user manual - SMS Home Page - University of California, Santa
user manual - SMS Home Page - University of California, Santa
S M T E U A T S S T U Y R S F ( E R E T O I M E E M R J A V A J S M S N ) USER MANUAL VERSION 1.0.3 April, 2012 G N T About! 3 Stuttering Measurement System for Java (JSMS-01)! 3 Application Information! 4 Distribution Description! 4 Requirements! 4 To Verify Java Installation (OS X)! 5 Download and Install! 6 To Run! 6 First Run! 7 Initial Screen! 7 Moving the Data Folder! 8 Standard Usage! 9 Pre-Session Setup Screen! 9 Session Screen! 11 In Session! 13 Session End! 15 Session Recap! 16 Session Stutter Events! 19 Other Screens! 20 Subject Creation! 20 Subject Editing! 21 Clinician Creation/Editing! 22 J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 1 Browse Subject! 23 Settings Adjuster! 24 Browse/Export Saved Sessions! 26 Trackpads! 31 Data Backup! 31 Training! 32 SMS Manual! 32 Hints for Using JSMS During Training! 33 Comments, Questions, Bugs! 34 Credits! 35 Manual! 35 Application Development Testers! 35 J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 2 About Stuttering Measurement System for Java (JSMS-01) A Port of SMS-08 for Java (5 and later) enabled platforms by: Roger Ingham, Janis C. Ingham, Richard Moglia, Martin Kilgo and Daniel Orias University of California, Santa Barbara Version 1.0.3, April, 2012 Preparation of this software was supported in part by research grant number 1 R01 DC0368 From the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, awarded to the first author. Licenses: AbsoluteLayout.jar and swing-layout-1.0.4.jar are copyright and are redistributed as per their licenses. jdom.jar, copyright is used and redistributed as per their license. DansUtil.jar, copyright 2002-2012, Daniel Orias, licensed for use and redistribution by users of JSMS. This code is provided as is with no guarantees or warranties stated or implied. All other software is distributed freely, as is, with no guarantees or warranties stated or implied. Use at your own risk. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 3 Application Information Distribution Description JSMS is provided as a zipped collection of java jar files. In order to run, you will need the following: Folder: JSMS_1.0.3, containing JSMS.jar Folder: lib, containing AbsoluteLayout.jar, DansUtils.jar, jdom.jar, JSMS_Library.jar swing-layout-1.0.4.jar Items should not be moved in or out of their folders. Requirements The Java JRE, version 1.5.0 or later. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 4 To Verify Java Installation (OS X) Open /Applications/Utilities/ At a prompt, type: java -version If the response is “java: Command not found.” you do not have a JRE installed. If java is installed, you will see something like: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b04-415-11M3635) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01-415, mixed mode) If the build number is 1.5.0 or greater, JSMS will run on your system. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 5 Download and Install OS X users can download a zip file from If the JSMS_1.0.3 folder was not automatically extracted from the zip file, double click Move the JSMS_1.0.3 folder to where you wish it to be. To Run Open the JSMS_1.0.3 Folder Double click the JSMS icon. (Depending on your Finder settings, it may appear as JSMS.jar) J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 6 First Run Initial Screen The first time JSMS will run, it will need to have the name of the first clinician who uses it and a location for data. The data folder (also referred to as a directory) will be used for keeping track of the subjects you see, the clinicians who use the application, configuration settings, and session files. After a splash screen disclosing the authors and grants which funded the application, you will see the following: You will see something slightly different in the Data Folder text field. Quit will exit the application without any changes being made. Save will take the name you enter into the First Name and Last Name fields and create the first clinician. The data folder you have chosen will be created, if need be, and the first configuration files will be written to it. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 7 In the Data Folder field, you will find our recommendation for a data folder. The folder name you see will start with /Users and end with /jsms, but in between, you will see your account name rather than “dano.” Using the default data folder is highly recommended, but if you wish to have a different location or folder name, click the “Choose Data Folder” button. Once you have filled in your name and have chosen a data folder location, click the “Save” button and the application will open the Pre-Session Setup screen. Moving the Data Folder The application will not find your data folder if it is renamed or moved. You can, however, make an alias. For instance if you wished to have the folder on your Desktop and call it jsms_data, do the following: 1. Find the data folder. 2. Right click it. 3. Choose “Make Alias” 4. Drag the new alias folder to the Desktop 5. Rename the alias on the Desktop to jsms_data J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 8 Standard Usage Pre-Session Setup Screen After the first run, this will be the first screen you will see after the splash screen when running the application. 1.“Choose Subject” box. Contains all the subjects you have created. The one visible is the one currently selected. 2.“Start Session with Subject” button. Click this to start a session with the subject seen in the Subject drop down. 3.“Edit Subject” button. Use this to adjust the name of the currently selected subject. For instance, if we wanted to give Chuck a last name or be formal and call him Charles, we’d click that button. 4.“Browse Subject Data” button. Clicking this button will open a display of the selected subject’s past sessions’ statistical summaries. 5.“Create and Choose New Subject” button. Use this when it’s time to add a new subject. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 9 6.Current Clinician label. This shows the last clinician to use the application. 7.“Change Clinician” button. Use this to select a different clinician. 8. Data Folder label. This shows the data folder the application is using to save sessions to. 9.“Browse/Export Saved Sessions” button. Click this to get statistical summaries and session events for all the sessions found in the data folder. 10.“Quit” button. It quits the application. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 10 Session Screen This display shows the subject’s name, the session’s elapsed time, a syllable count, a stutter event count, stuttered intervals, the session’s average naturalness rating, the current settings, and the current status of the application. 1.“Change Settings” button. May be used to change the auto-pause length, naturalness rating frequency, the interval length in seconds for counting stutter-free intervals, and the session length. 2.“Start” button. Starts the session clock. A session may be started with a mouse click any where in the application window. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 11 3.“Pause/Restart” button. Will pause (or restart) the application once started. 4.“Stop” button. Will stop a running session. This can also be done by pressing the “ESC” key. 5.“New Subject” button. Will return clinician to the Pre-Session Setup screen where a different subject may be selected. 6.“Browse Data” button. Will open up a display of the current subject’s past sessions’ statistical summaries. 7.“Quit” button. This will quit the entire application immediately. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 12 In Session As with SMS-08, a syllable is marked with a left click of the mouse. A stutter is counted with a press of the mouse’s right button and this is held down until the stutter concludes. Five seconds before a naturalness rating is due, an entry field will appear and you will hear a tone. To rate naturalness, enter any number (1-9) while this is visible. Non-numbers are ignored and if you enter more than one number, then the last number you enter will become the naturalness rating. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 13 The first naturalness rating is mandatory. If nothing is entered, the application resets to the beginning of another session with the same subject. The entry field for subsequent naturalness ratings will show the most recent rating. If no new number is entered, this will become the naturalness rating for the rating period. Entering a new number will change the naturalness rating for the current rating period. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 14 Session End Press either the ESC (Escape) key or the “Stop” button to end the session before the predetermined session length is reached. You will have the option to save data. When the predetermined session length is reached, the session stops with this dialog box: When the ESC key, “Stop” button is pressed, or the “OK” button on the dialog box is clicked, the Session screen disappears and the Session Recap screen appears. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 15 Session Recap Before you see the full session recap you must enter a naturalness rating for the last interval of the session, the time from the last rating entered to the session’s conclusion. Once you’ve entered your final naturalness rating, click the “Continue on To See the Rest of Summary” button. Or, you can click “Do Not Save Session” and you will be returned to the Session screen ready to start another session with the same subject. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 16 If the final naturalness rating is made, the recap screen will show the statistical summary for the session. The interval length (used for counting stutter-free intervals) is changeable and will cause related statistics to update. A field for session notes is provided. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 17 If you wish to save this session and its data, click the “Save Session and Start New” button. Session data will be saved in the data folder without any further prompting and the Session screen will be opened and ready for another session with the subject. Clicking the “Do Not Save Session” will open the Session screen without saving anything about the session just concluded. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 18 Session Stutter Events Clicking the “Show Stutter Events” button will show a listing of when the clinician noted a stutter in the session. If the clinician wishes to save this information, the Export button will create a csv file which can then be opened by Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program for formatting, analysis, and printing. The file will be saved to the location and with the name you choose. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 19 Other Screens Subject Creation One gets to the screen by clicking the “Create and Choose New Subject” button on the PreSession Setup screen. Change the values in the name fields and click the “Save and Start Session” button. This will save the subject, and go to the Session screen. The “Close, No Changes” button, when clicked, will return the user to the Pre-Session Setup screen. No entered information will be saved. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 20 Subject Editing One gets to the screen by clicking the “Edit Subject” button on the Pre-Session Setup screen. Changes to the name of the currently selected subject may be made here. Clicking “Close, No Changes” means the subject name reverts to its last value. “Save and Start Session” will make changes and begin a session. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 21 Clinician Creation/Editing One gets to the screen by clicking the “Change Clinician” button on the Pre-Session Setup screen. This will both edit and create clinicians. When in create mode, hinting values are put in the name fields. Change these, click the “Save” button, and a clinician is created. The new clinician will now be the selected clinician. To edit, click the button that says “Click to Edit Clinicians” button. The button’s name will change to “Click to Add Clinicians” and the name fields will be filled with the name of the clinician shown in the the “Choose from Existing” drop box. Change the values in the name field, click “Save” and the clinician’s name is edited. To edit another clinician, select his or her name from the drop box. When finished adding or editing clinicians, click the “Close” button and the Pre-Session screen will be visible. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 22 Browse Subject One gets to the screen by clicking the “Browse Subject Data” button on the Pre-Session Setup screen. This lists the statistical summary of all saved sessions for the subject. To save this data, click the “Export” data. This will save a csv file to the location and with the name of your choice. That file may be opened up in Excel or another spreadsheet for formatting, analysis, graphing, and printing. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 23 Settings Adjuster One gets to the screen by clicking the “Change Settings” button on the Session screen. One makes changes by moving sliders. Note: the settings have no effect if the current subject (shown at the top of the screen) has been assigned his or her default settings. If the current subject does not have default settings, changing the slider(s) and closing the screen will change the session settings for this all future sessions until the application is quit. The application comes with the following defaults: Auto-pause: 1.4 seconds, Naturalness Rating Period every 30 seconds, Interval Length to Count Stutter-free Intervals of 5 seconds, and a Session Length of 2 minutes. If you would wish your application to have different defaults, make your changes and click the “Save As My Default Preferences” button. Going forward you will find these changed settings every time you start the application. You will be free to have sessions that use different settings from your defaults. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 24 If you wish to have a group of settings that are tailored to this specific subject, make changes and click the “Save as Subject Preference”. Every time a session is run with this subject, those settings will apply. Unlike application settings, these cannot be temporarily overridden. If you wish different default settings for the subject, you will need to make changes and click the “Save as Subject Preferences” button. At this time, there is no way to detach default preferences from a subject who has them. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 25 Browse/Export Saved Sessions One gets to the screen by clicking the “Browse/Export Saved Sessions” button on the PreSession Setup screen. This screen presents a list of all saved sessions. To review or export, select sessions from the list. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 26 Clicking while holding the Shift key will select multiple items in a sequence. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 27 Clicking while holding the Command key allows for multiple non-contiguous selection: Double clicking a line will open up the details for the session right away. As expected, the “Select All” button will select every session in the list. To make a single csv file which contains all the session information, including statistical summary and all clinician noted events, click the “Export” button. You will be prompted as to where the file will be saved and what file name you wish to give it. Click the “Review” button to inspect the details and statistical summaries of the selected sessions. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 28 There are two tabs, one shows the session data. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 29 The other shows all the events. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 30 Trackpads Users have tested this application using Apple’s trackpads. We find that for the most part, this is usable, but hardly optimal. Some older MacBooks and MacBook Airs with non-glass trackpads or trackpads with a raised part do not work well. All in all, it seems that the application responds better to the signals sent from a two button mouse and we recommend that you use one. Fortunately, every USB mouse — not just those made by Apple — will work on OS X. All one has to do is plug it in and it is immediately active. Data Backup If you use Time Machine, backup is automatic. Recovery is a matter of going back in time and restoring the data folder. If you wish to zip and archive the data folder, find it, right click it and choose “Compress...”. Session files have “session_” at the beginning of the name. If you wish to remove sessions from the browser list, but wish to archive them for later use, create a new folder, move session files from the data folder to the new folder, zip the new folder and put in a safe place. The sessions that you moved will no longer appear in the session browser window. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 31 Training SMS Manual This manual is meant to describe the functionality of JSMS. To learn SMS and to prepare to work with subjects, you should refer to the SMS manual available at for training exercises, goals, and worksheets. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 32 Hints for Using JSMS During Training You may find it useful to treat each sample as a subject and create one for each video using “Sample” for the first name and the number as the last name. When you have achieved your goals on a sample, use the “New Subject” button on the Session screen to set up or select the next Sample for your training. The following are recommended settings for the various parts: Part 1: Session Length 1, 2, or 3 minutes Naturalness Rating: Off Part 2: Session Length 1, 2, or 3 minutes Naturalness Rating: Off Part 3: Session Length 1, 2, or 3 minutes Naturalness Rating: Off Part 4: Session Length 1, 2, or 3 minutes Naturalness Rating: Every 60 seconds Part 5, Criterion Test: Session Length 3 minutes Naturalness Rating: Every 60 seconds J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 33 Comments, Questions, Bugs If you run across a bug or would like to make a comment or ask a question, please e-mail the developer, Daniel Orias, at Please put “JSMS” in the subject line. J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 34 Credits Manual Writer: Daniel Orias Editor: Lauren Bainbridge Application Development Testers Lauren Bainbridge Kate Paolini J S M S Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 . 3! Manual 35