Program of studies
Program of studies
TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE (T.E.I.) OF LAMIA FACULTY OF HEALTH AND CARING PROFESSIONS L LA AM MIIA A 22000033 "Si e' etait a refaire ia societe, je recommencerais par I' education" (If I had to rebuilt the society, I would start from the education.) Jean Monet T TEECCH HN NO OLLO OG GIICCA ALL EED DU UCCA AT TIIO ON NA ALL IIN NS ST TIIT TU UT TEE O OFF LLA AM MIIA A FFA ACCU ULLT TYY O OFF H HEEA ALLT TH HA AN ND D CCA ARRIIN NG G PPRRO OFFEES SS SIIO ON NS S D DEEPPA ARRT TM MEEN NT TO OFF PPH HYYS SIIO OT TH HEERRA APPYY LLA AM MIIA A 22000033 EED DIIT TO ORRIIA ALL CCO OM MM MIIT TT TEEEE Dr. George Gioftsos, Associate Professor Dr. Vasiliki Sakellari, Assistant Professor Eleni Kapreli, Lecturer in Physiotherapy Evdokia Billis, Lecturer in Physiotherapy _________________ PPRRO DIIT TO ORRS SH HIIPP OS SPPEECCT TU US S EED Eleni Kapreli, Lecturer in Physiotherapy PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S PRREEFFAACCEE This guide is an effort of the Physiotherapy Department of the Technological Educational Institute of Lamia to help new students adjust to their new education environment, by providing them the prime useful information. The Department of Physiotherapy of the Technological Educational Institute of Lamia is recently established with increasing dynamics. Its constant effort is to improve its services, facilities, and the curriculum of studies offered, according to the evolution in the Physiotherapy Science. Our ambition is the period of studies in the Department to become the most productive time of our students’ life for developing their potentials and skills. The presence of our graduate students’ both in the profession and science of Physiotherapy is undoubtedly remarkable. It is my belief that our graduates are qualified enough so as to have the strong starting point that will make them optimistic about their future within a definitely optimist background. Furthermore, and provided they will be constantly informed about the evolutions of the science of Physiotherapy and the new techniques, they will be able to meet the prerequisites to obtain a competitive stand in the field. Our Department’s aim is to seek and exploit positive criticism in order to ensure the quality of the education supplied, provide the necessary stimuli for the profession to develop and have a constant presence both in Greece and abroad. The Department’s personnel and the personnel of the Technological Educational Institute is working towards this aim by providing constant support to any occupational and scientific worry and effort of the graduates. I believe that this effort of the Department will be promptly and widely supported by all members of the Institute and, of course, by its students. With kind regards The Head of the Department Dr. Vasiliki Sakellari i PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S INNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN This Prospectus of the Department of Physiotherapy of the T.E.I. of Lamia is an effort to present the curriculum of studies and the academic services the Department is offering. Only a few years following its origination, the Department is well developing and is hoping to contribute to the scientific training of newly qualified Physiotherapists; physiotherapists with professional prospects, contributing and upgrading their practical and theoretical knowledge, based on scientific evidence (evidence-based practice). The primary aim of this Prospectus is to guide the undergraduate students of our Department into various issues of their interest throughout their course of study, and to inform prospective candidates about the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) units of the modules being taught in our Department. The first chapter entails information about the city of Lamia. The second and third chapters inform readers about the Technological Educational Institutes’ mission, structure and function, as well as the Faculties and the Departments of the T.E.I. of Lamia. The fourth chapter outlines the institutional framework of the Department, including the basic rules and regulations of study. The fifth chapter presents the building of the Faculty of Health and Caring Professions and the laboratory equipment of our Department. The sixth chapter gives an analytical description of the undergraduate programme and its curriculum. The seventh chapter presents the permanent staff of our Department. The eighth chapter provides useful information on student issues, such as food, sporting and cultural activities at the T.E.I., accommodation, library services etc. Last but not least, the ninth chapter briefly describes some of the educative and research activities and collaborations of the Department. At the end of the Prospectus, a list of useful phone numbers is provided. We hope readers will find the prospectus useful and we are anticipating your comments. Editorial Committee of the Physiotherapy Prospectus ii PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S C O ON NT TEEN NT TS S PPRREEFFAACCEE ___________________________________________________ i IIN NTTRRO OD DU UCCTTIIO ON N _____________________________________________ ii CCO ON NTTEEN NTTSS _________________________________________________ iii 1 ___________________________________________________________ 1 TT..EE..II O OFF LLAAM MIIAA AAN ND D TTH HEE D DEEPPAARRTTM MEEN NTT O OFF PPH HYYSSIIO OTTH HEERRAAPPYY __ 1 1.1 LAMIA CITY AND FTHIOTIDA PREFECTURE ___________ 2 1.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ____________________________ 2 1.1.2 HISTORY ___________________________________________ 2 1.2 MISSION, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE T.E.I ____ 3 1.3 ΤECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIADEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY _______________________ 4 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY _______________________ 5 22 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 66 IIN NSSTTIITTU UTTIIO ON NAALL FFRRAAM MEEW WO ORRKK ______________________________________________________________ 66 2.1 AIMS OF CURRICULUM OF STUDY______________________ 7 2.2 REGULATIONS OF STUDY ______________________________ 7 2.3 DEGREE GRADE & AWARD OF GRADUATES ____________ 9 3 __________________________________________________________ 10 BUILDING & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT _____________________ 10 3.1 BUILDING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 11 3.2 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY ________________________________________ 12 44 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1133 U UN ND DEERRG GRRAAD DU UAATTEE PPRRO OG GRRAAM MM MEE & &____________________________________________________ 1133 CCU URRRRIICCU ULLU UM MO OFF SSTTU UD DIIEESS____________________________________________________________________ 1133 4.1 STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME OF STUDY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY ______________________ 14 4.2 PROGRAMME OF STUDY OF THE DEPARTMENT _______ 15 4.2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRICULUM OF STUDIES (PER SEMESTER) ____________________________________________ 16 4.2.2 OPTIONAL COURSES _______________________________ 18 4.2.3 PREREQUISITES AND DEPENDENT SUBJECTS_________ 18 4.2.4 PREREQUISITE PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC SUBJECTS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT ________________________ 18 iii PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S 4.3 OUTLINE OF SUBJECTS _______________________________ 19 55 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2255 D DEEPPAARRTTM MEEN NTT SSTTAAFFFF______________________________________________________________________________ 2255 5.1 ACADEMIC STAFF ____________________________________ 26 5.1.1 PHYSIOTHERAPY SUBJECT GROUP __________________ 26 5.1.2 GENERAL SUBJECT GROUP STAFF ___________________ 28 5.2 LABORATORY ASSISTANTS ___________________________ 29 66 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3300 G GU UIID DEE FFO ORR TTH HEE SSTTU UD DEEN NTTSS --U USSEEFFU ULL IIN NFFO ORRM MAATTIIO ON N __________________ 3300 6.1 SECRETARIAT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY ________________________________________ 31 6.2 FOOD_________________________________________________ 31 6.3 ACCOMMODATION ___________________________________ 31 6.5 HEALTH SERVICES ___________________________________ 32 6.6 ΕUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC) PROGRAMMES _________ 32 6.7 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE __________________________ 32 6.8 LIBRARY SERVICES___________________________________ 33 6.9 SPORTING ACTIVITIES AT THE T.E.I. OF LAMIA _______ 33 6.10 CΟULTURAL ACTIVITIES AT THE T.E.I. OF LAMIA ____ 33 6.11 USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS ___________________________ 34 O OTTH HEERR AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS O OFF TTH HEE D DEEPPAARRTTM MEEN NTT______________________________________ 3355 7.1 POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME IN PHYSIOTHERAPY ___ 36 7.2 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT __ 36 iv PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S 1 T T..EE..II O OFF LLA AM MIIA AA AN ND DT TH HEE D DEEPPA AR RT TM MEEN NT TO OFF PPH HY YS SIIO OT TH HEER RA APPY Y ___________________ 1 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 1.1 LAMIA CITY AND FTHIOTIDA PREFECTURE 1.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Lamia is the capital of the Fthiotida Prefecture as well as the peripheral capital of Central Greece, one of the 13 peripheries in Greece (which includes the counties of Fthiotida, Fokida, Evia, Evritania & Viotia). Today approximately 70.000 people inhabit Lamia, and it is an interesting geographical trading and industrial part of Central Greece. It is about 210km away from Athens and 300km from Thessaloniki, and it is the principal transportation junction between the two biggest cities, since it is in the middle of the Νational Highway Athens-Thessaloniki. Lamia 1.1.2 HISTORY Ancient Malies are said to be the founders of Lamia city. It has been mentioned that they built it after a destructive earthquake in this area around 426 BC. It was used as an army counterforce against Spartians who at that time had built Heraclia in the place of Ancient Trahina. Ιn the history of Ancient Greece we also learn about the Lamia War between Macedonians and Atheneans in 323 BC. According to Mythology founder of the city is thought to be Lamos, the son of Hercules and Omfalis. In many parts of the city, excavations have brought into light parts of an artistic ancient wall whereas, among the few saved archaeological discoveries is the "Statue of a young Satyr", "Peploforos woman", pots, tombs etc. Most of them are in the Archaeological Museum of the city, which you can visit. Not far from Lamia you can see the Maliakos Gulf with many seaside resorts, like ΚamenaVourla, Agia Marina, Stylida, Rahes, Agios Konstandinos. The last one is a small port, where, in a short time, either by ship or flying dolphin you can visit North Sporades, a 2 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA group of islands in the North Western Aegean Sea; most popular of these islands is Skiathos, Skopelos and Alonisos. Within Fthiotida, there are lots of spas (Thermopyles, Κamena Vourla, Ipati, Platystomo) and it is a national as well as European centre of hydrotherapy and spa tourism. Information about city of Lamia: Access to the city of Lamia from other Greek cities is by bus or train. Athens: Buses run hourly (3 hours’ journey). There are regular train times (2.5 hours’ journey). Thessaloniki: There are regular buses (5 hours’ journey) and trains (4 hours’ journey) running daily. Patras: There are 3 buses running daily (3 hours’ journey). Access to T.E.I. of Lamia is very easy from any part of the city via public transport. T.E.I. is situated 3km from the city centre and students can use local buses, which run every 10 minutes from the city centre throughout the full academic year (excluding holidays). Telephone number of local bus station: 22310-51345 1.2 MISSION, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE T.E.I The Technological Educational Institutes (T.E.I.) belongs to Higher Education according to the Law 2916/2001. They are independent and selfadministered institutions. The main organisational characteristics of the T.E.I. are based on their democratic structure and function with the participation of the whole academic community (teaching staff, administration staff, students etc.) in the making of decisions, the academic asylum, academic freedom, free scholar pursuit and the spread of ideas. Although the structure and function of the T.E.I. is governed by the Law, specific issues can be ruled from the internal regulation rules of each 3 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA T.E.I. (altered with Article 1, paragraph 3 of the Law 2916/2001, F.E.K. 114A’/11-62001). The mission of the T.E.I. is: 1. to provide enough theoretical and clinical/technical education in order to apply scientific, educational, artistic or other knowledge to the equivalent profession 2. to assist to the development of responsible citizens, who are capable to contribute to the economical, social and cultural development of the country, and 3. to implement the right to free education for each Greek citizen according to his/her capabilities and according to the law. Each T.E.I. is composed of at least two Faculties, and each Faculty is composed of at least two (relevant to each Faculty) Departments. The Departments constitute the basic academic units. Studies at each one of the Departments end to the obtaining of a degree, which gives the opportunity to a professional career. All T.E.I. graduates on obtaining their degrees (signed by the president of the T.E.I.) have recognised professional rights. In the greater geographical area of where the principal T.E.I. is located, there are units functioning as its Branches. There is also an Administrative Department at each one of the T.E.I.s, which is divided into sections, offices and services for the support of the educational work. The General Secretary of the Administrative Department is elected by the General Assembly of each Institution. All administrators of the T.E.I.: President, Vice Presidents, Directors of Faculties, Head of the Departments and those in charge of each Subject Group, are elected by the members of the academic community of each Institute for a certain tenure. Τ 1.3 ECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIADEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY The Τ.Ε.Ι. of Lamia consists of two faculties with five departments in total, as well as two branches, Karpenisi and Amfissa Branch, each one consisting of one Department: 1. FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS (F.T.A) a) Department of Electronics b) Department of Electrical Engineering c) Department of Information and Computer Technology 2. FACULTY OF HEALTH & CARING PROFESSIONS (F.H.C.P) a) Department of Nursing b) Department of Physiotherapy 3. KARPENISI BRANCH a) Department of Forestry 4 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 4. AMPHISSA BRANCH a) Department of Tourist Management The Τ.Ε.Ι. of Lamia (consisting of 7 Departments in total) has approximately 6.500 undergraduate students, 50 academics (of all grades), and approximately 300 hourly paid lecturers. Within the academic year 2003-2004, approximately 800 undergraduate students will enter. T.E.I of Lamia DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY The Physiotherapy Department of the T.E.I. of Lamia is one of the four Physiotherapy Departments which function within the Law of the Greek Technological Educational Institutions. It was established in 1994. The four Physiotherapy Departments of the Τ.Ε.Ι. of Athens, Thessaloniki, Lamia and Aigio are the only Higher Institutions in Greece providing Physiotherapy education. For the academic year 2003-2004, 120 new undergraduate students will enter, although, there are already 800 undergraduate students at the department. The Physiotherapy Department consists of nine permanent academics, 45 hourly paid lecturers and four laboratory assistants. 5 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 2 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ___________________ 6 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 2.1 AIMS OF CURRICULUM OF STUDY The aims of the educational programme of the Department of Physiotherapy are: • • • • To teach the principles of the functioning of the human body. To evaluate – analyse the deviation from the normal situation To teach a selection of suitable physiotherapy methods. To teach how to apply each physiotherapeutic method correctly. The methodology of the physiotherapy evaluation is the basis for the constitution of the studies’ programme, and is based on the recording of the subjective findings of the patient, his objective problems, the evaluation of all the information, which is gathered, as well as the planning of his rehabilitation programme. Physiotherapy also includes the rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular, neurological, orthopaedic, rheumatological, pathological and postoperative problems, as well as sports injuries. 2.2 REGULATIONS OF STUDY 2.2.1 REGISTRATION Students who are registered in the T.E.I. of Lamia cannot be at the same time registered in any other higher educational institute in Greece or abroad. 2.2.2 MODULE SPECIFICATION Each semester’s programme is announced ten days before the beginning of that semester. The typical programmes for each semester are not compulsory for undergraduates; student may organise their personal study programme for each semester, according to the modules they wish tο attend. Then, a relevant declaration (completed in a specific form for subject declaration) is submitted to the Department simultaneously with their registration or their registration renewal comprising the subjects the student wishes to attend for that semester. This statement can be modified on two subjects at the maximum, during the first two weeks after the beginning of the semester. When forming his personal study programme, the student should bare in mind that the total of teaching hours for the modules he wishes to attend should be between 20 and 38 hours. Additionally, he should not attend any subjects for which he does not have successfully followed the prerequisite ones. Also, undergraduate students cannot attend or be examined in subjects, which are not specified in that semester’s declaration form. Under no circumstances, a student can be considered a graduate at an earlier date than the anticipated duration of study at the Department. 7 ΤΜΗΜΑ ΦΥΣΙΚΟΘΕΡΑΠΕΙΑΣ TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 2.2.3 EXAMINATIONS After a period of 15 weeks the semester is completed and the progress of each student in every subject is judged by examinations. Examinations are written and oral and take place during normal teaching hours so as to ensure the students’ participation and convenience. For laboratory work there is a continuous assessment (throughout the semester) and the oral examinations at the end of the semester. For these oral examinations, a second examiner (the teacher of a related specialisation) is also appointed. Candidates are examined in the presence of their peers. Final marks will be the average of the two oral results. For the theoretical subjects (lectures), there are two examination periods (each one lasting for 2 weeks), at the end of each semester. Students who failed one or more subjects during the first period, are eligible to re-sit for these subjects at the second period. In case the student fails in both periods of examinations he has to repeat the subject, and re-sit the exam again, in the following semester. The grading marks in all subjects are expressed on a scale ranging from zero to ten (0-10) with a five (5) counting as a pass. When the subject consists of lectures and laboratory work, the student must obtain a grade of 5 for both; lectures and laboratory work. Examinations in each subject are the responsibility of the respective instructor while the head of the department guarantees proper supervision of the examinations. 2.2.4 THE ACADEMIC YEAR Each academic year commences on 1st September each year continues until 31st August of the following year. Each academic year comprises of 2 (six-monthly) semesters. Each teaching year commences on 1st September and ends on 5th July of the subsequent year; it contains two independent teaching periods (semesters); the Winter and Spring semester, respectively. Winter semester commences on the first Monday after 19th September. Spring semester commences after the end of the second examination period (of the Winter semester) and continues until the second half of June. Each semester comprises 15 full weeks of instruction plus two examination periods, lasting two weeks each. Studies at the T.E.I. last 8 semesters (7 semesters plus one last semester for the professional placement). No lessons are given during Christmas Holidays (from 24th December until 2nd January), and during the Easter Holidays (from Wednesday before until and the Wednesday after Easter). Also, no lessons are given during the weekends and on the following holidays: 28th October and 25th of March (national holidays), 17th of November, 30th January (Holy Trinity celebration), Day of the Holy Spirit, (Clean) Monday, 1st May, the Epiphany. In addition no lessons are given on 18th of October, which is a local holiday for the city of Lamia, where the Church of St. Lucas is celebrated. The exact commencement and finishing dates of the lessons as well as the examinations are decided by the Board of the T.E.I. of Lamia. 8 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 2.2.5 VISITING STUDENTS During various educational programmes visiting students may register at the T.E.I. Visiting students have the same rights and obligations as the home students have for as long as they are registered at the T.E.I. of Lamia. For the visiting students who have successfully completed subjects (either lectures or laboratories) are provided with a certification of study (letter) detailing the subject they participated, the grade and the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) units. 2.3 DEGREE GRADE & AWARD OF GRADUATES 1. The Degree Grade is awarded specified in two decimal digits and derives from the following formula: β = δ1β1+ δ2β2 + .... δνβν / δ1 + δ2 + ...δν where β1,β2..,βν are the grades of all the lessons the student has attended and δ1,δ2..,δν are the corresponding teaching modules plus the academic ECTS units for the Dissertation that are defined by the Department. The grade of the Degree ranges from 5.0 to 10.0, where: between 5,0 - 6,9 is considered Good >> 7,0 - 8,4 >> Very Good >> 8,5 - 10 >> Excellent. 2. The student of the T.E.I. is awarded a graduate only if he has submitted all the necessary requirements (determined by the Department’s protocol), such as: has successfully completed his compulsory and mandatory elective modules, as well as any optional ones, in compliance with the study and procedural regulations his dissertation has been approved; and he has completed his professional placement. FOLLOWING GRADUATION Graduate physiotherapists can offer their physiotherapy services in a variety of establishments, such as public hospitals, public institutions and health care centres, rehabilitation centres, physiotherapy clinics, educational institutions, research centres, sports teams, home visits. 9 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 3 BUILDING & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ___________________ 10 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 3.1 BUILDING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY The Department of Physiotherapy is located at the building of the Faculty of Health and Caring Professions (F.H.C.P.) and consists of the following: The building of the Faculty of Health and Caring Professions of T.E.I. of Lamia Six Physiotherapy Laboratories: “Kinesiotherapy” Laboratory “Kinesiology” Laboratory “Biomechanics” Laboratory “Neoromuscular re-education” Laboratory “Elecrotherapy” Laboratory “Cardiovascular” Laboratory Electrotherapy, and Kinesiotherapy laboratories Other Facilities: Anatomy Laboratory Physiology Laboratory Computer Laboratory 11 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA Gymnasium Swimming Pool Four Teaching Classes and a Conference Room Anatomy laboratory, a Teaching Class and the Conference Room L 3.2 ABORATORY EQUIPMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • An example of some laboratory equipment is given below: System for evaluation and reeducation of balance (Panasonic Quiet KX-P2180) Electromyographer (Nihon-Kohden Neuropack-2) Electrocardiogram Algometer (Somedic) Pedar system Hand dynamometre (JAMAR Bolingbrook IL 60440) Foot Pressure Recorder (Pedar by novel) 3-Dimensional system for the analysis of spinal motion (Zebris CMS 20S) Continuous Passive Motion machine (Fisiotek-Rimec) System for recording spinal and peripheral anatomical deviations (Metrocom) Portable platform for the analysis of movement (Kistler) Biofeedback system Electrogoniometres Tredmill Electronic cycloergometer Full equipment required for an up to date physiotherapy clinic Exeercise equipement (free weights, physio balls, quadriceps machine etc.) Splints, walking aids and other self-assistive devices 12 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 4 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME & CURRICULUM OF STUDIES ________________ 13 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA S 4.1 TRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME OF STUDY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY Teaching is carried out on the semester basis and includes theoretical instruction in the various subjects (lectures or seminars), practical (clinical) training, tutorials, laboratory exercises and field tests, degree projects, as well as external visits (sites of clinical interest, relevant to particular modules). Subjects in the curriculum for the Department of Physiotherapy divided into General subjects, Specific subjects and Specialised subjects. The General subjects (Health Psychology, Health Informatics, Foreign Language) form the basis of knowledge that a physiotherapist should have. The Specific subjects include the modules of Anatomy, Physiology, Orthopaedics, Surgery, Pathology, Neurology, and Diagnosis of Images. These are aimed at providing the foundations for the application of the theory and the acquisition of professional skills, related to the Physiotherapy profession. The Specialised subjects are linked with the medical subjects, and provide up to date specific knowledge in Physiotherapy in order to make the physiotherapist capable in the decision making of his patients. During the 5th, 6th and 7th semester, undergraduate physiotherapy students perform their Clinical Practice modules into public hospitals, day hospitals etc., where, for the first time, they come into contact with patients. At that stage students practice their assessment skills and learn how to manage patients with specific dysfunctions. During their Clinical Practice modules, students are constantly being supervised by academic staff of the Department and cooperate with the multidisciplinary team (doctors, physiotherapists, nursing staff etc.) of each hospital. During the 8th semester the professional placement and dissertation modules take place (see below for details). Each subject in the Department's curriculum corresponds to academic units, the so called European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). 14 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 4.2 PROGRAMME OF STUDY OF THE DEPARTMENT The outline of the programme of study at the Department of Physiotherapy, as well as the estimated ECTS are given below. 1. Semesters : Eight (8) 2. Courses (subjects) : Forty (40) 3. Academic units (ECTS) Total ECTS : Two hundred forty (240) ECTS/semester : Thirty (30) For 30 hours of lecture /semester : 3 ECTS For 30 hours of laboratory /semester : 2 ECTS 4. Hours of teaching Total number of hours : One hundred seventy seven (177) Number of hours/semester : Twenty four (24) 5. Homework (HW) Number of hours for homework/week : Fifty one (51) 6. Optional courses For each semester, undergraduate students have to attend and be examined in an optional subject, which is aimed at complementing their knowledge for the present and/or subsequent semester. It is termed “optional” because students can chose one between two of such courses (details on each subjects are given below). 7. Elective courses: Foreign Language-Terminology & Diagnosis of Images. TOTAL NUMBER OF COURSES: Forty seven (47) & Dissertation & Professional Placement TOTAL HOURS OF TEACHING: One hundred ninety one (191) & Professional Placement TOTAL NUMBER OF ECTS: Two hundred forty (240) 15 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 4.2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRICULUM OF STUDIES (PER SEMESTER) 1st SEMESTER COURSES Α1. Anatomy Ι Α2. Health Informatics Α3. Health Psychology Α4. Massage Techniques Α5. Ethics-Introduction to Physiotherapy Α6. Kinesiology Ι TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 - 2 2 - 6 2 2 4 2 14 6 6 8 6 8 3 3 5 3 2 10 1 5 2 6 5 21 11 51 8 30 2nd SEMESTER Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS Β1. Anatomy ΙΙ Β2. Physiology Β3. Pathology Β4. Neurophysiology Β5. Kinesiology ΙΙ COURSES 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 4 2 4 14 14 12 6 8 8 8 6 3 5 TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK 8 8 6 22 54 30 3rd SEMESTER Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS C1. Orthopedics C2. Neurology C3. Surgery C4. Biomechanics-Ergonomics C5. Nat. Means-Electrotherapy I COURSES 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 4 4 12 12 6 8 8 6 6 3 5 5 C6. Kinesiotherapy TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK 1 9 1 7 2 6 4 22 8 54 5 30 4th SEMESTER Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS D1.Special Physical Education D2. Methods & Techniques of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation D3. Physiotherapy of the Respiratory System D4. Special Techniques of Mobilization D5. Ergophysiology COURSES 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 5 5 1 1 2 4 8 5 1 1 2 4 8 5 2 1 - 3 9 5 D6. Nat. Means-Electrotherapy ΙΙ TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK 1 7 1 6 2 10 4 23 8 49 5 30 16 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 5th SEMESTER COURSES Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS Ε1. Foreign LanguageTerminology Ε2. Physiotherapy of the Cardiovascular System Ε3. Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System Ι Ε4. Physiotherapy of the Neurological diseases Ι Ε5. Marketing 1 1 - 2 6 3 1 1 2 4 8 5 1 1 2 4 8 5 1 1 2 4 8 5 2 - - 2 6 3 Ε6. Clinical Practice Ι TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK 1 7 1 5 8 14 10 26 14 50 9 30 6th SEMESTER COURSES G1. First aids – Hygiene G2. Diagnosis of Images G3. Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System II G4. Physiotherapy of the Neurological Diseases ΙΙ G5. Economy of HealthBiostatistics G6. Clinical Practice ΙΙ TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 4 6 8 4 3 5 1 1 2 4 8 5 2 - - 2 6 3 1 7 1 4 12 18 14 29 18 50 10 30 7th SEMESTER Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS H1. Physiotherapy Evaluation H2. Research Methods in Physiotherapy H3. Physiotherapy in Sports H4. Clinical Practice ΙΙΙ H5. Physiotherapy in all ages COURSES 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 4 14 4 8 18 8 5 10 5 TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK 5 5 20 30 50 30 8th SEMESTER COURSES Clinical Placement (six months) Graduation Project (six months) TOTAL HOURS PER WEEK Lectures C.W. Laboratories Total HW ECTS 4 4 - - 4 4 - 10 20 30 Abbreviations: C.W.: Course Work, ECTS: European Credit Transfer System, HW: homework. 17 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 4.2.2 OPTIONAL COURSES Courses Hours HW English I Introduction to Computing 2 2 6 6 2nd English II Epidemiology 2 2 6 6 3rd Management of Health Units Introduction to Nursing 2 2 6 6 4th Family Planning Medical Prevention 2 2 6 6 5th Orthotics-Prosthetics-Aids Nutrition and food sustenance 2 2 6 6 6th Occupational Therapy Paediatrics 2 2 6 6 7th Speech Therapy Geriatrics 2 2 6 6 1 st 4.2.3 PREREQUISITES AND DEPENDENT SUBJECTS If the comprehension of one teaching module is a prerequisite for the successful understanding of another module, then, the first subject is termed a prerequisite module and the latter is characterised as a dependent module. Undergraduate students cannot take a subject whose prerequisite one has not been passed successfully. PREREQUISITES SUBJECTS DEPENDENT SUBJECTS Pathology Physiotherapy of the Respiratory System Orthopaedics Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System I Neurology Physiotherapy of the Neurological Diseases II Neurophysiology Physiotherapy of the Respiratory System Clinical Practice I Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System I Clinical Practice II Physiotherapy of the Neurological Diseases II Clinical Practice III Methods and Techniques of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Special Techniques of Mobilisation Physiotherapy Evaluation Physiotherapy of the Cardiovascular System Biomechanics-Ergonomics Special Techniques of Mobilisation Physiology 18 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 4.2.4 PREREQUISITE PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC SUBJECTS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT The following subjects have to be successfully completed before undergraduates are eligible for their professional placement: Massage Techniques, Natural Means-Electrotherapy I & II, Special Physical Education, Physiotherapy of Neurological Diseases I, Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System II, Physiotherapy in Sports, Kinesiology I & II, Kinesiotherapy, Physiotherapy Evaluation, Physiotherapy in All Ages, Clinical Practice I, II & II, Physiotherapy of the Cardiovascular System. 4.3 OUTLINE OF SUBJECTS A1 ANATOMY I General Anatomy. Cells, Tissues, Musculoskeletal system, Osteology, syndesmology-Joints. Muscular System. The structure of the human body. A2 HEALTH INFORMATICS Basic Principles of management information systems. Health information Systems (protocols, classification, coding, communication, telemedicine). Internet. Artificial intelligence and Medicine. Image Reality Systems, medicine imaging. A3 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY Branches of Psychology Intelligence, personality and adaptation. Mental health Psychology of the child, the adolescent and the elderly. Psychology of the patient and his family. Individuals with special needs and their families. Types of psychotherapy. A4 MASSAGE TECHNIQUES Introduction. Types of massage. Techniques of classical massage of the connective tissue and specific cross-section. Functional massage. Massage of reflective points and lymphatic system. Massage selection criteria, indications, contraindications. A5 ETHICS – INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOTHERAPY Introduction to Physiotherapy. Ethics philosophy of health professions. Health professions. Law and Society. Ethics and religion. Human rights. A6 KINESIOLOGY I Introduction to Kinesiology. Kinds of joints and motion. Mechanics of muscular function. Neuromuscular base of human motion. Spinal column, thorax – shoulder girdle, upper extremity. Structure and function. Analysis of motion. B1 ANATOMY II: Special Anatomy Systems. Bowels. Alimentary System, Intestinal pipe. Alimentary System, Intestinal pipe. Alimentary glands. Respiratory system. Cardiovascular system. Urogenital system. Retiuloendothelial system. System of secretary glands. Nervous system. System of sensory organs. 19 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA B2 PHYSIOLOGY: The cell. Blood. Breath. Cardiovascular system. Peripheral circulation. Kidneys-uropoietic system. Alimentary system-Food stuffs. Thermoregulation. Nervous system. Secretary glands. Laboratory exercises. B3 PATHOLOGY: GENERAL PART: Pathological-anatomic elements. International statistical classification of diseases. Methodology of the sick approach. Concept of infectious diseases. SPECIAL PART: Main infectious diseases of the adult. Main diseases of the respiratory-cardiovascular system. Collagen diseases. Inflectional arthritis. Diseases of secretary glands. Diseases of the kidneys. Main diseases of the alimentary system, blood and skin. B4 NEURORHYSIOLOGY: Characteristics and functions of sensory-motor mechanisms. Their relation with the control system of standing and motion. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitations. The effects of cold and heat (warmth, therapeutic applications). The mechanism of pain and its restraint. B5 KINESIOLOGY II: Pelvis zone and hips. The joint of the knee. Ankle and leg. Functional and kinesiological characteristics. Muscle and motions. Differences and similarities of shoulder girdle and pelvis zone, hip and shoulder. Analysis of gait, analysis of the upper extremities motion, in activities of open and closed motor chain. C1 ORTHOPAEDICS: GENERAL PART:. Fractures, Sprains-Dislocations. Injuries of soft tissues. Amputations-prosthesis-splints .Deformations of the spinal column and the extremities. Orthopaedic surgery-traumatology. Prosthesis –Orthotics. Inflammatory arthritis. Degenerative arthritis. Neuropathetic arthritis. Inflectional arthritis. Fibrositis. C2 NEUROLOGY: Elements of neurophysiology and anatomy of the nervous system. GENERAL PART: Sensation, mobility. General symptomatology of the brain damage. SPECIAL PART: Skull and brain damages, diseases of the brain due to vascular problems, peripheral nerves, muscle diseases Nerve diseases. Relative abnormalitiesCerebral palsy Disseminated sclerosis. Degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Paraclinic exams in neurology. C3 SURGERY: General part. Elements of general surgery. Surgery of the thorax. Surgery of the heart. Surgery of the nerves. Abdominal surgery. Common postoperative complications. Burns. C4 BIOMECHANICS-ERGONOMICS: Principles of mechanics and analysis of the natural laws which condition the musculoskeletal system. Industrial properties of the muscular system. Development of bone-kinetics and joint- kinetics, morphology and mechanical properties of the joints of the human body. Principles of mass, center of gravity, balance and gait, analysis of neurokinesiological mechanisms of proprioceptive reflexes. Overuse syndrome. The interaction of man-machine, man-computer. Activities under conditions of high temperatures, humidity, stress etc. Population stereotypes. Hierarchical diagrams. C5 NATURAL MEANS –ELECTROTHERAPY I: Hydrotherapy. Thermo therapy in depth. Ultraviolet radiation. Polarized light. Cryotherapy. Supersonic applications. 20 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA Phonophoresis. Magnetic fields: Elements of biophysics, technical characteristics, protocol applications. Electromyology. Biological reefed. Elements of electromyology. C6 KINESIOTHERAPY: Introduction to motion. Introduction to muscular function, the role of muscle in motion and rehabilitation. Dynamic length and dynamic speed. General principles of evaluation for the selection of motion. Measurements. Introduction to the concept of Physiotherapy evaluation. Energetic motion. Strength and endurance. Relaxation. Immobilization implications. Exercise in water. Hydrokinesiotherapy. D1 SPECIAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Allocation, classification, criteria of physical education to individuals with: Motor; Sensory disorders and mental disability. Group programmes of exercise and entertainment. Connection between professional and athletic activities. Control of driving capacity. Sports events: Special Olympics – Paraolympics, Greek and international organizations. Special programmes. D2 METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF NEUROMUSCULAR REHABILITATION: Theoretical basis of the motor control: basic principles of the most important methods and techniques of neuromuscular rehabilitation. Classic models of motor control: Hierarchical, Reflexive and Systematic model. Scientific theories and criteria which are used for the evaluation as well as the selection method by the Physiotherapist, so as to be applied to the patient with the specific problem with the view of reducing the neuromuscular malfunctions. D3 PHYSIOTHERAPY IN THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Study of the respiratory mechanisms. Evaluation of the respiratory system of a patient in every respiratory problem. Physiotherapy in patients with respiratory problems intensive care units. D4 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES OF MOBILIZATION Introduction, basic concepts, joint movements. Bone position. Control of joint motion. Sequential series of pain and restriction of motion. Evaluation of joints. Joint mobilization. Neurodynamic evaluation. D5 ERGOPHYSIOLOGY. The effects of exercise in neuromuscular, cardiovascular and respirator system. The effects of exercise on healthy people and on individuals with specific problems. Nutrition. D6 NATURAL MEANS – ELECTROTHERAPY II Introduction to electric stimulation (Biophysics of the electrical stimulation – biological effects physical-chemical effects).electric Muscular stimulation – Electroaualgesia (Biodynamic, Biadermic electric neural stimulation – TENS, join streams). Iontophoresis. Laser radiation biological effects, technical characteristics, protocol applications). E1 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – TERMINOLOGY. Use of words communication ability (written, oral). System terminology, applications. E2 PHYSIOTHERAPY OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 21 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA Exercise and circulatory system. Evaluation of the Patient with cardiovascular problem. Physiotherapy to patients with cardirascular problems. Treatment of peripheral vascular diseases. Cardiopulmonary recovery. E3 PHYSIOTHERAPY OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Physiotherapy in fractures, sprains, hyper sprains injuries of the muscles, tendons, bursa ligament elements, nerve injuries, neuritis, obstetrical paralysis, portcullis. E4 PHYSIOTHERAPY OF THE NEUROLOGIC DISEASES I Basic Knowledge of the neural system development as well as the motor evolution. Reflective mechanisms. Guidelines for the evaluation of the motor evolution. Clinic value of the knowledge of the developmental sequence. Disorders of the muscle tonus and motion. Cerebral palsy. Diseases of the peripheral nerves, moneneuritis –polyneuritis, Guillain – Barre syndrome, diphtheria neuritis, diabetic, toxic, metabolic, etc. Muscle diseases Dystrophies, muscle diseases, myositis, polymyositis etc. Spina bifida and hydrocaphaly, Polyneuritis. E5 MARKETING Concept of Marketing. Marketing functions. Research. Analysis of Market. Consumer’s behavior. Mix Marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Advertisement. Evaluation. Control of Marketing results. Marketing in Health Rendering services. The 4 Ps in the Greek Health Rendering Services. E6 CLINICAL PRACTICE Clinical training in physioyherapy to patients with cardio respiratory problems. F1 FIRST AIDS – HYGIENE. Introduction. Injury and hemorrhage. Foreign bodies. Injuries caused by natural reasons. Pathological causes which need first aids. Introduction to artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary recovery. Strapping and baud aging. Splints. Stretchers. Poisonings and antidotes. Medical kit for First Aids. Emergency tracheotomy. Philosophy of the indicative danger signs. Principles of Hygiene. F2 DIAGNOSIS OF IMAGES: Introduction to diagnosis of images. New methods of images characterization of X- rays. Degenerative changes of the spinal column. Normal radio anatomy of ulna- hips, shoulder and upper extremities. Arteriographies and phlebographies. Normal cardio anatomy of tibia – fibula – ankle and thorax. Cardiovascular system. Alimentary and urogenital system. F3 PHYSIOTHERAPY OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM II. Study of the standing position. Physiotherapy in deformations of the spinal column and extremities, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis syndromes and malfunctions, arthoplastic operations. F4 PHYSIOTHERAPY OF NEUROGICAL DISEASES II Clinical physiotherapy evaluation in diseases of the adult nervous system and basic principles for their treatment. Physiotherapy in brain damages, skull and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, cerebrovascular disorders, brain tumors, Parkinson disease, neuromuscular disorders. Rehabilitation of gait, balance, self – sufficiency and the patient’s functional ability. 22 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA F5 ECONOMY OF HEALTH – BIOSTATISTICS Introduction, basic principles, statistics object, data base. Research, design. Kinds of research in health. Sampling surveys. Kinds of sampling. Descriptive statistics. Allocations (bipolar, regular). Inference statistics. (parametric non – parametric control). Analysis of variance. Examples – statistics applications in physiotherapy studies. F6 CLINICAL PRACTICE II Clinical training in the physical therapy of patients with musculoskeletal problems. G1 PHYSIOTHERAPY EVALUATION Introduction. Means: Subjective evaluation (case – history, questionnaire, observation, clinical image etc.) and objective valuation (dynamometers, platforms, voltage curve electromyography, goniometers, lipometers, evaluation charts of the pain, balance control apparatus etc.) so as to evaluate both of the factors of the patients’ problems and organize the rehabilitation. Criteria of choosing the means, techniques and methods. Indicative applications. Evaluation of the standing position, normal gait, pathological gait, balance, motion, muscular efficiency (isometric, demetric, pleometric) of sensation and proprioception. Isomotor evaluation. G2 RESEARCH METHODS IN PHYSIOTHERAPY What is research? The research problem. Review of journalism. Ethics and research protocol. Quantification in research. Non – experimental study. Confidence. Experimental research in physiotherapy. Research release. G3 PHYSIOTHERAPY IN SPORTS Introduction to basic principles of the sports activities. Evaluation of the physical fitness of the Athletes. First Aids to athletes and their recovery. Physiotherapy programmes concerning evaluation and rehabilitation of the sports injuries. G4 CLINICAL PRACTICE III Clinical training in the physiotherapy of athletes with neurological problems. Sports physiotherapy. Physiotherapy in different ages. G5 PHYSIOTHERAPY TO ALL AGES Differentiation of the physiotherapy approach in every single age. GRADUATION PROJECT (DISSERTATION) All students are required to submit a graduation project, which can either be a research review, a research project, or a case study; each one being supervised by one member of staff (supervisor). The topics of the dissertations are usually given by the staff of the Department according to the students’ interests and are related to Physiotherapy. The dissertation may be completed after the end of the last semester or in parallel with the practical placement, depending on the scope and demands of the particular topic. After the completion of the graduation project and its approval by the respective supervisor, it is submitted to the department and evaluated by a panel of three members of the teaching staff. For all issues relating to the students’ dissertations (i.e. choice of topics /supervisors /evaluation panel, progress, elaboration, various problems etc.) the Dissertation Committee (consisting of three members of the departmental staff) is responsible. 23 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT A necessary requirement to qualify with a Physiotherapy degree from the T.E.I. is a practical training period, following the successful completion of coursework by the student. Practical training is carried out by means of clinical placements mainly in the public sector (hospitals) and more rarely in the private sector or in public hospitals abroad. The Department of Physiotherapy together with the Professional Placement Committee arranges the students' professional placements. The duration of clinical placements is set at six months for all students and takes place on the 8th semester (provided that he has successfully completed the whole curriculum). During the training course the supervisor (who is determined by the Department) is checking the students (overlooks progress, cooperation, any problems arising etc.). Students receive payment during the practical placement period and are obliged to conform to the rules of work and safety of the business like every other member of the staff. Also, each student submits the book of his Practical Training, which includes all the details of his employment, days of absence, his progress, as well as his card of I.K.A (social security), to the secretariat. The Head of the Department to which the supporting documents of the practical training are submitted, decides whether they are to be accepted or rejected. 24 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 5 DEPARTMENT STAFF ________________ 25 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 5.1 ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1.1 PHYSIOTHERAPY SUBJECT GROUP Dr. George Gioftsos Assistant Professor, President of the T.E.I. of Lamia PhD in Biomechanics (London University), MSc in Biomechanical Engineering (Surrey University), Physiotherapy Degree (T.E.I. of Athens). Member of: Biomechanics Society, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy, Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Kinesiology, Biomechanics-Ergonomics, Kinesiotherapy. Scientific interest: Movement analysis, new technologies for the study of movement, biomechanics, the elderly. 22310-44252 Dr. Vasiliki Sakellari Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Physiotherapy PhD in Human Balance (London University), MSc in Ergonomics (London University), Physiotherapy Degree (T.E.I. of Athens). Member of: Ergonomics Society, Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy, Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Physiotherapy of the musculoskeletal system ΙΙ, Physiotherapy of the Neurologic Diseases II, Massage techniques, Physiotherapy Evaluation. Scientific interest: Ergonomics, Biomechanics of human posture and balance, clinical neurophysiology, rehabilitation programmes, education. 22310-60147 Eleni Kapreli Lecturer in Physiotherapy 26 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA PhD student (Athens University), MSc in Sports Medicine (Nottingham University), Physiotherapy Degree (T.E.I. of Athens). Member of: Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy, Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Physiotherapy in Sports, Physiotherapy in the Respiratory System, Clinical Practice I. Scientific interest: Central nervous system in anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees, neurophysiology of joints and musculoskeletal damage, prevention of sports injuries, rehabilitation programmes of specific populations (i.e. asthmatics, COAD patients etc.), falls of the elderly. 2231060235 Evdokia (Vicky) Billis Lecturer in Physiotherapy PhD student (University of Manchester), MSc in Manipulative Therapy (Coventry University), Physiotherapy degree (University of Leeds), Member of: Manipulative Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy, Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Special Techniques of Mobilisation, Physiotherpy to all ages, Clinical Practice ΙΙ. Scientific interest: Low back pain classification systems and cross-cultural comparisons, management of spinal musculoskeletal problems, spinal and peripheral joint mobilization, women’s health, falls of the elderly. 22310-60234 Ioannis Poulis Lecturer in Physiotherapy PhD student (University of Manchester), MA in Health Care Ethics and Law (University of Manchester), Physiotherapy degree (University of La Sapienza). Member of: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy, Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Ethics-introduction to Physiotherapy, Research methods in Physiotherapy, Clinical practice II. Scientific interest: Bioethics and physiotherapy, rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, proprioception following arthroplasties, organization of scientific programmes in physiotherapy. 27 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 22310-60236 Panagiotis Trigkas Lecturer in Physiotherapy PhD student (University of Manchester), MSc in Physiotherapy (University of Manchester), Physiotherapy degree (N.S.A. University of Sofia). Member of Panhellenic Society of Physiotherapy. Teaching modules: Kinesiology, Biomechanics-Ergonomics, Physiotherapy of the Musculoskeletal System. Scientific interest: Kinesiology and elecromyographic analysis of lower limb function, techniques and locomotion models of the knee extensor mechanism, muscle imbalance and function as pathogenetic factors of musculoskeletal dysfunction, biomechanics and clinical applications in physiotherapy. 22310-60222 5.1.2 GENERAL SUBJECT GROUP STAFF Dimitrios Avdelidis Associate Professor, Head of the General Subject Group Neurologist, Psychiatrist. PhD (Athens University), previously being a Consultant of the Neurology Department of Laikon Hospital of Athens. Member of the Hellenic Neurological Society. Teaching modules: Neurology, Neurophysiology. Scientific interest: Clinical neurophysiology, diseases of the extrapyramidal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system. 22310-60203 Panagiotis Zigouris 28 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA Lecturer in Physiotherapy 22310-60204 Christos Theodorou Lecturer in Physiotherapy Degree in Medicine (Medical University of Rome, Italy), Orthopaedic Surgeon. Member of the Hellenic Society of Surgery-Orthopaedics and Traumatology, and of the Hellenic Society of Metabolic Bone Research. Teaching modules: Anatomy I, Orthopaedics Scientific interest: Sports injuries of the knee, spinal deformities, neurological conditions of the musculoskeletal system, surgical rehabilitation of hand injuries. 22310-60232 5.2 LABORATORY ASSISTANTS Stavros Apostolopoulos Konstantinos Sourlis Alekos Christakis 29 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 6 GUIDE FOR THE STUDENTS -USEFUL INFORMATION ________________ 30 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 6.1 SECRETARIAT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY The Secretariat of the Department of Physiotherapy is on the 1st floor of the F.H.C.P building. Students can be informed about administrative issues at the ground floor of the building, in the guardroom between 11.00- 13.00 ever day, where somebody from the secretariat will be there. More detailed information about administrative issues can be found at the Secretariat of the Department of Physiotherapy from 08.00 –14.00 during weekdays (Information: Mrs. Salta). 6.2 FEEDING The T.E.I. of Lamia has one student restaurant, not far from the city centre. The institute offers food vouchers (coupons) for lunch and dinner on all days of the week. Students, once enrolled at the T.E.I., are eligible for obtaining food vouchers. In order for each student to apply to receive these vouchers, he must submit the following documents: 1. Financial statement from the Revenue Office or Financial Situation Certificate from their Municipality or Community 2. A family status certificate 3. Their student identification card (ID) 4. Two (2) photographs The number of vouchers are given to students are in accordance to their family income. The preconditions are exactly the same for Greek students, foreign students, Cypriotes and the for students of the same descent. More detailed information about food can be found at the T.E.I. of Lamia and at the Student Welfare Office from 08.00 –14.00 during weekdays. 6.3 ACCOMMODATION Students are granted an accommodation benefit according to their financial situation. The necessary supporting documents for applying for the accommodation benefit are: 1. A family status certificate from the Student’s Municipality or Community. 2. A financial statement from the Revenue Office or Financial Situation Certificate from their Municipality or Community 3. Certificate of studies for brother or sister 31 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA More detailed information about accommodation can be found at the T.E.I. of Lamia and at the Student Welfare Office from 08.00 –14.00 during weekdays. 6.5 HEALTH SERVICES According to the Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law 1404/83, all the students of the T.E.I. are granted a full medical and clinical care under the precondition that they are not insured by any other insurance organisation or social security. The medical – clinical care is not valid when the student: 1. has been enlisted for military service 2. has obtained his degree 3. has completed the maximum of the study period 4. has lost his student capacity for any other reason 5. has suspended his studies The medical – clinic care is provided only in the city of the T.E.I. or its branches with the exception of an emergency and in cases where the student needs a special treatment that cannot be given in the place of the T.E.I. More detailed information about the health services can be found at the T.E.I. of Lamia and at the Student Welfare Office from 08.00 –14.00 during weekdays. 6.6 ΕUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC) PROGRAMMES There are various European Programmes offered to the undergraduate students of the T.E.I., such as Socrates, Leonardo Da Vinci, the Institute for State Scholarships (I.K.Y.) etc. The SOCRATES programme enables students to perform one or two semesters or their dissertation abroad, to another Institute that the T.E.I. of Lamia has formed a mutual contract. The Leonardo Da Vinci programme offers professional placements to undergraduates for a maximum of three months. More detailed information can be given at the Public Relations Office, at the ground floor of the Building of Technological Applications. 6.7 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE The public relations office, which is housed in the main building of the T.E.I., is responsible for informing students on state scholarships, graduate and postgraduate studies abroad and processing applications for these. It also undertakes applications for all EC programmes and other programmes such as Tempus, Comet and organises staff visits from other institutes. It is also involved in the organisation of conferences and educational and cultural activities of the T.E.I.. 32 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA More detailed information can be given at the Public Relations Office, at the ground floor of the Building of Technological Applications. 6.8 LIBRARY SERVICES The library has been established in 1994 with the aims to obtain, organize and preserve printed and non-printed matter, to support the academic staff and the research programmes that run within the Institute, and contribute to the educational and cultural development of the staff, the students of the T.E.I. as well as the whole local community. Library Services are located into two floors, at the new building of the T.E.I. and cover an overall space of 1400square metres. The selection of material within the Library consists of: approx. 7500 volumes of books 100 different journals on-line access to Heal-Link databases 76 cd-rom titles 2 bibliography databases in cd-rom dissertations from most Departments More detailed information about Library Services can be given within the Library from 08.00 –14.00 during weekdays. 6.9 SPORTING ACTIVITIES AT THE T.E.I. OF LAMIA There are various sports group that have been formed, in order to entertain and preserve the fitness of the undergraduate students of the T.E.I. of Lamia, such as basketball, football, volleyball swimming teams etc. For more detailed information about the sporting activities can be given within the Gymnasium. 6.10 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AT THE T.E.I. OF LAMIA There are many entertainment groups at the T.E.I. who organise various cultural activities. Within the premises of the T.E.I there is a radio station as well as a theatrical team. Many theatrical performances with free admission to students and staff have been given. There is also a music group, which includes classical, modern and folk music. This group also organise musical evenings. There are also dancing lessons are 33 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA available at the T.E.I. with great emphasis on national Greek dances, from the islands and central Greece. 6.11 USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS SERVICES Director of the Physiotherapy Department Secretariat of the Physiotherapy Department Public and International Relations Office Student welfare Library Gymnasium Guardroom of F.H.C.P PHONE NUMBER 22310-60147 22310-60176, 22310-60177 22310-60163, 22310-48023 22310-60166 22310-60171, 22310-60172 22310-60150 22310-60106 Address : 3rd Klm Old National Road Lamia-Athens, 35100 Lamia Website: Email: 34 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY 7 OTHER ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT ________________ 35 PPRRO OS SPPEECCT TU US S TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA 7.1 POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME IN PHYSIOTHERAPY The Department of Physiotherapy of the T.E.I. of Lamia is developing a postgraduate programme in physiotherapy via the internet, together with five other european universities (1. University College Dublin School of Physiotherapy, Ireland; 2. Escola Superior Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal; 3. Haute Ecole Leonardo da Vinci,Parnasse, Belgium; 4. Division of Physiotherapy, Linköping Universitat, Sweden; 5. Hogeschool Brabant, the Netherlands). The postgraduate course is titled: “Web-based Master in Physiotherapy”, is directed to qualified physiotherapists and will be taught in the English language. This programme is granted from the European programmes Socrates/Erasmus. 7.2 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT Despite the fact that the Department of Physiotherapy is a newly developed one, international relations with similar institutes abroad are encouraged. Since 1998 the department has been an actively involved member of the European network of Physiotherapy in higher education. The particular network aims to establish European standards in physiotherapy education. Also, since 1999 collaborates with the Centre for Rehabilitation Science, University of Manchester for research and educational issues; a mutual (collaborative) agreement is at the process of being signed. Also, the joint supervision of a PhD student has been accepted by the University of Manchester. Dr. Gioftsos has been the supervisor at Lamia and a large part of the student’s PhD has already being performed in the Department’s laboratories during the academic year 2002-2003. 36 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAMIA A Acckknnoow wlleeddggeem meennttss We would like to thank the students Milonas Spiros, Bitsaki Eftychia, and Zoyla Chrisoula for their assistance in the editing of the Prospectus of the Department of Physiotherapy. We would also like to thank the Administrative Offices of the T.E.I. of Lamia for the provision of information. 37 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY