Magnetic Levitation System
Magnetic Levitation System
Magnetic Levitation System Electromagnet Phototransistor Infrared LED Levitated Ball Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 1 Magnetic Levitation System Electromagnet Detector Phototransistor Vsensor ≈ 2.5 V At Equilibrium i Emitter Infrared LED gap Levitated Ball m = 0.008 kg r = 0.0062 m Magnetic Levitation System Equilibrium Conditions gap0 = 0.0053 m i0 = 0.31 A K. Craig 2 Emitter Circuit Power MOSFET with Diode To Electromagnet Buffer Op-Amp Power Supply Capacitors to Ground Buffer Op-Amp Magnetic Levitation System Analog Sensor Detector Circuit PWM Gnd K. Craig 3 Microcontroller Board Gnd PWM Analog Sensor Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 4 • Electromagnet Actuator – Current flowing through the coil windings of the electromagnet generates a magnetic field. – The ferromagnetic core of the electromagnet provides a low-reluctance path in the which the magnetic field is concentrated. – The magnetic field induces an attractive force on the ferromagnetic ball. Electromagnetic Force Proportional to the square of the current and inversely proportional to the square of the gap distance Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 5 – The electromagnet uses a ¼ - inch steel bolt as the core with approximately 3000 turns of 26-gauge magnet wire wound around it. – The electromagnet at room temperature has a resistance R = 34 Ω and an inductance L = 154 mH. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 6 • Ball-Position Sensor – The sensor consists of an infrared diode (emitter) and a phototransistor (detector) which are placed facing each other across the gap where the ball is levitated. – Infrared light is emitted from the diode and sensed at the base of the phototransistor which then allows a proportional amount of current to flow from the transistor collector to the transistor emitter. – When the path between the emitter and detector is completely blocked, no current flows. – When no object is placed between the emitter and detector, a maximum amount of current flows. – The current flowing through the transistor is converted to a voltage potential across a resistor. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 7 – The voltage across the resistor, Vsensor, is sent through a unity-gain, follower op-amp to buffer the signal and avoid any circuit loading effects. – Vsensor is proportional to the vertical position of the ball with respect to its operating point; this is compared to the voltage corresponding to the desired ball position. – The emitter potentiometer allows for changes in the current flowing through the infrared LED which affects the light intensity, beam width, and sensor gain. – The transistor potentiometer adjusts the phototransistor current-to-voltage conversion sensitivity and allows adjustment of the sensor’s voltage range; a 0 - 5 volt range is required as an analog input to the microcontroller. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 8 Emitter Current = 10 mA Detector Voltage = 0-5 V Ball-Position Sensor LED Blocked: esensor = 0 V LED Unblocked: esensor = 5 V Equilibrium Position: esensor ≈ 2.5 V Ksensor ≈ 1.6 V/mm Range ± 1mm Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 9 Magnetic Levitation System Block Diagram From Equilibrium: As i ↑, gap ↓, & Vsensor ↓ As i ↓, gap ↑, & Vsensor ↑ Feedback Control System to Levitate Steel Ball about an Equilibrium Position Corresponding to Equilibrium Gap gap0 and Equilibrium Current i0 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 10 Magnetic Levitation System Derivation m Neglect Ni m m N 2i N Nm L mi m i2 f gap,i C 2 gap m core gap object return path Define: core object return path constant gap Wfield x gap 0 A gap 2 N Lm m 2 N x gap 0 A gap 0 A gap N 2 0 A gap x gap 0 A gap N 2 1 1 2 Lxi i2 2 2 0 A gap x gap 1 2 dL(x) 1 1 2 0 A gap N fe i A x 2 dx 2 gap 0 gap Magnetic Levitation System 2 i K 1 K x gap 2 K. Craig 11 2 Magnetic Levitation System Control System Design Measure the gap from the electromagnet with x positive ↓ Linearization: Equation of Motion: i2 mx mg C 2 x At Static Equilibrium: i2 mg C 2 x Magnetic Levitation System i2 i2 2i 2 2i C 2 C 2 C 3 xˆ C 2 x x x x ˆ i 2 2 2i i 2 i mxˆ mg C 2 C 3 xˆ C 2 x x x ˆ i 2 2i 2 i mxˆ C 3 xˆ C 2 x x K. Craig ˆ i 12 Use of Experimental Testing in Multivariable Linearization f m f (i, y) f f f m f i0 , y0 y y0 y i0 ,y0 i Magnetic Levitation System i i0 i0 ,y0 K. Craig 13 SI Units m 0.008 g 9.81 x 0.0053 i2 mg C 2 x C 2.29E 5 i 0.31 2 2i 2 i mxˆ C 3 xˆ C 2 x x xˆ 3695xˆ 63iˆ Magnetic Levitation System ˆ i xˆ 63 ˆi s 2 3695 K. Craig 14 Electromagnet Model out L in R out di L eout 0 KVL ein L dt KCL i L i R i out i R 0 d eout ein L eout 0 dt R Magnetic Levitation System L = 154 mH R = 34 Ω di L Basic Component ein eout L dt Equations (Constitutive Equations) eout i R R L deout eout ein R dt L Deout eout ein R L D 1 e e out in R eout 1 ein L D 1 R 1 R i ein L D 1 R K. Craig 15 Magnetic Levitation System Control Design Design a Feedback Controller to Stabilize the Magnetic Levitation Plant with Adequate Stability Margins voltage 63 0.029 2 0.0045s 1 s 3695 position Note: Controller gain will need to be negative Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 16 Uncompensated Electromagnet + Ball System Open-Loop Bode Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) Root Locus Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) 600 -60 -80 -100 Magnitude (dB) 400 200 -120 -140 Imag Axis -160 G.M.: 66.1 dB -180 Freq: 0 rad/s Unstable loop -200 -180 0 Phase (deg) -200 -400 -600 -800 -600 -400 -200 Real Axis Note: Negative Controller Gain Is Required Magnetic Levitation System 0 200 400 -225 -270 P.M.: Inf Freq: NaN 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 Frequency (rad/s) xˆ 0.029 63 êin 0.0045s 1 s 2 3695 K. Craig 17 Sample Control Design z = -50 p = -800 K = 52664 G c (s) 52664 s 50 s 800 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 18 • Nyquist Stability Criterion – Key Fact: The Bode magnitude response corresponding to neutral stability passes through 1 (0 dB) at the same frequency at which the phase passes through180°. – The Nyquist Stability Criterion uses the open-loop transfer function, i.e., (B/E)(s), to determine the number, not the numerical values, of the unstable roots of the closed-loop system characteristic equation. – If some components are modeled experimentally using frequency response measurements, these measurements can be used directly in the Nyquist criterion. – The Nyquist Stability Criterion handles dead times without approximation. – In addition to answering the question of absolute stability, Nyquist also gives useful results on relative stability, i.e., gain margin and phase margin. – The Nyquist Stability Criterion handles stability analysis of complex systems with one or more resonances, with multiple magnitudecurve crossings of 1.0, and with multiple phase-curve crossings of 180°. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 19 • Procedure for Plotting the Nyquist Plot 1. Make a polar plot of (B/E)(i) for - < . The magnitude will be small at high frequencies for any physical system. The Nyquist plot will always be symmetrical with respect to the real axis. 2. If (B/E)(i) has no terms (i)k, i.e., integrators, as multiplying factors in its denominator, the plot of (B/E)(i) for - < < results in a closed curve. If (B/E)(i) has (i)k as a multiplying factor in its denominator, the plots for + and - will go off the paper as 0 and we will not get a single closed curve. The rule for closing such plots says to connect the "tail" of the curve at 0- to the tail at 0+ by drawing k clockwise semicircles of "infinite" radius. Application of this rule will always result in a single closed curve so that one can start at the = - point and trace completely around the curve toward = 0- and = 0+ and finally to = +, which will always be the same point (the origin) at which we started with = -. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 20 3. We must next find the number Np of poles of B/E(s) that are in the right half of the complex plane. This will almost always be zero since these poles are the roots of the characteristic equation of the open-loop system and openloop systems are rarely unstable. 4. We now return to our plot (B/E)(i), which has already been reflected and closed in earlier steps. Draw a vector whose tail is bound to the -1 point and whose head lies at the origin, where = -. Now let the head of this vector trace completely around the closed curve in the direction from = - to 0- to 0+ to +, returning to the starting point. Keep careful track of the total number of net rotations of this test vector about the -1 point, calling this Np-z and making it positive for counter-clockwise rotations and negative for clockwise rotations. 5. In this final step we subtract Np-z from Np. This number will always be zero or a positive integer and will be equal to the number of unstable roots for the closed-loop. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 21 • • • A system must have adequate stability margins. Both a good gain margin and a good phase margin are needed. Useful lower bounds: GM > 2.5, PM > 30 Vector Margin is the distance to the -1 point from the closest approach of the Nyquist plot. This is a single-margin parameter and it removes all ambiguities in assessing stability that come from using GM and PM in combination. Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 22 ω = ±∞ Np =1 Np-z = 1 Np – Np-z = 0 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 23 ω = 356 rad/s GM = 15.9 dB = 6.237 ω = 0 rad/s GM = -4.23 dB = 0.615 ω = 86 rad/s PM = 32.5° Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 24 closed-loop Bode plot Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 25 z = -50 p = -800 K = 3.2792E5 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 26 Neutral Stability Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 27 z = -50 p = -800 K = 1.0443E6 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 28 ω = ±∞ Np =1 Np-z = -1 Np – Np-z = 2 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 29 z = -50 p = -800 K = 32323 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 30 Neutral Stability Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 31 z = -50 p = -800 K = 20095 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 32 ω = ±∞ Np =1 Np-z = 0 Np – Np-z = 1 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 33 Uncompensated Electromagnet + Ball System Open-Loop Bode Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) Root Locus Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) 600 -60 -80 -100 Magnitude (dB) 400 200 -120 -140 Imag Axis -160 G.M.: 66.1 dB -180 Freq: 0 rad/s Unstable loop -200 -180 0 Phase (deg) -200 -400 -600 -800 -600 -400 -200 Real Axis Note: Negative Controller Gain Is Required Magnetic Levitation System 0 200 400 -225 -270 P.M.: Inf Freq: NaN 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 Frequency (rad/s) xˆ 0.029 63 êin 0.0045s 1 s 2 3695 K. Craig 34 s 30 N G c (s) 132020 K P K Ds s N s 800 KP = 4951 KD = 159 N = 800 Open-Loop Bode Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) Root Locus Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) 20 500 0 400 Magnitude (dB) -20 300 200 -60 -80 -100 100 Imag Axis G.M.: -7.78 dB -120 Freq: 0 rad/s Stable loop -140 -135 0 -100 -200 Phase (deg) Control Design PD -40 -300 -180 -225 -400 -500 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 Real Axis 0 50 100 -270 P.M.: 25.3 deg Freq: 201 rad/s 0 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 Frequency (rad/s) 4 10 5 10 Closed-Loop Poles: -888, -20.4, -56.9 ± 222i Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 35 s G (s) 113200 c 2 38.28s 370.42 s s 896 K N K P I K Ds s s N KP = 4784 KI = 46798 KD = 121 N = 896 Open-Loop Bode Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) Root Locus Editor for Open Loop 1 (OL1) 50 200 0 Magnitude (dB) 150 100 -100 50 G.M.: -6.55 dB Freq: 21.7 rad/s Stable loop 0 -150 -135 P.M.: 30.1 deg Freq: 163 rad/s -50 Phase (deg) Imag Axis Control Design PID -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 Real Axis 0 50 -180 -225 -270 0 10 1 10 2 3 10 10 Frequency (rad/s) 4 10 5 10 Closed-Loop Poles: -959, -67 ± 185i, -12.8 ± 17.2i Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 36 M_hat Perturbation Control Effort Linear System s2+38.28s+370.42 s2+896s -113200 Step Control Controller Gain Saturation -10.57 to 4.43 volts i_hat Perturbation Current 0.029 -63 0.0045s+1 s2+-3695 LR Circuit Magnet + Ball x_hat Perturbation Position Comparison: Linear Plant vs. Nonlinear Plant -113200 Step Nonlinear System s2+38.28s+370.42 s2+896s M Control Controller Gain Control Effort Saturation 0 to 15 volts e0 V Bias C = 2.29E-5 m = 0.008 g = 9.81 R = 34.1 L = 154.2E-3 x0 = 0.0053 i0 = 0.31 e0 = 10.57 i Current R/L Gain1 1/s Integrator2 1/R Gain2 u2 Math Function g Constant 1/s 1/s x Integrator Integrator1 Ball Position C/m Product Gain 1 u Math Function1 Magnetic Levitation System u2 Math Function2 K. Craig 37 -3 7.2 x 10 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command 7 6.8 Nonlinear Pant Linear Plant Position x (m) 6.6 6.4 6.2 PD Control 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 38 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command 0.5 0.45 0.4 Current i (A) 0.35 Nonlinear Plant Linear Plant 0.3 0.25 PD Control 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 39 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command 15 Control Effort M (volts) Nonlinear Plant Linear Plant 10 PD Control 5 0 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 40 7.2 -3 x 10 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command Nonlinear Plant Linear Plant 7 6.8 Position x (m) 6.6 6.4 6.2 PID Control 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 0 0.05 0.1 Magnetic Levitation System 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 41 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command 0.5 Nonlinear Plant Linear Plant 0.45 0.4 Current i (A) 0.35 0.3 PID Control 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 42 Nonlinear & Linear Plant Response Comparison: 1 mm Step Command 15 Control Effort M (volts) Nonlinear Plant Linear Plant 10 PID Control 5 0 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 43 Complete System: Electromagnet + Ball + PWM Voltage Control s2 +38.3s+370.4 s2 +896s -113200 Step 1 mm step command M Controller Controller Gain2 C = 2.29E-5 m = 0.008 g = 9.81 R = 34.1 L = 154.2E-3 x0 = 0.0053 i0 = 0.31 e0 = 10.57 Control Effort Saturation 0 to 15 volts e0 V Bias PWM 1/3 Supply Voltage Switch ON Identical Controller - PID Format 15 > PID(s) -1 Controller Gain PID Controller Relational Operator Reference Signal 4000Hz i R/L Gain1 1/s Integrator2 Current 1/R Gain2 Saturation 0 to 1 amp u2 Math Function g Constant 1 Convert Boolean into Double Set amplitude to 5V 0 Supply Voltage Switch Off Switch Transistor MOSFET 1/s 1/s x Integrator Integrator1 Ball Position C/m Product Gain 1 u Math Function1 Magnetic Levitation System >= 5 u2 Math Function2 K. Craig 44 -3 7.2 x 10 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control: 1 mm Step Command 7 6.8 Position x (m) 6.6 6.4 6.2 PD Control 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 45 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control: 1 mm Step Command 0.5 0.45 0.4 Current i (A) 0.35 0.3 PD Control 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 46 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control: 1 mm Step Command Control Effort M (volts) 15 10 PD Control 5 0 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 47 -3 7.2 x 10 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control 1 mm Step Command 7 6.8 Position x (m) 6.6 6.4 6.2 6 PID Control 5.8 5.6 5.4 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 48 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control 1 mm Step Command 0.5 0.45 0.4 Current i (A) 0.35 0.3 PID Control 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 49 Nonlinear Plant & PWM Voltage Control 1 mm Step Command Control Effort M (volts) 15 10 PID Control 5 0 0 0.05 Magnetic Levitation System 0.1 0.15 0.2 time (sec) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 K. Craig 50 Emitter Circuit Power MOSFET with Diode To Electromagnet Buffer Op-Amp Power Supply Capacitors to Ground Buffer Op-Amp Magnetic Levitation System Analog Sensor Detector Circuit PWM Gnd K. Craig 51 Microcontroller Board Gnd PWM Analog Sensor Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 52 Arduino Microcontroller Implementation With Simulink Autocode Generator 0.0053 m gap 2.5 1/1600 Commanded Position Volts -1 Gain Controller Gain2 Bias Voltage Constant Analog Input PID Controller 1/3 Saturation 0 to 15 volts 255/5 8-Bit D/A Pin 10 Digital Output 10.57 5.98 Pin 0 PID(s) 5/1023 10-Bit A/D 1/1600 Gain1 Magnetic Levitation System Arduino Discrete PiD Control Magnetic Levitation System PWM Ts = sample period = 0.001 Operating point is 0.0053 m gap and corresponds to sensor reading of 2.5 V Sensor gain is 1.6V/mm around operating point + or - 1 mm volts = 1600*m - 5.98 m = (volts + 5.98)/1600 K. Craig 53 Closed-Loop System Block Diagram LM 258 Low-Power Dual Op-Amp Magnetic Levitation System Unity-Gain Buffer Op-Amp ein = eout and in phase K. Craig 54 Power MOSFET TO-220 N-Channel, 60 V, 0.07 Ω, 16 A Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 55 Alternative: Analog Power Stage Voltage-to-Current Converter OPA544 High-Voltage, High Current Op Amp 1 out in 2 M M S Assume Ideal Op-Amp Behavior e e Magnetic Levitation System R2 1 iM ein R1 R 2 R S R1 = 49KΩ, R2 = 1KΩ, RS = 0.1Ω K. Craig 56 Non-Ideal Op-Amp Behavior A eo e e s 1 eout e1 L M s R M i e1 R Si e1 e1 eout e1 L M s R M RS eout R2 ein R1 R 2 Saturation A s 1 out LMs R M R S e1 RS RS LMs R M R S 1 1 RS 1 Magnetic Levitation System K. Craig 57
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