Gazette March 24, 2014 - the National Printing Corporation of St
Gazette March 24, 2014 - the National Printing Corporation of St
TE AC CO HI M NG M S IS ER SI V O IC N E Mr. James Solomon as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Millissa Warren as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Kimma Williams as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Chantal Winter as Teacher II(a). Mr. Nigel Fedee as Graduate Teacher I. Babonneau Primary School Ms. Hildretha Joe as Teacher III(a), at the, effective 01 August 2013. Boguis Combined School Ms. Bercia Allana Monzie as Teacher II(b), effective 02 September 2013. Ms. Merline Deliah as Graduate Teacher I. Mrs. Ada Leonce-Ferdinand as Graduate Teacher I. St. Mary’s College Corinth Secondary School Ms. Johna Giffard as Teacher II(a). REVOCATION OF TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School Judith Murraine Teacher I. as Graduate Gros-Islet Secondary School Mr. Craig Francis as Teacher II(b). Ms. Natash Dubois as Teacher II(a). Ms. Keisha Gonzague as Teacher II(b). Ms. Celine Foster as Graduate Teacher I. Mr. Clendon Biscette as Graduate Teacher I. Vide Bouteille Secondary School Mr. Steffon J. David as Teacher II(a). Ms. Esther George as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Bernice Pappin as Graduate Teacher I. St. Aloysius R.C. Boys’ Primary School Ms. Amara Francis as Teacher II(b). Mrs. Sharaline Phillip-Biscette as Teacher II(b). Ave Maria Girls’ Infant School Camille Henry Memorial School Ms. Zenia Felicien as Teacher II(a). Ms. Gahizi Martyr as Teacher III(b). Mrs. Cherriane Edward-Jn. Baptiste as Teacher III(b). Ms. Williana T. Paul as Teacher II(b). Bocage Secondary School Des Barras Primary School Ms. Tessa Alfred as Teacher II(a). Ms. Annetta Wilfred as Teacher III(b). Ms. Jeanne Augustin as Teacher II(b). Ms. Georgise James as Teacher II(a). Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School Gordon & Walcott Memorial School Ms. Janelle Edward as Graduate Teacher I. Mr. Gason Eugene as Teacher III(b). Ms. Natasha Mitchell as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Sebrina Ghirawoo as Teacher II(b). Ms. Ayanna Wills-Hyacinth as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Gaidy Gabriel as Teacher III(b). Castries Comprehensive Secondary School Leon Hess Comprehensive Secondary School Babonneau Secondary School Ms. Orissa Lamontagne as Teacher II(a). Mr. Cuthbert Elisee as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Nahra Herman as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Leslie Ann Emmanuel as Graduate Teacher I. St. Joseph’s Convent Ms. Stephanie King as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Elizabeth Soomer as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Nadatlie Bastien as Graduate Teacher I. Monchy Primary School Ms. Coslene Charles as Teacher II(b). Balata Primary School Mr. Eldon Hilaire as Teacher III(b). Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 337 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Mrs. Caile Charlery-Charles as Graduate Teacher I. Ti Rocher (Micoud) Combined School Ms. Candace Edwin as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Shanita Promesse as Teacher III(b). Mr. Nicholas Louis as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Tricia Ferdinand as Teacher II(a). La Croix Maingot Combined School Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School Ms. Gordiana Mathurin as Teacher II(b). Bexon Primary School Ms. Eleazar Augustin as Teacher II(a), effective 09 September 2013. Mr. Arline Andre as Teacher II(a). Millet Infant School Ms. Gene Isembert as Teacher III(b). Ciceron Secondary School Ms. Asmara James as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Shelda St. Ange as Graduate Teacher I. Micoud Secondary School Mr. Barry Justin as Special Teacher I. Ms. Sherline Regis as Teacher II(a). Ms. Kershana St. Ange as Teacher II(a). Mr. Tariq Edward as Teacher II(a). Vige Combined School Ms. Merlissa Charles as Graduate Teacher I. Mr. Curtley Joseph as Teacher II(b). Ms. Gilda Marcion as Graduate Teacher I. Augier Combined School George Charles Secondary School Ms. Shernel Justin as Teacher II(a). Mr. McGavin James as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Janelle Ross as Graduate Teacher I. Mrs. Ruth Morian as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Jueanne Cherubin as Teacher II(b). Marigot Secondary School Mr. Linel David as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Cristal Anthony as Teacher II(a), effective 09 September 2013. Saltibus Combined School Ms. Sansha Joseph as Teacher II(a). Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus B) Ms. Kamarla Ambrose as Teacher II(a). Ms. Meline Joseph as Teacher III(b). Ms. Dawn Agdomar as Graduate Teacher I. Dugard Combined School Richfond Combined School Ms. Kezia Gustave as Teacher II(a). Ms. Yvonne Mortley as Teacher II(b). Laborie Boys’ Primary School Mr. Ashley Aimable as Teacher II(a). Saint Lucia Government Gazette 338 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Delcer Combined School Ms. Merline Butcher as Teacher II(a). Riviere Doree Combined School Mr. Johann Williams as Teacher II(b). Choiseul Secondary School Ms. Licia Jn. Paul as Teacher II(a). Ms. Lisa Gidharry as Teacher II(a). Ms. Jenny Teacher II(a). Chicot-Louisy as Ms. Kerresia Thomas as Teacher II(a). Ms. Lawrin Chiquot as Teacher II(a). Ms. Keisha Mesmin as Teacher II(a). Canaries Primary School Ms. Chadelle St. Ange as Teacher II(b). Mr. Travern St. Omer as Teacher III(b). Soufriere Infant School Ms. Colette Antoine as Teacher II(b). Soufriere Comprehensive Secondary School Ms. Indira Ernest as Teacher III(b). Ms. Melita Mathurin as Teacher II(b). Mr. Stephen Charles as Graduate Teacher I. Ms. Faydian Gill as Graduate Teacher I. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS Boguis Combined School Ms. Bercia Allana Monzie as Teacher III(b), effective 02 September 2013 to 31 July 2014. Fond Assau Combined School Krishna Adolph as Teacher III(a), for the period 03 to 28 February 2014. Corinth Secondary School Mr. Errol Christopher Marquis as Graduate Teacher I, for the period 04 February 2014 to 12 July 2014. Monchy Primary School Mrs. Cherriane Edward-Jn. Baptiste as Teacher III(a). Des Barras Primary School Ms. Annetta Wilfred as Teacher III(a). Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School Ms. Coslene Charles as Teacher III(a). Ms. Johna Giffard as Teacher III(a). Mr. Nigel Fedee as Graduate Teacher II. Judith Murraine Teacher II. as Graduate Gros-Islet Secondary School Mr. Wayne Louis as Graduate Teacher I, for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 March 2014. Ms. Tessa Aimable as Teacher III(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. St. Mary’s College Mr. Craig Francis as Teacher III(a). Mr. Clendon Biscette as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Natash Dubois as Teacher III(a). Vide Bouteille Secondary School Ms. Keisha Gonzague as Teacher III(a). Mr. Steffon J. David as Teacher III(a). Ms. Celine Foster as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Esther George as Graduate Teacher II. Camille Henry Memorial School Ms. Bernice Pappin as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Zenia Felicien as Teacher III(a). Bocage Primary School Ms. Williana T. Paul as Teacher III(a). Ms. Kershama Eldora Mitchell as Teacher III(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Balata Primary School Ms. Tessa Alfred as Teacher III(a). Ms. Gaidy Gabriel as Teacher III(a). Ms. Jeanne Augustin as Teacher III(a). Babonneau Secondary School Gordon & Walcott Memorial School Ms. Amara Francis as Teacher III(a). Ms. Nahra Herman as Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Gason Eugene as Teacher III(a). Mrs. Sharaline Phillip-Biscette as Teacher III(a). Ms. Stephanie King as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Sebrina Ghirawoo as Teacher III(a). Ave Maria Girls’ Infant School Mr. James Solomon as Graduate Teacher II. Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School Ms. Millissa Warren as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Kimma Williams as Graduate Teacher II. Avery Griffith as Teacher II(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Dean Nestor as Teacher II(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 11 April 2014. Corinth Secondary School Ms. Chantal Winter as Teacher III(a). St. Aloysius R.C. Boys’ Primary School Ms. Gahizi Martyr as Teacher III(a). Ms. Merline Deliah as Graduate Teacher II. Bocage Secondary School Mrs. Ada Leonce-Ferdinand as Graduate Teacher II, effective 01 September 2013 to 31 December 2013 and as Graduate Teacher III, effective 01 January 2014. Mr. Eldon Hilaire as Teacher III(a). Castries Comprehensive Secondary School Ms. Orissa Lamontagne as Teacher III(a). Ms. Georgise James as Teacher III(a). Ms. Janelle Edward as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Natasha Mitchell as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Ayanna Wills-Hyacinth as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Leslie Ann Emmanuel as Graduate Teacher II. Leon Hess Comprehensive Secondary School Ms. Elizabeth Soomer as Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Cuthbert Elisee as Graduate Teacher II. Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 339 Saint Lucia Government Gazette St. Joseph’s Convent Ms. Nadatlie Bastien as Graduate Teacher II. Mrs. Caile Charlery-Charles as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Candace Edwin as Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Nicholas Louis as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Melesia Frederica Charles as Graduate Teacher II, for the period 28 October 2013 to 14 February 2014. La Croix Maingot Combined School Ms. Gordiana Mathurin as Teacher III(a). Bexon Primary School Ms. Eleazar Augustin as Teacher III(a), effective 09 September 2013. Mr. Arline Andre as Teacher III(a). Ms. Reynell Morris-Daniel as Teacher II(b), for the period 06 January 2014 to 16 February 2014. Millet Infant School Ms. Gene Isembert as Teacher III(a). Mr. McGavin James as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Janelle Ross as Graduate Teacher II. Mrs. Ruth Morian as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Jueanne Cherubin as Teacher III(a). Ti Rocher (Micoud) Combined School Ms. Shanita Promesse as Teacher III(a). Ms. Tricia Ferdinand as Teacher III(a). Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School Ms. Asmara James as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Shelda St. Ange as Graduate Teacher II. Grande Riviere Secondary School Mr. Gervais Smith as Special Teacher I, for the periods 03 December 2013 to 12 December 2013 and 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Micoud Primary School Ciceron Secondary School Mr. Tariq Edward as Teacher III(a). Ms. Merlissa Charles as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Gilda Marcion as Graduate Teacher II. Marigot Secondary School Mr. Linel David as Graduate Teacher II. Richfond Combined School Ms. Kezia Gustave as Teacher III(a). George Charles Secondary School Ms. Shernel Justin as Teacher III(a). Saint Lucia Government Gazette 340 Mrs. Jennifer Jankee-Etienne as Teacher III(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 16 March 2014. Anse Ger Secondary School Ms. Petania M. Chedy as Teacher II(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Ms. Aretha Winnette as Teacher II(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 30 April 2014. Micoud Secondary School Mr. Barry Justin as Teacher IV. Ms. Sherline Regis as Teacher III(a). Ms. Kershana St. Ange as Teacher III(a). Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Vige Combined School Mr. Curtley Joseph as Teacher III(a). Augier Combined School Ms. Cristal Anthony as Teacher III(a), effective 09 September 2013. Ms. Mara Beausoleil as Teacher III(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 28 March 2014. Vieux-Fort Infant School Ms. Kelly J. Aimable as Teacher III(b), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus A) Mr. Kerwin Jn Phillip Eloise as Teacher III(a), for the periods 02 November 2013 to 19 November 2013 and 06 January 2014 to 05 April 2014. Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus B) Ms. Kamarla Ambrose as Teacher III(a). Ms. Meline Joseph as Teacher III(a). Ms. Dawn Agdomar as Graduate Teacher II. Saltibus Combined School Ms. Sansha Joseph as Teacher III(a). Dugard Combined School Ms. Yvonne Mortley as Teacher III(a). Laborie Boys’ Primary School Mr. Ashley Aimable as Teacher III(a). Laborie Girls’ Primary School Ms. Vivian Henry as Teacher III(a), for the period 11 November 2013 to 12 December 2013. Delcer Combined School Dunnottar School Ms. Merline Butcher as Teacher III(a). Ms. Stacy Feveriere as Teacher II(a), for the period 06 January 2014 to 17 March 2014. Mr. Craige Hardel as Teacher II(b), for the period 06 January 2014 to 01 April 2014. Riviere Doree Combined School Mr. Johann Williams as Teacher III(a). Mr. David F. Moise, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Elna Alexander, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ministry Of Education Anglican Infant School Dr. Verneta Lesporis to the post of Physical Education Specialist, for the period 17 February 2014 to 16 August 2014. Ms. Constance Rene, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. PERMANENT APPOINTMENT Canon Laurie Anglican Primary School Ms. Licia Jn. Paul as Teacher III(a). Babonneau Primary School Ms. Gemma Blasse, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Lisa Gidharry as Teacher III(a). Ms. Hildretha Joe as Teacher III(a), effective 01 August 2013. Castries Comprehensive Secondary School PROMOTIONS Ms. Patrika Evence, Graduate Teacher II to Graduate Teacher III, with effect from 01 January 2014. Choiseul Secondary School Ms. Jenny Teacher III(a). Chicot-Louisy as Ms. Kerresia Thomas as Teacher III(a). With effect from 01 September 2013:- Ms. Lawrin Chiquot as Teacher III(a). Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School Ms. Keisha Mesmin as Teacher III(a). Mrs. Ann Charles, Special Teacher II to Graduate Teacher II. Canaries Primary School Fond Assau Primary School Ms. Chadelle St. Ange as Teacher III(a). Ms. Kathy Joseph Baptiste, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Travern St. Omer as Teacher III(a). Camille Henry Memorial School Soufriere Infant School Mrs. Earn Nickles, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Colette Antoine as Teacher III(a). Carmen Rene Memorial School Soufriere Comprehensive Secondary School Ms. Indira Ernest as Teacher III(a). Ms. Erika Henry, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Denise Harlow, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Melita Mathurin as Teacher III(a). Morne Dudon Primary School Mr. Stephen Charles as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Aquilla Dorville, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Faydian Gill as Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Malicia James, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Sanjay Gregg Antoine as Teacher III(b), for the period 06 January 2014 to 31 July 2014. Corinth Secondary School Mrs. Janice Isaac-Flavien, Graduate Teacher I to Graduate Teacher III. Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School Ms. Angel Caglin, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Vide Bouteille Secondary School Ms. Gemma-Lynn Daniel, Graduate Teacher I to Graduate Teacher III. Mrs. Esther Matthew, Graduate Teacher II to Graduate Teacher III, with effect from 21 October 2013. Ms. Bernadis Volney, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ave Maria Girls’ Infant School Ms. Charlene Louis-Joseph, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Bocage Combined School Ms. Clara Joseph, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Millet Infant School Ms. Dawn Regis, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Millet Primary School Ms. Mariea Octave, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 341 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Roseau Combined School Mrs. Sylvia Donnelly, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Dennery Infant School Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus B) Ms. Donna Andrew, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Rosalyn Clauzelma, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Davena Kisna, Graduate Teacher II to Graduate Teacher III, with effect from 06 January 2014. George Charles Secondary School Reunion Primary School Ms. Desma Polius, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Micheline Charles, Teacher IV to Graduate Teacher II. Grande Riviere Secondary School Ms. Marva Jonas, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Marlyn Prince, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Saltibus Combined School Ms. Pearl Stanislas, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Ms. Tricia Antoine, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Micoud Primary School Ms. Alvina Denis, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Mr. Nerville Florence, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Mon Repos Combined School Mrs. Golida Mathurin-Pierre, Teacher III(a) to Teacher IV. Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School Ms. Tricia Augustin, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Micoud Secondary School Ms. Juddy Harlow, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Pierrot Combined School Ms. Marie Therese Murray-Elwin, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher III. Ms. Sabrina Dalsoo, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus A) Mr. Claudius Athil, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. 342 Mrs. Jeanneve Charlery-Etienne, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Choiseul Secondary School Ms. Shirle A. James, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Bouton Combined School Ms. Leota Campbell, Principal III to Principal IV. RIVIERE DOREE ANGLICAN COMBINED SCHOOL Mrs. Kay Zenith Clarke-Nicholas, Principal I to Principal II. Ministry Of Education Mr. Gerard Calderon, Guidance Counsellor II to Guidance Counsellor III (Education Office-District V), with effect from 01 September 2013. EARLY RETIREMENTS Camille Henry Memorial School Ms. Joanna Joseph, Teacher III(a), with effect from 01 September 2014. Morne Du Don Primary School Mrs. Norma Jn. Marie, Special Teacher II, with effect from 31 July 2014. Bocage Secondary School Mrs. Jeanette Haripaul, Graduate Teacher II, with effect from 30 April 2014. Ms. Clara Alfred, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School Vieux-Fort Special Education Centre Mrs. Patricia Sidonie, Teacher IV, with effect from 01 September 2014. Mrs. Shermie James-Darcheville, Teacher III(a) to Graduate Teacher II. Boguis Combined School Ms. Murina Julian, Principal I to Principal II. Pierrot Combined School Mrs. Valerina Simon, Teacher III(a), with effect from 31 December 2014. Mongouge Combined School Plain View Combined School Saint Lucia Government Gazette Laborie Boys’ Primary School Ciceron Secondary School Gros-Islet Infant School Mrs. Merlisa Joseph-Charles, Principal I to Principal II. Mrs. Victoria Deligny, Teacher III(b), with effect from 31 August 2014. Bexon Infant School Soufriere Infant School Mrs. Martha Duplessis-John, Principal I to Principal II. Mrs. Elvira Fletcher, Teacher III(a), with effect from 31 August 2014. Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Soufriere Primary School Bocage Secondary School George Charles Secondary School Mrs. Mary Callixta Joseph, Teacher III(a), with effect from 31 August 2014. Ms. Annalicia Felicien, Teacher II(a), with effect from 06 January 2014. Mr. Ross Daniel, Teacher II(b), with effect from 31 December 2013. RESIGNATIONS Ciceron R.C. Combined School Babonneau Secondary School Mrs. Seraphina George-Hippolyte, Graduate Teacher III, with effect from 10 January 2014. Mrs. Torya Thomas Gilliard, Teacher III(a), with effect from 06 January 2014. Ms. Bernice Joyette Lewis, Graduate Teacher I, with effect from 31 January 2014. La Ressource Combined School Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School N O TI CE S Ms. Suzette Fletcher, Graduate Teacher II, with effect from 09 February 2014. Request For Expressions of Interest Saint Lucia Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project Assignment Title: Feasibility Study for Coral Reefs and Seagrass Beds Enhancement Reference No. : SLU-IC-CSGE-01-14 SAINT Lucia has requested financing from the World Bank to develop a project, the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) that would contribute to the reduction of vulnerability to natural hazards in Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia has also secured an Advance from the Institutional Development Association (IDA) towards preparatory activities for the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project. The Preparatory Advance (PPA) makes provision for part of the proceeds would be used to hire a Consulting Firm to provide services to undertake a Feasibility Study for Coral Reef and Seagrass Beds Enhancement. Not less than 5 years of overall consulting experience including in : developing policies, marine habitat monitoring and enhancement, Environmental Engineering, facilitating stakeholder consultations, and technical training of people; The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a feasibility study for coral reef and seagrass beds enhancement and re-growth in the intervention areas proposed. The consultancy is to be undertaken over a period of sixteen (16) months. At least one successfully completed similar assignment during the past 3 years; The Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, Planning and Social Security now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). The minimum required qualifications and experience of the Consulting Firm are: The Firm in general Experience in consultancy in small island developing states (SIDS) and the Caribbean Region would be an advantage; Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. The associations should clearly indicate the form of the association (Jointventure or sub-consultancy; member in charge; other member/s and or sub-consultants). Joint ventures should submit letters of intent indicating their intent to form a joint venture if awarded the contract and shall provide the above mentioned information for each member of the joint venture. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality- and - Cost Based Selection method in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 343 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (2011) (“Consultant Guidelines”). Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:00 a.m-4:30 p.m. (0800 to 1600 hours). Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by March 28, 2014. Project Coordination Unit Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, Planning and Social Security Attn: Project Coordinator 5th Level Conway Business Centre Waterfront, Castries Saint Lucia Tel: 758-468-2413 Fax: 758-453-0417 E-mail: Website: Invitation for The Submission of Expression of Interest for the Construction of a Government Office Complex THE Government of Saint Lucia wishes to invite interested companies to submit Expressions of Interest to demolish the old Ministry of Education Building located on the corner of Laborie and Micoud Streets, Castries and to construct a new office complex to house Government Offices, through a Build Own Lease and Transfer (BOLT) arrangement. Companies interested in entering into a BOLT arrangement with the Government of Saint Lucia for this project can submit their Expession of Interest on or before 31st March, 2014 to: Permanent Secretary Ministry of the Public Service, Information & Broadcasting Greaham Louisy Administrative Building Waterfront, Castries The Ministry of the Public Service, Information and Broadcasting wishes to advise, that the Expressions of Interest, should include a profile of the company wishing to undertake the project and other pertinent details such as information on participation in other similar projects. Saint Lucia Government Gazette 344 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 File No (210): TM/2013/ 000373 T AP RA PL DE IC MA AT R IO K N S Mark name: LIMACOOL Applicant (730): New GPC Inc. Filing date (220): 14/11/2013 Class (511): 3 (After shave lotion, astringent, make up remover, deodorant, eau de cologne, perfumery, perfumes, shampoos, skin care, soap toiletries.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. LIMACOOL File No (210): TM/2013/ 000378 Mark name: AKYNZEO Applicant (730): Helsinn Healthcare SA Filing date (220): 29/11/2013 Class (511): 5 (Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. Colours claimed: Violet – Pantone 2613 C, Teal – Pantone 3115 C and Orange – Pantone 158 C Priority claimed: 26.07.2013 Switzerland 59229/2013 File No (210): TM/2013/ 000379 Mark name: HYATT ZILARA HYATT ZIVA ALL INCLUSIVE RESORTS Applicant (730): Hyatt Corporation Filing date (220): 29/11/2013 Class (511): 43 (Hotels; resort hotels services; motels; providing temporary housing accommodatios for travelers and vacationers; providing temporary lodging services in the nature of apartments and condominiums hotel; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and booking for temporary lodging; hotel services for preferred customers, namely, frequent hotel guests; restaurant, bar services; cocktail lounge services; snack-bars; food and drink catering; providing banquet and social function facilties for special occasions; providing conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; rental of meeting rooms.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. File No (210): TM/2013/ 000383 SADDLER Mark name: SADDLER Applicant (730): Rotam Agrochem International Company Limited Filing date (220): 10/12/2013 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 345 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Class (511): 5 (Veterinary preparations; pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, parasiticides, preparations for destroying vermin.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. File No (210): TM/2013/ 000384 Mark name: BINDER BINDER Applicant (730): Rotam Agrochem International Company Limited Filing date (220): 10/12/2013 Class (511): 5 (Veterinary preparations; pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, parasiticides, preparations for destroying vermin.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. File No (210): TM/2013/ 000385 Mark name: Applicant (730): Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. Filing date (220): 17/12/2013 Class (511): 12 (Automobiles; gear boxes for land vehicles; electric vehicles; motors for land vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; tires for vehicle wheels; bodies for vehicles; motorcycles; sports cars; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail.) 37 (Motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle service stations (refueling and maintenance); strong room maintenance and repair; vehicle cleaning; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; burglar alarm installation and repair; airplane maintenance and repair; retreading of tires; vulcanization of tires; mending rubber tire.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co. Colours claimed: Yellow, brown, red, black, gray and white File No (210): TM/2013/ 000386 THE ADVERTURER Mark name: THE ADVERTURER Applicant (730): Diageo Brands B.V. Filing date (220): 18/12/2013 Class (511): 33 (Alcoholic beverages (except beers).) Priority claimed: 19.06.2013 United Kingdom UK00003010609 File No (210): TM/2013/ 000389 Mark name: SLBS Applicant (730): Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Filing date (220): 19/12/2013 Class (511): 35 (Advertisting; Buiness Management; Business Administration; Office functions.) Saint Lucia Government Gazette 346 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Agent: Raquel Willie-Trotman Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORD "SAINT LUCIA" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK. Colours claimed: Black, blue, white and yellow File No (210): TM/2013/ 000390 Mark name: SLBS Applicant (730): Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Filing date (220): 19/12/2013 Class (511): 35 (Advertising; Business Management; Business Administration; Office functions) Agent: Raquel Willie-Trotman Colours claimed: Black and white File No (210): TM/2014/ 000009 KLEENEX Mark name: KLEENEX Applicant (730): Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. Filing date (220): 10/01/2014 Class (511): 16 (Facial tissue, toilet tissue, paper towels, paper table napkins.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000010 KOTEX Mark name: KOTEX Applicant (730): Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. Filing date (220): 10/01/2014 Class (511): 5 (Feminine napkinsk, pads, panty liners and tampons.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000017 COLUMBUS Mark name: COLUMBUS Applicant (730): Columbus International Capital (Barbados) Inc. Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 9 (Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus.) Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 347 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 16 (Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding materials; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.) 35 (Advertising; business managment; business administration; office functions.) 37 (Building construction; repair; installation services.) 38 (Telecommunications.) 41 (Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000018 Mark name: ES250 ES250 Applicant (730): Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Toyota Motor Corporation) Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 12 (Automobiles and structural parts thereof.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE LETTERS E AND S AND THE NUMERALS 2, 5 AND 0 SEPARATE AND APRT FROM THE MARK. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000019 Mark name: SMIRNOFF WHITE SMIRNOFF WHITE Applicant (730): Diageo North America, Inc Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 33 (Alcoholic beverages (except beers).) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORD "WHITE" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK. Priority claimed: 29.10.2013 United Kingdom UK00003028356 COLUMBUS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Saint Lucia Government Gazette 348 File No (210): TM/2014/ 000020 Mark name: COLUMBUS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Applicant (730): Columbus International Capital (Barbados) Inc. Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Class (511): 9 (Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus.) 16 (Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding materials; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.) 35 (Advertising; business managment; business administration; office functions.) 37 (Building construction; repair; installation services.) 38 (Telecommunications.) 41 (Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORDS "BUSINESS" AND "SOLUTIONS" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000023 Mark name: MARLBORO SELECTED PREMIUM TOBACCOS Applicant (730): Philip Morris Brands Sarl Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 34 (Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000024 Mark name: MARLBORO SELECTED PREMIUM TOBACCOS Applicant (730): Philip Morris Brands Sarl Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 34 (Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 349 Saint Lucia Government Gazette pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORDS "SELECTED", "PREMIUM" AND "TOBACCO" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000025 MARLBORO SELECTED PREMIUM TOBACCO Mark name: MARLBORO SELECTED PREMIUM TOBACCO Applicant (730): Philip Morris Brands Sarl Filing date (220): 14/01/2014 Class (511): 34 (Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co. Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORDS "SELECTED", "PREMIUM" AND "TOBACCO" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK File No (210): TM/2014/ 000026 NAUTILUS Mark name: NAUTILUS Applicant (730): SHELL BRANDS INTERNATIONAL AG Filing date (220): 16/01/2014 Class (511): 4 (Oils; greases; lubricants; fuels.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000031 COORS LIGHT Mark name: COORS LIGHT Applicant (730): Coors Brewing Company Filing date (220): 22/01/2014 Class (511): 32 (Beer.) Agent: Mc Namara & Co. Saint Lucia Government Gazette 350 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 File No (210): TM/2014/ 000032 Mark name: BLUE MOON Applicant (730): Coors Brewing Company Filing date (220): 22/01/2014 Class (511): 32 (Beers.) Agent: Mc Namara & Co. File No (210): TM/2014/ 000033 Mark name: BERMUDEZ Applicant (730): Decastro Limited Filing date (220): 22/01/2014 Class (511): 30 (Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice.) Agent: Natalie E.Glitzenhirn-Augustin File No (210): TM/2014/ 000034 Mark name: CRIX VITAL SUPPLIES Applicant (730): Decastro Limited Filing date (220): 22/01/2014 Class (511): 30 (Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice.) Agent: Natalie E.Glitzenhirn-Augustin Disclaimer: REGISTRATION OF THIS MARK SHALL GIVE NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO THE USE OF THE WORDS "SELECTED", "PREMIUM" AND "TOBACCO" SEPARATE AND APART FROM THE MARK. Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 351 Saint Lucia Government Gazette NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the fo11owing assignments in respect of the following marks have been recorded in the Register of Trade Marks (Saint Lucia). Trade Mark No Trade Mark Person to whom trademark has been assigned or transmitted Date of Recordal of Assignment 1952/000023 ROVER Jaguar Land Rover Limited June 26, 2013 1952/000024 LANDROVER Jaguar Land Rover Limited June 26, 2013 1969/000115 RANGE ROVER Jaguar Land Rover Limited June 26, 2013 1975/000023 STOCK F. iii Gali Camis & Stock AG January 30, 2014 1993/000239 KEGLEVICH F. iii Gali Camin & StockAG January 30, 2014 2010/000156 AMBI Valeant Pharmaceuticals February 26, 2014 International Inc Registrar of Companies & Intellectual Property Saint Lucia Government Gazette 352 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 353 Saint Lucia Government Gazette EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT COURT OF APPEAL SAINT LUCIA NOTICE OF COURT OF APPEAL SITTING TAKE NOTICE that the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Court of Appeal) will sit in Saint Lucia at the High Court of Justice during the week commencing, Monday 7th April, 2014 at 9 o'clock in the forenoon to Friday 11th April, 2014. Dated this 18th day of March, 2014 Agnes Actie Deputy Chief Registrar Saint Lucia Government Gazette 354 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 355 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette 356 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 357 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette 358 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2013/1034 BETWEEN: (1) THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Claimant and (1) SUN FUN TOURS LIMITED whose registered address is Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, St. Lucia (2) JOHN BICAR of Desruisseaux in the Quarter of Micoud (3) MARGARET BICAR also known as MARGUERITE BICAR of Desruisseaux in the Quarter of Micoud (4) MARY MAUREEN ANGELLA BICAR executrix of the estate of the late JOSEPH BICAR of Becune Pointe in the Quarter of Micoud Defendants TO: JOHN BICAR whose last known address was Desruisseaux in the Quarter of Micoud NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High Court of Justice Saint Lucia NO.SLUHCV2013/1034 by THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA in which the Claimant claims liquidated damages. AND service of the Notice of the Claim Form in this action on you is being effected by this advertisement in two consecutive issues of the local Newspaper circulating in St. Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. The Claim and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of McNamara & Co., 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. You must within 28 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter an Acknowledgement of Service, and if you desire to defend the said action you must within 42 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter a Defence, at the Registry of the High Court of Justice in the City of Castries, and serve the Defence on the Claimant. In default of such Acknowledgement and/or Defence the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment entered against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set judgment aside. Dated this 12th day of March, 2014 McNAMARA & CO Per: Jonathan McNamara Legal Practitioner for the Claimant [ First Publication ] Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 359 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2013/0266 BETWEEN: (1) GROS ISLET DIRECT TAXI COMPANY INC Petitioner and (1) CJ'S TOURING SERVICE LTD. Respondent NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition to wind up the company CJ'S TOURING SERVICE LTD. Company No. 2007/ C026 whose registered office is situated at Bexon, Castries, has been presented on 05 February 2014 by GROS ISLET DIRECT TAXI COMPANY INC. claiming to be a Creditor of the said company. AND by Order of the High Court of Justice dated 10th March 2014 it was ordered that the Petitioner publish notice of the Petition in two (2) editions of the Saint Lucia Gazette and a local newspaper. AND that the Petition for the winding up of CJ'S TOURING SERVICE LTD. Company No. 2007/C026 shall be heard in open Court at the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street, Castries on Monday 16 June 2014 at 9:00am. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone intending to appear on the hearing of the Petitioner (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of its intention to do so to the Petitioner's Legal Practitioners at least fourteen (14) days before the hearing of the Petition. Dated this 13th day of March, 2014 PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES Per: Aliana J Joseph Legal Practitioners for the Petitioner Presented for filing by: MESSRS. PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, Legal Practitioners for the Petitioner, whose address for service is: Chambers, Robin Kelton Bldg., Choc Bay, Castries, Saint Lucia or Suite liS, 1st Floor, 6 Bridge Street, caetrtes, Saint Lucia. Tel. No.: 758 453-1100, Fax No.: 758 4524940, E-mail: The Court Offica ia at Paynter Street, Castries, Tel. No.758 453--1916, Fax No. 758 453--2071, e-malk The Court Office Is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.rn. Monday to Thursday and between 9:00 am. and 3:00 p.m. on Friday except public holidays [ First Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 360 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2013/0894 BETWEEN: (1) MELCHOIR HENRY Savannes Bay, Vieux Fort Claimant and (1) MERVIN SHELDON JN BAPTISTE Myers Bridge, Soufriere TO: Defendant MERVIN SHELDON JN BAPTISTE whose last known address is Myers Bridge, Soufriere NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that in the above action commenced against you the Claimant MELCHOIR HENRY claims liquidated damages. AND service upon you of the Notice of the Claim Form in this action is being effected by advertisement in two consecutive issues of the local Newspaper circulating in St. Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette, due to the Process Server's inability to locate you at the above address or find out any information as to your whereabouts. The Claim and Statement of Claim can be obtained from the High Court Office at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of McNamara & Co., No. 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. If you desire to defend the said action you must within 28 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter an acknowledgement of service, and within 42 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter a Defence at the Registry of the High Court of Justice in the City of Castries, and serve the Defence on the Claimant. In default of such acknowledgement and/or Defence the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment entered against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set judgment aside. Dated this 10th day of March, 2014 McNAMARA & CO Per: Odillie Billie Sadoo Legal Practitioner for the Claimant [ Second Publication ] Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 361 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2013/0804 BETWEEN: (1) AXCEL FINANCE (SAINT LUCIA) LTD. Claimant and TO: (1) MAGDALENE WILLIAM Defendant MAGDALENE WILLIAM whose last known address was Massade in the Quarter of Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that a Claim has been filed in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia Claim Number SLUHCV2013/0804 against you MAGDALENE WILLIAM by the Claimant, AXCEL FINANCE (SAINT LUCIA) LTD. SERVICE IS HEREBY EFFECTED upon you (pursuant to Rule 5.13 CPR 2000) of the Claim Form, Statement of Claim and other prescribed forms, all of which can be viewed at the Registry of the High Court at Peynier Street, Castries in the State of Saint Lucia or at The Law Offices of Gerard R. Williams situate at 1 st Floor, Suite #1, Waterside Inn, Rodney Bay, Gros Islet in the State of Saint Lucia. IF YOU DESIRE to defend this action or to be heard, you must within14 days of the last publication of this advertisement, file an Acknowledgement of Service and within twenty (28) of that publication file a Defence to the action at the Registry of the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street in the City of Castries. IN DEFAULT of such Acknowledgement and/or Defence, the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set the judgment aside. Dated this 18th day of February, 2014 The Law Offices of gerard R. Williams Per: Gerard R. Williams Esq. Legal Practitioner for the Claimant Filed by: THE LA W OFFICES OF GERARD R. WILLIAMS whose business address is: Chambers, 1st Floor, Suite #1, Waterside Inn, Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia, e-mail address: Tel: (758) 452-0204 Fax: (758) 452-0209 and whose address for service is THE LAW QFFICES OF LARCHER BARNARD & ASSOCIATES, #10 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. The court Office is at Peynier Street, Castries, Tel. No. 758-453-1916, Fax 758-4532071. The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Thursdays and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. on Fridays except public holidays. The office can be also be contacted via Email at stluhco@eccourts. orq [ Second Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 362 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 SAINT LUCIA IN THE MATTER of the Land Acquisition Ordinance Chapter 5.04. and IN THE MATTER of a Notification by the Governor General, acting on the advice of Cabinet that part of certain parcels of land situate at Grande Riviere, Quarter of Dennery in the island of Saint Lucia are likely to be acquired for a public purpose. NOTIFICATION WHEREAS it is enacted by section 4 of the Land Acquisition Ordinance Chapter 5.04 that if it appears to the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet that any land is likely to be required for a public purpose and it is necessary to make a preliminary survey or other investigation of the lands she may cause a Notification to that effect to be published in the Gazette. AND WHEREAS it is considered by the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet, that part of certain parcels of land situated at Grande Riviere, in the Quarter of Dennery is likely to be required for a public purpose to wit: Additional Lands for the FIFA Goal Project. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby notified by the Governor General acting in accordance with the advice of Cabinet, that part of certain parcels of land mentioned in the schedule hereto is likely to be required for a public purpose, to wit: Additional Lands for the FIFA Goal Project. SCHEDULE The Parcels likely to be acquired for Additional Lands for the FIFA Goal Project is as follows: BLOCK & PARCEL OWNERSHIP 1440B 169 Vincent Abbott & Mary Agatha Abbott in community 1439B 216 & 217 National Landco Limited Together with any other easements which may be necessary. Dated this 10th day of March, 2014. Secretary to Cabinet. [ Second Publication ] Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014 363 Saint Lucia Government Gazette SAINT LUCIA DECLARATION OF ACQUISITION PURSUANT TO SECTION 3 OF THE LAND ACQUISITION ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 5.04) and IN THE MATTER of a Declaration by the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet that a Parcel of land situate at Deglos, in the Quarter of Castries in the island of Saint Lucia is likely to be acquired for a public purpose. DECLARATION OF ACQUISITION OF LAND Whereas, it is enacted by Section 3 of the Land Acquisition Ordinance Chapter 5.04 that if the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet considers that any land should be acquired for a public purpose, she may cause a Declaration to that effect to be made. And Whereas, it is considered by the Governor General acting on the advice of Cabinet that the lands mentioned and described in the Schedule hereto should be acquired for a public purpose to wit: Road Improvement. Now Therefore, it is hereby declared by the Governor General acting in accordance with the advice of Cabinet, that upon the Second Publication of this Declaration in the Gazette, the lands mentioned in the schedule hereto shall be vested absolutely for a public purpose to wit: Road Improvement. SCHEDULE 1 All that piece of land being Block 1045B Parcel 216 situate at Deglos, in the Quarter of Castries belonging to Julius St. Jules is bounded as follows: North : By Block 1 045B Parcel 106 and Public Road South : By Block 1045B Parcel 216 East : By Public Road West : By Block 1045B Parcel 219 The whole measuring 6,674 sq. ft. shown as lot 1 on Plan of Survey by Aubrey Phillips, Staff Surveyor dated November 14, 2007 and lodged in the Survey Office on January 8, 2008 as Drawing Number C 11280R and recorded as SM 556/2007. SCHEDULE 2 All that piece of land being Block 1045B Parcel 218 situate at Deglos, in the Quarter of Castries belonging to Julius St. Jules is bounded as follows:North : By Block 1045B Parcel 218 South : By Public Road East : By Public Road West : By Block 1045B Parcel 217 The whole measuring 2,480 sq. ft. shown as lot 3 on Plan of Survey by Aubrey Phillips, Staff Surveyor dated November 30,2007 and lodged in the Survey Office on January 11, 2008 as Drawing Number C 11284B and recorded as SM 598/2007. Together with any other easements which may be necessary. Dated this 10th day March, 2014 Secretary to the Cabinet [ Second Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 364 Issue 12 Monday March 24, 2014