Experiences of conversion of Diesel Engine To 100% Biogas Engine
Experiences of conversion of Diesel Engine To 100% Biogas Engine
POWER GENERATION BY BIOGAS Kit to convert Diesel/ Petrol engine to Gaseous Fuel engine Prof. (Dr.) G.P. Govil Director Northern India Engineering College New Delhi E-mail: gpgovil@gmail.com M: 9811345179 CONTENTS Introduction Conversion of Diesel Engine to 100 % Gaseous Fuel CNG/Biogas/Producer Gas (S.I Mode) Conversion of Diesel Engine to Dual Fuel engine CNG/Biogas/Producer Gas Conversion of Petrol Engine to 100% Biogas engine Conclusions Modes to Convert Diesel Engine into Gaseous fuel Engine Operation on gas alone with spark ignition Dual fuel operation with ignition by pilot fuel injection. Conversion of Diesel engine to Spark Ignition Mode Concept for Domestic Power Supply in Rural Area Balloon Biogas Digester Biogas Storage Balloon INVERTER Biogas Generator Govil Energy Solutions Requirement of conversion Petrol Engine conversion Gas carburetor Governing Mechanism Diesel Engine Conversion Ignition Mechanism/ignition advance Gas carburetor Governing Mechanism Conversion of Diesel Engine to Gaseous Engine Gas –Air Mixing Compression Ratio LPG, Natural Gas CR=11 Alcohol (jet enlarged) CR=12 Petrol CR=7.7-9.5 Biogas CR =10-12 Ignition Advance More Wear & Tear because of less lubrication Air Filter BIO – GAS DIGESTER Air Gas Mixture Spark Plug Butterfly Venturi Exhaust ENGINE Electronic ignition Mechanis m on cam shaft Distributor Governor Control Unit Flywheel Speed Pick up sensor Diaphragm operated Biogas Valve Biogas MANUAL GAS CONTROL VALVE Fig.1 : Schematic Diagram for Conversion of Diesel engine to 100% Biogas Engine Modifications of the Engine Removal of fuel injection pump, fuel lines and injector, Reduction of compression ratio, Modification in cylinder head for installation of spark plug in the injector hole, Mounting of an ignition system with contact breaker assembly, ignition coil, spark plug, Installation of Gas carburetor Installation of Governing Mechanism Reduction of Compression Ratio Exchanging the piston for one that effects a lower compression ratio, Machining off material from the piston top, Machining off material from the combustion chamber in the cylinder head, Exchanging the standard cylinder head for a special low compression head, Using a thicker cylinder gasket, and Using shims below the cylinder block. Flow Diagram Existing Diesel Engine Disassemble engine, Remove piston, Remove fuel Pump, Remove Injector Change compression Ratio Enlarge injector hole dia to adapt spark plug Install the ignition mechanism on cam shaft/ Crank shaft . Install gas carburetor. Advance the ignition mechanism Diesel engine converted to 100% Biogas Engine/Producer gas Modified &Original Piston Disassembled Diesel Engine Tapping the injector hole for spark plug Tapped Cylinder Head & Spark Plug Cylinder Head GAS CARBURETTOR/AIR-GAS MIXING Manual control Gas Valve Gas Carburettor Diaphragm control Gas Valve Vacuum operated Biogas Diaphragm Valve ELECTRONIC GOVERNING MECHANISM ACTUATOR GOVERNING BUTTERFLY OF CARBURETTOR Actuator ECU UNIT Speed Sensor on Flywheel Speed Sensor SPARK IGNITION MECHANISM Spark plug in head of the engine H.T COIL Electronic Distributor mounted on camshaft Spark Plug Distributor H.T. Coil GOVERNING MECHANISM ELECTRONIC IGNITION MECHANISM Diesel engine converted to 100% Biogas Generator-12 KW at IIT-Delhi Diesel engine converted to 100% Biogas Engine 3KVA (Single cylinder),7.5 KVA (Double cylinder) CONVERSION OF PETROL ENGINE TO GASEOUS FUEL ENGINE Actuator Governing the Butterfly of Gas Carburetor Petrol engine converted to 100% BioGas Engine BIO – GAS DIGESTER DIESEL DIESEL INJECTOR VENTURI AIR FILTER ENGINE FUEL PUMP GOVERNOR GAS CONTROL VALVE FUEL FILTER MANUAL GAS CONTROL VALVE Schematic Diagram for Conversion to Bio fuel Engine in Dual Fuel Mode using Diesel and Biogas Dual fuel Biogas Generator Govil Energy Solutions MGIRI 3KVA Sulabh International 5KVA MNIT Jaipur 7.5 KVA VIJAY SOLAR 4 KVA AARVADK U.K Flexible Modes of engine operation 100% Biogas Dual Fuel Mode Diesel Mode Biogas Generator at IDEAL Institute of Technology Ghaziabad Diesel Engine Converted To gaseous engine Installed In Scotland 5 Kw Dual Fuel generator at DRDO complex New Delhi Govil Energy Solutions Biogas Plant,Balloon,Compressor , Biogas Generator at Bhatinda Govil Energy Solutions Power Generation at Gram Panchyat Behal (Bhiwani) Govil Energy Solutions Biogas Generator at Aardvark Em. Ltd. U.K (4 KVA) Diesel engine converted to 100% Biogas Generator-15KVA at IIT-Delhi Two 7 KW Biogas generator installed in Scotland Govil Energy Solutions Power Generation at Sulabh International Academy New Delhi Govil Energy Solutions Two 7 KW Biogas generator installed in Scotland Govil Energy Solutions CONT… Govil Energy Solutions Cont… Govil Energy Solutions Power Generation at Mullahai Khera (Lucknow) Govil Energy Solutions Power generation in Scotland U.K Govil Energy Solutions Govil Energy Solutions Govil Energy Solutions Other Products… Flow Meter Biogas Analyzer Biogas Balloon Biogas Purification System (PSA) Govil Energy Solutions Govil Energy Solutions Performance of the Engine Power v/s Exhaust Temp Power v/s Efficiency 700 25 600 Exhaust Temp (deg C) 20 A 15 10 500 B 400 300 200 5 100 0 0 0 1 2 Power (kW) 3 4 Diesel Biogas Figure1 : comparison of power V/s efficiency in Diesel mode and 100% Biogas mode. 0 1 2 Power (kW) 3 4 5 Diesel Biogas Figure - 2: Power v/s Exhaust Temperature Diesel mode and 100% Biogas mode. Technical Details Gas Consumption 3 25kg of dung is required to generate 1 m of the gas 3 The consumption of the gas is 0.8 -1.0 m / KW-hr . Power of the Engine Diesel engines converted to Biogas engine will get derated. Power generated by the converted biogas engine will be approximately 50%-55% in comparison to original diesel engine Conclusions The conversion of the diesel engine to a Biogas/producer gas operation to spark ignition mode of operation is quite satisfactory The developed gas carburetor’s performance is quite satisfactory Conversion of the engine is easy Continued... The engine suffered a power deration of approximately 40-45%Biogas/ producer gas mode of operation. Brake Thermal Efficiencies of 18 to 22% on Biogas/producer gas mode are satisfactory. Power output is quite sensitive to the air to fuel ratio during gas operation. Continued... Engine performance with respect to brake power and brake thermal efficiency has been found to be better for compression ratios 11.5:1. The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were less for the converted engine as compared to conventional Diesel engines The spark timing was found to be having significant effect on both cylinder peak pressure and rate of pressure rise Continued... Biogas/Producer Gas can be used effectively as an alternative fuel in a thus achieving complete independence from petroleum based fuels. Places where Engines have been installed Aardvark EM. Ltd JEON Tech. Company Sulabh International, Palam Gaon Rajasthan Gosewa sangh CIAE G.B. Pant. Agriculture University Punjab Agricultural Univ. MERADO TNAU IIT MGIRI MPUAT MNIT Vijay Solar industries Govil Energy Solutions U.K KOREA New Delhi. Jaipur Bhopal Pantnagar Ludhiana Ludhiana Coimbtore New Delhi Wardha Udaipur Jaipur Karnatka Govil Energy Solutions Govil Energy Solutions THANK YOU