News - National Federation of Music Clubs


News - National Federation of Music Clubs
Special points of interest:
♦ Play-Off Information, pg. 5
♦ Convention Information, p. 5
♦ Junior Composer Winners, pg. 3
♦ Summer Camp results pg. 4
Volume 10, Issue 2
Message from the President:
To All IFMC Members:
Hello to All!
I bet you are glad the long cold hard winter is finally past. In my
yard the trees are in full bloom and the tulips and lilac are in their fragrant glory. Now we get to compete with softball for lesson and practice time :-)
Most festivals are over (Bloomington, you are almost there), so on
to Convention, June 4 and 5 in Jasper Indiana. Jennifer has done a
wonderful job getting this organized. (Cool background on the registration form too).
I would like you to all start thinking about how we can get the
news out to more teachers that we exist. Is there some way that we
can advertise to colleges, music stores and music organizations that
there is scholarship money available? This should be attractive for
many who are struggling financially.
Anyway, I hope to see you all in June. Please send me
your agenda items. Have a safe trip to our southern
Diane Witte,
Stacey Montank, Junior Club Treasurer has recently
moved. Here is the new information
(812) 306-6475
10520 Olivia Street
Evansville, IN 47712
Any changes in address, phone or Email?
Contact: Sarah Stoel 317-881-9384
Page 2
May 2-9, 2010
National Music Week
May 18, 2010 for registration for Honors Recital Playoffs IFMC Convention
Jasper IN
Deadline for Registration Forms to Jennifer Derr 4210 West State Road 56 Jasper, IN 47546
(812) 482-3636 (812) 639-7562
May 24, 2010
Golden Celebration Banquet, Michigan City Monday Musicale Sue Cassler, (219) 362-1421
June 4-5, 2010
IFMC Convention Jasper Middle School, 3600 North Portersville Road, Jasper, IN 47546.
June 4 Board Meeting 6:30 pm EDT
August 3-8, 2010
February 1, 2011
June 5 Playoff registration 9:00 AM EDT 1:15 PM Festival Chairs Meeting
NFMC Fall Session Pittsburgh, PA See Page 6 for more information
Biennial Young Artist Auditions Application Deadline 1st Prize $10,000 Delores Blaser, Chair Voice and Instrumental
March 15, 2011
Deadline for Sweeney Summer Camp Award applications
April 1-2, 2011
Ellis Competition for Duo-Pianists-Converse College, Spartanburg SC
June 7-8, 2011
Young Artists Auditions-NFMC Convention, McLean, VA
Wayne Witte, Treasurer reports our accounts and interest earnings are increasing! Federal and
State Taxes are up to date.
♦ Composition entrants who win one of the top 2 prizes and are a festival entrant will receive 6 gold
cup points toward their gold cup.
♦ Anne Adams is our state representative to the NFMC.
♦ Fall NFMC Convention in 2012 will be held in Indianapolis; IN, IL, MI will be hosting this event; it
will feature the new National Headquarters in Greenwood, We need everyone’s help!
Committees will include Advertising, Grants, Performers, Registration, Favors, Accommodations. Let
Anne Adams know what committee you would like to serve on. Any other capacity you could help will be
appreciated; performing groups and speakers will be needed as well.
Festivals Bulletin for 2011-2012-2013 is available through NFMC Headquarters $6
♦ President Diane Witte is searching for an Essay Chair for Festival Essays
IFMC Headquarters
1646 Smith Valley Road, Greenwood IN 46142
Phone (317) 882-4003
Chaplain's notice: please let Josie Lukey know of any
illness or death within your club members.
Members who are seriously ill will be remembered with
cards and members who have passed away in the last year
are remembered in the memorial service at the convention. Email:
Page 3
Junior I (ages 9 and under) 9 entries
Benjamin Barkdoll, age 9
In the Night
Mark Tanner
Alligator’s Lunch
Nancy Spahr
Marla Stanton
Josh Catanzaro, age 9
Linnea Nelson, age 8
The Storm
West Lafayette
Honorable Mention
Julianna Argentine, age 7
Buggy Days like Today
Honorable Mention
Cindy Argentine
Junior II (ages 10-12) 16 entries
Josiah Barkdoll, age 12
Ottoman Dance
Mark Tanner
Autumn Rain
Nien-Hwa Chen
Kate Vonderohe, age 10
Minuet of Grace
Lisa Sullivan
Honorable Mention
Ionah Wagner, age 12
Madeline Brown, age 11
Midnight Storm
Honorable Mention
Rhonda Hansen
Junior III (ages 13-15) 9 entries
Julie Puckett, age 13
Banjo Rag
Anne Misner
For Jonas
Dwight Monical
Alex Wang, age 13
Esther Moy
Honorable Mention
Clayton Cain, age 13
The Phoenix and the Ogre
Honorable Mention
Clay Wullbrecht, age 13
Nancy Spahr
Junior IV (ages 16-18) 9 entries
Stephanie Pitman, age 16
The Perfect Gift
Linda Singletary
Marta Hassfurder
Bree Trapp, age 16
The Broken Music Box
Honorable Mention
Andy Thompson, age 16
Midnight Mayhem
Honorable Mention
Jane Wilson
Page 4
for Summer Camps in Indiana Colleges were awarded to:
Catherine McKay (voice), 11th Grade from West Lafayette
McKinley Makkes (voice), 10th Grade from Whiteland
Olivia Wang (piano), 6th Grade from Carmel
Lauren Spacer (piano), 10th Grade from Brownsburg
Gabi Anderson (piano), 7th Grade from Indianapolis
Iona Wagner (piano) 7th Grade from Carmel
Sam Adams (piano) 6th Grade from Fishers
Matthieu Picard (piano) 5th Grade from Indianapolis
The recipients will be attending summer music camps at Indiana University,
University of Indianapolis and Butler University.
Submitted by Sandra Lehman, Chair
2011 Sweeney Award application deadline March 15, 2011
See click on Indiana, then Awards for updated application
2010 Gretchen Van Roy Music Education Scholarship has been awarded to
Abigail Pratt, a junior at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
This is the Junior Pledge for the National Federation of Music Clubs:
“I acknowledge my indebtedness to good music; I know that the music of a
nation inspires or degrades; I realize that acquaintance with great music
instills a love of that which brings courage and lofty ideals and tends toward
clean, noble living; I promise to do all in my power to make America truly
Page 5
2010 State Honors Recital and Playoff
Time: Saturday, June 5, 2010: Registration from 9:00 – 9:45 EDT with Honors Recital Playoff at 10:00 a.m.
Location: Jasper Middle School, 3600 North Portersville Road, Jasper, IN 47546. Parking is on the North
side of school; enter on the North side entrance. The Relay For Life event will also be on the school
grounds, so watch for IFMC signs and hosts to welcome you to the registration and information desk.
Schedule: All times are EDT!
09:00 Registration in South Lobby, (follow signs) Jasper Middle School
10:00 Announcements in JMS Auditorium
10:15 Honors Recital Playoffs (assigned locations)
11:30 Winners Circle Competition (Auditorium)
11:45 Composition Winners (Auditorium)
12:00 Special Guest Program (Auditorium)
12:30 Recognition and Awards Ceremony (Auditorium)
01:15 Festival Chairs Luncheon Meeting, Location TBA
Friday, June 4: IFMC BOARD MEETING: 6:30 p.m. @ The Schnitzelbank Restaurant, 393 3rd Ave. Jasper
Hotel Information: There are several Dubois County hotels within a five mile radius of Jasper Middle
School. Hotels listed offer high speed internet access, premium TV, free breakfast, in-room coffee maker,
hair dryer, iron/ironing board and exercise room (Sleep Inn, no).
Days Inn, HI Express and Sleep Inn have in-room refrigerator/microwave. Welcome!
Days Inn – 800-742-7482 or 812-482-6000
Quality Inn 800-228-5151 or 812-683-2334
272 Brucke Strasse, Jasper IN 47546
406 East 22nd St., Huntingburg, IN 47542
Hampton Inn – 800-Hampton or 812-481-1888
Comfort Inn 800-4CHOICE or 812-367-1122
355 3 Ave, Jasper, IN 47546 (next to the Schnitz) 440 South Main St. Ferdinand, IN 47532
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Sleep Inn 800-4CHOICE or 812-481-2008
888-HOLIDAY OR 812-482-3344
75 Indiana Street, Jasper, IN 47546
2000 Hospitality Drive, Jasper, IN 47546
Jasper Inn & Convention Center
Questions? Sue Lorey, Evansville North Festival Chair
800-872-3176 or 812 482-5555
951 Wernsing Road, Jasper, IN 47546
The West Lafayette Musicale sponsored the Tippecanoe Jr.
Musicale Competition on Thursday, April 22 at 6:30 pm in First
Christian Church, Lafayette. Fourteen students competed in three
divisions: Voice, Middle School and High School and there were six
award winners. They were Hannah Holmes in Voice; Clay
Wulbrecht, piano, and Bryan Park, cello, in Middle School; and
Reed Wulbrecht, tenor sax, Wanyoung Kim, cello and Christopher
Park, piano, in High School. Award monies in the amount of
$675.00 were distributed to the students.
See photo below of participants and judges and WLM president
minus two participants who had to leave early.
2010 Fall Session
August 3 – 8, 2010
Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
777 Aten Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
The 2010 Fall Session in Pittsburgh is an opportunity to experience musical performances by junior
members, student/collegiate members, and young artists plus workshops, lectures, and camaraderie
with fellow musicians and music lovers. Join us for an exciting educational and musical experience!
See for more information
National Federation
of Music Clubs
NFMC, founded in 1898, is now the world's largest philanthropic music
organization supporting American music and musicians. It is one of
three music organizations to be chartered by the United States Congress and the only music organization member of the United Nations.
There are 6,000 NFMC-related organizations and music clubs nationally. Members are professional and amateur musicians, vocalists, composers, dancers, performing artists, arts and music educators, students
generous benefactors and music lovers who are interested in creating a
dynamic musical and cultural environment in their communities.
The Michigan City Monday Musicale is celebrating its “Twice Golden”
anniversary season. Founded on December 7, 1909, the charter group
limited its membership to twenty active members—all women. In 1921,
associate members were added. But not until 1975 were men allowed
to join! The current yearbook lists 32 active and 25 associate members. Meetings are held eight times a year, September through May,
most at Michigan City’s historic Barker Mansion. Monthly programs this
season highlight the music of the last century, decade by decade.
The November program, representing the years 1949-1959, was a production of Gian Carlo Menotti’s one-act opera, “Amahl and the Night
Visitors”, directed by Lee Meyer. A 15-piece orchestra, along with 26
vocalists took part. Over 250 people attended the event, presented on
three consecutive days.
In April the Junior-Senior Competition will take place. Each year Monday Musicale presents awards and scholarships totaling approximately
$2000 to music students, fourth grade through college level.
A black-tie optional gala, the Golden Celebration Banquet, is planned
for May 24, 2010. Various ensembles, including the Duneland Chamber
Ensemble (Daniel McNabb, conductor) and a vocal octet are slated to
perform. Representatives of other state and national Senior Clubs will
be invited to join in the festivities.
For more information, please contact Sue Cassler, (219) 362-1421.
Page 8
This year, 42 essays were received. INDIANA WINNER: Aruni Ranaweera
Grade 9, Westfield Nien-Hwa Chen, Teacher
(see Jr. Keynotes p. 13)
She won $50 from NFMC. Indiana had the largest number of state entries, 27.
The theme this year was "Music . . . A Key to the Future."
Nancy Grahn
The essays are assigned from 3--6 points, with 6 points reserved for outstanding, or "Super-superior."
There were a few difficulties this year, so teachers, please take note.
1. Checks should not be sent to essay chair.
2. Entry forms are not helpful when they are not filled out completely. Chair
needs to know which festival and festival chair the student is involved with, or
they cannot send gold cup results.
3. E-mail addresses for the teacher and festival chair are very helpful.
Please include e-mail addresses.
4. We probably should have an age requirement or stipulate a minimum number of words for an essay. There were several 1st and 2nd graders who submitted "essays" this year. One was literally a few incorrectly spelled words on a
torn scrap of paper.
5. Several students sent essays to the regional chair, but not to me. I am not
sure how the festival chair handled this.
6. Several essays were lost in the mail or somehow went missing.
Two festival chairs had students who had paid for the essay event, but I never
received them. I never encountered this problem until this year. A possible solution would be for teachers to mail the essays.
This is Nancy’s last year to chair this event. Awarding Gold Cup Points has had
a positive result of many more entries from Indiana. She has served as essay
chair several years, and has also served as Recording Secretary on the Board.
NFMC is the ideal membership organization. Whether enjoying music at a local club
function or promoting music through financial support, NFMC lets you express your appreciation for music in your own special way. Involvement in local NFMC music clubs
gives you a chance to make a real difference in your community. NFMC leadership opportunities abound, and within these opportunities lies the personal recognition and
sense of accomplishment that members want and deserve. With leadership comes responsibility. NFMC members understand the vital role music plays in society and welcome the special responsibility of keeping music an important part of the American cultural experience.
Friday Musicale (Bloomington): Ruth DiSilverstro
Indianapolis Piano Teachers Association: Sally Eppert
West Lafayette Musicale: Peggy H. Bryan
Delaware Co. Music Teachers: Virginia Kleeberg
Hillsboro Harmony: Marilyn Moffett
Kokomo Morning Musicale: Barbara Lennon
Monday Musicale (Michigan City) :Carol Garrett
Page 9
held on Saturday, April 17
Junior Instrumental: Laurinda Godrey (Linda Sabatino)
Junior Piano: John Arbuckle (Sarah Stoel)
Laurinda Godfrey (Linda Sabatino)
Senior Vocal: Casiana Warfield (Rhonda Collins-Jourdan)
Brooke Grannan (Rhonda Collins-Jourdan)
Senior Piano: Emily Malek (Rebecca Sorley) Victoria Sluka (Linda Sabatino)
Back Row left to right: Jacklyn Chan, Alex Wang, Alexei Tretick, Justin Miller
Front: Christine Wang, Jenny Yang, Jenny Ly
April 18, 2010, The Indy East Festival Playoff Competition awarded four piano winners to represent the
Northeast Indianapolis area at the state Indiana Federation of Music Clubs competition. Jacklyn Chan of the
University of Indianapolis judged the event.
Winners of the Jr. High Division were Jenny Ly of Pike Township and Jenny Yang of Carmel, both students
of Esther Moy. Honorable Mention was Christine Wang of Carmel and a student of Nien-Hwa Chen.
In the Senior High Division, Carmel student Alex Tang and Alexei Tretick of the International School were
winners. Both are students of Sheryll McManus. Honorable Mention was Justin Miller of Lawrence Township. He is
a student of Lisa Cremer.
Each winner was awarded prize money of 125.00. Honorable Mentions received 50.00. The four winners
will be competing in the IFMC State Convention on June 5, 2010 in Jasper, Indiana.
Teacher, Grace Xu hosted the competition.
Sarah Stoel
277 Lake Dr.
Greenwood, IN 46142
Diane Witte, IFMC President
Wayne Witte, Treasurer
2535 Wayward Wind Dr.
2535 Wayward Wind Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Indianapolis, IN 46239
(317) 862-4879
(317) 862-4879
Rhonda Collins-Jourdan, 1st VP Lisa Cremer, Recording Sec.
8254 E. Washington St.
10134 Muirfield Trace
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Fishers, IN 46038
(317) 842-8381
Jennifer Derr, 2nd VP
Sarah Stoel, Newsletter Editor
4210 W. State Rd. 56
277 Lake Drive
Jasper, IN
Greenwood, IN 46142
(317) 881-9384
Sandra Lehman, 3rd VP
Carolyn Cassidy, Festival Chair
208 Southwind Way
1511 North Street
Greenwood, IN 46142
Logansport, IN 46947
(317) 885-8164
(574) 753-4780