Registration Newsletter Here!


Registration Newsletter Here!
73rd Convention
Summer 2016
October 13-17, 2016
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Convention Registration
Dear NASDAD Members and Friends,
It is my pleasure to extend a warm Welcome to the 2016 annual NASDAD Convention. We
are truly excited about our Colorado Springs location and hope you will enjoy spending
time in the mountains of Colorado! There is much historical association connected with Colorado Springs. Old Colorado City, which was eventually annexed into Colorado Springs, was
built in 1858 during the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush was the Colorado Territory capital.
For me, NASDAD Conventions are all about getting together with other Adventist Dental Professionals, renewing old acquaintances and making new connections and friends.
We all have positive things in our lives that have created great memories and experiences
for us, and we share these things with the people we care about. Why not take a minute to
share your experiences of NASDAD. Let your friends and colleagues know what NASDAD
can do for them so they can enjoy the blessings and benefits of membership too. It’s the best
reason of all to refer a friend!
I look forward to greeting you in person in October!
Robert Stacey, D.D.S.
NASDAD President
2016 & 2017
Tentative Weekend Schedule
Thursday, October 13
Saturday, October 15
7:00 pm Registration
Friday, October 14
8:00 am
8:30 am
3:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Pikes Peak Cog Railway Excursion
Board of Directors Meeting
9:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
5:45 pm
Sunday, October 16
Sabbath School
8:00 am Continuing Education
Updates from the Dean
7:00 pm Banquet**
& Business Meeting
**ticket required to attend meals, please see the registration page
Convention Registration Deadline: September 21, 2016
Page 2
Spiritual Emphasis Speaker
Allan Handysides, M.B., Ch.B., FRCPC, FRCSC, FACOG
Dr Handysides graduated from Edinburgh University with the M.B., Ch.B.. Degree then following
a 4 year residency in Pediatrics at the University of Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children obtained
what in those days was the FRCPC degree (a teaching qualification). He taught and practiced for
a few years, then changed specialty, and after a second residency obtained the specialty diploma
in Obstetrics and Gynecology and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
He practiced in Toronto from where he was called to mission service in Lesotho and was then
appointed Medical Director for the Trans Africa Division. The realignment of the divisions saw
him become the Medical director for the newly formed Eastern Africa Division. He returned to Toronto in 1986, to
practice Ob/Gyn until called to the General Conference as the Health Ministries director in 1998.
He has written extensively for the Adventist Review and Adventist World magazines under the title "Ask the Doctors”,
developed several programs such as the “Quest for Quality”, The “Appreciative Inquiry”, the CELEBRATIONS health program as well as several other initiatives including numerous global Health Ministry training advisories. He and the GC
team taught the health component for the MA being offered by the Adventist University of Africa, for several years until he retired in 2013.
He is well known around the Adventist world for his activities in Health Ministry and counts the liaison with the GC Education department in new Health initiatives such as medical and dental schools as some of the successes of his term of
service. He served for 15 years on the boards of Loma Linda University and received numerous awards including two
honorary doctorates in recognition of his services.
He and his beloved wife are pleased that their two sons serve at Loma Linda University and that their daughter is an
anesthesiologist in Denver.
Vespers - The Complex Doctrine of the Love of God
Church - The Active Manifestation of the Love of God
Our acceptance of the Love of God is taught us in childhood in many ways, including songs such as “Jesus loves me this
I know”. Unfortunately our understanding often does not expand much beyond this simple expression of a complex
topic. Perhaps this is why some relegate sermons on “love” to the category they entitle “Elementary” or “Basic”.
Indeed if as John says “God is Love” theology at its core is the exploration of this theme of the love of God. A fascination with “weightier doctrine” may uncover our lack of understanding of the complexity of Gods Love as well as its almost incredible aspects. Even more is the truth that, Jesus wants us to progress beyond the "unbelievable/incredible"
mental aspects, to an experienced credibility of the gospel in our lives.
Perhaps our fascination with the "weightier doctrines” actually belies our lack of comprehension or experience of the
“Love of God” and indicates a pleasure in distraction, akin to that of the juvenile who will do anything but his homework.”
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Hotel Reservations Deadline: September 4, 2016
Continuing Education
Roderick Tataryn, DDS, MS
Sunday, October 16, 2016, 8:00 am, 4 hours CE credit
Dr. Rod Tataryn received his DDS degree in 1989 and Master of Science degree in Endodontics in
1994 from Loma Linda University. In 1994 he established a private endodontic practice in Spokane, Washington where he continues to practice full-time. Dr. Tataryn has published scientific
and clinical articles in endodontics and has served on the Clinical Practice Committee for the
American Association of Endodontists. He is an assistant professor of graduate endodontics at
Loma Linda University and is a contributing author for the Sixth and Seventh Editions of Ingle’s
Endodontics and the Second Edition of PDQ Endodontics, as well as a textbook on Surgical Endodontics due out next year.
Course Synopsis
Part 1. The Endo-Antral Connection
Differentiating maxillary sinus pain from pulpal
etiology is one of the more difficult diagnostic
challenges facing clinicians. In addition, the
pathological extension of dental disease into
the maxillary sinus and its sequelae often are
unrecognized in clinical medical and dental
This lecture explains and illustrates the etiology
and symptoms of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and its similarities, distinguishing differences, and frequent inter-relationship with endodontic etiology. The goal is to help practitioners recognize a maxillary sinusitis of dental
origin and relieve patient discomfort through
accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and
communication with ENT specialists when necessary.
Part 2. Problem Solving in Endodontics
The dental profession is faced with a continuum of clinical situations requiring an integration of facts, experiences, interpretations,
applications, and post-operative analyses. The ability to confront
these situations in a systematic manner characterizes the problemsolving approach to evaluation and treatment, improving the delivery of patient care and successful long-term outcomes.
This lecture will discuss the primary causes of endodontic problems
and common misconceptions in current endodontic treatment protocols. Strategies to address these issues will be presented in order
to guide clinicians to improved decision-making and improved endodontic treatment outcomes. Emphasis is also made on the enhanced diagnostic and treatment advantages of cone beam CT imaging. The increased sensitivity of CBCT in detecting canal anatomy, periapical lesions, root morphology and root defects has fundamentally transformed endodontic decision making and the delivery
of care.
Educational Objectives
Understand the anatomy and function of the paranasal sinuses as well as the etiology and current treatment of acute and
chronic sinusitis.
Understand the problems with literaturebased outcomes studies and reasons for their
Recognize the distinguishing differences between pain of sinus
origin and pain of pulpal origin and know when to render endodontic care or make an appropriate ENT referral.
Know the primary causes of endodontic failure.
Recognize the elements and strategies necessary for predictable endodontic outcomes.
Describe a maxillary sinusitis of dental origin (MSDO) and how
the extension of periradicular infection can directly cause a
secondary sinus infection.
Convention Registration Deadline: September 21, 2016
Page 4
Pikes Peak Cog Railway
Updates from LLU School of Dentistry
Friday, October 14, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Train Departs at 9:20 am
Total Time: 3 hours & 10 minutes.
Ticket price: $38 for Adults
$20.00 for 3-12 yo
Free for 2 & under, if riding on lap
at 5:45 pm
Do you want to find out what has been happening at LLU School of Dentistry?
Do you want to learn what is on
the horizon for LLU School of
Climb to 14,115 feet and experience the
magnificent panoramas that inspired the
song America the Beautiful. This is an incredible journey you don’t want to miss!!
A cog, or rack, railroad uses a gear, or cog
wheel, to mesh into a special center rack rail
to climb much steeper grades than those
possible with a standard adhesion railroad.
An adhesion railroad can only climb grades of
4 to 6%, with very short sections of up to 9%.
A "rack" railroad can climb grades of up to
48%, depending upon the type of rack system employed.
If so, please join us for this
meeting with Dr. Ron Dailey,
Dean of LLUSD, to hear about all
of what is going on around LLU
School of Dentistry!!
Did you know the NASDAD website has a dedicated link for short term volunteer opportunities? Check it out,
Consult your doctor if you have heart, breathing, or
other health concerns that could limit your enjoyment
of this trip.
If you are interested in 4 weeks or longer volunteer service in a mission dental clinic, please contact Doyle Nick at or 909-5584607.
Register for a ticket on the
REGISTRATION PAGE and your ticket for the 9:20
am departure will be purchased in advance.
Ticket can be picked up at Registration. It takes
15-30 minutes to drive from Cheyenne Mountain
Resort to Pikes Peak Cog Railway.
Look for Dr. Gary Kerstetter from LLU School of
Dentistry Office of Service Learning if you would
like to volunteer supervising students on Service
Learning Mission trips! Or you may contact Anne
Nicolas at or 909-558-7279.
Student Attendance
If you attended the 72nd NASDAD Convention last year in Georgetown, you’ll remember how
nice it was to have a few students attend and participate in the programming. The energy
brought through music and worship was very enjoyable. Their attendance was made possible by
a number of generous NASDAD members who donated funds to cover a large portion of their
expenses. As a result of overwhelming student participation, the special funding to Sponsor Student Attendance has been depleted. Isn’t this a wonderful problem to have?! We would, however, like to encourage a few students to attend THIS YEAR in Colorado Springs. Encouraging
young, future dental professionals by including them in this year’s convention is good for them
and for NASDAD. Your generosity is again needed so that we can sponsor as many students as
Whether or not you are able to attend this convention, would you consider including a donation
to the ‘SPONSOR STUDENT ATTENDANCE’ line that you will find on the registration page of this
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Hotel Reservations Deadline: September 4, 2016
Golfing At Cheyenne Mountain Resort
Designed by Pete Dye to challenge players at any level, Cheyenne
Mountain Resort features an immaculately groomed 18-hole championship course. With over $3.8 million in renovations in 2014 and nestled in the foothills of Cheyenne Mountain, the course is immaculate,
challenging and breathtaking. Surrounded by the stunning peaks of the
majestic Rocky Mountains, four-Diamond accommodations and resort
amenities are the perfect way to relax at the end of a long day golfing
in the Colorado sunshine.
18 holes—$105
(after 2pm $65)
Clubs - $45
Shoes - $10
Dress Code: Each person playing golf shall be equipped with a set of
golf clubs and dressed in acceptable golf attire. Acceptable attire will
include: a collared shirt with sleeves, mock turtle necks (long or shortsleeved) and tailored slacks or shorts. Women may wear acceptable
length tailored shorts, slacks, skirts and capris.
Banquet Entertainment
Dean Helm
(performing as “Helmdini”)
I've enjoyed studying, making, & performing magic tricks since I was a young boy.
My first performance was at the age of 10, in front of about 200 people. Nearly
everything in that performance was homemade. I went to the library, studied a
book, and started making tricks. I still make many of the tricks and illusions I currently use today, along with using commercial props, books, and supplies.
I’m in my Seventeenth year as the Vice-Principle of Finance at Campion Academy, a
parochial high school in Loveland, Colorado. Studying and performing
magic tricks and illusions is a hobby of mine that I devote much of my
free time to. I have served as both the Vice-President and the President
of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of The Fellowship of Christian Magicians
over a number of years. It is an international organization of people,
from all walks of life, who join together to present the gospel, as well as
providing family entertainment, in a professional manner.
Why do I use sleight of hand and illusions to teach and preach the “Good News?” Because a person will only retain a small percentage of what they hear, but if you give them visual illustrations
along with the lesson, their retention factor increases greatly. Add to the illustration a mystery
or surprise ending, and you lock in on their curiosity and they will long remember what you’ve
I love to have a great time and share good & clean fun, laughter, and mystery with others. I design my programs for children and adults alike, whether in a gospel performance or in
a secular program. I believe that God has a sense of humor
and likes to have a good time with us. Please join me in honoring God and having some great family fun time together!
Convention Registration Deadline: September 21, 2016
Hotel Reservations Deadline: September 4, 2016
Online Registration
For the second time in NASDAD history, you have the option to register for the convention ONLINE!
If you want to try the online registration feature, here’s what you do...
Navigate to 73rd NASDAD CONVENTION at NASDAD.ORG and select ‘Online Registration’
Are You A Musician?
Are you or do you know a musician who would like to participate in the music for Vespers, Sabbath School, or
Please contact Katie Layon as soon as possible. She can be reached via email at or
by phone 909-558-8187.
Cheyenne Mountain Resort
3225 Broadmoor Valley Rd
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
$139 per night, $10/day resort fee
Room block - National Association of
Seventh-day Adventist Dentists
Reservation Deadline: September 4, 2016
Call: 800-588-0250
Or make your reservation online by using the
exclusive NASDAD Room Reservation Link
found on NASDAD.ORG!
New Life Members Current Life Members
You will receive two
banquet tickets.
Remember to bring your
Life Member key on the
lavender cord to wear at
the banquet.
New Graduates
A special welcome to first-year post grads!
Please indicate if you are a first time attendee
on the registration form and your registration
fee will be waived.
Update Your Contact
Did you know NASDAD emails
announcements and newsletters several times each
year? Make sure you don’t
miss out by updating your
contact information via our
website, NASDAD.ORG!
Registration Fee
In order to participate in the convention activities,
all attendees must register and pay the convention registration fee. Registration fees provide for
the administrative expenses of the convention—
which include expenses associated with guest
speakers, audio & visual equipment, meeting
room rental fees, postage, printing, and more.
Meals, excursions, continuing education, etc,
costs are separate registration items. See registration page for details.
Average Temperatures
Average High - 63.0° F
Average Low - 34.0° F
74th NASDAD Convention
October 2017
We are excited to announce the
74th NASDAD Convention will be
held in Southern
California from October 4-8,
2017. Amazing locations, conveniently located to airports,
shopping, and restaurants are
being considered!
Watch your mail and email for the
74th NASDAD Convention postcard announcing the hotel and location for
the October 2017 annual meeting!
Page 7
Hotel Reservations Deadline: September 4, 2016
73rd NASDAD Convention
Please complete and return to the NASDAD office by September 21, 2016
Pikes Peak Cog Railway - adult
Pikes Peak Cog Railway - 3- 12yo
Convention Registration Fee
includes spouse
Name - please print clearly for name badge
Waived for 2016 graduates
Spouse or Guest - please print clearly for name badge
Friday, October 14
Under 2 free, if ride on a lap
Dinner - adult
(5-12yo) child
(Under 5) child
Saturday, October 15
Lunch - adult
(5-12yo) child
(Under 5) child
Meeting with Dean of LLUSD
Banquet - adult
(5-12yo) child
(Under 5) child
$ ______
New Life Member
*If paying by credit card, all of the information
Sunday, October 16
Continuing Education, per person
Name* (as it appears on your credit card)
2016 Membership Dues
Email Address*
1st year post-grad DDS/RDH $58/$30
Credit card billing address* (if different from address above)
Sponsor student attendance
(or other amount)
Credit Card #*
Exp. date*
Verification code*
Checks payable to
Send Payment & Registration to:
Email to:
Fax to:
PO Box 101
Loma Linda, CA 92354
PO Box 101, Loma Linda, CA 92354
Events in 2017
Missions Emphasis Breakfast
Friday, February 24, 2017
Join us at Loma Linda University for the annual Missions Breakfast.
Be inspired by fellowship with old friends and make a few new ones while you’re at it.
Mission Emphasis Vespers
Saturday, February 25, 2017, 4:30 pm
Join us on Sabbath, February 27, at 4:30 in the afternoon for a special Mission Emphasis vespers program at the Loma Linda University Church .
74th NASDAD Convention
We are excited to announce the 74th NASDAD Convention will be held in Southern California from October 4-8, 2017. Amazing locations, conveniently located to airports, shopping,
and restaurants are being considered!