Letter from the President - Alabama Beekeepers Association
Letter from the President - Alabama Beekeepers Association
The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 1 April 2013 Inside This Issue Letter from the President 1 Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer 2 Alabama Master Beekeeper Program 3 John Mynard Retires After 29 Years 3 Clean Your Smoker 5 Another Haitian Beekeeping Report 5 Letter from the Editor 9 it beautiful and doesn't it smell good, especially after a good day out in the beeyard. I'm using this section of the Stinger to remind everyone of the upcoming ABA Picnic, May 18, at the Cullman Fairgrounds. The picnic is always a good time, with Beekeepers getting together. There will be a called Business Meeting of the ABA membership. The Business Meeting is needed to support the Association's process of applying for IRS 501(c)(3) status. Obtaining this status as a Nonprofit Charitable organization, we will be eligible to apply for Federal, State and private donations and grants. Member donations to the Association conLetter from the President: nected with ABA business or functions will be tax deFellow Beekeepers, spring is finally here! Isn't ductible. We are missing some required statements in 7 our Constitution and By Laws that are necessary to qualify as a 501(c)(3) organization. We need a vote of the membership to amend the Constitution and By Laws to add this missing wording. I am very confident that everyone will agree to this amendment because this wording simply states in writing what the Association has been about all along. Also, the wording complies with the Internal Revenue Regulations that require a provision in our Constitution and Bylaws for dissolution of the Association. Of course, we hope that this never happens. Agenda for the Business Meeting - Call to order - Conduct headcount to determine vote majority re- quirement. Quorum is the number of members present at the meeting. - Announce the Constitution and By Laws changes required, including, but not limited to: > The need for a Registered Agent > Non-discrimination statement > Funds distribution statement in the event the Association dissolves > Clarification that the purpose of the Association is educational - Discussion of proposed changes - Vote on changes - Adjourn See you in May at the Picnic! The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 2 April 2013 starts. The answer is that we do not have a definite starting time. It’s a picnic. Some of us setting up and getting food ready will be there as early as 8:00 AM Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer: and you can come then if you want. You can come at Tax season is finally over, and I have a picnic 6:00 AM if you need that much time to prepare for a to look forward to. The Alabama Beekeepers Associa- picnic. Most people start showing up around 10:00 AM. We usually eat at 12:00 Noon. This year, Hal tion's annual picnic is fast approaching. It will be on th Hendrix, from the Blount County Beekeepers AssoSaturday, May 18 at the Cullman County Fairgrounds. This is the same location as last year. Each ciation is preparing barbeque for everyone, and Linda Banks will be making the BBQ Sauce. We need eveof you, bring your own lawn chair. Usually I get a lot of calls and email asking me what time the picnic ryone else to bring something to go with BBQ. You can bring buns, a vegetable, salad, dessert, homemade Damon Wallace, President. ice cream, or whatever you like to have at a picnic. We will all share it. When three hundred people all show up with something to eat that they have made or purchased, we have plenty of food. The association is supplying the paper products, utensils, meat, and beverages. Remember that Earl King of the Walter T. Kelley Company and Fred Rossman from Rossman Apiaries will be there. They will bring your orders to the picnic with no shipping charges to you. This can be a huge savings if you are ordering a lot of supplies. Please call me or email me to say that you are coming so that I can get some sort of head count to know how much meat, drinks and paper supplies to buy. We don’t want to run out, and we don’t want to be wasteful. You can call me at 205-625-3464 or email me at funder@otelco.net (preferable). The following directions to the picnic are from our editor, Lonnie Funderburg. Cullman County Fairgrounds - Lat. N 34.194442, Long. W 86.858077. For those who are able to enter the Latitude and Longitude into their GPS, these coordinates will put you at the entrance gate. The address is 1501 Sportsman Lake Road Northwest, Cullman, AL. I think this address will put you within sight of the entrance gate if not at the gate. Driving directions: From I-65 going south (mile post numbers are getting smaller) take Exit 310, turn left. Go 1.2 miles, turn right onto Hwy 31. Go 0.9 miles. Turn right onto Sportsman Lake Road NW (at the Nissan dealership). Go approximately 0.2 miles. Turn left into the fairgrounds. From I-65 going north (mile post numbers are getting larger) take Exit 310, turn right. Go 1 mile, turn right onto Hwy 31. Go 0.9 miles. Turn right onto Sportsman Lake Road NW (at the Nissan dealership). Go approximately 0.2 miles. Turn left into the fairgrounds. Coming from the east on US Hwy 278 (mile post numbers are getting smaller), turn right onto AL Hwy 157. Go 5.1 miles. Turn left onto Hwy 31. Go 0.9 miles. Turn right onto Sportsman Lake Road NW (at the Nissan dealership). Go approximately 0.2 miles. Turn left into the fairgrounds. Coming from the west on US Hwy 278 (mile post numbers are getting larger), turn left onto I-65 toward Decatur. Go 2.4 miles. Take Exit 310, turn right. Go 1 mile, turn right onto Hwy 31. Go 0.9 miles. Turn right onto Sportsman Lake Road NW (at the Nissan dealership). Go approximately 0.2 miles. The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 3 April 2013 Turn left into the fairgrounds. Editor’s Note: Potato salad, sliced tomatoes, and store-bought ice-cream are also acceptable. Thanks. Bonnie Funderburg, Secretary/ Treasurer Alabama Master Beekeeper Program The Master Beekeeping Program will be held on September 5, 6, and 7 at Hunter Hills Church in Prattville, Alabama. If you have any questions about the Program, the requirements, an application to attend, or hotels nearby go to: www.alabamamasterbeekeepers.com . If all information you need is not there contact David Kelton at honeybees60@gmail.com. This year all three levels: Certified, Journeyman, and Master will be available. David sold all of the packages he received but he will have some queens if you need any. David Kelton Chairman John Mynard Retires After 29 Years After twenty-nine years with the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, our north Alabama bee inspector, John Mynard, retired. A retirement reception was held in John’s honor at the Beard Building in Montgomery on March 1, 2013. There were a couple dozen co-workers present along with John’s immediate family to help him celebrate the occasion. There were six Alabama beekeepers in attendance. Following some very appreciative remarks by Dennis Barclift, Alabama state apiarist, everyone was given an opportunity to say something about John Mynard. All of the comments were highly complimentary. John has done so much for Alabama beekeepers. He will be missed. Very likely, Alabama will not be able to find anyone with his skills to replace him. The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 4 Although officially retired, John Mynard is still very active with beekeeping. This past Saturday, April 20th John led an open-hive workshop for the Walker County Beekeepers Association at the Oakman apiary of their Secretary/Treasury, Barry Banks. There were more than twenty-four beekeeper participating with at least one very young wannabee looking on. John opened and inspected four of Barry Banks’ colonies at this apiary. The pristine white boxes glistened in the sun. The bees were surprisingly well behaved considering the temperature was only just above 60° Fahrenheit. The retired inspector remained in character. No one would have guessed that he was conducting this workshop simply for the love of hon- April 2013 eybees. He described in detail everything he saw on each frame in all four hives. The inexperienced beekeepers could not fully appreciate the extent of John’s knowledge. The experienced beekeepers were speechless in awe at all the information the former inspector could glean from each frame. He even described how the hum of the colony would indicate a queenless condition if only we would listen carefully. He pointed out Varroa destructor on some drone larva. He showed us the few small hive beetles, Athena tumida, in Banks’ hives and stated that this was not a small hive beetle problem. He found the queen in one colony. In another colony, he found two queen cells then stated that the position of these cells in the middle of the frame likely meant that this colony was superseding their queen. John described how to make a split when he found queen cells on a frame. This man is so careful with the bees, that he could open four colonies on a cool day and not upset a single bee. He speculated that two of the colonies had swarmed. This was confirmed by Barry Banks. For about an hour and a half, John Mynard held the attention of all the beekeepers, veterans and rookies. After this most enlightening open-hive workshop, all of us returned to Barry and Linda Banks’ country home for a barbeque dinner. If anyone left hungry, it was their own fault. Next Saturday, April 27th John Mynard will be conducting another open-hive workshop for the Blount County Beekeepers Association at the apiary of Jane Dobbs McKissack in Blountsville. Clean Your Smoker This is something I do about once a year. As stated in previous issues of the Stinger, unlike most of The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 5 you, I am cheap. So I burn pine needles or pine straw in my smoker because the stuff is free. Also once a year, I walk down the street and rake up a thirty-three gallon garbage bag of the needles along side the road. My friend, Wil Montgomery, says that the needles that have been run over by a vehicle three hundred times are the best. It has something to do with them being fuzzy, I think. Anyway, by the very nature of pine needles burning without excessive oxygen, there is excessive creosote coating the inside of my smoker. I am not sure that it is creosote; but that is what I call it. So, once a year, I burn out my smoker. Look at the picture. The black vacuum hose is from the exhaust April 2013 side of my shopvac. The two bricks simply hold the hose in place. Notice that the hose does not have to be too close to the smoker to be effective. Also, I have removed the bellows from the smoker. I have started the pine needles burning in the smoker just as if I was going out to inspect a colony. Very carefully, I place the smoker in front of the blowing vacuum hose and adjust its position until I have the desired air pressure. The pine needles will burn rapidly and much hotter than when using the bellows. This hotter burning will burn the creosote out of the smoker. There may be a little ash left in the can; but usually this ash will fall out with just a little tap with my hivetool. After the smoker can cools, it will be shiny again, really, and the lid will fit on like the smoker is new. It’s just a suggestion. Try it. See if it works for you. Another Report on Haitian Beekeeping A year ago back in April 2012, Damon Wallace of Opelika, Alabama began the beekeeping project at Creve, Nord Quest, Haiti. Wallace is a Master Beekeeper. He completed the requirements for his Georgia Master Beekeeper at the Young Harris Beekeeping Institute in north Georgia in May 2008. Currently, he is the president of the Alabama Beekeepers Association. During this first segment of the beekeeping project, Wallace instructed nine new beekeepers and supervised the construction of two Langstroth type hives including bottom board, brood box, surplus honey super, inner cover, and telescoping lid. This woodenware constructed during Wallace’s trip was still in use in the demonstration garden at Creve. Also still in use is a Kenya topbar hive, a non-standard box, and two hollow log hives. After his trip to Haiti in 2012, Wallace had both hips replaced. According to Wallace, “It’s not the age, it’s the mileage.” After two surgeries for hip replacement, Wallace did not feel he was up to a return trip to Creve. The relatively short, ninety minute ride from Mole Saint-Nicolas in northwest Haiti and the all-day, eight hour ride from Creve to Port au Prince, convinced this writer that Wallace had made the right decision to wait until his hip replacement had completely healed before attempting a return trip. In preparation for the 2013 portion of the beekeeping project, Wallace prepared a detailed list of beekeeping supplies needed at Creve. Everything on his list was purchased and packed in two totes. There were fifty deep frames with beeswax foundation, fifty shallow frames with beeswax foundation, two spools of cross-wire, brass eyelets, two eyelet insertion tools, The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 6 April 2013 and two spur embedders for cross-wiring, seven longsleeve white shirts, four veils, two bee brushes, four hive tools, four pair of extra-large gloves, and three copies of the Canadian Honey Bee Diseases and Pests. In the current edition, the pictures are in color. The group of fifteen volunteers arrived in Creve on Friday, March 29th. Eight flew to Mole Saint -Nicolas in two flights in a Cessna 206. The other seven came by truck. The two totes of beekeeping supplies arrived at 2:00 AM Easter Sunday. There were two totes that Wallace used to bring his supplies last year. Some of his supplies had not yet been used. Because the plan was to instruct the beekeepers in the technique of cross-wiring their frames, the instructor spent Sunday afternoon constructing a cross-wiring jig. Although built with scraps and few tools, the cross -wiring jig functioned very well. On Monday morning, one of Wallace’s students, Gaèl Desir, arrived with a bucket of bees that needed a home and a topbar hive in need of repair. In an effort to begin this instruction session on a positive note and to develop a good rapport with the beekeepers, the instructor, with Gaèl’s assistance, replaced the bottom of the topbar hive and assembled a migratory lid. Gaèl had a plywood cover for the topbar hive with an opening sized for a Langstroth super. This arrange- ment of woodenware is a transition from topbar hive to Langstroth hive. Gaèl left to install the bucket of bees in the topbar hive. The instructor began with the assembly of frames, cross-wiring, inserting foundation, and embedding cross-wire with a spur wheel embedder. Other volunteers, Patrick McIntyre, Bob Zik, and Bino Rains constructed four screened bottom boards for Langstroth hives. Patrick McIntyre cut the parts for five Langstroth type deep supers. With very judicious use of his circular saw, McIntyre successfully cut rabbet joints for the corners of the deep supers and the frame rest. McIntyre did excellent work in spite of the location and available tools. Frequently, the in- structor reminded everyone that “the bees don’t care.” On Monday afternoon, the class of Gaèl, Farris, Fiarilien Choute (the interpreter), and the instructor assembled one Langstroth deep super and seven Langstroth deep frames for Gaèl to use with his swarm of bees. Typically, the instructor would demonstrate the assembly of each item only one time. Then, either Gaèl or Farris or another beekeeper, would continue assembling more of that item. The students were quick studies. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Gaèl and Farris assembled more Langstroth deep supers and deep frames, installed wire mesh in three more bottom boards, and constructed another migratory lid. On Thursday, the fifth bottom board was completed with the remaining wire mesh and enough deep frames for five hives were completed, fifty frames in all. Gaèl and Farris assembled four spacers to provide room under the lids for Ziploc® baggies of sugar syrup to left Gaèl, Farris, and Fiarilien Choute (the interpreter) feed the bees, and they assembled three more migratory lids. Recalling an example he had seen at Dr. Tew’s Auburn Beekeeping Symposium and after some contemplation, the instructor fabricated a jig for cutting handholds in the sides and ends of the supers. Surprisingly, this jig functioned as designed. Gaèl and Farris mixed water and sugar to make two gallons of The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 7 sugar syrup to feed the bees that they planned to transfer from two log hives into the new Langstroth hives. First thing Friday morning with the aid of a truck, Gaèl and Farris moved all the required wooden- April 2013 ware and tools to the demonstration garden. Two empty totes were used as a work surface in the garden. Two concrete blocks served as a hive stand. Gaèl lit his smoker and began cutting the new comb out of the log hives. The new comb was very fragile. Farris as- left Fiarilien Choute (the interpreter) and Farris with assembled Langstroth supers sisted the instructor with fastening the new comb into the new Langstroth frames with string that Damon Wallace had brought the previous year. To encourage New honey comb in a log hive. This comb was transferred to a Langstroth hive. the bees to accept the Langstroth hive as their new home, a Ziploc® baggie containing about three quarts of sugar syrup was placed on top of the new frames. A spacer was placed around the baggie to provide room for the bees to get to the sugar syrup. Gaèl shook the bees out of the log and into their new home and placed the migratory lid on the Langstroth hive that was located exactly where the log had been. See photo. All went as planned. After lunch on Friday, Gaèl and Farris returned to the garden to transfer the colony in the second log into a new Langstroth hive. On Saturday, Gaèl and Farris began constructing shallow Langstroth frames for surplus honey. The instructor cut the ends and sides to make two shallow supers for surplus honey. Gaèl assembled the two shallow supers. Gaèl and Farris had become very adept at frame assembly, cross-wiring, and embedding. Both have the knowledge, experience, and nec- Gaèl coaxing the remaining bees out of the log hive (Continued on page 9) essary tools. In the future, all they will need to expand The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 8 Membership Report: + - 711 42 128 625 Members as of February 13, 2013 New Members Non-renewing members Members as of April 21, 2013 April 2013 Webmaster—Bob Fanning, k4vb@knology.net Editor—Lonnie W. Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd., Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 2013 Officers and Board of Directors President Damon Wallace, 2003 Highpoint Drive, Opelika, AL 36801-2005, damonwallace.beeman@gmail.com, 334-745-5312 Vice-President Jeff Lee, 102 Whitfield Dr, Athens, AL 356132716, leejl@pclnet.net, 256-874-6067 Sect/Treas Bonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 ville, AL 35456-2532 Director - 2013 Mike Stoops, PO Box 35, Excel, AL 364390035 Director - 2015 Gerry Whitaker, 910 CR 153, New Brockton, AL 36351-8213 Director - 2013 David Kelton, 1590 Tabor Cutoff, Gadsden, AL 35904-9755 Past-President Phillip Garrison, 178 County Road 1327, Vine- Director - 2014 Barry Banks, 577 Blackwell Loop, Jasper, AL 35501-7016 Director - 2015 Bill Miller, 2991 Eddins Rd. Dothan, AL 36301-7478 mont, AL 35179-6871 Director - 2014 Bill Hewett, 12751 Bear Creek Rd, Duncan- Regional Clubs/Associations Baldwin County: Eugene Fernandes, Pres. P.O. Box 553; Robertsdale, AL 36567; Eugenefernandes@hotmail.com. Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Monday at Robertsdale Fire Dept, St. Paul & Racine Streets, across from water tower. (Updated 07-11-2011) Blount County Beekeepers Association: Contact Hal Hendrix, Vice-Pres. hhendrix@otelco.net , Meet 4th Thursday at 6:30 PM at Blount County Resource Center, 62561 US Hwy 231, Cleveland, AL (Lat. N33.993546, Long.W86.57759) (Updated 01-24-2013) Central Alabama Beekeepers Association: Allyson Andrews, Pres. jandrews1@elmore.rr.com; (334) 799-2254. Meet 6:00 PM 1st Thursday of every month. Call for meeting place. (Updated 0312-2010) Choctaw County: No current information available. Please update. Cullman County: Phillip Garrison, Pres. 178 County Rd 1327, Vinemont, AL 35179-6871, Tel (256) 734-5963, Meet 2nd Tue at 6:30 P.M. every odd month at Main Alfa Building, 307 Main Ave N.W., Cullman, AL 35055 (Updated 11-12-2002) East Alabama Beekeepers: Tom Harris, Pres. 270 Oak Hills Dr. Wedowee, AL 36278, (256) 363-2181, elainepaceehh@yahoo.com. Meet at 6:30 P.M. at Clay Co. Extension Office in Ashland. (Updated 08-25-2011) Escambia County— Queen’s Castle Beekeepers Association Lucy Evans, Pres. lucyojb@gmail.com Contact O.J. Blount, 334222-0751. Meet the last Saturday of every month from 9:002:00. Also contact at rangerlkr@hotmail.com. (Lat, N 31.152958, Long. W 86.745510) (Updated 02-13-2013) Etowah County: David Kelton, Pres. drkswire@hotmail.com Meet 1st Thu at 6:30 P.M. at Carnes Recreation Center, 103 Case Avenue, Attalla, AL 256-570-0202 (Lat. N33.998267, Long. W86.108728) Updated (2-13-2013) Jackson County Beekeepers Association: Contact Ray Latham, 256-574-5234, raylatham@scottsboro.org. Meet 6:30 PM the first Thursday of even numbered months at ALFA Insurance office, 23625 John T. Reid Parkway, Scottsboro, AL (Updated 04-022011) Jefferson County: Paul Mancill, Pres. Meet 7:00 P.M. 3rd Thu Birmingham Botanical Gardens, 2612 Lane Park Rd. Birmingham, AL 35223-1802 County agent, Sallie Lee (205) 879-6964 Ext 11 (Updated 03-10-2010) Limestone County Beekeepers Association: Jeff Lee, Pres. leej@pclnet.net 256-874-6067. Meets 2nd Thu of even months at 6:00 PM in ALFA building, 524 Hwy 72 West, Athens, Al 35611 (Updated 03-18-2010) Madison County: Laura Cambron, Pres.1012 New Hope- Cedar Point Rd. New Hope, AL 35760-9656, 256-723-2608 honeybee.lady@yahoo.com . Meet 6:30 P.M. 2nd Thu in oddnumbered months at Botanical Gardens, 4747 Bob Wallace Ave, Huntsville, AL (Updated 08-25-2011) Mobile County Beekeepers Association--John Haaseth, pres. 601916-0019. Meet at 10:00 AM on second Saturday of each month at Wilmer Hall on Springhill College campus, 3811 Old Shell Rd. Mobile, AL 36608-1317 (Updated 02-21-2012) Monroe County: Contact Toria Sims at 4349 Turkey Hollow Rd. Frisco City, AL 36445-5154; 251-267-3520; toriasims@frontiernet.net, meet 7:00 P.M. 2nd Thu of third month (Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec.) at Southern Pine Building. (Updated 1-142009) North-West Alabama Bee Club: No current information on this club. (12-19-2011) North-East Alabama (Calhoun County & surrounding area): Joe The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 9 April 2013 Abernathy, Pres. 256-835-1214, abernathyjoe@mac.com. Meet 6:30 P.M. 2nd Thu 17th & Noble Sts, Auburn Extension Administration Building, Anniston, AL (Updated 12-10-2009) St. Clair County: Nick Thomas, Pres. exploringalabama@gmail.com. www.sccba.net Meet 6:30 PM 4th Thursday at Riverside Marina Building next to the Riverside Fire Dept. (Updated 03-05-2013) Sand Mountain Beekeepers (Blount, DeKalb, Jackson, Marshall & NE AL): Lyle Greenwood, Pres, Tel (256)586-2206, lgwood@otelco.net. Meet 6:30 P.M. on 3rd Thu of even numbered months at Guntersville Public Library, 1240 O’Brig Ave. (Updated 02-21-2013) Saugahatchee Beekeepers Association meets the first Tuesday of every even numbered month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug. Oct, Dec) 6:00 PM at the Lee County Extension Office which is located at 600 S. 7th St. in Opelika, AL. Contact Linda Schotz, President at schotz@bellsouth.net or 334-826-8322 for additional information. (Updated 12-08-2012) Shelby County Beekeepers Association: Margie Robertson, Pres. 205672-9604, meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Chelsea Senior Adult Center (Lat. N33.317724, Long. W86.666318) on Hwy 36 from 7-9 PM. George Baldwin 205-516-0918 (Updated 01-09-2013) South Alabama (Mobile County): This local association has ceased meeting and disbanded. (Updated 10-26-2007) Southeast Alabama Beekeepers Association: Gerry Whitaker Pres. whitsfarm@centurytel.net, Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Thu of each month at the Coffee County Farm Center in New Brockton, AL (Updated 11-302012) Tallapoosa River: There has been no communication from this organi- zation. Tennessee Valley Beekeepers Association: Mary Gibson, pres. Lamar Roberson, VP, David Hicks Sec/Treas hicksdp@live.com (256) 5654020. Meet 2nd Thu of even months at 7:00 P.M. at the Moulton City Hall, 720 Seminary St, Moulton, AL (Updated 03-11-2013) Walker County: Lonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 Tel (205) 625-3464. Meet 6:30 P.M. 4th Mon at Ext Svc Bldg, 1501 N. Airport Road, Jasper, AL except July and December, picnic in July. (Lat. N33.863387, Long. W87.265301) (Updated 02-1313) West Alabama Beekeepers Association (Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Hale, & Pickens Cos.) Bill Hewett, Pres BillHewett3824@Yahoo.com Meet 6:00 P.M. 3rd Thu monthly at County Extension Service Auditorium, 714 Greensboro Ave.,Tuscaloosa, Al 35401. Current website http://www.HewettsHoney.com. (Updated 01-09-2011) Wiregrass (Houston County): Roslyn Horton, Pres., 334-795-6201 home 334-790-2087 cell, roshorton@gmail.com. Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Thu every month at Houston County Extension Office, Ross Clark the number of colonies is additional material. In the next phase of the beekeeping project at Creve, there should be additional instruction in colony manipulation, disease and pest diagnosis, harvesting, bottling, and marketing the honey crop. The transition from log hives to topbar hives to Langstroth type hives must be monitored to insure that the students are not regressing. It will require some experience with Langstroth equipment for the students to fully realize Company donated for the soft drinks at Dr. Tew’s Auburn Symposium. It has been variable weather here in Blount County. After almost no winter, we seemed to have an early spring. Then it turned winter again. The last time I checked, I was surprised to find that I still had four live colonies in my back yard. I am afraid to look now. With this screwy weather, my scale hive weight has continued to decline. Usually, my scale hive has begun to get heavier by now. Is global warming over? Barry Banks already had some full supers of surplus. Don’t let the bees get ahead of you. Dr. Tew says, “Anticipate, don’t react!” Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If you have a sample squeeze bear or simply a small container of your honey that you want tasted at the Farm Home & Wildlife Expo, bring it to the picnic with the information you want displayed. I am looking to have thirty samples to taste this year. The Alabama Beekeepers Association is making an impression in the advantages of using modern equipment. Letter from the Editor Circle #4; Dothan, AL. (Updated 8-30-2011) Please check you local club listing. I do not attend your club to verify location, date, and time. Send me an e-mail with “Club Roster” as the subject to receive the Excel file designed by Bob Fanning to maintain your club membership and attendance record. It’s really cool and it works. Send Bob Fanning a thank you note for all his work maintaining our webChilton County. Lonnie W. Funderburg, Editor site. We have more information on our website than many commercial websites. At the picnic, be sure to thank Earl King for the $100 that Walter T. Kelley April 2013 The Stinger, Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association—Page 10 The Stinger 1260 Easley Bridge Rd. Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 Place Stamp 2013 Here April March/April 2013 Vol. 26 No. 2 NEWSLETTER OF THE ALABAMA BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION Inside This Issue Page 1 John Mynard Retires After 29 Years
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