Custom Living By Design
Custom Living By Design
W make grow Live Curator Why Private Aviation is Soaring; How to Reinvent Casinos; Making Furniture with Thos. Moser Top 10 Art Sales of 2013; What Financial Credentials Really Mean; How to Choose a Hedge Fund 10 Classic American Restaurants; Six Artisans of Bespoke; Talking Watches with Panerai’s CEO Designing Your Own Ferrari; Crafting Personal Whisky in Scotland; The Best Bespoke Watches ® the evolution of financial intelligence Custom Living By Design the Bespoke issue 28 wo rt h .c o m volu m e 23 | edition 01 Chicago, IL Leading Wealth Advisor Altair Advisers LLC Richard K. Black, Managing Director What qualities and credentials make for a good investment adviser? By Richard K. Black A recognized brand, a preferred address with breathtaking lobby views, sentimental television ads, sponsorship of national golf and tennis championships: Such nice things denote a certain cachet, but what should you really look for when choosing an investment adviser? Unfortunately, the job of getting past all the marketing to determine how an adviser makes investment decisions and serves clients lies with the investor. That said, however, the most important qualifications are straightforward: Your investment counsel should be independent and objective, with a strong team of experienced and credentialed advisers. As a starting point, look for a firm that will put your interest first and serve you as a fiduciary. All registered investment advisers (RIAs) are regulated by the SEC under the Advisers Act of 1940 and are required to act as fiduciaries for their clients. Typically, brokers are held to a much lower “suitability” standard of care for clients, as they are compensated through the sale of investment products, not by giving advice. Telling the difference can be confusing, as both types may call themselves “wealth advisers,” but these differences are critical. You wouldn’t work with an attorney or accountant who wasn’t acting as a fiduciary, and you should insist on that same standard from your investment counsel. This requires a little digging on your part. Although fiduciaries must put your interests first, they can also have conflicts of interest, so long as these are disclosed. There is an old Russian proverb made famous by Ronald Reagan during arms control discussions with Mikhail Gorbachev: Doveryai no proveryai, or “trust but verify.” In this case, the best way to verify is to visit the SEC’s website,, to view a firm’s Form ADV. RIAs must disclose conflicts on the ADV Part 2A or on their “brochure.” The required format aims to make disclosures clear and easy to understand. A careful review of that information is the single most important part of your due diligence process. Pay particular attention to fee-sharing arrangements from other activities or affiliations. The next step in due diligence is to determine the investment skills and qualifications of the investment team. Pay attention to key members of the investment committee. Certain credentials can be good indicators of an individual’s financial and investment knowledge. The CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) designations are obtained after rigorous multiyear exams. In addition, client service professionals should have the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) certification, obtained after completing exams covering investments, income and estate taxes, retirement planning and insurance. Beyond these credentials, an investment adviser should also have a broad range of experiences and backgrounds, often in law, accounting, banking and finance. Such crosstraining enables the adviser to fully understand the larger accounting, tax and legal implications of a client’s particular circumstances and can add real value. Finally, conduct a personal interview. Ask yourself if the people you are considering understand your goals and objectives. The best advisers are also interviewing you. They know their process and want to ensure that your needs align well with their capabilities and strengths. Sadly, many clients overlook these simple due diligence steps in their selection process and enter into a relationship with a misunderstanding of their adviser’s incentive structure and obligation. In the end, tickets to the Masters are nice, but what is that really costing you? First and foremost to consider are the adviser’s independence and technical skills. Freedom from competing priorities puts an exclusive focus on you, the client, and avoids the conflicts of interest that are pervasive in the investment industry. live “First and foremost to consider are the adviser’s independence and technical skills.” How to reach Richard K. Black grow Please call me at 312.429.3000 to set up an initial appointment. make —Richard K. Black Altair Adv ise rs LLC Left to right: front row-Richard K. Black, Steven B. Weinstein, Bryan R. Malis; back row-Rebekah L. Kohmescher, Donald J. Sorota, Jason M. Laurie, Michael J. Murray About Altair Advisers LLC illustration by kevin sprouls Altair Advisers provides independent investment counsel to wealthy individuals, families and foundations. In the commission-dominated world of financial services, Altair stands apart as a firm committed to providing objective advice that is free from conflicts of interest. The firm serves as “chief investment officer” for clients, ensuring all investment decisions reflect each client’s full financial circumstances. Altair and its principals are consistently recognized as top independent wealth managers by Barron’s, Worth*, Financial Advisor and Wealth Manager magazine, among others. Assets Under Management $3.5 billion+ (as of 9/30/13) Compensation Method Asset-based and fixed fees Minimum Annual Fee $30,000 Primary Custodian for Investor Assets State Street Minimum Net Worth Requirement $5 million (in investable assets) Professional Services Provided Planning and investment advisory services Largest Client Net Worth $1 billion+ Association Memberships Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association, Chicago Estate Planning Council, CFA Institute, CFA Society of Chicago and FPA Financial Services Experience 13 to 35 years (managing directors) Website Email *2004–2008 (the top advisor designation in Worth ceased in 2009). Altair Advisers LLC 303 West Madison Street, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60606 312.429.3000 f e b r ua ry- m a r c h 2 0 1 4 085 Steven B. Weinstein, CFA®, CFP®, JD President & Chief Investment Officer Richard K. Black, CFP®, JD Managing Director Rebekah L. Kohmescher, CFP®, CPA Managing Director Jason M. Laurie, CFA®, CFP® Managing Director Bryan R. Malis, CFA®, CFP® Managing Director Michael J. Murray, CFA®, CFP®, CAIA® Managing Director Donald J. Sorota, CFP®, CPA Managing Director Anna Nichols Director of Communications Altair Advisers LLC 303 West Madison Street, Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel. 312.429.3000 REPRINTED FROM ® the evolution of financial intelligence Altair Advisers LLC Insurance Group is featured in Worth® 2014 Leading Wealth Advisors™, a special section in every edition of Worth® magazine. All persons and firms appearing in this section have completed questionnaires, have been vetted by an advisory group following submission by Worth®, and thereafter paid the standard fees to Worth® to be featured in this section. The information contained herein is for informational purposes, and although the list of advisors presented in this section is drawn from sources believed to be reliable and independently reviewed, the accuracy or completeness of this information is not guaranteed. No person or firm listed in this section should be construed as an endorsement by Worth®, and Worth® will not be responsible for the performance, acts or omissions of any such advisor. It should not be assumed that the past performance of any advisors featured in this special section will equal or be an indicator of future performance. Worth®, a Sandow Media publication, is a financial publisher and does not recommend or endorse investment, legal or tax advisors, investment strategies or particular investments. Those seeking specific investment advice should consider a qualified and licensed investment professional. Worth® is a registered trademark of Sandow Media LLC. See “About Us” for additional program details at
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