January 19 - Holy Cross Parish
January 19 - Holy Cross Parish
HOLY CROSS PARISH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1450 Delta Avenue, Burnaby, B. C. V5B 3G2 Office Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm-4:00pm Phone: 604.299.3814 Fax: 604.299.3824 E-mail: parish.hcb@rcav.org Website: holycross.rcav.org SALVATORIAN FATHERS Pastor: Fr. Maciej Wos, SDS Asst. Pastor: Fr. Robert Ufland, SDS HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL January 19 - February 1, 2015 PARISH MINISTRIES & COMMITTEES (604) Altar Servers Matthew Wan 600.1193 Baptism Course Nadine & Mitch Tannis 937.1147 Catholic Women's League Linda Perkovic Kozaryn Challenge for Girls Ivy Lee Conquest for Boys Bernardo Altamirano 904.1384 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Andrea Buonassisi Rita Zucchetto 299.8458 291.2152 Development & Peace Gino Lovato 298.6949 Extraordinary Ministers Diane Kennedy 294.5725 Finance Council Vic Nakhleh 294.2902 Florists Maria Viveiros Barbara Maciejewski 420.3450 506.8711 Gym Liaison Mike Malsegna 329.0207 Knights of Columbus Mike Malsegna 329.0207 Lectors Dia Lopez 729.4761 Maintenance Darin MacDonald 329.3043 Notre Dame Liaison Dianne De Fazio 420.1625 Parish Council Matilda De Lazzari 925.1190 Parish Education Committee Mike Malsegna 329.0207 PREP Jackie Pavich (Ext. 5 ) 299.3814 Project Advance Darren Yanko 873.6301 PRO-LIFE Alba Stevenson 299.4123 RCIA Nadine Tannis 937.1147 Refugee Committee Sam Buonassisi 299.3308 Sunday Sacristan Dillon Fong 291.9227 Ushers Richard Crompton 830.7371 Welcoming Committee Carmine & Makiko Morelli 945.3244 Youth Ministry Darryl Costales 294.4097 Catholic Family Services Domestic Abuse Services, 525.4151 778.228.0092 1450 Delta Avenue, Burnaby, B. C. V5B 3G2 Phone: 604.299.3530 Fax: 604.299.3534 Website: www.holycrosselementary.ca Principal: Mr. Dino Alberti Asst. Principal: Miss Charlaine Francis SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS: MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 8:15am, Saturday, Holidays & Summer 9:00am, Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, Family 10:00am, 12:00pm, 7:30pm DIVINE MERCY Friday 7:30pm HOLY ROSARY Monday - Saturday After Mass RECONCILIATION Monday - Friday before Mass & Saturday 4:00pm - 4:45pm BAPTISM COURSE Third Monday of the Month 7:00pm BAPTISM First Sunday of the Month, after the 12:00pm Mass HOLY MATRIMONY We welcome your wedding celebration at Holy Cross Church. Marriage Course is required. To arrange the date and begin your preparation, please contact the Parish Office 6 months prior to the proposed wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a relative or a friend who would like to arrange for a priest for Anointing of the Sick or to visit the sick in a hospital, the contact information is as follows: BURNABY GENERAL HOSPITAL: Fr. Bede Kim Minh Le, 604.298.6800. In an emergency only, 604.992.9910. VANCOUVER GENERAL: Fr. Joachim Singarajah or Fr. Carolo Quoc Anh Vu, 604.254.2727, pager 604.877.5918, cell 604.230.7217. SAINT PAUL HOSPITAL: Fr. Boniface D’Souza, 604.806.8290, pager 604.252.4224. Please provide this important information to the priest as the hospital will not provide any details when he arrives: name of the sick, ward, room number, bed number, and name & phone number of person making the request. 443.3220 In-town Our Lady of Good Counsel Society Out-of-town 640.7549 888.833.7733 To New Parishioners & Visitors, WELCOME! Kindly introduce yourselves to the Priest after Mass. PRAY FOR THE SICK Vincenzo Bortolin, Michelle Curtis, George Ewart, Nick Fazio, Pasqualino Gargaro, Harold Hopkinson, Steven Kastro, Irma Kowalczyk, Diana Marino, Leo Matusicky, Marcy McCarthy, Rosemary Nicholson, Matthew Perera, Alice Quek, Maria Romano, Margaret Rozario, & Normita Yumul. Please inform the Parish Office if you have moved, changed address, and phone number. Thank you. MASS INTENTIONS (REQUESTED BY) Mon. 8:15am Tues. 8:15am Wed. 8:15am Thurs. 8:15am 9:15am Fri. 8:15am 7:30pm Sat. 9:00am 5:00pm Sun. 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 7:30pm Mon. 8:15am Tues. 8:15am Wed. 8:15am Thurs. 8:15am Fri. 8:15am 7:30pm Sat. 9:00am 5:00pm Sun. 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 7:30pm January 19 - 25, 2015 Sp. Int. Thanksgiving for Aili (Family) +Virginia Itubay (Elvine Kelly) Sp. Int. John (Family) +Stephen Tio (Family) PARISHIONERS +Stanford De Souza (Paul Thow) Deceased: Saverio De Bonis (Wife & Family) Belen Carrion (Aileen Carrion & Soriano Family) Marie & Serge Rousseau (Nicole & Michael Pek) Frank Ewart (Bev & Jack Temp) Special Intentions: Dolly Loh (Paul Thow) Allen Philips (Family) Wayne Hokanson (Stevenson Family) Fr. Maciej & Fr. Robert (Divine Mercy Choir) Giuseppina Guttadauro (Morris Family) +Peter Zanetti (CWL) +Geraldo & Edveges Pereira (Rodrigues Family) +Peter Zanetti (Giuseppina Guttadauro) +Tommaso Giannelli (Daughter) +Luigina D’Elia (Family) +Joseph Minni (Angelo & Mary De Fazio) January 26 - February 1, 2015 +Giuseppe Candiago (Sartori Family) Sp. Int. Gemma Lovato (Elvine Kelly) Sp. Int. Leonides Parel (Family) +Nick, Frank & Carmela Corea (Angelo & Mary De Fazio) +Charlotte De Silva (Lucille) Deceased: Vincent Patricelli (Family) Adolfo Ortiz Sr. (Family) Special Intentions: Allen Philips (Family) Wayne Hokanson (Stevenson Family) Thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary (Paul Thow) +Teresa Wunderlich (Arthur Wunderlich) +Patrick & Eileen Jordan (Pauline Yaremus) +Sr. Piereaugusta Bosa (Terragni Family) +Luigi Mezzomo (Wife) +Lucia Contestabile (D’Elia Family) +Anna Garcea (Family) HOLY CROSS SCHOOL’S PUB NIGHT FUNDRAISER, “Gamma Beta Delta House: A Frat Party To Remember!”, will take place in the Holy Cross School gym on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased from the school office. Donations for our auction are kindly being accepted at the school office. If you have any questions, please contact Carmen at carmensrdan@ hotmail.com or 604-220-4347. Kindergarten Applications for September 2015 Holy Cross Elementary is accepting names for Kindergarten 2015/16 from January 8 until January 23, 2015. If your child will be turning five years old in 2015 and you are interested in having them attend Holy Cross Elementary in September 2015, please come to the School Office to put your child’s name on the prospective student list. Please bring your child’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate. SCHOOL NEWS Tuesday, January 20th – Reconciliation Parent Meeting at 7pm Thursday, January 22nd – School Mass – Kindergarten – at 9:15am SUNDAY COLLECTION Our Parish weekly budget is $9,460.00 Envelopes Loose Total January 4 $ 6,296.55 $ 900.10 $ 7,196.65 January 11 $ 7,870.00 $ 741.45 $ 8,611.45 Pre-Authorized Monthly Donation January $ 5,702.20 Special Collections: Envelopes Loose Pre-Authorized Total Christmas Offering $17,480.00 $ 3,749.45 $2,280.00 $23,509.45 New Year’s Day Offering $ 4,567.00 $ 771.55 $1,655.00 $ 6,993.55 Initial Offering $ 2,930.00 $ 2,930.00 January 19 January 26 February 2 MONEY COUNTERS Ollie A., Nancy Y., Marie B. & Liliana S. Diva M., Betty & Henry C. Liliana S., Emma I., Grace & Lawrence T. PARISH ACTIVITIES January 19 - 25, 2015 Mon. 7:00pm Baptism Course (Classroom) 7:00pm Iconography Workshop (Kitchen) 7:30pm HC Prayer Group (Music Room) Tues. 7:00pm PREP 7:00pm FHC Parent Meeting - Reconciliation Wed. 7:00pm Finance Council Meeting (Basement) 7:30pm Bible Study (Music Room) 8:00pm Parish Council Meeting (Basement) Thurs. 9:15am HCS Mass – Kindergarten 7:00pm K of C Meeting – 4th Degree (Music Room) Fri. 3:00pm Little Flowers Girls Club (Music Room) 6:30pm Challenge for Girls Club (Basement) Conquest for Boys Club (Gym) 7:30pm Divine Mercy Mass (Church) Sat. 9:30am Divine Mercy Cenacle (Kitchen) 2:30pm RCIA (Classroom) Sun. After the K of C Pancake Breakfast (Gym) 8am, 10am & 12pm Masses January 26 - February 1, 2015 Mon. 7:00pm Iconography Workshop (Kitchen) 7:30pm HC Prayer Group (Music Room) Tues. 7:00pm PREP 7:00pm Confirmation Sponsors/Candidates Meeting (Gym) Wed. 7:30pm Bible Study (Music Room) Fri. 6:30pm Challenge Girls Club (Basement) Conquest for Boys Club (Basement) 7:30pm Divine Mercy Mass (Church) Sat. 9:30am Divine Mercy Cenacle (Kitchen) 1:00pm CWL Rosary Making Workshop (Music Room) 2:30pm RCIA (Classroom) Sun. all Masses 2nd Collection – BC Catholic PROJECT ADVANCE UPDATE (as of December 19, 2014) Total Number of Gifts Received (including online) Total Amount in Pledges (including online) 349 $100,086.26 Stay tuned for the final summary of the 2014 donations on the next bulletin. Thank you for your generosity! Live gratefully, give generously. ANNOUNCEMENTS 2015 SUNDAY COLLECTION ENVELOPES – Please use the 2015 Sunday Collection Envelopes for your weekly donations. DO NOT use envelopes from previous years as your envelope number may have changed. Otherwise, please use the pink Visitors Envelopes available in the church for your donation. Indicate your full name on the envelopes so that we could give you credit for your donation. If you do not have 2015 Sunday Collection Envelopes and would like them, please inform the parish office. We would gladly provide you with envelopes. NOURISHING YOUR SOUL, EXPLORING YOUR FAITH, DEVELOPING MINISTRY LEADERS – Archdiocesan Winter Institute offers one-day faith formation and ministry training for adults. Topics include: Spiritual Discernment and Basics of the Faith. Ministry training offered for RCIA, PREP & Youth Ministry. Also available are two workshops for those in music ministry and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Saturday, Jan. 24, from 10am to 4pm. St. Patrick Secondary School, Vancouver. Cost $35 (before Jan.16), includes lunch. To register, visit: www.rcav.org/ oc-winter-institute. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND AWARENESS AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING – On Feb. 8, the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking will be celebrated in all dioceses and parishes. On this day the Church will commemorate the life of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Canossian Sister who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Sudan. The Archdiocese of Vancouver observes this Feast day as a Day of Prayer and fasting for Victims of Trafficking and for those who work to combat it. rcav.org/world-day-of-prayer-for-human-trafficking/ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST is on Sunday, January 25th. Join us at the school gym after the 8am, 10am and 12pm Masses. CULTURE OF LIFE BABY SHOWER Please save your new or gently used baby and maternity clothes and supplies (not furniture) for our collection at January 24-25 masses in the church lobby, for pregnant women and new mothers in distress. Sponsored by the Crisis Pregnancy Centre of Burnaby & New Westminster and the Knights of Columbus. CWL ROSARY MAKING WORKSHOP – Holy Cross CWL is starting off the New Year with a special Saturday afternoon, rosary making workshop, January 31, 1-3pm in the church basement. All our parish ladies are welcome! All supplies and refreshments are provided. Please RSVP via email at cwlholycross@gmail.com by January 29th. RED MASS AND DINNER – Join Archbishop Michael Miller, CSB, for Mass on Jan. 21 at 5:10pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral, followed by a reception at the Hyatt Regency, Vancouver at 6:30pm. Tickets for the dinner and reception are $130, two for $250, or tables of eight for $1,000. To purchase tickets visit rcav.org/red-mass/ 2015 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY – The 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed Jan. 18-25. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. During this Week we are called to celebrate this diversity and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church. All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various churches in prayer, song, and witness to unity as followers of Christ. The Archdiocese will mark Christian Unity Week with various ecumenical events and prayer services. For more information, visit rcav.org/christian-unity ONE CONFERENCE 2015 – So many of us live with a hole in our hearts or see it in the people around us. Maybe you already know what fills that hole and want to learn how to share it with others, or you might feel like you need to be refilled yourself. At the ONE conference we invite you to ignite your faith life and spread the good news to others. Come and Start Joy in your world by listening to great speakers, celebrating Mass with Archbishop Michael and worshipping as ONE. Sat. Feb. 14 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Tickets can be purchased online at rcav.org/one or at any parish. WEEKEND RETREAT – THE ROAD TO CHRISTIAN MATURITY – Retreat Schedule: Friday, Feb. 6 – 7:30pm to Sunday, Feb. 8 – 1:30pm. Cost: $155.00 per person. Venue: Westminster Abbey, Mission BC. Retreat Master: Rev. Fr. Lawrence Donnelly (Pastor of St. Jude’s Parish, Vancouver). To Register: Call Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Office (604) 942-7808 or www.assumptionofmary.ca NEW TOOLS FOR CEMETERY AND FUNERAL AT-NEED & PRE-NEED PLANNING CATHOLIC CEMETERIES is pleased to provide new online tools to assist families with arrangements or pre-need planning. An estimator tool provides education and helps to discern options and costs. A Funeral Liturgy planner provides a way to select readings, music and other details to prepare for a meeting with a priest to make final arrangements. An Estate & Burial Planning Guide provides comprehensive information and tips for estate planning such as gifting, tax planning and resources to prepare a will. Visit www.rccav.org/planners/ to download the guide. For information on other events within the Diocese, visit www.rcav.org Bell & Burnaby Funeral Chapel “The Slavin Family” - Since 1934 4276 Hastings Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2J6 PRE-PLANNING AND PRE-PAID ARRANGEMENTS Tel. (604) 298-2525 Tony Slavin, Owner www.bellburnaby.com ORTONA DELI Specializing In Submarine Sandwiches Make Party Time Easy. Meat & Cheese Trays • Salads • Pastries • Cakes • Fresh Pasta 6668 E. Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 1S4 Tel: 604 291-6322 FOREST LAWN & OCEAN VIEW CEMETERIES AND FUNERAL HOMES RINO REVEL MICHELE VERBEKE ADVISOR Senior Mortgage Consultant IMMEDIATE NEED & PRE-ARRANGEMENT SERVICES Tel: Fax: Email: DIRECT: 604-828-1551 (604) 816-1976 (888) 305-3918 rrevel@mortgagealliance.com EMAIL: michele.verbeke@dignitymemorial.com Corporate Office: 130 Brew Street, Suite 310, Port Moody, BC V3H 0E3 | Toll Free: 1-877-366-3487 PROUD TO BE PART OF SERVICE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) LIMITED. ■ Rino Sergio 4156 Hastings St. Burnaby, B.C. 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FREE CONSULTATION Cobbett L A W REALTOR Cotton Y E R Licensed Real Estate Sales Associate S John Hamilton TONY MEROLA Injury Lawyer -- 16 years #300-410 Carleton Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6P6 Cell Res 604-299-6251 Evening and Saturday Appointments Available UNITED REALTY The Nick Parente Group 604-760-6069 604-420-1040 nickparente@shaw.ca www.nickparente.com Sutton - Centre Realty Bus: 604 435-9477 Cell: 604 765-2610 Email: tmerola@telus.net “Experience with integrity” The Parishioners of Holy Cross Church Thank These Advertisers for Making our Bulletin Possible