All-In-The-Timing-20.. - Iowa City Community Theatre


All-In-The-Timing-20.. - Iowa City Community Theatre
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Shows and their Casts per Act
Sure Thing
directed by Josh Sazon
Bill-Brad Quinn
Betty-Ana Maria De La Cruz
Words, Words, Words
directed by Chris Okiishi
Milton-Chris Okiishi
Swift-John Smick
Kafka-Megan Sands
The Universal Language
Directed by Krista Neuman
Don-Adam Burton
Dawn-Aprille Clarke
Young Man-Random Person
Variations on the Death of
directed by James Trainor
Trotsky-Matthew James
Mrs. Trotsky-Kathy Maxey
Ramon-James Trainor
Long Ago and Far Away
directed by Josh Sazon
Laura-Kelly Scherrer
Gus-Jeremy Ping
Jack-Kevin Burford
Landlady-Ellen Stevensen
English Made Simple
directed by Kathleen Hession
Jill-Kelly Johnson
Jack-Ken Van Egdon
Loudspeaker Voice
Kathleen Hession
The Philadelphia
directed by Krista Neumnan
Al-Jeff Emrich
Waitress-Mary Haaf Wedemeyer
Mark-Chuck Dufano
A Singlar Kinda Guy
directed by Rachel Brown
Mitch-Ken Van Egdon
Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of
Directed by Barby Buddin
1st Woman-Angelique VanDorpe
2nd Woman-Brie Alexander
Baker-Barby Buddin
Philip Glass-Jeremy Ping
Producers…..……....Rachel Howell
. and Brenda Christner
Stage Manager….....Brenda Christner
Costume Designers…....the Directors
Set Designer….…..………………………..……….....Rich Riggleman
Light Designer……………………………..…..……....Dylan Wheeler
Sound Designer………………………….………….….. .the Directors
Board Operator………………………..………....Angelique Van Dorpe
Set Construction…………………….....…Rich Riggleman, Josh Fillinger
Rachel Brown has been involved in several shows in Iowa City, including Wonderful
Town and The Bakers Wife with ICCT. This is her first directing opportunity with ICCT,
but looks forward to many more. She would like to thank the Bank of Mom for continuing support of her theatre habit.
Barby Buddin has performed with many regional orchestras, opera companies, and
colleges. She performed many roles at the University including, Carmen, Santuzza, and
the Princepessa. Her performance of Katisha, in Boston, won the Doyle Carte award.
For the BBC she recorded the revival of The Prodigal Son. She represented the US at
the International Song Festival at the Hague, in a lecture/recital of Spirituals. After apprenticing at Miami Opera, Barbara returned to Iowa to complete her doctorate in
voice. She has served ICCT as President, Vice-President, and enjoys production and
design. Locally she has enjoyed her roles with CROT, TCR and The Cedar Rapids Symphony. Currently she teaches, conducts several choirs, and directs. In September she
will be recording a premier opera in Budapest.
Kevin Burford, an Iowa City native, enjoys acting with both the local community
theatres and the University Theatre. He was last seen as Eurydice's father in the University of Iowa Theatre Arts' production of Eurydice.
Adam Burton thoroughly enjoyed seeing this show again and again when he was
working as a sound board operator at Riverside Theatre in 1996, and couldn't have been
more thrilled to be cast in an on-stage role this time around. It's his first time working
with ICCT, and he's very happy to be here!
Aprille Clarke feels a great frill da joy to be doing a theater project after a 2-year
hiatus, which she mostly spent hanging out with a short guy. She enjoys words, languages, making funny faces, and planning her next trip to somewhere interesting. She
sends a kooch da-wow to Denny and Miles.
Ana Maria De La Cruz This is Ana Maria’s 3rd show with ICCT.
She was an ensemble member in Wonderful Town, and 'Therese' in The Baker's Wife. Special thanks to Jesus Gomez for his support & encouragement, her family & friends, and
Josh Sazon for the opportunity to participate in such a fun piece!
Chuck Dufano has been involved in several local theatre productions. He works in
Iowa City as a registered dietitian.
Jeff Emrich continues to learn and grow with each new character he discovers. While
he thinks he’s experienced a Philadelphia world, he’d much rather live in a Los Angeles.
Kathleen Hession received a BA from the University of Notre Dame in both Theatre and English, and is currently working towards an MA in teaching English at the University of Iowa. She has directed numerous shows in Iowa City and Notre Dame communities.
Matthew James has lived many lives of different characters in the Iowa City and
Cedar Rapids area. Previous shows include Frozen, Little Dog Laughed, Rock and Roll, Angels in America, Deathtrap, and Picasso at the Lapin Agile.
Kelly Johnson is a graduate from the University of Iowa Theatre Department
and will soon be pursuing an MD at the Carver College of Medicine. This is her 1st
appearance with ICCT. Thanks to Kathleen for keeping her involved with theatre!
Kathy Maxey would like to say “spasiba” to James and Matthew and Rachel for
the opportunity to participate in such a wonderfully absurd show!
Christopher Okiishi is alarmed to find himself back on stage, but delighted by
the company and the opportunity. Thanks to Rachel for the e-mail and the encouragement and thanks to Megan and Smick for the evenings on the couch (triple entendre intended).
Krista Neumann has worked in theatre in New York, LA, Chicago, Minneapolis, and now Iowa City. This is her first time directing for ICCT, and she has enjoyed working with both of her amazing casts.
Jeremy Ping has done numerous shows with ICCT, including Camelot and Bus
Stop. He thanks ICCT for all they have done for him, as this will be his final performance there for a while. He will be pursuing an MFA in acting this fall at Florida
Atlantic University in Boca Raton Florida. Thank you to his loving and supportive
wife for putting up with him.
Brad Quinn thinks writing your own Bio is dangerous and wrong.
Megan Sands is very excited about making her comeback to the stage after a two
year absence. Previously in Iowa City, she had done work with local theatre companies since the summer of 2005. Her favorite previous roles include Charity Hope
Valentine (Sweet Charity ), Audrey (Little Shop of Horrors), Amalia Balash (She Loves
Me), Beth March and Clarissa (Little Women) and Dainty June (Gypsy). Thanks to
Chris for letting me be a part of this hilarious group of sketches. Break a leg everyone!
Josh Sazon has worked in a number of local productions, both onstage and off.
Kelly Scherrer is so happy to be back on stage after a 3-year hiatus. She was last
seen as "Sharon" in ICCT's production of Wayside Motor Inn. In real life, Kelly owns
and operates a local daycare and enjoys spending time with her husband, Chris, and
her two young daughters, Fenna andTesla.
John Smick enjoys watching and especially listening to origami. Nothing is more
relaxing. Search for user 'super1600' on Youtube and you'll understand. Dim the
lights. Wear headphones. Crank the volume. Get hypnotized.
Ellen Stevenson is a long time member of ICCT, and has done just about every
job there is to do at a community theater. She was last seen on stage right here as
Miss Strict in Zombie Prom. “Without the crew it's just idiots in costumes... Without
the cast, it's just idiots with powertools.... Without the audience, it's just idiots.”
Thank-you for supporting ICCT and all the arts in the Iowa City area.
James Trainor is a local director/actor/playwright. Recently, he appeared in
TCR’s Rock and Roll and he has also written winning short plays. James is also an instructor of little kiddos.
Angelique VanDorpe has recently appeared in ICCT’s Wonderful Town and was
also seen in Thoroughly Modern Millie at the Washington Community Theatre.
Kenneth Van Egdon misses the sound of typewriters; he's a sucker for ten-pound
bond, pure cotton fiber paper. He also likes candlelit dinners, sunsets and walks on the
Mary Haaf Wedemeyer has been active in the Iowa City Community for many
years as a singer, actor/dancer, and ICCT board member. She is thrilled to have the
opportunity to be on stage again. In addition, she has been a drama coach and director
at West Middle School in Muscatine. Mary is very grateful to her husband, children
and friends in supporting her love for theatre.
2009-2010 Board of Directors
President……………………...……………………..Patti Mott
Vice President………………………….…. …...Barbara Buddin
Treasurer…………………………………………….David Roe
Secretary………………………………….…..Kathy McDonald
Members at Large…….…………..….Jo Betts, Brenda Christner,
Ken Van Egdon, Rachel Howell, Kehry Lane, Gene Troyer
Englert Representatives………..Barbara Buddin, Brenda Christner
Archives…………………...…………......Mary Ellen Chudacek
Box Office….…………………...………..….Charles Brungardt
Librarian.……………………………...…………….Gerry Roe
Newsletter…..…………..……………….…...Brenda Christner
Posters……………………..……Rachel Brown (All in the Timing)
Playbills………………...…….....Rachel Howell and Kehry Lane
Publicity…………………..…..Rachel Brown, Josh Sazon and the
All in the Timing cast and crew
Webmaster………………………………...……….Kehry Lane
Production Coordinator………………………….Barbara Buddin
Lifetime Members
Bebe Ballyntyne
Don Schneider
Don Schneider
Jo Betts
Mary Beth Schuppert
Mary Beth Schuppert
Barbara Buddin
Penny Held
Evelyn Stanske
Mary Ellen Chudacek
Elizabeth McKray
Ellen Stevenson
Mary Fowler
Patti Mott
Kurt Stevenson
Bill Gerlits
Caroline Oster
Michael Stokes
Nelson Gurll
Gary Pacha
Dick Summerwill
Jim and Penny Hall
Dottie Ray
Dee Thayer
Rich Riggelman
Nancy Ringstrom
Richard Tiegs
Gerry Roe
Nadin Rudi
Jeanne Weiner
If you’d like to contact the board directly, email us at:
Mary Beth Schuppert
$1000 or more
Andrea Keech
Maggie & Dr. Nelson
Charles L. Brungardt
Dee Thayer
Gerry Roe
$150 to $999
Marva Abel
Joe Betts
Fern & Ivan Burmeister
Richard & EllenCaplan
Mary Ellen Chudacek
Vivian Hickman
Patti Mott
Richard Tiegs
David & Denise Tiffany
Mike Tifany
John & Patricia Koza
Ron & Ellen Paulus
Kurt&Ellen Stevenson
$75 to $149
Nan Kottemann
Rachel Lindhart
Anna Stranieri
Doug Goodfellow
Marge Goodfello
John Moyers
Katherine Moyers
$25 to $74
Alan Stang
Sharon Kay Stang
Mel & Kathy
Marlin & Lnda
Rex Montgomery
Marian Foster
Naomi Novic
Del & Lolly Eggers
Yon &Sandra Lee
Keith & Nancy
Megan Sands
Proceeds from ticket sales provide less than half of the operating budget of
ICCT. We are a non-profit organization and can always use your help!
Your contribution is tax-deductable (minus the value of tickets) and helps
to keep our ticket prices low to improve accessibility to the general community. With a donation of more than $20, you can automatically become
a member and receive all the perks as well! In this way, we can help people come together to celebrate the excitement of live theatre.
Please take a moment to fill out the pledge form in your program. You can
write a check (payable to Iowa City Community Theatre), or call the ICCT
Box Office at 319-338-0443 with your credit card number. You may also
send a check or money order to ICCT at :
PO Box 827
Iowa City, IA 52244
*We will have a basket by concessions for your pledges and contributions.
You can become a member of the ICCT family for a fee of $20/yr which
gives you voting rights at our meetings, a newsletter every 2 months, and
advance information about shows and events related to the ICCT. If you
are interested in joining us as a member, please call the Box Office at 319338-0443 or email at
We can help your business get broader exposure in Iowa City and Johnson
County. This is usually done by advertising in our playbills but can also be
by sponsorship of shows, elements of shows, or specific actors. If you
would be interested in partnering with us, please call the Box Office at
319-338-0443 or email at
We are always in need of new and interested individuals for help at the
community theatre in a number of different capacities: acting, directing,
back stage, and at the front of the house. If you have talents to share, please
call the Box Office at 319-338-0443 or email at
Bebe Ballyntyne
Jo Betts
Barbara Buddin
Mary Ellen Chudacek
Mary Fowler
Bill Gerlits
Nelson Gurll
Jim and Penny Hall
Rich Riggelman
Gerry Roe
John Harper
Iowa City Community Theatre thanks you for your support.
Please feel free e-mail us with any comments, questions or
suggestions you may have for the board of directors at:
Iowa City Community Theatre
2009-2010 season
Directed by Kathleen Hession
August 20th -23rd
Festival Stage at Lower
City Park
Directed by Josh Sazon
September 24th-27th
Englert Civic Theatre
Directed by Jeff Shields
October 16th-18th,
23rd-25th, 30th-31st
Directed by Ben Bentler
February 18th-21st
Englert Civic Theatre
Directed by Brian Tanner
April 30th, May 1st-2nd, 7th-9th
Be sure to check our website at