USPAS Accelerator Physics 2013 Duke University
USPAS Accelerator Physics 2013 Duke University
USPAS Accelerator Physics 2013 Duke University Chapter 9: RF Linear Accelerators and RF Cavities Todd Satogata (Jefferson Lab) / Waldo MacKay (BNL, retired) / Timofey Zolkin (FNAL/Chicago) / T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 1 T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 2 RF Concepts and Design § Much of RF is really a review of graduate-level E&M § See, e.g., J.D. Jackson, “Classical Electrodynamics” § The beginning of this lecture is hopefully review • But it’s still important so we’ll go through it • Includes some comments about electromagnetic polarization § We’ll get to interesting applications later in the lecture • (or tomorrow) § Particularly important are cylindrical waveguides and cylindrical RF cavities • Will find transverse boundary conditions are typically roots of Bessel functions • TM (transverse magnetic) and TE (transverse electric) modes • RF concepts (shunt impedance, quality factor, resistive losses) T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 3 9.1: Maxwell’s Equations Electric charge density Electric current density T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 4 Constitutive Relations and Ohm’s Law � = εE � = εr ε0 E � D ε0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 � : Electric displacement field D � : Electric field E C N · m2 1 ε0 µ 0 = 2 c ε : Permittivity � = µH � = µr µ0 H � B µ0 = 4π × 10−7 � : Magnetic field B � : Magnetizing field H ε : Permeability T. Satogata / January 2013 N · s2 C2 � J� = σ E σ : conductivity USPAS Accelerator Physics 5 Boundary Conditions § Boundary conditions on fields at the surface between two media depend on the surface charge and current densities: § E� and B⊥ are continuous § D⊥ changes by the surface charge density ρs (scalar) § H� changes by the surface current density J�s �1 − H � 2 ) = J�s n̂ × (H § C&M Chapter 9: no dielectric or magnetic materials µ = µ0 T. Satogata / January 2013 � = �0 USPAS Accelerator Physics 6 Wave Equations and Symmetry § Taking the curl of each curl equation and using the identity � × (∇ � × E) � = ∇( � ∇ � · E) � − ∇2 E � = −∇2 E � ∇ then gives us two identical wave equations 2� � E ∂ E ∂ 2� ∇ E = µσ + µ� 2 ∂t ∂t 2� � H ∂ H ∂ 2� ∇ H = µσ + µ� 2 ∂t ∂t These linear wave equations reflect the deep symmetry between electric and magnetic fields. Harmonic solutions: � r, t) = Ψ̂(�r)e−iωt Ψ(� ⇒ ∇2 Ψ̂ = Γ2 Ψ̂ � = E, � H � for Ψ where Γ2 = (−µ�ω 2 + iµσω) T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 7 Conductivity and Skin Depth § For high conductivity, σ � ω� , charges move freely enough to keep electric field lines perpendicular to surface (RF oscillations are adiabatic vs movement of charges) 7 −1 −1 § Copper: σ ≈ 6 × 10 Ω m § Conductivity condition holds for very high frequencies (1015 Hz) § For this condition Γ≈ � µωσ (1 + i) 2 § Inside the conductor, the fields drop off exponentially Ψ̂(z) = Ψ(0) e−z/δ skin depth δ≡ T. Satogata / January 2013 � e.g. for Copper 2 µωσ USPAS Accelerator Physics 8 Surface Resistance and Power Losses § There is still non-zero power loss for finite resistivity § Surface resistance: resistance to current flow per unit area � µω 1 surface resistance Rs ≡ = 2σ σδ � Rs surface power loss �Ploss � = |H� |2 dS 2 S § This isn’t just applicable to RF cavities, but to transmission lines, power lines, waveguides, etc – anywhere that electromagnetic fields are interacting with a resistive media § Deriving the power loss is part of your homework! § We’ll talk more about transmission lines and waveguides after one brief clarification… T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 9 Anomalous Skin Effect § Conductivity really depends on the frequency ω and mean time between electron interactions τ (or inverse temperature) σ0 σ(ω) = (1 + iωτ ) § Classical limit is ωτ → 0 , adiabatic field wrt electron interactions � no longer applies since electrons § For non-classical limit, J� = σ E see changing fields between single interactions Anomalous skin effect Mean free path Asymptotic value Normal skin effect Skin depth Reuter and Sondheimer, Proc. Roy. Soc. A195 (1948), from Calatroni SRF’11 Electrodynamics Tutorial T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 10 Plane Wave Properties � x, t) = E �0 e 0 ⇒ E(� i� k·� x−iωt i� � � 0 ⇒ B(�x, t) = B0 e k·�x−iωt Generally F (z, t) = � ∞ A(ω)ei(ωt−k(ω)z) dω 2π (wave number) λrf ω vph = (phase velocity) k dω vg = (group velocity) dk k= −∞ The source-free divergence Maxwell equations imply �k · E � 0 = �k · B �0 = 0 k so the fields are both transverse to the direction � (This will be the ẑ direction in a lot of what’s to come) Faraday’s law also implies that both fields are spatially transverse to each other �k × E �0 �0 �k nn̂ × E �0 = n̂ ≡ index of refraction B = k ω c T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 11 Standing Waves i� � � � µ�ω ]E = 0 ⇒ E(�x, t) = E0 e k·�x−iωt 2 i� k·� x−iωt � � � µ�ω ]B = 0 ⇒ B(�x, t) = B0 e 2 Note that Maxwell’s equations are linear, so any linear combination of magnetic/electric fields is also a solution. Thus a standing wave solution is also acceptable, where there are two plane waves moving in opposite directions: � x, t) = E �0 E(� � x, t) = B �0 B(� � � e e i� k·� x−iωt i� k·� x−iωt T. Satogata / January 2013 +e +e −i� k·� x−iωt −i� k·� x−iωt USPAS Accelerator Physics � � 12 Polarization i� � � � µ�ω ]E = 0 ⇒ E(�x, t) = E0 e k·�x−iωt 2 i� k·� x−iωt � � � µ�ω ]B = 0 ⇒ B(�x, t) = B0 e 2 � fields are transverse, they can still � and B § As long as the E have different transverse components. § So our description of these fields is also incomplete until we specify the transverse components at all locations in space � § This is equivalent to an uncertainty in phase of rotation of E � around the wave vector �k . and B § The identification of this transverse field coordinate basis defines the polarization of the field. T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 13 Linear Polarization � = 0 ⇒ E(� � x, t) = E � 0 ei�k·�x−iωt [∇2 + µ�ω 2 ]E i� � � � [∇ + µ�ω ]B = 0 ⇒ B(�x, t) = B0 e k·�x−iωt 2 2 � and B � transverse directions are § So, for example, if E constant and do not change through the plane wave, the wave is said to be linearly polarized. E/B field oscillations are IN phase Fields each stay in one plane T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 14 Circular Polarization � x, t) = E �0 E(� � x, t) = B �0 B(� � � e i� k·� x−iωt e i� k·� x−iωt +e i� k·� x−iωt+π/2 +e i� k·� x−iωt+π/2 � � � and B � transverse directions vary with time, they can § If E appear as two plane waves traveling out of phase. This phase difference is 90 degrees for circular polarization. Two equal-amplitude linearly polarized plane waves 90 degrees out of phase T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 15 9.2: Cylindrical Waveguides § Consider a cylindrical waveguide, radius a, in z direction � = E(r, � θ)ei(ωt−kg z) E § kg can be imaginary for attenuation down the guide § We’ll find constraints on this cutoff wave number § Maxwell in cylindrical coordinates (math happens) gives (and the same for Hz ) k≡ �ω � c (free space wave number) kc2 ≡ k 2 − kg2 T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 16 Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Modes § Various subsets of solutions are interesting § For example, the Ez , Hz = 0 nontrivial solutions require kc2 = k 2 − kg2 = 0 § The wave number of the guide matches that of free space § Wave propagation is similar to that of free space § This is a TEM (transverse electromagnetic) mode • Requires multiple separate conductors for separate potentials or free space • Sometimes similar to polarization pictures we had before Coaxial cable T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 17 Transverse Magnetic (TM) Modes § Maxwell’s equations are linear so superposition applies § § § § We can break all fields down to TE and TM modes TM: Transverse magnetic (Hz=0, Ez≠0) TE: Transverse electric (Ez=0, Hz≠0) TM provides particle energy gain or loss in z direction! Separate variables Ez (r, θ) = R(r)Θ(θ) Boundary conditions Ez (r = a) = Eθ (r = a) = 0 § Maxwell’s equations in cylindrical coordinates give 2 � 2 � d R 1 dR n 2 + + kc − 2 R = 0 2 dr r dr r d2 Θ 2 + n Θ=0 2 dθ T. Satogata / January 2013 Bessel equation SHO equation => n integer, real USPAS Accelerator Physics 18 TM Mode Solutions § The radial equation has solutions of Bessel functions of first Jn(kcr) and second Nn(kcr) kind § Toss Nn since they diverge at r=0 § Boundary conditions at r=a require Jn(kca)=0 § This gives a constraint on kc Xnj is the jth nonzero root of Jn � � Xnj ⇒ Ez (r, θ, t) = (C1 cos nθ + C2 sin nθ)Jn r ei(ωt−kg z) a kc = Xnj /a where § This mode of this field is commonly known as the TMnj mode § The first index corresponds to theta periodicity, while the second corresponds to number of radial Bessel nodes § TM01 is the usual fundamental accelerating mode T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 19 TM Mode Visualizations ⇒ Ez (r, θ, t) = (C1 cos nθ + C2 sin nθ)Jn � � Xnj r ei(ωt−kg z) a § Java app visualizations are also linked to the class website § For example, (TM visualization) • Scroll down to Circular Modes 1 or 2 in first pulldown T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 20 Cutoff Frequency § It’s easy to see that there is a minimum frequency for our waveguide that obeys the boundary conditions § Modes at lower frequencies will suffer resistance § Dispersion relation in terms of radial boundary condition zero � �2 � ω �2 Xnj k 2 − kg2 = − kg2 = kc2 = c a § A propagating wave must have real group velocity kg2 > 0 § This gives the expected lower bound on the frequency ω Xnj ≥ c a ⇒ cutoff frequency ωc = cXnj a § Wavelength of lowest cutoff frequency for j=1 is λc = 2π ≈ 2.61a kc T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 21 Dispersion or Brillouin Diagram Propagating frequencies ω > ωc αph > 45◦ , vph > c • Circular waveguides above cutoff have phase velocity >c • Cannot easily be used for particle acceleration over long distances T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 22 Iris-Loaded Waveguides § Solution: Add impedance by varying cylinder radius § This changes the dispersion condition by loading the waveguide T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 23 Cylindrical RF Cavities § What happens if we close two ends of a waveguide? § With the correct length corresponding to the longitudinal wavelength, we can produce longitudinal standing waves § Can produce long-standing waves over a full linac § Modes have another index for longitudinal periodicity TM010 mode T. Satogata / January 2013 Simplified “tuna fish can” RF cavity model USPAS Accelerator Physics 24 Boundary Conditions § Additional boundary conditions at end-cap conductors at z=0 and z=l T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 25 TEnmj Modes Ez = 0 everywhere Longitudinal periodicity � Xnj is jth root of Jn� fnmj c = 2π � � � Xnj T. Satogata / January 2013 a �2 + � mπ �2 l USPAS Accelerator Physics 26 TMnmj Modes Hz = 0 everywhere Ez (r, θ, z) ∼ Jn (kc r)(C1 cos nθ + C2 sin nθ) cos � mπz � l Longitudinal periodicity Jn (kc a) = 0 fnmj c = 2π �� Xnj a �2 + Xnj is the jth root of Jn � mπ �2 l TM010 is (again) the preferred acceleration mode T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 27 Equivalent Circuit § A TM010 cavity looks much like a lumped LRC circuit § Ends are capacitive § Stored magnetic energy is inductive § Currents move over resistive walls § E, H fields 90 degrees out of phase § Stored energy C&M 9.82 T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 28 TM010 Average Power Loss ends sides § Compare to stored energy § Both vary like square of field, square of Bessel root § Dimensional area vs dimensional volume in stored energy �0 2 2 U = E0 πa l[J1 (X01 )]2 2 T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 29 Quality Factor § Ratio of average stored energy to average power lost (or energy dissipated) during one RF cycle § § § § How many cycles does it take to dissipate its energy? High Q: nondissipative resonator Copper RF: Q~103 to 106 SRF: Q up to 1011 Uω Q= �Ploss � U (t) = U0 e−ω0 t/Q Pillbox cavity T. Satogata / January 2013 al Q= δ(a + l) USPAS Accelerator Physics 30 Niobium Cavity SRF “Q Slope” Problem T. Satogata / January 2013 USPAS Accelerator Physics 31
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