course prices 2009
course prices 2009
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena PROGRAMS & PRICES 2009 a Centro Giacomo Puccini Viareggio Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA «LA DOLCE VITA» COURSES FOR MATURE STUDENTS OF ANY AGE ALL COURSE CENTERS PAGES 15 & 43 COURSE FOR MUSICAL SPECIALIZATION FLORENCE, MILAN, ROME PAGES 23-26 CULINARY ARTS FOR PROFESSIONALS FLORENCE, ROME PAGES 30-31 JEWELLERY COURSES FLORENCE PAGE 33 CHRISTMAS COURSES MILAN, ROME PAGES 37-38 CARNIVAL WEEK VIAREGGIO PAGE 44 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA a SCUOLA LEONARDO DA VINCI® Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena CENTRO GIACOMO PUCCINI Viareggio PROGRAMS AND PRICES 2009 CONFIDENTIAL RESERVED FOR LANGUAGE TRAVEL AGENTS ONLY Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO NEWS IN 2009 ✘ Starting dates every Monday all the year round at all of our School Centers, except for beginners. ✘ This year, for the first time we’ll be offering the following new programs: ✌ «La Dolce Vita» - Courses for Mature Students of any Age: at all of our School Centers - Duration 1 week! ✌ Courses for Musical Specialization: at our School Centers in Florence, Milan and Rome. In Rome we organize also Music Masterclasses. ✌ Italian Culinary Arts for Professionals: at our School Centers in Florence and Rome. ✌ Courses in Jewellery: at our School Center in Florence: Courses in Jewellery, Stone Setting, Chasing and Gemology combined with our language course, lasting from 3 months to one year. ✌ Christmas Course: at our School Centers in Milan and Rome. ✌ Carnival Week: at our partner school Puccini in Viareggio. ✌ Group Study Tour Offer: at all of our School Centers. ... and to remember ... ✓ Free internet access to our students at all of our School Centers. ✓ 3 US College Credits per level: All our School Centers can award 3 College Credits per each language level, i.e.: ITA 105, ITA 106, ITA 205, ITA 206, ITA 301, ITA 302. ✓ Academic School Year / Gap Year ✓ GUSTOLAB, the new Laboratory of Taste at Scuola Leonardo da Vinci in Rome. Florence, July 2008 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA Index News in 2009 Analitical index Addresses General information • Central Marketing Office, Enrollment, Confirmation of booking, Payment Minors, Insurance, Agency Pricing • Accommodation information, Cancellation conditions, Extensions, «Bildungsurlaub» Scuola Leonardo da Vinci • Our School Center in Florence • Our School Center in Milan • Our School Center in Rome • Our School Center in Siena • Course dates • Conditions 2009, Nota bene, Prices include • Commission structure for 2009 • Course prices: - Standard course - Middle Length Standard course - Long Term Standard course - Long Term Semester course - «Sabbatical Year» - Intensive Group course - Intensive Plus-5 course - Intensive Plus-10 course - Small Group Intensive course - “Italy today” Culture course - “La Dolce Vita” Senior courses - Special Offers: NABA, Domus, CSN - «Firenze» Diploma examination courses - Professional courses - Academic School Year / «Gap Year» - Italian-Teacher courses - University preparation courses - Fashion and Design Academies preparation courses - Internship / Work Experience program - Private Tuition - Courses for Musical Specialization - Italian Plus Art and Design semester - Preparation course for Fashion Shows - Part Time Twice a Week courses - Culinary Traditions course 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 • • • • - Professional Italian Cooking courses - Art History - Italian Culinary Arts - Italian Wine course - Art and Fashion courses - Jewellery courses Accommodation costs Transfer Service costs Group Study Tour Offer Christmas courses Centro Giacomo Puccini • Our School Center in Viareggio • Course dates Viareggio • Conditions 2009 • Course prices Viareggio: - Standard course - Long Term Standard course - Long Term Semester course - Long Term «CSN» course - Intensive Plus-5 course - Intensive Plus-10 course - «Firenze» Diploma examination courses - “Senior 50 Plus” course - “Carnival Week” - Academic School Year - Professional courses - Private Tuition - Culinary Arts for Professionals - Courses for Musical Specialization • Accommodation dates Viareggio • Accommodation costs Viareggio • Transfer costs Viareggio • One week Group Study Tour Offer Viareggio 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Frequently Asked Questions 50 The Italian Diplomas «Firenze» AIL 57 Fax Order Sheet 59 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA Analitical Index Academic School Year 9, 18, 40, 45 Academies for Fashion & Design 20 Accommodation 3, 4, 18, 22, 34, 36, 45, 48, 49, 53-55 Activities: Florence, Milan, Rome 52 Activities in Siena, Viareggio 53 Addresses 1, 2 Age 3, 10, 15, 21, 40, 43, 51 Agency pricing 3 Apartment Extra Comfort 34, 54 Apartment private 34, 54 Apartment shared 34, 48, 53 Arrival date and time 34, 54 Art and fashion courses 10, 32 Art Plus Courses 9, 27 Availability Housing 34, 54 Bed-linens 34, 53, 54 Bildungsurlaub 4, 13, 14, 17, 29, 42, 46 Booking confirmation 3 Business 17, 18, 42, 45, 46, 51, 57 Cancellation 4 Carnival 40, 44 CEF - Common European Framework 17, 42, 51, 57, 58 Certificates 51 Certificate of attendance 10, 40, 51 Christmas Courses 37, 38 Climate 55 Comenius financial aid 19 Credit card 4, 34, 54, 55 Credits 55 CSN Courses 16, 41 Cuisine 7, 29, 31, 32, 39, 40 Culinary Traditions & Gastronomy 29 Dates 9, 40 Deposit 4, 34, 48, 53, 54, 56 Design 20, 27, 32 Diplomas 9, 19, 40, 45, 51, 57-58 Diploma Preparation Courses 9, 10, 17, 40, 42 Ditals 19 Double rooms 4, 16, 18, 34, 41, 45, 48, 55 Drawing 32 Duration of lessons 10, 23-26, 30, 31, 40, 47 Email addresses 1-2, 56 Emergency 54 Emergency phones 1-2, 35, 49, 54, 55 Enrollment 3 Excursions 15, 43, 52 Extensions 4 Extra night 34, 48 Family 34, 48, 53 Fashion 17, 20, 27, 28, 32, 45, 46 Fashion Shows 9, 28 Fax 1-2, 55, 56 Fax order sheet 59 Florence 1, 5, 30, 52 Frequently asked questions 50-56 Gap Year 9, 18, 40, 45 General Conditions 3-4, 10, 34, 40, 48 Group offer 36, 49 Grundtvig financial aid 19 Half Board 34, 48, 54 History of Italian Art 18, 32, 45 Homework 50 Host Family 34, 48, 53 Hotel 4, 34, 48, 54 Insurance 3, 21, 55 Intensive Course 13, 14, 50 Intensive Plus Courses 13, 14, 16, 42, 50 Internet 10, 48, 56 Internship 10, 21 Italian Diplomas «Firenze» AIL 9, 16, 17, 32, 34, 37, 43, 49-50 Italy today 13 Jewellery 10, 24 Language Diplomas 9, 17, 18, 40, 42, 45, 51, 57-58 Language Teachers Italian 9, 19 Leisure Time 3, 52-53 Levels of ability 13, 20, 21, 23-26, 28, 47, 51, 57-58 Long Term Standard Course 12, 41 Middle Length Standard Course 12 Milan 2, 6, 20, 24, 27, 28, 50, 52 Minimum admission age 3, 10, 21, 40 Minimum number participants 10, 40 Minors 3 Music Courses 23-26, 47 One-to-One Courses 22, 46 Painting 32 Payment 3, 54 Preparation Courses Diploma 9, 17, 18, 40, 42, 45 Preparation Fashion Shows 9, 28 Pricing Agency 3 Private Tuition 13, 14, 16, 22, 42, 46 Professional Courses 17, 22, 46 Public Holidays 9, 40, 56 Registration fee 10, 22, 40, 46 Residence 4, 34, 48 Rome 2, 7, 50, 52 Room-mating 34, 55 Sabbatical Year 13 Senior course 9, 15, 40, 43 Siena 2, 8, 15, 29, 50, 53 Skype 1-2, 56 Small Group Intensive Course 14 Socrates financial aid 19 Special Offers 16, 41 Standard Course 12, 16, 18, 28, 41, 45, 50 Student card 10, 18, 40, 45 Teachers Italian Course 9, 19 Teaching material 10, 18, 19, 40, 45, 50 Telephone 1, 2, 56 Three-to-One Courses 22, 46 Towels 34, 53-54 Transfer 4, 35, 49, 55 Traveling 56 Two-to-One Courses 22, 46 University Preparation Courses 9, 20 Viareggio 2, 39, 53 Visa 10, 18, 40, 45, 56 Wines 29, 31, 32 Work Experience 20 1 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA ADDRESSES OF THE SCHOOL CENTERS (1) Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - Central Marketing Office, Florence - Certified by SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> Address: via Brunelleschi 4, IT-50123 FLORENCE - Italy Phone number: +39-055-290305 Fax number: +39-055-290396 Email: Skype: italianinitaly Staff: Mrs. Chiara Poggi, Mr. Hans-Gedeon Villiger, Mr. Guido Poggi, Mrs. Cornelia Hirschbichler, Mrs. Kathrin Dobmann, Ms. Chika Omori, Mrs. Lorenza Godani, Mrs. Elena Lorenzini Association membership: • • • • • • AIL - Accademia Italiana di Lingua (Diplomas «Firenze») ASILS - Association of language schools of Italian as a foreign language ELITE - European Federation of Associations for Teaching Mother Tongues FIYTO - Federation of International Youth Travel Organisations ALTO - Association of Language Travel Organisations NAFSA - Association of International Educators Milan Venice Genoa Florence Viareggio Pisa Siena Rome Naples Cagliari Palermo Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence - Officially authorized: Decreto Prot. n. 15707/C. 19 del 05.07.2000 Address: via Bufalini 3, IT-50122 FLORENCE - Italy Phone number: +39-055-261181 Head of school: Fax number: +39-055-294820 Director of Studies: Mr. Guido Ristori Email: Year of foundation: Skype: learnitalianflorence Mr. Gianni Mannu 1977 Emergency phone number: in Italy: 339-6907685 • from abroad: +39-339-6907685 (To be used only on Sundays of arrival!) Transfer phone number: in Italy: 336-543549 • from abroad: +39-336-543549 (Mr. Pratesi) 2 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA ADDRESSES OF THE SCHOOL CENTERS (2) Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Milan Address: via Carlo Darwin 20, IT-20143 MILAN - Italy Phone number: +39-02-8324.1002 Head of school: Fax number: +39-02-8942.5256 Director of Studies: Ms. Sanda Stevanovic Email: Year of foundation: Skype: learnitalianmilan Mr. Wolfango Poggi 2004 Emergency phone number: in Italy: 346-2179025 • from abroad: +39-346-2179025 (To be used only on Sundays of arrival!) Transfer phone number: in Italy: 02-475657 • from abroad: +39-02-475657 (Autonoleggio Capri) Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Rome - Officially authorized: Decreto Prot. n. 59736 del 13.09.1999 Address: piazza dell’Orologio 7, IT-00186 ROME - Italy Phone number: +39-06-6889.2513 Head of school: Fax number: +39-06-6821.9084 Director of Studies: Mr. Leonardo Moretto Email: Year of foundation: Skype: learnitalianrome Mr. Pier Alberto Merli 1984 Emergency phone number: in Italy: 328-0313040 • from abroad: +39-328-0313040 (To be used only on Sundays of arrival!) Transfer phone number: in Italy: 348-8819571 • from abroad: +39-348-8819571 (Caravel Auto) Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Siena - Officially authorized: Decreto Prot. n. 9267 del 23.09.2002 Address: via del Paradiso 16, IT-53100 SIENA - Italy Phone number: +39-0577-249097 Head of school: Fax number: +39-0577-249096 Director of Studies: Mrs. Sonia Piccoli Email: Year of foundation: Skype: learnitaliansiena Mrs. Patricia Ramspeck 1991 Emergency phone number: in Italy: 349-6792560 • from abroad: +39-349-6792560 (To be used only on Sundays of arrival!) Transfer phone number: in Italy: 348-3844650 • from abroad: +39-348-3844650 (Mr. Ricci) Centro Giacomo Puccini, Viareggio - Officially authorized: Decreto Prot. n. 3446 del 04.12.2003 Address: via Vespucci 173, IT-55049 VIAREGGIO - Italy Phone number: +39-0584-430253 Head of school: Fax number: +39-0584-961275 Director of Studies: Mrs. Benedetta Toto Email: Year of foundation: Skype: learnitaliantuscany Mr. Giovanni Poggi 1988 Emergency phone number: in Italy: 338-4697795 • from abroad: +39-338-4697795 (To be used only on Sundays of arrival!) Transfer phone number: same as emergency phone number 3 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA GENERAL INFORMATION Central Marketing Office Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO (1) For all Leonardo da Vinci schools, your correspondence concerning commercial agreements, information requests and/or promotional support (brochures, posters, agent manual, CD/DVD photo gallery, video) should be addressed exclusively to our Central Marketing Office in Florence. The Central Marketing Office of the Leonardo da Vinci schools is responsible for: • Conditions regarding the collaboration, agreements and certificates of representation; • General information about courses, accommodation, booking and payment procedures and everything that concerns the schools in general; • Promotional material, CD/DVD photo gallery, video (VHS-PAL), etc. Enrollment The enrollment procedures (enrollment, confirmations, invoicing, etc.) are the same in all our schools. The schools, however, keep their administrative independence: enrollments and payments are, therefore, to be made directly to the single schools. Each Leonardo da Vinci school of Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena is responsible for: • Bookings, cancellations, payments; • Accommodation, transfer; • Local information, city maps; • Special offers for groups; • Leisure time program, special requests, etc. Confirmation of booking For each booking you will receive an invoice directly from the school where you have sent the enrollment. The invoice allows you to check the accuracy of the booking (starting date, length, costs, etc.) as well as the accommodation reservation. - Please check! We will not send you a separate confirmation letter as the invoice serves as confirmation of the booked courses and accommodation. Payment The payment of the net amount must be made at least 2 weeks (15 days) before the beginning of the course. If not otherwise agreed, the payment has to be made via International postal money order or by bank wire transfer. Banking transfer costs borne by sender: If you prefer to pay by bank wire transfer, you must be certain that no bank transfer costs will be charged to our schools. Otherwise, we will charge you 25 Euro per payment. This sum may vary according to current bank rates. Minors We can accept students at our schools who are under 18 years, but not students under 16 years of age. But remember that parents have to underwrite a declaration of liability. Students under 18 years, if not accompanied, can book accommodations exclusively in family housing with half board (breakfast and dinner), if this service is offered through our schools. Additionally, parents have to finalize in writing when their son/daughter has to be at home every evening (curfew). The school will not be held liable for any damages or injuries involving enrolled students that occur outside of school premises or outside of authorized school activities. Moreover, parents must authorize the school in writing to take urgent medical care if needed. Please ask our “declaration for minors” form in time, as the school must have this form before the minor student arrives. Should you need further explanations, please feel free to contact us at anytime. Insurance Our students are insured (accidents) during their way to school (one hour before lessons start and one hour after lessons), during classes and during organized spare time activities. Participants are not insured the time outside the school (in accommodation or spending their free time somewhere). They are not insured against illness, accidents, theft or loss of personal possessions, either by the schools or by those offering the accommodation. We therefore recommend taking out a personal insurance policy. Agency Pricing Our agents are not authorized to sell courses or accommodations below the prices offered by our schools. 4 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA GENERAL INFORMATION Accommodation information Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO (2) Usually 2 weeks before the beginning of the course - and after the payment is received - we will send you the clients’ addresses for their accommodation. Together with the address we will also send telephone numbers, bus connections, costs of accommodation (if the clients pays directly in Italy) and all other important information. It is yours or the clients’ duty to inform either the landlord (by phone) or the school (by phone, fax or email), at least 4 days before arrival, of their estimated time of arrival. Housing reservations run from the Sunday afternoon (after 2pm) before the start of the course to the Saturday morning (10am) at the end of the course. Different arrival or departure days only by special arrangements, which have to be confirmed in writing. Apartment accommodation: A 100 Euro deposit must be paid to get the keys. This deposit has to be paid in cash or by Traveller’s Cheque on arrival and will be refunded to your client on departure, less reparation costs if needed. If the client has booked transfer service, please send us all necessary information on his/her arrival (arrival day and time, flight or train number, etc.) at least one week before arrival. Your clients may book a place in a double room. Please remember that we offer your clients the possibility to come together with a friend to take a double room, provided by our school, even if the accompanying person does not take a language course. Reservation of Extra Comfort shared Apartments, Hotels, Studios, Residences and Private Apartments should be made well in advance. To make reservations for accommodations, we need the credit card number of your client as guarantee deposit. Cancellation conditions The "General Conditions of Participation" are written in the school’s brochure. If not otherwise agreed, the following cancellation conditions apply: For all bookings: 1) If cancellation is made up to 21 days (> 21) before the beginning of the course, the school will refund the total amount paid except the registration fee, which can be applied to a future course within 12 months after the original course starting date. 2) If cancellation is made up to 15 days (> 15) before the beginning of the course, the school retains the amount of the registration fee, one week’s tuition and one week’s accommodation. Up to this date, the school accepts the replacement of the registration by another person. In this case, a handling fee of 45 Euro is charged. 3) For cancellations at a later date (< 15 days), the school retains the amount of the registration fee, two weeks’ tuition and two weeks’ accommodation. 4) If cancellation is made after the course has been started, the entire fee for the booked courses are forfeited, even if the booked period of study is more than one month, i.e. no refunds will be made. For all bookings with special agreements: 5) Reservation of Hotel, Private apartment, Residence, Studio, etc. as well as deposit for group bookings: the cancellation fee - at any date - is the whole amount of the deposit. Extensions It is our policy that commission will be credited to our agents for all and any extension of your clients. We will charge the client directly at the school for all extra courses that the client books, and credit you with the commission due. The same is the case if the client, for whatever reason, returns to the school later and books directly, as long as the client is identified as your former client. However, there will be no payment for commissions on extended courses, but only compensation with payments of future bookings. «Bildungsurlaub» • Our Intensive courses (min. 6 lessons per day) are recognized by the following German States (Bundesländer): Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen (min. 8 lessons per day). 5 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE Recognized by the Region of Tuscany SCUOLA LEONARDO DA COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> VINCI FLORENCE The City Florence, in the heart of Tuscany, is the cradle of the Renaissance and the classical Italian of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio. While other European cities still lived in the Middle Ages, modern art and culture developed here under the reign of the Medici. Today in Florence one can visit and admire the masterpieces of artists like Botticelli, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci in world-famous museums (the “Uffizi”, the “Accademia”, “Palazzo Pitti”), in beautiful churches, or even on a casual walk through the city. The “Ponte Vecchio” connects the lively and historic city center around the Cathedral with the quieter neighborhood on the other side of the “Arno” river. Florence's urban landscape is distinguished by beautiful squares like “Piazza della Repubblica” and “Piazza della Signoria”, by small streets and winding medieval alleys, by various markets, and above all by the marvelous cupola of the Cathedral, visible from almost everywhere in the city. Today Florence attracts tourists from all over the world who find here, besides history, everything to make them feel at home: Tuscan food and the best Italian wines, numerous bars and discos, a traffic-free center, and many inviting shops. The School The Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is situated in a beautiful historical “palazzo” with a magnificent view of the Cathedral in the heart of downtown Florence, only a few minutes walk from the most famous sights. A student lounge with coffee corner is at our students disposal and students have free access to our Internet Point. “our” bus stop 6 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® MILAN SCUOLA LEONARDO COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> DA VINCI MILAN The City Milan is the city that never sleeps and Italy's creative capital. The most international of all Italian cities, it offers the possibility to meet people from all around the world who are here studying, working and having fun together. The fashion addicted will feel right at home here. Milan is also the main destination and a necessary stop for all of those that would like to get to know and taste the real Italian Style. In Milan, what counts is a lifestyle and each detail can make a difference. Most of the Milan's sights are situated in the city center. “Piazza del Duomo” is the city's belly button. It is dominated by the Cathedral, “il Duomo”, which is the second largest Gothic church in the world. Every itinerary starts from here and returns to it. Not far from the Cathedral you'll find the most important Opera House in the world, “La Scala”, waiting for you. This is the place that hosted all the major voices of the past two centuries, among them “la divina” Maria Callas. Just a few steps from “La Scala” you will find the “Brera” district, the oldest and the most characteristic area in Milan. Walk into it and you will feel like you've been transported into another epoch, with narrow streets, small coffee bars, musicians playing classical music, and tarot card readers waiting to predict your destiny. Our school is located in the “Navigli” area, which is the heart of Milan's night life, with bars, restaurants and discos that are open until early morning. Also famous for numerous antique shops and laboratories, this area is the favourite spot for artists, designers, and craftsman. The School Situated in a University Campus, the school is composed of nice large classrooms, all equipped with air conditioning, a secretary, a director's office, Internet Point free of charge, and Wl-FI connection throughout the area. It's the perfect place to learn Italian! 7 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® ROME Recognized by the Region of Latium SCUOLA LEONARDO DA COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> VINCI ROME The City Rome, the capital of Italy, known as the “Eternal City”, is a monumental city, with a wide cultural offer: from museums to parks, from art galleries to unique and unforgettable archaeological sites. Famous for its vivid night-life, its family run restaurants and world famous hotels, Rome combines tradition with modernity, elegance with informality. Rome has also many theatres, cinemas, restaurants, clubs and markets - it will be difficult to choose from. Rome is a multi-layer unique capital, not only because another hidden city lies beneath today’s surface, but also because in Rome you will witness the abundance of various styles from different ages: from Roman to Medieval architecture, from Renaissance perfection to Baroque splendour. This abundance makes Rome one of the most attractive and exciting cities in the world: discover the seduction of its squares, hear the water flowing from its magnificent fountains, admire the holiness of its numerous churches where world renowned artists have created masterpieces, feel the history of mankind as you walk through Roman's ruins and its beautiful buildings, enjoy people strolling at “Campo dei Fiori”, “Piazza Navona” and “Piazza di Spagna”. The hospitality and warm character of its people will make it easy for our students to make new friends. Rome is a cosmopolitan city with so much to offer to the visitor, it is one of the perfect places in which to learn Italian. The School The Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is located in an attractive and elegant typical aristocratic building in the center of Rome, in the pedestrian area, halfway from the astounding “Piazza Navona” , “Castel S. Angelo” and “San Pietro” Basilica. This area, typically Roman, abounds with charming cafes, shops, boutiques, libraries and a vibrancy found nowhere else in the city. Our brand new student lounge “GustoLab” has Internet facilities and a cafeteria where our students can enjoy coffee, wine and mediterranean cuisine. 8 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® SIENA Recognized by the Region of Tuscany SCUOLA LEONARDO DA COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> VINCI SIENA The City Surrounded by hills and the olive groves and vineyards of “Chianti”, Siena is for many people the most beautiful city of Tuscany. Its heart is “Piazza del Campo”, the center for feasts and colorful festivals, which since the 1950's has been largely closed to traffic. Siena offers many possibilities to satisfy art lovers: the Cathedral, “Palazzo Pubblico” and the former hospital “Santa Maria della Scala”, which serves today as a cultural center. But the visitor will find the special charms of Siena off the usual tourist path, in the winding alleys and steep steps which connect the three hills of the city. Siena is world famous for the annual historic horse-race, the “Palio”, which takes place in the “Piazza del Campo” on July 2nd and August 16th, but already causes excitement in the city many weeks before. In addition to the bustling daily life of the streets and squares of the city, Siena offers many cultural events, the theatre, concerts and cinema as well as a variety of athletic facilities. The small towns San Gimignano, Montalcino and Volterra are not far away from Siena and to the romantic beaches of the Maremma on the Mediterranean sea it is only 70 km. The School The Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is located on a typical Sienese street in the historic center of Siena, next to “Piazza San Domenico” and “Piazza Gramsci” and a three-minutes walk from “Piazza del Campo”. It is a small language school, known for its familiar and friendly atmosphere. After classes, the sunny terrace of the school provides a scenic meeting place for the students. The school offers free Internet access for all students. 9 Dates Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE DATES 2009 Course Starting Dates: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena Jan ▲ 05 Feb Mar ▲ ▲ 12 NB: Non beginners can start on every Monday. ▲ = ▲ 19 02 09 ▲ 26 02 09 ▲ 16 23 06 ▲ 16 23 ▲ Starting dates for absolute beginners. Apr ▲ 14 20 ▲ May 04 Jun ▲ 11 ▲ 27 18 25 ▲ 15 22 ▲ 30 01 08 ▲ Jul ▲ Aug Sep 06 ▲ 03 ▲ 13 ▲ 10 20 ▲ 17 27 ▲ 24 ▲ 31 29 07 Oct ▲ 21 Dec ▲ ▲ 12 14 ▲ 05 Nov ▲ 28 02 07 09 ▲ 19 26 16 23 ▲ 30 Christmas Holidays: from 19 December 2009 to 03 January 2010 Public Holidays 06 January / 13 April / 01 May / 02 June / 24 June (Florence only) / 29 June (Rome only) / 08 December AIL «Firenze» Diplomas Examination dates 27 March 26 June 18 September 11 December AIL «Firenze» Diplomas preparation courses (page 17) 02 Mar - 27 Mar 01 Jun - 26 Jun 24 Aug - 18 Sep 16 Nov - 11 Dec Senior Courses «La Dolce Vita» (page 15) Florence: Milan: Rome: Siena: 25 May 11 May 04 May 18 May 14 20 08 15 05 21 19 07 Academic School Year / «Gap Year» 2009/2010 (page 18) From 05 January to 14 August 2009 (32 weeks) From 04 May to 11 December 2009 (32 weeks) From 21 September 2009 to 14 May 2010 (34 weeks, including Christmas Holidays) Courses for Italian-Language Teachers (page 19) Florence: Milan: Rome: University Preparation Courses (page 20) Course I: Course II: Course III: Preparation Courses for Fashion and Design Academies (page 20) 1st session: - 29 15 08 22 May May May May 27 Apr - 08 May 02 Mar - 13 Mar 18 May - 29 May 09 Mar - 21 Aug 06 Apr - 21 Aug 04 May - 21 Aug 2nd session: Course Course Course Course Course Course Sep Jul Jun Jun - 18 24 12 19 Sep Jul Jun Jun 15 Jun - 26 Jun 01 Jun - 12 Jun 29 Jun - 10 Jul Course IV: Course V: Course VI: Oct Sep Oct Sep - 09 Oct 25 Sep 23 Oct 11 Sep 19 Oct - 30 Oct 21 Sep - 02 Oct 05 Oct - 16 Oct 01 Jun - 21 Aug 29 Jun - 21 Aug 27 Jul - 21 Aug I: 09 Feb / Course II: 09 Mar / Course III: 06 Apr IV: 04 May / Course V: 01 Jun / Course VI: 29 Jun VII: 27 Jul I: 09 Mar / Course II: 06 Apr / Course III: 04 May IV: 01 Jun / Course V: 29 Jun / Course VI: 27 Jul VII: 24 Aug Courses for Musical Specialization (pages 23 - 26) 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov Italian Plus Art and Design Semester 2009/2010 (page 27) 1st semester: *) Starting dates for the Semester Art Courses could change, depending on the Italian Ministry of Education. 2nd semester: Preparatory Course for Fashion Shows (page 28) 16 Feb - 07 Mar “For those who plan ahead”: Course starting dates 2010 04 Jan / 18 Jan / 01 Feb / 15 Feb / 01 Mar / 15 Mar / 29 Mar / 06 Apr / 19 Apr / 03 May / 17 May / 31 May / 14 Jun / 28 Jun / 12 Jul / 26 Jul / 02 Aug / 09 Aug / 16 Aug / 23 Aug / 30 Aug / 06 Sep / 20 Sep / 04 Oct / 18 Oct / 02 Nov / 15 Nov / 29 Nov / 06 Dec Course I: 20 Apr ‘09 / Course II: 18 May ‘09 / Course III: 15 Jun ‘09 Course IV: 13 Jul ‘09 / Course V: 10 Aug ‘09 / Course VI: 07 Sep ‘09 Art Semester: 05 Oct 2009 )* Course I: 31 Aug ‘09 / Course II: 28 Sep ‘09 / Course III: 26 Oct ‘09 Course IV: 23 Nov ‘09 / Course V: 04 Jan ‘10 / Course VI: 01 Feb ‘10 Art Semester: 01 Mar 2010 )* 14 Apr - 30 Apr 08 Jun - 26 Jun 14 Sep - 02 Oct 10 Conditions I Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA CONDITIONS 2009 (1) PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 Nota bene: • The price list is valid from 1 January until 31 December 2009; Euro = European Union Currency. • Normally, we grant a commission of 20% on all language course (except Group Study Offers), inclusive the registration fee. • We grant you a commission of 10% on Culture and Art Courses (i.e. Courses in Jewellery, Culinary Arts, Art History, Painting, Fashion, Design, etc.). *) A registration fee of 70 Euro, valid for 12 months, must be paid for any enrollment. Also on this registration fee we will grant you a commission of 20%. • Culture, Art, Music and Fashion courses will take place only with the minimum number of participants indicated. • Duration of a lesson = 45 minutes (except some Culture and Art Courses). Lessons are held from Monday to Friday and can take place either in the morning or in the afternoon. Lessons are not held and not refunded on national and local public holidays. • Minimum age = 16 years (except Internship = 18 years). The course price includes: • Placement, assessment and final tests. • Teaching material (basic material for Art courses). • Diploma «Firenze» AIL examination fees for the preparation courses. • Documents for Visa and Residence Permit, if requested. Exception: If the Agency, for whatever reason, requires the Visa documents to be sent urgently by fast mail (e.g. express couriers), all the related expenses will be charged on the invoice. • Free Internet access. • Organization of social activities (most activities free or at cost price). • Certificate of attendance. • Student card. 11 Conditions II Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA CONDITIONS 2009 (2) PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 Commission structure for 2009 For 2009 we offer the following commission for all Leonardo da Vinci schools and Centro Giacomo Puccini: Student weeks 0151 251 301 351 401 451 above 150 250 300 350 400 450 500 500 weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks Commission on language courses 20% 23% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% a) The agreement is valid for the total of enrollments of all our schools and under the condition that all Leonardo da Vinci schools (in Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena) and Centro Puccini (Viareggio) will be included in your program. b) The commission level will be controlled at the end of each year and, on reaching a higher commission scale, the difference will be credited retrospectively over that specific year. c) Closed groups (net pricing) as well as special offers will not be included in the above commission structure. 12 General Language Courses I Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (1) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) STANDARD COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks 111 3 weeks 4 weeks Participants min. max. Euro * 40 12 300 112 60 12 450 113 80 12 600 20 12 150 Participants min. max. Euro * additional week Number of lessons Short description and Notes • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum 2 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena MIDDLE LENGTH STANDARD COURSE minimum duration 6 weeks Duration Course No. Number of lessons 6 weeks 121 120 12 810 20 12 135 Participants min. max. Euro * additional week Short description and Notes • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum 6 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena LONG TERM STANDARD COURSE minimum duration 3 months Duration Course No. Number of lessons 12 weeks 131 240 12 1’500 20 12 125 Participants min. max. Euro * additional week Short description and Notes • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum 12 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena LONG TERM SEMESTER COURSE minimum duration 6 months Duration Course No. Number of lessons 24 weeks 141 480 12 2’760 20 12 115 additional week Short description and Notes • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum 24 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 13 General Language Courses II Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (2) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) «SABBATICAL YEAR» minimum duration 48 weeks Duration Course No. Number of lessons 48 weeks 151 960 Participants min. max. Euro * 12 5’040 Participants min. max. Euro * Short description and Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Minimum 48 weeks; max. 12 participants per group. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena INTENSIVE GROUP COURSE Florence - Milan - Rome Duration Course No. 2 weeks 161 60 12 470 3 weeks 162 90 12 705 4 weeks 163 120 12 940 30 12 235 additional week Number of lessons Short description and Notes • Per day: 4 lessons of Standard language course and 2 extra lessons of group language course; 30 lessons per week. In the extra sessions students will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge with practice in speaking and conversing in three levels of ability: beginner, intermediate and advanced. • Minimum 2 weeks. • Max. 12 participants per group. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome INTENSIVE PLUS-5 COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks 171 3 weeks 4 weeks additional week Short description and Notes Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 50 12/1 650 172 75 12/1 975 173 100 12/1 1’300 25 12/1 325 • Per day: 4 lessons of Standard language course plus 1 extra lesson of private tuition; 25 lessons per week (Plus 5 © = five lessons of private tuition per week). • Minimum 2 weeks. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 14 General Language Courses III Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (3) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) INTENSIVE PLUS-10 COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks 181 3 weeks 4 weeks Participants min. max. Euro * 60 12/1 1’000 182 90 12/1 1’500 183 120 12/1 2’000 30 12/1 500 additional week Number of lessons Short description and Notes • Per day: 4 lessons of Standard language course plus 2 extra lessons of private tuition; 30 lessons per week (Plus 10 © = ten lessons of private tuition per week). • Minimum 2 weeks. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena SMALL GROUP INTENSIVE COURSE Florence and Rome Duration Course No. 2 weeks 191 60 2 5 1’000 3 weeks 192 90 2 5 1’500 4 weeks 193 120 2 5 2’000 30 2 5 500 additional week Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * Short description and Notes • 6 lessons per day; 30 lessons per week. • 2 to max. 5 participants per group; if there should be only one participant for a course/level, she/he will be placed in an Intensive Plus-10 course. • Minimum 2 weeks. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • Course centers: Florence - Rome “ITALY TODAY” LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSE Duration Short description and Notes Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 2 weeks 211 50 1 650 4 weeks 212 100 1 1’300 • 40 lessons of Standard language course and 10 lessons of culture course in two weeks; total 50 lessons in 2 weeks. • Level requested: intermediate and above. • Duration: 2 or 4 weeks. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 15 For mature students of any age! ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (4) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language course = 20%) Duration LA DOLCE VITA FOR MATURE STUDENTS OF ANY AGE 1 week Senior Course Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. 221 20 + visits + excursions 3 Euro * 390 6 nights accommodation in single room (apartment or family/breakfast) 192 ---------------- 582 Total course and accommodation Short description This course is specifically designed for mature students of any age. Students will learn Italian in a pleasant and relaxing environment, accompanied by a wide variety of cultural activities. Participants can choose among the most beautiful Italian cities: Florence, Milan, Rome or Siena. The Senior Course can be booked together with accommodation, single room with a family with breakfast or in apartment with use of kitchen. On request, there are double rooms available for two people together, at the price of 288 Euro (6 nights). Morning Program The morning course of Standard Italian Language is designed to improve language and conversational skills, and heighten the awareness and appreciation of the Italian culture. Afternoon Program: ➣ Florence Orientation tour of the city; Guided tour of ‘Museo del Duomo’ and the “Santa Maria Novella” Church; Traditional Italian dinner in a typical ‘Trattoria’; Tour of Artisan Workshops (Ceramics, Etching, Florentine paper, Shoemaker, etc.); Half-day excursion to the vineyards of the "Chianti" area, visit to a winery including ‘merenda’ (typical Tuscan afternoon snack). ➣ Milan Orientation tour of the city; Traditional Italian dinner with program instructor; Guided tour to the ‘Museo della Scala’ and Brera district; Professional lectures in History of Italian Opera and guided listening of famous arias; Participation at a classical music concert or opera; Visit to the “Foundation Giuseppe Verdi - House for Musicians”. ➣ Rome Guided tour of Ancient Rome; Traditional Roman Dinner and watch the Chef: the Chef will show you the preparation of a typical Roman Dinner that you’ll enjoy; Guided tour of the Vatican Museums; Field trip to a farm to enjoy the experience of making one's own cheese; Tasting of Lazio wines with professional sommeliers. ➣ Siena Orientation tour of the city; Traditional Italian dinner with program instructor; Guided tour of ‘Palazzo Pubblico’ and the grand gothic Cathedral; Wine tasting guided by expert sommeliers: Tuscan reds paired with regional Italian cheeses; Half day trip to the most attractive areas of Tuscany. Course dates 2009 Florence: Milan: Rome: Siena: 25 May 11 May 04 May 18 May - 29 15 08 22 May May May May 14 20 08 15 Sep Jul Jun Jun - 18 24 12 19 Sep Jul Jun Jun 05 21 19 07 Oct Sep Oct Sep - 09 Oct 25 Sep 23 Oct 11 Sep Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Visits and excursions on 5 afternoons per week. • If there is only one participant, she/he will be placed in an Intensive PLUS-5 course. All organized school activites are free of charge for this participant. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 16 l cia Spe rs! fe Of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (5) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) SPECIAL OFFER FOR SWEDISH «CSN» STUDENTS LONG TERM «CSN» COURSE duration 13 weeks, inclusive accommodation in double room in apartment or family with breakfast Short description and Notes Duration 13 weeks course Course No. 103 Number of lessons 260 Participants min. max. Euro * 12 1’495 13 weeks accommodation in double room (apartment or family/breakfast) 1’350 ---------------- 2’845 Total course and accommodation • • • • • • This course is reserved only for Swedish students with “CSN” study grants or loans. 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum duration: 13 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Additional course week (without accommodation): 115 Euro Accommodation includes 13 weeks (90 nights) in double room in apartment or in family with breakfast. • Supplement for single room, half board in family and additional weeks of accommodation: see accommodation costs table on page 34. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena SPECIAL OFFER FOR «NABA» AND «DOMUS ACADEMY» STUDENTS STANDARD PREPARATION COURSE Duration Course No. 4 weeks 641 additional week 642 Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 80 12 460 20 12 115 100 12/1 1’160 25 12/1 290 120 12/1 1’860 30 12/1 465 INTENSIVE PLUS-5 PREPARATION COURSE 4 weeks INTENSIVE PLUS-10 PREPARATION COURSE 4 weeks Short description and Notes • These courses are reserved only for students enrolled in Academic Courses of NABA (Academy of Fine Arts, Fashion and Design) and DOMUS ACADEMY. • Minimum duration: 4 weeks. • Standard Course: 4 lessons of group language course per day. • Plus-5 Course: 4 lessons of Standard course plus 1 lesson of private tuition per day. • Plus-10 Course: 4 lessons of Standard course plus 2 lessons of private tuition per day. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena additional week additional week 643 17 Italian Language Diplomas Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (6) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) «FIRENZE» DIPLOMA EXAMINATION COURSES Exam Preparation Course All levels (see below) Duration in weeks Course No. Number of lessons 4 311 120 12 1’165 02 March 01 June Short description and Notes • Preparation courses for the following exams and levels according to the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEF”: •• DELI-A2 Elementary level •• DILI-B1 Intermediate level one •• DILC-B1 Business examination - Intermediate level •• DILI-B2 Intermediate level two •• DALI-C1 Advanced level •• DALC-C1 Business examination - Advanced level • 80 lessons of Standard language course and 40 lessons of examination preparation; total 120 lessons in 4 weeks. • Minimum 2 participants; if there should be only one participant in a preparatory course/level, she/he will be placed in an Intensive Plus-5 course. • Examination fees included in the course price. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena ☛ Please ask for the special information brochure for the AIL-exams «Firenze» PROFESSIONAL COURSES Duration Course No. 2 weeks 331 Short description and Notes 24 August 16 November 2 Euro * Dates for examination preparation courses on all levels 2009 additional week - 27 March - 26 June Participants min. max. Number of lessons - 18 September - 11 December Participants min. max. Euro * 60 12/1 1’100 30 12/1 550 The professional courses consist of four lessons in a Standard language course plus two private tutorials on the selected professional field, each day. Students can choose among the following subjects: • Business Correspondence • Italian for Healthcare • Business Italian • The Language of Fashion • Italian for Banking • The Language of Architecture • Italian for Law • Italian Literature • Italian for the Hotel Industry • Italian Cinema • The Language of Wine and Food • The Language of the Libretti (Opera) • The Language of Tourism • The History and Language of Theatre • Italian for Flight Attendants An intermediate knowledge of Italian is suggested for those attending the professional courses. Please ask for detailed programs. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • All courses are extendable. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 18 Academic School Year it! H Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (7) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR «GAP YEAR» Duration Course No. Number of lessons 32 weeks 321 650 Participants min. max. 5 12 Euro * 5’720 Short description and Notes • The “Academic School Year” is a 32 week language and culture course for students who wish to experience living and studying in Italy. The course combines not only language courses with Italian culture classes at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci but the syllabus also incorporates the fundamental elements of level C1 of the European Language Portfolio. All in all, the course offers students the opportunity to see at first hand the various aspects of Italy’s rich history and culture. The course is composed of a linguistic element and an academic element: 1) Linguistic element: - 480 lessons of the Standard language course - 80 lessons of exam preparation, choosing between two language Diplomas «Firenze» AIL: DELI-A2, DILI-B1, DILI-B2, DALI-C1 (elementary, intermediate and/or advanced levels) 2) Academic element (80 lessons): - Italian Civilisation and History - Art History - Business Italian - History of Italian Fashion and Design 3) Final research: 10 contact hours of tutoring • The duration of the whole stay is 32 weeks (34 weeks for the course starting in September and including three weeks of Christmas Holidays where no courses are held). • All students can take part in the weekly cultural and social activities organized by the school. • Minimum 5 participants. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena Please ask our Marketing Office for detailed information Course calendar 2009/2010 From 05 January to 14 August 2009 (32 weeks) From 04 May to 11 December 2009 (32 weeks) From 21 September 2009 to 14 May 2010 (34 weeks, including Christmas Holidays) The price of the course includes • • • • • • • • • Special accommodation offer, reserved for “Academic School Year” students Students can choose from the following: • Double or single room in an apartment with other students • Double or single room in family, breakfast included • Double or single room in family, half board (breakfast and dinner) Accommodation price for 32 weeks (223 nights - no commission): • Double room in apartment standard or in family with breakfast: 3’345 Euro 210 Euro • Supplement for September course, including Christmas Holidays: • Supplement for single room and half board in family: see accommodation costs table on page 34. NET Teaching material Student card 650 lessons of language, culture, tutoring and exam preparation in 32 weeks Placement, mid-term and final tests, including continuous assessment tests Fees for two Diploma «Firenze» AIL exams Drop-in hours; same as office hours Documents for Visa and Residence Permit Social activities (free or at cost price) “Academic School Year” Diploma 19 al nci a n Fi Aid Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> COURSE PRICES 2009 (8) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) Type of Course COURSES FOR ITALIAN-LANGUAGE TEACHERS Training Course Florence - Milan - Rome DITALS Preparation Duration in weeks Course No. 2 341 70 5 750 1 342 34 5 445 Euro * Florence: Milan: Rome: Training Course • Training Course: 54 lessons of theory and 16 lessons of practical in class training. • This course takes place under the auspices of the «Socrates / Comenius / Grundtvig III» program of the European Community, which awards financial aid. • Program: A) The pedagogy of Italian as a foreign language; theoretical and practical use, techniques, teaching material. B) DITALS exam for Italian teachers preparation. C) Phonetics. D) Body language Workshop. E) Exercises. F) 16 lessons of observation and practice in Italian language classes. • Duration of a lesson = 60 minutes. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome S o cra te s - Comenius - Grundtvig DITALS Preparation Course 15 Jun - 26 Jun 01 Jun - 12 Jun 29 Jun - 10 Jul Participants min. max. Dates for courses 2009 Education and Culture 27 Apr - 08 May 02 Mar - 13 Mar 18 May - 29 May Number of lessons 19 Oct - 30 Oct 21 Sep - 02 Oct 05 Oct - 16 Oct • The “DITALS exam for Italian Teachers” Preparation Course is part of the Training Course mentioned above. It takes place during the first week of the course and contains the following subjects: A) The pedagogy of Italian as a foreign language; theoretical and practical use, tecniques, teaching material. B) DITALS exam for Italian teachers preparation. • Participants who are only interested in the first part of the course, can choose to do it, but the DITALS preparation course will not be recognized by the «Socrates / Comenius / Grundtvig III» program. • Duration of a lesson = 60 minutes. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome 20 ! Hit Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME COURSE PRICES 2009 (9) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) UNIVERSITY PREPARATION COURSES Milan and Rome Type of Course Duration in weeks Course No. Number of lessons - Beginner 24 351 540 5 3’705 II - Elementary 20 352 460 5 3’205 III - Intermediate 16 353 380 5 2’705 IV - Advanced 12 354 300 5 2’285 V - Proficient 8 355 220 5 1’805 VI - Academic 4 356 140 5 1’205 I 09 March 06 April 04 May - 21 August - 21 August - 21 August Participants min. max. Course IV: 01 June Course V: 29 June Course VI: 27 July Euro * Dates for courses 2009 Course I: Course II: Course III: - 21 August - 21 August - 21 August Short description and Notes • The preparatory courses are intended for students who wish to attend Italian Universities. The students can choose the course according to their ability in Italian language. • Course centers: Milan - Rome Please ask for the special information brochure PREPARATION COURSES FOR FASHION AND DESIGN ACADEMIES Florence and Milan Type of Course Duration in weeks Course No. Number of lessons - Beginner 28 361 620 5 3’965 II - Elementary 24 362 540 5 3’705 III - Intermediate I 20 363 460 5 3’205 IV - Intermediate II 16 364 380 5 2’705 V - Advanced 12 365 300 5 2’285 VI - Proficient 8 366 220 5 1’805 VII - Academic 4 367 140 5 1’205 I Participants min. max. Euro * Dates for courses 2009: First session Course Course Course Course I: II: III: IV: 09 February 09 March 06 April 04 May - 21 August 21 August 21 August 21 August Course V: 01 June Course VI: 29 June Course VII: 27 July - 21 August - 21 August - 21 August Dates for courses 2009: Second session Course Course Course Course I: II: III: IV: 09 March 06 April 04 May 01 June 18 18 18 18 Course V: 29 June Course VI: 27 July Course VII: 24 August - 18 September - 18 September - 18 September Short description and Notes • The preparatory courses are intended for students who wish to attend Italian Fashion and Design Academies. The students can choose the course according to their ability in Italian language. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - September September September September ISTITUTOMARANGONI 21 Internship Work Experience it! H Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (10) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Type of course Duration in weeks Course No. Italian language min. 4 371 80 20 Professional Orientation 2 372 Internship Program 8 373 Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 12 600 200 695 12 910 16 1’125 WORK EXPERIENCE Scuola Leonardo da Vinci offers your clients the unique experience of living and working in Italy. The Work Experience & Internship program consists of three stages: 1) First participants have to attend an Italian language preparation course with a minimum duration of four weeks and minimum 4 lessons/day. 2) They will be prepared for the Internship in a professional orientation course of 2 weeks. 3) The third stage consists in an unpaid Internship in a carefully selected Italian company for a duration of minimum two up to six months. ITALIAN LANGUAGE PREPARATION Students have to attend a language preparation course with a minimum duration of 4 weeks. However, to attend the Internship program, a proficiency level - C1 - of Italian is required. PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION To widen student’s professional knowledge, they get 20 lessons of specialization in two weeks: participants will acquire sufficient skills to start a period of Internship placement. These lessons will be held during the last two weeks of the language course. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The minimum duration is 8 weeks that can be extended up to 24 weeks. Students may choose from several sectors listed under unpaid experience. The position offered is influenced by the applicant’s previous work experience, education and level of Italian. Most of the employ locations are in Florence, Rome, Siena or Milan. We assist applicants in selecting the Internship company according to their curriculum vitae and interests. We arrange meetings with the Internship coordinator to plan the Internship experience. We will help applicants with the interview with the chosen companies. We will assist them to get the permit of stay and to define contact agreement with the selected company. We will monitor the Internship experience together with the Internship company. During the Internship experience applicants will get an insurance covering workplace accidents. At the end of the Internship program the participants will receive a Certificate stating the Italian proficiency and the acquired Internship experience. Fields of Internship: Hotel / Restaurant / Tourism / Web design / Web marketing / Design / Architecture; many other fields on request. Notes • Application requirements: - Application must reach our school at least 2 months in advance; - Very good knowledge of the Italian language (proficiency level); - Minimum age: 18 years - maximum age: 35 years; - Minimum stay in Italy: 3 months; maximum duration Work Experience: 6 months; - Insurance documents (EHIC-Card or proof of private illness insurance cover). • Applicants must send: - Curriculum vitae and motivational letter - in Italian or English; - 3 photos; - A completed application form for employment; - Copy of insurance documents. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena Please ask our Marketing Office for the application form and for more information 22 Individual Lessons Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (11) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) One-To-One (1 participant) 411 Two-To-One (2 participants) 431 Three-To-One (3 participants) 451 1 lesson 40 Euro 50 Euro 60 Euro Lunch with the teacher, per day (1) 70 Euro 105 Euro 140 Euro PRIVATE TUITION Course No. CONDITIONS OF • • • • PARTICIPATION Min. 3 lessons per day. Min. enrollment: one week. A registration fee of 70 Euro, valid for 12 months, must be paid for any enrollment. TWO-TO-ONE-COURSE and THREE-TO-ONE-COURSE: similar knowledge of the Italian language of the participants requested. SYSTEM LINGUAKIT © • 3 to 8 lessons per day. • The course intensity may be changed from week to week. PROFESSIONAL COURSES • Should there be already sufficient knowledge of Italian, the participant can also learn Italian language specific to her/his profession. Please indicate, together with the enrollment, the professional branch requested from the participant. LUNCH • On request, every private tuition combination can be organized to include lunch with the teacher. • Costs for lunch do not include fees for language lessons. (1) No commission on the costs for lunch. WITH THE TEACHER • These courses can be started on any working day of the year; however, we suggest to begin on Mondays. • Private lessons during weekends and the weeks of Christmas and New Year only on request and at special rates. COURSE DATES ACCOMMODATION LESS THAN COURSE CENTERS 2 WEEKS • Accommodations for the duration of less than 2 weeks in self catering shared apartment and families only by special request. • Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena 23 Music Department in Florence it! Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE H COURSE PRICES 2009 (12) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) COURSES FOR MUSICAL SPECIALIZATION Florence INSTRUMENT FOR SINGERS INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE VOCAL ENSEMBLE THE LANGUAGE COURSE COURSE OF THE Minimum weeks Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * Instrument courses 2 561 18 1 450 Canto / Singing 2 562 18 1 450 Instrumental Ensemble 2 563 18 2 250 Vocal Ensemble 2 564 18 4 The Language of the Libretti 2 565 60 250 12/1 1’100 Instruments: Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass, Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Horn, Guitar, Drums, Electric guitar, Electric bass. All students have to bring their own instruments with them; only Piano and Drums are available at school. The two week courses consist of 18 lessons, divided in 5 lessons of private tuition, 6 lessons of individual training, 5 lessons of auditing and 2 lessons of ensemble. COURSES Classic & Jazz CANTO AND DICTION Type of Course LIBRETTI The two week course consists of 18 lessons, divided in 5 lessons of private tuition in singing accompanied on the piano, 6 lessons of individual training, 5 lessons of auditing and 2 lessons of vocal ensemble. The course also concentrates on improving Italian diction. The Instrumental Ensemble course is a group course with minimum 2 participants to create a duo. The two week course consists of 18 lessons, divided in 8 lessons of private tuition and 10 lessons of instrumental ensemble and auditing. The course requires a pre-intermediate level (over two years’ study of an instrument). It is possible to enroll for an Instrument Course at the same time. The Vocal Ensemble course is a group course with minimum 4 participants. The two week course consists of 18 lessons, divided in 8 lessons of group tuition in the ensemble, 5 lessons of independent training and 5 lessons of auditing. The course requires a pre-intermediate level (over two years’ study). The language of the Libretti course consists of four lessons in a standard language course plus two private tutorials on the professional field of the language of the Opera, each day. An intermediate knowledge of Italian is recommended for those attending this course. Course starting dates 2009 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov Notes • For Instrument and Canto courses, there are 3 levels of ability: - Beginner = up to two years’ study; - Intermediate = from two to five years’ study; - Expert = over five years’ study. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes (except “The Language of the Libretti” course = 45 minutes per lesson). • All courses can be extended. • Course center: Florence; all courses are organized in collaboration with the Music School “Il Trillo”. 24 Music Department in Milan ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® MILAN COURSE PRICES 2009 (13) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) MUSICAL SPECIALIZATION Milan Duration • ORCHESTRAL CONDUCTING • MUSICAL COMPOSITION • SINGERS ACCOMPANIMENT 4 weeks / lessons • CANTO / SINGING • HISTORY OF MUSIC • INSTRUMENTS • THEORY AND SOLFEGGIO Course No. 661 Number of lessons 4 Participants min. max. Euro * 1 280 additional week / lesson 1 70 12 weeks / lessons 12 780 additional week / lesson 1 65 36 weeks / lessons 36 additional week / lesson 1 4 weeks / lessons 662 4 2’160 60 1 320 additional week / lesson 1 80 12 weeks / lessons 12 860 additional week / lesson 1 72 36 weeks / lessons 36 additional week / lesson 1 4 weeks / lessons 663 4 2’400 67 1 240 additional week / lesson 1 60 12 weeks / lessons 12 660 additional week / lesson 1 55 36 weeks / lessons 36 additional week / lesson 1 1’800 50 Course periods Music School’s Academic School Years 2008/09 & /2009/10 • Course starts every Monday during the Music School’s Academic School Year. • Music School’s Academic School Years: from 15 Sep 2008 to 13 Jun 2009 and from 14 Sep 2009 to 12 Jun 2010 • Periods of closure: 21 Dec 2008 - 06 Jan 2009 / 09 Apr - 15 Apr 2009 / 14 Jun - 13 Sep 2009 20 Dec 2009 - 06 Jan 2010 / 01 Apr - 07 Apr 2010 Notes • The following instruments can be practiced: Piano, Organ, Harp, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass, Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Horn, Guitar, Drums, Electric guitar, Electric bass. All students have to bring their own instruments with them; only Piano and Drums are available at school. • All courses can be extended or concentrated in more lessons per week, i.e. it is possible to reduce the academic year to 3 months, doing 3 lessons per week. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes, one-to-one with the teacher. • Course center: Milan For more information please ask for our brochure. 25 Music Department in Rome ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® ROME COURSE PRICES 2009 (14) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) COURSES FOR MUSICAL SPECIALIZATION Rome INSTRUMENT INTRODUCTION FOLK MUSIC FOR Minimum weeks Course No. Number of lessons Instrument courses 2 761 10 1 450 Canto / Singing 2 762 10 1 450 Italian Folk Music 2 763 30 4 450 Individual lessons 4 764 1 280 4 + Workshop Participants min. max. Euro * Instruments: Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass, Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Horn, Guitar, Drums, Electric guitar, Electric bass. All students have to bring their own instruments with them; only Piano and Drums are available at school. The two week courses consist of 10 lessons of private tuition. COURSES Classic & Jazz CANTO AND DICTION Type of Course SINGERS TO ITALIAN The two week course consists of 10 lessons of private tuition in singing accompanied on the piano. The course consists of 30 group lessons spread over 2 weeks: the first week is devoted to the introduction (theoretical and pratical) to folk dance and to the playing of instruments, the second week will focus on dancing and singing. INDIVIDUAL LESSONS & WORKSHOP The course consists of 4 lessons of private tuition plus the possibility of free attendance to all Workshops that “Scuola Popolare di Musica del Tufello” organizes in the afternoon for its own students. All Workshops are held once a week for two hours. Course starting dates 2009 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov Notes • For Instrument and Canto courses, there are 3 levels of ability: - Beginner = up to two years’ study; - Intermediate = from two to five years’ study; - Expert = over five years’ study. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes, except for Individual lessons + Workshops where each lesson has a duration of 30 minutes. • All courses can be extended. • Course center: Rome; all courses are organized in collaboration with the Music School “Scuola Popolare di Musica del Testaccio”. 26 Music Master Classes in Rome ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® ROME COURSE PRICES 2009 (15) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) MUSIC MASTER CLASSES Rome INSTRUMENT MASTER LIGHT MASTER MASTER Notes CLASSES CLASS FOR CHORUS Minimum weeks Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * Instrument Masterclass 2 765 30 3 1’200 Canto Masterclass 2 766 34 3 1’400 Light Masterclasses 2 767 10 1 700 Masterclass for Chorus 2 768 10 10 200 The two week course consists of 30 lessons divided in 10 lessons of individual training, 10 lessons of auditing, 4 lessons of musical ensemble and 6 lessons of rehearsal for the final concert held at the “Oratorio del Gonfalone”. Starting dates 2009: 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 29 Jun / 13 Jun / 31 Aug / 14 Sep / 30 Nov CLASS CANTO AND DICTION MASTER Type of Course CLASS The two week course consists of 30 lessons divided into 10 lessons of individual training, 10 lessons of auditing, 8 lessons of diction and 6 lessons of rehearsal for the final concert held at the “Oratorio del Gonfalone”. Starting dates 2009: 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 29 Jun / 13 Jun / 31 Aug / 14 Sep / 30 Nov The course consists of 10 private lessons. Starting dates 2009: 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar /27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov The course consists of 10 lessons of group tuition. The last lesson is held at the “Oratorio del Gonfalone”. Starting dates: every week all year around • The Master class courses are for people who have studied music for at least three years. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes. • Course center: Rome; all Master classes are organized in collaboration with the Music School “Oratorio del Gonfalone” and under the artistic direction of Angelo Persichilli. 27 Italian, Art, Design Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® MILAN COURSE PRICES 2009 (16) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) ITALIAN PLUS ART AND DESIGN SEMESTER Milan Short description and Notes Type of Course I Duration in weeks: Language Art course Course No. Number of lessons Euro * - Beginner 24 12 611 624 5’260 II - Elementary 20 12 612 544 5’000 III - Intermediate 16 12 613 464 4’500 IV - Advanced 12 12 614 384 4’000 V - Proficient 8 12 615 304 3’580 VI - Academic 4 12 616 224 3’100 Thanks to the collaboration with NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts), we are able to offer our students the possibility of attending a semester inside a University of Arts, choosing between one of the following areas: • Visual Arts: painting, drawing, photography • Design: interior, product, furniture • Fashion Design Before starting the Semester program it is necessary that students reach a good level of the Italian language. They can follow 4 or more weeks of intensive language classes. The following are the language requirements to reach the minimum level necessary to enter in the Semester program: • Oriental and Middle Eastern students: 480 lessons of Standard language course; • Students from UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: 400 lessons of Standard language course; • European students: 320 lessons of Standard language course; • Spanish, Portuguese and South American students: 160 lessons of Standard language course. • The Standard language course of 4 weeks consists of 80 lessons. • Italian language preparation courses for more than 24 weeks: please ask for our special offers. • The Art and Design programs have a duration of 12 weeks and consist of 144 lessons. The courses are held in the late afternoon from 5 pm to 9 pm. • Course center: Milan Please ask for more information Starting dates 2009/2010 **) Starting dates for the Semester Art Courses could change, depending on the Italian Ministry of Education. First semester Italian Plus Art courses: Course I: 20 April 2009 Course II: 18 May 2009 Course III: 15 June 2009 Course IV: 13 July 2009 Course V: 10 August 2009 Course VI: 07 September 2009 Art Semester: 05 October 2009)** Second semester Italian Plus Art courses: Course I: Course II: Course III: Course IV: Course V: Course VI: Art Semester: 31 August 28 September 26 October 23 November 04 January 01 February 01 March 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010)** 28 Fashion Shows in Milan it! H Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® MILAN - ROME COURSE PRICES 2009 (17) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) ITALIAN PREPARATORY COURSE FOR FASHION SHOWS Milan Duration Course No. Number of lessons 3 weeks 621 40 + Showroom visits and Fashion Shows Short description and Notes This course consists of 20 lessons held at the school followed by 20 hours of guided visits to Fashion Shows, Showrooms, Shops, Fairs, Fashion and Design Magazines. Participants min. max. 3 Euro * 1’235 All lessons are held by academic professors and professionals in the fashion and design fields. The general part of the program always remains the same, while the specific topics change in consideration of events that are happening in the city at the time, i.e.: Milan Fashion Week Woman - «Milano Moda Donna», Milan Fashion Week Man - «Milano Moda Uomo» or Milan Furniture Fair - «Salone Internazionale del Mobile». • Minimum 3 participants. • Level requested: intermediate and above. • Course center: Milan Please ask for more information Course dates 2009 16 Feb 14 Apr 08 Jun 14 Sep - 07 Mar: 30 Apr: 26 Jun: 02 Oct: Milano Moda Donna Salone del Mobile Milano Moda Uomo Milano Moda Donna - Fashion Week Woman autumn/winter Milan Furniture Fair Fashion Week Man spring/summer Fashion Week Woman spring/summer PART TIME TWICE A WEEK STANDARD COURSE Milan and Rome Duration Course No. 8 weeks 631 Course starting dates 2009 05 Jan / 02 Feb / 02 Mar / 30 Mar / 04 May / 01 Jun / 29 Jun / 27 Jul / 07 Sep / 05 Oct / 02 Nov Short description and Notes The “Part Time twice a week” Standard course is held throughout the year on three levels of ability. The daily 2 lessons are held on Tuesday and on Thursday, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (Rome: from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm). • Minimum 8 weeks. • Minimum 4 participants. • Course centers: Milan - Rome • No accommodation services provided for this course Number of lessons additional week Participants min. max. Euro * 32 4 12 280 4 4 12 35 29 Culinary Traditions and Gastronomy it! H Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (18) GROSS 10% PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 10%) CULINARY TRADITIONS AND GASTRONOMY Siena Duration Course No. 2 weeks 811 Short description «Culinary Traditions and Gastronomy» is a ‘soft’ course and consists of four morning lessons in a Standard language course, each day and private tutorials on cooking, wine and its traditions on 4 afternoons per week. Professional program in the afternoon • • • • Notes Number of lessons 60 Participants min. max. Euro * 12/1 1’250 • • • • Private tutorials on Italian language of wine and food; The history of food and cuisine; Cultural characteristics of the Tuscan cooking; Extra Virgin Olive Oil: recognizing products, understanding the oil-making process and taste-testing for qualities and defects; Introduction to Tuscan wines and guided tastings; Lesson on the dop and igp protected regional food; Lesson on traditional Sienese sweets and visit of a typical bakery; Chef demonstration in a well-known restaurant: from medieval times to today. • • • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Private professional tutorials on 4 afternoons per week. Starting dates: every Monday. An intermediate knowledge of Italian is recommended for attending the course. Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. Course center: Siena 30 Professional Cooking Courses in Florence ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE COURSE PRICES 2009 (19) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 10%) PROFESSIONAL ITALIAN COOKING COURSES Florence Type of course Professional level I Duration in weeks Course No. 4 523 Professional level II 8 Professional level III 12 Professional levels I - III 24 Number of lessons Participants min. max. 10% Euro * 40 1 960 524 68 1 2’300 525 100 1 3’800 526 208 1 6’910 PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL I • Duration 4 weeks: 10 meetings = 40 one-hour lessons, i.e.: 8 meetings (32 lessons) of cooking course and 2 meetings (8 lessons) for 2 exams. • Content: •• Italian Cooking 1 •• Tuscan Cooking •• Dessert 1 •• Combination of Wine and Dish 1 •• Regional Cooking 1 •• Introduction to Cocktails and Aperitifs •• Decoration and Presentation 1 PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL II • Duration 8 weeks: 17 meetings = 68 one-hour lessons, i.e.: 14 meetings (56 lessons) of cooking course and 3 meetings (12 lessons) for 3 exams. • Content: •• Italian Cooking 2 •• Vegetarian Cooking •• Dessert 2 •• Regional Cooking 2 •• Cocktails and Aperitifs 2 •• Mediterranean Cooking • The course price includes a registration fee of 150 Euro, including: jacket, pants, hat and apron. PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL III • Duration 12 weeks: 25 meetings = 100 one-hour lessons, i.e.: 21 meetings (84 lessons) of cooking course and 4 meetings (16 lessons) for 4 exams. • Content: •• Italian Cooking 3 •• Gastronomy •• Dessert 3 •• Regional Cooking 3 •• Combination of Wine and Dish 2 •• Decoration and Presentation 2 • The course price includes a registration fee of 150 Euro, including: jacket, pants, hat and apron. PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSES: LEVELS I - III • Duration 24 weeks: 52 meetings = 208 one-hour lessons, i.e.: 43 meetings (172 lessons) of cooking course and 9 meetings (36 lessons) for 9 exams. • Content: Program including Professional level I to Professional level III • The course price includes a registration fee of 150 Euro, including: jacket, pants, hat and apron. 31 Professional Cooking Courses in Rome ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® ROME COURSE PRICES 2009 (20) GROSS 10% PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 10%) PROFESSIONAL ITALIAN COOKING COURSES Rome Short description Gustolab Type of course Course No. Number of lessons 4 711 128 3 8 2’400 Professional level II 8 712 256 3 8 4’800 Professional level III 12 713 384 3 8 7’400 Professional level I Duration in weeks Participants min. max. Euro * The Leonardo da Vinci school in Rome in collaboration with Gustolab organizes professional courses for foreigners on Italian cuisine. The style of the culinary Italian art follows very few rules: in depth knowledge of the raw materials and the food processing techniques, interaction during the operations and preparations easily achievable but never ordinary. The courses are a true learning experience with the purpose of satisfying every kind of demand following and sometimes predicting the new trends of the food market. The teaching staff of professionals of international fame is carefully selected and constantly in touch with the national and international trends. Some of the teachers are: • Laura Ravaioli, chef of international fame • Maurizio Santin, one of the most popular pastry chef in the world PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL I • Duration 4 weeks: 16 meetings of 8 hours = 128 one-hour lessons, 4 meetings per week • Content: •• The basics of Italian and International cuisine •• Creative cuisine, first courses: Special on the Pasta •• Regional Italian cuisine •• Basics of the pastry chef PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL II • Duration 8 weeks: 32 meetings of 8 hours = 256 one-hour lessons, 4 meetings per week • Content: •• The basics of Italian and International cuisine •• Creative cuisine, first courses: Special on Pasta •• Regional Italian cuisine •• Basics of the pastry chef •• Creative cuisine, first courses: special on rice, risotti and cereals •• Creative cuisine: special on tuna and Mediterranean fish PROFESSIONAL COOKING COURSE: LEVEL III • Duration 12 weeks: 48 meetings of 8 hours = 384 one-hour lessons, 4 meetings per week • Content: •• The basics of Italian and International cuisine •• Creative cuisine, first courses: Special on Pasta •• Regional Italian cuisine •• Basics of the pastry chef •• Creative cuisine, first courses: special on rice, risotti and cereals •• Creative cuisine: special on tuna and Mediterranean fish •• Special bread for restaurants •• Mediterranean fusion cuisine •• Healthy pastry: cakes and biscuits •• Traditional cakes •• Latest desserts Notes • The prices include: Chef’s jacket; lunches during the days of lessons; 2 coffee breaks per day; Book of recipes; publications. • Certification given: Gustolab’s Certificate of attendance • Course center: Rome 32 Culture & Art Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA COURSE PRICES 2009 (21) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 10%) ART HISTORY Short description and Notes Duration Course No. 2 weeks 511 Number of lessons 12 Participants min. max. 3 10% Euro * 180 • The course on the History of Italian Art consists of a short introduction in the development of the art in Italy and guided visits. • Level recommended: elementary. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena ITALIAN CUISINE 1 meeting Course No. Duration 521 3 hours Participants min. max. 4 Culinary Arts for Amateurs • In this course students can experience first hand cooking Italian style. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena Culinary Arts for Professionals Our school centers offer special cooking and wine courses for professionals. For more information, look at page 28 or contact our Marketing Office. ITALIAN WINES 1 meeting Course No. Duration 522 3 hours Participants min. max. 6 Euro * 95 Euro * 95 Short description and Notes • Our Wine course provides you an introduction to the art of wine cultivation, including wine tasting of the most well-known Italian wines. • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena ART AND FASHION COURSES Florence Type of Course Notes Duration in weeks Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * Drawing 2 531 12 2 180 Painting 2 532 12 2 180 Italian Fashion 2 533 12 2 250 Italian Design 2 534 12 2 250 • The courses Drawing and Painting are available for beginners as well as for advanced students. • The courses Fashion and Design request an intermediate ability level of the Italian language. These two courses will not be held in the month of August. • All courses are extendable. • Course center: Florence 33 w! Ne Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE COMPANY WITH QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY SQS-IQNET <ISO 9001:2000> COURSE PRICES 2009 (22) GROSS 10% PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 10%) JEWELLERY Florence Notes Type of course Course No. Number of lessons week month Total Participants min. max. Euro * Jewellery I: 3 months 541 12 50 150 12 2’440 Jewellery II: 3 months 542 20 80 240 12 3’900 Jewellery III: 6 months 543 20 80 480 12 7’800 Jewellery IV: 10 months 544 20 80 700 12 11’300 Stone Setting I: 3 months 545 12 50 150 12 2’800 Stone Setting II: 4 months 546 20 80 320 12 6’000 Stone Setting III: 6 months 547 16 70 410 12 7’680 Stone Setting IV: 10 months 548 20 80 720 12 13’500 Chasing: 3 months 549 8 32 100 12 2’750 Jewellery Open Work: 3 months 550 8 32 100 12 2’750 Engraving: 3 months 551 8 32 100 12 2’250 Wax Working: 1 month 552 20 80 80 12 1’800 Gemology: 1 month 553 - 15 15 12 1’000 Jewellery Design I: 3 months 554 12 50 150 12 2’800 Jewellery Design II: 6 months 555 12 50 300 12 6’350 • Courses are normally held in the afternoon. All courses in Jewellery can be combined with Italian language courses in the morning. • Private tutorials upon request. • The price includes the materials used in the courses (silver and stone). • Starting dates: every Monday. • Intermediate knowledge of Italian is recommended for attending the course. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes. • Course center: Florence 34 Accommodation Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA ACCOMMODATION COSTS 2009 NET PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (indicative prices in Euro per person; no commission) Type of accommodation Room Apartment standard shared kitchen and bathroom place in double room 195.00 - 229.45 105.00 - 123.55 15.00 - 17.65 single room 260.00 - 305.50 140.00 - 164.50 20.00 - 23.50 Family, breakfast place in double room 195.00 - 229.45 105.00 - 123.55 15.00 - 17.65 single room 260.00 - 305.50 140.00 - 164.50 20.00 - 23.50 place in double room 325.00 - 383.50 175.00 - 206.50 25.00 - 29.50 single room 390.00 - 458.90 210.00 - 247.10 30.00 - 35.30 Family, half board (breakfast & dinner) Extra Comfort shared Apartments, Hotels of all categories, Private Apartments, Studios, Residences 2 weeks (13 nights) min. Euro - max. Euro additional week (7 nights) min. Euro - max. Euro 1 supplementary night min. Euro - max. Euro Prices on request. We need the credit card number of your client to make reservations. No commission. Availability: • Housing available from Sunday afternoon (after 2:00 pm) before the beginning of the course to the Saturday morning (10:00 am) at the end of the course. Extra night: • If your student needs to arrive a day earlier or to stay a day longer, please contact the school for help with extra accommodation arrangements. Different arrival or departure days must be confirmed in writing. • However, it is not possible to arrive earlier than the Saturday before the start of the course and to remain later than the Sunday after the end of the course. • Remember that the schools are closed from 19 December 2009 to 03 January 2010 for Christmas Holidays. Students can, however, book accommodation for this period at special rates (except Academic School Year students). • Extra charge = supplementary night(s). Arrival time: • It is yours or the clients’ duty to inform either the landlord (by phone) or the school (by phone, fax or email), at least 4 days before arrival, of their estimated time of arrival. Double rooms: • Your clients may book a place in a double room. • We offer your clients the possibility to come together with a friend to book a double room provided by our school, even if the accompanying person does not take a language course. Bed-linens: • Host families: Bed-linens are provided and changed every two weeks. • Shared apartments: Bed-linens are provided and changed every two weeks or, in alternative, upon arrival each student will be given a set of bed-linens and two sets if they stay for a longer period. In this case students are required to wash bed-linens themselves. Towels: • Students need to bring their own towels. Please inform your students accordingly to make sure they arrive in Italy well prepared. Deposit for shared apartments: • Your clients must pay a deposit of 100 Euro to get the keys for their accommodation in shared apartments. This deposit must be paid in cash or by Traveller’s Cheque on arrival and will be refunded upon departure, less repairs if needed. Host family accommodation: • Students can choose between breakfast and half board (breakfast and dinner). Students cannot cook on their own (exceptions on special request). Accommodation less than 2 weeks: • Accommodations for the duration of less than 2 weeks in shared apartment and families only by special request. Nota bene: • • Accommodations are provided only in combination with the booking of a language course (exception: Drawing, Painting and Music courses). • No accommodation will be provided for the booking of Part Time Courses. 35 Transfer Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA TRANSFER SERVICE COSTS 2009 NET PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (net prices one way in Euro per person; no commission) City From airport or railway station to accommodation address or vice versa Florence Florence airport Amerigo Vespucci (FLR) 55 Florence main railway station (Firenze S.M.N.) 40 Florence bus terminal Piazza Adua 40 Pisa airport Galileo Galilei (PSA) Additional charge - Delays: per hour Milan Milan airport Malpensa (MXP) Milan airport Linate (LIN) Milan airport Orio al Serio (BGY) Milan main railway station (Stazione Centrale) Additional charge - Delays: per hour Rome + 15 120 70 130 55 + 25 90 Rome airport Ciampino (CIA) 90 Rome main railway station (Stazione Termini) 45 + 20 Florence airport Amerigo Vespucci (FLR) 170 Florence main railway station (Firenze S.M.N.) 170 Florence bus terminal (Piazza Adua) 170 Pisa airport Galileo Galilei (PSA) 210 Siena main railway station 40 Siena bus terminal Piazza Gramsci 40 Additional charge - Delays: per hour Notes 160 Rome airport Leonardo da Vinci (FCO) Additional charge - Delays: per hour Siena Euro - one way + 15 • Transfer must be booked together with the enrollment or at least one week before arrival. • Please send us the necessary information (arrival time, flight or train number, etc.) at least one week before your clients’ arrival. • Our transfer confirmation indicates always the meeting point with the driver as well as the transfer emergency phone number. Group Study Tour 36 w! Ne Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA GROUP STUDY TOUR OFFER 2009 NET PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (net prices in Euro per person; no commission) LANGUAGE COURSE Prices valid: 16 March - 20 September 2008 and 29 March - 19 September 2009 Duration Course No. 2 weeks 912 40 8 262 3 weeks 913 60 8 4 weeks 914 80 8 Number of lessons Participants min. max. Prices valid: 21 September 2008 - 28 March 2009 and 20 September 2009 - 27 March 2010 Duration Course No. 1 week 921 20 8 187 2 weeks 922 40 8 238 393 3 weeks 923 60 8 357 524 4 weeks 924 80 8 476 Euro Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro ACCOMMODATION Prices valid: 16 March 2008 - 27 March 2010 Prices valid: Duration Family, double room Family, double room Duration breakfast Euro half board Euro 2 weeks (13 nights) 210 (13 nights) 350 3 weeks (20 nights) 315 (20 nights) 525 4 weeks (27 nights) 420 (27 nights) 700 1 week 21 September 2008 - 28 March 2009 and 20 September 2009 - 27 March 2010 Family, double room Family, double room breakfast Euro half board Euro (6 nights) 120 (6 nights) 200 Summary: • Course centers: Florence - Milan - Rome - Siena; • Duration: 2 to 4 weeks, from Sunday to Saturday; 1 week duration accepted only from end of September to end of March (no exceptions); • Min. 8 participants per group (no exceptions). The prices include: • 4 lessons language course per day, from Monday to Friday, total 20 lessons per week; • Didactic material, entry test, certificates and individual student report; • Accommodation in family, double rooms, breakfast or half board (breakfast and dinner); arrival Sunday, departure Saturday; 1 week = 6 nights; 2 weeks = 13 nights; 3 weeks = 20 nights; 4 weeks = 27 nights; • Group coordinator (chaperon): free accommodation in family, single room, half board every 8 participants (no exceptions); • The Group Study Tour prices are valid until the end of March 2010. Supplements (the prices do NOT include): • • • • Transfer on request; Culture program on request; Excursions on request; Additional lessons for the «Firenze» Italian Language Diploma preparation courses of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua® - AIL on request. • Supplement single room per student and per night: + 5 Euro/person • 8 to 15 participants = free homestay accommodation for 1 chaperon; • 16 to 23 participants = free homestay accommodation for 2 chaperons, etc.; • Every additional person accompanying the group (i.e. second group coordinator), per week: + 210 Euro/person ☞ Please ask for the detailed Group Study Tour offer! 37 Christmas in Milan ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® MILAN Special CHRISTMAS Course (1/2) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2008 & 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language course = 20%) CHRISTMAS TRADITON AND LANGUAGE COURSE IN MILAN Duration Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. 1 week 691 20 + visits + dinner Short description The Christmas season lasts for three weeks: it starts 8 days before Christmas and ends on the Epiphany Celebration (January 6th). This time of the year is called “La Novena”. 2 Euro * 230 Christmas is the most important holiday in Italy, and its celebration is a great tradition all over the country. To get in touch with the spirit of the Italian way of celebrating Christmas and to share Italian traditions with other students, the Italian language schools Leonardo da Vinci in Milan and Rome have developed a "Special Christmas Course" for those who would like to discover the typical Italian Christmas. Christmas Program in Milan 2008 & 2009 Monday: 09:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 12:20 Italian language lessons Coffee break “How to decorate your home during Christmas time” Tuesday: 09:00 10:30 10:50 15:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break “How to set your table for Christmas lunch” Guided visits to typical shops for Christmas home design Wednesday: 09:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 12:20 Italian language lessons Coffee break “Preparing a Christmas lunch/dinner from A to Z” Thursday: 09:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 12:20 15:00 - 18:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break “Italian traditions during Christmas and introduction to the Milanese ‘Panettone’ tradition (Christmas sweet bread)” Guided visits to typical shops for Christmas food 09:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 12:20 20:30 Italian language lessons Coffee break “Christmas and after Christmas: New Year and Epiphany” Typical Italian Christmas dinner in a restaurant Friday: Course dates 2008 & 2009 - 10:30 10:50 12:20 18:00 • From Monday, 15 December to Friday, 19 December 2008 • From Monday, 14 December to Friday, 18 December 2009 Accommodation NET Notes One week accommodation (6 nights), from Sunday afternoon (after 2:00 pm) before the beginning of the course to the Saturday morning (10:00 am) at the end of the course: • Apartment, shared kitchen and bathroom, single room: 140 Euro • Family, breakfast, single room: 140 Euro • Family, half board, single room: 210 Euro • Levels of Italian: beginner, intermediate, advanced • Transfer on request 38 Christmas in Rome ew! N Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® ROME Special CHRISTMAS Course (2/2) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2008 & 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language course = 20%) CHRISTMAS TRADITON AND LANGUAGE COURSE COURSE IN ROME Duration Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. 1 week 791 20 + visits + dinner Short description The Christmas season lasts for three weeks: it starts 8 days before Christmas and ends on the Epiphany Celebration (January 6th). This time of the year is called “La Novena”. 2 Euro * 230 In Italy, as in many countries, Christmas celebrations are very important and most of the time they are related to ancient traditions. This course gives to participants the chance to learn more about the traditional dinners, decorations, customs that make Italian Christmas holidays a wonderful experience. Christmas Program in Rome 2008 & 2009 Monday: 09:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 13:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break Introduction to the Neapolitan “Presepe” tradition (Nativity scene) at Christmas time (permanent show of an original seventeenth century “presepe”) Tuesday: 09:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break The importance of table decoration during Christmas time Practical lesson about floral decoration with an evocation of remote atmospheres through a contemporary point of view Wednesday: 09:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 13:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break How to prepare a perfect Christmas menu according to the Italian tradition, with the supervison of a professional chef Thursday: 09:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break Guided visit to the marketplace of “Campo de’ Fiori” Illustration and preparation of a selection of the main Italian Christmas courses, with the supervison of a professional chef Friday: 09:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:20 11:00 - 13:00 Italian language lessons Coffee break Typical Italian gastronomic specialities of the Christmas holidays (Christmas, New Year and Epiphany) Focus on the typical Christmas cakes Gastronomic Laboratory: preparation of a complete menu, with the supervison of a professional chef Final party: tasting of all courses prepared in a friendly Christmas atmosphere. 15:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 19:00 19:00 Course dates 2008 & 2009 • From Monday, 15 December to Friday, 19 December 2008 • From Monday, 14 December to Friday, 18 December 2009 Accommodation One week accommodation (6 nights), from Sunday afternoon (after 2:00 pm) before the beginning of the course to the Saturday morning (10:00 am) at the end of the course: • Apartment, shared kitchen and bathroom, single room: 140 Euro • Family, breakfast, single room: 140 Euro • Family, half board, single room: 210 Euro NET Notes • Levels of Italian: beginner, intermediate, advanced • Transfer on request Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Viareggio Learn Italian in Italy – Right on the Tuscan Riviera ITALIAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL Officially authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education 39 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Recognized by the Region of Tuscany CENTRO GIACOMO PUCCINI - VIAREGGIO TUSCAN RIVIERA Centro Giacomo Puccini is our partner school at the seaside. The school is open all year round, from January to December. In summer time your students may enjoy the famous “Versilia” Riviera, studying Italian in the vibrant seaside city of Viareggio. Viareggio is one of the most famous and traditional seaside resorts in Tuscany. The wide, endless beaches, the excellent cuisine and the exciting night-life with its well-known "Versilian" discos, all contribute to make Viareggio a favorite holiday resort. A visit to Viareggio means meeting young Italians and enjoying the seafood specialities of Tuscany. Viareggio is the ideal holiday resort for all who love sunshine, the sea and enjoying themselves. In spring and autumn there are many beautiful places to visit, such as Pisa (at 10 Km distance from Viareggio), the Island of Elba, the “Cinque Terre”, the Apuan Alpes, Florence, Siena, Lucca: visit these unique places outside the mass tourism period. Enjoy Viareggio walking and admiring its Liberty period architecture. You will find a very warm atmosphere at the school and you will communicate in a friendly personal manner with faculty and staff. In winter the climate is still warm. For those who like winter sports your students have the possibility of skiing in the nearby Apennine Mountains. 40 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE DATES VIAREGGIO 2009 Course Starting Dates Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 05 02 02 14 04 01 13 10 07 05 02 19 16 16 27 18 15 27 24 21 19 16 30 29 Dec 30 Christmas Holidays: from 12 December 2009 to 03 January 2010 Public Holidays 06 January 25 March 13 April - Epiphany “Befana” - Saintest Announced - Easter Monday 01 May - Labor Day 02 June - Republic Day 08 December - Immaculate Conception AIL «Firenze» Diplomas: Examination dates for all Diplomas 27 March 26 June AIL «Firenze» Diplomas: Examination preparation courses 02 March 01 June Senior Courses 14 Apr - 24 Apr 01 Jun - 12 Jun Carnival week 02 Feb - 13 Feb 16 Feb - 27 Feb Academic School Year / «Gap Year» 2009/2010 From 05 January to 14 August 2009 (32 weeks) From 04 May to 11 December 2009 (32 weeks) From 21 September 2009 to 21 May 2010 (35 weeks, including Christmas Holidays) Courses for Musical Specialization 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov “For those who plan ahead”: Course starting dates 2010 04 Jan / 18 Jan / 01 Feb / 15 Feb / 01 Mar / 15 Mar / 29 Mar / 06 Apr / 19 Apr / 03 May / 17 May / 31 May / 14 Jun / 28 Jun / 12 Jul / 26 Jul / 09 Aug / 23 Aug / 06 Sep / 20 Sep / 04 Oct / 18 Oct / 02 Nov / 15 Nov / 29 Nov 18 September 11 December - 27 March - 26 June 24 August 16 November - 18 September - 11 December 21 Sep - 02 Oct CONDITIONS 2009 PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 Nota bene: • The price list is valid from 1 January until 31 December 2009; Euro = European Union Currency. *) A registration fee of 70 Euro, valid for 12 months, must be paid for any enrollment. Also on this registration fee we will grant you a commission of 20%. • Italian Cuisine will take place only with the minimum number of participants indicated. • Duration of a lesson = 45 minutes (except courses for Musical specialization). • Minimum age = 16 years. The course price includes: • • • • • • • • Placement, assessment and final tests. Teaching material. Diploma «Firenze» AIL examination fees for the preparation courses. Documents for Visa and Residence Permit, if requested. Free Internet access. Social activities (free or at cost price). Certificate of attendance. Student card. 41 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (1) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) STANDARD COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks V 111 4 weeks V 113 additional week Number of lessons Participants min. max. 40 12 260 80 12 520 20 12 130 Short description and Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Minimum 2 weeks. • Max. 12 participants per group. LONG TERM STANDARD COURSE minimum duration 3 months Duration Course No. Number of lessons 12 weeks V 131 additional week Euro * Participants min. max. Euro * 240 12 1’320 20 12 110 Participants min. max. Euro * Short description and Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Minimum 12 weeks. • Max. 12 participants per group. LONG TERM SEMESTER COURSE minimum duration 6 months Duration Course No. Number of lessons 24 weeks V 141 480 12 2’520 20 12 105 Participants min. max. Euro * additional week Short description and Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Minimum 24 weeks. • Max. 12 participants per group. LONG TERM «CSN» COURSE duration 13 weeks, inclusive accommodation Duration 13 weeks course and accommodation additional week Short description and Notes • • • • • Course No. Number of lessons V 103 260 12 2’715 20 12 210 This course is reserved only for Swedish students with “CSN” study grants or loans. 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Minimum 13 weeks. Max. 12 participants per group. Accommodation includes 13 weeks (90 nights) in double room in apartment or in Hotel, shared bathroom and breakfast. • Supplement for single room, per day: Season A = 10 Euro; Season B = 12 Euro; Season C = 17 Euro; 42 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (2) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) INTENSIVE PLUS-5 COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks V 171 4 weeks V 173 additional week Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 50 12/1 540 100 12/1 1’080 25 12 270 Short description and Notes • Per day: 4 lessons of Standard language course plus 1 extra lesson of private tuition; 25 lessons per week (Plus 5 © = five lessons of private tuition per week). • Minimum 2 weeks. INTENSIVE PLUS-10 COURSE Duration Course No. 2 weeks V 181 4 weeks V 183 additional week Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * 60 12/1 820 120 12/1 1’640 30 12 410 Short description and Notes • Per day: 4 lessons of Standard language course plus 2 extra lessons of private tuition; 30 lessons per week (Plus 10 © = ten lessons of private tuition per week). • Minimum 2 weeks. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. «FIRENZE» DIPLOMA EXAMINATION COURSES Exam Preparation Course All levels (see below) - Duration in weeks Course No. Number of lessons 4 V 311 120 Participants min. max. 2 12 Euro * 1’035 Dates for examination preparation courses on all levels 2008 02 March 01 June 24 August 16 November 27 March 26 June 18 September 11 December Short description and Notes • Preparation courses for the following exams and levels according to the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEF”: •• DELI-A2 Elementary level •• DILI-B1 Intermediate level one •• DILC-B1 Business examination - Intermediate level •• DILI-B2 Intermediate level two •• DALI-C1 Advanced level •• DALC-C1 Business examination - Advanced level • 80 lessons of Standard language course and 40 lessons of examination preparation; total 120 lessons in 4 weeks. • Minimum 2 participants; if there should be only one participant in a preparatory course/level, she/he will be placed in an Intensive Plus-5 course. • Examination fees included in the course price. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. ☛ Please ask for the special information brochure for the AIL-exams «Firenze» 43 ew! N Italian for Seniors 50plus Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (3) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) ITALIAN FOR SENIORS 50 Plus Duration Course No. Number of lessons 2 weeks V 221 40 + visits and excursions Participants min. max. 3 Euro * 760 Short description This course is specifically designed for more mature students over the age of 50. Students will learn Italian in a pleasant and relaxing environment, accompanied by a wide variety of cultural activities. Program Morning Program: The morning course of Standard Italian Language is designed to improve language and conversational skills, and heighten the awareness and appreciation of the Italian culture. Afternoon Program: • Orientation tour of the city and introduction to the Liberty Architecture period with visits to the “Promenade Regina Margherita” and the “Gran Café”; • Melodrama: Introduction to Puccini’s Operas, with live auditing (Giardini Sonori); • Cooking class with typical Mediterranean dinner; • Afternoon excursion to Torre del Lago with visit to Puccini’s house and museum; • Wine tasting guided by expert sommeliers: Tuscan reds paired with regional Italian cheeses and bread; • Seminar on ‘gelati italiani’ (Italian Ice Cream); • Weekend day trip to Florence. Course starting dates 2009 14 Apr - 24 Apr 01 Jun - 12 Jun 21 Sep - 02 Oct Notes • • • • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. Visits and excursions on the afternoons. One full day excursion during the weekend. If there is only one participant, she/he will be placed in an Intensive PLUS-5 course. All organized school activites are free of charge for this participant. 44 ew! Carnival Week N Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (4) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) CARNIVAL WEEK Duration Course No. Number of lessons 2 weeks V 231 40 and visits Participants min. max. - Euro * 410 Short history Every year Viareggio celebrates its “Carnival of Italy and Europe”, with splendid day and night celebrations, floats, parades, district celebrations, masked dances and shows of every kind. During this period you can visit the “Citadel” (Carnival town), a structure that includes hangars for the creation of the floats, the papier-mâché school and the Carnival museum. Viareggio’s Carnival is the ideal place to meet different people and cultures, which mixes tradition with universal principles like solidarity and peace. Program Morning Program: The morning course of Standard Italian Language is designed to improve language and conversational skills, and heighten the awareness and appreciation of Italian culture. Carnival Program: • Orientation tour on the “Carnival of Italy and Europe”; • Guided visit to the “Citadel” (Carnival town) and museum; • Participation at shows and cultural events such as fun musical comedies and masked balls; • Participation at the Carnival parades. Carnival week date 2009 02 Feb - 13 Feb 16 Feb - 27 Feb Notes • 4 lessons of group language course per day; 20 lessons per week. • Visits to the ‘Carnival town’ and museum and participation at the Carnival parades. 45 ew! N Academic School Year Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (5) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR «GAP YEAR» Duration Course No. Number of lessons 32 weeks V 321 650 Participants min. max. 5 12 Euro * 5’720 Short description and Notes • The “Academic School Year” is a 32 week language and culture course for students who wish to experience living and studying in Italy. The course combines not only language courses with Italian culture classes at the Centro Puccini but the syllabus also incorporates the fundamental elements of level C2 of the European Language Portfolio. All in all, the course offers students the opportunity to see at first hand the various aspects of Italy’s rich history and culture. The course is composed of a linguistic element and an academic element: 1) Linguistic element: - 480 lessons of the Standard language course - 80 lessons of exam preparation, choosing between two language Diplomas «Firenze» AIL: DELI-A2, DILI-B1, DILI-B2, DALI-C1 (elementary, intermediate and/or advanced levels) 2) Academic element (80 lessons): - Italian Civilisation and History - Art History - Business Italian - History of Italian Fashion and Design 3) Final research: 10 contact hours of tutoring • The duration of the whole stay is 32 weeks (35 weeks for the course starting in September and including three weeks of Christmas Holidays where no courses are held). • All students can take part in the weekly cultural and social activities organized by the school. • Minimum 5 participants. Please ask our school secretariate for detailed information Course calendar 2009/2010 From 05 January to 14 August 2009 (32 weeks) From 04 May to 11 December 2009 (32 weeks) From 21 September 2009 to 21 May 2010 (35 weeks, including Christmas Holidays) The price of the course includes • • • • • • • • • Special accommodation offer, reserved for “Academic School Year” students Students can choose from the following: • Double or single room in an apartment with other students, • Double or single room in family, breakfast included • Double or single room in family, half board (breakfast and dinner) Accommodation price for 32 weeks (223 nights - no commission): • Double room in apartment standard or in family with breakfast: 3’345 Euro 315 Euro • Supplement for September course, including Christmas Holidays: • Supplement for single room and half board in family: see accommodation costs table on page 48. NET Teaching material Student card 650 lessons of language, culture, tutoring and exam preparation in 32 weeks Placement, mid-term and final tests, including continuous assessment tests Fees for two Diploma «Firenze» AIL exams Drop-in hours; same as office hours Documents for Visa and Residence Permit Social activities (free or at cost price) “Academic School Year” Diploma 46 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (6) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission on language courses = 20%) PROFESSIONAL COURSES Duration Course No. 2 weeks V 331 Number of lessons additional week Short description and Notes Euro * 60 12/1 920 30 12/1 460 The professional courses consist of four lessons in a Standard language course plus two private tutorials on the selected professional field, each day. Students can choose among the following subjects: • Business Correspondence • Italian for Healthcare • Business Italian • The Language of Fashion • Italian for Banking • The Language of Architecture • Italian for Law • Italian Literature • Italian for the Hotel Industry • Italian Cinema • The Language of Wine and Food • The Language of the Libretti (Opera) • The Language of Tourism • The History and Language of Theatre • Italian for Flight Attendants An intermediate knowledge of Italian is suggested for those attending the professional courses. Please ask for detailed programs. • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”. • All courses are extendable. PRIVATE TUITION 1 lesson Lunch with the teacher, per day Notes Participants min. max. • • • • (1) One-To-One (1 participant) V 411 Two-To-One (2 participants) V 431 Three-To-One (3 participants) V 451 35 Euro 45 Euro 55 Euro 70 Euro 105 Euro 140 Euro Min. 10 lessons per week. Minimum enrollment: one week. A registration fee of 70 Euro, valid for 12 months, must be paid for any enrollment. Two-to-One-Course and Three-to-One-Course: similar knowledge of the Italian language of the participants requested. • On request, every private tuition combination can be organized to include lunch with the teacher. (1) No commission on the costs for lunch. Costs for lunch do not include fees for language lessons. • These courses can be started on Mondays only. • Private lessons during the week of Christmas and New Year only on request and at special rates. 47 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO COURSE PRICES VIAREGGIO 2009 (7) GROSS PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (official prices in Euro per person; commission = 20%) CULINARY ARTS FOR PROFESSIONALS Duration Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. 1 week V 521 5 meetings 3 Notes • This course introduces in the professional Italian cooking. • One meeting lasts about 3 hours. • The course can be extended. COURSES FOR MUSICAL SPECIALIZATION Type of Course INSTRUMENT FOR SINGERS INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE THE LANGUAGE OF THE 8 300 Participants min. max. Euro * Minimum weeks Course No. Instrument courses 2 V 561 15 1 600 Canto / Singing 2 V 562 15 1 600 Instrumental Ensemble 2 V 563 15 The Language of the Libretti 2 V 564 60 2 400 12/1 920 Instruments: Piano, Violin and Viola, Cello, Flute and Piccolo, Oboe, Trumpet, Trombone, Sax, Double bass, Horn, Guitar, Drums, Electric guitar, Electric bass. All students have to bring their own instruments with them; only Piano and Drums are available at school. The two week courses consist of 15 lessons, divided in 5 lessons of private tuition, 5 lessons of personal training and 5 lessons of auditing. COURSES CANTO AND DICTION Number of lessons Euro * COURSE LIBRETTI The two week course consists of 15 lessons, divided in 5 lessons of private tuition in singing accompanied by a pianist, 5 lessons of personal training and 5 lessons of auditing. The course also concentrates on improving Italian diction. The Instrumental Ensemble course is a group course with minimum 2 participants to create a duo. The two week course consists of 15 lessons, divided in 5 lessons of private tuition and 10 lessons of instrumental ensemble and auditing. The course requires a pre-intermediate level (over two years’ study of an instrument). It is possible to enroll for an Instrument Course at the same time. The language of the Libretti course consists of four lessons in a standard language course plus two private tutorials on the professional field of the language of the Opera, each day. An intermediate knowledge of Italian is recommended for those attending this course. Course starting dates 2009 05 Jan / 19 Jan / 02 Feb / 16 Feb / 02 Mar / 16 Mar / 27 Apr / 04 May / 18 May / 01 Jun / 15 Jun / 29 Jun / 13 Jul / 07 Sep / 21 Sep / 05 Oct / 19 Oct / 02 Nov / 16 Nov / 30 Nov Notes • For Instrument and Canto courses, there are 3 levels of ability: - Beginner = up to two years’ study; - Intermediate = from two to five years’ study; - Expert = over five years’ study. • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes. (except “The Language of the Libretti” course = 45 minutes per lesson). • All courses can be extended. 48 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO ACCOMMODATION DATES VIAREGGIO 2009 Accommodation Starting Dates Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 04 01 01 12 03 18 15 15 26 17 29 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 14 12 09 06 04 01 28 26 23 20 18 15 31 Dec 29 Christmas Holidays: from 12 December 2009 to 03 January 2010 Season A From 04 January to 28 March and from 1 November to 12 December Season B From 29 March to 27 June and from 06 September to 31 October Season C From 28 June to 05 September ACCOMMODATION COSTS 2009 GROSS Type of accommodation Apartment: shared kitchen and bathroom Family: breakfast Season PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (prices in Euro per person) Commission: = 17% for shared apartments and family with breakfast; = 10% for Hotels & Mini Residences 2 weeks (13 nights) additional week (7 nights) 1 supplementary night Half Board double room Euro/person single room Euro double room Euro/person single room Euro double room Euro/person single room Euro per day Euro/person A 234 364 126 196 18 28 - B 286 442 154 238 22 34 - C 377 598 203 322 29 46 - A 234 364 126 196 18 28 16 B 286 442 154 238 22 34 16 C 377 598 203 322 29 46 16 A 390 520 210 280 30 40 16 Hotel ✪✪: private bathroom breakfast B 455 650 245 350 35 50 16 C 520 715 280 385 40 55 16 Mini Residence A 390 520 210 280 30 40 - B 455 650 245 350 35 50 - C 520 715 280 385 40 55 - Notes • Housing reservations run from the Sunday afternoon (after 2pm) before the start of the course to the Saturday morning (10am) at the end of the course. Different arrival or departure days only by special arrangements (extra charge for supplementary nights). • Hotel accommodation with half board: Meals will be offered in a Restaurant close to the Hotel. Breakfast will be served in the Hotel. Half board includes dinner on Sunday of arrival and breakfast on Saturday of departure. ✪✪: rooms equipped with air condition, TV, safe. • Hotel✪ • Apartment and Mini Residence accommodation: A 100 Euro deposit must be paid to get the keys. This deposit has to be paid in cash or by Traveller’s Cheque on arrival and will be refunded to your client on departure, less reparation costs if needed. 50 Euro could be retained for the final cleaning of the kitchen if necessary. One week Group Study Tour 49 w! Ne Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO TRANSFER SERVICE COSTS 2009 NET (net prices one way in Euro per person; no commission) From Pisa airport Galileo Galilei (PSA) to Viareggio accommodation or vice versa 95 Euro - one way From Viareggio railway station to accommodation or vice versa 35 Euro - one way Additional charge for every waiting hour + 15 Euro Notes: • Transfer must be booked together with the enrollment or at least one week before arrival. • Please send us the necessary information (arrival time, flight or train number, etc.) at least one week before your clients’ arrival. • Our transfer confirmation indicates always the meeting point with the driver as well as the transfer emergency phone number. ONE WEEK GROUP STUDY TOUR OFFER 2009 PRICE OFFER for Language Travel Agencies, valid for 2009 (net prices in Euro per person; no commission) GROUP STUDY TOUR Viareggio Duration 1 week NET Course No. Number of lessons Participants min. max. Euro * from 04 January to 30 May 2009 and from 04 October to 12 December 2009 V 911 20 8 295 from 31 May to 27 June 2009 and from 06 September to 03 October 2009 V 921 20 8 330 Summary: • Min. 8 participants per group (no exceptions); • Duration: 1 week, from Sunday to Saturday; • Periods: from January to June and from September to December. The prices include: • 4 lessons language course per day, from Monday to Friday, total 20 lessons; • Didactic material, entry test, certificates and individual student report; • 6 nights accommodation in family, double rooms, half board (breakfast and dinner); arrival Sunday, departure Saturday; • Group coordinator (chaperon): free accommodation in shared apartment, single room, self-catering and free activities every 8 participants (no exceptions). Supplements (the prices do NOT include): • • • • Transfer on request; Culture program on request; Excursions on request; Additional lessons for the «Firenze» Italian Language Diploma preparation courses of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua® - AIL on request. • Supplement single room per student for 6 nights: • Additional night double room per student: + 65 Euro/person + 35 Euro/person • Supplement single room in Two-Star-Hotel, per student for 6 nights: + 130 Euro/person • 8 to 15 participants = free homestay accommodation for 1 chaperon; • 16 to 23 participants = free homestay accommodation for 2 chaperons, etc.; • Every additional person accompanying the group (i.e. second group coordinator): •• 6 nights accommodation in shared apartment, single room: + 200 Euro/person •• Additional night: + 35 Euro/person •• Language course, per week, 20 lessons: + 140 Euro/person •• Activities, excursions, transfer, etc.: same price as participants ☞ Please ask for the detailed Group Study Tour offer! 50 Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Would you like to know more about: A) B) C) D) Tuition Cultural and Leisure Program Arrival / Housing / Transfer Other Useful Tips A) ALL ABOUT TUITION Which is the next starting date? At Scuola Leonardo da Vinci your clients may start their Italian language course every Monday, if they are not beginners! Beginners may start their course every two weeks. Please consult our course starting dates for beginners. What should your client expect to do on the first day at school? We will wait for your clients between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. in the main reception area of the school. Students having little or no knowledge of the Italian language will attend the first lesson in which the oral capacity and the understanding will be tested. All other students will take a written and oral placement test which enables us to find the appropriate level. Which is a typical course schedule? STANDARD ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE: Florence: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 13:30 - 15:00, 15-minutes break, 15:15 - 16:45 Milan: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 13:30 - 15:00, 15-minutes break, 15:15 - 16:45 or 14:00 - 15:30, 15-minutes break, 15:45 - 17:15 Rome: 09:00 12:30 14:15 16:00 - 10:30, 14:00, 15:45, 17:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 15 minutes break, 14:15 - 15:45 or 15 minutes break, 16:00 - 17:30 or 15 minutes break, 17:45 - 19:15 Siena: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 14:15 - 15:45, 15-minutes break, 16:00 - 17:30 Viareggio: 09:00 - 10:30, 30-minutes break, 11:00 - 12:30 INTENSIVE ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE: Florence: 09:00 - 10:30, break, 10:45 - 12:15, 13:30 - 15:00 Milan: 09:00 - 10:30, break, 10:45 - 12:15, 14:00 - 15:30 Rome: 09:00 - 10:30, break, 10:45 - 12:15, 14:00 - 15:30 INTENSIVE PLUS ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE: Florence: • group lessons: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 13:30 - 15:00, 15-minutes break, 15:15 - 16:45 • individual lessons (one or two lessons): 12:30 - 14:00 or 14:00 - 15:30 or 15:30 - 17:00 or 17:00 - 18:30 Milan: • group lessons: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 13:30 - 15:00, 15-minutes break, 15:15 - 16:45 or 14:00 - 15:30, 15-minutes break, 15:45 - 17:15 • individual lessons (one or two lessons): 12:30 - 14:00 or 14:15 - 15:45 or 16:00 - 17:30 or 17:00 - 18:30 Rome: • group lessons: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 13:00 - 14:30, 15-minutes break, 14:45 -16:15 or 15:00 - 16:30, 15-minutes break, 16:45 - 18:15 • individual lessons (one or two lessons): 12:15 - 13:45 or 14:00 - 15:30 or 17:30 - 19:00 Siena: • group lessons: 09:00 - 10:30, 15-minutes break, 10:45 - 12:15 or 14:15 - 15:45, 15-minutes break, 16:00 - 17:30 • individual lessons (one or two lessons): 12:30 - 14:00 or 14:15 - 15:45 Viareggio: • group lessons: 09:00 - 10:30, 30-minutes break, 11:00 - 12:30 • individual lessons: 12:45 - 14:15 (one or two lessons) For homework and exercises students should calculate about one additional hour per day. Which books do our students use in the lessons? Our basic text and exercise books have been developed by our school. These books are used in conjunction with authentic teaching materials such as newspaper and magazine articles, audiovisual materials, and activities inside the classroom. Is the teaching material included in the course price? All text books and other supplies are provided by the school, but participants are expected to bring their own dictionary. 51 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Which teaching method do you use? Our schools teach according to the Direct/Communicative Method: from the first day on, at all levels, only Italian will be spoken. The spoken language is the most important part of the tuition. Continually promoting the use of verbal communication permits our students to learn Italian 'naturally', to unite theory and practice with no great problems and to increase their knowledge quickly and with confidence. Participants are encouraged to practice their spoken Italian in real-life situations, with their teacher, and with other participants, in pairs and groups. In advanced courses the written language will also be promoted. Which is your teachers qualification? All our mother-tongue instructors are highly qualified. Most of them have studied Italian language and literature. All our teachers have been specially trained in teaching Italian to foreigners. (2) Which is the average age of students attending the school? I'm interested in attending a course for older students aged 30 and above. Do you have suitable courses for this age group? Sixty percent of our students are aged between 17 and 30 seeking to improve their Italian language skills and awareness of Italian culture. Sixty percent of our students are already working; about ten percent are business managers and executives of different nationalities. Five percent are retired and wish to improve their Italian and familiarize themselves with Italian culture. Usually students aged 30 and more feel comfortable in our classes and enjoy to meet people from all over the world. In the Intensive Plus and Small Group Courses the average age is higher. Which course certificates do students receive? At the end of each course, students with regular attendance receive the certificate of attendance indicating the level of proficiency attained. SCUOLA LEONARDO DA VINCI CERTIFICATES: • At the end of 3rd ability level, students who passed a test receive the "Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana". • At the end of 5th ability level, students who passed a test receive the "Diploma di Lingua Italiana". DIPLOMAS «FIRENZE» OF THE ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI LINGUA (AIL): • DELI-A2 - elementary level-A2*: at the end of the first ability level; • DILI-B1 - intermediate level-B1*: at the end of the third ability level; • DILC-B1 - intermediate Diploma of Business language, Business level-B1*: at the end of the third ability level; • DILI-B2 - (also named DILS) intermediate level-B2*: at the end of the forth ability level; • DALI-C1 - advanced level-C1*: at the end of the fifth ability level; • DALC-C1 - advanced Diploma of Business language, Business level-C1*: at the end of the sixth ability level. *) Language ability scale according to the European Language Portfolio (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - ELP/CEF). Language Ability Levels On the first day of the language course, the knowledge of Italian will be determined by an entry test and an interview. Students with no knowledge of Italian will be assigned to the beginner level. The time it takes to learn to use a foreign language varies from person to person. Therefore, regular progress tests at the end of each level enables us to measure the language development and evaluate the performance of the students over a period of time. Our schools offer courses on six ability levels, following the Assessment Grid of the European Language Portfolio (ELP/CEF: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) which is based on the assessment grid of Schneider/North: Level: • Elementary: • Intermediate: • Advanced: ELP/CEF: Schneider/North: A1 - A2 B1 - B2 C1 - C2 N1 - N4 N5 - N8 N9 - N10 How much Italian will I be able to speak, assuming I am a complete beginner upon arrival, I work very hard and I am good at languages? At the end of the Intermediate level our students already possess considerable knowledge of Italian. Their feeling for the language has become confident and their range of expressions has developed greatly and is more differentiated. Students will be able to sit for the Leonardo da Vinci Certificate examination "Knowledge of the Italian language" and for the «Firenze-Diploma» DILI-B2 (DILS) of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL). 52 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (3) B) ALL ABOUT CULTURAL AND LEISURE PROGRAMS The cities and the surroundings offer a nearly unlimited variety of leisure activities, which our students might undertake by themselves. We offer leisure activities as well and organize on a regular basis: • Dinners, which enable teachers and students to get to know each other better; • Guided visits in History of Art; • Film evenings at school; • Day and half-day excursions; • Visit to wine cellars. Every month our schools distribute their own calendar of cultural activities. In this way participants will always be well informed concerning exhibitions, concerts, films and other events. For the weekends we hand out special leaflets for individual trips. All students receive a written guide indicating active and passive sporting activities and the secretary’s office can also help with the organization of sporting activities. Can you give me an example of a monthly activity calendar in Florence? • Day excursion to Siena and San Gimignano or Pisa and Lucca etc.; every second Saturday (at cost price). • Half-day excursion to the vineyards of the "Chianti" area, visit to a winery incl. "merenda" (typical Tuscan afternoon snack); every 2 weeks, normally every second Thursday (at cost price). • Dinners with the school in a typical Florentine trattoria: students and teachers have a good chance to get to know each other; every first week after a course begins (at cost price). • Free guided History of Art tours in Florence: every week. • One or two guided museum visits the month (at cost price, i.e. entrance fees). • Free Cinema italiano: every Friday. • Disco evening: every Friday. • In summer: day trips to Cinque Terre, Verona Opera Festival. • Soccer match: if enough students are interested, there’s the possibility to buy tickets to see Inter or Milan soccer matches in the “San Siro Stadium”: every week, from September to June (at cost price). • Art History tour to some of the most important sights where Leonardo da Vinci works are on show: Castello Sforzesco, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Refettorio S. Maria delle Grazie, Museo d’Arte e Scienza: every two weeks (you pay for Museum entrance only; guide free). • Aperitivo night in “Navigli”: students will appreciate the typical after-work activity in Milan, buy a cocktail and the price includes snacks and drinks, at some of the most beautiful bars and cafes in town: every week (at cost price). • Dinners with the school in a typical Milanese restaurant. Students and teachers have a good chance to get to know each other over a delicious “risotto alla Milanese” and a good glass of wine: every 2 weeks (at cost price). • For the weekends we hand out special leaflets for individual trips to: Monza, Brescia, Pavia, Ligurian coast, the Lake District (Lago di Garda, Lago Maggiore, Lago di Como, Lago d’Iseo), Venice and Switzerland. • If enough students are interested, we organize volleyball, basketball and soccer games. Can you give me an example of a monthly activity calendar in Rome? • Day excursion to the seaside at Sperlonga, to Naples and Pompei, to Cortona, to Ostia Antica etc.; every 4 weeks, normally the first Saturday after a month course begins (at cost price). • Half-day excursion to Tivoli, Ostia Antica, etc. • Guided visits in town (Monuments, Riverboat on the Tiber, Botanic garden, trip to the seaside, etc.; at cost price if any). • Dinner with the school in a typical Roman trattoria; normally every week (at cost price). • Free guided History of Art visits in Rome: every week. Can you give me an example of a monthly activity calendar in Milan? • Day excursion to Lago Maggiore, Lago di Como, Lago d’Iseo or Lago di Garda (all of them make up the famous lake district close to Milan), Genova, Verona, ecc.; normally the first Saturday of the month (at cost price). • Half-day excursion to Monza, Brescia, Pavia, Mantova, Cremona, ecc.: every two weeks (at cost price). • Two-days excursion to Florence, Rome, Viareggio, Nice, ecc.: every month (at cost price). • Free guided tour around the city: every two weeks. • Free cinema italiano: every week. • Free diction lessons: every week. • For the weekends we hand out special leaflets for individual trips to: Ostia (beach), Orvieto, Frascati and Castel Gandolfo, Tivoli, etc. 53 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (4) C) ALL ABOUT ARRIVAL, TRANSFER & HOUSING (A - Z) Can you give me an example of a monthly activity calendar in Siena? Accommodation in host-family: • Dinner in the Tuscan Countryside: an enjoyable dinner in the Tuscan countryside, where students can get to know one another while sampling authentic regional Tuscan specialities. Every 4 weeks; every 2 weeks during the summer (at cost price). In selecting host families, we do not look for luxury and comfort in the material sense but for Italian families who appreciate receiving foreign students. Additionally, the word ‘family’ should not be taken too literally, as a family can be ‘traditional’ with children, a single parent or a childless couple who take in students because they enjoy the company. • Day excursion with private bus to the surroundings of Siena, i.e. vineyards in the "Chianti" region, Montepulciano, San Galgano, incl. "merenda" (typical Tuscan afternoon snack); every 2 weeks (at cost price). Hand-washing of clothes as well as the use of the ironing board is permitted with no extra charge. The use of the washing-machine is not included, but arrangements can be made between the landlord, the school and the student. • Half-day excursion and short walking tours. Students may spend a lovely afternoon discovering small villages in the heart of the Province of Siena; every other Friday afternoon (at cost price). Bed-linens are provided and changed every two weeks, but students need to bring their own towels. Remember that in family homestay students cannot cook on their own (exceptions on special request). • Free guided tours around the city; every 2 weeks. • History of Art tours to some of the most important sights in Siena, as the Duomo, Pinacotheque (art gallery), Palazzo Pubblico etc.; every week (free; Museum entrance only if any). • The Italian cinema: a film presentation with comments and discussion; every 4 weeks. • The Italian music: an afternoon listening to the Italian music and learning about different groups and singers; every 4 weeks. • A workshop which combines performance, exercises and instruction (led by Altero Borghi, a Sienese actor and theatrical director). This popular new activity enables students to use their individual language experiences while engaging in fun and amusing vocal and pronunciation exercises. Every four weeks; every two weeks during the summer. • Seminar: the History of the "Palio" - historical horse race: four lessons in the afternoon and visit of the museum of a "Contrada" (historical city districts), for beginners as well as for advanced students; in the summer months. • Wine and Cheese tasting in a typical wine bar. Students will discover the art of wine tasting, guided by expert sommeliers. Every 4 weeks (at cost price). Accommodation in a shared apartment: Students share a flat or floor of a house either with other students from our school, with other Italian students or with the owner. Kitchen and bathroom are of common use. The apartments are furnished and the kitchens are supplied with all essential kitchen utilities (cutlery, plates, pans etc.). Students can prepare their meals separately or together with their flatmates and fellow students. Electricity, gas, water, local costs and taxes are included in the price. The apartments are cleaned before arrival. During the stay, students and their flatmates are responsible for the cleaning of their own room and of the rooms used in common (kitchen and bathroom). Bed-linens are provided and changed every two weeks (in the Extra Comfort Apartments every week) or, in alternative, upon arrival each student will be given a set of bed-linens, two sets if they stay for a longer period. In this case students will wash bedlinens themselves. Students need to bring their own towels. Can you give me an example of a monthly activity calendar in Viareggio? • Welcome dinner on the first day of the course (at cost price). • Free "Spaghetti party" on the beach, every Thursday. • Excursion to culturally rich cities; well-organized half-day trips to cities like Lucca (medieval Tuscan town enclosed by walls), Pisa (world famous leaning bell tower), Pietrasanta (marble caves and sculpture works), Torre del Lago (Puccini’s house and Puccini’s open air theatre). Tour guides are professionally trained to work with foreign students; every Wednesday (at cost price). • Cinema italiano: every Tuesday. Please note, that we may request a deposit of 100 Euro for shared apartment accommodation to get the keys. This deposit must be paid in cash or by Traveller’s Cheque at arrival and will be refunded on departure, less reparation costs if needed. There is no telephone in the apartment. Students should bring some food for the Sunday of arrival and Monday morning, as food stores are closed on Sundays. Italy uses a 220 Volts/AC system. Plugs may differ from those in the home country and it’s possible that students need an adapter. 54 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (5) Accommodation in Extra Comfort shared Apartments: Bed-linens / towels: Only on special request: Our shared Extra Comfort Apartments are of various sizes, each one offering a welcoming and functional atmosphere. Residents share bathroom and kitchen. The linens are changed weekly and the common areas are cleaned on a weekly basis as well. The apartments are not equipped with telephone lines. We recommend booking very early as there are only a few extra comfort apartments available. Bed-linens are provided and changed every two weeks (in the Extra Comfort Apartments every week) or, in alternative, upon arrival each student will be given a set of bed-linens, two sets if they stay for a longer period. In this case students will wash bedlinens themselves. Accommodation reservations: To make reservations for accommodation, we need your client’s (or their parents’) credit card number as guarantee deposit. Together with the confirmation of the address we will inform you about the exact rent of the booked accommodation. If accommodation is not yet included in the package price, students have to pay this amount immediately upon arrival in Italy. By paying the rent, students accept the accommodation arranged. In case your client would like to change accommodation we ask him/her to discuss this with our secretariat before paying the rent. Accommodation in a private apartment: Private apartments are more comfortable than shared apartments and therefore more expensive. They are available for one or more persons. Prices are available on request. Please note that the private apartments must be reserved well in advance and the prices may vary depending on the city and season. Accommodation in a Hotel: We work with Hotels situated close to the schools (basic offer always: bed & breakfast, rooms with shower or bathroom). Prices are available on request and according to the categories of hotels and the season. Please make Hotel reservation well in advance. Availability: Housing reservations run from the Sunday previous to the beginning of the course after 2:00 pm to the Saturday morning (10:00 am) at the end of the course. If your client needs to arrive a day earlier or to stay a day longer, please contact the school for help with extra accommodation arrangements. Different arrival or departure days must be confirmed in writing. However, for host family and shared apartment accommodation it is not possible to arrive earlier than the Saturday before the start of the course and to remain later than the Sunday after the end of the course. Arrival date and time: We need to be informed at least 4 days in advance of the arrival day and time of your client. Therefore, upon receiving the accommodation address, students have to contact the landlord (by telephone) or the school (by telephone, fax or email) to communicate the date and time of arrival in order to make the waiting time for both parts as short as possible. If there is no communication, students will be expected to arrive in the evening, after 6:00 pm. Students need to bring their own towels. Emergency: For emergencies, please consult the emergency phone numbers given to you together with the confirmation (to be used only if your client arrives outside the normal School office hours). Laundry: Shared apartments: There is no washing-machine in the apartments. Students may use the many self-service laundromats. Host families: Hand-washing of clothes as well as the use of the ironing board is permitted with no extra charge. The use of the washing-machine is not included, but arrangements may be made between the landlord and the student. Location: Our accommodations are located in the city centers as well as in the suburbs. In any case students can easily reach the school and the center of the cities by public transport. To get from the suburbs to the center takes 15 - 25 minutes by public transport (Milan and Rome up to 50 minutes). If students have been placed in the town center (if available and always in Viareggio) it takes about 15 minutes walking to reach the school. Meals: If your client books host family accommodation he/she can choose between breakfast and half board (breakfast and dinner). He/she will have the meals together with the family but should be aware that Italian eating habits can be rather different. Breakfast usually only consists of coffee or tea and bread, butter, marmalade. Dinner is a complete meal served normally at around 8:00 pm. Payment of accommodation: Our schools only makes reservations for accommodation. We need your client’s (or your client’s parents) credit card number as guarantee deposit. Payment for accommodation has to be made in Euro and in cash or with Traveller’s Cheques immediately upon arrival in Italy. It has to be paid in total (and not by instalments) for each month or shorter periods. Photocopy of passport: Following the events of September 11, 2001, Italian authorities have intensified checks on foreigners. The result is an unfortunate increase in paperwork. All landlords in Italy must declare the presence of tenants and thus need a photocopy of passports of all new tenants. We suggest your clients to bring a photocopy of their passport with them. 55 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (6) Room-mating with another student: Credits for American Universities: All our students may book a place in a double room. Furthermore, we offer our students the possibility to come together with their friend and take a double room, even if the accompanying person does not take a language course. All our school centers can award 3 College Credits per each language level, i.e.: ITA 105, ITA 106, ITA 205, ITA 206, ITA 301, ITA 302. We can send transcripts to American Universities, where our courses are usually accepted as valid language credits. Please ask us for more information. We recommend to book a ‘place in a double room’ only for young people (max. 30 years). According to our experience mature people normally do not feel at ease in a double room as they may have to share it with very young people who have different habits and attitudes. Transfer: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci and Centro Puccini offer transfer services from the airports in Rome, Milan, Bergamo (Orio al Serio), Florence and Pisa and from the train stations in Florence, Milan, Rome, Siena and Viareggio. For prices please consult our current price list. If your client wishes the school to arrange a transfer, please send us the arrival information (date and time of arrival and flight or train number) possibly with the enrollment form or at least one week before the arrival date. Our transfer confirmation always indicates the meeting point with the driver as well as the transfer emergency phone number. Electricity: Italy uses a 220 Volts/AC system. Additionally, wall sockets and plugs may differ from those in the home country. Be sure to give your clients information about the possible need for an adapter before departure. Exchanging money: When exchanging large amounts of money it is usually better to do it in Italy. However, your clients should also bring cash for the first few days (for the taxi, for purchasing small things, etc.). Students should avoid to change money in change offices because of high commission rates; the best exchange rates are at the bank. For a stay of more than 3 months, it may even be useful to open a bank account. Our staff will give students further information on it. Fax: D) ALL ABOUT ... USEFUL INFORMATION (A - Z) Faxes can be sent from the post office, from a lot of stationer’s shops (cartoleria) and from copy shops. At our schools students can receive faxes free of charge and send them (against a fee). Check list: • • • • • • • • • Valid passport or identity card; Tickets and reservations; Insurance documents; Money, traveller’s cheques and credit cards; Personal medicine or medical prescriptions; EHIC-Card (for citizens from EU countries); Italian address given to parents, etc.; School informed about arriving time; Transfer requested from school. Climate: Although summer in Italy, from the Alps to Sicily, is quite warm, the winter in Northern and Central Italy can be quite cool; winter in the south, however, is relatively mild. The best weather in the cities is in spring and autumn. Average summer temperatures range from 18°C to 30°C (64°F to 86°F), the average winter temperature is around 4°C to 16°C (39°F to 61°F). Credit Cards / Traveller’s Cheques: Traveller's Cheques and Credit Cards are accepted almost everywhere. Your students can receive money at Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), if they have an ATM card linked to an international network (Bancomat, Postomat, EC, Cirrus, Plus, Maestro, etc.). Mastercard and Visa (with PIN number) may be used to withdraw cash from an ATM machine. Cash from ATM’s only in Euro. To remember that the daily amount is limited. Insurance: Our students are insured (accidents) during their way to school (one hour before lessons start and one hour after lessons), during classes and during organized spare time activities. Participants are not insured the time outside the school (in accommodation or spending their free time somewhere). They are not insured against illness, accidents, theft or loss of personal possessions, either by the schools or by those offering the accommodation. We therefore recommend taking out a personal insurance policy. During the stay in Italy, students must be personally insured against illness and accident. Citizens from European Union countries are entitled to free medical care in Italy if they hold an European Health Insurance Card (EHIC-Card) which can be obtained from their local health authority in their home country before departing for Italy. Students from non-EU countries must enquire with the authorities in their countries to know if they are insured during a stay abroad; if they are not covered, they should arrange health insurance to cover their stay in Italy. Moreover, participants are advised to insure against loss of fees due to non-arrival, absence or unexpected termination of their course. They may contact their own travel agent for further details or our schools. 56 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA F.A.Q. - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (7) Internet access and sending & receiving emails: Traveling by car: The email addresses of our schools can be used for the receipt of private messages. All our School Centers offer free Internet access for our students. All of our course locations are conveniently located on the national motorways. The basic unit of Italian currency is the Euro. 1 Euro = 100 cents. In the old city centers parking is normally not allowed. In all other districts parking is free of charge except for specially marked short term parking zones. Paid parking in garages is usually available near our schools. Health, Medical Doctors and Pharmacies: Traveling by air: The first-aid service in the Emergency Room (Pronto Soccorso) of the hospital is free for anyone who is in need. Our schools in Florence and Siena can be reached from the airports in Florence, Pisa, Rome-Fiumicino and Rome-Ciampino. The school in Milan can be reached from the airports Linate, Malpensa and Orio Al Serio. The school in Rome is easily reached from Fiumicino and Ciampino airports. The school in Viareggio is easily reached from Pisa airport. Italian Currency / €uro - European Union currency: Our schools can provide a doctor whenever students are in need of a consultation or medical care. In every city students will find 24-hour pharmacies. Your clients should not forget to bring, if necessary, their own medical prescriptions. Public Holidays: Our schools are closed on the following national and local public holidays: January 6th (Epiphany, called “Befana”), Easter Monday, March 25th (SS. Annunziata, Viareggio only), April 25th (National Holiday), May 1st (Labour Day), June 2nd (Republic Day), June 24th (Saint John, Florence only), June 29th (Saint Peter and Paul, Rome only), August 15th (Assumption Day, called “Ferragosto”), November 1st (All Saints’ Day), December 7th (Saint Ambrose, Milan only), December 8th (Immaculate Conception). Lessons are not held, not made up and not refunded. Pocket money: This is not the same for every person but we think that Euro 80 per week, in addition to the costs for accommodation and food, should be enough. Telephone: International telephone calls can be made from all public telephones (in the telephone offices, in bars, etc.). Also, the schools in Florence, Milan and Rome have a public telephone. Visa: Citizens from the European Union do not need a visa and can enter Italy with an Identification card or Passport. Citizens from other countries should check with the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate. If your clients need a visa to extend the stay for more than 90 days they should apply for a ‘Type D’ (student) visa. Our schools will provide you, after enrollment and payment of the deposit, with a certificate of enrollment for your client’s visa application. World time zones: Italy uses Middle-European-Time (MET): • Florence, Milan, Rome, Siena, Viareggio: • London: • New York: • Los Angeles: • Bejing, Shanghai, Tokyo: • Seoul, Sydney: ± + + 0; 1; 6; 9; 8; 9. From the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October the clocks in Italy are turned ahead one hour. The country code for Italy is «39»: • ‘Land phone’: The country code must always be followed by the «0» before the area code; • ‘Mobile phone’: There will never be the «0» before the number. Traveling by train: There are several night- and Eurocity-day-connections with Italy. People under 26 years may receive special discounts. Reservations for sleeping car or couchettes should be made as early as possible. Siena is connected with Florence and Rome by a public bus or by the train. Viareggio is connected with Milan, Pisa and Florence. Nota bene: If you didn't find what you were looking for, please feel free to enquire by phone, fax, email or skype: Phone: Fax: Email: Skype: +39-055-290305 +39-055-290396 italianinitaly 57 Centro Giacomo Puccini VIAREGGIO Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® FLORENCE - MILAN - ROME - SIENA ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI LINGUA® THE DIPLOMAS OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE «FIRENZE» (1) The Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL) is the professional Association of schools, institutions and experts in the field of teaching Italian as a Foreign Language. The main aim of the association is to further and to guarantee the high standards set by the association and required from its members. The association represents schools and institutions in Italy and abroad and its main office is located in Florence. The AIL has thus initiated the first Diploma of modern Italian which effectively tests the language abilities of the candidates. Diploma examinations «Firenze» in written and spoken Italian for the various ability levels, are held four times a year in the homologated examination centers. Scuola Leonardo da Vinci and Centro Giacomo Puccini are official examination centers. AIL offers the following Diploma examinations: DELI-A2 The Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, basic level, may be passed at the end of the 1st ability level. CEF level: A2 • S/N level: N3.* DILI-B1 The Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, intermediate level-B1, may be passed at the end of the 3rd ability level. CEF level: B1 • S/N level: N6.* DILC-B1 The Business Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, intermediate level-B1, may be passed at the end of the 3rd ability level. CEF level: B1 • S/N level: N6.* Business DILI-B2 The Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, intermediate level-B2, may be passed at the end of the 4th ability level. CEF level: B2 • S/N level: N8.* DALI-C1 The Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, advanced level, may be passed at the end of the 5th ability level. CEF level: C1 • S/N level: N9.* DALC-C1 The Business Diploma of the Italian Language «Firenze» AIL, advanced level, Business may be passed at the end of the 6th ability level. CEF level: C1 • S/N level: N9.* *) Language ability scale according to the European Language Portfolio (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEF) which is based on the assessment grid of Schneider/North (S/N). Weightings for each test (in %) of the various Diplomas «Firenze» AIL examination DELI-A2 DILI-B1 DILC-B1 DILI-B2 DALI-C1 DALC-C1 Test % % % % % % Reading comprehension 30 20 20 20 15 15 Written expression (DELI: Aural comprehension) 10 20 20 20 25 25 Vocabulary and grammar 10 15 15 20 20 20 Listening comprehension 20 20 20 15 15 15 Oral expression 30 25 25 25 25 25 Passive skill proficiency 60 40 40 35 30 30 Active skill proficiency 40 60 60 65 70 70 Proficiency International Course Enrolment Centres for Registration & further Information: English Speakers English US: +1-800 613 63 45 (toll-free number) English UK: +44-709 200 15 64 (UK-only number) English (worldwide): +34-932 688 774 German Speakers DE: 0800-999 88 84 (FreeCall) CH/A: +49-221-8000 94 29 Spanish Speakers Tel. +34-932 688 775 Italian Speakers Tel. 800 125 755 (numero verde) French Speakers Tel. France: +33 1 78 41 69 74 Tel. Canada: +1-800 713 7135 (numéro vert) Dutch Speakers Tel. +34-932 688 115 Japanese Speakers Swedish Speakers Russian Speakers Polish Speakers