Fairview United Methodist Church
Fairview United Methodist Church
Fairview United Methodist Church Being God’s People, Learning God’s Will, Doing God’s Work. Columns Newsletter Volume 20 Issue 3 April 2012 Holy Week Observances Special points of interest: Pastor’s Column Holy Week Activities Annual Book Giveaway Spring Work Day Holy Week begins Sunday, April 1 with Palm Passion Sunday, the day on which we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, followed by the events of his Passion. Through the years, as fewer Christians participated in the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, many believers went from the joy of Palm Sunday to the glory of Easter without journeying to the cross. As a result, the church now observes the Sunday before Easter as both Palm and Passion Sunday. This year, our congregation will experience Palm Passion Sunday through a dramatization of the events of the week, including Jesus’ anointing by the woman, receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion, and through the trials and events surrounding the crucifixion. Please join us at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary as we journey to the cross through drama, music and scripture. Inside this issue: Holy Week Fellowship Opportunity / Church Work Day / 2 Pantry / UMW Spring 3 Fair/Book Give Away Pastor Column 4 NCR Class Coffee Social/Children’s Page 5 Church Calendar for April 6 Easter Flowers Form 7 Fairview UMC Information 8 Thursday, April 5, we will gather in the Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion, as we remember Jesus’ final moments with his disciples. We will have the opportunity to experience foot washing, as well as other symbolic acts of humility and love. Our Good Friday service begins at 12:00 noon in the Narthex, where through scriptures, songs and prayer, we will remember the Passion of Christ on the cross. This is the most solemn service of the Christian year, when we acknowledge Christ’s sacrificial love, and confess our complicity in his death. Our Easter Festival worship begins at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 1, with the return of light to the world and “Alleluias” to our worship. Through music, visuals and proclamation we will celebrate Christ’s victory over death, which brings the gift of resurrection to all of us. As is our custom, the service will end with the singing of “The Hallelujah Chorus” from G.F. Handel’s Messiah. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite non-churched family and friends to share in our joy. Fairview United Methodist Church Page 2 Holy Week Fellowship Opportunities Mark 9:9 ESV (9) And as they were coming down the mountain, he charged them to tell no one what The Joy Circle is sponsoring a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt for the younger members of our community on Sunday afternoon, April 1, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Children in sixth grade and under are invited to join in the fun, which will include stories and crafts as well as hunting for eggs. We will finish no later than 4:30 p.m. Immediately following the Good Friday service on April 6, Senior Cares Committee will host an agape luncheon in the Parish Hall. Everyone, not just seniors, are invited to enjoy this meal. We will also be delivering meals to homebound members of our community, thanks to the coordination efforts of Judy Golovcsenko. If you would like meals delivered, please let the church office know. We will begin our Easter Sunday celebration with hospitality hour in the Parish Hall coordinated by the Affinity Class, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Bagels, fruit, doughnuts, yogurt, juice and hot beverages will be available for us to enjoy as we greet one another. There will be no adult Sunday School classes, but we will have activities for the children. Please join us for food and fellowship. Please note: The church building will be opened at 9:00 a.m. instead of the usual 8:00 a.m. time. Should you need to be in earlier for any reason, please let Dave Puderbaugh know . they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. Spring Work Day Spring Work Day is coming up quickly. We will gather on Saturday, April 28 to work inside and outside (weather permitting) on various projects to enhance and maintain the safety and beauty of our church home. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for everyone. Jobs will include deep cleaning the sanctuary, weeding and mulching flower beds, cleaning, sorting and cataloging books in Brewbaker Library, and many other “odd jobs” identified by the trustees. If you have not been recruited for a particular job, contact any trustee to let them know your preferred assignment. Feel free to bring your favorite tools and/or cleaning supplies, although we will have supplies available. We have averaged around 50 workers for the past few years. Can we make Kroger Shopper’s Card Update—March It’s hard to believe, but since we’ve started our neighbor to neighbor program at Kroger we have received $1752.00 for our purchases thru March 17, 2012. Thanks to all have taken the extra effort to put money on your shopper card. We still have 20 cards that have not been loaded. If you have lost your card or don’t want to participate in this project let me know and I’ll give you back your $5.00 and pass the card on to someone that has asked for one. If you have any questions about how to use the card, I’ll be glad to help you. Remember the 4% goes in our account as soon as you load the card, not when you spend the money at the store. Thank you. Dave Puderbaugh Volume 20 Issue 3 Page 3 Pantry Schedule April Monday April 2nd Friday April 6th Monday April 9th Friday April 13th Monday April 16th Friday April 20th Monday April 23th Friday April 27th Monday April 30th Barbara Gribler, Vicky Wentling Pam Hounshell, Linda Mooty Pat White, Kathy Farmer Mary Blake, Ingrid Tartaglia Ed & Pam Rapp Barbara Rowlands, Bonnie Maloney Jan Patterson, Vicky Wentling Barbara Buttram, Susie Kurtz Janet Michael, Barbara Gribler Spring Fair: May 6th Fairview United Methodist Women invite men, women and children to attend out Spring Fair on Sunday, May 6th immediately following worship. There will be a luncheon featuring glazed ham or turkey and all the sides, a Craft/Plant Sale, Bake Sale and Silent Auction of some exciting pieces. This event is one of our major fundraisers for our pledge to missions which supports women and children. Look around Fellowship Hall for the posters of some of the place and people our United Methodist Women help through their financial gifts. If you have an item to offer for sale in our craft/plant table, or for the silent auction, please contact Kathy Schaefer for details. Thank You…. A very special thanks to all of the United Methodist Woman who worked so hard to make the lunch at St. Paul’s such a success, along with furnishing cookies for the prison ministry. Annual Book Giveaway at Fairview PreK-8 For the last four years, volunteers from Fairview Church have collected new and used children’s books for the students at Fairview School. Each year, in May, we have distributed free books to the students as they come to a central location, one classroom at a time. Last year we served nearly 500 students. We try to assure that there are books which will appeal to and challenge each grade level. We especially look for books that are of high interest to youngsters of both genders. How can you help? Provide several books in reasonably good condition Volunteer to help with book distribution at the school If you have chosen Option 1, you may be interested in the Friends of the Library Sale to be held at Hara Arena, Shiloh Springs Road at Wolf Road April 20-22. On Friday (4/20), hours will be 4:00-8:00, and books will cost $1 each. On Saturday (4/21), hours are 10:00-7:00, and books will cost $.50 apiece. On Sunday (4/22), books will be sold for $1 for all you can carry between 1:00 and 3:00. Other good sources are garage sales, Half Price Books near the Fairfield Mall, and even your basement. Can’t shop? We accept cash donations and will shop for you. If you have chosen Option 2, please watch the church bulletin for the exact date, which will likely be a Friday in May. Also, call Pam Hounshell (432-6379) or the church office to indicate your interest in helping for an hour or two (or more). Thank you, Pam Hounshell Fairview United Methodist Church John 10:17-18 ESV (17) For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. (18) No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” Page 4 “Remember me.” Those are Jesus’ words to his dearest and closest companions on the final night of his life as their earthly leader. “Remember me.” Every time we eat the bread and drink the wine that have come to mean so much to us as Christians, we are to remember. But most of us older than a certain age come to realize that our memories aren’t what they used to be. Our memories don’t always reflect what really happened, so much as what affected us at the time. In the song “I Remember it Well,” from the Lerner and Loewe musical, Gigi, Madame Alvarez (Hermione Gingold) and Honoré (Maurice Chevalier) remember a long-ago meeting quite differently. The charm of the song is that, though the details of their memories differ dramatically, they share a common sentiment of their relationship. What is important is not whether they met at nine or at eight, but that they did indeed meet. When Jesus says, “Remember me,” it is not about remembering particular events with historical accuracy. Rather, it is about remembering his love, his leadership, his ways of relating to the disciples, to all people. It’s about remembering that he was kind to children and women, that he was willing to be interrupted by crowds, that though he forgave willingly, he held wrongdoers accountable for being different in the future. Remembering Jesus is figuring out what was important to him, and making it important in our lives. Remembering Jesus is figuring out how he would have responded to others, and acting accordingly in our relationships. Throughout the centuries, Christians tell the stories of Jesus in order to remember. But we also tell those stories to “re-member,” to join ourselves to all who have followed Jesus throughout all times in all places. We don’t just remember an event that happened over 2000 years ago, but we become a part of that memory through our words and actions. In the sacrament of Holy Communion, we become one with those who were at that final meal, one with everyone throughout history who has shared the sacrament, one with all those believers who will come in future years, and one with Christ. Theologians have used special terminology and theological concepts through the years to try to express what happens, but Charles Wesley says it best in his hymn, “O the Depth of Love Divine.” He writes, O the depth of love divine, the unfathomable grace! Who shall say how bread and wine God into us conveys! How the bread his flesh imparts, how the wine transmits his blood, fills his faithful people’s hearts with all the life of God! How it happens is a mystery. That it happens is a reality of faith. As we experience, once again, the mystery of Holy Week, of sacrifice, of death, of Resurrection, may we “re-member,” and join ourselves to the One who is our Life, receiving God’s grace in ever new and powerful ways. Pastor Barbara Volume 20 Issue 3 Page 5 NCR Class Coffee Shop Social The NCR class will be having a second annual coffee shop social on April 29th from 3-5pm. All are welcome and encouraged to bring their favorite poetry, music and short stories to share. Coffee and tea will be provided by the NCR class along with desserts and light snacks. If you would like to participate or have something to bring to share, contact any NCR member or Danita Arnold at 274-2976 or the church office. We look forward to sharing our time together. Children’s Corner Connect The Dots Volume 20 Issue 3 Page 6 APRIL 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 8:30 am Trustees Mtg. 2 3 4 5 2:30 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 am Pantry— Barbara Gribler, Vicky Wentling 9:30 am Silver Bells 5:30 pm NLA 6:15 pm Chancel Bells 5:00 pm Experience Music 7 pm Renewal Hour 6:00 pm YF Fri 6 Sat 7 9:30 am Pantry— Linda Mooty, Pam Hounshell 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 6:15 pm Joyful Ringers 8 EASTER CHRIST IS RISEN!!! 9 10 11 12 9:30 am Pantry— Pat White, Kathy Farmer 9:30 am Silver Bells 1:00 pm Rebecca Naomi 6:15 pm Chancel Bells 5:30 pm NLA 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 13 9:30 am Pantry— Mary Blake, Ingrid Tartaglia There will be No Legal Clinic 7 pm Renewal Hour 15 16 17 18 19 20 5:00 pm Experience Music 9:30 am Pantry— Ed & Pam Rapp 9:30 am Silver Bells 5:30 pm NLA 6:15 pm Chancel Bells 9:30 am Pantry— Barbara Rowlands, Bonnie Maloney 6:00 pm YF 7:15 pm Joy Circle 10:30 am UMW Team Mtg. 22 23 24 25 26 5:00 pm Experience Music 9:30 am Pantry— Jan Patterson, Vicky Wentling 9:30 am Silver Bells 5:30 pm NLA 6:15 pm Chancel Bells 7 pm Renewal Hour 14 7:00 p.m. Open Door Class Meeting 21 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 6:15 pm Joyful Ringers 6:00 pm YF 6:15 pm Joyful Ringers 29 3:00 p.m. NCR Coffee Social 5:00 pm Experience Music 6:00 pm YF 6:15 pm Joyful Ringers 7:15 pm Deborah Circle 30 9:30 am Pantry— Janet Michael, Barbara Gribler 7 pm Renewal Hour 7:15 pm Chancel Choir 27 9:30 am Pantry— Barbara Buttram, Vicky Wentling 28 Spring Work Day 7:45 pm Epsilon EASTER FLOWERS - 2012 The Altar Guild will once again be decorating our church with Easter flowers. Flowers may be purchased in honor of or in memory of loved ones, or to the glory of God. The flowers may be taken after the 11:00 a. m. Easter service on Sunday, April 8th. Please fill in the form below and return it to the church office with a check made payable to Fairview UMC and mark “Easter Flowers.” The deadline for orders is Sunday, APRIL 1. Money must accompany orders. The names of those being honored, as well as the donors will be listed in the Easter Sunday bulletin on April 8. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY YOUR INFORMATION BELOW. EASTER FLOWERS FORM Given by: ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) In Honor of: ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) In Memory of: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Please print) No. of Flowers: ________ Cost $10.00 each Method of Payment Check No.: __________ Cash Amount: __________ Please make checks payable to: Fairview United Methodist Church Memo: Easter Flowers Total Enclosed: _________ COLUMNS NEWSLETTER Fairview United Methodist Church 828 W. Fairview Ave Dayton, Ohio 45406 Phone: 937-274-2189 Fax: 937-274-1137 E-mail: fairviewunitedmethodist@yahoo.com SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE Holy Communion (Chapel) 9:00 a.m. Hospitality (Parish Hall) 9:15 a..m. - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Worship (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m.