BULLETIN - Wilshire Boulevard Temple
BULLETIN - Wilshire Boulevard Temple
WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Online Edition Please call to obtain a full printed copy. Volume 95, Number 16 • August 15, 2008 INtroducinG our new prayer book Mishkan T’filah F or some, the discipline of prayer is difficult; speaking of it is practically pointless. For others, prayer is the essence of being a Jew. We are deeply excited by the birth of a new prayer book for the Reform Movement, Mishkan T’filah. The appearance of any new prayer book—the heart and soul of Jewish thought, faith, yearning, wonder, gratitude, our outpourings to God—is cause for profound celebration. At Wilshire Boulevard Temple, we have unique reasons to rejoice, as Mishkan T’filah is only the third prayer book to be used in our history as a Reform congregation. We’ve been served well by the Union Prayer Book, as well as Shabbat Worship, created by Rabbi Fields with great love for our community—and now Mishkan T’filah. Some of you know that we’ve been integrating Mishkan T’filah in a variety of formats into our prayer opportunities for several years now. It’s used by our youth in our Center for Learning and Engagement and Brawerman Elementary School, and at our Shabbat Minyan and Soul Sounds Shabbat as well. In the fall, we will adopt it as our regular Shabbat evening and morning siddur. Mishkan T’filah contains many wonderful features. The editor, Rabbi Elyse Frishman, conceived of a brilliant device whereby every two-page spread contains a traditional prayer with translation and full transliteration on the right page, and alternative English readings on that prayer’s theme on the left. Each page ends with the traditional chatimah (closing). Mishkan T’filah encourages individual prayer alongside and in addition to the congregational voice, and offers a full array of traditional and contemporary liturgy. Of course, the success of Mishkan T’filah ultimately rests with us—each and every one of us. For those to whom prayer comes easily, you will find great fulfillment. If you find prayer difficult, here’s an opportunity to explore Jewish prayer, in its rich tradition, as it addresses all matters of the heart and spirit: from physical well-being to connection to God; from daily mantras to universal prayers for peace; from the whispered plea for help to the proud pronouncement of gratitude; from isolation to community; from sadness to exultation. All of this and more is inside the pages of Mishkan T’filah. Let’s open it together, over and over again. There, we’ll find wonder and beauty, meaning and purpose—ourselves, each other, God… eternity. Baruch ata Adonai eloheinu melach ha-olam: she-he-che-yanu, v’kiy’-manu, v’higi’anu—laz’man hazeh. Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, for giving us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this sacred moment! Cantor Don Gurney In This Issue A Mitzvah Without a Blessing? Ask Nike! THANK YOU Early Childhood Center PARENTS! THE SIX SENSES This Week’s Torah Portion STEP ASIDE MOSES Va’etchanan | Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 “N o, no, no. No, David! No!” The ever-popular children’s book No, David! is always a source of giggles and huge smiles. But there’s nothing funny when a genuine request is made and the reply is “no.” Human nature seems to fight “No, you can’t eat that,” and “No, you have to rest 20 minutes before you get back into the pool.” We all want to have things our way. This week’s Torah portion places God and Moses in an unenviable dialogue. This is the biggest “no” of the Torah, as it were. God tells Moses—our chosen leader, who talks directly to God, delivers us out of Egypt, brings us the law, makes water spring forth from a rock, has to deal with kvetching and complaints from 600,000 Israelites traveling without running water or air conditioning—that he will not enter the Promised Land. And as far as God is concerned, God is really our leader, the one who has chosen us, delivered us from Egypt, given us law, and also puts up with our kvetching, listens to us and is the source of our prayers. no is NO. God retorts, in a way, with the words of the Shema: “Listen, oh Israel, Adonai our God, Adonai is One.” We listen to God. God is really our leader, the One who has chosen us, delivered us from Egypt, given us law, and also puts up with our kvetching, listens to us and is the source of our prayers. Unfortunately for Moses, the time has come for him to step aside. Our people must move forward to be tested and thrive in a new land. Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim Tikkun Olam ews are a people of endless gratitude. From our first breath in the morning to the last moment before we sleep, there are blessings for practically every situation we can imagine. We thank God for the simple fact we have awakened to another day, for encountering life; we even bless God as we stand before the graves of loved ones. Yet for all these—as well as for the many other obvious—opportunities to voice our gratitude, there’s one mitzvah, one sacred obligation, for which we Jews remain uncharacteristically silent: the mitzvah of doing tikkun olam. Why wouldn’t we bless acts of repairing the world? First of all, to praise God in the midst of helping others could lead us (or others) to imagine it’s good for people to be in need so we can improve their lives. Would that it were, no one would need a bag of food or shelter from life’s storms—that would truly be a messianic era. There’s an argument that reciting a blessing in the presence of those less fortunate could create a situation where TI OLA LD EP AI M J UN R A Mitzvah Without a Blessing? Ask Nike! KK RIN G T HE WO R our people would compete, perhaps unethically, to be “top dog” in doing tikkun olam, and competition is definitely not what this mitzvah is about. Finally, blessing God for a world in need of repair is simply nonsensical, since what needs mending— whether the environment, the community or an individual—is most often a result of human misbehavior, and not something for which we would hold God responsible. What’s a good Jew to do? I don’t know who in the marketing department at Nike did the research and development, the focus groups or the design concept, but one thing is for sure— their motto is also ours when it comes to making the world a better place: JUST DO IT. Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein To learn more about tikkun olam at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, please contact Phyl Wallace at (213) 388-2401. Early Childhood Centers THANK YOU PARENTS! T he Parent Association here at the Mann Family Early Childhood Center never sleeps. We wish to thank all of our amazing parents who volunteer throughout the year; our school wouldn’t be the one we all know and love without your tireless support. Day or night, school year or summertime, there are always plans being finalized, copies being made and new, exciting activities being planned! This past school year, we had several parents express an interest in having speakers come in to discuss relevant topics. Our amazing parents wanted it, they planned it—and now we happily introduce our new Parent Association committee that will be bringing in a variety of speakers throughout the year. The series will include Dr. Francine Kaufman, who will talk about raising healthy children, and Pattie Fitzgerald, founder of Safely Ever After, Inc., just to name a few. The series is going to be an amazing resource for everyone. We’re all so excited about this new opportunity. Again, thank you to our fabulous Parent Association for all that you do! Arezou Berghoff - Parent Association Vice President Nursery School, Lorin Michaels – Parent Association Vice President Nursery School , Merav Broder – Parent Association President Nursery School. For more information about the Parent Association or to get involved, please contact the Early Childhood Center office at (213) 388-2401. Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps THE SIX SENSES Written at Camp Hess Kramer, Malibu, CA. 2008 We all know of the five senses: sight, taste, hearing, feeling, and smell. But there is one more: the sense of happiness, togetherness. On Shabbat, we feel this sense. We pray together, swaying as we go. We feel calm, and at ease. We feel happy, at home when we are united. From the first three stars in the sky, to the moment of smelling the sweet, fulfilling aroma of spices, we are one. The sensation of joy and comfort is with us, because on Shabbat, we are together. We truly, deeply are one. Visit the Camps website at www.wbtcamps.org Developments WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE’S NEW “URBAN PIONEERS” ENJOY LIFE IN THE CITY AND THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD TEMPLE I n 2005, when the Temple commissioned a demographic study of the neighborhoods surrounding our historic sanctuary, we learned that the Jewish population in the urban center of Los Angeles had grown by 30 percent in the preceding five years. With the opening of the Erika J. Glazer Nursery School this fall, that statistic now has a human face with the enrollment of approximately 50 new families in the Glazer Nursery School programs. These families share a common bond—enjoying the lifestyle of a changing and reviving city while seeking a strong Jewish foundation. For Rebekah and her husband, Jason, “establishing a relationship with a synagogue was important when we joined two years ago so we could continue the circle of Jewish life when we began our family.” Rebekah grew up as an urbanite, in downtown Kansas City, but traveled daily to the suburbs to attend the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy. “Giving the same opportunities to our children is important to me,” she says. She and her husband, Jason, live in Park La Brea and enjoy all of its amenities and neighborhood features. “I can walk to the Farmer’s Market, the Grove, Pan Pacific Park and the LACMA museum complex,” says Rebekah. The Park La Brea has numerous fountains and micro parks—so it all makes for a wonderful lifestyle.” Their son was born in October, 2007, and when Rebekah read about the Temple’s new nursery school in the bulletin, the Callaways became one of the first families at the parenting center. “We’ll continue with Mommy and Me until he starts nursery school, and then hopefully he’ll go the Temple’s day school. Without family here on the West Coast, our Temple family becomes even more important.” Mindy and Adam and their son, age 21 months, share many of the same sentiments. Mindy, the director of strategic partnerships at the Milken Institute, grew up in Loveland, CO, in the only Jewish family in town, and had to travel to a temple in neighboring Ft. Collins. With the Temple Campus a scant three miles from their Miracle Mile home, they’re excited to see the Temple investing in our historic campus and committed to being a vital part of our city. Says Mindy, “We’re thrilled to be involved in a Temple that is part of Los Angeles’ diverse, urban fabric.” But the real dividend for her family is that he loves the parenting center program and is an enthusiastic participant in the “Tot Shabbats.” Mindy says he loves to sing the “Shabbat Song” with its chorus of “bim bam bidi bidi bam” and notes “it’s as familiar to him as ‘Old McDonald.’ It’s wonderful to see my son already developing a sense of Jewish identity—I had no idea it could happen at such an early age!” Like the Rebekah and Joason, Minday and Adam view Wilshire Boulevard Temple as a long-term experience for their family. “We’re going to be part of this community our whole lives,” says Mindy. “We got married at Wilshire Boulevard Temple; now Max will become a bar mitzvah here, he’ll go to the camps and schools and will make lifelong friendships with the children he meets here. We know the historic Wilshire Boulevard Temple campus will create an important community, so we’re investing in it and encouraging others to do the same.” Gina Lobaco Director of Development Upcoming Events Santa Monica Food Pantry PARTNERSHIP Opening Soon! Members only Temple Tour & Nosh with Rabbi Steve Leder Sunday, September 7, 2008 Sunday, September 14, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Sunday, November 2, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. We are elated to announce our partnership with OPCC as we begin staffing their food pantry with Wilshire Boulevard Temple volunteers each Sunday morning beginning September 7. We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our Temple Campus Food Pantry by “doubling the mitzvah” and partnering in another pantry, this one to feed the homeless. Much like its counterpart at the Temple Campus, the Santa Monica Pantry will operate every Sunday and we need you - particularly “Westsiders” to volunteer. Congregants from ages 5 to 95 are welcome for a variety of opportunities! For more info, email Phyl at pwallace@wbtla.org or call her at (213) 388-2401. www.wbtla.org/events/item/204/tikkun_events Reservations are limited and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Other tours will be scheduled at a later time. RSVP: Jennifer Levitt at (213) 388-2401 or jlevitt@wbtla.org A Salute to our Legendary Camp Song Leaders Sunday, October 19, 2008 Camp Hess Kramer The sounds of summer return to camp when the Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps Alumni Association honors Song Leading Legends from 1957-1989 and Haggigah Legends from 1973-1978. For further information, please contact Cheri Lauterbach at cheri@wbtcamps.org www.wbtla.org/events/item/214/youth_events Summer Announcements Public Tours of Historic Wilshire Boulevard Temple Tuesdays & Thursdays (closed on holidays) July 10 - September 25 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Our historic sanctuary constantly draws visitors who wish to view one of L.A.’s historic landmarks. Now that the City of Los Angeles has installed an “Angels Walk®” stanchion outside the Wilshire Boulevard monument as part of its “Self-Guided Historic Trails” program, the Temple is seeing an increase in visitors. Located between two subway stops on the LA Metro’s Purple Line, the Temple is also easily accessible by public transportation. So back by popular demand, the Temple is reintroducing guided tours beginning this summer. Learn all about “The Synagogue That Hollywood Built” including the beautiful art glass windows and the famous Warner Murals. These tours are free and open to the public. Tours will resume again after High Holy Days. Check the Temple website for future updates. Reservations are encouraged. Call Jennifer Levitt - 213 388 2401. www.wbtla.org/events/item/202/temple_events It’s CENTER FOR LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS ONGOING THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER!! It’s not too late to sign up! Don’t forget to submit registration for your children to attend Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Center for Learning and Engagement. We have a great year planned and we really look forward to seeing your kids there! Sunday classes begin: September 14th, 2008 Tuesday classes begin: September 16th, 2008 Wednesday classes begin: September 17th, 2008 For any questions regarding registration, call Shira at (310) 445-1280 x150. Call for Ushers! Would you enjoy helping us during the High Holy Days by serving as an usher at one of our services? We need your help! To get information on volunteering for this rewarding experience, contact Elaine Lipton at (213) 388-2401. ALL online at www.wbtla.org/events. Check it out! Our B’nei Mitzvah Our Temple Family Welcome to new Temple members... Allison Fletcher…Alvi and Joelle Hancerli and their son, Kylo… Brian and Katie Jacobs and their sons, Noah and Bryce…Louann Katz-Curtis and her son, Joshua…Scott Kreeger and Nancy Bercaw and their daughter, Reva…Gregory and Michelle Nathan…Damon Saltzburg and Kelly Silk and their daughter, Ashlyn...Adrienne Sands…Daniel Sands…Lenny and Corrine Sands…Michael Sands… Congratulations to… Jennifer and Joshua Lohman on the brith and brit milah of their son, Luke Gabriel Lohman… Condolences to… Bruce and Tani Isaacs on the death of his mother, Barbara Isaacs and to grandchildren, Julien and Nicole…Marlene and David Capell on the death of their brother in law, Charles R. Lever and to niece, Andi and Malcolm Orland and their children, Danny and Adam…Efim and Zoya Rudin on the death of his sister, Lyubov Machevskaya…Rabbi Karen Fox and Mickey on the death of her uncle, Walter Schloss… And to all immediate and extended family. Contributions Bernie Harris’s 90th Birthday by Claire & David Schoenfeld Nancy Katz on a speedy recovery by Libby & Harve Stein In Loving Memory Of: Abraham Barshap by Leah Barshap & Family Ida Berkus by Don & Ileene Berkus, Shirley & Len Swatt, Clyde & Marg Berkus Harry Bodek by Muriel & Gordon Bodek Jacob Brody by Sue & Sonny Brody Linda Cherry by Gail & Joseph Lowenstein Dear father, Matthew Codon by Corryne Schuster Ruth Fabrick by Myrna & Howard Fabrick Irving Feiger by Claire Feiger Leon Feldman by Mimi Feldman Ozjasz Friedman by Simon Friedman Jack Galindo by Merle Galindo Gloria George by Brooks, David & William Hilliard Sadie Greenberg by Susan & Harold Greenberg Dovey Grossman by Reva & David Pauker Dovey Grossman by Marchell & David Hilliard Bella Harris by Robert Harris Leonora Harris by Salli & Bernard Harris Michael Harris by Salli & Bernard Harris Herman Hirsch by Irma Strumpf David Joseph by Marla & Michael Kantor & Family Alexander Kabatchnik by Adi & Jerry Greenberg Estelle Klein by Jill Freeman Sarah Kohn by Relba Imerman Denise Korman by Marietta Bach Louis Kozberg by Fay Kozberg Gil Levenson by Gary, Karen, Rachel & Hannah Zelcer George Lewis by Hilda Hochberg Roslyn Lyon by Sherri & Arnold Nelson My mother, Lyubov Machevskaya by Izabella & Michael Kleemoff Henry Miller by Phyllis Kassel Theresa Rauss by Laura Rauss Phil Rosenbaum by Libby & Harve Stein Pearl Rosenthal by Phoebe & David Rosenthal Walter Schwartz by Salli & Bernard Harris Irving Schwartz & Soletta Schwartz by Salli & Bernard Harris Lois Wolff by Margie & Ted Wolff ANN AND SAM BERNSTEIN CHILDREN’S LIBRARY In Loving Memory Of: Ann Bernstein by Lynn Bernstein Jerome Toffler by Joni Gordon TIKKUN OLAM SOCIAL ACTION FUND FOOD PANTRY In Honor Of: Rabbi Stein Julius Stein for officiating at the funeral of Charles Lever by Pamela Lever Rabbi Stein Julius Stein for officiating at the unveiling of Lester Mojofis by Renata & Perry Lubens In Loving Memory Of: Joseph Brandel by Jack, Myra, Jeffrey, Brooke & Andrew Porter Rhoda Brandel by Jack, Myra, Jeffrey, Brooke & Andrew Porter Arthur Hartman by Ruthie & Steve Loeb Michael Krevin by Helen Lewis & Marvin Meyer Beverly Mandell by Jeffrey Mandell Jennie Markowitz by Ann Markowitz & Richard Waldow Ruth Mindling by Lewis Family Beatrice Polevoi by Ann Markowitz & Richard Waldow Edna Mae Ross by Julia Frishtick & Steven Butnik Yehiel Tabachnick by Doris & Naum Tabachnick Celia “Simmy” White by Janet & Tony Jonas & Family LILI AND JON BOSSE LIBRARY FUND In Loving Memory Of: Bernard Leisner by Lynda & William Leisner In Loving Memory Of: Charlotte Gordon by Doris & Naum Tabachnick Meredith Fishman and her July 26th Birthday by Nancy Mintz WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE CAMPS In Loving Memory Of: Bob Cowen by June Blumkin & Family Odette Oliensis by Rachelle & Sheldon Lewenfus Steven Shaw by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw RABBI ALFRED WOLF CAMP FUND In Honor Of: The birth of Andrew Masami Tarica by Laurie & Paul Kelson In Loving Memory Of: Harold Garber by Joyce & Robert Wolf Father & grandfather, Max Liberman by Rita & Marcy Norton Alicia Lindheim by Marilyn & Bill Lindheim Brother, Louis Weger by Deana & Alvin Rosenthal Grandma, Lillian Weinberger by Plotnik Family Cy Wolken by Susie & Paul Roberts & Family ALLAN CHATKIN CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: JUDITH WOLF LEE MEMORIAL CAMP FUND PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION FUND In Loving Memory Of: In Honor Of: Henry Brandler by Mona Brandler Michael Etzioni by Lana Etzioni Max Isenberg by Susan & Edwin Isenberg BERNARD SINGER ADULT EDUCATION MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND In Loving Memory Of: Dovey Grossman by Beth Singer Bernard Singer & Rose Joffe by Beth Singer Bernard Singer by Beverle & Michael Singer ANAT BEN-ISHAI SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor Of: Max Hofheimer Moss’s Bar Mitzvah by Natalie Blake & Steven Schwartz & Family Judith Wolf Lee by Elly & Dan Wolf Judith Wolf Lee by Miriam Wolf CHARLES BENDIT CAMPERSHIP FUND In Honor Of: YONI LICHT CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Marty Siegel by Miryam & Dr. Sam Tarica THE CENTER FOR RELIGIOUS INQUIRY FUND Linda & Peter Rhein In Honor Of: The marriage of Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein & Stephen Ariel Miller by Marilyn & Harvey Schneider The marriage of Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein & Stephen Ariel Miller by Jeanne Gerson Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein for officiating at our wedding by Stuart Lampert & Stephen Tomar Me and my family by Irene Saltzman In Loving Memory Of: Charles Bendit by May Bendit & Family Beloved husband & father, Eugene Borson by Harriet, Mark & Daniel Borson Barbara Isaacs by Nadine & Stephen Breuer SILLS CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Samuel Sills by Susan & Tom Casamassima Samuel Sills by Robin & Robert Sills HOWARD KAPLAN CAMPERSHIP FUND Robert Raful THE DARFUR PROJECT In Honor Of: Sunday, August 24, 2008 FOOD PANTRY Underwritten by Pamela Lever KK UN OLA M Stuart Lampert & Stephen Tomar’s marriage by Jeanette Lampert In Loving Memory Of: Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Sabine Hoppner Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Carly Alsbach Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Lester Bise Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Stephen Bucher Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Michele & Kenneth Feinswog Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Antonia Friedlander Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Dorothy & Charles Goldman Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Kevin McCarthy Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Kirsten Moreno Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Marcia Hofheimer & Melvin Morrison Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Warren Morrison Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Suzanne & Dr. Gary Moss Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Leigh Hofheimer & Jon Nachman Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Carolyn Osman Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Richard Reisman Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Mindy Schneider Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Brian Strelitz Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Susan & Leonard Uhley Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Judy & Dr. Stefan Zweig Tom Hofheimer Moss’s Bar Mitzvah by Natalie Blake & Steven Schwartz & Family Tilly Reiners as she departs for college by Herbie Schwartz & Family The marriage of Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein & Stephen Ariel Miller by Laurie & Paul Kelson Thank you to those individuals and families who have chosen either to underwrite ($1,000) or sponsor ($500) a week of EP AI OR RIN food. If you are interested G T HE W in joining this effort, please contact Gina Lobaco at (213) 388-2401 or globaco@wbtla.org. R In Honor Of: MEREDITH FISHMAN MEMORIAL FUND Bertha Bernstein by Janet Gross In Loving Memory Of: SISTERHOOD PULPIT FLOWER FUND In Loving Memory Of: In Loving Memory Of: In Honor Of: Father, Alfred Boehm by Sady Kahn Liz Gebler by Lisl Nathan Barry Forman’s Birthday by The Brown Family Cantor Don Gurney by Judy Frank Cantor Gurney on the occasion of Michael Sugerman’s Bar Mitzvah by Ellen & Steve Sugerman Ilse Erlanger by Sandra Chatkin Ilse Erlanger by Tammy Chatkin Newman & Robin Chatkin Arencibia Bernie Harris’s Special Birthday by Walter Schwartz In Loving Memory Of: In Honor Of: AUDREY AND SYDNEY IRMAS CAMPUS CLERGY FUND Rabbi Leder for the naming of our grandson, Barron Joseph Linnekens by Diana & Bob Grycan Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein & Stephen Ariel Miller’s marriage by Sue & Rick Frankel Rabbi Leder conducting the service of Dorothy Matloff by David & Yana Matloff Rabbi Leder on the occasion of Michael Sugerman’s Bar Mitzvah by Ellen & Steve Sugerman MUSIC PUBLICATION FUND Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah—Doing a mitzvah leads to more. Max & Tom Moss’s B’nei Mitzvah by Pamela Brenna We appreciate your generous donations. An $18 minimum donation is required for each acknowledgment card. LD In Honor Of: Minnie Grant by Arthur Gardner Lena Tabachnick by Doris & Naum Tabachnick & Family Husband, Billy Young by Gloria Young TI RABBI EDGAR F. MAGNIN FUND Schedule of Shabbat Worship & Study FRIDAY, August 22 Friday, August 29 Erev Shabbat Services Rabbi Fox and Cantorial Soloist Marcus Feldman Temple Campus - 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Elisa Waltzman Temple Campus - 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Stein and Cantor Caro Irmas Campus - 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney Irmas Campus - 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 23 Saturday, August 30 Torah Study DEUTERONOMY Ekev 7:12 - 11:25 Rabbi Fox Temple Campus - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Torah Study DEUTERONOMY Re’eh 7:12 - 11:25 Rabbi Goodman Temple Campus - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Stein and Cantor Gurney Temple Campus - 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Leder and Cantorial Soloist Pam Simmons Irmas Campus - 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Fox and Cantor Gurney Temple Campus - 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Stein and Cantor Caro Irmas Campus - 10:30 a.m. Wilshire Boulevard Temple 3663 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Clergy Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Pritzker Chair of Senior Rabbinics Rabbi Karen L. Fox, M.F.T. Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein Rabbi David Eshel Cantor Don Gurney Rabbi Harvey J. Fields, Ph.D., Emeritus Board of Trustees Julie Miller, President Lauren Leichtman, Vice President Richard Pachulski, Vice President John Schulman, Vice President Mary Brussell, Secretary Steven Romick, Treasurer Stephen Davis, Alyce de Toledo, Alan J. Epstein, Michael Flesch, Jami Gertz, Andrew E. Haas, Teri Hertz, Susan Adler Jannol, Richard Kurtzman, Donald Levy, Richard Powell, Steve Sugerman Bruce A. Friedman, Immediate Past President Barry Edwards, Counsel Honorary Board Members Lionel Bell, Howard M. Bernstein, Audrey Irmas Administration Howard G. Kaplan, Executive Director Carol Bovill, Director, Early Childhood Centers Nadine Bendit Breuer, Head of Elementary School Vinny Green, Interim Director, Center for Learning & Engagement Douglas F. Lynn, Director, Camps & Conference Center Gina Lobaco, Director of Development Jessica Accamando, Director of Communications Rebecca Sills Nudel, Membership Director The Wilshire Boulevard Temple Bulletin is published semi-monthly by Wilshire Boulevard Temple www.wbtla.org (213) 388-2401 FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES, CA PERMIT NO. 785
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