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ORDINAI{CE NO. 2OAg OF TITE TOWN OF ZIONSVILLE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISIIING TIIE NEW TOWN OF ZIONSVILLE PARI( AND RECREATION BOARI) COMPOSITION TO FACILITATE THE REORGA}IIZATION OF EAGLE TOWNSHIP, UNION TOWNSIIIP AF{DTHE TOWN OF ZIONSVILLE WHEREAS, IC 36-1.5 ("Acf') provides for the ieorganizationof governmental entitiesin Indiana;and WHEREAS, pursuantto the provisions of the Act, the ReorganizationCommitteeprepared and forwardedto EagleTownship("Eagle"),Union Township("Union") and the Town of on April 17, 2008 ("Reorganization Zionsville, Indiana("Town") a Plan of Reorganization andmergerof Eagle,Union and Plan"),settingforttrthedetailsof theproposedreorganizatton the Town ("Reorganization");and WHEREAS, Eagle, Union and the Town adoptedmirror resolutionsand an ordinance, effective J.uily24, 2008 ("ReorganizationOrdinances"),to reorganizeand merge their respectiveunitsinto the Town; and WHEREAS,the public question,"Shall EagleTownship,Union Townshipand the Town of Zionsville reorganizeas a singlepolitical subdivision?",was approvedby a majority of the respectivevotersof eachunit on November4, 2008;and shall take effect as of January2,2010 ("Effective WHEREAS,the Reorganization Date");and WHEREAS, the Plan of Reorganization,in subsection(c) on page 9, and the from Eagle, geographicrepresentation in Section10, contemplate Ordinances Reorganization Recreation and Park new Zionsville the Union andthe Town following the Reorganizationon Board;and the Transition Ordinances, WHEREAS,pursuantto Section10of the Reorganization Committeeis to draft and submit a proposedordinancedealingwith membershipof the new ZionsvilleParkandRecreationBoard;and WHEREAS, the Transition Committeehas consideredthe issues of the new Zionsville Park and RecreationBoard, togetherwith the statutoryauthority grantedto towns accordingly;and underIC 36-10-3,andmadeits recommendations WHEREAS, the Act grants broad powers to enable the Town to operatemore efficiently; grantsfull and completeauthority for reorganizingpolitical subdivisions;requires no other law, procedure,proceedings,publications,notices,consents,approvals,orders,or actsby the stateor any political subdivisionto reorganize;permitsthe exerciseof powers grantedunderthe Act without complyrngwith the provision of any other law, statueor rule; requires that the Act be liberally construed;and grants that compliancewith the Act is fieated as compliance with any conflicting law; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that it would be beneficial in facilitating the Reorganizationto establishand speciff the membershipconstitution of the Zionsville Park and RecreationBoard as of the Effective Date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Town Council of the Town of Zionsville.Indiana. that: 1. Park and RecreationBoard Powers. The new Zionsville Park and Recreatio Board ("Board") shall overseethe developmentand maintenanceof parks and recreatio in the New Town. The Board shall have all powers,duties and responsibilitiesprescribe in IC 36-10-3-1et seq. However,the Board shall obtain the prior approvalof the Town Councilbeforeexercisingthe powerof eminentdomain,asprovidedby IC 36-10-3-11(a)(5 In addition,theBoardshalloverseethe maintenance of thecemeteries within the formerEagle andUnion Townshipsto the extentrequiredby andprovidedfor in IC 23-14-65,IC23-14-66 IC 23-14-68,andIC 23-14-69. 2. Park Board Representation and Action. (a) The Board shall consistof four (4) membersto be appointedby the Town Council.The membersshallbe appointedon the basis of their interestin and knowledgeof parks and recreation.Membersof the Board must be residentsof the park district. At leastone of the membersmust be a residentof the part of former Union Township designatedas the "Rural District" and at least one of the members must be a residentof the part of former EagleTownshipdesignatedasthe "Rural Districf'. Notwithstandingtheprovisionsof this paragraph, no actionof theBoardmay be challengedor invalidatedon thebasisof the residencvof the membersof the Board. (b) The Board memberswill servestaggeredfour (4) year terms.No Board membermay servemore than eight (8) yearsin any twelve (12) year period. Serviceprior to January2,2010 will be countedin this restriction The Town Council shall appointthe four (4) membersof the Board,effective January2,2010, with the membersservinginitial termsof four (4), three(3), two (2), and one (1) years,respectively.The Town Council may reappoin membersof the current Park Board to the Board and may provide for the termsof thosecurrentmembersto coincidewith the remainderof their current terms. However,the Town Council must make appointments that satisff the residencyrequirementsof subsection(a) and that satisff the term limits of this subsection. (c) In making appointmentsto the Board, the Town Council may be requiredto find, pursuantto IC 36-10-3-4.1,that due to the political make up of the personsactivein the parkscommunity,it is necessaryto waive the following requirementsfor membersof the Board: (1) the requirementthat a memberof theBoardbe affiliatedwith a political party,and(2) therequiremen that not more than two (2) of the four (a) membersof the Board be affiliated with the samepoliticalparty. (d) In addition, the Board may have up to two (2) ex officio members, thosebeing: (1) a member: ' (A) of the governing body of the school corporation selectedby that body; or (B) designated by the governing body of the school corporation; (2) a member of the governing body of the library district selectedby that body; or (3) both subdivisions(l) and(2) The ex officio membersshallbe appointedand shall serveat the will of their respectiveappointing authority. No individual may serve as an ex officio memberof the boardfor morethantwo (2) years. The Town Council may appoint advisor membersas it deems appropriate,from local areaagenciesand organizations,suchaspublic safety, CentrallndianaLand Trust. andthe BooneCountvFoundation. (e) (0 Upon authoization under Indiana statute,the Town Council will expandthe membershipof the Board to seven(7) members,to include four (4) regularmembersandthree(3) ex officio membersfrom variouscommunity organizations. (g) Pursuantto IC 36-10-3-8,the Boardshallelectits officersannually. No Board member may serue in the same office for more than two (2) consecutivg vears. (h) Pursuant to IC 36-10-3-8(d) an action of the Board is not official unlessit is authorizedby at leastthree(3) memberspresentandacting. (i) Any appointedmemberwho moves from the jurisdiction from whichthememberwasappointedshallbe treatedasif thememberhadresigned and the Town Council shall appoint a replacementconsistentwith these requirements.If the jurisdiction of the residenceof an appointedmember changesdue to reclassificationof the District in which the appointedmember resides,then the member shall not be deemedto have resignedand the appointedmembermay servethe remainderof his/trerterm. 3. Park Board Superintendent.The Board shall appoint a Superintendentpursuant to IC 36-10-3-13. The Superintendent shall have the powers and duties provided in IC 36-10-3-14,together with such other powers and duties properly conveyedto him/her by the Board. The Superintendentshall provide regular informational reportsto the Zionsville Town Manageron the samebasisasthe chief officersof the variousTown Departments.The Superintendent shall attendall joint meetingsof the collectivechief officers of the various Town Departments. 4. Transition Committee. The Transition Committeehas reviewed this Ordinanceand discussedit at meetingsof the TransitionCommitteeon September30, 2009 and December16, 2009 and recommendsadoptionof this Ordinancein furttreranceof the Reorganizationand to foster and promote geographicrepresentationon the Boards and PlanandReorganization Commissions asdescribedin the Reorganization Ordinances. 5. Constructionof ClauseHeadings.The clauseheadingsappearingherein havebeenprovidedfor convenienceandreferenceanddo not purport andshallnot be deemed to define,limit or extendthe scopeor intent of the clauseto which they appertain. Repealof ConflictingOrdinances.The provisionsof all otherTown ordinancesin 6. conflict with the provisions hereof if any, are of no further force or effect and are hereby repealed. 7. Severabiliw.If anypart of this Ordinanceshallbe held invalid, suchpart shallbe deemedseverableandthe invalidity thereofshall not affect the remainderof this Ordinance. Duration and Effective Date. The provisionsof this Ordinanceshall become 8. effectiveimmediatelyandremainin full force and effect until repealby ordinance. Introducedand filed on the day of December,2009. A motion to consideron First Readingwas sustainedby a vote of _ in favor and _ opposed,pursuantto IndianaCode$36-5-2-9.8. DULY PASSEDAND ADOPTED this _ day of December,2009,by the Town Councilof the Town of Zionsville,BooneCounty,Indiana,havingbeenpassedby a vote of in favor and opposed. TOWN OF ZIONSVILLE, INDIANA BY ITS TOWN COI.JNCIL MatthewM. Price,President For Opposed MichelleBarrett For Opposed TimothyR. Haak For Opposed ValerieR. Swack For Opposed WeltonW. HarrisII For Opposed ATTEST: JohnJ. Yeo ZionsvilleClerk/Treasurer KD_2433520_3.DOC