L`esperienza di quattro CdS


L`esperienza di quattro CdS
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Suggested elective courses
STEM Programme
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Laboratory of Industrial Safety
Teacher: Prof. Alessandro Tugnoli a.tugnoli@unibo.it
Code: 73506
Term: 2°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures/Tutorials
Suggested bridging course(s): Industrial Safety
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
Applicative knowledge of quantitative techniques for risk assessment and management
of industrial sites earned by the development of case-studies.
Course contents
The concepts learned in the previous Industrial Safety courses will be applied to
concrete case studies. The students will use the main tools in risk assessment and will
learn about the typical issues in its practical application. The course unfolds around
problem-based learning activities in small groups to develop a project.
1. Introduction and review of the quantitative risk assessment procedure
2. Hazard identification : HazOp and bow-tie analysis
3. Frequency evaluation
4. Consequence simulation and damage assessment
5. Risk assessment and mitigation
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Final oral exam: critical discussion of the outcomes of the project-works developed by
the students. A Passing / Failing grade will be awarded.
Teaching tools and study materials
• In-class lessons / Tutorials / Self-directed work
• Lecture slides and integrative supporting material will be available on AMS Campus
• Lees' Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, S. Mannan editor, IV ed.,
Butterworth-Heineman, Oxford, UK, 2011
• CCPS, Guidelines for chemical process quantitative risk analysis (II ed.), NY, 1999
• TNO, Methods for the calculation of physical effects (Yellow book), Report CPR 14E
(III ed.), The Hague, NL, 1997
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Petroleum Geosystem
Teachers: Prof. Ezio Mesini, prof. Paolo Macini, prof. Villiam
Code: 70033
Term: 1°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Classroom lectures, seminars and/or workshop by
industry professionals, laboratory practice (in small groups). Possible field trips
to rig sites or industrial plants.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
The Course is addressed to provide the basic knowledge of petroleum systems and
petroleum engineering, with special reference to exploration, drilling and production
engineering. These topics represent strategic elements as far as world energy supply is
concerned. The Course is completed with an introduction to the study of petroleum
economics, project management and engineering phases of the petroleum industry,
Course contents
Part 1, Prof Paolo Macini (2 CFU). Origin and geology of petroleum reservoirs.
Overview of E&P industry (Upstream) and basics of petroleum economics and project
management. Petroleum exploration techniques. Introduction to petroleum well
drilling engineering (onshore and offshore).
Part 2 & 3, Prof. Ezio Mesini, Prof. Villiam Bortolotti (4 CFU). Introduction to the study
of natural porous media. Oil and natural gas reservoir rock properties. Porosity,
permeability, saturation, capillary pressure, wettability, multi-phase flow. Laboratory
measurements and lab practice.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Students must sit a written and/or an oral test comprising of a series of questions that
aim to ascertain students' understanding of the technological and design principles
presented during lectures, and a practical problem
Teaching tools and study materials
Video projector, PC, overhead projector, laboratories
• Al-Awad Musaed: Petroleum and natural gas engineering overview, VDM 2010.
• Enciclopaedia of hydrocarbons: Volume 1, exploration, production and transport,
Treccani 2005.
• Rabia: Oilwell Drilling, Graham & Trotman
• Chilingar, Robertson, Kumar: Surface operations in petroleum production (Vol I and
II), Elsevier
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Laboratory Of Materials Characterization
Teacher: Prof. Manzi Stefania stefania.manzi4@unibo.it
Code: 73505
Term: 2°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: The laboratory training is integrated by
numerical elaboration of the data and interpretation of the results
Suggested bridging course(s): Materials Characterization
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
The laboratory provides the know-how and the methodological tools for the
characterization of materials and their correct use in the engineering fields
Course contents
• Tests for the investigation of the nature and microstructure of materials (e.g., r,
• Tests for the investigation of the mechanical properties of materials (e.g., strength
test, impact test, hardness test).
• Tests for the investigation of the thermal properties of materials (e.g., DSC, TGA).
• Ageing and durability tests on materials with relation to their environment.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
• During the main experimental activities in the laboratory, students have to
complete a sheet.
• Final oral test (pass/non pass).
Teaching tools and study materials
Laboratory training on the tests for materials characterization. Tests will be carried out
on the most significant typologies of materials with relation to the test itself and the
engineering applications of materials.
Standards and recommended readings supporting the applied experimental
techniques will be provided during the laboratory classes.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Solid State Physical Chemistry
Teacher: Prof. Renato Colle renato.colle@unibo.it
Code: 30697
Term: 1°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures
Suggested bridging course: Chimica Fisica dei Materiali Solidi
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student knows basic concepts, mathematical structure and
computational methods of molecular quantum mechanics for the theoretical study of
atomic and molecular systems. He acquires also knowledge of quantum transport theory.
Course contents :
• Basic Quantum Mechanics
• Molecular Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics
• Electronic Transport in Nanodevices
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Oral exam including topics taught in the modules throughout the course, solution of
simple problems on these topics.
Teaching tools and study materials
• Lectures notes and other didactic material made available in electronic format.
• Websites suggested at lesson
• Sakurai : Quantum Mechanics, ed. Cambridge
• P.Atkins, R.Friedman: Molecular Quantum Mechanics, ed. Oxford University Press.
• S.Datta: Quantum Transport . Atom to Transitors, ed. Cambridge.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Computational Mechanics M
Teacher: Stefano de Miranda stefano.demiranda@unibo.it
Code: 73577
Term: 2°
ECTS: 3+3
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures and laboratory sessions.
Suggested bridging course(s): Advanced Structural Mechanics;
Numerical Methods
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
The course is an introduction to computational mechanics of solids and structures. The
goal of the course is to provide the students with the fundamental concepts and
operating tools to solve current structural problems using computer technology.
Course contents
1. The Finite Element Method for static linear elasticity.
2. Advanced element formulations
3. The finite element method for dynamic linear elasticity
4. Finite element method for nonlinear problems
5. Special topics (time permitting)
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Oral exam including all topics taught in the modules throughout the course and
evaluation of the outcomes of project-works developed by students.
Teaching tools and study materials
• Slides with notes
• Suggested readings
• O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, The finite element method, Butterworth-Heinemann.
• Robert D. Cook, Finite element modeling for stress analysis, John Wiley & Sons.
• During the lectures, some reading assignments will be made from selected papers
in the published literature.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Industrial Ecology
Teachers: Prof. Alessandro Tugnoli / Prof. Valerio Cozzani /
Prof. Francesco Santarelli
Code: 69996
Term: 2°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures/Tutorials
Suggested bridging course(s): ---
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
Knowledge on the application of sustainability to industrial systems: theoretical,
technical, management, and legislative approaches toward a cleaner and more
efficient production of materials and energy.
Course contents
The course will explore the multi-faceted issues of sustainability in industrial systems:
• Sustainable development; environmental concerns from industrial activities (global
warming, ozone depletion, photochemical smog, resource use, etc.); environmental
indexes; supply chain and life-cycle approach, LCA methodology (ISO14040 family)
• Environmental policy in EU; voluntary programs (EMAS/ISO14001); E-labels
(Ecolabel, EPD); permitting (EIA, SIA, IED); product policies (IPP, DfE, EPR)
• Energy production and the environment; raw materials for energy production (fossil
fuels, waste derived fuels, biomass, etc.); combustion and pollutant formation;
plant technologies for energy production; emission control and pollution prevention
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Final oral exam: it will include all topics taught in the modules throughout the course.
Teaching tools and study materials
• In-class lessons / Tutorials
• Lecture slides, lesson handouts and integrative supporting material will be available
on AMS Campus
• Websites suggested at lesson
• T.E. Graedel and B.R. Allenby. Industrial Ecology, (2nd ed.). 2003, Prentice Hall:
Upper Saddle River.
• E.S. Rubin. Introduction to engineering & the environment. 2001, McGrow-Hill: New
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Materials Characterization
Teacher: Prof. Paola Fabbri
Code: 73543
Term: 2°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures
Suggested bridging course(s): Laboratory of Materials
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
Knowledge of basic and advanced techniques for mechanical, thermal and
morphological characterization of materials.
Course contents
Instrumental methods of materials analysis for the determination of engineering
properties: Mechanical Properties (tensile, flexural, impact, dynamic-mechanical);
Surface Properties (hardness, wettability, abrasion, wear); Thermal Properties (CTE,
thermal conductivity, DSC, TGA, DTA, DMTA); Electrical Properties (conductivity,
dielectric constant, loss factor, dielectric stiffness); Morphology (optical microscopy,
electron microscopies, chemical analysis, porosity, image analysis). International
Standards of Analysis.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
Oral exam including all topics taught in the course.
Teaching tools and study materials
• Lesson handouts
• CALLISTER, Materials Science and Engineering: an introduction, Wiley and Sons
(New York, USA).
• BRUNELLI, Strumentazione di misura e controllo nelle applicazioni industriali (voll. I
e II), GISI (Milano).
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Course name: Photocatalytic Processes And Environmental
Teacher: Prof. Giovanni Camera Roda giovanni.cameraroda@unibo.it
Code: 66091
Term: 2°
Language of instruction: English
Teaching Method: Lectures
Suggested bridging course(s): Chemical reactor engineering
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Learning outcomes
Knowledge about the fundamentals of photocatalytic reaction and design of photocatalytic
systems, which recently emerged as efficient processes for environmental protection and
sustainable (green) chemistry. Overview of photocatalytic materials for the photocatalytic
application in Environmental protection.
2014 world championship
Photocatalyitic buildings in the world stadium in Brazil.
Course contents
New millennium
church in Rome.
Photocatalysis as an Advanced Oxidation Technology. Slurry or Immobilized Photocatalyst:
Comparison (Pros and Cons). Sunlight and artificial light. Radiant Energy Transfer and the
Radiation Transport Equation. Design of a Photocatalytic Reactor. Detoxification by
Photocatalysis. Photocatalytic self-cleaning materials. Process Intensification by Integration of
Photocatalysis with Separation Processes or other Advanced Oxidation Technologies.
DICAM International Curriculum
Sustainable Technologies and biotechnologies for Energy and Materials
Assessment methods
One written final test. Report or project-works (discretionary) on a chosen topic or on
an experiment. Alternatively: oral exams.
Teaching tools and study materials
• Availability of power point presentations on the topics of the course (lesson
• Examples on the design and the analysis of photocatalytic reactors.
• Simulation programs.
• Case studies.
• Fujishima et al., TiO2 Photocatalysis. Fundamentals and Applications, BKC inc. 1999.
• Augugliaro et al., Clean by Light Irradiation. Practical Applications of Supported TiO2,
RSC Publishing 2010.
• De Lasa et al., Photocatalytic Reaction Engineering, Springer 2005.