Peer Mentor Contacts - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


Peer Mentor Contacts - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Dear Incoming First Year Medical Students,
Welcome to Robert Wood Johnson Medical School! On behalf of the class of 2015 and
the RWJMS Deans, faculty, and staff, the Peer Mentor program would like to congratulate
you and welcome you to the class of 2016. Your upcoming weeks will be packed and
exciting, and you will have many new experiences and meet a variety of people. The Peer
Mentor Program is here to make your transition to medical school as comfortable and
smooth as possible.
The Peer Mentors are here to support you and assist you throughout the year. We will be
able to offer advice on how to navigate through your first year of medical school, whether
it is related to classes, studying, books, extracurricular activities, professors, etc. The
Peer Mentor Program consists of 24 friendly and involved second year medical students
coming from a variety of backgrounds with diverse interests. Throughout the year, the
Peer Mentors will be available to provide advice and assistance, and we encourage you
to contact us! Having gone through the transition, the Peer Mentors understand the
importance of maintaining balance in your life and how difficult it can be to do so, and we
would be more than happy to help you find and maintain this balance.
During orientation week, you will have the opportunity to get to know two of the Peer
Mentors and the students in your orientation group very well, and you will be seeing these
people throughout the year. You will also have chances to meet many, if not most, of your
classmates throughout the week through various activities. Orientation week is a great
opportunity to explore everything that the RWJMS community consists of, and it will surely
be an exciting and interesting experience. Throughout the week and throughout the year,
whether you need advice, are concerned about something, or are simply interested in
learning more about the school, your Peer Mentors are there for you.
The following pages consist of the profiles of the 24 Peer Mentors in the 2012-2013 Peer
Mentor Program. Feel free to contact any of us at any point during the year.
Once again, congratulations and welcome to Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. We
cannot wait to meet you!
The Peer Mentor Program Co-directors
Bahareh Shanehsaz and Justin Cirone
Eitan Kohan
• Hometown? South
Orange, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Rutgers University
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I do most of my
reading in the bathroom
(also how I stay sane).
Advice for incoming M1's? Get
involved with school activities, but
don't stretch yourself too thin that
you are stressing yourself out too
much. Keeping yourself sane is the
most important part to doing well
in medical school.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? I am a sports junkie. I play
just about any sport (some better
than others), and I am always
willing to head to the park or gym
to do something active (my way of
staying sane).
Best memory of your first year?
Being able to relax with friends at
the postblocks - exams are done
and we could all finally unwind.
Lisa Gabor
• Hometown? Woodcliff Lake, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? George
Washington University (class of
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I once sent a slinky
down the "exorcist steps" in
Georgetown and down the
steps of the Lincoln Memorial
(in Washington, DC).
Advice for incoming M1's? Don't lose
sight of what makes you YOU,
whether that means playing a sport,
participating in a music ensemble,
staying in touch with friends and
family, or taking time out to be by
yourself. You'll not only stay
grounded, but you'll be happier.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? I play in an orchestra at
Rutgers. I also really love when my
friends get together for dinner and
board games... it's always a good
Best memory of your first year? A lot
of my friends went on the January
ski trip this year. It was a blast!
Jason Breig
• Hometown? Cherry Hill, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
University of Notre Dame
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I really hate
interesting facts….now isn’t
that interesting
• Advice for incoming M1's?
Do Not Buy All The Books!
Get involved early!
• Favorite thing to do
outside of school? Playing
tennis with other med
students! Planning trips to
NYC, AC, Philly, Hoboken,
the Shore, etc…..
• Best memory of your first
year? Halloween Party and
Ski Trip
Megha Rajpal
• Hometown? North
Brunswick, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Rutgers! WOOHOOO!
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I was born and
raised in India and moved
to the US at the age of 14
Advice for incoming M1's? Enjoy your
first year because it will fly right by.
But also make sure to stay on top of
your work starting day 1 so you can
relax on weekends and not have to
cram for exams.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Watch TV until I get sleepy
and then sleep until I am too tired of
sleeping. This didn’t happen very
much during the first year, but I am
looking forward to it during the
Best memory of your first year? Late
nights studying at school. It sounds
lame, but I really met some amazing
people to share my misery with and
absolute delusional behavior at 3am
made it a bit more exciting!
David Goldberg
Hometown? I am from Cherry
Hill, New Jersey, just over the
Benjamin Franklin Bridge from
Where you went to undergrad/grad
school? I attended Lehigh
University in Bethlehem, PA for my
undergraduate education. I then
came straight to RWJMS.
One interesting fact about
yourself? During the summer of
2010 I watched the World Cup live
with hundreds of other people
while at the World Expo
in Shanghai, China.
Advice for incoming M1's? Do not
buy any textbooks until at least
Orientation Week. Your Peer
Mentors will give you valuable
advice on what books you should
and should not purchase.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? I enjoy playing volleyball
any time I can, especially at the
nearby Rutgers beach volleyball
Best memory of your first year? I
loved my Orientation Group, and
putting on our skit during Game
Night is something I will always
Ali Sarokhan
• Hometown? Basking Ridge, NJ
• Where you went to undergrad/grad
school? Bowdoin College in
Brunswick, ME
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I've completed 4
triathlons and I am currently
signed up to do the Tough Mudder
in October with a group of other
RWJMS students.
• Advice for incoming
M1's? Keep a balanced
• Favorite thing to do
outside of school?
• Best memory of your
first year? Paying my
respects to families at
the Anatomy Memorial
Kevin Parks
• Hometown? South Toms
River, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? A.S. Ocean County College, Toms
River, NJ; B.A. - Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I am a veteran of
the U.S. Army, 101st Airborne.
Advice for incoming M1's? You
can do this! Trust in yourself,
get a good study group, and
remember the school and
faculty are here to help you
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? I love going to sporting
events in the area, and I never
miss a Red Bulls match.
Best memory of your first year?
The night before our CardioPulm exam, I proposed to my
girlfriend of five years. After she
said yes, I had one of the best
exams of my life.
Lessley Chiriboga
Hometown? Hightstown, NJ
Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? Rutgers
University in New
One interesting fact about
yourself? You might see I go
through stages of short and long
hair. What you might not know
is that I donate my hair to a
national charity to help cancer
patients. I've been doing this
since high school and it's
something small but meaningful
to me.
Advice for incoming M1's? You're never
alone. Whether it's the need to study
or the desire to go out, there is
someone else who wants to do the
same. Get to know all your
classmates and you'll see there are
more people than you think who have
the same interests you do.
Favorite thing to do outside of school?
I like to go and visit my family when I
can. I absolutely love food so I like
trying new places and enjoying those
moments with friends.
Best memory of your first year? Does
orientation count? It was a great time
to meet people and places and just a
blast overall! If it has to be during the
school year, then I have to say it was
the Halloween party. It was after an
exam and everyone had fantastic
costumes and an amazing time.
Justin Cirone
Hometown? Stanhope, NJ
Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? East
Stroudsburg University of
One interesting fact about
yourself? I genuinely believe that
button down shirts and dress
pants are far more comfortable
than t-shirts and jeans. This is
why you'll always see me
"dressed up”
Advice for incoming M1's? If you
can stay ahead of studying, you
will be able to enjoy this year
more and stress out less.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Music, Movies, Golfing,
Cooking, and just hanging out
with friends
Best memory of your first year?
The first day of anatomy lab. It
was the first time I felt like I
was truly in medical school and
not just a graduate science
Jaclyn Mirault
• Hometown? Howell, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Syracuse University
• One interesting fact about
yourself? The summer after I
graduated from college I
attended the International
Comic-Con Convention in San
Diego, Ca.
Advice for incoming M1's? Your
first year of medical school is
unlike any other experience
you’ve had before. Make
friends, don’t be afraid to make
mistakes and ask questions
and most of all enjoy it!
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Spending time with my
family and friends. I also love
watching tv/movies and baking!
Best memory of your first year?
Ski trip to Lake Placid…EPIC!!!
The Halloween dance is
another event that should NOT
be missed!
Winston Wong
• Hometown? Lawrenceville, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Rutgers University.
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I can no longer
speak the first language I was
fluent in.
Advice for incoming M1's? Don't buy
any books, the internet and the
material the professors provide are
more than enough. Don't wait until the
last few days or week to study but
don't be afraid to take a break. You
should also not be afraid to take a
little breather like right after a block
exam. There is no harm in taking a
few days off to recuperate!
Favorite thing to do outside of school?
Just hanging out with friends.
Definitely keep in touch with your
college/high school/etc. friends.
Best memory of your first year? Um...
Finishing it? But taking my first patient
history by myself was pretty cool too.
Ashnoo Nanavati
• Hometown? East
Brunswick, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
University of Southern
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I have a
bartending certification!
Advice for incoming M1's?
Remember that life exists
outside of medical school: no
matter how stressed out you
might feel or how busy school
might get, always find time to do
the things you love and spend
time with friends (medical
school friends and non-medical
school friends!) and family. It
will keep you sane!
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? 5:45am spin class!
Best memory of your first year?
Orientation week
Daniel Tennenbaum
• Hometown? Teaneck, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Yeshiva University
• One interesting fact about
yourself? By the time
orientation rolls around, I'll be
the first (and only?) parent in
our class
• Advice for incoming M1's?
School-wise, make sure you
hit the ground running. Don't
get left behind on the first
exam- just stay up to date,
and take as many practice
tests and quizzes as
• Favorite thing to do outside
of school? Relax with family
and friends, play hockey,
study (just kidding)
• Best memory of your first
year? Passing GI
Ashley Silakoski
• Hometown? Hamilton, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? The
College of New Jersey
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I'm a certified open
water diver and a black belt.
Advice for incoming M1's? Get
involved in one or two
organizations/electives that really
interest you. It's a great way to
make new friends and get to
know classmates with whom you
share common interests.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? During the summer,
spring, and fall I like to go hiking.
In the winter I settle for shopping.
Best memory of your first year?
It's probably a tie between the
first day of anatomy lab and the
last day of anatomy lab.
Henry Feng
• Hometown? Marlton, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
University of Chicago
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I was born in
• Advice for incoming M1's?
Take advantage of all the
resources that RWJ has to
offer, especially those that
are student-run. They may
lead to great leadership
opportunities and/or newfound
• Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Tennis, snowboarding
• Best memory of your first
year? Group 4 winning
orientation game night
Alveena Dawood
• Hometown? Wayne, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Montclair State University (NJ)
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I am going to
Ecuador this summer with a
group of students for a medical
Spanish trip!
Advice for incoming M1's? Keep up
with lectures. Review and learn those
lectures daily so around exam time
you are only reviewing. Also, do as
many practice questions as possible
throughout every block and don't
wait until exam time to start practice
questions. And last, don't kill yourself
and try to still have a normal life so
you don't burn out!
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Spending much needed time
with friends and family, the
occasional shopping trip, and
sometimes just being lazy and trying
to catch up on life.
Best memory of your first year?
Hands down orientation week. Also
the Halloween dance.
Sai Balasubramanian
• Hometown? Freehold, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Undergrad: Cornell University,
Grad (MBA): College of William
& Mary, Postbac: University of
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I lived in Brazil for a
year when I was 4 years old and
learned Portuguese, which I then
forgot completely.
Advice for incoming M1's? Don't
be overwhelmed with the
amount of information you need
to know; put in the effort and
you'll be fine. And, participate
in events outside of academics
to keep your focus on the prize.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Trading stocks and
Best memory of your first year?
Attending the Anatomy Memorial
and meeting the amazing donor
Jules Kowalski
• Hometown? Montville, NJ
• Where you went to undergrad?
Colby College
• One interesting fact about
yourself? My first language was
Polish. Since I managed to
forget it at an early age, I spent
a summer abroad in Lublin,
Poland before my junior year in
college. I now consider myself
to have the fluency of a small
infant or large plant.
ce for •
Advice for incoming M1’s? Say it with
me: sunlight! When the mood strikes,
get out of your study room and go do
something you're passionate about.
Favorite thing to do outside of school?
I go hard in the paint.
Best memory of first year? Completing
course evaluations! Kidding. But do
them. My best memories include
orientation week/planning my group's
intro (Group 7 pride) and the hours
after the HIPHOP 5k. There was
something about seeing a contingent
of sweaty first years on a Saturday
morning... Honestly, the gathering of
students, faculty, and community
members was uplifting. It reminded
me that there is more to med school
than dreary buildings and prep books.
Bryan Botti
• Hometown? Livingston, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I can "mouth clap."
Feel free to ask me what
that is.
• Advice for incoming
M1's? Don't stop doing
activities you did during
undergrad. Chances are you
enjoyed them, and you were
successful back then, so you
can be successful now too!
• Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Run. And Sing.
• Best memory of your first
year? Ski Trip--my first time
Stephanie Peters
• Hometown? Homer Glen, IL
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school? I
received my undergraduate
degree from the University of
Notre Dame and my Master’s
of Science in Biology degree
from Rutgers University.
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I once performed on
the Hard Rock stage.
• Advice for incoming M1's?
Try to relax and enjoy time
outside of school and take
advantage of the fun events
throughout the year.
• Favorite thing to do outside
of school? I love to travel. It
can be new and exciting
locations or favorite familiar
• Best memory of your first
year? The ski trip was so
much fun. I can’t wait for
the next one!
Shanti Prasad
• Hometown? Warren, New
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
• Advice for incoming M1's?
Find time to have fun and
do the things you enjoy!
• Favorite thing to do outside
of school? Roadtrips and
going out to eat.
• Best memory of your first
year? Running a half
marathon with my
Sophia Sequeira
• Hometown? - Millstone, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Williams College, MA
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I took an African
dance and drumming class in
• Advice for incoming M1's? Study hard but make sure you
take time to do things you
enjoy also.
• Favorite thing to do outside of
school? - Train for half
marathons or tough mudders
with classmates.
• Best memory of your first
year? - IM volleyball
championship game between
the M1 and M2 teams.
Neil Newman
• Hometown? Livingston, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Emory University in Atlanta
• One interesting fact about
yourself? I love random facts
Advice for incoming M1's? Pick
a goal or an activity you love
outside of medical school and
do not sacrifice the time you
have set aside for it. Block
study hours around the activity
that keeps you happy and
healthy. When you study set
aside out 2-3 hours for it and do
not let yourself get distracted
for the entire period (No internet,
cell phones, TV etc...). Being
efficient during study time
leaves more free time.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? Traveling
Best memory of your first year?
First day in anatomy lab
Bahareh Shanehsaz
• Hometown? Manalapan, NJ
• Where you went to
undergrad/grad school?
Rutgers University
• One interesting fact about
yourself? The secret service
once stopped me from
crossing the street.
Advice for incoming M1's? Don’t
Procrastinate! If you study a
little bit each day during the
week you’ll get weekends to
have fun and relax.
Favorite thing to do outside of
school? I love spending time
with my family and
cooking/baking. Making dinner
or baking with some classmates
is always a fun study break.
Best memory of your first year?
If I had to pick just one it would
probably be the ski trip!
Peer Mentor Contacts Ali
Stephanie Peters