- Rourkela Steel Plant
- Rourkela Steel Plant
GROUP MEDICLAIM SCHEME 2016 - 2017 For Retired SAIL Employees & Their Spouse RAKSHA TPA PVT LTD ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company 1 Dear SAIL Mediclaim Member, We would like to take this opportunity to thank SAIL for choosing Health Insurance cover from IFFCO TOKIO GENERAL INSURANCE Co. Ltd. We assure you quality and hassle free service whenever and wherever you need help on health claims. Our policy has been designed to provide you with more than a healing touch in unfortunate, yet unavoidable circumstances of life. We have made every effort to keep our procedures simple, transparent, convenient and customer friendly. This booklet will take you through various aspects of health insurance claims and the procedures to be followed in order to avail the benefits under the policy. Please read the booklet carefully to understand and maximize the benefits of your policy. So go ahead and live the life you so very well deserve. IFFCO TOKIO GENERAL INSURANCE Co. Ltd. Unit Nos. 52-63, Mezzanine Floor, Ansal Fortune Arcade, Sec 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301 2 Dear Insured, We RAKSHA TPA Pvt. Ltd. an IRDA licensed Third Party Administrator (License No.- 015) is one of the leading and most comprehensive health service facilitator in the Indian Market. The aim of the company is to provide unique & innovative services in the emerging health care market through web based technology linking insured, insurer & provider. As Third Party Administrators we take pleasure in welcoming you to the Raksha Family. This hand book will guide you through various aspects of your Mediclaim Policy with particular reference to the Claims Settlement and Cashless Hospitalization procedures. A list of Healthcare service Providers with whom we have tied up for offering Cashless Hospitalization is also enclosed. Our Network hospitals are revised on regular basis thus we would request you to log on to our website www.rakshatpa.com for updated list of Network hospitals. Assuring you best of our Services & wish you to stay Healthier with us. Pawan Kumar Bhalla C.E.O. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DOs & DONTs 5-6 OBJECTIVE OF THE SCHEME 7 PERSONS COVERED 7 SCHEME 7 POLICY COVERAGE 7-8 DEFINITIONS 8-9 BENEFITS 9-11 CAPPINGS 11-12 IMPORTANT EXCLUSIONS 13 CLAIM PROCEDURE 14-16 CUSTOMER CARE SERVICES 17 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT 18 RAKSHA TPA OFFICES 19-20 CASHLESS REQUEST FORM 21 CLAIM INTIMATION FORM 22 CLAIM FORM – IPD 23-25 CLAIM FORM - OPD 26 NEFT FORM 27 SAIL FAQs 28-33 INDICATIVE LIST OF DAY CARE PROCEDURES 34-37 LIST OF SAIL APPROVED HOSPITALS FOR OPD TREATMENT 38-44 LIST OF EMPANELED HOSPITALS TO AVAIL CASHLESS SERVICES 45-57 LIST OF DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES/PHARMACIES OFFERING OPD SERVICES AT NEGOTIATED RATES TO SAIL MEMBERS 58-59 LIST OF HOSPITALS/DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES OFFERING IPD/OPD SERVICES AT NEGOTIATED RATES TO SAIL MEMBERS 60-61 DETAIL OF INTERNAL RESOURCE PERSON (IRPs) AT SAIL PLANTS AND UNITS 62-63 FEEDBACK FORM 64 4 DO’s & DONT’s DO’s 1. Mandatory Claim Intimation: Reimbursement & Cashless The Mediclaim member is required to intimate/inform the Insurance Company/TPA at least 48 Hours prior to the planned hospitalization. In case of emergency hospitalization, the Mediclaim member is required to inform the Insurance company/TPA within 24 Hours of such hospitalization. Claim Intimation can be sent via Letter/Email/Fax or personally delivered at Insurance/TPA offices. For detail of TPA offices, please refer Page nos. 19-20. 2. Mandatory Claim Intimation documents: The Mediclaim member is required to submit the prescription indicating diagnosis, purpose of Hospitalization etc. at the time of intimation. For Claim Intimation form, please refer Page no. 22. 3. Timelines for submission of claims for reimbursement: a) The Mediclaim member is required to submit the reimbursement claim with respect to IPD/ Hospitalization Claim within 30 days from date of discharge from the hospital. b) The reimbursement claims pertaining to Post Hospitalization (IPD treatment), to be submitted to the Insurance Company/ TPA within 30 days after the completion of permissible post Hospitalization treatment period of 60 days. c) OPD Claims to be submitted by the Mediclaim member, to the Insurance company/TPA at any time but necessarily when the expenses exceed Rs. 2000 per person per policy period or within 90 days from the date of completion of the treatment, whichever is earlier. Please refer Page nos.19-20 for detail of TPA offices for claim document submission. 4. Submission of Claim Documents: The Mediclaim member can submit the Claim documents in any Raksha TPA branch irrespective of centre opted by the members. You can refer to the updated branch list of Raksha TPA with contact details mentioned in the booklet/website. For Raksha branch list, please refer Page no. 19-20. For Raksha website, please visit – www.rakshatpa.com 5. In case of any Implant being used: The Mediclaim member is required to submit the outer pouch of the implant used (having barcode embossed) along with signature of treating doctor on the pouch for reimbursement of the claim. 6. Availing Cashless Facility: The Mediclaim member should always carry Photo-ID Cards like Driving License, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID card, Passport etc. along with the Mediclaim Photo-ID card issued by the TPA, for availing Cashless facility. 7. Requirement of ECS Form: For early/ hassle-free disbursement of claims, the mediclaim member is kindly requested to ensure the submission of duly filled ECS Form along with a cancelled cheque to Raksha TPA, while submitting the reimbursement claim. 5 8. Visit Raksha TPA website: www.rakshatpa.com or Raksha TPA Mobile APP (Details available on page no. 18) or Call on 1800 180 1555 (Toll Free) for: a. Updated Hospital list & Details b. View & Download E-card c. Membership Details & claim status 9. Issuance of Photo ID card: Photos are Mandatory for issuance of Photo-ID Card. In case you have not submitted your Photograph, kindly submit them at concerned SAIL Plant/Unit for issuance of the cards. DONT's 1. Don't insist upon admission for investigation or evaluation or Health check-ups. 2. Don't carry back any original document at the time of discharge from the hospital. 3. Don’t forget to sign on the Claim Form. 6 MEDICLAIM SCHEME FOR THE EX-EMPLOYEES OF SAIL AND THEIR SPOUSES (2016-17) OBJECTIVE OF THE SCHEME: To extend the Medical Benefits to the eligible ex- employees of SAIL and their Spouses. PERSONS COVERED: a. Retired employees of SAIL and their spouses. b. The employees who have taken voluntary retirement and their spouses. c. The employees who cease to be in employment on account of permanent total disablement and their spouses. d. The spouse of an employee who dies in service. e. Employee who resigns from the Company at the age of 57 or above and their spouse. This scheme is optional and those who opt for this scheme will hereinafter be referred to as "Members". Apart from Fresh Enrolments during the year, only the person(s) who were members of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme as on 31-03-2016 are eligible to renew membership under SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2016-17. SCHEME The members will be covered through Group Insurance Mediclaim Policy of the Insurance Company and will be operated through IFFCO TOKIO General Insurance Co. Ltd., SCO - 10, First Floor Sector – 14, Gurgaon - 122001, Haryana - India The period of the policy is 01/04/2016 (00:00 hrs IST) to 31/03/2017 (24:00 hrs IST) Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd - Head office at C/O Escorts Corporate Centre, 15/5, Mathura Road, Faridabad121 003, Haryana has been authorized to offer TPA (Third Party Administrator) services for the Group Mediclaim Policy issued for the ex-employees of SAIL and their spouses. Raksha would operate from 34 locations for the purpose of claim deposits, the bills & other related documents should be directly sent to any branch of Raksha. POLICY COVERAGE The policy covers reimbursement of Hospitalization and also Cashless Facility and Out-Patient Department (OPD) expenses within the prescribed limits under the policy for illness/diseases contracted or injury sustained by the insured person. In the event of any claim becoming admissible under the policy, the Insurance Company will pay to the insured member (Reimbursement)/Hospital (For Cashless Treatment), the amount of such expenses as reasonably and necessarily incurred anywhere in India, but not exceeding 7 in any one period of insurance, amounts under the respective category in the BENEFITS mentioned in this booklet. For the purpose of SAIL Mediclaim scheme, the ex-employee & his/her spouse, to be treated as two distinct members. DEFINITIONS a) Hospital/Nursing Home means any institution in India established for Indoor care and treatment of sickness and injuries and which has been registered either as a Hospital or Nursing Home with the local authorities and is under the Supervision of a registered and qualified Medical Practitioner or Hospital/Nursing Home which complies with minimum criteria as under : It should have at least 15 inpatient beds Fully equipped operation theatre of its own wherever surgical operations are carried out. Fully qualified nursing staff under its employment round the clock. Fully qualified Doctor(s) should be in charge round the clock. For the purpose of O.P.D. treatment, "Hospital" shall mean: A Government Hospital, Dispensaries/Clinics run by local Government authority/Municipalities, SAIL Plant Hospitals/Dispensaries SAIL approved Hospitals/Nursing Homes (Refer to Page No. 38-44 for list of SAIL Approved Hospitals) Branches/ Franchisees of major renowned chains of Hospitals/ Diagnostic Centres like Apollo, Max, Fortis, Sankara Nethralaya, Centre for Sight, Shroff Eye, Arvind Eye, Sharp Eye, Narayana Hrudalaya, Global Hospitals, Yashoda Hospitals, Dr. Lal Path Labs & SRL Religare anywhere in India. Note: The terms Hospital shall not include an establishment which is a place of rest, a place for the aged, a place for drug addicts or alcoholic, a hotel or a similar place. b) Hospitalization (IPD): a) Hospitalization facility can be availed from any Hospital or Registered Nursing Home in India. However, the Mediclaim member can avail Cashless Facility under Hospitalization only in Hospitals, which are empanelled by the Insurance Company/TPA. b) When treatment/surgeries such as Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Ophthalmic Surgeries(Cataract/Glaucoma Surgeries etc.), Lithotripsy, Laparoscopic surgeries, Microsurgery etc., is taken in the Hospital/Nursing Home and the insured is discharged on the same day, the treatment will be considered to be taken under Hospitalization Benefit Section. Indicative List of such procedures is given at Page No.34-37. 8 While Hospitalization facility can be availed from any Hospital or Registered Nursing Home in India, OPD facility can only be availed from any Govt. Hospitals/SAIL Plant Hospitals/ Dispensaries or Hospitals listed in this Booklet. c) O.P.D. Treatment: OPD Means treatment taken as an out-patient in any Hospital/Nursing Home/ Diagnostic Centre as mentioned at (a.) above. The Charges incurred for treatment taken from Registered Medical Practitioners or other than Hospitals/Nursing Homes/ Diagnostic Centres as mentioned at para (a.) above, will not be reimbursed. The Medicine should be prescribed by the treating doctors on the letter Head of the hospitals covered under Para (a.) above. Even though a medical practitioner is attached to any of the approved hospitals for OPD treatment and if the treatment is taken by him/her privately, the OPD Claim amount will not be reimbursed, under any circumstances. For the benefit of Members of the scheme, the TPA has negotiated with prominent Diagnostic Centres/Pharmacies in various locations Pan India, details of which are available on page no. 58-59. d) Medical Practitioner: Means a person who holds a degree/diploma of a recognized Institution and is registered by Medical Council of respective State of India. The term Medical Practitioner would include Physician, Specialist and Surgeon. (Cross Field Treatment will not be payable) e) Qualified Nurse: Means a person who holds a certificate of a recognized Nursing Council and who is employed on recommendations of the attending Medical Practitioners. BENEFITS HOSPITALIZATION BENEFIT: Hospitalization benefit, Reimbursement and/or cashless will be paid up to Rs.2, 00,000/- per member (with clubbing facility between employee & spouse), as per policy terms and conditions. Reimbursement: Reimbursement of actual charges up to Rs. 2,00,000/- per member per policy period (with clubbing facility between employee & spouse) is permissible for Expenses incurred towards room rent, IC Unit, nursing expenses, surgeon and anaesthesia charges, consultation fee, diagnostic investigations (Laboratory &radiological) cost of blood/blood components and its transfusion, oxygen/gas, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances/implant, medicines and drugs, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, cost of pacemaker, artificial limbs and similar other expenses. CLAIM UNDER HOSPITALIZATION BENEFIT SHALL BE ADMISSIBLE ONLY WHEN THE PATIENT IS ADMITTED IN A HOSPITAL FOR A MINIMUM PERIOD OF 24 HOURS. Hospitalization expenses for Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani Treatment are admissible only when the treatment is taken in a Government Hospital/Medical College Hospital. Pre-hospitalization: Relevant medical expenses incurred during the policy period, up to 30 days prior to the hospitalization specifically for that particular disease/ illness, for which hospitalization has taken place, shall be considered as part of claim under hospitalization. HOWEVER, MEDICINES BEING PRESCRIBED UNDER REGULAR OPD FOR DISEASES/ ILLNESS NOT RELATED TO THE SAID HOSPITALIZATION SHALL NOT BE REIMBURSABLE UNDER HOSPITALISATION CLAIMS. Post-hospitalization: Relevant medical expenses incurred during the policy period, up to 60 days after the hospitalization, specifically for that particular disease/ illness for which hospitalization had 9 taken place, shall be considered as part of claim under Hospitalization. HOWEVER, DURING POST-HOSPITALISATION PERIOD, MEDICINES PRESCRIBED UNDER REGULAR OPD TREATMENT FOR DISEASES/ ILLNESS NOT RELATED TO THE SAID HOSPITALIZATION, SHALL NOT BE REIMBURSABLE UNDER HOSPITALIZATION CLAIMS. Cashless: The member can also avail cashless hospitalization facility in any hospital (more than 50 beds) empanelled by Insurance Company/TPA for the provision of cashless hospitalization. List of such empanelled hospitals for availing cashless treatment may vary from time to time, however updated list may be referred from Raksha TPA Website (www.rakshatpa.com) /Raksha centres, prior to Hospitalization. Insurance Company/ TPA to settle the hospital bills directly on behalf of Insured. OUT-PATIENT BENEFIT (OPD): 1. Rs. 4000/- per member, for members below 70 years of age as on 31.03.2016 2. Rs. 8000/- per member, for members 70 years and above as on 31.03.2016, for the policy period. NOTE Persons completing 70 years of age on 01.04.2016 will also be considered for enhanced OPD. Unlike IPD facility, the OPD facility cannot be clubbed between the ex-employee and his/her spouse. 3. O.P.D, treatment can be availed at the following institutions: a. Government Hospital b. Dispensaries/Clinics run by local Government authority/Municipalities, c. SAIL Plant Hospitals/Dispensaries d. Hospitals/Nursing Homes as per List at (Page no.38-44) e) Branches/ Franchisees of major renowned chains of Hospitals/ Diagnostic Centres like Apollo, Max, Fortis, Sankara Nethralaya, Centre for Sight, Shroff Eye, Arvind Eye, Sharp Eye, Narayana Hrudalaya, Global Hospitals, Yashoda Hospitals, Dr. LaL Path Labs & SRL Religare anywhere in India. 4. The members can avail OPD treatment facility in the above Hospitals. In case, the OPD treatment is taken in a SAIL Plant Hospital, the members are not required to pay any expenses. SAIL Plant Hospitals will make claims with the TPA for the Treatment given to the member. In case OPD treatment is taken at approved Hospital other than SAIL Plant Hospital, the claim should be submitted at any Centre of Raksha TPA Services Ltd. (Refer to Page No.19-20 for the list) 5. OPD treatment availed from the listed Hospitals should be necessarily claimed on the Letterhead of the listed Hospital. OPD treatment, wherein the prescription is on the letterhead of the doctor and not on the letter head of the Hospital, will not be reimbursed. 6. OPD Claims to be submitted by the Mediclaim member, to the TPA at any time but Necessarily when the expenses exceed Rs. 2000 per person per policy period or within 90 days from the date of completion of the treatment, whichever is earlier. 10 7. Dental Treatment can also be availed of within the existing limit of Rs. 4000/- or Rs. 8000/ - per member (as applicable) for the policy under O.P.D. treatment. Cost of dentures will not be reimbursed. 8. Ophthalmic consultations for refractory error will be covered under OPD Benefits only. Cost of spectacles/ contact lenses shall not be reimbursed. 9. In case of treatment of ear, cost of hearing aid is not reimbursable. SAIL Hospital/Dispensary Reimbursement: SAIL will claim reimbursement against the treatment (OPD/ IPD) provided through its Hospital & Health Centres including SAIL dispensaries and the same will be adjusted against the available Sum Insured for OPD/ IPD of the concerned member, as the case may be. CAPPING: ROOM RENT: Maximum entitlement of room to be restricted to: For Metro Cities (Hyderabad, NCR, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata) - Ceiling of 2% of the sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 4000, or a single A/c non-deluxe room per day whichever is lower. For Non Metro Cities which are state capitals - Ceiling of 1.5% of the sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 3000, or a single A/c non deluxe room per day whichever is lower. For rest of the country - Ceiling of 1 % of sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 2000, or a single A/c non deluxe room whichever is lower. In case a member goes for a higher category room, the consultation charges/investigation charges/procedural charges/surgical charges/package rates etc. shall be limited to actual or as per their corresponding rates for single AC non-deluxe room of the concerned hospital, whichever is lower. IMPLANT UTILIZATION: 1. Intra Ocular Lens (IOL): Ceiling rates for different types of intra Ocular Lens (IOL) Implants to be as per actual or Rs. 10000/- whichever is lower and shall be reimbursable in addition to the package rates for cataract surgery procedure wherever IOL is not a part of package. It should be mandatory for the operating surgeon of all hospitals to attach the empty IOL sticker, bearing the signature and stamp of the operating surgeon on it along with the bill in support of the type of IOL used containing its batch number. In case the same is not followed, the claim with regards to IOL implant may be rejected. 2. Coronary Stents: Ceiling rates for different types of Coronary Stents to be as per the actual or the rates as mentioned below, whichever is lower. Name of Drug Eluting Stent /Bare Metal Stent Cypher Stent Capping Rs. 95000 + VAT Taxus Stent Rs. 67300 + VAT Element Stent Rs. 95000 + VAT 11 Endeavor Rs. 85000 + VAT Xience VEECSS Rs. 95000 + VAT Yukon choice Pronova Supralimus Bare Metal Stent Rs. 55000 + VAT Rs. 50000 + VAT Rs. 55000 + VAT Rs. 45000(all inclusive) a) Ceiling rates for Coronary Stents other than the Stents mentioned above, to be as per actual or Rs. 95000/- plus VAT, whichever is lower. b) Maximum of three (3) Coronary Stents shall be permitted on the advice of the specialist, of which not more than two (2) shall be of Drug Eluting Stents (DES). - It is essential for the hospital to quote the batch number when a Coronary Stent of any type (Ordinary metal/Drug Eluting Stent) is implanted in the case of a beneficiary. In addition to this, the outer pouch of the Stent packet along with the sticker on it on which the details of the stent are printed shall also be enclosed with the Hospital bill for claiming reimbursement. - In case hospital has not given the batch number and / or outer pouch of the stents in a particular case, the claim with regards to the implant may be rejected. 3. Joint Replacement Implants: Capping for different types of Knee and Hip implants, to be as per the actual rates or the rates as mentioned below, whichever is lower. 1. Maximum ceiling for Knee implant to be Rs. 75000/-. (Including cost of Bone cement). 2. Maximum ceiling for Hip implant to be Rs. 75000/-. (Including cost of Bone cement). Capping on Procedures/Packages given below: Capping per Hospitalization Rs. 40,000/Rs. 45,000/- S.No. Treatment 1 Hernia repair 2 Cholecystectomy 3 Haemorrhoidectomy 4 Appendectomy 5 Rs. 25,000/- Hysterectomy Rs. 35,000/Rs. 45,000/- Coronary Angiogram/ Angiography Rs. 16,000/- 6 7 Tonsillectomy Rs. 15,000/- The capping/ ceilings are applicable on ‘per hospitalization' basis and only for cases where there are no complications/multiple diseases. Pre-Hospitalization & Post-Hospitalization claims pertaining to the above treatments do not come under the purview of the aforementioned capping. 12 IMPORTANT EXCLUSIONS: Under SAIL Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy, the Insurance Company shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of any expenses whatsoever incurred by the insured person in connection with: a. Any Disease/ complication caused due to alcohol intake. b. Any disease/ injury caused by War/Nuclear Weapons/Radiations / Breach of Criminal law. c. Circumcision, cosmetic or Plastic Surgery unless necessitated by an accident or as a part of any disease/ illness. d. Cost of dentures, hearing aid, spectacles, cost of glasses/ contact lenses etc. e. Convalescence, general debility, "Run-down" condition or rest cure, congenital diseases or defects, sterility, venereal diseases, intentional self-injury and use of intoxicating drugs. f. The Hospitalization charges in which Radiological/Laboratory investigations/other diagnostic studies have been carried out which are not consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis of treatment of positive existence or presence of any ailment, sickness or injury for which confinement at any Hospital/ Nursing Home, has taken place. g. Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for injury or disease as certified by the attending physician. h. Voluntary medical termination of pregnancy during first 12 weeks of conception i. Naturopathy Treatment. j. External and/ or durable Medical/ Non-Medical equipment of any kind used for diagnosis and/ or treatment including CPAP, CAPD, Infusion pump etc. Ambulatory devices, i.e. walker, crutches, belts, collars, caps, splints, slings, braces, stockings etc of any kind. Diabetic foot wear, Glucometer/ Thermometer and similar related items etc., and also any medical equipment which subsequently used at home etc. k. Any kind of service charges, attendant food charges, surcharges, admission fees/registration charges & Non-Medical expenses levied by the Hospital. l. Treatment for age related Macular degeneration with Injection Avastin/ Lucentis/ Macugen. m. Cytotron Therapy & Ozone Therapy. n. Preventive Health Check-ups from OPD as well as IPD benefit. o. Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy (EECP) p. Robotic Surgery/ Robotically assisted surgery. q. Any unproven therapy. r. Ayurvedic treatment if it is not an active line of treatment. s. Rejuvenation therapy/ Massage/Panchkarma. t. Stem cell Transplantation except Haemopoetic Stem Cell Transplant/ Bone Marrow Transplant. 13 CLAIM PROCEDURE: Mandatory Claim Intimations:1. The Beneficiary to inform / intimate, in writing, the Insurance Agency/TPA at least 48 hours prior to any elective / planned Hospitalization / Admission. 2. In case of Emergency Admission / Hospitalization, the Insurance Company/ TPA to be informed by the Mediclaim member, in writing within 24 hours of such hospitalization. 3. The Claim Intimation is mandatory for both Cashless & Reimbursement claims. 4. In case, Claim intimation is not submitted or not sent within defined timelines, the claim may stand to be rejected or deductions made 5. Claim Intimation can be sent via Letter/ Email/ Fax/ personally delivered at Insurance/ TPA offices. 6. Claim intimation format is provided on page no. 22. NOTE: For availing the facility of cashless hospitalization in hospitals, empanelled by TPA for the said purpose, the members can avail the facility of TPA desk in such hospitals. For cashless hospital list, please refer to updated hospital list on www.rakshatpa.com Intimation can be sent via: Toll Free No 24 Hrs Helpline no Fax No E-Mail ID Website : 1800 180 1555 : 0129- 4289980 : 011-66173411 : sailsupport@rakshatpa.com : www.rakshatpa.com Personally delivered at Raksha TPA branches mentioned in the guidebook. Acknowledgement to member will be given via email/SMS subject to details provided. CASHLESS SERVICE AT NETWORK HOSPITAL: Cashless hospitalization facility is available only at Network Hospitals. Cashless facility enables the SAIL Members to obtain admission at designated hospitals subject to obtaining an Authority Letter from Raksha TPA. Raksha TPA will settle the Hospital Bills directly on behalf of insured. For Your Reference: List of Network Hospitals on Page No. 45-57. Format of Pre-Authorization form - Available on Page no. 21 Cashless Intimation: sailclaims@rakshatpa.com Whenever the Member is advised admission to one of the network hospitals for treatment: Part A to be filled by Treating Consultant Part B needs to be filled by the Hospital and Part C to be signed by Member Then Pre Authorization form needs to be faxed/emailed by the hospital to Raksha TPA 14 How to Avail Cashless Services: Step 1: Forward your Pre –authorization request letter duly filled and signed by the Treating Doctor and Hospital with Hospital Stamp: Planned/Elective Surgeries - 48 hours prior to hospitalization Emergency – within 24 hours of hospitalization Step 2: Raksha TPA will confirm receipt of Request and will issue an Authorization letter for the coverage as per the policy terms and conditions to Network Hospital. The Authorization letter is valid only for the period of Hospitalization sought as per the request. Step 3: Member approaches the Network Hospital Admission desk on the day of planned hospitalization with Raksha ID card, Authorization letter and Self Photo ID Card. The identity of the patient will be validated before admission. Step 4: Network Hospital will extend cashless treatment to the Member up to authorized amount. Step 5: At the time of discharge, Member/patient leaves back all the documents and also signs on the Claim Form and Final Hospital bill. Step 6: Member makes the payment in cash to the Network Hospital for those services that are not covered under the policy. On receiving the Pre Authorization request, Raksha TPA will do either one of the following: A. Authorize: In case the cost of hospitalization exceeds the sum insured in the policy, the policyholder will have to pay the difference to the hospital. Raksha will not be liable for any amount in excess of the amount specified in the Authorisation Letter (AL). The AL is valid only for the period of hospitalization as specified on the RAL (Request for Authorization Letter). B. Request Additional Information: In case the information provided in the Pre Authorization form is incomplete, unclear or insufficient, Raksha will request clarification from the policyholder/hospital. Request Additional Information may be approved or rejected subject to obtaining the Additional information and based on the terms and conditions outlined in the policy. Raksha will fax/email Denial of Authorization Letter directly to the hospital with intimation to the insured through SMS or email (if subject to availability of email or phone number). Cashless facility may be denied in some situations as mentioned below: Any ambiguity in the policy terms and conditions with respect to the present ailment. Insufficient sum insured to cover the hospitalization expenses. Pre Authorization form is not received by Raksha in time. If the information sent to Raksha is insufficient to confirm the coverage. Hospitalization not justified as per Terms & Conditions of Policy. The policyholder or his/her relative must sign the claim form and hospital bills at the time of discharge from the hospital. Note: Please note that Denial of Authorization Letter is only denial of cashless facility and is no way to be interpreted as denial of treatment. You retain the right to get treated, pay for the services and then submit 15 the bills to us for reimbursement, subject to policy terms and conditions. In case of hospitals/cities not included in the list, call at the Toll free number of Raksha TPA - 1800-180-1555. Each request would be dealt on a case to case basis. REIMBURSEMENT/SERVICE AT NON - NETWORK HOSPITAL: If the treatment is availed in a Non-Network hospital the insured will have to settle the claim directly with the hospital and file claim for reimbursement. To avail services in a Non-Network hospital kindly follow the below steps: Step 1: In case of Hospitalization at Non-network hospital, the Policyholder is required to intimate Raksha TPA 48hrs prior for planned hospitalization or Elective surgeries and within 24 hours in case of Emergency hospitalization. Step 2: Policyholder avails treatment from hospital and makes payment for the entire treatment. Step 3: After discharge Policyholder needs to submit the following within 30 Days from the date of Discharge from the Hospital to help us in settling the claim faster. IPD Claim form duly filled & signed as per format given on Page No.23-25 Original detailed Discharge Summary Original Hospital bill with break-up and Payment receipts All Original Doctors prescription for medicine purchased All Original cash memos and bill for medicines Package/Bill Break-up (if applicable) Original Investigation reports along with films. Bank details with cancelled Cheque for NEFT or you can also upload Bank details on our website www.rakshatpa.com or can be uploaded through the Mobile App. OUT-PATIENT (OPD) TREATMENT: OPD claim should be submitted to the concerned office of Raksha TPA (Refer page no. 19-20 for detail of offices) along with: OPD claim Form duly filled in (Claim form available on page no. 26) All Doctor’s Prescription All Receipts/Bills for Drugs/Diagnostic Tests All Diagnostic Reports All the above documents should be submitted in Original, in proper sequence, duly tagged/stapled. 16 GRIEVANCE LODGING: For prompt handling of grievances, a separate Grievance Team has been constituted to ensure Grievance disposal. To raise your grievance you can log on to our website www.rakshatpa.com and raise the same on Online Grievance redressal or mail to sailsupport@rakshatpa.com or send the Grievance to a local office on the address mentioned in the guide book. In case of major dispute in any claim, the concerned member is required to contact the dealing Executive of his/her respective SAIL Plant/ Unit, to which the member belongs. The concerned SAIL Plant/unit would constitute a committee of SAIL & IFFCO –TOKIO officials to resolve the dispute. The decision of the committee in this regard will be binding on both the parties and the member will have to wait for a reasonable time for the decision of the committee. Note: - For any queries/observations/complaints/grievance, the members are required to be in touch with the Mediclaim Officer of their respective Plant /unit only. No communication with dealing officers of Mediclaim of other plants / units, including Corporate Office, will be encouraged. CUSTOMER CARE SERVICES: In case of any queries or require assistance during hospitalization/ claims processing feel free to contact us at our toll free number. We offer 24*7*365 days support through our Customer Care Centre. Toll Free No. : 1800-180-1555 24 Hours Helpline : 0129-4289980 / -129-4289999 Fax Number : 011-66173411 E-Mail ID : sailsupport@rakshatpa.com Website : www.rakshatpa.com 17 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS: Mobile Application – Please follow the below steps to download Raksha TPA Mobile application: STEP 1 - Search for Raksha TPA application from Play Store in Android Phone and from App Store in Apple I-phone. STEP 2 - Click on install button. STEP 3 – Pop up window appears showing location and photo media files .Click on Accept and then click on Open. STEP 4 – Next a window opens where you need to type your member id, e-mail id, mobile number and state. Then click on save and a new window opens from where you can access your account for real time update of Policy Status, Request E-card ,Cashless status, Claim status, Claim Intimation, Claim Registration, Update Bank Details ,Search Hospital and Contact Us. SMS Pull Service - The following services are available in SMS pull service: Service Details SMS format To register your mobile number as customer Rakshatpa<space>CID<space><Your member identification number id>SMS to 56161 To register your email id (after creating CID) Rakshatpa<space>EM<space><Your email id>SMS to 56161 To get Claim status using claim number Rakshatpa<space>CLMNO<space><Your claim no>SMS to 56161 To get Claim Status using member id number Rakshatpa<space>CLAIM<space><Your member id>SMS to 56161 To get Cashless Status Rakshatpa<space>CASHLESS<space>< Your member id >SMS to 56161 To get ID Card Status Rakshatpa<space>IDCARD<space>< member id >SMS to 56161 18 Your DETAILS OF DEALING OFFICES FOR SAIL MEDICLAIM SCHEME ARE GIVEN BELOW: Location Kolkata Bengaluru Mumbai Delhi-NCR Chennai Asansol Durgapur Rourkela Bhilai Bokaro Badravati Salem Dhanbad Ranchi Nagpur Chandigarh Ludhiana Office Address Raksha TPA Private Limited, 8 Camac Street, Shanti Niketan Building, 6th Floor, Space No. 7, Kolkatta-700 017, Raksha TPA Private Limited, No 412, JINDAL CENTER 4th Floor, 100 ft Road, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru- 560034 Raksha TPA Private Limited, Unit no.2,A wing Time Square,3rd Floor, Marol, Andheri Kurla Road Mumbai-400 059 Raksha TPA Private Limited, C/o Escorts Corporate Center, 15/5 Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana-121 003 Raksha TPA Private Limited, 18/4 PLN Complex, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai-600 086 Raksha TPA Private Limited, "Shanti Niwas" apartment, 1st floor, Beside Income Tax building (near Bhagat Singh more), Asansol. Ph: 09851930381 Raksha TPA Private Limited, A-2/4, Allaunddin Khan Bithi, City centre Durgapur 713216, Near Chaturanga Puja Maidan, Dist – Burdwan, West Bengal. Ph: 09474112572 Raksha TPA Private Limited, Pani Market Complex, Udit Nagar Chowk, Rourkela, Pin-769012. Ph: 09937937569 Raksha TPA Private Limited, Plot No. 330/46 ,Opp Kalinga Computer training Center, Pragati Nagar, Azad Market Rosali, Bhilai C.G. Ph. 9752509888 Raksha TPA Private Limited, HF 12,City Centre Sector-4 Near Bokaro Mall, Beside OBC Bank, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkand 827004. Ph: 08102030396 Raksha TPA Private Limited, Sri Venkateswara krupa, #18/1 Lingayath Street, Jannapura, Bhadravathi. Ph: 09739998767 Raksha TPA Private Limited, 5/9-1, 2nd Floor, Om Shanthi Complex, near avr tower circle, Tata colony road, Salem 636005. Ph: 08883210863 Raksha TPA Private Limited, UG-37, shri Ram Plaza Bank More Dhanbad826001, Jharkhand. Ph: 09835328242 Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd, Fortune Plaza, Opposite gate no. 4, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834002. Ph: 09304630302 Raksha TPA Private Limited, Mohsin Majid Somwari Quarter No. 219/2 Near ESI Hospital, Aashiyana Manzil, Nagpur- 440009. Ph: 08806503786 Raksha TPA Private Limited. SCO 359-360, 1st Floor, Sector 44-D, Chandigarh-160047 Ph: 0172-5008705, 5008716, 4634707 Raksha TPA Private Limited, SCO 122 (Basement), Cabin No 5, Feroze Gandhi Market, Ludhiana- Punjab. Ph: 0161-5085707 Jaipur Raksha TPA Private Limited, S-101 102 Second Floor, Sumer Complex, Gautam Marg, Behind Bagaria Bhawan,C-Scheme, Jaipur (Raj)-302001 Ph: 01412225257 Lucknow Raksha TPA Private Limited, IInd Floor, Uttar Bharat Yuva Bhavan, 13 Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226 001, Ph: 0522-6546595,3202201,2204263 19 Cochin Raksha TPA Private Limited, Door No.35/1947 B First Floor MS & S Center Sabarmati Road Near J N Stadium Palarivattom Kochin - 682 025. Ph: 09840096191, 04844000506 Hyderabad Raksha TPA Private Limited, 8-2-248/26/1, Plot No. 26 Snr Towers , Ground Floor (Beside Bvrit City Centre/Next To Vishnu Nursing Home) Nagarjuna Hills, Panjagutta. Ph: 040 66680190 Mangalore Raksha TPA Private Limited, MANGALA Complex, 3rd Floor, Balamatta Road, Hampanakatta Mangalore 575 001, Phone No 0824-4278910 Bhubaneswar Raksha TPA Private Limited, C/O RNIS College of Insurance, Plot No: A/8, Near Angan Restaurant, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007 Ph: 09040831020 Guwahati Raksha TPA Private Limited, Prag Plaza, 2nd Floor, Near Hub Super Market, Bhangagrh, G S Road, Guwahati-781005. Ph: 00361-2466056, 00361-2466057 Patna Raksha TPA Private Limited, C/o RNIS College of Insurance, Kamal Cottage, 2nd Floor, Dadiji Sweet Lane, Boring Road, Patna-800001. Ph: 0129-4289999 Ahmedabad Raksha TPA Private Limited, 112, Anand Managal, 1, B/h Femina Town, CG Road, Ahmedabad 380009. Ph: 0265-6641122 Pune Raksha TPA Private Limited, 28, Sangam II & III, Dr Ambedkar Road, Shivaji Nagar,( Land mark - Near RTO ) Pune 411001. Ph: 020 - 26058125 Mumbai CST Raksha TPA Private Limited, 7,Kumtha Street, Opp. Hotel Maharaja, Ballard Estate,Mumbai-400 001. Ph: 022-67876666 Vadodara Raksha TPA Private Limited, 401-402 (4th Floor) Arundeep Complex, Beside Landmark, Racecourse Circle, Vadodara 390007. Ph: 0265-6641122 Indore Raksha TPA Private Limited, Commerce House, 5th Floor, 7- Race Course Road, Indiore-452001. Ph: 0731-4003652 Raipur Raksha TPA Private Limited, Off. No. 105, 1st floor,M M Silver Plaza, Opp. Udyog Bhawan, Ring Road No. 1,Raipur CG. Ph: 09981211034,08109039868 Bhopal Raksha TPA Private Limited, 130,Zone 2, 2nd Floor, Near SBI Bank, Above Abhishek Restaurant, MP Nagar, Bhopal, MP, Ph: 9770499406,9179564854 Dehradun Raksha TPA Private Limited, Shop No. G/18 H/17 Janpath Complex, Chakrata Road, Dehradun. Ph: 01725008705, 5008716, 4634707 Jammu Raksha TPA Private Limited, C/O Rnis College, 17-A, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. Ph: 09419178520 20 CASHLESS REQUEST FORM Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd. (IRDA License No. 015) Customer Care: - 1800 180 1555 (Toll Free)/0129 4289980 Fax: - 011-66173411 E-Mail:-sailclaims@rakshatpa.com PART A – TO BE FILLED IN BY TREATING CONSULTANT Patient Name:________________________ MIN No:____________________________ Raksha Member ID.: Age:___ Years. Gender: Male / Female Patient‘s Tel No. (Off.)___________________Mobile: ______________________________________ Treating Doctor with contact no: _________________________ Name of Hospital: Presenting Complaints & Clinical Findings with Durations: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Past History: Disease DM HTN IHD / CAD Surgical History Duration Disease Arthritis COPD / TB / Asthma Any Other Chronic Ailment Similar Ailment Para Maternity Cases: Gravida LMP EDD In C/O Accidents, influence of Alcohol / Intoxicant: Yes / No Whether MLC Done: Yes / No Proposed Line of Treatment: - Duration No. of Live Children: __________ In C/O Injury, whether suggestive of self-inflicted injury: Yes / No _____________________________________________________ Class of Accommodation Date of Admission: ___________Expected duration of stay: _______Room No. ________ Admitting Diagnosis: ________________ ________________ PART B – TO BE FILLED BY HOSPITAL Amount in Rs. Room Charges with breakup - Consultant Visit Charges, Surgeon Fees, Anaesthetist Fees with breakup - Investigation Charges with breakup - Anaesthesia, OT Charges, Surgical appliances, Medicines, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Stent and Implant etc with breakup - Total Estimated Expenses: Rs Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd. will not be held liable for the payment in the event of any discrepancy between the facts presented at the time of admission & in final documents submitted. If the nature of treatment is different from what has been declared in the “Cashless Request Form” and for which “Pre Approval Certificate” has been issued then the said pre approval will automatically stand withdrawn. A fresh “Pre Approval” for the changed treatment will have to be applied for and obtained as soon as such a difference is noticed but in any case before discharge of the patient. SIGNATURE & STAMP OF CONSULTANT SIGNATURE & STAMP OF THE HOSPITAL PART C – TO BE FILLED BY THE INSURED / CLAIMANT INSURED CONSENT / AUTHORIZATION I have ‘no objection’ in Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd. obtaining details of my treatment / collecting documents / verifying hospital records and also authorize Raksha TPA to pay the hospital bill & reimburse itself / receive the amount from my claim receivable from my insurance company. In case my claim is rejected, I hereby undertake to pay Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd. the amount paid by them to the hospital. This consent is also final discharge for hospitalization part of the claim where it has affected the payment. I reserve the right to submit pre / post hospitalization or other claim separately as and when required and as per policy terms and conditions, which I have read and understood. In case, the letter of authorization is not utilized at the above hospital, I agree to inform and surrender the letter of authorization to the Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd. I am aware that Raksha TPA will update my sum insured only after receipt of the letter (in case of non utilization of authorization letter). I hereby warrant the truth of the foregoing particulars in every respect and I agree that if I have made or shall make any false or untrue statement, suppress or conceal any material fact, then, my right to claim reimbursement of the said expenses would stand forfeited. I further declare that in respect of the above treatment, no benefits are admissible under any other medical scheme or insurance. Name:_____________________________________ Signature (Insured / Claimant) 21 ANNEXUREC: CLAIM INTIMATION CLAIM INTIMATION FORM FORM Claim Intimation Form- Steel Authority of India Ltd. Mediclaim Policy for Retired Employees Name of the Patient: Full Address: City: Phone No.: Hospitalization Information MIN no.: State: E-Mail: Pincode: Date: Age: Gender: M F Contact no.: Diagnosis: Date of Admission: Date of Discharge: Planned Treatment/ Emergency Treatment: Hospital Information Name of the Hospital: Address: City: Contact no.: State: Pin code: Doctor Information Name of the Treating Doctor: Qualification: Landline Contact no.: Estimated Expenses: Any other relevant information Additional attached Documents Intimation Submitted by: Name: Registration no.: Mobile no.: Insured Patient Relative Contact no.: I hereby authorize Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd./ Insurance Company/ Representative of Insurance Company to obtain my medical record/ Information from Hospital/ Nursing Home/ Treating Medical Professionals/ Family Physician/ diagnostic Centre/ medical shops necessary to process the claim Kindly Keep In Notice Photo ID of the patient has to be carried to hospital during hospitalization Attachments of prescriptions and Admissions notes is a mandate Photo Identity of the patient has to be attached along with Claim Intimation/ Documents SIGNATURE OF THE PATIENT 22 IPD Claim Form – Part - A (To be filled by the Insured) Policy no: - 52613304 TPA :- Raksha TPA Private Limited Insured Name :- ................................................... Date of Birth : -.....................Gender:-.......... Address:-………………………………………………………………………………….................. ....................................................................................................................................................... Email id :- ................................................................................Mobile no....................................... Details of Insurance history:- Currently Insured by any other Mediclaim policy: - No / Yes If yes then :- Policy no:-..................................... Ins. Co.................................................................. Details of Hospitalization Name of the Hospital where admitted :- ......................................................................................... Room Category :- Single occupancy/ Twin sharing/ 3 or more beds per room/ Day Care Hospitalisation due to : - ......... Injury/ Illness Date of Admission :-..................... Date of Discharge :-......................... Date of injury / disease first detected :-...................... If injury give cause :......Self inflicted .........Road/Traffic accident...........Substance abuse/alcohol consumption Whether .......Medico/Legal or ........Reported to Police. If yes,,.............MLC report & Policy FIR attached Yes No Details of Claim:Details of the expenses claimed under Hospitalization (To be supported by Bills/ Receipt, Cash Memos etc) Amount Claimed Hospitalisation Benefits Pre Hospitalisation Expenses (Within 30 days prior to admission to the hospital) Post Hospitalisation Exp (up to 60 days from the discharge) Pharmacy Total Claims document submitted :- (Details of NEFT FORM - Kindly fill up Annexure - C) Claim form duly signed Investigation reports Copy of Claim intimation Pre authorisation request Copy of the Pre-Authorization approval CT/MRI/USG/HPE/ECG Investigation reports Copy of photo ID card of Patient verified by the hospital Doctors reference slip for investigation Hospital Discharge summary Pharmacy Bills Operation Theatre Notes MLC reports & Police FIR Hospital Main Bill Original Death summary from hospital where applicable 23 Hospital Break up bill Any other, Please specify Dr’s Prescription Hospital Payment Receipt/s Insured declaration :- I hereby declare that the information furnished in the claim form is true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If I have made any false or untrue statement, suppression or concealment of any material fact with respect to questions asked in relation to this claim, my right to claim reimbursement shall be forfeited. I also consent & authorize TPA / Insurance Company to seek necessary medical information / documents from any hospital / Medical Practitioner who has attended on the person against whom this claim is made. I hereby declare that I have included all the bills / receipts for the purpose of this claim & that I will not be making any supplementary claim except the Pre/Post hospitalization claim, if any. Date:-............................ Place...................................... Signature of the Insured.................................. Claim Form- Part- B (To be filled by the Hospital) Details of the Hospital Name of the Hospital :-.....................................................................................Hospital ID :-............................. Type of Hospital :- Network Non Network Name of the Treating doctor :.........................................................Qualification........................................... Registration no. with State code :-................................... Phone no :-.................................... Details of the Patient Admitted Name of the Patient :-................................................IP Reg. No................................ Gender :-......Male.......Female DOB :-................................. Date & Time of Admission :-............................... Date & Time of Discharge............................. Type of Admission :- ..........Emergency..............Planned.............Day care Status at the time of Discharge :-..........Discharged to Home.........Discharged to another Hospital...... Deceased Total bill amount.............. Details of Ailment Diagnosed: Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis 1 ICD 10 Codes Description Procedure ICD 10 Codes Procedure 1 24 Description Additional Diagnosis Procedure 2 CoMorbidities Procedure 3 CoMorbidities Details of Procedure Pre authorization obtained: .......Yes.....NO Pre authorization Number :-.................. If authorization by network hospital not obtained, give reason.......................................................................................................................................... Hospitalization due to Injury:-........Yes..........NO, If yes. Give cause :- ......Self inflicted .........Road/Traffic accident...........Substance abuse/alcohol consumption Whether .......Medico/Legal or ........Reported to Police. .......If yes, FIR No..................If not, reported to police, give reason................................................................................................................................................................ Additional Details in case of Non Network Hospital (Only fill in case of Non - Network Hospital) Address of Hospital :.......................................................................................................................................... City.....................................State.........................................Pin code.................Phone no.......................... Registration no. with State code :-............................Hospital PAN :-........ Number of Inpatient Beds.............. Facilities available in hospital :- OT:-........Yes....... NO.... ICU Yes......... NO.... Others:............................................................................................................................................................................. ..... Declaration by the Hospital We hereby declare that the information furnished in this claim form is true & correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, if we have made any false or untrue statement, suppression or concealment of any material fact our right to claim under this claim shall be forfeited. Date:-................................. Place................................. Signature & seal of Hospital authority........................................ 25 ANNEXUREB: FORM CLAIM- OPD FORM- OPD CLAIM O.P.D TREATMENT CLAIM FORM Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd. 1) Name 2) MIN No 3) Address (IN BLOCK LETTERS) : 4) Phone Number 5) Nature of Illness 6) Period of Illness 7) Expenses Incurred Type of Expenses Bill Date Bill No. Name of the Hospital/Lab/Medical Shop Amount a) For Consultation b) For Medicines c) For Pathological & other diagnostic tests d) Any other Total Expenses Incurred: I declare that the given information is correct and that I have not claimed reimbursement for the above expenses incurred by from any other source. I also consent and authorize Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd/Iffco Tokio General Insurance Co. Ltd/SAIL to seek medical information/documents from any hospital /provider who has any time attend on the insured person. Place: (Signature of Insured) Date: Note : Please enclose the following documents in original along with the claim form : a) OPD Card of SAIL approved I Govt. Hospital. b) Chemist/Nursing Home Bills/Receipts and Original prescriptions. c) All Pathological & other test report and bills, if any. d) Discharge Voucher duly signed. All the above should be in original. No Photocopies will be accepted. 26 NEFTD:FORM ANNEXURENEFT FORM Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd. 15/5, C/o Escorts Corporate Centre, Mathura Road, Faridabad - 121003 NEFT Form To, Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd. Madam/Sir, I furnish below details of my bank account to be used for effecting payments due to me by NEFT/RTGS Registration for NEFT/ RTGS Payments Beneficiary Name: Card number Mediclaim Index Number (MIN): Bank Account Details For NEFT/RTGS Payments Name as appearing in Account IFSC Code *(11 digits) PAN Number (10 digits) Bank Name Bank Branch Name Bank Branch Address MICR Code (9 digits) Full Bank Account No. (for NEFT)* Account Type Current Account Saving Account *Please attach a copy of a cancelled cheque to verify the details of your bank account Please refer your cheque book for IFSC/MICR Code of your bank branch or contact your bank's Branch Manager I wish to receive alerts from the company on processing of payments to my account through SMS and/or Email Mobile Phone No. (for SMS alert) 1) 2) E-Mail ID (for mail notification) (please provide the IDs which will be valid throughout the policy period) 3) 4) NOTE:- Please Include a confirmation of account information on bank letterhead/Copy of Passbook or a cancelled cheque. If bank letterhead is used, then bank officer's name and signature is also required. This information will be used to verify your account no. DECLARATION • I / We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete and no blanks have been left. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reason of incomplete or incorrect information I / we would not hold Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd responsible. • I / We further undertake to refund, at any time, any excess amount whether demanded by Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd or not, which has been credited to my account [due to any reason] by Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd, in excess of (i) the amount due to me, or (ii) Claim/Refund/ Any other payment. • I / We agree that the payment will be endeavoured to be credited starting from the date of next payment cycle and unless the Mandate is revoked by me/us issuance of relevant credit instruction for electronic payment from Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd into the aforesaid account will be valid discharge to Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd for having paid (i) the amount due to me, or (ii) Claim/Refund/ Any other payment. • I / We further confirm that we understand this mode as a method of payment introduced by Reserve Bank of India, which provides us an option to receive the amount and or to collect our payments by electronic payment mode directly through my/our bank accounts. • I / We further confirm that I/we understand, Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd, shall make electronic payment to my account by issuing the Payment instruction electronically through its banker to the Clearing Authority and the Clearing Authority would ensure credit to my/our specified bank account provided hereinabove. • I / We further undertake to inform Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd with an advance notice of 15 days, to withdraw from this mode of electronic payment. • I / We further confirm that Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd will have, at its sole discretion, the right to return back to the option of paying to me/us by way of cheque if there are more than 2 consecutive failures in remittances for no fault on the side of Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd. • After Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd issuing the Payment instruction electronically through its banker, for whatever reasons, if I/we do not get the credit to my/our account, then same shall neither constitute the default in (i) Payment of amount requested by me, or (ii) Payment of amount due to me/us, or (iii) Payment of claim/ Refund/Any other payment by Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd nor constitute default of any terms and conditions of any Claim/Refund/Other contract with me/us. Name of the Authorised Person: Signature of Authorised Person Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y 27 SAIL FAQ’S 1) What is the validity of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme - 2016-17? Answer: The SAIL Mediclaim scheme 2016-17 is valid till 31st March, 2017 (24:00 hrs - IST) 2) What is claim intimation? Answer: Claim intimation is the notice of hospitalization/admission which is required to be sent to any centre of Raksha TPA in writing through letter/fax/email/Personally delivered at TPA offices, 48 hours prior to planned hospitalization or within 24 hours in case of emergency hospitalization. The claim intimation should include all the relevant details like Name of Patient, age, sex, Mediclaim Index Number (MIN), contact details, diagnosis, name-address-contact details of the Nursing home/hospital, date of admission along with a copy of Admission Note of the treating doctor. 3) Where do I submit the claim document? Answer: You can submit the documents to the nearest Raksha branch (branch details have been provided in the SAIL guide book) OR You can send the documents to Raksha TPA head office at the following address, C/O Escorts Corporate Centre, 15/5 Mathura Road, Faridabad, Haryana-121 003. 4) What I have to do for availing cashless hospitalization facility? Answer: In case of planned hospitalization, Raksha TPA should be informed 48 hrs in advance, through the duly filled-in/ Pre Authorization form (available at Raksha TPA website/in the guide book /at the TPA desk of the concerned hospital). Ensure that the Pre Authorization Form is signed by the member and the treating doctor. Your claim would be assessed as per terms and conditions of the policy by the insurer and a letter of authorization will be issued to the hospital authorizing treatment In case of emergency hospitalization/admissions, the concerned hospital is required to send the request for Authorization for cashless hospitalization to Raksha with in 24 hours of hospitalization/admission. Once Raksha authorizes the concerned hospital, the cashless treatment through an Authority letter, you are not required to pay the hospital up to the amount which has been sanctioned by the said authority letter. Raksha will pay your hospital bills up to the amount authorized in the Authority Letter only. 5) What is the time limit for claim submission for reimbursement in case of hospitalization? Answer: All the claim documents should be submitted within 30 days from the date of Discharge from the hospital to any nearest Raksha TPA Branch Office or Head Office. 28 6) What is the time limit for claim submission for reimbursement in case of OPD? Answer: OPD Claims to be submitted by the Mediclaim member, to the TPA at any time but necessarily when the expenses exceed Rs. 2000 per person per policy period or within 90 days from the date of completion of the treatment, whichever is earlier. 7) Where can I avail cashless hospitalization facility? Answer: You can avail the cashless hospitalization facility in the Hospital mentioned in the guidebook under the head List of empanelled hospitals for cashless hospitalization under TPA. The updated list of such empanelled hospitals may also be seen at the TPAs website (www.rakshatpa.com) or you can call toll free number1800-180-1555 8) What are the documents required to be submitted for claiming reimbursement for hospitalization? Answer: Kindly submit the following documents for processing your claim. 4. Claim form duly filled & signed 5. Copy of Raksha ID Card & Govt. Photo ID Proof Like Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving License 6. Original detailed Discharge Summary 7. Original Hospital bill with break-up and Payment receipts. 8. All Original Doctor’s prescription for medicine purchased. 9. All Original cash memos and bill for medicines. 10. Package Break-up (if applicable) 11. Original Investigation reports along with films. 12. Hospital Registration Certificate. 13. Your telephone numbers & e-mail ID. 14. Bank details with cancelled Cheque for NEFT or you can also upload Bank details on our website www.rakshatpa.com. 9) Whom do I contact in case of any grievance? Answer: In case of any grievance you may get in touch with the local branch office of Raksha TPA or you can contact Head Office of Raksha TPA on: a. 24 Hrs Helpline: 0129-4289980 b. Customer Care Help line (Toll Free No): 1800-180-1555 c. Email ID:sailsupport@rakshatpa.com d. Or you may Fax on: 011-66173411 29 10) What do you mean by Pre-Hospitalization & Post hospitalization? Answer: The Pre hospitalization period is 30 days prior to Hospitalization and Post Hospitalization period is up to maximum of 60 days from the date of discharge from the Hospital. 11) What is the procedure for claiming reimbursement for Pre hospitalization as well as Post hospitalization period? Answer: The expenditure incurred during 30 days prior to Hospitalization (Pre-hospitalization) and 60 days from the date of discharge from the Hospital (Post-Hospitalization), for the treatment of a particular disease for which Hospitalization takes place, is considered for reimbursement under IPD/Hospitalization. This along with the claim form and prescriptions, medicine bills, investigation reports, investigation advices should be submitted within 30 days from the date of last consultation, or 90 days from the date of discharge, whichever is earlier. 12) Spouse cannot sign on claim form can she give let hand thumb impression on Claim form? Answer: Yes, she/he can put left hand thumb impression on the Claim form and submit the documents. 13) My OPD expenses are only 850/- can I claim for the amount? Answer: OPD Claims to be submitted by the Mediclaim member, to the TPA at any time but necessarily when the expenses exceed Rs. 2000 per person per policy period or within 90 days from the date of completion of the treatment, whichever is earlier. 14) Are only diagnostic test covered under IPD? Answer: Diagnostic tests which are not consistent with line of treatment are not payable as per policy terms and conditions. However, Charges for diagnostic test consistent with or incidental to the diagnosis and IPD treatment of the positive existence or presence of any ailment, sickness or injury are payable. 15) What do I need to do at the time of discharge in case of a cashless facility? Answer: You need to sign your bills, Fill up a claim form and sign the same, leave all your investigation/diagnostic reports and X-ray/ultrasound films etc. with the Hospital. The hospital authorities will send the documents to Raksha TPA for assessment and payment. 30 16) What is room restriction? Answer: For metro cities (Hyderabad, NCR, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata) Ceiling of 2% of the sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 4000, or a single AC Non Deluxe room per day, whichever is lower. For Non- Metro cities which are state capitals Ceiling of 1.5% of the sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 3000, or a single AC non- deluxe room per day, whichever is lower, For rest of country ceiling of 1 % of the sum insured per member, i.e. Rs. 2000 or a single AC non deluxe room per day, whichever is lower. 17) Are there any limits on IOL (implant used in Cataract Surgery)? Answer: Ceiling rates for different types of Intra Lens (IOL) implants to be as per actual or Rs 10,000/- whichever is lower and shall be reimbursable in addition to the package rates for cataract surgery procedure. It is mandatory to attach the empty IOL sticker bearing the signature and stamp of the operating surgeon on it along with the bill in support of the type of IOL used containing its batch number at the time of claim submission. 18) What are the details on ECS/NEFT Payments? Answer: Electronic clearance system is process where the amount is directly transferred to claimants account. Claimant needs to fill in the ECS form available on the Raksha TPA website (www.rakshatpa.com) or avail it from its branches. Once duly filled they can send the document to the branch or Head office along with a cancelled cheque. 19) Will the company claim reimbursement for treatment/ medicines disbursed to the members through its Hospitals & Health Centres? Answer: Yes, SAIL will claim reimbursement against the treatment (OPD/ IPD) provided through its Hospital & Health Centres including SAIL dispensaries and the same will be adjusted against the available Sum Insured for OPD/ IPD of the concerned member, as the case may be. 20) When is my membership activated/ renewed? Answer: You have paid your premium fees through the various payment procedures as informed. 31 You have sent your receipt of payment along with the renewal application form (complete in all aspects) to your concerned plant/ unit for activation/ renewal of your Membership. Renewal will not be complete till payment receipt is sent to concerned plant/ unit along with application form. 21) Is Robotic surgery payable? Answer: No, robotic surgery or robotic assisted surgery is not payable under this policy. 22) Can I Claim hospitalization expenses of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani treatment of any hospital? Answer: Hospitalization expenses of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic/Unani treatment are Admissible only when the treatment is taken in Government Hospital/Medical College Hospital. 23) Can I claim the expenses of Rejuvenation therapy/Massage/Panchkarma? Answer: These are not payable under this Policy. 24) Can I Claim hospitalization expenses for Stem cell Transplantation? Answer: Stem cell Transplantation is not covered in this policy except Haemopoetic Stem Cell Transplant/ Bone Marrow Transplant. 25) From where I can get the updated OPD list? Answer: Updated OPD centres are mentioned in the guidebook 2016-17.The updated list of OPD list may also be seen on Raksha TPA website (www.rakshatpa.com) or you can call Raksha TPA toll free number 1800-180-1555 26) Are there any limits on IOL (implant used in Cataract Surgery)? Answer: Ceiling rates for different types of intra Ocular Lens (IOL) Implants to be as per actual or Rs. 10000/- whichever is lower and shall be reimbursable in addition to the package rates for cataract surgery procedure. In case the Lens cost is part of the packages agreed by the Insurance/TPA then the reimbursement of IOL implant will be restricted to Rs. 10000/- or actual whichever is lower. It should be mandatory for the operating surgeon of all hospitals to attach the empty IOL sticker, bearing the signature and stamp of the operating surgeon on it along with the bill in support of the type of IOL used containing its batch number. In case the same is not followed, the claim with regards to IOL implant may be rejected. 27) Are there any treatment wise capping/ceilings in the policy? Answer: In addition to the capping on Stents/ implants, the following capping on procedures/ packages as given below, shall also be applicable: 32 Capping per Hospitalization Rs. 40,000/Rs. 45,000/- S.No. Treatment 1 Hernia repair 2 Cholecystectomy 3 Haemorroidectomy Rs. 25,000/- 4 Appendicetomy Hysterectomy Rs. 35,000/Rs. 45,000/- Coronary Angiogram/ Angiography Rs. 16,000/- 5 6 7 Tonsillectomy Rs. 15,000/- The capping/ ceilings are applicable on ‘per hospitalization' basis and only for cases where there are no complications/multiple diseases. Pre-Hospitalization & Post-Hospitalization claims pertaining to the treatments do not come under the purview of the aforementioned capping. 28) Are there any Discounts on treatment services for cash patients? Answer: Few hospitals offer IPD/OPD treatment facilities to members of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2016-17 at negotiated tariff even when payment is made on cash basis but on production of Raksha Member Card. 33 INDICATIVE LIST OF DAY CARE PROCEDURES Sr. Name of Day Care Procedures Suturing - CLW -under LA or GA Sr. 22 Name of Day Care Procedures Therapeutic ERCP Surgical debridement of wound 23 Brochoscopic treatment of bleeding Iesion Therapeutic Ascitic Tapping 24 Brochoscopic treatment of fistula /stenting Therapeutic Pleural Tapping 25 Bronchoalveolar lavage & biopsy Therapeutic Joint Aspiration 26 Tonsillectomy without Adenoidectomy Aspiration of an internal abscess under ultrasound guidance Aspiration of hematoma 27 Tonsillectomy with Adenoidectomy 28 Excision and destruction of lingual tonsil Incision and Drainage 29 Foreign body removal from nose Endoscopic Foreign Body Removal - trachea /pharynx-larynx/ bronchus Endoscopic Foreign Body Removal (Oesophagus/stomach /rectum True cut Biopsy - breast/- liver/- kidney-Lymph Node/-Pleura/-lung/-Muscle biopsy/ Nerve biopsy/-Synovial biopsy/-Bone^ trephine biopsy/ pericardial biopsy 30 Myringotomy 31 Hydrocele surgery 32 Epididymectomy Endoscopic ligation/banding 33 Orchidectomy Sclerotherapy 34 Myringotomy with Grommet insertion Dilatation of digestive tract strictures 35 Myringoplasty /Tympanoplasty Endoscopic ultrasonography and biopsy 36 Antral wash under LA Nissen fundoplication for Hiatus Hernia /Gastro esophageal reflux disease Endoscopic placement/removal of stints 37 Quinsy drainage 38 Direct Laryngoscopy with or w/o biopsy Endoscopic Gastrostomy 39 Reduction of nasal fracture Replacement of Gastrostomy tube 40 Mastoidectomy Endoscopic polypectomy 41 Removal of tympanic drain Endoscopic decompression of colon 42 Reconstruction of middle ear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 34 INDICATIVE LIST OF DAY CARE PROCEDURES Sr. Name of Day Care Procedures Incision of mastoid process & middle Ear Sr. 64 Name of Day Care Procedures Corrective surgery for blepharoptosis Excision of nose granuloma 65 Foreign body removal from conjunctiva Blood transfusion for recipient 66 Foreign body removal from cornea Therapeutic Phlebotomy 67 Herniorrhaphy Haemodialysis/Peritoneal Dialysis 68 Hernioplasty Chemotherapy 69 Radiotherapy 70 Incision and excision of tissue in the perianal region Surgical treatment of anal fistula Coronary Angiography (PTCA) 71 Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids Pericardiocentesis 72 Sphincterotomy/Fissurectomy Insertion of filter in inferior vena cava 73 Laparoscopic appendicectomy Insertion of gel foam in artery or vein 74 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Carotid angioplasty 75 TURP (Resection prostate) Renal angioplasty 76 Varicose vein stripping or ligation Tumor embolisation 77 Excision of dupuytrens contracture TIPS procedure for portal hypertension 78 Carpal tunnel decompression Endoscopic Drainage of Pseudopancreatic cyst Lithotripsy 79 Excision of granuloma 80 Arthroscopic therapy PCNS (Percutaneous nephrostomy) 81 Surgery for ligament tear PCNL (percutaneous nephrolithotomy) 82 Surgery for meniscus tear Suprapubic cytostomy 83 Surgery for hemoarthrosis/pyoarthros|s Tran urethral resection of bladder tumor 84 Removal of fracture pins/nails 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 35 INDICATIVE LIST OF DAY CARE PROCEDURES Sr. Name of Day Care Procedures Removal of metal wire 85 Incision of bone, septic and aseptic Sr. Name of Day Care Procedures 110 Simple restoration of surface continuity of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 111 Free skin transportation, donor site 86 87 88 Closed reduction on fracture, luxation or epiphyseolysis with osetosynthesis Suture and other operations on tendons and tendon sheath Reduction of dislocation under GA 112 Free skin transportation recipient site 113 Revision of skin plasty Excision of lachrymal cyst 114 Destruction of the diseases tissue of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 115 Incision, excision, destruction of the diseased tissue of the tongue 116 Glossectomy Excision of pterigium 117 Reconstruction of the tongue Glaucoma Surgery 118 Incision and lancing of the salivary gland and salivary duct 119 Resection of a salivary duct 89 Cataract surgery 90 91 92 93 Surgery for retinal detachment 94 Chalazion removal (Eye) 95 Incision of lachrymal glands 96 Incision of diseased eye lids 120 Reconstruction of a salivary gland and salivary duct 121 External incision and drainage in the region of the mouth, jaw and face 122 Incision of hard and soft palate 97 Corrective surgery for entropion & ectropion 123 Excision and destruction of the diseased hard and soft palate 124 Incision, excision and destruction in the mouth 125 Surgery to the floor of mouth Incision of Cornea 126 Palatoplasty Foreign body removal from lens of the eye 127 Transoral incision and drainage of pharyngeal abscess 128 Dilatation and curettage Excision of eye lid granuloma 98 Operation on canthus & epicanthus 99 100 101 102 Foreign body removal from posterior chamber 103 of eye Foreign body removal from orbit and eye ball 104 Excision of breast lump /Fibro adenoma 105 Operations on the nipple 106 Incision/Drainage of breast abscess 107 129 Myomectomies 130 Simple Oophorectomies 131 Coronary Angiography 132 Dental Surgery (following Accident) 36 Incision of pilonidal sinus 133 Hysterectomy 108 Local excision of diseased tissue of skin and 109 subcutaneous tissue 134 Laproscopic Therapeutic Surgeries Any other surgeries /procedures agreed to by SAIL, Insurance Company and TPA requiring less than 24 hours hospitalization will also be considered under Hospitalization 37 LIST OF SAIL APPROVED HOSPITALS FOR OPD TREATMENT Apart from the following list of Hospitals, Branches/ Franchisees of major renowned chains of Hospitals/ Diagnostic Centres like Apollo, Max, Fortis, Sankara Nethralaya, Centre for Sight, Shroff Eye, Arvind Eye, Sharp Eye, Narayana Hrudalaya, Global Hospitals, Yashoda Hospitals, Dr. Lal Path Labs & SRL Religare anywhere in India are also approved for OPD Treatment. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 LIST OF EMPANELED HOSPITALS TO AVAIL CASHLESS SERVICES (IPD) Please note that below list doesn’t carry Single Specialty Network Hospital List and is not a permanent list. Empanelment & De-empanelment of Network Hospitals is a ongoing process and updated list of SAIL Cashless Hospitals can be referred from www.rakshatpa.com 45 46 47 48 49 52 53 54 55 56 57 List of Diagnostic Centres/Pharmacies which offer OPD services at Negotiated Rates to Members of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2016-17 S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 S. No. 1 2 3 4 MEDICAL SHOP DETAILS Name of Centre Sri Vinayaka Medicals Bhavani Medicals Kamath Medicals Vishveswaraya Medicals Sri Ram Medicals Apollo Pharmacy DELUXE MEDICALS MAYUR MEDICALS MALTI MEDICALS A YO Z MEDICALS Asansol Medicals Jayatri Medical store Maa Medicine centre Rashmi Medicine Sarala medical store Subhara medical Nihar Medical Medicine centre Shubham Medical Bharat Medicals City Medical SUJOY MEDICAL HALL RAJA MEDICINE CENTRE CITY MEDICAL STORES MANGAL DEEP PHARMACY Jaiswal medical store Priyanka medical Durga Medical Astha Medical Shurti Medical Karunamayee Medical Shurti Medical Puja Medical DIAGNOSTICS CENTRE DETAILS Name of Centre Shivamogga Diagnostics Centre Gokul Diagnostic Centre BOKARO PATHOLOGY HI TECH DIAGNOSTIC 58 Location Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bokaro Bokaro Bokaro Bokaro Asansol Rourkela Rourkela Rourkela Rourkela Rourkela Rourkela Rourkela Bhilai Bhilai Bhilai Durgapur Durgapur Durgapur Durgapur Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Location Bhadrawati Bhadrawati Bokaro Bokaro 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Asansol Diagnostics Uromad Diagnostics Aviskar Diagnostics S.D.M. PATHOLAB DR. Lal Pathlabs Pvt. Ltd. Florence Computerized Path Lab Patliputra nursing home Surksha diagnostic center Clinitest pathology center Singh Pathology Asarfi hospital Care diagnostic center Hi-Tech diagnostic center. MAYUR LAB Clinilab 59 Asansol Asansol Asansol Durgapur Durgapur Durgapur Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Dhanbad Bokaro Dhanbad List of Hospitals/Diagnostic Centres which offer IPD/OPD services at Negotiated Rates to Members of SAIL Mediclaim Scheme 2016-17 on Cash Basis 1. Global group of Hospitals a) Global – Hyderabad b) Global – Bengaluru c) Global – Chennai d) Global – Mumbai 2. Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata 3. BM Birla Hospital, Kolkata 4. Peerless Hospital, Kolkata 5. Kothari Medical Centre, Kolkata 6. Fortis Group of Hospitals a) Fortis – Delhi b) Fortis – Bengaluru (2 units) c) Fortis – Chennai (2 units) d) Fortis – Kolkata (2 units) e) Fortis – Mumbai (Mulund) f) Fortis – Raipur 7. Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad (3 units) 8. Narayana Hrudayalaya Group of Hospitals a) Narayana Hrudayalaya – Kolkata (Rabindranath Tagore) b) Narayana Hrudayalaya – Bengaluru (2 units) c) Narayana Hrudayalaya – Shimoga 9. Apollo BSR, Bhilai 10. Sanjeevai CBCC USA Cancer Hospital, Raipur 11. Kailash Hospital, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 12. Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 60 13. Moolchand Hospital, New Delhi 14. Saroj Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi 15. Jaipur Golden Hospital, New Delhi 16. Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 17. Dharamshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, New Delhi 18. Branches & Wellness Centres of M/s Dr Lal Pathlabs Ltd. in Delhi/ NCR 19. Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, New Delhi 20. Rockland Hospital, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi 21. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana 22. Rockland Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi 23. National Heart Institute, New Delhi 24. Sri Balaji Action Medical Inst. & M/s. Action Cancer Hospital, New Delhi 25. Noida Medicare Centre, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 26. Sunder Lal Jain Hospital, New Delhi 27. Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, New Delhi 28. Mata Channan Devi Hospital, New Delhi 29. Paras Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana 61 SAIL MEDICLAIM SCHEME (1ST APRIL, 2016 TO 31ST MARCH, 2017) - DETAILS OF INTERNAL RESOURCE PERSON OF SAIL PLANTS AND UNITS Plant/ Name Designation Phone Email ID Address Unit BSP Hemalatha B. DGM(P-ES) 07882857074 hemlatab@sailbhilaisteel.com Building 4-A, CEZ Area, BSP, Bhilai-491001 (CG) Bhuwan Lal Sahu AM (PFSS/SEWA) 07882854702 blsahu@sailbhilaisteel.com DSP R.C.Mishra Manager(Pers ) 03432745092 rcmishra@saildsp.co.in R.No.206, TA Building, Durgapur-5, Burdwan, West Bengal, PIN713205 RSP Somajeet Badpanda AGM (P) C, W&ES 06612642343 somajeet.badpanda@sailrs p.co.in Rourkela Steel Plant, At– Public Health Office Complex, Sector – 5, P.O. - Rourkela – 769002 (Odisha). 06612344460 BSL Dr. Nanda Priyadarshini AM (PMPC&FSC) 06542280630 nandapriyadarshini@gmail. com Personnel-Final Settlement Cell, Old Administrative Building, Ispat Bhawan,Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand827001 ISP Pragya Kumari JM (PMPP&CPD, Admn.) 03412240313 mppisp1@gmail.com IISCO Steel Plant, POBurnpur, Dt-Burdwan (W.B), Pin-713325 ASP Sarmistha Datta AM (CSR & Admn) 03432546224 dattasarmistha931@gmail. com Alloy Steels Plant, Administrative Building, Durgapur-713208, Dist Burdwan SSP Debariki Suresh AM (Pers.) 04272382281 debariki.suresh@gmail.com Personnel Department, Salem Steel Plant, Salem-636030 (TN) VISL Pradeep Kumar Pati Senior Manager (Pers.) vislpers@yahoo.in SAIL-VISL, New Town, 0828227160 Bhadravathi-577301 Karnataka RMD Sanjit K. Das AGM (Pers) 033 22820900 62 dsanjitk@gmail.com SAIL, Raw Materials Division, Industry House (6th floor), 10, Camac Street, Kolkata - 700 017. CMO Rajat Sarkar AGM(P-HRW) 03322880073 rajatsarkar@sail-steel.com SAIL,CMO, Ispat Bhawan, 40 JL Nehru Road, Kolkata-700071 I. Mukhopadhyay Mgr.(P-R&W) 03322888825 indrajitm@sail-steel.com RDCIS & CET Manas Rath AGM (Pers.) 06512411596 manas@sail-rdcis.com MTI Daisy Mala Hemb rom AGM(P&T) 06512411057 personnel@sailmti.com DS Patnaik DM(Pers & Trg) GD Dr. Rituparna Mukherjee Sr. Medical Officer 03322263399 ritup_m@rediffmail.com 97, Park Street (2 Floor), Kolkata-700016 SGWKulti Dr. S. Misra Asstt. Director (Med.) 03412515391 surajit92misra@gmail.com I.G.M. Hospital, SAIL Growth Works, Kulti CO Neelam Sabharwal DGM (P-CSR, ITB&Med.) 01124300335 neelam.sabharwal@sailex. com Neeraj Seth AM (PITB&Med.) 01124300327 sail.neerajseth@gmail.com Prabal Sadhu JO (PITB&Med.) 01124300329 prabal32@gmail.com Coll. Divn. Sanjay Choudhury Asst Manager (Pl) 03262385002 sanjaychoudhary102@gma il.com CFP P.P.Chakrabarty DGM(P&A) 07172278222 ppchaku49@hotmail.com RDCIS, SAIL, Ispat Bhawan, PO-Doranda, Ranchi-834004 Management Training Institute, Ranchi – 834002 (Jharkhand) nd rd SRU Arthi.G Asstt. .Mgr(P&A) 07172278222 arthi.g_cfp@sailbhilaisteel.com Sebastian Lakra Sr. Manager (P) 06542233233 sbstnlkr12@gmail.com 63 Personnel Directorate, 3 Floor, Ispat Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003 Personnel Department, Central Office, Chasnalla Colliery Complex, P.O. Chasnalla, Dhanbad 828135 SAIL-CFP, MUL Road, Chandrapur, Maharashtra-442401 SRU, Indira Gandhi Marg, Sector-IV, Bokaro Steel City-827004 (Jharkhand) CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FEEDBACK FORM Insured Name: Min No: Scale of 1 to 4 where 4 to be considered as highest level of satisfaction 1. How would you rate our services Please tick any one. Member Enrollment 4 3 2 1 Cashless Authorization Service 4 3 2 1 Network of Hospitals 4 3 2 1 Call Centre Support 4 3 2 1 SMS & Mail Alert Features 4 3 2 1 Claim settlement Grievances resolution 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 E-card Facility 4 3 2 1 Profile View 4 3 2 1 Claim Tracking 4 3 2 1 Claim Status 4 3 2 1 2. Online Services for Card holders: 3. Whether you will encourage others to prefer Raksha TPA as their TPA Yes No 4. Any Suggestions: 64