map and assign double click actions. c. The operator shall be able to view maps from their screen. d. The operator shall be able to: DN2109-1506 Page 28 Architectural and Engineering Specifications i. See real time visual status of a component. At a minimum the following components shall be available: 1. Doors and elevators 2. Inputs 3. Relays 4. Map links 5. Virtual keypad 6. Controller 7. Video Cameras ii. Double click on the component to perform actions. iii. Right click on the component and choose a different action iv. Quickly move to different maps without by using links v. Maximize the map. EntraPass Web shall be able to keep the visual aspect ratio. e. EntraPass Web shall remember the last map used and load it so that operators do not need to choose a map to start every time. f. The operator shall be able to modify the assigned door schedule from the map i. The operator shall not need to have access to entire door to be able to change the assigned door schedule ii. Changing the door schedule shall be a privilege that can be turned on or off by the SMS administrator per operator 14. EntraPass Web shall provide video integration with the American Dynamics HDVR and Video Edge (NVR) , Intevo Advanced, Intevo Compact and exacqVision A, Z series, exacqVision EL series (EL-S, ELX-S, ELX-IP, ELX-SR) and the exacqVision LC series (LC, LC-IP) IP DVR/NVR products. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator: i. To create and manage video views ii. To select a single camera and drag it into the viewing screen to view live video. iii. To select a predefined video view and drag it into the viewing screen to view live video. iv. To view video cameras without the need to create video views. v. To select 9 different video camera layouts. vi. To support up to 16 cameras at once per view. 15. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to generate reports : a. All reports shall be sent via e-mail to multiple e-mail addresses in PDF or EXCEL (XLS) format. b. Reports shall also be viewable on the EntraPass Web screen. The operator shall still be able to use EntraPass Web while a report is generating. c. Onscreen viewed reports shall allow the operator to print the report and save it in PDF or EXCEL (XSL) formats. d. Reports shall allow additional filtering within the report values to better accommodate report filtering. e. EntraPass Web shall allow generating quick reports. DN2109-1506 Page 29 Architectural and Engineering Specifications i. Quick Reports are pre-defined event templates among which operators can choose. The operator shall be able to select multiple event templates. ii. Quick reports shall offer the following pre-configured event templates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. All events Access events Alarm system events Area events Camera events Controller events Database events Door events Guard Tour events Input events KTES Events Operator events Relay events Server based events Time and attendance based events Video server based events iii. The operator shall have the ability to choose a specific timeframe based on date and time. f. EntraPass Web shall allow the creation of custom reports i. Custom reports shall be built in the SMS workstation and can be used in EntraPass Web ii. The operator shall have the ability to choose a specific timeframe based on date and time. iii. Custom reports shall be of limitless availability to the operator. g. EntraPass Web shall allow the creation of reports based on user lists i. The operator shall be able to quickly filter the user list based on: 1. The entire card database 2. Door access 3. Assigned card type 4. Assigned access level ii. The operator shall also be able to filter the report based on: 1. One user definable field with a search value 2. Card status a. Enabled/disabled b. Lost/stolen c. Postdated d. Expired e. Suspended 3. Comments 4. Card traced 5. To be deleted when expired 6. Wait for PIN 7. PIN search iii. Allow the operator to choose which values to include to the report. These values should include but not be limited to: 1. Username 2. Card number DN2109-1506 Page 30 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Card type Card filter Picture Access level Card information fields (selectable) Card state Start/End date Count values Card parameters h. EntraPass Web shall allow the creation of a doors “assigned to” report: i. The operator shall be able to quickly filter the report based on: 1. The access level 2. The card type ii. The operator shall be able to select the component (access levels or card types) to include to the report. iii. The report output shall include the access level or card type name and the doors associated with the schedule. 16. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator to view events in real time. a. EntraPass Web shall allow the operator: i. To view events in real time. Each event at a minimum shall include: 1. Date and time 2. Event name 3. Description of the component b. The event viewer shall support natively a swipe and show feature. The picture of cardholders shall appear on access related events. c. On predefined video alarm recordings, a video button shall appear on the event screen for each event that has video alarm. i. The operator shall be able to click the button to view the alarm video clip. d. From the Event viewer the operator shall be able at a minimum to: i. Search for any event, date, time, description using the Filter field ii. Sort by Date/time, Event and Description. 17. EntraPass Web shall allow for the DSC PowerSeries, Maxsys and Simplex Fire 4100ES Virtual keypad to be used. From the maps the operator shall easily be able to bring up a fully functional DSC Virtual keypad and perform all actions allowed by the DSC PowerSeries 1616, 1832, 1864 keypad and Maxsys keypad. 18. EntraPass Web shall allow for the programming of Kantech hardware. a. EntraPass Web shall support but not be limited to programming the following: i. Sites 1. Naming a site 2. Adding user definable fields to best describe the sites 3. View linked connections ii. IP connections 1. IP Link 2. KT-400 IP 3. KT-1 IP 4. KTES IP iii. Direct connections 1. USB or Serial iv. Controllers: DN2109-1506 Page 31 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 1. KTES 2. KT-100 3. KT-200 4. KT-300 5. KT-400 6. KT-1 v. Component 1. Door programming including but not limited to: a. Multi-swipe settings, b. Intrusion arming/disarming c. Unlock/open settings d. Door contact and Rex settings e. Schedule assigned f. Door naming g. First Person in with grace period h. Exit/Entry readers per door with KT-400 2. Relay programming including but not limited to: a. Activation schedule b. Disable relay schedule c. Temporary activation timer d. Relay naming 3. Input programming including but not limited to: a. Monitoring schedule b. NC/NO status c. Relay activation settings d. Input Name b. When using the KT-1 with the auto-enrolment feature i. The auto-enrolment shall work on a local LAN segment of the network ii. The EntraPass Web shall display in dedicated list all unassigned KT-1. From the EntraPass Web. The operator shall simply pick the KT-1 they are interested in. iii. The EntraPass Web shall allow using the auto-enrolment wizard: 1. Assign a KT-1 to a site 2. Name the door 3. Activate the exit reader 4. Activate the door contact 5. Activate the Request to exit c. EntraPass Web shall support a quick, intuitive and easy to use express setup to configure controllers and their doors, relays and inputs. d. The operator shall be able to modify, delete or add components manually after the express setup. e. The operator shall be able, at a glance, to see in a visual and easy to understand the site communication time, communication status and the number of controllers communicating. i. The operator shall also be able to see the communication status per controller. 19. EntraPass Web shall provide email notification and alarm management with the Watchlist. a. EntraPass Web shall have the ability to manually select which door, relay, input and elevator will be watched for abnormal events. DN2109-1506 Page 32 Architectural and Engineering Specifications b. A watched component shall generate an alarm on EntraPass Web. The operator shall have a time ticker (Watchlist) where all the alarms will appear as small colored circles. i. Each event shall be categorized with the appropriate color by the SMS. c. The operator shall be able to see watchlist events regardless of the time zone difference between the event and the EntraPass Web instance. d. The operator shall be able to: i. Highlight the event and see more information that shall appear. ii. Right click on the event and go to associated: 1. Component 2. Video recording 3. Map iii. Scroll back to the first alarm since he logged in to an EntraPass Web session. iv. Shall be able to tag a Watchlist with email notification as well. 20. EntraPass Web shall provide Dockviews. a. The operator shall be able to create unlimited amount of Dockviews. b. Each Dockview shall be customizable to the operator’s specifications. A Dockview can be customized to have any but not limited to the following items: i. Naming the Dockview ii. Schedule Management iii. Access Level Management iv. Holiday Management v. User Management vi. Tenant Management vii. Door/Elevator Operations viii. Relay Operations ix. Input Operations x. Events xi. Maps xii. Video Viewing xiii. Reports c. Each Dockview shall allow to: i. Pin as favorites ii. Make floating views usable on multiple screens embedded in EntraPass Web iii. Assign to various operators iv. Retrieve the last map used so that operators do not need to reselect the map d. The operator shall have the ability to open an unlimited number of Dockviews at the same time when they are setup as floating views. 21. EntraPass Web shall at a minimum be supported by any web browser and Windows® OS supporting Microsoft® Silverlight plug-in. 2.5.B Mobile APP 1. Mobile App is an optional tool that will allow performing certain functions from a remote location to be used with the regular SMS system via iPad, iPhone, Android phones and Android tablets. The Mobile App provides card management to guards, DN2109-1506 Page 33 Architectural and Engineering Specifications secretaries, or managers without the need to deploy a full workstation. A concurrent connection option shall provide access to a predetermined number of simultaneous users. 2. The concurrent connections are shared with the EntraPass Web connections. 3. The Mobile App shall have the ability to be viewed in multiple languages. The Mobile App shall be available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch Turkish and German. The languages shall be preselected based on the device language. 4. The following functions are available using Mobile App: a. Card management (including 5 cards per username) including but not limited to. 1. Card names 2. Access levels 3. User Pictures 4. Access levels a. Secondary with expiration date when using a Global Gateway b. Additional access level when using a Multi-site Gateway c. Access Door exceptions 5. 40 Card fields to best describe user 6. Start/End Date 7. PIN b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Live card holder picture capture using a camera. Creating, modifying and deleting access levels. Creating, modifying and deleting schedules. Assigning access levels. Performing door operations. Performing relay operations. Performing input operations. Performing elevator operations. Requesting historical reports via email. Viewing live events using the menu or the quick launch viewer. Search for events using text filters. 5. The Mobile App shall support multiple SMS logins and servers stored in memory. 6. The SMS shall support gesture logins in order to login securely and quickly to the Mobile App. 7. The Mobile App shall be downloadable at no-charge from the App Store® and Google Play®. 8. The Mobile App shall be supported but not limited to: a. Apple: i. IPhone, , 4S, 5, 6, 6s ii. iOS: 7, 8, 8.1 b. Android: i. Galaxy S2, Galaxy Nexus ii. Nexus One, Nexus S iii. OS: 1. Ice Cream Sandwich DN2109-1506 Page 34 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2. Jelly Bean 3. Kit Kat 2.6 INTEGRATION 2.6.A SmartLink 2.6.B 1. The SmartLink application offers the ability to send messages to pagers and cell phones and through the use of e-mail. SmartLink provided instant e-mail notification of alarm events and the ability to e-mail reports. 2. Integration with other systems can also be done through the SmartLink API. This tool is used for advanced integration with third party applications like visitor management software, human resources systems, time and attendance systems, video systems, HVAC, etc. Card Gateway 1. The Card Gateway is an optional external interface that shall allow the client to make modifications to the system card database through an Oracle or MS-SQL database. The application may be installed and run on the server’s CPU. It shall allow for HR software integration and enable operators to modify, add, or obtain information on cards in real time. 2.7 REDUNDANCY & MIRRORING 2.7.A Redundant Server 1. The SMS shall be able to support an optional redundant server whose main function shall be to monitor the primary server and ensure automatic (Hot Standby) take over if necessary. The redundant server shall have all the same characteristics and functions as the primary server. 2. The transition between these servers shall be completely transparent. When the primary server is operational once more, it shall be capable of synchronizing its database automatically with the redundant server and then resume absolute control of the access management system. No human intervention shall be required in this operation. The operator shall be able to perform any and all operations during a fail-over synchronization between the primary server and redundant server. 3. 4. 2.8 The system shall support the use of multiple simultaneous redundant servers. The need to install third party (not EntraPass) licensing shall not be acceptable. HSPD-12 COMPLIANCE AND INTEGRATION 1. The SMS shall be HSPD-12 compliant when integrating with PIVCheck Plus and Certificate Manager Solution. The SMS and PIVCheck integration shall be seamless and the operator shall not need to enter the cardholder’s information twice. 2. The integration shall support up to three-factor authentication, extraction and verification of the cardholder’s data on the FIPS 201 smart card and shall perform a biometric match against the template stored on the card. Digital certificates shall DN2109-1506 Page 35 Architectural and Engineering Specifications verify against the issuer’s validation authority, SCVP or OCSP Responders. All cards shall be validated using the FIPS 201 challenge-response (CAK or PAK) in order to identify forged or cloned cards. The SMS integration shall work with all PIV, TWIC, CAC and FRAC cards. 3. The PIVCheck solution shall verify the following items to ensure that the cardholder is the card owner, the card is authentic, and the card has not been revoked by the agency that issued it: a. b. c. d. e. Smart card expiration date. Non-duplicated card (forged/cloned). Biometric. Certification status. PIN verification. 4. The SMS shall natively support the FIPS 201 driver when using the KT-400 and KT-1 controllers and shall display the FIPS 201 card number correctly. 5. The SMS integration shall allow associating SMS card fields with the PIVCheck card field in order to have a seamless card holder entry. The SMS integration shall allow but not limited to associating with the following fields: a. b. c. d. e. f. User definable fields (10). Card holder pin. Card Number. Card user name. Card type. Card status. 6. The SMS integration with PIVCheck shall require option codes to activate all integration functions. 2.9 OPERATION The SMS shall perform the following tasks: 1. Allow card access management for one or more buildings. 2. Control access to various doors equipped with a card reader. Allow the ability to set card use count options to limit the number of times a card can be used. 3. Monitor all defined alarm points as well as all doors controlled by card readers based on programmed schedules. 4. Send transactions for which printing is required to one or more printers, based on a set schedule. 5. Access the system using the main and secondary menus (to which access is limited by a password) to make additions and required changes to various data files so that they can be updated by the user without the manufacturer’s assistance. DN2109-1506 Page 36 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 6. Enable the entry of access code data for every card or group of cards. 7. Seamlessly connect to onsite alarm systems. 8. Fully functional virtual keypad with DSC® PowerSeries PC1616, PC1832 and PC1864 alarm system in addition with the DSC MAXSYS 4020 alarm panel. The operator shall perform all functions available on a standard keypad with the PowerSeries or MAXSYS 4020 series alarm systems. The operator shall be able to use the computer keyboard or the mouse to perform actions on the virtual keypad. 9. Interface with the Simplex 4100ES Fire Panel, thereby eliminating hardwired integration between the SMS controllers and the Simplex 4100ES fire panel to receive events from the Simplex 4100ES panel and view the virtual keypad. 10. Associate to each event a recording schedule for each destination (hard drive, monitor). 11. Automatically display all alarms on screen in text with optional graphic or picture and trigger a sound requiring an acknowledgement on the keyboard to stop the alarm. 12. Alarm pop-ups can be sent to many workstations. An alarm pop-up shall be acknowledged once by one operator. 13. Mandatory comments can be added by the operator when acknowledging the alarm pop-up. 14. In the case of an unacknowledged alarm within a customizable time; the alarm shall be sent to all active operators with additional log information. 15. Each event shall print on a log printer. For security reasons, each event shall be incremented with a print number. Numbering shall start from 0 every day. 16. Generate reports and view them on the screen, output them to a printer, or send them to an email address. 17. Supervise based on programmed schedules of specific points such as door contacts, volumetric detectors, mechanical points, high and low temperature sensors, or any other equipment necessary for good building management. 18. View and/or save video images. DN2109-1506 Page 37 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 19. When integrated into a DVR/NVR system (American Dynamics, Intevo, exacq or Panasonic), allow the management of the recordings of all the cameras via access system workstations. 20. When connected to a DVR/NVR system (American Dynamics, Intevo, exacq or Panasonic), allow the orientation of all PTZ cameras directly using the workstation mouse of the access system. 21. The SMS shall offer the option to create 4 digit, 5 digit or 6 digit PIN for the card holders. 22. The PIN length shall be defined SMS wide. 23. When connected to a digital video recording system (American Dynamics), allow the recovery and storage of selected videos to an independent server. 24. Save the database manually or automatically backup following a schedule. 25. Uninterrupted backups. The operator shall be able to perform any task during a SMS backup. 26. The operator shall be able to perform any and all operations during a fail-over synchronization between the primary server and redundant server. 27. The SMS shall remind SMS operators via email and messages (pop-ups) of the SMS KAP status. The SMS shall have pre-defined reminders set to: a. b. c. d. 60 days before KAP expiration. 30 days before KAP expiration. Day of KAP expiration. 30 days after KAP expiration. 28. The SMS KAP reminder shall include but not be limited to SMS serial number tokens needed and SMS Edition. 29. The SMS shall offer administrators to post a message upon operator login. The message shall be customizable to be per operator and system wide. 30. The login message shall be configurable in both SMS languages and appear on the SMS workstation or SMS Web in the operator’s respective languages. 31. The login message shall be configurable to specific timeframe (per operator): a. Never b. Always requires acknowledgement DN2109-1506 Page 38 Architectural and Engineering Specifications c. Only one acknowledgement d. Always requires acknowledgement until a specific date e. Only one acknowledgement until a specific date 32. The SMS administrator shall be able to force strong password rules. The SMS shall allow the SMS administrators to select the password settings. Password setting shall be configurable with the following rules: a. Password length between 8 and 20 characters b. Upper case characters between 0 and 20 c. Numeric characters between 0 and 20 d. Special characters between 0 and 20 33. When the access control system manages parking lot entry and exit, it shall be possible to set a maximum number of vehicles authorized to simultaneously access the parking area. Once the parking lot is full, the system shall prevent access to any cardholder for as long as a parking space has not become available. 34. Save events on a hard drive according to required criteria. 35. The SMS shall allow storing the live transactions (events) portion of the system on a different local drive. This shall speed up performance of the SMS. 36. Once activated the SMS shall allow that the each door’s Request-to-exit events shall be ignored and not stored. a. The events shall not be stored or viewed on the screen b. Operators shall be able to ignore request-to-exit events on a per door basis by schedule. 37. It shall be possible to program on a KT-400 or KT-1 controller reader to bypass a door contact on a schedule. The bypass shall be at the controller level and at the software level. 38. It shall be possible to bypass the door contact for Door Forced Events and Door open to long events. It shall be possible to have the Door open too long be an optional bypass on a door basis. 39. Operators shall be able at any time to bypass the door contact manually from the SMS workstation. 40. It shall be possible to program on KT-400 controller readers a double and triple switch function. 41. It shall be possible to have the multi-swipe function activating a predetermined schedule. 42. The double and triple swipes shall be able to be activated on reader simultaneously each with their respective actions. 43. The multi-swipe function shall be able to but not limited to: DN2109-1506 Page 39 Architectural and Engineering Specifications a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Toggle door unlock. Unlock door. Relock door. Temporarily unlock door. Activate Relay. Temporarily activate relay. Arm door partition request when using a Multi-Site gateway. 44. Each card holder shall have the option of having the multi-swipe function active. 45. A specific event shall be generated for any valid or invalid, double or triple swipes. 46. When using ioProx XSF format readers and the KT-400 controllers the SMS shall support 8 readers for 4 doors. a. Each Door shall have two readers on the same reader port. The installation shall be simple and not require any extra modules to be added. b. The exit reader of the door shall be wired on the same terminals as entry reader by simply by reversing D0/D1. c. Power, Led/piezo outputs shall be shared with the entry/exit reader d. The SMS shall offer specific exit reader functionalities but not limited to: i. Assigning a specific access level schedule to each reader independently ii. Enabling / Disabling the entry/exit reader separately iii. Running reports on the readers separately or together. iv. Follow the entry reader Door name with a suffix of “-exit” v. Share the same locking output vi. Share the same Door contact vii. Share the same unlock schedule viii. Share the same unlock time and open time e. All 8 readers shall be used if needed in an controller based antipassback 47. First person in shall unlock the door on a schedule: a. With the KT-400 and the KT-1 a one hour grace period shall be configurable. The cardholder shall be able to enter within that grace period time and keep the door locked. When the door schedule activate the door shall go on a schedule. b. If no cardholder has presented their card within the grace period or within the schedule the door shall remain locked. c. The “first person in” shall be configurable on a per door basis. 48. Save events on a hard drive according to required criteria. 49. Perform the following operations from all workstations: a. Lock or unlock, one time unlock, return to schedule one door or a group of doors. b. View the last access event on the door. c. Bypass the door contact and keep door locked. d. Temporarily unlock a door using a custom timer for additional door unlocking on KT-400 and KT-1 controller doors. e. Disable and enable readers. f. View custom programmed comments in the component’s Operation section. g. Activate or deactivate a relay or a group of relays. h. Activate or deactivate the recording of one camera or a group of cameras. i. Activate or deactivate a point or a group of points. DN2109-1506 Page 40 Architectural and Engineering Specifications j. k. l. m. n. o. Program or modify one card or a group of cards. Assign single door access exception to the card. Validate or invalidate one card or a group of cards. Change time and date. Demand the system state in text or graphic mode. Query, create and/or modify data on: Access levels, Schedules and holidays, Access card, Instructions, Reports and log, Doors, Supervision points and relays, Operator levels, and Graphics. p. Ability to use an easy to use system tree view to select the components. q. View which cards are in the roll call sectors. r. View the card’s last known access in the roll call sector. 50. Perform the following operations from the SmartLink Task Commander: a. Alarm. b. Disable and enable any reader. c. Lock, unlock, temporary unlock return to schedule, disable enable any elevator and elevator floor. d. Activate, deactivate, temporary activate, toggle and return to schedule of any relay. e. Shunt, unshunt, temporary shunt, toggle, return to schedule and continuous supervision of any input. f. Set count usage, manually overwrite the count, disable count usage, decrement count usage, increment count usage for all the cards. g. Send alarm emails. h. The use of variables in the SmartLink Task Commander can be used instead of hard coded values. i. Mass card modifications on without operator intervention. j. Ability to use generically created commands to perform task on different components. k. Each specific card shall have the ability to activate a specific component in the above mentioned states without the need to create hard coded the commands. l. The SmartLink Task Commander shall process the commands on the first available SmartLink on the SMS. m. The use of a specific SmartLink to run a specific SmartLink Task Commander shall not be accepted. n. The SMS all allow for many SmartLink to be installed without the need to purchase additional option codes. o. The SmartLink Task Commander shall be run from any of the available SmartLink. p. The SmartLink Task Commander shall allow for single or grouping of components of the same type to trigger the same task. The need to have a specific trigger programmed per component to trigger the same task shall not be accepted. 2.10 EQUIPMENT 2.10.A Server and Redundant Server Requirements The SMS server and redundant server shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. The server shall have a Dual core processor or better a. If doing video the server shall have an Intel Quad core processor or better. DN2109-1506 Page 41 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2. The server shall have a 500-watt power unit. 3. The server shall have 4 GB RAM. a. If doing video, the server shall have 8 GB RAM or more. 4. The server shall have 50 GB hard disk drive space at minimum. 5. The server shall have a 48x CD-ROM drive. 6. The server operating system shall be Windows 2008R2 Server/Windows 2012r2 Server/Windows 7 / Windows 8.1. All OS shall be 32-bit or 64-bit. a. The integration platform requirements shall possibly change the EntraPass requirements depending on integration products. 7. The server shall have a 10/100/1000 Base-T network adapter. 8. The server shall have a high quality multilingual keyboard. 9. The server shall have a two button ergonomic mouse. 10. The server shall have an On-Off switch. 11. The server shall have an appropriate UPS. 2.10.B Multi-Site Gateway Requirements The SMS Multi-Site gateway shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a Dual core processor or better. 2. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a 500-watt power unit. 3. The Multi-Site gateway shall have 4 GB RAM. 4. The Multi-Site gateway shall have 50 GB hard disk drive space. 5. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a 48x CD-ROM drive. 6. The server operating system shall be Windows 2008R2 Server/Windows 2012r2 Server/Windows 7 / Windows 8.1. All OS shall be 32-bit or 64-bit. 7. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a 10/100/1000 Base-T network adapter. 8. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a high quality multilingual keyboard. 9. The Multi-Site gateway shall have a two button ergonomic mouse. 10. The Multi-Site gateway shall have an On-Off switch. 11. The Multi-Site gateway shall have an appropriate UPS. 2.10.C Workstation Requirements The SMS workstations shall meet the following minimum requirements: DN2109-1506 Page 42 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 1. The workstation shall have a dual core processor or better. a. If doing video, the workstation shall have an Intel quad core processor or better. 2. The workstation shall have a 500-watt power unit. 3. The workstation shall have 4 GB RAM. a. If doing video, the workstation shall have an 8GB of RAM or more. 4. The workstation shall have 20 GB hard disk drive space. 5. The workstation shall have a 48x CD-ROM drive. 6. The server operating system shall be Windows 2008R2 Server/Windows 2012r2 Server/Windows 7 / Windows 8.1. All OS shall be 32-bit or 64-bit. 7. . a. The integration platform requirements shall possibly change the EntraPass requirements depending on integration products. 8. The workstation shall have a 10/100/1000 Base-T network adapter. 9. The workstation shall have a high quality multilingual keyboard. 10. The workstation shall have a two button ergonomic mouse. 11. The workstation shall have an On-Off switch. 12. The workstation shall have an appropriate UPS. 2.10.D Controllers The SMS shall support the following door controllers: 1. Kantech KT-400: The KT-400 is an Ethernet-ready four door controller with sixteen monitored points, on-board door strike power, sixteen reader outputs, four relay outputs, and auxiliary power output. It shall accept Wiegand, proximity, ABA clock and data, bar code, magnetic, integrated keypad, and smart card reader types. It shall also support FIPS 201 cards, with and without checking the expiration date. It supports RS-232, RS485 and 128-bit AES Encrypted Ethernet 10/100Base-T communication. It supports expansion modules to provide 256 inputs and 256 outputs. It shall support 136 double end of line inputs. It shall support up to support 8 card formats (9 with DUAL ioProx driver). The KT-400 shall support native 20 intervals per schedule. The KT400 shall support native but not limited: a. 20 intervals per schedule. b. 5 Access levels per card when connected to a Multi-site Gateway c. Multi-swipe capabilities d. 100 000 cards in standalone mode e. 20 000 events in standalone mode f. First person in with one hour grace period g. Elevator unlock schedule per floor h. 8 readers,4 doors with ioProx XSF readers DN2109-1506 Page 43 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 2. Kantech KT-1: The KT-1 is an Ethernet-ready one door controller PoE/PoE+ with 4 monitored (Single, Double or No End-of-line) points, on-board door strike power, two reader outputs, two relay outputs, and auxiliary power output. It shall support a lock output of 750mA when powered by 12dvc or PoE+. It shall accept Wiegand, proximity, ABA clock and data, bar code, magnetic, integrated keypad, and smart card reader types. It shall also support FIPS 201 cards, with and without checking the expiration date. It supports RS-232, RS-485 and 128-bit AES Encrypted Ethernet 10/100Base-T communication. It shall support up to support 8 card formats. a. The KT-1 shall support native but not limited: i. 20 intervals per schedule. ii. 5 Access levels per card when connected to a Multi-site Gateway iii. 13 access levels per card (12 of them with expiration dates) when connected to a Global gateway iv. Multi-swipe capabilities v. 100 000 cards in standalone mode vi. 20 000 events in standalone mode vii. First Person In with one hour grace period viii. Elevator unlock schedule per floor b. The Multi-purpose single button shall be used for: i. Auto-enrolling a new KT-1 to the SMS over a local LAN segment ii. Enrolling a new KT-1 to a primary KT-1 over IP (over local LAN segment) iii. Status of the controller’s communication, locks and relays iv. Used as a Request-to-Exit c. The multi-purpose button shall be LED configurable d. The KT-1 shall be installed in two ways: i. Mountable quickly and efficiently on a single gang installation on the secure side of the door. ii. In a cabinet for on a PCB board. This configuration shall be support DSC integration. 3. Kantech KT-300: The KT-300 is a two door controller with eight monitored points on board expandable to sixteen, door strike power, auxiliary power output, and two auxiliary outputs. It shall accept Wiegand, proximity, bar code, magnetic and integrated keypad reader types. It supports RS-232, RS-485, and Combus communication. It supports relay, input, and output expansion modules. The KT-300 is available in 128k and 512k memory versions. 4. Kantech KT-100: The KT-100 is a one door controller with four monitored points, door strike power, and four auxiliary outputs. It shall accept Wiegand, proximity, bar code, magnetic and integrated keypad reader types. It supports RS-485 communication. 5. Kantech KT-200 (Legacy). 2.10.E KTES (Kantech Telephone Entry System) DN2109-1506 Page 44 Architectural and Engineering Specifications 1. The KTES enables tenants to grant access to the building, to their visitors, via their own telephone line or cellular telephone. The KTES supports 250 tenants with the option of supporting up to 3000 tenants. The KTES also includes: 4 lines x 20 characters LCD module with controllable LED backlighting Programming menus available in three (3) languages (English, French and Spanish) Built-in RS-485 128-bit AES encrypted Ethernet Internal modem Three (3) relays Microphone Speaker Backup battery 2. Optional KTES accessories are: Heater kit Postal lock Color camera Goose neck mounting Paper index (flush mounted) 3. The KTES shall be programmed via the keypad and LCD for stand alone mode or via the SMS. 4. The unit shall support a Wiegand reader that will allow tenants to swipe their cards and enter the building. 5. The KTES shall employ flashable firmware with auto update. 2.10.F Card and Reader Support 1. The SMS shall support configuration of unlimited card formats. 2. The SMS shall support up to 2 card formats per KT-100 and KT-300 controller. 3. The SMS shall support up to 8 card formats per KT-400 controller or KT-1 controllers 4. The SMS shall support readers that provide Wiegand signaling and magnetic ABA signaling to include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. DN2109-1506 Kantech ioProx family of readers. Wiegand swipe readers. Proximity readers. Biometric readers. Smart card readers. Wireless readers. Magnetic readers. Page 45 Architectural and Engineering Specifications DN2109-1506 Page 46 Architectural and Engineering Specifications PART III 3.1 EXECUTION TESTING 1. The software shall be entered into the SMS computer systems and debugged. The Contractor shall be responsible for documenting and entering the initial database into the system. The Contractor shall provide the necessary blank forms with instructions to fill-in all the required data information that will make up the database. The database shall then be reviewed by the Contractor and entered into the system. Prior to full operation, a complete demonstration of the computer real-time functions shall be performed. A printed validation log shall be provided as proof of operation for each software application package. In addition, a point utilization report shall be furnished listing each point, the associated programs utilizing that point as an input or output and the programs which that point initiates. 2. Upon satisfactory on-line operation of the system software, the entire installation including all subsystems shall be inspected. The Contractor shall perform all tests, furnish all test equipment and consumable supplies necessary and perform any work as required to establish performance levels for the system in accordance with the specifications. Each device shall be tested as a working component of the completed system. All system controls shall be inspected for proper operation and response. 3. Tests shall demonstrate the response time and display format of each different type of input sensor and output control device. Response time shall be measured with the system functioning at full capacity. Computer operation shall be tested with the complete data file. 4. The Contractor shall maintain a complete log of all inspections and tests. Upon final completion of system tests, a copy of the log records shall be submitted as part of the as-built documentation. 3.2 TRAINING The Contractor shall provide a competent trainer who has extensive experience on the installed systems and in delivering training to provide the instruction. As an alternate, the Contractor may propose the use of factory training personnel and coordinate the number of personnel to be trained. 3.3 MAINTENANCE 1. The Contractor shall offer a Kantech Advantage Program (KAP) to provide twelve additional months of free software updates and online training for the end user. 2. Technical support is available at no charge to all Kantech dealers whether or not they have a KAP activated for the systems they are supporting. END OF SPECIFICATIONS DN2109-1503 Page 47