Appendix A - Map
Appendix A - Map
District Transport Master Plan Table of Content LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES APPENDIX A-LIST OF MAPS APPENDIX B- LIST OF TABLE FOR DETAIL DATA ANALYSIS III III IV IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Objective of the Study 1.3 Review on DTMP 2007 2 2 3 4 CHAPTER II APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 2.1 Approach 2.1.1 Bottom up approach 2.1.2 Participatory Approach 2.2 Methodology 2.2.1 Task 1: Preparatory Activities 2.2.2 Task2: Preparation of Indicative District Potential Map (IDPM) 2.2.3 Task 3: Preparation of District Inventory Map (DIM) 2.2.4 Task 4: Preparation of District Road Network 2.2.5 Preparation of District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) 2.2.6 Preparation of five year District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 2.3 Limitations of DTMP/DTPP Study 2.4 Chronology of events 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 19 19 CHAPTER III INDICATIVE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL MAP (IDPM) 3.1 Background 3.2 District Profile Analysis 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Physical Location & Geographical Characteristics 3.2.3 Socio-economic Characteristics 3.2.4 Service centers and facilities 3.3 List of Development Existing / Potential Area 3.3.1 Agriculture and Livestock Potential Area 3.3.2 Potential Area for Hydropower 3.3.3 Potential Area for Small Cottage and Agri-based Industries 3.3.4 Potential Area for Tourism 3.3.5 Pocket areas of Himalayan yew 3.4 Market Centre Analysis 3.4.1 Brief on Market Centre 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 25 27 27 29 29 30 30 30 34 CHAPTER IV DISTRICT INVENTORY MAP 4.1 Existing Transport Situation 40 40 i District Transport Master Plan 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Existing District Road Classification Traffic Trend Analysis Brief on Road Network Summary of Fair and All Weather Existing Trail Bridge Construction Approach Road Assets Value Remaining Works including River Crossing District Inventory Map (DIM) 41 43 43 46 47 47 48 48 49 CHAPTER V DISTRICT NETWORK PLANNING 5.1 Accessibility Situation 5.1.1 Zone of Influence Area 5.1.2 Delineation of Accessible Area 5.2 Inaccessible Area 5.2.1 Delineation of Inaccessible Area 5.3 Network Planning in inaccessible Area 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 CHAPTER VI DISTRICT TRANSPORT PERSPECTIVE PLAN 6.1 Prospective Plan of District Rural Road Network 6.2 Scoring System for Prioritization of Proposed Linkage 6.3 Prioritization of District Road for New Linkage 6.4 Brief on proposed District Roads for New Linkages 6.5 Motorable Crossings for DTPP Road Network 6.6 Possible Inter-district Transport Linkages 6.7 Prioritized Existing Road Linkages for Rehabilitation 6.8 Prioritized list of Trail Bridge for New construction 53 53 53 54 55 59 60 60 61 CHAPTER VII FIRST FIVE-YEAR DISTRICT TRANSPORT MASTER PLAN 7.1 Background 7.2 Past Three Years Budget 7.3 Five Year Projected Financial Plan 7.4 Sharing of Budget 7.5 Year- Wise Sharing Of Budget 7.6 Year-wise Targets 7.7 Prioritized Transport Linkage for DTMP 7.7.1 Prioritized District Roads 7.7.2 Prioritized Trail bridges 7.8 Accessibility-DTMP 62 62 62 63 64 66 66 69 69 72 72 CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSION 8.1 Other Relevant Issues 8.2 Conclusion 74 74 74 74 APPENDIX Appendix A - Map 75 ii District Transport Master Plan Appendix B- Detail Data Analysis Appendix B- Photos Appendix B- Questionnaires List of Figures Figure: 1.1 Review of DTMP 2007 Figure 2.1 Framework of Methodology Figure 3.1 Ethnic Composition of Khotang district Figure 3.2 Land Use Pattern Figure 3.5 Classification of Settlement Figure 4.1 Status of Road Network Figure 3.4 Market Centre Grading Figure 4.2 District Road Classification Figure 4.3 Traffic Trend analyses Figure 4.4 Status of Road based on fair/all weather Figure 4.5 Road status based on Construction Approach Figure 4.6, Road Network Status based on completion of Structural Work Figure 7.1 Past Budget Trend in different Transport Sector Figure 7.2 Projected Budget for First Five Fiscal Years Figure 7.3 Sharing of Budget List of Tables Table 1.1 Review of DTMP 2007 Table 2.1 Scoring System for Prioritization of Proposed New Construction Road Table 2.2 Scoring system for Prioritization of Rehabilitation for Existing Road Table 2.3 Chronology of events in updating DTMP Table 3.1 Demographic statistic of Khotang Table 3.2 Summary of different Education institutes in Khotang Table 3.3 Land Use pattern Table 3.4 Major crops and their Production Table 3.5 Livestock Population Table 3.6 Livestock Production Table 3.7 Post office Location Table 3.8 List of Agriculture Service Centre Table 3.9 Veterinary Service Centers/Sub-Centers Table 3.10 Health Service Centers Table 3.11 Potential Area with Extensive Agriculture Table 3.12 Extensive Horticulture Potential Area Table 3.13 Potential Area with Extensive Livestock Table 3.14 Detail of Major Perennial rivers Table 3.15 Potential Area for Small cottage and Agri-based Industries Table 3.16 Potential Areas for Tourism Table 3.17 Grading of Market Center Table 3.18 Classification of settlement based on geographical position Table 3.19 Market Centers connected to road network Table 3.20 list of market centre with Hattiya Table 4.1 Road Statistic of Khotang Table 4.2 District Road Classification Table 4.3 Summary of Road Inventory iii District Transport Master Plan Table 5.1 Accessibility with respect to Area, Coverage and Population Coverage Table 5.2 Inaccessibility with respect to Area, Coverage and Population Coverage Table 6.1 Road Statistics-DTPP Table 6.2 Prioritization of District Road Table 6.3 List of Motorable Crossings along Planned Road Network Table 6.4 Prioritized Lists of District Roads for Rehabilitation Table 7.1 Summary of Past Budget Table 7.2 Five years Project Financial Plan Table 7.3 Projected Budget for First Five Fiscal Year 067/68 to 071/072, ‘000 NRs Table 7.4 Year- Wise Sharing Of Budget, ‘000 NRs Table 7.5 Year-wise Physical Targets Table 7.6 Year Wise Target, Budget available and Projected Budget (Transport LinkageNew Construction) Table 7.7 Year Wise Target, Budget available and Projected Budget (Transport LinkageRehabilitation) Table 7.8 List of District Roads for New Construction Table 7.9 DTMP Implementation Plan Table 7.10 List of District Roads for Rehabilitation Table 7.11 List of District Roads for Maintenance Table 7.12 List of Prioritized Trail Bridge for DTMP Table 7.13 Road Statistic, DTMP Table 7.14 Accessibility situation of DTMP Appendix A-List of Maps Map A.1 Map of Nepal, Transport Infrastructure and location of district Map A.2 Land Use Map Map A.3 Indicative Development Potential Map (Market Centers with Agricultural Production and Industries) Map A.4 Indicative Development Potential Map Market Centers and Key Services) Map A.5 District Road Inventory Map Map A.6 District Road Inventory Map (Accessibility Analysis) Map A.7 District Transport Prospective Plan (DTPP) Map A.8 District Transport Prospective Plan (DTPP) (Accessibility Analysis) Map A.9 Zone of Influence of DTPP Roads Map A.10 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) (Five Years Plan BS 2067/68-2072/73) Map A.11 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) (Accessibility Analysis) Appendix B- List of Table for Detail Data Analysis Table B.1 Demographic Detail for each VDC, Khotang Table B.2 Market Centre Analysis- Centrality Index Table B.3 District Road Inventory Detail Table B.4 Traffic Count Table B.5 Traffic Volume Calculation Table B.6 Trail Bridge Inventory Table B.7 Planned Road Network Table B.8 Prioritization of New Linkage-Data Input Sheet Table B.9 Scores of Proposed Planned Roads based on Population per unit Cost Table B.10 Scores of Proposed Planned Roads based on Cultivated Land Table B.11 Scores of Proposed Roads based on Population and Walking Distance iv District Transport Master Plan Table B.12 Score of Proposed Roads based on Dalits and marginalized Janjatis/ethnic group population (Social Issues) Table B.13 Prioritization for Rehabilitation-Input Data Sheet Table B.14 Scores of proposed Roads based on Traffic Unit Table B.15 Scores of Proposed Roads based on Cost/km Table B.16 Scores of proposed roads based on Market/Services Centers Table B.17 Prospective Plan of Trail Bridge Table B.18 Past trend of budget expenditure in transport sector v District Transport Master Plan List of Abbreviations amsl DEO DFID DIM DoLIDAR DoR DRCC DTO DTMP DTPP DVO GPS GoN IDPM LGCDP MoLD PCU RAIDP RAP REDP RTI SDC TBSU VDC ZoI Average Mean Sea Level District Education Office Department for International Development District Inventory Map Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads Department of Highway District Road Coordination Committee District Technical Office District Transport Master Plan District Transport Prospective Plan District Veterinary Office Global Positioning System Government of Nepal Indicative District Potential Map Local Governance and Community Support Programme Ministry of Local Development Passenger Car Unit Rural Access Improvement and Decentralization Project Rural Access Programme Rural Energy Development Programme Rural Transport Infrastructure Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Trail Bridge Support Unit Village Development Committee Zone of Influence 1 District Transport Master Plan CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Khotang which is well known for the Halesi Mahadev (East Pashupati) lies in Sagarmatha zone of Eastern Region of Nepal. It is situated between Bhojpur district in the east; Okhaldhunga districts in the west, Solukhumbu district in the north and Udayapur district in the south. It is one of the poorest, most remote and undeveloped district with in the eastern region of Nepal. The poverty and remoteness of the district is due to the limitation in mobility and accessibility to the economic activities. Transport is one of the major components in providing accessibility and hence increases the mobility for various requirements. Physically it has rugged topography abraded by rivers and streams demanding high density of transport infrastructure. With this geophysical complexity, large part of the district remains inaccessible to road head. Only 56% of total area is within 4 hrs walking distance of which only 36% are within 4 hrs walking distance from the motorable road head. This indicates a large part of Khotang still untouched by the basic development and thus has high demand of transport infrastructure. The centrally located district headquarter Diktel is recently connected by motorable roads directly to two abutting districts in the east and west by proposed Mid Hill Highway. However there is no direct connection to the southern Terai region of Nepal. Apart from Diktel, other major market centers such as Aiselukharka in North and Khotang bazaar and Chisapani in south are inaccessible even within a day of walking distance from the road head. Hence very urgent extension of road network from centre to northern and southern part of Khotang is deemed necessary. Even the district headquarters remains isolated from transport system for the whole period of monsoon. During these periods goods are transported by porter and mules. This is due to the fair weather roads and lack of crossing over the major rivers. One of the challenges faced by the district is the presence of huge perennial rivers such as Dudh Koshi, Sun Koshi at its boundary in east and Arun River on its way in west. Whole dry season is depended on the fairy operated in crossing the rivers. In alternative to road transport, there are three earthen airports mainly for passengers travelling for long distance. In case of emergency evacuation such as sick people, helicopter which is very expensive is the only means to access destination. This has been quite common in average two times a month. Hence due to the lack of sufficient and seasonal means of transportation, the district has been suffering from its socio-economical development. Provided basic connection to different parts of major service centers of Khotang by transport infrastructure people are expected to get their basic requirement in cheaper price. Moreover, approximately 88% of people in Khotang depend on agriculture and livestock farming (District profile, 2007). However the genuine problem is the lack of access to market centers to sell their goods. Farmers manage in trading their products only in the local market Hattiya which is not well managed and does not add much to the commercialization aspect of agriculture. Hence, agriculture being the backbone of district economy, it would foster economically with accessibility to the potential market outside the district. It has potential market in the Terai belt of Nepal and India for off season, low volume but high value crop production. 2 District Transport Master Plan District is thus facing a challenge of very high demand of all weather connection to existing connected market centers and new construction to hinterland of Khotang district. This is not possible to overcome by the present common practice of adhoc planning only during the few days of district council. A scientific planning approach should be adopted. During the planning process missing links should be identified in accessible areas where as road network should be planned to extend in inaccessible area. Moreover, planning needs to address maintenance of existing road in order to preserve road asset value and improve the present mobility. Hence DTMP is prepared based on present transport accessibility situation of district with consideration of identified Market Centers. With the identified list of transport interventions such as road network and bridge, prioritization needs to be carried out. With the limited supply of resources, list of prioritized demand needs to be matched up for implementation. In this context, bottom up approach has been adopted in planning. According to Local Self Governance Act, 2055 and the Regulation 2056, the local government bodies such as DDC and VDC are responsible for the planning and developing programs. With this authority, local transport infrastructure such as roads, trail line, and Trail Bridge are under DDC responsibility. However, air transport is under the authority of Nepal Civil Aviation. Meanwhile, this transport infrastructure under the responsibility of DDC is very demanding in investment which needs very scientific planning for the optimum use of resources. Hence, both short term and long term planning are required as a basis for the development of transport sector with meeting certain targets for the district (DTMP for five years, DTPP for long term). Process of using DTMP as a planning tool has been practiced in many districts of Nepal since 2001. While in Khotang, the first DTMP was prepared in 2007 based on DoLIDAR approach for period of 2007-2012. This has envisaged an extensive road network for the district which looks as an overambitious plan considering the capacity and possible resources that will be available in the district. Planning should be matched with demand and supply characteristic. Hence, its timely revision was realized both by the local government and donor agencies. 1.2 Objective of the Study The objective of DTMP is to prepare the District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) and prioritize the interventions for first five years transport planning of the district for a single approach of transport infrastructure development. This comprises the development of the overall road network which will provide access to all settlements according to the national transport policy (within 4 hrs. walking distance) and various identified market centers. The following are the specific objectives of the DTMP: • • • • • To review the existing DTMP To Prepare District Inventory Map (DIM) and assess accessibility situation To Conduct market Center analysis and prepare IDPM To Prepare DTPP based on the accessibility policy and market centers. To prepare the DTMP 3 District Transport Master Plan 1.3 Review on DTMP 2007 The first district DTMP was prepared in 2007 for the period 2007-2012. This was prepared based on the DoLIDAR approach. According to the approach road network prepared based on the demand collected from the different Illaka level workshop. These road networks have been prioritized based on different parameters given by the guideline and listed in DTMP and DTPP. The effort has also been taken in assessing the budget trend and projection for coming year as a financial plan. However, there is no matching of the demand list of DTMP and the supply list of financial plan in order to identify the gap. Progress of DTMP 2007 According to DTMP 2007, the targeted length of road was 337 km for the first five years and 814 km as prospective plan (ref Table 1.1). The total existing road in 2007 was 129 km while the present road network is 258 km considering the whole section of RAP II road from Diktel to Khotang bazaar section which is approximately half completed. Table 1.1 Review of DTMP 2007 S.N. Description Quantity Unit Road Data Total road length, 2007 DTMP 2007 road length DTPP 2007 road length 129 337 1151 Km Km Km Total road length 2010 258.6 Km Including under construction section of Diktel Khotang Bazar section (RAP II) 105 Km 50% progress of Diktel Khotang bazar section 31.20 67.38 35.03 52.0 % Km Km % Road construction not from DTMP 2007 list 21.5 Km Lamidanda Rabuwa, Harelo danda kharmi, Diktel Bamrang Percent of road construction not from DTMP 2007 list 6.82 % based on road construction from 2007 to 2010 1 Total Progress from 2007-2010 2 Findings Target achieved Average annual target Average annual achievement Average annual progress Source: DTMP 2007, Table 3.3 4 Remarks Reference DTMP 2007 Including DTMP list District Transport Master Plan Figure: 1.1 Review of DTMP 2007 Figure 1.1 also illustrates the status of DTMP prepared in 2007. The net progress achieved from 2007 to 2010 is 106 km which is approximately only 31% of the total target of 337 km for 2012. From this trend of progress after 2007, in average 35 km road has been constructed annually. This indicates average annual achievement of 52%. Hence, proper planning of demand with the resource available is necessary. In the past years, more or less DDC has followed up with the DTMP road list. Still about 6.75% of the road networks constructed is out to of the list. Similarly, some of the constructed alignments are changed eg Diktel Patheka Bakshila section. This reminds, that DTMP needs to be followed in order to avoid from deviation of target planning where only 52% has been achievable in practice. 5 District Transport Master Plan CHAPTER II APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 2.1 Approach Approach and Methodology adopted in preparation of DTMP was based on Interim Guideline 2010 by DoLIDAR. 2.1.1 Bottom up approach Preparation of DTMP is based on the bottom up approach. Central level agencies mainly Ministry of Local Development (MoLD) and DoLIDAR are responsible in providing the basis of planning with transport policy and interim guideline. At the mean time District Development Committee takes the ownership while all representative stakeholders in District Road Coordination Committee (DRCC) are authorized for the sole decision in planning. Similarly, during the planning stage workshops were arranged in Illaka level in order to verify and address the need of road alignment remaining within the National Transport Policy. Hence, this all planning and decision responsibilities at the local level bring to strength of bottom up approach in preparing DTMP. 2.1.2 Participatory Approach Participation of the sole users and direct beneficiaries are very important in planning stage. This helps in getting the real potential and need for the socio-economic development. With this requirement, community active participation has been highly involved during the preparation of DTMP. Mainly their participation has been encouraged during the data collection in preparing Indicative District Potential Map. At the mean time, In process of preparing network, workshops have been conducted in different parts of district. During the workshop proposal from each group was discussed, verified and validated with policy and was then considered in the network if required. These activities clearly illustrate the participatory approach in planning level. 2.2 Methodology Preparation of DTMP was based on bottom up and participatory approach. The outline of methodology adopted is illustrated in Figure 2.1. This methodology mainly includes organizational setup, operational planning, and financial planning. Detail activities carried out during preparation of DTMP are explained below. 2.2.1 Task 1: Preparatory Activities a) Coordination with DDC/DTO During the preparation of DTMP, the study team remained in close coordination with District Development Committee (DDC) and District Technical Office (DTO) for consultation and conduction of several meetings and workshops. 6 District Transport Master Plan Preparation of DTMP under the Local Governance Act-2055 Reformation of District Road Coordination Committee (DRCC) Preparation of Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM) of District Preparation of District Inventory Map (DIM) Preparation of District Road Network Plan Prioritisation of District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) Synchronizing the Draft Perspective Plans of adjoining districts (Preparation of Regional Perspective Plan of Rural Road Network) Prioritisation of District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Approval of DTMP/DTPP by District Council/DDC Board Yes End of Planning Phase Figure 2.1 Framework of Methodology 7 District Transport Master Plan b) Facilitate reformation of District Road Coordination Committee (DRCC) District Road Coordination Committee is the sub-committee under DDC, which is responsible body at local level for overall transport planning in the district. This committee was previously formed during preparation of DTMP in 2007. However, it has remained passive since then. Hence DRCC was reformed with inclusive committee directed by the guideline. 2.2.2 Task2: Preparation of Indicative District Potential Map (IDPM) Planning of transport infrastructure depends on access to the existing and potential development areas for the optimum use of resources. Hence, Preparation of Indicative District Potential Map (IDPM) is the basic requirement in determining transport interventions. Various potential developments such as the area having extensive agriculture, horticulture, livestock, tourism and market/service centers were thus assessed. a) Data and General Information Collection Overview of district potentiality is very important during the planning stage. In order to get the general picture of district, primary and secondary data were collected from different sources within the district. These were mainly from annual report published by particular district level offices such as DDC, DADO, DVO, DEO, Small Cottage and Industries office. Further consultations were also made with stakeholders such as, local business entrepreneurs, local community etc. Similarly, primary and secondary data were collected in field visit carried out during different stages of planning. These field data were collected using PRRA, consultation and observation methods (ref Appendix D for questionnaire). Collection of data and information from various sources were mainly regarding area, location and significance of development potential areas such as extensive agriculture, extensive horticulture, livestock farming, high value cash crops, cottage and agro-based industries, centre for business/commerce/markets, tourism area, hydro potential areas, and mining areas including various service centers available in major market centre. Service centers include facility such as hospital, health post, agricultural service sub-center, schools, industries etc. District base map is required for the overlay of potential feature. For this, GIS base map was collected from Survey Department. b) District Base Map Preparation District Base Map was prepared in 1:20,000 scales. The Base Map forms the basic overlay map for the IDMP indicating all the potentiality of the district and detail of market centers. From the raw data obtained from Survey Department, different features were overlaid. This includes: • • • • • • VDCs boundaries Ward boundaries Large settlements National strategic roads, existing district roads (DIM) and trails; Important water bodies (rivers, lakes, etc.); and Important historic and religious places. 8 District Transport Master Plan c) Market survey Market Survey is very important in identifying relative importance of market/service centre. Foremost is the selection of potential market centers. This was carried out with consultation from DRCC meeting, previous DTMP and the general observation of settlements. Altogether 34 market centers were selected for the market survey. Preliminarily, some of the information regarding service facilities were collected from different district line agencies. These were further supplemented by field data collected using questionnaire through P-RRA approach and was verified during the walkover survey (ref Appendix D for questionnaire). Basically, economic activities, service centre facilities, mobility and mode of transporting goods within the market centre were collected. Meanwhile, for the evaluation purpose, economic related data such as number of business, commercial and industrial centers and service centers related data such as number of education, health, and various services providing offices and were collected. For the analysis function indicates the type of economic and service centers. In addition, population data is required in finding the weightage of each function and was collected from household survey conducted by DDC this year. Further Market Centre analysis was carried out using Centrality Index. This gives the relative importance of each market centers in terms of economic facilities and service capacity. The Centrality Index was calculated using following formula Eq.(1) Where, Cj = Centrality Index of the jth market centre Xij= Value of the ith function (number of establishments or shops at the jth market centre) Wi = Weightage of the ith function The weight of each function (Wi) was calculated by adopting the Median Threshold Population Technique. The Median Threshold Population Technique calculates the weight as: Eq.(2) Wi = Median population of the ith function Weightage was assigned to each function and they were finally aggregated with the numbers of function for each market centers as given in Eq.(1). Based on the Centrality Index, market centers were categorized in different grades. The bases of grading were: Grade A B C Potential Centrality Index >100 50-100 25-50 <25 9 District Transport Master Plan Market grading forms the basis during network planning in the inaccessible area, and prioritization of rehabilitation of existing roads. The whole Transport Network depends on hierarchy of market/service centers, so the market survey was conducted very cautiously with data collection and verification in different stage of planning. Preliminarily, geographical positions of market centers were taken from topography map. Further their position was verified by GPS devise during the walkover survey. d) Preparation of Indicative Development Potential Map The collected information were plotted on the base map indicating their geographical boundaries as accurately as possible. In additional to the prepared base map, all the market centers with their grading were plotted as Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM) of the district. Existing road network were also overlaid after the finalization of District Inventory Map. e) Presentation of IDPM in DRCC DDC arranged one day DRCC meeting. All the available members including some of the invitee were invited. The main purpose was sharing of the data collection, market centre analysis. After the sharing and discussions, feedbacks were collected. 2.2.3 Task 3: Preparation of District Inventory Map (DIM) Khotang has been mainly depended on air and land transportation. Air transport is under the authority of Civil Aviation which therefore has not been included in DTMP. Other transport infrastructure such as road, trail bridge, trail lines are under the sole responsibility of local authority i.e. DDC. The inventory of these transport infrastructure are very important in order to find the accessibility and inaccessibility situation for planning transport infrastructure, condition of existing infrastructure for rehabilitation, upgrading and maintenance. Hence, District Inventory of transport infrastructure mainly road network was carried out in detail. Inventory of Trail Bridge was collected from Trail Bridge Support Unit (TBSU). a) Information Collection Information about the existing rural roads, main trails and trail bridges were collected from secondary information like DDC profile, Trail Bridge inventory from TBSU publication, Rural Transport Infrastructure information available in DTO/DDC, previous DTMP report. Information of road such as date of construction, funding mechanism was also collected trough public consultation. b) GPS Tracking/Inventory Survey of RTI The inventory of existing roads was carried out in order to identify the position of alignments and condition of infrastructures. Previously the spatial information used to be taken from the topographical map. However, these are not updated with the construction of many new networks recently. Hence, road inventory in particular was taken by Global Positioning System (GPS) and tracking the road alignment throughout. 10 District Transport Master Plan Meanwhile, information regarding surface type, traffic status, serviceability of road, surface condition, types and condition of crossings were also noted with the spatial position from GPS. Serviceability of road, traffic status helps in identifying the appropriate intervention to be carried out in particular link such as rehabilitation, maintenance. c) Traffic survey Finding of traffic volume is very important in order to find out the importance road. Different methods were used for the traffic survey. Manual traffic count data based on 16 hrs traffic volume was available for the two longest road link i.e. Diktel-Chyandanda and DiktelJyaramghat section. For Diktel-Jyaramghat section police office records the daily movement of vehicles. Similarly for Diktel-Chyandanda section, RAP carries 16 hrs traffic count once in a month. For other remaining road networks, Moving Observer Count (MOC) method was used for each vehicle type with further support from data collected through rural participatory appraisal. Detail calculation of MOC method is given by Eq (3). For the conversion of hourly flow to daily flow Eq (4) was used. After getting daily vehicle flow for each type of vehicle, further it was converted to equivalent of Passenger Car Unit PCU) as per the guideline. Finally all the PCU for particular section was added representing the traffic volume for that link. HT = (x + y - z) / t Eq (3) DT = 16 x HT Eq.(4) Where, HT = hourly traffic x = vehicles travelling in opposite direction y = vehicles5 overtaking the observer z = vehicles overtaken by the observer t = time in hours DT = Daily traffic d) Preparation of DIM Road alignment of existing roads, main trail, trail bridges and other Rural Transport Infrastructure (RTI) were plotted in the map. The tracked alignment from GPS was downloaded in compatible software and finally imported to GIS application for finalization. The important information such completed section of road, under-construction road; their length has been clearly indicated in map either by legend or in tabular form. After the preparation of DIM accessibility analysis was carried out in order to find the coverage of accessibility within 4 hrs of walking distance as per the National Transport Policy. This analysis was carried out by using GIS Model. This model also gives accessibility with in 20 min, 2 hr, 4 hrs of walking distance from the road head. 11 District Transport Master Plan e) Presentation of DIM in DTICC meeting to Finalize and approve DIM DIM was shared in same meeting of DRCC meeting as IDMP sharing arranged by DDC. All the existing networks were discussed and shared. Similarly, present accessibility situation of district was presented. This clearly gave the picture of road network gap in the district. 2.2.4 Task 4: Preparation of District Road Network Emphasis is given to develop road network theoretically sound and practically applicable. The challenge in Khotang is with its geographical feature consisting of hilly and mountainous terrain. The majority of settlements lie in ridge separated by rivers in between. This geographical feature demands high density of road network to meet the basic need of mobility. However, due to the constraint of resources present need is to meet fairly same level of access to all the part of district. Accordingly, National Transport policy of access to 4 hrs walking distance is taken as the basis of planning the road network. In addition, a fixed point system model is adopted for networking market centers have been taken as nodal points. a) Prepare GIS map of Nodal Points The IDPM map with the position of market centre representing nodal points was used as Base map. The grading of market centers were also clearly shown in map. All the existing road alignment from the road inventory was overlaid on the GIS map. This map was then used as the basic platform for developing the road network. b) Delineation of Accessible area From the guiding principle of planning road network 4 hrs walking distance on either side of the road corridor was taken as the zone of influence (ZoI). The present status of accessibility is very important to assess. Hence, accessibility coverage within ZoI of existing road network was analysed using GIS model. This model delineates the accessible area to 20 min, 2 hr and 4 hrs walking distance by buffering along the left and right of existing road. This delineated area has been considered as accessible area. The delineation of walking distance is based on different feature such as slope of terrain, existence of Trail Bridge, waterways. The GIS Model has made following assumption with slope in delineating the walking distance. ‘It considers the steeper the slope the more the walking time. The assumption is: if there is less than 12% slope a person can walk 4 Km per hour, if there is 12-24% it takes double time to walk the same distance. Similarly for slope 24-36% three times, for 36-48% four times, for 48-60% five times, for 60-72% six times, for 7284% seven times, for 84-96% eight times, for 96-108% nine times and for more than 108% ten times’ c) Delineation of inaccessible area After delineating the accessible areas, the un-served areas which are beyond the ZoI (as per National Transport Policy) has been taken as inaccessible area. Delineated inaccessible area clearly indicates the demand of road network for accessibility. 12 District Transport Master Plan d) Preliminary road network plan for inaccessible area Preliminary road network was planned for inaccessible area based on the market centers as nodal points and covering the entire inaccessible are within 4 hrs of walking distance. For the selection of road nodal points, reference was taken from the previous DTMP. Consultation was also carried with DDC and DTO in district about the demands. Similarly, from the data collection of market survey, settlements inter mobility was also studied. After the selection of nodal points road corridors were proposed based on the topographical features of terrain. Topographical map from Survey Department was used. As far as possible, trail lines have been considered as this will be the most economical, less conflict generation in land acquisition. The road corridor has been proposed with consideration of reduced no of bends, river crossings to its most possibility. Rural roads are categorized into two type of roads i.e. district road and village road. District road also functionally is classified in two types, by Interim Guideline for DTMP. This is namely district road RRA and district road RRB. District road which provides linkage to identified market centers are only considered for the DTMP, while village road are under care of VDC. All the preliminary road network were accordingly classified. e) Synchronization of Preliminary Road Network Plan with DTPP of Adjoining District Mobility among the abutting district is very important during planning. Hence, in order to synchronize the preliminary road network, different possibilities of interlinking the districts were explored. Existing inter road linkage of districts were studied and future possibility of connecting was noted with the available road linkage of abutting district towards the border area of Khotang. Informal consultations were made with DRCC members, publics, DTO. This was however verified from Illka level workshop. f) Presentation of Proposed Preliminary Road network at DTICC meeting Prior to disseminating information in cluster of Illaka level workshop, the preliminary road network was presented in DRCC meeting. General scenario of district accessibility and inaccessibility coverage was presented. Discussion was made on the proposed road network and in return all the suggestions and feedbacks were collected and incorporated in preliminary proposed road network plan. g) Cluster of IIlaka level workshop Based on the coverage of preliminary road network, geographical condition, centrality of VDC’s mobility Illaka level workshops were planned by DRCC meeting. The workshops were arranged by DDC. In total four market centers were selected for the workshop i.e. Aiselukharka and Bakshila in the northern region and Khotang bazaar and Chisapani in the southern region. Participants during the workshop were all stakeholders including VDC secretary, representative of major political party members, businessman, social workers, teachers, jobholders representatives from women, Dalit, Janjati, disables, local NGO, INGOs and local line agencies and interested individual. Some of the DRCC members also attended the workshop. The entire stakeholders were invited to attend the workshop in either of the 13 District Transport Master Plan workshop. Invitation was disseminated through the FM announcement and DRCC members from Illaka level. Foremost, DTMP study team clarified the objective of DTMP and the process of its preparation. Presentation was also made on IDPM, DIM, preliminary road network, possibility of inter district connection for synchronization, Preliminary network plan was presented and discussed in cluster of Ilaka level workshop to collect their views and proposal for DTPP (on the basis of preliminary road network). Further planned network within coverage of workshop areas was verified with each alignment. Road network planned was thus finalised after completion of the all workshop. h) Socio-economic and Technical Survey Socio-economic data required for prioritization of road corridor were taken from the Household level survey conducted by DDC for its updating of district profile. This data included the population data with categorized into ethnic, dalit group in settlement and ward wise; HH poverty status (<3 months, 3-6 months and >6 months food sufficiency). During the course of conducting workshop, technical team conducted reconnaissance/walkover survey almost travelling along the proposed road corridor. Geographical complexities, trail lines were noted and tracked by GPS. Market centers positions were accurately located by GPS during this visit. The team also noted the walking distance from the proposed road corridor by experience as well as informal discussion with the people around. Tentative construction cost for new roads were allocated based on the topographical feature. The proposed road corridors in the network were classified in to hilly, ridge, ascending/descending alignment. Even with in the same corridor, length of different alignment was identified. Study was made with past experience on the construction cost with different nature of alignment and specified technical complexity. Also reference was taken from similar roads constructed with in district such as RAP I. Construction cost is slightly varying depending on the labour based or mechanized. Moreover the different construction stage adopted and the status of road. For this study, indicative cost for hilly, ridge and ascending/descending based on labour based and earthen surface roads were considered. 2.2.5 Preparation of District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) After finalizing the road network plan, socio-economic analysis as per guideline prioritization was carried out for each proposed linkage on the following basis. Similarly, Prospective plan for Trail Bridge was collected from TBSU. a) Data Entry and Analysis Data entry and analysis (in excel and using GIS applications wherever possible) of influence area of proposed road corridor and existing road link was carried out for new construction and rehabilitation respectively. The analysis differs with proposed new corridor and the existing road link. For the proposed new road corridor data analysis was mainly with population, cultivated land, estimated construction cost. At the mean time, for existing road link analysis was mainly with traffic volume, functional index of market centers. 14 District Transport Master Plan It is not possible to construct all roads or maintain at a time due to resource and time constraint. Therefore each link in a network needs prioritization based on the different indicators. At the level of planning it is not possible to conduct detail economic analysis in evaluating in terms of Economic Net Present Value (ENPV), Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Economic Cost Benefit Ratio (ECBR). Hence, Cost Efficiency Analysis (CEA) method was used for the analysis. b) Scoring system for Prioritization of Road linkage Scoring system for new construction road are rehabilitation are based on the indicators given in Table 2.1 and Table 2.1 respectively. Table 2.1 Scoring System for Prioritization of Proposed New Construction Road S.N. I II III IV Parameters Population per unit cost Cultivated land Population* walking hour Total Population of Dalits and marginalized Janjatis. Indicator Population/cost Cultivated land/length Population * walking hour/length Population/length Unit No/100,000 NRs Hec/Km No*hr/Km Score 55 15 20 No/Km 10 Source: Interim Guideline, DoLIDAR, 2010 Table 2.2 Scoring system for Prioritization of Rehabilitation for Existing Road S.N. I II III Parameters Traffic Unit Cost Market/Service centre Indicator PCU Cost/km Centrality Index Unit AADT NRs/Km no Score 70 20 10 Source: Interim Guideline, DoLIDAR, 2010 Score for each indicator was allocated based on the following Eq (5) and Eq (6) for high value ranking and low value ranking. High Value Ranking Eq (5) For Low value Ranking Eq (6) Where, d= Score x= Original indicator value Max = Maximum original indicator value Min = Minimum original indicator value For each area of investigation in high value ranking, the road link with the highest indicator value‘d’ results in ‘1’multiplied by the highest score available under the relevant indicators. Similarly for low value ranking the road link with the lowest indicator value‘d’ results in 15 District Transport Master Plan ‘1’multiplied by the highest score available under the relevant indicators. In order to avoid possible confusion, the value of lowest transformed score, zero is transformed by relating it to the value of second lowest transformed score using pro-rata distribution method. c) Parameter and Indicators for Prioritization New Construction of Road Indicators Four parameters have been proposed by the guideline for the prioritization of the new road linkages. The indicators are broadly based on socio-economic and technical data related to each individual road corridor; they are Distance within 4 hrs waking time on either side i.e. left and right of the road corridor has been taken as the ZoI. For the overlapping of ZoI, it is separated based on natures of terrain, existence of rivers that determines mobility. Population per unit Cost Population per unit cost has been taken as an important parameter for prioritization of linkage. Considering its importance, it has been given high score (55). To prioritize the linkage from this parameter, population of influence area and cost of linkage are required. The population within the ZoI has been taken as the beneficiaries of a proposed road. Population per unit cost from total population divided by investment cost in lakh (hundred thousand) rupees was used as the indicator. The road having the highest beneficiaries population per investment cost was given highest score i.e. 55. Cultivated land It is very important that a road should be economically viable; however, the economic benefit is a broader phenomenon that includes several economic activities which are difficult to quantify. Therefore, cultivated land within ZoI as per the guideline has been taken as a one of the parameter for prioritisation of proposed transport linkage. Population × Walking Hour The population and waking hour was also taken one of the parameter. 4 hrs waking distance from each of the settlement was demarked using the GIS model. This walking time was however verified during Illaka level workshop and walkover survey. Population of each settlement with its walking distance was multiplied and aggregated for the whole ZoI for particular road corridor. The Linkage having the highest per km number of populations get the highest score i.e. 20. Total Population of Dalits and marginalized Janjatis The areas inhabited by dalits, janajati and marginalized people are consider as parameter for prioritization of roads. In this regards, the population of poor, dalits and marginalized Janjatis within the ZoI was sorted out from the House Hold (HH) survey conducted by DDC and population per unit length of road corridor was taken as indicator. The road having the highest beneficiaries population per km lenght was given highest score i.e. 10. d) Parameters and Indicators for Prioritization for Rehabilitation and up-grading Cost for Rehabilitation Cost estimate is based on the surface condition. The surface condition was observed during the survey during the walkover survey and estimated from the similar nature rehabilitation 16 District Transport Master Plan and upgrading. The Linkage having the lowest per km cost was allocated the highest scores i.e. 20. Traffic Unit Information of Traffic data were all collected from field data. Various types of vehicular and Pedestrian traffic occupies the surface of rural transport linkage and imposes different loads on the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify the various traffic volumes in terms of a standard traffic unit, called `Transport Unit (TU)’ or the `Passenger Car Unit (PCU)’. This is defined as the traffic equivalent to impact caused by a normal car, light van, jeep or a pickup traveling at a speed of 40 km/h. The composition of traffic and the respective traffic coefficients adopted as per guideline are adopted as given in Appendix B, Table B.5. Number of Traffic Unit was used as the indicator. The linkage having the highest value of this indicator was given highest score i.e. 70. Market /service centre Market centre along the road link is one the important parameter in determining the size of economic activities generated. Those market centers which are likely to attract the economic activities from particular road link were considered. Centrality Index of market center were aggregated for each link which forms the basic indicator. The linkage having the highest value of this indicator was given the highest score i.e. 10. e) Prioritization of Proposed Trail Bridge The prioritization of Trail Bridge was developed by TBSU. This is based on following formula derived on the basis of a simulation model using ICIMOD indices, related poverty, education, health etc. used by TBSU. Prioritization Formula for New Construction SSTB {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} LSTB 0.3 × {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} Prioritization Formula for Major Maintenance SSTB 2 ×{(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} LSTB 1.2 × {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} Prioritization Formula for Rehabilitation SSTB 1 ×{(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} LSTB 0.3 × {(2.041 P+2.856 MP)×DG} × {{(12-RT)×(1+RF/100)}/12} Where, P = Population i.e. the beneficiaries population of the prospective bridge MP = Marginalized population (total dalit + marginalized janajatis + total minority + total poor from other caste) DG = Distance Gained RT = River Type (no. of months crossable without a bridge) RF = Risk Factor (Percent of population that has died within the last five year. 17 District Transport Master Plan f) After the prioritization of all the transport linkage and overlay in DIM, DTPP was prepared. g) Presentation of Draft District Transport Perspective Plan (DTPP) in DRCC and finalization DTPP Draft District Transport Perspective Plan was presented in DRCC meeting. Study team presented the Interim Guideline for DTMP and explained the process of prioritization of proposed transport linkages in detail. All the genuine demands from the workshops were presented. After the presentation, in depth discussions were carried. Comment and feedbacks were collected and incorporated for the finalization of DTPP. 2.2.6 Preparation of five year District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) a) List all transport linkages given in the Perspective Plan All the transport linkage included in Perspective Plan was listed under the following categories. • New construction • Rehabilitation • Maintenance These lists were prepared separately for various classes of District Roads and Trail Bridges. In case of Trail lines, budget has been allocated while this will be carried out in the need basis. b) Five Year’s Projected Financial Plan Financial trend of previous three years was studied. This helps in analysing the sources of fund and the amount of flow from each source. Then based on the past trend, Next Five Year’s Projected Financial Plan was prepared by accounting all possible financial resources of DDC. The plan also included the proportion in percent for each category of intervention i.e. new construction, rehabilitation, upgrading and maintenance. c) Five Year District Transport Master Plan After the list of prioritized transport linkage as DTPP and year wise financial plan, Five Year District Transport Master Plan was prepared. As DTPP consists of long list of linkage that could take 10 or 15 years, the selection of road and trail bridges for DTMP is very important. Hence, for the first five years plan in depth discussion was carried out in DRCC meeting with reference to financial plan. Eventually DTMP was finalised. This was then submitted to DDC for the approval. d) Endorsement of the Five year District Transport Master Plan of District DDC will submit the final District Transport Master Plan to District Council for approval. DRCC with the support of planning team will brief the Council on the entire process of preparation including scoring system for prioritization. The DTMP will be finally approved by the District Council. 18 District Transport Master Plan 2.3 Limitations of DTMP/DTPP Study Limitations of this study are: 1. Approximate construction cost has been assumed based on types of alignment. The construction cost of particular road corridor was not possible in this planning level. 2. The budget to be received for the implementation of road projects has been prepared after analyzing the historical trend of budgets. But there may be some changes in allocation of budgets for the road sector in future. 3. The district road networks included in the DTMP is prepared based on the most technically feasible alignment among the alternatives remaining on the national transport policy and major market centers as nodal point and the optimum social economic value within the zone of influence. However, the environmental and economical feasibility remains out of scope, which is, however need to verify during the project implementation. 4. Prioritization is based on the parameters within the ZoI in either sides of road alignment, while it doesn’t take into account the some economical potential ahead with the road connection 2.4 Chronology of events Chronology of events in the course of updating DTMP is given below Table 2.3 Chronology of events in updating DTMP Date Dec 6, 2009 Activity District Technical team arrival in Khotang Jan 13, 2010 Formation of DRCC Jan 14, 2010 DRSP Khotang technical team orientation with new approach of DTMP preparation Jan 27, 2010 Selection of enumerators Jan 25, 2010 Jan 31, 2010 Existing road inventory Feb 04, 2010 May 28, 2010 May 13, 2010 May 15, 2010 May 23, 2010 Participants DRSP Khotang DDC DRCC members DRSP/PSU DRSP Khotang DRSP/PSU DRSP Khotang DDC DRSP Khotang DRSP Khotang Orientation of enumerators and mobilization for market survey data collection • Sharing of finding from Market survey • Sharing of preliminary district road network • Discussion on district road network planning and verification Workshop at Eiselukharka Workshop at Bakshila Workshop at Chisapani 19 DRSP Khotang DRCC DDC DRSP Khotang DDC DRSP Khotang District Transport Master Plan Date May 24, 2010 Activity Workshop at Khotang Bazaar Participants • Findings and preliminary district road networks sharing • Verification and adjustment of alignments May 12, 2010 To May 25, 2010 Walkover survey DDC, DRSP Khotang July 7, 2010 Draft DTMP approved by DDC and DRCC DDC, DRCC DRSP Khotang Sept 15, 2010 DTMP approved by District Council and endorsement 20 District Transport Master Plan CHAPTER III INDICATIVE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL MAP (IDPM) 3.1 Background In planning the road network, it is very important to identify the major market/service centers and various development potential areas within the district. Market/service centers comparatively are expected to have good facilities for health, education, communication, infrastructural development as well as have many opportunities. People residing in rural areas often need to travel to these centers for getting those services. Hence a good transport system is one of the basic needs for their accessibility to those exclusive facilities. Moreover, potential areas such as extensive agriculture, horticulture and livestock farming areas, tourism locations, historic and religious places, hydropower potential area in the district if connected with basic transport system, then those untapped resource could be the huge potential for the development. Hence in identifying the market centers with its service component, and exploring the district’s potentials for planning the road network, primary and secondary means of data collection were carried out. After the detail study of collected data, identified market/service centers, development potentials has been indicated in Indicative Development Potential Map i.e. Map A.2, Map A.3 and Map A.4. 3.2 District Profile Analysis 3.2.1 Introduction Khotang district was a part of Khumbu region before the unification of Nepal. After the political revolution part of this region was classified in eastern no. 3 Okhaldhunga and eastern no. 4 Bhojpur being domain on the both sides. During the administrative classification of country in 1962 AD into 14 zones & 75 districts, Khotang district emerged as new district from part of eastern administrative domain of Okhaldhunga and western domain of Bhojpur. Khotang bazaar became the district headquarter. The district headquarter was then shifted to Diktel in 1964 AD under the leadership of Ex. & then Assistant Minister Mr. Dilliser Rai. The vicissitude political map of Khotang district was finally completed in 1975 AD by compiling the 3 VDCs of Bhojpur in southeastern part and 12 VDCs from Solukhumbu district in north of Rawa Khola. 3.2.2 Physical Location & Geographical Characteristics Khotang district is one of the three hilly districts of Sagarmatha Zone in Eastern Development Region of Nepal. This lies between 26º50' to 27º28' latitude and 86º26' to 86º59' longitude. This district is bordered by Udayapur in South, Bhojpur in East, Solukhumbu in North and Okhaldhunga in West. There are seventy six VDCs, two constituency areas and 11 Illka with the total coverage of 1591 Sq Km. Khotang has physically diversified topography. Elevation ranges from 152 m in low land to 3620 m in high hills. The areas under low elevation are located in river valleys primarily under two major river basins viz. Sunkoshi and Dhudhkoshi. Sunkoshi River forms a natural boundary to the district with Udayapur in the south and Dudh Koshi River with Okhaldhunga in the west. Similarly, there are high hills such as Maiyung (3206 amsl), Tyamke (3010 amsl), and Merung (3610 amsl) along the north and eastern border of Khotang. 21 District Transport Master Plan 3.2.3 a) Socio-economic Characteristics Demographic Features Total population of Khotang district according to 2001 census is 230,898 which is approximately 1% of country’s population. This consists of approximately 49% of Male and 51% female. The average growth rate of the district is 0.74 %. Based on 2001 population census and growth rate, population of 2010 has been projected to 247,097 (ref Table 3.1). Table 3.1 Demographic statistic of Khotang Year 2001 Total Population 230,898 2010 247,097 Male Female Household 112,352 (49%) 118,546 (51%) 42,859 120,281 126,816 Source: District Profile, Khotang, 2007; Appendix B, Table B.1 b) Ethnic Composition Khotang is home for a numbers of indigenous as well as non-indigenous people such as Rai, Chhetri, Bhrahmin, Newar, Kami, Tamag, Damai, Sarki,Gurung, Bhujel, Sherpa, Majhi etc. However majority of the inhabitants are Rai which covers approximately 39% of the total population as illustrated in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Ethnic Composition of Khotang district Source: District profile, Khotang, 2007 c) Education Status The district’s literacy status is approximately 50.2% without considering the population under six years old. This is however, different with male and female. Male literacy rate is 62.3% while of female is only 38.80% (District profile, 2007). The major problem faced in the 22 District Transport Master Plan education sector of Khotang is mainly lack of infrastructure, lack of education awareness, lack of accessibility to education institutions and lack of monitoring and supervision. There are altogether 522 education institutions at present, of which four are campus established recently (ref Table 3.2). Approximately only one tength of the education institutions are in direct linakge to road network. Table 3.2 Summary of different Education Institutes in Khotang Education Institution Primary school Lower secondary Secondary Higher secondary Campus Total Total No 361 56 82 19 4 522 No of Education Institutions according to walk time from existing road 20 min 120 min 240 min more than 240 min 42 100 70 149 9 12 12 23 12 17 10 43 5 4 2 8 2 2 70 135 94 223 Source: District Education Office Khotang, 2066; Digitized data DRSP, 2067 d) Land Use Pattern Total area coverage of Khotang district is 1591 Sq Km. The land use pattern constitutes of Forest, Grass/Shrub, Cultivated land and Barren land as given in Table 3.3. From Figure 3.2 cultivated land covers the large area comprising 48% then followed by Forest 42%, Grass/Shrub 7%. 3% of total area is barren. The detail spatial coverage of land use pattern is shown in Map A.2 Table 3.3 Land Use pattern Land Use Forest Grass/Shrub Cultivate land Waste/Barren Land Total Area, Km2 666 118 758 49 1591 Source: Digitized data DRSP, 2067 Figure 3.2 Land Use Pattern e) Occupation Pattern As per National census 2001 mentioned in District Profile 2007, out of the total population of 2,27,131, only 1,29118 representing 57% are economically active. Among these economically active population approximately 89.85% are agriculture and forest based. Similarly 4.01% are involved in business, 2.04% as entrepreneurs. 23 District Transport Master Plan f) Agriculture Production Main cereal crops grown in the district are rice, maize, wheat, millet. Maize covers the largest area of production of approximately 41000 hec. However, the wheat has the highest productivity per hec (ref Table 3.4). Similarly, vegetable both seasonal and off seasonal are produced widely which has comparatively about ten times the productivity of cereal crops. This indicates that Khotang has high potential for vegetable production. Citrus fruits mainly orange and lemon are also largely produced. Table 3.4 Major crops and their Production Area S.N. Agriculture Production (Hectare) 1 Rice 18659 2 Maize 41000 3 Wheat 5535 4 Millet 22500 5 Barley 550 6 Faper 720 7 Pulses 2720 8 Potato NA 12 Oilseed 1050 Vegetable Hiude 1035 13 Vegetable Bharkhe 540 off-season Vegetable 130 14 Spices 15 Sugarcane 10 Total area of Orange 16 782 Varity 17 Total area of Hiude Fruits 223 18 All weather Fruits 395 19 Cafee- Total area 4.5 20 tea- Total area 3 21 Alaichi- Total Area 65 22 Marich Production MT 30097.3 73301 10451 24750 442 435 2967 NA 770 11902.5 5832 1300 Productivity per hectare MT 1.61 1.79 1.89 1.10 0.80 0.60 1.09 NA 0.73 11.50 10.80 10.00 181 18.10 7161.5 9.16 1558 2958.5 13.5 0.6 30 6.99 7.49 3.00 0.20 0.46 NA Source: District Agriculture Development Office, Khotang 2066 g) Livestock Production Livestock is an important component of farming system in Khotang district. Goat/Sheep is the largest number of livestock population then followed by cattle and buffaloes (ref Table 3.5). Similarly, the livestock production mainly milk, meat, egg and wool are significantly produced as given in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Livestock Population S.N. Livestock Livestock Population 1 2 3 Cattle Buffaloes Goat/Sheep 93,455 66,186 1,14,799 Source: District Veterinary office Khotang, 2061/62 24 District Transport Master Plan Table 3.6 Livestock Production S.N 1 2 3 4 Livestock's Products Milk Meat Egg (hen) Wool Unit Annual Production MT MT Thousand Kg 19,975 3172 4826 5960 Source: District Veterinary office Khotang, 2061/62 3.2.4 Service centers and facilities There are a numbers of governmental service centers established in different settlements of Khotang. These centers include post office, telecommunication facility, agriculture service centers, Veterinary service centers, Health facility etc. a) Post office There are three categories of post office. Namely district post office in district headquarter, Illaka post office in 11 VDCs and sub post office in rest of the VDCs. Table 3.7 shows the types of post office and their located VDCs with the accessibility from the road head. Below 20% of the post office are in direct connection to road network. Table 3.7 Post office Location S.N. 1 Type of Post office District Post Office No VDC/Municipality 1 Diktel Baksila, Eaiselukharka, Jalpa, Lamidanda, Halesi, Buipa, 2 Illaka Post Office 11 Mattim, Sap. Chhitapokhari, Simpani, Khotang, Chisapani All VDCs excluding above 3 Sub-Post Office 64 listed Source: District Post Office, Khotang 206; Digitized data DRSP, 2067 No of post offices according to Walking time from existing road More 20min 120min 240min than 240min 1 4 2 1 4 8 18 14 24 b) Telecommunication There is 178 C-Dot exchange telephone lines, 21 Marts line and 22 VHF telephone lines in rural area distributed. VHF telephone lines are available in following 20 VDCs: Diktel, Buipa, Arkhaule, Haleshi, Jalpa, Aiselukharka, Simpani, Chhitapokhari, Dadagaun, Salle, Lamidada, Dhitung, Barahapokhari, Ratanchha, Chyasmitar, Nunthala, Faktang, Khotang Bazar, Dumre Dharapani, Kharpa. Similarly, Mobile communication system both the CDMA and GSM are available in almost all parts of the district. c) Agriculture Service Centre There are eight agriculture service centers in Khotang. They are at Chisapani, Khotang Bazaar, Mattim, Haleshi, Bakshila, Aiselukharka and Diktel. Table 3.8 indicates the location of service center with their corresponding influencing VDCs. Table 3.8 List of Agriculture Service Centre 25 District Transport Master Plan S.N. Location of Center Influence VDCs 1 Chisapani Bahrapokhari, Diplung, Chisapani, Kahule, Dambarkhusiwalaya, Likhuwapokhari, Bopung, Devisthan, Pauwasera, Phaktang, Suntale, Saunechaur, Mauwabote 2 Khotang Bazar Waplukha, Sawakatahare, Badakadiyale, Khotang Bazar, Indrenipokhari, Simpani, Chipring, Lichkiramche, Batase, Chhorombu, Dandagaun,Chhittapokhari, S. Chhittapokhari 4 Mattim 5 Haleshi 6 Bakshila 7 Aiselukharka 8 Diktel Mattim Birta, Ratanchha, Khidima, Temma, Lafyang, Yamkha, Nirmalidanda,Chyandanda, Chiuridanda, Nerpa Mahadevsthan, Durchhim, Badahare, Chyasmitar, Mangaltar, Dhitung, Dikuwa, Bahunidanda, Lamidanda, Salle, Kharpa, Rajapani, Bijayakharka, Arkhaule, Buipa, Nunthala Sungdel, Bakshila, Phedi, Khartamchha, Sapteshwor, Baspani, Patheka, Kharmi, Jalpa, Hauchur Dipsung, Aiselukharka, Bakachola, Jaleshwori, Maheshwori, Makpa, Kuvinde, Dharapani, Dubekol, Jyamire Khalle, Bamrang, Diktel Source: Annual Report, District Agriculture Development Office, 2066 d) Veterinary Service Centre There are six veterinary service centers and 6 sub veterinary service centers in the district. The name of centers and their influencing VDC is given in Table 3.9. Table 3.9 Veterinary Service Centers/Sub-Centers S.N Name of Centre Veterinary Service Center 1 Chisapani Influence VDCs Barahapokhari, Diplung, Chisapani, Kahule, Damarkhushivalaya, Likuwapokhari, Bopung, Devistha Waplukha, Sawakatahare, Badakadiyale, Khotang Bazar, Indrenipokhari, Simpani, Chipring, Lichkiramche 2 Khotang Bazar 3 Mattim Mattimbirta, Ratancha, Khidima, Temma, Lafyang 4 Halesi Halesi, Durchim, Badahare, Chyasmitar, Mangaltar, Dhitung, Dikuwa, Bahunidanda 5 Baksila Sungdel, Baksila, Phedi, Khartanchha, Sapteshwor, Baspani, Patheka, Kharmi 6 Aiselukharka Dipsung, Rakha Bangdel, Bakachol, Aiselukharka, Jaleshwori, Maheshwori, Makpa Veterinary Sub-service centers 1 Phaktang 2 Sapteshwor Chittapokhari Pauwasera, Phaktang, Suntale, Mauwabote, Saunechaur Batase, Chhorambu, Dandagaon, Yamkha, S 26 District Transport Master Plan S.N Name of Centre 3 4 Buipa Nirmalidanda 5 6 7 Jalpa Kuvinde Lamidanda Influence VDCs Chhitapokhari, Chhitapokhari Rajapani, Buipa, Bijayakharka, Arkhaule, Nunthala Diktel, Khalle, Bamrang, Nerpa, Chyandanda, Chiuridanda, Nirmalidanda Jalpa, Hauchur Kuvinde, Dumredharapani, Debekol, Jyamire Lamidanda, Salle, Kharpa Source: District Veterinary Office Khotang 2066 e) Health The detail of Health service centers is given in Table 3.10. There is only one hospital in Diktel with fifteen beds. For the major and emergency cases, people travel to Kathmandu or Biratnagar by Helicopter, which is very expensive, yet only the option. The district hospital is accessible by district road, where as, other very few health service centres have the direct linkage to road network. Table 3.10 Health Service Centers S.N. Type of Health service Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 District Hospital District Ayarvedik Ausadhalaya Primary Health Centre Health Post Sub-Health Post Ayurvedik Area Centre Private Clinic 1 1 2 8 65 2 1 No of Health services according to walking time from existing road more 20 min 120 min 240 min than 240 min 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 9 16 15 25 2 1 - Source: District Health Office, Khotang, 2066; Digitized data DRSP, 2067 3.3 List of Development Existing / Potential Area 3.3.1 Agriculture and Livestock Potential Area Khotang is an extensively agricultural based district. This is supported with Section 3.3.3 Occupation Pattern which explains that approximately 89.85% of the active populations are involved in agricultural sector. The major production has also been discussed in agricultural and livestock production section. With this involvement of large population and significant production, Khotang is expected to have high potential for the agricultural production. The spatial production areas for agriculture, horticulture and livestock production are given in Table 3.11, Table 3.12, and Table 3.13 respectively. These are also indicated in Map A.3 27 District Transport Master Plan Table 3.11 Potential Area with Extensive Agriculture S.N. Agricultural Product VDCs/Place 1 Cereals (Rice, Maize, Rice in low land,, maize and millet common in Millet, Wheat) many parts 2 Vegetables 3 Potato 4 Orange 5 Alaichi 6 Coffee 7 Tea 8 Chiretta Diktel, Khalle, Bamrang, Nunthala, Lamidanda, Buipa. Chisapani, Badkadiyale Khidima, Chiuridanda, Hauchur, Nunthala, Waplukha, Aiselukharka, Jaleshwori, Dandagaun, Patheka, Saunechor Temma, Yamkha, Simpani, Mangaltar, Lamidanda, Chyasmitar, Chhorambu, Batase, Ratanchha Bakachol, Rakhabangdel, Chipring, Chyandanda, Baksila, Waplukha, Sawakatahare, Indrenipokhari Halesi, Badahare, Dikuwa Diktel, Chyandanda, Nerpa, Dorpa, Nirmalidanda Phedi, Bakshila, Chyandanda, Khartamchha, Patheka, Kharmi, S.Chhittapokhari, Batase, Khidima, Temma, Dandagaun, Waplukha, Sungdel Source: Groups Discussion/Workshop; Annual Report, DADO Table 3.12 Extensive Horticulture Potential Area S.N. Type of Production VDCs/Place Batase, Chhorombu, Chisapani, Chiuridanda 1 Citrus Fruits : (Orange, Lemon, Nirmalidanda Nerpa Durchhim, Diplung Nibuwa, Jyamir etc) Lichkiramche, Simpani Damarkhusivalaya Dandagaun Kharpa Lamidanda Kubhinde Salle Makpa Rajapani Temma Mangaltar Ratanchha Yamkha Mahadevsthan Rakhabangdel Temperate fruits. Haunchur Kubhinde, Dubekol, Jalpa, Kharpa, 2 (Mango, pineapple, Chisapani, Barahapokhari, Diplung, Pauwasera, Jackfruits, Banana, Devisthan, Faktang, Saunechaur, pear, etc) Mauwabote Source: Groups Discussion/Workshop; Annual Report, DADO Table 3.13 Potential Area with Extensive Livestock S.N. 1 2 3 Livestock type VDCs/Place Buffalo Goat Pig Diktel-1,3,4, Chiuridanda-2, Simpani-2 Rajapani, Barahapokhari, Bijayakharka-7,8 Sapteshwor-5,7, Maheshwori, Bamrang Source: Groups Discussion/Workshop; Annual Report, DLSO 28 District Transport Master Plan 3.3.2 Potential Area for Hydropower Khotang has a huge hydropower potential, which is yet to be explored for its production. Major Rivers such as Sunkoshi, Dudha koshi are snow fed and hence perennial in nature. Similarly, Rawa khola, Sapsu Khola and Tawa Khola which runs from the high hills are also the potential source of hydropower. The average discharge and catchment area which gives the direct measures of hydropower energy is given in Table 3.14. Similarly there are a numbers of streams such as Mewa khola, Tuwa khola, Tap khola. Tawa khola, Buwa khola, Chhepe khola, Dikhum khola, Beliya khola, Makhuwa khola, Rapuwa khola, Lapsekhola, Kavrekhola and are expected to have high potential for micro-hydropower. Instead of these huge potential of hydropower, this had not been significantly tapped. Recently few microhydropower schems have been initiated by REDP in the district. Table 3.14 Detail of Major Perennial rivers Average Discharge S.N. Name of River M3/sec 1 Dudhkoshi 223.5 2 Sunkoshi 2200 3 Rawa Khola 2.9 4 Sawa Khola 1.3 5 Sapsu Khola 1 Catchment A Km2 4100 17600 269 69 Source: District Profile, 2007 3.3.3 Potential Area for Small Cottage and Agri-based Industries Some of the potentials areas of small cottage have been listed in Table 3.15. Table 3.15 Potential Area for Small cottage and Agri-based Industries S.N. Small Cottage Industries VDCs/Place 1 2 Handicraft Bakery 3 Nepali Kagaj 4 Candle 5 Soap Making 6 Dhaka 7 Furniture Diktel, Diktel, Lafyang Diktel, Indrenipokhari, Patheka, Khidima, Badakadiyale, Sawakatahare, Diktel, Lafyang, Chyandanda, Nirmalidanda, Ratanchha Diktel, Mattim, Kuvinde Diktel, Chiuridanda, Durchhim, Khidima, Jalpa, Mattim, Nerpa, Diktel, Khidima, Khalle, Bijayakharka, 8 Leather product Lafyang 9 Carpet/Radipakhi Diktel, Chiuridanda, Chyandanda, Hauchur, 10 Bamboo Materials 11 Hojiyari 12 Fruits Refine Center Kharmi, Nunthala Diktel, Patheka, Durchhim, Chyandanda, Mattim, Chhitapokhari, Arkhaule, Nerpa, Kuvinde, Durchhim Source: Groups Discussion/Workshop; Small Cottage and Industry Office 29 District Transport Master Plan 3.3.4 Potential Area for Tourism Khotang is a very famous destination for religious visit both for Hindu and Budhhist due to well known Haleshi at Haleshi Mahadevsthan. If this particular spot is well developed with the well-maintained infrastructure and facilities, more tourists are expected to visit. Presently, this is accessible by the fair weather road link. However, if this religious spot is connected by all-weather road network, then the flow of tourist is expected to raise throughout whole year. Similarly, there is a peak called Tyamke for a unique view to Mt. Everest, Terai, Ilam, Taplejung, Bhojpur, Solukhumbu, Okhaldhunga which is however not easily accessible by road head. Other potential areas for tourism include Baraha Pokhari a beautiful lake located in Baraha Pokhari VDC, Rupakot danda, Mayau dada and Kalika devisthan (ref Table 3.16). Table 3.16 Potential Areas for Tourism S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Place VDC Haleshi Tyamke danda Barahapokhari Rupakhot danda Mayau danda Kalika Devisthan Halesi Mahadev Ratanchha Barahapokhari Arkhaule Phedi Diktel Walking time from existing road 20 min 240 min More than 240 min 120 min More than 240 min 20 min Source: Groups Discution/Workshop/Report of DADO; Digitized data DRSP, 2067 3.3.5 Pocket areas of Himalayan yew The Himalayan yew is a valuable herbal for curing the cancer and it is almost found in the cold environment. With favorable climate in the northern hill areas of Khotang such as Phedi, Khartamchha, Sungdel, Bakachol, Khidima, Rakha Bangdel, Rakha dipsung, Chiuridanda, such herbals are found in significant amount. 3.4 Market Centre Analysis Market Centre analysis was carried out in total 34 market centers as listed in Table 3.15. This list of settlements represents the commercially key growth centers and service centers of the district. For the comparison on size of each market centers analysis was carried out using Centrality Index method. For this analysis the function which represents service centers, industries, Business and commercial points, educational and health facilities were assessed in number of each function. The weightage of each function was then derived from the median of population (ref section 2.2.2). Then the Centrality Index was calculated for each market centre based on the number of each function and the weightage of function. The detail of Centrality Index of each market centers is given in Table 3.17. Based on the Centrality Index, Market Centers have been categorized in to four categories (ref Chapter II). From the analysis, Diktel is the highest ranked market centre, which approximately covers 33% weightage of total Centrality Index. Based on the classification, 12% of the market centers lie in category A, 38% in B, 41% in C and 9% in potential category (ref Figure 3.4). 30 District Transport Master Plan Table 3.17 Grading of Market Center S. N. Market Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Diktel Eiselukharka Chisapani Khotang bazar Baksila Jalpa Lamidanda Kharpa Buipa Simpani Jayaramghat Arkhaule Nunthala Dhartung Kuvinde Halesi Chhapdanda Panchami Manebhanjyang Buwajorghat Dumredharapani Rakha Chhitapokhari Bhandareghat Chyasmitar Bakachol Sukrabare Okhare Regmitar Dobela Barahapokhari Bijule Raighat Demletar Centrality Index Ranking Market Center grading A(>100), B (50-100, C (25-50) D (potential) 1023 239 155 135 98 95 92 85 78 77 77 74 68 59 58 53 52 49 48 47 46 39 37 35 34 33 30 28 28 27 26 19 13 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D Source: Annex B, Table B.; Digitized data DRSP, 2067 31 Walking time from existing roads 20 min More than 240 min More than 240 min More than 240 min 240 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 240 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 240 min 120 min 20 min 20 min 20 min 240 min More than 240 min 240 min More than 240 min 120 min More than 240 min 20 min More than 240 min More than 240 min 20 min More than 240 min 120 min More than 240 min 20 min 240 min More than 240 min District Transport Master Plan Figure 3.4 Market Centre Grading Geographical locations of Market Centers are important for knowing general types of alignments in network planning. The geographical position of market centers are categorized as ridge settlement, hill slope settlement and low land settlement. From the observation, 44% of market centers are ridge settlements, 32% hill slope and 24% are low land settlement (ref Figure 3.5). Moreover, Table 3.18 indicates that all the A category market centers are ridge settlement. In fact these ridge settlements are separated by physical barrier mainly river. Hence, this clearly indicates the demand of large numbers of ascending and descending alignment during planning. Table 3.18 Classification of settlement based on geographical position Market Centre Grading A B C Potential Total Type of Settlement Hill Low Ridge Slope Land 4 0 0 7 4 2 3 7 4 1 0 2 15 11 8 Figure 3.5 Classification of Settlement Regarding the transport infrastructure, only few market centers have access to road network and trail bridges in crossing the rivers. Table 3.19 shows list of market centers which have direct connection to the road link. Only 38% of the market centers are connected directly by road link. Among the four “A” category market centers, Diktel is only the one, which is connected to road network (Table 3.17). All the other three “A” categorized market centers i.e. Aiselukharka, Khotang bazaar, Chisapani linked to road head with more than a day of walking distance. Movements of goods in those inaccessible areas are solely depended on mules and porters raising the price of goods significantly. This has been thus adding more burden to their poverty. 32 District Transport Master Plan Table 3.19 Market Centers connected to road network S.N. Market Centre Centrality Index Category 1 Diktel 1023 A 2 Jalpa 95 B 3 Lamidanda 92 B 4 Kharpa 85 B 5 Buipa 78 B 6 Jayaramghat 77 B 7 Arkhaule 74 B 8 Nunthala 68 B 9 Halesi 53 B 10 Chhapdanda 52 B 11 Chyasmitar 34 C 12 Dobela 27 C 13 Bijule 19 D Source: Appendix B, Table B.2 Popularly well known local temporary market “Hattiya” is very common in market centers of Khotang district. This usually takes place once a week. This practice of Hattiya provides a very good opportunity for local farmers to sell their agricultural products such as rice, maize, vegetables, fruits; livestock product such as chickens, ghee and buy the imported goods. Table 3.20 shows the list of market centers, which have provision of Hattiya. Unlike other centers Diktel has Hattiya twice a week. In total 12 market centers have provision of Haittya which includes all the A category market centers. Table 3.20 list of market centre with Hattiya S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of Market Centre Diktel Eiselukharka Chisapani Khotang bazar Baksila Jalpa Buipa Simpani Arkhaule Kuvinde Panchami Sukrabare Hattiya day Saturday, Wednesday Saturday Saturday Saturday Wednesday Friday Friday Thurday Monday Thurday Monday Friday 33 District Transport Master Plan 3.4.1 a) Brief on Market Centre Market Centre A Diktel Diktel is the headquarter of Khotang District. Previously the district headquarter was in Khotang Bazaar which was shifted to Diktel in 2020 B.S as a result of re- delineation of district boundary. Being the district’s headquarter, several services and facilities are available. It is ranked the top most in market center grading and covers the 33% of total weightage of Centrality Index. There are a numbers of government offices, NGOs, clubs, security forces, pharmacies, agrovetes, telecommunication office, hotel, lodges, photo studious, boarding schools, and campus. Similarly, people in the district are entirely depended on facilities such as hospital and banking available only in Diktel. It is also the largest populated settlement as well as economic hub of district. There is provision of Hattiya market twice a week i.e. on Wednesday and Saturday. Farmers bring their products from different parts of district to sell their goods and make a good income. Apart from the Hattiya, there are lots of shops, hardware, hotels. People from different parts of district come for buying their basic needs. Moreover, this economic activity is highly triggered with the road network connecting to Terai through abutting district Bhojpur and Okhaldhung. Khanidanda airport is also only an hour walk from this market center. Diktel is also famous within the district for the famous Kalika Devi temple located in south hill. This temple is for Hindu piligrims. Eiselukharka This is the second key growth centre next to Diktel. This market center has long strip of settlement on the ridge. Several service centers such as primary health center Illaka post office, teashops, other shops, hotel-lodges, secondary school, and photo studios, different furniture industries are available. There is also a camp of military force for security. Mainly people from Makpa, Bakachola, Dubekoldanda, Rakhabangdel, Sapteshwor VDCs and neighboring VDCs of Solukhumbu are benefited from this market centre. People visits Aiselukharka mainly in Hattiya day which takes place in every Saturday. This market center however is not connected by road infrastructure. People travel on foot and depend on mules and porters for transportation of goods. Similarly, it is also not connected by national electric grid line. Chisapani Chisapani which lies in the southern part of Khotang district is the main market center in its vicinity and is categorized under “A” category. This is also a ridge settlement with approximately elevation of 1800 m from sea level. This centre comprises various service and facility centers such as P.C.O. veterinary office, Illaka post office, Illaka agriculture service center, secondary school, teashops, hotel etc. The catchment area of this market center covers from Sawa River up to the end of the district border. There is provision of Hattiya market every Saturday. Mainly VDCs such as Barahapokhari, Diplung, Kahule, Dambarkhushivalaya, Bopung, Devisthan, Likuwapokhari are directly benefited from this 34 District Transport Master Plan centre. In spite of the potential key growth center, this center is still not connected by road network. Khotang bazaar Historically, this place known by Khotang Kot, was the capital of Khote dynasty in the past, which ruled almost entire Majh Kirant that covered Khotang, Bhojur and part of Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu and Udaypur. Over the years, Kot was removed from its name and became well known by Khotang. Khotang was administrative center as well as judiciary and land revenue collection center during the Rana regime. However, these have been shifted to the district headquarter. This centre has various service and facility centers such as P.C.O. veterinary office, Illaka post office, Illaka agriculture service center, secondary school, hotels. There is an airport at Thamkharka just half an hour walk from this centre. This center is not connected by road link. b) Market Centre B Baksila This centre is a ridge settlement located on the northern part of the district called Baksila VDC. It has numbers of tea shops, other shops, hotel, Illaka post office, higher secondary school, agriculture service center etc. There is health post, Ilaka post office, hotels, teashops, photo studios in this area. Sungdel, Baksila, Phedi, Khartamchha, Saptswor, Baspani, and Patheka VDCs are directly benefited from this centre. Jalpa Jalpa is about 25 km north of Diktel. This is connected by Hurlung Jalpa fair weather road link which is expected to extend to Bakshila. With this recent connection by road link, mobility in terms of both the people and goods has been increased tremendously in Jalpa. The key growth centers such as Aislukharka and Bakshila nowadays are benefited with this market center and the transport infrastructure as it is only 25 km from Diktel. Apart from this, most of the settlements in the northern region of Khotang are benefited from this market centre and it is expected to grow more in future. There are schools, health post, NGOs hotel, shops in Jalpa. Every Friday there is a provision of Hattiya market. Lamidanda Lamidanda is one of the gateways to Khotang district due to the airport facility. People in the district depend on this airport for travelling in Kathmandu and Biratnagar. This is also connected by Bijuli Lamidnda feeder road which links to Diktel Jayramghat road link. Hence, this market center is well facilitated by transport infrastructure. It has been thus helping to bring more religious tourist to Halesi. There are a numbers of hotel-lodges, schools, pharmacy, photo studio, Illaka agriculture service center, area post office, health post etc. Kharpa, Lamidada and Salle VDCs are benefited from this centre. The center is known for orange production. Kharpa Kharpa is the neighboring market centre of Lamidanda. This is also recently connected by 7.1 km of lamidanda-Aiselukharka-Bakachol road link. However, transport still depends on 35 District Transport Master Plan mules and porters due to the poor condition of road. People from Kuvinde, Lamidanda, Hauchur VDCs are directly benefited from this centre. Buipa This is a potential growth centre which lies in Buipa VDC and is located in central part of the district. This center has facilities such as Ilaka hulak, health post, Ilaka agriculture service district center, PCO, high school, number of tea shops, other shops. Rajpani, Vijayakharka, Arkhaule, Nunthala, Buipa VDCs are directly benefited from this centre. Hattiya takes place in every Friday and people travel from parts of district to trade their goods. Mobility of Buipa is greatly increased due to 10 km of fair weather road connection from Maure to Mala. People nowadays carry their goods by truck. Jayaramghat This centre is located at the border of Okhaldhunga and Khotang district. This is also the end station of Diktel – Jayaramghat road. It has good potentiality as a growth center mainly from the prospective of entry gate to Khotang from the east. There are a numbers of various shops, hotel-lodge, secondary schools, etc. This area is highly potential for agriculture and horticulture. Bahunidanda and Badahare VDCs are the nearest benefited from this growth centre. Simpani This market center lies the south west of Khotang Bazaar. This market is gradually developing. There is campus, post office, higher secondary school, agrovete, pharmacy and facility of hotel and lodge. People in this region mainly use the route through Simpani in travelling to Terai region. Simpani is pocket area for buffalo farming, citrus fruit production. Every Thursday Hattiya market takes place. VDCs such as Lichkiraramche and Indreni pokhari are benefited by this center. Arkhaule This market centre is located along the Diktel Jayarmghat road link. Every Monday Hattiya market takes place here. Road users and periphery settlement such as Bijuli, Halesi gets benefited from the service and facilities available here. Nunthala This centre is located at the central part of Khotang district. It is a ridge settlement and lies along the Diktel Jayaramghat road link. There are a number of various shops, hotel-lodge, secondary schools, etc. This area is highly potential for agriculture and horticulture production. Bamrang, Kharpa, Buipa, Kuvinde VDCs are benefited from this growth centre Dhartung Dhartung is which lies in Phaktang VDC, is the main market and service centre of this VDC. There is higher secondary schools, health post, hotels, shops etc. People travel through this route from Dhaplang to Chisapani area. Recently the construction of road link from Dhaplang 36 District Transport Master Plan to Chisapani has been initiated though the progress is very low. In future this market centre is expected to grow with connection by road link. Kuvinde This market centre is located in Kuvinde VDC and at the left bank of Rawa River. This center has high potential for agriculture due to the plain formed by Rawa River. There are high schools, few shops, hotels. People take goods by mules and porters to Aiselukharka, Makpa through this market centre. Halesi Halesi well known for Haleshi Mahadev is popular by “Pashupatinath of East” all over Nepal. It is located in Haleshi Mahadevsthan VDC approximately 34 km from Diktel. A lot of Hindus and Buddhist pilgrims from different part of Nepal, India and Tibet regularly visit this place. Gradually with its exposure this center is gradually turning into a most popular tourist center in district. As a market center there are numbers of shops, service and facility centers such as veterinary sub-service centre, agriculture sub-service centre, illaka health post etc. People of Durchhim, Dikuwa, Chyasmitar, Mangaltar, and Salle VDCs are benefited from this market centre. Chhapdanda This centre lies in Durchim VDC and is located in western part of district. This centre has a number of service and facility centers such as various shops, hotel and lodges, school, photo studios, Illaka health post, PCO etc. People of Badhare, Durchhim, Chyasmitar, Dikuwa, Mangaltar, Bahunidanda VDCs are directly benefited from this centre. This area is potential for lime stone. c) Market Centre C Panchami Panchami lies in Sapteshwor Chhittapokhari VDC. The main attraction of this center is the Monday Hattiya market. People from the periphery settlement visit this place on this day for trading the goods. This market center is expected to be accessed by the Diktel Khotang bazaar road link by 2011. Buwajorghat Buwajorghat is the valley settlement which lies in Devisthan VDC and the southernmost part of Khotang. This is located near the confluence of Buwajorkola and Sunkhoshi River. People from Chisapani, Dambarkhu Siwalaya, Maubote, and Pauswaera use this short route through Buwajorghat for travelling to Terai region. This is mainly potential from commercial aspect. From Udayapur district side road network has already been constructed up to Bel Tar, one of the very growing market centers in Udayapur district. There is a Trail Bridge across Sun Koshi River and fairy operated for means of transportation. Dumredharapani Dumredharapani is situated in Dumredharapani VDC and on the ridge between Rakha River and Dudhkoshi River. This is just lies in north of Lamidanda. Few service centers such as schools, shops are available. 37 District Transport Master Plan Manebhanjyang This centre is located in Mattim birta VDC. There are numbers of shops, hotel-lodge, secondary schools, illaka post office, police bit, medical shop, iIlaka agriculture service center etc. This area is highly potential for agriculture and horticulture product. Mattim birta, Ratanchha, Temma, Khidim, Yamkha, Chhitapokhari VDCs are benefited from this growth centre. Rakha Rakha is situated in Rakhabangdel VDC which is in northern part of Khotang district. It has very high potential for Alaichi and Amrisho farming, However, due to its remoteness, its full potential has not been explored commercially.. Chhitapokhari This market center is at the junction of Sapteswor Chhitapokhari and Chhitapokhari. It is a ridge settlement and has very cool climate and good scenery view from this settlement. There are few governmental service centers. Bhandareghat It is situated in Batase VDC at the bank of river Sunkoshi River. There is a suspension bridges across Sunkoshi River for travelling to Laphagaun VDC of Udayapur. Very few governmental service centers are available here. This area is famous for Goat farming. Chyasmitar Chyasmitar lies in Chyasmitar VDC and along the Diktel Jayaramghat road section. Due to connection to road link, people travels or bring their goods by vehicles. Few governmental service centers are available. Bakachol Bakachol is situated in northern most part of Khotang and it borders with Solukhumbu district. It lies just north of Aislukharka and an hour walk from there. It is very potential for Alaichi and Amrisho farming. People cultivate Alaichi in large quantity. However there is a serious problem of bringing to market. At present people transport their goods by porters and mules. There are only few governmental service centers. Sukrabare Sukrabare is in Phedi VDC at the bank of Tap Khola and borders Khartamchha VDC in east. This center is important for the commercial purpose within the locality. Every Friday Hattiya market takes place and people from periphery settlements bring their local goods for trading. Moreover there are shops and hotels. Only few governmental services are available. Okhare Okhare lies in Dandagaun VDC. There are school, health post and very few service centers. Diktel-Khotang Bazaar road alignment passes nearby this market center. Economic activities are expected to grow after the operation this road in 2011. 38 District Transport Master Plan Regmitar Regmitar lies in Rajapani VDC and by its name it’s a low land settlement formed by Sapsu River. It has high potential for rice production. Rice is cultivated twice a year. Mainly the local rice in Diktel and Buipa are supplied from this area. Dobela This centre is located in Chiuridanda VDC and along the Diktel- Chyandada road section. There are a numbers of various shops, hotel-lodge, schools, agriculture service center, health post etc. This area is highly potential for agriculture and horticulture production. Chiuridanda, Chyandanda and Nirmalidada VDCs are benefited from this centre. Barahapokhari Barahapokhari is one of the most beautiful lakes located in Barahapokhari VDC. This lake is also the habitat of beautiful fish species (colourful). This lake has a high potential for tourist destination. d) Potential Market Centre Bijule Bijule is situated in Arkhaule VDC and at the Junction of Bijuli Lamidanda road and Diktel Jayaramghat road section. Previously very few settlements resided here and there are very few governmental service centers. However from the increase of mobility and high traffic volume at this section, commercial activities are expected to grow more in future. Raighat Raighat is a low land settlement which lies in Dikuwa VDC. This is located on the bank of Sunkoshi River. People of this region use this route in travelling to Terai. There is a trail bridge across the river. From the Udayapur side, road network has been extended near its boarder to Khotang. Comparatively very few service centers are available. Commercial activities are also not so prominent. However, this is expected to increase after synchronization or road network with Udaypur district. Demletar Demletar is ranked least in the market centre ranking. It is situated in Jaleshowr VDC and at the bank of Sunkhosi River. By its grading, very few service centers are available. 39 District Transport Master Plan CHAPTER IV DISTRICT INVENTORY MAP 4.1 Existing Transport Situation a) Road Transport Khotang is depended on land and air transport for the means of traveling and transporting goods. There are approximately 259 Km of earthen road sections of which approximately 67% are motorable, 13% non motorable and 20% under construction (ref Figure 4.1). This also includes Diktel-Khotang Bazaar road section of 50 km which is the under construction by RAP II. All the details of road inventory are given in Appendix B, Table B.3. Accordingly, the total road density is 16.3 and motorable road density is 11.0 per 100 sq Km of area (Ref Table 3.1) which is significant in context of rural roads of Nepal. However, unlike in other districts, whole road network has been located in the central part of the district with missing direct linkage through the southern part in connecting to the Terai region of Nepal. In addition, apart from these significant networks in the district, proper vehicle parking infrastructure has also been missing in the road network system. Table 4.1 Road Statistic of Khotang Item Area coverage Total road Motorable road Quantity 1591 258.7 174.5 Unit sq km km km Road density 16.3 km / 100 sq km Motorable road density 11.0 km / 100 sq km Source: Appendix B, Table B.3 Figure 4.1 Status of Road Network Both the motorized as well as non motorized modes of transportation are adopted for travelling of people and transporting goods in Khotang. Vehicles such as bus, jeeps, pickup, trucks, tractors, and bikes are commonly used motorized mode of transportation in motorable road sections. Bus and jeeps are basically used for the public transportation where as trucks usually of medium class and the tractors are commonly used vehicles for freight transport. Similarly mules and porters are the other alternative means of non motorized mode of transportation especially during the monsoon season. However, this means of non-motorized mode is only the option for transporting goods in region of inaccessible areas. b) Air Transport In addition to road networks, there are three airports in the district for the means of air transportation. These are at Lamidanda, Thamkharka and Khanidanda and are indicated in Map A.3. Lamidanda is connected by seasonal road link to district headquarter which is approdimately within 5 hours of walking distance. Similarly, Khanidanda airport is connected by partly motorable road link to Diktel. Thamkharka airport is accessible by only trail line and is about an hour walk from Khatang Bazar. These means of air transpor is the only convenient and reliable means of transportation for travelling people for long distance i.e. Kathmandu and Biratnagar. It both saves both the time and money. However, the services are 40 District Transport Master Plan limited. Regular service is only available from Lamidanda to Kathmandu and Biratnagar while intermittent/seasonl services are available from other two airports. In spite of these significant road networks and means of air transport, people within the district are still facing with high transport cost and inconvenient mobility. Two road links namely, Diktel-Jayaramghat and Diktel-Chyandanda section which has been proposed as Mid Hill Highway connects to Terai region of Nepal for the regional market centers. These two means of routes are however very long round to reach destination of regional markets. On average, during dry season the freight cost is 10-14 NRs/kg and during monsoon 20-30 NRs per kg which is comparatively high. Therefore, in order to reduce the overall transport cost, there is an urgent need of direct road linkage to the Terai region. Similarly, two of the airports are connected by seasonal road links while the other one is only accessible by trail line. This further indicates the requirement of proper management of road assets for optimum use of all available transport infrastructures. 4.2 Existing District Road Classification Road classification is carried out based on Interim DTMP Guideline. This classification is basically based on connectivity to market centers, strategic roads links, and coverage of VDCs. This guideline is slightly modification from Nepal Rural Road. Accordingly, road links have been classified into following categories. I) Strategic Road Highway Feeder road II) District Road RRA RRB III) Village Road According to the road inventory there are 258.7 km of road sections of which 46% of roads are strategic roads, 52% are district road and remaining 2% are village road (ref Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2). Strategic road comprises of DoR proposed Mid Hill highway which is Diktel Chyandanda and Diktel Jayaramghat section and Feeder road from Bijuli to Lamidanda. The details of each road with their classification are presented in Table 3.3. Table 4.2 District Road Classification Road Classification Strategic Road District Road Village Road Total Length Length, Km 133.4 120 5.3 258.7 Source: Annex B, Table B.3 Figure 4.2 District Road Classification 41 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 4.3: Summary of Road Inventory S.N. 1 2 3 4 Ref No H09 H18 H18 F178 Length (km) Name of Road Link Maure- Phoksingtar Diktel-Jayaramghat Diktel-Chyandanda Bijule-Lamidanda Sub Total 10.0 65.0 48.1 10.3 133.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13A004R 13A006R 13A008R 13A017R 13A023R 13A013R Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Diktel-Khotang bazar Dhaplang-Chisapani Diktel-Khanidanda Sub Total 7.1 8.3 9.5 50.8 7.6 5.8 89.1 11 12 13 14 15 16 13B001R 13B012R 13B014R 13B015R 13B024R 13B011R Lamidanda-Rabuwa Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital Diktel-Dobela Chyandanda-Dandagau Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Diktel-Bamrang Sub Total 10.1 3.2 3.8 5.6 2.2 6.1 30.9 17 13B010R Harelo danda-Kharmi 5.3 Sub Total Total Source: Appendix B, Table B.3 5.3 258.7 42 Required Intervention Roadway Width (m) Carriage Way Width (m) Pavement Strategic Road H09 10 H18 65 H18 48.1 F178 10.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3 3 3 3 District Road (RRA) RRA 6.5 RRA 8.3 RRA 3.3 RRA 0 RRA 0 RRA 5.8 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 District Road (RRB) RRB 10.1 RRB 3.2 RRB 1.0 RRB 0.0 RRB 0.0 RRB 6.1 Road Class Vehicle Operating Length (Km) Village Road Village 0 road Rehabilitation Maintenance Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen 7.00 3.00 2.10 0.00 10.0 65.0 48.1 10.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen 3.53 8.28 6.20 U-construction 7.60 5.80 7.1 8.3 9.5 7.6 5.8 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen Earthen 8.58 0.00 3.78 5.60 2.20 3.10 10.1 3.2 3.8 5.6 2.2 6.1 4.5 3 Earthen 5.30 5.3 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 4.3 Traffic Trend Analysis Number of Traffic movement along a road link indicates level of its usability and importance. Therefore traffic volume is used as one of the indicators for prioritization of rehabilitation. For this traffic analysis has been carried out for the entire existing road network. Manual traffic count was adopted for road section such as Diktel-Jayaramghat, Diktel-Chyandanda, Bijuli-Lamidanda section with significant vehicle movement. However, for remaining sections Traffic Move on Count and general information from participatory rural appraisal was adopted. Figure 4.3 shows the average daily traffic volume for each link in PCU. Reference code in x axis indicates the corresponding road link (ref Table 4.3). From the analysis, Diktel Jayaramghat (H18-DJ) has the highest traffic volume then followed by Diktel-Chyandanda (H18-DC) section. Figure 4.3 Traffic Trend analyses Source: Appendix B, Table B.4 and B.5 4.4 Brief on Road Network Maure -Phoksingtar This section is a part of proposed Sagarmatha Highway from Gaighat to Diktel. Strategically, this route is very important as it provides a direct and shortest access from the Terai region to the district headquarter. This proposed Highway was an initiation before the restoration of Democracy in 1990. However, the majority of the portion of this Highway in Khotang district remained incomplete. This particular existing section is only 10 km in length which starts at Maure in Nunthala to Mala in Rajapani. This section connects at the proposed Mid Hill Highway (Diktel Jayaramghat) at Maure. It is an earthen and seasonal road. In general this has high grade and some of the hairpin bends need improvement. Therefore, further rehabilitation is required for this section. 43 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Diktel- Chyandanda This 48.1 km of road link is a part of proposed Mid Hill Highway by DoR which was constructed under RAP I project. It starts at Diktel and passes through Nerpa, Chiuridanda, Nirmalidanda and Chyandanda VDCs connecting Diktel and Dobela market center along its alignment. This link indirectly connects the Terai region of Nepal through Bhojpur and Dhankuta district. Apart from this long way, there is also seasonal problem in crossing the river across Arun River at the boarder of Bhojpur and Dhankuta. Only ferry is available for crossing which remains functionless during monsoon. Regarding the condition of road, few sections in Sekhuwa has serious water drainage problem. Moreover some of the curve sections don’t meet design standard of highway. Hence, rehabilitation has been recommended for these sections. This link is widely used for freight transport and has the highest load carrying vehicle movement among the road links. Public transportation is very minimal along this section. Diktel Jayramghat Diktel This road link is also a part of proposed Mid Hill Highway by DoR. It was constructed under Upper Sagarmatha Agricultural Project and completed later by RAP I. This alignment starts at Diktel and passes through market centers such as Nunthala, Bijule, Arkhaule, Chyasmitar, and Jayaramghat. At Jayaramghat crossing is required across Dudh Koshi River. There is then further extension of road link in Okhaldhunga district and finally connects KatariOkhaldhunga Strategic road. It is approximately 65 km in length. In order to reach Terai, it requires long way travel to Okhaldjunga in east and finally to the south. Major two rivers Dudh Koshi and Sun Koshi are on its way where only ferry has been operated seasonally. Hence, this section also remains closed during the monsoon. Regarding the condition, it is also a fair weather road. The particular section from Arkhaule to Halesi is a bit narrow and don’t have enough passing zones in between. Hence, this section needs further improvement. This road link is widely used for the freight as well as passenger transportation. Hence, it has the highest traffic movement among the road link (ref Figure 4.3). Bijule- Lamidanda This is only the all weather road link in Khotang that connects Bijuli to Lamidanda. This section which is 10.3 km branches from proposed Mid Hill Highway i.e. Diktel Jayaramghat section at Bijuli in Arkhaule VDC. This link provides access to airport at Lamidanda. Hence this section is mainly used for passenger transportation for travelling long distance via air transportation. Meanwhile, a lot of tourist uses this shortest route to visit Halesi Mahadev from different part of the country. Lamidanda-Rabuwa This link mainly provides access to Dudh Koshi and Rawa River for the natural resource like sand. Furthermore this link also provides inter district linkage with the Okhaldhunga district where the road network has already extended not much far from the boarder. This section has been constructed by excavator and retaining and cross drainage structure work are incomplete. 44 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Road section under this link is approximately 7.1 km. It starts at Lamidanda and ends at Kharpa passing settlements such as Simkharka, Biralibhanjyang, kafle, Jogidanda, Bhattarai gaun, Ratamata, kalleri. Half of this section was constructed by labour based while rest was completed by excavator. After the construction of this section goods are transported by truck for all the northern regions. Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila The existing section from Hurlung to Jalpa is 8.3 km. It branches from proposed Mid Hill Highway Diktel-Jayaramghat road link at Hurlung. It passes through settlement like Chapkharka, Pokhari. With the construction of this section, Jalpa has rapidly grown in its market activities. Majority of the northern region carry their goods to Jalpa by vehicles and then carry from there to the destination by porters or mules. However, this section needs further rehabilitation in order to bring to fair weather condition. Harelo Danda-Kharmi It is the only village road which is approximately 5.3 km. It has been recently constructed by excavator. It starts at Harelo Danda of Nerpa VDC and passes through Phul Bisauna, Soti, Barmali gaun, Sabru Gurung gaun and ends at Sabru in Kharmi VDC. Only the full track opening has been competed without retaining and cross drainage structures. Diktel-Patheka-Baksila This road link is mainly planned for connecting north eastern part of Khotang with district headquarters and other transport infrastructures. This particular existing section is about 9.5 km and branches from proposed Mid Hill Highway Diktel-Chyandanda section at Diktel and ends near Jungle of Patheka. Only one third of this section until Talkharka village is motorable. Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital This section is a link road to Diktel-Khotang Bazaar section near hospital to rest of other road links that join at Ratnapark of Diktel. Since, the linkage of roads network through the middle of market is very difficult for smooth movement of vehicles, this section is very important. It is approximately 3.2 km and was constructed during Upper Sagarmatha Agricultural Project. Diktel-Dobela This section is planned to connect Diktel to Dobela of Chiuridanda along the downhill of Diktel. This existing section is approximately 3.8 km and its partly motorable. It passes through the Acharya tole. Chyandanda-Dandagau This road link branches from proposed Mid Hill Highway Diktel-Chyandanda section at Bajechyandanda and end Dandagau of Ratanchha. It is approximately 5.6 km and not motorable due to the lack of road side structures and incomplete track opening. 45 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) This section is only 2.2 km in length at Rasuwa of Lichiramche VDC. It is planned to connect to Diktel Khotang Bazaar road section at Thalechaur of Indrenipokhari VDC. Due to the lack of proper structure and no connection to motorable link, this section is non-motorable. Dhaplang-Chispani This road link is mainly for connecting Chisapani with the shortest route to Terai. At present only 7.6 km of earthen section is constructed which is however not motorable. Its starting point is at Dhapalng and end point is at Cheketum. This section passes through settlement such as Dhaplang Majhigaun, Sankhudhunga, Chhatretar, Sisner, Kimbukhola, Ghorinkga and Cheketum. Half of the section has been constructed on labour based where as half of the section is recently constructed by excavator. Diktel-Khanidanda This section is approximately 5.8 km in length and was planned to provide access from Diktel to Khanidanda airport at Khalle. However, this section needs further rehabilitation with road side structures and proper cambering of road surface for smooth pliable of vehicle. Diktel-Khotang Bazaar This road section is under construction by RAP II with financial support from DFID. This link is approximately 50 km and is expected to complete by 2011. This section passes from Diktel through, Laphyang, Temma, Yamkha, Dandagaun, Chhorombu, Chipring, Sap. Chhitapokhari VDCs. This road link needs further extension of about 20 km to connect Khotang Bazaar with Diktel. This link has been included for the accessibility analysis as this is expected to complete in next year. Diktel-Bamrang This section is approximately 6.1 km and connects Diktel to Bamrang VDC. It starts at Ratnapark in Diktel VDC. It is entirely constructed by excavator with remaining structural works. It is partly motorable. 4.5 Summary of Fair and All Weather Approximately 94% of motorable road sections are fair weather and only 4% are under all weather category (ref Figure 4.4). There are mainly two reasons for being a large portion of section under fair weather. Foremost is, all the road links are earthen pavement with almost no attentions given to the side drains. These roads remain very difficult even with the four wheeled mechanism during the monsoon. Next reason is the lack of crossing across the major rivers namely Arun River at Leguwaghat, Sunkoshi River at Ghurmi and Dudhkoshi River at Jayaramghat. Ferry service used in crossing these huge water bodies remains close during rainy season. Hence, this provides next reason for seasonal operation of roads. 46 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Figure 4.4 Status of Road based on fair/all weather Source: Appendix B, Table B.3 4.6 Existing Trail Bridge Trail Bridge is also one of the important components of transport in hilly district like Khotang. This helps in accessibility across the water bodies. In Khotang Trail Bridge is under the programme RAIDP. The detail inventory of Trail Bridge is shown in Appendix B, Table B.6. There are all together 121 Trail Bridges in different parts of district. 4.7 Construction Approach Labour based approach generates both direct and indirect employment opportunities by using the local resources such as local labour, local materials and thus creating a greater demand for local materials. Issues of poverty in the rural region like Khotang are expected to recover through this approach. This approach has been absolutely followed by the road constructed under the RAP I. Consequently lots of local people were able to get the short term employment. Similarly, section from Diktel to Jayaramghat and Bijuli to Lamidanda has also been constructed by labour based approach under Upper Sagarmatha Agriculture Project. During these days, excavator was not available in the district. Similarly Khotang-Diktel section under RAP II is also under construction through labour based approach. Hence application of labour based approach in Khotang looks very impressive unlike in other district. Figure 4.5 indicates that approximately 79% of existing road is constructed by labour based approach. However, recently the road construction using excavator has been increasing. Though it covers less percentage, it is expected to grow in future. Figure 4.5 Road status based on Construction Approach Source: Appendix B, Table B.3 47 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 4.8 Road Assets Value Road assets value is the monetary value of the road infrastructure. This depends on the serviceability of road such as section not passable, passable with difficulty and easily passable. Based on the visual inspection total road asset value of road network of Khotang has been estimated approximately NRs 966 million. However, this is expected to increase if the road networks are maintained regularly with proper plan. 4.9 Remaining Works including River Crossing As already discussed one of the reason for fair weather is due to the lack of crossings across the major rivers. Mainly three major crossings are required across the Sun Koshi, Dudh Koshi at the end point of Diktel Jayaramghat section and across Arun River on way forward from Diktel Chyandanda section. However this particular bridge infrastructure demands a huge amount for its construction. Initiation has been taken under RAP II programme for the detail survey and design of motorable bridge at Leguwaghat across Arun River. Similarly many roads are implemented by DDC don’t have or are with limited retaining structures. Approximately 27% of road sections don’t have retaining structures (Ref Figure 4.6). In addition, almost entire road network lacks the side drain which also demands a large amount. However, this is very important at least in high grade section in order to prevent deterioration of surface during the monsoon. Figure 4.6, Road Network Status based on completion of Structural Work Source: Appendix B, Table B.3 48 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 4.10 District Inventory Map (DIM) 49 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) CHAPTER V DISTRICT NETWORK PLANNING 5.1 Accessibility Situation Present road network structure in Khotang outlines the missing system with respect to the direct connection to the strategic roads. At present condition, the long way destinations such as Dharan, Biratnagar, Katari are the main market centers of Khotang. However, this facility would be significantly nearer to the next growing potential centre Gaighat just in the south if it is connected by the proposed Sagarmatha highway. Gaighat is well connected to East west highway by paved road and is one of the regional market centers. Hence, present situation of accessibility highly demands the construction of proposed Sagarmatha Highway. 5.1.1 Zone of Influence Area According to the National Transport Policy, 4 hrs walking distance has been considered as the zone of influence (ZoI) for the hilly terrain. Mainly influencing factors such as a) the degree of hill slope, b) existence of rivers and c) existence of river crossing were used in determining the ZoI. There are in total 20 market centers namely Diktel, Nunthala, Buipa, Bijule, Arkhaule, Halesi, Chhapdanda, Chyasmitar, Jayaramghat,Lamidanda, Dumredarapani, Bakshila, Kharpa, Jalpa, Dobela, Manebhanjyang, Okhare, Panchami, Chittapokhari within ZoI. However, only 12 of the centers i.e. Diktel, Jalpa, Lamidanda, Kharpa, Buipa, Jayaramghat, Arkhaule, Nunthala, Halesi, Chhapdanda, Chyasmitar, Dobela are directly connected to the road head (ref Appendix A, Map A.6). 5.1.2 Delineation of Accessible Area Delineation of accessible within ZoI is carried out using the GIS Model is shown in Map A.6 in Appendix A. Diktel-Khotang Bazaar road section which is under construction has also been considered for delineation of accessible area. From the accessibility analysis, approximately two third of the areas coverage, population and cultivated land are within ZoI. However, in regard of accessibility to motorable roads, less than half of area, population and cultivated land are accessible. This indicates that at present though the roads are there, only few areas are accessible to motorable roads. However, this will significantly increases after the completion of Diktel-Khotang Bazaar 50 km section (ref Table 5.1) 50 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 5.1 Accessibility with respect to Area, Coverage and Population Coverage S.N. Item 1 Area Coverage 2 Population 3 Cultivated land 5.2 Accessibility (4 hrs, ZoI) Accessibility (2 hrs) Accessibility motorable roads (4 hrs, ZoI) 89352 (56%) 157718 (63.8%) 47231 (62.3%) 54177 (34%) 108612 (43.9%) 32016 (42.2%) 57380 (36%) 101784 (41.2%) 29702 (39.2%) Accessibility motorable roads (2 hrs) 39116 (25%) 80658 (32.6%) 22717 (30%) Unit Hec no Hec Inaccessible Area A large part of area and market centers remains within inaccessible area. Except Diktel all the remaining three market centers under “A” category are inaccessible to road network. In addition to this fact, out of total 34 market centers, approximately two third for the market centers are within inaccessible area. Socio-economic activities in these areas depend on foot trails, animal pack for the means transport (ref Appendix A, Map A.6). 5.2.1 Delineation of Inaccessible Area Excluding accessible area from the GIS model, all the remaining areas are delineated as inaccessible area. Just reverse to the accessible area more than one third of the total area, population and cultivated land are inaccessible to road head within ZoI. Moreover, in case of inaccessibility to motorable roads, approximately two third of the total area, population and cultivated land are inaccessible (ref Table 5.2). Table 5.2 Inaccessibility with respect to Area, Coverage and Population Coverage S.N. Item 1 Area Coverage 2 Population 3 Cultivated land 5.3 Inaccessibility (4 hrs) Inaccessibility (2 hrs) Inaccessibility motorable roads (4 hrs) 69748 (44%) 89379 (36.2%) 28569 (37.7%) 104923 (66%) 138485 (56.1%) 43784 (57.8%) 101720 (64%) 145313 (58.8%) 46098 (60.8%) Inaccessibility motorable roads (2 hrs) 119984 (75%) 166439 (67.4%) 53083 (70%) Unit Hec no Hec Network Planning in inaccessible Area With the detail study of accessibility, network planning was carried out for further extension of road network in inaccessible areas in meeting the National Transport Policy. Hence, road network was planned such that at least 85% of the areas are within 4 hours of walking distance. Moreover, road network were planned such that the identified market centers were connected as the nodal points. Similarly, during the planning, possible synchronization of road linkage with the abutting districts was carried out. These planned road network are only the district road. 51 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Market centers which are taken as a nodal point are geographical located in different position. As discussed in Chapter III, about half of the market centers located at ridge, while these are separated by numbers of rivers and streams. Hence majority of the planned alignments are under the ascending and descending category. In total 407 km of district road network has been planned in meeting the district transport policy and connecting market centers. Detail of each proposed road corridor is given in Appendix B, Table B.7. 52 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) CHAPTER VI DISTRICT TRANSPORT PERSPECTIVE PLAN 6.1 Prospective Plan of District Rural Road Network This is a long term plan targeted to meet the transport strategic plan. Total 21 road corridors with 407 km of new road sections have been identified for District Transport Prospective Plan (DTPP). Among these, 10 links are extension of the existing linkage while 11 links are the newly identified one (ref Appendix B, Table B.7). With average progress of 35 km per year from the previous trend, this plan is expected to meet with in 12 years of time. With these new sections of 407 km and 259 km of existing road network, road density is expected to be 42 km per 100 sq km after the prospective plan. Moreover, after the target of DTPP, more than 93% of populations are expected to be within ZoI and more than 85% accessible to 2 hrs of walking distance (ref Table 6.1). Table 6.1 Road Statistics-DTPP Items Area coverage Existing Road (DIM) Planned Road Total Expected Road Quantity 1591 259 407 666 Road Density 41.8 Unit sq km km km km km / 100 sq km Population coverage (4 hrs, ZoI) 97 % Population coverage (2 hrs,) 85 % Source: Appendix B, Table B.7 Each of the existing road sections were visually inspected for the rehabilitation. Those sections which cannot be maintained by routine and periodic maintenance are recommended for rehabilitation. Mainly the road sections which have difficulty in passing require reconstruction of road pavement and new structures, improvement of drainage system, improvement of geometric design have been selected rehabilitation. The list of road sections for rehabilitation is listed in Appendix B, Table B.13. There are in total 72 km of 14 links identified for rehabilitation. 6.2 Scoring System for Prioritization of Proposed Linkage Each of the road corridor identified in DTPP has been prioritized based on indicators such as total population coverage, cultivated land coverage, population accessibility and population coverage concerning socially disadvantaged and indigenous groups. Similarly for rehabilitation indicators were traffic volume, cost incurred and weightage based on connection to market centers. This has been explained in detail in Chapter II. Each indicator has been assessed within ZoI of each proposed planned road corridor. However, for the particular identified strategic road corridor Diktel-Phoksingtar and Regmitar-Diktel, ZoI has been considered throughout the stretch of both existing and planned section. 53 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 6.3 Prioritization of District Road for New Linkage Summary of prioritization of each proposed road corridor with their ranking is given in Table 6.2. Diktel-Phoksingtar section is the highest ranked followed by Regmitar-Diktel. Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalay, Khotang-Pandhare is the next ranked road corridor. However, these corridors are extension from other lower ranked proposed road corridor. Hence, during the selection of proposed road corridor for DTMP, these factors have also been taken in to account in addition to its rank given by indicators. Table 6.2: Prioritization of District Road Total population of poor, Dalits and marginalized Janjatis (10) Total Score (100) Rank Proposed New length Total length 72 54.0 6.7 20.0 3.1 83.8 1 44 72.0 28 24 7.2 3.6 1.2 0.0 1.2 3.0 0.3 0.5 9.9 7.0 20 21 28 24 35.0 24.0 15 25 28 18 20 19 19 28 21.7 5.1 21.3 32.0 11.2 22.8 16.2 24.2 2.6 4.2 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.2 3.8 5.2 4.3 5.7 1.5 4.6 6.9 7.8 1.0 0.8 1.7 1.7 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.5 29.0 15.4 29.1 41.3 14.8 30.1 26.4 35.7 12 17 11 6 18 10 13 7 15 25 28 18 20 19 19 28 23.3 25.0 37.5 22.1 70.8 19.0 19.0 35.6 27 55.0 13.3 District Road (RRB) 8 19.2 1.0 17 22.8 2.0 3.6 10.0 81.9 2 17 27.0 5.1 5.5 0.8 0.0 26.2 30.2 14 9 8 17 8 17 Cultivated land (15) Name of Road Corridor Population per unit cost (55) Ref Code Analysis Length km S.N. Population*Walking hour (20) Parameter Used for the Priorization of Road Corridors and their corresponding Scores District Road (RRA) 1 H09 2 3 13A004R 13A005R 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13A006R 13A007R 13A008R 13A016R 13A017R 13A020R 13A022R 13A023R 12 13A025R 1 2 13B002R 13B003R Diktel-Phoksingtar (MaurePhoksingtar Section) Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol Jalpa-Aiselukharka Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Buwajorghat-Chisapani Dhaplang-Chisapani Regmitar- Diktel (RegmitarLaphyang Section) Dube-Dumredharapani Aiselukharka-Demletar Damalun (Sukrabare)3 13B009R Thumku 4 13B018R Muldanda Panchami 5 13B019R Kotangbazar-Pandhare Chisapani6 13B021R Dambarkhusiwalaya Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur 7 13B024R (Indrenipokhari) 8 13B026R Raighat-Chyasmitar 9 13B027R Halesi-Mangaltar Source: Appendix B, Table B.8-Table B.12 14 23.5 2.1 7.7 1.4 34.8 8 14 14 14 16 10.7 32.9 0.7 4.7 0.6 11.3 0.2 1.5 12.3 50.5 19 4 14 16 14 16 12 54.1 7.1 15.2 2.9 79.3 3 12 12 15 36.1 2.6 8.5 1.7 48.9 5 15 17.2 12 14 11.4 14.2 1.0 0.5 3.5 2.4 0.8 0.7 16.7 17.7 16 15 12 14 12 14 54 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 6.4 Brief on proposed District Roads for New Linkages Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar Section) This section which is proposed as Sagarmatha highway by DoR starts at Phoksingtar and ends at the Diktel the district headquarter and the largest market centre of the district. This route is strategically important as it connects directly to Terai region in Udayapur through the gateway Phoksingtar. Phoksingtar is just near the border of Udayapur at the bank of Sun Khoshi River. This proposed corridor which passes through 8 VDCs is approximately 72 km in its length. Approximately 28 km of this section from Diktel to Mala of Bijyakharka VDC has already been constructed and it is vehicle pliable. Further, 44 km of new section has been proposed for the new construction. This section is planned to construct from this fiscal year 067/68 under the DRSP programme with the fund from SDC, GoN, DDC. This proposed highway will directly connect market centers such as Diktel, Nunthala, Buipa, Regmitar. Total population of 67,545 and 19,015 hec of cultivated land is expected to get direct benefit by this 72 km of section. Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Proposed length for new section is 28 km while the total length of this whole stretch is 35 km. This link connects mainly to second largest market centre Aiselukharka to the feeder road. There is 7 km of existing road section from Lamidanda to Kharpa. This proposed road corridor passes through Kharpa, Hauchur, Dube, Makpa, Aiselukharka, and Bakachol. It requires major crossing at Rawa River which would demand large amount of budget. This corridor also provides accessibility to settlements of Jyamire, Jaleshwori, Maheshwori VDCs. This particular road corridor was studied by RAP, although it was in dispute and did not allow for construction. Approximately 5,396 of population and 2,577 of cultivated land are expected for direct benefit from this 28 km of proposed section. Jalpa-Aiselukharka This is one of the alternative road corridors to connect Aiselukharka by road network. It is approximately 28 km in length. In fact this will be the shortest route to Diktel with approximately 43 km where as the other way could be approximately 61 km. This particular section has been proposed strongly during the workshop in Aiselukharka. This section connects Jalpa to Aiselukharka through the settlements such as Purano gaun, Kharbari, Pikhum, Sabalun, Bakchuwa, Bebla, Chhuka and Aiselukharka bazaar. This proposed alignment requires crossing across Rawa Khola. This is ascending descending alignment that has to go down to Rawa khola from Jalpa and again climb up to Aiselukharka. Approximately 3,354 of populations and 1,314 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 28 km. Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila This section which is 15 km in length is planned mainly to connect Jalpa to next market center Bakshila in north. This is a further extension of 8.3 km existing section from Hurlung to Jalpa. This proposed new section passes from Jalpa through Ghalegaun, Kothika, Nebhade, Damthala, Barkhot, Masankha, Khatrigaun and end at Bakshila. This alignment crosses small rivers such as lamiun khola, chheku khola, Tap khola. Approximately 6,221 of population and 2,039 hec of cultivated land is expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 15 km. 55 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol This proposed 25 km section is mainly planned to meet the accessibility requirement to areas of Rakha bangdel, Rakha Sungdel and Bakshila VDCs with in 4 hrs of walking distance. The topographical structure is very steep and many parts are rocky with a numbers of kholsis such as kankha khola, rawa khola, dhanumane khola, chan khola, liina khola, Hume khola along its alignment. Therefore this proposed section for sure will demand a very high investment. This corridor passes from Bakshila through settlements such as pipaldanda, Biru danda, Sungdel (Hasu), Dipsung, rumala, rakha, Bandel, Badel, Bakachola. Approximately 8,562 of population and 4,636 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 25 km. Diktel-Patheka-Bakshila This section connects to North-eastern part of Khotang with the district headquarter. It is 28 km in length and total length is 37.5 km. This proposed new section passes through settlement such as Patheka Nakham, Chimchima, Danda gaun, Damdi, Suwa Jun, Chokhaune, Bhadaure, Namatem, Chiprun, Baspani and finally connects to Bakshila. This alignment passes through rivers such as Nakha khola, dhobi khola, Tanmala Khola. Approximately 10,965 of population and 3,041 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 25 km. Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang This section branches from Diktel Chyandanda road section at Bajechyandanda. The proposed new section is 18 km, which is the continuation of existing 4.1 km. The existing alignment has been slightly corrected by avoiding 1.5 km of the section for the shortest route to Manebhanjyang which is one of the market centers. This alignment passes through settlements such as Bajechyandanda, Talkharka, Mobu, Ratanchha, Surke, Sulapa, Manbhanjyang, Naulokharka, Okhre, deuralidanda, Mattim birta, danda tole. Approximately 9,852 of population and 2,022 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 18 km. Diktel-Khotang Bazaar 20 km of new section has been proposed for the extension of existing 50 km of Diktel Khotang Bazaar road section which is under construction by RAP II project. It passes through Khudurke, Upper Naran, Watikhum, Kulagun, Dandakharka of Sapteshwor Chittapokhari VDC, Balache, Chiprin, Pokhareltol, Indrenepokhari of Chiprin VDC and Nalechaur, Thalechaur, Kattike of Khotang Bazaar VDC. This alignment needs crossing at Chipring Khola. Approximately 4,907 of population and 2,031 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this particular section of 20 km this additional section. Khotang Bazar-Chisapani Khotang Bazar and Chisapani is one of the “A” categorized market centre, however, these centers are not accessible to road network within 4 hrs of walking distance. This particular 19 km of proposed section provides direct connection with these two market centers. Settlements mainly Khotang Bazaar, Musbari, Badaka, Khutta Bitalab, Chisapani are along its alignment 56 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) with Sawa khola lying in between. Approximately 8,132 of population and 2,028 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this proposed link. Buwajorghat-Chisapani This proposed road section aims in connecting Chispani to Buwajorghat, one of the gateways to Beltar of Udayapur for import and export of goods from inner Terai. Road construction has already been extended toward the border Khotang from Udayapur. One of the difficulties is the existence of Sun Koshi along the border line. Moreover, topographically this section is difficult. The proposed section passes through Buwajorghat, Pauwasera, Mauwabote, Diplung and connects to Chisapani. Apart from the Major Bridge required across the Sun Koshi River two other crossing in Buwa khola, Ruwa Khola will be required. Approximately 6,881 of population and 2,303 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this proposed link. . Dhaplang-Chisapani In addition to Buwajorghat, Dhaplang is also an important gateway to southern region of Khotang, especially for the settlement beyond the Sawa River. For the key purpose of connecting to Terai belt this 28 km of section has been proposed with the extension of 7.6 km. This connects settlement like Dhaplang, Chhekethum, Phemadanda, Sisneri, Dhartung, Sintang, Diplung, Chisapani. This particular 28 km of section is expected to cover 12,145 of population and 3,428 hec of cultivated land. Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Laphyang Section) In addition to the proposed section of Sagarmatha Highway, Diktel-Phoksingtar, it is one the strategically alternative alignment that connects Diktel with Terai. The proposed new section is 17 km which follows Sapsu River starting from Regmitar to end of Diktel Khotang section in Lafynag. The total section from Regmitar to Diktel is 27 km. Regmitar is expected to be junction of this particular link and Diktel-Phoksingtar section. This will also be the shortest route from Phoksingtar to Diktel of approximately 46 km in length. 27 km of link from Regmitar to Diktel is expected to cover 28,765 of population and 14,076 hec of cultivated land Dube-Dumredharapani This is approximately 8 km in Dumredharapani being one of the Lamidanda-Aiselukharka-Bakachol Approximately 2,885 of population benefit by this proposed link length. This link is proposed mainly in connecting market centers. This link branches from the proposed proposed link at Dube and passes across Dube Khola. and 699 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct Aiselukharka-Demletar This section is proposed in order to provide accessibility within 4 hrs of walking distance to the region of Maheshwori a VDC at the extreme end of boarder and connect Demletar one of the potential market centre. This is about 17 km in length and connects Aiselukharka, Dhodre, Sigane, Mawagaun, Dandagaun, Demletar settlements. Approximately 8,182of population and 1,962 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this proposed link 57 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku This alignment is proposed in Phedi VDC basically for providing accessibility within 4 hrs of walking distance. Moreover, this link also provides inter district linkage with Bhojpur district where the road construction has already been initiated in its vicinity. This link has been included from the strong demand from workshop in Bakshila. Settlements such as Damalun, Phedi, Chinebari, Barkhe, Thumki are covered by this 14 km section. Approximately 5,865 of population and 1,697 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit. Muldanda Panchami This section is approximately 14 km in length and connects Muldanda one of the gateway to Bhojpur district in east to Panchami at Diktel Khotang bazaar road section. Half of the section is along the ridge which has wide existing trail lines. Approximately 3,013 of population and 1,073 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this proposed link. Kotangbazar-Pandhare This proposed section is basically for the accessibility to the south eastern region of Khotang district to Khotang Bazaar as an important market centre. It is also proposed to synchronize the connection with Bhojpur district. It is about 16 km in length covering settlements such as Khotang Bazaar, Thamkharka, Roksing, Bhirkharka, Muldanda, Seleme Danda and Pandhare in bhojpur. Approximately 8,589 of population and 3,207 hec of cultivated land are expected to get direct benefit by this proposed link. Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya This proposed section is 12 km in length and connects Chisapani to the settlements like Khiku, Arubote, and Bhanjyangkharka to the eastern part. This section is basically planned for providing access within 4 hrs of walking distance. This proposed corridor covers a large area of fertile land of approximately 3,322 hec within ZoI. Similarly 10,267 of populations are expected for accessibility within 4 hrs of walking distance. Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) This proposed section of 15 km is planned for providing linkage from Phoksingtar Diktel section at Rasuwaghat to Indreanipokhari passing Simpani as one of the important market centers. This proposed section connects Rasuwaghat, Bastipur, Dhuseni, Tallo Lichke, kubhinde, Mathilolichhki, Simpani, Musmusa and Thalechaur in Indrenipokhari VDC. 10,267 of population and 3,322 hec of agricultural land is expected to get direct benefit. Raighat-Chyasmitar This section from Raighat to Chyasmitar in the west is planned for providing accessibility within4 hrs walking distance as well as for synchronizing road network with Udayapur district at its boarder. This passes through Raighat, Okhlan, Bhutiyakholagaun, Chhordipa, Chyasmitar settlements. It is approximately 12 km in length. Geographically a number of slide exist which could bring technical challenges during construction. This section is expected to benefit approximately 3,054 of population and 1,025 hec of cultivated land. 58 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar This section is approximately 14 km in length and connects settlements such as Khokselibest, Mangatar, Gairi, Barbote, Durchhim. Apart from this just crossing the border of Khotang, there is already road network constructed in Okhaldhunga side. Hence this proposed section provides the inter district connection. Approximately 4,178 of population and 966 hec of cultivated land is within 4 hrs of walking distance. Other Road Corridors Apart from the above listed road networks for DTPP, there are some other routes proposed by DRCC such as Bhandareghat-Panchami, Khotang Bazaar-Badak-Sawa-likuwa, Manebhanjyang-Pandhare, Rabuwa-Sungdel, Patheka_Sapsudhap-Chakhewa, BuwajorghatBopung-Balakha, Aiselukharka-Kaule, Diktel-Dumli-Ratanchha, Dumli-Dobela. However, these corridors are of least importance compared to the above mentioned corridors in the DTPP. 6.5 Motorable Crossings for DTPP Road Network Table 6.3 indicates the list of motorable crossings required along the planned road networks. Road networks were planned mainly considering the optimum requirement of crossings. In total 24 motorable crossing with 5 major crossings and 19 minor crossings are required for the DTPP road network within the district. Similarly, for the interlinkage of the district with its abutting districts, three crossings are required in different locations of Sun Khoshi River. Table 6.3 List of Motorable Crossings along Planned Road Network S.N. Name of Road Corridor Length New Section km 1 Diktel-Phoksingtar 44 2 Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol 8 3 Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 15 5 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 28 6 Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol 25 7 8 9 Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Kotangbazar-Pandhare 20 19 16 10 Buwajorghat-Chisapani 19 11 12 13 Raighat-Chyasmitar Jalpa-Aiselukharka Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar 12 24 14 Major Minor Sawa Khola, Tuwa Khola Crossings for Inter district linkage Sun Koshi Dobekhola 28 4 No of crossings Rawa khola kalleri khola lamiun khola, chheku khola, Tap Khola Nakha khola, dhobi khola, Tanmala Khola kankha khola, rawa khola, dhanumane khola, chan khola, liina khola, Hume khola Chhiprin khola Sawa Khola dunchha khola Buwa khola, Ruwa Khola Bhutiya khola Sun Koshi 19 Sun Koshi 3 Rawa khola Total Crossings 5 59 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 6.6 Possible Inter-district Transport Linkages Road network has been planned with the possible interlinkage to its three abutting districts Udayapur, Bhojpur and Okhaldhunga. Proposed three road alignments 1) Diktel-Phoksingtar, 2) Buwajorghat-Chisapani and 3) Dhaplang-Chisapani are proposed for ultimate connection to the road network of Udayapur district. Similarly, 1) Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku, 2) Kotangbazar-Pandhare, and 3) Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya road corridors are proposed to provide linkage with Bhojpur district in east. With the same concept, Durchhim-MangaltarGhopatar is also planned to provide connection with Okhaldhunga in the west. 6.7 Prioritized Existing Road Linkages for Rehabilitation Summary for prioritization of 14 road linkage for rehabilitation is presented in Table 6.4. Code Name of Road Link Market/Service Centre (10) Total Score (100) Rank 1 2 H09 H18 Maure Phoksingtar Diktel-Jayaramghat Strategic Road 10.0 7.0 65.0 3.0 45.67 70.00 20.00 20.00 8.65 10.00 74.31 100.00 4 1 3 H18 Diktel-Chyandanda 48.1 54.50 20.00 7.77 82.27 2 Length km S.N Cost/km (20) Parameter Used for the Priorization of Road Links and their corresponding Scores Traffic Unit (70) Rehabilitation length Km Table 6.4 Prioritized Lists of District Roads for Rehabilitation 2.1 District Road (RRA) 4 13A004R Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol 5 13A006R Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 8.3 8.3 53.83 16.67 8.64 79.13 3 6 13A008R Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 9.5 6.2 34.81 16.67 7.43 58.91 6 7 13A013R 5.8 5.8 24.56 16.67 7.21 48.43 9 8 13A016R Diktel-Khanidanda ChyandandaManebhanjyang 5.6 5.6 1.28 16.67 0.13 18.08 14 9 13A023R Dhaplang-Chisapani 7.6 7.6 43.42 16.67 1.23 61.32 5 7.1 3.5 26.80 16.67 3.15 46.62 10 District Road (RRB) 10 11 12 13 13B001R 13B010R 13B011R 13B014R Lamidanda-Rabuwa Harelo danda-Kharmi Diktel-Bamrang Diktel-Dobela Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur 14 13B024R (Indrenipokhari) Total Source: Appendix B, Table B.13 to Table B.16 10.1 5.3 6.1 3.8 8.6 5.3 3.1 3.8 32.49 16.47 8.76 12.88 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 7.89 7.21 7.21 7.41 57.05 40.35 32.64 36.95 7 11 13 12 2.2 2.2 72.1 38.93 16.67 0.21 55.81 8 60 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 6.8 Prioritized list of Trail Bridge for New construction Detail study on inventory and planning of Trail Bridge has been carried out by TBSU, Kathmandu. 110 Trail Bridge are identified for the new construction. Prioritization of these bridges has been carried out based on population coverage, Marginalized population coverage, type of river and risk factors (ref Chapter II section 2.2.5). All the physical detail with their ranking and estimated construction costs are given in detail in Appendix B, Table B.17. 61 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) CHAPTER VII FIRST FIVE-YEAR DISTRICT TRANSPORT MASTER PLAN 7.1 Background The first five-year District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) is prepared for different transport linkage based on projected financial plan and prioritized list of transport linkages. Effort has been made to balance the supply and demand of the transport infrastructure. 7.2 Past Three Years Budget The Summary of past three years budge trend is given in Table 7.1. Annual average budget in road sector is more than 148 million which covers about 95% of total budget in transport sector. The overall trend of budget is also illustrated in Figure 7.1. There is imbalance in budget trend over the years, which is due to the present of RAP I project. Excluding the RAP budget, the average annual budget is 42 million in road sector. Similarly, Trail Bridge accounts about 4% of total budget and trail lines less than half percent. DoLIDAR, RAIDP, DFID, SDC, LGCDP are the source these of budget. Table 7.1 Summary of Past Budget Budget, '000 NRs Year Road Trail Bridge Trail line 064/065 139,766 (95.8%) 6,150 4.2%) 0 (0.0%) 065/066 79,844 (94.6%) 4,161 (4.9%) 400 (0.5%) 066/067 226,343 (96.3%) 8,331 (3.5%) 387 (0.2%) Annual Average Budget trend 148,651 (95.8%) 6,214 (4.0%) 262 (0.2%) Appendix B, Table B.18 Figure 7.1 Past Budget Trend in different Transport Sector Source Appendix B, Table B.18 62 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 7.3 Five Year Projected Financial Plan Budget for fiscal year 067/68 is based on the district council and for rest of the years, certain percentage of increase in budget has been considered. Budget under some of the categories are expected to increase. DDC block grant is planned for matching fund for the DRSP programme. 10% of Parliament fund is expected to go for road sector as this has been politically important for the contribution. RAP II budget for Diktel-Khotang Bazaar section is also included in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 Five years Project Financial Plan DTMP Implementation year, '000 NRs S.N. Source of Budget 067/68 068/069 069/070 070/071 071/072 1 DoLIDAR/MLD 11,000 12100 13310 14641 16105.1 2 3 4 Peples contribution 30% MLD RAIDP/MLD 3300 600 3,500 3630 600 0 3993 600 0 4392.3 600 0 4831.53 600 0 6 RBN 2,000 2200 2420 2662 2928.2 7 Peples contribution 25% 500 550 605 665.5 732.05 8 SWAP 6,000 6600 7260 7986 8784.6 9 DDC block grant, development fund 6000 6000 6000 10 DDC, Internal Revenue (tax and royalties) 200 200 200 200 200 11 DoR/MoPPW 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 12 Fund of Members of Parliaments, 10% 700 700 700 700 700 13 VDC 16,118 17,730 19,503 21,453 23,598 14 15 RAP/DFID RRN/DFID 138,779 300 300 16 LGCDP 6,000 6600 7260 7986 8784.6 900 990 1,089 1,198 1,318 116,659 319,056 116,659 181,359 116,659 186,099 68,984 75,082 17 18 LGCDP (15 % people contribution) DRSP/SDC Grand Total Remark expected increase of 10%, Road Road Road Trail Bridge expected increase of 10%, Road Road expected increase of 10%, Trail bridge matching fund 3% for MaureGaighat road cost expected increase in revenue from sand and stone collection Road Road, trail line, 10% of total fund Road (approx 10% increment) Road/trail line Road (expected increase in budget 10%) Road Table 7.3 shows the summary of budget in each sector of transport with year wise. This summary excludes the RAP budget as this section has already been included in the 63 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) accessibility analysis of existing road network in Chapter V. General trend of budget is also shown in Figure 7.2. For the first three years, presence of DRSP indicates high flow of budget. Table 7.3 Projected Budget for First Five Fiscal Year 067/68 to 071/072, ‘000 NRs Year Road Trail Bridge Trail line 067/68 170,477 (94.6%) 9,500 (5.3%) 300 (0.2%) 068/069 174,459 (96.2%) 6,600 (3.6%) 300 (0.2%) 069/070 178,839 (96.1%) 7,260 (3.9%) 0 (0.0%) 070/071 60,998 (88.4%) 7,986 (11.6%) 0 (0.0%) 071/072 66,298 (88.3%) 8,785 (11.7%) 0 (0.0%) Average Annual Budget Remarks Excluding RAP II budget for DiktelKhotang road 130,214 8,026 120 (94.1%) (5.8%) (0.1%) Figure 7.2 Projected Budget for First Five Fiscal Years Source, DDC, 2010 7.4 Sharing of Budget Based on the above projected first five years budget, average annual budget has been calculated for different transport sectors such as road, Trail Bridge, Trail line. Then with the average annual available budget in each sector, this budget has been distributed for various interventions such as new construction, rehabilitation and maintenance (ref Figure 7.3). 64 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Figure 7.3 Sharing of Budget Average Annual Budget ( NRs.'000) 138,360 (100% District Road 130214 (94.1%) Bridge 8026 (5.8%) Trail Line 120 (0.1%) New construction Rehabilitation Maintenance New construction Rehabilitation Maintenance New construction Rehabilitation Maintenance 118495 91.0% 9115 7.0% 2604 2.0% 5618 70.0% 2007 25.0% 401 5.0% 12 10.0% 54 45.0% 54 45.0% 65 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 7.5 Year- Wise Sharing Of Budget From the projected budget for each transport sector in Table 7.3 and sharing of budget for each intervention components in Figure 7.3, year wise sharing of budge is calculated. It is shown in Table 7.4. Table 7.4 Year- Wise Sharing Of Budget, ‘000 NRs Annual Average Budget 7.6 118,495 Maintenance New construction Rehabilitation Maintenance 6,650 4,620 5,082 5,590 6,149 2,375 1,650 1,815 1,997 2,196 475 330 363 399 439 30 30 0 0 0 135 135 0 0 0 135 135 0 0 0 Maintenance 155,134 11,933 3,410 158,758 12,212 3,489 162,743 12,519 3,577 55,508 4,270 1,220 60,331 4,641 1,326 9,115 2,604 Trail line Rehabilitation Bridge New construction 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 Rehabilitation Year New construction Road 5,618 2,007 401 12 54 Year-wise Targets From the experience of past years from 2065 – 2067 (2007 to 2010), approximately 35 km of road section per year has been constructed in Khotang with DDC available source and donor’s grant. This includes approximately 50% of progress of Diktel-Khotang Bazaar 50.8 km road section under RAP II project. For the coming three years, DRSP will undertake the construction of 44 km of Maure Phoksingtar section (Diktel-Phoksingtar link). With the past review of achievements and intervention of DRSP and being a bit ambitious, approximately 50 km per year i.e. total 254 km of road section has been proposed by DRCC for inclusion in DTMP. Moreover, next 48 km of two corridors has also been listed for the expected grant from the other donors. Budge has also been allocated for Bus Park which has been missing in the road transport system. For the rehabilitation, approximately 7 m per year, i.e. 34.7 km has been planned for DTMP (ref Figure 7.5). Similarly, for Trail Bridge, five new bridges based on the prioritized list and 2 for rehabilitation have been set as the target. However, for the trail lines, target has not been set. Most of these are likely to be fixed in village level. Hence, regarding trail lines, this is planned as per the demand. 66 54 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Year wise target and budget projected has also been given for each fiscal year and each component of transport sector for new construction and rehabilitation in Table 7.6 and Table 7.7. Table 7.5 Year-wise Physical Targets Road (Km) Bridge (no) Year 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 Total New Rehabilitation construction New construction Rehabilitation 49 51 1 (Bus park) 53 55 44 254 7 5 2 7 5 2 7 7 6.7 34.7 5 5 5 25 2 2 2 10 67 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 7.6 Year Wise Target, Budget available and Projected Budget (Transport Linkage- New Construction) New Construction SN 1 2 3 Types of Transport Linkage District Road Trail Bridge Bus Park Total SN Types of Transport Linkage 1 District Road 2 Trail Bridge Total 2067/68 Budget Estimated Budget Available km 155134 6650 49 5 161784 182176 2070/71 km Budget Estimated Budget Available 171500 10676 Budget Deficit Budget Available km 16366 4026 51 5 1 20392 157458 4620 1,300 162078 Budget Deficit Budget Available 2068/69 Budget Estimated 178500 20209 198709 2071/72 km Budget Estimated Budget Deficit Budget Available km 19742 15589 162743 5082 53 5 35331 167825 2069/70 Budget Estimated Budget Deficit 185500 11601 22757 6519 197101 29276 Budget Deficit 55508 55 190750 135242 60331 44 154000 93669 5590 61098 5 3709 194459 -1881 133361 6149 66480 5 7716 161716 1567 95236 Table 7.7 Year Wise Target, Budget available and Projected Budget (Transport Linkage- Rehabilitation) Rehabilitation SN 1 2 Types of Transport Linkage District Road Trail Bridge Total SN 1 2 Types of Transport Linkage District Road Trail Bridge Total Budget Availabl e 11933 2375 14308 Budget Availabl e 4270 1997 6266 km 7 2 2067/68 Budget Estimated 10428 1000 11428 2070/71 km Budget Estimated 7 2 10428 1000 11428 68 Budget Deficit Budget Available km -1505 -1375 12212 1650 7 2 -2880 13862 Budget Deficit Budget Available 6158 -997 5162 4641 2196 6837 2068/69 Budget Estimated 10428 1000 11428 2071/72 km Budget Estimated 7 2 10428 1000 11428 Budget Deficit Budget Available km -1784 -650 12519 1815 7 2 -2434 14334 Budget Deficit 5787 -1196 4591 2069/70 Budget Estimated Budget Deficit 10428 1000 -2091 -815 11428 -2906 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 7.7 Prioritized Transport Linkage for DTMP For the first five years planning as DTMP, list of prioritized road corridors and Trail Bridge from DTPP was selected by DRCC. 7.7.1 Prioritized District Roads DTMP road was selected based on the prioritization or road network and fund available by DRCC. Table 7.8 shows the list of selected road corridor for new construction. The detail of prioritization of each road corridor is explained in chapter VI. Implementation plan for each road has been prepared in detail in Table 7.9. Similarly, Table 7.10 shows the list of road link for rehabilitation. Table 7.8 List of District Roads for New Construction S.N. Name of Road Corridor Total Length Km DTMP Output (km) Total Score 100 DTPP Rank 1 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar Section) 72 44 84.80 1 2 Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Laphyang) 27 17 64.42 2 3 Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya 12 12 62.14 3 4 Kotangbazar-Pandhare 16 16 40.26 4 5 Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) 15 15 37.61 5 6 Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang 18 18 31.40 6 7 Dhaplang-Chisapani 28 28 28.34 7 8 Khotang bazar-Chisapani 19 19 23.22 10 9 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 28 15 22.68 11 10 Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 15 15 22.53 12 11 Buwajorghat-Chisapani 19 19 21.45 13 12 Raighat-Chyasmitar 12 12 13.60 16 13 Jalpa-Aiselukharka 24 24 6.49 21 Sub Total Source of Budget DoLIDAR, MLD, DDC, DRSP/SDC etc Ref Table 7.2 254 1 Diktel-Khotang bazar 70 20 11.70 18 2 Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol 28 28 8.19 20 Sub Total 48 Source: Appendix B, DRCC Minute; Table 6.2 69 Expected source of fund from donors District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 7.9 DTMP Implementation Plan DTMP Implementation Year S.N. Road Corridor 1 2067/68 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2069/70 15 15 2070/71 2071/72 9 8 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar Section) 14 2 2068/69 Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Laphayang Section) Physical Output Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Physical Output Kotangbazar-Pandhare Physical Output Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Physical Output Chyandanda-Manebhanjynag Physical Output Dhaplang-Chisapani Physical Output Khotang bazar-Chisapani Physical Output Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Physical Output Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Physical Output Buwajorghat-Chisapani Physical Output Raighat-Chyasmitar Physical Output 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 2 5 4 4 5 7 7 4 3 7 9 10 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 3 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 6 49 51 53 Jalpa-Aiselukharka Physical Output Total Planned Section, Km Source: Appendix B, DRCC Minute 70 55 44 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 7.10 List of District Roads for Rehabilitation S.N. Name of Road Link 1 2 3 4 5 Diktel-Jayaramghat Diktel-Chyandanda Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Phoksingtar Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 6 7 Lamidanda-Rabuwa Diktel-Khanidanda Total Road Length km 65.0 48.1 8.3 10.0 9.5 10.1 5.8 Length for rehabilitation Rank 3 2.1 8.28 7 6.2 1 2 3 4 6 8.58 5.8 34.76 7 9 Source: Appendix B, DRCC Minute; Table 6.3 Based on the visual inspection, following roads have been listed for the maintenance. However, implementation needs to be carried out based on the annual maintenance plan. Some of the sections which are not significant in vehicle operation have been discarded. Table 7.11 List of District Roads for Maintenance S.N. Ref No 1 2 3 4 H09 H18 H18 F178 5 6 7 8 9 13A004R 13A006R 13A008R 13A023R 13A013R 10 11 12 13 14 13B001R 13B012R 13B014R 13B015R 13B011R Length (km) Name of Road Link Strategic Road Maure- Phoksingtar Diktel-Jayaramghat Diktel-Chyandanda Bijule-Lamidanda Sub Total District Road (RRA) Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Dhaplang-Chisapani Diktel-Khanidanda Sub Total District Road (RRB) Lamidanda-Rabuwa Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital Diktel-Dobela Chyandanda-Dandagau Diktel-Bamrang Sub Total Total Source: Table 4.3 71 10.0 65.0 48.1 10.3 133.4 7.1 8.3 9.5 7.6 5.8 38.3 10.1 3.2 3.8 5.6 6.1 28.7 200.4 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) 7.7.2 Prioritized Trail bridges Each year five Trail Bridges have been decided for the new construction. Accordingly, first 25 bridges ranked in DTPP is selected for the five years plan as given in Table 7.12. Table 7.12 List of Prioritized Trail Bridge for DTMP Rank Bridge River Name Place Name 1 Dudhkoshi Sisneri Dovan Type Suspended 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bokhuwa khola Sawa khola Sunkoshi Mewa khola Dikhuwa Khola Rawa khola Sawa khola Sawa khola Sunkoshi Okhare khola Buwa khola Sunkoshi Bokhuwa khola Khola kheta Kulle Ghat Rithabote puchar Dalle khola Dovan Sidhathan thayamlu Dhaumcha dovan Piple Kamphughat Saunedovan Aandelung Buwajor Bangsila Gh Suspended Truss Suspended Truss Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended Suspended Truss Suspended Suspended 14 15 16 17 Dikhuwa khola Varlang khola Sakuli khola Kimbu/Valu khola Sangkha puchar Jaruwa pani Sakuli Kikhuwa dovan Truss Suspended Suspended Suspended 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Tawa khola Buktuwa khola Buwa khola Tuwa khola Kharuwa khola Langku khola Dodesimle khola Dudh Koshi Pattradetar Buktuwa Lungkongkha Chanadate Majaubophalu bicha Hattiaahal puchar Dodhae simle Hattitar Truss Suspended Suspended Suspended Truss Suspended Suspended Suspended Span 95 66 32 250 25 110 120 250 113 209 27 77 348 17 58 50 47 32 38 49 25 62 30 150 Cost Estimation ‘000 NRs. 1,178,000 818,400 1,324,800 6,200,000 1,155,000 2,530,000 3,336,000 8,000,000 1,672,400 4,670,400 969,900 913,320 7,784,000 785,400 1,148,400 620,000 521,920 1,529,600 425,600 611,940 496,000 1,075,000 1,326,800 738,000 4,080,000 Source: Appendix B, Table B.17 7.8 Accessibility-DTMP For this achievement of five years plan of DTMP, DDC has to manage the deficit fund as shown in Table 7.6 and Table 7.7 from some other source. If all the proposed roads are constructed, then total road length will be approximately 513 km with road density 32 km/100sqkm. Similarly 88% of the total area will be accessible to road head within 4 hrs walking distance (ref Table 7.13, Table 7.14) 72 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Table 7.13 Road Statistic, DTMP Items Quantity Unit Area coverage 1591 sq km DIM road DTMP road 258.7 254 km km Total expected road after 5 years 512.7 km 32 km / 100 sq km Road density Table 7.14 Accessibility situation of DTMP S.N. Item 1 Area Coverage 2 Population 4 Cultivated land Accessibility from all road based on 4 hrs Accessibility from all road based on 2 hrs 1397 (88 %) 1048 (66 %) sq km 232054 (76.9 %) 189956 (93.9%) no 23 (77 %) 19 (96 %) sq km 73 Unit District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) CHAPTER VIII CONCLUSION 8.1 Other Relevant Issues Traffic volume has been increasing in some of the motorable links such as Diktel-Jayaramghat and Diktel-Chyandanda. With this increase in mobility, road accident is also becoming frequent and causing several fatalities, injuries and loss of properties. This could be due to the immature and untrained drivers or their negligence, or due to the physical condition of the road infrastructure itself. Hence, proactive measure has to be taken in reducing such unwanted events along the road sections. Construction of road by excavator has been increasing in the recent days although the overall percentage is low as a result of presence of donor funded projects. The reason would be due to lower cost in track opening and requirement of less management compared to the labour based approach. However, sustainability and local employment opportunity through labour based approach should be given most priority. However, if the numbers of labours required are not enough for meeting the target by this approach, then at least involvement of all the available labours is recommended. 8.2 Conclusion DTMP with its five years planning should come up with the practical physical implementation. Every year, during the district council, DTMP should be the only reference documents for the allocation of budget in transport sector. No new road section and trail bridge at least for the first five years should be introduced for physical implementation. Moreover, in order to come up with the deficit budget in DTMP, “one door approach for investment” in transport sector should be strictly followed. Similarly, DDC and the stakeholders should seek for the possible source of budget. Moreover, it is true that donors are likely to be convinced if the planning is strictly followed by the district. In regard of collecting more sources of fund, VDC development grant could be one of the best sources if all the VDCs along the road corridor agree in contribution. For this DDC and DRCC need to initiate and coordinate before allocating the budget for that particular corridor. Along with the practical implementation, continue monitoring should also be carried out by DRCC. Timely backstopping is necessary in order to stop misleading during implementations. Similarly, Midterm review should also be carried out. After the period of five years, DTMP needs further updating. In adherence to the DoLIDAR implementation directive, labour-based approach should be strictly adopted for the physical interventions. 74 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Appendix District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Appendix A - Map For Maps Visit District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Appendix B- Detail Data Analysis Table B.1 Demographic detali for each VDC, Khotang SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 VDC Aiselukharka Arkhaule Badahare Badakadiyale Bahunidanda Baje Chyandanda Bakachol Baksila Bamrang Barahapokhari Baspani Batase Bijayakharka Bopung Buipa Chhisapani Chhitapokhari Chhorambu Chippring Chiuridanda Chyasmitar Dambarkhaushivalaya Dandagaon Debekol Devisthan Dhitung HH Number 663 645 283 552 458 612 674 800 597 691 396 767 530 486 1010 879 420 498 275 1183 479 638 572 376 388 536 Population 2001 (Census) Total 3457 3524 1688 2906 2698 3522 3412 4032 3120 3898 2048 4155 2769 2941 5381 4726 2617 2537 1391 6276 2572 3459 2996 1984 2184 3009 Male 1665 1693 809 1453 1340 1711 1639 1963 1480 1910 1031 2023 1310 1505 2550 2327 1304 1260 673 2938 1259 1717 1452 970 1075 1467 Female 1792 1831 879 1453 1358 1811 1773 2069 1640 1988 1017 2132 1459 1436 2831 2399 1313 1277 718 3338 1313 1742 1544 1014 1109 1542 Family Size 5.21 5.46 5.96 5.26 5.89 5.75 5.06 5.04 5.23 5.64 5.17 5.42 5.22 6.05 5.33 5.38 6.23 5.09 5.06 5.31 5.37 5.42 5.24 5.28 5.63 5.61 Growth rate % -0.44 1.65 0.86 1.04 1.41 0.28 0.55 0.09 0.17 1.33 0.14 0.59 0.69 0.3 0.36 1.05 1.31 0.68 0.45 0.3 1.87 0.69 0.32 0.5 2.29 1.96 Population 2010 (Projected) Total Male Female 3322 4083 1823 3190 3060 3612 3585 4065 3168 4390 2074 4381 2946 3021 5558 5192 2942 2697 1448 6447 3039 3680 3083 2075 2678 3583 1600 1962 874 1595 1520 1755 1722 1979 1503 2151 1044 2133 1394 1546 2634 2556 1466 1339 701 3018 1487 1827 1494 1015 1318 1747 1722 2122 949 1595 1540 1857 1863 2086 1665 2239 1030 2248 1552 1475 2924 2635 1476 1357 748 3429 1551 1853 1589 1061 1360 1836 SN 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 VDC Diktel Dikuwa Diplung Dumredharapani Durchhim Faktang Hauchur Indrenipokhari Jaleshwori Jalpa Jyamire Kahule Khalde Kharmi Kharpa Khartamchha Khidima Khotangbazar Kuvinde Lafyang Lamidanda Lichkiramchhe Likuwapokhari Mahadevsthan Makpa Mangaltar Mattim Mouwabote HH Number 1643 406 445 583 698 394 494 699 462 544 317 405 578 767 410 481 425 483 422 579 535 687 492 531 454 421 910 272 Population 2001 (Census) Total Male Female Family Size 8406 2353 2462 3305 3974 2250 2623 3613 2318 2839 1638 2109 3208 4064 2290 2468 2456 2466 2246 3133 2892 3639 2672 2709 2238 2515 4986 1727 4197 1191 1225 1612 1970 1123 1246 1726 1120 1341 794 989 1538 1934 1140 1183 1244 1199 1098 1501 1385 1778 1294 1282 1083 1224 2412 887 4209 1162 1237 1693 2004 1127 1377 1887 1198 1498 844 1120 1670 2130 1150 1285 1212 1267 1148 1632 1507 1861 1378 1427 1155 1291 2574 840 5.12 5.8 5.53 5.67 5.69 5.71 5.31 5.17 5.02 5.22 5.17 5.21 5.55 5.3 5.59 5.13 5.78 5.11 5.32 5.41 5.41 5.3 5.43 5.1 4.93 5.97 5.48 6.35 Growth rate % 1.48 1.64 1.93 1.46 2.1 1.43 0.61 0.07 1.37 2.08 0.37 0.36 0.5 0.68 0.93 0.34 0.46 0.14 0.26 0.75 0.38 0.82 0.06 1.56 -0.96 1.75 -0.07 1.64 Population 2010 (Projected) Total Male Female 9594 2724 2924 3766 4791 2557 2771 3636 2620 3417 1693 2178 3355 4320 2489 2545 2560 2497 2299 3351 2992 3917 2686 3114 2052 2940 4955 1999 4790 1379 1455 1837 2375 1276 1316 1737 1266 1614 821 1022 1609 2056 1239 1220 1296 1214 1124 1605 1433 1914 1301 1474 993 1431 2397 1027 4804 1345 1469 1929 2416 1281 1454 1899 1354 1803 873 1157 1747 2264 1250 1325 1263 1283 1175 1746 1559 2003 1385 1640 1059 1509 2558 972 SN 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 VDC Nerpa Nirmalidanda Nunthala Patheka Pauwasera Phedi Rajapani Rakhabandel Rakhadipsung Ratanchha Ribdungmaheshwori Salle Sapteshwor Sapteshworchhitapokhari Saunechaur Sawakatahare Simpani Sunngdel Suntale Temma Waplukha Yamkha Total HH Number 652 402 339 790 400 766 675 574 194 597 520 371 487 509 458 614 713 603 360 780 499 611 42859 Average source: District Profile appendix, census 2001 Population 2001 (Census) Total Male Female Family Size 3456 2124 1792 4374 2455 3893 3938 2866 972 3221 2719 1883 2484 2927 2555 3297 3712 3059 2148 4075 2631 3416 230898 1592 1040 855 2123 1207 1925 1922 1383 492 1543 1353 928 1200 1490 1241 1609 1801 1528 1042 1978 1211 1649 112352 1864 1084 937 2251 1248 1968 2016 1483 480 1678 1366 955 1284 1437 1314 1688 1911 1531 1106 2097 1420 1767 118546 5.3 5.28 5.29 5.54 6.14 5.08 5.83 4.99 5.01 5.4 5.23 5.08 5.1 5.75 5.58 5.37 5.21 5.07 5.97 5.22 5.27 5.59 5.41 Growth rate % -0.07 -0.87 1.09 0.58 2.51 0.43 1.43 -0.17 0.23 0.14 0.31 -0.25 0.11 0.34 1.33 0.8 0.32 0.75 1.65 -0.18 0.23 0.91 0.74 Population 2010 (Projected) Total Male Female 3434 1963 1976 4608 3069 4046 4475 2822 992 3262 2796 1841 2509 3018 2878 3542 3820 3272 2489 4009 2686 3706 1582 961 943 2236 1509 2001 2184 1362 502 1563 1391 907 1212 1536 1398 1729 1854 1634 1207 1946 1236 1789 1852 1002 1033 2371 1560 2045 2291 1460 490 1699 1405 934 1297 1482 1480 1813 1967 1637 1282 2063 1450 1917 247097 120281 126816 Agro-based Industries Bank Agri. Service Center Vetnery Post Office Telephone office Electricity Cooperative 00 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 10 1.0 10 1.0 10 1.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 20 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 4 Jayaramghat Bahunidanda 116.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 5 Bakachol Bakachol 293.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 7.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 6 Baksila Baksila 450.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 12.0 30.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 0.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 7 Barahapokhari Barahapokhari 348.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 8 Bhandareghat Batase 257.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 Buipa Buipa 559.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 20.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 VDC S. No. 50 5.0 10 0 10.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 NGO 0.0 3.0 10 0 10.0 Floor Mill 0.0 3.0 15 0 15.0 Water Mill 0.0 5.0 Hattiya 1.0 1.0 Electrical/ Mechanical Shop 0.0 0.0 Stationery 0.0 15.0 HH Goods 5.0 10.0 Fancy 100 0 100.0 5.0 5.0 Medical Shop 30 0 30.0 6.0 1.0 Hardware 50 5.0 0.0 0.0 Health Post 00 0.0 0.0 1.0 Hospital 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 Primary School 20 2.0 0.0 1.0 High School 10 1.0 0.0 599.0 Campus 10 1.0 201.0 Arkhaule Population, 2067 1074 0 1074.0 Arkhaule Arkhaule Market Center Ei Eiselukharka l kh k Bijule 3 25 0 25.0 2 1.0 S. Chhitapokhari 120.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 Chisapani Chisapani 715.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 20.0 30.0 2.0 3.0 30.0 30.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 12 Dobela Chiuridanda 684.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 13 Chyasmitar Chyasmitar 154.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 14 Okhare Dandagaun 362.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 15 Buwajorghat Devisthan 197.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 15.0 10.0 15.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 16 Diktel Diktel 5197.0 1.0 4.0 13.0 1.0 0.0 25.0 30.0 200.0 20.0 2.0 300.0 200.0 7.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 50.0 10 Panchami 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 3.0 8.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 10.0 11.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 20 Demletar Jaleshwori 204.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 Jalpa Jalpa 503.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 9.0 13.0 17.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 7.0 0.0 10.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 22 Kharpa Kharpa 473.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 15.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 23 Khotang bazar Khotang 585.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 4.0 3.0 10.0 1.0 5.0 6.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 24 Kuvinde Kuvinde 291.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 25 Lamidanda Lamidanda 350.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 25.0 15.0 22.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 26 Halesi Mahadevsthan 385.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 3.0 20.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 27 Manebhanjyang Mattim 506.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 20.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28 Nunthala Nunthala 352.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 29 Dhartung Phaktang 193.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 20.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 30 Sukrabare Phedi 150.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 31 Regmitar Rajapani 123.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 6.0 11.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 32 Rakha Rakhabangdel 260.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 11.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 33 Chhit Chhitapokhari kh i S Chhit Chhitapokhari kh i 103.0 103 0 0.0 00 1.0 10 0.0 00 0.0 00 0.0 00 55.0 0 44.0 0 77.0 0 11.0 0 22.0 0 33.0 0 55.0 0 33.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 11.0 0 11.0 0 11.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 34 Simpani Simpani 400.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 5.0 14.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 14.0 2.0 0.0 10.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 33.0 48.0 5.0 24.0 238.0 298.0 725.0 47.0 48.0 446.0 373.0 74.0 31.0 90.0 54.0 11.0 13.0 43.0 102.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 29.0 1.0 1.0 Median Population 488 357 351 715 357 350 351 349 401 374 362 409 450 506 559 393 383 2,808 503 585 503 503 5,197 506 505 357 5,197 5,197 352 351 Weight 1.40 1.02 1.01 2.05 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.15 1.07 1.04 1.17 1.29 1.45 1.60 1.12 1.10 8.04 1.44 1.68 1.44 1.44 14.89 1.45 1.45 1.02 14.89 14.89 1.01 1.01 Source: Market Survey 6.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 250.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 418.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 103.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dumredharapani 0.0 0.0 1.0 Dikuwa 0.0 0.0 0.0 Durchim 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 Chhapdanda Total Functions 0.0 0.0 18 Dumredharapani 17 Raighat 0.0 8.0 Market Center grading A(>100), B (50-100, C (25-50)) D (potential) Mechcanical Febrication 00 0.0 Eiselukharka Ei l kh k 2 40 4.0 Ranking Handycraft 10 1.0 Grocery Shop 00 0.0 1 30 3.0 239.66 239 19.2 74.8 77.3 33.9 98.2 26.7 35.0 78.2 49.5 155.5 27.8 34.3 28.8 47.3 1023.9 13.1 46.1 52.5 7.1 95.7 85.4 135.4 58.4 92.4 53.9 48.3 68.7 59.3 30.9 28.7 39.8 37 1 37.1 77.7 2 32 12 11 26 5 31 24 9 18 3 30 25 28 20 1 33 21 17 34 6 8 4 15 7 16 19 13 14 27 29 22 23 10 A D B B C B C C B C A C C C C A D C B D B B A B B B C B B C C C C B Service Center Forest Based Industries Industries Textile & Leather Commercial Restaurant & Tea Shop Health Hotel Lodge Educational Centrality Index Table B.2 Market Centre Analysis- Centrality Index 3 District Road Inventory Table B B.3 S.N Name of Transport Linkage: Total Length (km) Types of transport Linkage Route Description Start point End point Name of Serttlements Passess through Gurung gaun, kami gaun, Sharki gaun, Newar gaun, Bada gaun, Panchadobhato, Dhiwa, Mala, Mahabhir Serviceability Vehicle Operating g ((Km)) Length Vehicle Reached Seasonal /All Place Weather Road Detail Survey Date of Construction Construction Method 10 Mala, Bijayakharka Seasonal Yes 2065-2066 5 km labour based, 5 km excavator Labour Based Km Excavato r Km Funded by 5 5 VDC, DDC, RRN, Community DDC, Users committee, RRN 0 3 7.00 Rehab Bends and grade not maintained properly. This road importance is foreseen as the connection with in the hilly region, Mid hill highway Difficulty in passing in Halesi Arkhaule section, 3 m width, passing zone with in 1-1.5 km Implemented by easily Passable with Impassable Intervention passable difficulty and (KM) Required ((KM)) risk ((KM)) Remarks Maure- Phoksintar 10.0 H09 Maure Mala, Bijayakharka Diktel-Jayaramghat 65.0 H18 Diktel, Ratnapark Jayaramghat Chyasmitar, Halesi, Naulapur, Arkhaule Naulapur 65 Jayaramghat Okhaldhunga border Seasonal Yes 2056-2066 Labour based 65.00 0 ADB, DFID USADP, RAP 0 62 3.00 Maintenance/ rehab in some section only Diktel-Chyandanda 48.1 H18 Diktel, Ratna park Chyandanda Solma, Bhulke, Nerpa, Dhikure, Kahule, Thuwasung, bajechyandanda 48.1 Bajhe chyandanda Bhojpur border Seasonal Yes 2063-2065 Labour based 48.10 0 RAP, DDC, 5 VDC RAP 0 46 2.10 Maintenance/ Sekhuwa chyandanda, water rehab in some drainage not maintained properly section only Bijule-Lamidanda 10.3 F178 Bijuli Lamidanda Lekkharka, Bhadare, Lamidanda 10.3 Lamidanda All weather Yes 2056-2066 labour based 10.30 0 ADB, DDC, DFID DDC, USADP, RAP 0 10.3 0.00 Maintenance Lamidanda-Rabuwa 10.1 RRB Lamidanda airport Rasuwa Lamidanda,Kamitol, Majhi gaun, Rabuwa 10.1 Rasuwa Seasonal Yes 2066/67 Excavator 0 10.08 DDC, VDC, Community DDC, VDC 0 1.5 8.58 Rehab Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol 7.1 RRA Lamidanda Kharpa Simkharka Simkharka, Biralibhanjyang, kafle, Jogidanda, Bhattarai gaun, Ratamata, kalleri 6.5 Kalleri Seasonal Yes 2064-2066 3 km labour based/4.09 km excavator 3 4.09 DDC, Community DDC, Users committee 0.6 3.56 2.93 Rehab Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 8.3 RRA Hurlung Jalpa Chapkharka, Pokhari, Jalpa 8.28 Jalpa Seasonal Yes 2062-2066 Labour based/excavator 4.2 4.08 VDC, DDC VDC DDC, Community VDC, DDC, various users committee, 0 0 8.28 Rehab No structures, lack of cambering Harelo danda-Kharmi 5.3 Village road Ful Bisauna,Soti, Barmali gaun, Sabru Gurung gaun 0 Yes 2066/67 Excavator 0 5.3 DDC, Community DDC 5.3 0 0.00 village roadrehab No structures, lack of cambering and compaction Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 9.5 RRA Diktel, Ratnapark Kharmi/patheka Solma, Talkharka, Kharmi jungle 3.3 Talkharka Seasonal Yes 2066/67 3 km labour based/excavator 3 6.5 DDC, Community DDC 6.2 3.3 0.00 Rehab No structures, lack of cambering Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital 3.2 RRB Ratna park, Diktel Hospital, Diktel Sharkigaun, Bhutedando 3.2 Diktel Hospital Seasonal Yes 2065-2066 Labour based 3.2 0 ADB, DDC, DFID USADP, RAP 0 3.17 0.00 Rehab Diktel-Dobela 3.8 RRB Hospital, Diktel Acharya tole, Diktel Ditktel Hospital, Acharya tole 0.98 Acharya tole, Diktel Seasonal Yes 2065-2066/67 Excavator 0 3.8 DDC, Community DDC, Users committee 2.82 0 0.96 Rehab No structures, lack of cambering Chyandanda-Dandagau 5.6 RRB Bajechyandanda Mahabhir Bajechyandanda, Dandagaun, Mahabhir 0 non motorable Non motorable Yes 2065-2066/67 Labour based 0 5.6 DDC, Community DDC 5.6 0 0.00 villae roadrehab No structures, track N k openedd ddoesnt meet rural road standard in many section Diktel-Khotang bazar 50.8 RRA Hospital, H it l Diktel ap. Chhittapokha Diktel, Laphyang, Temma, Y kh Dandagaun Yamkha, D d , Chhorombu, Chipring, Sap. Chhitapokhari 0 U d Under construction Underconstruc U d t tion Yes 2065-2067 Labour based 50.8 0 DFID DDC, RAP 50.8 0 0.00 ongoing-- U d construction, Under t ti planned l d to t complete in 2011 0 non motorable Non motorable Yes 2065-2067 Labour based/excavator 3.3 4.3 VDC, DDC VDC DDC, ban samiti, Community VDC,DDC, user committee 7.6 0 0.00 Rehab 1 2 3 4 No structures, lack of cambering 5 6 7 8 Harelo danda Sabru, Kharmi (Nerpa) non motorable Non motorable 9 10 11 12 13 Dhaplang-Chisapani 7.6 RRA Dhaplang Cheketum dhaplang Majhigaun, Sankhudhunga, S kh dh chekethum, h k th chhatretar, Sisner, Kimbukhola, Ghorinkga, cheketum Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) 2.2 RRB Ramailo, Gaighat Rasuwa Ramailo, Gaighat 0 non motorable Non motorable Yes 2066/67 Labour based 2.2 0 DDC, VDC, Community DDC, Users committee 2.2 0 0.00 no significant legth No structures, lack of cambering Diktel-Khanidanda 5.8 RRA Hatdanda Khanidanda Siddeshwori Mai, Dandakharka 5.8 Khanidanda seasonal Yes 2062-2065 Labour based, excavator for maintenance 5.8 0 DDC, Community DDC, User committee 0 0 5.80 Rehab No structures, lack of cambering Diktel-Bamrang 6.1 RRB Diktel,Ratnapark Bamrang Ratnapark, Bamrang, 6.1 Bamrang seasonal yes 2066/67 Excavator 0 6.1 DDC, VDC, Community DDC, VDC 0 3 3.10 Maintenance No structures, lack of cambering 204 55 81 136 42 14 15 16 17 Total Source: Road Inventory Survey 259 178 Table B B.4 4 Traffic Count S.N Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 H09 H18-DJ H18-DC F178 13B001R Name of Transport Linkage: Maure- Phoksintar Diktel-Jayaramghat Diktel-Chyandanda Bijule-Lamidanda Lamidanda-Rabuwa Lamidanda- Aiselukharka13A004R 6 Bakachol 7 13A006R Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 8 13B010R Harelo danda-Kharmi 13A008R Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 9 10 13B012R Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital 11 13B014R Diktel-Dobela 13B015R Chyandanda-Dandagau 12 13 13A017R Diktel-Khotang bazar 14 13A023R Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur 13B024R 15 (Indrenipokhari) 16 13A013R Diktel-Khanidanda 17 13B011R Diktel-Bamrang Source: Traffic Count/RRPA, MOC Pedestrian Porter Average daily traffic volume Car/ Jeep/ Pack Bicycle Rickshaw Motorcycle Carts Van Animal/Mule 100 210 75 150 100 0 10 22 6 25 4 5 0 0 2 100 160 20 6 1 9 100 5 1 150 250 75 10 0 3 6 2 1 10 200 200 0 10 15 0 1 7 100 150 40 50 2 3 7 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 12 10 6 4 10 2 7 7 10 2 Light Truck 0 11 0 0 Median Truck 7 2 12 2 2 Heavy Tractor Minibus Bus Truck 0 0 0 4 8 0 1 2 0 2 Remarks 1 0 0 2 5 non motorable non motorable 5 non motorable 2 5 Table B.5 Traffic Volume calculation S.N. Ref No. 1 2 3 4 5 H09 H18-DJ H18-DC H18 DC F178 13B001R Name of Road Link Transport Unit (TU) 6 13A004R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13A006R 13B010R 13A008R 13B012R 13B014R 13B015R 13A017R 13A023R 15 13B024R 16 13A013R 17 13B011R Maure- Phoksintar Diktel-Jayaramghat Diktel-Chyandanda Diktel Chyandanda Bijule-Lamidanda Lamidanda-Rabuwa Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Harelo danda-Kharmi Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Diktel Ratnapark-Hospital Diktel-Dobela Chyandanda-Dandagau Diktel-Khotang bazar Dhaplang-Chisapani R h t Th l h Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Diktel-Khanidanda Diktel-Bamrang Average daily traffic volume (PCU) Car/ Jeep/ Light Pack Pedestrian Porter Bicycle Rickshaw Motorcycle Carts Van Truck Animal/Mule Median Truck Heavy Total Traffic Tractor Minibus Bus Truck Unit 0.2 20 42 15 30 20 0.4 0 4 8.8 2.4 10 2.0 8.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.5 6 5 3 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 16.5 0 0 0 3 21 6 36 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 6 12 0 0 3 3 6 0 6 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 63 96 75 47 45 20 8 2.8 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 38 32 20 30 50 15 2 40 40 2.4 2 4 0 1.2 0 4 6 18.0 2.0 11.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 14.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3.5 0 3.5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 24 49 74 19 2 46 60 20 20 14.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 30 8 0.8 1.2 3.0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 14 Table B.6 Trail Bridge Inventory 1 Bridge Number Name 12 5 001 18 06 1 Hauchar Khola 2 12 5 003 18 06 1 Rawa Khola II N 3 12 5 003 18 06 2 Kalleri ST 4 12 5 004 18 06 1 Rabuwa R b D M i Main Dh Dharapani i L id d Lamidanda 1995/1996 G N GoN 5 12 5 004 18 06 2 Tindovan ST 28 Langur khola Local Lamidanda Lamidanda 2000/2001 USADP 6 12 5 004 18 06 3 Tindovan D 61.1 Langur Khola Local Lamidanda Lamidanda 2004/2005 DDC 7 12 5 008 18 06 1 Dasgatae Phedi D 78.5 Tap Khola Local Kharmi Baksila 2000/2001 USADP 8 12 5 008 18 06 2 Katike D 45.3 Tap Khola Local Kharmi Baksila 2003/2004 DDC 9 12 5 009 18 06 1 Damdipuchar di h S.N. Type D VDC/Municipality Left bank Right bank Kubhinde Hangchur Com. FY 1996/1997 Main Dharapani Kubhinde 1985/1986 GoN Local Kharpa Kubhinde 2000/2001 USADP Span River 30.2 Hauchar Khola Trail Local 110.2 Rawa Khola 32 Kalleri khola 116 4 Rawa 116.4 R Kh Khola l Coordinates East North Source 27º-15' 86º-39' Map Funding Agency Local Foreign DDC SDC D 30 di kh l Damdi khola Locall h k Patheka Banspanii 1989/1990 10 12 5 009 18 06 2 Rati D 60 Tap Khola Local Patheka Banspani 1999/2000 USADP 11 12 5 010 18 06 1 Rawa Khola I D 72 Rawa Khola Main Duwekoldanda Jalpapur 1977/1978 GoN 12 12 5 010 18 06 2 Tap Khola D 39.5 Tap Khola Main Shapteshwor Jalpapur 1985/1986 GoN 13 12 5 011 18 06 1 Walpher D 54 Lamju Khola Local Jalpapur Kharmi 2004/2005 DDC 27º-18' 86º-49' Map SDC SDC AA G KAABGN SDC 14 12 5 012 18 06 1 Damdipuchar D 59.8 Tap Khola Local Patheka Khatamchha 1997/1998 KAABGN 15 12 5 012 18 06 2 Kudung D 56 Tap Khola Local Phedi Khatamchha 1997/1998 KAABGN 16 12 5 012 18 06 3 Dhungri Khola D 57.2 Tawa Khola Local Phedi Khatamchha 1999/2000 DDC SDC 17 12 5 012 18 06 4 Khupata D 70.6 Tap Khola Local 18 12 5 012 18 06 5 Khupatung D 70.6 Tap Khola Local 19 12 5 012 18 06 6 Tap Khola D 69 Tap Khola 20 12 5 012 18 06 7 Tapdamdi N 59.8 Tap Khola 21 12 5 013 18 06 1 Tap Khola II, N 67 Tap Khola 22 12 5 013 18 06 10 Pipingphedi D 65.3 Chamuwa Khola Local Phedi 23 12 5 013 18 06 11 Khokma D 44 Tap Khola Local Phedi 24 12 5 013 18 06 12 Kudung D 44 Tap Khola Local Phedi 25 12 5 013 18 06 13 Chammuwa D 42.5 Chammuwa Khol Local Phedi 26 12 5 013 18 06 2 Kudung D 35 Tap Khola Local 27 12 5 013 18 06 3 Chyandanda D 55 Sapsu Khola Local 28 12 5 013 18 06 4 Patkaru D 42.5 Chumuwa Khola 29 12 5 013 18 06 5 Kudungpuchar ST 32 Dhungi Khola 30 12 5 013 18 06 6 Nakti Dovan D 64 31 12 5 013 18 06 7 Piulung Phedi ST 64.5 Khatamchha Khatamchha 2003/2004 DDC SDC Khatamchha Khatamchha 2003/2004 DDC SDC Local Khatamchha Khatamchha 1997/1998 KAABGN Local Khatamchha Khatamchha 1997/1998 KAABGN Main Khatamchha Phedi 1986/1987 GoN Phedi 2003/2004 DDC Phedi 1988/1989 KAABGN Phedi 1988/1989 KAABGN Phedi 1997/1998 KAABGN Phedi Phedi 1993/1994 KAABGN Phedi 1993/1994 KAABGN Local Phedi Phedi 1997/1998 KAABGN Local Khatamchha Phedi 1997/1998 KAABGN 27º-18' 86º-52' 27º-19' 86º-58' Map Map Taap Khola Local Phedi Phedi 1997/1998 DDC Chammuwa Khol Local Phedi Phedi 1999/2000 USADP SDC SDC 32 12 5 013 18 06 8 Nakti Dovan D 35 Tawa Khola Local Phedi Phedi 1999/2000 DDC SDC 33 12 5 013 18 06 9 Sawaryaksa D 69.6 Taap Khola Local Phedi Phedi 2000/2001 DDC SDC Bridge Number Name 34 12 5 015 18 06 1 Lamju Dobhan S.N. Type D Span River 71 Taap Khola Trail Local Tuwa Khola Local Kharuwa Khola Local Coordinates East North Source 27º-4 ' 86º-49' Com. FY 1997/1998 Chipring Shapteshwor 2005/2006 KAABGN Shapteshwor Shapteshwor 1992/1993 KAABGN 35 12 5 015 18 06 2 Tuwa Khola D 53.5 36 12 5 015 18 06 3 Kharuwa D 49 37 12 5 016 18 06 1 Godu Khola D 55.7 Godu Khola Local Sungdel Sungdel 2004/2005 38 12 5 018 18 06 1 D 70 Humle Khola Local Bakachol Bakachol 1997/1998 27º-22'' 86º-52' Map VDC/Municipality Left bank Right bank Jalpapur Shapteshwor Map Funding Agency Local Foreign DDC SDC DDC 39 12 5 018 18 06 2 Hume D 70 Hume Khola Local Bakachol Bakachol 1997/1998 40 12 5 019 18 06 1 Rawa Khola D 99.4 Rawa Khola Local Hangchur Makpa 1999/2000 DDC 41 12 5 022 18 06 1 Sillauri Ghat D 28.3 Dudhkoshi Local Kuebhire Jyamire 2000/2001 USADP 42 12 5 023 18 06 1 Liding Khola D 107.8 Liding Khola Main Ainselukharka Rakhawagndel 1986/1987 GoN 43 12 5 023 18 06 2 Pipicha-Sapteshwar D 79.8 Local Shapteshwor Rakhawagndel 1999/2000 DDC Rawa Khola SDC KAABGN KAABGN SDC SDC 44 12 5 026 18 06 1 Nakhampuchar D 30 Lungduwa Khola Local Patheka 1997/1998 45 12 5 026 18 06 2 Bhagu Khola D 59.5 Bhagu Khola Local Patheka Patheka 2000/2001 DDC KAABGN SDC 46 12 5 026 18 06 3 Chhiruwa Khola D 61.8 Dekhum Khola Local Kharmi Patheka 2000/2001 DDC SDC 47 12 5 026 18 06 4 D 28 Kang Khola Local Patheka Patheka 1989/1990 KAABGN 48 12 5 026 18 06 5 Khomma D 40 Tap Khola Local Patheka Patheka 1989/1990 KAABGN 49 12 5 026 18 06 6 Lungduwa D 37 Lungduwa Khola Local Patheka Patheka 1997/1998 KAABGN 50 12 5 027 18 06 1 Kiwa Dovan D 55.5 Mewa Khola Local Nerpa Nerpa 1998/1999 KAABGN 51 12 5 027 18 06 2 Mewa D 56 Mewa Khola Local Nerpa Nerpa 1998/1999 KAABGN 52 12 5 028 18 06 1 Chebbe/Miyan D 45 Chebbe Miyan Kh Main Ditail Cheuredadha 1983/1984 GoN 53 12 5 028 18 06 2 Runku Dovan D 68.4 Sapsu p Khola Local Ratamchha M Cheuredadha 1999/2000 DDC SDC 54 12 5 028 18 06 3 Setibhir D 53 Jorlapse khola Local Nirmaledadha Cheuredadha 2000/2001 DDC SDC 55 12 5 028 18 06 4 Setibhir D 34.5 Lapse Khola Local Nirmaledadha SDC 56 12 5 029 18 06 1 Alaiche D 60 Sapsu Khola Local Cheuredadha 2000/2001 DDC Nirmaledadha 1999/2000 USADP 57 12 5 029 18 06 2 Piulung Devisthan D 60 Sapsu Khola Local Nirmaledadha 2000/2001 USADP 58 12 5 030 18 06 1 Sapsu p Khola I N 74 Sapsu p Khola Main Lafyang y g Matimbirta 1983/1984 GoN 59 12 5 030 18 06 2 Tap Khola D 45 Tawa Khola Local Temma Matimbirta 1998/1999 60 12 5 030 18 06 3 Sirubari D 52.2 Tawa Khola Local Chittapokhari Matimbirta 1999/2000 DDC SDC 61 12 5 030 18 06 4 Sangutama D 47.1 Makhuwa Khola Local 27º-11' 86º-52' Map Ratamchha M Matimbirta 2004/2005 DDC SDC 62 12 5 030 18 06 5 Tawa Khola D 57 Tawa Khola Main 27º-08' 86º-32' Map Chittapokhari Matimbirta 2004/2005 uw 63 12 5 031 18 06 1 Makhuwa S ST 20 uw Khola o Makhuwa oc Local b Matimbirta c / Ratamchha Maajj 2000/2001 US USADP 64 12 5 031 18 06 2 Sila Papichakhu D 39.1 Makhuwa Khola Local Matimbirta Ratamchha Maaj 2000/2001 DDC 65 12 5 031 18 06 3 Sapsu D 53 Sapsu Khola Local Ratamchha M Ratamchha Maaj 1997/1998 KAABGN 66 12 5 033 18 06 1 Pungmayapuchar D 40 Tawa Khola Local Chittapokhari Khidima 1993/1994 KAABGN 67 12 5 033 18 06 2 ST 28 Tawa Khola Local Khidima Khidima 1998/1999 KAABGN KAABGN KAABGN SDC Bridge Number Name 68 12 5 033 18 06 3 Tawa S.N. Type D Span River 34.3 Tawa Khola Trail Local Coordinates East North Source VDC/Municipality Left bank Right bank Khidima Khidima Com. FY 1993/1994 Funding Agency Local Foreign KAABGN 69 12 5 035 18 06 1 Dikhuwa D 106 Dikhuwa Khola Local Khalle Bijayakharka 2003/2004 DDC SDC 70 12 5 035 18 06 2 Sera Khola Dovan D 63.4 Dikhuwa Khola Local Khalle Bijayakharka 2006/2007 DDC SDC 71 12 5 036 18 06 1 Dalle Dovan D 28 Dikhuwa Khola Local Bamrang Buyepa 1997/1998 72 12 5 036 18 06 2 Kusunkha D 75.9 Dikhuwa Khola Local Khalle Buyepa 2000/2001 73 12 5 036 18 06 3 Dikhuwa ST 28 Dikhuwa Khola Local Buyepa Buyepa 1997/1998 74 12 5 036 18 06 4 Bunwajor Ghat II D Main Chaudandi Buyepa 1995/1996 GoN 75 12 5 044 18 06 1 Dikhuwa Dobhan LN 45 Dikhuwa Khola Main Rajapani Ditail 1989/1990 DDC 76 12 5 044 18 06 2 Sanu Chepe D 67 Sanu Chepe Kho Local Nerpa Ditail 1998/1999 77 12 5 044 18 06 3 Devisthan D 72 Chepe Khola Local Nerpa Ditail 1999/2000 349.4 Sunkoshi River KAABGN DDC SDC KAABGN KAABGN DDC SDC SDC 78 12 5 044 18 06 4 Bhalu Khola D 39.6 Bhalu Khola Local Ditail Ditail 2000/2001 DDC 79 12 5 045 18 06 1 Dikhua Khola D 79.8 Dikhuwa Khola Main Buyepa Bamrang 1986/1987 GoN 80 12 5 046 18 06 1 Batophedi D 63.3 Sapsu Khola Local Yamkha Khalle 2006/2007 DDC 81 12 5 047 18 06 1 Dorungpuchar D 30 Mewa Khola Local Lafyang 1993/1994 82 12 5 047 18 06 2 Kunai, Saapsu Khola D 55.6 Sapsu Khola Local Matimbirta Lafyang 1999/2000 DDC 83 12 5 047 18 06 3 Mewa Dovan D 71 Sapsu Khola Local Matimbirta Lafyang 2000/2001 USADP SDC KAABGN 84 12 5 047 18 06 4 Mewa D 38 Mewa Khola Local Lafyang Lafyang 1993/1994 85 12 5 048 18 06 1 Charuwa Dobhan D 61.1 Sapsu Khola Local Dadhagaun Rajapani 1995/1996 86 12 5 049 18 06 1 Dhunri ST 28 Tukure Khola Local Yamkha Yamkha 1998/1999 87 12 5 050 18 06 1 Tawa Khola D 47 Tawa Khola Main Matimbirta Temma 1983/1984 GoN 88 12 5 051 18 06 1 Mayangpa-Kharuwa D 48.3 Kharuwa Khola Local Chorambo Dadhagaun 2000/2001 DDC USADP SDC KAABGN DDC SDC KAABGN SDC 89 12 5 052 18 06 1 Ghartung ST 20 Ghartung khola Local Shapteshwor Chittapokhari 2000/2001 90 12 5 052 18 06 2 Khik D 43.6 Khik Khola Local Chittapokhari Chittapokhari 1992/1993 91 12 5 053 18 06 1 Sapsu Dobhan N 98 Sapsu Khola Main Rajapani Batashea 1974/1975 GoN 92 12 5 053 18 06 2 Jyamire y D 70 Tuwa Khola Local Simpani p Batashea 1998/1999 DDC SDC 93 12 5 053 18 06 3 Odare D 50.3 Tuwa Khola Local Simpani Batashea 2003/2004 DDC SDC 94 12 5 053 18 06 4 Dhik Dobhan D 55.3 DDC Tuwa Khola Local Licchiramche Batashea 2005/2006 49 Kharuwa Khola Local Chorambo Chorambo 1992/1993 ST 24 Tuwa Khola Local Shapteshwor Chipring 1999/2000 . 43.6 o Khikuu Khola oc Local d po Indranipokhari o g Bazaar Khotang 99 / 99 1992/1993 D 41.7 Khiku Khola Local Khotang Baza Khotang Bazaar 2000/2001 95 12 5 054 18 06 1 96 12 5 055 18 06 1 Tuwa Khola 97 12 5 0577 18 06 1 98 12 5 057 18 06 2 Khiku Khola 99 12 5 057 18 06 3 Lache KAABGN SDC KAABGN USADP G KAABGN DDC SDC SDC D 81.8 Dumcha Khola Local Sawakatahare Khotang Bazaar 2003/2004 DDC 100 12 5 058 18 06 1 Rasuwa Ghat N 165 Sunkoshi Main Jyamire Licchiramche 1981/1982 GoN 101 12 5 058 18 06 2 Tuwa Khola D 63.2 Tuwa Khola Main Batashea Licchiramche 1984/1985 GoN Bridge Number Name 102 12 5 058 18 06 3 Bhorma Sawa Khola S.N. 103 12 5 060 18 06 1 Khiku Khola Type D D 104 12 5 061 18 06 1 VDC/Municipality Left bank Right bank Barahapokhari Licchiramche Com. FY 2003/2004 Local Khotang Baza 2005/2006 Sawa Khola Local Likuwapokhari Baadkadiyale 1998/1999 Span River 90.8 Sawa Khola Trail Local 51.8 Khiku Khola 45.5 Coordinates East North Source Simpani Funding Agency Local Foreign DDC SDC DDC SDC KAABGN 79 12 5 045 18 06 1 Dikhua Khola D 79.8 Dikhuwa Khola Main Buyepa Bamrang 1986/1987 GoN 80 12 5 046 18 06 1 Batophedi D 63.3 Sapsu Khola Local Yamkha Khalle 2006/2007 DDC 81 12 5 047 18 06 1 Dorungpuchar D 30 Mewa Khola Local Lafyang 1993/1994 82 12 5 047 18 06 2 Kunai, Saapsu Khola D 55.6 Sapsu Khola Local Matimbirta Lafyang 1999/2000 DDC 83 12 5 047 18 06 3 Mewa Dovan D 71 Sapsu Khola Local Matimbirta Lafyang 2000/2001 USADP 84 12 5 047 18 06 4 Mewa D 38 Mewa Khola Local Lafyang Lafyang 1993/1994 85 12 5 048 18 06 1 Charuwa Dobhan D 61.1 Sapsu Khola Local Dadhagaun Rajapani 1995/1996 SDC KAABGN SDC KAABGN DDC 86 12 5 049 18 06 1 Dhunri ST 28 Tukure Khola Local Yamkha Yamkha 1998/1999 87 12 5 050 18 06 1 Tawa Khola D 47 Tawa Khola Main Matimbirta Temma 1983/1984 GoN 88 12 5 051 18 06 1 Mayangpa-Kharuwa D 48.3 Kharuwa Khola Local Chorambo Dadhagaun 2000/2001 DDC USADP SDC KAABGN 89 12 5 052 18 06 1 Ghartung ST 20 Ghartung khola Local Shapteshwor Chittapokhari 2000/2001 90 12 5 052 18 06 2 Khik D 43.6 Khik Khola Local Chittapokhari Chittapokhari 1992/1993 91 12 5 053 18 06 1 Sapsu Dobhan N 98 Sapsu Khola Main Rajapani Batashea 1974/1975 GoN SDC KAABGN 92 12 5 053 18 06 2 Jyamire D 70 Tuwa Khola Local Simpani Batashea 1998/1999 DDC SDC 93 12 5 053 18 06 3 Odare D 50.3 Tuwa Khola Local Simpani Batashea 2003/2004 DDC SDC 94 12 5 053 18 06 4 Dhik Dobhan D 55.3 DDC Tuwa Khola Local Licchiramche Batashea 2005/2006 49 Kharuwa Khola Local Chorambo Chorambo 1992/1993 ST 24 Tuwa Khola Local Shapteshwor Chipring 1999/2000 43.6 Khiku Khola Local Indranipokhari Khotang Bazaar 1992/1993 98 12 5 057 18 06 2 Khiku Khola D 41.7 Khiku Khola Local Khotang Baza Khotang Bazaar 2000/2001 99 12 5 057 18 06 3 Lache 95 12 5 054 18 06 1 96 12 5 055 18 06 1 Tuwa Khola 97 12 5 057 18 06 1 SDC KAABGN USADP KAABGN DDC SDC SDC D 81.8 Dumcha Khola Local Sawakatahare Khotang Bazaar 2003/2004 DDC 100 12 5 058 18 06 1 Rasuwa Ghat N 165 Sunkoshi Main Jyamire y Licchiramche 1981/1982 GoN 101 12 5 058 18 06 2 Tuwa Khola D 63.2 Tuwa Khola Main Batashea Licchiramche 1984/1985 GoN 102 12 5 058 18 06 3 Bhorma Sawa Khola D 90.8 Sawa Khola Local Barahapokhari Licchiramche 2003/2004 DDC SDC 103 12 5 060 18 06 1 Khiku Khola D 51.8 Khiku Khola Local Khotang Baza Simpani 2005/2006 DDC SDC 45.5 Sawa Khola Local Likuwapokhari Baadkadiyale 1998/1999 oc Local Local Local o g Baza C s p Khotang Chishapani Damarkhushiw Likuwapokhari Likuwapokhari Likuwapokhari 99 / 99 1992/1993 2000/2001 2004/2005 USADP 2000/2001 1979/1980 1997/1998 DDC GoN DDC 104 12 5 061 18 06 1 105 12 5 063 18 06 1 106 12 5 066 18 06 1 Khaptan Dovan 107 12 5 066 18 06 2 Likuwa Khola (Mahabhir 108 12 5 068 18 06 1 Doktham Dovan 109 12 5 070 18 06 1 Bunwajor Ghat I 110 12 5 071 18 06 1 Mahabhir D ST D D N D w Khola o 54 S Sawa 24 Likhuwa khola 64.5 Likuwa Khola 37.6 Sawa Khola 163.5 Sunkoshi 70.8 Rawa Khola Local Main Local 27º-03' 86º-57' Map Shiddhipur Sungdel Sawakatahare Devisthan Diplung KAABGN G KAABGN KAABGN SDC SDC S.N. Number 111 12 5 071 18 06 2 112 12 5 071 18 06 3 113 12 5 072 18 06 1 114 12 5 072 18 06 2 115 12 5 073 18 06 1 116 12 5 074 18 06 1 117 12 5 074 18 06 2 118 12 5 074 18 06 3 119 12 5 075 18 06 1 120 12 5 075 18 06 2 121 125 066 18 06 3 Source: TBSU, 2010 Bridge Name Rawa Dhunge Dandagaun Chaplukha Bhktuwakhola Chiuribote Betuwa Khola B t Betuwa Dovan D Wachang Dhaplang Ghat Lamasoti Sawa Type D D D D ST D D D D D D Span 103.3 77.6 47.8 41.6 20 42 74 5 74.5 129.6 245.3 58 45.5 River Rawa Khola Sankh Khola Ruwa Khola Buktuwa Khola Boya Khola Pangre Khola B t Betuwa khola kh l Wachang Khola Sunkoshi Okhare Khola Sawa Khola Trail Local Local Local Local Local Local L l Local Local Main Local Local Coordinates East North Source VDC/Municipality Left bank Right bank Baksila Diplung Diplung Diplung Devisthan Mauwawotee Mauwawotee Mauwawotee Pauwashera Pauwashera Phastang Phastang P Pauwashera h Ph t Phastang Phastang Phastang Phastang Saunechaur Saunechaur Saunechaur Likuwapokhari Likuwapokhari Com. FY 1999/2000 2003/2004 1999/2000 2002/2003 2000/2001 1999/2000 2000/2001 2003/2004 1999/2000 2003/2004 1998/1999 Funding Agency Local Foreign DDC SDC DDC SDC DDC SDC DDC SDC USADP DDC SDC USADP DDC SDC GoN DDC SDC KAABGN Table B. 7 Planned Road Network S.N. Name of Road Corridor Road Class Ref Code Length Total New Section, km Length km Name of Settlement Coverage by New Road Section 1 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure Phoksingtar) H09 H09 44 72 Diktel, Nunthala, Maure, Buipa, Gurung gaun, Panchedobhato, Dhewa, mahabhir, Mala, Rajapani, Kaule, Simpani, Chapleti, Puranogaun, Puranogaun Regmitar, Regmitar Bhandare, Bhandare Ramailo, Tyamketar, Rasuwa, Kalapani, Phokshintar 2 Dube-Dumredharapani RRB 13B002R 8 8 Dube, Dumredharapani 3 Lamidanda- AiselukharkaB k h l Bakachol RRA 13A004R 28 35 Kharpa, Hauchur, Dube, Makpa, Ai l kh k Bakachol Aiselukharka, B k h l 4 Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila RRA 13A006R 15 23.28 5 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Diktel Patheka Baksila RRA 13A008R 28 37 5 37.5 6 Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol RRA 13A007R 25 25 No of crossings Major Minor Ascending Ridge Valley Descending T Types off Alignment 0 29 15 Valley/Ascending/ descending Dobekhola 0 0 8 Ascending/Descen ding kalleri khola 0 3 25 Valley/Ascending/ ddescending di Japla, Ghalegaun, Kothika, Nebhade, Damthala, Barkhot, Masankha, Khatrigaun lamiun khola, chheku khola, Tap Khola 0 2 13 Valley/Ascending/ descending Patheka (Nakham, Chimchima, danda gaun, Damdi, suwa jun, Chokhaune), Bhadaure, Namatem, Chiprun, Baspani, Bakshila Nakha khola, dhobi khola, khola Tanmala Khola 0 0 28 Ascending/Descen ding Bakshila, pipaldanda, Biru danda, Sungdel (Hasu), Dipsung, rumala, rakha, Bandel, Badel, Bakachola kankha khola, rawa khola, dhanumane khola, chan khola, liina khola, Hume khola 0 0 25 Ascending/Descen ding Sapteshwor Chittapokhari (Khudurke, upper naran, watikhum, kulagun, Dandakharka), Chiprin (Balache, chiprin, pokhareltol, (Nalechaur Indrenepokhari (Nalechaur, thalechaur, kattike), khotang bazar Chhiprin khola 0 0 20 Ascending/Descen ding 0 2 17 Valley/Ascending/ descending 0 0 28 Ascending/Descen ding 7 Diktel-Khotang bazar RRA 13A017R 20 70.8 8 Khotang bazar-Chisapani RRA 13A020R 19 19 Khotang bazar, Musbari, badaka, (Sawa), khutta bitalab, chisapani 9 Dhaplang-Chisapani RRA 13A023R 28 35.6 Dhaplang, Chhekethum, Phemadanda, Sisneri, dhartung, sintang, diplung, chisapanii Sawa Khola, Tuwa Khola Types of Alignment Rawa khola Sawa Khola S.N. Name of Road Corridor Road Class Ref Code Length Total New Section,, km Length g km Name of Settlement Coverage byy New Road Section Types of Alignment No of crossings Major Minor Ridge Valley Ascending Descending Types of Alignment g Rasuwaghat, Bastipur, Dhuseni, Tallo Lichke, kubhinde, Mathilolichhki, Simpani, Musmusa 0 0 15 Ascending/Descen ding 12 Chisapani, Khiku, Arubote, Bhanjyangkharka 1 0 11 Ridge/Ascending/D escending dunchha khola 4 0 12 Ridge/Ascending/D escending 10 Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) RRB 13B024R 15 17.2 11 Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya RRB 13B021R 12 12 Kotangbazar-Pandhare RRB 13B019R 16 16 Khotang bazar, Thamkharka, Roksing, Bhirkharka, Muldanda, Seleme danda, (Pandhare in bhojpur) 13 Buwajorghat-Chisapani RRA 13A022R 19 19 Buwajorghat, Pauwasera, Mauwabote, Diplung, Chisapani Buwa khola, Ruwa Khola 0 9 10 Valley/Ascending/ descending 14 Raighat-Chyasmitar RRB 13B026R 12 12 g , Okhlan,, bhutiyakholagaun, y g , Raighat, (Bhutiya khola), chhordipa, Chyasmitar Bhutiya khola 0 1 11 Valley/Ascending/ V ll /A di / descending 15 Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku RRB 13B009R 14 14 Damalun, phedi, Chinebari, Barkhe, Thumki 0 14 Ascending/Descen ding 16 Jalpa-Aiselukharka RRA 13A005R 24 24 Purano gaun, Kharbari, Pikhum, Sabalun, Bakchuwa, Bebla, Chhuka, Aiselukharka 0 3 21 Ascending/Descen ding 17 Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) RRA 13A025R 17 27 Regmitar, Simle, Takure, Diktel 0 17 0 Valley 18 Durchhim Mangaltar Ghopatar Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar RRB 13B027R 14 14 0 15 1.5 12 5 12.5 Valley/Ascending/ descending 19 Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang RRA 13A016R 18 22.1 0 0 18 Ascending/Descen ding 20 Muldanda Panchami RRB 13B018R 14 14 8 0 6 21 Aiselukharka-Demletar RRB 13B003R 17 17 0 0 17 407 534.48 Total Khokselibest, Mangatar, Gairi, Barbote, Durchhim Bajechyandanda, Talkharka, Mobu, Ratanchha, Surke, Sulapa, Manbhanjyang, Naulokharka, Okhre, deuralidanda, Mattim birta, danda tole Muldanda, chhittapokhari, panchami Aiselukharka, dhodre, sigane, Mawagaun, dandagaun, Demletar Ridge/Ascending/D escending Ascending/Descen ding Table B. B 8 Prioritization of New Linkage-Data Input Sheet Ascendin ng descendin ng Ridge Valley Ascendin ng descendin ng Cultivated lland in ha Population n* waking Hou ur Population on of dalit, poor, janaza zati in ZOI 18 19 20 21 Valley 17 Ridge 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar) Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Kotangbazar-Pandhare Buwajorghat-Chisapani Raighat-Chyasmitar Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku Jalpa-Aiselukharka Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Muldanda Panchami Aiselukharka-Demletar Total Pop pulation 1 Road C Class N off R Road dC Corridor id S N Name S.N. Leng gth Km m Types of Alignment 72 H09 67545 22 29 21 2,500,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 19,015 172944 43126 8 28 15 28 25 20 19 28 15 12 16 19 12 14 24 RRB RRA RRA RRA RRA RRA RRA RRA RRB RRB RRB RRA RRB RRB RRA 2,885 5,396 6,221 10,965 8,562 4,907 8,132 12,146 9,099 10,267 8 589 8,589 6,881 3,054 5,865 3,354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 3 8 25 13 28 25 20 17 28 15 11 12 11 11 13 21 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2 500 000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4 000 000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 12,500,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3 000 000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 699 2,577 2,039 3,041 4,636 2,031 2,028 3,428 2,011 3,322 3 207 3,207 2,303 1,025 1,697 1,314 5786 8057 8559 17740 18344 6409 12681 28732 16572 22344 22774 17485 6536 14168 3540 1831 3905 3758 10392 5688 3390 4800 9390 5564 6765 5491 5363 2678 4556 2110 27 RRA 28765 0 17 10 2,500,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 14,076 14949 47292 14 18 14 17 RRB RRA RRB RRB 4,178 9,852 3,013 8,182 0 0 8 0 1.5 0 0 0 12.5 18 6 17 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 966 2,022 1,073 1,962 5786 14169 3079 13034 2934 6815 1719 6104 Unit Cost per km Note: Whole section (existing and new length) is taken for analysis of Diktel-Phoksingtar and Regmitar Diktel section for the inclusion of Diktel as a market centre Transfermed Score 18 19 20 21 Score (55) 17 Population /cost in one '00,000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar) Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Khotang Dikt l Kh t bazar b Khotang bazar-Chisapani Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Kotangbazar-Pandhare Buwajorghat-Chisapani Raighat Chyasmitar Raighat-Chyasmitar Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku Jalpa-Aiselukharka Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Muldanda Panchami Aiselukharka-Demletar Investment Cost NRs 1 Population S.N. Name of Road Corridor Length Km Table B. 9: Scores of Proposed Roads based on Population per unit Cost 72 67545 234000000 29 54 54.0 8 28 15 28 25 20 19 28 15 12 16 19 12 14 24 2885 5396 6221 10965 8562 4907 8132 12146 9099 10267 8589 6881 3054 5865 3354 24000000 87000000 47000000 84000000 312500000 60000000 59000000 84000000 45000000 35500000 46000000 65000000 37000000 41500000 75000000 12 6 13 13 3 8 14 14 20 29 19 11 8 14 4 19 7 22 21 0 11 23 24 36 54 33 16 11 24 4 19.2 7.2 21.7 21.3 5.1 11 2 11.2 22.8 24.2 36.1 54.1 32.9 16.2 11 4 11.4 23.5 3.6 27 28765 98000000 29 55 55.0 14 18 14 17 4178 9852 3013 8182 43500000 54000000 38000000 59500000 10 18 8 14 14 32 11 23 14.2 32.0 10 7 10.7 22.8 Calculation Score = Orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value 18 19 20 21 Transformeed Score 17 Score(15)) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar) Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Dh l Dhaplang-Chisapani Chi i Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Kotangbazar-Pandhare Buwajorghat-Chisapani Raighat-Chyasmitar Damalun (Sukrabare) Thumku (Sukrabare)-Thumku Jalpa-Aiselukharka Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Muldanda Panchami Aiselukharka-Demletar Cultivated d land in ha/k km 1 Cultivated d land in ha a S.N Nme of Road Corridor Length km m Table B.10: Scores of Proposed Roads based on Cultivated Land 72 19015 264 6.7 6.7 8 28 15 28 25 20 19 28 15 12 16 19 12 14 24 699 2577 2039 3041 4636 2031 2028 3428 2011 3322 3207 2303 1025 1697 1314 87 92 136 109 185 102 107 122 134 277 200 121 85 121 55 1.0 1.2 2.6 1.7 4.2 1.5 1.7 22 2.2 2.6 7.1 4.7 2.1 1.0 2.1 21 0.0 1.0 1.2 2.6 1.7 4.2 1.5 1.7 22 2.2 2.6 7.1 4.7 2.1 1.0 2.1 21 0.0 27 14076 521 15.0 13.3 14 18 14 17 966 2022 1073 1962 69 112 77 115 0.5 1.9 0.7 2.0 0.5 1.9 0.7 2.0 Calculation Score = orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value 18 19 20 21 Transformed Score 17 Score(20) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar) Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Kotangbazar-Pandhare Buwajorghat-Chisapani Raighat-Chyasmitar Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku Jalpa-Aiselukharka Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Muldanda Panchami Aiselukharka-Demletar Pop.*Walking Hour/km 1 Population*Waking Hour S.N Name of Road Corridor Length km Table B.11 Scores of Proposed Roads based on Population and Walking Distance 72 172944 2402 20.00 20.0 8 28 15 28 25 20 19 28 15 12 16 19 12 14 24 5786 8057 8559 17740 18344 6409 12681 28732 16572 22344 22774 17485 6536 14168 3540 723 288 571 634 734 320 667 1026 1105 1862 1423 920 545 1012 147 5.11 1.24 3.75 4.31 5.20 1.53 4.61 7.79 8.49 15.21 11.32 6.86 3.52 7.67 0.00 5.1 1.2 3.8 4.3 5.2 1.5 4.6 7.8 8.5 15.2 11.3 6.9 3.5 7.7 3.0 27 14949 554 3.60 3.6 14 18 14 17 5786 14169 3079 13034 413 787 220 767 2.36 5.67 0.64 5.49 2.4 5.7 0.6 5.5 Calculation Score = orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value 18 19 20 21 Transformed Score 17 Score(10) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diktel-Phoksingtar (Maure-Phoksingtar) Dube-Dumredharapani Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Bakshila-Rakha-Bakachol Diktel-Khotang bazar Khotang bazar-Chisapani Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Chisapani-Dambarkhusiwalaya Kotangbazar-Pandhare Buwajorghat-Chisapani Raighat-Chyasmitar Damalun (Sukrabare)-Thumku Jalpa-Aiselukharka Regmitar- Diktel (Regmitar-Lafyang) Durchhim-Mangaltar-Ghopatar Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Muldanda Panchami Aiselukharka-Demletar Population of dalit, janazati in ZOI/Km 1 Population of dalit, janazati in ZOI S.N. Name of Road Corridor Length Km Table B.12 Score of Proposed Roads based on Dalits and marginalized Janjatis/ethnic group population (Social Issues) 72 43126 599 3.07 3.1 8 28 15 28 25 20 19 28 15 12 16 19 12 14 24 1831 3905 3758 10392 5688 3390 4800 9390 5564 6765 5491 5363 2678 4556 2110 229 139 251 371 228 170 253 335 371 564 343 282 223 325 88 0.85 0.31 0.98 1.70 0.84 0.49 0.99 1.49 1.70 2.86 1.53 1.17 0.81 1.43 0.00 0.8 0.3 1.0 1.7 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.7 2.9 1.5 1.2 0.8 1.4 0.5 27 47292 1752 10.00 10.0 14 18 14 17 445 2934 6815 1719 6104 210 379 123 359 0.73 1.75 0.21 1.63 0.7 1.7 0.2 1.6 Calculation Score = orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value Table C.13 Prioritization of Existing Roads for Rehabilitation-Input Data Sheet S.N. Name of Road Link Length km Road Traffic Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Ref Code Classification Unit Length Cost/km 1 Maure-Phoksintar 2 Diktel-Jayaramghat 10.0 H09 H09 63 7.0 1,000,000 65.0 H18 H18 96 3.0 1,000,000 3 Diktel-Chyandanda 4 Lamidanda-Rabuwa 5 Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- 48.1 H18 H18 75 2.1 1,000,000 10.1 RRB 13B001R 45 8.6 1,200,000 7.1 RRA 13A004R 38 3.5 1,200,000 6 Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 7 Harelo danda-Kharmi 8.3 RRA 13A006R 74 8.3 1,200,000 5.3 Village road 13B010R 24 5.3 1,200,000 9.5 RRA 13A008R 49 6.2 1,200,000 3.8 RRB 13B014R 19 3.8 1,200,000 5.6 RRA 13A016R 2 5.6 1,200,000 7.6 RRA 13A023R 60 7.6 1,200,000 2.2 RRB 13B024R 54 2.2 1,200,000 5.8 RRA RRB 13A013R 13B011R 35 14 5.8 3.1 72.1 1,200,000 1,200,000 8 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 9 Diktel-Dobela 10 Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang 11 Dhaplang-Chisapani 12 Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur 13 Diktel-Khanidanda 14 Diktel-Bamrang Total 6.1 Table B.14 B 14 Scores of proposed Roads based on Traffic Unit S.N. Name of Road Link Length (Km) Cost Traffic Unit Score (70) Transformed Score (70) 1 Maure-Phoksintar 10.0 7000000 63 45.7 45.7 2 Diktel-Jayaramghat 65.0 3000000 96 70.0 70.0 3 Dikt Diktel-Chyandanda l Ch d d 48 48.1 1 2100000 75 54 54.5 5 54 54.5 5 4 Lamidanda-Rabuwa 10.1 10296000 45 32.5 32.5 5 Lamidanda- Aiselukharka- Bakachol 7.1 4236000 38 26.8 26.8 6 Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 8.3 9936000 74 53.8 53.8 7 Harelo danda-Kharmi 5.3 6360000 24 16.5 16.5 8 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 9.5 7440000 49 34.8 34.8 9 Diktel-Dobela 3.8 4536000 19 12.9 12.9 10 Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang 5.6 6724800 2 0.0 1.3 11 Dhaplang-Chisapani 7.6 9120000 60 43.4 43.4 12 Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) 2.2 2640000 54 38.9 38.9 13 Diktel-Khanidanda 5.8 6960000 35 24.6 24.6 14 Diktel-Bamrang 6.1 3720000 14 8.8 8.8 Calculation Score = orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value B 15 Scores of Proposed Roads based on Cost/km Table B.15 S.N Name of Road Link Length km Total Cost Cost/Km Score (20) Transformed Score (20) 1 Maure-Phoksintar 7 7000000.00 1000000 20.0 20.0 2 Diktel-Jayaramghat 3 3000000.00 1000000 20.0 20.0 3 Diktel-Chyandanda 2 2100000.00 1000000 20.0 20.0 4 9 10296000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 4 4236000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 6 Lamidanda-Rabuwa Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila 8 9936000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 7 Harelo danda-Kharmi danda Kharmi 5 6360000 00 6360000.00 1200000 00 0.0 16 7 16.7 8 Diktel-Patheka-Baksila 6 7440000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 9 Diktel-Dobela 4 4536000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 10 Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang 6 6724800.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 11 Dhaplang-Chisapani 8 9120000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 12 Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat Thalechaur Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Diktel-Khanidanda 2 2640000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 6 6960000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 3 3720000.00 1200000 0.0 16.7 5 13 14 Calculation Score = Max _ value − Orignal _ value * Std _ value M _ value Max l − Min Mi _ value l 16 Scores of proposed roads based on Market/Services Centres Table B B.16 S.N. Name of Road Link Market/Service Centre Diktel, Nunthala, Buipa, Raighat, Bhandareghat Diktel Nunthala, Diktel, Nunthala Bijuli, Bijuli Arkhaule, Halesi, Chyasmitar, Jayaramghat, Chhapdanda Total Centrality Index Score (20) Transformed Score (20) 1217 8.6 8.6 1400 10.0 10.0 1 Maure-Phoksintar 2 Diktel-Jayaramghat 3 Diktel-Chyandanda Diktel, Dobela, Manebhanjyang 1098 7.8 7.8 4 Lamidanda-Rabuwa Lamidanda- AiselukharkaBakachol Hurlung-Jalpa-Bakshila Harelo danda-Kharmi Diktel-Patheka-Baksila Diktel-Dobela Chyandanda-Manebhanjyang Dhaplang-Chisapani Rasuwaghat-Thalechaur (Indrenipokhari) Diktel-Khanidanda Diktel-Bamrang Lamidanda, Diktel Lamidanda, Kharpa, Kuvinde, Aiselukharka Diktel, Jalpa, Bakshila Diktel Diktel, Sukrabare Diktel, Dobela Manebhanjyang Chisapani, Dhartung 1115 7.9 7.9 474 3.2 3.2 1216 1023 1053 1050 48 214 8.6 7.2 7.4 7.4 0.0 1.2 8.6 7.2 7.4 7.4 0.1 1.2 77 0.2 0.2 1023 1023 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Simpani Diktel Diktel Calculation Score = orignal _ value − Min _ value * Std _ value Max _ value − Min _ value Table B.17 Prospective Plan of Trail Bridge Rank Bridge No. VDC / Municipality 1 12 5 020 18 06 3 Right Bank Diyale Left Bank Dharapani 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 5 070 18 06 1 12 5 068 18 06 2 12 5 037 18 06 1 12 5 047 18 06 2 12 5 045 18 06 3 12 5 008 18 06 2 12 5 068 18 06 1 Devisthan Sawakatahare Lekhani Lafyang Buyepa Rakhawagndel Sawakatahare 9 10 11 12 13 12 5 058 18 06 1 12 5 074 18 06 6 12 5 075 18 06 2 12 5 065 18 06 1 12 5 073 18 06 5 14 15 16 17 River Name Distance Place Name Gained 9 hrs Dudhkoshi Sisneri Dovan Bokhuwa khola Sawa khola Sunkoshi Mewa khola Dikhuwa Khola Rawa khola Sawa khola Bokhuwa khola Khola kheta Kulle Ghat Rithabote puchar Dalle khola Dovan Sidhathan thayamlu Dhaumcha dovan 3 hrs 4 hrs 10 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs Licchiramche Saune Saunechaur Kaulea Chaudandi Chishapani Likuwapokhari Bahunidanda Cheuredadha Bamrang Baksila Damarkhushiwala ya Barahapokhari Phastang Saunechaur Wopung Pauwashera Sawa khola Sunkoshi Okhare khola Buwa khola Sunkoshi Piple Kamphughat Saunedovan Aandelung Buwajor Bangsila Gh 6 hrs 4 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 12 5 005 18 06 1 12 5 043 18 06 1 12 5 069 18 06 3 12 5 075 18 06 1 Nunthala Mangaltar Barahapokhari Saunechaur Bamrang Badahare Barahapokhari Suntale Sangkha puchar Jaruwa pani Sakuli Kikhuwa dovan 4 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs 18 19 20 12 5 033 18 06 2 12 5 072 18 06 2 12 5 064 18 06 1 Khidima Mauwawotee Balankha Pattradetar Buktuwa Lungkongkha 3 hrs 3 hrs 21 22 12 5 053 18 06 1 12 5 051 18 06 1 Khidima Mauwawotee Damarkhushiwal aya Batashea Dandagaun Dikhuwa khola Varlang khola Sakuli khola Kimbu/Valu khola Tawa khola Buktuwa khola Buwa khola Licchiramche Dandagaun Tuwa khola Kharuwa khola Chanadate Majaubophalu bicha 23 24 12 5 042 18 06 1 12 5 045 18 06 2 Dhitung Bamrang Rajapani Khalle Langku khola Hattiaahal puchar Dodesimle khola Dodhae simle 25 26 27 28 29 12 5 004 18 06 1 12 5 011 18 06 7 12 5 007 18 06 1 12 5 073 18 06 2 12 5 038 18 06 1 Tuluwa Patheka Mangaltar Pauwashera Ubu Lamidanda Kharmi Salle Devisthan Chyeshmitar Dudh Koshi Dirkhumi Khola Mahadev khola Buwa khola Dudhkoshi Hattitar Panchami Mahadevbesi Mainatar Lamighat 5 hrs 4.66 hrs 4 hrs 1.5 hrs 2.8 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 7 hrs 5 hrs 4 hrs 6 hrs Bridge Road head type 2 day SuspenDed Prelim. cost est. span 95 NRs. 1,178,000 SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed 66 32 250 25 110 120 818,400 1,324,800 6,200,000 1,155,000 2,530,000 3,336,000 8,000,000 SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed 113 209 27 77 day day day day Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed 17 58 50 8 day 1 day 2 day Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed 32 38 2 day 5 day SuspenDed Truss 4 day 6 day SuspenDed SuspenDed 3 2 3 1 2 SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed 2 4 2 7 5 8 5 day day day day day day day 4 day 1 day 1 day 1.5 day 1 day 7 3 2 1 day day day day day 250 348 47 49 25 62 30 150 49 60 148 133 1,672,400 4,670,400 969,900 913,320 7,784,000 785,400 1,148,400 620,000 521,920 1,529,600 425,600 611,940 496,000 1,075,000 1,326,800 738,000 4,080,000 607,600 1,188,000 3,315,200 3,298,400 Rank Bridge No. VDC / Municipality River Name Distance Place Name 30 31 32 33 34 12 5 039 18 06 1 12 5 052 18 06 2 12 5 011 18 06 6 12 5 074 18 06 3 12 5 013 18 06 8 Right Bank Bashbote Chittapokhari Patheka Phastang Phedi Left Bank Durcheem Chittapokhari Kharmi Phastang Phedi Sunkosi Dhiplung khola Dirkhuni khola Gopini Khola Tawa khola Kaguni khoriya Dhiplung tindovane Tindhunge Gopini Khola Khola gau/Sirbandi p 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 12 5 016 18 06 3 12 5 048 18 06 1 12 5 028 18 06 1 12 5 047 18 06 1 12 5 026 18 06 5 12 5 023 18 06 1 12 5 033 18 06 3 12 5 074 18 06 1 12 5 016 18 06 2 12 5 073 18 06 4 12 5 073 18 06 1 12 5 008 18 06 1 12 5 074 18 06 4 12 5 012 18 06 3 Sungdel Aarkhaule Cheuredadha Lafyang Patheka Rakhawagndel Khidima Phastang Sungdel Pauwashera Pauwashera Baksila Phastang Khatamchha Sungdel Rajapani Cheuredadha Cheuredadha Patheka Rakhawagndel Khidima Phastang Baksila Pauwashera Pauwashera Kharmi Phastang Khatamchha Rawa khola Laiku Khola Labshe khola Mewa khola Lamjuwa Khola Chakhu khola Tawa khola Lapuwa khola Kangkhe khola Hadi khola Buewa khola Tap khola Chuniya khola Tawa khola Domdovan Baireni Puchhar Labshe khola Korepa Lamjuwa Chakhu Kharuwa dovan Maina dovan Kangkhe Hadi khola Tangwa phedi Patidada Chuniya Kudung ttribenighat 49 12 5 032 18 06 4 Bajechihaandanda Rampuwa khola Dhare dhungga 50 51 52 12 5 026 18 06 3 12 5 013 18 06 7 12 5 031 18 06 2 53 12 5 016 18 06 1 Bajechihaandand a Patheka Phedi Ratamchha Maajhgaun Sungdel Patheka Phedi Ratamchha Maajhgaun Sungdel 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 12 5 026 18 06 1 12 5 058 18 06 2 12 5 072 18 06 1 12 5 072 18 06 3 12 5 033 18 06 1 12 5 049 18 06 1 12 5 015 18 06 1 Patheka Aaptar Mauwawotee Mauwawotee Khidima Temma Shapteshwor Patheka Licchiramche Mauwawotee Diplung Chittapokhari Yamkha Jalpa Damdi khola Tapa khola Beliya Khola Damdi puchhar Tepucheman Beliya Chayarkhe khola Dabekha khola Sunkoshi Kira khola Baladipe khola Tawa khola Tukure khola Tap khola Subuda Dabekha Ghumne Bibawahut Baladipa Pungma dovan Madale Charukhet cheu Gained 4 hrs 3 hrs 4 hrs 1.5 hrs 2 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 4 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs Bridge Prelim. cost est. Road head 0 day 5 day 5.5 day 2 day 8 day type SuspeNsion Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed span 240 30 38 43 8 day 5 day 0.2 day 5.5 day 5.5 day 5.5 day 6 day 1 day 7 day 1 day 1 day 5.5 day 2 day 8 day SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed 70 70 40 45 30 75 25 13 70 35 30 110 30 4 day SuspenDed 7 day 8 day 6 day SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss 6 day SuspenDed 6 2 1 1 5 4 7 SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss Truss Truss SuspenDed day day day day day day day 75 110 56 55 55 30 95 45 220 95 24 25 32 80 NRs. 7,200,000 1,290,000 630,800 777,140 1,470,000 1,372,000 1,120,000 409,600 747,000 1,314,000 1,245,000 1,115,000 475,800 1,288,000 392,000 1,098,000 1,826,000 1,146,000 2,156,000 834,720 1,012,000 1,078,000 1,338,000 1,634,000 774,000 5,456,000 1,064,000 871,080 1,075,000 1,324,800 1,472,000 Rank Bridge No. VDC / Municipality 61 Right Bank 12 5 013 18 06 11 Phedi 62 63 64 65 66 12 5 028 18 06 2 12 5 013 18 06 9 12 5 019 18 06 1 12 5 011 18 06 2 12 5 051 18 06 2 67 68 12 5 069 18 06 1 12 5 032 18 06 1 69 70 71 12 5 011 18 06 1 12 5 010 18 06 3 12 5 052 18 06 1 72 73 74 75 76 12 5 003 18 06 1 12 5 013 18 06 10 12 5 045 18 06 1 12 5 020 18 06 1 12 5 024 18 06 2 77 78 79 80 81 82 River Name Left Bank Phedi Distance Place Name Gained Chammuwa Khola Cheuredadha Cheuredadha Labshe khola Phedi Phedi Tapa khola Makpa Ainselukharka Check khola Kharmi Jalpa Lumjau Dandagaun Satyashwor Kharuwa Chittapokhar mahadevist Suntale Luluwa khola Barahapokhari Bajechihaandand Bajechihaandanda Sawaju khola a Patheka Kharmi Dirkmo khola Kharmi Jalpa Lumju khola Chittapokhari Temma Dhiplung khola Danda Phedi 3 hrs Malukore mulbato Khola gau sawaura Check khola Mahavir Thumko Sachittapokhari 2 hrs 1 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs Luluwa khola Sawaju khola 2 hrs piskule pucher Lumju Dhiplung chahara ph 12 5 044 18 06 1 12 5 074 18 06 2 12 5 057 18 06 4 12 5 021 18 06 1 12 5 030 18 06 2 12 5 012 18 06 2 Hangchur Phedi Bamrang Dharapani Ribdungjaleshwo ri Diktail Phastang Khotang Bazaar Duwekoldanda Matimbirta Khatamchha Kubhinde Phedi Bamrang Duwekoldanda Ribdungmaheshw ori Nerpa Phastang Barahapokhari Makpa Temma Khatamchha Haucher Khola Chamuwa khola Simle khola Dudhae khola Mekhu khola Ratmate Puchhar Alaichi bari Simle Sawara kheta Groktalung mekhu Chepi khola Lapuwa khola Sawa khola Howang khola Tawa khola Lwaing khola Talkhark Lapuwa khola Thuli besi badhare Howang khola Devidovan Tholo dhunipuchher 83 12 5 029 18 06 3 Nirmaledanda Bajechihaandanda Sapharu khola Sapharu 84 85 12 5 069 18 06 4 12 5 024 18 06 3 12 5 017 18 06 3 Suntale Luluwa khola Ribdungjaleshwor Simle khola i Ainselukharka Bairang khola Thaklekheta Simpani kholsha dov 86 Barahapokhari Ribdungjaleshwo ri Ainselukharka Bandevir 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs Bridge Prelim. cost est. Road head type 5 day SuspenDed span 6 day 8 day 6 day 5.5 day 4 day SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss 55 85 30 105 2 day 6 day SuspenDed SuspenDed 55 5 day 6 day 5 day Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed 25 75 4 day 8 day 5.5 day 4 day 6 day SuspenDed SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed 170 55 33 95 5.5 day 1 day 4 day 6 day 6 day 6 day SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss SuspenDed Truss 45 28 240 32 75 6 day SuspenDed 2 day 7 day SuspenDed SuspenDed 47 Truss 21 5.5 day 32 15 46 95 60 28 56 40 NRs. 512,000 946,000 1,666,000 1,338,000 2,499,000 621,000 1,001,000 791,200 1,075,000 1,290,000 1,520,000 5,032,000 1,078,000 1,445,400 1,406,000 1,032,000 747,000 1,032,120 7,104,000 1,427,200 1,290,000 1,248,800 963,200 582,800 1,048,000 919,800 Rank VDC / Municipality Bridge No. River Name 87 12 5 019 18 06 3 Right Bank Makpa Left Bank Makpa 88 89 12 5 074 18 06 5 12 5 026 18 06 6 Phastang Patheka Phastang Patheka 90 91 92 12 5 073 18 06 3 12 5 029 18 06 1 12 5 013 18 06 4 Pauwashera Nirmaledanda Phedi Phastang Cheuredadha Phedi 93 94 12 5 013 18 06 5 12 5 032 18 06 2 Phedi Chamuwa khola Ribdala phedi Bajechihaandanda Hayong khola Dabruwa 95 96 12 5 013 18 06 3 12 5 032 18 06 3 97 12 5 031 18 06 1 98 99 12 5 013 18 06 2 12 5 020 18 06 2 Phedi Bajechihaandand a Phedi Bajechihaandand a Ratamchha Maajhgaun Phedi Dharapani 100 12 5 026 18 06 2 101 12 5 031 18 06 3 102 103 104 105 12 5 013 18 06 6 12 5 071 18 06 1 12 5 019 18 06 2 12 5 025 18 06 1 106 107 108 109 110 Gained Banchare Khola Banchare Khola Lapuwa khola Chimchima Khola Lapuwa khola Sapun khola Thado khola Kali khola Triya Dovan Kali khola Sirubari Pipima Dhulodhunga Phedi Ratamchha Maajhgaun Mangaltar Thade khola Baisake phedi Rampuwa khola Rampuwa khola Phedi Duwekoldanda Raya khola Duwekhola Patheka Patheka Matimbirta Phedi Khotang Bazaar Makpa Ribdungmaheshw ori Bajechihaandanda Nakhati khola Sawa khola Gaikhark Tamelaji khola Chemsune Vanumati dovan Banchare Sikari dada tamewalji 12 5 029 18 06 4 Ratamchha Maajhgaun Phedi Diplung Makpa Ribdungmahesh wori Nirmaledanda Chimchima Chide pakha khola Makhuwa khola Banuwa kholsi Dovan Sapha khola Vale sapha dovan 12 5 027 18 06 2 12 5 012 18 06 1 12 5 061 18 06 1 12 5 029 18 06 2 Nerpa Khatamchha Baadkadiyale Nirmaledanda Nerpa Khatamchha Sawakatahare Bajechihaandanda Kauche khola Dhudi khola Dhumcha khola Sapharung khola Kauche Gara/wakwala Ganeshachautara Batung source: TBSU, 2010 Distance Place Name Makhuwa Khola Banuwakholsi dovan Gurashe dovan Duwe khola kolesiran 2 hrs 3 hrs 1.5 hrs 2 hrs 1.5 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 0.88 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs Bridge Road head type 3 day SuspenDed Prelim. cost est. span 45 0.5 day 5.5 day Truss Truss 27 0.5 day 6 day 8 day Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed 27 53 6 day 5 day SuspenDed SuspenDed 60 6 day 5 day Truss SuspenDed 30 6 day Truss 6 day 0 day Truss SuspenDed 8 day Truss 2 day Truss 6 5 5 6 day day day day SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed 6 day SuspenDed 5.5 day 6 day 5 day 6 day Truss SuspenDed SuspenDed SuspenDed 31 60 43 46 30 15 75 13 30 48 140 30 45 52 24 45 120 47 NRs. 612,000 966,600 1,357,800 966,600 911,600 1,176,000 1,032,000 688,000 1,338,000 739,200 1,338,000 669,000 750,000 621,400 1,146,000 825,600 4,480,000 480,000 774,000 901,280 1,051,200 774,000 3,840,000 808,400 District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Appendix B- Photos Photo 1:DRCC Meeting-Findings Sharing &Preliminary Road Network Planning,May 28-2010 Photo 2:DRCC Meeting-Findings Sharing &Preliminary Road Network Planning,May 28-2010 Photo 3: Workshop at Aiselukharka May 13, 2010 Photo 4: Workshop at Aiselukharka May 13, 2010, Participants Photo 5: Workshop at Bakshila May 15, 2010, Participants Photo 6: Workshop at Bakshila May 13, 2010, DDC representative Photo 7: Workshop at Chispani May 23, 2010, Participants Photo 8: Workshop at Chispani May 23, 2010 Photo 9: Workshop at Khotang Bazaar May 24, 2010, One of the DRCC members participating Photo 10: Workshop at Khotang Bazaar May 24, 2010 Photo 11: Finalization of DTPP and DTMP by DDC and DRCC Photo 12: Finalization of DTPP and DTMP by DDC and DRCC District Transport Master Plan (DTMP) Appendix B- Questionnaires Questionnaire ‘A’ For Conducting Rapid Rural Appraisal Survey on Socio-economic Benefit Of Proposed Transport Linkage for New Construction (This Questionnaire should be used for each proposed linkage separately) A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1. Name of Transport Linkage: Rampur- Harinagar Road 2. Type of transport Linkage: 3. (a) Route description Start point End point ( ) District Road (RRA) ( ) Village Roads (RRB) (W.N including Settlement’s name.)/VDC within the influence area (2 hours in terai/4 hours in Hill/6 hour in mountain) Directly connected to another existing roads (name of the road) (b) Map or sketch of the location and service area • Using PRA, draw a sketch in a separate page (or on the overleaf of this page) showing the route of transport linkage, main settlements, important natural and man-made features in the influence area. (Also mark these on a topographical map if available, preferably on 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 maps.) B. GENERAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE INFLUENCE AREA 4. Overview of settlements in the influence area influence area (2 hours in terai/4 hours in Hill/6 hour in mountain) Code A VDC Rampur VDC Ward Number (including name of settlements) (W.N.-5 Ramkot Village, Krishnapur, Hansapur, ) Population Whole Ward Pop= 1350 Dalit (e.g. Janajati (e.g. Pop= 2 50), Pop= 1150), Walking Hours to reach proposed road 2 hours Cultivated land (ha.) (1 ha. = 1.48 bigh 1 biga= 13 ropani) 30 ha. B C D E F G H Source of Information: VDC office/records of other VDC level offices ( e.g. Agri. Service sentre) or other key informants from Illaka level workshop. 5. Food Availability within the influence area Food Availability Surplus A B Code (settlement in ward align with the road), unit in HH Nos. C D E F G H Sufficient for Whole Year Sufficient for six months Sufficient for Three Months Hand to mouth Source of Information: VDC office/records of other VDC level offices or other key informants from Illaka level workshop. 6. EXPECTED CHANGES DUE TO THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Name of the Surveyor Date: .................................................... ...................................................... Signature FORMAT ‘A’ (4) Pre- feasibility Survey Data Date: Surveyed by: District : Name of Road: Tentative Lenth of Road : Proposed Type: New constrution : Topography (tick any) Slope Chainage Section From To Rehab: Ridge Ascending and Decending Extension: Landslide Area ( tick and specify tentative area m2) crossing Valley Type of required cross drainage Span of cross drainage Tentative length of Rocky area (If Any) Midum Small Land Major Land slide landslide slide (less than ( 100 m2 to (more than 100 m2) 500 m2) 500 m2) Complex landslide (with tentative area) Remark FORMAT ‘B’ Validating Proposed Transport Linkage from Illaka Level Workshop 1. Name of Illakas ( Illaka No.) validating the proposed Transport Linkage: ……………………………………………………………………………. 2. Type of transport linkages proposed and respective Order-of-Priority (Indicate the class, if known): S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of Transport Linkage Length Km Passes Through Settlement/V DC (Tick Type of Project the appropriate box) New Upgrading Rehabilitation Questionnaire ‘B’ For Conducting Rapid Rural Appraisal Survey on Socio-economic Benefit Of Proposed Transport Linkage for Rehabilitation/Upgrading (This Questionnaire should be used for each proposed linkage separately) A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1. Name of Transport Linkage: 2. Total Length (km):……………………. 3. 4 Type of transport Linkage: ( ) District Road (RRA) ( ) Village Roads Required Intervention: ( ) Rehabilitation ( ) Upgrading 5. Route description Start End Passes through point point 6 Vehicle Operating Length Km. Vehicle Reached Place (RRB) Season (Fair weather/All Weather Serviceability: Impassable (KM) …………... easily passable (KM)………………. Passable with difficulty and risk (KM) ……………………. B. GENERAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE INFLUENCE AREA 7. Market/service centre within the influence area of transport linkage S.N. Name of Market centres Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 8. What are the average daily volumes of following mode of transport? Mode of Transport Remarks (estimate annual volume and indicate peak and slack periods) Average Daily Volume (passing/day, two way) Pedestrian Porter Pack Animal/Mule Bicycle Rickshaw Car/ Jeep/ Van Motorcycle Carts Light Truck Truck Heavy Truck 9. EXPECTED CHANGES DUE TO THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................... Date: .................................................... Name of the Surveyor ...................................................... Signature 2 FORMAT ‘A’ (2.1) Rural Road Inventory Form A (Road alignment) (Existing) Road Name: Road class/code: VDCs touched: S.N. Road section To From Waypoint Odometer Waypoint Odometer Note: Surface condition*: Good (G), Fair (F), Poor (P) Start place: End place: Length (m) Earthen Surface type Gravel Blacktop District: Date: Servicelability All Fair weather weather Surface Interventi Remarks on condition* required FORMAT ‘A’ (2.2) Inventory of Rural Transport Linkages (Road structure) (existing ) Road Name: Road class/code: S.N. Structure ID Chainage (Waypoint) (Odometer) Note: Structure type* Span/Leng Material th (m) type** Structure type*: Slab culvert, Bridge, Causeway, Structure Condition: Good (G), Fair (F), Poor (P) District: Date: Structure Interventi Potentially required Remarks condition on Structure Span/Leng * required th (m) type Material: Type**: Bridge: Wooden (W), Truss (T), RCC (R) Causeway: Concrete (C), Masonry (M), Gabion (G) FORMAT 'A' (3) TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNT BY MOC METHOD Daily Traffic Volume (no) Type of Vehicle X Pedestrian Porter Pack Animal/Mule Bicycle Rickshaw Car/ Jeep/ Van Motorcycle Carts Light Truck Truck Heavy Truck Tractor Mini Bus Bus Y Z Remarks Average Daily Traffic Volume as per key informants Questionnaire ‘C’ Market Survey For Group Discussion (Shop keepers, teachers, leaders, women, Socially Excluded Group, Differently Able persons, Third Sex, Aged and youth group) Interviewer:………………………Market Centre:…………………………………… Date:……………………………VDC……………………………………………… Time…………………………………………… Ward No:………………………. Village…………………………….. Market Type: ( ) Weekly 1. S.N. Name of the road/trail ( ) Permanent ( ) Other Specify……………. origin Destination Length of the road/trails ( km) Numbers of days in year the road/trail is open to for transportation 2. Which Month in a year, is access to this market very essential? Month Reason Problem at that time 3. From which village do customers come for shopping? Village S. VDC Ward No. Approx. Distance Required Time (Hrs) 4. What are the transportation facilities available from here to go other parts? Name of Place Mode of Number of capacity Transport cost (Nrs) Fare Remarks N. 1 From To Besishar Kathmandu Transport Means of Transportation Bus 3 Passenger (No) Good (kg) Passenger/ head Goods /kg 55 2000 250 10 (winter or rainy season ) winter 5. Can you give information of existing and Potential services and infrastructures at the market/service centre? S. No. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Service/Infrastructure Category EDUCATION Campus (no) High School (no.) Primary School (no.) HEALTH Hospital (no.) Health Post (no.) BUSINESS & COMMERCE Hotels & Lodges (no.) Restaurants & Tea Stalls (no.) Grocery Shops (no.) Hardware Shop (no) Number of functions Existing Potential S. No. Service/Infrastructure 3.5 3.6 Category Medical Shop (no) Clothes/readymade shop (no) 3.7 3.8 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.9 Household goods Stationery INDUSTRY Rice & flour Mills (no.) Water mill ( no) Textile (no) Forest Best Industry ( no) Handicraft (no) Mechanical/Fabrication ( no) Agro-based (no) Offices Bank (no.) Agriculture Service centre no Veterinary office (no) Post office (no) Telephone office (no) Electricity office (no) Cooperatives office (no) NGO (no) Number of functions Existing Potential
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