The Anchor, Volume 100.09: November 11, 1987
The Anchor, Volume 100.09: November 11, 1987
Hope College Digital Commons @ Hope College Anchor: 1987 Anchor: 1980-1989 11-11-1987 The Anchor, Volume 100.09: November 11, 1987 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 100.09: November 11, 1987" (1987). Anchor: 1987. Paper 23. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 100, Issue 9, November 11, 1987. Copyright © 1987 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Anchor: 1980-1989 at Digital Commons @ Hope College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Anchor: 1987 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Hope College. For more information, please contact Hope College t h e W e d n e s d a y , Nov. 11, 1987 serving anchor the college community for News J 00 y e a r s V o l u m e 100 No. 9 Steps To Knowledge Student Raped In G r a v e s Basement Page 2 Pictured on the cover are the Campus main steps inside M i c h i g a n Pianist the new Gordon Series Continues J. and Margaret This Friday Night Van Wylen library. Page 5 The building, "V '' Feature which houses • t:, ^ ,»,• - • :• H I ••^ four floors, will Hunger A Lingering Problem be completed mm \ In Central A m e r i c a Page 9 and dedicated in the spring. An accompanying story and photos Sports appear in this H a n n e m a n Ends week's Feature Running C a r e e r section beginning Page 1 1 on page 7. Frame .x.imm What About Public O f f i c i a l s Private Lives? Page 1 0 Nov. 11, 1987 Page 2 News Female Hope Student Raped In Graves Hall By Kaylene Shannon correlation with the Holland Police Department. A composite A woman student was raped on sketch has been made, but not c a m p u s e a r l y l a s t Sunday yet released to the public. morning in the basement of Tom Renner, Director of Graves Hall. The incident, which College Relations said, "This o c c u r e d a r o u n d 1:30 a m , incident is very different from involved a junior girl and a the incidents that occured in young man who is not believed to early September and October. be a Hope student. We a r e confident that the T h e g i r l h a d m e t t h e attacker is not a Hope College unidentified male earlier in the student but have reason to evening at an off-campus party believe that he is a Holland and accepted his offer to walk resident. Public Safety h a s her and a friend home to their obtained a very good description dorm. After they arrived at the- of the suspect and is following dorm, the victim's friend left the some strong leads." two who then proceeded to take a In a letter sent to all students walk around the campus until the by D e a n B e a l y e s t e r d a y assualt occured in Graves, which informing them about the rape, was open late due to the midnight the attacker was described as movie. According to reports, the white, over six feet tall, slender, victim was not forced into the short blond or light brown hair, building. wavy on the top, w e a r i n g The victim did not receive any bluejeans, a button down shirt major physical injuries and and white tennis shoes. reported the rape 16 hours after This description almost it occured. exactly matches the one given of Public Safety is in charge of a male who entered and was the investigation of the matter kicked out of Lichty Hall that since the assault occured on same morning. Public Safety has campus, but they are working in since determined that the rapist and the intruder are not the same man. At about 2:30 am, a Lichty resident admitted an unfamiliar man into the lobbey of the dorm. "I was hesitant to let him in because it was so late and I asked him who he wanted to see. He told me that he was looking for one of his friends and when I told him this was an all girls dorm, he appeared to get a little confused. He then said, 4I know, he told me I could find him here'." The unidentified man then went into the basement, where two other Lichty residents saw him. Both the girl who admitted him into the dorm and the girls who saw him in the basement thought that he had had too much to d r i n k . H e a p p a r e n t l y remained unnoticed in the dorm until around 4:30 when a girl on third floor kicked him out of the bathroom where she was washing her face after he made threatening motions towards her. She and two other friends cont. on page 12 Students May Be Next In AIDS Epidemic (CPS) - College students may be t h e n e x t m o s t l i k e l y population to be at risk of contracting AIDS, the head of a major national campus health group is warning on a national speaking tour. The reason, says Richard Keeling, health director at the University of Virginia and c h a i r m a n of the American College H e a l t h Association (ACHA) AIDS task force, is that students are more likely to be sexually promiscuous and — in youthful feelings of immortality — less likely to practice safe sex. In J u n e , m o r e o v e r , U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop warned Congress of a potential "explosion" in the number of teens who get AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), a fatal virus that destroys the body's immune system and renders the victim v u l n e r a b l e to o t h e r w i s e innocuous germs. The disease is spread by contaminated blood transfusion, using dirty needles to inject drugs and some kinds of sexual contact. And when students get to c a m p u s , e x p l a i n e d ACHA spokeswoman Ann Higley, " I t ' s a period of exploration" when many students experiment with sex and drugs for the first time. " I t ' s their first taste of freedom, and often there's an u n w i l l i n g n e s s to t a k e responsibility." Some colleges have tried to warn students by distributing flyers. Installing condom vending machines to promote "safe sex" and — like the University of Massachusetts and Mount Holyoke, Smith, Amherst and Hampshire colleges did September 29 — stage elaborate programs to educate campus residents about the disease. Schools seem to be announcing new AIDS efforts weekly. Just last week, for example, Michigan State said it would start testing students anonymously for AIDS, while the University of Illinois said it might require any student it suspected of being a health threat to take an AIDS test. In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Millersville University set up an AIDS Review Board to plan how to deal with the disease on campus in the future. Still, the ACHA's Keeling thinks colleges are doing a bad job teaching students about AIDS. More than three-quarters of the nation's campuses have done "little or nothing" to teach students, he figured. "We're starting to talk in terms of obligations, not option. AIDS education is the moral and ethical obligation of colleges, i r r e s p e c t i v e of w h a t e v e r discomfort with the topic t r u s t e e s or a l u m n i or t h e community may feel," Keeling said. The Department of Education also has i gnored its responsibility to develop AIDS education programs, Keeling charged. "In an ideal world the Department of education would have' taken substantial responsibility for developing AIDS education plicy, but that support has been absent." Higley r e p o r t e d only 75 students have been diagnosed as having AIDS-related illnesses, but added the disease has a long latency period, meaning others may be infected and not know it. Hansel To Speak In Dimnent Chapel Nov. 18 By A.C. VanderKolk anchor Staff Writer the faculty of several California highschools, the adjunct faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, and at the Azusa Pacific University. He is a frequent traveler and has made some remarkable journeys, biking through Europe, sailing over 25,000 miles in the Pacific, and traveling alone through the U.S. and Canada. He has combined his interests in education and travel and taught throughout Germany, Manila, Taiwan, Japan, and New Guinea. The College Health Clinic and Counseling C e n t e r ' s ongoing series "The Year of Health: 19871988" continues a week from today with an appearance by At a Boston AIDS conference Christian speaker and author last week, however, several Tim Hansel. His presentation, doctors claimed the risk of a d d r e s s i n g t h e t o p i c s of catching the virus through celebrating your uniqueness, the heterosexual contact is still pursuit of excellence, and being relatively slight. who you a r e with reckless The chance of contracting abandonment, can be seen Nov. AIDS from a single heterosexual 18 in Dimnent Chapel at 8 p.m. contact, reported Dr. J a m e s His role as educator has led Tim Hansel is founder of Goedert of the National Cancer Summit Expedition, Inc., and him to author many books and Institute, may be less than 1 in a has served as president for the articles. Among his books his million. last s e v e n t e e n y e a r s . T h e most popular is When I Relax I But Goedert quickly added the program is a mountaineering Feel Guilty, already in its report encourages " a false sense and w i l d e r n e s s e x p e r i e n c e fourteenth printing with sales of of security," and that ignoring over 200,000 copies. Others are "safer sex" practices can be school and reflects Hansel's What Kids Meed Most In A Dad, belief that " t h e wilderness fatal. e n c o u r a g e s w h o l e n e s s , and You Gotta Keep Dancin, and his "Only four percent of the reminds us what is true and latest. Holy Sweat. His articles reported AIDS cases in the U.S. real." Summit Expedition, Inc. have been in Today's Christian w e r e t r a n s m i t t e d t h r o u g h p r o v i d e s a d v e n t u r e - b a s e d Woman, The Journal of Christian heterosexual contact, and half educational e x p e r i e n c e s for C a m p i n g , B a c k p a c k e r the heterosexual victims were almost everyone, including the Magazine, and Pacific Odyssey. born in Africa or Haiti, where — h a n d i c a p p e d , j u v e n i l e However, he is not limited to because venereal diseases and delinquents, and families. the written page and has apeared consequently open sores in the H a n s e l g r a d u a t e d f r o m frequently on television, on such genital area are more common Stanford in 1963 and received his shows as Sports Focus, Good — AIDS seems to be passed more M.A. in education there two Morning L.A., The 700 Club, and r e a d i l y b e t w e e n m e n a n d years later. Before founding J o y . He h a s d i r e c t e d and women. Dr. Jeffrey Harris of the Summit Expedition, Inc., he produced films and multi-media M a s s a c h u s e t t s I n s t i t u t e of served in the U.S. Marine Corps, p r e s e n t a t i o n s f o r S u m m i t Technology said. with Young Life in New York and Expedition, such as None Ran Ninety percent of the reported San Francisco, for Outward Last and Holy Sweat, a three AIDS cases in the U.S. have bound in California, and as part series on peak performance. involved homosexual or bisexual director of Operation Summit for He resides with his wife, P a m , men or drug u^ers whp .scared t h e S a n D i e g o P r o b a t i o n and their sons, Zachary and dirty needles, Harris said. Department. He has sert&f oh • Joshua,-in La Verne, California. Health Clinic Will Answer AIDS Questions What's new on campus? You can write the Health Clinic with your questions or concerns regarding AIDS. AIDS is a very pressing issue today and needs to be addressed. More than 28,492 cases have been diagnosed in the United States as of December of 1986. Education is the key to slowing down the spread of this deadly disease. Along with the support of the faculty and staff 1 will be arranging educational meetings, sending out information, and compiling resources in our community to help inform you, t h e s t u d e n t , of y o u r responsibility and your suceptability to this fatal but preventable disease. What really is AIDS? AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency S y n d r o m e which means the immune system does not fight off infection as it normally would. A person with AIDS is more vulnerable to infection and specifically pneumonia, meningitis, tuberculosis, and certain forms of c a n c e r . E v e n t u a l l y they become so overwhelmed with disease they die. HTLV III s t a n d s for H u m a n T Lymphotrophic Virus Type III and is the specific virus that causes AIDS. The HTLV III attacks the lymphocytes which are a type of white blood cells. Lymphocytes include several sub groups which work together to operate the immune system and prevent infection in the body. One type is the Helper T Cells, preventing them from doing their job of preventing infection. What is ARC? Aids Related Complex includes a variety of clinical conditions that may occur as a result of HIV or HTLV III infection, but which do not meet the Center for Disease Control's definition of AIDS. Symptoms may include chronic swollen glands, recurrent fevers, unintentional weight loss. Group Responsible For Rope Slogans chronic diarrhea, lethargy, minor alterations of the immune system (less severe than those that occur with AIDS), and oral Yeast infection. How is AIDS spread? AIDS is not easily transmissible believe it or not. It is spread through sexual contact, needle sharing, or less c o m m o n l y t h r o u g h transfusions of infected blood or blood components. Direct blood to blood or semen to blood contact appears to be necessary to transmit this virus. There is no evidence that AIDS can be spread through air, water, food, or casual body contact. If this was the case the number of people affected would be even greater. I invite you to write me with your questions on AIDS. Each month I will publish an article answering your questions and informing you of the latest facts on AIDS. Write: Linda Dalman R.N., Health Services or call ext. 7585 Setting The Record Straight A review last week of the play "As You Like It" incorrectly spelled Chris Beazlev's name. Beazley played the role of Selvius. An article last week about kicker Duy Dang incorrectly stated that the MI A A season record for field goals was six. Doug Cooper set the record last year with eight. A story on the MIAA football players of the week incorrenctly spelled Chris Wasczenski's n a m e in the first reference. The anchor r e g r e t s the inconvenience and errors. 1 Theta Pi. Students in need of funding for the current and next academic terms were urged today to order a free financial aid planning calendar from The Scholarship Bank. This vital planner includes critical aid deadlines, addresses and phone n u m b e r s of aid sources and tips on applying for aid. According to the director, Steve Danz, over 500 million dollars is available in private aid to college students, and in many cases can cover up to twenty-five percent of a student's annual college costs. These funds are contributed by corporations, t r a d e , civic and non-profit foundations. They are normally a w a r d e d on n o n - t r a d i t i o n a l basis, such as a c a d e m i c standing, college major, geographic p r e f e r e n c e s , and even on a student's willingness to undertake a special research A Last year, fires were started at fraternity houses at Western Illinois University, Colorado School of M i n e s , a n d t h e Universities of Denver and Colorado, amid anonymous notes and police suspicions they were related to recent sexual assault and h a r a s s m e n t c o m p l a i n t s leveled at local f r a t e r n i t y members. Police, however, were unable to establish any connection between the arsons on the different campuses. In a p r e s s r e l e a s e t h a t mysteriously showed up at The Daily Illini offices last week, however, the anonymous group promised more anti-greek "direct action" because "local social-service agencies have received an alarming number of calls from female victims of rape occuring in fraternity houses." LOTTO •HOLLAND'S ONLY SUPEfl LOTTO WINNER •DAILY 3 AND 4 TICKETS •INSTANT TICKETS ' •EVEN A WEEKLY I OSEfiS DRAWING I PACKAGED LIQUOR •ONLY 24 HOUR PACKAGED LIQUOR STORE IN TOWN •GREAT VARIETY OF UQUOR AND LIQUEURS KEG BEER •ICE COLD KEG BEER FOR YOUR PARTY NEEDS AUO OFFCINO ICE COLD POP • SNACK BAR GROTEKIES • DAIRY •PRODUCE VIDEOS •OVER S00 VIDEOS IN STOCK •VCR-S FOR RENT project or enter a contest. Parental factors such a s union, employer or military affiliation is also considered by some donors. The Scholarship Bank works with f i n a n c i a l aid o f f i c e s throughout the U.S. to distribute information on the over 5,000 sources. Interested students may receive a computer-generated print-out of up to 65 sources of private financial aid that they appear specifically qualified to r e c e i v e . A c c o r d i n g to t h e director, m a n y sources a r e renewable annually and have an average value in excess of $1,000. S t u d e n t s i n t e r e s t e d in receiving the free aid calendar a n d i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e scholarship p r o g r a m s should send a stamped, business-sized self addressed envelope to The Scholarship Bank, 4626 N. Grand, Covina, CA. 91724. problems TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY»THURSOAY 2 TAPES FOR $3.00 WATCH FOR WEEKLY BEER SPECIALS This week's special! Coors 16 oz. cans for the price of 12 oz. ! $10.80 a case! WARM OR COLD CORNER OF 17tk & COLUMBIA Sft-tl7t UmiiY INFOIMATIONi SN-MII and inconvenience are popularly identified with pregnancy, one rarely hears of the joys and satisfactions that can be found as well, f or expectant mothers, one delight is to discover how their child is 7". . ^ r i walking escort service anywhere on or near campus. - devL>,0 P"^ their body. Some are surprised to learn that long belore they can detect the new life stirring within them, the child is already completely formed; all organ systems are functioning: and is tU I,VL , ' y WKW'd in the exercise of his or her muscles, joints and limbs. wwwy l<>' their growth and development. , U / Hy 2S days the heart starts beating, by 30 days the child has an unmistakable human brain, eyes, ears, mouth, kidneys, liver and ' \ " O umbi,ic^ cord pumping its own blood. By 45 days brain waves can be '> ^ detected and the child's skeleton is complete, in cartilage not bone, and bU X7770 between the hours of dusk and 1:00a.m. buds of milk teeth appear. By 63 days he will grasp an object placed in his palm a n d can make a list. the escorts. I he baby moves with an easy grace in his buoyant • OPEN 24 HOURS We live in a society ihjl emphasizes enjoyment of nearly everything w e do. One exception, however, appears to be pregnancy. While Registered student escorts are on call to assist with a • / Pregnancy can also be enjoyed participating fraternities^ an cscort service is available. • Summer & Career Opportunities (Will Train). Excellent pay plus world travel. Hawaii. Bahamas. Carjbbean. etc. CALL NOW: 2 0 6 - 7 3 6 - 0 7 7 S Ext. m F Financial Aid And Scholarship Calendar Free To Students Through the coordinated efforts of Public Safety and fraternity members will provide NOW HIRING. M/F CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL. (CPS) - A group identifying itself only as l4 a women's group" said in a press release it was responsible for spray-painting a n t i - r a p e s l o g a n s on t w o University of Illinois fraternity houses, and promises to start <4a c a m p a i g n of direct a c t i o n " against a system that "trains men to be rapists." The spray-painted graffiti, said L a m b d a Chi Alpha President Phil Krader, "basically called us rapists." Vandals also painted slogans on the Beta Theta Pi house nearby. Krader noted the vandalism occurred shortly after The Daily Illini, the c a m p u s p a p e r , published a story about how a 15 year-old girl was raped in a UI f r a t e r n i t y h o u s e in l a t e September. The unnamed fraternity house was on the s a m e street as Lambda Chi Alpha and Beta HOPE COLLEGE ESCORT SERVICE To use the service call CRUISE SHIPS after 1:00a.m., the Public Safety Staff world, and his position in the womb is dependent on what is most comfortable for him. He is responsive to touch and cold and sound and light, tie drinks his amniotic tluid, more ii it is sweetened and less if it is given a sour taste. He gets hiccups and sucks his thumb. He wakes and sleeps, gets bored sometimes and can be taught to be will provide the escorts. alerted lor something new. Even the child'* iniancy and childhood. We is well under way and will be carried into " ' ' h o P'oblems involved with some pregnancies, w e at BIRTHRIGHT OF H O L L A i I D a /so k n o w of the warmth, satisfaction, and personal joy the experience can be as well. If you re worried about pregnancy, give us a call.... W e listen. We help. W e Care About You. H-it r W ' 1 personality L )de iUnd free pregnancy HOPE COLLEGE * > testing and counseling, Birthright, < ' ' *4 I medical Of Holland *I I I i financial assistance refernU.- personal service. 396-5840 . . . . . 21 W. 16th t • • » « • t i l l J — Nov. 11, 1987 Page 4 Entertainment Glenn-Lund Dance Puts On Exciting Show By Julie Thornes anchor Staff Writer Hope College had the privilege of presenting the Glenn-Lund Dance Company Thursday and Friday Nov. 5 and 6 in Dewitt Center Theatre. These highly acclaimed dancers have performed throughout the United States and Europe including appearances at major festivals in the Netherlands, London, Paris, the World Trade Center and many more. Having achieved such fame, they are now a member company on the touring roster of the New England Foundation for the Arts and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts. They are a resident company of the White Mountain Summer Dance Festival. The company was founded by Laura Glenn and Gary Lund in 1983 and has been performing successfully ever since. The program began with an intriguing piece titled ^Engress'* choreographed by Laura Glenn, music by Bill Buchen, and costumes by Julie Schwolow. All seven dansers in the company participated. The costumes were unitards in soft pastel colors; pinks, purples, and one brown. Sparkling arrows were on each dancer's knee pointing down to his or her ankle. The music began, and suddenly, one dancer ran on to. the dimly lit stage only to disappear behind the curtain as another leaped into view. One at a time, they appeared and disappeared running, leaping, and rolling on to the stage as the music pulsed on, never changing. Then they all emerged as one group in the center of the stage. Although they seemed to be working together as a unit, each dancer was dancing his or her own dance-all executed the same movement but in an individual pattern. For example, each leaped from a crouched position on the floor to one of complete extension in the air at different times. This kept the audience eyes jumping from one dancer to another. The number created a feeling of tense anticipation for the next burst of energy and emotion. The next piece, <4The Good Life," was performed by Laura Glenn and Gary Lund. Each wore blue work clothes, the type of clothing one would expect to see on a mechanic. The dancers portrayed a newly married couple in the early stages of their lives together. The theme was work, hard, tedious work which the dancers illustrated by executing the same motions again and again with tired, stressed expressions on their faces. In contrast, one part d e m o n s t r a t e d a t i m e of relaxation and "fun in the sun" at the beach. Next, followed a major step in their lives ^ the birth of' their child. Then, the woman had to carry the baby as she worked. Silence filled the stage as the piece ended. The couple slowly stopped the mechanical motions and looked tiredly at on another. The w o m a n pulled a handkerchief from her pocket, wiped her forhead, then wrung the sweat from the cloth. The t h i r d p i e c e , choreographed by Gary Lund, was titled <4 Wellspring," and, as the name suggests, water plays a major role in the number. The sound of wind and waves at the ocean began the piece creating an eerie mood on stage. The dancers, wearing light orange and light yellow unitards trudged slowly into view in a compact, single line leaning on each other as though exhausted. They crossed the stage, reversed direction, and started to come back. Then the continuity was broken. Suddenly the whole line disintegrated. The dancers stretched and pulled away from the unit. The tempo increased and the dancers began sliding across the floor. Sometimes one dancer would crawl on top of another forcing him or her to bend to the floor. They s e e m e d to r e s e m b l e creatures, little creature in the sea staying together like a family. The music started to fade, s o m e of t h e f a m i l y members retreated behind the curtain as though retiring for the night. All left but two who remained to play and refresh themselves with the water. Buy this time, the music has stopped, the only sounds were those of waves and wind. The lights faded, but the piece was not finished. To the audiences surprise, the stage was reilluminated with a soft yellow glow. E a c h d a n c e r entered carrying a glass bowl of water and a red towel. They situated themselves in a circle sitting on the floor and slowly dipped their hands in the water a s though a m a z e d by its consistency. F i r s t , they began letting droplets fall from their fingers. They became more playful as the movement progressed, splashing water on their faces and on each other. Suddenly the stage was alive with excitement. The dancers soaked their towels in the bowls and smacked each other with them. They slid across the slippery floor a m i d s t spraying water. Slowly the light began to form a circle around the dancers. The rest of the stage d a r k e n e d . The c i r c l e grew smaller and the dancers slowed their movements. Each retreated back to his or her own bowl, each dancer luxuriating the cleansing, cooling feeling of the water on their bodies. The stage went black. After intermission, the second half began with a piece called 4, Voices" in which costumes and life-like plastic figures played a major role. Some were larger then life, some smaller. Each resembled abstract pictures of men in different body positions placed on the stage. One was a picture of two men together, one carrying the other. Two dancers entered the stage in exactly the same position as that figure. Gracefully, the dancer swept the other to his feet only to sweep him over his shoulder and across his back again. They continued this process alternating so that at times one would be carried and the other would be carried. Effortlessly, they swung each other upon their back and then down to the floor again in an intricate pattern twisting, turning and lifting as though together they were one body moving across the floor. Finally, they reached the other Major Concert Dates Nov. 14 PETRA, Calvin College Fieldhouse, Grand Rapids. Nov. 15 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, Sensations (Beneath Dooleys), Ann Arbor. Nov. 16 EMO PHILLIPS AND LARRY "BUD" MELMAN, Miller Auditorium, Kalamazoo. Nov. 17 SAM KINISON, State Theater, Kalamazoo. Nov. 19 REO SPEEDWAGON, L.C. Walker Arena, Muskegon. Nov. 20 THE NYLONS, DeVos Hall, Grand Rapids. Nov. 21 THE CARS, Welsh Auditorium, Grand Rapids. Nov. 21 MAYNARD FERGUSON, Forest Hills Northern H.S., Grand Rapids. Nov. 21 YES, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit. Nov. 23 THE DEAD MILKMEN, Nectarine Ballroom, Ann Arbor. Nov: 25 SQUEEZE, SUte Theatre, Detroit. Nov. 27 WILLIE NELSON, Kellogg Center, Battle Creek. Dec. 1 BARRY MANILOW, Wings Stadium, Kalamazoo. Dec. 3 PAT METHENY, State Theatre, Kalamazoo. Dec. 7 JAMES TAYLOR, Welsh Auditorium, Grand Rapids. Dec. 11 JAY LENO, Masonic Temple, Detroit. Dec. 11 JOHN DENVER, Wings Stadium, Kalamazoo. Dec. 12 BOBBY McFERRIN, State Theatre, Kalamazoo. side and disappeared behind the curtain. No sooner had they made their exit, then three other dancers entered the stage in bright unitards. Each unitard was colored with intensly bright colors which seemed to outline different muscles and accentuate certain bones on each dancer. The human body and its abilities seemed to be the underlying theme as the dancers tested the limitation and freedoms their bodies allowed by twisting, leaping, and rolling across the stage. In contrast to 'Voices," in 44 F a b l e of C o n t e n t s , " t h e following piece, the dancers wore plain, blue, baggy shirts and pants, the type that a prisoner might wear. The dancers seemed to portray prisoners. Blocks that looked like c e m e n t w e r e positioned on the floor creating a prison-like setting and the dancers appeared to be trapped in their immediate enviroment like prisoners in a cell. A small table was positioned downstage on the left side. The dancers, one at a time, used the table to play ludicrous, little games. For example, one would pour water from a flask into a beaker, leave it on the table and walk away. Another would pour water into a different beaker, drink from it and walk away. Next another would pull a large contraption resembling tinkertoys, play with it and leave. During these little games, the other dancers interacted with each other, sometimes aggressively as though about to s t a r t a fight, other t i m e s playfully. Then, in the middle of the movement, all the dancers would freeze and feel their a r m s or legs as though they felt a pain in them. Suddenly the music would play a harsh note and the d a n c e r s would double over clutching their stomachs as • though the jarring music caused them pain. In the end, they retreated to his or her own block on the floor and swayed cautiously to the music alone. The l a s t w a s relievingly comical. It was titled "The Presidential Tango" featuring recorded excerpts from selected speeches by Ronald Reagan. The dancers wore white shirts, grey slacks with suspenders and red carnations. The theme of the piece seemed to emphasize confusion a s the dancers huddled together and nervously followed on another. Never wanting to stand alone while President Reagan announced, 44lt didn't have to be this way." They seemed confused as to what they were doing and why they were doing it. This, perhaps, demonstrated some indecision on the part of the American people on political issues. Sometimes one dancer would run to center stage and raise his hands in the peace sign. Immediately, the other dancers would do the same and cluster about the one who had the courage to take a stand, hoping that he had the answer. The lights went out for a moment and then flashed on again showing the dancers standing together uncertainly waving their hands in t h e air showing their fingers in the peace sign with confused expressions on their faces. All the pieces were moving, high energy pieces leaving the audience breathless after each climaxed and finished. The combination of the ability of the dancers, the use of costumes, lighting, and set, and of course, the excellent choreography of Laura Glenn and Gary Lund r e s u l t e d in a n e x c i t i n g performance. It was definitely a f a n t a s t i c addition to Hope College's Great Performance Series. WIO WIO WIG WIG WIG WIG wo Women s Issues Organization If you would like to be on our mailing list please fill out the form below and mail to: FONDA GREEN STUDENT DEVELOPMENT OFFICE NAME ADDRESS PHONE • WIG WIG WIG WIG WIG WIG Nov. 11, 1987 page 5 OPUS Sponsors Author Gabrielle Burton, author of the award-winning novel "Heartbreak Hotel" will appear at the DePree Art Gallery Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss her book and read selections from her work. Her appearnce is sponsored by Opus. "Heartbreak Hotel" is the recipient of the Great Lake C o l l e g e ' s A s s o c i a t i o n New Writer's Award, as well as the 1985 Maxwell Perkin's prize which is awarded by Charles S c r i b n e r ' s Sons. S c r i b n e r ' s considers the novel, ,4an astonishing debut. Gabrielle Burton is a passionate new voice in American fiction." The book is a wonderfully funny and absorbing novel about the lives of six women: an aging cheerleader, an ex-nun, an unhappy comic, a bitter cop, an accomplished translator who speaks without an accent, and a dancer with a body so beautiful that no one can stand not to touch it. The Library Journal heralds the bock as "surrealistic, wisec r a c k i n g , i r r e v e r a n t and touching." Burton was born in Lansing, Mich, and e a r n e d her u n d e r g r a d u a t e d e g r e e at Marygrove College in Detroit. She now lives near Buffalo, N.Y., where she is working on two new novels. Students, f a c u l t y , and members of the community are all-welcome to attend the free reading this Thursday. ll La Ronde" Michigan Pianist Series Continues Nov. 13 Mayer Has Pieces Exhibited At Detroit Institute Of Art Bill M a y e r , A s s o c i a t e Professor of Art at Hope College, will have two of his pieces exhibited at the Detroit Institute of Art. The exhibit, "Signs, Times, Writings from the Wall,4' is the first exhibition of the Ongoing Michigan Artists Program at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The exhibition opens Sunday, Nov. 22 Presented Nov. and continues through Sunday, Jan. 17. Nine artists from throughout the state are represented. 2,500 slides were submitted. 44 Signs, Times, Writings from the Wall" is open to the public without charge during regular museum hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday; closed Mondays and holidays. FAMILY DENTISTRY articles appear in the Journal of the American Liszt Society and Clavier Magazine. Dr. Nagel has received critical acclaim for his performances in Australia, Canada and Europe. During 1984, he was invited to visit the Conservatorium of Music in Sydney, Australia where he was artist-in-residence for six weeks. A graduate of the Julliard School, he studied piano with Josef Raieff and piano literature with Joseph Bloch. Subsequent to his graduation he worked with Vladimir Ashkenazy. Many of Dr. Nagel's students are active as performers, conductors, and teachers in the United States and abroad. Nagel's program will include Beethoven's 44Moonlight" Sonata, Images, Book I of Debussy, the 13th Hungarian Rhapsody of Liszt, and the Schumann Fantasy. Future performers in the series will be Sharon Kleinhuizen of Augustana College and a Grand Rapids native, Jan. 15; Silvia Roeders of Kalamazoo, Jan. 29; and Leslie Tung of Kalamazoo College, March l l . J 4s t Drivers i \ P317I Z Z A C O ^ * J Central Ave. At 13th St. {Wanted. J ( 392-6080 • * J i Attention Hope College ! G r e a t lakes Pizza wants to be your iJ i ^ pizza place. N o w offering you the only t 13 & 14 La Ronde, Arnold Schnitzler's adult comedy, will be performed November 13 and 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Studio Theatre. Unsure of who's 'leading the dance,' ten men and women from all walks of life waltz through affairs, smiling graciously as they step on each others' toes. The result is La Ronde, a circle of liasons, which takes place during the decadent final days of the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Empire of Franz Joseph. The show is directed by members of the Directing I class, each of whom were assigned one scene to direct under the g u i d a n c e of J o h n T a m m i . Members of the Costume Design class will design costumes for one character each, under the guidance of Lois Carder. Scene design will be done by student Paul Anderson, u n d e r t h e guidance of Richard Smith. Light design will be done by student Eric Alberg, under the guidance of Perry Landes. All tickets will be $1 for general seating in the Studio Theatre. Tickets are available at the ticket office Monday-Friday between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. The second concert of the Michigan Pianists Series, featuring Louis Nagel of the University of Michigan, will be held Friday, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The series is being sponsored by the Hope College music department. The s e r i e s , in honor of Michigan's Sesquicentennial, features five Michigan piano artists during the year. Louis Nagel has coupled his p e f o r m i n g c a r e e r with an equally distinguished academic one, having served on the piano faculty of the University of Michigan since 1969. He is the winner of several prestigious prizes, including the National Arts Club, Geneva International Competition, Julliard Orchestra, and National Federation of Music Clubs. He has appeared in six New York recitals, the National Gallery in Washington D.C., radio and television broadcasts, and on numerous college campuses for lectures and recitals. He has recorded the Bach Partitas for Educo Records, Inc., and has collaborated with his wife Julie J a f f e e Nagel in four-hand recitals and in lectures. His 24 Hour Emergency Service 399-0288 Students we accept your parent's insurance p., piero d.d.s. coupon w e put out for our famous Stromboli ! ! Open 7 Days M.Th. 11 AAV1 AM, F.-Sat 11 AM-2 AM Sun. 5 PM12 AM FREE DELIVERY wrrmn o u r dgjvery area M W 4 PM II PM.Th II AM I AM AJ1 Day Fh. Sat Sun Ride Inside!! trainers BIG MEAL DEAL FOR JfJST $ 95 9 GET A 16" PIZZA 1 • 4 Items Hon I J . 2-lJTER BOTTLE OF POP $1.00 off any 12" pizza 11-16 $1.00 off any 2 stromboli 11-16 plus a Rollers With This Coupon high wheeler 76 & •(ghm itrMl, hoJUnd, micKifin 49423 Expires 10/17/87 $1.00 off any 2 subs n 11-16 $1.50 off any 14" pizza PIZZA CO 11-16 I f i Nov. 11, 1987 Page 6 S.A.C. All-College Sing This Friday Night By Scott Mancinelli anchor Entertainment Editor The annual "All College Sing" will be held this Friday in Phelps Dining Hall. S.A.C. chairperson Janilyn Brouwer said the number of groups singing this year is up considerably and she expects it to be a really good show. Participating groups include: the Arcadians with t4 Sh-Boom", the Centurians, Sigma Sigma singing 44Lean On Me", The Panty Hose and t4Row Row Row Your Boat", Beeuwkes and Boyd c o t t a g e s , the Cosmopolitan fraternity, and The Unknown Choir and 4 4 rve been working on the railroad". The Sibs will sing 44Why Do Fools Fall in Love", the Field Hockey Team with the original 44 We are the Hockey Girls , VanDreezer Cottage singing 4 i Hate M e n " , Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Almost Home with "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine", the Delta Phi's will sing 44 He's so fine", and The Singing Hands will croon44We are his handy." There were also several groups that do not have names as yet. These groups will be competing to have their names engraved on the All College Sing Plaque. There will also be prizes for 2nd and 3rd places. Judging is based on musical quality, creativity, and presentation with Judges usually from Hope's faculty and staff. This years master of ceremonies will be Todd Claypool. The show is slated to start at 8 p.m. Admission is free. Alpha Phi Omega Danceathon This Saturday By Julie Thornes anchor Staff Writer Alpha Phi O m e g a , t h e National Service Fraternity, is sponsoring a danceathon from 811 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 14 in Maas Center. The purpose of the activity is to raise money for research of cystic fibrosis. Kristin Kross, a former Hope College student, died last year from the disease. It is in her honor that this dance is being held. Cystic Fibrosis is the leading cause of death among children and growing adults today. Money is needed for research, patient care, clinic support and p r o f e s s i o n a l and public education. The money acquired from pledges will be put towards these areas. To encourage participation there is a prize list as follows: with $35 and over one receives a t-shirt, $75 and over wins a t-shirt and gym bag, with $150 and over one wins a t-shirt and v-neck sweater, $500 wins a t-shirt and jam box, and with $700 and over one will win a t-shirt and 5-inch black and white television. Punch and cookies will be served for refreshment during two ten minute breaks which will occur from 8:50-9:00 and from 9:50-10:00. WTHS will provide the music. Pledge sheets will be available in the Chaplain's office and outside Phelps Cafeteria Tuesday, Nov. 3 to Thursday, Nov. 5 between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. • The Five Member Band "The Voice" i i The Voice" In Concert Nov. 15 By Scott Mancinelli anchor Entertainment Editor This Sunday Nov. 15, The Voice, a talented young band featuring five Hope students will perform a benefit concert. The concert, to be held in the Dewitt theater, is to raise money for "Trickle Up." "Trickle Up" is a new program The Census Bureau found sponsored by the Business a b o u t 21 p e r c e n t of t h e Department. The money raised population holds a college by the concert will be given to degree. destitute people in Africa to help It Pays To Graduate •r y WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS) It pays to graduate from college. College students who graduate earn an average of $672 more a month than students who drop out of college before graduating, the U.S. Census B u r e a u estimated in a report released October 1. They gross an average of $1,841 a month, while people who hold two-year degrees average $1,346 a month. " T h e p i e c e of p a p e r , " concluded the Census Bureau's Robert Kominiski in a statement accompanying the report, called "What's It Worth?" m e a n s something. (Diplomas) mean something to employers and to the success of individuals." Law, dental and med school grads, the study found, earned about five times as much per month as high school dropouts. People who earned doctorates made a little more than four times more than high school dropouts, who average $693 a month, while students with fouryear undergrad degrees made more than twice as much. them start f a r m s and raise their own food rather than having it brought and given to them, the "trickle down" method. The voice f e a t u r e s five promising Hope musicians. They are: Junior, Joel Tanis the lead v o c a l i s t ; s o p h o m o r e , Chad Dykema on drums; freshman, Cort Langeland lead guitarist; sophomore, Paul Chamness on k e y b o a r d s , and s o p h o m o r e , Charlie Hoats playing bass. The band has a wealth of their own m a t e r i a l , w h i c h a l l members generally contribute to equally, but says Chad Dykema, "We've got a couple of covertunes saved for the concert as a special surprise." The bands hopes this concert will give them the added exposure they need to become known on the college circuit and e v e n t u a l l y , the commercial market. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at WTHS for $3 or $4 at the door. Anchor Files 5 Years Ago today... Nov. 11, 1982 - The DeWitt Center was undergoing expansion and renovation to include more administrative offices. Signs were springing up around c a m p u s t h a t r e a d : "Better dead than r e d . " 15 Years ago today... Nov. 11,1972 - Study programs in Greece and England were offered for the first time. Richard Nixon had Just been reelected President. A pizza and a pitcher of soda cost $3.99. 25 years ago today... Nov. 11, 1962 - A new pipe organ was added to the music d e p a r t m e n t . Hope had a competitive debate team. The anchor ran a weekly column entitled, l4Weekend Social Chatter". Remodeled i-pvy* n ^C^Ba|icr Book House / 43 E. 8th St. Downtown Holland 396-1473 Houis: Daily 'nl S:30. M e n . . Thurs. & FH. *lU9 r f 3 i [ ,••>!» Nov. 11, 1987 Page 7 Feature Corp Representative m&ijSmL ^ ^ r *.i Gives Slide Show By Scott Mancinelli anchor Entertainment Editor Library Work Moves inside By Tad Hoogendoorn Special to the anchor Over the past couple of months as you have walked by it, you hve obviously noticed the progress made on the exterior of the new Van Wylen Library. All of the benches, trees, and sidewalks do indeed look great, but have you ever wondered how the inside is coming along? Ever since the completion of the exterior of the building this summer, crews have been busy working on the interior of Van Wylen. A few weeks ago, all of the library employees were invited to take a tour of the new library, and they saw they described as "incredible". The most prominent feature of Van Wylen is its size. It holds four floors and a massive basement, giving much more room for book stacks and student study areas. The basement is yet u n f u r n i s h e d . W h e n it is completed, it will hold a large number of book stacks, and also feature a few small student study rooms. The main floor will be a busy center of activity. The main entrance features a double set of doors that will serve as a windbreak. A f t e r passing throught he second set of doors, library patrons will have to ascend a few steps to get to the main level of the first floor. The first floor will contain the majority of the offices, a room containing vending machines, and of course, lots of book stacks. The second and third floors are still quite b a r e , but when completed will generally be devoted to book stacks and a few study rooms. The fourth and final floor is almost completely furnished. The walls and ceilings are already painted, and carpet covers the entire floor. The two main features on the top floor are the high cathedral ceilings and the skylight above the top of the stairs going to the fourth floor. And of course, the view is incredible. Other interesting physical features of the building include individual study carrels built into the walls on most floors. Also, all * QUAD 31 foong US-JT on UJjverlV fld - S. o# 16th SL 392-5526 The Hidden Baby Boom (NO Tues Discount) THCATCR • DOUJKTOUJN HOUPND • 392-8906 4th Floor /2 off any $4.00 ticket - 1 or 2 tickets - with this entire ad - good thru Steel Dawn Hello Again 1 /2 off any $4.00 ticket - 1 or 2 tickets - with this entire ad - good thru 10-15 These films may change $1.50 all seats & shows Peace Corps On-Campus Interviews November 18,1987 1 Fatal Attraction P^HOLlflND of the study rooms have the same window pattern as the windows on the outside of the building. So far, Van Wylen is looking good both outside and inside. The library will have new operational features as well, which will be highlighted in the anchor in the next few weeks. On Monday evening, Laurie Straud, a Peace Corps representative, held a movie and slide presentation entitled, "The Toughest Job You'll Ever Have." T h e p u r p o s e of t h e presentation was to explain to interested students the current changes going on in the corps and to give them the basic facts on what the Peace Corps does. The Peace Corps works in i m p o v e r i s h e d and underprivelged nations at the r e q u e s t of t h o s e n a t i o n s . Currently the Peace Corps has v o l u n t e e r s w o r k i n g in 62 different countries. Up until recently competition for Peace Corps spots had been heavy, the Corps actually had to refuse many qualified applicants. This was in part due to lack of funding and support from the Reagan administration. This has dramatically changed, the Corps plan on near-doubling its curent membership from 5,600 to 10,000. The most important needs for the Peace Corps are college graduates with degrees in or relating to forestry, fisheries, and agricultural-extension. The Corps also has a need for graduates in teaching, health, skilled trades, and business. There are 60 different work fields in the Peace Corps. 85 percent of them require a college degree. Interested applicants m u s t fill out a 13-page application in which they must include in detail everything they have ever been active in, school, work, classes, school activities, clubs, community service, etc. Applicants must also pass a physical health test and complete 3 months of training which takes place in the country that they will serve in. During the 3 m o n t h s l a n g u a g e , technical, and crops cultural training is emphasized. Straud, who spent three years in Thailand, said she joined the Peace Corps because she had a l w a y s b e e n i n v o l v e d in community service and she had also been interested in other countries and their cultures. The Peace Corps was a logical way to Pr nce ! Pf Darkness Your first job after graduation should offer you more than just a paycheck. In science, education, agriculture, forestry, home economics, industrial arts and other areas, Peace Corps volunteers are putting their degrees to work where it's needed most while gaining the experience of a lifetime: • Currently 34 graduate schools across the country reserve scholarships and assistantships specifically for former Peace Corps members. Many graduate schools offer academic credit for Peace Corps service. • Quality work experience recognized by employers. • Non-competitive eligibility for U.S. Government jobs. • Language skills. • Postponement of educational loans. • $4,200 completion-of-service allowance. • Opportunity to travel and to experience new cultures. • And much more. Contact your Placement Office for an interview appointment today. Peace Corps Michigan and Ohio Area Office 477 Michigan Ave., Room M-74 Detroit, Michigan 48226 In Michigan call (313) 226-7928. Ohio residents call 1-800-521-8686. DET2 v . «£v Nov. 11, 1987 Page 8 The Ugly American Retail Prices, Nao, And TV Commercials Editor's note: The following article is the ninth in a series which will chronicle the exploits, adventures, and thoughts of David Lambert during his travels in Japan on the Japan May Term last spring. By David Lambert My second week in Tokyo was a time in which the unfamiliar began to look commonplace, and the city began to blend together. T h e r e were some new experiences — I went to a Bhuddist worship service, and discovered the difficulties inherent in using a Japanese toilet for the number two job. A Japanese toilet requires extremely strong thigh muscles because it is basically like a Western style toilet without a pedestal. To use one, you must squat and relieve yourself without falling over — quite a trick. I had occasion to use one when a person who was in the 4 'handicapped" (Western style) stall in a public bathroom did not come out. When I finished my struggle to use the J a p a n e s e toilet, I emerged from the stall to find a man who worked for Meiji Gakuin, who had come along on that day's expedition, outside. After he heard my complaint about the toilets he quipped, 4< When I visited your country, I had that problem too." In my second week in Tokyo, I also discovered that Akihabara, Tokyo's retail electronics district, is the ultimate place to ogle stereo equipment. Prices are higher there than they a r e in the U.S. because Japanese firms would prefer to export their merchandise. In addition, prices are higher because there are generally twice as m a n y middlemen in J a p a n than there are in America between the wholesale and retail levels. As an example of the price difference, the Sony Walkman Pro, which retails for $250-$300 here retails for the equivalent of $340-$365 there. One item which was expecially high-priced was the Shure V15 type five phono cartridge — imported from Illinois. Here, it costs about $150. There, it costs 66,000 yen, or about $440. In any case, the electronics were f a n t a s t i c : A k i h a b a r a offered floor after floor of mindboggling equipment. The equipment is mostly high or low class; very little of it is mid line. Endless shelves of amplifiers, turntables, CD players, cassette decks and digital audio tape decks were enough to give an audio enthusiast like myself heart palpitations. My trip to Akihabara provided me with another chance to get lost in Tokyo. However, this time I knew how to get lost. 1 planned to follow a train line which ran east-west from Akihabara to the Ochanomizu and Suidobashi station. After I had been walking for a while, I discovered that I had followed the wrong train line — a line which ran roughly northsouth. No harm was done though. I asked some people in a record shop where I was, and hopped on the subway when I found out. Thereafter, I depended on the sun much more to orient myself, and believed falsely that subway stations were close enough together that I could always walk until I found a station if 1 got lost. It was about this time that I formulated the erroneous theory that Japanese people do not cheat on the subway system because to cheat the subway system would be a breach of f a m i l y honor. I had been cheating the system of small amounts of money — ten or twenty yen here, a hundred yen there — and felt guilty about it, although not guilty enough to stop cheating. I theorized that Japanese people would not cheat the system because it would violate their family's honor. In fact, I was wrong: quite a few Japanese people cheat the subway system without guilt if they think that nobody in their group will find out. Bruce Wilkerson, the professor who taught the American Studies class, pointed out that gaijin think that Japanese people have rigorous individual moral standards because, their moral behavior in groups is so good. In fact this is not the case: in private, morality is generally non-existent. Of course, it is a caricature to say the Japanese people h a v e no i n d i v i d u a l morality: I spent fruitless words trying to convince Tom Sato that bilking the subway system of a few yen per ride Is the right thing to do. My argument was that because everyone cheats the system, subway fares a r e higher than they would be if everyone was honest. Thus, those who pay the correct fare are fools because they are paying more than they should for their rides. Tom's argument was simple: 44 just be honest," he implored, dodging the philosophical reasons not to be. On Wednesday of my second week In Tokyo, my home stay began. I had met my host, Naonori (Nao) Kimura, on the previous Friday at a reunion for the alumni of the Meijl Gakuin program to Hope. Nao was twenty-five, and taught English In high school. After our first meeting, I had the impression that Nao lived alone. A family did not materialize until I was on the way to his house. Then he told me .that he was living with his parents, and had a brother and sister, both In their teens. This was my first Indication that Nao might be having some problems with his family. As It turned out, he was: his family problems centered around Nao's career choice. Nao's father wanted him to join the family business; he owns one of the most respected fishing supply businesses In Tokyo, and has several stores. The stores have been In the family for three generations, and because Nao Is the oldest son, his father had expected that after he retired, Nao would inherit the business. The problem was that Nao wanted no part of the business. As a teacher, he was not making enough money to move out of the house, so Nao was stuck under his father's roof unless he joined the business as his father wanted him to do. Because of this conflict, there d i d n ' t s e e m to b e m u c h communication within the family on vital matters: it seemed, for example, that Nao had told Meiji Gakuin that he wanted to host a student without clearing it e n t i r e l y with his f a m i l y m e m b e r s . His p a r e n t s and siblings were cordial enough to me when I arrived, but they didn't seem thrilled by my p r e s e n c e . P a r t of t h e i r ambivalence towards me might have been because of the fact that Nao was the only member of the family who could speak good English-his siblings came out with o c c a s i o n a l English sentences, as did his mother, but it was hard to judge how good they were at speaking the language. His mother's grasp of English was especially amorphous: she greeted me in what seemed to be fluent English when I arrived, but her proficiency seemed to d e c l i n e d a i l y . F i n a l l y she apologized to me because she could not speak English (in English, of course). Nao's father was easier to figure out — he spoke no English, save for a perfunctory word or two. As a result, I communicated with him mostly through the judicious use of grunts. I was again confronted with the fact that I should have learned some Japanese before I went to Japan. The home stay lasted from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday night. During that time Nao's family gradually warmed up to me: by the night of the barbecue at Nao's uncle's apartment, I had won them over on my own merits. Nao's father grunted in a kinder, m o r e understanding tone, and they Invited me back for dinner the next Sunday. Some exerpts from my journal about the homestay follow: I went on a quick tour of Tokyo with Nao today. We went to Tower Records in Shlbuya, w a l k e d t h r o u g h t h e NHK television studios, observed the view from Tokyo Tower, and walked through Roppongl (a district which features a host of clubs and discos). Tower Records was a disappointment (Tower Records In Manhattan Is much better) but going there gave me a chance to see justice being meted out on the streets of Shlbuva. As we w a l k e d t h r o u g h Shlbuya this morning, we saw a shopekeeper who was wrestling with a man on the sidewalk who was somewhat unkempt and apparently drunk. The man, who was rumored to have stolen something from the shopkeeper's store, was struggling weakly to extricate himself from the loose headlock the shopkeeper held him in. The police were said to be on the way, but I didn't watch the cont. on page 10 pillar Christian i k f o r m c b Ctjurct) A mcmcm onmrn *S™KAI BMIOUK, Homemakers Wanted! Top Pay! C.I. 121 24th Ave. N.W. Suite 222 Norman, OK 73069 oto&nom ir* INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WlT-{ THEM SUNDAY 9 30 A M & 6 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL 10;6C a m NURSERY PROVIDED AT B O T H « ^ R - . " C r j . CHILDREN t WORSHIP SERVICE PRE-SCHOOiERS HELD DUPING A M SKPVIC: REV C. VANDERMEYDEN STUDY—392-5474 PART-TIME SWIM CHURCH 392-8686 LOCATED BETWEEN 9TH b 10TH ATCOLLEGE *** INSTRUCTOR 1 p.m..3p.m. What if you dorit get into the grad school of your choice? Of course, you may get into another school, but why settle? Prepare for the LSAT, GMAT, ORE. MCAT or any grad school entrance exam with the best test prep organization— Stanley H. Kaplan. For nearly 50 years. Kaplan's test-taking techniques have prepared over 1 million students for admission and licensing tests of all kinds. So call. Why go to just any grad school, when you can go to the right one? j> KAPLAN STANLEY H. K API AN EDUCATIQNAl CBMTER OD. DONT COMPETE WITH A KAPLAN STUDENT-BE ONE 2627 east Beltline 1 1 doily Mon- Fri Prefer mole h instructor as necessary to monitor men s locker room APPLY AT : Holland Community Pool 170 W . 22 st. Between 8-3 p.m Grand Rapids, Ml 957-9701 or call 392- 8 8 5 0 MONDAY NIGHT • FOOTBALL NIGHT HOT DOGS 50c TUESDAY NIGHT - FREE PIZZA NIGHT 8-10 JERRY SPRAGUE ON GUITAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT • MIKE GRADY ON GUITAR THURSDAY NIGHT • COLLEGE NIGHT SUPER BEERS $1.50 FRIDAY NIGHT DJ & DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT - AFTERNOON FOOTBALL SERVING CHILI Live Entertainment Tuesday & Wednesday 396-4577 • River A v e n u e b e t w e e n 9th & 10th ' Nov. 11, 1987 Page 9 Hunger Remains A Problem In Central America Editor's note: The following was provided by the Mortar In spite of today's vast a r r a y of knowledge and technological advances, we a r e still unable to feed the people of the world. Contrary to popular belief, world hunger is not a thing of the past, but is instead a very real problem of the present. The thought of "out of sight, out of mind" does not alleviate the fact that hunger continues to be a major contributor a s well a s a cause of worldwide fatalities. Hunger p e r m e a t e s many regions of the world including Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, South America, and Latin America. The Latin American hunger problem is somewhat perplexing, for they have the capabilities to curtail this dilemma, but, as of yet, have failed to do so. t e r r i t o r i e s . T h i s l a c k of education inhibits the ability of Latin American people to help themselves. They then become dependent upon others for help, such a s the government or charitable nations, who only give relief sporadically, if at all. A second m a j o r cause c o n t r i b u t i n g to u n d e r f e d populations is the presence of social inequality. In Honduras, 44 percent of the people a r e landless and 90 percent of rural families a r e too poor to afford an adequate diet. In G u a t e m a l a , C e n t r a l America's richest, largest, and most industrialized nation, two thirds of the national income goes to one quarter of the p o p u l a t i o n . 66 p e r c e n t of Guatemalan f a r m land is owned by only 3 percent of f a r m families, and 83 percent of the rural population lives on lots so small the land can't adequately Central America S a n Sa (v EL S A L V A D O R N I C A R A G UA Pacific Ocean A common misconception is provide enough food for the that hunger is caused by a lack of f a m i l y t h a t o w n s it. T h e food available in the world, yet problems a r e n ' t getting any better, either. this is f a r from being accurate. El S a l v a d o r ' s landless With c u r r e n t technology and growth capabilities, it is possible population was only 12 percent in to feed everyone in the world 1960, but had risen to 60 percent sufficiently to sustain their lives. b y 1980, d u e l a r g e l y t o Latin America is one of the g o v e r n m e n t t a k e o v e r s of w o r l d ' s r i c h e s t a g r i c u l t u r a l a g r a r i a n lands for crop exports. regions, but its population is still Wages are vastly inadequate. o n e of t h e e a r t h ' s m o s t Most f a n n e r s end up migrating malnourished. If this is the case, to the large government f a r m s in then why isn't hunger being an attempt to support their families, but can only muster 50 eliminated? Hunger is caused by a number cents to 2 dollars per day in of i n t e r r e l a t e d f a c t o r s . A wages. P e r h a p s the heart of the grassroots cause is the lack of education within countries, to hunger problem is created by which Latin America is no governmental indifference. The exception. Though education is goverments of Latin America obtainable, it is usually only h a v e for the most part neglected a c h i e v e d by the p r i v i l e g e d to implement strong education classes, and rarely by rural systems, have misappropriated i n h a b i t a n t s . In o n e L a t i n science and technology to m a k e American country, Guatemala, w a r instead of food, and they the adult literacy r a t e w a s a h a v e gobbled up fertile land to m e r e 37 percent in rural areas. grow crops for export and profit The literacy r a t e even extends to r a t h e r than to feed their own *, * < < »» as low a s 20 percent in some , people. >. These cash crops replace the staple food that were once grown in the region, causing many Latin American countries to import much of the food used for i n t e r n a l c o n s u m p t i o n . Any attempt to alter the economics and social structures of the countries is brutally repressed by the goverment. Any threats to the privileged classes are viewed a s intolerable and human rights a r e thrown to the wind, as often times whole villages a r e massacred. By repressing any efforts to improve social inequality, the government is able to maintain a vast supply of cheap labor, which m a k e s t h e p r o f i t a b i l i t y of exports much higher, thus enabling the subsequent p u r c h a s e s of m i l i t a r y equipment. The warring nations of C e n t r a l A m e r i c a c a u s e h u n d r e d s of t h o u s a n d s of inhabitants to be displaced from their homes and to flee to refugee c a m p s where food is scarce in supply. upon government aid. Giving land is not enough, however. There needs to be technical assistance and training given to f a r m e r s in things such as hybrids and s t r a t e g i c planning. C r e a t i v e and manageable systems of credit need to be extended to rural families a s well a s the protection of their rights and resources. Education must be emphasized and medical assistance h a s to be obtainable from these people in order to m a k e them self-reliant. El S a l v a d o r Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua No s i n g l e r e m e d y c a n possible cure a problem that results in the deaths of tens of thousands of children in the world every day, as well as many adults. Starvation is only a portion of the slaughter caused by hunger. Malnourished bodies a r e more susceptible to disease, decrease productivity, lead to higher infant mortality rates, and shorten life expectancies. Major reforms in a variety of disciplines a r e necessary to curb the atrocities of hunger. An obvious start is the needed support of governmental units. This s u p p o r t is not easily obtainable, but for hunger to ever be completely eradicated, it is essential. In light of this fact it is n e c e s s a r y to r e d i s t r i b u t e agrarian land back to private ownership. Steps have been taken in Central America to do this. In Nicaragua, over the last few years, more than 50,000 families have been given title to lands under agrarian reform. Though there is still a long way to go, this is a formidable step in the right direction. By giving land back to those who have been displaced by war (numbering in the millions), people will be able to get away from dependence I PREPARE FOR: of complex networks that need to be managed in order to bring this problem under control. Efforts a r e under way to vigorously combat hunger, yet the fight cannot be won without more support, cooperation, and hard work. Organization such a s the P e a c e Corps and Oxfam of America are just the tip of the iceberg for a hunger free Central America and, some day, world. If you a r e i n t e r e s t e d in learning more about hunger and doing something about it, contact Literacy Life Infant Population Mfi Emgt?ncY MprtgiltV 5.1 7.7 3.9 2.6 62 % 58 years 59 y e a r s 53/1000 77/1000 54 y e a r s 58 y e a r s 117/1000 37/1000 million million million million 47 % 59 % 88 % Many groups and countries participate in p r o g r a m s that attempt to assist those regions of the world c h a r a c t e r i z e d by hunger. As can be seen from the evidence, both the causes of hunger and the remedies consist the Chaplain's Office, or Paul Harper, at x6465. Lakeshore Limousine Service 24 HR. ANSWERING RADIO D I S P A T C H E D SERVICE Formats This Weekend ?? Why not go in style Coll us for our Hope prices "Luxury transportation at an affordable price.' Phone; (616) 392-5380 Telephone Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. I if GMAT EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. TEST PRBMUnON SPECUL6TS SMCE1938 -2828 Call Days, Eves & Weekends session 2 6 2 7 east Beltline G r a n d Rapids, Ml 11-14-87 torn*** C«mtn in Mon Than 125 Mapx U S OmftAtKoad FwMMwj*! iHarwlm k OUTSIOC N.Y. STATE CAjf* XL FREE Mt-ttl-ITtt ' ' * ( * ALMANZA SALON Nov. 11, 1987 Page 10 LAMBERT cont. from page 8 spectacle long enough to find out if they ever got there. We also went to see a couple of the shops Nao's father owns. One of the stores takes up four or five floors of a building whose floor space per floor is about that of a medium to large American newspaper shop. One thing which contiunally amazes me is the fact that almost everything in Tokyo s e e m s m o r e v e r t i c a l than horizontal, although Tokyo is not a particularly tall city. A quick visit to one of Nao's aunts was also part of the itinerary. Her apartment was five floors up, above another fishing store which Nao's father owns. The apartment was fairly spacious by Tokyo standards. Two rooms — the main room and a bedroom, plus a small laundry area — were in view, and one or two bedrooms may have lurked behind a couple of closed doors. The main room was a combination living room, kitchen, and dining room. The window there had a great view of the railroad tracks. We sat on the couch in the living room area as Nao talked with his aunt. I offered a few tentative Japanese words, such as t4 Tokyo keko des." I thought t h a t m e a n t < 4 T o k y o is wonderful," but it turned out to mean something like 44 (I've) eaten enough of Tokyo: it's good." The children of Nao's aunt — two girls and one boy, all preschool age — played a video game on the floor. A baby crayfish on the coffee table sat rather forlornly in a red plastic bucket with a few pebbles on the bottom. Childish pictures of strangely distorted animals were displayed on a filing cabinet next to the couch. Water stains spotted the living room ceiling, which also sported three bare fluorescent tubes. There was an oriental rug on the tatami in the bedroom, a few Japanese dolls in their protective cases, and a pink quilted cover on the phone. The most notable thing about our visit was the envelope Nao's aunt handed him. It was a piece of "happy mail:" inside there was a questionnaire and a letter from a computer dating service which p r o m i s e d a " h a p p y beginning," a 4 'happy time," and a "happy ending." 1 had the distinct feeling that Nao was a little pissed at his aunt for her invasion of his privacy, a feeling which was augmented whe he tore up the happy mail and tucked it carefully back inside its envelope. Y e s t e r d a y , ( S u n d a y ) , the Kimuras treated me to a tour of the J a p a n e s e equivalent of Williamsburg. The name of the place is Nihon Minka-en, and it's located in Kawasaki city. There were craftsmen making traditional straw sandals and raincoats, and plenty of historic houses and shops. After our tour of the village, we ate lunch at a restaurant whose menu was a cross between Japanese and American cooking. I had onion soup and fried pork which I ate with a knife and fork (gasp). What followed was supposed to be a trip down to Yokohama, but turned out to be a tour of Japanese traffic jams. We ended up s t o p p i n g only once in Y o k o h a m a to o b s e r v e a miniature road rally which was being conducted with surprisingly powerful radiocontrolled, gas-powered cars. The cars were only about a foot and a half or two feet long, but they were doing a remarkable job of tearing up the turf. We finally stopped at one of the family's fishing supply stores. This store was run by another one of Nao's uncles. His aunt, uncle and cousins lived above the store in an apartment which we went up to for a barbecue. The patio where we had the barbecue was at the back of the apartment, and f e a t u r e d a r a t h e r unassuming view of a parking lot. Bare bulbs were hung artlessly on a clothesline for the occasion. About eight members of Nao's family and I gathered around the large boxy grill at the center of the patio. We barbecued lamb, beef, squid, and potatoes on the grill. There was also sashimi. which was very good because it h a d b e e n m a r i n a t e d in something, watermelon, (a real luxury) and ice cream. After I had become quite full, I stretched out on the patio with my feet near the grill, and had my head in the living room — the living room and patio were separated by a sliding door. Casey Kasem was on the radio, and I was so comfortable I didn't want to get up. Nao, who was lying beside me, was not quite as comfortable as I was, because his family was talking about his future marital plans. While I was at the Kimuras, 1 watched a lot of television with them. Quite a bit of Japanese TV is home grown, although some American movies and TV shows are imported, and are dubbed flawlessly. Sometimes the effect of the dubbing was hilarious, as it was when I happened to tune in Jimmy Swaggart waving a Bible and speaking in Japanese. The dubbing technicians had even added the correct amount of echo for the auditorium he was speaking in. An American movie, which I saw a few minutes of at the Kimuras, was set in the American South. When I tuned in, a car chase was in progress. The Kimuras had a bilingual set, so I could toggle between the original English and the dubbed J a p a n e s e . Doing this, I discovered that the e n t i r e soundtrack had been remixed for the Japanese version; the music and sound was the same, but it wasn't in sync with the original. The spirit of the movie's translation also seemed out of sync: the translation had none of the Southern feel of the original. 1 wondered how much of the film would make sense to a Japanese viewer. Japanese produced shows did not seem to be as well done as their American counterparts, although the fact that 1 didn't speak Japanese probably made my judgements harsher. The first Japanese show which 1 saw in lioka, and which I continued to see, was a Japanese version of Solid Gold. It struck me as a little chincy, although Solid Gold itself is more than a little chincy to begin with. The interesting thing about the singers who starred on the show was that they made motions which emulated those of American pop stars, but they w e r e d o n e in a d e l i c a t e Japanese way. A rather puzzling bit of TV production w a s a show in which the buglike villain attracted thattention of the hero by playing a violin. The hero, an apparently ordinary young man, would go through a Supermanesque t r a n s f o r m a t i o n , a n d would proceed to fight the villain. 1 was tempted to try to analyze what the show said about the Japanese mind, but then again, there are some things which really should not be overanalyzed. Japanese commercials also should not be overanalyzed, but they do seem to provide some clues to the nature of Japanese life. One of the first impressions 1 cont. on page 12 Do you think it's appropriate tor the Frame: media to scrutinize the private lives of political figures? IT*. rv DougBixby Junior Sara Roelfsema Junior "Yes, because their personal lives reflect their opinions and not all decisions are made objectively. But then, smoking marijuana in 1960 being held against Ginsburg may not reflect his political opinions." "No, because that's their own personal business and things that go on in their personal life have nothing to do with what goes on in their own political position. Especially with this smoking marijuana back in the 60's. I think that has no bearing on whether he'll be a good political official." Jonathan Hoffman Sophomore t4 No, but I think in the Ginsburg case, the President s h o u l d h a v e looked m o r e thoroughly into his background before getting embarassed and humiliated. As far as Hart goes, that's his own problem. If you look at America, that's normal. Are they looking for a super hero? Besides, as a friend of mine said, t h ^ media doesn't scrutinize, the pttblic does. ,M , .-=3< TP Chris Schorl Senior 44 Yeah, I think even political figures should set an example. And if they wish to have extramarital affairs, they should be more discrete. I think the Ginsburg (issue) is overplayed, though." Craig Forsman Senior "I think so. I think the public is entitled to know what's going on n with their leaders. Personally, I don't think I'd want a president like Gary Hart who fools around on his wife..." Page 11 Nov. 11, 1987 Sports Dutchmen Blast Olivet 48-14 By Ben Hanneman anchor Sports Editor The Flying Dutchmen football team hosted the Olivet Comets Saturday in the final regular season game of the season and remained undefeated in the MIAA with a 48-14 blowout. Before the Comet fans could warm up their seats the Dutchmen had jumped out to a 10-0 lead on a Duy Dang field goal and a 12-yard touchdown run by quarterback Mark Hahn. F r o m t h a t point on t h e Dutchmen were never threatened as they conducted a virtual clinic on the finer points of MIAA football allowing Coach Ray Smith massive substitutions late in the game. Offensively t h e Dutchmen compiled a total of 464 yards, 328 of which came via the running attack including three of the six touchdowns. Sophomore tailback Chris Dui7ee and senior running back Keith Stewart teamed up for 166 yards and two touchdowns. Junior Tim Peterson caught three passes for 40 yards. On the other side of the scrimmage line the Dutchmen defense allowed just 18 yards in the first half as they blanked the Comets for most of t h r e e quarters. The Comets could generate less than 200 yards offensively all afternoon as Hope showed why they are the number one defense in the l e a g u e allowing an average of just 94 yards per game. Led by seniors Don Dahlquist and Craig Forsman, both playing their final game as Dutchmen, the defensive alignment racked up five sacks for minus 29 yards. With just under four minutes gone in the third quarter Tim Lamie flew through the offensive line, blocked the punt and recovered the ball in the end zone to put Hope up 20-0. With the win the Dutchmen remained atop the MIAA with a perfect 6-0 record in the league play and captured their ninth outright title under Smith since 1970. The contest also marked the final appearance for thirteen seniors who have been part of t h r e e MIAA c h a m p i o n s h i p teams, were part of the first undefeated team and were also a part of the first team to make it to t h e NCAA Division I I I playoffs. Less than V j mile j C j " r y ^ from the Holland L t A' FITNESS CENTER DeVette Coaches Last Game Longtime Hope coach Russ DeVette was on the sidelines guiding the defensive fortunes of the Flying Dutchmen football team for the final time last Saturday afternoon when Hope defeated Olivet and wrapped up the MIAA championship. DeVette will retire from the college faculty at the end of the current academic year. DeVette has had an association with Hope College dating back to the 1940,s as a student-athlete and since 1948 as a coach. As a student, he was a standout basketball player. In 1947 he was voted the MIAA's first most valuable player. he joined the Hope staff as an assistant football coach and the hed coach in m e n ' s basketball and track. He served as Hope's head football coach for 15 years, leading the Dutchmen to MIAA titles in 1958 and 1963. Since 1970 he h a s been d e f e n s i v e coordinator. During his career he has also been head coach In baseball and women's track. From 1956 to 1961 DeVette was head coach of three major sports (football, basketball and baseball) in the same season. As a head coach, he led Hope to 14 MIAA championships — nine in basketball, two each in baseball and football, and one in women's track, he has been an assistant coach on 17 other league championship teams. "Russ has meant so much to so many people," said head football coach Ray Smith. "To narrow it down to the football program, he has just been a m a j o r Influence in my own life as a person, a s a Christian and as a football coach." 4< So o f t e n t h e c h a i n of command in football is that the assistants learn from the head coach, but I can unequivocally say that I have learned so much from Russ and I have given back so little to him," continued Smith. "He helped m e greatly when I came to Hope. I was young and sort of wet behind the ears. I feel that a s I gained maturity a lot of that c a m e because of the influence of Russ as a leader. He will be greatly missed." stadium! The "Total Student Rates Available Experience $23 - one month $60 - 3 months ff $ 1 1 0 - 6 months Of Running Tanning Beds Available! Ben J. Hanneman Sports Editor women! meny aerobic classes available! CALA DANCING m-th 5:30 m-w sat JAKIE SORENSEN Specialized cusioned 6:45 floor for aerobics. y.QQ sat 9:05 am 10:30am STARTING NOVEMBER 1st Filipino martial Arts Martial m-w 7:30pm Bring LD for discount on tanning beds One of Michigan's Largest 4 7 4 CENTURY LANE HOLLAND. M l 4 0 4 2 3 (616)396-2901 Free Weight and nautils clubs. By Ben J. Hanneman anchor Sports Editor The mood was pensive as the Hope cross-country team headed for Albion and what would be for many of us the final meet of the season. Some people slept, but more played Euchre — the official game of the 1987 season — trying to steer clear of dwelling too intensively on the impending race. That bus ride to Albion was the final time I would be a member of any Dutchmen team, and I feel p r o u d to h a v e b a d t h e opportunity to be i part of the "total experience of running" that coach Vanderbiit h a s talked of all season. It's a feeling like no other to be a p a r t of a team that really cares about everyone regardless of their race results. Win or lose they're all behind you. Little did 1 realize back in August when we began practice as a team that this total experience would include having to shave my ankle and even getting passed by in a race by a 4'!!" Calvin runner. That's right ladies. I can now say with confidence I don't envy you regarding the chore. It's not easy, especially when you cut yourself, right? As far as the Calvin runner passing me, well, just imagine how you would feel if someone half your size and weight went wheeling past you a s if you were standing still? It's not a pleasant sight. Calvin was tough this year. Then again, when a r e they ever n o t t o u g h in a n y s p o r t ? Volleyball, maybe? Anyway, we are still not giving up Hope — pardon the pun. The team still has the regional meet Friday to put something together against Calvin. Win or lose at the regionals, I think we owe it to this team to show our support at the national competition on Nov. 21 a t the Holland Country Club. To all runners on the 1987 Hope cross-country team, and to coach Vanderbiit, and to all those that supported me in my only season in any Dutchmen uniform, 1 say thank-you for making it all worthwhile. Not bad for a pseudo-runner, eh? Page 12 Nov. 11, 1987 Greg Foster Gets Set For 1988 (Olympics in Seoul W.C. H e i n z , t h e g r e a t sportswriter, wrote in "A Tale of Two Pitchers" that there was no reason to tell the particular baseball he was about to narrate, except that it happened. Well, there is no reason in particular to tell this story at this time, a tale of three hurdlers, and politics, and sport. Except that it happened. And Greg Foster is a remarkable young athlete, with a singular tale of his own. Cosell Howard Cosell Emmy and I saw him some days ago, for the first time in a long time, at the finish line of the New York City Marathon. The 29 year-old F o s t e r , for those unfamiliar with him, runs the 110 meter hurdles and the 200-meter dash. He won the silver medal in Los Angeles for the hurdles. He says he lost the gold to Roger Kingdon — whom he has beaten 20 times since then — because he thought there was a false start to the race, and he slowed down momentarily. He never got a chance to make up the lost time, and never quite regained the level of concentration he says is key to winning a hurdling event. There's just 15 meters to the first hurdle, 10 to each succeeding hurdle, and 15 meters to the finish line. If you don't start off fast, you don't win. That slow start has haunted him for almost four years. His aim in life once was winning an Olympic gold medal. Now, things are a little more complicated than that, goals and motivations less clear, after the events of August 1985. That was when Greg Foster lost his mother, his 5 year-old namesake nephew, his two aunts and his 14 year-old cousin in a hit-and-run car accident. Not everyone died at once. Foster's mother lingered several weeks. The tragedy shattered him and his life, and he no longer cared to compete for anything, least of all a gold medal. Then his father and sister spoke to him. They encouraged him to return to competition. As is often the case, they told him it would please his mother, it would make her happy and proud. Foster listened. And he began to run again and to beat Kingdon at every turn. He has never bested Renaldo N e h e m i a h ' s world- record hurdling time of 12.93 Korea? Nehemiah has been seconds. But his best time is 13 Foster's closest friend, his rival, flat — Kingdon won the gold his nemesis, his mentor for 10 medal with a time of 13.21. years. Foster tells me he thinks Foster's chances for a gold football has ruined Renaldo. medal are very good. That it banged him up pretty But then, there is Korea. good, and that he's out of shape That's what Foster wanted to for running. He has got to qualify talk about two weeks ago for the team. But if he does, Sunday, as we watched the Foster says he'll go to South marathoners stream through __ Korea. After all, Renaldo didn't Central Park and cross the finish compete in 1980 because of the line. About the Olympics. About boycott, and couldn't compete in South Korea. About how 1988 will 1984 because he played for the 49ers. If he can do it this time, he will. What of Moses, then? I asked. Like Nehemiah, Edwin Moses is also a close friend of Foster's and a rival. Edwin will go to South Korea, too, Foster says. For the same reasons. It's his last shot. He'll take it wherever he can get it. Even in a war zone. People overheard us talking. "I don't understand what you're so worried about," one of them said to Greg. "They'll guarantee your security." Like they guaranteed the security of the Israeli athletes at Munich?" E m m y asked. No one had a reply. Later, we said goodbye and wished Greg luck whatever he be his last chance to go to the decides to do. He has a very Games and to win the gold. And difficult choice before him. In how he is deeply disturbed about truth, it is a choice neither he, the site of the games. He calls nor Renaldo Nehemiah, nor South Korea a war zone. He Edwin Moses, nor any athlete doesn't think his security can be should have to make. Foster, a guaranteed there. Not his, nor UCLA graduate, is an intelligent, the security of any of the athletes articulate young man. No one who go there. need tell him that politics is an In fact, Foster can't make up integral part of sports. He has his mind about going. He is known it all his life. But perhaps afraid, and he has legitimate there is someone, somewhere, reason to be. And he is angry at who can explain to him why this the way the Olympic Committee particular form of politics, this chooses s i t e s and p e r m i t s rank stupidity of a site selection politically u n s t a b l e , u n s a f e for the 1988 Olympics, has come countries to serve as host for the to dominate his life, and his games. He's irritated, too, at the future. He knows there are way some notables have begun to necessary sacrifices athletes change their tune about South must make, such as the boycott Korea, notables such as Bill of 1980. He knows that sport is not Simon and Peter Ueberroth. separate, sacrosanct. Knowing Both publicly opposed the site a l l t h i s , h e s t i l l c a n n o t and said they didn't see how the c o m p r e h e n d South K o r e a . Games could be held there. Now, Neither can I. both are wavering, changing. Why ? Foster asks me. Nothing in South or North Korea has changed. I nod in agreement. I tell him that Burston Marsteller, the big public relations firm in New York that represents the combine her interests. South Koreans, is taking a horde When asked what graduates of writers over to Seoul this get out of joining the Peace week. A junket to show the Corps, Ms. Straud replied, 4tA American press how terrific tremendous amount of selfthings are there. How wonderful growth, almost everyone comes the Olympics will be in South back changed in a positive way. Korea. They'll come back with Peace Corps members a r e more all sorts of stories about how the aware of what's going on in the country is opening up to dissent world, they understand that and becoming a democracy other countries are affected bv overnight, full of peace and issues as well as the United harmony and goodwill. Not to States." mention every convenience of With all these plus's the Peace latter 20th-century Western life. Corps sounds like an excellent Foster laughed. His laughter was way to broaden your horizons, it edged with contempt. you can sweat your way through I asked him about Renaldo and a 13-page application. Edwin Moses. For all of them, Interested students can call the America's very best, it will be Detroit Peace Corps office at the last time, the last Olympics. (313) 226-7928. ' g How do they feel about South PEACE CORPS cont. from 7 Dang Ties Cooper's Field Goai Record Freshman field goal kicker Duy Dang has tied the Hope record for most field goals in a season. Dang kicked two field g o a l s S a t u r d a y in t h e Dutchmen's win over Olivet, 4814. Dang made good on his first two attempts, one a 25-yard kick and the second a 21-yarder. A third attempt by Dang from 44 yards out, would have set a new Hope record and tied the MIAA season record. On the attempt. Dang slipped and kicked a line drive that scooted about 30 yards through the air. Dang needs three more field goals in the next three seasons to set the Hope all-time career record. Doug Cooper and Greg Bekius hold the record with 12 each. One of t h e m o r e highly publicized members of the Hope squad. Dang has been featured in a n u m b e r of n e w s p a p e r s including the Detroit F r e e Press, the Grand Rapids Press, the Holland Sentinel, the Christian Science Monitor, and USA Today. He was also featured in an article in last week's Sport's Ilustrated. RAPE cont. from page 2 then forced him to leave the dormitory. A warrant has been issued for the intruder's arrest in Grand Rapids. The rape on campus marks the sixth assault incident in the Holland community since early September, and the third assault involving Hope students. Dean Beal said, "Caution has to be exercised. What appears to be safe, may not be. A young lady should certainly know the identity of her escort, or ask for identification indicating that he is one of the Hope fraternity or other student volunteer escorts." Escort s e r v i c e s are still available either by Public Safety or student volunteers. Both carry identification and can be reached by calling extention 7770. LAMBERT cont. from page 10 had concerning the difference between Japanese and American commercials was that while American commercials offer happiness, Japanese commercials offer release. A commercial which I saw in lioka featured a man hang-gliding over water in what appeared to be a dream sequence. When he reached shore, he touched down just in time to be embraced by a woman with European features. In addition to the element of release from everyday routine, this c o m m e r c i a l showed the Japanese ad men have to use Europeans and Americans to indicate a high quality product. It is rather startling to note how few Japanese people star in Japanese commercials, and in other advertisements. Most of the reason for the dearth of Japanese people in their own ads is that t|iey believe they a r e not as beautiful as their European and American counterparts. Another commercial showed the occupants of a subway car being addressed by a bag of some sort of snacks which was sitting on the luggage rack. The people in the subway looked up at the J?ag with the beleaguered look of wonder that would probably be accorded a talking cellophone bag on a crowded subway. My f a v o r i t e c o m m e r c i a l opened with a shot of a woman in a blue bikini who stood in a crosswalk holding a jar of sauce aloft. A man in a gray business suit walked up a n d unceremoniously fell over when he reached the woman. The commercial ended with a shot of the sauces. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out what the the woman was, and thus couldn't quite fathom why the man had fallen over. Curiously, I didn't notice that Japanese commercials were all fifteen seconds long until the end of my stay in Tokyo. When all the commercials are fifteen seconds, the length seems normal because they are produced to make full use of the time. In fifteen seconds, one doesn't have time f o r 4 t s l i c e of l i f e " t y p e commercials, and so there are almost none of these. Instead, J a p a n e s e commercials rely heavily on, memorable images and sounds for their impact. This can get annoying when the s a m e commercial is repeated several times, as one was when I was watching the Japanese version of MTV at about one in the morning. During t h r e e c o m m e r c i a l breaks, which spanned fifteen minutes of an interview the VJ was having with some Japanese musicians, one commercial was played ten times — sometimes back to back. The commercial, a station promo for a show called " E a t Nine" engraved itself in my memory to such an extent that the sound of the voices at the beginning singing 44 eat nine" is one of the strongest aural memories I brought back with me from Japan;not even the mournful note of the noodle man's horn: da da da da dum — a sound which was heard at about eleven or twelve at night outside the Y as the noodle man trundled his cart down the street — was remembered more strongly than the voices in the television c o m m e r c i a l . That must show that the commercial got ifspoint across." * ' Nov. 11, 1987 Page 13 Opinion Still Life Things I Sometimes Think About Jim Monnett Some things I think I think. Someday I would like to make the roof of Phelps cafeteria, which we affectionately call "Pebble Beach," into something useful. There is enough room for a volleyball court, but maybe a putting green would be safer. Actually, though, I think the best thing to build would be a small go-cart race track. We could even put a j u m p in over to the hills of the M a a s Center. It'd make a great study break. The four least credible phrases in the English language are: "The check is in the m a i l , " "Of course I'll respect you in the morning," "I understand women (or men depending on your preference)," and "Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." I sometimes walk so slow that the chemistry students try to embalm me. It really ruins my shirts. R a m b o has been much criticized by the educated, but I believe they have missed the remarkable similarities between him and our dear English language. Both produce sweat and blood. Both scare young children. Finally and most rmy* importantly, both R a m b o and the English language a r e imprecise in their methods, but they get the job done. (Anyone who is saying to himself that English is precise should try to explain to a foreign English student the 'I before E except after C rule.) Sometimes I get the feeling life is a parade, and I am a manhole cover. NFL football is really boring this year. There's more action in a bowl of Rice Krispies with milk. I mourn the passing of MASH. Cliff Huxtable is no Hawkeye Pierce. I know a kid who thinks that everyone was put on this earth for his pleasure. I don't think that is my job in life. If it is, then start sending m e my unemployment checks. I bet the astrologers will soon find a connection between Ursa Major, the Chicago Bears, and the present bear m a r k e t on the stock exchange. What if the Tribulation starts tomorrow? Won't a lot of people be surprised? I h e a r a lot of p e o p l e complaining about Phelps' food. P a r t of the problem is that we eat it every single day. No m a t t e r how much variety you have, it'll all grow old sooner or later. If you w a n t a r e a l c u l i n a r y nightmare, there are colleges where you can feast on slop so bad b a r i u m s w a l l o w s a r e considered a treat. I don't c a r e if this is a Burger King town. Just as all things must come to pass, so must Ronald Reagan. Say goodnight, Bonzo. The Michal Stanley Band said in " J u s t How Good (A Bad Woman F e e l s ) " , "I ain't no Prince Charming, ain't no last chance... " That about sums up my feelings about girls-boys who have u n r e a s o n a b l y high standards and free Saturday nights. I hear a lot of cruel talk about homosexuals. These people are using the Bible as a justification to discriminate against gays. Well, if the Bible is taken as a whole it says we have to hate their sin but love them as fellow sinners. What's left of the Bible if we read it without love? With so many research papers being written, I hear a lot of gripes from all grades about not being able to find relevant information at the library. I assume that the new library will solve these complaints. I hope I'm not disappointed. Doesn't Cultural Anthropology sound scary? H o p e ' s p r o f e s s o r s a r e so friendly it floors me. I visited Dayton University, and was there two hours before seeing someone smile, and he was coming out of the bathroom. Arguably the worst joke of all time: "Why do people buy shampoo when they can have the real thing?" I think both of my oars are in the water, but the water is tenday old P e r r i e r that was sitting on the window ledge of my rubber room. Hope College The anchor Editorial Congress Reps: Who Do They Represent? At the anchor's recent budget appropriation meeting, one m e m b e r of the c o m m i t t e e voiced their opinion that syndicated news material didn't belong in a college newspaper. They also "didn't like" the changes the newspaper has underwent this p a s t semester. This isn't something we haven't already heard, a n u m b e r of students and faculty h a v e stated they do not like the new anchor, but prefer the old one. Even an anchor staff m e m b e r resigned early in September citing disagreements with the new editorial policies. We realize we cannot please everyone. But the statements at the appropriations meeting raised some serious questions regarding the representation of Hope's student body. The Student Congress m e m b e r who m a d e the comments w a s not in favor of additional funding for the anchor to cover e x t r a expenses such a s syndicated m a t e r i a l and the annual media conference in New York City. However, one wonders exactly who m a d e the comments. Was the m e m b e r speaking for themself personally or for the consitutents they represent? We hope those comments represent how students feel. We doubt they do. According to a n u m b e r of Student Congress representatives, the Congress has no " r e a l " power. Ally they can do Is m a k e recommendations. Yet, personal recommendations do little good at all. This is supposed to be a democracy, not oligarchy. If a number of students feel the syndicated m a t e r i a l and features a r e a waste of t i m e and money they should let the anchor know. One way to do this is to c o m m u n i c a t e with their Congress representatives. One of our goals at T h e anchor is to serve the students of this campus. It doesn't m a t t e r if t h e y ' r e athletes. Blacks, gays or commuters. However, we want to serve all of them, not just a few. This week's winner: Then m e n ' s football team and women's cross-country and volleyball t e a m s for winning MIAA championships in their respective sports. A special salute to Coach Russ DeVette for his dedication to athletics at Hope since 1948. He will retire in May. This week's loser: Hope students. Student Congress is proposing to meet on a bi-weekly basis, insted of weekly a s they do now. A one hour a week sacrifice isn't much if the m e m b e r s w e r e dedicated in representing the students who voted for them. We urge them to stick with weekly meetings. COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE Subscriber cp w t p mcstiobalis Sails "the. vjorViPPse. EDITOR Brion Br««n ASSISTANT EDITOR Kothy Kar ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Scott Manclnaill SPORTS EDITOR B«n J. Hanneman new Navy PHOTO EDITOR Paul J. Chomnast ADVERTISING MANAGER Tom Sor«nt«n NEWS EDITOR Eric Shotwell of 3 STAFF WRITERS Jim Monnott Both Pochta Gooff Ponroto A.C. Vondorkolk I, Published w*«kly during th« school yoor ondor tho authority of tho Studont Media ComOfflce i o ^ t ^ ' o n ^ ^ f i ' r * * I eve DeWitt Center in the Student Orgonizotion Area. Funding provided by the Student Activity Fee through the Student Congrew Appropriations Committee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The anchor, OeWitt Center, Hope College, Halland. Ml 49423-3696. The opinions of this newspaper are not necesiarlly those of t h e student body, faculty, or administration. USS. WEINBERGER - Nov. 11, 1987 Page 14 The Bright Birthday Blues As I sit at my desk in my bedroom, staring at the bank c a l e n d a r , I realize a n o t h e r birthday is upon me. The fact is on Friday (the 13th) I will be 21 years old. From The Editor's Desk Brian Breen While birthdays a r e a glorious event for many, they've become somewhat personal and solemn for me. The days have passed when a birthday meant the time to receive the most significant toy of the year. Now if I need something bad enough, I wait unitl I've saved the money and then I buy it. And usually at this time I look back to see what the past 12 months have meant to me. However, this year is different. It's a time to gaze into the crystal CUSTOM FRAMING at affordable prices ball and hypothesize on the year ahead. A y e a r which the following ones — good or bad — may be built upon. So with that in mind, this what l e a n or could see: Next year I should be a wellseasoned collegian, laughing at the f r e s h m a n and wondering if they'll ever m a k e it. Somehow I know they will... because I did. Next year I will be a fourthyear junior, hating my new major (I'm switching now) and contemplating if I should spend a s e m e s t e r in New York, or P h i l a d e l p h i a , or C h i c a g o . Wrigley Field is so beautiful on Opening Day. Next year I may lose someone dear to me, like a good friend or relative. Then life will seem hard and unfair... like it is sometimes. Next year I will be 22, a third of the way towards retirement, and I haven't even started a career yet. I doubt is Social Security will be around in the year 2032. I wonder if even I will be around in 2032. Next year I will probably be looking (again) for Miss Right. She has eluded m e ever since I got here... and done a bleeping good job, too. Next year I could be living at Stonehenge again, counting the number of blown fuses and high electric bills with five r e f r i g e r a t o r s , one computer. f o u r s t e r e o r e c e i v e r s , two cassette decks, three compact disc players, three eualizers, two waterbeds, a televison; numerous electric shavers and blow dryers, four clock-radios, several lamps, and only one electrical circuit in the whole damn house. Next year I may be editor of The anchor again, pecking away at my computer that I'm still paying for (and will be for a while). The money doesn't go very far when you only m a k e $64 a month as the top dog and your computer payment is $41. Oh well, it's experience, right? Next year I will be hoping Gary Myrick and the Figures will m a k e a national tour. If I could see them just once before I start to dislike rock 'n roll I would be satisfied. Next year I m a y be still working at Columbia One Stop, making big bucks ($3.95) in my third year of utter party store devotion. Actually I'll probably be there cursing at little kids, while making change for video games, and counting dirty soda cans and beer bottles. Next year I will be wishing I could play ice hockey. But, not being able to skate 1 know it will always be a dream unfulfilled... Next year I will be another year older. Hoop Season Underway Basketball practice has been in session since ALMANZA SALON Now 3.00 1 off regular price October. 208 S. river Between 8th & 9th Roster cuts w e r e made last w e e k tor the season. Here G r e g Mitchell gets 392-2828 ready to take a shot. 10%OFF With Hopel.D. Howa: IO-AMon.-ffl. IC^ 3 Sol. ^ Personals NEXUS IVniRNAHONAl — \ K T ( rilltT.N> Columbia Ave a t 3 2 n d St Holland 396 6607 REDKEN & RK Offer e n d s 11-14 0 6 0 0 6 OOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e IT'S ALMOST THANKSGIVING TIME!! J '/T\ - . - o ^ Celebrate by helping those who have little or tt7 ^ nothing to be thankful for by attending one or more ^ of o r the m e following T o n o w m q charity cnaruy events: evems: ^ O O O - Nov. 15 Benefit concert by "The Voice" All proceeds go to O J Trickle-Up to help the needy Tickets 3.00 in advance, the door s 4.00 O o Nov. 18 RealismBanquet & fast All proceeds goto O X F A M o Sign-up outside of Phelps. o o Dec. 5 Run/ W a l k a t h o n All proceeds go to UNICEF Sigh-up outside of Phelps. All events sponsored by "Hope for Hunger"-,v/.v -tN ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ vti m & & & & Vfc & v j / m 7 v J 7 w v j / m7 v j / vj7 \J7 t j / v j / v j / t j / TYPISTS — Hundreds weekly at home! Write: P.O. Box 17, Clark, NJ 07066 Myra: I was there, were you? Speak to m e about broken promises. — B PART TIME HOME MAILING PROGRAM ! Excellent Income! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. WEST, Box 5877, Hillside, NJ 07205 J a n e ate nachos for breakfast!! To a certain goldfish: Been blue, lately? Gay F e m a l e seeks bi or gay females for fun and frolic. Possible relationship. Discretion Assured. Include phone and photo if possible. Write P.O. Box 2146, Holland, MI 49442. Travel Field Opportunity. Gain valuable marketing experience while earning money. Campus representatives needed immediately for spring break trips to Florida or South P a d r e Island. Call Campus Marketing at 1-800-282-6221. Anchor classifieds are only 25 cents!! What a deal!! KristyandMarlee: Although you laugh so very loud and utensil moochers, that's you We want you to understand, neighbors, That y W r e great for all that you -do* From D & J STOLEN: Green Land's End jacket with Grizzly patch on right side front. Stolen (or lost?) F r i d a y . night. Return and no questions will be asked. Or else we call the FBI and ruin your Christmas. Congratulations Terese on your pre... Now what were you saying 'bout them Tigers? Cluster 3-5: Thanks a lot for making m y birthday one of the best. You're the greatest! — NLG ^ LOST BOOK: "Kaleidoscope". If found please call 394-4063 and ask for Susan. Nanci jr. (Nasty) — Thanks for the great B-day and especially for the P.G. Hope you will be able to remain m y roomie. Keep your chin up! — Senior Five Days strong. Week, Two days Page 15 Nov. 11, 1987 Letters To The Editor Dry Dock Beverage Students Don't Take Stand On Issues M a s t e r Card & Visa accepted T students were critically languid. What I mean by that is that students here will not take a stand on issues that are just as e a s i l y v a s s e l a t e d on. I understand that colllege is supposed to be a formative period in our lives and we should not jump at things too abruptly, but we must challenge the world around us in order to fully tap its resources. Everyone's had that class where all you must do is r e g u r g i t a t e the p r o f e s s o r s Hope College students are critically languid. This became all too apparent to me when I read through the last issue of the anchor. It was not so much what was there in print, as much as what was not. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that what we have here is an easily accessible, inexpensive (free) medium for expressing our thoughts on current issues. A letter to the editor is easy and ' takes very little time. E a r l i e r I said tht Hope lectures to receive that GPA boosting "A". I would like to challenge you to think for yourself, be critical of what you are being taught and take a stand for what it means to you. Challenge yourself, read an opposing view, read a newspaper, buy a book instead of the new Poison album. Practice thinking and acting instead of just reacting. NAME W I T H E L D 220 W. 8 t h Street Molland, MI 4 9 4 2 3 (616) 3 9 6 - 0 2 2 7 block west of t h e civic Center W e ' r e Not Just A n o t h e r Party Store! W e Have One of Holland's Best & Largest Selection Of Fine Wines And Over 25 Imported Beers! Weekend BY Formal REQUEST SPECIAL $ 750^1 6.56 (D. D & D) Don't Drink and Drive The Hatch SundayBrunch 1:30-2:30 1870 Ottawa Beach Road, Open y-Doys Holland, Michigan 49424 Soon To Be Offices - Tuesday- The a r e a located near the far wall will soon be converted into J modern offices for libary personnel. ^ </ </* / "Margarita Night" 1.75 Chip-n-Cheese special 8:00-12:00 by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY we 5rm MftRKer... rr mew fT MAS f\il JJST f\ CRA5H6P / OUR BC^e CHIP STOCKS cmuep fMNh Mm m Hopes w buy ft new mr ms sumeR'r o o Homece mmme, mwrrr7 OF < CMMe it me. CMIHWeSOMB mm miK r cem thb UbHTON, ±•20 a.m. oKPiv r 15 MO VMB \ . O m HONESTY. "POSTER SALE" Until Nov. 25 th / 5 0 % oH o u r c o m p U t * i t o c k of D o m « i t i c and k n p o r t t d 3X5 SUBWAYS'* ROCK* ROLL Poit«ri Alio StUcttd "BIQ AS LIFE" Ptntnl Posltrt. Cirt, Plants and Glhtr Atiortad. ITS Been iHRBBwetKt, m. we w Fflce AS OF OCT. IST, we post-mn-svw- om Moxep savs ., OUKNeTMPJh ts tm/T six poufips. CRASH REAiinBS. I FOP INSTfiHCe... HON tAiwr iwsmoF News ftFFeCT OUR PLM6 TV BJY ft New MftT THIS SUMMR ? mm. m'pe wm roHAvew seme m we wope fubl- eFFicietrr ibOh.p. 350 Mft OS IN THftT ^ j m c e r s ^ I "xj} Bring h This Ad For 20% Off Any NDn-Sale Item In Stock Op»n 7 days 10:00 -5:30 M-Sot, 7/^. ij 11:00 5:00 Sun. ph 857-4316 xO^ t4rartsaS*S»aDr*»tiMt^i -j.c-»rM rtr;. *»--r:v =.- - . FREE // \ /. '/ '/•'//// THE V/, PIZZA SPECIALISTS '/, 1:1 DELIVERY /• t presents I the % I: I CAMPUS CHOICE ! t w o II I O Q , o 9 c 1 3 - i n c h ^ two-item only 8 . p i z z a s « 99. (incl. t a x and d e l i v e r y ) WE DELIVER QUALITY 517 Butternut Dr. *} 399-5200 • 399-8001 EXP 12/01/87 ^ • . • '