Compliance with Threshold Principles Economic Benefits
Compliance with Threshold Principles Economic Benefits
Cotton Pest Management Programmes using Threshold-Based Interventions Developed by CIRAD and its Partners 251 Compliance with Threshold Principles Independent of the adoption of threshold protection programmes, the economic crisis of the cotton chains in cotton-producing countries have led to a reduction in the acreages dedicated to cotton growing over the past few years. Investigations carried out within farmers’ associations have shown that official recommendations are not strictly applied, with frequent under-dosing of plant protection products for economic reasons (Sinzongan et al., 2004) or the inappropriate use of insecticides on other crops such as cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and tomato (Sougnabe et al., 2010). Given this context, the increase in the number of treatments reported in Benin by Williamson et al. (2008) appears difficult to interpret. Strict compliance with recommendations is difficult to obtain for several reasons. Prudent et al. (2007) have shown, for example, in Benin that planters who have learned LEC techniques find it difficult to remember the methods a few years after training. The complexity of the observations which have to be carried out have been mentioned by Sinzogan et al. (2004). Another constraint is the necessity of conducting weekly observations. Finally, instances of under-dosage, or non-application of insecticide, despite a threshold being reached, are sometimes seen. The opposite is true too, with cases reported of treatments being carried out even if the defined threshold has not been reached. Economic Benefits At the producer level, the job of observation in the field may be given to paid observers. In Togo, for example, where an observer carried out the job in 10 fields in 1995, the payment was 100 cfa (= €0.15) per observation and per field. The payment for this service, when carried out by a third party like this, is a limitation very often mentioned by owner-producers. Another cost mentioned by producers is for the management of the insecticides that have not been used for threshold treatments. This cost has sometimes been included in the purchase price of products destined for producers wanting to apply LEC programmes, but this ‘discriminatory’ policy has triggered complaints from the producers involved. Packaging in 15 litre containers is a handicap in Cameroon because each drum opened and not completely used must still be paid for. There are also economic constraints to be considered at the organisational level. The cost of ‘cascade’ or ‘stepped’ training is never mentioned. In the programme offered in the Côte d’Ivoire, for example, National Research (CNRA) has to train 205 extension officers, who in turn train 500 ‘producerinstructors’ who in turn train 1,500 producers. As a result of this, by 2012 it is forecast that in three years 1,500 ‘producer-instructors’ and 500 LEC producers will have been trained (Ochou and Amon, 2010). And yet this training represents a major effort and investment for a number of extension staff (Bertrand et al., 2010). CONCLUSION In French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa, the current situation for cotton protection programmes using action thresholds reveals a great variation from one country to another. All the same, their development over significant acreages in some countries provides a measure of the interest shown in this type of programme by both producers and the organisations which provide them with technical and financial assistance. The multiplicity of the programmes offered is sometimes, but not always, linked to an ecological reality. For example, in those regions with endocarpic Lepidopteran species (southern Benin, Togo and the Côte d’Ivoire) it is more difficult to envisage the application of thresholds. For cost reasons, there is no general monitoring of adult populations of Thaumatotibia leucotreta or Pectinophora gossypiella with sexual pheromones, and producers are reluctant to destroy green cotton bolls to evaluate the presence of these pests. Furthermore, the ‘rosetted bloom’ damage caused by P. gossypiella does not allow an action threshold to be established. The situation for these pests therefore remains unchanged since the studies presented by Vaissayre (1994). 252 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity An increase in this diversity of protection programmes is a reasonable perspective, linked with new projects under development financed by external institutions (for example, COMPACI, Cotton made in Africa, Better Cotton Initiative). The GIPD programme, which is under development in Mali, is the only project until now which seeks to take natural enemies into consideration through the calculation of target pest/natural enemy ratios, such as those offered in Australia, albeit in a very different context. Producers’ knowledge of these beneficial aids to crop production is often limited (Prudent et al., 2007) and a special effort will have to be made in terms of training. A simplification of the numerous existing threshold-based protection programmes, logically oriented by an ecological and a regional analysis would probably be more satisfactory for a better diffusion among smallholders, and consequently, for a reduction of costs. It will need the development of a network involving researchers, growers, and all the actors of the production chain. For a large scale monitoring of the impact of these new programmes, the contribution of producers will be essential. A future challenge will be posed to pest management in countries which adopt or will adopt transgenic resistant cotton to Lepidoptera. Until now, only Burkina Faso has very recently grown genetically modified (GM) cotton over large acreages. According to the available information (Leynaert, 2010, COS-Coton, 2011), the first four treatments in the ‘conventional’ programme were eliminated, while the two applications at the end of the cycle were maintained, to control biting and sucking insects. Research is continuing to evaluate the impact on non-targeted fauna, particularly bugs, and, with National Research, adjustments are being made to the protection programme. In this context, definition of thresholds for likely-emerging pests, as Mirids or Pentatomids bugs observed in other countries for example, will be very useful. Thus, the challenge is to develop a more theoretical approach for a better definition of threshold than the empirical one applied in many cases – and at the same time, to succeed by a participative way of extension and field application of the threshold, with a clear message, a good management of inputs and a collective evaluation of the economical benefits of threshold-based programmes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank the cotton companies who were willing to provide the agricultural statistics used in this article and in particular Mr Paul Asfom (Sodecoton, Cameroon), as well as Mr Marc Leynaert (Faso Coton, Burkina Faso) for the technical information pertinent to this country. REFERENCES [1] Achaleke, J. and Brévault, T. (2010) - Inheritance and stability of pyrethroid resistance in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Central Africa. Pest Manag. Sci. 66 : 137-41. [2] Ayeva, B. and Agossou, Y. 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Crop Prot. 27: 1327-34. 41 Can Natural Refuges Delay Insect Resistance to Bt Cotton Brévault Thierry1,2, Nibouche Samuel3, Achaleke Joseph4 and Carrière Yves2 1 CIRAD, UPR 102, F-34398 Montpellier, France Department of Entomology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA 3 CIRAD, UMR PVBMT, F-97410 Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, France 4 IRAD, PRASAC-ARDESAC, Garoua, Cameroon 2 Abstract—Non-cotton host plants without Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins can provide refuges that delay resistance to Bt cotton in polyphagous insect pests. It has proven difficult, however, to determine the effective contribution of such refuges and their role in delaying resistance evolution. Here we used biogeochemical markers to quantify movement of Helicoverpa armigera moths from non-cotton hosts to cotton fields throughout the cropping season, in three agricultural landscapes of the West African cotton belt (Cameroon) where Bt cotton was absent. We show that the contribution of non-cotton hosts as a source of moths was spatially and temporally variable, but at least equivalent to a 7.5% sprayed refuge of non-Bt cotton. Simulation models incorporating H. armigera biological parameters, however, indicate that planting non-Bt cotton refuges may be needed to significantly delay resistance to cotton producing the toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. Specifically, when the concentration of one toxin (here Cry1Ac) declined seasonally, resistance to Bt cotton occurred rapidly when refuges of non-Bt cotton were rare, because resistance was essentially driven by one toxin (here Cry2Ab). The use of biogeochemical markers to quantify insect movement can provide a valuable tool to evaluate the role of non-cotton refuges in delaying the evolution of H. armigera resistance to Bt cotton. Cotton is widely grown in West Africa, where it helps sustain millions of resource-poor farmers and rural communities. Transgenic cotton producing the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab was recently introduced to Burkina Faso (1) to increase agricultural profitability. Such Bt cotton is called “pyramid” because it produces two distinct Bt toxins active against some pest species (2-5). Management of insect resistance to Bt crops requires production of abundant susceptible individuals in refuges of non-Bt host plants that disperse and mate with the rare resistant survivors in Bt fields (2-5). Because the most important insect pest of cotton in West Africa, Helicoverpa armigera, is polyphagous and highly mobile (6, 7), non-cotton host plants could reduce the reliance on refuges of non-Bt cotton to delay resistance. While some studies have evaluated production of H. armigera by non-cotton host plants elsewhere (8-11), movement of moths from non-cotton hosts to cotton fields has never been quantified in space and time. Nevertheless, it is often assumed that cotton refuges are not required to delay H. armigera resistance to Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab cotton in agroecosystems where small fields of diversified crops and patches of non-cultivated hosts are close together (10), such as in West Africa. We used biogeochemical markers to measure movement of H. armigera moths from non-cotton hosts to cotton fields in Cameroon (in the West African cotton belt). A total of 18 moth collections were taken from pheromone traps in cotton fields from June to November 2006 at three locations (Guider, Djalingo, and Tcholliré). Larval host plants were identified by analyzing moths’ abdomens for gossypol (a phytochemical present in cotton) and wings for stable carbon isotope ratio. We categorized plants as cotton, non-cotton C3 plants (e.g., weeds such as Cleome spp. and Hyptis sp.), and C4 plants (e.g., corn). Most moths trapped early in the growing season (June-July) had signatures of C3 and C4 non-cotton plants (Fig. 1a-c). The few gossypol-positive moths detected at that time likely originated from overwintering pupae and possibly from early-planted cotton or cotton left in fields from the previous growing season. When the first moth generation emerged from cotton (August), most moths had signatures of C3 and C4 non-cotton plants (Fig. 1a-c). The contribution of non-cotton refuges to the pool of moths trapped in cotton fields decreased during the second (September) and third (October) generations, particularly at Djalingo, and to a lesser extent Tcholliré and Guider. At cotton harvest (November), most moths originated from non-cotton C3 plants at Djalingo and Tcholliré, whereas moths 256 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity from cotton still contributed significantly to the pool of moths at Guider (Fig. 1a-c), where cotton is usually harvested a few weeks later. Fig. 1: (a-c). Moths Trapped in Cotton Fields (%) that Originated from Non-cotton Host Plants. Remaining Moths (100 – % Indicated by bar) Originated from Cotton. Moths were Trapped at Three Locations (Guider, Djalingo, and Tcholliré) in Cameroon in 2006. (d) Typical Sequence of Helicoverpa Armigera Host Plants in the West Africa Cotton Belt Throughout the Cropping Season. Curves Represent Temporal Occurrence and Relative Area of Host plants. We used a two-locus population genetics model incorporating empirical estimates of H. armigera biological parameters to evaluate how movement from non-cotton refuges may affect the evolution of resistance to Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab cotton at each of the three locations. The model considered the seasonal decline in mortality of a strain resistant to Cry2Ab on Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab cotton (12), which paralleled the decline in Cry1Ac concentration generally observed in Bt cotton during the course of the growing season (5, 13). Such reduction in mortality of Cry2Ab-resistant insects on Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab cotton invalidates one of the fundamental assumptions of the pyramid strategy, i.e., the killing of insects resistant to one toxin by the other toxin, and thus could accelerate resistance evolution (2-5, 14). Seasonal declines in Cry1Ac-induced mortality and more stable Cry2Ab-induced mortality necessarily generates stronger selection for resistance to Cry2Ab than Cry1Ac. Simulations showed that the evolution of resistance was primarily driven by Cry2Ab resistance alleles, as the initial resistance allele frequency and the dominance of Cry1Ac resistance had little effect. Among-site variability affected the role of non-cotton refuges in delaying resistance evolution (Fig. 2a,b). With partially recessive resistance to Cry2Ab (DLC = 0.1) and initial resistance allele frequency of 0.0033 to Cry2Ab, non-cotton refuges delayed resistance ≥32 years at Guider, ≥16 years at Tcholliré, and ≥8 years at Djalingo (Fig. 2a). With partially recessive resistance to Cry2Ab (DLC = 0.1) and higher initial resistance allele frequency of 0.033 to Cry2Ab, however, resistance evolution was faster and non-cotton refuges delayed resistance ≥17 years at Guider, ≥9 years at Tcholliré, and ≤6 years at Djalingo (Fig. 2b). With higher dominance of Cry2Ab resistance (DLC = 0.3 or 0.5), sprayed refuges of 20% non-Bt cotton in addition to non-cotton refuges delayed resistance ≥8 years at Guider, ≤11 years at Tchollire´, and ≤8 years at Djalingo (Fig. 2b). In a worst-case scenario with an initial resistance frequency of 0.033 and semi-dominant resistance to Cry2Ab (DLC = 0.5), sprayed refuges of 50% non-Bt cotton delayed resistance 15 years at Guider, 8 years at Tcholliré, and 6 years at Djalingo (Fig. 2b). Can Natural Refuges Delay Insect Resistance to Bt Cotton 257 Fig. 2: Effect of the Abundance of Sprayed Refuges of Non-Bt cotton (%) on the Evolution of Helicoverpa Armigera Resistance to Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab Cotton at three Locations (Guider, Djalingo, and Tcholliré) in Cameroon. For Cry2Ab, the Initial Resistance Allele Frequency Was 0.0033 (a) or 0.033 (b), and Resistance was Partially Recessive (DLC = 0.1, Dashed line) or semi-Dominant (DLC = 0.5, Solid Line). For Cry1Ac, the Initial Resistance Allele Frequency was 0.0003 and Resistance was Partially Recessive (DLC = 0.3). The Criterion for Resistance Evolution was >20% Survival on Bt Cotton Our seasonal assessment of H. armigera movement shows that non-cotton refuges were equivalent to ≥7.5% non-Bt cotton refuges treated with insecticides throughout the cotton-growing season (Fig. 1b). Despite the important but temporally and regionally variable moth contribution from non-cotton hosts to putative Bt cotton fields, our modeling results show low efficacy of the pyramid strategy when the concentration of Cry1Ac declines during the growing season, resistance to Cry2Ab is non-recessive, and only non-cotton refuges are available. Under the first two conditions, refuges of non-Bt cotton would be needed to significantly delay resistance, unless high sustained movement from non-cotton refuges to cotton fields occurs during the growing season (e.g., Guider), or long-range migration is more important northward than southward. More generally, we demonstrate that biogeochemical markers provide a basis to evaluate the role of a variety of refuges in delaying the evolution of resistance to Bt crops in polyphagous insect pests. Such markers will be useful to assess the role of non-cotton hosts in delaying H. armigera resistance to Bt in Burkina Faso and other West African countries that may adopt Bt cotton. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] C. James, ISAAA Briefs 39, 129-132 (2008). B.E. Tabashnik et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 26, 199-202 (2008). B.E Tabashnik. et al., J. Econ. Entomol. 102, 2011-2025 (2009). F. Gould, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 43, 701-726 (1998). A.M. Showalter et al., J. Insect Sci. 9, 1-39 (2009). T. Brévault et al., Bull. Entomol. Res. 98, 565-573 (2008). J.M. Vassal et al., Comm. Appl. Biol. Sci., 73, 433-437 (2008). W.M. Green et al., Afr. Entomol. 11, 21-29 (2003). K.C. Ravi et al., Environ. Entomol. 34, 59-69 (2005). K.M. Wu, Y.Y. Guo, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 50, 31-52 (2005). G.H. Baker, C.R. Tann, G.P. Fitt, Aust. J. Agr. Res. 59, 723-732 (2008). R.J. Mahon, K.M. Olsen, J. Econ. Entomol. 102, 708-716 (2009). K.R. Kranthi et al., Curr. Sci. 89, 291-298 (2005). F. Gould et al., J. Econ. Entomol. 99, 2091-2099 (2006). 42 Can Tomato be a Potential Host Plant for Pink Bollworm N. Ariela1, S. Harpaz Liora2, R. Mario3, S. Roee4 and H.A. Rami3 1 Israel Cotton Board, P.O.B. 384 Herzlia B' 46103 Israel; Northern R & D, P.O. Box 831, Kiryat Shmona–11016, Israel 3 Department of Entomology, Agricultural Research Organization, Gilat Research Center, M.P. Negev, 85280, Israel 4 Department of Entomology, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem P.O.Box12, Rehovot–76100, Israel E-mail: 2 Abstract—The pink bollworm (PBW), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) is a major pest of cotton in Israel. Recently, processed tomatoes growers from northern Israel have reported that, suspected PBW larvae were found inside tomato fruits in the field. Since tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) has not been recorded as a host plant for the PBW, a laboratory study was conducted to find out whether PBW neonates can penetrate tomato fruits and complete a whole life cycle on them. PBW eggs were placed on tomato fruits; thereafter, some neonates penetrated the fruits and succeeded to complete a whole life cycle in tomato fruit. In another experiment, tomato plants were placed in net cages and PBW adults were introduced into the cages. Females laid eggs on the tomato plants and a few larvae developed in the fruits. These findings shed new light on the understanding of PBW host range and have implications on area wide IPM programs. INTRODUCTION The pink bollworm (PBW), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) is the major pest of cotton in Israel; and mating disruption is a very common practice in all cotton fields (Kehat and Dunkelblum 1993, Kehat et al. 1998). During the past ten years, the pest has spread all over the country, causing a real threat to cotton growth in Israel. PBW is found mainly on cotton, although a few larvae were noticed also on other Malvaceae species such as Hibiscus sp. and Okra Recently processed tomatoes growers from northern Israel have reported that suspected PBW larvae were found inside tomato fruits in the field. As tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) has not been recorded as a host plant for the PBWs, (Shiller et al. 1962), a laboratory study was conducted to find out whether PBW neonates can penetrate tomato fruits and complete on them a whole life cycle. MATERIALS AND METHODS Thirty ripe tomato fruits with their vines were put into plastic cups along with twenty PBW eggs placed on each fruit. The fruits were held under standard laboratory conditions of 27±2°C, 50% humidity and photoperiod of 14:10 hours light: dark conditions. Every few days the fruits were checked for larva penetration. In another experiment, three tomato plants, each from a different variety, (Brigade, 5811, 9780) were put in net cages. 60 males and 60 females were introduced to each cage. The cages were placed on tables in outdoor conditions (summer). After 14 days, the fruits were checked for PBW eggs and entrance holes; then, the fruits were cut into slices to find PBW larvae. Can Tomato be a Potential Host Plant for Pink Bollworm 259 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At the first experiment, tiny holes were found on the upper part of the tomato fruit underneath the sepal. Later on, PBW larvae were found inside the fruits feeding on flesh and seeds (figure 1). Fig. 1: PBW Larvae Inside a Tomato Fruit Two weeks later, exit holes and damage to fruits were detected and larvae dropped down and pupated (figure 2, 3). Adults that emerged from the pupae mated normally and laid fertile eggs. In conclusion, the PBW has succeeded to complete a whole life cycle in tomato fruit. Fig. 2: Exit Hole of PBW Fig. 3: Damage Made by PBW 260 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity At the second experiment with tomato plants, we found entrance holes and larvae only in the variety 9780. Penetrations of PBW larvae were detected inside just two fruits out of 25 red and green fruits that were on the plants. The results showed that PBW not only could develop in tomato fruits but females might lay eggs spontaneously on tomato plants. These findings shed new light on the understanding of PBW host range and have implications on area wide IPM programs. Further choice experiments will be planned to learn whether PBW females would select and lay eggs on tomato fruits in the presence of cotton plants. REFERENCES [1] Kehat, M, and Dunkelblum, E. 1993. Sex pheromones: Achievements in monitoring and mating disruption of cotton pests in Israel. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 22: 425-431. [2] Kehat, M., Anshelevich, L, Gordon, D., Harel, M. and Dunkelblum, D. 1998. Evaluation of Shin-Etsu twist-tie rope dispensers by the mating table technique for disrupting mating of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Bull. Entomol. Res. 88: 141-148. [3] Shiller, I., L. W. Noble, and L.C. Fife. 1962. Host plants of pink bollworm. J. Entomol. 55: 67-70. 43 Impact of IRM Strategies on Bt Cotton in Andhra Pradesh T.V.K. Singh, N.V.V.S.D. Prasad, S. Sharma and S. Dayakar Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India E-mail: Abstract—Cotton is extensively cultivated in entire Andhra Pradesh, which is one of the important agrarian states in India under diverse farming situations with high inputs. Cotton in highly vulnerable to pest attack and insect pests cause losses up to 87% in seed cotton yield (Taley et al. 1988). Among insect pests aphids [Aphis gossypii (Glover)], Leaf hopper [Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Jshida)], whiteflies [Bemisia tabaci (Genn.)], thrips [Thrips tabaci (Linde)] and boll worm complex viz., Gram caterpillar [Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.)], Tobacco caterpillar [Spodoptera litura (Boisd.)] and Pink bollworm [Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund)] are considered to be the major constraints. Excessive and indiscriminate use of insecticides in cotton has led to problems of insecticide resistance, pest resurgence, accumulation of harmful residues and toxicity to non-target organisms. This has prompted the necessity for the development of strategies for judicious management of insecticides and a window based insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategies on cotton was implemented in three districts of Andhra Pradesh viz., Guntur, Khammam and Kurnool. The strategies blend all crop production practices to incorporate proper and low use of insecticides. Natural enemy populations are least disturbed and, different groups of chemicals are alternated. The dissemination of insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) strategies at village level by way of trainings and field visits prompted the adaptation of strategies by farmers for managing cotton pest complex on Bt cotton. To disseminate IRM strategies, a total of 165 villages were adopted in three districts from 2008 to 2011 along with 75 villages that were selected as non IRM villages for comparing the impact of IRM strategies. The adoption of IRM strategies led to reduction in pest incidence in IRM villages. Boll worm incidence was very less in IRM and non IRM villages. The population of sucking pests was less in IRM villages than non IRM villages. The strategic positioning of insecticides coupled with ecofriendly technologies led to abundance of natural enemies in cotton ecosystem in IRM fields, while the incidence of these insects was lower in non IRM fields due to insecticidal sprays. Impact of adoption of IRM strategies resulted in the reduction in insecticidal sprays (28.84%) in IRM villages over non IRM villages. Cotton yield was higher in IRM adopted village (26.67 qt/ha) compared to non IRM villages (22.46 qt/ha). Net profit per/ha was more in IRM villages than non IRM villages. Farmers, by adopting IRM strategies realized higher net returns by saving in plant protection cost due to less number of insecticidal sprays and increased seed cotton yield. INTRODUCTION Cotton popularly known as “white gold” is the most important commercial crop in India and plays a vital role in agricultural, industrial, social and monetary affairs of the country. Area wise, India ranks first in global scenario (about 33 per cent of the world cotton area) but with regard to production, it is ranked next to China, which is the top producer (AICCIP,2011). The production increased from a meager 2.8 million bales (170 kg lint/bale) in 1947-48 to a high of 17.6 million bales in 1996-97 and a record of 31.5 million bales was recorded during 2007-08(AICCIP, 2008). During 2009-10, it was grown on an area of 10.3 million hectares with the production of 29.5 million bales and average lint yield of 486 kg/ha. Among cotton growing states, Gujarat leads in production with 9.8 million bales followed by Maharashtra (6.3 million bales) and Andhra Pradesh (5.2 million bales). However, the productivity of cotton in India is still far less than other cotton growing countries of the world, viz., Australia (1579 kg/ha) Brazil (1480 kg/ha), China (1301kg/ha), USA (943 kg/ha), Uzbekistan (775 kg/ha) and Pakistan (1579kg/ha) (AICCIP, 2011). The insect pests are one of the major constraints in achieving optimum yield potential. Cotton crop harbored 1326 species of insects from sowing to maturity in different cotton growing areas of the world (Hargreaves, 1948) and 162 species have been reported on the crop in India. Among these, 9 are of utmost importance inflicting significant losses in yield. The monetary value of yield losses due to insect pests has been estimated to be Rs. 33, 9660/- million annually (Dhaliwal et al., 2010). 262 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Before the introduction of Bt cotton, cotton growers were mainly using the synthetic insecticides to combat the pests. As a result, bollworms, developed resistance to almost all major classes of pesticides. Development of transgenic cotton resulted in an immense increase in seed cotton yield and reduction in insecticidal sprays (Barwale et al., 2004) and it helped the farmers to manage the population of H. armigera, the most important pest causing about 31.0 per cent loss in non-transgenic cotton (Grover and Pental, 2003). Keeping in view the above facts, the present study on impact adoption of insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategies in Bt cotton was planned to manage insect pests below economic threshold level (ETL), reduction in number of sprays, and increase the cotton yield by disseminating the IRM strategies in the adopted villages in Andhra Pradesh. TABLE 1: DETAILS OF VILLAGES UNDER IRM AND NON-IRM IN ANDHRA PRADESH DURING 2010-11 Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TOTAL No. of IRM Villages 15 15 10 40 Guntur No. of Non-IRM Villages 2 5 5 12 Khammam No. of IRM No. of Non-IRM Villages Villages 15 15 15 15 10 3 40 33 Kurnool No. of IRM No. of Non-IRM Villages Villages 60 15 15 5 10 10 85 30 Total IRM Villages = 165 Total Non-IRM Villages = 75 MATERIAL AND METHODS IRM module developed by CICR for Bt Cotton Pest Management was implemented for three consecutive years during 2008 to 2011 and evaluated in 165 villages in three districts viz., Guntur, Khammam and Kurnool districts of Andhra Pradesh. Seventy five villages were also selected as non IRM villages for comparing the impact of IRM strategies(Table-1). A total of 6245 farmers (Table-2) followed IRM strategies in an area of 12898.54ha during 2008 to 2011. Recommended package of practices of ANGRAU was followed (ANGRAU Panchangam, 2011). In the beginning of every year, farmers were educated about the IRM strategies. Various techniques, field days and field visits were conducted for demonstrating IRM strategies in IRM adopted villages. Literature in local language pertaining to agronomic practices, insect pests, economic threshold levels and their management strategies were distributed to farmers. TABLE 2: DETAILS OF BENEFICIARY FARMERS AND AREA COVERED IN ANDHRA PRADESH DURING Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 TOTAL No. of IRM Beneficiary Farmers 737 653 420 1810 Guntur Area under IRM (ha) 2252.50 1605.20 1026.20 4883.90 Area under Non-IRM (ha) 159.10 306.20 360.00 825.30 Khammam No. of IRM Area Beneficiary under IRM Farmers (ha) 819 1110.50 787 1393.20 544 1175.20 2150 3678.90 Area under Non-IRM (ha) 62.10 1008.00 501.80 1571.90 Kurnool No. of IRM Area Beneficiary under Farmers IRM (ha) 1600 3343.56 385 565.40 300 426.78 2285 4335.74 Area under Non-IRM (ha) 536.20 128.94 32.00 697.14 IRM strategies which were implemented are as follows Early Sucking Pests: No Foliar Spray (Till 60 Das) • • • • • • Cultivation of sucking pest tolerant genotypes (Bt or non BT) Intercropping with cowpea, soyabean and blackgram Eradication of weeds in and around the cotton fields Avoidance of chlorothalonil and organophospate sprays for sucking pest control Stem application or soil application of dimethoate or acephate at 30-40 DAS and 50-60 DAS for control of thrips, mirid bugs, mealybugs and other sucking pests Neem oil 2.5 lit/ha mixed with 0.1% Nirma washing soap powder Impact of IRM Strategies on Bt Cotton in Andhra Pradesh 263 Biological and Biopesticide Window (61-90 Das) Initial Bollworm Infestation • • • • • • Verticillium lecanii to be used for sucking pest control especially for the control of mealy bugs Cryptolaemus montrouzieri as inoculative releases on weeds or fruit crops adjacent to cotton fields Use of HaNPV on Bt cotton at 50% bollworm infested plants followed by the application of 5% NSKE a week later Not to spray against minor lepidopteran insects such as cotton leaf folder and cotton semilooper Trichogramma can be used on non-Bt genotypes at 70-80 DAS Not to spray Bt formulation on Bt cotton to avoid further selection pressure Insecticide Window (91-120 Das) • • • Use of spinosad or emamectin benzoate on only non-Bt cotton at ETLs of 50% infested plants. Avoid these insecticides on Bt cotton Use of indoxacarb only once only on non-Bt cotton for control at ETLs of 90-100% plants showing flared up squares Use organophospate or carbamates only once either on Bt cotton or non-Bt cotton as effective larvicides for control of bollworms at ETLs of 90-100% plants Pink Bollworm Window (>120 Das) Pyrethroids • • ETL based spray: Eight pink bollworm moths per trap per night for 3 consecutive nights. The application of thiodicarb as late season sprays would be effective for pink bollworm management. Pyrethorid resistance in H.armigera is generally high, but pyrethroids are very effective against pink and spotted bollworms and are ideally suited for the late season window. The data pertaining to cultivation of different hybrids, sowing time, different agronomic practices adopted along with the yeasrs by the individual IRM farmers was recorded and pooled. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pests incidence: The population of leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips, mealy bugs, tobacco caterpillar and pink boll worm remained below the ETL in all the IRM adopted villages and was significantly less than Non IRM villages (Table-3). TABLE 3: OCCURRENCE OF INSECT PESTS AND NATURAL ENEMIES IN ANDHRA PRADESH PROJECT VILLAGES Insects Villages IRM Non-IRM IRM Whiteflies /3 leaves Non –IRM IRM Thrips / 3 leaves Non-IRM IRM Mealy bugs / 2.5 cm Non IRM IRM Tobacco caterpillar/plant Non-IRM IRM Pink Bollworm/plant Non-IRM IRM Natural enemies/plant Non-IRM Leafhopper / 3 leaves Guntur* 1.43 2.12 2.01 2.94 0.62 0.83 1.14 1.45 0.07 0.23 0.12 0.22 0.68 0.54 Khammam* 1.62 1.94 1.64 2.54 0.50 0.76 0.25 0.34 0.22 0.53 0.02 0.11 0.61 0.30 Kurnool* 1.33 2.41 1.87 2.48 0.41 1.14 0.11 0.19 0.55 0.62 0.09 0.23 0.63 0.20 *Mean of 3 years for the entire occurrence of insecticidal pest The strategies positioning of insecticides coupled with ecofriendly technologies lead to abundance of natural enemies in cotton ecosystem in IRM fields, while the incidence of these insects was lower in non IRM fields due to insecticidal sprays (Table-3). 264 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Impact of IRM strategies: The IRM strategies disseminated in IRM adopted villages on no. of sprays, cost of sprays, cotton yield, gross income and net profit is presented in Table-4. The mean no. of sprays for pests was 3.74 in IRM villages and 5.41 in non IRM villages. The mean cost of sprays was higher in non-IRM villages (Rs.3230) as compared to IRM villages (Rs. 2244). TABLE 4: IMPACT OF IRM TECHNOLOGY IN ANDHRA PRADESH Attributes No.of Sprays Cost of sprays (Rs) Cotton yield (qt/ha) Gross income (Rs/ha) Net profit (Rs/ha) IRM Villages 3.74 2244 26.67 65264 41351 IRM Villages 5.41 3230 22.46 54420 34640 The yield was also higher in villages where IRM strategies were adopted (26.67 qt/ha) over non-IRM villages (22.46 qt/ha). The grass income and net profit was more in IRM villages. The present findings are in conformity with the results of Rajak et al., (1997) and Kranthi et al.,(2000) who reported reduction in pesticide consumption in IRM adopted villages and increase in yields. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture under the Technology Mission on Cotton II through DOCD with technical support in a network mode from Director, CICR, Nagpur. REFERENCES [1] AICCIP (2008)-All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project. Annual Report 2009-10, Central Institute of Cotton Research, Regional station, Coimbatore. pp 3-5. [2] AICCIP. (2011)- All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project. Annual Report 2010-11, Central Institute of Cotton Research, Regional station, Coimbatore. pp 3-5. [3] ANGRAU (2011)-Vyavasaya Panchangam ANGRAU, Hyd. [4] Barwale, R.B., Godwal, V.R., Usha, Z. and Zehr, B (2004) - Prospect for Bt cotton technology is India. AgbioForm.7: 23-6. [5] Dhaliwal, G.S., Jindal, V. and Dhawan, A.K. (2010) - Insect pest problems and crop losses: changing trends. Indian J. Ecology 37: 1-7. [6] Grover, A. and Pental, D. (2003) - Breeding objectives and requirements for producing transgenic for the major field crops of India. Curr. Sci. 84: 310-20. [7] Hargreaves, H. (1948) - List of recorded cotton insects of the world. Pp50. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. [8] Kranthi, K.R., Banerjee, S.K. and Russell, D. (2000) - IRM strategies for sustainable cotton pest management in India. Pestology 24: 58-67. [9] Rajak, R.L.; Diwaker, M.C. and Mishra, M.P. (1997) - National IPM program in India. Pesticide Information 23: 23-26. 44 Efforts to Mitigate Stickiness Problem in Sudan A. Abdelatif and E. Babiker Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan Abstract—Stickiness is one of the limiting factors for cotton production and marketing in many countries and obliged cotton grower, worldwide, to sell their sticky cotton at lower prices. In the Sudan, research programs were carried out by Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), addressing the causes and control measures in an attempt to find a remedy for the problem. Of these efforts manipulating the morphological and physiological characters of the cotton plant in such away to reduce the whitefly population and allow for easy biological, chemical and cultural control, resulted in developing very promising lines. In addition, identification of the type of sugar causing cotton stickiness and the establishment of reliable methods for grading cotton stickiness were developed. Stickiness research project was endorsed and financed by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) during 1997-2001. The objectives of the project were to develop a methodology to separate sticky from non-sticky cotton. Another objective of the project was the determination of threshold levels of stickiness for spinning under different conditions to enable the utilization of sticky cotton in spinning process. The study revealed considerable variability in stickiness levels among the cotton production areas, and also, considerably low levels of stickiness were observed in some schemes. Cultural practices were needed where a long term improvement of stickiness free production were observed. INTRODUCTION Cotton “Gossypium” is the major natural textile fibre crop worldwide. In Sudan, cotton has been grown for centuries. The cotton plant is indigenous and a number of its wild relatives (members of the genus Gossypium) existed in various parts of the country. Commercial growing of the crop, however, started in 1867. However, the big jump was in 1926, which marked the official start of functioning of the Gezira Scheme. Likewise, large production has, since the beginning, been backed by a strong research program The Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) has an intensive program to develop new varieties, increase yield and improve quality to meet the recent demand of consumers. The bulk of the production is exported as raw fibre (90%) in a highly competitive world market. During the last three decades Sudan cotton faced strong competition in the world market. Sudan cotton suffered mainly from low yields and low quality due to contamination. Major activities of the research program addressed the yield and fibre quality problems. In recent years, however, contamination issues started to acquire their fair share in the research strategies. The main objective of this paper is to focus on efforts to mitigate stickiness in cotton, grown in the Sudan. STICKINESS PROBLEM Stickiness was observed in Sudan since the early 1960’s, but was sporadic at that time and of little importance. During the 1980’s the phenomenon became worldwide thus affecting marketability of Sudan cotton. It caused substantial economic losses to the cotton producers, worldwide, and obliged them to sell their sticky cotton at lower prices. In case of the Sudanese cotton the discount prices ranged from 5-30%. (Fadlalla, 1998). Stickiness of cotton lint was found to be caused by honey-dew excreted by the two insects whitefly and aphids (Gameel 1969).However, other factors causing stickiness contamination has been reported in the literature of these, broken seeds, immature fibres as well as sugary substance of cotton plant which may directly or indirectly affect cotton lint at later processes. (Kalifa1980,Watson 2000). NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Intensive research was carried out regarding stickiness of cotton in Sudan. First, a scientific research committee was established in 1967 with the objective of investigating the nature and the origin of 266 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity substance causing stickiness, then followed by the National Research Committee on Cotton severed programs (Ali and Khalifa 1982, Khalifa 2001) were launched to address stickness. The programs included: • • • • • Type of sugars causing cotton stickiness. Quick methods for grading cotton stickiness Ginning efficiency, and the spinning performance. Integrated pest management (IPM package) Breeding of cotton varieties tolerant to whitefly infestation. These research programs continued and in a very short time main results by researcher were revealed. Ali and Khalifa (1980) found that the sugar deposits mainly consist of fructose, glucose and mannose. The whitefly excretions contained two additional unidentified components X and Y which were absent in aphid secretions. They also reported that the sugar deposits causing stickiness were mainly the excretions of whitefly; those of the aphids ranking second. Results of the chemical method correlate very well with the results of the mini-card (Ali and Khalifa 1980). This method was modified to suit commercial application by shortening the test period, as well as reducing the amount of the chemical used (Ali 1998). It was also reported that, the sticky cotton may decrease the output of the roller gin to about 5-7 kg/gin/hour, compared to 25-30 kg/gin/hour for the clean cotton (Khalifa and Gameel. 1983). It was found that the distribution of honeydew within the same plant was variable. The level of cotton stickiness was higher in lint collected from bottom and middle of the plant compared with the top (Khalifa 1982). Whitefly usually prefers humid, warm and shady conditions, as well as protection from wind. (Gameel 1982). It was also found that the medium staple cotton (Acala) showed higher stickiness level compared to extra long staple cotton (Barakat). This is mainly because hirsutum (Acala) varieties are hairy and bushy, and hence more susceptible to whitefly infestation (Khalifa 1982). It was found that a single adult could produce excretion that can cover 38 mm2 of leaf surface in one day (Gameel 1968). The whitefly has a wide range of host plants and cotton is normally planted in Sudan during the period July- August. When the other host plants start to dry up white flies migrate to cotton and start breeding rapidly during September-November. They have about 10-12 generations per growing season (Khalifa 1982). Also, distribution of honey-dew within the same plant was variable. A long term program was conducted (early 1980’s) to breed for tolerant and resistant cultivars to whitefly infestation. Its main objective was to manipulate the morphological and physiological characters of the cotton plant in such a way so as to reduce the whitefly population and allow for easy biological, chemical and cultural control (Okra shape – high gossypol content). Despite research effort the problem of stickness in Sudan cotton persisted. GLOBAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Research programs addressing the causes and control measures were carried out by ARC. During 19982000, a stickiness research project financed by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) was executed with the objectives of developing an objective methodology (rather than the current subjective methods in use) to separate sticky from non-sticky cotton in order that the non-sticky part could be sold at due price. The partners of this project were the Sudan Cotton Company (SCC) and the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) in Sudan, the Institut Français du Textile et de l’Habillement (IFTH) and the Centre de Coopération Internationale de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) in France. The methodology was developed and, in addition, the study revealed considerable variability in stickiness levels among the cotton production areas, and considerably low levels of stickiness were observed in some schemes. Efforts to Mitigate Stickiness Problem in Sudan 267 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Year . Source: Gourlot et al -2011: ITMF continuation survey (Gourlot et al., 2011) indicated that few stickness at a problem with Sudaness cotton. Fig. 1: Mentioned Stickiness Problems for Sudan Production (in % of Answers), ITMF Cotton Contamination Surveys REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Ali, N. A. and H. Khalifa (1980). Development of methods to measurecotton stickiness. Cot.Fib.Trop.xxv,4, 311-313. Fadlalla, A.S. (1998), Summary of project Rationale, Objectives and Execution. Annual Report, cotton Stickiness Project. Khalifa, H. (1980). Cotton stickiness. Paper presented before the Constituent Assembly of the International Committee for Cotton Testing, Bremen- Germany. Khalifa, H. (1982) Variation of cotton stickiness and methods of sampling Proc. of International Committee for Cotton Testing Conference.Bremen-Germany. Khalifa, H. and Gameel. O.I. (1982). Breeding cotton varieties resistant to Whitfly (Bemisa tabaci:Genn”).Symposium on cotton production and marketing. Khartoum..Sudan.pp.9. Khalifa, H.(1982). The control of cotton stickiness through breeding resistant cotton (Bemisa tabaci:Genn”). Proc. Of workshop of Advisory Group Meeting on the use of Nuclear Techniques for the improvement of oil seeds and other industrial crops. Proc.IAEA/FOA p233-240, Dakar- Senegal. Gourlot J.-P. ), Abdin M. A. ) and Latif A., Abdalla A. (2011) long term benefit of a CFC/ICAC project global improvement of the situition 45 Present Status of Mealy Bug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) on Cotton and Other Plants in Sindh (Pakistan) Khuhro S.N.1, A.M. Kalroo1 and R. Mahmood2 1 Central Cotton Research Institute Sakrand–67210 Sindh–Pakistan 2 CABI South Asia, Rawalpindi–Pakistan Abstract—In Pakistan mealy bug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) was recorded first time in 2005 on cotton and other plants. The survey was carried out in different districts of Sindh to know the status of the mealy bug on cotton and other plants. The pest was widely sprayed in the surveyed areas attacking a number of plants including cotton. Mean maximum population (mealy bug 2nd & 3rd instars and adults/shoot) was recorded in the districts Shaheed Benazirabad 46.93 followed by Ghotki district (38.88), Sukkur, (32.17), Naushahro Feroze (32.07), Khairpur (29.67), and Dadu district (14.69). Mealy bug was recorded on 22 plants in Shaheed Benazirabad district. On unsprayed cotton (95%) mealy bugs were found parasitized by Aenasius bambawalei Hayat, followed by (92%), on Abutilon indicum (91%), okra (87%), datura, (86%) , china rose (80%) on egg plant, and on tomato (77%) during 2010. However, mealy bugs parasitized by Aenasius bambawalei very low in 2011 due to indiscriminate use of pesticides and appearance of hyper parasitoid. Different insecticides were also tested for controlling mealy bug on cotton. Maximum mortality of the mealy bug recorded in plots treated with Movento 20 SC (95.2%), followed by Movento energy 480 SC (94.8%), Confidor 50 SC+ Ultra (93.3%), Profenofos 50 EC (92.69%), Confidor 70 WG (92.40%), Fyfanon 57 EC (91.1%), Bono 20 SC (89.60), and Malatox 57 EC (84.65%) up to one week of spray. The meteorological data revealed that mealy bug was more common in the field at temperatures in the range of 30.539.5°C. Keywords: Phenacoccus solenopsis, Aenasius bambawalei, Parasitism and population INTRODUCTION Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., is the most important fiber crop of Pakistan. It is used in textile as well as oil industries and earns foreign exchange through export in shape of raw cotton, cotton yarn, cloth, garments and other products. It makes about 80% of national edible oil production (Agha, 1994). It engages millions of employees in the farms and factories. It provides edible oil, animal feed, fiber, and fuel to a large proportion of the urban and rural populations. It supplies raw material for about 1200 ginning units, 180 spinning units, about 470 textile mills, and 50 vegetable oil mills operating in the country. It is also a major export item from the crop sector because it directly or indirectly contributes about 66 percent to Pakistan’s export earnings (Government of Pakistan, 1995). Unfortunately, the crop was severely attacked by many sucking and chewing insect pests including cotton mealy bug. Mealy bugs have recently become abundant on cotton in Pakistan. These soft bodied insects belong to family Pseudococcidae of order Hemiptera. About 5000 species of mealy bugs have been reported from 246 families of plants throughout the world. Among these, 56 species have been reported from 15 genera of family Malvaceae, including cotton and many other plants of economic importance (Ben-Dov, 1994). Mealy bugs were never been reported from cotton in Pakistan until 2005 when for the first time Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley was recorded from Vehari-Punjab. This insect alone was held responsible for the loss of 0.2 million bales (bale weighs 375 lbs or 170 kg) in 2007 in Pakistan (Muhammad, 2007). Mahmood et al (2011) reviewed its world distribution. According to them it is a new world species and has recently entered a number of countries in Asia and Australia. They reported that this insect is widespread on the plains of Pakistan. Results of present studies carried out in different districts of Sindh on its distribution and abundance are reported in this paper. Present Status of Mealy Bug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) on Cotton and Other Plants in Sindh (Pakistan) 269 MATERIALS AND METHODS Mealy Bug Population on Cotton and other Hosts Regular survey of mealy bug was under taken to record the phenology and host range in different areas/districts of upper Sindh including Shaheed Benazirabad, Naushahro Feroze, Dadu, Khairpur, Sukkur and Ghotki from May to December 2010. Five terminal shoots each measuring 15cm long were taken at random one each from the four corners and in the center of the of the cotton field. Samples of mealy bugs collected from fields were kept in jars (laboratory (at 26± 2oC temperature and 75.5% R.H). Samples were kept in Petri-dishes for a week for parasitoids emergence, in the lab 20C temperature and 75.5% R.H. Counts were made of healthy and mummified 2nd, 3rd instars and adult mealy bug individuals from the samples. The observations on cotton were made from May to December 2010. Samples of same size were also taken from other plants where the mealy bug was found. Similar experiments were improved upon in 2011. Efficacy of Insecticides for Controlling Mealy Bug on Cotton Crop Eight insecticides were tested for the efficacy against cotton mealy bug. The crop was sown on 27-052010 and crop was sprayed on 03-08-2010. The trial was conducted at CCRI-Sakrand Farm in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Plot size was kept at 30’ x 40’. Spray were initiated when the mealy bug population increased. The control plot was kept unsprayed for comparison of the pest population. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phenology During observations the mealy bug was found breeding profusely on cotton and other plants in MayDecember. It seems to breed almost throughout the year. Population Trends of the Mealy Bug on Cotton The results showed that the mealy bug infestation started initially after germination of cotton plants. The minimum infestation was in June, 2010 and maximum in September was recorded at all areas surveyed (Table-1). The mealy bug infestations were comparatively higher at Shaheed Benazirabad and Ghotki, compared with Khairpur, Naushahro Feroze, Sukkur and Dadu districts of Sind province (Table-1). TABLE: 1. POPULATION OF MEALY BUG IN DIFFERENT DISTRICTS OF SINDH-IN 2010 Mealy bug Numbers Per Terminal Shoot in Following Districts Shaheed Benazirabad Naushahro Feroze Dadu Khairpur Sukkur Jun. 10.14 5.11 0.78 0.14 4.45 Jul. 16.33 14.11 2.36 3.43 13.78 Aug. 23.70 17.10 7.10 19.30 16.8 Sept. 84.30 8.54 18.0 60.80 24.10 Oct. 113.00 98.30 22.45 67.30 65.80 Nov. 50.00 76.00 39.75 53.67 86.50 Dec. 31.00 5.29 12.33 3.00 13.75 Mean 46.93 32.07 14.69 29.67 32.17 Mealy bug on plants other than cotton Ghotki 0.22 13.50 10.90 133.33 72.20 39.00 3.00 38.88 The mealy bug was recorded from more than 22 plants however it was consistently found on egg plant, tomato, Abutilon indicum, okra, hollyhock and china rose. At the peak period of its population in September, it was found most abundant on cotton, followed by china rose, Abutilon indicum, okra, eggplant, tomato and hollyhock (Table-2). Commonality of the mealy bug on different plants has been reported by Arif, et al. (2009) who reported the inadence of mealy bug Phenacoccus solenopsis on about 154 plants but was most abundant on cotton. 270 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity TABLE 2: MEALY BUG POPULATIONS ON DIFFERENT PLANTS HOSTS IN SINDH IN SEPTEMBER, 2010 English/ Local Name Egg plant Tomato Abutilon Cotton Datura Okra Hollyhock China Rose 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Technical Names Solanum melongena Lycopersicon esculentum Abutilon indicum Gossypum hirsutum Datura alba Abelmoschus esculentus Alcea setosa Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Mean Mealy Bug Infestation/ Shoot 45.12 23.41 65.74 84.64 24.46 77.13 12.71 69.23 Natural Enemies of the Mealy Bug Since mealy bug appearance was recorded during 2005 in Pakistan only insecticides have been tried to control the mealy bug on cotton. Natural enemies did not have much role in controlling the mealy bug. Mahmood et al. (2011) developed techniques of conserving predators and parasitoids in field conditions and successfully bred millions of parasitoids and predators using plant debris (mealy bug infested drying twigs and leaves). They reported a number of predators associated with the mealy bug in 2006-2007, however, parasitoid Aenasius bambawalei Hayat was first time reported during 2008 from Tando Jam Sindh-Pakistan (Solangi and Mahmood, 2011). This parasitoid spreads fast and keeps the mealy bug under control. In sprayed cotton fields though parasitoid was rare it was most common on unsprayed cotton fields and helped keep the pest under control (Table- 3). The parasitoid was not only common in cotton but also was common on other plants and most of the mealy bugs were found parasitized. In 2011 the parasitoid’s population was less than 2010 (Table-4). The main reason of low population of parasitoid is the adverse effect of large scale use of pesticides in cotton and vegetables. Moreover a hyper parasitoid Promuscidea unfasciativentris Girault has appeared thereby impacting parasitoid population. As a result of decline in population of the parasitoid the mealy bug population has increased severely. TABLE 3: PARASITISM OF AENASIUS BAMBAWALEI ON DIFFERENT HOST PLANTS AT SHAHEED BENAZIRABAD DISTRICT IN AUGUST 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. English/Local Name Eggplant Tomato Abutilon Cotton Datura Okra China Rose Technical Names Solanum melongena Lycopersicon esculentum Abutilon indicum Gossypum hirsutum Datura alba Abelmoschus esculentus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Parasitism Percent 80 77 92 95 87 91 86 Efficacy of Insecticides for Controlling Mealy bug on Cotton Crop TABLE 5: EFFICACY OF INSECTICIDES FOR CONTROLLING MEALY BUG AT CCRI-SAKRAND DURING AUGUST 2010 Treatment Bono 20 SL Malatox 57 EC Profenofos 50 EC Confidor 20 SC Fyfanon 57 EC Confidor 20 SL+ ultra Confidor 70 WG Movento energy 480 SC Control Dose/ acre (ml/g) 125 ml 750 ml 500 ml 250 ml 500 ml 250 ml 140 gm 150 + 250 ml - Post-Treatment Average Population/Shoot 48 hours 72 hours 1 week 26.07 17.41 13.17 31.12 22.01 19.45 18.31 11.21 9.26 17.0 8.0 5.0 33.0 21.0 10.0 34.0 13.0 7.0 25.0 12.0 7.0 30.0 10.0 5.0 112.81 121.62 126.74 Mortality (%) 48 hours 76.89 72.41 83.76 83.5 66.6 65.8 74.6 70.2 - 72 hours 85.70 81.90 90.78 93.5 82.9 89.8 88.1 91.6 - 1 week 89.60 84.65 92.69 95.2 91.1 93.3 92.4 94.8 - Present Status of Mealy Bug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) on Cotton and Other Plants in Sindh (Pakistan) 271 Results given in Table-5 indicate that, Movento 20 SC gave maximum (95.2%) mortality followed by Movento Energy 480 SC, Confidor 50 SC+Ultrs, Profenofos 50 EC, Confidor 70 WG, Fyfanon 57 EC, Bono 20 SC and Malatox 57 EC up to one week of spray. Similes results were reported by (Aheer, et al. 2009) who also mentioned that all tested insecticides proved significantly effective against mealy bug up to 7 days after treatment. METEOROLOGY DATA The meteorology data was recorded during the survey of cotton mealy bug at CCRI-Sakrand Farm. The results showed that the mealy bug built up its population when the temperature 290C and was maximum in the temperature range of 30.5-39.50 C and decreased at temperatures below 290C. (Table 2,3&6). TABLE 6: METEOROLOGICAL DATA OF 2010 SEASON RECORDED AT CENTRAL COTTON RESEARCH INSTITUTE, SAKRAND, SINDH-PAKISTAN Month Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mean Mealy Bug Population/ Shoot at Shaheed Benazirabad 10.14 16.33 23.70 84.30 113.00 50.00 31.00 Average Maximum Temp. and Range oC 40.6(29.0-45.0) 38.6(35.0-43.0) 35.7 (30.0-38.0) 34.3 (33.5-38.0) 35.7 (30.5-39.5) 29.1(24.0-33.0) 23.2(20.0-25.0) Average Minimum Temp. and Range (oC) 27.4 (25.0-31.0) 28.1(24.5-29.0) 27.2 (24.5-29.0) 25.1(21.5-30.0) 21.9(18.0-25.0) 14.9 (8.5-20.5) 7.5(4.0-10.0) Mean relative Humidity and Range (%) 57.8(47.0-91.5) 65.7(56.0-90.5) 73.8(63.5-90.5) 75.6(56.0-93.5) 55.9(41.7-66.0) 52.7(41.3-69.0) 55.3(42.0-72.7) Rainfall (mm) 45.2 136.2 72.0 50.0 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge the financial assistance by former Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of Pakistan through PSDP, to carry out the present studies under the project “Biological control of major cotton pests including mealy bug in Pakistan Sakrand Component”. We specially thank Mr. Arshad Ahmed, Vice President and Dr. Tasawar Malik, Ex-Director Research, Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC) and Dr. Ibad Badar Siddiqi, Project Director BCMCP for their consistent support in conducting research. REFERENCES [1] Agha, H. K. 1994. Crop Production. Published by Pakistan Book Foundation, Islamabad Pp.6. [2] Aheer, G. M. Riaz Ahmad; Amjad Ali . 2009. Efficacy of different insecticides against cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solani Ferris. Journal of Agricultural Research (Lahore) Vol. 47 No. 1 pp. 47-52 [3] Arif M.I, Wazir S, Rafiq M, Ghaffar A, and Mahmood R. 2011. (Incidence of Aenasius bambawalei Hayat on mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and its hyperparasite, Promuscidea unfasciativentris Girault at Multan). /PapArifMI-et_al.pdf [4] Arif, M.I., M. Rafiq, and A. Ghaffar, 2009. Host plants of cotton mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis): A new menace to cotton agro ecosystem of Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 11: 163-167. [5] Ben-Dov, Y. 1994. A systematic catalogue of the mealy bugs of the world (Insecta: Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseeudococcidae and Putoidae). Intercept Ltd., Andover, P: 686. [6] Mahmood, R, M. N. Aslam, G. S. Solangi and A. Samad. 2011. Historical Perspective and achievements in biological management of cotton mealy bug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in Pakistan. 5th Meeting Asian Cotton Research and Development Network, held during February 23-25. Lahore, pp. 1-17. Online at: [7] [8] Muhammad, A. 2007. Mealy bug: Cotton Crop’s Worst Catastrophe. Centre for Agro-Informatics Research (CAIR), Pakistan. Available on-line at accessed Jul.2008 (verified 27 May 2009). [9] Government of Pakistan, 1995. Economic Survey, 1994-95. Islamabad: Finance Division, Economic Adviser’s Wing. [10] Solangi G. S. and R. Mahmood. 2011. Biology, host specificity and population trends of Aenasius bambawalei Hayat and its role in controlling mealy bug Phencoccus solenopsis Tinsley at Tandojam Sindh. 5th Meeting Asian Cotton Research and Development Network held on February 23-25. Lahore, pp. 1-7. Online at: [11] 46 Changing Scenario of Cotton Diseases in India—The Challenge Ahead D. Monga1, K.R. Kranthi2, N. Gopalakrishnan3 and C.D. Mayee4 1 Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Regional Station, Sirsa 2 C.I.C.R. Nagpur, 3Rishi Bhawan, New Delhi 4 Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board, New Delhi Abstract—The cotton disease scenario has shown a continuous change during the past sixty four years since independence. When mainly indigenous diploid cottons were being grown in fifties, Fusarium wilt, root rot, seedling blight, anthracnose and grey mildew were the major problems. With the large scale cultivation of tetraploid upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), bacterial blight became the major disease to which indigenous cottons were highly resistant. After the introduction of Bt cotton hybrids during 2002 onwards and continuous increase in area under these hybrids to around 85% of total cotton area till date, the disease scenario has also shown some change. The grey mildew, once a serious problem for diploid cottons especially in central India has now become a major problem in Bt cotton hybrids. Grey mildew (percent disease intensity) in central zone was recorded on Bt cotton hybrids during 2010-11 in Maharashtra in the irrigated areas of Vidarbha region (9.2 to 20.4 % & Nanded-6.5 to 27.2%). In south zone it was severe in two states i.e. Karnataka (5.0-30.0%), and Andhra Pradesh (28.9-46.4) during the season. Among other important diseases on Bt hybrids, Bacterial blight was reported as important disease in central zone in Maharashtra ( Vidarbha- 8.3 to 22.2 %; Nanded 2.2 to 15.7 %) and in south zone in Karnataka (5.0-15.0 %) and Andhra Pradesh ( 8.0-47.6%). Alternaria blight was observed serious during 2010-11 season in Gujrat’s Saurashtra area (2.0-15.0%) and Maharashtra’s Rahuri (10.2-35.8%) and Nanded (5.0-21.5%) and in south zone states ie Karnataka (5.0-30.0%), Andhra Pradesh (10.0-54.6%) and Tamil Nadu from 12.6 to 38.8%. (Anonymous 2011). Fusarium wilt has become less important as upland cotton now occupying 85% area is immune to Indian race of the pathogen. Verticillium wilt which appeared in Tamil Nadu remained restricted mainly to that state only. In north India, the leaf curl disease caused by gemini virus and transmitted by white fly Bemisia tabaci has become a threat to cotton cultivation due to development of new recombinant strains and introduction of a number of susceptible Bt cotton hybrids in north zone. A disease identified as Tobacco Streak Virus (Ilar virus) transmitted by thrips was observed in the transgenic cotton growing region of Southern Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. (Sharma et al, 2007). Avoidable losses due to important diseases like cotton leaf curl virus, (53.6% ),bacterial leaf blight(20.6%), Alternaria leaf spot (26.6%), grey mildew( 29.2%)and Myrothecium leaf spot ( 29.1%) have been documented. Newer chemicals like propiconazole, captan+hexaconazole, tetraconazole and strobilurin compounds (fungicides) and copper hydroxide (bactericides) have been successfully tested for the management of foliar disease of cotton. Strategies for the integrated management of diseases causing losses in terms of yield and quality need to be redefined. INTRODUCTION Cotton is an important crop for the sustainable economy of India and livelihood of the Indian farming community. It is cultivated in 11.0 M hectares in the country. India accounts for about 32% of the global cotton area and contributes to 21% of the global cotton produce, currently ranking second after China. The production increased from a meager 2.3 M bales (170 kg lint/bale) in 1947-48 to an all time highest record of 31.5 M bales during 2007-08. Cotton provides employment and sustenance to a population of nearly 42 M people, who are involved directly or indirectly in cotton production, processing, textiles and related activities. India has the unique distinction of being the only country in the world to cultivate all four cultivable Gossypium species, Gossypium arboreum and G.herbaceum (Asian cotton), G. barbadense (Egyptian cotton) and G. hirsutum (American upland cotton) besides hybrid cotton. Approximately 65% of India’s cotton is produced under rainfed conditions and 35% on irrigated lands. Cotton is cultivated in three distinct agro-ecological regions (north, central and south) of the country. The northern zone is almost totally irrigated, while the percentage of irrigated area is much lower in the central (23%) and southern zones (40%). Cotton crop is particularly sensitive to a number of biotic and abiotic stresses and the disease problems are also distinct to some extant in agro-ecological regions Changing Scenario of Cotton Diseases in India—The Challenge Ahead 273 referred above. A number of diseases are prevalent on cotton crop in one part of the country or another. Under north zone, cotton leaf curl virus and root rot diseases are the major problems whereas grey mildew, bacterial blight and Alternaria blight are severe in one or the other region in central and southern zone. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the present review paper, the historical background and present status of cotton diseases in India has been presented. The information gathered on seed borne diseases, soil borne diseases and emerging diseases is highlighted. Among emerging diseases, cotton leaf curl virus, grey mildew and fungal foliar diseases are covered. An attempt is made to present this information in the context of Bt cotton hybrids presently grown in the country. This is followed by information on changing disease scenario of important diseases with major emphasis on cotton leaf curl virus disease and development of new recombinants during recent years, preparation of disease maps and epidemiological studies and their implications on disease scenario. Economic losses due to diseases and new molecules for disease management are described in subsequent sections. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A number of diseases are prevalent on cotton crop in one part of the country or another (Table 1). TABLE 1: MAJOR COTTON DISEASES IN INDIA AND EMERGING SCENARIO Disease Cotton leaf curl Grey mildew Bacterial blight Alternaria leaf spot Myrothecium leaf spot Leaf Rust Cercospora leaf spots Helminthosporium leaf spots Anthracnose Tobacco streak virus Wilt Root rot Verticillium wilt Causal Agent Seed Borne and Foliar Diseases Gemini virus Ramularia areola Xanthomonas axanopodis pv malvacearum Alternaria macrospora Myrothecium roridum Phakopsora gossypii Cercospora gossypina Helminthosporium gosyypii Colletototricum capsici Ilar virus Soil Borne Diseases Fusarium oxysporum fsp.vasinfectum Rhizoctonia solani, R. bataticola Verticillium dahliae Remark North zone (Potential threat) Central & South zone (Emerging) Maharashtra, Gujrat, Karnataka Maharashtra, Gujrat, Karnataka Madhya Pardesh Kanataka, Andhra Pardesh (Emerging) Andhra Pardesh (Minor) Andhra Pardesh (Minor) South zone (Minor) Andhra Pardesh(Emerging) Restricted to diploids Scattered Tamil Nadu, Karnataka HISTORICAL BACKGROUND AND PRESENT STATUS OF COTTON DISEASES IN INDIA The cotton disease scenario has shown a continuous change during the past sixty four years. Initially, mainly indigenous diploid(Gossypium arboreum & G herbaceum)cottons were being grown in fifties and the Fusarium wilt, root rot, seedling blight, anthracnose and grey mildew were the major problems. With the large scale cultivation of tetraploid upland cotton (G hirsutum), bacterial blight became the major problem to which indigenous cottons were highly resistant. The susceptibility of American cottons is attributed to their not having been exposed to the disease till its introduction into the Americas in post– Columbian times. Fusarium wilt became less important as upland cotton (Bt cotton hybrids) now occupying above 85 percent area is immune to Indian race of the pathogen. Verticillium wilt which appeared in Tamil Nadu remained restricted mainly to South zone only. The grey mildew, once a serious problem for diploid cottons especially in central India with the continued cultivation and imposed selection pressure got adopted to tetraploid cotton and their hybrids as well. Presently, it is a problem in central and south India in Bt-cotton hybrids. Alternaria blight and Myrothecium leaf spots are prevalent everywhere but are severe in the states of Karnataka and Madhya Pardesh, respectively. Other diseases such as Cercospora and Helminthosporium leaf spots are sporadic only. Rust, although a minor disease may assume significance in southern states in near future. In north India, the cotton leaf curl virus disease (CLCuD) caused by a Gemini virus and transmitted by whitefly, Bemisia tabaci has become a major threat to cotton cultivation since its appearance in 1993. 274 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Grey mildew (percent disease intensity) in central zone was recorded on Bt cotton hybrids during 2010-11 in Maharashtra in the irrigated areas of Vidarbha region (9.2 to 20.4 % & Nanded-6.5 to 27.2%). In south zone it was severe in two states ie Karnataka (5.0-30.0%), and Andhra Pradesh (28.9-46.4) during the season. Among other important diseases on Bt hybrids, Bacterial blight was reported as important disease in central zone in Maharashtra (Vidarbha - 8.3 to 22.2 %; Nanded 2.2 to 15.7 %) and in south zone in Karnataka (5.0-15.0 %) and Andhra Pradesh (8.0-47.6%). Alternaria blight was observed serious during 2010-11 season in Gujrat’s Saurashtra area (2.0-15.0%) and Maharashtra’s Rahuri (10.235.8%) & Nanded (5.0-21.5%) and in south zone states ie Karnataka (5.0-30.0%), Andhra Pradesh (10.054.6%) and Tamil Nadu from 12.6 to 38.8%. (Anonymous 2010). A disease identified as Tobacco Streak Virus (Ilar virus) transmitted by thrips was observed in the transgenic cotton growing region of Southern Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. (Sharma et al, 2007). During the surveys conducted around Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) from September 2010 to January 2011 Tobacco Streak Virus disease incidence on different Bt cotton hybrids varied from 1.0 to 43.7%. Maximum incidence was recorded during September in four months old crop. The disease did not appear to cause significant losses at present (Anonymous,2011). The prevailing disease problems can be broadly divided into (i) Seed borne diseases (ii) soil borne diseases and (iii) Emerging diseases. Seed Borne Diseases Studies on seed transmission of cotton diseases conducted at central institute for cotton research, Nagpur (1983-1998) have indicated that leaf and boll spot pathogen Alternaria macrospora and the anthracnose pathogen Colletotricum capsici could become deep seated (embryo borne) and seed transmitted in diploid cottons (Gossypium arboreum, G herbaceum) varieties and hybrids. The bacterial blight caused by bacterium Xanthomonas axanopodis pv. malvacearum was found seed transmitted mainly in tetraploid cotton (G hirsutum, G barbadense) varieties and hybrids. The black boll rot fungus Botrydiplodia theobromae and the stem break/root rot pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina were recorded seed transmitted both in diploid and tetraploid varieties and hybrids (Mukewar and Kairon,2001). Myrothecium blight has also been shown as seed borne in nature ( Srinivasan, 1994). Soil Borne Diseases Root Rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani and R. bataticola and wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum are the two major soil borne fungal disease problems in India. Another soil borne disease Verticillium wilt has been observed in some areas of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The root rot disease is serious in northern India and detailed studies on various aspects have been undertaken (Monga and Raj,1994; Monga and Raj,1994a; Monga, 1995 ; Monga and Raj, 1996; Monga and Raj,1996 b; Monga, 1997; Monga and Raj,2000 ; Monga, 2001 ; Monga and Raj, 2003 ; Monga, et. al., 2004a). The disease affects both the hirsutum (American cotton) and arboreum (Desi) cotton species, being more serious on desi cottons (Monga and Raj, 1994a). The wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f sp. vasinfectum appears at any stage of plant development and affects only Desi cottons. Symptoms of Verticillium wilt depend on the cultivar, virulence of the fungal isolate, development stage of the plant and environmental conditions especially temperature. EMERGING DISEASES Cotton Leaf Curl Virus Disease Cotton leaf curl virus disease caused by whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) transmitted Gemini virus with single stranded circular DNA was observed during 1993 around the border areas in Rajasthan and Punjab. The disease in a short span of 4-5 years spread in the entire north zone as the G hirsutum varieties like F-846, RST-9 and HS-6 being grown in the region at that time were highly susceptible to this disease. The initiation of disease is characterized by small vein thickening (SVT) type symptoms on young upper Changing Scenario of Cotton Diseases in India—The Challenge Ahead 275 leaves of plants. Upward/downward leaf curling followed by formation of cup shaped leaf laminar out growth of veinal tissue on the abaxial side of the leaves is other important symptom. In severe cases reduction of internodal length leading to stunting and reduced flowering/fruiting is also noted. TABLE 2: PROMISING CLCUD TOLERANT VARIETIES/ HYBRIDS/ BT HYBRIDS IN NORTH ZONE Name of Variety/ Hybrid H-1226, H-1117(Varieties), HHH-223, HHH-287(Hybrid) F-1861,LH 2076(Varieties), LHH-144 (Hybrid ) RS-875, RS-810,RS-2013 Shresth (CSSH 198), Kalyan (CSHH-238), Simran (CSHH 243) MRC 7361, MRC 6025, MRC 7031 BG II, MRC-7017 BG II, MRC-6304, SP-7007, SP-7010,SWCH 4711, BIOSEED 6488, BIOSEED 6488 BG-II, BIOSEED 6317, BIOSEED 2113, BIOSEED 6588 BGII, PCH 877, BIOSEED 6588, ANKUR 3028, SHAKTI -9, VBCH 1008, VBCH 1534, VBCH 1518 BGII, NCEH 31, NCEH 6, JKCH-1, RCH 605, RCH 569 BG II, NCS 855 BGII, NCS 905, VICH-307, VICH-309 BGII, PCH 401, Source CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Rajasthan Agricultural University, (Bikaner) Sriganganagar Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Sirsa Private Sector TABLE 3: COTTON LEAF CURL VIRUS DISEASE HOSTS REPORTED FROM INDIA Name of Host Sida sps, Abutilon Indicum, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Althea rosea Phaseolus vulgaris, Capsicum annum, Nicotiana tabacum, Lycopersicum esculentum Abelmoschus esculentus, Althea rosea, Physalis floridana, Nocotiana benthamiana, Phaseolus vulgaris Althea rosea, Sida sps., Ageratum sps., Hibiscus rosa sinensis Tribulus terrestris, Cucumis sps. Chorchorus acutangularis, Melilotus indica, Ageratum conyzoides Nicotiana tabacum, Lycopersicum esculentum, Zinnia elegans, Mentha arvensis, Capsicum sps, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Abelmoschus esculentus, Sida alba Sida sps., Achyranthus sps., Clearodendron sps. Convolvulus arvensis, Capsicum sps., Pathenium sps., Solanum nigrum, Digeria arvensis, Lantana camara, Achyranthus aspera, Chenopodium album, Spinacea sps., Xanthium strumarium Type of Test Based on visual symptoms Reference Singh et al.,1994 Transmission studies and ELISA Nateshan et al.,1996 Transmission studies Radhakrishnan et al., 2001 DNA-A probe hybridization Sharma, 2002 CLCuRv-CPgene and DNA beta amplification DNA-A & DNA beta probe hybridization PCR using CP primer Sivalingam et al., 2004 CP gene amplification CP gene amplification Monga et al., 2005 Monga et al., 2011b Radhakrishnan et al., 2004 Kang et al., 2004 A vigorous exercise was then taken up by the state agricultural universities and institutions under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the region to work out strategies for its management. Molecular diagnostic tools for detection of virus were developed.(Chakrabarty et al., 2005). The disease could be managed by development of resistant varieties/hybrids (Table 2), control of its vector whitefly and eradication of weeds (Table 3) harboring cotton leaf curl virus disease (Narula et al., 1999 and Monga et al., 2001). The disease was brought under control and the damage caused by it was considerably reduced. The disease till date is restricted to northern cotton growing zone. The Bt cotton hybrids were introduced in north zone in 2005 by the private sector initially with six hybrids approved by Genetic Engineering Approval Committee. Subsequently, however, a large number of hybrids were permitted for cultivation with in a span of five years and amongst them a number of hybrids were observed to be highly susceptible to cotton leaf curl virus disease. As a result, the incidence of disease increased and it became an emerging problem after the introduction of susceptible Bt cotton hybrids in north zone. Yield loss estimation was studied in Bt cotton hybrids from 2008-09 to 2010-11 based on percent disease index (PDI) ranging from 5% to 60% and disease severity grades from I to IV. 276 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Based on PDI seed cotton yield reduction ranged from 0.08-59.5% at 5-60 PDI. Seed cotton yield reduction ranged from 7.2-80.1% at severity grades of one to four in different hybrids (Monga et al., 2011b). At present, Bt cotton hybrids tolerant to cotton leaf curl virus disease have been identified under Technology Mission of Cotton project and being advocated to farmers (Table 2).Experiments conducted under AICCIP (2009-11) have shown average losses of 53.6% in some Bt cotton hybrids. Grey Mildew The disease caused by Ramularia areola is characterized by irregular, angular, pale, translucent spots measuring 1-10 mm in size surrounded by veinlets. The disease appears on the older leaves usually when the plants are reaching maturity. A frosty or mildew growth consisting of conidiophores of the fungus appear first on the under surface and subsequently on the upper surface of affected leaves. As the infection progresses leaves become yellowish brown and fall off prematurely. The incidence of grey mildew is assuming a serious position in central and southern zone. Majority of released Bt hybrids fall in moderately susceptible to highly susceptible category (Hosagoudar et al., 2008). Foliar Spots The bacterial blight caused by Xamthomonas axanopodis pv malvacearum with four distinct phases of the disease (seedling phase, angular leaf spot and vein blight phase, black arm phase and boll rot phase) used to cause considerable losses till 90’s. Gossypium barbadense is more severely affected than G. hirsutum. Resistant genes and occurrence of physiological races of the pathogen were described in detail. Sources of resistance available in G hirsutum include 101-102B, BJA-592, Reba B-50, P14-T-128, HG-9, Tamcot-CAMD-E, TxBonham, BJR 734, C-1412, Badnawar-1 and Khandwa-2 and have been used extensively to develop resistant varieties/hybrids ( Srinivasan, 1994). The primary symptoms due to Alternaria macrospora on leaves are small pale to brown round or circular spots (0.5-3.0 mm diameter) showing concentric rings with cracked centre. These spots coalesce to form larger lesions (1 cm diameter). Severe infection may lead to considerable defoliation. Stem cankers are formed in severe cases and the infection may even reach bolls. Natural infection of seeds or seed inoculation results in disease on cotyledons. The characteristic symptoms caused by Myrothecium roridum are the appearance of circular or oval light ash coloured spots with violet to reddish brown margin. Fruiting bodies (Sporodochia) are produced in concentric rings and protrude from lower as well as upper surface of leaves. Under severe conditions, the lint gets strained to yellow or light brown. The rust caused by Phakospora gossypii (Arth) Hirat. F. occurs sporadically in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pardesh and Karnataka during December-March. Its early appearance has potential to cause considerable loss by decreasing the photosynthetic area and heavy defoliation. The pathogen initially affects the older leaves and then spreads to the younger ones. Only the uredial stage of the rust occurs in India. Uredial sori appear on the leaves as small (1-3 mm) pinkish brown spots which may coalesce to form larger patches. The uredia are oval to circular on the pedicels and branches and the urediospores are exposed on rupture of the epidermis. The early incidence of rust was noted during the last two seasons in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh (Anonymous, 2010 and 2011). CHANGING DISEASE SCENARIO When the incidence of important diseases in varieties/hybrids/Bt cotton hybrids was studied across the country for the past three years, it was noted that CLCuD, Alternaria blight and Grey mildew showed an increasing trend where as bacterial blight incidence did not show any trend but varied between 17.2 36.7% over locations (Table 4). Changing Scenario of Cotton Diseases in India—The Challenge Ahead 277 TABLE 4: INCIDENCE OF DISEASES (PDI) IN SCREENING NURSERIES Disease CLCuD Location Bt Hybrid/ Hybrid/ Variety Faridkot (N.Z.) F-846 Sriganganagar (N.Z.) RST-9 Bacterial blight Akola(C.Z.) RCH-2 Dharwad (S.Z.) RCH-2 Surat (C.Z.) G. Cot hybrid-10 Alternaria blight Rahuri (C.Z.) LRA-5166 Dharwad (S.Z.) RCH-2 Grey mildew Dharwad (S.Z.) RCH-2 N.Z.-North zone, C.Z.-Central zone, S.Z.-South zone *Bunny Bt at Dharwad and G. Cot hybrid 12 at Surat was tested during 2010-11 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Percent Disease Index 0 29 96.2 35.96 100 100 26.3 30.42 22.08 36.73 27.08 17.2* 35.5 25.13 34.5* 28.66 29.3 36.6 21.28 32.67 39.5 11.53 18.75 32.2 The Bt-cotton hybrids have shown higher incidence of fungal foliar spots including grey mildews and bacterial leaf blight diseases. A survey carried out by Hosagoudar et al. (2008) in eight districts in north Karnataka on Bt cotton hybrids revealed higher incidence of grey mildew (5-40%), Alternaria blight (5.0-35%) and bacterial blight (5.0-25%). In another study conducted in central zone, the bacterial blight disease increased progressively and reached its peak in RCH-2 Bt cotton hybrid exhibiting 46.7% incidence with intensity of 20.0% compared to 45.0% incidence and 18.7% intensity in susceptible variety LRA-5166. Maximum temperature and sunshine hours exhibited positive and significant correlation with disease incidence. Maximum temperature of 32.50C and relative humidity above 81 percent with sunshine hours 7.9 contributed to rapid spread and development of this disease (Ingole et al., 2008). In northern cotton growing zone of the country consisting of about 15 lakh ha area, Leaf curl virus disease is one of the most significant but highly complex disease of cotton caused by the whitefly transmitted Geminivirus. Since the outbreak of the disease in 1994 in Sri Ganganagar region of Rajasthan in north India, the disease established endemically in the entire North West Indian states of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan causing moderate to severe losses. The cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) emerged with renewed aggressiveness during the crop season of 2009-10, when some of the hitherto resistant genotypes and hybrids succumbed to its onslaught. Regular monitoring of CLCuV affected cotton is done to characterize variability in symptoms, diversity of sequences within the associated isolates and variability in disease pattern, if any. Four distinct symptom types were documented viz, leaf curl with prominent enations, severe leaf curl without prominent enation, upward and downward curling of leaves. Sequences of DNA-A and beta DNA components of the isolates associated with different symptoms showed existence of significant variation and recombination with other strains of CLCuV. Sequence identity matrix and RDP analysis of DNA-A and beta DNA components of six virus isolates analyzed over a period of four years from 2006 showed sequence homology and recombination among several isolates from India and Pakistan. Isolate G6-DC, isolated from cotton cv. RS2013, with compromised resistance and severe leaf curl isolate S2 analyzed during 2009-10, showed close resemblance to several CLCuV isolates from Pakistan. DNA-A component of G6-DC had major recombination events with two Pak strains, besides other Indian strains while S2 isolate showed major recombination with three Pakistan strains. Accumulation of recombination events over the years coupled with favorable environmental conditions appeared to have knocked down the resistance of cotton ( Chakrabarty et al.,2010). After the appearance of cotton leaf curl virus disease in a severe form during 2009-10 crop season in some areas of north zone, district level disease development maps were prepared and it was noted that in Punjab, out of nine cotton growing districts, the disease was very severe (PDI >50%) in Ferozepur followed by severe (25-50%) in Muktsar and Faridkot and moderate (5-25%) in Moga, Bhatinda, Sangrur and Mansa districts. In Patiala, it was low (1.1-5%) whereas It was observed in traces (0-1.0%) in Ludhiana. However, during 2010-11 season the disease was observed to be in severe form from moderate during 2009-10 in Sangrur and Mansa district also indicating increased severity. Similarly in Haryana the disease was observed in traces in the major cotton growing districts of Sirsa, Fatehabad, Hisar and Jind whereas it was not observed in other districts like Rohtak, Bhiwani, Jhajjar, Mahindergarh and Rewari 278 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity during 2009-10. However during 2010-11 season the disease was quite widespread in Haryana and was found to be moderate in Sirsa, Fatehabad and Hisar followed by low in Bhiwani and traces in Rohtak districts. In Rajasthan during both the years, the disease was moderate in Sriganganagar district and low in Hanumangarh (Monga et al., 2011a). In recent years epidemiological studies have thrown light on the weather factors associated with disease development and its progress. Step wise multiple regression analysis revealed that weather parameters altogether accounted for 53.0 – 86.7% significant variation of cotton leaf curl virus disease during 1999-2005 at Regional Research Station, Faridkot in the state of Punjab. Minimum temperature alone contributed 70.2% negative significant variation whereas minimum relative humidity contributed 86.7% positive significant variation. Two week lag weather parameters played significant role in appearance of the disease over the years (Singh et al.,2010). In another study (1999-2009) conducted at CICR Regional Station Sirsa, the multiple regression equation of current weekly progress of disease( per cent incidence) during 27 – 31 Met weeks was tried with thirty independent variables (six weather factors for current as well as four prior/lag weeks) using stepwise regression. The value of coefficient of determination ( R2) was found to be 0.8230. Minimum temperature of current and one lag week and sunshine of three lag weeks were significantly negatively correlated and contributed to 47% variation whereas morning RH of three lag weeks, evening RH of current week & four lag weeks, rain fall of current and three lag weeks were significantly positively correlated and contributed to 35% variation.(Monga et al.,2011c). ECONOMIC LOSSES CAUSED DUE TO DISEASES Alternaria leaf spots can cause loss upto 26.6% based on results (2006-07 to 2008-09) of study conducted in central India at Rahuri and south zone locations at Guntur and Dharwad. Five sprays of Propiconazole (0.1%) at 35, 50, 65, 80, and 95 DAS decreased percent disease index (PDI) from 31.6 to 20.8% thereby reducing this yield loss due to Alternaria leaf spots in variety LRA-5166 ( Anonymous, 2009). In case of grey mildew disease also, a reduction of loss due to grey mildew disease up to 29.2% with the application of five sprays of carbendazim (35,50,65,80 and 95 days after sowing) in Bt cotton hybrid Bunny was demonstrated based on a study (2008-09 to 2010-11) conducted across central and south zone, (Dharwad, Guntur and Nanded ). PDI showed reduction to 8.1 as compared to 20.9 in control (Anonymous,2011). In another important fungal disease, Myrothecium leaf spot, a reduction of loss up to 29.1% with the application of five fungicidal sprays of Propiconazole (@ 0.1%) at an interval of 35, 50, 65, 80 and 90 DAS in variety JK-4 was observed on the basis of trial in central zone at Khandwa (2007-08 to 2009-10). Percent disease index (PDI) showed reduction to 7.4 as compared to 22.5 in control (Anonymous,2010). Losses to the tune of 33.8% with 0.1% propiconazole spray at 35,50,65,80 and 95 days after sowing due to Helminthosporium leaf spot disease could be avoided in cotton variety LRA-5166 based on (2007-08 &2008-09) studies carried out at Guntur in South zone ( Bhattiprolu,2010). Reduction of losses due to bacterial leaf blight up to 20.6% with the application of five sprays at 35,50,65,80 and 95 days after sowing of Copper oxychloride (0.2-0.3%) and Streptocyclin (100-500ppm) on the basis of two year trials (2009-10 &2010-11) in central zone at Surat and Akola and south zone at Dharwad and Guntur were also noted (Anonymous 2010 and 2011). NEW MOLECULES FOR DISEASE MANAGEMENT Tetraconazole 11.6 % w/w 900 ml/ha showed effective control ( percent disease index 9.9 compared to 28.1 in control) of Alternaria leaf blight (tested at Arupkotai, Junagarh, Rahuri, Nanded during 2009-10 &2010-11) and led to 30.5% increase of seed cotton yield over control. Kresoxim methyl (Ergon 44.3% at 500ml/ha) when tested against foliar pathogens( Alternaria blight, myrothecium leaf spot and grey mildew) at seven locations showed significant reduction of percent disease index. (Anonymous 2010 and 2011). Changing Scenario of Cotton Diseases in India—The Challenge Ahead 279 The fungicide captan+hexaconazole (Taqat @500g/ha) tested at Coimbatore, Junagarh, Faridkot, Guntur and Dharwad during 2007-08 &2008-09 significantly reduced fungal foliar leaf spots ( Alternaria, Myrothecium, Grey mildew, Helminthosporium and Cercospora leaf spots) with an increase in seed cotton yied of 12% over control(Anonymous 2008 &2009). Taqat at at 500g/ha was economical in managing fungal leaf spot diseases at Guntur with benefit cost ratio of 1.42 ( Bhattiprolu,2010).Evaluation of copper hydroxide ( Dharwad, Surat, Akola, Khandwa, Nanded and Rahuri) during 2007-08 &2008-09 revealed significant reduction of bacterial blight and Alternaria spots at 1500g/ha with maximum increase of seed cotton yield of 20.8% over control.(Anonymous 2008 and 2009). CONCLUSION Cotton leaf curl virus disease, an important problem presently restricted to north zone need to be dealt more seriously in the context of changed scenario leading to the development of recombinants and breakdown of resistance. The new sources of resistance should be identified from available germplasm. The introgression of resistance from other available sources is another option. The work on development of transgenics using RNAi technology is in progress and shall go a long way in development of resistance against this important viral disease. Other components of integrated disease management strategy like cultural practices including weed management and vector control using innovative methods need to be pursued vigorously to obtain a holistic approach. Certain other diseases like Alternaria, Bacterial blight and grey mildew showing significant appearance in few areas at present shall need better management options including nanotechnology. A vigil is required on the emerging problems like tobacco streak virus and their likelihood to cause losses and minor disease like rust becoming major due to early appearance in south zone. Another important aspect will be to focus on the disease development and progress vis-a-vis climate changes to understand disease epidemiology and plan management strategies. REFERENCES [1] Annonymous (2008) - AICCIP Annual Report (2007-08), All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 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Published by The Secretary, Indian Society for Cotton Improvement C/o CIRCOT, Bombay, p 311. 47 Emerging and Key Insect Pests on Bt Cotton— Their Identification, Taxonomy, Genetic Diversity and Management S. Kranthi1, K.R. Kranthi1, Rishi Kumar2, Dharajothi3, S.S. Udikeri4, G.M.V. Prasad Rao5, P.R. Zanwar6, V.N. Nagrare1, C.B. Naik1, V. Singh7 V.V. Ramamurthy8 and D. Monga2 1 Crop Protection Division, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur 2 Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Sirsa 3 Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Nagpur 4 Agriculture Research Station, UAS, Dharwad 5 ANGRAU, Lam farm Guntur 6 Cotton Research Station, Marathwada Agricultural University, Nanded 7 Regional Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan 8 Entomology Division, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi Abstract—Technology Mission on Cotton in India has proved to be successful in the planning, implementation, execution and monitoring of research projects in a stipulated time with a focused approach. Emerging and key insect pests on Bt cotton- their identification, genetic diversity and management is one of the projects that addressed the changing pest problems in different regions through strategic research. Mealybugs (Phenacoccus solenopsis, Paracoccus marginatus), mirids (Creontiades biseratense, Campylomma livida,Hyalopeplus linefer ) , flower bud maggots (Dasineura gossypii), safflower caterpillar (Perigea capensis) , Tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis bryadi) were emerging insect pests while leaf hoppers (Empoasca devastans), whiteflies (Bemisia sp), pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) and the armyworm (Spodoptera spp.) were the key pests on Bt cotton. Incidence and damage caused by these pests varied across regions and Bt genotypes being cultivated. Timely taxonomic identification of the mealy bug, P. solenopsis and subsequent molecular study to suggest its narrow genetic diversity led to the development of meaningful management strategies to limit its spread. Studies on the mt COI region of the key pest E. devastans revealed that leaf hopper populations on cotton although morphologically and taxonomically similar were genetically distinct from leaf hoppers of South and Central India. Implications on pest management in light of this finding are presented. Flower bug maggots that were hitherto not reported on cotton were found to cause extensive damage in parts of Karnataka. The life cycle of D. gossypii was elucidated to identify vulnerable stages in its life cycle that can be exploited for pest management. Two botanical formulations Mealy Kill 50EC (against sucking pests) and Mealy Quit (against mealybugs) were identified, developed and validated in multilocation trials. Entomofungi were evaluated for their efficacy in sucking pest management. INTRODUCTION India accounts for about 32% of the global cotton area and contributes to 21% of the global cotton production after China. The production increased from a meager 2.3 M bales in 1947-48 to 17.6 M bales in 1996-97 to an all time highest record of 31.5 M bales during 2010-2011. Prior to 2002, cotton production in the country was plagued by bollworm that was a major limiting factor in obtaining the full yield potential of a genotype. This was coupled with the use of genotypes with low yield potential per se. With the introduction of Bt cotton, bollworms have been effectively controlled thus minimizing yield losses. The biggest gain from the technology was in the form of reduced insecticide usage from 46% in 2001 to less than 26% after 2006 and to a further 21% in 2009-10 and 2010-11. The reduction in insecticide usage in India from Rs. 7180 M in 2004 for cotton lepidopteran caterpillars to Rs.1100M with only Rs.230M for the control of American bollworm in 2010 is the spectacular effect of Bt cotton (Vision 2030). While effectively controlling the American bollworm widespread cultivation of Bt cotton has resulted in emerging pest problems some of which are discussed below. 282 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity MATERIALS AND METHODS Emerging Pests Observations were recorded at weekly intervals on Bt cotton from 25 DAS to 120 DAS in Sirsa (Haryana), Nagpur, (Maharashtra) Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) and Dharwad (Karnataka) in farmers fields cultivating Bt hybrids. Those insects apart from the known insect pests of cotton that appeared in large numbers were recorded. Damage was also recorded. Feeding of Perigea Capensis under Laboratory Conditions Field collected larvae on Bunny Bt were collected from Nanded, Yavatmal and were reared to F1 on non Bt cotton terminal leaves. F1 neonates (30 larvae per event in 3 replicates) were provided with one rupee sized terminal leaves of different Cry events under no choice conditions and the leaves were changed each day for a period of 7 days. Mortality was recorded every day and larval weights were recorded at the end of the bioassay period. Genetic Diversity of Mealy Bug, Phenacoccus Solenopsis and Cotton Leaf Hopper, Empoasca Devastans Field collected mealy bugs from 49 locations were preserved in absolute ethanol and brought to the lab for further studies in 2007. In 2008 mealy bug samples were collected from cotton fields reared to F1 on potato sprouts and F1 females were used for molecular diversity studies. Field collected leaf hopper nymphs from cotton at peak vegetative stage were collected in ethanol from all cotton growing locations of the country with samples representing 3 fields in a village in turn covering 3 districts of a state. Nine states were covered during the course of study. DNA was isolated from individual insect samples and PCR COI specific primers were designed to amplify the COI region of the mitochondrial genome of leaf hopper. Mealy bug PCR amplicons were generated using primers designed specifically to amplify 18s and 28s rDNA. Using annealing temperatures 50.8oC PCR amplicons of the CO1 region of leaf hopper were generated. The annealing temperature used to generate PCR amplicons of mealy bugs was 58oC. Amplicons were subjected to double pass analysis and the resulting sequences were aligned and phylogenetic tree was drawn using MEGA4 (Tamura et. al., 2007). Formulation of Mealy Kill 50 EC Using products of insect induced signal transduction pathway limonene was extracted from citrus peel using the cold press method and evaluated in insect bioassays against aphids, jassids whiteflies and mealy bugs. Commercially available synthetic analogues of limonene with 98% purity was evaluated under no choice conditions using log dose probit concentrations as diet incorporation, topical application and leaf dip methods of bioassays and the LC50s were worked out (Finney, 1971). Soap nut powder was used as emulsifier. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Emerging Pests From the table it is evident that Mealy bugs were the dominant emerging pest on Bt in Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Guntur while mirid bugs were dominant in Haveri and Belgaum districts of Dharwad in Karnataka. Mealy bugs and mirid bugs were seen as emerging pests in Tamil Nadu (Table 1). Species Composition of Emerging Pests Phenacoccus solenopsis was the dominant species of mealy bugs found across the country during its first year of incidence (2007-08). Subsequently Paracoccus marginatus emerged as a pest on cotton and other crops of Tamil Nadu in 2009 since its first report in 2007 (Table 2). Emerging and Key Insect Pests on Bt Cotton—Their Identification, Taxonomy, Genetic Diversity and Management 283 TABLE 1: INCIDENCE OF EMERGING PESTS S. No. State 1 Haryana 2 3 Maharashtra Gujarat 4 Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Tamil Nadu 5 6 Locations Incidence* Damage Odhan, SIrsa, Kaleriwal, Dhabwali and Baraguda Nanded Surat Emerging pest Mealy bug 5-44% Mealy bug Mealy bug 33.70** - Guntur Mealy bug 5.76- 35.35 % Grade 3: 1.66-19% Grade 4: 1.33-19% NR Grade 4 in August. Grade 2 till Jan 1.71-4 Haveri Belgaum Coimbatore Mirid bugs 43.85 bugs/25 squares Mealy bug 55-83.1% Mirid bugs 16-85.1 bugs/100 squares * Refers to number of plants harboring mealy bugs and causing more than Grade 1 damage. **Refers to number of mealy bugs on 2.5 cm stem length. 1.0-1.22 - TABLE 2: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 2 SPECIES OF MEALY BUGS Phenacoccus Solenopsis Body quite large (5mm) with dark dorso sub medial bare spots on inter segmental areas of thorax and abdomen, these areas forming 1 pair of dark longitudinal lines on dorsum, with 18 pairs of lateral wax filaments, posterior pair longer up to 1/4th inch length of body. Paracoccus Marginatus The adult female is yellow covered with white waxy coating and measures approximately 2.2 mm in length and 1.4mm wide. A series of short waxy caudal filaments less than 1/4th the length of the body exist around the margin. Live mealy bug colonies (P. solenopsis) collected across the country from 37 locations were subjected to DNA isolation and PCR using 18S and 28S rDNA primers, elongation factor 1alpha and elongation factor 1 Beta primers. PCR amplicons of approximately 350bp and 700bp were sequenced using double pass analysis in 140 samples representing 3-4 samples per location. All the colonies belonged to a single haplotype reflecting narrow genetic diversity. This information was important in devising simple management strategies to be applied uniformly across the country. Mirid Bugs Three species have been found to cause damage of varying intensities on cotton- Creontiaedes biseratense (Distant), Hyalopeplus lineifer (Walker), Campyloma livida (Reuters). Mirids feed on tender shoots, squares and cause excessive shedding of flowers, small squares and parrot beaking of bolls. They occur in large numbers moving rapidly on the plant and often miss the eye. Mirid bugs are reported to cause maximum damage in Haveri and Belgaum districts of Karnataka with up to 2 mirids per square in the months of October and November. Mirids were reported to cause an avoidable loss of 290Kg/Ha in Dharwad. Yield loss due to mirids in Nagpur of Central India ranged from 25-30%. Avoidance of broad spectrum insecticides seems to have assisted in their establishment as emerging pests of cotton. Also, introduction of new genotypes hitherto unknown into the ecosystem seems to have encouraged the occurrence of new pests. Safflower caterpillar, Perigea capensis were collected as late instar larvae from Bt cotton leaves in Vidarbha, Hingoli and Buldana. It was recorded for the first time along with Spodoptera in cotton fields adjoining soybean in early vegetative stage. It does not feed significantly on Bt cotton leaves (BG and BG II) in the lab as neonates die at the end of 7 days. Even though they survive a poor weight gain of neonate larvae on non Bt cotton leaves was observed (<10mg in a 7 day period). The adult moth is grayish brown in colour and looks like the pink bollworm moth. It has a preoviposition period of 3 days. Eggs are laid in clusters and are covered with rough hair. Egg period is 3-5 days. Neonate larvae are white in colour and translucent and very active. Full grown larvae are light green, fleshy with prominent yellow bands across the larval segments. Full grown larvae look like Helicoverpa with larval period between 14-17 days and a pupal period of 4-5 days. 284 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Genetic Diversity of Mealy Bugs and its Implication for Mealy Bug Management PCR amplicons of approximately 350 bp and 700 bp were sequenced using double pass analysis in 140 samples representing 3-4 samples per location. All of them had the identical sequence except one sample of the three from Sriganaganagar which we believe may be a different species. The cotton mealy bug was identified as Phenacoccus solenopsis (taxonomically) without any genetic diversity (molecular analysis) throughout the country PCR Amplification of Mealy Bug DNA From different location with 28S- A,F & R Primers 1st Row:- Lane 1-3: Sirsa; Lane 4-6: Hissar; Lane 7-9: Abohar; Lane 10-12: Fatehabad; Lane 13-15: Shriganganagar; Lane 16-18: Hanumangarh; Lane 19-21: Amravati; Lane 22-24: Jalna. 2nd Row:- Lane 1-3: Latur; Lane 4-6: Akola; Lane 7-9: Hingoli; Lane 10-12: Washim; Lane 13-15: Yavatmal; Lane 16-18: Nagpur; Lane 19-21: Nanded; Lane 22-24: Parbhani. PCR Amplification of Mealy Bug DNA From different location with 18S F & R Primers 1st Row:- Lane 1-3: Sirsa; Lane 4-6: Hissar; Lane 7-9: Abohar; Lane 10-12: Fatehabad; Lane 13-15: Shriganganagar; Lane 16-18: Hanumangarh; Lane 19-21: Amravati; Lane 22-24: Jalna. 2nd Row:- Lane 1-3: Latur; Lane 4-6: Akola; Lane 7-9: Hingoli; Lane 10-12: Washim; Lane 13-15: Yavatmal; Lane 16-18: Nagpur; Lane 19-21: Nanded; Lane 22-24: Parbhani. Fig. 1: PCR Amplicons of Mealy Bugs using 18s and 28s rDNA Specific Primers Management strategies were devised based on the following basic information and the article by Kranthi et. al., (2011) is recommended for further reading. Pigeon pea, maize and bajra are least preferred by the mealy bugs. Mealy bugs survive on weeds during the season and also during off-season. Aenasius bambawalei is the most effective parasitoid. The predatory beetles Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Brumus suturalis and Scymnus spp. are prominent in the ecosystems in India and Pakistan. The entomopathogenic fungi, Metarrhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium lecanii and Fusarium pallidoroseum are effective in infecting mealybugs. Botanical mixtures containing neem oil, citrus peel extracts and fish oil rosin were found to be effective in controlling the mealybugs. The insect growth regulator, Buprofezin is effective in control. Insecticides such as Malathion and Acephate, which are considered by the WHO as only slightly hazardous (WHO III category) can be used as soil application near the root zone. All the populations collected in India were highly homogenous, indicating scant genetic diversity in India. This implied that a common pest management strategy could be adopted across the country. Eme erging and Key Insect I Pests on Bt Cotton—The eir Identification n, Taxonomy, Ge enetic Diversityy and Manageme ent 285 Genetic Divversity of Leaf Hoppers andd Implication for f Leaf Hopper Managemeent Fig. 2: PCR Amplicons A of Leaf Hopper Genomic DNA D with CO1 Speccific Primers An unnrooted tree was generatted (MEGA 4) to show that leaf hoppper populattions from North N India (Punjab, Haryana H and Rajasthan) and a Gujarat formed f a disstinct group and a were gennetically diffferent from leaf hoppper populatioons collectedd from Centtral (Maharaashtra) and South S India (Andhra Prradesh and Karnatakaa). This is beeing reportedd for the firstt time and is supported byy distinct diffferences in insecticide resistancee patterns wiith leafhopper populatioons from Cen ntral and Soouth India being atleast 5000 fold more tolerrant to chlornnicotinyls coompared to leeaf hopper po opulations frrom Gujarat and North In ndia. ‘Mealy Kill’ for Sucking Pest P Managem ment Mealy Kiill essentiallyy consists off a terpenoidd, and demonstrates LC50 ealy bugs), 5 values of 0.342% (me 0.123% (jjassid nymphhs, leaf dip assay) a and 0.421% (aphiids, diet incoorporation) inn laboratory bioassays. The inseccticidal compponent of Mealy M Kill iss of botaniccal origin. Mealy M Kill is very effeective as it dissolves the waxy cooating on the mealy bug thus t making it vulnerablee to dessicatiion and bioaagents. The technologgy has special relevancee to citrus belt b of Vidarrbha as citruus peels aree a rich sou urce of the insecticidaal componeent of Mealy Kill. Sincce the technology is eco-friendly e it is usefu ul for pest managem ment in organnic cotton syystems. It is eco-friendly y and reducces the depenndence on in nsecticidal sprays annd provides an a alternativve to the usee of insecticcides. Reducced cost of ccultivation as a use of a single sprray of neoniccotinoid costts about Rs.8800 per acre while Mealyy Kill costs about Rs.200 0 per acre. 286 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity It is not only specific to cotton but can be used on any crop for aphid, jassid and whitefly management. Mealy Kill 50EC formulation was supplied to 9 AICCIP centres but was tested at 4 centres namely, Raichur, TNAU, Sirsa and Faridkot, essentially against mealy bugs. It was tested at 20ml/L in north India and 10ml/L in South India. It offered 34% reduction when sprayed once at Sirsa and was on par with other bio-pesticides such as V. lecanii, M. anisopliae and B. bassiana. It was superior to the biopesticides tested at Faridkot. There were no significant differences in yield in the insecticide treated plots and Mealy Kill treated plots in Faridkot. In Raichur and TNAU the reduction in mealy bugs observed due to Mealy Kill was 90% that was on par with the insecticidal check chlorpyriphos both in terms of pest control and yield. Mealy Kill was superior to the other bio-pesticides tested, each, sprayed twice, at these centres in terms of mealy bug control and yield. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The funding for this work, received from TMC MMI from Ministry of Agriculture, is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] Vision 2030, CICR (2011). Compiled by K.R. Kranthi, M.V. Venugopalan and M.S. Yadav. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. [2] Tamura K, Dudley J, Nei M & Kumar S (2007) MEGA4: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software version 4.0. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 1596-1599. [3] Finney, D.J. (1971). Probit Analysis, third ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [4] Kranthi, K.R., V. Nagrare, S. Vennila and S.Kranthi (2011). Package of practices for mealy bug management on cotton. ICAC, 29 (1): 13-16. 48 Efficacy of Triazoles in Management of Major Fungal Foliar Diseases of Cotton A.S. Ashtaputre, N.S. Chattannavar, S. Patil, Rajesh N.K. Pawar and G.N. Hosagoudar University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad Farm, Dharwad–580007, Karnataka –India E-mail: Abstract—Grey mildew and Alternaria blight are the major fungal foliar diseases in northern region of Karnataka and two year study was conducted to know the efficacy of triazoles against these major fugal foliar diseases of cotton, grey mildew caused by Ramularia areola Atk. and Alternaria blight caused by Alternaria macrospore Zimm, during kharif 2009 and 2010 under rainfed situation at Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad. The experiment was laid out in replicated trial of randomised block with ten treatments. The study revealed that all the triazoles under study were found to be effective in control of major foliar diseases, which in turn reflected in more yield. Among these triazoles, Percent disease index(PDI) of Penconazole for Alternaria blight(AB) (6.10 PDI) and grey mildew(GM) (10.30 PDI) followed by Hexaconazole (AB 8.20, GM 11.0 PDI), Difenconazole (AB 7.10, GM 11.10 PDI) and Tridemefan (AB 11.3, GM 13.5 PDI), reduced the disease severity of both the diseases effectively and also enhanced the yield. But three sprays of Hexaconazole (0.1%) were more useful not only in reducing the cost of protection but also gave higher benefits (B:C ratio 9.63) as compared to other treatments and can be used for the management of major fungal foliar diseases of cotton. Hexaconazole can be recommended as one of the components in integrated disease management of cotton as it showed the best result in the control of both diseases with higher cost benefit ratio and increased yield(14.3 q/ha). INTRODUCTION Cotton, “The White Gold” enjoys a pre-eminent status among all cash crops in the country and is the principal raw material for a flourishing textile industry. India now produces around 290.00 lakh bales of cotton ranging from short staple to extra long staple from an area of 93.73 lakh hectares with productivity of 526 kg per hectare (Anonymous, 2009). In Karnataka, the area under cotton cultivation is 3.90 lakh hectares with a production of 9.00 lakh bales and an average productivity of 392 kg per hectare (Anonymous, 2009). Cotton is known to suffer from number of diseases caused by fungal, bacterial and viral origins. There is now more relative importance for different diseases may be air borne like grey mildew, Alternaria leaf spot, Myrothecium leaf spot, bacterial blight, rust, cotton leaf curl virus (white fly transmitted) or soil borne like seedling rots, Rhizoctonia root rot, Verticillium wilts and even some times Sclerotium rolfsii affecting cotton across India. Only the type of the disease and its virulence differs with different agro – climatic regions. These changes may be due to change over from the cultivation of Asiatic (G. herbeceum and G. arboreum) to American cottons (G. hirsutum) and hybrids. Most of them, even though high yielding, are susceptible to diseases. Only the type of the disease and its virulence differs with different agro – climatic regions. These changes may be due to change over from the cultivation of Asiatic (G. herbeceum and G. arboreum) to American cottons (G. hirsutum) and hybrids. Most of them, even though high yielding are susceptible to diseases (Shivankar and Wangikar, 1992, Chattannavar et al, 2009). Among the fungal diseases grey mildew and Alternaria blight are the predominant ones causing economic losses to the cotton crop in the country. Management of diseases is a continuous process due to development of different resistant races of pathogens imposed by climatic changes, chemicals or even resistance to old resistant cultivars. 288 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity MATERIAL AND METHODS A field experiment was conducted at Agriculturl Research Station (Cotton), Dharwad farm, Dharwad , Karnataka during Kharif 2009-10 and 2010-11 to evaluate the field bio-efficacy of triazole group of fungicides against major fungal foliar diseases grey mildew caused by Ramularia areola Atk. and Alternaria blight or Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria macrospore Zimm were compared with standard recommendation Carbendazim 50% WP foliar spray treatment @ 0.1%. The experiment was planned in Randomised block Design and replicated thrice on Bt cotton hybrid “Bunny Bt”. The individual treatment plot size was 6.0 x 5.4 m2 with spacing of 90 x 60 cms. Normal recommended cultural practices were adopted. Three sprays of all treatments were undertaken immediately after the appearance of the disease at an interval of 12 days. The observations on percent disease index of Alternaria blight and grey mildew were recorded 15 days after the last spray, on five randomly selected plants in each treatment. In each treatment, ten plants were randomly selected and tagged. Three branches were randomly tagged per plant and the intensity of Alternaria blight and grey mildew on all the leaves of these tagged branches were graded by adopting 0 to 4 scale as given by Sheo Raj (1988). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Per Cent Disease Index (PDI) The results obtained during 2009 with respect to Alternaria blight, revealed that, all the treatments were significantly superior over untreated control. From the data, it is clear that, the treatments viz., Penconazole, Difenconazole, and Hexaconazole were found on par with each other with PDI of 5.80, 6.70 and 8.30 respectively and they were significantly superior to all other treatments followed by Propiconazole, Mycobutanil, Tridemefon with PDI of 9.40, 10.30 and 11.40 respectively. The results obtained during kharif, 2010 followed similar trend of results but in slightly higher intensity of incidence of disease, as observed during kharif, 2009. TABLE 1: EFFICACY OF TRIAZOLES AGAINST ALTERNARIA BLIGHT AND GREY MILDEW OF COTTON Sl. No Treatments T1 Mycobutanil @ 1gm/litre Hexaconazole @ 1ml/litre Penconazole @ 1ml/litre Propiconazole @ 1ml/litre Difenconazole@ 1ml/litre Tridimefon @ 1gm/litre Tridemorph @ 1ml/litre Carbendazim @ 1gm/litre Propineb @ 3gm/litre Control T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 SEm ± CD at 5% Alternaria blight PDI 2009-10 10.30 (18.73)* 8.30 (16.67) 5.80 (13.93) 9.40 (17.90) 6.70 (15.03) 11.40 (19.70) 19.90 (26.50) 20.10 (25.67) 18.20 (25.27) 30.30 (33.37) 1.187 3.527 2010-11 11.20 (19.53) 8.20 (16.59) 6.40 (14.60) 9.30 (17.73) 7.40 (15.77) 11.20 (19.57) 20.00 (26.58) 21.30 (27.50) 17.00 (24.35) 33.00 (35.08) 1.068 3.174 Pooled mean PDI 10.70 (19.13) 8.20 (16.63) 6.10 (14.27) 9.40 (17.82) 7.10 (15.40) 11.30 (19.63) 20.00 (26.54) 20.00 (26.58) 17.60 (24.81) 31.60 (34.22) 0.748 2.222 Grey mildew PDI 2009-10 8.60 (17.05) Pooled mean PDI Yield (q/ha) Pooled B:C Yield (q/ha) 2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 20.30(26.79) 13.90(21.92) 12.80 13.7 13.2 1.81 9.40(17.86) 12.70(20.90) 11.00(19.38) 14.30 14.8 14.5 9.63 6.70(15.04) 14.50(22.40) 10.30(18.72) 17.20 15.6 16.4 5.80 9.50(17.93) 21.00(27.28) 14.80(22.60) 14.10 15.7 14.9 6.2 8.60(17.00) 13.80(21.83) 11.10 (19.42) 14.80 15.5 15.2 3.27 8.20(16.63) 19.80(26.40) 13.50(21.51) 14.10 15.3 14.7 3.12 7.60(15.96) 23.50(28.98) 14.60(22.47) 13.60 14.2 13.9 4.83 8.20(16.67) 21.30(27.50) 14.10(22.08) 13.20 13.9 13.5 5.77 10.80(19.18) 23.00(28.65) 16.40(23.92) 12.90 14.2 13.6 3.65 23.70(29.10) 34.60(36.03) 29.00(32.57) 11.20 12.7 11.9 - 0.351 1.041 0.389 1.157 0.219 0.651 1.192 3.543 1.645 4.887 0.989 2.938 The pooled data (Table 1) of two years for Alternaria blight and grey mildew indicated that all the treatments were significantly superior over untreated control. The triazoles under study were found to be significantly effective in the management of the diseases. The least PDI was observed in Penconazole of 6.10 PDI and 10.30 PDI for Alternaria blight and grey mildew respectively followed by Difenconazole Efficacy of Triazoles in Management of Major Fungal Foliar Diseases of Cotton 289 (7.10 PDI for A. blight and 11.10 PDI for grey mildew) and Hexaconazole (8.20 for A. blight and 11.00 PDI for grey mildew) which were on par with each other and significantly superior over rest of the treatments followed by all other triazole group of fungicides under study. Cotton Yield The cotton yield was significantly superior in all the treatments as compared to untreated control. The results indicated that, all the triazoles under study have showed higher yield. Next best treatments were viz., Tridemorph (13.9 q/ha), Propineb (13.6 q/ha), Carbendazim (13.5 q/ha) and Mycobutanil (13.2 q/ha), on par with each other, but differed significantly with the untreated control. The pooled data of two years depicted that, the triazole group of fungicides was found to be more effective in enhancing the yields significantly (Table 1). Pooled maximum yield of both the years was noticed in Penconazole (16.4 q/ha), which was significantly superior over all other treatments, followed by Difenconazole (15.2 q/ha), Propiconazole (14.9 q/ha), Triadimefon (14.7 q/ha) and Hexaconazole (14.5 q/ha) . The least yield was noticed in untreated control (11.9 q/ha).All the treatments were found to be significantly differ with untreated control. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) From the pooled data of two years, it is evident that maximum B: C ratio was observed in Hexaconazole (9.63) followed by Propiconazole (6.2) and Penconazole (5.80) (Table 1). In the present investigation, it is evident that all triazoles under study were found to be effective in control of the grey mildew and Alternaria blight disease, which in turn reflected in more cotton yield. Among these triazoles, Penconazole followed by Hexaconazole and Difenconazole reduced the disease severity of both the diseases effectively and also enhanced the yield. These findings are in accordance with Khodke and Raut( 2009) who reported that these triazoles gave the effective control of grey mildew. The benefit cost ratio is an important parameter for recommendation of any treatment for successful control of plant disease. In the present study, though the treatments containing three sprays of Penconazole, Hexaconazole, Difenconazole, Triadimefon and Propiconazole gave significant control of both the diseases, maximum Cost Benefit ratio of 9.63 was realized in treatments containing three sprays of Hexaconazole (0.1%) followed by Propiconazole (6.2) and Penconazole (5.80). This clearly indicated that three sprays of Hexaconazole (0.1%) are more useful not only in reducing the cost of protection but also gave higher benefits as compared to other treatments and can be recommended as one of the components in integrated disease management of cotton. This is followed by Difenconazole and Penconazole applications. Similar types of findings are observed by many workers (Khodke and Raut, 2009, Algarsamy and Tagarajan, 1986). Hence, spraying of Hexaconazole (0.1%) could be considered as an effective management practice to manage major fungal foliar diseases. REFERENCES [1] Anonymous, 2009, Ann. Rep. of All India Co-ordinated Cotton Improvement Project, for 2008-09, Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Station, Coimbatore. [2] Algarsamy, C. and Tagarajan, R., 1986, Efficacy of fungicides against grey mldew disease of Cotton. Madras agric. J.,73: 651-652 [3] Chattannavar, S. N., Hosagoudar, G. N., Ashtaputre, S. A. and Ammajamma, R., 2009, Evaluation of cotton genotypes for grey mildew and Alternaria blight diseases. J. Cotton Res. Dev., 23(1) : 159-162. [4] Khodke, S.W and Raut, B.T., 2009, Chemical management of grey mildew caused by Ramularia areola Atk. of diploid cotton [5] Sheo Raj, 1988, Grading for cotton disease, CICR, Nagpur. Bull., pp. 1-7. [6] Shivankar, S. K. and Wangikar, P. D., 1992, Estimation of crop loss due to grey mildew disease of cotton caused by Ramularia areola. Indian Phytopath. 45: 74-76. 49 Damage Caused in Cotton by Different Levels of Ramulosis in Brazil Alderi Emídio De Araújo1, Alexandre Cunha De Barcellos Ferreira2 and Camilo De Lelis Morello2 1 Embrapa Algodão, CP: Campina Grande, PB, Brazil 174, CEP 58428–095 Embrapa Algodão, Research Group of Cerrado, Embrapa Arroz e Feijão C.P. 179, CEP 75375–000, Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, Brazil e-mail: 2 Abstract—The ramulosis caused by Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides is one of the most important diseases of cotton in Brazil. The damage can range from 20 to 30% reaching 85% in severe cases. This study aimed to assess the damage to cotton caused by different levels of disease severity. The experiment was carried out in state of Goiás, in the season of 2006. The treatments were five severity indexes based on the following descriptive key: 1- plant without symptoms; 2-plants with necrotic spots in the young leaves; 3- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes and initial broom; 4- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom little developed and height reduction; 5- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom very developed and height reduction. The plants with 40 days old age were inoculated with a suspension of 2x105 conidia/ml of the pathogen and to assure the occurrence of different levels of severity, the treatments with low scores of the key were sprayed with fungicides according to disease development. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions. Were assessed the following variables: height of the plants, number of bolls, weight of the bolls and lint production. The more important damage caused by disease were the reduction in the weight of the bolls and in the lint production. To these variables the reduction was more than 70% when the severity of the disease was high. The reduction in the plant height was higher when the disease severity achieved the 3 and 4 points of the key. Based on these results we conclude that is very important the control of the disease in the initial stages until the point 2 of the descriptive key to avoid significant damage to the fiber production Keywords: disease, fungus, control, Colletotrichum INTRODUCTION The ramulosis, caused by Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides, is one of the most important diseases of cotton in Brazil. The main characteristic of this disease is the breaking of apical dominance, which induces successive shoots, giving to the plant the appearance of a broom. The damage can range from 20% to 30%, reaching 85% in severe cases. In Mato Grosso were reported damages of up to 80% (Freire et al., 1997). The environmental conditions more favorable to ramulosis are high rainfall, temperatures of 25 º C to 30 º C and relative humidity above 80% (Miranda; Suassuna, 2004; Silveira, 1965). In state of Mato Grosso, the temperature range favorable for the development of the disease ranged from 20 C to 30 º C (Araújo, Farias, 2003), while in state of Minas Gerais the optimum temperature for the higher incidence of disease was 18.3 ° C (Santos, 1993). The first symptoms of ramulosis occur in young leaves and are characterized by circular necrotic spots. Afterwards the tissue of these spots breaks up and detaches itself, resulting in star-shaped perforations. The uneven growth of the tissue induces wrinkling of the leaf. Soon after the emergence of the first leaf injury, death occurs from the apical meristem of the affected branch, halting its growth stimulating the sprouting of lateral buds, which culminates in the formation of a cluster of branches with short internodes and swollen, giving the plant the aspect of a broom (Araújo; Suassuna, 2003; Suassuna, Coutinho, 2007). Damage Caused in Cotton by Different Levels of Ramulosis in Brazil 291 The ramulosis can also affect the quality of fiber, like length, fineness, uniformity and micronaire and the damage can cause the reduction in weight of bolls and in the percentage of fibers (Carvalho et al., 1984).This study aimed to determine the damage caused to cotton by different levels of severity ramulose. MATERIAL AND METHODS The experiment was carried ou at the Experimental Station of Embrapa / GO Foundation in Santa Helena de Goiás, in the season of 2006. The cultivar used was BRS Ipe, whose seeds were treated with the insecticide imidacloprid (270 g kg ai/100), and fungicides tolylfluanida (75 g kg ai/100) + pencycuron (75 g ai/100 kg). The treatments were of five levels of disease severity based on the descriptive key proposed by Araújo et al. (2003): 1- plant without symptoms; 2-plants with necrotic spots in the young leaves; 3necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes and initial broom; 4- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom little developed and height reduction; 5- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom very developed and height reduction. Infection of plants was obtained through inoculation of a suspension of 2x105conidia / ml of the pathogen, 40 days after emergence. Plants with level 1 of the descriptive key were not inoculated. In order to ensure the different levels of severity of the disease, plants with disease severity with levels 1 and 2 were sprayed with the fungicide propiconazole + trifloxystrobin(125 + 125 g / L a.i. / ha), based on data obtained by monitoring the evolution of disease. The other levels of the descriptive key were obtained through the systematic control of the development of the disease with spray with trifloxystrobin + propiconazole (125 +125 g / L a.i. / ha) when necessary in both cases. The first spray was made at the levels 3 and 4, and one application was sufficient to maintain levels while level 5 was obtained without spray. The design was randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replicates, and the parcel had four lines 5 m, considering how useful the two central rows. The evaluation was performed at 140 days after emergence, having been employed the descriptive key proposed by Araújo et al. (2003). The measured variables were: plant height, number of bolls / plant, boll weight and cotton lint production. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results shown in Table 1, it was observed that the disease has negatively affected all variables. The largest damage were observed for boll weight and in production of cotton lint per plant. For these variables, the decrease was greater than 70%, indicating that the ramulosis, in advanced stages, causes severe damage to production. Although the differences in the number bolls per plant were not as expressive, it is important to note that the weight the boll was reduced with the increase in disease severity, reflecting directly in the production of cotton lint. The number of capsules suffered the greatest reduction when there was increase in the severity of the disease, Based on the results shown in Table 1, it was observed that the disease has negatively affected all variables. The largest damage were observed for boll weight and in production of cotton lint per plant. For these variables, the decrease was greater than 70%, indicating that the ramulosis, in advanced stages, causes severe damage to production. Although the differences in the number of bolls per plant were not as expressive, it is important to note that the weight the boll was reduced with the increase in disease severity, reflecting directly in the production of cotton lint. The number of capsules suffered the greatest reduction when there was increase in the severity of the disease, as can be observed the data relating to notes 4 and 5 of the descriptive key. This phenomenon is associated the fact that higher levels of severity of the ramulosis can induce an increased production of branches vegetative rather than fruiting branches, what determines a reduction in production boll. The reduction in plant size was observed more steeply from the notes 3 and 4 of the descriptive key. From these levels disease severity, there were also further damage to production. Thus, based the observations, there is the need for control the disease in the earliest stage, in view of the irreversibility of damage since the early symptoms of broom, that begin to manifest when the plant shows increased levels of severity recorded from the level 3 of the descriptive key. 292 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity These results corroborate those already obtained by Carvalho et al. (1984), in the state of Pernambuco. However, it should be pay attention to the fact that climatic conditions of Goiás state may be more favorable to ramulosis, due to higher rainfall and regular rainfall usually recorded in the Midwest of Brazil, with a view that C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides is widespread primarily by splashing water, and the rain is a major agent of dispersal of inoculum. Therefore, monitoring of disease in the state of Goiás, in brazilian Midwest should be more systematic, given the more favorable conditions the development of disease. Therefore, the use of resistant cultivars is recommended and the permanent monitoring of farming, to prevent that the disease reach to rates of high severity and induce significant damage to production. The control measures that prevent the increase of inoculums such as the use of seed health and crop rotation should be privileged. The chemical control should be implemented in the early stages and should never exceed the level 2 of the descriptive key used for the evaluation of disease severity. TABLE 1: PLANT HEIGHT (CM), NUMBER OF BOLLS, BOLL WEIGHT (G) AND COTTON LINT PRODUCTION / PLANT (G) OF COTTON FOR DIFFERENT LEVELS OF SEVERITY RAMULOSE. SANTA HELENA DE GOIAS, BRAZIL, 2006. Level of the Descriptive Key* Plant Height Number of Bolls Boll Weight Fiber Production 1 126,16 a 3,33a 32,51a 12,01a** 2 121,50ab 2,58ab 27,92ab 9,47b 3 111,34b 2,31ab 20,94bc 7,23b 4 85,41c 1,96b 14,54cd 5,51bc 5 69,8d 1,53b 8,48d 3,21c VC 6,3 24,88 21,12 23,64 *Descriptive key: 1- plant without symptoms; 2-plants with necrotic spots in the young leaves; 3- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes and initial broom; 4- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom little developed and height reduction; 5- necrotic spots in the leaves, shortening of internodes, broom very developed and height reduction. **Means followed by same letter vertically do not differ by Tukey test at 5% probability. REFERENCES [1] Araújo, A E., Suassuna, N. D., Farias, F. J. C., Freire, E. C. Escalas de Notas Para Avaliação de Doenças Foliares do Algodoeiro. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Algodão, 4., 2003, Goiânia. anais... campina grande. Embrapa Algodão, 2003, 1 cd-rom. [2] Araújo, A. E.; Farias, F. J. C. Progress of witches broom disease of cotton in Mato Grosso State Brazil. In: World Cotton Research Conference, 3., 2003, Cape Town, Anais... Cape Town, ICAC, p. 1428-1430. [3] Carvalho, L. P.; Cavalcanti, F. B., Lima, E. F., Santos, E. V. Influência da ramulose nas características de fibra do algodoeiro. Fitopatologia Brasileira, v. 9, p. 593-598. 1984. [4] Freire, E. C.; Soares, J. J.; Farias, F. J. C.; Arantes, E. M.; Andrade, F. P.; Paro, H.; Laca-Buendia, J. P. Cultura do algodoeiro no estado de Mato Grosso. Campina Grande-PB: Embrapa Algodão, 1997, 65 p. (Embrapa Algodão. Circular Técnica 23). [5] Miranda, J. E.; Suassuna, N. D. Guia de Identificação e controle das principais pragas e doenças do algodoeiro. Campina Grande: Embrapa Algodão, 2004. 47 p. (Embrapa Algodão. Circular Técnica, 76). [6] Santos, G. R. Progresso da ramulose do algodoeiro e transmissão de Colletotrichum gossypii South var. cephalosporioides Costa pelas sementes. 1993. 53 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitopatologia) – Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, 1993. [7] Silveira, A. P. Fungos e bactérias. In: Instituto Brasileiro De Potassa. Cultura e adubação do algodoeiro. São Paulo, 1965. p. 417- 419 50 Insecticidal Toxin Genes from Bacterial Symbiont of Thermotolerant Isolate of Heterorhabditis indica, Entomopathogenic Nematode Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, Kanchan Bhanare, Prachi Nawkarkar, Prashanth Chiliveri and K.R. Kranthi Division of Crop Protection, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur INTRODUCTION In the last two to three decades use of chemical control for pest management has become less acceptable as concerns about contamination of soil and water and deleterious effects on man and livestock have led to restrictions on their use. This and development of resistance in insects against commonly used chemicals has led to demand for development of alternates for pest management and biological control is one such option. Entomopathogenic nematodes with their associated bacteria have been identified as viable option for insect management and toxicity of EPN-bacterial system to insects is largely attributed to toxins produced by bacterial symbiont . Considerable progress has been made in identification of toxin genes from bacteria Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus (Williamson and Kaya, 2003). Toxin genes from EPN- bacterial system can be used as alternative to Bt toxins or can be used to pyramid multiple resistance genes for broad range and effective resistance against insect pests. A thermophilic isolate of EPN Heterorhabditis indica has been developed at CICR and bacterial isolate found associated with this EPN was found to be very effective against sucking pests of cotton in field trials undertaken at CICR, Nagpur, its regional station Sirsa and at Nanded. Therefore Bacteria isolated from thermophilic EPN H.indica isolate were taken up for further characterization and identification of toxin genes. MATERIAL AND METHODS Bacteria were isolated from juveniles of nematode H.indica on standard bacteriological media and bacteria were taken up for molecular and biochemical characterization. (Bergy’s Manual). The biochemical parameters taken up were Colony Morphology on Nutrient Agar,Gram Stain, Pigmentation, Levan production, Methyl Red, Voges-Proskauer Test, starch hydrolysis, oxygen requirement, H2S production, indole production, nitrate reduction, Urease test, ADH test, citrate, catalase, gelatinase, motility, tyrosinase and Galactosidase tests. Carbohydrates fermentation studies for the bacterial isolate were carried out for 21 carbohydrates. For molecular characterization 16s ribosomal RNA sequence of bacterial isolate was amplified using oligonuceotide primers (5’GGA GAG TTA GAT CTT GGC TC3’ sense and 5’AAg GAG GTG ATC CAG CCG CA3’(Brunel et al., 1997). Samples amplified using 25µl of reaction with 10mM of each primer, 0.1 µg of DNA template, 12.5 µl 2X PCR- master mix and distilled Water. PCR conditions were same as Brunel et al., 1997 with amplification at 570C. The sequence amplified was around 1550 bp and it was cloned in pEMT vector for sequencing. TOXIN ISOLATION For isolation of toxins, the bacteria was cultured on LB broth for 48 hrs. on shaker. Extracellular and intracellular fractions separated by centrifugation and sonication . Different fractions from the extracellular and intracellular components of bacterium separated using columns, centrifugal devices and gel filteration were bioassayed against 3rd instar larva of Helicoverpa armigera for insecticidal activity. Protein content of different fractions was estimated and fractions were tested against 3rd instar larva of Helicoverpa armigera for insecticidal activity. 294 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity DESIGNING OF PRIMERS FOR AMPLIFICATION OF TOXIN GENES The primer pairs have been designed by identifying 8-10 amino acid stretch in protein that is rich in amino acid codes by only one or more codons (Met, Trp, Phe, Cys, His, Lys, Asp, Gly, Gln, Tyr) and that has no or few amino acids coded by six codon (Ser, Leu, Arg). Primers have also been designed by aligning known toxin sequences from data bases. F-5’ACCGCCGAGTCCCTTGGCTA3’,R-CGCTGCTGTCTGTGGAGCGTT F-5’CTTCGGCGCCATTCCCCGTT 3’, R-GCGCTACTCTCGGCAGCAGG F-5’GCGGAGGATGGCCGCAAACT 3’, R-CGTGCTGTGCTACCGCGTCA F-5’CTTCGGCGCCATTCCCCGTT 3’,R-GCGCTACTCTCGGCAGCAGG F-5’CGGTGACGCCGCACAGTTCT3’,R-TCTGTGCGACCGGAAACGGC F -5’ TACC AATA TGTTAATTG TGGAC 3’, R R - 5’ CCA TCA TTTCAC ATA ACCG 3’ F-5’ TTCG AATA CCAA TATG TTAA TTGTGGAC 3’, R-5’ CCA TCA TTTCAC ATA ACCG 3’ F-5’ ATTACCAATATGT TAATTGTGG 3’, R - 5’ TCATCATATATTTTATAATG F -5’ GGTCTAGAATGTAAAGGCAACAC-3'), R- 5'-GGAAGGACGGAAAGTGGAGA-3‘ F-(5'-ACCATACGCATCGGACAAAC-3'), R-5'-CGTAGCGGTTATTCACTCTTCT-3‘ F -TCAGACTGATGCCAAAGG, R - CCATCAATAGTTCCTGCC, F -TCAGACTGATGCCAAAGG, R -CCATCAATAGTTCCTGCC F-5’ TACTTAGTTGAGCGGTCAGG, R - 5’ GCCATGCTCAGTTACTGC F-5’ TACTTGCTCA GACATTTCTCTATGG 3’,R – TTATTTAATGGTGTAGCG 3’ F 5’ACCATACGCATCGGACAAAC-3’, R 5’’CGTAGCGGTTATTCACTCTTCT-3’ F- 5’GGTCTAGAATGTAAAGGC-3’, R -5’GGAAGGACGGAAAGT 3’ F- 5’TACCACTGACAATACGTTTAT 3’, R- 5’CGGTTACTGACGATTGCTG3’ F- 5’ TCATGAAATACGTCCTAAGTGG 3’, R- 5’ AAA TATGT AAAACTATGGG GTTC3’ F- 5’ ACCTTAACTAATACAGACTTAG 3’, R- 5’ AA AGAAAAGAAATTTACGCGTG 3’ F - 5’ TGTAGTTACAAGAAAGAACC 3’, R- 5’ ATGTCTAAATACAAATTAAACC 3’ F-5’ CTTATACTATACTCAGGCAG 3’, R- 5’ ATTGCAAGATATTAATTACAAAG 3’ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Isolate Fig. 1 The sequence amplified was around 1550 bp and it was cloned in pEMT vector for sequencing. Plasmid DNA was isolated using Qiagen miniprep kit and sequenced. The sequences were blasted. The sequence of bacterial isolate showed 96% similarity to Paenibacillus sp. As this bacterial isolate showed toxicity to sucking insect pests, this bacterial isolate was also characterized for biochemical parameters. Biochemical characterization of bacterial isolate associated with H. indica and identified as Paenibacillus sp. Insecticidal Toxin Genes from Bacterial Symbiont of Thermotolerant Isolate of Heterorhabditis indica 295 Test Result Test Result Gram Stain Gram Positive. Methyl Red Test Negative. Pigmentation No pigmentation. Voges-Proskauer Test Positive Levan Production No levan Production. Gelatin Test Weakly positive Urease Test Negative Oxygen requirement Facultatively anaerobic. Tyrosinase Test Positive Production of H2S Gas. No H2S production was observed. Citrate Test Positive Production of Indole. No Indole production was seen. Catalase Test Positive Nitrate Reduction Negative Amino Acid decarboxylase Negative Growth on Mc Conkey Agar Growth observed Starch hydrolysis test Positive. Esculin Hydrolase Test Positive Casein Hydrolysis Positive Arginine Hydrolase Test Negative Motility Test Negative Oxidase Test Negative Carbohydrate Fermentation test The Test strongly positive for Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Maltose, Raffinose, Sucrose, Salicin, Trehalose and weakly positive for adonitol. The test is negative for—Arabinose, Cellobiose, Inositol, Inulin, Lactose, Mannose, Mannitol, Melibiose, Rhamnose, Sorbitol, Xylose and Dulcitol. No gas production was observed. Toxin Isolation Different fractions from the extracellular and intracellular components separated using columns, centrifugal devices and gel filteration were bioassayed against 3rd instar larva of Helicoverpa armigera for insecticidal activity. Protein content of different fractions was estimated and found to range between 1.32 -1.68 mg/ml. The fractions were tested against 3rd instar larva of Helicoverpa armigera for insecticidal activity. TABLE 1: INSECTICIDAL EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT FRACTIONS AT 10 μG Fraction 1KG 3KG 10KG 50kG 100KG Control % Dead Intrahaemocoelic 22 40 58 67 45 10 % Dead Oral 20 60 80 100 40 0 1K-More than 1kDa, 3-more than 3kDa, 10, More than 1kDa, 50- More than 1kDa, 100 -More than 1kDa Individual fractions at three different concentrations were (5, 10 and 15µg) were injected into haemocoel of 3rd instar H.armigera larvae. At l0 µg difference in efficacy of different fractions was evident and results are presented in Table 1. Control was maintained with physiological saline solution. Observations on insect mortality after 24 hrs revealed that fraction 50 -100 kDa recorded more than 98% mortality after 24 h while 10K fraction recorded 60% morality. In other fractions mortality was recorded after 48 hrs only while in control there was nil mortality up to 48 hr. These fractions were also evaluated for oral toxicity with H.armigera neonates. 50K fraction was also recorded to have oral toxicity. 50K fraction was run on native PAGE and individual bands were cut, eluted in buffer (140 mm NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10mM Na2HPO4, 1.8 mMKH2PO4, pH 7.3) and analysed for insecticidal activity. Fig. 2 296 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity The elutes of bands were applied to artificial diet for oral toxicity to Helicoverpa armigera neonates. These were also injected in intrahaemoceolic for toxicity to H.armigera. LC50 experiments were conducted for 48 h with neonate larvae, and were replicated on three separate occasions with 12 larvae per treatment. Growth inhibition studies were 72 h in duration and were repeated twice with 12 individuals per treatment. Mortality data from the LC50 experiments was analyzed by Probit analysis. Results indicate that two bands of approximately 950kDa had insecticidal effect. Lc50 for A band was calculated at 0.1 µg while Lc50 for B band was 0.12 µg. At concentration of 0.18 µg injected in haemocoel mortality ranged between 89-87%. Oral toxicity to neonates of H. armigera was also recorded. At 0.05 µg oral toxicity to neonates was recorded with 78-85% mortality of neonates. Evaluation of toxicity of these components against sucking pests is underway. Rajagopal and Bhatnagar(2002) has isolated two protein complexes of approx. 1000kDa from Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii which were active against Spodoptera litura and Galleria mellonella. Amplification of Toxin Genes Fig. 3 Insecticidal Toxin Genes from Bacterial Symbiont of Thermotolerant Isolate of Heterorhabditis indica 297 D6TcdB, Wg TcdA, D6TcdA2,Wg TcdA2,G1 TcdB, G1 TcdAB, G5 TcdA2, Photo TcdA, WgTcd Ab could be amplified by using primers designed for amplification of toxin genes and standardization of PCR conditions. These were cloned in pGEM-T vector and sequenced. The sequences of PhotoTcdAB, TcdB were blasted. These were found to have 98% similarily with Serine protease gene and phospholipase of Bacillus thuringiensis and B.cereus. Amplification of Tcc Genes from Paenibacillus sp. is significant as this appears to be first reports of a Paenibacillus species, strain, or protein having toxicity to lepidopterans. Furthermore, this may also first known report of a Paenibacillus having toxin complex (TC)-like proteins controlling insects and like pests. Genes from Photorhabdus encode large insecticidal toxin complexes which cause septicaemia in insects. Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing toxin A from Photorhabdus luminescens showed considerable activity against lepidopteran insects and moderate activity against colepteran insects (Liu et al, 2003). Identification and cloning of toxin genes from Paenibacillus would make available genes effective against sucking pests. Further work on cloning of full length gene and their expression in suitable vector is underway. REFERENCES [1] Brunel B., Givaudan A., Lanois A., Akhurst R.J. and Boemare N.E. (1997). Fast and accurate identification of Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus by restriction analysis of PCR amplification. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 63:574-580. [2] Liu, D., Burton, S., Glancy T., Li, Z.S., Hampton, R., Meade, T. and Merlo, D.J. (2003). Insect resistance conferred by 283 kDa Photorhabdus luminescens protein TcdA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat. Biotechnology 21: 1022-1028. [3] Rajagopal, R. and Bhatnagar, R.K. (2002). Insecticidal toxic proteins produced by Photorhabdus luminescens akurstii, a symbiont of Heterorhabdits indica. J.Nematol. 34” 23-27. [4] Williamson, V.M. and Kaya, H.K. (2003). Sequence of a symbiont. Nat. Biotechnology 21: 1294-1295. 51 Identification and Characterization of a Novel Source of Resistance to Root-Knot Nematode in Cotton Mota C. Fabiane, Giband Marc, Carneiro, D.G. Marina, Silva, H. Esdras, Furlanetto Cleber, Nicole Michel, Barroso, A.V. Paulo and Carneiro and M.D.G. Regina Research Scientist, Cirad, UMR AGAP–Embrapa Algodão, Rodovia Go–462, Km 12, Zona Rural 75.375–000 Santo Antônio de Goiás, Go–Brazil E-mail: Abstract—The root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne incognita Kofoid and White 1919, Chitwood 1949 is a major constraint in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production in numerous countries. Control of RKN has been hampered by the lack of high-quality local varieties exhibiting high levels of resistance as well as the lack of options for crop rotation. High levels of resistance occur in breeding lines, but this high level of resistance has not been readily transferred to cultivated varieties. Resistance to RKN is also found in wild tetraploid cotton accessions that represent valuable resources for novel genes/mechanisms to be used for cotton improvement. In this work, accessions of Gossypium spp. were evaluated for resistance to RKN in greenhouse experiments. Responses to infection by M. incognita varied among the tested accessions, ranging from highly susceptible to resistant. Some accessions displayed a significant reduction in the nematode reproduction. Histological observations of one of the highly resistant G. barbadense accession showed that resistance may occur through two-stage mechanism involving a hypersensitive-like response. The highly resistant accession was crossed with a susceptible one to generate F1 and F2 plants for further genetic studies. Analysis of the response of these F1 and F2 plants to RKN inoculation indicated that resistance is recessive, and controlled by at least one major gene. Analyses using molecular markers associated to known RKN resistance loci showed that the allele(s) involved are different from those previously described. The characterization of the genetics and of the defense mechanisms associated with this novel source of resistance to RKN in cotton constituted a first step towards its use in crop improvement. Keywords: Gossypium, cotton, root-knot nematode, host-plant resistance, hypersensitive response INTRODUCTION The root-knot nematode (RKN) [Meloidogyne incognita Kofoid and White 1919 (Chitwood 1949)] is a major constraint in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production in a number of countries, causing direct damages and increasing in the severity of other root diseases, including Fusarium wilt disease (Hyer et al. 1979; Shepherd 1982; Jeffers and Roberts 1993). The importance of this pest has been increasing over the years, and in some regions, it has become one of the major causes of yield reduction. Resistant varieties not only help control the disease and maintaining crop productivity, but they also help decrease nematode populations in the soil and protect following rotations (Williamson and Hussey 1996; Ogallo et al. 1999; Starr et al. 2007; Davis and Kemerait 2009). Control of RKN has been hampered by the lack of high-quality locally-adapted varieties exhibiting high levels of resistance as well as the lack of adequate options for crop rotation. Search for high levels of RKN resistant in cotton germplasm has been undertaken over the years, in both cultivated species as well as in wild relatives (Jenkins et al.1979; Shepherd 1983; Robinson and Percival 1997). Despite these efforts, few accessions with a high level of resistance have been identified. In a more recent study, Robinson et al. (2004) identified three accessions of G. hirsutum (TX-25, TX1828, and TX-1860) that showed resistance levels equivalent to that of Auburn 623 RNR. This elite breeding line (Shepherd 1974a), that was selected from crossing between two moderately-resistant accessions – Clevewilt 6 and Wild Mexican Jack Jones (Shepherd 1974b), exhibits the highest level of resistance to RKN known to date in cotton, and has been used to derive a number of breeding lines (Shepherd et al. 1996). Nevertheless, the high level of resistance of Auburn 623 RNR and of its derivatives (“M-series”) has not been transferred to superior cultivars. Only very recently were Identification and Characterization of a Novel Source of Resistance to Root-Knot Nematode in Cotton 299 lines with high levels of resistance released (Davis et al. 2011; Starr et al. 2011). The cultivar Clevewilt 6 is also at the origin of the obsolete varieties Stoneville LA 887 (Jones et al. 1991) and Paymaster (Hartz) 1560, that were widely cultivated for their moderate levels of resistance to RKN, and of their sister lines (La. RN 4-4, La. RN 909, La. RN 910, La. RN 1032) (Jones et al. 1988). To date, the only available moderately RKN-resistant varieties with desirable agronomical and quality standards are Acala Nem X (Oakley 1995) and Acala NemX H Y (Anonymous 2005), which have a restricted diffusion due to their particular characteristics (“Acala-type cotton”). Variability in virulence of RKN isolates on resistant cotton genotypes has been demonstrated (Robinson and Percival 1997; Zhou et al. 2000). Furthermore, selection of isolates with increased reproduction on resistant varieties after repeated exposures to resistant cotton was also evidenced (Ogallo et al. 1997), indicating the need to increase the number of the sources of resistance to achieve effective durable resistance. Indeed, cotton breeding for RKN resistance presently relies on a small number of – if not a unique – source of resistance, which make such genotypes vulnerable to resistance breakdown. Alternating sources of resistance, or pyramiding resistance factors constitutes a way to mitigate this problem. Breeding for nematode resistance in cotton has been an arduous task. The difficulty in the phenotypic screening for resistance on a scale compatible with that of breeding programs, and the lack of a clear understanding of the genetic basis of resistance has made progress difficult. Genetic analyses involving different sources of resistance point out to the presence of multiple genes. Depending on the source of resistance and on the crosses used, genes with dominant and others with recessive effects have been detected; additive effects as well as transgressive segregation have also been shown to occur (Shepherd 1974b; Bezawada et al. 2003; McPherson et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2007; Wang et al 2008; Ulloa et al 2010). The efficient transfer of RKN resistance to improved commercial cultivars will largely depend on a clear knowledge of the genetics of the trait and on the availability of tools to facilitate such a transfer. Furthermore, the knowledge of resistance gene/locus diversity and of the allelic relations between these genes/loci is important to achieve a durable high level of resistance. Molecular genetics tools, and in particular the genetic mapping of resistance genes/loci and the identification of molecular markers tightly associated with these resistance genes or loci have been useful in better understanding the genetics of RKN resistance in cotton, in studying the genetic relation between genes/loci, and represent powerful tools to assist the transfer of resistance for cotton crop improvement. In recent years, a number of genetic mapping studies have been undertaken aiming at the mapping resistance of loci and at identifying molecular markers associated with RKN resistance (Bezawada et al 2003; Shen et al 2006; Wang and Roberts 2006; Wang et al 2006; Ynturi et al 2006; Niu et al 2007; Wang et al 2008; Gutiérrez et al 2010; Shen et al 2010). These studies have allowed to clarify the status of nematode resistance loci in cotton, and to identify molecular markers tightly associated to major resistance genes that are useful in breeding. These and other studies (Roberts and Ulloa 2010) point out to chromosome 11 as bearing major genes in at least two sources of resistance, and have resulted the identification of markers closely associated to resistance. In Acala NemX, the microsatellite marker CIR316 is closely associated with a major recessive gene (rkn1) (Wang et al 2006). In the Auburn 623 RNR-derived sources of resistance (M240 and M120), the same markers is associated with a major dominant gene, Mi-C11(Gutiérrez et al 2010, Shen et al 2010). It is not clear whether these loci are allelic or not. Interestingly, Clevewilt 6, one of the parental lines used to develop the highly resistant Auburn 623 RNR accession, also carries a resistance QTL associated with marker CIR316 (Bezawada et al 2003, Gutiérrez et al 2010). Similarly, a major QTL for resistance (galling index) was mapped on the same chromosome in M-495, a wild cotton germplasm line (He et al 2010). In G. barbadense, in addition to these major genes, chromosome 11 has also been shown to carry a transgressive segregation factor (RKN2) associated with the recessive rkn1 gene. On its own, RKN2 does not impart resistance, but when present with the rkn1 allele, RKN2 300 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity increases resistance (Wang et al 2008). The major resistance allele identified by marker CIR316 is not present in Wild Mexican Jack Jones (WMJJ), the second parental line of Auburn 623 RNR. Instead, WMJJ carries another locus on chromosome 14, linked to markers BNL 3545 and BNL 3661 that is also present in Auburn 623 RNR and its derivatives, but not in Clevewilt 6 (Gutiérrez et al 2010). Consistent with previous studies, this latter molecular mapping study also showed that each one of the major genes/loci is responsible for different resistance mechanisms, that, when present together, lead to the highest level of resistance. The gene/locus on chromosome 11 primarily impacts root galling, while the proper allelic combination at locus on chromosome 14 induces a reduced egg production. The favorable allelic composition at all three markers lead to the highest level of resistance (Gutiérrez et al 2010). IDENTIFICATION OF A NOVEL SOURCE OF RESISTANCE TO RKN IN COTTON Accessions of Gossypium species, which included modern or obsolete cultivars, breeding lines, and wild accessions of G. hirustum, G. barbadense, and G. arboreum with known or suspected resistance to RKN were evaluated for their resistance to a Brazilian isolate of M. incognita race 3 under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Resistance was evaluated based on three criteria: galling index (GI), egg mass index (EMI) and reproduction factor (RF). Among the accessions tested, reactions to RKN inoculation varied from highly susceptible to resistant (data not shown). In agreement with previous studies (Shepherd 1983; Robinson and Percival 1997; Robinson et al. 2004), no general trend between species and reaction to inoculation was observed. Similarly, no relation with geographical origin was evidenced. Most of the accessions that had been tested in other studies showed responses in agreement with published results. Among the accessions tested, the G. barbadense accession from Peru CIR1348 showed highly reduced nematode reproduction (Table 1), and was classified as highly resistant. This accession was as efficient as M-315RNR – the resistant control – in reducing nematode reproduction (RF = 0.01 vs. RF = 0.03 for M315RNR). In addition, this accessions displayed very low galling index (GI = 0) and egg mass index (EMI = 0). TABLE 1: GALLING INDEX (GI), EGG MASS INDEX (EMI) AND REPRODUCTION FACTOR (RF) PRESENTED BY DIFFERENT GOSSYPIUM SPP. 120 DAYS AFTER INOCULATION WITH 5,000 M. INCOGNITA EGGS PER PLANT Accession GI1 EMI1 RF2 FM966 – susceptible control G. hirsutum 5 5 14a M-315RNR – resistant control G. hirsutum 0.8 0 0.03b CIR1348 G. barbadense 0 0 0.01b 1 Mean value (8 repetitions) of GI or EMI. 0: no galls or egg masses, 1: 1-2 galls or egg masses, 2: 3-10 galls or egg masses, 3: 11-30 galls or egg masses, 4: 31-100galls or egg masses, and 5 >100 galls or egg masses per root system. 2 RF = FP/IP, were FP = final nematode population and IP = initial nematode population (IP = 5,000). Mean values (8 repetitions) were transformed in log (x+1). Means followed by different letters are significantly (P< 0.05) according to Scott-Knot’s test. Accession CIR1348 thus appears to be as resistant to RKN inoculation as the accessions that display the highest level of resistance known to date (Auburn 623RNR and derivatives). Interestingly, CIR1348 is wild accessions of G. barbadense from Peru. South America, and in particular Peru, is considered to be the center of origin and diversity of G. barbadense (Giband et al 2010). It is thus expected that a rich genetic variability is encountered in wild accessions from this region (Westengen et al. 2005), including for resistance to RKN and other disease or pests. This situation is similar to that of wild accessions and landraces of G. hirsutum from Mexico, the center of origin of the species, which include the accessions Wild Mexican Jack Jones and TX-25 in which notable levels of resistance were identified (Shepherd 1983; Robinson and Percival 1997; Robinson et al. 2004). HISTOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE RESISTANCE REACTION IN ACCESSION CIR1348 The mechanism of the resistant displayed by the highly resistant accession CIR1348 was studied through the observation of histological sections of root samples using bright-field and UV microscopy. Identification and Characterization of a Novel Source of Resistance to Root-Knot Nematode in Cotton 301 Stage 2 juvenile (J2) penetration was not affected in accession CIR1348, since similar numbers of J2s could be observed in the susceptible and resistant accessions. Similar observations were made in the moderately resistant accession Clevewilt-6 (McClure et al. 1974), in the highly resistant accession M-315 RNR (Jenkins et al. 1995), and in number of other resistant accessions (Faske and Starr 2009). Preexisting mechanisms which could impede nematode penetration seems to be apparently absent in cotton. Rather, in accession CIR1348, as in other RKN-resistant accessions of cotton, it appears that resistance may result from post-penetration events associated with the blocking or delay of nematode development and reproduction. Root sections harvested at 7-21 days after inoculation (DAI) showed major alteration in the cells in contact with the nematodes. Hypersensitive- response (HR)-like lesions were found around all nematodes after they penetrated the epidermis and migrated through the cortex, or when they reached the vascular cylinder. Sections also showed almost entire bodies of nematodes completely surrounded by autofluorescence or toluidine dark-stained components. At 21-29 DAI, only a few giant cells were observed, some of them showing multiple nuclei and reduced thickening of walls. At 21 DAI, strongly deformed J3/J4 juveniles were detected in the vicinity of the altered giant cells. At 29 DAI, most giant cells had degenerated, and presented a retracted cytoplasm containing numerous small vacuoles. No adult female with eggs were seen in any of the 34-45 DAI sections that were analyzed. It thus appears that in CIR1348 at least two different mechanisms could be involved in the expression of resistance. One mechanism, which occurs at about 7 DAI, blocks or delays the development of J2 that have penetrated the roots. The second, that involves a mechanism impeding the formation of functional feeding sites, occurs at about 21 DAI and further impedes the formation of adult females. Genetic analyses (McPherson et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2007) point out to a 2-gene model for the inheritance of resistance to RKN in cotton. In their study, Jenkins et al. (1995) proposed that one gene acting at an earlier stage is responsible for the mechanism seen at 8 DAI, while the second explains the later (24 DAI) phenomenon. Molecular mapping data (Ynturi et al. 2006; Gutiérrez et al. 2010) support these hypotheses, and revealed the occurrence of QTLs on chromosomes 11 and 14 to explain the resistance in cotton accessions (Auburn 634 RNR and M-240 RNR, respectively) which share the same source of resistance as M-315 RNR. The QTL on chromosome 11 is associated with reduced root galling index, while that on chromosome 14 is associated with reduced egg production (Gutiérrez et al. 2010). Whether this situation holds true for accession CIR1348 remains to be clarified. GENETIC ANALYSIS OF THE RESISTANCE IN ACCESSION CIR1348 The highly resistant accession CIR1348 was crossed with a susceptible one (the susceptible control FM966) to generate F1 and F2 plants for further genetics studies. As above, progenies were assessed for GI, RMI, and RF after RKN inoculation under controlled conditions. The analysis of the response of the F1 plants clearly showed that resistance in accession CIR1348 is recessive, the F1 showing a GI = 5, EMI = 4.8, and RF = 25, values similar to that of the susceptible parent FM966 (GI = 5, EMI = 5 and RF = 29). The results of the F2 plants were more complex to analyze. Analyses conducted on a reduced number of plants (n = 18) showed that at least one major recessive gene is involved in the determination of the phenotype. Nevertheless, these analyses cannot rule out the hypothesis that a second recessive gene, with a more moderate effect on the phenotype, is also involved in determining the high level of resistance observed in accession CIR1348. The analysis of a larger number of F2 plants is underway to clarify this point. If the second hypothesis holds true, the situation in accession CIR1348 would be similar to that in other sources of resistance, with the main difference being that the resistance in the former is recessive, while it is usually considered dominant (or partially dominant) in the latter. 302 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity A number of studies (Shen et al 2006; Wang et al 2006; Gutiérrez et al 2010; He et al 2010; Shen et al 2010) have shown that the SSR marker CIR316, mapped on chromosome 11, is associated to RKN resistance in a number of accessions. To verify if the same locus is also involved in the resistance in accession CIR1348, we applied marker CIR316 and analyzed the resulting amplification profile. While the susceptible and resistant controls (FM966 and M-315RNR, respectively) exhibited the banding pattern expected for marker CIR316, accession CIR1348 showed an amplification pattern different from that of both controls. It thus appears that resistance in accession CIR1348 is determined by allele(s) different from that (those) previously described for known sources of resistance. The present study on the characterization of the genetics and of the defense mechanisms associated with this novel source of resistance to RKN in cotton constituted a first step towards its use in crop improvement. REFERENCES [1] Anonymous (2005). Plant variety protection certification no. 200500113 for cotton Acala [2] NemX HY. Plant Variety Protection Office, Agricultural Marketing Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. 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Kankanallu2 and Radhamani Anandalakshmi1 1 Plant-Virus Interactions Lab, Mahyco Research Center, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited, Dawalwadi, Post Box no-76, Jalna, Maharashtra–431 203, India 2 Vegetable Research Center, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited, Bettanagera Village, Huskur Post, Bangalore–562 123, India Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is the most devastating among viral diseases of cotton Gossypium hirsutum (L.) in northwestern India (Varma and Malathi, 2003). Plants susceptible to the virus show upward and down-ward leaf curling,thickening of veins, enations on the leaf abaxial surface, overall stunting, and flower and fruit abortion leading to low productivity. CLCuD is caused by a group of geminivirus species from the genus Begomovirus, in the family Geminiviridae. Cotton infecting begomoviruses (CBVs) like the majority of Old World begomoviruses, are monopartite having genomes that consist of only one circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecule and are associated with betasatellite (Briddon et al. 2003) and frequently a third component known as alphasatellite (Briddon et al., 2004). The CBVs complex is transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) Though CBVs was first reported from IARI, New Delhi, India in 1989, it was identified as the causal agent of severe epidemic outbreaks of the CLCuD in Punjab and adjacent SriGanganagar in 1994. Since then, CBVs has spread to all of the cotton growing regions of north westerns India, where it has become the limiting factor for cotton production in every season, causing up to 100% yield loss. The major begomoviruses associated with CLCuD are Cotton leaf curl Rajasthan virus (CLCuRV), Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV) and Cotton leaf curl Kokhran virus (CLCuKoV). During 2002, we commenced a comprehensive study to understand the distribution, diversity and biological characterization of CBVs in northwestern India. In surveys conducted during 2002-2005, we noticed predominance of CLCuRV in fields when compared to either CLCuMuV or CLCuKoV. The cotton hybrids and varieties which were developed and marketed by the different seed companies and public institutions were showing varying degrees of tolerance to different CBVs. During our reconnaissance studies in the 2005 cropping season, some of the plants in farmer’s fields in SriGanganagar showed the severe symptoms in cotton cultivars which were earlier resistant to “Rajasthan strain’ (CLCuRV), Later we confirmed that the plants were infected by the e resistance breaking virus “Burewala strain” and now recognized as a distinct begomovirus species- ‘Cotton leaf curl Burewala virus’(CLCuBuV). However, during 2009 -2010, severe and wide spread CLCuD was observed on cotton in the fields of Bathinda, Abohar, Fazilka, SriGanganagar, and the surrounding Punjab and Rajasthan states and causing yield loss even up to 100%. Most cotton cultivars previously resistant to CBVs were found to be severely affected To identify the specific viral genotype(s) involved in the recent outbreak, begomovirus field isolates were collected from cotton fields and subjected to DNA sequencing. Partial sequences of 258, as well as full-length sequences of 30 complete virus genome sequences were determined and sequences were compared to those isolates from 2003-2008. Based on partial and full length genome sequences, it can be concluded that the new emergent, resistance-breaking strain, CLCuBuV has become established in northwestern India. Predominance of Resistance Breaking Cotton Leaf Curl Burewala Virus 305 Nearly 93% (238 out of 258) of the samples were infected with CLCuBuV and full length characterization studies showed that this virus isolates are prevalent in three putative mutant forms. We have noticed two major variations when compared to place of origin of the mutant virus. Amrao et al. (2010) reported the prevalence of three C2 mutants in Vehari, Pakistan, but we were able to collect only one type of mutant in our surveys. Further Amrao et al. (2010) speculated that, C2 mutation is an escape mechanism in CLCuD resistant G.hirsutm lines. Interestingly, we have isolated CLCuBuV carrying intact C2, also from these tolerant lines. How these different mutant viruses are vectored by whiteflies and how the virus is thriving on different genotypes of cotton from one season to another need to be looked into for devising effective control measures to combat the spread of CLCuD REFERENCES [1] Amrao L, Amin I, Shahid MS, Briddon RW, Mansoor S (2010a) Cotton leaf curl disease in resistant cotton is associated with a single begomovirus that lacks an intact transcriptional activator protein. Virus Res 152:153–163 [2] Briddon RW (2003) Cotton leaf curl disease, a multi component begomovirus complex. Mol Plant Pathology 4:427–434 [3] Briddon RW, Bull SE, Amin I, Mansoor S, Bedford ID, Rishi N, Siwatch S, Zafar MY, Abdel-Salam AM, Markham PG, (2004) Diversity of DNA1; a satellite-like molecule associated with monopartite begomovirus–DNA complexes. Virology 324:462–474 [4] Varma A, Malathi VG (2003) Emerging geminivirus problems: A serious threat to crop production. Annals of Applied Biology 142:145–164 Cotton Production, Physiology and Economics 53 Cotton Genotypes Performance under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions in two Regions of Northern Argentina Marcelo Paytas1 and Jose Tarrago2 1 INTA EEA Reconquista, Santa Fe, (3560), Argentina 2 INTA EEA Las Brenas, Chaco, (3722), Argentina E-mail: Abstract—Narrow-row cotton production systems have became popular in Argentina in the last few years. It is mainly cultivated under rainfed conditions as a low input crop which is challenging and risky. Irrigation can improve the performance of current genotypes and may reduce the variability in yield produced under rainfed conditions across different environments. This research was aimed to understand the differences in growth, development and yield of two cotton cultivars in a narrow row system under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Experiments were conducted during 2010-11 under rainfed and irrigated conditions at the Research Station of INTA Reconquista, Santa Fe (29º11´S, 59º42’W) and INTA Las Brenas, Chaco (27º05´S, 61º06’W). The annual rainfall and its distribution, temperatures, evaporative demand and soil types differ between both cotton regions. The experimental design in each location was a split plot design with four replications: two genotypes (NuOpal and DP402) with two moisture levels (rainfed and irrigated). The results indicated differences between genotypes in terms of days to crop maturity. Earliness was found for DP402 for both locations compared with NuOpal. However, no significant differences in terms of phenology were found between rainfed and irrigated conditions due the amount of soil water content available from rainfall for the plant in both systems. Dry matter production and partitioning to reproductive organs was affected by genotypes and moisture levels. DP402 with shorter vegetative and reproductive stages produced significant differences in dry matter between moisture levels than NuOpal with later maturity. Percentage of fruit retention increased by maturity in DP402 compared with NuOpal under both rainfed and irrigated conditions, although NuOpal produced higher number of nodes and fruiting sites but higher fruit abortion in the lower part of the plant. INTRODUCTION Narrow-row cotton has become popular in Argentina in the last few years reaching about 90% of the national sowing area. By reducing distance between rows and increasing plant population, plants became smaller and harvested with stripper machines reducing harvesting costs compared with previous traditional cotton systems. Cotton is mainly cultivated under dryland conditions as a low input crop which is challenging and risky. However, irrigation practices can improve the current genotypes performances and may reduce the variability in yield. Changing row spacing and plant population has been used to increase yield in many other crops. By changing the spacing between plants, competition for light, water and nutrients is altered, which can change fruit number and retention per plant and the size of the plant (Bednarz, 2000). Due to the influence of environmental conditions on plant growth and development, specific row spacing and population recommendations for crops may vary. The optimum plant population for any crop is the population that maximizes yield while optimising resource use (Willey and Heath, 1969). Nowadays, Argentinean cotton farmers are mainly using 52 cm as row spacing and 220,000 plants per hectare. Whether this population is optimal or not to produce high yielding cotton with current Bt varieties is focus of numerous studies. Boll retention and distribution within a plant play an important role in determining final yield, and are linked to the allocation of assimilate produced during vegetative growth by the plant. If the availability of assimilate is adequate to support the developing bolls, then the bolls will be retained (Constable, 1991; Jenkins et al., 1990a). However, if the demand from growing bolls exceeds the assimilate supply, the retention of bolls will decline as a result of an increase in the boll shedding (Guinn, 1998; Mason, 1922). 310 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity Most of the time, research has been done comparing different crop configuration, while in this work the aim was to maintain the same configuration and vary the inputs of water to increase source availability for maximizing cotton yield, using two different genotypes and two growing environmental conditions. Increased resource availability by irrigation may reduce the variability in yield produced under rainfed conditions across these different environments. This research was aimed to understand the differences in growth, development and yield of two cotton cultivars in narrow row systems under rainfed and irrigated conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS Experiments were conducted during 2010-11 under rainfed and irrigated conditions at the Research Station of INTA Reconquista, Santa Fe (29º11´S, 59º42’W) and INTA Las Brenas, Chaco (27º05´S, 61º06’W), Argentina. The experimental design in each location was a split plot design with four replications: two cultivars (NuOpal and DP402) were sown at a spacing of 0.52 m between rows having 11 plants per meter. Two soil moisture treatments (irrigated and rainfed) were compared. In both the locations, irrigated plots received three irrigations at the time of flowering (about 90 mm in Las Brenas and 60 mm in Reconquista) besudes water from rainfall. Neutron moisture meter measurements were used to monitor soil moisture content (0-150 cm depth). Harvests for total biomass, biomass partitioning, radiation interception and yield, as well as mapping, were done at various developmental stages throughout the season. Meteorological conditions were recorded during the season. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The annual rainfall and its distribution, temperatures, evaporative demand and soil types differ between both cotton regions. Wetter conditions were found at Reconquista, Santa Fe compared with Las Brenas, Chaco. Differences between cultivars were observed in terms of days to crop maturity. Earliness was found for DP402 for both locations compared with NuOpal. However, no significant differences in terms of phenology were found between rainfed and irrigated conditions due the amount of soil water content available from rainfall for the plant in both systems. Dry matter production and partitioning to reproductive organs was affected by genotypes and moisture levels. DP402 with shorter vegetative and reproductive stages produced significant differences in dry matter production between moisture levels than NuOpal with later maturity. In both locations, similar responses were found in terms of dry matter production and partitioning to reproductive organs. Lower solar radiation interception was found in the lower part of the canopy in NuOpal. Possibly, the greater vegetative growth in NuOpal may have contributed to reduced boll growth and shedding of flowers and young bolls lower in the canopy due to poor light infiltration. Percentage of fruit retention in first fruit positions on the main stem increased by maturity in DP402 compared with NuOpal under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. NuOpal produced higher number fruits abortions in the lower part of the plant. It is likely that solar radiation and photosynthesis in low position fruiting sites become a limitation, with a bigger plant and complete canopy closure resulting in fruit abortions and decrease in the yield potential in conventional cropping systems (Constable and Rawson, 1980b; Wullschleger and Oosterhuis, 1990a; 1990b). The longer period to maturity in NuOpal may compensate after reproductive organs in the first few positions were aborted, with higher number of nodes and fruiting sites on lateral and upper part of the canopy, increasing final cotton yield in a wet season for both locations. However, DP402 with shorter vegetative and reproductive period produced higher seed cotton yields than NuOpal (Table 1) in both locations, with a better crop performance under narrow row systems in a subtropical environment with humid crop season. Cotton Genotypes Performance under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions in two Regions of Northern Argentina 311 TABLE 1: SEED COTTON YIELD (KG*HA-1) FOR TWO GENOTYPES UNDER RAINFED AND IRRIGATED CONDITIONS FOR TWO LOCATIONS IN NORTH ARGENTINA Location: Reconquista, Seed Cotton yield (kg*ha-1) Santa Fe NuOpal-I 3.298 NuOpal-RF 3.045 DP402-I 3.788 DP402-RF 3.540 Significance * I: Irrigated treatment RF: Rainfed treatment *Significance (P 0.05) Location: Las Brenas, Chaco Seed Cotton yield (kg*ha-1) NuOpal-I NuOpal-RF DP402-I DP402-RF 2.160 2.156 3.231 3.340 * REFERENCES [1] Bednarz, C.W., Bridges, D.C. and Brown, S.M. (2000) - Analysis of cotton yield stability across population densities. Agronomy Journal 92, 128-135. [2] Constable, G.A. and Rawson, H.M. (1980b) - Carbon production and utilization in cotton - inferences from a carbon budget. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 7: 539-553. [3] Constable, G.A. (1991) - Mapping the Production and Survival of Fruit on Field-Grown Cotton. Agronomy Journal 83: 374-378. [4] Guinn, G. (1998) - Causes of square and boll shedding. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, pp. 1355–1364. [5] Jenkins, J.N., McCarty, J.C. and Parrott, W.L. (1990) - Effectiveness of fruiting sites in cotton - yield. Crop Science 30: 365-369. [6] Mason, T.G. (1922) - Growth and abscission in Sea Island cotton. Annals of Botany 36: 457-484. [7] Willey, R. and Heath, S. (1969) - The quantitative relationship between plant population and crop yield. Advances in Agronomy 21: 281-321. [8] Wullschleger, S.D. and Oosterhuis, D.M. (1990a) - Photosynthetic and respiratory activity of fruiting forms within the cotton canopy. Plant Physiology 94: 463-469. [9] Wullschleger, S.D. and Oosterhuis, D.M. (1990b) - Photosynthetic carbon production and use by developing cotton leaves and bolls. Crop Science 30: 1259-1264. 54 The Adaptation of Irrigated Cotton to the Tropical Dry Season S.J. Yeates1,2 1 Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO–Plant Industry, Ayr, Qld, Australia 2 The Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre Abstract—The reintroduction of cotton to most of the Australian tropics was prevented by insect pests that are dominant during the wet (summer) season and a perception that the crop could only be grown in the wet season. Growing cotton during the dry (winter) season has avoided these pests. However the photothermal pattern of the dry season is the reverse of the wet season and that of spring sown cotton in temperate latitudes. Average night temperatures are cool mid season (12 to 14 oC) with extremes < 6 oC and high temperatures are likely early and late in the season. Solar radiation is 20% less than at temperate latitudes mid season and could also limit crop growth. It was not known what yield or fibre quality was possible. Over three seasons two upland Bt-transgenic cultivars and one Gossypium barbadense cultivar were sown from March to June in field experiments at the Ord River (15.5oS). A pot experiment conducted at Katherine, (14.5oS) over two seasons where average ambient minimum temperatures were 4oC lower than the field experiments during flowering were compared with temperatures 6 oC higher by moving plants into a glasshouse at night. Despite the photothemal constraints, lint yields were at the high end of Australian and international benchmarks when sown in March and April. The lower temperature and radiation during flowering and early boll growth for the March and April sowings combined to reduce the crop growth rate during this phase compared with cotton grown at temperate latitudes. However, assimilate supply was adequate because boll demand was also lower at this time due to early flowers having slower development, lower retention and smaller bolls. Increasing late season temperature and radiation permitted yield compensation via an extended flowering period and a greater contribution to yield from later pollinated flowers on the top and outside of the plant. The Katherine experiment found boll retention and size was correlated (p < 0.01) with minimum temperature during flowering. Full yield recovery occurred because cold minimums were episodic. RUE was negatively correlated with average temperature up to first flower a response not reported previously in cotton and explained some of variation in RUE measured here and elsewhere. Cool temperatures during fibre development reduced fibre length and strength at March and April sowings. Further screening may identify cultivars with suitable fibre length and strength in these conditions. Introduction There have been many attempts to grow cotton in the Australian semi-arid tropics (SAT). The region is vast, approximately 30% of the Australian continent, and largely unutilised for cropping of any species. The region contains about 66 drainage basins or river catchments; these account for around 60% of Australia’s surface water runoff, with significant ground water and arable soils (NLWRA 2001). The only significant commercial production of cotton in the region occurred at the Ord River between 1963 and 1974. Cotton was grown during the wet season (November to April) with irrigation supplementing rainfall to finish the crop early in the dry season (April to June) (Hearn, 1975). Despite yields similar to south-eastern Australia during the same period, cotton production became uneconomic due to poor fibre quality and resistance of Helicoverpa armigera to insecticides, which resulted in excessive pesticide usage (Hearn, 1975). The reintroduction of cotton to the Australian SAT is being assessed via a multidisciplinary study that evaluates a novel production system designed to avoid the pest management problems of the previous cotton industry. The new system involves dry season cropping to avoid peak numbers of the key pests Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa punctigera, Spodoptera litura, Pectinophora gossypiella and Anomis spp., which characterise the wet season, and incorporates Integrated Pest Management and Bt transgenic genotypes (Strickland et al.,, 1998). A comparison of the proposed system with the previous wet season system is shown in Table 1. Sowing of cotton crops from March 1st is desirable in the Ord River and much of the Australian SAT as they flower during the cooler months of May to August avoiding key insect pests (Strickland et al.,, 1998 & 2003). Once the first field is sown in a valley all Genetic Diversity Analysis in Cotton Germplasm 313 cotton must be sown within five weeks of that date to minimise the number of generations of Helicoverpa armigeria exposed to Bt proteins (Monsanto and Cotton Australia, 2010). Pest management research to date demonstrates effective insect management was achieved by adopting this system, requiring only 3.5 insecticide sprays per crop (Strickland et al.,, 1998; Annells and Strickland, 2003) compared with 40 for the 1970’s industry (Hearn, 1975). TABLE 1: KEY ELEMENTS OF A NOVEL COTTON PRODUCTION SYSTEM FOR THE ORIA CONTRASTED WITH THE PREVIOUSLY UNSUCCESSFUL SYSTEM OF THE 1970S (ADAPTED FROM STRICKLAND ET AL., 1998) 1970s Industry Wet season planting window that was long – November to February. Flowering from wet season (February) to early dry season (May). Conventional cultivars Broad spectrum insecticides No pesticide resistance management New Industry Dry season (winter) cropping, with a narrow planting window (5 weeks) in March – April. Flowering in low pest months of May to August. Bt transgenic cultivars IPM systems Pre-emptive Bt resistance management The key agronomic change in this proposed production system is the requirement for a five week planting window that can commence on March 1st. Hence it is pertinent to ask why sowing after February was not practiced previously in the Ord? Firstly, there was a perception that cotton growth and development during the coldest months of May-August would be poor, delaying boll set until temperatures increased and pushing harvest into the wet season. Results and recommendations on sowing date were contradictory (Toms, 1963; Stern, 1965; Thomson, 1965; Hearn, 1975) prompting the conclusion ‘the possibility of March sowings warrants further investigation’ (Thomson, 1965). Secondly, larger modern pickers combined with all weather storage of seed cotton are now available and reduce the possibility of a long harvest and ginning season and UV light damage to fibre that occurred in the 1970’s (Hearn, 1975). Thirdly, prior to 1972, water storage capacity was insufficient to irrigate large areas of a fully irrigated dry season crop but the irrigation system capacity is now expanded. Growing cotton in the dry season creates new challenges for crop growth and the timing of farming operations. A possible growing season of sowing in April, when trafficability is least affected by wet season rain, then picking in October is the reverse of temperate Australia in terms of temperature and daylength where cotton is usually sown in October and picked in April. Figure 1 compares the dry season in the ORIA (Kununurra, 15oS) with temperate summer cotton at Narrabri, NSW (30oS), for monthly rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature and solar radiation. Growing season rainfall is much less at Kununurra (Fig. 1A), although rainfall prior to sowing is higher and may cause difficulties with land preparation and sowing operations. It will be important to pick promptly at Kununurra as rainfall increases significantly each month after October. Monthly temperatures (Fig. 1B) are higher early and late in the season, while mid season minimum temperatures are cooler averaging 14oC with extremes below 10oC (Cook and Russell, 1983) which could be problematic for fibre quality and boll growth (Gipson and Ray 1970; Hearn 1994) and would delay crop development (Constable and Shaw, 1988). High temperatures during September and October could also be detrimental to boll growth (Hearn, 1994), but should enhance boll desiccation and improve defoliant efficacy. Potential daily photosynthesis is lower during flowering and boll growth at Kununurra because daily radiation is about 80% of Narrabri during this phase (Fig. 1C) (Hearn, 1994). However, it is not known whether reduced daily radiation will translate into lower yields as cooler temperatures may compensate via slower development rate and less night respiration 314 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity A Mean monthly rainfall (mm) 200 180 160 140 Pick Plant 120 100 80 60 40 20 Ju l/J an Au g/ Fe b Se p/ M ar O ct /A pr N ov /M ay D ec /J un Ja n/ Ju l Fe b/ Au g M ar /S ep Ap r/O ct M ay /N ov Ju n/ D ec 0 B Mean Monthly Temperature (oC) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 1st quare 1st Flo wer Cut Out 1st Open B o ll 5 0 Apr/Oct May/Nov Jun/Dec Jul/Jan Aug/Feb Sep/Mar Oct/Apr C 26 Mean Monthly Solar Radiation (MJ/m2/day) M aturity 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Apr/Oct May/Nov Jun/Dec Jul/Jan Aug/Feb Sep/Mar Oct/Apr Fig. 1: Climatic Comparison the Proposed Tropical Dry or Winter Growing Season in the Ord River (April to October) and the Temperate Summer Growing Season at Narrabri 30oS (October to April) A) Mean Monthly Rainfall; B) Average Monthly Temperatures, with Possible Development States Shown for the Ord River Based on Degree day Sums (Constable and Shaw 1988); C) mean daily Radiation for each Month. Where − Narrabri, --- Ord River. There is very little literature reporting cotton grown during the dry season in the SAT worldwide. Cotton is known to be grown during the dry season in several tropical regions, such as eastern Asia, Central America, Colombia, Sudan, and Malawi. In most cases production is near the coast or large lakes where temperature extremes are minimised and these countries have lower economic yield expectations than Australia (Hearn, 1995). Hence, there is a need to develop and evaluate the dry season production system outlined in Table 1, as a prerequisite to assessing the feasibility of reintroducing cotton into the Australian SAT. The Ord River is suitable for this evaluation as it is one of the few valleys north of 21oS developed for irrigation and expansion of the cropping area was planned for the near future (Yeates, 2001; Yeates et al., 2002a). While insect management and crop husbandry research was being conducted separately to this research (Strickland et al., 1998; Annells and Strickland 2003; Yeates et al., 2002b), the research reported here addresses the following important crop adaptation issues relevant to dry season cotton production: Genetic Diversity Analysis in Cotton Germplasm • • • 315 Does the photothermal regime of the tropical dry season affect crop development or limit the conversion of radiation to dry matter and its partitioning. What yield and quality is possible using modern genotypes and management given the potential limitations of temperature and radiation in the dry season? What is the optimum sowing window for yield and quality given sowing must commence after March 1 to avoid insect pests and there must be sufficient time to pick by before the start of the wet season? MATERIALS AND METHODS The research described here integrates four papers (Yeates et al., 2010a,b,c and Yeates et al., 2011) and some previously unpublished research into one document. Field Experiments Sowing date by cultivar experiments conducted over three seasons at the Frank Wise Institute, 13 km NW of Kununurra WA, Australia (15o39’S, 128o43’E) in the Ord River Irrigation Area were used to collect relevant data. These experiments are described in detail in Yeates et al., (2010a). To summarise, the Gossypium barbadense cultivar Pima S7 was compared with two Bt transgenic Gossypium hirsutum (upland) cultivars: Siokra L23i and Sicot 50i (producing the Monsanto Cry1Ac protein). In the first season, the non Bt transgenic equivalent of the upland cultivars (Siokra L23 and CS50) were sown. Where data are combined for the three seasons these cultivars are referred to as L23 and S50. In each of the 3 seasons these cultivars were sown on 4 occasions (main plots): 27 to 29 March, 21 to 29 April, 15 to 23 May and 9 to 14 June; there were 4 replications. The experiments were furrow-irrigated. The crop was sowing a at 90 cm row spacing on wide beds accommodating two rows per bed. Plots were 6 rows wide and 20m in length. Rows were in an east – west direction. Boll period was measured by tagging 30 recently pollinated (white or pink) first position flowers in each plot on 3 occasions with the date and node number recorded, which represented the flowers on lower, middle and upper part of the main-stem. The date of tagging was identified by different coloured tags Bolls were hand picked on alternate days, the number of bolls and date picked was recorded and the boll period calculated as the time from tagging to the median open day. Seed cotton was machine harvested from 13m of a centre row of each plot. Above ground biomass from 1m2 from each plot was partitioned into stems, leaves, squares, flowers and bolls prior to drying at 80oC for 3 – 4 days in a fan forced oven. Biomass was partitioned at early squaring, at first flower, at approximately 30 and 60 days after first flower and when approximately 60% of the bolls were open. The final biomass sampling was made prior to chemical defoliation. The measurement of RUE was described in detail in Yeates et al., (2010b). To determine the effect of temperature on RUE, the average RUE calculated for the different growth phases for each sowing month of each variety was plotted against the average minimum, maximum and mean temperature for the duration of the growth phase. Biomass was converted to a glucose equivalent using the method of Wall et al. (1994). Pot Experiment The experiments were located at the Katherine Research Station, 4 km east of Katherine (14o28' S, 132o18' E), Northern Territory, Australia (see Yeates et al., 2011, for more details). Due to greater distance from the ocean Katherine has a greater probability of cooler dry season minimums than the Ord River, with similar maximum temperatures, photoperiod and monthly radiation (Cook and Russell, 1983). Minimum temperature was manipulated by protecting plants in a glasshouse at night during flowering (‘warm’ plants) and comparing these with plants grown at ambient temperatures at night (‘cool’ plants). Glasshouse temperatures were maintained approximately 5oC above ambient to ensure similar daily variation in minimum temperature to plants grown at ambient temperatures. The only 316 World Cotton Research Conference on Technologies for Prosperity exceptions were when ambient temperatures were < 6oC, on these nights glasshouse temperatures were not permitted to fall below 10.3oC and when ambient temperatures were warm, glasshouse minimum temperatures did not exceed 24oC. The experiment was run over two seasons with sowing occurring in late April. To ensure plants were exposed to the same minimum temperatures prior to flowering all plants were grown outside until 6 and 7 days prior to first flower in 2003 and 2004 respectively. When the temperature treatments commenced the warm night plants were moved inside at night for the next 60 and 53 days in 2003 and 2004 respectively; that is at least 15 days after flowering was completed. Results and Discussion Lint Yield For the field experiments Lint yields exceeded 2000 kg/ha when sowing occurred during March and April for the upland cultivars (Fig. 2). For Pima S7 sowing in March produced the highest lint yields which were approximately 1800 kg/ha. Yields declined rapidly when sown after mid May. Despite the photothermal limitations described above these lint yields were at worst in line with recent Australian commercial irrigated yields (ABS 2006) and commonly reported research yields for irrigated cotton in temperate Australia and the USA, where lint yield was inflated by laboratory ginning, (e.g. Fritschi et al., 2003; Hutmacher et al., 2004; Bange and Milroy, 2004) and at the top of international averages elsewhere (ICAC 2002). The lower yield of the Gossypium barbadense cultivar Pima S7 compared to the Gossypium hirsutum cultivars was consistent with research and commercial experience with this species from temperate regions (Fritschi et al., 2003). Hence sowing in March or April of either species should meet current commercial expectations if repeated reliably on a larger scale, provided fibre quality standards are achieved. Moreover sowing before May would ensure picking could occur before the onset of the wet season (Yeates et al., 2010a). Lint Yield (kg/ha) 2500 2000 1500 1000 Upland 500 Pima S7 0 27 to 29 March 21 to 29 April 15 to 23 May 9 to 14 June sowing Date Fig 2: The Effect of Sowing Date on Average Lint Yield for Three Seasons for Upland Varieties and Pima S7. Bars show Range of Yields. Adapted from Yeates et al. 2010a. How were Yields Achieved? Final crop biomass did not limit yield. For the highest yielding March and April sowings final crop biomass was mostly > 1000 g /m2 (Fig 3). This was similar to the maximum values reported for irrigated cotton in temperate Australia (Sadras 1996; Bange and Milroy 2004) and the USA (Fritschi et al., 2003). These biomasses were also 25 to 60 % higher than for dry season cotton but similar to wet season cotton grown in the 1960’s at this location (Stern, 1965; Thomson, 1965).