Press here for Term 2, 2016 Newsletter
Press here for Term 2, 2016 Newsletter
Moorleigh Community Village, Room S2, Robert Flavell Wing, 92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East 3165 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 143, East Bentleigh Vic 3165 Phone: 9563-‐‑7621 Email : Website: Photo by Annette Bando Congratulations and thank you to everyone who had a part in making this year’s GECAG Art Exhibition ‘Art and Soul’ such a great success!! 1 Art and Soul The opening night of our annual exhibition is the main event on our art group’s calendar and it was enjoyed by a large crowd, consisting of GECAG members, their family and friends, plus special guests and members of the public, who gathered to view sixty-‐five paintings by thirty-‐nine of our artists. Once again, Diane Soumilas, the curator of the Glen Eira Council Gallery, had assisted Margarita Riaikkenen and I to arrange the works by taking the size, colour, subject matter and framing of the paintings into account, so that each was displayed to its full advantage. To exhibit in a professional setting is a wonderful opportunity and the chance to sell works without having to pay a commission is an added bonus. However, above these benefits to the exhibitors is the even greater opportunity the show gives our members and that is for them to come together; as the majority mainly have contact with those who attend their particular class at our Moorleigh studio. Our show was officially opened by the Mayor of the City of Glen Eira, Councillor Neil Pilling, who also presented Certificates of Commendation to the children who had entered a piece. They were also given a block of chocolate, which was thoughtfully provided by their tutor Chris Tsianakas. During preparations, Diane Soumalis commented to Margarita and I that the wall of children’s art always receives a great deal of interest and favourable comments from visitors. Regina Hona, our judge for this year, was very impressed with the standard of their work. The children’s section is a testament to Chris Tsianakas, who works enthusiastically towards developing the skills of her students. So, congratulations to Evie Gallo, Thomas Hogan, Amelia Jones-‐Denholm, Nina McCann, Estella Murphy, Maddy Warner and Zoe Waters. Many members contributed their time and effort to successfully bring the exhibition together. Thank you to Margarita Riaikkenen, our art shows 2 coordinator, who keeps everything on track with commendable patience, a philosophical outlook and the skills of a diplomat. We would like to thank our lovely secretary Dianne Posthuma, without whose assistance we would be lost. Danielle Robertson kindly gave her time to assist Regina Hona as she judged the paintings. Also, thank you Danielle and Jack Meyer for working with such determination to secure our sponsors. This year we were fortunate to be sponsored by Moorabbin Picture Framing, Hampton Art Supplies, The Local Framing Studio, Seniors Art Supplies, Melbourne Art Supplies and Nick Staikos, Member for Bentleigh. We successfully applied for and received a grant from the Glen Eira City Council, which enabled us to pay the gallery fee. We are very grateful to the members of the committee and general members for contributing to the catering on opening night and for volunteering their time to mind the exhibition. Thank you to the tutors who included examples of their work to help promote our art group: Manwel Cassar, Vicki McInnes, Chrisoula Tsianakas and Maxine Wade. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Paul McDonald Smith, Danielle Robertson and Craig Penny –our tutors are our artistic guides and mentors. Our volunteer photographer, Mario Mirabile, did a brilliant job of capturing our awardees. Thank you so much for your work. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to making our exhibition for 2016 such a success. Julie Williams Assistant Art Show Coordinator *********************** Correction In last term’s article about the MIFGS, I mistakenly referred to Mike Lloyd’s wife Jennifer as a former member of the art group, when in fact she is still a member. I sincerely apologise for this error. Julie Williams 3 The GECAG Annual Art Exhibition “Art and Soul’ Results of competition Judged by Regina Hona A copy of all results & Judges comments is at the GECAG Studio Oil Category Acrylic Category Commended and Highly Commended Oil: H ighly Commended Acrylic: Joe’s Grenwich Village and H elena Arnond – Bird Talk Boston D oor – Annette Bando Best Acrylic: The Call of the Sea – Julie W illiam s Best Oil: Flowers in Vase – Rae Zilberman 4 Watercolour Category Pastel Category Com m ended W atercolour: Com m ended Pastel: Still Life – Jan Gooding A Girl from the M entone Beach – H ighly Commended W atercolour: M argarita R iaikkenen H ighly Commended Pastel: Cats on the Beach – Barbara Lockley Best W atercolour: Purple Rose by M argaret Johnston Best Pastel: The Agata Lelek M emorial Award The Beachcombers – Julie W illiam s Cornflowers – Susan Callil 5 Other Medium Category Encouragement Award Com m ended Other M edium Category: Splash of Poppies – Bella Grebler (with Judge – Regina H ona) Best in Show D avid Gulpilil - Jennifer Esplin Best Other M edium: Quinces & Pears – M argaret H olloway Judges Com m entary – ‘A fresh modern and unusual composition with excellent use of complimentary colours’ Einstein – Rae Zilberman Congratulations M argaret M argaret received the $500 Acquisitive Prize from N ick Staikos for ‘Best in Show’. 6 7 8 People’s Choice Award for 2016 Art and Soul Exhibition “I don’t pretend to know much about art but I know what pleases.” New York Times-‐‑28th May 1880 “Look! I’m the bloody pope, I am! May not know much about art, but I know what I like!’ Pope to Michelangelo from “The Penultimate Supper” written by Monty Python members John Cleese and Graham Chapman-‐‑ first performed 1976 “I have some knowledge of art but I know my vote for the People’s Choice Award will be consciously or unconsciously subjective.” This is a quotation from a member of Glen Eira Cheltenham Art Group who wishes to remain anonymous-‐‑14th April. 2016 Whatever an individual’s reason for choosing their favourite work from an exhibition, when it comes to voting it is the collective result that counts. With so many works of a high standard to choose from, the visitors to this year’s exhibition were spoiled for choice and voted with enthusiasm. This was reflected in the increased number of votes-‐‑ 59 more than last year. Imogen Williams from the Wednesday Children’s class was given the job of counting the voting slips. The count was scrupulously scrutineered by Ross Williams as each slip was taken from the ballot box in turn and placed by itself as a solitary vote or added to a growing pile. The voting was close between the 5th and 2nd placing, with “View of Tuscan Villa” by Rina Huberman in 5th spot, “The Call of the Sea” by Julie Williams in 4th, “Joe’s Greenwich Village” by Annette Bando and “A Girl from the Mentone Beach” by Margarita Riaikkenen tied for equal 2nd place. 9 However, the runaway winner of the people’s Choice award for 2016 was the very beautiful oil painting “Last Light” by Margaret Holloway. Congratulations Margaret! Julie Williams Assistant Art Show Coordinator Thank you to everyone who donated wine, champagne and food for our Opening Night at the Gallery. We are very grateful for all your donations and your time and efforts to purchase, prepare and drop them off at the different times allocated. Thank you to Rae who organised the food on the night and all our helpers. 10 Art Work Presentation Congratulations to all our members who participated in two highly prized shows by Glen Eira Cheltenham Art Group this year. The effort of our community resulted in two very successful events: our group’s exhibit at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show and “Art and Soul” exhibition at the Glen Eira Town Hall gallery. We celebrate our success while simultaneously looking for ways to improve. According to our judge Regina Hona, we need to always keep in mind the artwork’s presentation, or the way we frame our work. Regina advises that it is very important that artwork is framed in a way which suits the work, as it helps to present it in a manner that is most flattering. As a judge, she certainly pays attention if harmonious unity between the work and the presentation has been reached. As we are presenting our group’s artworks in highly acclaimed professional spaces there are also technical requirements for the framing. All artworks must be suitably framed, fitted with wire with two centimeters of slack to allow for hanging. Preferably the highest point of stretched wire (if as we put it on a hanger or nail in a wall) should be 50-70mm below the top edge of the frame. Hanging cords made of anything other than wire are unacceptable. Because of the Gallery’s hanging technique ALL frames MUST BE fitted with “D CLIPS”. If you would like to exhibit an unframed oil or acrylic painting, make sure that you have painted all the edges. We would like to complement our members for bringing to the exhibition their precious works in suitable padded and named carry bags. It certainly improves safety of the art works and the framing. In particular, for the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, it helps us, the members of the committee and our volunteers, to safely deliver your work to the Exhibition Centre and back. Hopefully this information will be of assistance to you in preparing for our art shows. See you at our next year’s exhibitions. Margarita Riaikkenen GECAG’s Art Shows Coordinator 11 FOUND Good quality brushes found in studio. If you are missing any brushes please contact our secretary as below. FOR SALE Form er m em ber would like to sell a few items Used Frames – from $10 - $25 Well-used portable Artist Easel & brushes $ 60 (neg.) COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED Our Committee needs more members to help carry on the fabulous work that has been done over the years to keep our group running smoothly. If you have some spare time and would like to join our committee and come along to our meetings each month, then please join us. It would be good to have two representatives from each class on the committee so there would be a good mix of people putting forward ideas and making decisions. At the end of the year we hold our AGM and some roles will need to be filled. Chat to your classmates and nominate a representative. We would love to have you on board. For further information on any the above please email Dianne at or phone us on – 9563 7621 12 Tuesday Evening Class - Paul McDonald Smith Term 2 has flown by for the Tuesday evening class with more great results on the easels for everyone! We were thrilled with class member Rae Zilberman's success at the annual GECAG Art Exhibition, winning the award for Best Oil and the award for Best Other Medium. Congratulations from all of us Rae - well deserved. We were also pleased to welcome Maria Lazzaro to the fold and hope she will enjoy her involvement with the group. We were all sorry to hear of Jo Murray's recent fall and we wish her a very speedy recovery and return to the class. Looking forward to Term 3. Term 3 Monday 11th July to Saturday 9th September Term 4 Monday 3rd October to Saturday 2nd December Term 3 July 23, 30 August 6, 13, 20, 27 Sept 3 Term 4 October 15, 22, 29 November 5, 12 19, 26 13 Many thanks to the following sponsors for their generous donations to the GECAG Annual Art Exhibition -‐ ‘Art & Soul’ in 2016 Nick Staikos – Member for Bentleigh – Acquisitive Prize $500 457 South Road, Moorabbin 9555 2927 Senior Art Fine Art Supplies, 1310 Malvern Road, Malvern, 3144 -‐‑ 9804 3404 Hampton East Store, 916 Nepean Highway, Hampton East -‐‑ 9553 3663 1/556-‐‑558 North Road, Ormond VIC 3204 -‐‑ 9576 8822 14/427-‐‑455 Hampton Street, Hampton -‐‑ 95983077 14