Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet
/ -zQUIK STIK eutcKrDENTIrren@ Material Safety Data Sheet H Manufacture/cName: MOMAR, INCORPORATED Emergency Teteptrone No. INFOTRAC I HEA!TH Addre331830 EllsworthIndustrialDrive,N.W. Atlanta,Georgia30318 otherkrtormsrionCafls404-g5S-4S90 FLAIIMASIL|TY Signanneol Person Responsibletor Preparatbn DatoPreparod REACT|.]rY F R PERSONAL PflOTECTI]iI Novenber 20, L992 SPCTION 1- IDEATTITY {used on label) QUIK STIK 11cab1e stick - ePoxy plug and seal SEC:HON 2 - HAT,AEDOUS INGBEDIET.ITS L) 2, 4, 6-Trt (dlrirethyJ.arninoethyl_) (LDSq .lL PhenoL 90:72-2 1.5 rats=1200 nglkg, LD'O dermal rabbits=not Not EstabLished establlshed., LC5g inhalatlon rats= not establlshed) 2) Epoxy Resin (Digl_ycidyl of bisphenol ether r.5 25068-38-6 Not EsrabLLshed A) ( bits=not not ", established) This product does not contar.n any toxtc chemlcals subject to the re Act of 1986 (40 CFR 3tZ). SEqTION I - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CIIABAGTERISfiCS J. pofirg Not appllcabte Ftr by Volum€(%f Lr ll'atec- ffi#* ;ii NOne Prooedures Erplosion Hazards rr _-rr-ve.v.. I .9 uqg, ;gj._,__fmlr Hgf _Prr-sure Naar { _.irr ^ Negltslble Nor applicable llone Gray metal-lic puEty - 1ow odor None acids dravrtj6rp-11 Denslty(Alr= tt Negllgible 0 1- Gire & Explosion Data) in Air % bl Volume 11Og ' Firefl .tent may be formed. of applLcable ters f ire - pll Concenrate o1 Nohe spray, should wear setf-contained fr&n.r;';6;sfi" Not breathlng apparatus. qnd nltrogen and tr il il tr ?^A QUIK STIK SECTION 4 - PHYSICAL HAZARDS Stability Unatable Stable P go+i-ti9ns Mixin.g a large amount of l&k toAvord heat' iif reabEion Ly to Avoidl may qenerate excessive None Thermal *a"Idolq.. u€colnpodltlonrToqucta Polymerization rnaterii ^..1 decomrrosition €..- Will Not O:cur fk ^-J -j ;_^^^_ to Avoid NOne SECTION 5 - HEAI,TH HAZARDS Threshold . Limit Vrlue Not established t'6;K*"r8ffi#l3"""rposurre yay 1tr.itatg geq,"-itt1g skiq. Mav cause eye irr.tatGnl 2. Chroni Ovorerpoauro NOne FG-€<tical Aggravatedby Erposure ch antigipated . NOne antiqipated - or PoteaCial Carcinogen * Progrun N; )O( No g!( Monographa No o,X r;; . i;ilF_irp,..q fud Procedurcs '_ i r : :..1. , l.|lhalation ,,.r :^-' ""'*No emergency care 2' EYes1rt case of If tation In case o Treat antictpatsed. .f water filHib"i":t.B*Ei5t . $,'iEEr contact, ct, flu fl-ush rf, plenty slcLn ersists. ee ett synptonatically. nedi nedical water attention-. for 15 minutes. tor tes. Get medical attenEion. SECTION 6 - SPBCIAL PNOTECTION INFORMATION Resphatory Protoction lspccifylpet Not required Erhaust in product nornal Adequate lccdl use. lfgng Polyethylene Goggles Not required Clothing or Equiprnent SECTION 7. SFg(;iAL PRECAUTIONSAND SPILL/LEAK PROCEDURES -.-..s.' P:ece'.:llcro I I bc Td - u+ lnHandlingandstomt-. ": f tJash hands wlth one of Homarfs your Cholce hand cleaners after I f I Other Precautiong Kg contalner to be Takeo la is Releasod or Spilled closed when not in use. In case of soillage, return to container. Oulk Stik is nor a pollutant. To dispose of, check with federal, state, and local reg.ulations. using.
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