Division Courtroom
Division Courtroom
Eloistrict Court flD"nuer Probate Court Douglas County, Colorado Couri Address: 4000 Justice Way Castle Rock, CO 80109 ATE FILED: October 3,2014 4:39 PM Phone: 720.437.6200 ln the Matter of the Estate of: A A TONI B. HENTHORN a/Ua TONI BERTOLET, GOURT USE ONLY Deceased nttoiney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Walter M. Kelly tl, Reg, #; Case Number: 2013PR5'1 6061 Miller & Steiert, P. C. 1S01 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 Phone Number: (303) 798-2525 E-mail: wkelly@m-sJawyers.com FAX Number: (303) 798-2526 Division Courtroom SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR AND SPECIAL TRUSTEE'S AMENDED SECOND STATUS RDPORT WITHOUT SUPPRESSED INFORMATION Gary M. Clexton, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Toni Henthorn and Special Trustee of the Harold and Toni Henthom Trust, hereby submits this Amended Second Status Report without Court ordered suppressed infonnation concerning the investigation of the nature, extent and disposition of any assets of Toni Henthorn so as to conect any misinformation in the second amended status report filed September 19, 2014. 1. On March 4,2014, this Court ordered my appointment as Special Administrator of the Estate of Toni Henthom and Special Trustee of the Henthom Trust pursuant to $g 15-12 -617, 15-12-709 C.R.S. and charged me with the duty to investigate ihe nature, extent and disposition of any assets previor-rsly held by the Decedent, Toni Henthom, prior to her death and to safeguard such assets until further order of this Court. 2. The first status report was filed with the court on May 23,2014. Since that time considerable new assets have been identified and many new questions regarding the disposition of Ms. Henthorn's assets have arisen. Some of these new assets are a result of information provided by Mr. Henthom and others have been identified through the efforts of me and my staff. 3. This Amended Second Status Report will summarize the cunent disposition of the recently identified assets of Decedent, Toni Henthorn and list information and documents still needed. Current Status of Identified AsseIs ln light of the multiple accounts and money being shifted between multiple accoults *d tt . ongoing identification of new accounts, the requests for Mr' Henthorn to provide complete and legible copies of statements from all hnancial entities from 2007 to present have repeatedly been made. So far, partiai statements of selected months, some illegible, have been provided but they are simply not sufficient to enable a thorough identification and assessment of Ms. Henthorn's assets. A) lst Bank Account 1) AccountNumber nC(-XXXfwas closed on September 13, 2012, andthe remaining $6,486.08 withdrawn. Mr. Henthorn has stated those monies were used for family expenses. )OO(-XXX- was open sometime before 2) Account Number 6/712005, but was not included on the inventory completed by Mr. Henthorn on March 14, 201 4. As of 9 127 12012, thete was $2A,797 .22 in this account. From 10/2012to 312014, various deposits and withdrawals have been made with a total of approximately $102,350.00 being withdrawn' As of 311912014, $17,177 .95 was in the accorurt. This is the last statement provided to me. has been made to Mr, Henthorn to explain the source of the money used to set up the account, the source of each deposit and the A request purpose for which each withdrawal was made. Informatiol regarding one withdrawal from this account has been suppressed pursuant to this Court's order and can be found on the suppressed information provided separately. There has been no other response to date. xxx-xxx-upp"urs to have been opened in the 3) Account Number nanre of Toni B. Henthorn Estate. On July 12,2073, the amoutlt in this account was zero, u,'hich may indicate this is when the account was opened. This account was not included on the inventory completed by Mr.Henthorn on March 14,2014. As with the previous account, various deposits of over $60,000.00 and withdrawals have been made frotn 612013 to 612A1'4,leaving $19,023,89 in the accorurt as of 6/2014. A request has been made to Mr. Henthorn to explain the source of the money used to set up the account, the source of each deposit and the pulpose for which each withdrawal was made. 2 B) Concordia Bank & Trust The 28 Certificates of Deposit with Concordia have an approximate value of approximately $132,952.00 as of August3l,2014. There remain 200 shales of Concordia Capital Corporation owned by Toni It is B. Henthom as evidence by Concordia Capital Corporation Certificate in Ms. Henthorn's possession but cannot be found believed Cer(ificate by Mr. Henthorn. [. #!was The 200 shares of Concordia Capital Corporation continue with a value of approxirnately $30,000.00. According to Concordia, the Certificate for the 200 dated 1213012011) in the name of Toni B. Henthoni shares (Certificate should be in the possession of the stockholder. A request has been made for Mr. Henthorn to provide this Certificate to me for safekeeping. In addition, from Apil201,4 to present, Ms. Henthorn's Estate has received $681.00 in distributions which has been deposited in an account for the estate which was opened by me with Summit Bank account ending #J iol Mr. Henthorn provided me with a distribution check from Concordia Capital dated MarchZl,2074, in the amount of $206. A "replacement reissued distribution check" dated June 20,2014, in the arnount of $206.00 and a check dated Augu st 22, 2014, in the amount of $206.00 have been received directly from Concordia Bank. All checks received have been deposited in the eslale account establishecl at Summit Bank, savings account number ending inl C) Fidelity Investments - Account Number (XXX-XXXI) As of 613012014, there was $579,926.09 in the account in the name of the Harold & Toni Henthora Trust. This account was not included on the inventory completed by Mr.Henthorn on March 14,2014. D) Genworth Financial - A review of the IRS 201 I , 1040 joint tax rettrn for Harold and Toni Henthom Forrn 8949, Sales & Disposition of Capitai Assets, revealed separate u"t at Genworth Financial. accounts numbered I However, a review of the IRS 2012, 1040 j oint tax return Form 8949, revealed new separate accounts at Genworth Financial numberedf and!! The search for additional with no mention of accountsl-af information regarding these and perhaps other unidentified accounts contimtes. We do know that in 2011, there were transactions from these Genworth accounts. Documentation regarding these accounts was only produced in the late aftemoon of Septemb er 15,2014, and there has not been adequate tirne for a complete review. Nonetheless, a cursory review shows that about $305,000'00 deposited into Royal Alliance fi.om Genworth accounts See below. brokerage account ending ]ndlwere i", E) Royal Alliance Brokerage Accounts There are now three accounts that have been located with Royal Aliiance. Accouat Number )Ofi-XXX]|I in the Harold and Toni Henthorn Trust. On 411312013 a check frorn Genworth, in the total amount of $305,031.34 was deposited into this account. It is unclear how this money was used' Only partial statements for a limited time period regarding this account have been provided, Efforts to obtain additional statements are ongoing by me as Royal Alliance has refused to provide financial information to Mr. Henthorn. In February 2014, there was a cash withdrawal of $70,000.00 from this account. More information on where this rnoney went is available in the Amended Second Status Report with Suppressed Information. Account NumberXXX-XXilIl- in the Harold and Toni Henthorn Trust, This accoult has been open since sometime in 2005, with a First Bank check in the arnount of $ 100,000.00 being deposited into this account. Requests for the status of flris account, what happened to this deposit, when and for what purpose have been ignored. Only partial statements for a limited time period regarding this account have been provided. Efforts to obtain additional statements are ongoing. Account Number XXX-XX)il!- appears to have been only Mr. Henthorn's name. This account shows a withdrawal of $200,000 in December 2013 and a withdrawal of $230,000 in February 2014. Stocks in this account may have been transferred fi'om Raymond James to Royal Alliance, but it is not completely clear. More information on where this money went is available in the Second Status Report with suppressed Information. Only partial statements for a limited time period regarding this account have been provided. Efforts to obtain additional statements are ongoing. F) TCF Bank - TCF Supe5avings"account number xxxxxflsumlnary sheet was provided for transactions from May 10, 2013 to Marcir 31,2074, which contains handwritten notes on some transactions. This document led us to believe a checking account at TCF existed. $fter a specific request, partial and incomplete (usually oniy the first page) documentation related to a checking account at TCF for April2013 to March 2014,was plovided. 4 Checking account statements from May 2013 fluoughNovember 2013 show that Mr. Hinthorn added Linda K. Wilson to this account. Then as of Decernber 2073,Mr. Henthorn added yet another person, Dennis A. Dahl to the checking account. Whatever the re4son, this account is now at risk since it appears Ms. Wilson ahd/6r Mr. Eahl, in addition to Mr. Henthorn have the ability to withdraw all the fiurds in the account. On late Monday afternoon, September l5,Z)l4,the checking account staternent for June 2013 was provided again, this time with illegible copies of checks written on the account. Ms. Wilson and Mr. Dahl were still on this account with Mr. Henthom as of the date of this statement. Also provided on September 15, were more savings account statements dating from June 2103 through March 2014. Missing are statements after March 2014. G) Plains Marketing - Oil and Gas Leases There are four active leases in the name of the Toni B. Henthorn Estate. Recordings were made in Adams, Franklin and Wilkinson Counties in Mississippi for the various properties that interestsin these leases are under the supervision of the Special Administrator and Special Trustee. Mr. Henthorn provided me with 2 checks sent to him by Plains Marketing. One dated March 20,2014, in the amourt of $2,354.81 and another dated April 2l , 2A74, in the amount of $2,603 .7 3 . However, he has not returned the check fbr $44,525.1 7 dated February 12, 2014 or the check for $ 1,375.83 dated February 20,20T4. The February 12,2014, cherk in the amount of $44,525.17 rvas deposited V/e have not been able to determine where in the lst Bank account the February 20,2A14, check for $1,375.83, was deposited. Mr. Henthorn has said the $44,525.17 was used for "family expenses." It is unclear how the $ I ,3 75.83 was used. x*x-**I H) Associates in Eve Care In June 2011, Ms. Henthorn paid $71,500.00 to the professional group she was joining for her equity ownership. Defened cornpensation payments of net $91,713.71 on December 15,2072 and of net $2,142.25 in2013, were paid to Mr. Henthorn. There has been no response to requests Mr, Henthorn to explain where these payments went and for what purposes. Associates in Eye Care sent two checks in the amount of $49,682.83, one dated August 8, 2014, and the other August I 1, 2014, for a total of $99,365.66; as payment for all of the shares of stock in Associates in Eye Care, P.C. held or previously heid by Toni Helthorn for her equity interest in the group. These che"ks were deposited in the estate savings account at Sumrnit Bank. D Raymond James Accounts and AXA Annuitv The annuity remains with AXA through Raynond James. The market value of the annuity as of August29,2014,is $t54,342.25. The death benefit value is $204,907.59. Appalently, the money to fund this aruruity for Toni Henthorn ($149,209.72) was given to her by her parents, Robert and Yvonne Bertolet. In April 2011, Toni Henthorn's daughter, Haley was removed as primary beneficiary and replaced with Harold Henthorn as primary beneficiary, with Haley as contingent beneficiary. Toni Henthom has a small IRA at Raymond James - Primary Account nofiilIrwith a value of $27 ,692.65 as of August29,2Al4. This includes the75 shares of Concordia Capital valued at $11.250.00, various mutual funds worth $14,975.79 and $1,466.86 in cash. Number O Compass Bank- This is a new financial entity identified since the last status report. Five accounts have been found at this bank. 1) Account Number )CXX-)(7ill @uild to Order Checking) - the balance in this account as of September 28,2012,was $7,057.10. This account was open prior to 2008 and was closed on May l,2013,by a check being wlitten from the account in the amount of $26,051.05 and apparently being deposited into an accorurt located at 1't Bank account ending intJon May 15,2013. There has been no response to requests for information about money deposited and withdrawn' The was not Build to Order Cheoking account numbet ending intr 14, on March Henthorn by Mr. completed inventory included on the 2014. From September 21 ,z\lZ,until it was closed, approximately $91,000.00 was expended from this account. A response to requests for an explanation ofall account deposits and withdrawals in excess of $ 1,000.00 is pending. 2) this account was open prior to Account Number xxx-)C(t2008 and now appears closed. As of September 12,2012, there was approximately $108,000.00 in this account. This account was not included on the inventory completed by Mr. Henthom on March 14, 20 1 4. There has been no response to requests for an explanation of where the money went and of all accoult deposits and withdrawals in excess of $1,000.00, 6 3) Accou,t Nuruber Xfx-Xxf@referred Money Market) - was open prior to 2008. The parats of Toni Henthorn apparently wired $309,960.19 to this account in September 2008. This acconnt was closed April 30,2013. This account was not included on the inventory completed by Mr.Henthoru on March 14,2074. From September 14,2012, ultil it was closed, approximately $159,000.00 was expended from this account. This account was not included on the inventory completed by Mr. Henthorn on March 14,2014. There has not yet been a response to requests for an explanation of all account deposits and withdrawals excess in of $1,000.00. 4) Account Number )OO(-fXIl (Toni B. Henthorn 2008 Life Insurance Trust) had a bank balance of $258.38 as of December 2A12. 5) Account Nuniber XXX->C(XX (Toni B. Henthorn 2010 Life Insurance Trust) had a balance of $672.95 in December 2010. AND There has not been a response to a request to explain these two ILITs with different tax identification numbers, their current status and what money went where. K) Per Order of the Court. this section of the second status report is suppressed and has been sent separately to Lhg Court. L) Life insurance policies 1) Anterican'General Life Inntrance - (Policy Number: xxxxxx- A life insurance policy with Mr. Henthorn as the primarflbeneficiary in the amount of $1,500,000.00 was taken out on May 29,2047. The claims examiner states that there has been no payout and no requests for payout. 2) Genworth Financial Life Insurance - (Policy Number: xxxil An insurance policy with the Harold and Toni Henthorn Trust as the primary beneficiary in the amount of $1,500,000.00 was taken out on April 9, 2005. According to the claims department, a claim was sent in for this policy on October 1,2012. No payment was made. The process of placing the policy ftlnds in a blocked Secure Access Account at Genworth has begun. This account will earn2.50 oZ interest and no distribution will be made without order of the courl. As of September, 17, 207 4, the net proceeds in this policy are $ 1,57 3,590.45. 7 3) ING Insurance- (Policy Number: (xxxxxxfr Since Ms. Henthorn died within the first two policy years, ING has been perfonning its constable review. It has determined that the application was vaiid and the $1,500,000.00 policy taken out in 2010 is in force. The beneficiary of this policy is Toni B. Henthom ILIT (Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust). ING has now iompieted its review of Ms. Henthorn's medical records and verifuing her answers on the application for any material misrepresentations, which it determined were acceptable. In light of there being no cause of death and the beneficiary being the Toni B. Henthorn ILIT, ING has agreed to await further order of the court before making any distribution. IvD Real Estate Propertv There are two properties at issue in this matter. 1) 9205 S. Sand Hill Street, Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126, This property was pruchased by Harold and Toni Henthorn on October 27, 2000, and held in joint tenancy. The purchase price was $472,900.00, We have information that Toni Henthorn's parents, Bob and Yvomre Bertolet gave Toni $206,600.00 toward the purchase price of the home. In addition, it appears Toni Henthorn also used $108,000.00 frorn the sale of her condominium toward the purchase price. This property was transferred into the Harold and Toni Henthorn Trust, but was not included on the inventory completed by Mr. Henthorn on March 14, 2014. 2) 246 and260 County Road 642, Grand Lake, Colorado 80447 , , On Aprii 29,2lll, Harolcl ancl Toni Henthom transferred title to this property to the Harold and Toni Henthorn Trust. It is my understanding that a Notice of Lis Pendes with respect to both properties has been filed by counsel for Robert and Yvonne Beflolet. A response to the request to provide insurance policies for these homes is pending. N) Perso-nal Propejty and Miscellaneous Personal Property - Mr. Henthorn represented there were only two items of Ms. Henthorn that were insured, the "fur" which is still in the house and the engagement "stone" which fell out of the ring when she fell to her death. A response to the request to explain the status of a sailboat and an ATV, both listed on the financial statement is pending. B Files -After an in carnera review by the court, additional estate planning documents were provided and are being reviewed. Estate Planning Tax Returns - In response to requests for Mr. Henthorn to identify and provide copies of all Trust, Estate and his Federal and State tax returns filed since 2007 , tax retums for 2009 , 2010 ,2A11 , 2012 and 201 3 were produced on Septenrber 15,20L4, and a review of those returns has begun. It remains to be seen ifreturns from 2007 ard2008 are needed. Vehicles - There were apparently two cars that may have been jointly owned by Mr. & Mrs. Henthorn, a2005 740BMW IL and a2013 Ieep. Documents have also shown the existence of a sailboat and an ATV. There has been no response to requests for infonnation related to these vehicles, other a statement that since the automobiles were titled jointly, there are now owned by Mr. Henthorn.' o) Outstanding Issues As infonnation and documents are provided by Mr. Henthorn, more questions arise and additional requests for information and documents have been outstanding, some since August6,201,4. Mr. Henthorn has only provided partial statements, some of which are illegible, for time periods selected by Mr. Henthorn. He has not provided the complete, legible statements for the time period requested. However, more documents continue to come in and this may be changed in a subsequent status report, At the end of the day, on Monday, September 75,2014, additional bank documents were delivered. There has been only a brief opporhxrity to review these documents and so it is unclear how much additional information and documentation has been provided. There simply has not been suffrcient time to review this newest box of documents and information. Per Order of the Court. the-foloryine sec.tlon of the secoqC status report is sunpressed and has been sent separatelv to the Court Further, what is produced is usually incomplete and far short of the time period requested for statements. Some monthly statements have one page or two, while other statements from the same institution have 5 or 9 pages. Frequently, a group of documents from a financial entity is missing different months and/or pages, This is as complete a status report regarding Toni Henthorn's assets as can be made at this time in light of a lack of response to requests for information and documentation or that additional informatior/docurnents have only recently been provided. One of the biggest problems has been Mr. Henthorn's unwillingness or inability to provide compiete statements from the rnultiple financial entities with which he has had dealings for the years requested. Once there is time to review the recently produced documents and information and the additional requested ilfomration, documentation and explanations that hopefully will be produced soon, an updated status report will be filed with the Court as appropriate. If the Court has any questions or needs clarification, I rvill respond as best as I am able. Respectfully submitted, Date: October 3,2014 /s/ Gar.v M. Clexton Gary M. Clexton Special Administrator of the Estate Special Trustee of the Henthorn Trust CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 3rd day of October,2074, a true and conect copy SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR AND SPECIAL TRUSTEE'S AMENDED SECOND STATUS REPORT WITHOI]-T SUPPRESSED INFORMATION was mailed U. S. First class Mail and/or transmitted to Integrated Coiorado Courts E-filing System for service upon the following: the foregoing William A. Bostrorn Edward T. Schroeder Bostrom Schroeder, P. C. | 67 5 Broadway, Suite 2280 Denver, CO 80202 Anorneys for Harold A. Henthorn Leia A. Ursery Olsen Traeger & Ursery, LLP 650 S. Cherrl' Street suite 850 Denver, CO 80246 Attorneys fsr Robert Bertolet, Yvonne Bertolet, Barry Bertolet and Todd Bertolet 10 of Barbara E. Cashrnan The Law Offrce of Barbara Cashman, LLC 7955 E. Arapahoe Ct. Suite 3000 Centennial, CO 80112 GALfor minor child /s/ l)arvn A- UtrshI Dawn A. Wright 11