CVC Head Office - Credit Valley Conservation
CVC Head Office - Credit Valley Conservation
Low Impact Development Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment May 2016 Technical Report CVC Head Office Business and Multi-Residential Retrofit CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK ASSESSMENT TECHNICAL REPORT MONITORING RESULTS (2014-2015) CREDIT VALLEY CONSERVATION NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. Acknowledgements Program Team CVC Water and Climate Change Science Division Andrea Bradford, University of Guelph Program Partners Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Building Industry and Land Development Association Region of Peel Peel District School Board Maxxam Analytics City of Mississauga Environment and Climate Change Canada Grand River Conservation Authority University of Guelph City of Toronto Town of Orangeville Town of Halton Hills Polis Project on Ecological Governance Unilock Imbrium Aquafor Beech Limited Sequoia Grove Homes Rattray Marsh Protection Association Freeman and Associates Ontario Centres of Excellence Intra-Corp City of Waterloo Mattamy Homes Premont Homes Rossma Developments This report was created with funding support from the Government of Ontario Expert Advisory Committee John Antoszek, MOECC Hans Schreier, UBC Geosyntec Consultants Wright Water Engineers, Inc Andrea Bradford, University of Guelph Bill Snodgrass, City of Toronto James Li, Ryerson University Darko Joksimovic, Ryerson University Celia Fan, Ryerson University Trevor Dickinson, University of Guelph Jiri Marsalek, ECCC, National Water Research Institute Advisory Committee Aaron Law, MOECC Don Cross, MOECC Sabrina Ternier, MOECC Barb McMurray, MOECC Les Stanfield, MNRF John Nemeth, Region of Peel Dagmar Breuer, City of Mississauga Muneef Ahmad, City of Mississauga Maggie Lu, City of Brampton Tim Van Seters, TRCA Chris Denich, Aquafor Beech Will Cowlin, Aquafor Beech Bill Dainty, Calder Engineering David Ashfield, TMIG Steve Auger, LSRCA Brian Greck, Trout Unlimited Steve Schaeffer, SCS Consulting Group Harold Reinthaler, Schaeffers Cons.Eng. Jason Thistlewaite, University of Waterloo Jenn Drake, University of Guelph, and University of Toronto The success of CVC’s LID program is attributed to the leadership, vision, and commitment of: • Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment (MOECC) • Showcasing Water Innovation (MOECC) • Nando Iannicca, City of Mississauga Councillor and CVC Chair • Jim Tovey, City of Mississauga Councillor and CVC Board Member • City of Mississauga Green Development Standards and Water Quality Strategy • CVC Board of Directors • Region of Peel’s Term of Council Priorities • Janet McDougald, Peel District School Board Ward 7 Trustee Comments or questions on this document should be directed to: Christine Zimmer, P.Eng, MSc (Eng) Jennifer Dougherty, P.Eng, M.A.Sc. Senior Manager, Water and Climate Change Science Manager, Water Quality Protection Credit Valley Conservation 1255 Old Derry Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6R4 905-670-1615 x229 Credit Valley Conservation 1255 Old Derry Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6R4 905-670-1615 x262 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. I APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................... II LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... III LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... IV EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ VII 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 The State of Stormwater Infrastructure in Ontario .............................................................. 1 1.2 The Need for Long-Term Performance Assessment of LID in Ontario ............................... 2 1.3 Mississauga Stormwater Charge and Credit ...................................................................... 2 1.4 CVC Office Expansion ........................................................................................................ 3 2 SITE DESIGN...................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 LID Design .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Permeable Pavement.......................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Grass Swales .................................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Rainwater Harvesting ........................................................................................................ 11 3 MONITORING RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS...................................................................... 12 3.1 Precipitation ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Hydrology .......................................................................................................................... 16 3.2.1 CVC Head Office Hydrology ............................................................................. 17 3.2.2 Lag Time............................................................................................................ 22 3.2.3 Influence of Precipitation Intensity on Performance .......................................... 22 3.3 Water Quality .................................................................................................................... 25 3.3.1 Pollutant Load Reduction .................................................................................. 26 3.3.2 Event Mean Concentrations and Comparisons to the BMPDB......................... 28 3.4 Reclaimed Water Usage ................................................................................................... 30 3.5 CVC Head Office Site Water Balance............................................................................... 32 4 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................ 34 5 DISCUSSION – MONITORING OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT ......................................................... 37 6 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS .................................................................................................... 41 6.1 Water Quantity .................................................................................................................. 41 6.2 Water Quality .................................................................................................................... 41 6.3 Rainwater Harvesting System ........................................................................................... 41 7 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 42 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A B C D E F CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan Infrastructure Performance Assessment Protocol Data Management and Analytical Methodology Data Analysis Summaries Intensification of Urban Water Cycle Site Maintenance and Inspection Log © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 ii CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Stormwater Credit Criteria (City of Mississauga, 2015)............................................................... 3 Table 2-1: Components of the permeable pavement ................................................................................... 9 Table 3-1: A summary of the measurement objectives, measurement types, monitoring locations, monitoring equipment and frequency utilized at the CVC Head Office monitoring site ..................... 13 Table 3-2: Precipitation comparison between EC Toronto Lester B. Pearson Int’l A weather station and CVC Head Office. ............................................................................................................................... 13 Table 3-3: Statistical analysis of all precipitation events during the monitoring period at CVC Head Office ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Table 3-4: Comparison of low-intensity and high-intensity rain events at CVC Head Office ..................... 23 Table 3-5: Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQOs) for selected parameters of interest .................. 26 Table 3-6: CVC Head Office estimated water quality treatment performance summary for zero-effluent and sampled events between July 2014 to September 2015 ............................................................ 27 Table 3-7: Estimated total load reduction for each precipitation bin ........................................................... 28 Table 3-8: Water quality summary statistics for sampled events at CVC Head Office with comparisons to the NSQD and water quality guidelines.............................................................................................. 29 Table 3-9: Comparison of CVC Head Office Median Sampled Effluent EMC to different BMPs from BMPDB ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Table 6-1: SWM criteria and preliminary observations. .............................................................................. 38 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: The CVC Head Office site location in the Credit Valley WatershedLID Monitoring Objectives 4 Figure 2-1: Stakeholders at the monitoring objectives meeting .................................................................... 6 Figure 2-2: Drainage areas of the different features at CVC Head Office. Drainage is indicated by the blue lines, with the dotted blue lines signifying underground drainage. ....................................................... 7 Figure 2-3: Cross section of the permeable pavement, showing the 1 Pavers, 2 Bedding layer, 3 Geotextile fabric, and 4 Base layer. The underdrain is located in the base layer. ............................. 10 Figure 2-4: Grass swale at CVC Head Office ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 2-5: Rainwater storage tank, located in the basement of CVC’s head office .................................. 11 Figure 3-1: Monitoring equipment that is used at CVC Head Office ........................................................... 12 Figure 3-2: Rainfall frequency distribution graph between EC Toronto Pearson International Airport station and CVC Head Office ......................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 3-3: Percentage of events falling at or below a given precipitation depth at ECCC Toronto Pearson International Airport using hourly weather records from 1950-2005. ................................................. 15 Figure 3-4: Development conditions; urban water cycle with stormwater management ponds and LID (adapted from FISRWG, 1998)........................................................................................................... 16 Figure 3-5: Changes in stream flow hydrograph as a result of urbanization (adapted from Schueler, 1987) ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 3-6: Runoff volume reduction during monitoring period at CVC Head Office .................................. 20 Figure 3-7: Peak flow rate reduction during monitoring period at CVC Head Office .................................. 20 Figure 3-8: Comparison of CVC Head Office with retention pond .............................................................. 21 Figure 3-9: Hydrologic summary of the rain event on October 3 and 4, 2014 ............................................ 21 Figure 3-10: Lag time statistics by storm depth .......................................................................................... 22 Figure 3-11: Volume reductions at different precipitation depths and peak intensities for all events at CVC Head Office ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 3-12: Hydrologic summary of a low-intensity rain event on April 19 and 20, 2015. ........................ 24 Figure 3-13: Hydrologic summary of a high-intensity rain event on June 22 and 23, 2015. ...................... 24 th Figure 3-14: Monthly 75 Per centile Total Suspended Solids concentration compared at an urban vs. rural catchment ................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 3-15: Estimated total load reduction by event size for TSS. Black bars show the range in load reductions for individual storm events. ............................................................................................... 28 Figure 3-16: Reclaimed water used from a 12-week period in mid-2015. The orange line indicates the overall median recaimed water usage of 1300 L for workdays. ......................................................... 31 Figure 3-17: CVC’s water usage for May 2015. .......................................................................................... 32 Figure 3-18: CVC Head Office water balance for a 4.6 mm rain event on October 20, 2014 .................... 33 Figure 3-19: CVC Head Office water balance for a 43.3 mm rain event on May 30, 2015 ........................ 33 Figure 4-1: Infiltration test results for both permeable parking lots ............................................................. 35 Figure 4-2: Accumulated sediment and debris in the rainwater storage tank ............................................ 36 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BMP Best Management Practices BMPDB International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database Cd Cadmium CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment cm centimetre Cl Chloride Cu copper CVC Credit Valley Conservation EC Environment Canada EMC Event Mean Concentration FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities g gram GTA Greater Toronto Area hr hour Fe Iron kg kilogram Pb Lead L litre L/min litre per minute L/s litres per second LID Low Impact Development LGRA Low Volume Groundwater Recharge Areas MDL Method Detection Limit m metre m 2 square metre m 3 cubic metre MEDEI Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure mg milligram mg/L milligrams per litre µg/L micrograms per litre mm millimetre min minute Ni Nickel N Nitrogen NO2 + NO3 Nitrite and Nitrate © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 v CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office NSQD National Stormwater Quality Database MOE Ontario Ministry of Environment MOECC Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change PoC Parameters of Concerns P Phosphorus PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PO4 Orthophosphate PWQO Provincial Water Quality Objectives QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control RWH Rainwater Harvesting RL reporting limit s second SWM Stormwater Management TDS Total Dissolved Solids TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TN Total Nitrogen TP Total Phosphorus TSS Total Suspended Solids US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency yr year Zn Zinc © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 vi CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Stormwater management has been headline news given the flooding in Alberta and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in recent years. The 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card documented 671 occurrences that resulted in flood damages since 2009. More than 66,000 private properties were affected, with more than $500 million in damages. The replacement value for stormwater infrastructure in very poor, poor or fair condition was estimated at $31 billion (Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, 2016). This estimate does not take into consideration the need for infrastructure within existing urban areas that do not currently have systems for flood control or stormwater treatment. For example, it is estimated that only 35 per cent of the GTA has stormwater management controls (TRCA, 2013). In addition to flood control, stormwater management is needed to protect streams from erosion and water quality deterioration In an attempt to mitigate risk, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), the City of Mississauga and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) have partnered with over twenty-five (25) public and private-sector organizations over the past several years to implement a number of innovative SWM retrofit sites spanning both public and private properties. CVC’s Head Office includes two permeable parking lots and a rainwater harvesting system, and demonstrates the type of low impact development (LID) that can be installed at a typical office building. LID is an innovative SWM practice that consists of green infrastructure, and source and conveyance controls. The LID practices at CVC’s Head Office treat stormwater runoff, promote infiltration and retention, and slow the release of stormwater runoff. In addition, the rainwater harvesting system allows rainwater to be retained and used as a non-potable water source instead using treated water. CVC has conducted comprehensive performance assessment to evaluate its ability to control runoff volume and remove pollutants. For water quantity control, CVC Head Office provides a median volume reduction of 70 per cent and a median peak flow reduction of 81 per cent. This significantly reduces the runoff and pollutants entering the receiving creek, the Credit River, and Lake Ontario. Furthermore, the LID practice at CVC Head Office is able to replicate a more natural water balance in a highly urbanized setting, providing improved water quality and protection of aquatic habitat. From a water quality perspective, there is significant pollutant reduction from stormwater runoff entering the Credit River. Throughout the study period, the site has been found to provide 81 per cent total suspended solids (TSS) removal for all events, and providing a total load reduction of at least 69 per cent for all parameters but nitrate + nitrite for all events. The rainwater harvesting system has allowed the organization to significantly reduce its municipal water usage, with about 26 per cent of total water usage being reclaimed water while this system was online. The total reclaimed water usage, and therefore municipally-treated water saved, from August 2013 to December 2015 was about 400 000 L. The City of Mississauga has introduced a stormwater charge and an associated credit program, and this site demonstrates the types of features that may be eligible for a stormwater charge rebate if installed on business and multi-residential properties. CVC is developing an application for this credit, and the results from this study along with the maintenance documentation may be used to assist in the application. This performance evaluation would suggest that wide-spread adoption of LID would yield significant benefits to receiving streams as well as the Great Lakes. Results from the CVC Head Office project will provide municipalities with the tools to make improvements to address pressures due to growth, infill, redevelopment and at the same time protect and enhance the environment (in keeping with the MOECC’s proposed Great Lakes Protection Act; the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure’s (MEDEI’s) Building Together: Municipal Infrastructure Strategy; and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Go Green: Ontario’s Action Plan on Climate Change). © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The State of Stormwater Infrastructure in Ontario Canada’s aging infrastructure is receiving a great deal of attention due, in part, to the frequency of flood events such as the 2013 floods in southern Alberta and Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The 2016 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card documented 671 occurrences that resulted in flood damages since 2009. More than 66,000 private properties were affected, with more than $500 million in damages. The replacement value for stormwater infrastructure in very poor, poor or fair condition was estimated at $31 billion (Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, 2016). This estimate does not take into consideration the need for infrastructure within existing urban areas that do not currently have systems for flood control or stormwater treatment. For example, it is estimated that only 35 percent of the GTA has stormwater management controls (TRCA, 2013). To bring older developments across the nation to today’s standards, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) estimated it would cost an additional $56.6 billion (FCM, 2007). This figure assumes conventional practices are feasible and does not include land acquisition costs, which, in growth areas around Toronto, can be three or four times that of infrastructure costs (Reinthaler, Partner, Schaeffers & Associates Limited, 2012). Building cost-effective resiliency into stormwater infrastructure requires an alternate solution. The estimated damage of the July 8, 2013 storm event is almost $1 billion, and is now the most expensive storm in Ontario’s history (IBC, 2014) Both nationally and locally, water damage is the largest single component of insured loss with claims tallying $1.7 billion per year (IBC, 2012). In the United States, Europe and Australia there has been a growing movement towards green infrastructure for stormwater management. Green infrastructure for stormwater management, also referred to as low impact development (LID), is an integrated approach to stormwater management that uses site planning and small engineered controls to capture runoff as close as possible to where it is generated. LID controls can be incorporated within urban environments where space is a constraint. They can be implemented in infill, redevelopment and greenfield sites to meet stormwater management objectives. Flood control is not the primary purpose of low impact development, but LID has the ability to reduce runoff volumes and delay runoff thereby reducing pressures on downstream stormwater infrastructure and receiving waters. A recent report generated estimates of the monetary value of flood loss avoidance that could be achieved by green infrastructure implemented watershed-wide, in new development and redevelopment, in the United States (Atkins, 2015). The present value of flood losses avoided between 2020 and 2040 for the conterminous United States, assuming no damages within the 10 year floodplain and a 3 per cent discount rate, was estimated at $0.8 billion dollars (Atkins, 2015). If green infrastructure was also used to retrofit existing imperviousness, the flood loss avoidance benefits would be even higher. The primary benefits of green infrastructure are water quality and stream protection. Practices such as permeable pavements and bioretention systems can retain the water from events that occur relatively often. This helps to mimic pre-development hydrological conditions and reduce stream erosion. Stream erosion is a common response to high flows that occur more often and for longer durations after urbanization. Most of the pollutants that accumulate in urban areas are carried to streams and other receiving waters by the moderate sized events that occur more frequently. Therefore, capturing and treating the runoff from these events can play a large role in protecting water quality. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 2 Business and multi-residential properties constitute a large portion of urban land use areas. Much of these properties consist of impervious surfaces, such as roofs, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks. These impervious surfaces cause stress on the municipal stormwater system, and impair the water quality of receiving water bodies such as the Credit River and Lake Ontario (CVC, 2009). Using the principles of LID to re-establish natural processes, it can help to reverse the impacts of urban development on downstream water quality and quantity. For more information on CVC’s LID sites and Showcasing Water Innovation project, visit 1.2 The Need for Long-Term Performance Assessment of LID in Ontario The Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure (MEDEI) (through Sustainability Planning) requires Ontario municipalities to develop asset management plans when requesting provincial infrastructure funding. Asset management is an integrated life-cycle approach to effective stewardship of infrastructure assets to maximize benefits, manage risk, and provide satisfactory levels of service to the public in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. One of the barriers to widespread adoption of LID in Ontario is the limited local, long-term performance data available to conduct the integrated life-cycle analysis required for asset management. The lack of data for practices, individually and in combination, makes it difficult for designers to select and size stormwater infrastructure, for municipalities and landowners to budget for maintenance costs and for approval agencies to permit these innovative techniques in varied land-use applications. To build confidence in sizing and long-term performance of stormwater infrastructure, CVC and its partners have implemented a series of demonstration sites within various land-use settings and are delivering a LID Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment (IPRA) program. The multi-year IPRA program will evaluate LID effectiveness in flood control, erosion protection, nutrient removal, and mimicking the pre-development water balance. This program will produce performance data addressing the outstanding knowledge gaps and priority objectives identified by multiple stakeholders within CVC’s Stormwater Management Monitoring Strategy (2012). Section 2 of this report discusses the 19 objectives identified for CVC’s overall stormwater management monitoring program. LID performance data inherently supports Ontario’s Water Opportunities Act, the Great Lakes Protection Act, and recommendations from MOECC’s Policy Review of Municipal Stormwater Management in the Light of Climate Change by providing information on innovative water technologies. Building on the findings of existing research, CVC’s program will also advance the understanding of maintenance requirements for optimal LID performance and life-cycle cost analysis for asset management to meet provincial requirements for sustainability planning. The knowledge gained through performance evaluation will strengthen existing tools and be used to create new tools to support the promotion of voluntary efforts. This research directly supports the protection of the Great Lakes by providing elected officials, municipal engineering and operations personnel, developers, contractors, consultants and businesses and residential landowners with the tools they need to successfully implement LID in their communities. 1.3 Mississauga Stormwater Charge and Credit Stormwater management in the City of Mississauga is a responsibility of the municipality, and was traditionally funded solely from property taxes and development charges. Due to ageing infrastructure and increased pressures because of climate change, this funding is no longer sufficient to maintain current levels of service. After a stormwater financing study and consultation with stakeholders and the general public, the city decided to implement a Stormwater Charge. This option was considered the more sustainable and equitable source of funding (AECOM, 2013). This charge will be based on the amount of impervious surfaces of a property, as these put the most strain on the stormwater infrastructure. The 2 charge for 2016 will be $100 per 267 m of impervious surface. Stormwater rates such as this are relatively new to Ontario but have been implemented in many municipalities throughout the United States. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 3 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Some of the first Ontario municipalities to introduce stormwater rates include the City of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener, which established stormwater utilities in 2010 (CVC, 2014). Mississauga is also establishing a stormwater credit program to recognize property owners that implement stormwater best management practices that benefit the city’s stormwater infrastructure. The total credit, as a percentage of stormwater charge for the property, will be calculated based on the criteria in Table 1-1. The maximum credit given will be 50 per cent. Table 1-1: Stormwater Credit Criteria (City of Mississauga, 2015) Category Peak Reduction Flow Water Treatment Runoff Reduction Evaluation Criteria Total Credit (50% Maximum) Percent reduction of the 100-year post development flow to predevelopment conditions of the site Up to 40% Quality Consistent with Provincial criteria for enhanced treatment Up to 10% Volume Percent capture of first 15 mm of rainfall during a single rainfall event Up to 15% Develop and implement a pollution prevention plan Up to 5% Pollution Prevention LID, such as permeable pavement, enhanced vegetated swales, and rainwater harvesting can be eligible for credit in one or more of the above categories. 1.4 CVC Office Expansion From 2009 to 2012, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) undertook renovations to their head office location in Mississauga, Ontario. In 2010, a new parking lot utilizing permeable pavement and grass swales was constructed, in preparation for the addition of a new building. This building is registered with the Canada Green Building Council, and is certified LEED Gold. It includes many green features, including daylighting and a high-efficiency HVAC system. It also includes a rainwater harvesting system, where rainwater that falls on the roof is routed to a basement rainwater storage tank. An additional permeable pavement lot was constructed in 2012. CVC’s head office site is ideal as a demonstration site for visitors, and shows an example of LID features that could be installed in a typical municipal or commercial office building. The site is located adjacent to the Credit River, and the surrounding area is primarily residential with pockets of agricultural and natural areas. The first permeable pavement parking lot, the grass swales, and the rainwater harvesting system are being monitored to assist in the development and refinement of LID guidance documents and retrofit guides available at These documents assist stakeholders in protecting and managing water resources through development of sustainable stormwater management practices in existing and new developments. CVC is currently developing an application for the Mississauga Stormwater Charge Credit, with a focus on the LID installed at the site. Options for future LID features are also being considered. The monitoring program results may be used in the application for the categories of Water Quality Treatment and Runoff Volume Reduction, and for verification and maintenance documentation. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 4 CVC Head Office Figure 1-1: The CVC Head Office site location in the Credit Valley WatershedLID Monitoring Objectives Working with project partners and stakeholders, CVC has defined 19 objectives for CVC’s overall stormwater management monitoring program. CVC held several meetings to collect input from stakeholders including municipal decision makers, provincial and federal environmental agencies, engineering and planning professionals, conservation authorities, academia, and watershed advocate groups. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 5 The stakeholder group identified the below listed objectives for the program, listed in order of stakeholder priority. The objectives specific to the CVC Head Office program include objectives # 1, 2, 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18 (in bold). To assess these nine objectives, a monitoring plan was developed for this site (see Appendix A) and the resulting analysis and discussion evaluates the site’s performance according to these objectives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Evaluate how a site with multiple LID practices treats stormwater runoff and manages stormwater quantity as a whole. Evaluate long-term maintenance needs and maintenance programs, and the impact of maintenance on performance. Determine the life-cycle costs for LID practices. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID designs in clay or low infiltration soils. Evaluate whether LID SWM systems are providing flood control, erosion control, water quality, recharge, and natural heritage protection per the design standard. Assess the potential for groundwater contamination in the short- and long-term. Assess the performance of LID designs in reducing pollutants that are dissolved or not associated with suspended solids (i.e. nutrients, oils/grease, and bacteria). Demonstrate the degree to which LID mitigates urban thermal impacts on receiving waters. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID technologies. Evaluate how SWM ponds perform with LID upstream. Can the wet pond component be reduced or eliminated by meeting the erosion and water quality objectives with LID? Assess the potential for soil contamination for practices that infiltrate. Evaluate effectiveness of soil amendments and increased topsoil depth for water balance and longterm reliability. Evaluate and refine construction methods and practices for LID projects. Develop and calibrate event mean concentrations (EMCs) for various land uses and pollutants. Assess performance of measures to determine potential rebates on development charges, credits on municipal stormwater rates and/or reductions in flood insurance premiums (i.e. can LID reduce infrastructure demand?). Assess the ancillary benefits, or non-SWM benefits. Assess the potential for groundwater mounding in localized areas. Improve and refine the designs for individual LID practices. Assess the overall performance of LID technologies under winter conditions. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 6 2 SITE DESIGN 2.1 LID Design The CVC Head Office incorporates a variety of LID features including permeable pavement parking lots and a rainwater harvesting system supplying non-potable water to toilets, urinals and outdoor hose taps. These LID features filter and store stormwater before discharging to Credit River and Lake Ontario. Prior to the LID construction, this site drained directly into a tributary of the Credit River with no opportunity for pre-treatment. There is also a grass swale that drains the asphalt roadway. This swale is not enhanced with bioretention features. The site area is shown in Figure 2-2, and the total drainage area is 2 about 4500 m . All of the LID features drain to a monitoring catchbasin, where water quality and quantity are measured to assess their effectiveness. The water then travels to an outfall, where it is drained by an existing swale to the Credit River. Figure 2-1: Stakeholders at the monitoring objectives meeting © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 7 Figure 2-2: Drainage areas of the different features at CVC Head Office. Drainage is indicated by the blue lines, with the dotted blue lines signifying underground drainage. The CVC Head Office is designed to provide water quality benefits, while at the same time improving runoff quantity control. During relatively small and frequently occurring runoff events, stormwater will infiltrate into the permeable pavement parking lot. The site is designed to reduce the amount of surface ponding during and after these events. During higher-volume events, the LID features provide a degree of attenuation for flood flows. Since the site is a retrofit, detention is limited by space constraints of the LID features. The environmental level of service is improved by protecting downstream waterways from contaminants and as well as providing volume retention. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 2.2 8 Permeable Pavement Permeable pavement allows for the filtration, storage, and infiltration of stormwater, which can reduce flows compared to traditional impervious paving surfaces such as concrete and asphalt. The area of first 2 permeable parking lot, installed in 2010, is roughly 1,462 m . This lot provides a total of 52 spaces for visitors and staff. This feature primarily handles the rainfall that falls directly on the lot, as only a small portion of the surrounding asphalt roadway runoff is being directed towards the permeable pavers. The underdrain for the permeable pavement drains to the monitoring catchbasin. The different components of the permeable pavement are shown in Table 2-1 while a cross section is given in Figure 2-3. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Table 2-1: Components of the permeable pavement Paver: The 80 mm thick permeable interlocking concrete paver used was Uni Eco-Stone, manufactured by Unilock. The L shaped pavers have nubs around them which leave a consistent 1 cm space around each paver. Bedding and Geotextile: The bedding layer is 25 mm thick and provides a level surface for the pavers. It is composed of 1.18 to 4.75 mm diameter chip stone. This stone is also used as a filler stone for the pavers. A geotextile drainage fabric separates the bedding and base layers. Base and Underdrain: A base layer of Granular A 22 mm diameter crushed recycled, locally sourced concrete (450 mm depth) provides structural support to the pavement and a storage reservoir for the stormwater. The underdrain is located in this layer, a 100 mm diameter corrugated PVC pipe placed 300 mm below grade. Edging Restraints: A concrete curb or rigid metal edging restraint is required to keep the pavers in place and tightly packed. Concrete curbing is preferred, but a metal edging restraint can be used due to cost constraints, as they are significantly cheaper. Subgrade: The soils in this area are predominantly sandy silt glacial till of low permeability embedded with permeable sand lenses. The boreholes taken in the location of the parking lot found both sand and gravel fill and sandy silt glacial till. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 9 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 10 Figure 2-3: Cross section of the permeable pavement, showing the 1 Pavers, 2 Bedding layer, 3 Geotextile fabric, and 4 Base layer. The underdrain is located in the base layer. The use of the locally-sourced recycled concrete for the base materials is not typical for permeable pavement, but was used for this lot to attain LEED certification. The second permeable pavement lot was 2 installed in 2012, and has an area of about 2400 m .This lot has several differences from the older lot, as it uses a 475 mm depth base, does not use the recycled concrete for the base, has concrete curbs instead of edging restraint, and uses a darker coloured stone to help melt snow and ice in the winter. This lot is not part of the monitoring program, and the results given in this report only apply to the older lot, the swales adjacent to that lot, and the rainwater harvesting system. 2.3 Grass Swales Grass swales were installed between the older permeable paver parking lot and the asphalt roadway serving the building (Figure 2-4). These swales are not enhanced bioretention features, and primarily collect and convey runoff from the asphalt roadway, as there is typically little to no runoff from the 2 permeable pavement. The total swale area is 378 m . Figure 2-4: Grass swale at CVC Head Office © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 2.4 11 Rainwater Harvesting Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) Systems can reduce rooftop runoff as rainwater is collected by roof downspouts and directed to a cistern for future non-potable water use. Rainwater is collected from the roof of the new CVC building to a 5,000 litre rainwater storage tank located in the basement of the 2 building. The drainage area of this roof is 536 m . The roof runoff is directed through 75 mm diameter ABS piping to the tank. When the tank is full, excess water is drained to a grass swale catchbasin. A picture of the tank is shown in Figure 2-5. The tank is also frequently filled with water that was collected in the building’s sump. A high water table surrounds the building resulting in a small amount of water continuously collected in a sump. The collected water is used to supply non-potable water to toilets and urinals in the building addition as well as supply water to outdoor hose bibs. To supply this water to the connected fixtures, the system uses a standard constant-speed style pump and pressure tank. The multi-stage pump provides a flow rate of 40 litres per minute, while the pressure tank stores 100 litres. Rainwater is treated by a 100-micron particle filter (model JUDO JFXL-T). Maintenance of the filtration system is minimized by using this type of filter because it includes an automatic timer-based self-cleaning backwash system. One potential long-term performance issue associated with the design of the treatment system is the filter location. The filter is located upstream of the pump (on the suction line), which tends to increase the amount of wear on the pump due to increased strain. When designing RWH systems, it is recommended that all treatment components (filters, Ultraviolet lamps, etc.) be installed downstream of the pump, on the discharge line of piping. If intake of debris into the pump is a concern, a line strainer filter can be used to protect the pump from large debris while minimizing wear. During periods when the tank is nearly empty (from insufficient rainfall or excess demands from indoor or outdoor use) a ‘top-up’ system is used to supply the tank with potable municipal water. The RWH system uses a rod-style mechanical float to determine a low level, at which time a normally-closed solenoid valve opens to permit potable water to enter the tank. The building’s potable water system is protected from contamination by the non-potable rainwater by using a backflow prevention device. Figure 2-5: Rainwater storage tank, located in the basement of CVC’s head office © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 12 3 MONITORING RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS This section presents results from the analysis of data from the monitoring program at CVC Head Office from July 2014 to September 2015. The monitoring program at CVC Head Office includes a variety of elements such as precipitation, hydrology, water quality monitoring, and water usage monitoring. Table 3-1 summarizes these activities and their locations. A more detailed discussion is included in the following subsections. This report contains the analyses of a range of precipitation and flow events during the study period. The monitoring protocols, comprehensive data management and analysis for this site are discussed in Appendices B, C and D respectively. Figure 3-1: Monitoring equipment that is used at CVC Head Office © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 13 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Table 3-1: A summary of the measurement objectives, measurement types, monitoring locations, monitoring equipment and frequency utilized at the CVC Head Office monitoring site Measurement Type Monitoring Equipment Location / Description Level and Flow ISCO 2150 area velocity flow and level meter At the monitoring location shown in Figure 2-2 Stormwater Quality Sampling ISCO 6712 automatic sampler At the monitoring location show in Figure 2-2 Rainfall Depth City of Mississauga rain gauge CVC Office rooftop, newer building Raintank Usage and Level Hobo U20 level logger, OM-CP-PULSE101A pulse loggers CVC Office basement Note: Specific protocols are discussed in Appendices B and C. 3.1 Precipitation Precipitation at CVC Head Office has been monitored continuously between July 3, 2014 and September 30, 2015 excluding January 1, 2015 to March 29, 2015. This data was collected using a heated tippingbucket rain gauge which was installed on the roof of the CVC Head Office building on the site. The records are used to describe the rainfall distribution in the study area. For comparison, the rainfall record from the Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) weather station, Toronto Pearson International Airport (climate ID: 6158733), is used to provide a long-term regional context for understanding regional “normal” or average precipitation values. This weather station is located about 10 km northeast of CVC Head Office. Table 3-2 compares the monthly and annual precipitation normals between Toronto Pearson International Airport weather station (1981 – 2010) and the precipitation recorded at CVC Head Office during the monitoring period. Knowledge of the event sizes that contribute to the majority of annual rainfall is helpful for understanding pre-development conditions and performance results. Additional gauges maintained by the City of Mississauga and CVC are used as references if any data from the primary gauge on site seems unusual. Table 3-2: Precipitation comparison between EC Toronto Lester B. Pearson Int’l A weather station and CVC Head Office. Parameters Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Annual 74.5 Station : Toronto Pearson International Airport (1981-2010) Precipitation (mm) 51.8 47.7 Station : CVC Head Office a 2014 Precipitation n/a (mm) b 2015 Precipitation n/a (mm) 49.8 68.5 74.3 71.5 75.7 78.1 61.1 75.1 57.9 785.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 90.0 24.6 108.6 56.8 37.4 25.4 N/A n/a n/a 72.2 69.8 172.5 31.8 65.2 n/a n/a N/A 67.4 n/a a Notes: Data starts on July 3, 2014 at 8:00 b Data starts on March 30, 2015 at 9:10 and ends on September 30, 2015 at 23:50 The average annual precipitation at Toronto Pearson International Airport weather station from 1981 – 2010 is 786 mm. The precipitation normals indicate that between May and September are typically the rainiest months since each month exceeds 70 mm of precipitation. Moreover, the monthly precipitation of CVC Head Office in Sept 2014 and June 2015 exceed 100 mm. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 14 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Figure 3-2 provides a summary table and illustrates the typical annual rainfall distribution for Toronto Pearson International Airport weather station between 1960 and 2012 and the actual number of precipitation events that were recorded at CVC Head Office during the monitoring period between July 2014 and September 2015. An event is considered to occur when 2 mm or greater precipitation is recorded, with a dry period of at least 6 hours between events (Appendix C). The pattern of captured rainfall events at CVC Head Office is very similar to that at Toronto Pearson International Airport weather station, with the exception of the 2-5 mm and 5-10 mm. CVC Head Office had a larger proportion of events in the 2-5 mm range, and a smaller proportion in the 5-10 mm range. The percentage differences among the remaining frequency distribution groups between the two stations are within ±3 per cent. 50% 45% Percentage of Events 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35+ Precipitation Event Depth (mm) Toronto Pearson International Airport CVC Head Office Figure 3-2: Rainfall frequency distribution graph between EC Toronto Pearson International Airport station and CVC Head Office The frequency of events for a given size from ECCC Toronto Pearson International Airport station is presented in Figure 3-3. In this chart, hourly weather records from 1950-2005 have been analyzed with WQ-COSM software. This software is designed for determining and maximizing the ‘water quality capture volume’ for a BMP based on local historical rainfall data. This volume is used to adequately design and size BMPs for improved water quality and quantity control based on historical rainfall. At Toronto Pearson International Airport, events with a depth of 25 mm or less account for 90 per cent of all events annually. At CVC Head Office, these events accounted for 87 per cent of the events over the study period. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Figure 3-3: Percentage of events falling at or below a given precipitation depth at ECCC Toronto Pearson International Airport using hourly weather records from 1950-2005. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 15 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 3.2 16 Hydrology In natural and rural environments with vegetated soils, surface runoff is generally low and represents a small fraction (10 per cent to 20 per cent) of the total fallen precipitation (Prince George’s County, 1999). Water either percolates into the ground or is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. A considerable percentage of the rainfall infiltrates into the soil and contributes to the groundwater. The local water table is often connected to nearby streams, providing infiltration to streams and wetlands during dry periods and maintaining base flow essential to the biological and habitat integrity of streams. Land development converts permeable land into impermeable surfaces. During urbanization, natural channels are replaced by artificial drainage pipes and channels that decrease the amount of water infiltration and storage within the soil column. This alters the hydrologic regime by allowing less infiltration and more channeled runoff through the urban infrastructure. As a much larger percentage of rainwater hits impervious surfaces including roofs, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, and streets, it must be controlled through SWM techniques. Traditional approaches have focused on collection and conveyance to quickly transport stormwater to the nearest watercourse to prevent property damage. Current SWM has taken an “end-of-pipe” approach, using gutters and piping systems to carry rainwater into ponds or detention basin. This approach does not mitigate or alter the runoff volume component of the water cycle which is the driving force of erosion, pollution and lower dry weather stream flows due to changes in hydrology. Cook and Dickinson (1986) examined the impacts of urbanization, including the installation of a stormwater conveyance system near Guelph, Ontario. Comparing the pre-development conditions of the area with ongoing development, the researchers noted several changes in the hydrologic response. Changes included an increase in annual runoff, a change in the time of Figure 3-4: Development conditions; urban water cycle peak flow, a reduction in hydrograph lag time, and with stormwater management ponds and LID (adapted an increase in hydrograph peak discharge. Urban from FISRWG, 1998) development produces runoff for events where pre-development conditions produced no runoff, such as during the summer months outside of the snowmelt or spring runoff period. A robust SWM system that meets all environmental and economic goals must include both conventional SWM facilities and source-based LID practices. Conventional facilities typically lack the ability to provide © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 17 water balance benefits or reduce the volume of runoff from heavily urbanized areas. As a result they offer fewer benefits with respect to infiltration, water quality and erosion mitigation. LID practices excel where conventional systems fail by allowing for natural hydrologic processes including infiltration and evapotranspiration as close to the source as possible. A greater discussion of the urban water cycle can be found in Appendix E. Figure 3-5 shows a hydrograph comparing stream discharge before, during, and after a storm under preand post-development conditions (Schueler, 1987). As indicated, streams with developed watersheds have substantially higher peak flows which occur more quickly than under pre-development conditions. Impervious surface coverage as low as 10 per cent can destabilize a stream channel, raise water temperatures, and reduce water quality and biodiversity (Schueler, 1995). Figure 3-5: Changes in stream flow hydrograph as a result of urbanization (adapted from Schueler, 1987) LID practices are designed to mitigate the rapidly changing water cycle by mimicking the predevelopment hydrology within the urban environment. LID strategies strive to allow natural or predevelopment infiltration to occur as close as possible to the original area of rainfall. By engineering terrain, vegetation, and soil features to perform this function, the landscape can retain more of its natural hydrological function. Although most effective when implemented on a community-wide basis, using LID practices on a smaller scale can also have a positive impact. 3.2.1 CVC Head Office Hydrology LID at CVC Head Office include permeable pavement parking lots and a rainwater harvesting system. The monitoring program involves both the older permeable pavement lot and the rainwater harvesting system, along with grass swales that drain the asphalt roadway. The project team assessed the performance of the LID features determining the reduction in runoff volume and the reduction in peak flow. Inflows were estimated using the Simple Method, which calculates flow according to drainage area, amount of precipitation, and a runoff coefficient based on level of imperviousness. Effluent flow is measured through level measurements at a catchbasin located downstream of underdrains draining the permeable pavement lot, the grass swales, and the rooftop when the rainwater harvesting tank is full (Monitoring location HO-1 on Figure 2-2). Due to a locally high water table, there is a near constant of baseflow in the monitoring catchbasin. Baseflow separation is used to determine the amount of flow in © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 18 catchbasin that is stormflow. Appendix C contains a thorough discussion of the data management and analytical methodology, including baseflow separation. Table 3-3 presents the hydrologic summary for 62 events over the monitoring period (July 2014 – September 2015). Influent runoff volume and influent peak flow rate were estimated using the Simple Method (Appendix C). Peak precipitation intensity and peak effluent flow rate were measured over ten minute time periods. Increasing the amount of water that infiltrates and does not produce stormwater effluent from the site (i.e. volume reduction) is important to reduce pressure on local stormwater infrastructure and receiving water bodies. Runoff volume reduction reflects higher groundwater recharge, smaller flows to the storm sewer network, and reduction in pollutant loading. The mean estimated event runoff volume reduction for all events at CVC Head Office is 72 per cent. The mean event peak flow rate reduction for all events is 78 per cent. Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 show runoff volume reduction and peak flow rate reduction, respectively, for events of different magnitude. Events are binned into six categories: 2-5 mm, 5-10 mm, 10-15 mm, 15-20 mm, 20-25 mm, and greater than 25 mm. Runoff volume and peak flow rate is reduced for events of all sizes, with a general pattern of lower reductions with larger precipitation events. The CVC Head Office site retains on average 74 per cent of runoff for all events smaller than 25 mm. The site also provides on average 79 per cent peak flow rate reduction for all events less than 25 mm. The permeable pavement works by infiltrating a portion of the runoff generated by the site, therefore reducing total runoff leaving the site as well as the rate at which runoff leaves the site. Figure 3-8 compares the event influent volume versus effluent volume at CVC Head Office to retention ponds or wet ponds in units of watershed-millimetres (data from the BMPDB, 2011). Retention ponds are typically designed to manage runoff to prevent flooding and downstream erosion while improving water quality. The central 1:1 line, on Figure 3-8, represents effluent equal to influent (no volume reduction). As the outflow volume of retention ponds depend on the available storage (i.e. the pre-event pond water levels), retention ponds can not always provide volume reduction. When comparing CVC Head Office to a retention pond, the CVC Head Office permeable pavement shows greater volume reduction capabilities than many retention ponds because the data point cloud from CVC Head Office is concentrated below the 1:1 line (i.e. more inflow than outflow). The graph qualitatively supports that the CVC Head Office LID site provides greater volume reduction benefits when compared to a retention pond. This alleviates the impact on the downstream water bodies, allowing the site to mimic a more natural hydrology. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 2.50 6.25 12.92 46.50 9.11 3.65 7.30 16.40 73.75 12.23 25% Percentile Standard Deviation Mean Maximum 75% Percentile 9.34 0.17 2.00 Minimum 13.07 62 62 Count Median Event Duration (hr) Event Precipitation (mm) Statistic 15.09 20.4 60 15.36 9.6 4.8 1.2 62 Peak Precipitation Intensity (mm/hr) 3.74 4.64 18.45 3.59 2.40 1.27 0.32 62 Antecedent Dry Period (days) 6.57 3.85 32.51 3.98 1.45 0.61 0 62 42771 51472 241015 38581 22510 10755 5574 62 19732 20798 91097 14446 6496 1987 0 62 19% 90% 100% 78% 81% 70% 7% 62 Measured Estimated Peak Estimated Effluent Peak Flow Effluent Inflow Flow Rate Volume Reduction Volume (L) (L/s) (L) (%) Table 3-3: Statistical analysis of all precipitation events during the monitoring period at CVC Head Office 18% 84% 100% 72% 70% 59% 28% 62 Estimated Event Runoff Volume Reduction (%) CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 19 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 1,600 Total volume (m3) 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Count Event size 28 2 - 5 mm 8 8 6 4 54 8 5 - 10 mm 10 - 15 mm 15 - 20 mm 20 - 25 mm All Events All Events <25 mm >25 mm Volume reduction 81% 75% 61% 61% 57% 67% 57% Uncontrolled Urban Runoff (Estimated) LID Treated Effluent (Measured) Figure 3-6: Runoff volume reduction during monitoring period at CVC Head Office Average Peak Flow Rate (L/s) 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Count Event size 28 2 - 5 mm 8 8 6 4 54 8 5 - 10 mm 10 - 15 mm 15 - 20 mm 20 - 25 mm All Events All Events <25 mm >25 mm 77% 66% 75% 66% 74% 57% Peak Flow Rate 83% Reduction Uncontrolled Urban Runoff (Estimated) LID Treated Effluent (Measured) Figure 3-7: Peak flow rate reduction during monitoring period at CVC Head Office © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 20 21 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Outflow (watershed-mm) 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 Inflow (watershed-mm) Retention Pond Events < 25 watershed-mm (Source: BMPDB, 2011) CVC Head Office Events < 25 watershed-mm Figure 3-8: Comparison of CVC Head Office with retention pond 28 0 24 4 Flow (L/s) 20 8 16 12 12 90 per cent peak flow rate reduction 8 16 71 per cent reduction 4 0 2014-10-03 12:00 2014-10-03 20:00 Uncontrolled Urban Runoff (Estimated) 2014-10-04 04:00 volume Figure 3-9: Hydrologic summary of the rain event on October 3 and 4, 2014 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 20 24 2014-10-04 12:00 LID Treated Effluent (Measured) Precipitation (mm) Precipitation (mm) Figure 3-9 shows an example of a hydrologic event summary of a storm event, illustrating hydrograph response with reduced peak and total runoff volume. This storm event occurred on October 3 and 4 2014, and had a precipitation depth of 17.4 mm over 14 hours, with a peak rainfall intensity of 27.6 mm/hr. Volume reduction for this event was estimated to be about 71 per cent and peak flow rate reduction was estimated to be about 90 per cent. These estimates are affected by many variables including normal variability in measurements, rainfall-runoff assumptions, etc. 22 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Overall, CVC Head Office is reducing the voume of urban runoff entering the Credit River. The site has demonstrated its ability to provide runoff volume reduction and peak flow rate reduction for events of all sizes. 3.2.2 Lag Time An additional benefit of LID features over conventional stormwater infrastructure is the delayed hydrograph response time. While paved surfaces produce runoff almost instantaneously with precipitation, LIDs provide some lag time between rainfall and runoff as a result of their ability to capture the first few millimeters of rainfall for storage and infiltration/evaporation. Hydrologic lag time statistics computed from precipitation and effluent peaks are presented in Figure 3-10. Error bars represent +/- 5 per cent of error at the given precipitation range. Longer lag times mimic pre-development conditions and give greater opportunity for surface runoff to infiltrate and delays contact with the receiving water body. The median lag time for all events with observed effluent is 0.33 hours, as represented by the horizontal line in Figure 3-10, which presents the median lag time of all storms with observed effluent. The delay between precipitation and effluent provides relief and resilience to receiving water bodies already burdened by high volume of storm water. 0.7 Lag time (hours) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Event size Count (n) <5 mm 21 5-10 mm 7 10-15 mm 8 15-20 mm 6 20-25 mm 4 ≥25 mm 8 median peak lag time Blackline represents the overall median lag time. Error bars represent +/- 5 percent error at the given precipitation range. Figure 3-10: Lag time statistics by storm depth 3.2.3 Influence of Precipitation Intensity on Performance Figure 3-6 shows that both the volume reduction reduction generally decreases with increasing total precipitation. Another factor that affects the performance of the LID system is rainfall intensity, with more intense storms generally having lower volume reductions. Figure 3-11 shows volume reduction vs precipitation depth and peak intensity. Larger, darker data points represent a lower reduction. Figure 3-11 shows that generally, volume reduction decreases with increasing precipitation depth and increasing peak intensity. 77 per cent of events with a total precipitation over 25 mm or peak precipitation intensity over 40 mm/h have a volume reduction under 55 per cent, while only 14 per cent of the events with a total precipitation under 25 mm and with a peak intensity under 40 mm/h have a volume reduction under 55 per cent. As more intense events are expected in Canada due to climate change, further understanding of how storm intensity drives water quantity performance can help improve future LID designs. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 23 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 80.0 Total Precipitation Depth (mm) 70.0 60.0 Volume Reduction under 55 50.0 55-70 40.0 70-85 30.0 85-100 20.0 100 10.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Peak Intensity (mm/h) Figure 3-11: Volume reductions at different precipitation depths and peak intensities for all events at CVC Head Office Table 3-4, Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13 present hydrologic summaries of a low intensity rain event on April 19 and 20, 2015 and a high-intensity rain event on June 22 to 23, 2015. Both of these rain events had a similar total precipitatio, with 21 mm for the first event and 20.8 mm for the second. The second event had a peak intensity ten times higher than the first, and had almost two thirds of the total precipitation fall in a 20-minute period. The low-intensity event had a greater volume reduction, at 69 per cent compared to 52 per cent, and a greater peak flow reduction, at 73 per cent compared to 60 per cent. Table 3-4: Comparison of low-intensity and high-intensity rain events at CVC Head Office April 19-20, 2015 (low intensity) June 22-23, 2015 (high intensity) Event Precipitation (mm) 21 20.8 Event Duration (hr) 18.5 12.8 Peak Precipitation Intensity (mm/hr) 4.8 48 Antecedent Dry Period (days) 2.7 6.4 Peak Effluent Flow Rate (L/s) 1.2 17.3 Estimated Inflow Volume (L) 68,436 67,090 Measured Effluent Volume (L) 20,931 31,916 Estimated Peak Flow Reduction (%) 73 60 Estimated Event Runoff Volume Reduction (%) 69 52 Event © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 24 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 2015-04-20 16:00 Precipitation (mm) Flow (L/s) 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2015-04-19 16:00 2015-04-20 00:00 Uncontrolled Urban Runoff (Estimated) 2015-04-20 08:00 LID Treated Effluent (Measured) Precipitation (mm) Figure 3-12: Hydrologic summary of a low-intensity rain event on April 19 and 20, 2015. 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 2015-06-23 19:00 Precipitation (mm) Flow (L/s) 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2015-06-22 19:00 2015-06-23 03:00 Uncontrolled Urban Runoff (Estimated) 2015-06-23 11:00 LID Treated Effluent (Measured) Precipitation (mm) Figure 3-13: Hydrologic summary of a high-intensity rain event on June 22 and 23, 2015. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 3.3 25 Water Quality TSS Concentration (mg/L) Monthly 75th Percentile (1975-2013) The project team compared CVC Head Office data with reference 45 Urban Stream (60-65% sources, including comparisons Impervious) Rural Stream (10-20% 40 with water quality data from similar Impervious) CWQG LID practices within the region and 35 with other North American 30 locations. This includes 25 comparisons to the PWQOs, BMPDB, and NSQD. This 20 comparison provides an 15 understanding of CVC Head Office LID practice performance to other 10 locations including cold weather 5 climates in North America. These 0 comparisons are useful in order to Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. May June July Aug. Feb. Mar. April Jan. understand whether there is a th Figure 3-14: Monthly 75 Per centile Total Suspended Solids need to improve on design or concentration compared at an urban vs. rural catchment consider alternate sizing approaches for these control measures and to assure regulators that the CVC Head Office LID features do provide adequate performance to meet PWQOs. The results in this section demonstrate the water quality performance of the parking lot LID that was implemented at CVC Head Office. Installing stormwater quality controls is important so that development or urbanization does not degrade the water quality of receiving water bodies. CVC’s Stormwater Management Criteria (CVC, 2012) stipulates that all watercourses and water bodies such as Lake Ontario within CVC’s jurisdiction are classified as requiring, at a minimum, an enhanced level of protection with 80 per cent TSS removal. For the last three decades, Ontario developers and municipalities have been achieving enhanced water quality control by constructing end-of-pipe wet facilities (i.e. wet ponds, wetlands and hybrid ponds). In conventional end-of-pipe wet stormwater management infrastructure, the main treatment mechanism for reduction in particulates is through settling. This mechanism is less effective in removing smaller particles for shorter time frames. Similarly, other dissolved pollutants often go untreated through conventional stormwater infrastructure. Nutrients as well as many hydrocarbons are often associated with fine particles (Appendix E). Figure 3-14 shows the difference in TSS concentration between an urban (impervious cover between 6065 per cent) stream that receives stormwater from upland developments (with conventional end-of-pipe wet facilities) as the dark blue line and a rural stream (pink line) with 10-20 per cent impervious cover during dry ambient conditions in the Credit River watershed. The comparison demonstrates that there are higher levels of TSS in the stream draining the developed area with conventional stormwater management wet facilities than in the rural area. This result is due to the lack of water quality control in the stormwater management ponds. To further support these conclusions, a USGS study (USGS 2008) conducted in Wisconsin, showed that during a 7 year of study, LID on average yielded 20 per cent less sediment per acre (39 lb/acre) when compared to a conventional development with a traditional stormwater management basin (49 lb/acre). CVC’s Water Quality Strategy (CVC, 2009) further identifies parameters of concern (PoC) in Table 3-5 that must meet the respective provincial or federal water quality objectives. Table 3-5 summarizes PWQOs for many of the parameters that are being monitored at the CVC Head Office site. Although these objectives were not specifically developed for stormwater discharges, Environment Canada, © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 26 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office MOECC, and the U.S. EPA have long recognized that urban stormwater is a major contributor to pollutant loading to our creeks, rivers and Great Lakes. The guidelines listed in the table provide context for planning and water resource management. These guidelines will be used as a basis for assessing water quality performance of LID practices and indicate which pollutants are particularly well controlled. Table 3-5: Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQOs) for selected parameters of interest Parameter Unit PWQO Water Quality Cadmium (Cd) μg/L 0.2 Copper (Cu) μg/L 5 Iron (Fe) μg/L 300 Lead (Pb) μg/L 1 – 5 depending on hardness (Interim) Nickel (Ni) μg/L 25 Zinc (Zn) μg/L 20 (Interim revised) Total Phosphorus (TP) μg/L 30 Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3 as N) mg/L 3.0 (CCME) Nitrite + Nitrate (NO2 + NO3) mg/L N/A Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 25 (CCME) Other Temperature °C Narrative standard, with some numeric components Sources: Water Management Policies, Guidelines, Provincial Water Quality Objectives of the Ministry of the Environment (July 1994, Reprinted February 1999); Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2015). CVC proposes stringent measures to control the discharge of PoCs to water courses. Implementing best management practices such as treatment trains that incorporate LID can help achieve control so the quality of the receiving water bodies is protected or improved. Water quality control of LID practices is best measured as load reduction, which takes into account all volume and pollutant reduction mechanisms. Load reduction in LID practices is influenced by several mechanisms: volume reduction (e.g., infiltration and evapotranspiration), filtration, settling, and adsorption. While infiltration decreases pollutant loadings to surface water, it provides a pathway for water-soluble pollutants (e.g., nitrates and chlorides) to reach groundwater. Filtration, settling, and adsorption removes pollutants from surface water by retaining them in the filter media. Event mean concentrations (EMCs) are the flowproportional average concentrations of water quality parameters during a storm event. The EMCs and the runoff volume determine the pollutant loads from a site and are representative of average pollutant concentrations over a runoff event. 3.3.1 Pollutant Load Reduction Pollutant load removal was determined in the following manner: influent load to the LID device was estimated by multiplying the predicted influent volume by the NSQD median influent concentration for commercial, institutional, and industrial land uses in EPA Rain Zone 1. For several parameters, there was insufficient data available in the NSQD to estimate influent loads. The estimated influent load was compared with the monitored effluent load. Where influent volume was predicted but no effluent volume © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 27 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office was recorded, the estimated pollutant load reduction was 100 per cent. For events where effluent discharge was recorded but no water quality sample was collected, loads were computed with the median effluent value from the collected CVC Head Office water quality samples. Based on representative influent data from the NSQD, CVC Head Office achieved a total estimated load reduction for TSS of 81 per cent, as shown in Table 3-6. This achieves provincial standards for enhanced water quality treatment of 80 per cent TSS removal. These results show that for all parameters there is an estimated load reduction of at least 69 per cent with the exception of NO2 + NO3. Parameter b Table 3-6: CVC Head Office estimated water quality treatment performance summary for zero-effluent and sampled events between July 2014 to September 2015 a TSS TP NO2+NO3 TKNc Cu Zn Sampled Events Unsampled Events Zero-outflow events (n = 12) (n = 42) (n = 8) Total Estimated Influent a Load (g) Total Effluent Load (g) Total Estimated Influent a Load (g) Total Estimated Effluent Load (g) Total Estimated Influent a Load (g) Total Effluent Load (g) Estimated Total Load Reduction (%) 105274 136 560 612 20.38 138 30714 59.54 461 189 7.41 35.51 181181 234 964 2160 35.07 237 26075 60 619 441 7.36 44 10153 13.10 54.04 98.26 1.97 13.26 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 69 32 78 74 80 Used data from the NSQD to estimate influent concentrations, using medians after filtering for USEPA Rain Zone 1 and Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional land uses. Used the Simple Method to estimate influent volume (Appendix C) For OP, Cd, Fe, Ni, and Cl-, there was insufficient data available in NSQD to estimate influent concentration c Only 7 sampled events for TKN and 47 unsampled events b For monitored events, the total load reductions for TSS and other water quality parameters, sorted by 5 mm precipitation event size increments, are compared in Table 3-7. Figure 3-15 shows the range of load reductions for individual events along with the total load reduction for TSS in each precipitation bin. Similar figures for the other parameters can be found in Appendix D. The total estimated load reduction generally decreases with increasing precipitation event size, and the >25 mm range has the lowest reduction for all parameters but NO2 + NO3 and Zn. The CVC Head Office LID site performs well for events of 25 mm and under, with an 86 per cent TSS reduction and a reduction of at least 74 per cent for the other parameters other than NO2 + NO3. These events constitute 90 per cent of all precipitation events in Ontario. For events over 25 mm, the TSS reduction is considerably lower at 73 per cent. Statistical tests (Mann-Whitney U test and Student’s t-test) show the TSS reduction for these storms is significantly different than the TSS reduction for storms under 25 mm. Of the measured parameters, NO2 + NO3 and the other nutrients show the greatest inconsistently in load reduction for individual events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 28 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Table 3-7: Estimated total load reduction for each precipitation bin Storm Size TSS TP (mm) (%) (%) NO2 + NO3 (%) <5 92 86 5 - 10 92 10 - 20 TKN Cu Zn (%) (%) (%) 64 89 88 90 81 47 87 86 87 84 72 27 78 75 80 15 - 20 84 72 28 80 77 79 20 - 25 81 62 15 76 74 76 All events <25 86 74 35 82 80 82 All events >25 73 61 26 73 67 76 100 90 Load Reduction (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 >25 Rain Event Size (mm) Figure 3-15: Estimated total load reduction by event size for TSS. Black bars show the range in load reductions for individual storm events. 3.3.2 Event Mean Concentrations and Comparisons to the BMPDB While loading comparisons are preferred, EMCs also demonstrate the reduction in concentration with treatment of the LID system. The median effluent EMC information for sampled events at CVC Head Office and the estimated influent EMCs from the NSQD are provided in Table 3-8 with PWQOs (from Table 3-5) as a comparison. It shows that several of the median effluent concentrations for most parameters sampled at CVC Head Office exceed the PWQOs, except for Fe, Ni, and NO2 + NO3. For all parameters but NO2 + NO3, the median effluent concentration is higher than the estimated influent concentration. This indicates that although many of the effluent EMCs exceed guidelines, they would likely be even higher if not for the LID treatment. As discussed before, the major benefit for LID features with respect to water quality is the load reductions. In addition, the PWQOs were developed for freshwater waterbodies and not specifically developed for stormwater discharges. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 29 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Table 3-8: Water quality summary statistics for sampled events at CVC Head Office with comparisons to the NSQD and water quality guidelines CVC Head Office EMCs and PWQOs Statistic Median Effluent EMC (n=12) Estimated Influent EMC (from d,e NSQD) PWQO /CCME Cd µg/L Cu µg/L Fe µg/L Pb µg/L Ni µg/L Zn µg/L NO2 + NO3 mg/L 1.03 14.75 193.5 NDa 0.09 87.2 - 24 - - - 0.2 5 300 1-5 25 TKN mg/L PO4 mg/L TP mg/L TSS mg/L Cl mg/L 1.24 b 0.67c 0.08 0.12 52 231.5 162 0.66 1.12 - 0.16 124 - 20 3d N/A N/A 0.03 25 120 a The median EMC value for Pb was below the detection limit Guideline value for NO3 is used. Only 7 samples for TKN. d Used data from the NSQD to estimate influent concentrations, using the median values after filtering for USEPA Rain Zone 1 and Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional land uses. e Insufficient data available in NSQD to estimate influent concentration for some parameters b c The median effluent EMC for CVC Head Office is compared to the discharge from five other BMP types within the same EPA rainfall zone (Zone 1) (Table 3-9) from the BMPDB, including bioretention, detention basins, manufactured devices, retention pond and wetland channel. While the performance is not available for every parameter, relating median effluent EMC within the same precipitation zone reduces variability in climate pattern differences. The CVC Head Office median effluent EMCs are either lower or within the range of values for PO4, Fe, TKN, Ni, and TP, and higher than the range of values for NO2 + NO3, Cd, Cu, TSS, and Zn. The difference in design for this lot compared to typical permeable pavement with the use of locally-sourced, recycled concrete for the base may be a contributor to the difference in performance between this lot and those in the BMPDB. The presence of baseflow at this site may also contribute to the EMC concentrations, although for most events the volume of the stormflow is much higher than the baseflow. Water chemistry testing of this baseflow is planned to help quantify any potential contribution to the effluent concentrations. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 30 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Table 3-9: Comparison of CVC Head Office Median Sampled Effluent EMC to different BMPs from BMPDB Parameter (units) NO2 + NO3 (mg/L) PO4 (mg/L) Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Fe (µg/L) TKN (mg/L) Pb (µg/L) Ni (µg/L) TP (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Zn (µg/L) CVC Head Office Median Effluent EMC* BMP Typea Bioretention Porous Pavement Detention Basin Manufactured Devices Retention Pond Wetland Channel 1.24 0.21 0.65 - 0.44 0.19 0.17 0.08 - - - - 0.09 - 1.03 - - - 0.11 0.40 - 14.75 193.5 - - - 7.00 5.74 - - - - - 360 - 0.67 - - - 0.57 1.10 1.50 ND 0.09 b - - - 3.58 5.00 1.90 - - - - 2.00 - 0.12 0.18 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.18 0.22 52 6.20 - 22.6 26.0 14.4 12.0 87.2 - - - 30.5 18.8 - *Bold numbers represent values which are less than all given BMP effluent EMCs. a Values represent BMPs in USEPA rainfall zone 1 b Median EMC value for Pb was lower than the detection limit Overall CVC Head Office water quality analysis indicates that the LID performance is improving water quality by reducing the total load of parameters of concern entering the Credit River. In addition, there is an estimated reduction in concentration of most of the parameters. Other summaries and comparisons including time series plots and graphical statistical summary plots can be found in Appendix D. 3.4 Reclaimed Water Usage The rainwater harvesting system allows the use of reclaimed water at CVC’s Head Office. Daily use from a twelve week period from April to July 2015 is shown in Figure 3-16. The median daily usage of the reclaimed water during workdays is 1300 L. Due to maintenance and a sump pump failure, there were time periods where the rainwater harvesting system was left offline and reclaimed water was not used in the building. For details of how this system was monitored, please see Appendix B. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 31 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Daily Reclaimed Water Usage (L) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 25-Apr-15 16-May-15 6-Jun-15 27-Jun-15 18-Jul-15 Date Figure 3-16: Reclaimed water used from a 12-week period in mid-2015. The orange line indicates the overall median recaimed water usage of 1300 L for workdays. The reclaimed water usage was compared to the total municipal water usage to determine the relative usage percentages of each. Total reclaimed water usage varied by month, with a total reclaimed water usage of 26 per cent for the time periods it was online. The maximum reclaimed water usage as a per cent of total water usage during this time period in May 2015, where 32 per cent of the total water usage was reclaimed water (Figure 3-17). The total amount of reclaimed water used from August 2013 to December 2015, and thus municipal water saved, was 441 820 L, or over 150 000 L/year. The total cost savings from not using municipal water over this period was approximately $845, although this does not take into account the cost of installing and maintaining the system. As the reclaimed water is only used for toilets and garden hoses for one of the two main buildings at CVC’s main office, the water savings would likely be considerably higher if reclaimed water was used for both buildings. Additionally, the presence of an environmental laboratory and staff shower may also increase the amount of municipal water used relative to a normal office building. The addition of the sump pump water allows a consistent input of water to the storage tank, allowing the consistent daily water demand to be met. If only rainwater from the rooftop was used to fill the storage tank, only about half of the current reclaimed water usage demand could be met. A full rain tank only has capacity for about a week’s worth of reclaimed water usage if there is no additional input during that time. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 32 CVC Water Use, May 2015 31750, 32% 66370, 68% Reclaimed Water Used (L) Treated Water Used (L) Figure 3-17: CVC’s water usage for May 2015. 3.5 CVC Head Office Site Water Balance The addition of a rainwater harvesting system allowed rainwater that falls on the rooftop of one of the buildings at CVC Head Office to be retained and reused as non-potable water. As the storage tank holds about 5000 L of water, this allows it to store up to about 9 mm of rainfall for each event, assuming no reclaimed water usage, and up to 11 mm of each event assuming median daily water usage. However, as the storage tank is also periodically filled with water from the sump pump, in practice only 2000 L or less of space is available during rain events, representing a rainfall depth of 3.7 mm falling on the roof. The volume of water that is retained is dependent on this empty space. As the tank fills up during the early parts of large rain events, the percentage of the total water that falls on the monitoring site that is retained is reduced. Total site water balances for both a smaller and larger storm event are shown in Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19. While the volume retained by the rainwater storage tank is similar for both events, the percentage of the total rainwater retained is much smaller for the 43.3 mm event than the 4.6 mm event (2 per cent vs 13 per cent). Directing water from the sump pump to the rainwater harvesting system lowers the available volume for the retention of rooftop rainwater, but is still a benefit to the local stormwater system as this sump pump water would otherwise have been directed to a storm sewer. Installing a larger stormwater tank would allow an increased volume of rooftop rainwater to be retained. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Water Balance for October 20 2014 Storm 521, 4% 1721, 13% Water discharged to stormwater system (L) Water collected by raintank (L) 11058, 83% Water retained by LID (L) Figure 3-18: CVC Head Office water balance for a 4.6 mm rain event on October 20, 2014 Water Balance for May 30 2015 Storm Water discharged to stormwater system (L) 57472.8, 41% 78800.2, 57% Water collected by raintank (L) Water retained by LID (L) 2182, 2% Figure 3-19: CVC Head Office water balance for a 43.3 mm rain event on May 30, 2015 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 33 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 34 4 MAINTENANCE The stormwater facilities at CVC Head Office are designed to trap debris, sediments and other stormwater pollutants that will accumulate and will need to be removed periodically through maintenance. Understanding maintenance needs of these systems is a priority for the program and property owners to assess if these technologies are feasible from a city wide perspective. Traditional stormwater ponds need to be maintained as well but there is less monitoring data on these activities, making it unclear in terms of frequency and extent of maintenance at different intervals. Long term infrastructure assessment is needed (both quality and quantity performance) to capture when a decline in performance occurs and how performance is restored once maintenance work has been completed. Therefore maintenance documentation in concert with long term performance assessment is required in order to link maintenance activities to changes in performance. Some maintenance requirements may only be detectable through long term performance. A maintenance checklist was developed to quantitatively record site conditions and maintenance needs as accurately as possible. The goal of the checklist format is to make inspections easy and straightforward for anyone to complete. There is a corresponding legend to accompany the checklist to give guidance to someone who may not be familiar with LID, such as maintenance and landscaping staff. The same information is collected each time in the same format, ensuring proper documentation and making it easier to track changes over time which gives consistency to the monitoring. By reviewing the checklist data over time you can determine the frequency of maintenance needed for each site and provide insight into future designs and planning of LID features. Developing a maintenance schedule based on data gathered at the site, allows for the establishment of maintenance costs, which are important to the functionality and life cycle of LID and other stormwater features. The maintenance and inspection checklist can be found in Appendix F. Several issues were identified from these maintenance checklists. Due to the amount of deciduous trees surrounding the grass swales, the swales become filled with fallen leaves in the autumn months, which may decrease infiltration into these swales. Erosion has also been identified in these swales. There is evidence of clogging in sections of the older permeable pavement lot, which has only been vacuumed once (in 2012) as of the end of 2015. In November 2015, infiltration tests were completed for both permeable parking lots (Figure 4-1), using ASTM method C1781 (ASTM, 2015). The results showed that the newer lot had high infiltration rates, suggesting that no maintenance is required. The older lot had lower infiltration rates, and the tests provided further evidence that there are areas of clogging. This indicates the need for maintenance, such as vacuuming, at the older permeable lot. While age may be one of the reasons for the poor performance of the older lot relative to the newer lot, the use of recycled concrete as opposed to standard materials for the base layer may also be a factor. Vacuuming is being planning for the older lot in 2016, followed by another round of infiltration tests. The results of the monitoring program before and after this maintenance will be compared. Further maintenance may be completed based on the requirements of CVC’s application for Mississauga’s Stormwater Charge Credit Program © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 35 Figure 4-1: Infiltration test results for both permeable parking lots Maintenance inspections have also shown that the edging restraints used for the old permeable parking lot are not providing the necessary support for the pavers in certain sections of the lot. Some spreading of the pavers at the edge of the lot has been observed. As part of the one-year construction warranty between the contractor and CVC, the pavers that had moved out of alignment were adjusted by the contractor. CVC has now taken over management of the parking lot and is monitoring the status of the pavers for any further issues. These initial issues with the edging restraint were one of the factors influencing CVC to specify a concrete curb for the expansion lot. Cleaning of the rainwater storage tank is one of the major maintenance tasks associated with the rainwater harvesting system. The frequency of tank cleaning for the CVC system could have been mitigated by installing a screen mesh or “sock”-style filter on the piping conveying rainwater to the tank from the roof. The use of a pre-storage filter is highly recommended with rainwater harvesting systems as it prevents large amounts of debris from entering the tank. It also provides other benefits such as reducing potential wear on the pump and pressure system. In the summer of 2015, the CVC’s rainwater storage tank was cleaned for the first time in several years. Sediment and some larger debris had accumulated in the tank (Figure 4-2). It is suspected that the sediment is largely from the sump pump and the large debris from the roof. This cleaning was done inhouse, using a wet/dry shop-vac and a pressure washer. It took about 2 hours, and required two staff members. Due to a sump pump failure in the fall of 2015, the tank required additional cleaning. An outside contractor was used at a cost of about $200 for half a day of work. Moving forward, the use of an outside contractor is considered preferable to cleaning the tank using CVC staff as it is cleaned much more thoroughly for a competitive price. Starting in 2016, the raintank is expected to be cleaned in this manner once per year. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office Figure 4-2: Accumulated sediment and debris in the rainwater storage tank © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 36 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 37 5 DISCUSSION – MONITORING OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT To advance the use of LID designs and practices, CVC has worked with partners and stakeholders to address their questions about performance, operations, and implementation. Stakeholders identified top priorities to help maximize the benefits of investments in LID, and provide the data that is needed to develop long-term solutions for SWM plans. CVC has consulted the expert advisory committee to develop and implement a robust monitoring program to better understand LID performance and address information gaps. This list assesses each objective relevant to the monitoring program conducted at CVC Head Office between 2014 and 2015. 1. Evaluate how a site with multiple LID practices treats stormwater runoff and manages stormwater quantity as a whole. CVC Head Office features permeable pavement along with a rainwater harvesting system. The site provided volume reduction and peak flow reduction for storm events. The median volume reduction for all storm events was 70 per cent and the median peak flow reduction was 81 per cent. The total volume reduction for storms with a depth of 25 mm or less was 67 per cent. 2. Evaluate long-term maintenance needs and maintenance programs and the impact of maintenance on performance. Areas of clogging have been identified on the permeable parking lot. Maintenance of this lot, including vacuuming, is planned in 2016. Once this has been completed the performance of the site before and after this maintenance will be compared. The rainwater storage tank collects some sediment and debris from the roof and sump pump, and is expected to be cleaned about once per year for a cost of about $200 3. Determine the life-cycle costs of LID practices. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please see the Lakeview or Elm Drive reports for additional information on life-cycle costs of LID practices. 4. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID designs in clay or low infiltration soils. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please see the Riverwood report for additional information on the performance of LID in clay or low-infiltration soils. 5. Evaluate whether the LID SWM systems are providing flood control, erosion control, water quality, recharge and natural heritage protection per the design standard. See Table 5-1 below. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 38 Table 5-1: SWM criteria and preliminary observations. SWM Criteria Water quality CVC SWM Criteria for New Development Level 1 (enhanced) level of protection (80% TSS removal) as per the SWM design criteria At a minimum detain 5 mm. Erosion control Flood control For sites with SWM ponds, detain 25 mm for 48 hrs. Post- to pre-control of peak flows for the 2- to 100-year design storms to the appropriate Watershed Flood Control Criteria. Observed Performance CVC Head Office had a total TSS reduction of 81% over all events. This exceeds Level 1 (enhanced) protection. For all events under 25 mm, representing 90% of precipitation events annually, the total TSS reduction was 86%. While not specifically monitored for detention rates, CVC Head Office has achieved a median 81% peak flow reduction and 70% volume reduction, therefore allowing the site to mimic a more natural hydrologic cycle and likely reduce the impacts of erosion on the downstream receiving creek. CVC Head Office has achieved a median 81% peak flow reduction. During the monitoring period, there was insufficient data to compare with the 2and 100- year design storms. A longer monitoring period is necessary. 6. Assess the potential for groundwater contamination in the short- and long-term. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please see the IMAX or Meadows in the Glen reports for additional information on the potential for groundwater contamination at LID sites. 7. Assess the performance of LID designs in reducing pollutants that are dissolved or not associated with suspended solids. Nitrate is in a dissolved state and is partly sequestered in the vadose zone and could travel with the movement of groundwater. Monitoring results show a 32 per cent load reduction for NO2 + NO3. 8. Demonstrate the degree to which LID mitigates urban thermal impacts on receiving waters. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please see the Elm Drive report for additional information on thermal benefits of LID. 9. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID technologies, which currently do not receive credits or are only given limited credit in the 2003 MOE SWM Planning and Design Manual. Permeable/porous pavement is not eligible for credit towards the water quality criteria as shown in Table 3.2 of the 2003 MOE SWM Planning and Design Manual. Based on the findings during the monitoring period the LID at CVC Head Office provides a median 81 per cent peak flow reduction and a median 70 per cent volume reduction over all events. The overall TSS reduction was 81 per cent. However, LID benefits for peak flow reduction are © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 39 often overlooked. The sizing of SWM features downstream will need to take this into account, as these reductions minimize pressure on stormwater infrastructure. 10. Evaluate how SWM ponds perform with LID upstream. Can the wet pond component be reduced or eliminated by meeting erosion and water quality objectives with LID? While this objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program, this site demonstrates water quality control of about 81 per cent TSS removal, achieving the Level 1 enhanced water quality objective of 80 per cent TSS removal 11. Assess the potential for soil contamination for practices that infiltrate. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please see the Elm Drive and Riverwood reports for additional information on the potential for soil contamination for practices that infiltrate. 12. Evaluate effectiveness of soil amendments and increased topsoil depth for water balance and long-term reliability. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. 13. Evaluate and refine construction methods and practices for LID projects. Photo logs of construction activities were taken as the LID was installed, and ongoing inspections and maintenance is occurring. Initial evidence that the edging restraints are not providing the necessary support for the pavers in certain sections of the lot. Some spreading of the pavers at the edge of the lot was observed. As part of the one-year construction warranty between the contractor and CVC, the pavers that had moved out of alignment were adjusted by the contractor. CVC has now taken over management of the parking lot and is monitoring the status of the pavers for any further issues. These initial issues with the edging restraint were one of the factors influencing CVC to specify a concrete curb for the expansion lot constructed approximately one year after the first lot. The frequency of tank cleaning for the CVC rainwater harvesting system (approximately once per year) could have been mitigated by installing a screen mesh or “sock”-style filter on the piping conveying rainwater to the tank from the roof. The use of a pre-storage filter is highly recommended with RWH systems as it prevents large amounts of debris from entering the tank. It also provides other benefits such as reducing potential wear on the pump and pressure system. Infiltration testing completed on both permeable lots indicate that the older lot has much slower infiltration rates. This may be due to the use of locally sourced bedding materials to achieve LEED certification. 14. Develop and calibrate EMCs for various land uses and pollutants. Influent runoff sampling must be collected from numerous sites to develop robust land-use EMCs. The effluent characteristics of CVC Head Office are being compared to land-use EMCs developed through the NSQD. To date, the NSQD land-use EMC data is providing a valuable reference and its use is recommended for future studies. EMC values have been developed for several parameters listed in Error! Reference source not found. based on the 2014 to 2015 water quality data. 15. Assess performance of measures to determine potential rebates on development charges, credits on municipal stormwater rates and/or reductions in flood insurance premiums. CVC is currently developing an application for the Mississauga stormwater charge credit program. These monitoring results may be used to assist in the application process. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 40 The water quality monitoring indicates that the older parking lot is achieving 81 per cent TSS reduction, qualifying it for a credit for the water quality category As the LID is located at CVC’s Head Office, it acts a demonstration site for examples of LID that can be eligible for the Mississauga stormwater charge credit program 16. Assess the ancillary benefits, or non-SWM benefits. CVC’s rainwater harvesting system has led to a total reclaimed water usage of over 400 000 L, reducing strain on municipal water supplies. Up to 32 per cent of CVC’s monthly water usage has been reclaimed water. As the LID is located at CVC’s Head Office, it has allowed for various education and community learning opportunities for municipal representatives or members of the public visiting CVC. Refer to CVC’s Grey to Green Road Retrofits: Business and Multi-Residential Properties (CVC, 2014) for more indirect benefits, such as a healthier and safer work environment. 17. Assess the potential for groundwater mounding in localized areas. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. 18. Improve and refine the designs for individual LID practices. LID landscapes should conform to typical urban landscaping principles, unlike stormwater ponds or stream restorations which follow natural landscaping approaches. There are many options for design depending on the LID practice. It is important to determine the right design for the right location. The performance results from this location can help to inform future permeable pavement and rainwater harvesting system designs. Refer to CVC’s Landscape Design Guide for Low Impact Development for a complete discussion of landscaping principles for successful LID design. 19. Assess the overall performance of LID technologies under winter conditions. This objective was not part of the CVC Head Office monitoring program so was not evaluated at this location. Please refer for the Elm Drive and IMAX reports for additional information on winter performance of LID. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 41 6 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS These findings focus on the short-term performance assessment of LID at CVC Head Office. Discussed below is a summary of findings from the assessment conducted during the monitoring period from July 2014 to September 2015. 6.1 Water Quantity The precipitation events captured at CVC Head Office matched well with the event frequency distribution published for the Toronto region (Figure 3-2), with the exception of events from 2 to 5 mm and 5 to 10 mm. Among all events captured during the monitoring period (Appendix D), 87 per cent were a depth less than 25 mm, indicating that the preliminary conditions at CVC Head Office are representative of the GTA. CVC’s design priorities are to manage water quantity and enhance water quality. For water quantity, the performance of CVC Head Office is as follows: • • • • • 6.2 The median runoff reduction for all hydrologic events observed during the monitoring period was 70 per cent (Table 3-3). Storm events with depths < 25 mm were attenuated with 67 per cent volume reduction During the monitoring period, the median peak flow reduction was found to be 81 per cent (Table 3-3) While CVC Head Office was not designed for flood mitigation, estimated inflow and measured outflow show considerable reduction in peak flow. Volume reduction decreases with total precipitation depth and/or peak precipitation intensity Water Quality The performance results have demonstrated that the LID at CVC Head Office is providing water quality benefits: • • • • 6.3 When stormwater effluent was discharged from CVC Head Office during rain events, it achieved about 81 per cent TSS load reduction (Table 3-6). The CVC Head Office LID site performs well for events of 25 mm and under, with an 86 per cent TSS reduction and a reduction of at least 74 per cent for the other parameters aside from NO2 + NO3. These events constitute 90 per cent of all precipitation events in Ontario. Nutrient loadings from stormwater runoff are a concern as they feed algae growth which can in turn lead to beach closures. TP and nitrate are typical nutrients that are monitored to assess the effectiveness of stormwater practices to reduce algae growth. The performance assessment at CVC Head Office showed a total of 69 per cent load reduction in TP and a 32 per cent load reduction in NO2 + NO3 over the monitored period. The CVC Head Office median effluent EMCs are either lower or within the range of values PO4, Fe, TKN, Ni, and TP when compared to five other BMP types within the same EPA rainfall zone (Zone 1) (Table 3-9) from the BMPDB, including bioretention, detention basins, manufactured devices, retention pond and wetland channel Rainwater Harvesting System • • The total reclaimed water usage from August 2013 to December 2015 was 400 000 L The reclaimed water usage represented 26 per cent of CVC’s total water usage during the months the raintank was online © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 42 7 REFERENCES ASTM, 2015. ASTM C1781 / C1781M-15, Standard Test Method for Surface Infiltration Rate of Permeable Unit Pavement Systems, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA AECOM, 2013. City of Mississauga Stormwater Financing Study. Retrieved February 12, 2016 Canadian Construction Association (CCA), Canadian Public Works Association, Canadian Society for Civil Engineers and Federation of Canadian Municipalities. 2012. Municipal Roads and Water System. Volume 1. ISBN 978-1-897150-45-0 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). 2015. Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines. City of Mississauga, 2015. Stormwater Charge Credit Application Guidance Manual. Retrieved February 12, 2016 Cook, D.J. and Dickinson, W.T. 1986. “The Impact of Urbanization on the Hydrologic Response of a Small Ontario Watershed.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13: 620-630. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). 2009. Water Quality Strategy. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). 2011. Low impact development stormwater management planning and design guide. Version 1.0.1. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). 2012. Stormwater Management Criteria. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). 2014. Grey to Green Business & Multi-Residential Retrofits: Optimizing Your Bottom Line through Low Impact Development. EBNFLO Environmental and AquaResource Inc. (2010). Guide for Assessment of Hydrologic Effects of Climate Change in Ontario. Prepared for The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of the Environment in partnership with Credit Valley Conservation Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (FISRWG). 1998. Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. PB98-158348LUW. Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). 2007. Danger Ahead: The Coming Collapse of Canada’s Municipal Infrastructure. Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). 2012a. Water Damage is on the Rise: Are you Protected? Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). 2012b. Factsheet: Water Damage is on the Rise: Are you Protected? © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC LID Demonstration Monitoring Projects: Performance Evaluation of the CVC Head Office 43 Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). 2014. FACTS of the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry. 36th edition, ISSN 1197 3404. International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (BMPDB). 2011. Technical Summary: Volume Reduction. 1.pdf International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (BMPDB). Retrieved on Mar 15, 2015: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp. Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE). 1999. Water Management Policies, Guidelines, Provincial Water Quality Objectives of the Ministry of the Environment. July 1994, Reprinted: Feb 1999. 01_079681.pdf Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure (MEDEI). 2015. Building Together: Jobs and Prosperity for Ontarians. Executive Summary. Retrieved on January 2015: Personal Communication with Harold Reinthaler, Partner, Schaeffers & Associates, Ltd., Concord, Ontario. October 2012 Prince George’s Country, Maryland Department of Environmental Resources Programs and Planning Division. 1999. Low-Impact Development Hydrologic Analysis. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). 2015. RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Webinar: A Discussion with stakeholders. March 25, 2015. Lynn Patterson, Chris Coulter and Bob Sandford. Schueler, T. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC. Schueler, T. 1995. Environmental Land Planning Series: Site Planning for Urban Stream Protection. Prepared by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and the Center for Watershed Protection, Silver Spring, Maryland. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). 2013. Toronto and Region Watersheds Report Card 2013. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2008. A Comparison of Runoff Quantity and Quality from Two Small Basins Undergoing Implementation of Conventional and Low-Impact-Development (LID) Strategies: Cross Plains, Wisconsin, Water Years 1999–2005. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). 2011. High-impact claims. Fact Sheet. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix A Monitoring Plan NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Credit Valley Conservation Head Office Monitoring Plan Executive Summary: Monitoring of a Low Impact Green Office Building _____________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND Municipalities across Canada are struggling to address a number of issues surrounding stormwater management; from aging infrastructure to insufficient stormwater management. To prevent the degradation of receiving streams and the Great Lakes, and damage to property and infrastructure from erosion and flooding, innovative stormwater management techniques and technologies will need to be implemented. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a rainwater harvesting system, permeable paving, and bioswales, with respect to: reducing stormwater effluent volume, reducing total loadings of parameters of concern, and reducing the use of municipally treated water. This project will help educate urban municipalities on how to balance growth, redevelopment, stormwater infrastructure, and the environment in light of climate change; providing a template that municipalities can employ to costeffectively address environmental and development issues. PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1. “Innovative” stormwater management demonstration site: This treatment approach is “above and beyond” the standard practices in place pertaining to stormwater management in Ontario, using a rainwater harvesting system, permeable pavement, and bioretention trenches as source control for treatment and management. This project will also add much needed performance data to support design initiatives of such practices. 2. To support initiatives such as source protection and municipal stormwater management in light of climate change. 3. Template for Municipalities Across Ontario: Comprehensive effectiveness monitoring of performance data will be conducted to provide municipalities across Ontario with a template for LID implementation. PROJECT SCHEDULE 1. 2. Initiation of Environmental Monitoring – Summer 2013 End of Project – Late Fall 2021 1 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 CVC Head Office Monitoring Work Strategy Plan 1.0 PURPOSE & OBJECTIVES 2.0 BACKGROUND 3.0 LID INITIATIVES 4.0 STUDY AREA 5.0 MONITORING SITE 6.0 WORK PLAN 7.0 DATA MANAGEMENT & ANALYSIS 8.0 REPORTING 9.0 INTENTIONS TO PUBLISH 10.0 COSTING 11.0 ADAPTIVE PROGRAM 12.0 REFERENCES 1 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 1. Monitoring Purpose and Objectives The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall stormwater runoff reductions and pollutant removals for a typical office building and parking lot when multiple Low Impact Development (LID) practices are employed. The following monitoring objectives are based on the nineteen objectives identified for CVC’s overall stormwater management program and are relevant for CVC’s Head Office site: 1. Evaluate how a site with multiple LID practices treats stormwater runoff and manages stormwater quantity as a whole. 2. Evaluate long-term maintenance needs and maintenance programs, and the impact of maintenance on performance. 5. Evaluate whether LID SWM systems are providing flood control, erosion control, water quality, recharge, and natural heritage protection per the design standard. 9. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID technologies. 13. Evaluate and refine construction methods and practices for LID projects. 14. Develop and calibrate event mean concentrations (EMCs) for various land uses and pollutants. 15. Assess performance of measures to determine potential rebates on development charges, credits on municipal stormwater rates and/or reductions in flood insurance premiums (i.e. can LID reduce infrastructure demand?). 16. Assess the ancillary benefits, or non-SWM benefits. 18. Improve and refine the designs for individual LID practices. This monitoring plan is based on the protocols and practices being used in other CVC monitoring programs. 2. Background Our communities are supported by functions provided by our environment such as abundant, safe drinking water, and clean air. Studies conducted on the Credit River Watershed have found that we need to integrate how we build our communities with how we manage our stormwater to support a sustainable environment. This is known as Low Impact Development (LID). The design of the new CVC head office building includes LID measures such as a rainwater harvesting system and a permeable pavement parking lot with perimeter grass swales, which will help to reduce the buildings environmental impact. LID attempts to mimic natural processes by reducing surface runoff and increasing infiltration. Therefore, its performance depends on local conditions including, climate, soils, and drainage. 2 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Individual LID measures should be examined with respect to basic hydrological cycle components: evapotranspiration, infiltration, and runoff. Stormwater infiltration occurs on natural soils with pervious cover and at special facilities (bioretention and swales) located throughout the catchment area. At the CVC Head Office site, it is expected that infiltration will occur in the permeable parking lot and the grass swale areas. Long-term sustainable infiltration depends on soil cover, soils, hydrology, risk of clogging of infiltration sites, and infiltration facility maintenance. Mimicking a natural water balance also supports the enhancement of runoff quality and ecological integrity in receiving streams (J. Marsalek and Q. Rochfort 2008). CVC will assess if the LID practices put in place provide runoff control, improved water quality, and increased groundwater recharge leading to more natural site hydrology and water quality when compared to conventional stormwater management practices. This monitoring project can act as a model to other sites contemplating LID stormwater management ideas and a point of comparison to other locations with similar systems already in place. 3. LID Initiatives The most commonly used method of stormwater conveyance from streets in urban areas is curb and gutter. With this method, storm water is quickly brought to receiving watercourses in underground pipes. Very little of the water therefore soaks into the ground to be naturally filtered before it reaches these watercourses. This can lead to a number of problems in local streams including flash flooding, a decline water quality, and a reduction of stream baseflow and groundwater levels. Through a combination of swale drainage and permeable paving stones, outlined in table 1, the hydrology and water quality leaving the CVC Head Office site will be improved over conventional stormwater practices. Table 1: Swale and LID practices located at the CVC head office LID Practice Picture Swale drainage can reduce pollutant and sediment concentrations, and can have significant reduction time of flow to local creeks and storm drain systems. Open drainage also has the ability to reduce mosquito breeding areas through the reduction of areas with standing water. 3 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Permeable Paving Stones increase stormwater infiltration by allowing water to soak into the joints between the paving stones and into the ground. Rainwater Harvesting Systems can reduce rooftop runoff as rainwater is collected by roof downspouts and directed to a cistern. At the CVC building, water collected in the cistern will be used for flushing toilets and landscape watering. 4. Study Area The subject site for the study is located in the City of Mississauga, within the Credit River Watershed, and drain directly to the Credit River (Figure 1). The surrounding area is primarily residential with pockets of agricultural and natural areas. A catchbasin has been installed in a location after the permeable parking lot and the perimeter swales underdrains come together and leave the site providing a location that will be ideal for installing monitoring equipment located. Since the monitoring station will drain an area of 4469m2, 33% of which is impervious, it will be possible to calculate a water balance by equipping it with monitoring equipment to measure flow and take water samples during rainfall events. A rain gauge is located on top of the CVC Office Building to provide precipitation data. 4 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Study Area Figure 1: Study area located in the Credit River Watershed 5 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Figure 2: Areal View of Project Area 6 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Figure 3: New CVC Office Building 5. Monitoring Site Existing site plans were reviewed followed by a site walk to gain an understanding of the existing drainage system for the study area. One monitoring station is proposed to monitoring stormwater leaving the site, located in the southernmost grass swale and shown on Figure 2. 6. Work Plan 6.1 Instrumentation A site visit was conducted to review the existing drainage infrastructure and assess suitable types of equipment for the monitoring program. The equipment located in the catchbasin is as follows: Isco 6712 sampler Isco 2150 area velocity flow meter Hobo UA-002-64K temperature logger Hobo U20 level logger located in the perimeter grass swale to determine the presence of overland flow contributing to outflow Steel box for secure onsite equipment storage The equipment located for the rainwater harvesting system is proposed as follows: 7 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Hobo U20 level logger located in the rainwater storage tank to measure water depth Water meter located on the outflow pipe from the tank to calculate water outflow OM-CP-PULSE101A pulse loggers located on the water meter to log outflow from and municipal water top-up to the rainwater harvesting system All equipment, except the OM-CP-PULSE101A pulse loggers, will be set to log every 10 minutes. The pulse loggers will log every hour. Data will be stored in the logger’s memory and downloaded in person biweekly as a minimum using ISCO Flowlink 5, Hoboware, and OMEGA software. The software will automatically summarize and plot the data together graphically, which can then easily be exported to a program like Microsoft Excel. The site will be visited at a minimum of every two weeks to check battery power, inspect equipment, and make sure everything is operational. 6.2 Hydrology A compound weir is installed in the monitoring catchbasin to ensure accurate level and flow measurements. An area velocity level and flow meter is installed and set to record water level and flow at 10-minute intervals. The rain gauge currently installed on the roof of the CVC office building will supply precipitation data. In addition, a water level meter located in the rainwater storage tank will be used to calculate water inflow, a water meter located on the outflow pipe from the tank will calculate water outflow, and a pressure transducer is located in the rainwater storage tank will measure rainwater level. This data will help determine how much roof runoff is diverted from the stormwater infrastructure and repurposed for use in toilets and irrigation. Figure 7: Monitoring station in the catchbasin 8 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 6.3 Water Quality A minimum of five (5) precipitation events will be sampled per year from the monitoring catchbasin with the Isco Auto sampler. A wet event will be defined as any rainfall event greater than 2 mm or snowfall event greater than 5 cm. In addition, five (5) samples will be collected from the rainwater harvesting system during various conditions through out the first year of the monitoring program. Samples will be analysed for: Chloride Conductivity pH Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Nutrients: o Total Phosphorus o Orthophosphate o Total Ammonia o Nitrate & Nitrite Metals PAH (only in the first year of sampling) The sampler holds twenty-four (24) one (1) litre bottles. Event sampling will be conducted as follows: One (1) sample will be submitted per monitoring station per event. The 24 bottles will then be filled 500 mL every 20 minutes. Therefore, 1 bottle will be filled every 40 minutes and the program will last for 16 hours. The timing may be changed to 500 mL every 10, 30 or 40 minutes based on the forecasted event. Using the flow data, water from the ISCO bottles will then be mixed into 1 flow weighted composite sample at the time of collection. Samples will be brought to an accredited Canadian Laboratory such as the MOE Laboratory Services Branch in Etobicoke for laboratory analysis. 9 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Figure 8: Data logger and autosampler used at HO-1 7. Data Management & Analysis CVC will manage water level, water usage, water flow, and water quality data sets, and provide data analysis for the study. Water quantity and quality data will be organised into hydrological events so that analysis can be performed on an event by event basis. Table 2 summarises the conditions which define the beginning and end of a hydrological event. Parameters which will be calculated for each hydrological event are outlined in Table 3. Flow weighted composite water quality samples will provide event-mean concentrations (EMC) for parameters of interest and continuously monitored water quality parameters, like temperature, can be processed to calculate event mean temperature (EMT). A hydrologic summary will be prepared for each event and a water quality summary will be prepared for each sampled event. Table 2: Defining hydrological events Event Type Beginning Precipitation Precipitation observed Thaw Outflow observed, no precipitation observed End Outflow from monitoring site returns to baseflow for a period of 6 hours Outflow from monitoring site returns to baseflow for a period 10 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 No outflow Precipitation observed, outflow does not exceed baseflow Table 3: Hydrologic and water quality parameters Precipitation Outflow Event type Presence/absence of outflow Precipitation depth Outflow volume Antecedent dry Peak flow rate period Duration Duration Intensity of 6 hours No precipitation observed for a period of 6 hours Hydrologic evaluation Volume reduction (using simple method to calculate inflow) Peak flow reduction Lag time Water quality Composite samples: EMC Pollutant loads Continuously monitored: Temperature Table 4: How objectives will be monitored Objective How objective will be monitored 1. Precipitation data collection and outflow data collection. The precipitation data will be used to calculate a total volume of water that is entering the site; this is determined by the total precipitation depth and drainage area. The outflow data will be calculated using continuous water level measurements and a rating curve created for the installed weir. The total volume of water entering the site will then be compared to the total volume of water leaving the site giving a total volume reduction. 2. Performing site inspections on an ongoing basis along with logging the timing and details of maintenance activities will provide data to evaluate long term maintenance needs of LID systems. Periodic infiltration testing of the paver surface can be used to determine the rate of clogging and to evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance activities. Performance data, such as discharge quantity and quality, will be compared to maintenance schedules and actions to determine the impact of maintenance on performance. 5. The CVC head office is not designed for flood control, however, the total volume of reductions can be used to help evaluate whether the LID SWM system is reducing surface runoff thus providing flood control. Calculating peak flow reductions will assist in this evaluation as well as be used to evaluate erosion control. The water quality of the of the LID’s discharge will be evaluated by collecting flow weighted water samples using an autosampler providing EMCs of targeted water quality parameters. The water quality results will be compared to typical EMCs from similar land uses to determine if the LID system provides an improvement in water quality. Load reductions of selected water quality parameters will be calculated 9. The water quality and quantity performance will be assessed through collecting water samples from precipitation events and through the collection of discharge data respectively. 11 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 Water quality and quantity results from the CVC head office site will be compared to EMC data available in literature to assess the performance of the LID technology The total volume of water entering the site will then be compared to the total volume of water leaving the site giving a total volume reduction. The reduction in volume will quantify reduction in demand on stormwater management infrastructure allowing for potential rebates on development charges, credits on municipal stormwater rates and reductions in flood insurance premiums. Creating photo logs of construction activities while construction is taking place performing site inspections after the construction is completed will help evaluate and refine construction methods and practices for LID projects. Collecting flow weighted composite samples will provide EMCs from precipitation events of different sizes and intensities will help develop and calibrate EMCs of pollutants for commercial and institutional land uses. Monitoring the amount of water saved, through the use of a rainwater harvesting system, will help assess the non-SWM benefits of LID The amount of water that is harvested and used through the use of a rainwater harvesting system is the amount of treated water that is not used reducing the amount of money spent on utilities. The completion of site inspections and through observations taken during rain events. These activities will demonstrate how the LID system works at managing stormwater as well as highlight any deficiencies either in the construction or the design. This will allow for improvements on LID systems to better capture and treat stormwater. 10. 13. 14. 16. 18. 1. 2. 5. 9. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. Evaluate how a site with multiple LID practices treats stormwater runoff and manages stormwater quantity as a whole. Evaluate long-term maintenance needs and maintenance programs, and the impact of maintenance on performance. Evaluate whether LID SWM systems are providing flood control, erosion control, water quality, recharge, and natural heritage protection per the design standard. Assess the water quality and quantity performance of LID technologies. Evaluate and refine construction methods and practices for LID projects. Develop and calibrate event mean concentrations (EMCs) for various land uses and pollutants. Assess performance of measures to determine potential rebates on development charges, credits on municipal stormwater rates and/or reductions in flood insurance premiums (i.e. can LID reduce infrastructure demand?). Assess the ancillary benefits, or non-SWM benefits. Improve and refine the designs for individual LID practices 8. Reporting CVC will develop a draft report outline, author a draft report, and submit a final report detailing the entire study and results. CVC will also develop interpretive signage to be erected at the study site. CVC will develop a public information strategy and identify information to communicate to the public. 9. Intentions to Publish While the study is underway, information collected is confidential and not to be shared with personnel outside the study team. Once the monitoring data has undergone a thorough internal review, the intention is for the information to enter into the public domain. 10. Costing 12 CVC Head Office Monitoring Plan – Work Strategy Plan v2.1 A table outlining monitoring costs for the research project is summarized in appendix 1. The cost estimate provides the following breakdown: Cost to purchase equipment; Cost of equipment installation; Cost to trigger samplers and collect samples; Cost of monthly data acquisition, equipment maintenance and calibration; Cost of laboratory analysis. Cost of data analysis and reporting Cost of staff time These costs are based on hiring a consultant to install the equipment. Since some of the equipment will be installed within the catchbasins, personnel certified in confined space entry will be required. In addition, staff may need to trigger and collect samples outside of typical business hours as precipitation events may occur during evenings and weekends. 11. Adaptive Program The program is intended to be adaptive in nature, implying that the program will be continually reviewed and changes may be made to the sampling protocols, methods, and locations as needed. Data will need to be collected for multiple years in order to make accurate conclusions about the site’s performance. The program will continue until enough data is collected to make conclusions based on the monitoring objectives. 12. References CVC (Credit Valley Conservation Authority). (2008). Cooksville Creek Watershed Study and Impact Monitoring: Background Report Draft. Not Published. CVC (Credit Valley Conservation Authority). (2009). Cooksville Creek Watershed Study and Impact Monitoring: Characterization Report. Not Published. J. Marsalek and Q. Rochfort. 2008. Observations on Monitoring the LID Project “Meadows in the Glen”. Memo to Credit Valley Conservation & Intercorp. 13 CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment Protocol NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT APPENDIX B: Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment Protocol INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL This section of the document presents the monitoring protocol prepared by CVC. The section also includes information relevant to potential monitoring refinements on the site. This section of the report will evolve as monitoring methods are refined. 1.1 Hydrology An ISCO 2150 area velocity level and flow module was installed in an overflow catch basin with the probe secured to the bottom of the outlet pipe to ensure accurate water level measurements. The flow meter records water levels at 10-minute intervals. The monitoring station is equipped with an ISCO 6712 automatic sampler for collection of water quality samples. The automatic sampler is set to trigger based on levels measured at the monitoring station. A rain gauge maintained by the City of Mississauga is installed on the roof of CVC’s Head Office to provide precipitation data. An additional rain gauge maintained by CVC was installed at the monitoring location HO-1 on August 19, 2015 to be used as a backup. A precipitation event is considered to occur when 2 mm or more precipitation is recorded. If more than 6 hours elapse between precipitation and/or flow events, they are considered to be separate events. 1.2 Surface Water Quality CVC’s surface water quality sampling goal is to sample a minimum of five precipitation events per year from the monitoring location with an ISCO 6712 automatic sampler. The sampler is connected to the flow logger and triggers when the logger records a predetermined level. The automatic sampler is programmed to collect samples that allows for a composite sample to be compiled for water quality analysis for each event at the outflow monitoring station. The sampler holds 24 1-litre bottles. When the sampler is triggered, all bottles are filled provided there is sufficient runoff. Bottles that are sampled while outflow was observed are used to generate a flow-weighted composite sample. The sampler is programmed to collect samples at a fixed time interval. The length of time between when the bottle is filled was lengthened or reduced depending on the event forecasted. This either shortened or lengthened the sampling program in order to provide a flow-weighted composite sample that is representative of the event and that provided adequate sample volume to perform laboratory analyses. CVC has developed program lengths of 8, 16, 24, and 32 hours, with associated sample collection intervals of 10, 20, 30, and 40 minutes, respectively. Depending on the expected duration of the storm event forecasted, the program length is adjusted to collect samples over the entire storm hydrograph. Once the sample program is completed, CVC staff downloads the data and creates a flow-weighted composite sample for EMC and load analysis. Samples are analyzed for: • Chloride • Turbidity • Conductivity • pH • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) • Nutrients: Total Phosphorus Orthophosphate © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX B: Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment Protocol Total Kjehldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Total Ammonia Nitrate & Nitrite • Total Metals (Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel and Zinc) • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) Figure 1-1: Typical sampling turbidity at a curb and gutter site Figure 1-2:Typical sampling turbidity at Riverwood All water quality samples were taken to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change lab, for analysis. Table 1-1 summarizes water quality parameters and associated analytical methods. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX B: Infrastructure Performance and Risk Assessment Protocol 1 Table 1-1: Quality parameters of interest and MOECC method number 3 Water Quality Parameter Units MOECC Method Number Total Cadmium (Cd) ug/L E3497 Total Copper (Cu) ug/L E3497 Total Iron (Fe) ug/L E3497 Total Lead (Pb) ug/L E3497 Total Nickel (Ni) ug/L E3497 Total Zinc (Zn) ug/L E3497 Dissolved Chloride (Cl) mg/L E3016A Nitrate (NO 3 ) mg/L E3364A Nitrate + Nitrite (NO 3 + (NO 2 ) mg/L E3364A Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L E3364A Orthophosphate (PO 4 ) mg/L E3364A Total Phosphorus (TP) mg/L E3516 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L E3188B 1 The water quality parameters listed are recommended parameters of interest; CVC has performed a broad screening of over 27 parameters. 2 Monitoring of parameter may not be feasible using automated sampling and/or composite sampling techniques due to hold time constraints 3 Method numbers are dated to time of lab analysis (2015) 1.3 Rainwater Harvesting System Continuous water level and usage information is collected for the rainwater harvesting system. An Onset HOBO U20 level logger is installed in the cistern to monitor level, along one is installed at the top of the cistern, above the overflow level, for barometric compensation. Omega OM-CP-PULSE101A pulse loggers are installed at both the outlet of the cistern and the municipal “top-up” inlet. These record a pulse 3 for every time 0.01 m of water, and are used to determine recycled water usage. 1.4 Site Visits CVC staff visits the site at least once every other week to check battery power, inspect equipment, and make sure the site is operating properly. Data is downloaded in person from each piece of equipment biweekly or more frequently using ISCO Flowlink 5 software or equivalent. The software automatically summarized and plotted the data graphically, which was easily exported to a program like Microsoft Excel. During site visits, CVC staff also noted any changes that have occurred on the site and any equipment adjustments/maintenance. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix C Data Management and Analytical Methodology NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY CVC compiled monitoring data consisting of water level, flow and water quality at CVC Head Office. The processes for the collection of water level, flow, precipitation and water quality data is laid out in Appendix B. Provided here is a description on the data management and analysis activities for this site. Analyses for this site summarize available performance data and compare these data to other applicable BMP performance data sources. These analyses summarize the water quantity and quality effectiveness of the implemented BMPs, which can be used to guide CVC decision-making processes with respect to stormwater management and LID design. 1.1 Data Management The collected site data include time series of precipitation and flow and composite water quality sample data. Data management includes initial processing and organizing, including identifying the site and reference input data to be analyzed and organization of the site data for event-based analysis. 1.1.1 Input Data Processing The data analyses were completed with the CVC Head Office monitoring data set collected by CVC. Hydrologic and water quality data dates from July 2014 - September 2015. Reference data included the following data sources: 1.1.2 • National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) • International Stormwater BMP Database (BMPDB) • Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO) or Canadian Councils of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life, whichever is more restrictive. Input Data Organization The flow and precipitation data were divided into hydrologic events associated with the collected water quality samples to provide meaningful, event-based analyses. Hydrologic events were defined using the time series of both flow and precipitation as defined in Table 1-1. Table 1-1: Hydrologic Event Definition for CVC Data Analyses Event Type Hydrologic Event 1.2 Beginning Precipitation > 2 mm End Stormflow and Precipitation = 0 for 6 consecutive hours Data Analysis Data analysis involved identifying appropriate evaluation and presentation (graphical) methods, and the data analysis tools and work flow as described in the following sections. 1.2.1 Data Analysis Evaluation Methods The CVC Head Office site was evaluated using event-based analysis, with the event defined as previously indicated in Table 1-1. The site was evaluated for both water quantity and water quality performance. The site was not monitored for inflow; it receives inflow as sheet flow and interflow from the permeable pavement and swales, making it difficult to measure inflow directly. Because of this, the © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology 1 Simple Method was selected to estimate influent volume as a product of a calculated runoff coefficient, the drainage area, and the event precipitation. Estimated influent volume was compared to actual effluent volume to evaluate BMP estimated volume reduction. It is recommended that this method for calculating 2 runoff could be improved through the development of a calibrated SWMM model . Substantial existing flow and rainfall monitoring data could be used to calibrate and verify a hydrologic model. Simple Method The standard method for evaluating stormwater BMPs is to compare untreated inflows to treated outflows. This method is used in comparing both water quality and quantity parameters such as volume reduction, peak flow or contaminate loading. Using water quality and quantity monitoring equipment can be useful for monitoring inflows however; it can be impractical due to possible disruption in the intended design of the practice in diverting runoff into the LID. Additionally, many BMPs have multiple inflow points into the practice making inflow monitoring expensive and complex and may still require some form of flow estimation. The Simple Method is a spreadsheet based runoff estimation procedure that is used for determining stormwater runoff and pollutant loading for urban areas. The Simple Method determines estimated inflow based on drainage area, amount of precipitation, and a runoff coefficient. This information is used to 1 determine a runoff coefficient . While the Simple Method is typically used to calculate annual runoff, CVC has modified the formula to determine runoff on an event-by-event basis. CVC has also added a BMP component to account for LID areas. Note that the BMP area is not considered in the runoff coefficient calculation since complete infiltration into the practice is assumed for BMP areas. The drainage area for CVC Head Office was derived using orthographic imagery and site visits. This process allows the catchment area to be divided into impervious, pervious and BMP surfaces, which are used in the equation below to determine the runoff coefficient. Precipitation data was obtained from the rain gauge on site maintained by the City of Mississauga. This data is used with the drainage area to determine event inflow runoff volume. As part of this rooftop is connected to the rainwater harvesting system, this rooftop is considered an impervious surface when the rainwater storage tank is full, and is considered a pervious surface when the rainwater storage tank is not full. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 present the drainage area and use of the Simple Method at CVC Head Office when the rainwater storage tank is full and when the rainwater storage tank is not full, respectively. A level logger located in the rainwater storage system is used to determine which equation is used to determine inflow volume. The runoff coefficient is defined as: Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 * la Where: Rv is the runoff coefficient 0.9 is the fraction of rainfall events that produce runoff la is the impervious fraction (Impervious Area/Drainage Area to the BMP) The modified Simple Method formula used is: 2 2 Event inflow volume (L): Drainage Area to the BMP (m ) * Rv + BMP area (m ) * Event Precipitation (mm) Note: the BMP area is added since precipitation on the BMP area is considered to fully infiltrate into the practice. 1 Schueler, T. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Washington, DC 2 EPA. (2010). "Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)." Water Supply and Water Resources Division, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, CDM. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology Table 1-2: Drainage area and application of the Simple Method at CVC Head Office when the rainwater storage tank is full 2 Land Use Area (m ) Total impervious area 1439 Total pervious area 1235 Total drainage area to the BMP (impervious area + pervious area) 2674 1840 Total BMP area Ia= impervious fraction (total impervious area/total drainage area to the BMP) 0.538 Rv= 0.05 + 0.9 * Ia 0.534 Total drainage area to the BMP * Rv + total BMP area: Multiply this number by event precipitation (mm) to get event inflow volume (L) 3268 Table 1-3: Drainage area and application of the Simple Method at CVC Head Office when the rainwater storage tank is not full 2 Land Use Area (m ) Total impervious area 903 Total pervious area 1771 Total drainage area to the BMP (impervious area + pervious area) 2674 1840 Total BMP area Ia= impervious fraction (total impervious area/total drainage area to the BMP) 0.338 Rv= 0.05 + 0.9 * Ia 0.354 Total drainage area to the BMP * Rv + total BMP area: Multiply this number by event precipitation (mm) to get event inflow volume (L) 2787 Best results are produced when the method is used for smaller catchments at a development site scale. Further modeling would be required for determining runoff for a large watershed. Additionally, the Simple Method only provides estimates for the storm event itself and does not consider pollutant contribution © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology from baseflow generated within the catchment. section. 3 Baseflow separation is further described in the following Lastly, the Simple Method can overestimate inflow volume for smaller events where rainfall depths would be used up by catchment wetting and surface depression storage. This occurs because the Simple Method applies the same runoff coefficient to storms of all magnitudes. Baseflow Separation Flow is almost constantly measured at the monitoring location at CVC Head Office due to baseflow. Baseflow separation is needed during storm events to separate baseflow and stormflow. The constant slope method is used, which assumes the baseflow changes in a linear fashion from the start of stormflow to the return to baseflow (i.e. a linear interpolation between the baseflow immediately prior to and immediately after stormflow). Per Linsley et al (1975), the time of the end of stormflow can be estimated using the following equation: 0.2 N= 0.83A Where: N is number of days after the final peak of the storm hydrograph 2 A is the total drainage area of the site in km . 2 Using the drainage area of 0.004514 km , the time of return to baseflow is 0.2818 days, or 6 hours and 46 minutes after the final peak of the storm hydrograph. This is then rounded to 6 hours and 50 minutes, as the data is summarized in 10 minute intervals. As the baseflow naturally fluctuates by 1-2 mm, the start of stormflow was generally considered to be the first increase of 3 mm in a 10 minute period during precipitation. However, if the baseflow was steadily increasing by 1 or 2 mm during precipitation and the level was not fluctuating to these values prior to the precipitation, the start of stormflow was changed accordingly. For consistency, the final peak of the hydrograph was considered to occur at the highest level after which there were no further decreases and then increases of at least 5 mm. The reported stormflow will therefore be the measured flow minus the estimated baseflow. While each stormflow period ends 6 hours and 50 minutes after the final peak of the storm hydrograph, for our purposes for LID monitoring projects if there is less than 6 hours between precipitation and/or stormflow, it is considered the same storm event. Therefore, one storm event can have multiple periods of stormflow starting and stopping (e.g. if additional rain causes stormflow less than 6 hours after the return to baseflow from previous precipitation). The stormflow events will still be interpolated separately, but are considered part of the same storm event for water balance purposes. Water Quality Both contaminant loadings and discharge concentrations have been evaluated for CVC Head Office. Loading reduction is the best way to evaluate water quality performance. However, to understand the filtration mechanism only discharge concentration was compared to reference water quality guidelines, runoff EMCs from similar land uses, and effluent concentrations for similar BMPs. An estimated total influent load was calculated as a product of the estimated influent volume and the NSQD Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional median EMC for evaluation purposes. Effluent EMCs are derived from the lab 3 Centre for Watershed Protection, (2010). Stormwater Management Design Manual. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Albany New York © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology reported value of the flow proportional samples collected on site for several parameters listed below. The statistical summaries have been organized by pollutant. Data set summary statistics are presented in both tabular and graphical formats. The recommended parameters of interest analyzed are: 1.2.2 • Cadmium • Copper • Iron • Lead • Nickel • Zinc • Dissolved Chloride • Nitrate + Nitrite • Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen • Orthophosphate • Total Phosphorus • Total Suspended Solids Data Analysis Presentation Methods The summary tables include both parametric and non-parametric statistics. Parametric statistics operate under the assumption that data arise from a single theoretical statistical distribution that can be described mathematically using coefficients, or parameters, of that distribution. The mean and standard deviation are example parameters of the normal, or Gaussian, distribution. Non-parametric statistics, including the 4 median, are fundamentally based on the ranks of the data with no need to assume an underlying distribution. Non-parametric statistics do not depend on the magnitude of the data and are therefore resistant to the occurrence of a few extreme values (i.e., high or low values relative to other data points 5 do not significantly alter the statistic). Time series plots of the sampled EMC values are also provided. A box plot is provided to compare CVC Head Office TSS values with those from the NSQD sorted by land use. Figure 1-2 is a key for the box plots provided in Appendix D. 4 In this context, ranks refer to the positions of the data after being sorted by magnitude. 5 Helsel, D.R. and R. M. Hirsch, 2002. Statistical Methods in Water Resources Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, Book 4, chapter A3. U.S. Geological Survey. 522 pages. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology Figure 1-2: Explanation of box and whisker diagram 1.2.3 Data Analysis Most of the data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel. Total influent volumes due to rainfall were estimated from a storm event’s total precipitation by using the Simple Method as discussed in Section 1.2.1 Data Analysis Evaluation Methods. Volume reductions were then computed as the difference between the estimated influent volume and measured effluent volume. Hydrologic lag times were then computed using the peak of precipitation hyetograph to the peak of effluent event hydrograph. Influent loads are calculated using the estimated influent EMC multiplied by the influent volume. For events sampled for water quality, effluent loads are calculated using the measured effluent volume multiplied by the measured EMC, and for events that were not sampled for water quality, the median of the sampled EMCs is multiplied by the measured effluent volume. The freely available, open source statistical analysis program R is used to calculate some of the statistics and create box-whisper plots. 1.3 Table and Figure Definitions Definitions for information found in the tables and figures presented in this report are included below for guidance. Tables include a combination of the following results, listed in alphabetical order: © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology • Antecedent Dry Period - The amount of time with no rain or flow preceding the event. • Effluent EMC - The event mean concentration of the effluent for the event. • Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction - The estimated mass of a pollutant passing through the BMP; what has been removed from the system. • Estimated Total Influent Load - The estimated total pollutant load carried by influent for the event, as calculated by multiplying the Estimated Total Influent Volume by the NSQD Residential EMC. • Estimated Total Influent Volume - The estimated total volume of influent for the event based on an application of the Simple Method with the measured rainfall depth. • Estimated Volume Reduction - The estimated amount of volume removed as calculated by the difference between the Estimated Total Influent Volume and the Total Effluent Volume. • Event Duration - The total length of time for the event. • Lag Time - The time as calculated from the peak of precipitation event hyetograph to the peak of effluent event hydrograph. • Peak Effluent Flow - The maximum effluent flow rate for the event based on measured effluent. • Peak Precipitation Intensity - The maximum rate of precipitation for the event. • Sample Date - The date the water quality sample was collected. • Storm Date - The start date of the hydrologic event. • Total Effluent Load - The total pollutant load carried by the effluent out of the BMP for the event, as calculated by multiplying the Total Effluent Volume by the Effluent EMC. • Total Effluent Volume - The total measured volume effluent for the event. • Total Precipitation - The total depth of rainfall for the event. • WQ Guideline - The applicable PWQO or CCME water quality guideline for the pollutant. Hydrologic Summary Figures presented in this report include the following results: • Flow - The rate of flow for the estimated influent hydrograph and measured effluent hydrograph with corresponding flow rates increasing upwards along the left chart axis. • 10-min Precipitation Depth - The depth of precipitation per 10-minute intervals with corresponding depths increasing downward along the right chart axis. Tables and Comparative BMP Box Plots include the following BMPs represented in the BMPDB: • Bioretention - Vegetated, shallow depressions used to temporarily store stormwater prior to infiltration, evapotranspiration, or discharge via an underdrain or surface outlet structure. Treatment is achieved through filtration, sedimentation, sorption, infiltration, biochemical processes and plant uptake. • Detention Basin (a.k.a. Dry Pond) - Grass-lined basins that, while fully drainable between storm events, temporarily detain water through outlet controls to reduce peak stormwater runoff release rates and provide sedimentation treatment. Volume losses and load reductions through infiltration may also be significant. • Green Roof - Vegetated roofs that provide stormwater treatment via filtration, sorption, biochemical processes and plant uptake. • Biofilter - Vegetated swales or strips that provide treatment via filtration, sedimentation, infiltration, biochemical processes and plant uptake. • LID - low-impact development (LID) monitored at a site-scale basis; green infrastructure. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology • 1.4 Manufactured Device - Devices that are designed to provide various treatment processes such as sedimentation, skimming, filtration, sorption, and disinfection. Treatment process subcategories within the BMPDP include biological filtration, filtration, inlet insert, multi-process, physical (with volume control), physical (manufactured device), and oil/grit separators. The last two treatment process subcategories, which are of primary interest to CVC, are further described below: o Physical (manufactured device) are hydrodynamic devices that provide treatment via ® 6 settling and includes proprietary devices like Stormceptors . A performance summary found statistically significant reductions for Zn and TP for physical (manufactured device) treatment processes. It was hypothesized that TSS results, showing no significant reductions, were affected by unusually low influent TSS concentrations. o Oil/grit separators are designed for removing floatables and coarse solids. The performance summary found statistically significant reductions for only TSS for oil/grit separators treatment processes. • Media Filter - A constructed bed of filtration media that receives water at the surface and allows it to pond on the surface if inflows exceed the rate of percolation through the bed. Outflow from the media bed can be through underdrains or infiltration. Depending on the media used, treatment is provided via filtration, sorption, precipitation, ion exchange and biochemical processes. • Porous Pavement - Pavement that allows for infiltration through surface void spaces into underlying material. Subcategories of porous pavement include modular block, pervious concrete, porous aggregate, porous asphalt, and porous turf. Treatment is provided via infiltration, filtration, sorption, and biodegradation. • Retention Pond (a.k.a. Wet Pond) - Basins that feature a permanent pool of water (dead storage) below flood control (live storage) that is outlet controlled. Treatment is provided primarily through sedimentation; other treatment processes may include sorption and biochemical processes. • Wetland Basin - Shallow basins typically designed with inflow energy dissipation and variable depths and vegetation types to promote interactions between runoff, aquatic vegetation, and wetland soils. Treatment is provided via sedimentation, sorption, biochemical processes, coagulation, flocculation, plant uptake and microbial transformations. • Wetland Channel - Densely vegetated waterways used to treat and convey runoff. Treatment is provided via filtration, sedimentation, microbial transformations and plant uptake. Statistical Significance and Hypothesis Testing Considerations Statistical hypothesis testing is a powerful approach for evaluating stormwater BMP performance data. The most common type of statistical hypothesis testing involves comparisons of paired inflow and outflow EMC data to determine if the means significantly differ given an acceptable level of statistical confidence. This technique, which includes the paired t-Test, is commonly employed as a part of the analysis of the International Stormwater BMP Database and is a valuable statistical test for large, normally-distributed data sets. Nonparametric hypothesis testing, such as the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, can also be conducted (on medians rather than means); however, the statistical test generally is more powerful for parametric At least 35 paired events are needed to verify that a statistically significant difference in concentration of 80% has been achieved. Long-term assessment is needed to gain this confidence. 6 Leisenring, M., Clary, J., Hobson, P. 2012. International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database, Manufactured Devices Performance Summary. Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. and Wright Water Engineers, Inc. July. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology data when the normality assumptions hold (rare for stormwater). While statistical hypothesis testing is most commonly used for inflow/outflow analysis, it can be applied to any two data sets to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the mean or median values of the two data distributions. In this case, tests on independent data sets are used (e.g., standard t-Test (parametric) and Mann-Whitney rank-sum test (non-parametric)) instead of matched pairs. For the CVC Head Office site, the ability to conduct such testing is limited by the lack of measured inflow data. However, even if inflow EMCs had been measured or estimated from the initiation of monitoring, it is unlikely that the data set would be large enough for meaningful statistical hypothesis testing. To gain a sense of the size of the data set needed, consider hypothesis testing designed to detect a 75% difference 7 between inflow and outflow mean EMC values for TSS (see Pitt and Parmer 1985 ). Assuming a coefficient of variation of 1.5 (on the low end of variability for most stormwater parameters), a power of 80% (standard for this type of analysis) and a confidence level of 90%, more than 35 paired samples would need to be collected. 7 R. Pitt and K. Parmer. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for EPA Sponsored Study on Control of Stormwater Toxicants. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham. 1995. Reprinted in Burton, G.A. Jr., and R. Pitt. Stormwater Effects Handbook: A Tool Box for Watershed Managers, Scientists, and Engineers. ISBN 0-87371-924-7. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. 2002. 911 pages. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX C: Data Management and Analytical Methodology Figure 1-3: Statistical Hypothesis testing paired samples required to detect 75% difference in population means for power of 80% (Pitt and Parmer 1985) Therefore, eventually it may be possible for CVC to conduct hypothesis testing if inflow EMCs can be estimated and/or measured and paired with outflow data; however, it will take at least several years to build a data set that is sizeable enough, and will not be conducted at this stage for the CVC Head Office site. Furthermore, if differences between inflow and outflow EMC distribution means are smaller (e.g. 20% reduction or even 50% reduction), greater numbers of paired samples will be needed to detect differences with confidence. While a large number of events are needed for statistical hypothesis testing, the site nonetheless is currently providing useful data that can be used to calculate annual outflow loads with some associated uncertainty. CVC is evaluating methods for estimating inflow loads based on land use and EMC data from the NSQD at other monitoring locations. This will permit calculation of an annual load reduction for the facility. As the data sets grow and if inflow EMC data can be collected from land uses within the watershed or entering the LID features at other sites, the uncertainty of the comparison will decrease, permitting more accurate, and eventually statistically meaningful comparison. If CVC is able to collect data for and/or estimate inflow EMCs, it should still be feasible to estimate inflow and outflow loads and calculate reductions on an annual basis to compare with the MOECC 80% TSS removal requirement, whether or not statistical significance holds (for small data sets, the conclusion often is that there is not a statistically significant difference; however, this finding may be reflective of the limited size of the data set rather than the lack of a true difference in population means/medians. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix D Data Analysis Summaries NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 1 RAINFALL EVENTS ANALYSIS Table D-1: Summary of Rainfall Events Starting Date and Time 2014-07-07 02:10 2014-07-08 11:30 2014-07-13 05:00 2014-07-15 01:30 2014-07-19 16:10 2014-07-20 13:20 2014-07-27 18:50 2014-08-11 22:40 2014-08-20 19:20 2014-09-01 20:50 2014-09-02 12:10 2014-09-05 18:30 2014-09-10 15:40 2014-09-15 14:50 2014-09-21 05:50 2014-10-03 13:00 2014-10-06 21:50 2014-10-14 22:50 2014-10-16 17:20 2014-10-20 06:30 2014-10-24 05:10 2014-10-27 22:00 2014-10-31 01:30 2014-11-04 13:20 2014-11-06 16:40 2014-11-17 09:40 2014-11-23 23:50 2014-12-11 04:20 2014-12-16 05:40 2015-04-02 18:10 2015-04-03 17:40 2015-04-04 19:10 2015-04-08 10:10 2015-04-09 14:40 Ending Date and Time Event Duration (hrs) Precipitation Depth (mm) 07-Jul-2014 13:10 08-Jul-2014 18:20 13-Jul-2014 16:00 15-Jul-2014 08:00 20-Jul-2014 01:10 20-Jul-2014 18:20 28-Jul-2014 12:50 12-Aug-2014 10:00 20-Aug-2014 22:00 02-Sep-2014 04:30 02-Sep-2014 20:00 06-Sep-2014 12:30 11-Sep-2014 10:10 16-Sep-2014 05:50 22-Sep-2014 08:10 04-Oct-2014 12:00 08-Oct-2014 00:20 15-Oct-2014 05:50 16-Oct-2014 22:20 20-Oct-2014 19:50 24-Oct-2014 07:50 28-Oct-2014 03:50 01-Nov-2014 04:40 04-Nov-2014 20:10 07-Nov-2014 00:20 17-Nov-2014 14:00 24-Nov-2014 09:00 11-Dec-2014 20:00 17-Dec-2014 07:40 02-Apr-2015 19:00 03-Apr-2015 23:50 04-Apr-2015 21:40 09-Apr-2015 04:50 10-Apr-2015 11:40 11.00 6.83 11.00 6.50 9.00 5.00 18.00 11.33 2.67 7.67 7.83 18.00 18.50 15.00 26.33 23.00 26.50 7.00 5.00 13.33 2.67 5.83 27.17 6.83 7.67 4.33 9.17 15.67 26.00 0.83 6.17 2.50 18.67 21.00 6.8 5.8 10.8 2.4 8.6 3.6 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge 46.4 17.2 4.2 3.4 21.0 27.8 40.2 4.6 9.4 17.4 9.8 2.8 4.6 4.6 2.6 2.0 10.8 3.8 3.8 2.4 20.8 9.2 3.2 3.0 3.6 2.2 19.6 12.0 APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Starting Date and Time 2015-04-13 16:30 2015-04-19 22:30 2015-04-21 09:10 2015-05-09 22:20 2015-05-10 16:50 2015-05-11 19:40 2015-05-30 11:40 2015-06-07 20:40 2015-06-10 16:50 2015-06-12 04:00 2015-06-14 07:30 2015-06-22 20:50 2015-06-27 10:50 2015-07-07 12:30 2015-07-14 07:50 2015-07-17 10:00 2015-07-19 14:50 2015-07-31 21:20 2015-08-02 16:30 2015-08-04 13:30 2015-08-10 11:50 2015-08-19 21:50 2015-08-24 01:50 2015-09-08 04:10 2015-09-09 07:20 2015-09-11 18:10 2015-09-19 13:40 2015-09-29 11:50 Ending Date and Time Event Duration (hrs) Precipitation Depth (mm) 14-Apr-2015 01:20 20-Apr-2015 17:00 22-Apr-2015 03:30 10-May-2015 04:50 11-May-2015 00:00 12-May-2015 00:50 01-Jun-2015 02:00 08-Jun-2015 15:50 11-Jun-2015 00:00 13-Jun-2015 00:40 14-Jun-2015 19:20 23-Jun-2015 09:40 28-Jun-2015 21:50 08-Jul-2015 02:50 15-Jul-2015 00:20 17-Jul-2015 14:30 19-Jul-2015 21:40 01-Aug-2015 04:20 03-Aug-2015 06:00 04-Aug-2015 21:50 11-Aug-2015 00:00 20-Aug-2015 15:50 24-Aug-2015 06:40 08-Sep-2015 12:10 09-Sep-2015 14:10 13-Sep-2015 21:40 19-Sep-2015 20:50 29-Sep-2015 22:40 8.83 18.50 18.33 6.50 7.17 5.17 38.33 19.17 7.17 20.67 11.83 12.83 35.00 14.33 16.50 4.50 6.83 7.00 13.50 8.33 12.17 18.00 4.83 8.00 6.83 51.50 7.17 10.83 4.6 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge 21.0 5.0 12.0 6.8 7.8 43.3 27.8 4.3 14.5 5.0 20.8 73.8 15.6 4.8 4.4 3.4 2.6 16.4 2.8 29.2 12.4 2.2 12.6 2.4 25.6 16.4 10.4 APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Table D-2: Hydrologic Summary of Rainfall Events Starting Date and Time Antecedent Dry Period (Days) Total Inflow Volume (L) Peak Inflow (L/s) Total Outflow Volume (L) Peak Outflow (L/s) Peak Reduction (%) Estimated Volume Reduction (L) (%) 2014-07-07 02:10 3.3 20,000 4.9 7,625 1.2 75% 12,375 62% 2014-07-08 11:30 0.9 17,059 5.9 3,620 0.8 87% 13,439 79% 2014-07-13 05:00 4.4 31,765 26.5 10,826 6.4 76% 20,939 66% 2014-07-15 01:30 1.4 7,059 2.9 839 0.3 89% 6,219 88% 2014-07-19 16:10 2.9 25,208 4.9 7,208 1.1 78% 17,999 71% 2014-07-20 13:20 0.51 9,636 9.2 3,320 1.7 81% 6,316 66% 2014-07-27 18:50 4.7 136,472 45.1 91,097 32.2 29% 45,374 33% 2014-08-11 22:40 6.5 49,030 13.7 14,001 3.0 78% 35,029 71% 2014-08-20 19:20 0.8 10,535 10.0 526 0.3 97% 10,009 95% 2014-09-01 20:50 2.2 10,000 3.9 2,166 0.7 82% 7,834 78% 2014-09-02 12:10 0.32 61,765 49.0 34,574 15.2 69% 27,191 44% 2014-09-05 18:30 2.7 81,419 7.8 37,069 2.4 70% 44,350 54% 2014-09-10 15:40 4.1 118,236 40.2 80,072 32.5 19% 38,164 32% 83% 2014-09-15 14:50 2.0 12,750 2.5 2,191 0.4 85% 10,560 2014-09-21 05:50 5.0 26,608 9.8 9,758 3.2 67% 16,850 63% 2014-10-03 13:00 1.8 46,761 19.2 14,808 2.1 89% 31,953 68% 2014-10-06 21:50 0.6 25,620 14.2 5,813 1.3 91% 19,808 77% 2014-10-14 22:50 6.1 7,543 1.7 841 0.2 89% 6,702 89% 2014-10-16 17:20 0.5 11,798 5.0 1,279 0.9 83% 10,519 89% 2014-10-20 06:30 3.3 11,971 3.3 522 0.2 95% 11,449 96% 2014-10-24 05:10 2.4 6,522 1.7 0 0.0 100% 6,522 100% 2014-10-27 22:00 1.6 5,017 2.5 0 0.0 100% 5,017 100% 2014-10-31 01:30 2.4 28,042 2.0 18,547 0.9 52% 9,495 34% 2014-11-04 13:20 3.4 9,532 0.8 0 0.0 100% 9,532 100% 2014-11-06 16:40 1.9 9,532 1.7 0 0.0 100% 9,532 100% 2014-11-17 09:40 5.5 6,020 0.8 0 0.0 100% 6,020 100% 2014-11-23 23:50 1.0 60,744 7.8 28,277 3.8 52% 32,467 53% © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Starting Date and Time 2014-12-11 04:20 Antecedent Dry Period (Days) 1.3 Total Inflow Volume (L) Peak Inflow (L/s) 23,076 1.7 Total Outflow Volume (L) Peak Outflow (L/s) 0 0.0 Peak Reduction (%) Estimated Volume Reduction (L) (%) 100% 23,076 100% 82% 2014-12-16 05:40 3.5 8,719 2.0 1,588 0.4 80% 7,131 2015-04-02 18:10 3.2 7,525 5.0 0 0.0 100% 7,525 100% 2015-04-03 17:40 0.94 9,809 4.2 2,636 0.6 86% 7,173 73% 2015-04-04 19:10 0.8 6,471 2.0 0 0.0 100% 6,471 100% 2015-04-08 10:10 3.5 57,128 7.8 26,478 3.4 57% 30,650 54% 2015-04-09 14:40 0.41 34,775 4.9 16,095 1.9 62% 18,680 54% 2015-04-13 16:30 3.2 12,577 5.9 4,722 1.6 72% 7,855 62% 2015-04-19 22:30 2.7 61,592 3.9 20,931 1.2 70% 40,661 66% 2015-04-21 09:10 0.67 14,100 3.9 4,680 1.2 68% 9,420 67% 66% 2015-05-09 22:20 17.8 31,052 37.6 10,574 10.5 72% 20,478 2015-05-10 16:50 0.50 19,654 14.7 7,683 5.5 63% 11,971 61% 2015-05-11 19:40 0.8 20,517 11.7 7,180 3.9 67% 13,338 65% 2015-05-30 11:40 18.5 124,610 19.6 57,473 4.2 78% 67,137 54% 2015-06-07 20:40 6.8 79,887 19.6 37,171 6.7 66% 42,716 53% 20% 2015-06-10 16:50 1.5 10,660 15.7 8,543 9.0 43% 2,117 2015-06-12 04:00 1.2 40,483 18.8 9,176 2.4 87% 31,307 77% 2015-06-14 07:30 1.3 14,706 2.9 5,735 0.8 73% 8,971 61% 2015-06-22 20:50 6.4 60,381 39.2 31,916 17.3 56% 28,465 47% 2015-06-27 10:50 4.0 216,914 25.7 70,932 1.6 94% 145,982 67% 2015-07-07 12:30 8.1 45,017 33.3 23,544 10.8 67% 21,473 48% 2015-07-14 07:50 6.2 12,386 7.5 3,421 1.1 86% 8,966 72% 2015-07-17 10:00 2.4 11,989 3.3 1,451 0.6 81% 10,538 88% 2015-07-19 14:50 1.5 8,701 12.5 3,174 1.6 88% 5,527 64% 2015-07-31 21:20 6.3 7,647 10.8 2,165 1.3 88% 5,482 72% 2015-08-02 16:30 1.5 48,236 17.6 20,398 3.3 81% 27,838 58% 2015-08-04 13:30 1.3 8,235 10.8 2,299 1.5 86% 5,936 72% 2015-08-10 11:50 2.1 85,883 16.7 40,192 4.7 72% 45,691 53% 2015-08-19 21:50 5.1 33,700 12.7 25,911 13.2 -3% 7,789 23% 80% 4,543 70% 2015-08-24 01:50 3.4 6,471 6.9 1,928 1.4 © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Starting Date and Time 2015-09-08 04:10 Antecedent Dry Period (Days) 14.9 Total Inflow Volume (L) Peak Inflow (L/s) 36,280 11.8 Total Outflow Volume (L) Peak Outflow (L/s) 19,899 8.9 Peak Reduction (%) Estimated Volume Reduction (L) (%) 24% 16,381 45% 68% 2015-09-09 07:20 0.8 7,059 4.9 2,249 1.1 77% 4,810 2015-09-11 18:10 2.2 72,351 5.9 23,999 1.9 67% 48,352 67% 2015-09-19 13:40 5.7 41,482 33.4 24,081 12.0 64% 17,401 42% 2015-09-29 11:50 9.6 26,086 3.3 2,421 0.3 91% 23,665 91% © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 3 WATER QUALITY PERFORMANCE Table D-3: EMC Summary for All Events Starting Date and time TSS (mg/L) TP (mg/L) PO4 (mg/L) NO2+NO3 (mg/L) TKN (mg/L) Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Fe (µg/L) 1 Pb (µg/L) 1 Ni (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Dissolved Cl (mg/L) 27-Jul-2014 18:50 46.4 116 0.206 0.143 1.08 1.07 1.77 29.5 174 -3.24 2.77 103 168 11-Aug-2014 22:40 17.2 18.6 0.063 0.0349 1.56 0.42 1.82 18.1 96.8 -0.719 0.377 110 247 10-Sep-2014 15:40 40.2 98.4 0.177 0.0914 0.921 0.67 1.79 16.4 242 -1.72 0.659 87.9 84.3 21-Sep-2014 05:50 9.4 15.4 0.137 0.0993 1.67 0.45 1.89 10.7 88 -4.12 -0.603 81.7 207 03-Oct-2014 13:00 17.4 48.6 0.04 0.0393 1.24 0.54 2.11 12.7 141 -3.22 0.248 123 170 19-Apr-2015 22:30 21.0 9.7 0.039 0.0201 1.89 0.69 1.11 11.3 51.1 0.29 -0.19 155 375 11-May-2015 19:40 7.8 30.5 0.121 0.0622 1.86 0.69 0.644 13.8 370 -3.79 -0.998 100 394 07-Jun-2015 20:40 27.8 77.8 0.068 0.0641 1.35 0.67 0.475 20.7 270 0.0443 -0.155 75.2 282 22-Jun-2015 20:50 20.8 96.2 0.252 0.174 1.11 0.67 0.302 15.7 418 -1.56 0.55 60.2 237 07-Jul-2015 12:30 15.6 61.9 0.181 0.115 1.04 0.67 0.951 12.1 300 -1.41 -0.0118 50.9 226 10-Aug-2015 11:50 29.2 55.9 0.119 0.0714 0.931 0.67 0.223 12.9 213 -2.5 0.208 86.5 132 19-Aug-2015 21:50 12.4 40.5 0.096 0.0815 1.24 0.67 0.584 17.5 141 0.791 -0.377 60.9 345 Count 1 Precipitation Depth (mm) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Minimum 7.80 9.70 0.04 0.02 0.92 0.42 0.22 10.70 51.10 -4.12 -1.00 50.90 84.30 25 Percentile 14.80 27.53 0.07 0.06 1.07 0.64 0.56 12.55 129.95 -3.23 -0.24 71.63 169.50 Median 19.08 52.25 0.12 0.08 1.24 0.67 1.03 14.75 193.50 -1.64 0.10 87.20 231.50 75 Percentile 28.11 82.40 0.18 0.10 1.59 0.68 1.80 17.65 277.50 -0.53 0.42 104.75 297.75 Maximum 46.40 116.00 0.25 0.17 1.89 1.07 2.11 29.50 418.00 0.79 2.77 155.00 394.00 Mean 22.09 55.79 0.12 0.08 1.32 0.66 1.14 15.95 208.74 -1.76 0.21 91.19 238.94 Standard Deviation 11.88 35.24 0.07 0.05 0.34 0.16 0.70 5.24 114.95 1.65 0.94 29.44 96.32 Analytical method used by MOECC produced negative concentrations. These values are to be treated as non-detects. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-4: Water Quality Performance for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Starting Date and Time Effluent EMC (mg/L) Precipitation Depth (mm) Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load 3 Volume (m ) (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 116.0 18.6 46.4 17.2 136.47 49.03 16,922 6,080 91.10 14.00 10,567 260 (g) 6,355 5,819 10-Sep-2014 15:40 98.4 40.2 118.24 14,661 80.07 7,879 6,782 46% 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent 15.4 48.6 9.7 30.5 77.8 96.2 61.9 55.9 40.5 12 9.7 27.5 52.3 82.4 116.0 55.8 35.2 25 124 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 3,299 5,798 7,637 2,544 9,906 7,487 5,582 10,649 4,179 12 2544 5231 6783 10092 16922 7896 4429 N/A N/A 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 150 720 203 219 2,892 3,070 1,457 2,247 1,049 12 150 250 1253 2936 10567 2560 3329 N/A N/A 3,149 5,079 7,434 2,325 7,014 4,417 4,125 8,403 3,129 12 2325 3881 5449 6840 8403 5336 1933 N/A N/A 95% 88% 97% 91% 71% 59% 74% 79% 75% 12 38% 68% 77% 92% 97% 76% 20% N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge (%) 38% 96% APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-5: Water Quality Performance for Total Phosphorus (TP) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (mg/L) 0.21 0.06 0.18 0.14 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.07 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.10 12 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.16 Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load 3 Volume (m ) (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 21.84 7.84 18.92 4.26 7.48 9.85 3.28 12.78 9.66 7.20 13.74 5.39 12 3.28 6.75 8.75 13.02 21.84 10.19 5.71 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 18.77 0.88 14.17 1.34 0.59 0.82 0.87 2.53 8.04 4.26 4.78 2.49 12 0.59 0.88 2.51 5.60 18.77 4.96 5.88 N/A N/A Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) 3.07 6.96 4.75 2.92 6.89 9.04 2.41 10.25 1.62 2.94 8.96 2.90 12 1.62 2.92 3.91 7.46 10.25 5.23 3.03 N/A N/A (%) 14% 89% 25% 69% 92% 92% 74% 80% 17% 41% 65% 54% 12 14% 37% 67% 82% 92% 59% 29% N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-6: Water Quality Performance for Phosphate (PO 4 ) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (mg/L) 0.14 0.03 0.09 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.17 0.12 0.07 0.08 12 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.08 0.05 N/A N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load Volume (m3) (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 13.03 0.49 7.32 0.97 0.58 0.42 0.45 2.38 5.55 2.71 2.87 2.11 12 0.42 0.56 2.25 3.54 13.03 3.24 3.76 N/A N/A Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-7: Water Quality Performance for Nitrite + Nitrate (NO 2 + NO 3 ). Starting Date and Time Effluent EMC (mg/L) 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent 1.08 1.56 0.92 1.67 1.24 1.89 1.86 1.35 1.11 1.04 0.93 1.24 12 0.92 1.07 1.24 1.59 1.89 1.32 0.34 3a 0.66 Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load Volume (m3) (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 90.07 32.36 78.04 17.56 30.86 40.65 13.54 52.73 39.85 29.71 56.68 22.24 12 13.54 27.84 36.11 53.71 90.07 42.02 23.57 N/A N/A a Water quality guideline for Nitrate used © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 98.39 21.84 73.75 16.30 18.36 39.56 13.35 50.18 35.43 24.49 37.42 32.13 12 13.35 20.97 33.78 42.21 98.39 38.43 25.27 N/A N/A Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) -8.31 10.52 4.29 1.26 12.50 1.09 0.19 2.55 4.42 5.23 19.26 -9.89 12 -9.89 0.87 3.42 6.55 19.26 3.59 8.12 N/A N/A (%) -9% 33% 5% 7% 41% 3% 1% 5% 11% 18% 34% -44% 12 -44% 2% 6% 21% 41% 9% 22% N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-8: Water Quality Performance for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (mg/L) 1.07 0.42 0.67 0.45 0.54 0.69 0.69 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 0.42 0.50 0.67 0.69 1.07 0.65 0.22 N/A 1.2 Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load Volume (m3) (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 163.77 58.84 141.88 31.93 56.11 73.91 24.62 95.86 72.46 54.02 103.06 40.44 12 24.62 50.63 65.65 97.66 163.77 76.41 42.86 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 97.47 5.88 53.65 4.39 8.00 14.44 4.95 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 4.39 5.42 8.00 34.05 97.47 26.97 35.68 N/A N/A Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) 66.29 52.96 88.24 27.54 48.12 59.47 19.67 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 19.67 37.83 52.96 62.88 88.24 51.75 23.21 N/A N/A (%) 40% 90% 62% 86% 86% 80% 80% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 40% 71% 80% 86% 90% 75% 18% N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-9: Water Quality Performance for Cadmium (Cd) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) 1.77 1.82 1.79 1.89 2.11 1.11 0.64 0.48 0.30 0.95 0.22 0.58 12 0.22 0.56 1.03 1.80 2.11 1.14 0.70 0.2 N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 0.161 0.025 0.143 0.018 0.031 0.023 0.005 0.018 0.010 0.022 0.009 0.015 12 0.005 0.014 0.020 0.027 0.161 0.040 0.053 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-10: Water Quality Performance for Copper (Cu) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) 29.5 18.1 16.4 10.7 12.7 11.3 13.8 20.7 15.7 12.1 12.9 17.5 12 10.7 12.6 14.8 17.7 29.5 16.0 5.2 5 24 Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 3.28 1.18 2.84 0.64 1.12 1.48 0.49 1.92 1.45 1.08 2.06 0.81 12 0.49 1.01 1.31 1.95 3.28 1.53 0.86 N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 2.69 0.25 1.31 0.10 0.19 0.24 0.10 0.77 0.50 0.28 0.52 0.45 12 0.10 0.22 0.37 0.58 2.69 0.62 0.74 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) 0.59 0.92 1.52 0.53 0.93 1.24 0.39 1.15 0.95 0.80 1.54 0.36 12 0.36 0.57 0.93 1.17 1.54 0.91 0.40 N/A N/A (%) 18% 78% 54% 84% 83% 84% 80% 60% 65% 74% 75% 44% 12 18% 58% 74% 81% 84% 67% 20% N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-11: Water Quality Performance for Iron (Fe) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) 174 97 242 88 141 51 370 270 418 300 213 141 12 51 130 194 278 418 209 115 300 N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 15.85 1.36 19.38 0.86 2.09 1.07 2.66 10.04 13.34 7.06 8.56 3.65 12 0.86 1.90 5.36 10.86 19.38 7.16 6.34 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-12: Water Quality Performance for Lead (Pb) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) a -3.24 -0.72a -1.72a -4.12a -3.22a 0.29 -3.79a 0.04 -1.56a -1.41a -2.50a 0.79 12 -4.12 -3.23 -1.64 -0.53 0.79 -1.76 1.65 1 N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A -0.30 -0.01 -0.14 -0.04 -0.05 0.01 -0.03 0.00 -0.05 -0.03 -0.10 0.02 12 -0.30 -0.06 -0.04 -0.01 0.02 -0.06 0.09 N/A N/A a Analytical method used by MOECC produced negative concentrations. These values are to be treated as non-detects. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-13: Water Quality Performance for Nickel (Ni) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) 2.77 0.38 0.66 -0.60a 0.25 -0.19a -1.00a -0.16a 0.55 -0.01a 0.21 -0.38a 12 -1.00 -0.24 0.10 0.42 2.77 0.21 0.94 25 N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 0.252 0.005 0.053 -0.006 0.004 -0.004 -0.007 -0.006 0.018 0.000 0.008 -0.010 12 -0.010 -0.006 0.002 0.011 0.252 0.026 0.073 N/A N/A a Analytical method used by MOECC produced negative concentrations. These values are to be treated as non-detects. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-14: Water Quality Performance for Zinc (Zn) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (µg/L) 103 110 88 82 123 155 100 75 60 51 87 61 12 50.9 71.6 87.2 104.8 155.0 91.2 29.4 20 162 Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.80 14.80 19.08 28.11 46.40 22.09 11.88 N/A N/A Total Estimated Influent Volume (m3) Total Estimated Influent Load (g) Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A 22.11 7.94 19.15 4.31 7.58 9.98 3.32 12.94 9.78 7.29 13.91 5.46 12 3.32 6.83 8.86 13.18 22.11 10.32 5.79 N/A N/A 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 9.38 1.54 7.04 0.80 1.82 3.24 0.72 2.80 1.92 1.20 3.48 1.58 12 0.72 1.45 1.87 3.30 9.38 2.96 2.65 N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) 12.73 6.40 12.12 3.51 5.75 6.73 2.61 10.15 7.86 6.09 10.44 3.88 12 2.61 5.29 6.57 10.22 12.73 7.36 3.36 N/A N/A (%) 58% 81% 63% 82% 76% 67% 78% 78% 80% 84% 75% 71% 12 58% 70% 77% 80% 84% 74% 8% N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Table D-15: Water Quality Performance for Dissolved Chloride (Dissolved Cl-) Starting Date and Time 27-Jul-2014 18:50 11-Aug-2014 22:40 10-Sep-2014 15:40 21-Sep-2014 05:50 03-Oct-2014 13:00 19-Apr-2015 22:30 11-May-2015 19:40 07-Jun-2015 20:40 22-Jun-2015 20:50 07-Jul-2015 12:30 10-Aug-2015 11:50 19-Aug-2015 21:50 Count Minimum 25 Percentile Median 75 Percentile Maximum Mean Standard Deviation WQ Guideline Median Influent Effluent EMC (mg/L) 168 247 84 207 170 375 394 282 237 226 132 345 12 84.30 169.50 231.50 297.75 394.00 238.94 96.32 128 N/A Precipitation Depth (mm) 46.4 17.2 40.2 9.4 17.4 21.0 7.8 27.8 20.8 15.6 29.2 12.4 12 7.8 14.8 19.1 28.1 46.4 22.1 11.9 N/A N/A Total Estimated Total Estimated Influent Influent Load Volume (m3) (g) 136.47 49.03 118.24 26.61 46.76 61.59 20.52 79.89 60.38 45.02 85.88 33.70 12 20.52 42.19 54.71 81.39 136.47 63.67 35.72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge Total Measured Effluent Volume (m3) Total Measured Effluent Load (g) 91.10 14.00 80.07 9.76 14.81 20.93 7.18 37.17 31.92 23.54 40.19 25.91 12 7.18 14.61 24.73 37.93 91.10 33.05 26.71 N/A N/A 15304 3458 6750 2020 2517 7849 2829 10482 7564 5321 5305 8939 12 2020 3301 6035 8122 15304 6528 3859 N/A N/A Estimated Pollutant Load Reduction (g) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 140.0 Effluent EMC 120.0 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Guideline 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-1: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Total Suspended Solids from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 0.3 Effluent EMC Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.3 Guideline 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-2: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Total Phosphorus from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 0.2 0.2 Effluent EMC 0.2 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-3: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Phosphate from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 3.5 Effluent EMC 3.0 Nitrite + Nitrate (mg/L -N) Guideline 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-4: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Nitrite + Nitrate from Sampling Events1. 1 Water quality guideline for Nitrate is used © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 1.2 Effluent EMC Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-5: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 2.5 Effluent EMC Guideline Cadmium (µg/L) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-6: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Cadmium from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 35.0 Effluent EMC 30.0 Guideline Copper (µg/L) 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-7: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Copper from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 450.0 Effluent EMC 400.0 Guideline 350.0 Iron (µg/L) 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-8: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Iron from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 1.2 Effluent EMC 1.0 Guideline Lead (µg/L) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-9: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Lead from Sampling Events1. 1 Analytical method used by MOECC produced negative concentrations. These values are to be treated as non-detects and were assigned a value of 0 for this plot. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 30.0 Effluent EMC 25.0 Guideline Nickel (µg/L) 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Sampling Dates Figure D-10: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Nickel from Sampling Events1. 1 Analytical method used by MOECC produced negative concentrations. These values are to be treated as non-detects and were assigned a value of 0 for this plot. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 180 Effluent EMC 160 Guideline 140 Zinc (µg/L) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Sampling Dates Figure D-11: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Zinc from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 450 Effluent EMC 400 Guideline Dissolved Chloride (mg/L) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Sampling Dates Figure D-12: Time Series Plot of Effluent Concentrations of Dissolved Chloride from Sampling Events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries Figure D-13: Box plot of CVC Head Office TSS concentrations compared to NSQD concentrations by land use. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 100 90 Load Reduction (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 >25 Rain Event Size (mm) TP NO2+NO3 TKN Figure D-14: Estimated total load reduction by event size for nutrients. Black bars show the range in load reductions for individual storm events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX D: Data Analysis Summaries 100 90 Load Reduction (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 >25 Rain Event Size (mm) Cu Zn Figure D-15: Estimated total load reduction by event size for metals. Black bars show the range in load reductions for individual storm events. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix E Intensification of Urban Water Cycle NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle 1 INTENSIFICATION OF URBAN WATER CYCLE It is expected that the population of the Greater Toronto Area 1 (GTA) will grow from 6.4 million in 2012 to 8.9 million by 2036 . This ongoing urbanization of our environment by increasing imperviousness results in a phenomenon commonly known as 2 the “urban stream syndrome” , where hydrographs become flashier (i.e., increased flow variability), baseflow decline, water quality is degraded, stream channels are eroded, water temperatures rise, and biological richness declines. Figure 1 shows a hydrograph comparing stream flow rates before, during, and after a storm under pre- and post-development 3 conditions . As indicated, streams with developed watersheds have substantially higher peak flows, and these peak flows occur more quickly than under predevelopment conditions. This is reflective of typical urban conditions, where runoff moves quickly over impervious surfaces and drains into a channel. Impervious surfaces such as streets, sidewalks and driveways contribute 6575% of total loadings of suspended solids, total phosphorus, and metals to our receiving streams and lakes (Bannerman et al., 1992). Furthermore, beach closures and reductions in recreational fishing due to pollutant loading from urban stormwater and have resulted in up to $87 million a year in lost revenue to local economies (Marbek, 2010). Figure 1: Changes in stream flow hydrograph as a result of urbanization (adapted from Schueler, 1987) 1 Ministry of Finance (MOF). 2013. Ontario Population Projections Update. 2 Walsh CJ, Roy AH, Feminella JW, Cottingham PD, Groffman PM, Morgan RP II. 2005. The urban stream syndrome: Current knowledge and the search for a cure. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24(3):706-723 3 Schueler, T. 1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban Best Management Practices. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle This ongoing urbanization of our environment by increasing imperviousness also corresponds to a significant alteration to the water cycle. Continued development with structured conveyance and impervious pathways redistributes the water budget to favour runoff over evaporation, infiltration, and recharge for streams and groundwater. The figures below illustrate how four important components in the 4 water cycle are affected by increasing levels of imperviousness . In natural and rural environments with vegetated soils, surface runoff is generally low and represents a 5 low fraction (10 to 20%) of the total fallen precipitation . Water either percolates into the ground or is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. A considerable percentage of the rainfall infiltrates into the soil and contributes to the groundwater. The local water table is often connected to nearby streams, providing seepage to streams and wetlands during dry periods and maintaining base flow essential to the biological and habitat integrity of streams. Water that is evaporated into the atmosphere behaves like an air conditioner for the urban atmosphere, thereby more water in the atmosphere reduces the urban heat island effect, mitigating high air temperatures (Figure 2a). Figure 2a: Hydrologic Cycle: Natural ground cover Figure 2b: Hydrologic Cycle: 10-20% Impervious Predevelopment Conditions cover - Predevelopment Conditions (Adapted from FIRSWG, 1998) Land development converts permeable land into increasing impermeable surfaces. During urbanization, natural channels are replaced by artificial drainage pipes and channels that decrease the amount of water infiltration and storage within the soil column. This alters the hydrologic regime by allowing less rainfall infiltration into the ground, and more channeled runoff through the urban infrastructure. Alterations to site runoff characteristics can cause an increase in the volume and frequency of runoff flows (discharge), velocities that cause flooding, and accelerated erosion (Figure 3a). This also decreases the amount of water available for evapotranspiration and infiltration. Evaporation decreases because there is less time for it to occur when runoff moves quickly off impervious surfaces. Transpiration decreases because vegetation has been removed. In addition, urban infrastructure removes water from shallow ponds and wetlands that could have otherwise been used to replenish the water table and maintain low flow conditions in local watercourses. Headwater streams, with small contributing drainage areas, are especially sensitive to localized changes in groundwater recharge and base flow. 4 Adapted from Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (FISRWG). 1998. Stream CorridorRestoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. PB98-158348LUW. 5 Prince George's County, Maryland Department of Environmental Resources Programs and Planning Division. 1999. LowImpact Development Hydrologic Analysis © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle As a much larger percentage of rainwater hits impervious surfaces including roofs, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, and streets, it must be controlled through storm water management techniques. Traditional approaches have focused on collection and conveyance to quickly transport stormwater to the nearest watercourse to prevent property damage (Figure 3a). Current stormwater management has taken an "end of pipe" approach, using gutters and piping systems to carry rainwater into ponds or detention basins (Figure 3b). This approach does not mitigate or alter the runoff volume component of the water cycle which is the driving force over flood risk and drought due to decreases in subsurface flows. Figure 3a: Stormwater Management with no water quality control Figure 3b: Stormwater management using SWM ponds. (Adapted from FIRSWG, 1998) Urban areas are particularly susceptible to flooding due to a high concentration of impervious surfaces that channel precipitation runoff into the city’s underground infrastructure. During rainfall events of high intensity, duration and/or frequency, the runoff component of the water balance will be overwhelmed and not mitigated by infiltration, creating flood-prone areas in urbanized zones (Figure 4). As part of adaptive management, stormwater management has evolved over time in Ontario, from flood control requirements in the 1970s, to water quality and erosion requirements in the 1980s, to Figure 4: Flood prone area in Cooksville water balance requirements in 2012. The cost and Creek watershed complexity of these engineered systems has increased. In light of the current spot light on climate change and aging infrastructure there is growing awareness that stormwater management has become more than just treating a storm event it’s also about maintaining stream flows during dry weather periods for wastewater assimilation, fisheries, and water takings. Through the Great Lakes Protection Act, Water Opportunities Act and Redside Dace legislation, stormwater is being recognized as a resource to be treated at source, conveyance and prior to entering waterways. A robust stormwater management system that meets all environmental and economic goals must include both conventional stormwater management facilities and source based Low Impact Development (LID) practices. Conventional facilities are typically effective at achieving flood control by providing large volumes of stormwater detention. Conventional facilities however lack the ability to provide water balance benefits or reduce the volume of runoff from heavily urbanized areas. As a result they offer little benefits with respect to infiltration and erosion mitigation. LID practices excel where conventional systems fail by © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle allowing for natural hydrologic processes including infiltration and evapotranspiration as close to the source as possible. LID practices are designed to mitigate the rapidly changing water cycle by mimicking nature within the urban environment. LID strategies strive to allow natural infiltration to occur as close as possible to the original area of rainfall. By engineering terrain, vegetation, and soil features to perform this function, the landscape can retain more of its natural hydrological function (Figure 5). Although most effective when implemented on a community-wide basis, using LID practices on a smaller scale can also have a positive impact. Figure 5: Urban water cycle with Low Impact Development stormwater Management - (Adapted from FIRSWG, 1998) 2 UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT As might be expected, there is a linear relationship between the amount of impervious surfaces in a given area and the amount of runoff generated. What is unexpected is what this means in terms of both the volume of water generated and the rate at which it exits the surface. Depending on the degree of impervious cover, the annual volume of storm water runoff can increase to anywhere from 2 to 16 times © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle 6 the predevelopment amount . Impervious surface coverage as low as 10% can destabilize a stream 7 channel, raise water temperatures, and reduce water quality and biodiversity . This is consistent with monitoring data from the urbanizing subwatershed of Fletchers’ Creek which shows increasing trends in peak flows downstream from developed catchments despite post to predevelopment control with conventional SWM facilities such as wet ponds. In fact, the flow of the creek has on average increased by roughly two orders of magnitude despite the adoption of conventional stormwater management (Figure 6). Figure 6: Increasing trends in stream flow pre- and post-construction in Fletchers’ Creek The longer duration of higher flows due to increased volume combines with that from downstream tributaries to increase the downstream peaks. As a result, the portions of Fletchers Creek is experiencing extensive bank slumping and erosion (Figure 7). In a natural setting, typically 6-9 events per year produce runoff that enters the stream. With LID stormwater management, very little to no runoff is produced during precipitation events less than 25 mm in depth, that is 90% of all precipitation events. What this means is that 69% of all the rain to fall will not produce runoff. 6 Figure 7: High stream flow in Fletcher’s Creek Schueler, T. 1994. The Importance of Imperviousness. Watershed Protection Techniques 1(3):1’00-111. 7 Schueler, T. 1995. Site Planning for Urban Stream Protection. Metropolitan WashingtonCouncil of Governments, Washington, DC. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle In fact, LID sites can prevent runoff for events up to 25 mm in depth (Figure 8). For rainfall events with a depth greater than 25 mm, in which runoff is produced, it was previously thought that LID would have little effect in mitigating flows. However, monitoring data has shown that there is runoff volume reductions and peak flow reductions even for large storm events. 90% of Total 9vents 69 % of Total 5epth 20 18 18 16 Avg. # of Events/yr 16 0-25mm 14 12 10 9 8 6 6 4 3 2 2 2 25 to 30 30 to 35 35+ 2 0 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 Rainfall Depth (mm) Figure 8: Typical Annual Rainfall Frequency Distribution for Toronto Lester B. Pearson 1960-2012 3 CHANGES IN WATER QUALITY Pollution from storm water runoff can also be a major concern in urban areas. Rainwater washing across streets and sidewalks can pick up spilled oil, detergents, solvents, de-icing salt, pesticides, fertilizer, and bacteria from pet waste. Carried untreated into streams and waterways, these materials become "nonpoint source pollutants" which can increase water temperature, algae content, impact aquatic habitats, cause beach closures and require additional costly treatment to make the water potable for drinking water systems. Beach closures and reductions in recreational fishing due to pollutant loading from urban stormwater Figure 9: Sediment Plume from Credit River to Lake Ontario (Photo Credit: Aquafor Beech, 1990) © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle 8 and have resulted in up to $87 million a year in lost revenue to local economies . During last three decades, Ontario developers and municipalities have constructed end-of-pipe wet facilities (i.e. wet ponds, wetlands and hybrid ponds) as standalone stormwater management facilities to provide water quality control through the removal of total suspended solids. Conventional end-of-pipe wet stormwater management ponds, in which the main treatment mechanism is capture of particulates through settling, are not effective in removing the fine particles that carry most of the nutrients as well as most of the dissolved pollutants and hydrocarbons. The increase in water temperature as result of the increase in impervious surfaces is also a major water quality concern in urban streams. Retention of stormwater in conventional wet ponds allows stormwater to warm up, causing thermal impacts on receiving water bodies. Because temperature plays a central role in the rate and timing of instream biotic and abiotic reactions, such increases have an adverse impact on streams. In some regions, summer stream warming can irreversibly shift a cold-water stream to a cool-water or even warm-water stream, resulting in deleterious effects on salmonids and other temperature-sensitive organisms. There is also significant concern about phosphorus loading from urban areas. Phosphorus is one of main pollutants of concern in urban drainage. Phosphorus and other nutrients are transported by runoff in a particulate-bound and dissolved phosphorus form. Monthly 75th Percentile (1975-2013) 45 Urban Stream (60-65% Impervious) Rural Stream (10-20% Impervious) 40 CWQG 35 TSS Concentration (mg/L) In the Credit River Watershed, the difference in the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) in an urban stream that was receiving stormwater from upland developments with conventional end-of-pipe wet facilities and a rural stream with only 10 - 20% impervious cover during dry ambient condition is shown in Figure 10. The comparison demonstrated that there are higher levels of TSS in the stream draining the developed area with conventional stormwater management wet facilities than in the rural area. This is due to the lack of runoff volume control in the stormwater management ponds. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. th Figure 10: Monthly 75 Percentile Total Suspended Solids concentration compared at an urban vs. rural catchment Note: Different urban/rural stream have unique responses to development. The example graphs how scenarios observed for one rural and one urban watercourse in CVC’s jurisdiction. The Total Phosphorus (TP) concentration in two monitored streams within CVC’s watershed showed similar results to those observed for TSS. Higher phosphorous concentrations were observed in the urban stream that was receiving stormwater from upland developments into a conventional end-of-pipe SWM facility than in the rural stream that had only 10 - 20% impervious cover during the summer months. Peak concentrations were seen in the rural stream during the spring season whereas peak concentrations were seen in the urban stream during the summer season (Figure 11). This is due to the greater level of impervious surfaces and lack of stormwater volume control in the urban stream. Elevated concentrations 8 Marbek (submitted to Ontario Ministry of Environment). 2010. Assessing the Economic Value of Protecting the Great Lakes: Rouge River Case Study for Nutrient Reduction and Nearshore Health Protection. df © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle Monthly 75th Percentile (1975-2013) of nutrients in the summer season is the major factor contributing to excess algae growth and depressed dissolved oxygen in receiving 9 streams . Urban Stream (60-65% Impervious) Rural Stream (10-20% Impervious) 0.160 PWQO 0.140 TP Concentration (mg/L) Currently there is a significant concern about phosphorus loading from urban areas. Phosphorus is considered as one of main pollutants of concern in urban drainage. Phosphorus and other nutrients are transported by runoff in a particulate-bound and dissolved phosphorus form. 0.180 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. New York State SWM Design Manual also Figure 11: Monthly 75th Percentile Total Phosphorus states that “Based on the best available concentration compared at an urban vs. rural catchment data, it has been observed that particles less than 10 μm tend to have substantially higher associated phosphorus concentrations than larger particle sizes”. This raises concerns with respect to the ability of wet ponds to 10 remove particulate phosphorus as they are not efficient in removing particles less than 10 μm . Moreover, treatment mechanisms focused on capture of particulates does not address dissolved phosphorus removal. This is consistent with the 2003 MOE Stormwater Design Guidelines, which state that while end-of-pipe facilities are typically designed to remove 60-80% suspended solids, the typical removal efficiency for total phosphorus is 40-50%. Section 4.4 of the 2003 MOE Stormwater Design Guidelines also recognize that the use of stormwater ponds for water quantity and quality control can impair receiving stream habitat because of the heating of the discharge water. Because a municipality may have hundreds of wet stormwater management facilities within a single watershed, the cumulative impacts on aquatic systems can be significant. In streams containing Redside Dace, Ministry of Natural Resources requires that there be no storm runoff from rainfall events in the range of 5 to 15 mm, considering the recommendations of the subwatershed plans and soil 11 permeability . In such circumstances, low impact development strategies to promote infiltration and stormwater reuse should be utilized to match post development water balance with the pre-development condition. Figure 12: High TSS from urban runoff in Springbrook Creek habitat of Redside Dace 9 Aquafor Beech (for Conservation Halton). 2005. LOSAAAC Water Quality Study. Aquafor Beech reference 64353. 10 Greb, S. and Bannerman, R. 1997. Influence of particle size on wet pond effectiveness. Water Environment Research, 69 (6): 1134-1138. Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). 2011. DRAFT Guidance for Development Activities in Redside Dace Protected Habitat. 11 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, Ontario. ii+42 pp © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge APPENDIX E: Intensification of Urban Water Cycle 4 RESOURCE INFORMATION Literature reviews show that LID practices mitigate the impacts of urbanization by mimicking predevelopment hydrology. CVC/TRCA’s Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide provides planning and design guidance on a wide range of stormwater management practices such as bioretention, disconnection of downspouts, rain harvesting, swales, permeable pavement, and green roofs. Prevention of urban runoff is an effective means to achieve a broad range of stormwater management objectives such as maintaining pre-development runoff volume, frequency and duration for frequent storm events, reducing runoff temperature, reducing the concentration of TSS and reducing the loading of phosphorus into surface waters. Reducing imperviousness and disconnection of impervious areas can be achieved through alternative design standards for road widths, road right of ways, minimum numbers of parking lot, varied front and rear lots, the use of pervious materials and the use of source controls as discussed in the above document. For detailed information on preventative and mitigation measures to address thermal impacts of urban developments, refer to CVC’s Study Report: Thermal Impacts of Urbanization including Preventative and Mitigation Techniques and CVC/TRCA Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide. © Credit Valley Conservation 2016 – Watershed Knowledge CVC HEAD OFFICE, CITY OF MISSISSAUGA LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PERFORMANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Appendix F Site Maintenance and Inspection Logs NOTICE The contents of this report do not necessarily represent the policies of the supporting agencies. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the integrity of the report, the supporting agencies do not make any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of those products. FINAL REPORT Appendix F – Site Maintenance and Inspection Log Site: CVC Head Office Inspector: Date: Site Characteristics: CVC Head Office Road, parking lay-by and sidewalk Engineered bioretention mix Permeable pavement and grass swale Online Inlet pipes from parking lay-by and permeable pavement sidewalk Drainage Area Soil Media Pretreatment Hydraulic Configuration Inlet Type Contributing Drainage Area: Category: % of Trash/Debris Present 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Sediment Accumulation 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Inlets: % of Trash/Debris Present 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Sediment Accumulation 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Erosion 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Structural damage? Yes or No Is inlet clear and able to accept incoming flow? Yes or No Grass Swale: % of Trash/Debris Present 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Evidence of Ponding Yes % of Area Ponding 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Approximate Depth of Ponding ___________________ or No Notes: % of Bare/Exposed Soil 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Sediment Accumulation 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Erosion 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Permeable Pavement: % of Trash/Debris Present 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Sediment Accumulation 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Structural damage? Yes Area of broken/cracked/ heaving pavers or curbs? 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Evidence of Clogging Yes or or No No Outlet: % of Trash/Debris Present 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Erosion 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + % of Sediment Accumulation 0% --- 5% --- 10% --- 15% --- 20% + Structural damage? Yes or No Is outlet clear and able to accept overflow? Yes or No Is maintenance required? Yes or No What needs to be done? ___________________ How much time was spent on maintenance? ____________________ Maintenance: Regular maintenance, longterm maintenance or emergency maintenance? Who is responsible? How often is regular maintenance done? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Photos: Number of Photo Site Comments: Description/Notes