Recombination - University of Virginia Library
Recombination - University of Virginia Library
Recombination | the university of virginia library 2011 annual report RECOMB RECOMBINATION Research Challenges Preservation IDEAS Resource Service Students Knowledge Power Outlets Culture Change Technology Coffee Population Growth Conversation Space Faculty Future Surprise Digital scholar Sleep Headphones information survival evolution Aquarium tweet language breakthrough exhibition creativity climate innovation Hours human discussion Discovery search contemplation location exploration community catalyst Companion history support RECOMBINATION from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved. Charles darwin, the origin of species the the fish fish image image away away from from the the gutter gutter galapagos fish These are fish from William K. Vanderbilt’s lavishly illustrated book about his trip to the Galapagos, To Galapagos on the Ara, 1926. The watercolors are by William F. Belanske. On my way to U.Va.! “The proceedings of those colonies … and the accidents that befell them” John Smith, English explorer and governor of Jamestown, Virginia, drew this early map of the colony. Printed in 1612, it includes drawings of Indian tribes and an “annex” of “the proceedings of those colonies, since their first departure from England.” WELCOME CHAPTER I NATURAL SELECTION MUTATION GENETIC D RIFT CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV DONOR LIST welcome. letter from the university librarian This spring my husband and I traveled to the Galapagos, the chain of islands that the 19th-century naturalist Charles Darwin explored and that informed his thinking about evolution. The islands prompted me to think about the Library’s evolution, and seeded the theme for this year’s annual report. Recombination is one of the forces of evolution. It’s a mixing up of things that creates something new. The Library is a constant mixing up of things, a changing environment that is generating new ideas, new resources, new services, and new ideas to try. We are also facilitating the meaningful exchange of ideas among students and faculty, institutions, and scholars everywhere that produces new knowledge. We’ve arranged the report in sections that are very loosely suggested by other forces of evolution, including natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. The development of the collections through careful selection by our librarians, the constant impact of developing and changing technology, the changes in how our students study and learn through their generations, and the impact of each donor’s gift on the Library and the people it serves—all are forces of evolution driving us forward. Our ability to embrace change—including and especially when it takes us by surprise—and make the most of it is what will determine our survival. In the heady rush to put as much as possible in digital form, for example, few thought about the challenge of preserving all that material. Now the monumental task of curating and preserving that scholarly record is one that the great research universities and libraries must take on. It is a challenge both daunting and exciting, and we welcome it. The closing words of The Origin of Species are, “whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” The U.Va. Library continues to evolve with endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful, and I thank you for being a part of this exciting evolution. karin wittenborg University Librarian I could say that our inherited traits—books, buildings, popularity with students and faculty, advances in technology—are part of our evolution as well. And certainly there are constants in that evolution: a growing university population, more collections than spaces to house them, perennial budget challenges, and technology that is exciting at first but then quickly and expensively obsolete. Our evolution is indeed a “tangled bank,” as Darwin observed, of life and activity. In his work, Darwin contemplated the idea of a tree of life, with tidy limbs branching off neatly from one another. It was an orderly process. Cataloging a book in the library used to be a solitary, orderly process, too. The reality, however, is that evolution is fast, complex, mysterious, and messy. Our cataloguers used to exist in what Harvard professor of law Lawrence Lessig described as a “read only” culture, where they worked in solitary silos, following strict, time-tested rules. Now they exist in a “read/write” culture, where more people from outside the Library contribute to a book’s record, creating a record that is bigger, deeper, more changed and changeable. The “data ecosystem” of our resources is in a constant state of growth and change, and so is the physical ecosystem of our buildings and services. In two decades, centuries-old rules forbidding food and noise have fallen away, and most Library spaces are now abuzz with coffee and conversation, companions to quiet spaces for contemplation and research. Galapagos tortoise An illustration from A Voyage in the South Seas, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814 by David Porter (1780-1843). CHAPTER I The idea of natural selection can be aligned with how a great library chooses its collections. Librarians act as careful curators; some items are selected, some are not. Over time—from minutes to centuries—that collection itself illustrates evolutions: of history, ideas, cultures, and technologies. The result is a collection that is broad, deep, and valuable to scholars. NATURAL The Life of Data Staff from the Library’s new Scientific Data Consulting Group worked with Sarah Kucenas, assistant professor of biology, to manage and preserve her research data and make it accessible to future scholars. Her research includes the study of zebra fish for their unique ability to show how nervous systems form and behave, which may help biologists better understand disorders such as multiple sclerosis. This image is a magnification of zebra fish larvae, with red and green fluorescent markers labeling their nervous systems. “The red, eyelike gleam of hostile campfires” The collection of the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library evolved to include not only the original manuscript of Stephen Crane’s Civil War novel, The Red Badge of Courage, but also its 1951 comic book version. “Be good and you will be lonesome,” wrote Mark Twain in the author’s signed edition of Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World. The book was featured in the Library’s “Global Collections” exhibit, which explored travellers’ discoveries and perceptions of cultures beyond their own. THEN NOW “Good-bye, Old Paint!” After 25 years of tireless service and leaky fluids, the Library’s delivery van was retired and replaced by a 2012 model. The new van cost almost $15,000 less than the nearest competitor, and it led to a rare compliment from the procurement department: “an outstanding resolution to this transaction.” Unseen, in the background, Fate was quietly slipping the lead into the boxing glove. P.G. Wodehouse illuminating the past The Langhorne A. Messenger Collection includes a rare book of hours (a devotional book with illuminated manuscripts), Expliciunt hore intemerate dei genitricis virginis Marie ..., 1516. Creating Light In 2011 the Library collaborated with U.Va.’s Information Technology Services to launch “Libra,” an online repository where faculty can deposit their published research. Libra both preserves and provides access to the scholarly output of U.Va. This beautiful image is of magnetic field lines from supercomputer simulations that are part of the collaborative research done by John Hawley, professor of astronomy. He is investigating what happens inside a gas ring that orbits around a star or black hole when the turbulence creates heat that causes the ring to give off light. “Hoggs (wild & tame) not to be numbered” The collections in the Tracy W. McGregor Library include rare materials from the early colonial days of Virginia, including this accounting of livestock in Jamestown, written by explorer and colonist John Rolfe in A True Relation of the State of Virginia, 1616. CHAPTER II Libraries are in a state of constant change, variation, and adaptation. Mutations in technology generate variations that change how we capture visual moments, how we teach historic events, and how we present and share ideas (including something as seemingly prosaic as storing books). From Copper Plate to PhotoShop The Library’s team that digitizes special collections materials rescued antique copper plate pictures from the University’s Mountain Lake Biological Station in southwestern Virginia. Student interns scanned the copper plates, then used Photoshop to create grayscale images for modern viewing. We Like “Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies” This subtitle of Robert Hooke’s Micrographia hints at the surprises that literally unfold from this 1667 book. Micrographia was one of the first publications to include detailed descriptions of observations made through a microscope. The Library’s copy needed extensive conservation treatment, and consultation of copies held by other libraries revealed that the U.Va. copy contained unique versions of many illustrations, including this famous louse. The conservator blogged about her progress and used Facebook to get help tracking down a mysterious watermark. The comments that followed indicated that the book was probably bound in Ireland in the 1700s, but other mysteries still remain. Decisions and Their Impact The School of Engineering and Applied Science held an introductory course for 300 first-year students that challenged them to role-play different government and civic agencies during Hurricane Katrina. Faculty and students met at the Charles L. Brown Library and used data and other library resources to study the impact and implications of technology, science, and engineering decisions during a natural disaster. Photo Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Roll camera! The Library joined the celebration of Home Movie Day—an event held by more than 50 institutions worldwide to promote the preservation of these films—by inviting the local community to bring in their old home movies for conservation evaluation. Nearly 40 movies came in, on 8mm, Super-8 and 16mm film. Preservation staff evaluated them, looking for condition issues such as film shrinkage, poorly made splices, or perforation damage that would prevent them from being projected. The event featured the newly-preserved Ralph W. Feil Collection, rare color movies of Charlottesville in the 1930s. From the Wide, Wide World to the Wide, Wide Web The Library’s Lillian Gary Taylor Fellowships offer visiting scholars a chance to conduct research using materials from the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library. This year, Taylor Fellow Jessica DeSpain, assistant professor of English at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, researched editions of Susan Warner’s 19th-century American novel, The Wide, Wide World. Published at the same time as Moby Dick, this little-known work was a blockbuster in its time, generating more than 100 editions in the U.S. and overseas. DeSpain’s project, when completed, will present a “digital edition” of the book that illuminates the textual and visual variants among the editions and translations, as well as the marketing and publishing practices of the time. Charlottesville Trolley System 1890s–1920s routes features Main Line Turn-around Belmont Grove Line (Abandon) Pass-by JPA Line Street Car Barn University Line Union Station Original Fry’s Spring Line (Abandon) Ridge Street Line Fry’s Spring Built but Abandoned Jeff. Park Hotel Planned but not built power planT C & O Station Proposed System “Cool Mr. Map, Meet Mr. Scanner” The Scholars’ Lab launched a community-driven website ( as one outcome of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to bring GIS (geographic information systems) approaches to humanities scholarship. The Spatial Humanities site includes sample projects, essays, and a step-by-step tutorial for creating GIS projects in the humanities such as this analysis of old streetcar maps of Charlottesville. This related project mapped how the original streetcar routes might serve today’s populace, producing a new way to look at this part of the city’s history. Movable Feat Staff from the Library and the University’s Facilities Management team completed the Ivy Stacks Retrofit, a project to increase the space in the Library’s off-site shelving facility. Six aisles of 33-foot-high, 192-foot-long compact shelves were installed to move along tracks, creating the largest known installation of this technology among North American research libraries. More than 800,000 items are being returned to the facility, which now has double the capacity with no change in footprint. The shelves are so efficiently placed that there are only five inches between the shelves and the wall. 5 IN. 4 IN. 3 IN. 2 IN. 1 IN. 0 IN. 5 IN. R D F T D I CHAPTER III T I T I The evolution of how students learn, how faculty teach, and how scholars create new knowledge brings change that often happens purely by chance. Drift is a process of chance, something we cannot plan or predict. But it creates change that is interesting and exciting. I T F I R I D F T R I D I R R F I R T I R I D R F I T R F I D I D T I R T DRIFT T R I F T R R F F R F F I T F R T D T D R F I T lol totally lost in #UVAlibrary. so many bookshelves! WOW, 2 many books 2 even try & count (@UValibrary) pretty sure @UValibrary has every book there ever was. ever. @UValibrary thx 4 the help; found exactly what i needed #gr8staff JUST WALKED iNTO #UValibrary. DON’t even know where to start Mobile Merriment Staff are creating a map application for the mobile website that lets smartphone users locate books in the stacks, reserve study rooms, and see panoramas of key areas in Library buildings. The application also has a feature that generates a URL when a location is clicked, allowing it to be shared on social media or sent by e-mail or text. YESTERDAY TODAY Libraries, Then and Now The Library now supports four voyages per year for the University’s Semester at Sea program, and 18 librarians have taken to the seas since 2006. One voyage included a visit to Cambodia’s Angkor Wat, a World Heritage Site built in the early 12th century. This picture shows one of its six libraries next to the ship’s library, built nine centuries later and, with nine thousand items, one of the larger ocean-going libraries in the world. What I like about working in a university library is that the students never seem to age, so therefore I don’t, either. Former deputy university librarian Diane Walker, now Edward H. Arnold University Librarian at the University of Notre Dame IN library spaces The thousands of students that use Library facilities every day include those studying alone to those studying collaboratively with faculty, such as the group using the new “FAVE” (“Fine Arts Visual Environment”) space in the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library. Revising voting boundaries The Scholars’ Lab helped two undergraduate teams use GIS (geographic information systems) software in a statewide competition to re-imagine legislative boundaries using 2010 census data. The U.Va. teams won seven of the 12 prizes. This image, part of the project, maps data about demographic populations in Northern Virginia. Asian studies Room A beautiful new study space in Alderman Library was completed with funds from Austin and Pan Ligon and the Office of the President. The renovation was done in honor of Pan Ligon’s parents, Kasem and Vanee Lamsam. Off the beaten path Staff of the Scholars’ Lab launched the “Praxis Program,” part of the lab’s plan to help graduate students in the humanities prepare for faculty careers outside the traditional—and very scarce—tenured teaching jobs. Recognizing that this new generation of scholars offers digital skills and new approaches to scholarship, members of the lab also published an online collection, #Alt-Academy, to encourage conversation and excitement about opportunities in libraries and other cultural institutions. This image captures the idea of the Praxis Program and is from a children’s book, Arty the Smarty by Faith McNulty Martin, illustrated by Albert Aquino, © 1962, © renewed 1990 by Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. Used by permission of Grosset & Dunlap, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group. All rights reserved. CHAPTER IV An investment in the Library is something that continues through generations, and the benefit is shared among all the Library’s populations. The Library is where all—students and alumni, teachers and researchers, staff and visitors, and donors everywhere—are part of the constant flow of past, present, and future. a gift over time The official meeting minutes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe and other members of the first U.Va. Board of Visitors came to life anew in an exact reproduction of the 1817–1828 Minute Book of the Board of Visitors. The Library’s conservator, Eliza Gilligan, created the replica as a gift from the Library to the University’s new president, Teresa A. Sullivan. Flow of cultures A Japanese print from the Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan … under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, 1904. Perry’s visits in the 1850s helped open the way for trade and diplomatic relations between the two countries. Pipes, drains, and a copse Staff from the Library’s cataloging group described and processed this 1908 map of James Madison’s Virginia estate, Montpelier, adding it to the map collection and its record to international library databases. The map’s author, Walter Nichols, scrupulously labeled the estate’s topography, including walls, drains, pipes, tulip poplars and miscellaneous copses and thickets. Like minds: artists and scientists The Charles L. Brown Science and Engineering Library featured a selection of prints by Australian aboriginal artist Judy Watson. Watson was an artist in residence at a scientific field station near the Great Barrier Reef, where she observed its fragile environment and consulted with scientists to create works both beautiful and troubling. This is an etching and screenprint, Mass coral bleaching, from Watson’s heron island suite #3 2009/2010, Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection, U.Va. Spooky Stuff American author, journalist, and translator Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) was featured in the “Global Collections” exhibit at the Mary and David Harrison Institute for American History, Literature, and Culture. The Clifton Waller Barrett Library holds a comprehensive collection of Hearn’s work, including an edition of his book, Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things (1904). This is a detail of an illustration in the book, which also inspired a 1965 Japanese horror film. Galapagos, world’s end Author and explorer William Beebe published his book about the Galapagos in 1924. Right: the author. Left: the iguana (“very vicious, but easy to run down and capture”). Copyright 1924 by William Beebe, renewed 1951. Used by permission of G.P. Putnam’s Sons, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. DONORS to endowments or special gifts july 1, 2010–june 30, 2011 we are grateful to all our friends who supported the library in the fiscal year that closed june 30, 2011. $100,000 and above Ann Lee Saunders Brown + Harrison Foundation Estate of Elinor Joan Wier Weatherly $10,000–$99,999 Martin C. Battestin & Ruthe R. Battestin @ Caroline Y. Brandt John W. Everets Joseph Waddell Familant William & Salome Scanlan Foundation William Scanlan, Jr. University of Virginia Council for the Arts University of Virginia Parents Annual Fund Susan McConnell Medallion Financial Corporation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation + The Oaklawn Foundation Gay Blue Peterson & Henry B. Peterson Randolph P. Pillow + Frederick G. Ribble & Anne G. Ribble @ Ralph J. Stoudt, Jr. & Barbara Holmes Stoudt @ Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation Karin Wittenborg @ Michael James Galgano & Virginia Del Greco Galgano + Vanessa Hague Gregg Paul G. Halpern @ Prakash Kamath Erik D. Laurila + American Rhododendron Society @ Richard W. Miksad & Roberta W. Miksad @ George Southall Vest, Jr. & Emily C. Vest + $1,000–$9,999 Perry J. Bolton & Aurelia Bolton John T. Casteen III & Betsy F. Casteen The Chasanoff Foundation, Inc. Margaret Dalton @ Evelyn F. James Foundation George Scott Shackelford III $1–$999 M. Robbins Church Margaret Perry Daniel & Dabney Daniel @ Paul William Frantz & Susan A. Frantz + Ray W. Frantz, Jr. & Doris M. Frantz + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased UNRESTRICTED PATRON ASSOCIATE: $500–$999 Eric A. Angstadt & Stefani A. Angstadt-Leto Burke Baker III @ Samuel Ray Barrett III & Jane H. Barrett + Lucien L. Bass III + Shannon Casey Baxter & John M. Baxter + John W. Bittinger Rhonda Collins Booker George William Braun & Elizabeth Braun J. Stewart Bryan III & Lisa-Margaret Stevenson Bryan @ Robert Gordon Byron & Cheryl Thompson Byron @ William Davidson Call + Anthony Macdonald Caputo Michael J. Castine III & Brigette D. Castine Oakley W. Cheney, Jr. Randolph W. Church, Jr. & Lucy C. Church + Whitney W. Cobey & Alexander D. Cobey @ William Morgan Cochran, Jr. @ annual giving july 1, 2010–june 30, 2011 LIBRARY ROTUNDA SOCIETY: $2,500 AND ABOVE colonnade level: $10,000 and above Katherine Haney Duffy Estate of Cyrus H. Hoy Niklas Schrenck Von Notzing @ Estate of Wallace D. Trevillian serpentine level: $5,000–$9,999 Janice M. Karon Estate of Debra E. Korobkin Mary Lacey Long Wolfe & Michael Wolfe pavilion level: $2,500–$4,999 Joseph Edward Bonner + Warren F. Chauncey @ J. Jeffrey Copes The Duke of Omnium Fund + Peter J. Coolidge & Faith Coolidge + Robert DuBois Hulme @ William J. Mandel Mitford Children’s Foundation Wendy Nuckols Reed & Christopher Claar Reed @ Paul Dilwyn Summers, Jr. Karin Wittenborg @ ALDERMAN SOCIETY: $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous (1) Richard E. Ailstock + Carl O. Atkins, Jr. & Nancy Atkins Gilbert Schuyler Bahn @ Edwin Barber & Virginia P. Barber Donald Black & Roberta Senechal de la Roche Bernard T. Bress Robert P. Buford & Anne W. Buford + Mortimer M. Caplin & Ruth Sacks Caplin James E. Crocker & Merrilee Crocker Ashley Leigh Delp Joseph Andrew DeSantis & Marie-Eve DeSantis Weaver K. Eubank & Marilyn C. Eubank @ Anne Garland Farrell & Thomas Francis Farrell II @ Donald K. Fry & Joan B. Fry @ Claire W. Gargalli + Michael L. Gassmann & Cynthia Ann Lewis @ The Greater New Orleans Foundation Moylan Feild Gomila, Jr. & Gwathmey Finlay Gomila Bradley H. Gunter & Meredith Strohm Gunter @ Ann F. Hammersmith Jerome S. Handler + James Bryant Hebenstreit & Marilyn Bartlett Hebenstreit James Leon Hoban, Jr. & Mary Hoban John David Johnson Alexander Steven Katzenberg III Keith Lester Kearney & Deborah C. McLean Parker Hall Lee III Theresa M. Lynch & Richard Bailey Lynch Linda Wilson MacIlwaine & William A. MacIlwaine IV John J. Markham @ Laura Barbour Marshall & James B. Marshall IV Betsy Cocke Eugene Carl Culbertson & Mildred W. Culbertson Elisa A. Deadman + Ralph DeMarco & Monica A. Otte Elizabeth Thompson Drum & Marc T. Dinardo Henry B. Frazier III & Joan M. Frazier Leslie H. Friedman @ Andrew Ziet Glickman @ Ross Cary Goldstein & Catherine Hess Goldstein Autumn Graves & R. Vann Graves Daniel Seth Herzfeld F. Gregory Hudson Kirk Mckim Hudson & Sandra P. Hudson L. Peyton Humphrey & A. Cherie Humphrey + Patricia Martin Kearns & John Philip Kearns + Mark J. Kington & Ann A. Kington + Gregory A. LePeter Jonathan Quentin Morgan Edward O. Parry, Jr. Robert Hoke Perkins, Jr. @ John Julian Pickeral III + Ballard F. Pinkard, Jr. Anil Kumar Ram Roseann Romito Robert G. Rose III Shelah Keith Kane Scott @ Amber Nicole Sherman James Francis Shigley @ Emily R. Smith * & Charles Holden Smith, Jr. @ Thomas C. Spavins & Judith Herman Spavins Max O. Stephenson, Jr. & Christina E. Stephenson Robert D. Sweeney @ Kathleen B. Tanner Waters Peter M. Tobias @ Oscar W. Underwood III & Margaret H. Underwood Christopher Gresham Walmsley Reba Jean Whalen & Richard M. Whalen Thomas James Minarcik & Susan M. Minarcik Randolph P. Pillow + Roy Willis Plunkett, Jr. Thomas Ransone Price + Martha McNeil Raterman & Mark Francis Raterman Frederick G. Ribble & Anne G. Ribble @ James E. Roberts + & Yolanda T. Roberts * John D. Schaperkotter & Cary W. Schaperkotter @ Holly C. Shulman @ Irwin H. Slater + Lloyd Thomas Smith, Jr. & Ashlin W. Smith William McIlwaine Thompson, Jr. & Elsie Wilson Thompson John R. Watson, Jr. & Sheryl B. Watson @ Andrew Francis Westbrook + Kenneth G. Whyburn + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased SPONSORING ASSOCIATE: $250–$499 Anonymous (1) Henry J. Abraham & Mildred K. Abraham @ Duncan Earl Alford & Janet Gessner Alford + Richard H. Antell James Edwin Ballowe, Jr. + Michael Francis Barry & Lee Newman Barry + Philip James Baum @ Warren Walter Behan + Cheston Berlin & Anne R. Berlin @ John W. Bolton, Sr. & Nancy Jane Van Zandt Bolton Peter J. Buck & Carson Buck + Charles Lee Bull, Jr. Thomas Edgar Carbonneau Susan C. Carr Elizabeth G. Cauthen Gary Christopher Comfort + Kimberly Woolsey Craig Thomas I. Crowell Ian M. Dew Karen Swanson Diaz William R. Easton @ Jason I. Eckford, Jr. Sallie V. P. Feild @ Jonathan Paul Fielding & Elizabeth T. Fielding Charles T. Forrester III @ Nancy U. Frank Roberts B. Fray Melinda Byrd Frierson & Henry F. Frierson, Jr. + Lydia R. Galton Susan P. Garrett + John R. Gilchrist @ Alma L. Gildenhorn & Joseph B. Gildenhorn Patrick Bolton Gregory @ V. Dave Griles @ Arthur Grimball Margaret M. Grove Hugh B. Hammett Eleanor J. Harvey Felicia R. Hendrix + John R. Holloran + Andrew Burgess Hough & Christina M. Hough @ John David Hummel & Louise M. Hummel James Spalt King & Jill Marie King Mitchell Jay Koval + Amy Elizabeth Lamb Albert P. Lindemann, Jr. & Anne Lindemann + Wm. A. Little Sean William McGee Donald L. McGrady @ Elizabeth C. Millett Alexander P. Moncure John Anthony Mongeluzzi + Michael Earl Murphy Julie Brown Neu Martha Newman Robert M. O’Neil & Karen E. O’Neil + Ustun Oral Jeffrey Saville Owen Harold S. Parrott Gaylon M. Parsons Valerie D. Pearce Katherine Colligan Pereira John A. Pilcher, Jr. Leslie S. Pitcher & John Shackford Pitcher + Jeffrey D. Plank David Batiste Quanbeck @ Christina A. Richardson & David Lee Richardson + Elizabeth C. Rider & Allen B. Rider III James Henry Robinson III & Judith Robinson Robert David Schneider John E. Scott, Jr. & Betty Cox Scott Joel D. Shapiro Baird Snyder V & Elizabeth Mead Snyder Virginia Harmon Stokes @ Kailun Sun Margaret A. Sweeney @ Earl A. Thornton & Margaret B. Thornton @ Britton E. Trice Matthew John Vlissides, Jr. Maya Higashi Wakana SUPPORTING ASSOCIATE: $100–$249 Lucy Henderson Wallenborn & White McKenzie Wallenborn + Madelyn F. Wessel & Anthony L. McCall + Patrick George Wheaton Robert A. Whisnant & Michelle D. Whisnant + Morton C. Wilhelm Rebecca Sue Williams @ Samuel Haines Williams, Jr. + Donna M. Wolfe & Jonathan James Wolfe William H. Wood & Carol S. Wood Nelson Eugene Wright Robert E. Young & Lee Arnett Young + + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Anonymous (4) Eleanor P. Abbot Lou V. Abbott John P. Ackerly III & Mary Wall Ackerly @ Margaret Louise Adams Alison W. Adkins Margaret Claire Alexander + William Allcott & Truitt B. Allcott Thomas M. Ammons III Lorrie A. Andrew-Spear & Curt G. Spear, Jr. + Arlene E. Anns & Philip H. Anns @ Allan C. Armstrong & Diane R. Armstrong Thomas Field Armstrong & Janice C. Fennell Armstrong Mark William Arnold @ Paul Alexander Atkins, Jr. @ Joe Edmond Bailey & Gretchen Davies Bailey Laura Adrienne Misner Baker Stephanie Ann Baker William Delavan Baldwin II Hazel S. Banks Hubert Holmes Barber, Jr. & Annette Lowe Barber Elaine Wirt Barnes + Sara L. Barnes + Robert W. Barnwell + Gary Wickens Barone & Claudia Marie Protzman Barone + Louisa C. Barrett Eileen K. Bartels Brooks Barwick Jennifer Ellen Bates Stephen R. Batson III Ronald E. Becker Frank C. Bedell + Dara P. Behan Brenda M. Bikos * David S. Birdsell + Robert A. Blackwood III Archie Milburn Bolster Steven Edward Braverman + James Otis Breeden Nina Boyd Breen & David M. Breen Geoffrey L. Brice @ Barbara M. Brodie Leigh Buckner III Fred Buehler + George P. Burgwyn IV & Eileen R. Burgwyn @ Willis Eugene Bush @ Rebecca Ray Butcher Barbara Jean Butler + Clifford R. Buys & Jeanette Buys @ Geoffrey F. Caldwell James Edward Cammisa Thomas Oliver Carpenter & Caren Gundberg Carpenter Trace H. Carson Alison Woody Carter Michael R. E. Carter George M. Carver Miles Cary, Jr. Salvador Anthony Casente, Jr. Charles Barton Ceisel + Regan Scott Chambers + Cynthia Lee Ziegler Charas William James Chen, Jr. & Rebecca E. Chen John T. Chesser III + Kent J. Christian @ David Arnold Clark Inis L. Claude, Jr. Marie S. Claude * David B. Clifton + Lee S. Cochran Libby Okun Cohen & Ralph Cohen Susan Allen Cohn & Sheldon L. Cohn Mary E. Colmery Mary Jane Conger + George Richard Connolly James E. Crinkley, Jr. Thomas B. Crisp IV Robert L. Cross & Jeanne K. Cross James Davidson & Cindy Davidson Martin R. Davis & Jane Jamison Davis Matthew M. Davis & Susan M. Davis Tracy Barger de Jong + Emile Duke de Planque III @ The Delta Airlines Foundation Susan Lorenzo Smith & Michael R. Smith Charles Tilghman Dent + Lynne Barry Dolan Douglas N. Doughty Robert William Duck & Leda Broderick Duck Pamela S. Duff & Karl L. Duff Timothy M. Duffey @ Dennis Gail Dunn Severn Parker Costin Duvall @ Robert Alan Emery David Alan Emmerling Marshall Solomon Epstein + Renee P. Ernst Charles A. Estep @ Beth Neville Evans & John B. Evans, Jr. Janet L. Farber @ Patricia L. Faris & Douglas M. Faris Amy Loftis Farrior @ Scott A. Faust & Joanne L. Faust + Dale Richard Felker II & Janice Wacker Felker Marjorie G. Fitton + Elizabeth W. Flanagan Page Moss Fletcher & Shannon Manning Fletcher @ Augustus McDaniel Floyd John Everett Foster William H. Foulk, Jr. @ Casey Charles Franko Carolyn Gills Frazier & Allie W. Frazier, Jr. @ Alan Wallace Fulton Michael Joseph Furlough Michael James Galgano & Virginia Del Greco Galgano + Allyson K. Gallup Ashley George Gill @ Mary Cooper Gilliam Cheryl Sykes Gilliland Pamela Jean Gilmer @ Harvey W. Gleeksman James B. Godwin, Sr. & Lula F. Godwin Laura Melendy Gogal & David Gogal + Gerald Goldstein Mark Andrew Goodin Mary Elaine Gresham + + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Carl W. Guidice, Jr. Robert Joseph Gustavson, Jr. & Carol Werner Gustavson Hasan Guven & Maegan Hughes Guven Debra Suzanne Haas + Mark T. Hackman + William Eugene Haddix, Jr. Timothy D. Haines & Patricia Griffin Hughes Haines Ann Davis Haley Douglas Edward Hamel & Janet Palmer Hamel Jeanne M. Hammer & Paul Dennis McWhinney + Huntington T. Hapworth & Adele S. Hapworth + Ann Snyder Harrod + Lisa A. Heaton Helene Victoria Hedian Katherine Mary Helgerson + R. Page Henley, Jr. & Jane Sale Henley @ Mark Peter Henriques Robert Allen Hickerson @ Kimberly A. Hilsee Hudson McD. Hobgood Iris H. Hoener Charlton G Holland III Robert Gary Honigman John Shelton Horsley III Forrest Walker Hunter & Susan Zsamar Hunter + R. Bruce Hunter & Caryol W. Hunter Kathleen F.G. Hutton + Robert Kirk Jackson & Carolyn R. Jackson William Alexander Jackson + Sara Nair James + Ronald D. Japha & Meryl J. Japha @ Hilda King Jemison John Mann Johnson Mary Catherine Wilson Johnston Raymond Stephen Kandt & Irene Matsuura Kandt + William J. Kehoe Sally P. Kennedy + Margaret M. Kern + Dori D. Kim Evans L. King, Sr. Francis Xavier King Thomas Michael Knasel & Anne L. Knasel + Bradley D. Knopf & Katherine Fulghum Knopf + So Jung Koo Carolyn Rothgeb Krams & Alan Krams A. Robert Kuhlthau & Gay H. Kuhlthau Robert Peyton Kuhlthau Nancy Stuart Lackey Paul Pressley Langley @ Betty B. Lanham Catherine Ann Carlson Lapenta John J. LaPenta & Marie LaPenta Daniel C. Lavering Sloane Wickerhauser Lederer + Richard Hancock Lee Jacob C. Levenson & Charlotte G. Levenson Patricia Levin @ Rosalie Day Lewis + Charles F. Lincoln Bradley R. Lindgren Donald G. Loach & Anne R. Loach + Tamara Stevens Loving Alastair Sinclair Macdonald @ Rebecca E.M. Maguire & David T. Maguire Robert Maidment + Nancy Elizabeth Markey- Sercombe + Nancy T. Marland Alexander Joseph Marshall III Joan C. Martin @ Elizabeth Rose Siobhan Peaslee Masur Julie A. Matsumoto & Alan H. Matsumoto John C. McCoid II Amy Estes McCullough John M. McCullough Stephen Richard McCullough Edith Reyer McHenry @ Sarah Echols McLeod Christopher J. Meade & Carolyn Phipps Meade Margo L. Meiman & Andrew D. Meiman Elizabeth Homes Meredith + John Hays Mershon & Anna J. Mershon Gordon John Miller, Jr. Thomas Erik Miller & Susan M. Miller Stephen Elias Milo + Hugh Maxwell Mitchell, Jr. Donna M. Mitko Mark David Mittleman Sharon Allen Mohr Joseph Fenwick Montaigne Blaise Montandon & Marlene Montandon Jonathan C. Morris @ Richard C. Morris & Susan Nelson Morris + Richard J. Morris John Bottomley Morton, Jr. Courtney Payne Mudd Priscilla Hobbs Muhlenkamp & Matthew Joseph Muhlenkamp Ann Williams Murray Douglas Spahr Murray + William R. Murray @ Katharine Palmer Murtaugh Mark Todd Nash & Sharon E. Tyler Nash Michael C. Natrella Nathaniel Palmer Neblett Jean C. Newsom Allen Bryant Nichols & Lois M. Nichols + R. Steven Nichols James A. Niederberger @ Mary Regina Niehaus Barby Patterson Nixon Shirlee A. Nuffer & Joseph Nuffer II + Jeffrey O’Connell @ Daniel J. O’Connor III @ Daniel F. O’Keefe, Jr. & Sandra S. O’Keefe @ Neil David Olson + Gary Edward Onken Esther Yin-Ling Ostrow Gerald Vincent Otteni & Susan Otteni Alyce McCallister Outlaw + Karen Van Neste Owen + Peter Paccione Mark Cartwright Pilkinton + Robert Lin Poff @ Eugene P. Pollock & Mary W. Pollock Robert J. Pollyea + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Peter James Potter Elizabeth Anne Powell + George William Powers, Jr. & Mary M. Powers @ Theresa Bain Recupero + William L. Redd, Jr. Esther Rachel Redmount James Eric Reed Donald Wingfield Richardson Louis Joseph Richman, Jr. Julia Gilkeson Ritenour & Elston Russell Ritenour, Jr. Keith William Rizzardi & Suzie I. Rizzardi Jeffrey Todd Robinette Jonathan M. Robins J. Ryan Rose + Christopher Michael Ross + Jane W. Rotch Jay Anderson Rothenberger & Sara D. Rothenberger Michelle R. Rudolph & Jason N. Rudolph Catherine Fleury Ryan Barbara H. Ryland Ramon Anthony Salgado & Elizabeth M.R. Salgado Wilton T. Sanders, Jr. & Virginia J. Sanders Scott Alden Sandridge Paige England Santmyer James Franklin Saunders III Thomas S. Saunders + Charles Wasdon Scarborough, Jr. Laura L. Scheflow Donald Bernard Schmit & Anne Elizabeth Barnard Susan Wakley Schneider Thames T. Schoenvogel & Robert G. Schoenvogel Arthur I. Schulman + Theresa Fremont Seem & John E. Seem Kathryn Wolf Sekeres Elizabeth Goetz Serow & William J. Serow Lisa Anne Sheppard + Joseph Gottlieb Simmons @ Edmund G. Simpson @ Catherine Donnal Singley Edward R. Slaughter, Jr. & Anne L. Slaughter + Beverly Cowherd Smith @ Hampden H. Smith III @ Jane Lucas Smith + Troy Alvin Smith William Francis Smith Warren S. Sockwell, Jr. & Diane S. Sockwell Caroline Q. Spence William S. Spotswood, Jr. @ Susan Klein Stadsklev Alan L. Steffen @ Eve Steigerwalt Richard F. Sterba Douglas L. Stern Leonard R. Stern John M. Stewart Allison Ferrill Stiller + Grace M. Stillwell Richard H. Stock & Kathleen D. Joy Anne C. Stone Emily M. Sullivan Hans C. Tallis & Natalie A. Tallis G. Thomas Tanselle + Anne Virginia Gibson Tausch John Eric Tavss Eric George Tazelaar John Alexander Thacker, Jr. Donald L. Thomas, Jr. William Griffith Thomas III & Heather M. Thomas + Kenneth C. Thompson & Jackie Thompson Karen Marie Tindal & William C. Tindal Mary Shackelford Tise Beth Ann Todd + Stefanie Mallia Toye Thomas Winslow Trainor Kenneth B. Trousdell, Jr. E. Massie Valentine George W. Van Cleve Gary M. Verban Cabell Vest & Bree E. Brostko George Southall Vest, Jr. & Emily C. Vest + Barbara Jay Nelson Videira @ Susan Dickerson Vinisky & S. Andrew Vinisky Edward George Volchko Mallary Congleton Walker & Jonathan Walker Paul Mark Walker & Diane P. Walker + Margaret Knox Wallace James C. Waring, Jr. & Barbara Masnik Waring Harry J. Warthen III Nicholas A. Wasko Susan Lynn Watt John S. Watterson III Michael E. Wells + Allen D. K. White & Corinne S. White Lynda S. White Marianne A. White + Martha M. White + D. Alan Williams & Llwanda K. Williams + Michael R. Wills + James L. Wilson & Susan S. Wilson James E. Wood, Jr. + Elizabeth Henneman Woodard + Joan E. Woodle Wei-Yu Wu & Chiu-Yun Wu Craig E. Wynn Laura Knowlton Yanchenko & Gregory Karl Yanchenko Charles A. Young III Robert Winters Young & Kathryn Anne Young Anne Regina Yuengert Mark Alan Zaffarano Anthony M. Zane Roberta Schlag Zapple + + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased SPONSORING ASSOCIATE: $1–$99 Anonymous (4) Jill Carol Abbey William Philip Abrams @ Sarah R. Abramson Joseph Clark Adams Jonathan K. Adams @ Steven John Agosti & Carla Lynn Gibson Agosti + Daniel H. Ahn Charlotte A. Alexander Elizabeth Alford Neill H. Alford III Jeanne V. Allen Eric Robert Allison + Christine Neuberger Amrhine Mary Louise Anastacio Bettye Evans Anderson Craig D. Anderson Garth Anderson Janet M. Anderson Linda J. Anderson Martha M. Anderson Sallie Joyce Via Anderson Kathleen K. Ansell & Edgar Ansell Vanessa M. Applebaum Sarah S. Armstrong Robert P. Atkinson Susan Loble Auerhan @ Edward Eugene Austen Robert Jackson Austin Ricardo Roberto Austrich Franklin V. Aylor & Frances J. Aylor @ Virginia Hughes Irvine Babb Edwin P. Bailey & Anne H. Bailey @ Mary Moorhead Ball Melissa A. Ballif & Frank Travis Ballif Evangelina Balmori Martha Lucas Bar Scott E. Barat Allison E. Barger Edwin J. Barker Kathryn P. Barnett Judith R. Baroody Peter M. Barres & Catherine A. Barres + G. Martin Bass Elizabeth Pope Battaglia Angela Parrish Batten & Steven S. Batten Lonnell S. Battle Eric S. Bauman Robert L. Baxter, Jr. Wendy Carol Nevett Bazil + Rhetta B. Bearden Jeffrey Beck Courtney S. Bedell Theresa Marie Beiner Beverley Flowers Bell Celia Munro Belton Valerie Bernardin Walter E. Birch + Benjamin Joseph Birge & Teresa M. Birge Diane D. Bisgaier Elizabeth D. Bishop + John David Bishop Tory M. Bishop + Bettina B. Blackford Sam Berry Blair, Jr. @ John C. Blaney Jennifer Nashorn Blankenship Keith David Bliley Gerald G. Blythe + John Andrew Bodnar & Caroline Coronado Karen A. Boeschenstein Jill Allison Hagwood Bowen Earl Dennis Bradley @ Berkeley Brandt III Shawn Stewart Brevard & David Emery Brevard James John Brickley, Jr. Clark B. Bristol Darlene Dollar Brock & Edward Brock + James F. Brooke III & Margaret W. Brooke + David Evans Brown James Allen Brown & Emily M. Brown Stephen Alan Brown Stephen F. Brown James C. Broyles & Ila Hughes Broyles Patrick Beau Bryan & Jennifer Pfeffer Bryan Anne B. Buck Donna Ruth Buck Jessica Belue Buckley & David Timothy Buckley Samuel E. Buckley Kevin John Burke Nathan D. Burlingame & Corenia Riley Burlingame Charles R. Bush III Mark David Buzzelli & Rachael Reis Buzzelli L. Lee Byrd Monica P. Carley-Spencer Kathy E. Carter & Mack T. Ruffin IV + Shawn Grain Carter Kimberly Merkel Chen @ Eugene M. Childs, Jr. & Margaret Noftsinger Childs @ Kathryn Sargent Ciffolillo Edward Hyde Clarke Elizabeth Wildenthal Cohen William Emmet Coleman + Elsa Ruth Conrad Kevin J. Cook & Michelle Cook Patrick John Cook, Jr. Jane Gemmell Cooper Sharon Lynn Edie Cooper Nell Richeson Cordick Balfour D. Correll & Janice V. Correll Nicholas Beemer Couper Wayne D. Cozart & Patricia M. Lampkin Lindy Belle Crace John M. Crafaik, Jr. & Kathryn A. Neeley George E. Cramer Lawrence M. Croft Joette Carole Crone Jonathan Whitman Cross Thomas David Crute III Pamela Vernon Cunningham David Curry & Milene Roca Curry Carol G. Cutler + Patrick D. Dale Susan Weimer Dallas Nancy B. Dalzell Cecile Vernier Danehy Elizabeth X. Dang Patricia Y. Daniel Raymond P. Darcy John Lee Daugherty @ Harold O. Davidson & Georgia S. Davidson James E. Davis III @ Lawrence Coho Davis + Margaret M. Dawe + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased F. B. Webster Day Megan Deem Robert Gerard Deily John E. Dennard + Pamela K. Dewitz Allison Elton DiBara & Steven C. DiBara Harry D. Dickinson + Spasimira G. Dimitrov Alvin Perez Donato Stephen Paul Donovan & Susan M. Olson Allen Gunn Dorin, Jr. + Debbie Koper Dreas & Scott Jay Dreas Julia C. Dudley + Melanie Anne Duerr Linda Anne Bernot Dugan & Robert Dugan Katherine Morris Duncan Christian Y. Dupont Kathryn R. Waite Fleischman Dwyer Byrd Eastham Blanche T. Ebeling-Koning Elizabeth Bowen Edwards & B. Todd Edwards Scott Davis Edwards William A. Egan Jamie Robert Eisner & Alice S. Eisner Emily D. Eldredge Mary Tyler Elias Anne P. Emery Joseph John Essid, Jr. + Randall Ethier & Hui-Chung Ethier Robert Murchie Ewing + Charles R. Farkas & Edit M. Farkas Scott John Fennessey Janet Louise Fischer Edward R. Fishpaw @ Melissa A. Fitzgerald Terry Jay Fletcher Ann W. Fortin Charles H. Foster Jane Brown Foster Sherri Lynn Davis Fowler & Brian F. Fowler Jacquelyn Ann Fox-Good & Timothy S. Good + Michael A. Franklin Brooke W. Frautschi + Linda B. Frazee Paul E. Fredrickson Karen Meekins Friel David M. Frucht McKenzie F. Furber J. David Fuss Suzanne Frances Gannon Mary Alice Garber @ AnnMarie Gardner Scott Brian Garfinkel Stephanie Huber Gatewood Stuart Alan Gewirtzman Jane Johnson Gherardi Megan Gildea John-Paul Patrick Gilson Evelyn Marr Glazier @ John Forsyth Cobb Glenn, Jr. & Brenda H. Glenn @ Harvey Goldman Margaret Celeste Farrell Gough Fred Conway Graham & Amy E. Graham Carol Meyer Gray Stephen Gray Fred B. Greear, Jr. Samuel Thurston Gregory & Caroline Gregory Marye Griffith + Ruizhang Gu Ellen Herr Guptill Elizabeth A. Hagan Kieran Walsh Hahne Lucy M. Hale Charles Raymond Halstead Joshua Paul Hanbury & Elizabeth S. Hanbury Patricia Driver Hanger + Michael Halsey Harbour & Nancy Allen Rutland Anne Reed Harper + Karen Helsley Harrop Robert P. Haseltine Whitney S. Hasler Marcia Hulse Healy & Michael Patrick Healy Rea S. Hederman, Jr. Lance A. Hedrick Sarah Hellewell Mahlon Henderson Charles F. Herreshoff @ John Jeffrey Hickok & Melissa Snead Hickok + Cordelia Sterling Bacher Hinckley Sieglinde B. Hindrichs Don Hirsch & Mary P. Hirsch Steven Harold Hochman + Cynthia H. Hoehler-Fatton + Holly K. Hoglund & Eric P. Hoglund Stowell Bennett Holcomb Mark Thomas Holdsworth Jean M. Holliday Andrew H. Hook @ Thomas F. Horan Jean C. Hou Kathryn Gwinn Houk A. E. Dick Howard & Mary A. Reuman-Redenbaugh Howard Wayne Hsieh William Love Hudgins, Jr. @ Jeffrey M. Huff Sarah Jean Huggins + Clifford T. Hughes + Mark Charles Hyer + Joel Lee Iglehart Anne M. Innes Edward Lee Isler Wendy S. Jaccard Barbara A. Jackson Barnett C. Jackson, Jr. & Marilyn J. Jackson Terrence G. Jackson Elizabeth Powell James Monique M. A. F. Jarmon Richard William Jefferies Walter Stanley Jennings, Jr. Frank E. Jesse Kevin Andrew Jett Harry E. Johns, Jr. Gary Chase Johnson Mary C. Haycox Johnson Victoria O. Johnson William Clarence Johnson, Jr. & Elfreda Senning Johnson J. Ford Johnston III James A. Jokl Everett Arvil Jones III & Marian Ali Jones Gene Raye Jones Michael W. Jones Philip Tenley Jones & Celestine Ross Jones Rayford Scott Jones Walter Vincent Jones, Sr. & Dianne Jones William John Joyce Richard James Juarez + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Stephen Gerard Jurczyk Bruce Allan Kahan Eleanor M. Kahn Emily Ann Kane Susan Jean Aramony Kanelidis Richard R. E. Kania Phillip M. Kasik & Mary E. Kasik + Brian David Katzenberg Janet Carter Kennedy & Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. + Emily A. Kern & Mark K. Metz @ Leslie P. Kerr Atul Khosla Walton Waits Kingsbery IV Mary P. Kitterman Holly June Kleiderlein William Jeffery Klein Chiyo Kobayashi John D. Koester + Brian J. Kolodne + Lynda S. Kraxberger Michele S. Krisanda Barry Albert Krissoff & Jayne Krissoff Carol Lynn Krupp Susan H. Kuhbach & Peter D. Kuhbach Charlotte J. Lamontagne John Cofer Landon + Lynn Kathryn Laning Jade Summer Laughlin Lawrence A. Leake John S. Ledbetter & Deborah Ledbetter + Jennifer A. Lee Kenneth R. Lee & Kathleen P. Lee + Sue Ellen Lee Patrick G. Lerner Betty Chih-Yim Leu Margaret Williams Levine Carla Rose Lewandowski Amara F. Lewis Maria S. Li Susan Philips Limber + Allison Linney + B. Parker Livingston Patricia A. Lloyd & John W. Lloyd Robert J. Lloyd III + Bernard LoBracco, Jr. Thomas Andrew Londergan Christopher Perry Loss & Catherine G. Loss Jessie D. Love Scott Cameron Lowe M. Philip Lucas + Jennifer T. Luu William Boggs MacLeod + Karen H. Marcellas John Robert Marsh Robert E. Marshall, Jr. Chandra Dawn Mason Thomas A. Mason Frederic Joseph Massabki Grant Kohler Mathews Eleanor G. May Ellen Cecilia Mayock + Sheryl K. Mays Rebecca Schmidt Mazzarella Larry S. McCahan & Michaelene K. McCahan W. B. McCaskill & Elizabeth T. McCaskill + Brendan E. McCaughey Clarence M. McClymonds & Marita P. McClymonds Kenneth McDonald, Jr. Philip F. McEldowney Nancy Jane McGlynn Robert L. McGuinness + Austin Matthew McKenna Caitlin Margaret McKinney Rebecca W. McLain David B. McLennan Joan McMichael + John E. McNish & Joan R. McNish + Bruce Lee Mertens & Margaret Reese Mertens + Gregg L. Michel Ann Louise Brush Miller Donna R. Miller Edward Bradford Miller @ George David Miller John S. Miller IV & Amy S. Miller + Kelly Elizabeth Miller Evelyn Louise Millhouse-Fort Sharon Miltenberger John La Rhue Mitchell Mary Vandergrift Mitchell & Tom E. Mitchell Charles A. Monaghan & E. Jennifer Monaghan Carrington Montague Jennifer Shaheen Montgomery Barbara W. Moon & Norman K. Moon Michael Lee Moore + Daniel John Moriarty + Owen Morris III & Phebe Alexandra Vest Morris Jane R. Mosser & John W. Mosser Laura Loomer Moylan & Robert D. Moylan Sean Andrew Mulligan Laurence John Murphy Annelise M. Musgrove John F. Myers Leslie Juliana Naranjo James F. Nash + Sally Moore Nelson Florence Newman George C. Newman Richard Joseph Nicholson, Jr. + Mary Lee Musson Nickel Frederick H. Norvelle Donald E. Nuechterlein Mildred V. Nuechterlein Mary Elizabeth Oberle R. Jason Oblander Fedor A. Oboukhov John P. O’Connell + Carolyn M. O’Connor Mark Francis O’Donnell + Marilyn Elizabeth Ogburn + Charles M. Olmsted + Michael Anthony Orsina Paul G. Oswell + Susanne G. Palmer Tara Nayak Palmore & Joseph Russell Palmore Christine Gashi Parrott + Elyse L. Patterson Kenneth Sale Patterson Amy Kellert Payette Helen Lester Payne Gail L. Paysour John Keitt Pegues IV & Joy Garcia Pegues + Susan Fitzpatrick Pellerin Jane E. Penner John Joseph Petchul + James Peter Petersen & Amy T. Petersen + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Gerard M. Petrillo Brian C. Pettinato Giana Marrone Phelan & Sean M. Phelan Jeffrey A. Phillips Nathaniel Moore Pigman, Jr. Chris E. Pikrallidas + Christopher W. Pile & Patricia Meyer Pile Josephine Pipkin Jean Melton Pool William Pinckney Pope & Christina Hoffman Janet Posner & Avrom Posner + Monica Brzezinski Potkay Robert Lyle Price & Sally D. Price Sumpter T. Priddy III Elaine Kay Priest Timothy Lawrence Prince & Robin Neel Jill S. Pritzker Elizabeth Lanford Pruitt Gregory Milton Pulis & Kerrin K. Clark Catherine E. Race + Margaret Katz Radcliffe + Joseph Kim Ranney @ George M.C. Read & Mary Read Kelly K. Ream Sandra K. Reed-Bryant + Kelly Cook Reichert & David Lee Reichert Barbara R. Renner @ Tucker M. Respess & Lin Respess Tabitha T. Rhodes Shu-Mei Cheng Richman David Stewart Ridgely III Frances C. Roberson Thomas C. Roberts + Andrew C. Robertson & Whitney Jones Robertson Lindsay Gordon Robertson Michael David Robinson & Laura Robinson Richard Allen Robinson Deborah L. RobinsonMinneman & Thomas J. Minneman @ Katharine Marie Rodier John M. Rogers + William F. Rohrbaugh Josephine G. Romeo Laura Alderman Rost + Rachael M. Roueche Curtis Alan Rountree Claudia J. Russell Martin Paul Russo Carleton Rutledge, Jr. Mary Patricia Ryan & Joseph William Ryan, Jr. + Patrick L. Ryan Margaret Scheu Sacks James Richard Saintsing & Lisa Zrull Saintsing Daniel P. Sanders Elizabeth Davies Sanders & Robert Walter Sanders Maria Carter Satterfield Eric A. Schaffer + Edward P. Scharfenberg + Margaret Ann Schlegelmilch Kent Schlussel & Judy Schlussel @ Nellie H. Schmidt Julie M. Schucht Whitlock & Kevin M. Whitlock Henry John Schumann, Jr. Peter Ewing Scott Thomas Arthur Scott, Jr. + Caren Zinman Seidle + James R. Self & Charlotte Self @ Robert D. Selim + David Michael Selove Andrew T. Semmelman Stuart G. Shafer + Randolph P. Shaffner Randolph Shapiro Susan Shepherd Sharp Suzanne S. Sheppe Stanley Kent Shernock + Grant D. Shifflett & Whitney Snyders Shifflett Wesley Michael Shifflette + Lauren L. Shouse Daniel Martin Shumaker Daniel Jeremy Siegel Teresa K. Sikes Carol A. Sinwell Jason F. Sisney & Kenneth J. Sisney Margaret Isabel Skelley Amy Edgar Sklansky & Joseph Jay Sklansky + Karen Skole Alexis E. Skotzko Kathleen Susan Denham Slinde + Elisabeth Hunter Sloan Willona M. Sloan Bobby Hugh Smith II Kathryn S. Smith Laura Bush Smith & Bradley David Smith Stephen Earl Smith Steven S. Smith + Melinda D. Snead-Johnson + George N. Snyder Scott Adam Somer Patranee Sophastienphong Ann Walker Sparks Sara E. Sparks Melissa C. Spata Kenneth Siria Spatz Lisa Michelle Spiro & Richard Raymond Johnson Stephen H. Sprigle & Shari Sprigle Susan Patricia Stark @ Sean P. M. Starke + Ira Stein Lore C. Steinhauser Gregory Nathaniel Stern Joseph P. Stinnett @ Desiree Margaret Stone William Jeffery Strudwick Emily Lockett Swafford Sharon M. Swanson John Christopher Sweitzer Justin A.W. Taft Stephen G. Tashiro Martha D. Taylor @ John W. Teahan & Jerilyn F. Teahan + Valeria I. Teran Stuart Davis Thayer Charles V. Thomas Ellen M. Thomas William H. Thomas & Margaret M. Thomas Gisela Thomlinson David Muir Thompson Erik W. Thoresen & Traci Thoresen + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased Ronald F. Tougas Khang Vinh Tran Quynh-Van Nguyen Duong Tran & Quincy Tran Kathleen Craig Traylor Howard Tompkins Tripp III & Kerry W. Tripp Elizabeth Louise Trollinger & Eric Florin Louise C. Trudel D. Stewart Tucker Christopher M. Tutino Laura F. Twardy Lawrence E. Uertz Kathleen W. Van Landingham & C. H. Van Landingham III Barbara J. Vandiver Katrina Amity Vickerman Philip H. Viles, Jr. + Jane Beard Vishneski & John Stanley Vishneski III William Vance vonBorries @ Jessica A. Vossekuil John Gregory Wagner + Lilien Audrey Wagner Christopher P. Walker Patricia DeIuliis Walker @ Alice Lorraine Wallenborn Xi Wang David Curtis Warfield Karen Simpson Warner @ James Michael Weiss Ten Eyck Thompson Wellford Christopher J. Wenderoth Michael I. Wheatley @ Molly Brock White Charles Lewis Whited, Jr. Richard M. Whitfield, Jr. Jon Beverly Whitlock + David S. Whitlow & Susan Edmonds Whitlow John M. Wilhelm, Jr. Evan Wilkoff & Kim Ann Ashwell Wilkoff + Robert H. Wilks, Jr. Norma Eleanor Williams Laura Langmead Williamson Jenipher Rauh Willoughby & Jeffrey Emory Willoughby + James M. Wilucki Peter J. Winders + Ayn C. Wisler Matthew J. Witkowski Brian A. Wolin James K. Wood Lori Lynn Levison Wood Vallie Mach Woods Yufei Xiao Elizabeth L. Young Weeden & Raymond A. Weeden, Jr. Nicole Younts Tanzira Zaman Paul E. Zebrowski Seymour Zeenkov Jason Vernon Zeitler Chong Zhang Pamela Hope Zimmerman matching gifts These companies generously matched the gifts of their employees to help support the U.Va. Library. Abbott Laboratories Alcoa Foundation Altria Group, Inc. American Electric Power Company AOL Time Warner Ares Operations, LLC AT&T Foundation Matching Gifts Bank of America Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. BASF Corporation Constellation Energy Group Dominion Virginia Power Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Erie Insurance Exchange Ernst & Young Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. GREIF HSBC Payment Services, (USA) Inc. IBM KeyBank Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation MassMutual Financial Group McKesson Foundation, Inc. MoneyGram International, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation cornerstone society We recognize and thank these individuals who have included the U.Va. Library in their estate planning. Anonymous (1) Mildred K. Abraham Gilbert S. Bahn Ruthe R. Battestin & Martin C. Battestin D. Foster Beigler & Myron A. Beigler Dr. Raymond C. Bice, Jr. Warren F. Chauncey Mary Lou Clifford & Stephen Patrick Clifford William M. Cochran, Jr. The Honorable Jack M. Coe Jean L. Cooper Timothy N. Diggs William R. Easton Betty L. Fall & L. Frazier Fall Sandra R. Favro & Kerry D. Favro Pamela Fitzgerald & Charles B. Fitzgerald Nancy U. Frank Kenneth S. Giniger Juliet Godson & William H. Godson II Bernard Goodman Meredith Strohm Gunter & Bradley H. Gunter Paul G. Halpern Martha B. Hunt Douglas M. Joyner Jean O. Kerchof & William C. Kerchof Katharine Kingman Frances E. Kulikowski Barbara W. Lee & Parker H. Lee III Maurice Levy C. Jared Loewenstein Mary H. Lupton Alastair Sinclair Macdonald Pamela L. Malester & Allan J. Malester Bernard D. Mayes Kenneth A. Merrill, Jr. Anna Jorgensen Mershon & John Hays Mershon John J. Moritz Randolph P. Pillow, M.D. Priscilla A. Randall Myra Saladino Seymour I. Schwartz Ashlin W. Smith & Lloyd T. Smith, Jr. Mary Gray Stettinius & Wallace Stettinius John M. Stewart Frank O. Walsh III Yvonne Guy Watterson & John S. Watterson III John Robert Weatherly, Jr. Lucie Weinstein & Stanley Weinstein H. Kenneth White Karin Wittenborg & Michael V. Sullivan Mary Lacey Long Wolfe & Michael Wolfe Louise Agee Wrinkle PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Rockwell Automation Saint Gobain Corporation Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrust Foundation T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Verizon Communications, Inc. Wells Fargo & Company Wells Fargo Foundation + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased gifts in kind Listed below are donors of gifts-in-kind library materials given by deed-of-gift from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Included are also those who contributed other types of in-kind donations in support of the Library. Eleanor P. Abbot Henry J. Abraham & Mildred K. Abraham @ Patricia H. Adams Marnie Alicia Allen Lester S. Andrews Martin C. Battestin & Ruthe R. Battestin @ Donald Black & Roberta Senechal de la Roche Julian Bond Caroline Y. Brandt + Peter Vanhorn Brehm Everett L. Campbell Anne Rawn Cooke Jean Gallatin Crocker Raymond Danowski thel R. Detch Meghan Eckman James T. Eddins Deborah Lynn Ellsworth Mark Ernst Feldmann & Whitney H. Feldmann Curtis Edward Fooks Susan Fulkerson & Thomas Bradley Fulkerson Nancy Martin Graham + Dieter H. M. Groschel Dorys C. Grover David T. Haberly Robert L. Hadden Lucy M. Hale Robert Goodloe Harper Kalise Heffner James A. Henkel Don Hirsch & Mary P. Hirsch Carol J. Hogg Jean M. Holliday Sharon Isralow Lucia Kaestner, CMT John Kendall William Michael Klimon Joel S. Kovarsky Peggy P. Latham Maurice Levy Lillian Payne Marsden George Marsh Jerome J. McGann + Langhorne A. Messenger George I. Meyer Maureen A. Minor Eduardo Montes-Bradley Jean C. Newsom Gerard O’Brien Sandra Elizabeth Olivier Evelyn M. Parcells Ronald Rubin Sarah Blanchard Sargent Seymour I. Schwartz Frederic William Scott, Jr. Frances S. Scruby Eric A. Shoaf Albert H. Small Alvin W. Smith, Jr. Britt Smith Joseph L. Steinberg William Temple Talman, Jr. Ellen Reid Thurman Alberto F. Trevino Gretchen Watkins Margot West Elizabeth R. Wood Harold S. Yood thank you Every effort has been made to create an accurate list of donors. If you notice any errors or omissions, or for further information, please contact: Hoke Perkins Associate University Librarian for Philanthropy Office of the University Librarian alderman library LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS These individuals generously gave their time and expertise to enhance the Library’s services and resources during the 2011 fiscal year. According to Independent Sector, a leadership forum for charities, foundations, and corporate giving programs, the 1,485 hours of time that these volunteers contributed is the equivalent of $31,720. Mildred K. Abraham Kathleen K. Ansell, Ph.D. Joe Arton Kristine J. Bean Celia Munro Belton Emily Cone-Miller Terry Crickenberger Mary Roy Dawson Edwards Nancy Faulkner Gayle Foster Brendan Fox Marina M. Heiss R. Bruce Hunter Sachiko Iwabuchi Megan Kennedy Anne L. Knasel University of Virginia Post Office Box 400114 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4114 (434) 982-2865 Stephanie V. Misencik Amanda Roland Jane W. Rotch Brian C. Rotolo Kaitlin Seidel Joan R. Seif Christine Stone Robert Wilcox metamorphosis Detail from a decorative border in Gabriele Simeoni’s La Vita et Metamorfoseo d’Ovidio, 1584, one of the thousands of rare materials that the Library’s Digital Curation Services group put online in 2010–11. + 5 years consecutive giving | @ 10 years consecutive giving | * deceased NUMBERS 19.1 million Manuscripts and archives 5.1 million Books 2.4 million Uses of e-journals 457,334 E-books 390,776 Items on reserve 123,637 Journal subscriptions 32,419 Requests from faculty for express delivery of materials 21,625 Visits to Charles L. Brown Library in one week 10,090 Items preserved 1,866 Video purchases for Clemons Library 1,070 Original catalog records created 300+ Student assistants 226 Staff 24 Volunteers $27.8 million Total expenditures NEW AND CURRENT GRANTS The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: $1.5 million to enhance the preservation program; $1.2 million to produce Scholarly Communications Institutes; $870,000 to preserve and catalog “born digital” materials; Korea Foundation: $5,000 to purchase resources about Korea; Library of Congress: $361,782 (50%) for a collaborative project to create a tool that links archival collections for interactive timelines and maps; National Endowment for the Humanities: $254,600 to preserve and digitize films from the civil rights era; $162,457 for workshops on geospatial scholarship; $161,175 for the Music Encoding Initiative; U.Va. Arts Council Annual Fund: $4,990 to preserve and provide access to U.Va. music performances; U.Va. Parents Committee Annual Fund: $17,000 to renovate group study rooms in Clemons; Weedon Foundation: $10,000 to purchase East Asian books. credits the university of virginia library annual fund P.O. Box 400314, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4314 © 2011 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia produced with private funds by Charlotte Morford, Director of Communications, with help and ideas from dozens of Library and U.Va. faculty and staff. We are grateful for their time, patience, and creativity. creative by Design Army Please accept my gift of: $2,500 $1,000 $100 Other $ $500 $250 The University Library fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Your annual gift to the Library enrolls you as a Library Associate for the fiscal year in which the gift is made. Please accept my pledge of $ to be paid by June 30. Enclosed is a check payable to University of Virginia Library or charge to: VISA MasterCard AMEX special thanks to The department of Digital Curation Services, for their speed and forbearance; and to Doug Taylor, professor and chairman of the U.Va. Department of Biology, for his help with the theme. account number e x p i r at i o n d at e s i g n at u r e You may also give online at additional images provided by Dan Addison, Jessica DeSpain, John Hawley, Ola Iko, Sarah Kucenas, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Penguin Group (U.S.A.) Inc., Renee Reigert, The Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, and Judy Watson. Matching Gifts: You may be able to increase your gift. Gifts to the University through employer matching programs are credited to the donor for eligibility in gift clubs. I enclose my employer’s matching gift form. name spouse home address c i t y/ s tat e / z i p home phone cell phone e-mail address c o m pa n y job title business address c i t y/ s tat e / z i p business phone fa x *Please indicate preferred mailing and e-mail address. Thank You! Your gift of any amount is important. Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please visit us on the web at: Please remove me from all U.Va. Library communications. ( H T A Y N(K) O + U ∞ ) office of the librarian Alderman Library Post Office Box 400114 Charlottesville, VA 22904
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