OUTREACH - Indiana Conference Seventh
OUTREACH - Indiana Conference Seventh
OUTREACH Anderson Anderson Pastor Lee Whitman just shared with me a brief summary of their "Unlock Revelation" Seminar: 1. We had 812 guests every night. 2. 3 have asked for baptism, 2 for sure will be baptized June 4th. 3. We started a "Advanced Bible Study Class," which meets every Sabbath morning, in my office, during Sabbath School time. This is, in essence, a Baptismal class. We have 3 regular attendees. 4. This last Sabbath, a week after the conclusion of the seminar, we had a special lunch at Brent & Sandra Schalk's home, where we gave each seminar attendee a Graduation Certificate. We had a great time with the 7 guests who came to celebrate. 5. That Sabbath morning, at church, we had at least 5 of the guests who came to church. We are planning on keeping in contact with these precious souls, in various ways. Another positive note: This last Sabbath, at the Pendleton Correctional Facility, we had 3 baptisms, and one Profession of Faith. What a wonderful experience to see these men give their lives to the Lord in this special way. There were several members from the church who came out, who had served these men's over the years. One of the chaplains took a picture afterwards, and I believe he will be sending me a copy, once the paperwork gets filled out. We praise the Lord with the Anderson church! Burmese Church Burmese Church Pastor Sam Ngala reports: "During Southside SDA Church's Hope Adventist church plant's leaders' meeting, we decided to invite Pastor Suan Sawm Sang and his wife, Niang Khawl Cing as our speaker and resource person respectively to lead out upcoming evangelistic meetings for our church plant that will take place from June 10 to June 25, 2016. Pastor Suan Sawm Sang currently serves as the speaker of Zomi Chin language for Adventist World Radio (AWR). He also serves as an ordained pastor in Myanmar Union Mission of SDA." Carmel The Carmel Church is in its first week of the Unlock Revelation series with about 50 community friends attending. Our conference evangelist, Pastor Eric Freking, is presenting the approximately onehour sessions each Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm at the Carmel SDA Church. Some interesting guests coming with highprofile positions in the metro area. Keep these dear people, the Carmel members, pastor, and presenter in your prayers. Here's an interesting guest that attended the meetings. Click here. Carmel Church and Family/Education Center Carmel Unlock Revelation Map Pins Indicating Where Attendees Live Huntingburg Hispanic Huntingburg Hispanic Pastor Fernando Pizarro reports: "Three new people joined the Church of Huntingburg thanks to the work of small groups. Three people in the center are those who accepted Jesus Bryan, Esmeralda, and her father Jose . They are accompanied by the leaders of the Church. The second photo is the baptism of Bryan Herrera." Indy Hispanic Second Indy Hispanic Second Pastor Luis Rivas reports: "My brothers from Indianapolis get ready in two weeks we will be starting our bible prophecy studies at Indy Hispanic SDA Church . Our brother Joel Medina will be the speaker....make plans to attend... The date is: May 1521 at 7:30pm every night....we hope to see you..." The flyer is below. Markle Markle church hosted the Voice of Prophecy series, Shadow Empire recently. Last Thursday night Pastor Nelson Silva counted seven community friends in addition to the church members. Michigan City Michigan City Last Sabbath I attended two presentations by Shawn BoonstraSabbath morning and evening. Shawn captured our thoughts as he carefully portrayed onsite historical artifacts of Constantine and his amalgamation of Christian and pagan beliefs. Included among our Michigan City church members were several guests from the community who appreciated Shawn's approach. Dean and Marie Cooper will be conducting a followup Daniel series. CHURCH PLANT Mizo Congregation This Sabbath afternoon Pastor Van and Janell Hurst will join us to organize the Mizo congregation into an official church. We'll meet at the Southside Church at 5:00 pm. Pastor Chawngthu and his lay leadership have brought much glory to God in this new church plant since 2013. Pastor Van Hurst Pastor Chawngthu Marion Hispanic Group The Marion Hispanic group has started Friday night meetings with four families and 13 children. They have both adult and children's classes. MAGABOOKS Good News Good News Pastor Matt Hasty will begin the MagaBook literature ministry with 18 young students and four student leaders/drivers this May 27. Their first assignment will be in Ft. Wayne. I believe they will be in Evansville and the MarionKokomo area too this summer among other places. CAMP MEETING Indiana Camp Meeting Our early morning devotions (7:00 am) at the Indiana Academy student chapel will be presented by our newtothefield pastors since last year. Below are the pastors that will be speaking. Daniel McKibben Dave Tenold Nelson Silva Dan Ortega Art Dmytriyev The Race to Victory Here's a link to the flyer/post card (one similar) that will be sent to the local Cicero/Tipton/Nobleville community soon inviting folks to hear John Earnhardt. Click here. Healthy Cooking Here's the postcard/flyer that will feature/invite community folks to Chef Mark Anthony's cooking classes at the 10:45 morning slot at camp meeting. Pastors Harvey Kornegay and Vic Van Schaik championed these postcard/flyers. Click here. Camp Meeting 2017 Robert Folkenberg, Jr., president of China Mission, will be our featured nightly speaker for Camp Meeting 2017. Notice the story he and Audrey have shared on a Chinese gentleman challenged for his Sabbathkeeping and God winning out! Click here. ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Indiana Academy Indiana Academy At the request of the Indiana Conference Executive Committee an exploratory committee met on the campus of Indiana Academy this Friday morning to address the growing needs of additional housing for our female students. The 20162017 school year has already projected at 67 girls, but we only have 47 spaces available in the dormitory. So, we're making temporary plans plus longterm arrangements to envision the next four to five years for higher girls' enrollment. Several builders, our dorm deans, maintenance director, principal, and conference officers met for 2 1/2 hours to strategize and will come back with a plan in 30 days. Girls' Dean, Gracie Leal Boys' Dean, JB McMillen Indiana Academy On their music tour to La Porte last Sabbath, choir director, Phillip Byrd, had Jillian Eskridge give her testimony. You'll note the photo below. They band, choir, and bells traveled to several of our churches (La Porte, Michigan City, and Northwest) last Sabbath. Evansville Hispanic School There's a strong possibility that the Evansville Hispanic Church will be developing a church school on their campus. There are state and code regulations which must be addressed, but 28 students championed by their parents would love to attend church school. The photo below was taken after a planning session with Pastor Antonio Rosario, Education Supt. Herb Wrate, Pastor Pastor Fernando Pizarro, Pastor Richard Norris, myself, and the elders. Indianapolis Junior Academy Last Sunday IJA conducted a science fair at their gymnasium. My wife Erney was able to collect several photos of their activities below. IJA Ladies helping at the Science Fair Crowd at IJA Science Fair Flower Demonstration 20 Baptisms What a joy to experience our students giving their lives in testimony full time to Jesus. This was at Takoma Academy. I believe there were 20 baptisms during this week of prayer near our Silver Spring headquarters. Here's the link: Takoma Academy BullyFree Zone "Estimates show onethird of all students experience some form of bullying each year," says Steven Blackburn, chief financial officer for the Greater Collegedale School System in Collegedale, Tennessee, in an article written for Adventist Risk Management. Blackburn adds that 95 percent of teens who use social media 'witnessed cruel behavior on social networking sites and have watched others ignore the mean behavior.' The tactics associated with bullying has changed but the impact on children has not." Click here for the article. Graduations Would you be so kind as to share photos and names of the graduates from your elementary church school with us? We would love to feature these special occasions with a short message or photos. Good News! Good News! Nicole Mattson, our new education director, has found a home in the area and will be moving to Indiana near the end of this month and should be able to attend our Indiana Academy graduation. We have been honored for this past year to have Herb Wrate champion the cause of A.C.E. (Adventist Christian education) around our state. The two leaders will be changing the guard come June 1, 2016. Nicole Mattson Herb Wrate YOUNG ADULTS Barna Study The Barna Research Group has performed a study on Seventhday Adventist millennials. Details of their study are fascinating. Click herefor more info. HOOSIER HAPPENINGS Capitol City SDA Church Our sister church in Indianapolis is offering a Senior Expo day on June 5, 2016. La Porte La Porte After 30 years Bruce Eskridge came back to the Seventhday Adventist Church. The pastor's wife met him at the door with a big hug. He had been chasing another lifestyle, but Jesus made it clear to him that identification with His church was priority. He tried to bow out, but the Holy Spirit prompted him clearly that his path led back to church. Bruce is a deacon in the La Porte church and his wife, Kathy, is the chair of the school board. Bruce and Kathy Eskridge Madison Pastor Javier Quiles reports: The Madison Church visited the Creation Museum recently near Cincinnati, OH. They also have planned for a Sabbath blitz featuring "Media on the Brain" presentations tomorrow, May 7. Madison Church Members Cicero Quartet The Cicero Quartet sang last Sabbath at the Madison Church. See photo below. Marion Pastor Nelson Silva reports: "Our Marion church began a Sabbath School community/visitor's class with four friends from the community last Sabbath and two more expected to join soon!" Shelbyville Ruth and Morris Cherry have operated the volunteer food pantry in Shelbyville for a number of years. They serve the community every Tuesday. Ruth Cherry DEPARTMENT REPORT Trish Thompson Great news! Pastors, thanks for faithfully appointing someone at church to record attendance! Our North American Division counterparts have applauded your faithful efforts to accurately and regularly record attendance. Valerie Robbins of the NAD reports: Trisha, "Do you mind if I share this with eAdventist? This is an awesome report. Is this the one where the Pastors can send in their attendance via their cell phones?" Let me know. Thanks! Valerie Robbins. LAKE UNION Constituency Meeting The Lake Union Constituency will meet at Pioneer Memorial Church on May 15, at 10 am. We have approximately 35 Indiana delegates including employees and lay leaders. Ty Gibson EQUIPPING SEEDS Tom Evans notes the upcoming SEEDS Conference at the seminary on May 13 and 14, 2016. The 2day event is $49. Pastor Victor Jaeger, our Ft. Wayne First Church pastor, will be presenting along with other SEEDS team members. Click here for info. Adventist Christian Fellowship The Adventist Christian Fellowship conference will be held in Houston, TX, from May 2229, 2016. This SDA organization has been created to foster gospel ministry on our public campuses and universities. Click here ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER Indiana ABC John Earhardt will be at the Indiana ABC during the camp meeting lunch hour (tbd) to sign his book, The Race to Victory. DEATH Anderson Anderson member, Lorine Hackleman, passed away at 101 years of age. Her son, Mike Hackleman, taught at Indiana Academy many years and was principal at Cicero Elementary School. The daughterinlaw, Ronni Hackleman, worked in the Indiana Conference Trust Dept. for many years. PRAYER Candida Aloyo, health, (Wanda Rosario's mom), S. Carolina. Bob Bartlett, health, (Beth's husband), Cicero. Betty Eaton, health, Westfield. Curt Baskin, health (Cyndi's husband), Berrien Springs. Brian Bidwell, health, Chapel West. Update. Shari Blackburn, rehab, Carmel. Teresa Clark, health issues, (Pastor Aaron Clark's mom). Armando Jaeger, weak heart (Victor's dad in Peru). Dan Jaramio, health & strength for Ann (wife/caregiver), Bloomington. Donna Kafoure, treatments (Doug Kafoure's wife), Indianapolis. Betty Mvumara, collapsed lung, Chapel West. Michelle Norman, hospice care, Carmel. Coylean Norris, health, Evansville. Kenny Pickett, health, Spencer. Javier Quiles's mom, health Saila Sanchez, facing heart surgery, Rosario's granddaughter. Dottie Work, health progress, Julie and Shelley Ward's mom. Private prayers RESOURCES Tethered Together Read the story of Bill Miller, Potomac Conference President, climbing Mt. Rainer. He reports a great concept for the church while being tied to his climbing partners. Click here. Brazil Facebook Baptisms Roberto Roberti has been used by the Holy Spirit to lead 45 souls to Jesus and baptism since last July. His method: Facebook contacts. Click here. The Benefits of Good Mentoring Throughout Your Ministry Be sure to read Pastor Ainsworth Joseph's article in the May 2016 journal that just came to your home. He's the ministerial secretary for the Northeastern Conference. The Discipleship Challenge "The number of growing and working disciples says much more about the health of a church and the success of a pastor than the number of baptisms, members, or church attendance. Jesus: Our Example As we come to understand this concept of discipleship, we naturally ask ourselves: How can this be done? The best reference point for discipleship is Jesus Himself. Jesus did not just command His followers to make disciples. For more than three years He modeled how to make disciples. His challenge was to prepare His disciples to lead the young church after His ascension." Ministry, Michael Dornbrack, May 2016 WEEKLY QUOTE An Interest for Souls? "The Lord Jesus is our strength and happiness, the great storehouse from which, on every occasion, men and women may draw strength." OFC 49 Don't forget your mothers this weekend! Steven Poenitz Indiana Conference President UNSUBSCRIBE If you wish to unsubscribe to the POST, please let either Sheri DeWitt or Steve Poenitz know of your desire. Email either sdewitt@indysda.org or stevenpoenitz@yahoo.com. You may also feel free to forward this POST to those friends of yours that do not receive the POST. ©2016 Indiana Conference of SDA: http://indc.lakeunion.org/ | 15205 Westfield Blvd, Carmel, IN 46032 Web Version Forward Unsubscribe Powered by Mad Mimi® A GoDaddy® company