Newsletter JUNE/JULY 2016 CONGRATULATIONS MAAC CLUB OF THE YEAR (LARGE) 2016 CLUBS WA AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club West Coast Drive Marmion P 08 9447 1733 | F 08 9447 1277 | W | E Printpost No. 630707/00004 WHAT’S INSIDE... 3 From the President 4 From the Club Manager 6 Clubs WA Awards 8 Tour De Force 10 Captain’s Report 13 Pool Report 15 Dive Report 16 Abrolhos Dive Trip 17 Spear Fishing 18 Marlin Fishing Exmouth 21 Chase The Ace 22 Darts Report 23 Squid Information Night 24 Competitive Fishing 25 Mother’s Day at the MAAC 26Dining 31 100’s Club Mid Year Windup 32 New Á La Carte Menu MAAC MERCHANDISE Available from the office Monday - Friday Spray Jacket $35 Short Sleeve Polo $35 Short Sleeve Vest $45 Plain Polo $32 Postcards 5 for $1 Rugby Top $45 2 Peak Cap $14 Broad Rim Hat $18 Embroided Cap $16 Beanie $25 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. FROM THE PRESIDENT by Martin Hall When representing the Club I feel it is a great privilege and none more so than at the 2016 Clubs WA Awards for Excellence night a few weeks ago when my wife and I joined some of the staff as finalists in several categories. To sit there and hear Verity James announce on several occasions the Marmion ANGLICAN and Aquatic Club (yes she did struggle with our name), gave me a real buzz and to receive two major Club Awards and have the opportunity to express my personal thanks to the management and staff of the MAAC as well as each and every one of our members. Club of the Year (Large) Award for the second year in a row, that’s fantastic. We are a great and proud Club and yes Verity wasn’t far wrong as for some of us it’s almost a religion to be involved in aquatic activities with the MAAC. I must take this opportunity to congratulate our Chef Tim White who won Employee of the Year and our function room staff led by Tony O’Dea & Jessica Cockcroft who received the Best Club Function Facility (Large) Award. Shaun Murphy was runner up in the Inspiration Award and Ken Jackson got a special recognition certificate in the Volunteer Contribution Award as an exceptional volunteer at the Club (view more photos on page 6). It was also good to see a very good friend and supporter of the Club, Mal Atwell recognised for his contribution as Best Product Supplier of the Year and of course, our Club Manager Robert Weir took out the accolades in that area. Shame you couldn’t be there Robert to receive your honour. Of course when the Club of the Year was announced it was accepted proudly by myself but very much humbly on behalf of you the members. It’s your Club, you are a very big part in making it what it is and it’s your award as much as anyone’s. So we can go into another year feeling proud to be known as members of the Club of the Year and let’s keep the momentum going for another year. Three in a row in 2017!!! Martin Hall PRESIDENT I should also mention Colin Carruthers who was a finalist in the Members Choice Club of the Year Award and Nigel Sweeney who entered the Best Club Chef of the Year Award but on the day of the Master Chef style cook off, just was not quite good enough to receive the judges award. Club of the Year Award accepted by Martin Hall (more photos page 6) DRINKING OR SMOKING IN FRONT OF THE CLUB IS PROHIBITED Please refrain from smoking or taking drinks outside the entrance door. The Club permits smoking out on the balcony on the ocean side not near the kitchen and the drinking of alcohol out the front of the Club is not permitted by law. Please abide by this direction as set by the General Committee. Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 3 FROM THE CLUB MANAGER by Robert Weir CHASE THE ACE The Jackpot now stands at $900.00. Since our last newsletter the Ace of Clubs was drawn by Bert Cooperwhite taking home a cool $1600.00. Well done Bert it has as you stated been a long time coming. Jordan Oldfield drew the 6 of Diamonds, Peter Costigan the Queen of Hearts, Nadine Freeman the 9 of Spades, Ian McNee the Queen of Clubs, Ben Pascoe the Ace of Diamonds and won $150.00, Fritz Nebel the 9 of Clubs, Garry Williams the 5 of Diamonds and Tony Antoniou the 4 of Diamonds. Each week Club members are only eligible to enter “Chase the Ace” so come down on a Wednesday evening between 5.00 and 6.30pm and see if you can take home the money. Buy a drink and the bar staff will give you a few tickets so that you can “Chase the Ace” and you may walk home with a nice bit of cash. A special thanks is extended to Colm and Philomena Kane from Solomons Flooring Joondalup as they are the key sponsors for ‘Chase the Ace’ starting the board with a donation of $500.00. Whenever you need flooring give them a call. TRADING April, May and June are always quiet times at the MAAC with the weather generally being colder and wetter and many decide to stay at home. The economy is also not favorable and quite a few are feeling the pinch. We here at the MAAC continue to ensure that your Club is the most affordable and reasonable on the coast. Come down for a snack at the bar, dinner in the restaurant or just have a drink and watch the sunset. We want your patronage and our staff will continue to do their best to make sure whenever you are at the Club you are special. BEER PRICES TO RISE MONDAY 1st AUGUST We have been notified by our major suppliers that effective 1st August tariff increases in the purchase of alcohol supplied to the MAAC will be increased. The General Committee has a policy that as and when excise increases are handed down, which is twice a year, 1st February and 1st August that they are immediately handed on. We have not moved our beer prices for twelve months to ensure we look after our membership however the new increases are nominal and management would like all members’ to be aware that we will continue to retain our selling prices well under our competitors and always remain highly competitive. OVERSEAS TRIP From time to time it is nice to get away and charge the batteries. My wife Karrin and I have just returned from a trip with five of our friends to visit South Africa. We landed in Johannesburg and flew straight to the Kruger Game Reserve on the Crocodile River. One of our party is part owner of a lodge in a truly wonderful part of the world and we for over a week were fascinated by the array of animals that walked past our door. This ranged from a pride of lions to a herd of elephants, water buffalo, wilder beast and much more. The river in front was full of hippos, crocodiles and bird life as plentiful for all. We then moved on to the Drakensburg Mountains for a relaxing week and travelled up the Sani Pass into Lesotho. This pass takes one to the highest point in South Africa and the scenery is breath taking. CLUB AWARDS 2016 Earlier in this newsletter our President Martin Hall spoke about the results in the recent Clubs WA Awards for 2016. As Club Manager I am personally so proud not only of the fact that the MAAC took out Club of the Year (Large) but for the fact that the entire team at the MAAC contributed to this win. I have a great team working with me in all areas and that is what makes a top Club, stability and the knowledge that all are working for you the member. To my entire staff, well done you all deserve a pat on the back. 4 Karrin & Robert - South Africa & Lesotho Border Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Also on the top of the pass is the highest and smallest pub in Africa. We did partake of a refreshment on the top as inside the pub it was warm, whereas outside it was freezing. From there we went to Cape Town and the sights from the top of Cable Mountain are hard to better. We visited Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 17 years and this was certainly an eye opener. As a tourist we also visited the beautiful wine regions of Stellenbosch. A great trip, the dollar against the rand was very favorable and we all enjoyed three weeks of bliss. Karrin and I left the others and travelled back to Sydney just in time for the birth of our second grandchild Emilia (Emi) to our daughter Natasha and her husband Stefan. Emi is the little sister to Addison (Addi) and all are doing well. Both Stefan and Natasha worked at the MAAC in the bar when going through University and Stefan’s parents Peter and Sheryl Giannas have been MAAC members for years. We are four very happy grandparents. MAAC MERCHANDISE - NEW WINTER STOCK On the inside cover you can see some of our merchandise, including beanies, hats, vests, polo shirts, light rain jackets and rugby tops. We also have a new heavy duty rain jacket (Husky - $85 as pictured above). Come down to the office, say hello to the staff and try on some of the goods. We have new stock available and sizes for all at very reasonable prices! ‘Table cloth’ of clouds sitting on Table Mountain - Cape Town Elephant on Safari Giraffe at the door Cable Car ride to Table Top Mountain Table Top Mountain Cable Car view looking down Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. A couple of lions close up 5 2016 CLUBS WA AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE Tim White - Employee of the Year Jess & Tony - Best Club Function Facility (Large) Award Best Club Function Facility (Large) Accepted by Club President Martin Hall WE ARE SEEKING YOUR HELP Our angling division in conjunction with other Clubs are working to help underprivileged people by supplying gifts of either new or used fishing gear. This can be in the form of rods, reels, casters or anything that could be cleaned up to assist those in need. We are sure many have a few items sitting in the shed that may be of assistance so take a look and drop them down to the MAAC office. We are a generous Club and will help out wherever we can. 6 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CLUB BREAKFAST 7TH AUGUST 11TH SEPTEMBER 8.30am - 10.30am New Á La Carte Menu MEMBERSHIP IS CURRENTLY CLOSED We currently have an excess of 800 on the waiting list. Please check back at a later date for membership enquiries. $500 CLUB MEMBERSHIP DRAW EC11948 AU39955 Every Friday and Saturday at 7.00pm and 7.15pm we carry out a draw for $500.00. You must be in the Club to win the money and have three minutes from when it is announced and shown on the screen in the main bar to claim the money. On Friday 27th May Bernard Lowry was present to win the $500.00 and he was certainly a very happy member. Specialising in: RCDs/Switchboard up grades Security Lighting & Cameras LED Down Lights/ Installation & up grades Shop/Factory Fit out 3 Phase outlets Smoke Alarms Power points Mains Runs Plus much more FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Benn Brown Mobile: 0422 900 993 Email: Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 7 EXCITING NEWS! by Carol Shaw This month’s article comes with some momentous news from us! We have been located at Marmion Village for just over 16 years and have loved calling this place home, BUT, a few friends and I have come up with an incredible idea that has never been tried before in the travel industry in Australia or anywhere else in the world that we are aware of! On 4th July Tour de Force Travel begins an exciting business transition which will provide greater travel opportunities for you, our wonderful family of client’s. After 16 years at Marmion Village we are relocating to The Carine Quarter at the Carine Glades Shopping Complex, only 5 minutes from our current location. Our contact details will remain unchanged. We are very proud of our new office and our dedicated staff and I are all looking forward to welcoming you soon to book your next adventure. Below for your information I have attached a press release that went out recently to the travel industry and we received amazingly positive feedback about this wonderful new innovation. If you would like more information or clarification about what this move will mean to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of our staff members. Elite Perth agencies adopt innovative new business model Three of Western Australia’s most respected travel agencies are today pleased to announce an innovative new venture that will see them tackle the issue of rising costs by relocating into new shared business premises in Perth, effective July 2016. Carol Shaw (Tour de Force Travel), Jan Welch (Sorrento Quay Travel) and Sue Holmes (Carine Travel Bug) will from 4th July 2016 move their businesses into a new shared office in the Perth suburb of Duncraig. While the three award-winning agencies will continue to function as separate entities they will share the cost of leasing the new office and an office administrator. In addition, the three companies have created a new brand, Elite Travel Group, for use in joint local marketing initiatives, such as product evenings. The initiative will allow the three agencies to dramatically reduce overheads, and where appropriate combine resources and experience to seize new sales opportunities. Individually each company boasts decades of travel industry experience, as well as strong alliances with a wide range of partners, including airlines wholesalers and cruise operators. This new operating model will allow them to share costs, resources and experience, and ultimately enable the principals to more-effectively focus on their core business of selling travel and providing superior customer service to their strong and well-established customer bases. The new premises will officially open on 4th July 2016 at Carine Quarter Unit 4/473 Beach Road Duncraig, corner of Beach Road and Davallia Road. To celebrate our new venture, all new bookings made from 4th July – 4th October to a value of $4000 or more will go into a draw for a $10,000 travel prize! Now wouldn’t that be just a little bit wonderful! We hope you will all embrace our new venture and pop in and see us over the next few months to see our new home and have a chance of winning the big prize! “WITHOUT A TRAVEL AGENT YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN” We are your travel agent and we look forward to giving you the holiday you deserve! TOUR de FORCE TRAVEL 8 9246 2177 ATAS A10578 AFTA 01296 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Local Council Zoning Has Changed! What Does This Mean To You? If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions, then you need to speak with us today! Can I sub-divide my block, does the zoning allow it? Should I sub-divide my block or let the buyer do it? What is a D.A. Approval? How much access do I need down the side of my home for the rear lot? What professional services do I need ie. surveyor, finance broker, draftsperson etc? When can I market/sell the newly formed property? How much does it cost? How many dwellings can my block tolerate? What about my swimming pool? Should we make narrow side by side lots, or a front and rear lot? How much will it all be worth? DID YOU KNOW The team at LJ Hooker North Beach have a combined 70+ years’ personal experience in real estate and residential development, we are readily awaiting for your enquiry with OBLIGATION FREE ADVICE! Contact us today on 9447 0082 or 0414 802 541 GLENGARRY SPECTACLE BOUTIQUE Shop 13 Glengarry Shopping Centre Duncraig 6023 Phone 9246 1022 / 9448 5503 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 9 CAPTAIN’S REPORT by Kevin Murphy JUNE 18TH 2016 FISHING COMPETITION After cancelling and postponing previous competitions it was great to get one underway. We had 19 boats and 34 anglers head out to fish this June competition. Anglers found it to be a tough day out on the water with strong North Easterly winds blowing stronger than predicted and lasting most of the day. There are no diving results as no divers joined the competition this month. The waters were extremely dirty and this could have been the reason for their absence! The Squid Award again went to Roy Lukies with a nice specimen of 0.656kg. Roy will be one to look out for at our coming up Squid shootout which has been forwarded to the 27th August 2016. Ken Matthews true to form won the largest Tailor and Garfish Award and took out the Veterans prize as well. Tony Berichon won the largest Skippy Award which weighed 1.561kg. Apparently Tony has caught some great Skippy on non-competition days weighing up to 3kg. Flathead Award also went to Tony. Darlene Shepherd also did well weighing in the largest Breaksea Cod and taking out the Ladies Award. On her boat another angler Jordan Oldfield had a good day with the largest Sand Whiting Prize and Herring which was also the Fish of the Day. Visiting anglers, Luke Fernando won the largest Samson with a weight of 20.64kg and Jay Chapman winning the largest Pink Snapper with a weight of 3.52kg. It was unusual to have no Baldchin Groper nor Shark weighed in! Rob Walters weighed in a very good King George Whiting of 1.294kg which could be a contender for The Kobe Cup Award for 2016. A week previously I had weighed Ged Woodcock’s King George at 1.198kg, sorry Ged your fame only lasting a week! However Ged weighed in the largest Dhufish of 8.88kg. He was also awarded last month’s Fish of the Day Award. Most Species Award went to Gerard Murphy & Glen Carter who both had 7 Species respectively. They also won Doubles Runners up. Doubles winners went to Filko Bavcevic and myself only narrowly with a difference of just 33grams. Singles winner was Dave Woodcock & runner up went to Terry Couldridge. Great to see such a mixture of winners on the board with prizes shared around. BBQ & presentation evening 15% DISCOUNT FOR ALL MAAC CLUB MEMBERS WHEN MEMBERSHIP CARD IS PRESENTED AT PURCHASE OR ENTER PROMO CODE MAAC15 WHEN BOOKING ONLINE BOOK NOW (08) 9246 1039 | Valid for up to 4 Adults per booking. Valid for Standard Ferry travel only. Discount does not include Gov. Tax. 10 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. was well attended considering it was such a cold night. Raffle prizes were well received and many thanks to Bob Craigie who kindly donated handmade beautiful cutting boards. Looking forward to July competition and watch out for dates in magazine for coming main events! Some may require accommodation bookings. UPCOMING EVENTS MAAC Rock & Beach Competition – 30th & 31st July Squid Shootout – 27th August Squid Information Night (see page 23 for photos) ran in May was well attended with well over 90 people attending. The two guest speakers present were Peter Coulson from the School of Veterinary & Life Sciences at Murdoch and Paul Willis, the founder of the Calamari Classic. Peter’s presentation of his findings on the study of the life cycle of the Southern Calamari was most informative and interesting. Peter explained that Southern Calamari found in different locations have different life cycles. Paul an expert in squidding techniques and tackle, had the audience’s attention for over an hour. He displayed different gear and techniques. Regularly travelling to Japan he is able to purchase squid tackle and was very generous giving some great squid gear to our fishermen to try. AAA EVENTS State Estuary Competition – 26th & 27th November Walpole Estuary - Rest Point Caravan Park, for Accommodation Ph: 9840 1032 Rock & Beach – 29th & 30th April 2017 Jurien Bay State Boats – TBC Note: A message from AAA that fisheries may be looking at anglers carrying more than their daily bag limit. Example – 1 person carrying 2 peoples limit. Thank you to both speakers for making the evening such a success. JUNE FISHING COMPETITION Tight Lines, Kevin Murphy Grant Bird Blake Shepherd Birthday Boy! Cheers Ged Woodcock Dhufish Ged Woodcock King George Whiting I hate filleting! Jordan Oldfield Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Kevin with Darlene Shepherd 11 JUNE COMPETITION WINNERS HU L $1 L ON 5,8 LY 93 The latest design from Karnic Superb offshore 5.56m runabout with the option of choosing your own deck layout Call us for more information Now the New Honda Dealers North of the River OUTBOARDS SERVICING PARTS 5% DISCOUNT ON PARTS TO ALL MEMBERS Phone Larry 0438 181 640 SUPS BOATS OUTBOARDS 12 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. POOL REPORT by Kevin Craft VALE STEVE AIBERTI Steve was raised by his family in Wittenoom. At that time they were totally unaware of the dangers that lurked there. Steve first worked at the mine and then later joined the Royal Australian Navy, where he first met Joan, his wife of 55 years. Later Steve joined the Civil Aviation Authority as an air traffic controller. He was totally committed to his family who were his greatest joy. However he still managed to find time to get in a spot of fishing, golf or pool - all three of which he was pretty good at. Steve was also very active in the Asbestosis Diseases Society and was always ready to lend a hand when needed. Shortly after I joined the Pool club, many years ago, Steve’s brother Bob had succumbed to asbestosis, and to remember him we set up the Bob Aiberti Memorial trophy. This trophy forms the Pool Singles Championship leg of the Annual MAAC Sports Day. In 2014, after several attempts, Steve finally got to win this trophy and he was pleased as punch! Steve was a talented pool player. He had great ball control and could turn a game around in seconds with a well calculated, sometimes almost impossible shot. He was not averse to helping out the lesser players either and was happy to spend time showing them how to control the ball or as he put it - “check side”. Apart from pool, the one talent that sticks in my mind was his ability to whistle a tune, the like of which I had never heard before. It was amazing, and also very offputting when you were about to take a shot! Steve was always immaculately groomed and probably a bit over-dressed for the pool table. In spite of suffering for many years with asbestosis he was always able to put on a brave face, soldier on, and have a laugh. He was a true gentleman. R.I.P. CLUB POOL ASSOCIATION Since my last report we had reached the half-way mark of the winter season. It is at this point that we take a break from the normal matches and run the doubles competition. This competition is spread over Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. a two week period, and depending on numbers can span more than one venue. The MAAC put up four pairs for the event, however only Mason & Greg and Dave & Mark got through the elimination round. Unfortunately neither pair managed to get into the finals. John Logan & Oli Grumbar from Innaloo won the competition by defeating Simon Brown & Peter Wheeler from Scarborough Sportsman’s club by three games to one. At the time of writing we have just completed round 8. The Piranhas are in 3rd position whilst the Marlins are in 5th position. Scarborough Eagles are in top position. Looking more closely at the statistics though reveals that out of two hundred games the Eagles and the Piranhas are both on same game win rate percentage. The only difference is that Scarborough have one more match win, so things are still looking very promising for the Piranhas. MONTHLY COMPETITION On the last Sunday of each month we hold a pool competition open to all CPA players and MAAC members and their guests. There is a $10 entry fee with a guaranteed first prize of $100 and second prize is a $25 MAAC voucher. Since my last report we have had two monthly comps. On the 24th April we held a knockout competition. It was good to see representatives from Osborne Park, Innaloo and Scarborough turn up for the event. Clint Stonier managed to break the curse and defeat Carl Harrison. He then progressed through to the Final where he was up against Keith Alderslade. Unfortunately time was against Clint as he had another engagement to attend and so he graciously forfeited to Keith. 13 Pool report continued... On the 29th May there were fewer numbers than the previous month so it was feasible to hold a round robin. Carl Harrison had the most wins on the day whilst Paul Cain was the runner-up. If you are interested in having a go, or just want to watch, check the Grapevine for news of this event. It is generally on the last Sunday of the month but can sometimes change if it is a public holiday or clashes with another event. We are always looking for new players, so please drop in on a Monday night, have a few games and find out more about the Pool Club. If you would like to get regular updates on what is happening with the MAAC Pool club please email me at Until next time... Kevin Craft MAAC POOL CLUB Steve Aiberti wins the Bob Aiberti Memorial Clint Stonier & Keith Alderslade 14 Paul Cain & Carl Harrison Dave Burnley & Mark Bull Mason Cuthbert & Greg Fussell Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. DIVE SECTION REPORT by Paul Hillary THE FREMANTLE FISH HARBOUR CLEAN The Fremantle Fish Harbour Clean was held over the weekend of April 30th and 1st May. There were about 200 people down over the two days. The MAAC had 24 divers and land based helpers, so we were able to move a massive amount of rubbish out of the area. Special thanks to Bob Pendlebury for skippering the support boat for the two days, we were the first ones on the water and the last off. COMPRESSOR COURSE There should have been a course run by the time you receive this but contact me if you need to do a course to use the compressor. I would like to say a big thank you to all MAAC members that gave up the weekend to pull rubbish out of Fremantle Harbour. It is not an easy task as we have to get the rubbish to the surface then onto the jetties or wharf then barrow all rubbish from there to a central sorting area and sometimes we needed to go 300 to 500 metres as there is no access. The rubbish is then sorted and catalogued so they know what kind of rubbish is ending up in the water. CLUB DIVES Dives are held on the fishing comp days and also on the 4th Sunday of each month so contact me and we will try to get you on a boat. As this was an area where professionals and recreational mariners keep their boats we understand that some items fall off of boats due to wind and sea conditions. It’s frustrating when you find a rolled up section of carpet with 3 marine batteries in it, you know that it has not just fallen into the water. Also oil filters thrown into the water when there is an oil dump point at the end of the jetties. What a great effort by all that helped out over the weekend. We filled 4 x 12m³ bins, plus a heap of tyres and batteries. It is sad to see so much rubbish in the water. These are our waters to enjoy; hopefully we can educate people to be more responsible. Hopefully next year when it is back at the Hillarys Marina we can get a few more helpers from the club. DIVE MEETING July 19th - 7pm Blue Water Room August 16th - 7pm Blue Water Room Anything diving don’t hesitate to contact me. Safe Diving, Paul Hillary 0419 040 346 | DIVE TRAIL Since Michael Chessells has been helping things are progressing. We need to do some diving around the reef to pin point where we are going to place the marks and what will be on them. When the weather is good enough to dive the area we will be out there, so if you are interested please let me know. We will need photos and we will be placing marker floats to see how it looks from the surface. This is so we can map the area and for broachers. Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 15 ABROLHOS DIVE TRIP by Stuart Cruse Our trip to the Abrolhos started with an easy drive up the coast to Geraldton and a quick dinner before boarding Image Dives well-equipped boat “The Southern Image”. We got settled in while the crew set off through the night to the northern islands, arriving at around 1am. The Abrolhos Islands consist of 122 islands around 60 kilometres west of Geraldton and are broken up into three main groups; Wallabi group in the north, Easter group and Pelsaert group to the south. We started our diving in the north, working our way south as we went along doing three to four dives a day. After an easy first dive to get used to using the surface marker buoys (SMBs, to varying success!), we did two more dives on our first day in great conditions, seeing Spanish Mackerel, Baldchin Groper, a few Dhuies and Coral Trout, and a big school of Bonitos. We made the most of the good weather and had a snorkel on Morning Reef where you can see what is left of the Batavia wreck - a couple of anchors and a cannon. We were lucky to get the chance to swim there because conditions normally make it hard to get close, but the weather was perfect. We had a quick fish that afternoon and caught some red throat emperors, which we had for dinner with some crayfish we caught earlier. Cheryl was very excited to catch her first ever fish, which was also the biggest for the day. fish scraps to attract some fish and swam with Spangled Emperors, Baldchin Groper and a small Wobbygong. It was a great way to spend the break. There is an abundance of sea life in Abrolhos and even when we weren’t diving we saw a small pod of dolphins, a couple of humpback whales, a large school of squid swimming under the boat one night and some sea lion pups when we went for a walk on one of the islands. Also on the island in a small lake was a large Cod but no one is really sure how it got there. The system of deploying a SMB on all dives made for easy diving as the crews were able to pick us up from anywhere meaning there was no need to find our way back to the boat. This was especially handy when there was a bit of current and we could enjoy a drift dive. The last dive of the trip was at Coral Patches, which in itself was a nice dive with lots of colorful staghorn and plate coral, but the highlight was a large school of at least 50 Dhufish that hang around there regularly. For those that found them it was the most memorable dive of the trip and a great way to finish. The Southern Image crew was great. We were well looked after and certainly never went hungry. It was a very well run outfit and they had great knowledge of the area. Big thanks to the crew; skipper Luke and deckie/ chef Paul! (not Paul Hillary, he was the bus driver). The great weather continued for the whole trip with calm seas and little swell. Most of our dives started anywhere from five to 15 metres, to a depth of about 39 metres with lots of nice coral in the shallows; plate coral and staghorn coral being the most common. There were a few Nudibranchs spotted, some Anemones and some other Soft Corals, but mostly bigger fish. We saw Baldchin Groper and Coral Trout on just about every dive as well as lots of Mackerel, some Yellowtail Kingfish, schools of Bonito, Skippy and Sweetlips. Rankin Cod were also seen and there were a few sightings of some Bronzewhaler sharks. The highlight on day two was a group of at least six smooth rays (or black spotted rays) that hung around for a while. They were nearly as big as mantas and quite happy to stay close to us, swimming amongst us for a while. On Saturday between dives we went for a snorkel off the back of the boat and threw over some cray shells and 16 Batavia Anchor Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Fraser, Stuart Allan and Terry Allan checking his depth Cannon from the Batavia Wreck Sting rays SPEAR FISHING by Mike Kane With another postponement of the competition day we had another month of no divers to weigh in. It has been a disappointing season for the weather. Through cancelled days and other commitments I personally haven’t weighed a fish this season. That being said, those who have got out have still bagged some nice fish. It seems others have taken the time to start doing some boat modifications and there been a few itchy people from fibreglass. AUGUST TRAINING RESUMES Now that the colder months are behind us we are resuming training in August. It is to a limited number of eight people for two sessions per week for the month. The sessions will be 1.5 hours and a combination of static and dynamic training. Coaching will be done by Yoram at Blueshift and those that commit will definitely see improvements. SOMETIMES IT’S DIRTY... On a recent trip north we had large tides making the water visibility very average (2 - 3 metres). Despite the difficult conditions there were fish showing on the sounder and it became a matter of trying to ‘land’ on the fish. With perseverance and teamwork we managed to spear some lifetime fish. It proves sometimes you just got to keep trying. You won’t get anything if you stay at home and watch the footy! Stay safe, Mike Kane Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Mike Kane with a nice Red 17 MARLIN FISHING EXMOUTH by Steve Cox & Brian Snook STEVE ‘THE FISHERMAN’ COX AND THE SALTY DOG CREW TICK ALL THE BOXES. Well it was on again, the annual 3 day tag and release Billfish Challenge which precedes EGFC’s GAMEX in March of this year. After a successful 2015 tournament winning the 8 & 10 kg Champion Team Section on the good ship Hindsight, the Exmouth team members decided to fish the 2016 Billfish on my slightly larger boat Salty Dog as the Salty Dog team. The hope was that we might get a triple whammy, 1. Slip under the radar in the boat auction. 2. Reduce their crew by one which would give them a chance to catch a fish themselves without the rod grabber Steve Cox being on board. 3. Avoid some of the pitfalls of previous tournaments which involved Steve i.e.; running out of beer mid arvo, having to visit hospital at 4am to have a 16/0 hook removed from his guts or him snapping a brand spanking new custom 37kg rod before the boat wasn’t even hooked up to the car let alone in the water. But all the subterfuge was to no avail. Somehow ‘The Fisherman’ Steve got a whiff on what was going to happen and was onto it like a seagull on a mulie that had been left on the bait board. No amount of shooing could drive him off or stop the squawking, so finally he was invited. All would need to keep an eye on him, not let him near anything sharp and put the Mackie Bat near the drinks esky so that whenever that hand of his went into the esky without authorisation it copped a whack, wouldn’t stop him but certainly slowed him down. Suffice to say the plan worked (to a certain extent anyway). There was always one beer left for the trip home but never two. Day one saw Muzza and Tristan the local boys on strike first, however when putting the gear out one of the rods went off. Without hesitation the rod grabber picked it up, the score grabber 1, crew none. Steve got the first Bill Fish of the comp so he was saved from a swim. On the last day of the competition the Salty Dog crew found themselves several fish behind the leading boat. Steve’s call was for his trusty red and white hard bodied Rapala lure be placed into the spread. Within minutes Tristan nailed a nice little black Marlin on Steve’s lure. Heading into the last hours Muzza picked up another one, the deck was buzzing. The Salty Dog crew and Steve ‘the fisherman’ Cox had the light tackle (8 &10 kg) section wrapped up. We only had to get one more fish to take out the overall section and beat all those bigger boats fishing 15, 24, 37 & 60 kg line classes. 18 With only an hour left in the competition it was agreed by the crew and ‘the champion fisherman Steve’ that it was now Snooky’s turn to be on strike. I had been on the wheel most of the time and was the only one who hadn’t tagged a fish. It would be a small reward if I the captain could get a fish and it be the winning one. So still at the helm I turned the boat, checked the GPS and set the autopilot then stepped away to hand over the wheel to Muzza. Within mille seconds and only two steps away from the back deck and the rods there was an almighty splash and wham we were on, the drag was screaming, a 40kg black marlin was going off, white water everywhere, adrenalin pumping and yep you guessed it, the rod grabber Steve with his long spider like arms simply reached out and plucked the rod from the gunnel before me the captain could reach the back deck and accept the hand over. After a massive fight of over 45 minutes with the fish coming to the surface quite a few times only to swim off and testing all of Steve’s skill as an angler the fish finally came up to the boat letting Muzza tag the winning fish. There were high fives all over the boat and Steve’s smile could be seen for miles as the Captain I congratulated Steve for his patience and angling ability in getting the winning fish to the boat. Well the photos tell the story and the Salty Dog crew and Steve ‘the fisherman’ Cox had a great night, picking up Champion Team Light Tackle, Champion Team Overall and taking home the boat auction purse. Winners are grinners! Hope to see you in Exmouth some time where we can catch up and trade real fishing stories Cheers Brian Snook CAPTAIN SALTY DOG Tristan & the Captian Brian Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Winners are grinners Salty Dog parked up Steve with the Champion Boat Trophy Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Steve hooked up Steve with the first marlin of the comp 19 445 Wanneroo Road, Balcatta T: 08 9344 0111 MD2161 *Offer ends 31st August 2016. The Guest must state when booking that they want the Winter Service Offer. Excludes premium vehicles. * Offer ends 31 August 2016. The guest must state when booking that they want the Winter Service Offer. * Offer ends 31 August 2016. The guest must state when booking that they want the Winter Service Offer. 20 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CHASE THE ACE JACKPOT $900 Fax: 9446 4755 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. See Terry, Bernie or Shaun for all of your panelbeating needs. Mention your involvement with the MAAC club for a $50 discount!! Remember - you get to choose your repairer, so make us yours. or email for enquiries. Come and see us for an obligation free restoration quote any day of the week. No bookings required. Ben Pascoe Ace of Diamonds wins $150.00 Bert Cooperwhite draws the Ace of Clubs and wins $1600.00 Fritz Nebel 9 of Clubs Garry Williams 5 of Diamonds Ian McNee Queen of Clubs Jordan Oldfield 6 of Diamonds Nadine Freeman 9 of Spades Peter Costigan Queen of Hearts Tony Antoniou 4 of Diamonds » Residential Homes » Renovations & Additions » Design and Build Service Daniel Ryan 0419 940 121 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. BRB No. 14081 21 DARTS FROM THE OCHE by Chris McCarthy WINTER SEASON The season kicked off on the 12th April with five teams representing the club across three divisions. “C grade is represented by MAAC Red and MAAC Blue, “B” Grade MAAC White and MAAC Green (only one division this season) and “A” Grade by MAAC Black. 57.36. Paul McFarlane held the highest peg, although briefly of 102 until Rick Davage followed closely with a throw of 105. At this stage we are 11 weeks into the season and find most teams positioned nicely leading up to the second half and the final rounds MAAC Green – Well the nurturing team of the MAAC find themselves in 10th position. Although there position may be bottom they have played above expectations and managed their only win against the second placed team. By season’s end they will be much better off, and settled for the following season. Highest average 57.63 to Neil Rowse. C Grade A Grade MAAC Blue – Find them sitting in 4th place after re-grouping after their result in the summer season. Some very good averages for the team from Pauline Kalajzich 55.56 and Tony Humphries 43.90 who were well supported in the pegging by John Gordon (12) and best peg of 47 Ian Beaton. MAAC Black – Playing their first season in “A” grade after moving up from “B”, they are in 4th. Players report that they are enjoying the challenge of playing-up, and their improved individual averages are showing the results. Top averages were, Ged Woodcock 76.08 / 72.61, Bob Glass 74.00 / 68.56, Julian Dinardo 68.22 and Rob Jones 64.17. Pegging was evenly balanced throughout the team. MAAC Red - Sit in 2nd position and continue to play to the high standard as they have done for some time now. Although a very well rounded team there were highlight averages of 45.33 / 44.60 to Warren D’Cruz , 44.00 to Michael McGeehan and 42.19 for Mick Hadley. From all reports pegging has been a team effort!! B Grade MAAC White - Having an indifferent year losing games they were expecting to win are 4th on the ladder and are hoping to turn things around in the second half. Top average was Bruce Cross 55.56/ 22 are held on Tuesday night in the Seawall bar or at an associated club starting around 7.30pm and usually finishing around 10.30pm. The club has five teams at present represented across three divisions (A, B & C) with empathise on social interaction with like minded people. So if you are a dart player or just want to give it a go or just want more information give me a call! Chris McCarthy 0417 186 504 No. in billiards and bingo since 1969 Willetton Super Showroom 34 Gympie Way (Cnr Whyalla) 9354 9150 Bunbury Pool Tables Bunbury 2/76 Spencer Street 9791 5020 180’s MAAC Black – Graham McFadyen (x2) New Players No.1 name in... MAAC Darts would like to welcome new player Matthew Bayliss who has joined MAAC Black and wish him all the best for the season ahead. As the competition within the Blue Water Darts Association continues to improve and with the installation of an additional board (boatshed) the MAAC Darts division is always looking for people to join. The competitions pool, billiard and snooker tables quality cues and accessories bingo tickets and equipment air hockey and soccer tables AFL 8 ball merchandise gaming and fundraising darts and dart boards table tennis tables A preferred supplier to the AHA AHA (WA) Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. SQUID INFORMATION NIGHT May 2016 Great crowd attends the Squid Information Night! Paul Willis Peter Coulson talks on life cycle of the squid Paul Willis founder of the Calamari Classic discusses catching techniques LOOKING FOR WORK? Want Part Time flexible hours? Returning to work after children? Join our mature aged students in Balcatta and gain a qualification you will have forever with our Certificate IV in Bookkeeping (FNS40211). Bi monthly intakes plus we assist after the course with our Job Placement Register. We train you in MYOB, Xero & Excel. 9am to 2.30pm most days. Free parking Call now for a calendar and a chat on 9207 1088 or email or visit CHARLES CHARTER Prompt Reliable Service 0420 208 587 • • • • • Airport drop off and pick up Up to 7 passengers Corporate Events Weddings Hire Special Event Chauffeur John Charles, Small Charter vehicle at affordable prices Major cards accepted incl. Cabcharge Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 23 COMPETITIVE FISHING by Peter McHugh Dawn, and it’s 25 degrees at the Dampier boat ramp: a perfect start to a day’s fishing. Fishing in the waters off Karratha is competitive. Competitive with friends on the boat, maybe, but extremely so with the magnificent grey predators cruising off the Pilbara coast. When you are operating in the sharks’ domain, expect a battle. In late May 2016, Scott, Murray and I fished at the northern end of the impressive Dampier Archipelago, past the archipelago islands to our west and the Burrup Peninsula to the east. After skimming through Mermaid Sound in Murray’s 6.3m runabout, we were attracted by the extensive surface thrashing of bait fish driven to get airborne by their marine predators. Following a few luckless attempts at trolling across the bait fishes to pick up their predators, we sped further north to the Madeleine Shoal, to pull in our first catch of the day. Drifting across relative shallows in the shoal, from 30 metres to 18 metres and back out to 30 metres, kept us busy. What kept us busier was the race between our retrieve and our competitive marine fishers - the sharks. On several occasions there were at least six sharks lazily finning around the Quintrex Bowrider, daring us to pull in a fish – and they won more than once, leaving us with either nothing or just a fish head to record the catch. The variety of fish was extraordinary given we were just using squid on our hooks and there were many occasions we had to check our charts to properly identify the catch. Competition between us and the sharks meant that we were retrieving as fast as we could, with barotrauma especially evident in our fish. Undersized fish did not spend long back in the water before they were casually taken by the sharks, or plucked out by impressively opportunistic birds. After a very enjoyable day on the water and despite the odds, we returned with fish for that evening and some evenings to come. Once or twice we hooked two at once and sometimes the pull of sizeable leather jackets convinced us we had something more impressive on the line. Weather in Karratha at this time of year is marvellous. If you intend to go, there is no doubt that the May to September period is the best for personal comfort as it avoids the oppressive heat of the wet season - or ‘Summer’ if you prefer. People speak of the NW coast of WA as having about the best fishing in Australia and I now believe them. By comparison, I recently fished on the shores of the Amazon River in equatorial Brazil with nothing more than a bamboo pole, a short line, and a small baited hook. The result may not be big but it sure has a bite. The teeth of this small ‘white’ piranha are needle sharp and seem out of proportion to its body. Apparently they have a powerful jaw, but do not deserve the reputation they have for shredding people in seconds. It seems there is very little in the way of properly documented cases of anyone being taken by a school of piranha. The schooling occurs to protect themselves from other predators, including caiman – a South American word meaning ‘alligator’ (hence the Cayman Islands). All the same, I wasn’t keen to swim in the Amazon! PS. A couple of days later, we were in a boat with a whaleshark alongside – and those are impressive. Dinner after a day out in Karratha Two fish on one retrieve off Karratha 24 Catching Piranhas in Brazil Whale shark off Exmouth Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. MOTHER’S DAYat the MAAC On Sunday 8th May, 224 Club members and their families enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the MAAC. Mums were spoilt and the children had a great time with our face painter working tirelessly to brighten up their faces. A great day was had by all and as we all know, Mums are very special and should always be looked after. Coming up on the 4th September is Father’s Day another important day in our lives. Check the newsletter for details and also log onto and view the photos on the day. Greenwood GET THE POWER OF AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST INDEPENDENT Talk to the team at Tyrepower Greenwood for help choosing the right tyre for your type of driving from our large range. OUR SERVICES: • Tyres, Wheels & Batteries • Wheel Alignment • 4x4 & Truck Tyres Kingsway Shopping Centre COCKMAN RD MAAC 26 Canham Way, Greenwood WA 6024 Email: Tyrepower Greenwood Ad 190x130 8-13.indd 1 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CANHAM WAY WE ARE HERE RD WANNEROO HEPBURN AVE Phone 9247 1166 15/08/13 9:30 AM 25 DINING AT THE MAAC KITCHEN HOURS Bookings are essential Call 9447 1733 LUNCH Wednesday to Sunday A-la-carte 12.00 noon to 2.30pm DINNER Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday A-la-carte 6.00pm to 9.00pm Friday –Buffet only 6.30pm (no A-la-carte) BAR SNACKS Wed, Thurs & Sun 12.00noon to 2.30pm Wed & Thurs 6.00pm to 9.00pm Fri & Sat 12.00noon to 9.00pm Our Friday night buffet is always very popular so please make sure you book so you do not miss out. Call the office on 9447 1733 Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm. CLUB NIGHT “FRIDAY DINING CALENDAR” AUGUST 5TH 12TH 19TH 26TH ENGLISH CARVERY, CHINESE BBQ & MORE - $26.50 THAILAND, MALAYSIA, BALI & MORE - $26.50 SEAFOOD BUFFET WITH GARLIC PRAWNS - $37.50 SOUP, SUCKLING PIG & MORE PLUS DESSERT - $29.50 SEPTEMBER 2ND 9TH 16TH 23RD 30TH BRITISH INDIA & MORE - $26.50 MEDITERRANEAN DESTINATION - $26.50 SEAFOOD BUFFET WITH GARLIC PRAWNS - $37.50 SOUP, SUCKLING PIG & MORE PLUS DESSERT - $29.50 THAILAND, MALAYSIA, BALI & MORE - $26.50 OCTOBER 7TH 14TH 21ST 28TH ENGLISH CARVERY, JAPANESE GRILL & MORE - $26.50 SEAFOOD BUFFET WITH GARLIC PRAWNS - $37.50 SOUP SUCKLING PIG & MORE PLUS DESSERT - $29.50 EAST MEATS WEST & MORE - $26.50 NOVEMBER 4TH 11TH 18TH 25TH ENGLISH CARVERY, OTTOMAN GRILL & MORE - $26.50 SEAFOOD BUFFET WITH GARLIC PRAWNS - $37.50 SUCKLING PIG, NEW AUSTRALIAN & MORE - $29.50 CHRISTMAS BUFFET - $35 DECEMBER 2ND 9TH 16TH 23RD 26 CHRISTMAS BUFFET - $35 CHRISTMAS BUFFET - $35 CHRISTMAS BUFFET - $35 CHRISTMAS BUFFET - $35 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 27 Phone 9401 7777 SUITE EB1 32 ENDEAVOUR ROAD HILLARYS 6025 Phil Webb & Co. REG No. 2791 (Endeavour Business Centre, opposite Bunnings) Mobile: 0414 940 314 a a a No job too large or too small! ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Ph: (08) 9409 7619 • Fax: (08) 9408 1324 Locally Owned and Operated by COLM KANE PHILOMENA KANE Tel: (08) 9300 3666 Fax: (08) 9300 3766 SOLOMONS F L O O R I N G JOONDALUP Unit 5 / 43 Clarke Cresent Joondalup WA 6027 e: Independently Owned and Operated as a Franchise ACCOUNTANTS TAX AGENTS FINANCIAL ADVISORS Luxury beachside spa weekenders. Our 2 Night Spa Package includes a complimentary premium WA wine. Our beachside resort is ideal for couples, families or groups. Choose from 4 star studio rooms and luxury 1 bedroom apartments with huge corner spa and ocean views. Also 2 and 3 bedroom 3.5 star apartments. Restaurant facilities are available in the complex, and it’s just 800m to Hillarys Marina, AQWA, restaurants, shops and Rottnest Ferry. Best of all, it’s Just 76 steps to the beach. To book online for the best available rates go to Phone 08 9246 8100 1 Padbury Circle, Sorrento, Perth CLUB TRADING HOURS MONDAY TO SATURDAY from 12 NOON SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 12 NOON - 8.30 PM OFFICE HOURS .... MONDAY to FRIDAY 8.30 am - 5.00 pm Phone: 9447 1733 Fax: 9447 1277 28 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. LA SS AZING ASSOC & GL IA TI O N G MAAC Members’ Trade Directory Fishing for better Finance? EC 11781 ph: 0438 532 182 email: Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 29 DIGITAL ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS • TV REPAIRS • CONNECTION OF TV TO EQUIPMENT • SIGNAL STRENGTH SURVEY • INSTALL WALL BRACKETS • INSTALL SIGNAL BOOSTER SYSTEM • CHECK TV FOR GOOD PICTURE & SOUND QUALITY Steve Bell I’m the Bell to ring MAAC Member No.76 Police Clearance Certificate MONTHLY FISHING COMPETITIONS 9th July & 13th August 2016 7:00am start Ladies, gents, juniors, members & guests welcome Weigh-in at 4pm with complimentary drink Prize winning presentations start 6:30pm at MAAC Dates subject to change. Please refer to the Grapevine. P | 9307 4200 M | 0407 082 200 E | 0438821346 MAAC Member for over 27 years “Original, Mild Chilli & Ring Burner available at the bar” RICHARD MORRIS - 0417 988 492 Alfresco Patio Enclosures using Commercial Grade Channel iT Blinds suited to Ocean Front and High Wind. Turn your outdoor area into a usable area without the wind, rain and insects. Hillarys Marina, Boat Lifting Yard • • • • • Offices, schools, showrooms, factories Commercial and domestic carpet cleaning Rug cleaning specialists Established for 50 years Employing over 300 staff Tel: 08 9349 8277 Fax: 08 9207 1575 Email: Ernie Just 0410 448 278 9246 9006 DJM Electrical & Air-Conditioning Services EC 000623 AU 26722 Ring Macca for all Electrical & Air-Conditioning needs Mb 0418 952 856 | Ph 9303 4561 Personalized Quality Service 30 Email Unit 5/76 Callaway Street Wangara WA 6065 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 100’s CLUB MID YEAR WINDUP The sun tried to shine and the wind still had a real chill in it however the atmosphere and fun had in the boatshed by all who attended was electric. Morrie Marshall and John Boxhorn (Bill & Ben) ran the show like clockwork and Chef Andrew White made sure all had plenty to eat. Morrie promised an even better windup and prize night in December. Photos of the day are on the web at Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 31 BO NEW À LA CARTE MENU TAPAS SHARE PLATES OK IN GS ES SE NT IA L STARTERS warm kalamata olives, chilli, herb, garlic, bay leaf in cast iron pot $3.50 garlic bread $6.00 warm green ‘sicilian’ olives, fennel seed and garlic in cast iron pot $4.00 soup of the day, bread, butter $9.00 marinated feta, lemon, dried mint, black peppercorns $4.00 chefs speciality sizzling local garlic prawns in cast iron pot $16.00 grilled ‘hot’ cacciatore sausage, lemon, parsley $6.50 Tim Whites chicken liver paté, port wine jelly, petite salad, toast - for one $8.00 sweet potato and cashew empanadas (2), smoked paprika aioli $6.00 for two $11.50 salt and pepper squid, fried shallot, sweet chilli $6.50 bruschetta trio pea pesto, tomato salad, baked ricotta $11.50 pickled octopus ‘salad’ in a jar, olive, capers, red onion for two $9.00 extra focaccia for one $2.50 lamb rogan josh samosas (2), natural yogurt, coriander $6.50 gluten free bread $1.50 MAIN COURSE ‘peasant style’ braised lamb shoulder, aromats, tomato, potatoes and vegetables, sour cream, green chilli $25.50 simply grilled ‘cone bay’ barramundi with warm baby cos, tomato, olive, orange, saffron potato & pea salad $26.50 pork cutlet, parmesan crumbs, pommes purée, ‘sugo’, beans, lemon $25.50 seasonal poached vegetables ‘pot au feu’ muhammara, aioli $20.50 panfried local prawns with warm baby cos, tomato, olive, orange, saffron potato & pea salad $28.50 todays market fish, simply grilled with smoked paprika aioli, lemon butter see specials beer battered fish with lemon, tartare see specials ‘drunken chicken’, shaoxing chinese rice wine, materstock, jasmine rice asian greens, goji berry, red chilli, fried shallot $25.50 ‘MSA’ sirloin steak in a green peppercorn and brandy flambée with italian coleslaw and chips SIDES $28.50 CHILDRENS MENU italian coleslaw vegetables $3.00 smoked paprika aioli, tartare, extras $6.00 iceberg, tomato, beetroot, cheddar salad $2.00 $5.50 BARISTAS CORNER beef slider, chips $4.50 ea nuggets or battered fish and chips $7.50 add mini veg or salad $2.00 kids icecream trio $4.00 DESSERTS espresso flat white cappuccino latte chai latte affogato $3.50 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 long black short macchiato $4.00 $4.00 long macchiato hot chocolate mocha iced coffee, chocolate or mocha selection of teas decaf or soy milk available 50c extra $4.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $3.00 mug $1.00 sticky date pudding, extra butterscotch sauce, ice-cream warm apple crepes flambée, brandy syrup, cream eaton mess, strawberry, meringue, ice-cream, cream…….make mine brandy snap basket, vanilla bean ice-cream, anglaise, coulis lemon posset, berries, shortbread…….make mine ice-cream trio – chocolate, strawberry, vanilla add ice-cream to your dessert $11.50 $11.50 $12.00 $11.50 $11.00 $8.50 $2.00 CHEESE 35g ‘roaring fourties’ blue, dried fruit, glaze, crackers 35g king island brie, dried fruit, glaze, crackers 35g aged cheddar cheese, dried fruit, glaze, crackers cheeseboard trio $6.00 $4.50 $5.00 $14.00 make mine gluten free - add $1.50 per slice of bread PLEASE EXPLAIN... aromats - peppercorns and bay leaf pommes purée - mashed royal blue potato sugo - italian tomato sauce masterstock - asian poaching method pot au feu - poaching technique ‘pot on fire’ muhammara - roast capsicum, walnut and chilli puree MSA - meat standards Australia italian coleslaw - slaw dressed in vinaigrette flambée - burning off alcohol imparting smoked flavour eaton mess - english style pavlova mix anglaise - fresh egg custard coulis - berry sauce lemon posset - english ‘curd’ Gluten free Vegetarian Vegan RESTAURANT OPEN - Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat 12 - 2.30pm / 6 - 9pm, Sun 12 - 2.30pm | BOOK NOW 9447 1733
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