your monthly update from - Amb-OS


your monthly update from - Amb-OS
your monthly update from . . .
March 2014
HAVEN Today celebrates 80 years on radio. See inside for the story >>
did you know?
Beam Me Up, Scotty
In addition to the millions impacted by
Crusades, the Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association shared the Gospel with nearly
10.5 million in 2013 thru the ministry’s
online evangelism pages (PeaceWithGod.
net)—more than 2 million made a decision
for Christ!
Every year,
Joni and
welcomes a
number of
interns who
serve at the
ministry as
part of their
Internships in a variety of areas such as
Nonprofit Administration, TV & Visual Media,
Communications, Event Planning and
more. If you know someone who might be
interested, check out the ministry website
under “Cause 4 Life”!
Ever heard the story of the microwave oven? In 1945, Percy Spencer was working for
Raytheon on a radar system and noticed that the Mr. Goodbar chocolate in his pocket
started to melt. He theorized that a highly focused beam of electrons could actually use
dielectric heating to warm, even cook, by energizing the water and fats in food. But
what I love about the story is that the first edible product he chose to cook was . . .
popcorn, of course! And with that, a revolutionary kitchen device was born.
Actually, there’s a long list of inventions which were stumbled upon and the applied for,
often, better use. Post-it Notes and Corn Flakes to name just two. But I’d like to add a
third: Amb-OS!
Amb-OS was originally designed to simplify satellite syndication of live and prerecorded radio broadcasts. It has certainly accomplished that goal in spades! And
though the candy bar didn’t melt in our pocket, I’d like to describe an exciting new
application: network affiliate customization: Amb-OS Local.
It’s really the idea of Chris Wygal, engineer and newly appointed
General Manager of Liberty University’s Victory Radio Network.
Their challenge was that their full-power outlets each needed
customized sponsorship identifications and tags. Station ID’s
and weathercasts also changed from location-to-location. Chris
was looking for an inexpensive, dependable and easy-to-operate
system. Since our AMR-100 is capable of being semi-automated,
we’ve deployed a series of receivers which are controlled by the
Victory FM head end, with simple drag-and-drop control.
Chris shared, “We’ve been on the end-user side of the Amb-OS platform since
its deployment. The system meets a very practical need for scheduling long-form
programming. However, as we looked at store-forward options for our network, it
occurred to me that a fleet of our own AMR-100’s could serve us well as automated
playout devices. When the idea was put in front of Jim and Dick at Ambassador, they
jumped on it immediately. With this kind of development in place, our regional network
will be empowered to serve each community strategically and effectively.”
It’s flexible, addressable and inexpensive for small to mid-sized networks. For pennies
per location per month, it can be maintained via satellite, the Internet or both. We’re
demonstrating the software functionality at the NRB 2014 conference in Nashville.
Looking for a good resource on what it
means to cultivate a biblical worldview?
John Stonestreet (“The Point”) and
T.M. Moore (The Colson Center) have
authored “He Has Spoken: The Worldview of
Scripture.” It’s a DVD and participant guide
that is ideal for group curriculum—as well
as personal study.
“Help us to be the people that you
want us to be … so that we might
be those in whom others see Jesus
—Anne Graham Lotz
If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact me ( or Dick
Becvar ( We’d be happy to give you the details and arrange for a
NAB Dinner
If you’re heading to the National Association of Broadcaster’s Convention in Las Vegas
(Exhibits April 7-10), please be sure to join our Christian Radio Technical Forum dinner
on Monday night at 6:00PM. It’s a “hosted” dinner (read that “free”) at the Treasure
Island Hotel buffet. There’ll an abundance of great food, so bring your appetite. The
get together is one of the few places where you can discuss the bias of a record head
on an Ampex 440 and someone will actually enjoy the conversation. There are lots of
outgoing engineers—you can tell outgoing engineers because they look at YOUR shoes
when they talk.
BTW — Stay informed on the dinner all things technical by becoming a member of the
forum at CRTech.ORG!
Since 1934 . . . telling the Great Story that’s all about Jesus!
Implying safety—a place of rest for the weary, “HAVEN” has been
exactly that for millions of listeners over the last eight decades. Finding
comfort and encouragement in the Christ-focused program, each day’s
broadcast with Charles Morris draws attention to the organization’s
central calling—telling people “the great story … it’s all about Jesus.”
The “great story” aspect recognizes that human history — the past, present, and future — is a
story that God is writing. We’re all part of it, but ultimately the story isn’t about us — it’s about
That’s the “north point” on the HAVEN compass—and the recurring theme regardless of any
particular day’s topic. The main character is Jesus. It begins with him and ends with him.
Every story points to him. He’s the hero, the rescuer, and the only true shelter we can run to.
Today, the half-hour “HAVEN” program is heard on more than 600 stations in North America
and around the world. A daily short feature (“Haven TODAY”) is also widely distributed. In
addition to the on-air outreach, the Anchor daily devotional guide encourages thousands more
to live their lives through Christ and for Christ.
Today … as it was 80 years ago … Haven Ministries is united with one common purpose . . . to
tell the Great Story that’s all about Jesus.
~Psalm 27:1
Radio Host
New Book from Charles & Janet Morris:
Missing Jesus—Find Your Life in His Great Story
We put our trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of
our sins, desire to please God with our life, and yet,
we often find that something crucial is missing.
The Lord is my
light and my
salvation —
whom shall I
fear? The Lord
is the stronghold
of my life — of
whom shall I
be afraid?
It was 80 years ago that a well-known and
respected Los Angeles radio personality,
Paul Myers, faced despair. Reduced to the
life of a homeless alcoholic, Myers sought
refuge in a church service. After being turned
away because of his repellent and drunken
appearance, Myers went back to his cheap
hotel and started reading the Gideon Bible.
Convicted of his sin and devastated by his
circumstances, he sought forgiveness and
professed faith in Christ. One month later he
was back on the radio, but this time as a broken
man saved by grace — it was 1934 and The
Haven of Rest radio broadcast had begun.
Releases March 1
Missing Jesus
by Charles &
Janet Morris,
Forward by
Anne Voskamp
Our day-to-day experience of faith lacks the vitality
we know it should have. We feel like we’re missing
something and we probably are. We’re probably
missing Jesus.
That’s what this book is about. It’s about not missing
Jesus. It’s about seeing Him big and having our lives
re-centered on the glorious Son of God all over again.
all in a day’s work.
Reach Beyond (formerly HCJB Global) on Tour with New Name In SoCal to share with donors more about their new name
(“Reach Beyond”), it was great to welcome Wayne & Norma Pederson along with Ron & Barb Cline to lunch at Ambassador! Later,
Jim and Wayne decided to ride beyond the walls of Ambassador on a sunny January day.
Colson Center Welcomes New NRB President
Now neighbors, the team at the Colson Center were grateful
to host NRB President Jerry Johnson at their offices recently.
Pictured (L-R): John Stonestreet, Alan Terwilleger, Jerry
Johnson, Steve Bradford.
Gettining in Focus with John Fuller
Leaving snowy Colorado for a couple days, delighted to
welcome John Fuller (“Focus on the Family” ) to AAA facilities
for a day of meeting … and eating!
Landmark Decisions
Once again bringing biblical clarity to the most controversial
cultural issues, Jim Garlow of The Garlow Perspective will zero in
on the Obamacare abortion pill mandate on several features
during March. In partnership with Alliance Defending
Freedom, a legal ministry advocating for the rights of
people to live out their faith, Jim is the ideal
spokesperson on such concerns.
Be praying … on, or about, March 25, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear
two lawsuits challenging the abortion pill mandate as illegal
and unconstitutional. Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorneys
are representing one of the two lawsuits filed: Conestoga Wood
Specialities, a Pennsylvania cabinet making company, and its
Mennonite owners. The other case was filed by Hobby Lobby.
It’s time for all of us to be in prayer.
If government can put Americans out of
business for keeping their faith, there’s no
limit to what freedoms it can take away.
Jim Garlow, host of the
daily 1:00 commentary
“The Garlow Perspective”
—Jim Garlow, in an upcoming
March commentary
Focus on the Family
FamilyLife Today
From Revive Our Hearts
Look for “Irreplaceable” in theaters
nationwide on May 6—the film has been
created as part of The Family Project at
Focus. Join host Tim Sisarich (Executive
Director of Focus on the Family New
Zealand) as he meets with experts
around the globe to seek answers to the
important question—what is family …
and why does it matter in today’s society.
This summer arenas will be filled again
with couples proclaiming “I STILL DO.”
Events featuring Dennis and Barbara
Rainey, Dr. Al Mohler, Kirk Cameron and
Crawford and Karen Loritts will be held
in Chicago (8/2), Portland (8/23) and
Washington DC (10/4). Worship led by
Nicole Mullen. Watch for more details
next month!
Back in Indianapolis (October 9-11), women
from all over the country (and the globe)
will gather for “True Woman 2014: Finding
Freedom, Fullness & Fruitfulness in Christ.”
In addition to Nancy Leigh DeMoss, speakers
include Joni Eareckson Tada, Janet Parshall,
Mary Kassian, Jim Cymbala and others.
Leading worship will be Keith & Kristyn Getty
along with a team of gifted artists.
Time for “Revival Outside the Walls”
With a refreshing “common man” style of communication, Barry Meguiar
brings a whole new way to look at personal evangelism with a new 1:00
daily feature launching April 7.
Many people know you as the “Car Crazy”
Guy. What do you enjoy about that visibility?
Akin to the Prayer of Jabez, God confirmed to
me years ago that He was going to enlarge my
territory so I could bring Him more glory. God’s
increased the awareness of who I am to increase
my opportunities to share Him with others. As a
result, every day’s an adventure and I love it!
You make sharing faith so simple . . . is it really
something that everyone can do? Sharing our
faith is inextricably connected to our love for
God. When we trust God with our whole heart
and witness His faithfulness, we can’t help but
love Him with our whole heart. And when we
love Him with our whole heart, we can’t stop
ourselves from sharing His love with everyone
around us. This is the ‘sweet spot’ with God!
Ok. So I have to ask you— what’s your
favorite car? Because we sponsor more Car
You seem to be boundless in your enthusiasm
Shows and Car Clubs than anyone else in the
for evangelism. Do you ever need to reworld, I’ve grown to love cars of all types and
charge your battery and, if so, what does
descriptions. However, my
that for you? There’s nothing,
first love is my first car – my
in all of human existence, that
“In 1976, after 3 years of
black ’57 Chevrolet Bel Air
gives you the energy boost of
exciting faith sharing, I prayed
Hardtop . . . and every time I
the most fervent prayer of my life. leading someone to the Lord. It’s
drive it I feel like I’m still 16
the exact opposite of running
I asked God if He wanted me to go
years old again.
out of gas. I never need to be
into full time ministry.
re-charged because I’m always
Less than 20 minutes later, the
You’ve been a successful
in the middle of sharing my
Spirit of the Lord led a man I
businessman. What have
faith with someone. Show me
didn’t know into my office with
you learned about faith in
a Christian who’s run out of gas
that context?
and I’ll show you a person who
the message: ‘Your business is
Regardless of where we are
never shares their faith.
your pulpit’. I never questioned
or what we’re doing, we
God’s purpose for my life again.”
must walk by faith (with no
Is there someone you would
—Barry Meguiar
wavering) and not by sight.
call a spiritual mentor in your
(James 1:6) When we worry
life? I’ve been blessed with a
we’re not trusting. I learned to trust God with my
multitude of Godly men who have mentored me
whole heart through the good times and the
over the years including Dr. James Dobson who
bad and in every major decision. I learned that
has been my lifelong friend and hero. However,
whole-hearted faith guarantee’s God directed
sharing close friendship and ministry with David
steps! (Prov 3:5)
Wilkerson, for over 40 years, radically changed
my life forever.
Your passion for Christ is infectious. When
did that happen? When did you accept
Do you have a “life verse” or a scripture that
Christ as Savior? I accepted the Lord when
would describe your mission for revival?
I was 12 years old. For the next ten years I
Second only to John 3:16, I believe the greatest
loved God intellectually. Right out of college,
promise in the Bible is given to us in Romans
I was given responsibilities far beyond my
8:28. In it, God promises to make everything in
experience and He answered my prayers for
our lives work together for good (from now until
help with great clarity. It was then that my
we get to heaven) if we love Him and live our
intellectual love turned into heartfelt love
lives for His Purpose, which is the redemption of
and then to the celebration of His Love every
mankind . . . that not one should be lost.
moment of every day.
ROTW :60
The idea is to equip lay
people—the soccer mom,
the businessman, the
teacher and the waitress—
all of us … to look outside
the walls of the church at
those who populate our
daily lives … and experience
the power of sharing God’s
love in everyday moments.
In “ROTW60” Barry puts
the fun into winning others
to Christ. His enthusiasm
is infectious—and
Every day’s feature provides
practical “how to” examples
… easy ways for every one
of us to begin “bubbling
over” in our faith so that
others will be drawn to Him.
For a demo, check out the
Ambassador website … or
for more details.
“God’s called us to change our world, one person at a time—and it’s time to get busy. With more than 70% of the unchurched saying they would
likely accept an invitation to church, less than 2% of us gave even one of them an invite in the last 12 months. You and I are the problem!”
question of the month
this month
MARCH 2-11
“Walk Where Jesus Walked” with Charles
(HAVEN) & Janet Morris in Israel and
This month we get an extra hour of daylight—hooray! So … if
you could invite one person from all of history to spend a long
day with you, who would you choose to share the day?
MARCH 9-14
This year’s “Freedom and Flourishing”
Conference at Glen Eyrie (CO) features
Jim Daly, along with a lit of others
including Jennifer Marshall (the
Heritage Foundation) and Mindy Belz
(WORLD magazine)
It almost seems a waste to not go back centuries, but I’d like to spend
it with Ronald Reagan. I’d ask him advice on staying the course when
everyone around you is against what you stand for. I’d ask him what it
was like to have the welfare of a nation, and at times a good portion of
the globe, on his shoulders; how did he stay so optimistic when he knew
dreadful, top-secret situations around the globe; when did he turn to the
Lord in prayer and were there any moments of clear answers.
MARCH 14-16 Will Graham is in Fukuoka (Japan) for a
Celebration event
Brad Mattes, Executive Director
for Life Issues Institute and
Host of “Life Issues”
“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” —Winston Churchill
It would definitely be Harry S. Truman . . . he did what he believed to be right,
simply because it was right, and no matter how high the personal cost. He
was a man of common sense and personal decency. He worked incredibly
hard. Though only a high school graduate, he became the most powerful
man on earth and his post-war policies shaped world history for the next
50 years or more. Perhaps most important . . . in May, 1948, he decided as
President of the United States, to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a nation.
He had so many of the attributes that Christian leaders need today! (I would
tell him that Bess was right and he shouldn’t say some of those words that
he was known to use!)
Roger Lonquist, General Manager
Your Network of Praise (Havre, MT)
I would have to say Thomas Jefferson
over a very close second, my grandfather,
whom I never met, yet was the man
behind Crawford Broadcasting starting
in the early 50s.
“If you don’t know history,
then you don’t know
anything. You are a leaf
that doesn’t know it is
part of a tree. ”
—Michael Crichton
Don Crawford Jr, XX
Crawford Broadcasting Company
Would this work: If Jesus isn’t available for that hour I would gladly share the
time with Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Job, Daniel, David, Jeremiah, Paul,
Peter or John. Not because of their nobility, but because of their knowledge
of God. I have always believed, that if you can’t hear from God directly, then
talk with His right hand man.
Bill Thrasher, XX
Worship Radio Network
spotlight event
In their now highly-anticipated annual event, Dennis
Rainey and Bob Lepine go “LIVE” once again in March
with FamilyLife Today broadcasts.
FamilyLife Today LIVE!
March 26-28
This year’s theme is Recipes for Connecting, giving
listeners a sneak peek at a new FamilyLife cookbook—
which actually includes listener-contributed recipes.
Each day, programs will focus on listener testimonies—
stories of lives and families transformed by ministry
March 9 we move
the clocks AHEAD!
It’s Daylight Savings
Time again!
APRIL 2-12
Max Lucado leads another visit to Israel
with a Holy Land Tour—along with
special guest, Steven Curtis Chapman
APRIL 3 Jim Daly will be in San Antonio for
KSLR’s annual Pastors’ Luncheon event
APRIL 5-6 It’s ministry at the border when Franklin
Graham hosts “Festival of Hope” in
Greater El Paso TX
In Washington DC on behalf of WAVA
listeners, John MacArthur will speak at a
local Listeners’ Rally
April 8-10 John MacArthur joins Al Mohler, David
Platt, John Piper, Matt Chandler and
others for the bi-annual “T4G” (Together
for the Gospel) Conference (Louisville KY)
impact. The team will also be providing an update
on the various ways that FamilyLife is providing
content that give families “help for today and hope
for tomorrow.”
It’s always spontaneous and engaging going “LIVE”
… for full details on each day’s “LIVE” slots, or to
see about using the special programs tape-delay,
“Ultimately, that’s our mission at FamilyLife–to
effectively develop godly marriages and families
who change the world one home at a time.”
1641 Langley Ave.
Irvine, CA 92614-5619
PH: 949.681.7600
FX: 949.681.7660
{work in progress}