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GALAXY FOOT Priorité aux jeunes ! La FISTF, en collaboration avec la FFFT, a participé au salon du football placé sous le signe des jeunes qui s’est déroulé à Paris. Un temps fort pour notre discipline qui a connu un énorme succès avec la présence du plus de 50 000 visiteurs pendant 3 jours. ! Youth Priority ! INTERNATIONAL FLICK The Magazine of International Sports Table Football march - N°3 2012 FISTF, in collaboration with the FFFT, participated in the exhibition of football under the sign of youth held in Paris. A highlight for our discipline has been a huge success with the presence of more than 50,000 visitors over 3 days. ! WELCOME TO MANCHESTER GP de France - Issy les Moulineaux GALAXY FOOT MAJOR of Amsterdam - Nederlands World Cup 2012 Manchester - England Welcome to Manchester City ! Members of the commission’s World Cup went to Manchester to visit the facilities and prepare for the 2012 World Cup which runs from July 22 to 24, 2012. Des membres de la commission Coupe du Monde se sont rendus à Manchester pour visiter les installations et préparer la Coupe du Monde 2012 qui se déroulera du 22 au 24 juillet 2012. L a délégation était composée de Laurent GARNIER, Président de la FISTF et de la Commission WC2012, Alan Collins, Président d’honneur de la FISTF et membre de la Commission WC2012, Gary PEARSON, Vice/ Président de la FISTF et membre de la Commission WC2012. Peter Rooke, Représentant Subbuteo était également présent.Ils ont été reçus par Emily Mcloughlin, Responsable des événements pour Manchester City FC. L’objectif de cette visite était de faire le point sur la préparation de la Coupe du Monde avec les représentants du stade de Manchester, d’étudier le cahier des charges et de visiter les installations. L’ensemble de la visite s’est déroulée dans une très bonne ambiance avec des interlocuteurs attentifs et disponibles aux remarques de la FISTF. T Reception of participants he delegation was composed of Laurent Garnier, Chairman of the Commission and FISTF WC2012, Alan Collins, Honorary President of FISTF and Commissioner WC2012 Gary Pearson, Vice / President FISTF and Commissioner WC2012. Peter Rooke, Representative Subbuteo was also present. They were received by Emily Mcloughlin, Head of Events for Manchester City FC The purpose of the visit was to review preparations for the World Cup with representatives of Manchester Stadium, to study the specifications and visit the facilities.The whole visit took place on a warm and friendly atmosphere with people available for the FISTF remarks. Bar and Restaurant Space Bar will be managed by staff of th Club Manchester City. The restaurant area will host the official dinner on Friday night and the opening ceremony. Le Bar sera géré par du personnel du Club de Manchester City. L’espace restauration accueillera le dîner officiel du vendredi soir et la cérémonie d’ouverture. Compétition space The competition will take place in a large room on upper floor. A proposed settlement with 32 competition tables will be studied, it com is comprised by a center with tables for the best games and areas by category with scores tables. Each area will be managed by a scores table. We will study the introduction of video cameras for broadcasting of the central matches on the screens hall. An area will be reserved for the installation of a podium for the prize awards and the identification of FISTF partners. ————— La compétition sera déroulera dans une grande salle à l’étage. Une proposition d’implantation avec 32 tables de compétitions va être étudié avec l’aménagement d’un central pour les meilleurs matchs et des zones par catégories avec des tables de marque. Chaque zone sera gérée par une table de marque. Nous allons étudier la mise en place de caméras pour la retransmission des matchs du central sur les écrans de la salle. Une zone sera réservée pour l’installation d’un podium pour la remise des récompenses et la mise en évidence des partenaires de la FISTF. PAGE 2 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012 World Cup 2012 Manchester - England with WORLD CUP SPORT TABLE FOOTBALL MANCHESTER 2012 Laurent Garnier Président FISTF et Peter Rooke représentant distributeurs Subbuteo Réunion FISTF / Subbuteo, Laurent Garnier - Peter Rooke, Gary Pearson, Alan Collins Peter Rooke et Alan Collins Président d’honneur de la FISTF The specifications have been studied by various stakeholders to remember everything on the preparation, taking into account four main themes: Installation, competition, diffusion, decoration. will work on this basis in connection with Laurent Garnier. grands thêmes : L’installation, la compétition, la diffusion, la décoration. Un cahier des charges a été étudié par les différents intervenants pour ne rien oublier dans la préparation prenant en compte 4 Chaque poste a été étudié et les organisateurs vont travailler sur cette base en relation avec Laurent GARNIER. Each position was studied and the organizers Accommodation : Hébergement A hotel has been reserved for the World Cup participants. This is the Holiday Inn near of Manchester City Stadium. Un Hôtel a été réservé pour les participants à la Coupe du Monde. Il s’agit de l’hôtel Holiday Inn proche du Stadium de Manchester City. Holiday Inn Manchester Central Park 888 Oldham Road, Manchester M40 2BS United Kingdom T : + 44 (0) 161 277 6910 F : + 44 (0) 161 277 6929 / MARCH 2012 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 PAGE 3 Special Event PAGE 4 Galaxy Foot I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012 Special Event Galaxy Foot Jean-Michel Larqué, Président d’honneur de la FFFT, journaliste à RMC et ancien capitaine de l’équipe de France de Football Laurent Lipari, organisateur de GALAXY FOOT donne le coup d’envoi de la finale entre axel Donval, N°1 Français et Massimilianno Nastasi (Ita) Champion du Monde MARCH 2012 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 PAGE 5 TOURNAMENT Athens – grèce febuary 11-12, 2012 OPEN CATEGORY 1/4 finals G.Papadopoulos - M.Kapsabelis : ........ 1-1sh Nikos Pappas - Giorgos Koutis :........... 2 - 0 S.Hantzaras - Vassilis Koutsompinas :.. 4 - 2 Nikos Beis - Lambros Drossopoulos : ... 4 - 1 International Open of Athens D. Dimopoulos - N. Karatarakis : ......... 3 - 0 G. Vlassopoulos - D. Dimopoulos : ....... 2 - 0 POBLADORES GRIEGOS - OLYMPIA CLUB : .. 1 - 2 PIRAEUS LIONS-ROLIGANS ILIOUPOLIS :... 2 - 2 FALCONS ATHENS-PIRAEUS LIONS: ....... 3 - 1 VETERANS ATLAS FTC - OLYMPIA CLUB : ............. 3 - 1 Final 1/4 finals Semi-finals G. Aggelinas - G. Papadopoulos :........ 2 - 1 sd C. Aggelinas - D. Stamatopoulos : ....... 0 - 1 M.Kapsabelis - Periklis Dimopoulos : .. 3 - 0 S.Koulosousas-L.Papakonstantinou : ... 1-1sh Final M. Kapsabelis - G. Aggelinas : ............. 2-1sd S. Koulosousas - D. Stamatopoulos : .... 0 - 1 U12 CATEGORY M.Kapsabelis - D. Stamatopoulos : ...... 2 - 1 Final LADIES CATEGORY U15 CATEGORY Eirini Patrikiou - Dionysia Koulosousa : .2 - 1 Semi-finals TEAMS Nikos Beis - Marcos Kapsabelis : ......... 4 - 1 Spyros Hantzaras - Nikos Pappas : ...... 1 - 1 Nikos Beis - Nikos Pappas : ................. 3 - 0 D. Dimopoulos - Nikiforos Karatarakis : .2 - 0 Semi-finals Final Final G. Vlassopoulos - G. Karatarakis : ........ 5 - 0 Semi-finals Prantsoudis - Papas : ........................... 3 - 4 Beis - Seses : ....................................... 1 - 0 Papakonstantinou - Papadopoulos : .... 2 - 1 Plytas - Patrinos S : .............................. 3 - 1 - Stamokostas (S3) : - ROLIGANS ILIOUPOLIS - FALCONS ATHENS : .. 1 - 2 Tsombanidis G - Bizas : ....................... 3 - 1 Dimakeas - Hantzaras : ....................... 0 - 6 Tsombanidis D - Koutis G : .................. 1 - 1 Aggelinas G - Fragakis : ...................... 1 - 3 Final ATLAS FTC - TSC FALCONS ATHENS : ......... 1 - 1 Prantsoudis - Hantzaras : .................... 1 - 1 Beis - Fragakis : ................................... 1 - 1 Papakonstantinou - Bizas : .................. 2 - 1 Plytas - Koutis : ................................... 0 - 1 1/4 Finals ATLAS FTC - GLYFADA UNITED TSC : ... 4 - 0 TOURNAMENT Rhondda – welsh febuary 25, 2012 OPEN CATEGORY 1/4 finals Dave Pawsey - Mark Farrell : ............... 4 - 1 Adrian Curtis - David Lauder : ... 2 - 2 sh2-1 Phil Dacey - Paul Lawrenson : ............. 4 - 3 Dave Samuel - Kaspar Bennett : .......... 2 - 3 Semi-finals Diave Pawsey - Adrian Curtis : ............ 3 - 2 Kaspar Bennett - Phil Dacey : .............. 1 - 0 Final Dave Pawsey - Kaspar Bennett : .... 1 - 2 U12 category 1/4 finals Derin Elliott - Max Elliott : ................... 3 - 0 International Open of Rhondda James Mccormack - Jack Crowlsey : .... 1 - 0 Coen Townsend - Daniel Mccormack : .1 - 0 Kye Arnold - Joseph Kinrade : .............. 1 - 0 Semi-finals Veterans Final Dave Samuel - Colin Tarry : ................. 4 - 1 Richard Stock - Gareth Thomas :......... 5 - 2 Dave Pawsey - John Lauder : ............... 3 - 0 Tony Mccann - Adrian Curtis : ... 2 - 2sh 3-2 Coen Townsend - Derin Elliott :........... 1 - 0 James Mccormack - Kye Arnold : ......... 1 - 4 Coen Townsend - Kye Arnold : ....... 4 - 1 U15 category 1/4 finals Derin Elliott - Daniel Mccormack : ...... 1 - 0 Kye Arnold - James Mccormack : 0 - 0 sh1-0 Ewan Kinrade - Jack Crowsley : ........... 5 - 0 Coen Townsend - Joseph Kinrade : ...... 1 - 0 Final Dave Samuel - Richard Stock : ....... 1 - 0 Grand Prix of Odense U15 category OPEN CATEGORY Fabio Bianco - Oliver Clemmensen :.. 3 - 0 1/4 finals U19 category Final Anders Hansen - Jesper Nielsen : ........ 1-2sd M.Schreckenbach - Thomas Petersen : .1 - 2 Justin Leroy - Marcus Tilgner : ............. 0 - 4 Kristian Staal Nielsen - Rasmus Lund :. 0 - 1 Lukas Enevoldsen - Maxime Devigne : .2 - 1 Marcus Tilgner - Thomas Petersen : ..... 1 - 0 Jesper Staal Nielsen - Rasmus Lund : .. 1 - 5 Luis Felipe Mendez - Marcus Tilgner :.4 - 1 Final Veterans Final Final Marcus Tilgner - Rasmus Lund : ..... 2-1sd PAGE 6 Semi-finals Tony Mccann - Dave Samuel :.............. 0 - 1 Richard Stock - Dave Pawsey : ............ 1 - 0 Semi-finals odense – danemark Semi-finals 1/4 finals Coen Townsend - Kye Arnold : ............. 4 - 1 Ewan Kinrade - Derin Elliott : .............. 2 - 1 TOURNAMENT febuary 25-26, 2012 Final Coen Townsend - Ewan Kinrade : .. 2 - 1 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 TEAMS 1/2 Finals L.L ODENSE - L.L ODENSE B :........ 4 - 0 GSV De Hyacinth - Sparta Spreeathen 74/82 : .1 - 2 Final L.L ODENSE - SPARTA SPREEATHEN 74/82 :. 3 - 0 T. Petersen - Manuel Schreckenbach : .. 1 - 0 C. Christiansen - Matthias Odelga : ..... 3 - 2 Anders Buhl Hansen - René Schulz : .... 3 - 0 Jesper Staal Nielsen - Marcus Tilgner :. 1 - 1 K.Nielsen (s2) - Michael Stolzenberg (s2) : MARCH 2012 TOURNAMENT Grand Prix of France - Issy les Mx TEAMS Issy les m. – France March 04-03, 2012 1/4 Finals OPEN CATEGORY 1/4 finals Mark Gauci - Sami Targui : .................. 2 - 1 Bessim Golger - Valéry Dejardin :......... 3-2sd Arnaud Nullens - Alain Jadot : ............. 2 - 0 Pascal Scheen - Justin Leroy :............... 1 - 0 Semi-finals Pascal Scheen - Arnaud Nullens : ........ 2 - 1 Mark Gauci - Bessim Golger : .............. 1 - 2 Official kick-off by the mayor of the town Issy les Moulineaux Mister André Santini and Thomas Ponte, Chairman of the club Issy les Moulineaux Bessim Golger - Pascal Scheen :..... 2 - 1 U19 category U12 category 1/4 finals Final SC Charleroi Casey Van Os - Arnaud Le Teno : ......... 2 - 0 Romain Threis - Raphael Maillard : ..... 2-1sd Jovi Willeijns - Dimitris Koulosousas :.. 2 - 0 Angelo Borg - Mikey Gerrets : ............. 5 - 1 Semi-finals Casey Van Os - Romain Threis : ........... 0 - 3 Angelo Borg - Jovi Willeijns :............... 1 - 0 Final Angelo Borg - Romain Threis : 3 - 1 veterans final Arnaud Threis - Louison Giaux : ......2 - 0 U15 category 1/4 finals 1/4 finals Titi Giaux - Didier Stevenot : ............... 0 - 1 Vicenç Prats - Gianfranco Calonico : ... 1 - 2 Vito Di Ruggiero - Thierry Vivron : 2 - 2 sh 2-1 Daniel Scheen - Jason Pisani : .. 0 - 0 sh 0-1 Semi-finals Dizier Nathan - Steffen Despretz :....... 4 - 0 Giannis Vlassopoulos - Paul Naszalyi : .4 - 0 Clément Rapin - François Rapin : ........ 3 - 0 Florian Giaux - Antony Carion : ........... 8 - 1 G. Calonico - Didier Stevenot : ............ 3-2sd Vito Di Ruggiero - Jason Pisani : ......... 2 - 0 G. Vlassopoulos - Clément Rapin : ....... 3 - 0 Florian Giaux - Dizier Nathan : ............ 3 - 2 ladies category Semi-finals Finall Florian Giaux - G. Vlassopoulos : ....2 - 3 Final V. Ruggiero - Gianfranco Calonico : .1 - 2 Semi-finals Lydie Pinchart - Arielle Briant : ............ 1 - 2 Françoise Guyot - Emilie Despretz : ..... 3 - 1 Final Arielle Briant - Françoise Guyot : ...1-2sd MARCH 2012 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 SC Stembert A et B SC Charleroi - SC Stembert A : ....... 1 - 2 Bessim Golger - Christophe Dheur : .... 1 - 1 Vito Di Ruggiero - Pascal Scheen : ....... 1 - 2 Pierre De Leeuw - Eric Threis :............. 0 - 1 Alain Jadot - Daniel Scheen : ................. - 2 Issy-les-Moulineaux - Master Remo : 3. - 0 Thierry Vivron - Lorenzo Papini : .......... 0 - 0 Jean Amberny - Gianfranco Calonico : .1 - 0 E. Gorgette - Alessandro Arca : ............ 2 - 0 Eric Naszalyi - Claudio Dogali :........... 1 - 0 Axel Donval - : Rochefort TS - C.S. Warrior Torino 1983 : .. 2 - 1 Titi Giaux - Vicenç Prats : ..................... 2 - 2 David Leroy - Maxim Aguirregabiria : .. 0 - 5 Justin Leroy - Marco Perazzo :............. 2 - 1 Remy Huynh - Paolo Finardi : .............. 3 - 1 PAGE 7 TOURNAMENT Grand Prix of France - Issy les Mx C.S. Warrior Torino 1983 Issy les Moulineaux A Valetta SC Semi-finals ASC Stembert A - FTC Issy-les-Mx A : ....... 2 - 1 Daniel Scheen - Thierry Vivron (s1) : .... 1 - 0 Eric Threis (s1) - Axel Donval :............. 1 - 4 Pascal Scheen - Jean-Marie Amberny : 0 - 0 Christophe Dheur - Emmanuel Gorgette :.. 1 - 0 Christophe Brach - Eric Naszalyi : Valletta SC - Rochefort TS :............ 1 - 1 SC Verviers Master Remo Valletta SC - SC Verviers : .............. 2 - 0 Derek Conti - Philippe Roufosse : ........ 4 - 0 Chris Thomas - Alexandre Torré :......... 1 - 1 Joseph Borg Bonaci - Tony Braham :... 3 - 1 Chris Short - Arnaud Nullens : ............. 0 - 0 Derek Conti - Justin Leroy : .........................0 - 1 Chris Short - David Leroy : ...........................3 - 1 Joseph Borg Bonaci - Remy Huynh :............ 3 - 3 Chris Thomas - Titi Giaux : ...........................2 - 2 Final ASC Stembert A - Valletta SC : ....... 1 - 2 Eric Threis - Chris Short : ..................... 1 - 2 Pascal Scheen - Joseph Borg Bonaci : .. 2 - 2 Christophe Dheur - Derek Conti : ........ 2 - 1 Daniel Scheen - Chris Thomas :........... 2 - 3 Rochefort TS TOURNAMENT MOSCHATO - GREECE veterans 1/4 finals C.Aggelinas - V.Koutsompinas :............ 2 - 5 C.Archimandis-T.Arvanitakis:................ 1 - 2 Kostas Seses - Periklis Dimopoulos:...... 1 - 0 M. Giohalas-Antonis Kastelanos :........ 0 - 3 Semi-Finals V. Koutsompinas-T. Arvanitakis :........... 4 - 3 Kostas Seses - Antonis Kastelanos : ..... 3 - 0 Final V.KOUTSOMPINAS - Kostas SESES :...... 1 - 4 G.PAPADOPOULOS - A.KASTELANOS :.........2 - 1 D. STAMATOPOULOS - G. DIMAKEAS : ........1 - 0 G. PAPADOPOULOS - D. STAMATOPOULOS : .1 - 2 OLYMPIA SC A - POBLA. GRIEGOS TSC : 1 - 1 Semi-finals final Team event Semi-finals OLYMPIA SC A - PIRAEUS LIONS TSC:.... 3 - 1 MARCH 18, 2012 Final Patrinos S - Dervis :............................. 0 - 0 Stamokostas-P. Kaperonis : ................. 2 - 3 Pappas - Tsakiris : ............................... 3 - 0 Seses - Vlassopoulos G :..................... 0 - 0 Pappas Giohalas - Koutsobinas :.......... 2 - 1 Papadopoulos-Arvanitakiz:................... 1 - 3 Stamokostas - Kapsambelis :................ 1 - 0 Seses - Dimopoulos :............................ 3 - 2 TOURNAMENT YOKOHAMA - JAPON OLYMPIA SC B - POBLA.GRIEGOS TSC :.0 - 2 Bartzis - Kaperonis :............................. 1 - 3 Kastelanos - Dervis : ............................ 1 - 1 Sioulas S - Tsakiris : ............................. 0 - 3 Kourambas - Vlassopoulos G : ............. 2 - 2 MARCH 10-11, 2012 OPEN CATEGORY Satellite MOSCHATO- ATHENS International Open Yokohama OPEN CATEGORY Semi-finals Andrea Gasparini - Yasuhiro Suzuki..... 3 - 0 Antonio Carabllo - Kenzo Koi............... 5 - 0 Final Andrea Gasparini - Antonio Carabllo.... 1- 0 PAGE 8 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012 TOURNAMENT GRAND PRIX of Edinburgh EDINBURGH - SCOTLAND veterans OPEN CATEGORY Colin Day - Richard Boulanger............. 0 - 3 Adrian Curtis - Malcolm Lees............... 0 - 5 MARCH 10-11, 2012 1/4 finals Semi-finals Final Christophe Dheur - Paul Lawrenson...... 5- 1 Kaspar Bennett - Martin Hodds............ 5 - 0 Dave Pawsey - Angelo Borg................. 1 - 2 Ludovic Ponthieux - Sebastian Scheen.2 - 4 Malcolm Lees - Richard Boulanger....... 4 - 2 Semi-finals Angelo Borg - Fraser McKenzie............ 5 - 0 Coen Townsend - Sam Curtis............... 1 - 3 Angelo Borg - Sebastian Scheen.......... 0 - 1 Christophe Dheur - Kaspar Bennett...... 2 - 4 Final Kaspar Bennett - Sebastian Scheen..... 1 - 2 JUNIORS - U19 Semi-finals Team event Semi-finals Stembert - Olympia............................. 3- 0 Sebastian Scheen - Kourtis................... 5 - 0 Pascal Scheen - Matsopolous............... 2 - 2 Ludovic Ponthieux - Georgiou.............. 3 - 0 Chrisophe Dheur - Krikelis.................... 5 - 0 Hot Club D’Ecosse - NETFA ................ 1 - 3 final N Christopher - M Thomas .................. 0 - 2 M Burns - Ben Staples.......................... 5 - 0 M Lees - Mike Parnaby......................... 0 - 4 K Christopher - Andrew Hillerby........... 0 - 2 MINIMES - U12 Stembert - NETFA ............................... 3 - 1 Angelo Borg - Sam Curtis............... 5 - 0 Group Fraser McKenzie - Coen Townsend....... 0 - 3 Stuart Berry - Coen Townsend.............. 0 - 4 Stuart Berry - Fraser McKenzie............. 0 - 1 TOURNAMENT final Pascal Scheen - Andrew Hillerby.......... 3 - 4 Ludovic Ponthieux - Matt Thomas........ 3 - 1 Chrisophe Dheur - Mike Parnaby.......... 5 - 0 Sebastian Scheen - Ben Staples........... 5 - 1 Satellite of MASSAMA MASSAMA - PORTUGAL veterans OPEN CATEGORY João Rodrigues - José Freitas............... 7 - 0 José Santos - Paulo Sena...................... 4 - 1 Vitor Pedroso - Diogo Gonçalves.......... 2 - 0 João Nunes - André Cabrita................. 2 - 0 João Rodrigues - Bruno Valente .......... 5 - 0 Miguel Amaro - Norberto Miguel....... 0 - 13 André Fernandes - M.Santos 0 - 0 - 1 Paulo Sena - Alfonso Montaño ............ 1 - 0 João Rodrigues - José Santos............... 4 - 1 Vitor Pedroso - João Nunes.......1 - 1 sh: 0-1 João Rodrigues - Norberto Miguel ...... 2 - 1 Manuel Santos - Paulo Sena ............... 3 - 2 Cláudio Madeira - Carlos Realista........ 5 - 0 Ricardo José - Carolina Villarigues....... 1 - 0 João Rodrigues - Manuel Santos ........ 0 - 1 Cláudio Madeira - Ricardo José 2- 2.. sd: 3-2 MARCH 24, 2012 1/4 finals Semi-finals Final Semi-finals final MARCH 24-25, 2012 OPEN CATEGORY 1/4 finals Derek Conti - Matt Lampitt ................. 3 - 0 Kaspar Bennett - Dave Pawsey............. 3 - 0 Mario Camilleri - Florian Giaux............ 2 - 0 Paul Lawrenson - Chris Thomas............ 0 - 7 Semi-finals Derek Conti - Kaspar Bennett..... 0 - 0 3 - 2 sh Mario Camilleri - Chris Thomas .. 3 - 3 2 - 3 sh Final Derek Conti - Chris Thomas ......... 1 - 1 2-1 sh Semi-finals Final CADETS - U15 Semi-finals Final TOURNAMENT LEICESTER - ENGLAND MINIMES - U12 GRAND PRIX of Leicester veterans 1/4 finals MINIMES - U12 Semi-finals Joe Mifsud - Brian Daley ..................... 2 - 1 Eric Threis - Daniel Scheen ................ 1 - 1sh Olivier Pere - Jason Pisani ................. 0 - 0sh Titi Giaux - Kevin Dyson....................... 5 - 0 Coen Townsend - Daniel McCormick.... 2 - 0 Derrin Elliott - Kye Arnold..................... 1-1sh Joe Mifsud - Eric Threis ....................... 0 - 1 Olivier Pere - Titi Giaux......................... 0 - 0sh Team event Eric Threis - Titi Giaux........................... 2 - 5sh Valletta Subbuteo Club..................... 15 Yorkshire Phoenix................................... 10 TSPA Whitestar A.................................... 10 Kent Invicta............................................... 6 TSPA Whitestar B...................................... 3 Lincoln Flickers.......................................... 0 Semi-finals Final CADETS - U15 Semi-finals Anthony Carion - Florian Giaux............ 3 - 4 Emilie Despretz - Elliott Bellafontaine.. 5 - 1 Final Final Coen Townsend - Kye Arnold................ 2-1sd Groups Emilie Despretz - Florian Giaux............ 0 - 2 MARCH 2012 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 PAGE 9 TOURNAMENT MAJOR of Amsterdam AMSTERDAM - NEDERLAND CADETS - U15 OPEN CATEGORY F.Giaux (Bel) - S.Despretz (Bel)............. 5 - 0 A.Ciccarelli (Ita) - W.Van Den Houte (Bel) 4 - 2 MARCH 24-25, 2012 1/4 finals Semi-finals Final S.Bari (Ita)- M.De Haas (Ned) .............. 2 - 0 S.Loureiro (Por) - D.Bertelli (Ita)............ 0 - 1 E. Licheri (Ita) - S.Targui (Bel)............... 1 - 2 J.Leroy (Bel) - W.Leitner (Aut)............... 0 - 1 F.Giaux (Bel) - SA.Ciccarelli (Ita)....... 5 - 0 S.Bari (Ita) - D.Bertelli (Ita)................... 0 - 1 W.Leitner (Aut) - S.Targui (Bel)............. 2 - 1 A.Threis (Bel) - N.Scheen (Bel).............. 5 - 1 Q.Gerrets (Ned) - L.Giaux (Bel)............. 0 - 5 Semi-Finals Final MINIMES - U12 Semi-finals Final D.Bertelli (Ita) - W.Leitner (Aut)...... 2 - 0 A.Threis (Bel) - L.Giaux (Bel)........... 2 - 1 veterans LADIES 1/4 finals Semi-finals V.Di Ruggiero (Bel) - S.Sandner (Aut)........2 - 2 R.Lenz (Aut) - P.Roufosse (Bel)............. 2 - 1 M.Pawlica (Aut) - M.Manganello (Ita).. 0 - 3 T.Giaux (Bel) - E.Hinkelmann (Aut)....... 3 - 2 L.Pinchart (Bel) - E.Despretz (Bel)... 2 - 1 V.Di Ruggiero (Bel) - R.Lenz (Aut)............0 - 1 M.Manganello (Ita) - T.Giaux (Bel)....... 2 - 3 Team event R.Lenz (Aut) - T.Giaux (Bel)...1 - 1 / 2 - 1sd TFC Mattersburg (Aut) - SC Charleroi (Bel)..0 - 3 KH.Haider (Aut) - A.Jadot (Bel)............. 2 - 2 R.Lenz (Aut) - S.Targui (Bel)................. 0 - 1 W.Leitner (/Aut) - P.De Leeuw (Bel)...... 1 - 2 G.Exler (Aut) - B.Golger (Bel)............... 2 - 6 Semi-finals Final JUNIORS - U19 Semi-finals A.Borg (Mlt) - J.Willeijns (Ned) 0 - 0 0 - 1Sd M.Muraille (Bel) - C.Van Os (Ned) ....... 4 - 1 Final J.Willeijns (Ned) - M.Muraille (Bel) .2 - 2 L.Pinchart (Bel) - V.Büsing (Ger).0 - 0 Sh: 2-1 C.Gallez (Bel) - E.Despretz (Bel)........... 1 - 4 final 1/4 finals MARCH 25, 2012 Bologna T.S.(Ita) - Tsc R.78 Kaisermühlen (Aut).1- 2 G.Patruno(Ita) - S.Sandner (Aut)........... 1 - 1 A.Di Vincenzo (Ita) - C.Gerbasits (Aut).1 - 0 F.Quattrini (Ita) - A.Haas (Aut).............. 0 - 1 S.Loureiro (Por) - W.Haas (Aut)............. 1 - 2 Semi-finals SC Charleroi (Bel) - SC.Verviers (Bel).............2 - 1 A.Jadot (Bel) - P.Roufosse (Bel)............ 1 - 3 B.Golger (Bel) - A.Torre (Bel)................ 3 - 0 P.De Leeuw (Bel) - A.Nullens (Bel)........ 1 - 1 S.Targui (Bel) - T.Braham (Bel).............. 2 - 1 SC Stembert «A» - Tsc R.78 Kaisermühlen. 2 - 0 D.Fraikin (Bel) - S.Sandner (Aut)........... 3 - 3 C.Dheur (Bel) - C.Gerbasits (Aut)......... 3 - 1 P.Scheen (Bel) - A.Haas (Aut)............... 1 - 1 C.Brach (Bel) - W.Haas (Aut)................ 2 - 1 Final SC Charleroi - SC Stembert «A»..... 3 - 1 P.De Leeuw (Bel) - C.Brach (Bel)........... 2 - 1 A.Jadot (Bel) - C.Dheur (Bel)................ 1 - 5 B.Golger (Bel) - D.Fraikin (Bel).............. 4 - 1 Sami Targui (Bel) - P.Scheen (Bel)......... 2 - 0 TFC Wiener Neustadt (Aut) - SC.Verviers (Bel).1 - 2 G.Bamberzky (Aut) - A.Torre (Bel)........ 1 - 1 M.Pawlica (Aut) - A.Nullens (Bel)......... 2 - 3 J.Lizar (Aut) - P.Roufosse (Bel).............. 0 - 1 E.Hinkelmann (Aut) - T.Braham (Bel).... 3 - 2 TOURNAMENT SINGAPORE - SINGAPORE SC Stembert «A» (Bel) - FTC Issy Les Mx «A» (Fra) 2 - 1 D.Fraikin (Bel) - Thierry Vivron (Fra)...... 2 - 0 S.Scheen (Bel) - E.Gorgette (Fra).......... 2 - 3 C.Dheur (Bel) - A.Donval (Fra).............. 3 - 3 P.Scheen (Bel) - JM.Amberny (Fra)........ 2 - 1 Future of Singapore OPEN CATEGORY 1/4 finals Henry Peh Yu Xiang - Amin Mohd Anis.2 - 0 Erfandy Kusnadi - Muhd Fadhly Fahmi.2 - 1 M.F Abdul Rahman - M.Azhar Yusri 1 - 1sh : 0-2 Mohd Farhan Jaafar - Mohd Rizal Taib.1 - 2 FRIENDLY MATCHS Semi-Finals Henry Peh Yu Xiang - Erfandy Kusnadi.1 - 4 M.Azhar Yusri - Mohd Rizal Taib............. 1 - 0 Final Erfandy Kusnadi - M.Azhar Yusri....... 5 - 1 International Matchs OPEN CATEGORY VETERAN CATEGORY CADETS - 15 CATEGORY NETHERLANDS - DENMARK............ 1 - 1 D.Landzaat - C.E Christiansen .............. 1 - 2 J.Van Keimpema - A.Buhl Hansen ......... 2 - 2 C.Van Keimpema -T.GChristiansen....... 6 - 0 M.De Haas - R.Lund.............................. 2 - 2 NETHERLANDS - AUSTRIA............... 0 - 3 Ron Corsten - Robert Lenz ................... 1 - 5 Nico Marks - Günther Bamberzky ........ 2 - 2 Robbert Thoen - Erich Hinkelmann ....... 0 - 3 Richard Stolwijk - Manfred Pawlica ..... 1 - 2 FRANCE - BELGIQUE....................... 1 - 1 Frédéric Staut* - Tom Malmendier........ 2 - 1 Clément Rapin - Malo Scheen............... 1 - 1 Margot Diradourian - Nathan Dizier..... 1 - 1 Théo Modeste - Florian Giaux............... 0 - 4 *Paul Naszalyi (s1) - Arnaud Threis (s2) PAGE 10 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012 Stories by Simon Jackson The evolution of Football In December I was asked to write a paper for the federation’s magazine about the evolution of the English sport of Table Football. This month, I look back even further: at the evolution of “football” (as opposed to table football) and I talk with Mr Stuart James from Sheffield FC – the oldest football club in the world… Mr James – A warm welcome to IF magazine. Please tell us how and when Sheffield FC were founded ? We were founded way back in 1857, on October 24th to be exact, although there are some reports that suggest it could have actually been two years earlier – sadly we don’t have documentary evidence to support this theory. “The Club” (nickname) was formed when two Sheffield gentlemen, Nathaniel Creswick and William Prest, decided it would be good to use the chaotic “sport” of “foot-ball” as a close-season fitness regime in the winter for cricketers. Prior to this date, foot-ball was a bit of a mob sport – played by the masses with no rules whatsoever – so we decided to invent the first ever foot-ball Rules. What is the history of football before 1855 then.. was the mob game actually invented in Sheffield too ? No.. Mob football has a vague origin – with the main consensus believing that it was brought over by the Romans (a game called “Harpastum”) – whilst others go even further back with origins in Ancient China.. and some in Ancient Greece. It is still played to this day in England! The best known is the ‘Royal Shrovetide’ game in Ashbourne (a mere thirty miles from Sheffield FC), which has been an annual event since the 12th Century. It is a bit of a “pushand-shove” game, with unlimited numbers (up to a few hundred on each side!). The fact it was (and still is) so unruly, means there have sadly been countless injuries (and even fatalities), so Sheffield’s “gentlemen” sanitised the game to what we see today. Stuart, the mob sport you describe sounds a bit like last year’s English Table Football’s “National League” ( i joke of course ). So, since the first set of rules were drafted by Sheffield FC, what are the key changes to the Rules & Regulations when compared to the modern game of professional football – played today at, say the 2010 World Cup in South Africa ? MARCH 2012 Stuart James To be honest, here have been plenty of changes. Sheffield FC were the ones who invented a lot of the rules that we take for granted today, e.g. corner kick, throw in and free-kicks. We even invented the header! Obviously, modifications to the Offside Law, backpasses and the current speed of the game have made the modern game almost unrecognisable from that played in the 1850s. So what is your personal view on new FIFA proposals – such as goal-line technology ? It needs to be introduced as soon as possible! There have been far too many issues with this recently, and with so much money at stake at the higher levels of the game, the technology is there and should be used. Football is a sport that has evolved over many years and, for example, there was a time when just string was used as a cross bar! So Sheffield FC decided there were contentious issues, similar to the ones we face today, and introduced a solid crossbar. And there’s nothing to stop anyone adding goal-line technology to the laws of the game too. The biggest I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 argument though is how far down the footballing pyramid could you go with it ? Once upon a time a linesman’s flag was enough to signal the referee’s attention, but now we have earpieces and a buzzer in the flag’s handle (that technology is available all the way down to Sheffield FC’s semi-professional level – and even our youth teams!). If FIFA are serious enough about goal-line technology, then maybe they should be able to subsidise it to a similar degree.. So how did you get involved with Sheffield FC ? Literally being born half-a-mile away from the birthplace of modern football, I feel that the sport in all its forms “runs through my veins” – as anyone who has ever met me will attest to. That’s why I got involved with The Club. Does The Club have any special responsibilities as the world’s oldest club ? We support the game on many different levels. Along with the first team (which is in the promotion play-off zone in PAGE 11 Stories the English eighth level), we have so many different things going on! Our ladies team has risen, from where the men’s team is now, to be competing in the FA Women’s Premier League – alongside teams such as Manchester City, Blackburn Rovers and Leicester City. Our Futsal team have won the FA Premier League Northern Division three seasons in a row, and reached the National Finals for the past five seasons. We have teams ranging from Under-8s, all the way up to Over-35s (a team that includes the legendary Chris Waddle!), plus a disability squad – and we have done missionary work all over the world (including India and Africa – where we launched the “Boots for Africa” campaign in 2010). How do you think today’s football compares to the sport of table football ? Personally, I always felt frustrated playing table football. I admit that was because I wasn’t ever any good at it! I usually tried to rush things – rather than take a rational approach – as I would if playing football. So, that is where it differed for me. However, I think it’s a by Simon Jackson bit like comparing ‘chess’ to ‘checkers’ (if you know those two games?). What I’m trying to say is that it a similar idea, with similar goals, however with completely different approaches. I think that Table football needs to be played in a more “calm and composed” manner than football – because if you lose control in table football, you will probably lose the game? Whereas in football, you can get away with being a little more “hot-headed” (aggressive) and still sometimes manage to win. What about starting a Sheffield FC table football squad ? Well we have learned about the new ‘Sheffield Table Football Club’ formed last year, so yes we are presently trying to get some of our Sheffield FC supporters to take-up the “flick-to-kick” game as well. With a bit of supporters interest, you never know – we might have a Sheffield FC table football section too one day ? How can our IF readers learn more about the history of football ? We continuously have visitors coming World News Around the World Belgium : 2012 Individual Categories Champions already known The 2012 individual Belgian champions are Titi Giaux (Veterans), David VanTassel (U19), Florian Giaux (U15), Arnaud Threis (U12), Lydie Pinchart (Ladies) and Louison Giaux (U10), in a competition held on the 10th of March. Meanwhile, the playoffs for the Open category that decide the champion will take place on the 21st of April. PAGE 12 p.s. finally, what I’d say to International Flick readers looking at this article is… “Why not adopt ‘Sheffield FC’ as your second club to follow?”. Stuart is Editor of Sheffield FC matchday programme, and is responsible for its’ design, production and content. If you’d like to know anything extra about the early history of football, then Stuart says that you are very welcome to contact him by e-mail: News-News-News-News-News-News- Spain (by Luis Felipe Mendez Banderas) I send you now the LIGA poster, our more important team competition to be hold in Champions League will be : GIBRALTAR, TURIA (VALENCIA), SUBBUTEO MADRID, MALLORCA AGUILAS, MURCIA, TIBURONES (MALAGA). Later we have no Tournament competition until COPA on 21st April Gibraltar (by John Field) Since the inauguration of our new playing premises everything has gone smoothly. We have obtained several sponsors, which have allowed us to purchase new pitches and accessories. This is our third consecutive year in which we hold two under 15 leagues as you can see in our website. The leagues have just finished with the following winners Canada : The return of the CSTFA Shane Hoopfer is trying to restart activity in Canada. The creation of a Facebook group at h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / # ! / groups/293672447359191/ will help the appeal to all canadian players and clubs to rebuild CSTFA - the Canadian Table Football Association. England: ESTFA AGM 2012 The 2012 ESTFA Annual General Meeting will take place after the International Open in Leicester on 7th July 2012. This is your chance to have a say in the running of ESTFA as elections will be held for all board positions. (from all over the world!) wanting to learn more about “The Club”. Any group or individual who consider that they want to visit us – then please feel most welcome to come to Sheffield! We have a very reasonably priced Membership Scheme (details of which can be found at our official website:, and no doubt Sheffield’s brand new table football club will welcome you on the same visit ! Verralls League 1. Winner Jayron Sevilla and runner up Kyle Tellez Aguado’s League 2. Winner Steven Hall and runner up Eva Field. Verrall’s Cup Winner Jayron Sevilla and Kyle Tellez Gibraltar on 24th-25th March, the final 6 teams that will take part for winning 2 spots in I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 Aguado’s Cup Winner Sean De Los Santos runner up Shane Wood MARCH 2012 World News Pepe Fabre Cup Winner Jayron Sevilla and runner up Angelo Santini In addition we will be holding the Spanish League during the week of the 24 and 25 of March. 6 teams will be competing - Real Murcia, GTSA, Turia, Tiburones, Mallorca Aguilas and Subbuteo Madrid. In April we will be holding a senior cup and we are attempting to call all our old members for a weekend of continuous flicking. In May we will hold our 8th International Open [I will be forwarding the poster shortly]. And lastly I am trying to muster a team for the World Cup. All in all a busy year. We are investing as much as we can in our youth. Austria (by Heinz Eder) News-News-News-News-News-News- Kaisermühlen. There are 7 teams playing in the league. Unfortunately there is only 1 league existing. 1 day events: Having a lack of young players in austria we did play the U15 and U12 championship at the game festival 2011 in vienna. Interested players have the chance to learn the game teached by experienced people from the association. If they are interested they can take the chance to play at the official championship of the association. The big favourite was Marios Strommer (TFC Wiener Neustadt), who won both events, but there were some very talented players we hope to see in one of the clubs again. In total there played more than 30 children in both events. The national cup for individuals (EÖTV Cup) and teams (Österreich Pokal) were played traditionally in january. Alexander Haas took the individual cup versus Christian Blümel in the final. He is the first qualified austrian player for the WC 2012. TSC Royal 78 Kaisermühlen took the team title against TFC Mattersburg in the final, which was a main sensation, winning the Ö-Pokal after 11 Years again. The events of the veteran’s championship, U19 championship and youth cup will be played till 29th of april. The season 2011 -2012 is coming to an end in austria. Our national competitions are splitted in 1 day events and are running over the entire season. Most of the events are played in schools, seminar- or club rooms. Events running over the enrire season : National League Individual (Bundesliga) The national league (1st and 2nd Division) is played on 5 days. It consists of each 10 players who play twice against each other, on promotion and relegation system Leader is Alexander Haas (TSC Royal 78 Kaisermühlen) at the moment, followed by Thorsten Korzil (TSG Rain 1970) and Erich Hinkelmann (TFC Wiener Neustadt) after 3 days. National League Team (Österreich Liga): The national team league is played over the whole season as well. The competition is played in league system followed by a playoff between the 4 best ranked teams. The league is played on 2 days, after the first day TFC Mattersburg is leading, followed by TFC Wiener Neustadt and TSC Royal 78 MARCH 2012 The association has clubs in 3 of 9 Austrian regions currently. At the moment we have 5 active clubs but the board of the austrian association is hardly working to get more clubs in the next 2 years. There for the last board started the project “ASKÖ”. ASKÖ is one of the 3 biggest “roof sports associations” in Austria. They have many different kinds of sports divided in different sections. TSC Royal 78 Kaisermühlen started as first to become member of the ASKÖ Vienna and was added to the soccer’s section. TFC Mattersburg followed to become member of the ASKÖ Burgenland. Now the austrian association became member too. The goal for the future is to found our own section of tablesoccer ithin ASKÖ, which will bring the austrian table soccer some major advantages. One of the main reasons to enter ASKÖ is the cooperation with the youth sections of local soccer clubs. The board of the austrian association (EÖTV) is currently working on it, to learn contact with soccer clubs. Another big advantage of the cooperation are: event material like sound system, speakers podium, Little Buses for travel, flags, etc. , I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 can be rented for a really low price, as well as purchase of cups and medals and many other things, so we can improve the level of organization of our national events in future. Additionally to that the board of the Austrian association is preparing a leaflet with the German (DSTFB) and Swiss (SSTV) associations for the roll-out of subbuteo material in austria, germany and switzerland. We try to promote the material in cooperation between the three associations. The board of the EÖTV created some additional promotion material for our association. The board created 2 types of flyers depending on the gender of the interested person. We want to try to promote especially the lady’s section by creating an own flyer for them, because we see the big need to act in the ladies category too. Out of the situation that SPORT tablefootball is a very small movement in austria, the media coverage isn’t existing. The clubs particullary manage to be mentioned in some regional newspapers, but the big media coverage is only existing when there are events like the Champions League or World Cup taking place in Austria. Coming up with more success in this corner, we will set priority too for for media coverage. The EÖTV board and the support from ASKÖ, as well a EÖTV Press release (Presseinfo has been preprared) , we seek for better Media coverage for our events inside the biggest newspapers and medias in Austria. Main promotion is only done once every year in a big event. There is the yearly game festival in vienna (there are more regional game fairs around austria) where more than 40.000 parents and kids visit, and try and learn all different kind of games. More isn’t possible with the given resources of the EÖTV for now. 2013 is a very important year for the austrian association : 40th anniversary. The board wants to make a big festival and where hopefully many old and new players will have a “meet and greet”. Hopefully we will then see the started projects take form and results of new clubs. The positive development can help, if Subbuteo will be in the shops as soon as possible. A main issue is to guarantee the financial survival of the EÖTV and its clubs. Fund rasing and sponsors are on the issue as well. Last point of this report is the information collection to create a tablefootball referees commission, which has the target to have neutral referees at big events and international matches. This is necessary to ensure that big matches have neutral decisions. Contacting to football referees in pension (retirement PAGE 13 World News time) has been started and talks have already begun. This will not be an easy task to handle, but we are positiv. United States of America (by Massimo Conturso) The season in the US is slowly coming out from the inevitable break that Winter brings upon Subbuteo clubs every year. Tournaments and meetings have been already hosted in the Midwest, and others are in program in Idaho, California and Connecticut. The season will then culminate in the National Championships in Maryland on June 9th and 10th, where the local title holders will be called to defend their crowns. Portugal (by Miguel Castro) The sport in Portugal was in a deep coma for several years due to the fact that players couldn’t buy any material, after the collapse of Subbuteo. We have lost lots of players, and the main problem was to promote the sport among the youth. Some players decided to start representing clubs from other countries. That decision was important to increase their playing level and play in international competitions. Vasco Guimarães, Sérgio Loureiro, Rúben Português, Nuno Noronha, Sérgio Ramos, Ricardo Pavão, Jaime Silva and Jorge Silva are some of the examples. The most resistant club in Portugal is Orfeão da Foz do Douro http://orfeaosubbuteo. in Porto. They have a fixed group of players that have been playing together for a long time. Also in Porto, Grupo Desportivo Dias Ferreira http://gddferreira. is trying to come back to competition in a more regular basis. Escola Egas Moniz is http://subbuteonaegas. the actual supplier of new players to our sport. News-News-News-News-News-News- is the club in the Lisbon area that has organized more competitions in Lisbon in the last 2 seasons. União Recreativa e Desportiva do Dafundo is the most recent club in the Lisbon area. Not far from Lisbon (60km),”Os Gladiadores” http://gladiadoresfuteboldemesaclube. are trying to find a spot in Torres Vedras. Let’s see how they can manage. We would like to invite you to take a plane and come to play on the 24th of March the Satellite of Massamá (Lisbon area) http:// and on the 2nd and 3rd of June the XVI Grand Prix of Portugal (in Sassoeiros – Lisbon area) http:// . Visit our web site WWW.APSUBBUTEO.PT. Comparing the number of players that we have playing today (around 110) and the players that were playing the competions 4 years ago (around 40), we can conclude that the sports in Portugal has recovered from the deep coma and it is now in the intensive care unit. PAGE 14 Japan (by Kenzo Koi) On March 18th,the first FISTF Open tournament was held in Yokohama where is the famous city of Final match in FIFA World Cup 2002 Korea/Japan. Japan has been lack of history of Subbuteo and Sports Table Football. Subbuteo sets have been sold in the past. But never been popular among people in Japan. We have lots of regular activity (2 different competitions per month) and more players and clubs are organizing competions. The club is based on a Secondary School and most of the new players are playing thanks to the efforts of José Santos. The Clube de Futebol de Sassoeiros http:// Besides the players that are representing international clubs, this year was the first time in 4 years’ time that some Portuguese players joined an international Open. The players of Clube de Futebol de Sassoeiros, André Fernandes, Manuel Santos, Miguel Castro and the U15 Ricardo José went to Madrid to play the International Open. We hope that this will be an important step to have more players playing international tournaments. The computer games and Nintendo’s and Playstation’s are nowadays some of great challengers of our sport. Nowadays it is possible to buy sports material via the internet, and that has been a great help to have access to professional material. We ask FISFT to regulate the Goalkeepers, which in our opinion should be standard figures to all players. I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 There are some reasons. • Football was not major sports when the Subbuteo sets sold. • House of Japanese is not wide to set table for Subbuteo. And main reason is past enthusiasts were isolated. They have never reached to the aria of Subbuteo heaven. People in Subbuteo heaven says “I play Subbuteo because I like playing...” Nihon Ohajiki Soccer Kyokai Subbuteo Japan (NOSKSJ) is established by one enthusiast. Fortunately he had two enthusiasts in same time. They started to play Subbuteo and noticed what important was. MARCH 2012 World News To be a good player, to play more.To be a strong player, to play with strong players. Satellite tournament was held in 2009. Major newspaper reported NOSKSJ activities and Some radio program made NOSKSJ interview in 2011. Gradually Subbuteo was to be known by people in Japan. 8 players joined first open tournament. 16 new comer played Subbuteo first time in the workshop before open tournament. Over 30 spectaculars watched real match. This is only a beginning. Japan has just started to flick. Malta (by Jason Pisani) Valletta Subbuteo Club players triumph in all three Divisions. News-News-News-News-News-News- point ahead of Mark Gauci (Atlas FTC) who was the winner of the last four seasons. Derek Conti (Valletta SC) finished third, after having a good season, but lacked concentration on the last day. Samuel became Malta Champion for the first time and after his last match, he said that he’s very happy with this honour and wished to dedicate it to his family and fiance’. He also wished to thank all his Valletta Subbuteo Club team mates and president Mr.Felix Rizzo, for their help and support. He is now looking forward for the Table Football World Cup, that will be held in Manchester and he hopes to win the individual competition, after already being world champion with the Malta National Open team in 2010 and the Malta Under 19 team in 2003. Mario Camilleri (Valletta SC) won the 1st Division league ahead of Jean Carl Tabone (ASD SC Palermo) and Mauro Camilleri (Bormla SC). Mario had a very good season and only lost once, throughout the league. All three players where promoted to next season Premier Division. Samuel Bartolo The Malta Table Football Sports Association league season came to an end with a new Malta Champion. Valletta Subbuteo Club player Samuel Bartolo won the Premier Division title on the last day of the league, with just one Valletta Subbuteo Club youngster Andrew Abela had a very convincing run in the second divison and finished first ahead of Simon Gauci (Attard SC) and Denzil Camilleri (Bormla SC). Andrew is still an Under 19 player and has a bright future ahead. Italy (by Antonio Pizzolato) “AMAZING REGGIO ! We’ve left the first leg of the National Championship for teams behind, that it was held in Chianciano Terme last 18th - 19th of February. Twenty teams were involved, “Serie A” teams and “Serie B” ones. At the same time was held in various cities the preliminary rounds of “Serie D” involving almost forty teams. F.lli Bari Reggio E. perfectly managed by Marco Lamberti won all the nine matches and it’s the leading team and it have a reassuring advantage of seven points over Pisa & Perugia. About the “Serie B” competition, big equilibrium with Brasilia and Sessana leading the league table with 22 pt. and Ascoli third positioned with 19. Are also qualified to the “Final 10” league of next April the following “Serie D” teams: CTS Genova, Bulldogs Vicenza, Stradivari Cremona, Firenze, Papata Group, SPQR Fiumicino, Castiglione d.L., Stabiae, Bruzia and Barcellona P.G. Coming soon: the big kermesse in April also in Chianciano with the final leg of serie A - B - C - D with 40 teams involved. Who will win the “SCUDETTO”?” Netherlands (by Henk Landzaat) Next 19 May NSVB will organize the Dutch championchips in Delft on Open, Veteran, U19 and U15 categories. Last week-end in March the dutch club GSV de Hyacinth in Groningen has the opportunity to promote our sport. A new community center was opened in Hoogezand and as a tenant the club was present to promote our sport. A lot of youth shows interest and maybe they get some new members. To Teach And Inspire... Big Adventure Dance & Theatre School is run as a not-for-profit organisation, based in North Manchester. Established in January 2010 by Principal and Teacher Helen LawleyBrown, her aim being to teach and inspire young people through Performing Arts. Our theatre school provides professional and affordable performing arts tuition in some of North Manchester’s most deprived areas. Big Adventure currently serves over 100 local young people aged 3-16 years who participate in a choice of Dance, Drama, Singing and Guitar classes, at The Co-operative Academy (previously Plant Hill High School) in Blackley and at St. Dunstan’s Hall in Moston. Each term students take part in an end of term production to showcase what they have learnt. We also have 3 Street dance teams whom compete at regional and national dance competitions. Our school is all about investing in people by teaching new skills, developing creativity, MARCH 2012 building confidence, social skills & self esteem. We also focus on team work, keeping fit, making friends, and most importantly - having fun ! I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 Contact Helen on 07970 111690 PAGE 15 World Classification April 2012 by Fredéric Perdeans TOP 20 - Open Categorie © Tom Groves TOP 20 - VETERANS Categorie TOP 20 - JUNIORS — U19 Categorie TOP 20 - CADETS — U15 Categorie PAGE 16 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012 World Classification April 2012 by Fredéric Perdeans TOP 20 - MINIMES — U12 Categorie TOP 20 - LADIES Categorie TOP 20 - TEAMS MARCH 2012 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 PAGE 17 INTERNATIONAL FLICK The Magazine of International Sports Table Football est une publication éditée par la Federation International of Sports Table Football Directeur de la publication / Director of publication : Laurent GARNIER • Secrétaire de rédaction / Editorial secretary : Luis Filipe HORTA, Rédacteurs / Editors : Simon JACKSON, Joe Misfud, Antonello RODRIQUEZ , Manon Corvellec, Luis Felipe Mendez Photos : Tom Grove, Joe MISFUD, Laurent GARNIER, Manon Corvellec, WEBSITE : - FORUM : Federation International of Sports Table Football - Salle des Ormeaux - Route de Cholet - 85500 Les Herbiers - France - - & +33 6 07 45 59 88 PAGE 18 I n t e r n at i o n a l F l i c k N ° 3 MARCH 2012