ENS LSH accès/access
ENS LSH accès/access
PLACE JEAN JAURÈS ST JUST BELLECOUR BELLECOUR accès/access ENS LSH The École normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines is situated in the 7th arrondissement (the Gerland area) of Lyon. It is easily accessible via national and international rail and air services, with direct flights arriving at Lyon Saint Exupéry airport, and Paris two hours away by high-speed TGV train. Travel to the ENS LSH: l From Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport : take the Satolas shuttle bus service as far as Lyon Part-Dieu railway station (recommended) or Lyon Perrache. Journey time to Part-Dieu is around 40 minutes. l From Lyon Part-Dieu railway station : take line B of the underground train (metro) towards Stade de Gerland, and get off at Debourg. l From Lyon Perrache railway station: follow signs to bus stops, take bus number 32 towards Etats-Unis, and get off at Gerland-Debourg. London PART-DIEU Vivier Merle HÔTEL PERRACHE DE VILLE Louis Pradel ENS LSH PERRACHE BELLECOUR ST JUST ST JUST International airports and TGV connections. ST JUST Aéroports internationaux et liaisons TGV Vivier Merle PORTE BELLECOURDES ALPES FOURVIÈRE STADE PERRACHE ST DE JUSTGERLAND JEAN MACÉ PERRACHE JEAN MACÉ GRANGE PLACE BLANCHE JEAN JAURÈS PART-DIEU PLACE JEAN MACÉ Vivier Merle JEAN JAURÈS ENS LSH ENS LSH PLACE JEAN MACÉ Basel BELLECOUR Lausanne Geneve PLACE JEAN JAURÈS PLACE JEAN JAURÈS Lyon ST JUST ENS LSH ENS LSH PERRACHE STADE STADEDE GERLAND DE GERLAND CUIRE CUIRE CUIRE PORTE DES ALPES PORTE DES ALPES JEAN MACÉ JEAN JAURÈS PORTE STADE DES ALPES PORTE DE GERLAND PLACE DES ALPES STADE JEAN JAURÈS DE GERLAND PORTE GARE DEDES ALPES VÉNISSIEUX GARE DE GRANGE PORTE VÉNISSIEUX BLANCHE DES ALPES ENS LSH ENS LSH GARESTADE DE DE GERLAND JEAN MACÉ GARE VÉNISSIEUX DE VÉNISSIEUX GARE DE STADE VÉNISSIEUX DE GERLAND PLACE JEAN JAURÈS ENS LSH IUT - FEYSSINE IUT - FEYSSINE IUT - FEYSSINE GARE GARE DE VAISE DE VAISE GARE DE VAISE GRANGE BLANCHE LAURENT BONNEVAY GRANGE JEAN MACÉ BLANCHE GARE DE GRANGE PERRACHE BLANCHE VÉNISSIEUX BruxellesPERRACHE Paris GRANGE BLANCHE GRANGE BLANCHE GARE DE VÉNISSIEUX PORTE DES ALPES CHARPENNES CHARPENNES Charles Hernu Charles Hernu CHARPENNES Charles Hernu Louis Pradel FOURVIÈRE FOURVIÈRE FOURVIÈRE Vivier Merle BELLECOUR BELLECOUR BELLECOUR ST JUST ST JUST ST JUST GRANGE GRANGE BLANCHE BLANCHE GRANGE BLANCHE PERRACHE PERRACHE PERRACHE JEAN MACÉ JEAN MACÉ JEAN MACÉ University of Lyon 2, France In cooperation with the Universities of Münster and Mumbai and generously supported by the University of Lyon 2, GARE DE VÉNISSIEUX LAURENT LAURENT BONNEVAY BONNEVAY LAURENT BONNEVAY PART-DIEU PART-DIEU Vivier Merle Vivier Merle PART-DIEU Conference convened by Prof. Catherine Pesso-Miquel, STADE DE GERLAND © design graphique Emmanuel Seiglan - ENS-LSH / SCAM 2008 HÔTEL HÔTEL DE VILLE DE VILLE Louis Pradel Louis Pradel HÔTEL DE VILLE PLACE PLACE JEAN JAURÈS JEAN JAURÈS PLACE JEAN JAURÈS ENSENS LSHLSH ENS LSH STADE STADE STADE DE GERLAND DE GERLAND DE GERLAND PORTEPORTE PORTE DES ALPES DES ALPES DES ALPES GARE DE GARE DE GARE DE VÉNISSIEUX VÉNISSIEUX VÉNISSIEUX ENS-LSH, LIRE/SEMA, Région Rhône-Alpes, Département du Rhône, and the city of Lyon. École normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines 15, parvis René-Descartes, BP 7000 69342 Lyon cedex 07 Tél.: +33 (0) 4 37 37 60 00 - http://www.ens-lsh.fr Conference Venue: École normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines 15, parvis René-Descartes, BP 7000 69342 Lyon cedex 07 Tél.: +33 (0) 4 37 37 60 00 - http://www.ens-lsh.fr Conference convened by Prof. Catherine Pesso-Miquel University of Lyon 2, France In cooperation with the Universities of Münster and Mumbai and the generous support of the University of Lyon 2, ENS Lettre et sciences humaines, LIRE/SEMA, Région Rhône-Alpes, Département du Rhône and the city of Lyon Information & contact: Marie Limongi Marie.Limongi@ens-lsh.fr Conference venue ENS LSH, May 29-30, Room F 08 École normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines 15, parvis René-Descartes, BP 7000 69342 Lyon cedex 07 Tél.: +33 (0) 4 37 37 60 00 - http://www.ens-lsh.fr principles of a set of beliefs, typically relies for guidance on one Book, spurning all other books, and rejects any equivocal plurality of interpretations: there is but one book, one truth, one meaning. Literature on the other hand implies a multiplicity of meanings and readings, a multiplicity of books, and endless intertextuality, with every new work providing new readings and a rewriting of many other previous works. In other words, literalness and literariness seem to belong to opposite poles. Our post-modern world takes multiplicity for granted, but it is also the locus in which fundamentalisms, especially of the religious kind, have multiplied and thrived. For instance, among Evangelicals in the USA, Islamist Muslims in many countries, Nationalist Hindus in India, Orthodox Jews in Israel, etc., many are those who define themselves and/or act as fundamentalists. Their hatred of books can take the milder form of bans, or more radical forms such as harassment and murder of authors. The aim of this conference is to enquire into the relationships between fundamentalism(s) and literature, an association that so far has been rarely studied: literature can be for fundamentalism a sophisticated propaganda tool, but in most cases literature becomes a privileged platform of resistance to fundamentalisms and all forms of essentialisms. Conference Program An Inteernatioonal conference / program May 29-30 2008 Conference Program Thursday May 29, 2008 8.00 am Registration and breakfast (Main building, first floor lobby) Conference room F 08 Session 1. Chair: Klaus Stierstorfer 9.00 am Christiane SCHLOTE, University of Berne: “Tea Time in Lahore: Moments of Conversion in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” 9.30 am Nilufer BHARUCHA, University of Mumbai: “The Resistance to Fundamentalism in Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath her Feet, and Shalimar the Clown.” 10.00 am Caroline HERBERT, University of Concordia: “Possibilities of Retrieval: Writing (as) a Space of Secular Civility in Shashi Deshpande’s Small Remedies.” Coffee/tea break 11.00 am Sridhar RAJESWARAN, University of Mumbai: “Resistance to Fundamentalism in Tamil cinema.” 11.30 am Dirk VANDERBEKE, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena: “The Not Quite Fundamentalist (John Updike’s Terrorist, Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown, Kiran Nagarkar’s God’s Little Soldier).” Lunch Session 2. Chair: Annette Kern-Stähler 2.30 pm Nancy HONICKER, University of Paris 8: “Aimee Semple McPherson: The Evangelical Life as Literature, The Word as a Woman’s Flesh.” 3.00 pm Mokhtar BEN BARKA, University of Valenciennes: “Protestant Fundamentalism and the Power of Language. The Case of Jerry Falwell.” 3.30 pm Catherine PESSO-MIQUEL, University of Lyon 2: “The Devilry of Righteousness in Kiran Nagarkar’s God’s Little Soldier.” Coffee/tea break Session 3. Chair: Catherine Pesso-Miquel 4.30 pm Krishnagopal SRIVASTAVA, University of Allahabad: “John Milton’s Ode ‘On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’: a Fundamentalist Poem?” 5.00 pm Anne DROMART, University of Lyon 3: “Individualism and Fundamentalism: the Writings of Swift and Defoe.” 6.00 pm Keynote address by Suhayl Saadi Conference program friday may 30 Conference program, may 29-30 Fundamentalism, which implies strict adherence to the fundamental An International conference / program May 29-30 2008 Conference program thursday may 29 An International conference : program May 29-30 2008 Friday May 30, 2008 8.00 am Breakfast (Main building, first floor lobby) Conference room F 08 Session 4. Chair: Frédéric Regard 9.00 am Stefan WELZ, University of Leipzig: “Two Voices: Ian McEwan on Terrorism and Fundamentalism.” 9.30 am Jill DIDUR, University of Concordia: “Representing Minority Experience in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss.” 10.00 am Axel STÄHLER, University of Kent: “Fantastic Fundamentalism: All Gods Great and Small. Fundamentalism and the Disc world.” Coffee/tea break 11.00 am Klaus STIERSTORFER, University of Münster: “Fundamentalism as Other: Readings in Literature, Ethics and Philosophy.” 11.30 am Annette KERN-STÄHLER, University of Essen: “Rudy Wiebe and Mennonite Fundamentalism.” Lunch Session 5. Chair: Nilufer Bharucha 2.30 pm Janet WILSON, University of Northampton: “The Imagery of Fundamentalism in Richard Flanagan’s The Unknown Terrorist, Orhan Pamuk’s Snow, and Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” 3.00 pm Laetitia ZECCHINI, Sorbonne University, Paris: “A Celebration of Discordance and Impropriety: the Anti-Totalitarian Poetry of Arun Kolatkar.” Coffee/tea break 4.00 pm Anne CASTAING, INALCO, Paris: “Polyphony and Hybridity in K. B. Vaid’s Fiction. The Deconstruction of the Meta-Narratives of Fundamentalism in India” 4.30 pm Frédéric REGARD, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon: “Life-Writing as Free Space: Reflections on Hanif Kureishi’s My Ear at His Heart.” Closing Drinks