Advancement Program Updated
Advancement Program Updated
Tomahawk Potomac District Royal Rangers News and Information for Royal Ranger Leaders July - August 2016 Advancement Program Updated New requirements for the Gold Medal of Achievement take effect in January 2017 Page 4 Golf Tournament Benefits Potomac District Royal Rangers Page 2 Time to Renew Charters Page 6 Extreme Makeover in September Project to benefit Word of Life Assembly of God in Emporia Page 7 ‘Game Changers’ Mens’ Conference Register at Page 8 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 POTOMAC DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS Royal Rangers is a principal ministry of the Assemblies of God focused on discipling boys for Jesus Christ. We provide Christ-like character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders. The Potomac District administrative region of the General Council of the Assemblies of God takes in Washington, D.C., Maryland, most of Virginia and northern West Virginia. Over 100 churches throughout this region currently provide Royal Ranger ministry to more than 2,500 boys and young men. We use many tools to achieve that goal whether it be camping, merits or interactive skills, all designed to help develop a boy into a man while having fun and getting to know God. Golf Tournament Raises Over $4,000 for Royal Rangers The 22nd annual Projects Unlimited Golf Tournament was held Saturday, May 21, at Hickory Heights Gold Course in Spring Grove, Pa. This year, 67 golfers participated—in the rain. Over $4,000 was raised for the Royal Ranger ministry. Pictured is Rev. Bobby Basham (l.), executive director for Potomac District Royal Rangers, receiving the donation from former district commander Dan Harlan (center), chairman of Projects Unlimited, and Gary “Blaz’n Bear” Groves, founder. We want to develop both men and boys in mentoring relationships and leadership skills, and guide them to Jesus Christ. We reach boys, so they may reach another in their world. tomahawk Potomac District Executive Director Rev. Bobby Basham Potomac District Commander Bob Blessing Potomac District Royal Rangers New Wearables Website Hooded sweatshirts, crew sweatshirts, zip up jackets, long sleeve and short sleeve Polo Shirts base ball cap, and the new sublimated jersey. Outreach/Publications Coordinator Newsletter Editor Gary Wagner The Tomahawk newsletter is published bimonthly as a means of communicating news and information to Royal Ranger leaders throughout the Potomac District. Sectional staffs and outposts are invited to submit articles and photographs that feature activities of Royal Ranger ministries on a local level, or to share ideas and successes. Email material to Please submit photos as separate jpg image files. The Tomahawk is distributed via email as an electronic publication. Email address corrections, or requests to be added to the distribution list, should be forwarded to Potomac District executive secretary Denise Raduano at Many color options to choose from. Order on line at: Royal Rangers Emblem © 1962 by the national Royal Rangers Office, The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Mo. 65802. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Office. Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook 2 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 Supporting Churches, Businesses & Individuals Special thanks to our Supporting Churches, Sections, Businesses and Individuals. Your generosity enables further enhancements to this ministry. Anyone wishing to join our group of supporters may request an application from the Potomac District Royal Ranger office, email GOLD MEMBERS Projects Unlimited - Gary Groves Walt Eger Service Center Briel PC Eldersburg, Md. Severn, Md. Charles Town, W.Va. SUPPORTING CHURCHES Outpost 2 Outpost 6 Outpost 9 Outpost 27 Outpost 46 Outpost 47 Outpost 49 Outpost 60 Outpost 89 Outpost 100 Outpost 124 Outpost 150 Outpost 152 Outpost 186 Outpost 240 Outpost 277 Trinity Assembly of God Pasadena Assembly of God Calvary Assembly of God Glad Tidings Church Bethel Assembly of God Trinity Assembly of God Centerpointe Church at Fair Oaks Chapel Springs Church Bethel Assembly of God Hancock Assembly of God Jubilee Christian Center Warrenton Assembly of God Lighthouse Worship Center Hazel River Assembly of God Living Word Community Church Ocean City Worship Center Lanham, Md. Pasadena, Md. Frederick, Md. Norfolk, Va. Savage,Md. Lutherville,Md. Fairfax, Va. Bristow, Va. Martinsburg, W.Va. Hancock, Md. Fairfax, Va. Warrenton, Va. Hayes, Va. Rixeyville, Va. Mechanicsville, Md. Berlin, Md. INDIVIDUAL DONORS Rev. Bobby Basham Bob Blessing Mark Brannon Yvonne Georg Gary & Faye Groves Tracy Groves Phil Vieth Gary Wagner Stephens City, Va. St. Michaels, Md. Huntingtown, Md. Brunswick, Md. Eldersburg, Md. Eldersburg, Md. Yorktown, Va. Fredericksburg, Va. DISTRICT COMMANDER’S MEMO Thanks for a Blessed Pow Wow 2016 By Bob Blessing 2 016 Potomac District Pow Wow—what a great time! We were treated to God’s liquid sunshine Friday evening and again mid-day on Saturday, be we overcame, changed a few things and did what Royal Rangers do best— adjusted. Thank you everyone for your understanding. We had two encouraging morning devotions by Brian McCroskey and an awesome service by our Pow Wow productions team, media team and new Royal Ranger worship band “Damascus Road,” and a great message about overcoming Giants by Col. Scott McChrystal. We had plenty of events for the boys to experience—laser tag, fishing, canoe racing, archery, .22 gun, shotgun, volley ball, zip line, rock climbing and swimming. It was a pleasure to serve the leaders and the boys of the Potomac District as your District Commander. I would like to publicly thank Harry Hawthorne for all of his hard work in logistics and preparation for our Pow Wow. We also got some good news from Richard Holder the BSA Camp Director. Mark your calendars for next year—we will be back at Camp Rock Enon Aug. 3-6, 2017, and JLTA will be hosted at the camp on July 30-Aug. 2, 2017. TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 3 Gold Medal Requirements Change Effective January By Tyler Mazer A s announced during LEAD 2016, the National Royal Rangers Office has introduced changes regarding the Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA) that will take effect Jan. 1, 2017. Here is a summary. The GMA is once again the top award for Royal Rangers. There will be three new advancements in Adventure Rangers: Adventure Bronze, Adventure Silver and Adventure Gold. These new advancements are the equivalent to the Gold Falcon, Gold Hawk and Gold Eagle in Discovery Rangers. All other age group advancements stay the same. This means that in order to earn the GMA, a Ranger must complete the top advancement in two age groups—Discovery Rangers and above. If a Ranger completes the top advancement in three age groups, he would receive the GMA with merit, which is indicated by a gold star worn on the GMA ribbon. If a Ranger completes the top advancement in four age groups, he would receive the GMA with honors, which is indicated by a second gold star worn on the GMA ribbon. The special Honor drape, Bronze and Silver medals will be issued until the current stock is replaced. Commanders that have Rangers who have currently earned the Bronze or Silver Medals are encouraged to help these boys finish the requirements to earn the GMA before the new changes take effect in 2017. Due to these changes in the advancement program, the district staff will endeavor to schedule GMA interviews not only at District Pow Wow, but also this fall. Royal Rangers Advancement System Update 2016 PROBLEM: ● Recent changes in the role & significance of the GMA have not been popular and have created inconsistencies with the historic role of the GMA in the program. The current GMA is not equivalent to the historic GMA, implying that they are two very different or separate awards that share the same name, leading to confusion. ● The Honor GMA is a valuable and significant goal for boys but it is not attainable for those who did not complete Ranger Kids or did not join the program until the 6th grade or later. Many boys are therefore discouraged from continuing with the program long‐ term since they see the new “highest award” as unattainable for them. SOLUTION: 1. Move the GMA to a new position in the advancement system that is similar to the historic role and significance of this award. a. Boys may earn the GMA by earning the highest award in any TWO age groups (with a minimum age of 12 years & completion of the Capstone Project). 4 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 2. Create an intermediate step to earning the Honor GMA and name both awards in such a way as to represent them as embellishments on the GMA rather than separate awards. a. Boys may earn the “GMA with Merit” by earning the highest award in any THREE age groups. b. Boys may earn the “GMA with Honors” (formerly Honor GMA) by earning the highest award in all FOUR age groups. 3. Rename all three annual awards in Adventure Rangers to something new to completely disassociate them from the BMA, SMA, and GMA awards of 2002 & 2010: a. AR Year 1 BMA will become “Adventure Bronze Award.” b. AR Year 2 SMA will become “Adventure Silver Award.” c. AR Year 3 GMA will become “Adventure Gold Award.” ADVANTAGES: 1. Re‐establishes the GMA in a position of significance comparable to the historic GMA (completion of two age groups). 2. Maintains the GMA as the most significant award in the program, with the GMA with Merit and GMA with Honors awards being represented as “embellishments” to the GMA. 3. Older boys can earn the GMA without participating in DR (or working back in previous groups). 4. A minimum age of 12 yrs retains the traditional standard of the GMA. 5. Maintains the “GMA with Honors” (Honor GMA) in its current role as representing completion of the entire program. 6. Provides intermediate steps of recognition for boys who may never earn the GMA with Honors but still qualify for an award beyond the GMA (i.e. the GMA with Merit). 7. Establishes a direct equivalency between the highest awards in RR and those of Girls Ministries. a. GMA = Bronze Medal of Honor b. GMA with Merit = Silver Medal of Honor c. GMA with Honors = Gold Medal of Honor National Ranger Leadership Issues New Guidelines Effective in 2017 for the Gold Medal of Achievement SIGNIFICANT FACTORS: ● It would still be true that the GMA is technically not the highest award in the program, and that the GMA with Merit and GMA with Honors are actually higher (as was the case with Buffalos prior to 2010), but the comparative equivalency between the new GMA and the historic GMA would likely be perceived as an acceptable restoration of the prominence of the GMA, even if it’s not the “absolute highest” award available. Furthermore, we will celebrate the GMA as the “most significant” award in the program, with the other two being “embellishments” to it rather than separate awards. ● All regular requirements for AR advancement awards will remain unchanged. Only the names of the awards will change. ● Silver Buffalo awards will remain a part of Adventure Rangers, worn on the Adventure Gold award. Buffalos will not be associated with any of the GMA series of awards. ● The Capstone Project will remain unchanged, and still be required for the GMA. INSIGNIA 1. Insignia for all the three GMA awards (GMA, GMA with Merit, and GMA with Honors) will utilize the same current GMA ribbon, medal, and patch, with (1) star being worn on the ribbon & medal to signify “with merit” and (2) stars to signify “with honors”. No special insignia will be available to represent the merit or honors embellishments on the GMA patch. 2. Only the highest award from the GMA series may be worn, to signify that they are three versions of the same award, not three separate awards. 3. Medals insignia for the new AR awards: a. Adventure Bronze Award – blue & white ribbon with AR pendant. b. Adventure Silver Award ‐ red & white ribbon with AR pendant. c. Adventure Gold Award ‐ purple & white ribbon with AR pendant. 4. The GMA (with or without merit or honors) will be worn in the #3 position in the medals and ribbons order of wear, after the medals of valor and courage. IMPLEMENTATION & TRANSITION 1. These changes will take effect in the spring/summer of 2016, as soon as the new award insignia becomes available. Updated Discovery and Adventure Rangers handbooks will be available at that time. Updated Expedition Rangers handbooks and Leader Manual will be available some time later, as determined by current inventory. Award applications on the national web site will also be updated at that time. 2. From this date through 12/31/16, boys have the option of earning the current 2010 GMA (with the Capstone Project) or the 2016 Adventure Gold award (without the Capstone Project). After 12/31/16 the 2010 GMA will no longer be available. 3. From this date through 12/31/16 boys have the option of earning the BMA and SMA awards or the Adventure Bronze and Adventure Silver awards. After 12/31/16 the BMA and SMA awards will no longer be available. 4. Boys who have earned the BMA and SMA awards may continue to wear them or wear the new Adventure Bronze & Adventure Silver awards (but they cannot wear both). 5. Boys who have earned the 2010 GMA will still be considered GMA recipients but must earn the highest award in three age groups to qualify for the GMA with Merit, and all four for GMA with Honors. That is, the 2010 GMA represents the completion of (1) age group, not (2). 6. Boys who have earned the 2010 Honor GMA may continue to wear that insignia or the GMA with Honors insignia (but they cannot wear both). Calling All Frontiersmen! Frontiersman Camping Fellowship Blue Ridge Chapter Fall Trace ‘Great Adventure’ September 23-25, 2016 “Chick n’ Will Farm” Brightwood, Va. Trace schedule and registration information is available on line at TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 5 Stand Up and Be Counted Outpost Charters Up for Annual Renewal I t’s time to charter your outpost for the 2016-2017 Ranger year. The charter year is Sept. 1 through Aug. 31 (traditional school year). The charter processing period will be Aug. 15 Oct. 31 for all established outposts. All charter renewals should be submitted during this time, although charters submitted after Oct. 31 will be accepted. There’s never a wrong time to charter your outpost for the year, and every day you delay you are really costing your church more to operate Royal Ranger ministry than is necessary. Chartering is a beneficial program that allows churches to receive discounts and exclusive resources when they register (charter) their Royal Rangers program with the national office. Chartering provides important information to the national Royal Rangers ministry that enables them to monitor and shape the success and well-being of Royal Rangers and supports the ongoing development and improvement of the ministry. For additional information on chartering visit the chartering FAQ page on the national Royal Rangers website at The benefits of chartering are many. The greatest, of course, is that you benefit from the services provided by the national and district leadership teams as they endeavor to continually improve and grow Royal Rangers for local church success. The following list illustrates the many benefits of chartering available to you and your outpost. 15% discount on Ranger gear when ordered via the Ranger Online Superstore 6 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 Where, How, and When 15% discount on all national and regional training events 15% discount on national and regional activities like Camporama, Rendezvous, national LEAD Conference, and more. 15% discount on district training events 15% discount on select district Royal Rangers activities and events Each chartered member of your outpost will receive a copy of the Rangers NOW newsletter, the National Royal Rangers Ministry's official print communication piece. Your outpost will get one free copy of the Outpost Promotional Kit, which is full of resources like promotional videos, reproducible touch cards, clip art, customizable banners to advertise your ministry and/or decorate your meeting rooms, and more! Access to download Outpost Navigator, a data-tracking tool to record and track boys’ and leaders’ advancements An official outpost number to wear on your uniform Chartered outposts are included in the search results for the "Outpost Locator" search feature on the national web site. As you can see, the benefits of chartering are huge! The discount on products and events alone should well exceed the cost of chartering. Chartering can be completed online at Information can be submitted online and fees processed using the church’s (or individual’s) preferred payment card. The discounts and charter benefits are available 24-48 hours after online processing. For your ease of use, the charter information is stored on a secure database that allows quick processing in future years as relevant fields are automatically populated. You simply verify or update the information. Those wishing to print a completed form and mail payment by check may do so. Please note, due to the additional data entry of mail in forms, an additional $15 processing fee will apply. Once the charter is processed by the national office, the discounts and chartering benefits will be available in approximately 24 - 48 hours. New outposts may charter at anytime of the year, and fees for their first charter period will be prorated. All outposts that have not chartered within the last five years will be considered a new charter. Outposts that have chartered within the past five years and submit their charter and payment after Oct. 31 will not be prorated. The only outstanding question is, “Should I charter my outpost?” The answer, of course, is, “Yes!” Chartering not only makes you a nationwide partner in a biblical cause but also offers you and your outpost benefits that far exceed the cost of the charter. It is simply more cost effective to charter than not. TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 7 8 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 DISTRICT NEWS & INFORMATION Commanders Complete Training … Under the instruction of Cmdr. Jim Magill (inset photo), Outpost 262 completed Ranger Basics training for all the outpost’s leadership on May 14. Graduates are pictured (l. to r.): Joe Szeleky, Bob Hendricks, Doug Schafer, (in front) Alan Smeltzer, Eric Lemon, Gary Groves, Roberto Rice, Tracy Groves, Dave Hawkins, Art Saxton and Eurice Moody. REGIONAL ‘ROUND UP’ … Congratulations 2016 Elite Camp Graduates Six Rangers from five outposts graduated from Potomac District’s Elite Junior Leadership—or Saber Camp—held April 8-9 at Pasadena Assembly of God in Pasadena, Md. Elite Camp graduates were (from left to right) Jarod Mazer, Outpost 89; Cameron Haddock, Outpost 56; David Kopp, Outpost 6; Gerald Koon, Outpost 65; Joshua Powis, Outpost 6; and Daniel Bolen, Outpost 373. These six young men are the “best of the best” of the Potomac District. They have attended five Junior Leadership Training camps and earned their Gold Medal of Achievement. “Cow Poke” Phil Georg, training coordinator for Potomac District Royal Rangers, is pictured in distinctive ranch attire for the western-themed banquet at this year’s Northeast Regional Commanders Conference held in Harrisburg, Pa. TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 9 DISTRICT NEWS & INFORMATION Royal Ranger Alumni News RANGER KIDS ARE CHAMPS … Rangers and leaders from Outpost 262 in Ellicott City, Md., show off their awards from the Eastern Section Ranger Kids Field Day held June 4 at Ellicott City Assembly of God. T he Royal Ranger Alumni (RRA) in Potomac District continues to grow! Congratulations and welcome to Richard “Gray Beaver” Findley and Ronald L. Miller who’ve re- cently joined RRA. RRA Applications As a reminder for those interested in joining RRA, all applications should be sent directly to Potomac District’s RRA president (with a photo please). Do not send RRA applications to the Royal Rangers National Office. The RRA application is available on the Potomac District Royal Ranger website: If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding RRA, please call Gary Groves at (410) 428-5317. POW WOW WINNERS … Rangers and leaders from Outpost 262 at Ellicott City Assembly of God in Ellicott City, Md., display awards they achieved during Eastern Section’s Pow Wow held April 29-May 1, to include 2nd place in fire craft for both Discovery Rangers and Adventure Rangers, as well as 1st place in fire craft overall. The outpost also took 3rd place in campsite inspection. Pictured (l. to r.) are Ranger dad Roberto Rice, Discovery Ranger Gabe Guevera, Adventure Ranger Jamar Parker, and Outpost Councilman Gary Groves. 10 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 RRA Background The Royal Ranger Alumni (RRA) program was recently inaugurated to provide a method by which Ranger leaders (age 55 See ALUMNI on page 11 Potomac Royal Rangers & Men’s Ministries 2016 Calendar JANUARY 29-30 Regional Commander’s Conference, Harrisburg, PA FEBRUARY 1-7 Men’s Ministries One Voice Conference 12-13 District Staff Meeting, Fredericksburg, Va. MARCH 10-12 National RR LEAD Conference 17-19 Extreme Makeover APRIL 1-3 FCF Spring Trace 4-12 Light-for-the-Lost Banquets MAY 21 Projects Unlimited Golf Tournament 12-14 Extreme Makeover JUNE 10-12 Junior Leadership Training Camp 18 Men’s Ministries Motorcycle Ride (South-Colonial Heights) JULY 18-22 National Camporama AUGUST 4-7 District Pow Wow, Camp Rock Enon, Gore, Va. SEPTEMBER ALUMNI (Continued from page 10) plus) may continue to serve as a vital part of the Royal Rangers Ministry. RRA provides an opportunity for leaders to share their knowledge, expertise and experiences with boys and local commanders. The RRA provides the opportunity for you to continue to be involved in Rangers as your time permits. Royal Rangers leaders upon reaching retirement age or when medical problems or other reasons prohibit them from serving as a commander, may feel they no longer have a part in Royal Rangers ministry. This is certainly not the case, as many of these leaders have a wealth of knowledge and experiences and are willing and able to serve on a limited basis. RRA will provide the structure by which these Royal Rangers leaders may continue to be a vital part of Royal Rangers and assist their districts on their time schedule. The objective of the RRA is to provide opportunities for service and ministry for former/retired Royal Rangers leaders. Those interested in joining the ranks of the Royal Ranger Alumni can contact their sectional commander or sectional RRA coordinator for assistance. 10 Men’s Ministries Motorcycle Ride (North-Winchester-Cumberland) 15-17 Extreme Makeover 23-25 FCF Fall Adventure OCTOBER 8 District Staff Meeting 14-15 Men’s Conference NOVEMBER 12 Regional Royal Rangers Business Meeting TOMAHAWK July - August 2016 11 POTOMAC DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS STAFF EXECUTIVE STAFF Rev. Bobby Basham - Executive Director 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432 Bob Blessing - District Commander 304 Lincoln Ave., St. Michaels, MD 21663 (410) 443-7657 Homer Kitchen - Deputy District Commander 8614 Apple Harvest Dr. Gerrardstown, WV 25420 (304) 229-5793 Seth Van de Ven - Deputy District Commander 9816 Hampton Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 932-9167 Mark Brannon - FCF Chapter President 2815 Angus Chase Lane, Huntingtown, MD 20639 (443) 486-5199 Harry Hawthorne - Pow Wow Coordinator 3005 Lochary Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015 (410) 420-2215 Dale Eger - Special Aide de Camp 3720 Benson Ave., Baltimore, MD 21227 (410) 980-7134 Phil Georg - Training Coordinator 111 East H St. Brunswick, MD 21716 (301) 834-9871 Nate Hawthorne - Junior Aide de Camp 3005 Lochary Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015 (410) 420-2215 Craig Powis - Junior Training Coordinator 100 Kingbrook Rd. Linthicum, MD 21090 (410) 917-3612 Tommy Horton - Junior Aide de Camp 5719 Amelia Springs Circle Haymarket, VA 20169 (571) 248-0136 Chris Basham - Media/Productions 166 Serviceberry Ct. Stephens City, VA 22655 (540) 869-8432 Cliff Jewell - Staff Advisor 9150 James Madison Hwy. Warrenton, VA 20186 (540) 216-3365 Gary Wagner - Publications/Outreach Coordinator 3905 Swanson Ct. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 898-7415 Sam Linn - Staff Advisor 1687 McCoys Ford Rd. Front Royal, VA 22630 (540) 635-7497 Mike Cocolin - Missions Coordinator 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433 Tracy Groves - Staff Advisor 2340 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-4906 Gary Groves - RR Alumni President 2326 Liberty Rd. Eldersburg, MD 21784 (410) 781-0236 Dick Aldridge - Staff Advisor 46 Tadcaster Circle Waldorf, MD 20602 (301) 645-9091 Linda Cocolin - Health Officer 8413 Elvaton Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 (410) 315-8433 Brandon Campbell - FCF Scribe 116 Ellis Martinsburg, WV 25404 (304) 268-1807 Tyler Mazer - GMA Coordinator 99 Shenandoah View Dr. Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 (304) 876-1875 David Jimerson - District EMT 4812 Amberjack Ct. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (757) 822-8375 Isaac Brannon - Special Aide de Camp 2815 Angus Chase Lane, Huntingtown, MD 20639 (443) 486-5199 SECTIONAL COMMANDERS Mark Craft - Capital Virginia Section 14438 Whisperwood Ct., Dumfries, Va. 22025 (757) 822-4519 Paul Moses - Eastern Section 18 Maple Lane, Elkton, MD 21921 (443) 207-8398 Mark Craft - Capital Maryland Section 14438 Whisperwood Ct., Dumfries, Va. 22025 (757) 822-4519 Robert “Buzz” Gregory - Eastern Shore Section 9260 Hickory Mill Rd. Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 742-0415 Ken O’Maley - Central Section 11042 Settletown Place Rixeyville, VA 22737 (540) 937-6139 Jerry Sinden - Northeast Section 1805 Milstream Dr. Frederick, MD 21702 (301) 620-0034 Marvin Boswell - Southern Section P. O. Box 35 Rockville, VA 23146 (804) 749-8397 Northwest Section Jerry Sinden (Acting) Phil Vieth - Tidewater North Section 200 Treis Trail Yorktown, VA 23693 (757) 766-8351 Roger Riendeau - Tidewater South Section 7719 Doris Dr. Norfolk, VA 23505 (757) 440-8432 Greg Barr - North Central Section Box 384, Fort Ashby, WV 26719 (540) 580-9615 Western Section Greg Barr (Acting) Potomac District Royal Rangers on Facebook 12 TOMAHAWK July - August 2016