Newsletter 15T4 Wk4 - Good News Lutheran College


Newsletter 15T4 Wk4 - Good News Lutheran College
s Lu
Good New
Principal, M
Term four Week 4
Thursday 29 October, 2015
Calendar Dates
Preps’ first swimming lesson; all were very brave and had lots of fun!
Monday 2 November
Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 3 November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 4 November
Boxing and Bootcamp Classes for
10PE Fitness Unit (V.U. Health and
Fitness Centre, Hoppers Lane)
For Theme Day dress up, students and staff all got
involved to celebrate and raise money for ‘Gifts of Grace’.
Thursday 5 November
Year 11 Foundation Maths Excursion
- Maths Trail & Travel Planning
(Melbourne CBD)
Year 2 Sleepover
Tuesday 10 November
Year 3 Excursion (Jewish Museum)
Wednesday 11 November
Regional Hoop Time All Star Girls
Years 5 & 6 (selected girls)
(Werribee Eagle Stadium)
Wednesday 18 November
Koorong Book Club due
Good News Lutheran College
580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit, Victoria 3029
PO Box 2193, Werribee, Victoria 3030
03 8742 9000
Absentee line 03 8742 9090
03 9748 0633
Principal’s Report
We have had a number of notable events within the Junior School this year, with students winning awards as follows:
Science Talent Search: Nethumlee T. (2SH) prize-winning entry for Posters and Scientific Wall Charts. This award also included a
minor bursary of $20 for Nethumlee’s poster, “Light at the Bottom of the Ocean”.
APSMO Maths Olympiad: Xiaohan C. (5HD) scored in the top 2%, Philip G. (6DO) scored in the top 10%, while Nikita J. (6LB)
and Matthew A. (6LB) scored in the top 25% of National Entrants.
Future Problem Solving Australia: Libby K. (6DO) was 1st Place National Winner for Scenario Writing and
Catarina V. (5HD) was a National Finalist in 6th Place for Scenario Writing.
Battle of the Books: Shay J. (4KY) received the Best Individual Score in Battle of the Books.
Congratulations to all students on your fantastic achievements!
The Young Ambassador Program
April K. (SBBP) has been appointed in the role of ‘Shrine Young Ambassador’ for the period September 2015 through
September 2016. The Young Ambassadors program is a highly respected and valued youth program whereby students are selected
via an application process.
The Young Ambassadors key role is to act as youth leaders and representatives of future generations at Shrine of Remembrance
commemorative events and programs.
As part of the Young Ambassador role, these students are invited to be involved in commemorative activities at the Shrine,
most significantly, including:
Remembrance Day - 11 November, 2015
Legacy Day – 22 April, 2016
Anzac Day – 25 April, 2016
Battle for Australia Day – 7 September, 2016
Well done April!
Simon Hughes
Chaplain’s Chat
This week sees the College celebrate ‘Reformation Day’. This is an important part of the Lutheran
Church and all Christendom. This was when Martin Luther, posted 95 Theses (topics that needed
discussing) about things the Church, at the time (1517), were preaching and teaching. It was a
necessary step and reminds us all that we should be constantly assessing and testing our beliefs and
actions to the bible so we don’t go off God’s plan and word.
This term we are also doing the ‘Gifts of Grace’ program. Some Year 10 students have painted a
lovely Christmas tree in the Library window. On this Christmas tree we will place cut out paper
ornaments when a class or year level have raised enough money for a particular gift. Hopefully we
can see the impact we can have as a College on peoples’ lives.
God bless you all and thank you for all the work and efforts you all do for this community.
Yours in Faith,
Joshua Hauser
College Chaplain
Junior School Report
Social Media in the Junior School
On Thursday night (29/10) the Year 7-10 students, staff and parents heard presentations on ‘Cyber
Safety’. We find that students have heard the “Cyber Safety Talk” on numerous occasions from both
parents and the teachers in the Junior School. Yet it is often difficult to talk specifics with students
because we adults don’t always know the most up-to-date apps. One way to stay informed is to visit
the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commission site
Games, Apps and Social Media
In the parents session, the presenter discussed some of the more popular games and the ones that tend to be ‘entry level’ for Junior
School students. He also shared information on common issues related to apps. If you are curious about some of the apps your child
is using or games he or she is playing, you can read about them here
Reading about the apps is important as I learned some surprising information about a common app called ‘Kik’ that is used by many
Junior School students. You might be interested in the full variety of educational resources available to parents.
To give you a flavour of the site, visit to watch a video about basic online safety skills for
Cyber Bullying
One of the most important features of the site is the Complaints and Reporting section If ever your child feels bullied online, he or she can report it to this site. The complaint is investigated by both an officer
and a psychologist. The bully is informed directly of the report via an official letter from the Australian Government with a warning to
cease activity and remove the posts. Should the activity continue, the issue is directed to police. The social media sites are also
contacted so that the content is removed within hours.
What questions do you have about Social Media? What rules are in place in your house?
Janet Abercrombie
Head of Junior School
Hoop Time News….
The Year 3/4 Boys Hoop Time team won and now go through to The Hoop Time State Final Day, on
Monday, 23 November, 2015 at Dandenong Basketball Stadium.
Well done to the Boys!
Middle School Report
Sporting Success
As a Middle School, we are still very young and quite small in size compared to our surrounding schools. However, we continue to
outplay and outperform these neighbouring schools in a variety of sports. It has been great to see the passion and dedication our
students’ have demonstrated throughout these events.
On Monday this week (26/10), our Year 7 Boys Basketball Team competed in the Regional Finals at Altona and finished 2 nd in their
pool. They managed to win their first game, they lost the second game by only 2 points and had a draw in their last game. They
were so close to making it into the Finals at the end of the day.
This was followed on Tuesday (27/10) by our Year 8 Girls Basketball Team who were also competing in their Regional Finals at
Altona. They finished Runners Up, unfortunately losing the Final by only 2 points (40-42).
The busy week continued with the Year 8 boys Table Tennis heading to Geelong for their Regional Finals along with the Year 7 Boys
Table Tennis doing the same on Wednesday (28/10). Both teams represented our College very well and put in a fantastic effort.
Finally, in Week 6 this Term, our Year 5/6 All Star Girls Hoop Time Basketball Team will be playing in the Regional Finals at
Werribee Eagle Stadium. We wish them all the best for that event coming up.
Congratulations to everyone who has been a part of these successful teams. These sporting success stories are just part of what
makes our Middle School so vibrant and passionate. We are all so proud of the staff and students who willingly get involved and look
forward to more success in the future.
Nathan Shrowder
Head of Middle School
Senior School Report
Senior Snippets…. A reflection – The first VCE Examination is almost here
Going into our first VCE Examination next week (4 November 3.00 – 5.15pm), I was reflecting about my own exams, (way back
when), and the anxiety they caused for both myself, my friends and my family. I also remembered how many people prayed for my
year level and how different people reminded us that God loves us and how much He is the calm in the midst of the storm. This
really encouraged me at the time and my prayer is that all our Year 11 students be comforted by that knowledge now.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled
and so not be afraid.
VCE Drama Excursion – State Library and The Lion King
On Wednesday 21 October, the VCE Drama class had a big day out in Melbourne. We started with a visit to the State Library to see
an exhibition called ‘The Changing Face of Victoria’, which formed part of the research for their ensemble performance which will be
performed on Arts night.
We then went to the Regent Theatre to see a performance of ‘The Lion King’, after which they enjoyed analysing the various facets
of the amazing production. All were amazed and enthralled by the performance. Photographs of the day can be viewed on the
College Facebook page.
God bless,
Christine Taylor
Head of Senior School/VCE Coordinator
Table Tennis News….
Congratulations to the Year 8 Boys Table Tennis Team who made it to the Western Metropolitan Region Finals held in Geelong in
October 2015.
Despite winning several games against a high level of competition, the Team didn’t win any overall matches which are played out of
five games. The individual points scored against the opposition were: Gunint C. 69, Shannon V. 71, Rhys M. 87, Abel M. 89,
Palin N. 123 and Joshua P. 182.
Thanks to our invaluable bus driver Greg and coaches Mr Mani and Mr Bernard.
Cricket News….
The Year 7 Boys Interschool Cricket
Team trained hard over several weeks
and demonstrated great
sportsmanship and skill despite
narrowly losing against two local
schools. Many thanks to the coaches
on the day, Mr Trubody and
Mr O’Donnell.
REMINDER: College Closure Dates
This is a reminder that Good News Lutheran College will be
closed as per the dates below:
Monday, 2 November, 2015 Pupil Free Day
Tuesday, 3 November, 2015 Melbourne Cup
Public Holiday
College Office Hours
The College office is open, Monday –Thursday 8.30am –
4.30pm but please note on Friday the office closes at
Students are supervised by staff on yard duty until 3.45pm.
Please ensure your children are picked up promptly at the
dismissal of school each day. If you are going to be late,
please advise the College office.
Spellmasters Australia applauds Jordanne T. (3GC) for achieving third place in the Junior Division of the
2015 Round 8 Competition.
Jordanne also won third place prize and earned a place in the Junior Grand Final next month.
Well done Jordanne on your amazing achievement and we wish you all the best for the upcoming
Grand Final.
2016 Term Dates
This is to remind you of the 2016 Term Dates, which appear below, and to advise that the Good News Lutheran College Term
Three holidays for 2016 are different to the Term Three Government schools dates. An explanation follows.
For the past two years GNLC has run our Term One holidays off-step with Government schools in order to balance our terms
(8 and 11 weeks) out. However, the placement of Easter next year means that this benefit would be largely negated by multiple
short weeks and altered timetables.
**September 12- 16 (Week 10 of Term Three)
With the inclusion of Year 12 into the College next year, the College is planning moving all of our current Pupil Free/Curriculum
Days (usually Mondays), into Week 10 of Term Three (**12 - 16 September), as many schools with Year 12 use this additional
week to allow off-timetable work for students at this time e.g. Practice exams, catch-up assessment work, etc. The timing of this
is very common in many private schools running Year 12 and we must remember our students are in direct competition
(ATAR scores) at this time with students at other schools.
Term One
Monday 1 February to Thursday 24 March
(8 weeks)
(Term Break: 28/3 – 8/4) (2 weeks)
Term Two
Monday 11 April to Friday 24 June
(11 weeks)
(Term Break: 27/6 – 8/7 (2 weeks)
Term Three
Monday 11 July to Friday 9 September
(9 weeks)
(Term Break: 12/9 – 30/9 (3 weeks)
**September 12- 16 – Year 12 off-timetable work for students
e.g. Practice exams, catch-up assessment work, etc.
Term Four
Monday 3 October to Wednesday 7 December
(10 weeks)
All sorts of people make great Foster Carers.
They are tradesmen, nurses, sales reps, shop assistants, teachers etc.
They are couples, singles, from different cultural backgrounds, with or
without their own children. They are people who have the desire to
give a child a safe and welcoming place to stay.
Our next information session is on Saturday 28th November 2015 @
10.30am to 11.30am in the Yarraville area. Come along to find out
more & have your questions answered. Or to receive an information
package please contact Liesl Trenfield on 93967400 or It is easy to become an Anglicare
Foster Carer, call us NOW to talk about how
You will make all the difference!
Werribee Annual Craft Festival
Date: Saturday, 7 November, 2015 - Sunday,
8 November, 2015
Time: 7 & 8 November from 9am - 4pm
Werribee Craft Festival is held annually each year the
weekend after Melbourne Cup Day.
Don't miss our Handmade 2 Day Fair at the Wyndham
Civic Centre.
FREE Admission and parking, Children's Craft Activities,
Devonshire Teas.
With more than 80 stalls from across Victoria there are
many top class, different and interesting Crafts being
showcased and for sale. Come and join in the fun at the
for more Information:
Daily Devotion
Flourishing - Psalm 92:1-4,12-15
St Philips Church
Service Time:
9am Sunday Weekly Worship - 9.30am Sunday School
(school terms)
9am First Sunday of month - family/ youth service
580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit (College site)
Mark Winter :0411 151 741
Service time:
4pm Sunday
27 The Broadway, Altona North
Mark Winter 0411 151 741
Martin Luther Lutheran Church
Christ The Lord
Service Time:
10am Sunday (Slovak)
72-74 Point Cook Road, Seabrook
Jan Havjar 9369 5675
The righteous will flourish like palm trees;
they will grow like the cedars of Lebanon.
They are like trees planted in the house of the
that flourish in the Temple of our God,
that still bear fruit in old age
and are always green and strong.
St. Philips Church Playgroup
Friday mornings: 9.30am-11.30am during school terms.
Bring a piece of fruit and $2. New families welcome.