Fall 2014 - AAEP Foundation


Fall 2014 - AAEP Foundation
Fall 2014
T h e
N e w s l e t t e r
o f
t h e
F o u n d a t i o n
AAEP Foundation support of equine welfare
surpasses $3 million
Grants totaling $284,000 distributed in 2014
With its recent disbursement of
$284,000 in grants, the AAEP
Foundation has provided more than
$3 million in support of equine
welfare during its 20-year history.
The 2014 allotment went to support
24 equine organizations and special
projects that address a broad range
of initiatives aligned with the
Foundation’s mission of improving
the welfare of the horse.
New initiatives awarded funding
were the Horses and Humans
Research Foundation for research
into equine-assisted rehabilitation
for military veterans; and the Equine
Land Conservation Resource for
its planning and zoning guide to
facilitate protection and preservation
of lands available for horse-related
activities and facilities.
Veterinary student development
in the form of scholarships,
short courses and student-centric
programming at the AAEP’s Annual
Convention and Focus on Students
summer meeting remained a staple
of Foundation funding.
Meanwhile the plight of the world’s
working equid population continued
to receive attention through support
of Equitarian Initiative workshops
in Costa Rica, Guatemala and
Nicaragua as well as training and
education efforts in Mongolia.
Funding from the AAEP Foundation
enabled an expanded slate of student
offerings at the AAEP’s 59th Annual
Convention, including a variety of dry labs.
Other categories to receive financial
assistance were equine advocacy and
unwanted horses, laminitis research,
equine research, professional
development and youth development
in the equine industry.
For a complete list of 2014
grant recipients, visit www.
aaepfoundation.org and click the
“Our Work” heading.
The Foundation relies on gifts—
both large and small—to confront
the needs of the horse and the
equine veterinary profession. The
AAEP Foundation thanks you for
your support in “Helping Us Help
Mission Statement:
To serve as the charitable arm of the AAEP to improve the welfare
of the horse.
Legacy gift to benefit plight of world’s working equids
From her earliest days as a horsecrazy girl, Dr. Casey Gonda
has been continually enriched
by horses so it is only natural
for her to want to give back to
the animal that has provided so
much joy throughout her life.
Dr. Gonda and her husband,
Les, who reside in Keswick, Va.,
have made such arrangements by
pledging a portion of their estate
to the AAEP Foundation and
becoming members of its Legacy
Society. Dr. Gonda recently
discussed the couple’s bequest,
which they earmarked specifically
in support of Equitarian projects.
Dr. Casey Gonda and Fox
Describe the important role horses
have played in your life?
From the time I was 5 or 6, I was
determined to become a “horse
doctor.” One of my first books,
“Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners”
by Captain M. Horace Hayes, FRCVS,
became my bible. I literally read it to
pieces and would proudly explain to
anyone who would listen that I was
studying to be a veterinarian! As a
young teen, I was fortunate to meet
a couple of “empty nesters” whose
children had moved on but left a barn
full of show ponies and horses with no
one to care for them. It was then that
I was introduced to the world of 4-H,
horsemanship and husbandry. After
my husband Les and I were married,
we began to breed and show Arabian
horses and did so for nearly 30 years.
All of these experiences and the many
“characters” met along the way have
directed the path my life has taken.
What prompted your decision to
designate your estate gift to the AAEP
Foundation in support of Equitarian
Like many of my colleagues, I have
provided pro bono veterinary services
over the years for cases of neglect
and abuse within my practice area.
However, until I read about the
benevolent missions supported by the
AAEP Foundation, I was unaware
of the many well organized groups
committed to providing veterinary
services to abused or neglected horses,
and education to practitioners and
horse owners living in impoverished
countries and remote areas of the
Talk about the planning that went into
your estate gift and the importance of
estate planning in general for equine
Since Les and I have no direct heirs,
it was our decision to bequeath the
majority of our estate to combine
our love of horses and my devotion
to veterinary medicine. Only wellinformed and careful planning can
guarantee your wishes will be met
upon your death. In our initial
discussions, Les and I agreed that
it was important we have some say
in how our monies were dispensed.
The AAEP Foundation provides the
flexibility to earmark how and where
your monies will be spent.
Why, as an AAEP member, do you
feel it is important to support the
mission of the AAEP Foundation?
Equine veterinarians devote their lives
to caring for and protecting horses.
Paraphrasing friend and colleague, the
late Dr. Doug Byars, “horses are mute”
and it is our responsibility to advocate
for them in any and every way we can.
As an AAEP member, I expect and
appreciate that a portion of my annual
dues supports the administrative costs
incurred by the Foundation so that
100% of donations go directly to
programs that benefit the welfare of
horses in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Did the relatively small size of the
AAEP Foundation influence your
charitable giving decision?
Yes. When Les and I began to
investigate to whom we would
leave our estate, it became clear
that universities and veterinary
schools took a large chunk off the
top to be used however they saw
fit and would not allow us the
ability to direct how our money
would be spent. Conversely, some
smaller welfare organizations
were too unstable or poorly
managed, and we were concerned
our bequest might end up in
someone else’s pocket! Though a
smaller organization, the AAEP
Foundation is professionally
managed and overseen by
colleagues with our shared philosophy.
What legacy do you hope to leave
through your estate gift?
To know that our gift played some
part in alleviating pain and suffering
experienced by even one horse
and hope that our support allows
Equitarian programs to continue and
grow long after we are gone.
Legacy Society Members
Dr. Kathleen M. Anderson
Carolyn Anderson-Meadows
David T. & Jodie K. Bingham
Dr. Jerry B. & Melinda Black
Dr. Stuart E. Brown
Dr. R. Reynolds & Evie Cowles
Dr. Ann E. Dwyer
Dr. Leslie A. Easterwood
Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Jr.
Dr. Brendan W. Furlong
Leslie R. & Dr. Kathleen
‘Casey’ Gonda
Dr. Michelle M. LeBlanc*
Dr. Midge Leitch*
Drs. Tom R. & Erin Lenz
Drs. C. Wayne McIlwraith &
Nancy L. Goodman
Dr. John S. Mitchell
Dr. William A. Moyer
Drs. Nathaniel A. White &
Leslie Sinn
For information about joining
the Legacy Society, contact Jodie
Bingham at (859) 233-0147 or
Initial Laminitis Research Project study
approaches deadline
We are in the homestretch of
data collection for the AAEP
Foundation’s Case-Control Study
of Pasture- and EndocrinopathyAssociated Laminitis but still
need additional cases to reach our
goal. We know cases are out there
and could use AAEP members’
assistance in collecting data on one
eligible laminitis case horse with
corresponding control horses to help
us reach the data collection finish
line for phase one of the Laminitis
Research Project.
Successful completion depends
on the passion, goodwill and
commitment of AAEP members.
Thanks to all veterinarians
participating in this special effort
and going the extra mile to help our
profession improve its understanding
of this frustrating disease.
To learn more about the study,
or to register or submit data, visit
www.vetmed.tamu.edu/laminitis or
contact the study coordinator, Dr.
Michelle Coleman, at mcoleman@
cvm.tamu.edu or (979) 219-3523.
“We salute and thank Starlight
Racing for its dedication to helping
us try to solve the mysteries of
laminitis,” said AAEP Foundation
Chairman Dr. Jeff Berk. “Based
on multiple surveys with AAEP
members over the past decade,
laminitis remains the number one
disease equine veterinarians seek
answers to. It is based on this
4075 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
TEL (800) 443-0177 (U.S. & Canada)
TEL (859) 233-0147
FAX (859) 233-1968
Jeff A. Blea, DVM
G. Kent Carter, DVM
Kathleen M. Anderson, DVM
Vice President
Ann E. Dwyer, DVM
Immediate Past President
Each person submitting data will
receive a $50 gift certificate to the
AAEP General Store.
The study is supported in
partnership by the AAEP
Foundation; Prascend® (pergolide
mesylate), manufactured by
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica,
Inc.; and the USA Equestrian Trust.
Laminitis research matching funds challenge
Starlight Racing partners, in memory
of the stable’s prominent threeyear-old Thoroughbred colt Intense
Holiday who succumbed to laminitis
June 12, has established a $25,000
matching funds challenge to the
AAEP Foundation to help increase
contributions for the purpose of
funding laminitis research. The
AAEP Foundation is currently
working to raise matching funds.
member input
the AAEP
started its
and is the only research area the
Foundation is directly funding.”
“Our impetus to donate and raise
money for this research really arose,
not just from our loss, but from the
overwhelming outpouring of support
from the racing community,” said
Jack Wolf, founder of Starlight
Racing. “We heard hundreds of
stories from people who, like us,
lost horses prematurely. … The
overarching theme I’ve heard has
been enormous frustration with
regard to laminitis.”
James P. Morehead, DVM
Jeffrey T. Berk, VMD
Ann E. Dwyer, DVM
Board Liaison
Duncan Alexander
Duane Chappell, DVM
Jack Easley, DVM, MS
Leslie Easterwood, DVM
Amy Grice, VMD
Karen L. Jackman, DVM
John W. Lee, Jr., DVM
James P. Morehead, DVM
John Mitchell, DVM
Rick Mitchell, DVM
Jackie Shellow, DVM, MS
Tracy Turner, DVM
John Wesley Williams, DVM
Keith Kleine
Director of Industry Relations
Jodie Bingham
Development Coordinator
Pam Shook
Programs Coordinator
Live and limited silent auctions set for this year’s Celebration
Make plans now to attend the 18th Annual AAEP Foundation
Celebration, the social centerpiece of the Convention organized
exclusively for AAEP members and their guests, partners,
exhibitors and friends of the AAEP and the Foundation. Along
with the return of the ever-popular live auction, an improved silent
auction with limits on the number and types of items accepted will
be offered this year.
The Foundation Celebration, sponsored by Zoetis, is set for
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 6:00-11:00 p.m. at the Salt Palace Convention
Center in Salt Lake City. The featured entertainer is country
musician and Utah native Charley Jenkins, a finalist on the 2008
NBC series “Nashville Star.”
Ticket price remains $90 per person and includes entertainment,
buffet dinner and open bar from 6:00-8:00 p.m., live and limited
silent auctions, and dancing. Music will start at approximately 9:00
p.m. Tickets for the event may be purchased with your Convention
registration or on site at the Convention while available. Tickets
will not be sold after Monday, Dec. 8, at noon.
Potential bidders inspect live auction items at the 2013
Foundation Celebration.
Contribute to the AAEP Foundation
Donor Information:
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State/Province _______________ Zip/Postal Code ________________ Country _______________
Phone ___________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________
Cell Phone _________________________________________________________________________
o Please keep my gift anonymous.
Enclosed is a check payable to the AAEP Foundation, Inc. in the amount of:
o $25
o $50
o $75
o $100
o $250
o $500
o Other ______________________________________________________________
Please charge my credit card: o Visa
o MasterCard
o AmEx o Discover
Card# ___________________________________________ Exp __________________
Signature________________________________________ CVV# ________________
(Three-digit code on signature line for Visa, Mastercard & Discover.
Four-digit code on front of AmEx card)
Legacy Society
Please designate my gift to:
o Unrestricted/Area of greatest need
o Equine Community
o Education (Scholarships/Student support)
o Laminitis Research
o Benevolence
o Disaster Relief
o Equine Research
o I have included the Foundation in my estate plans and wish to be
recognized in the Legacy Society.
o Please send me information about including the Foundation in my
estate plans.
Mail to: AAEP Foundation, 4075 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Fax: (859) 233-1968
Make a gift conveniently and securely online at: www.aaepfoundation.org
Thank you for your support!