Gay San Diego


Gay San Diego
Volume 1
Issue 15
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
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Stitch in time
With a cadre of seamstresses and a simple dream,
Gene Burkard launched an
iconic apparel empire.
shares its
hopes for and
reflections on
the coming
Forward thinking
By Margie M. Palmer | GSD Reporter
Gianni Rotten
Versace bags on the
competition from a misty
runway in The Beyond.
The Green Genie
Frank Sabatini Jr. bites into
organic, eco-conscious
cuisine at Liberty Station.
2010 was a monumental
year for both the LGBT
community and the country in general. Yet now that
the calendar is about to
turn, we couldn’t help but
wonder what the future
holds in store. To get some
insight, Gay San Diego
polled politicians, business
owners and people on the
street to find out what their
hopes, predictions and
goals are for 2011.
Dr. Delores Jacobs, CEO, San Diego
LGBT Community Center
“I would like to see our quest for full equality
continue to move forward. I hope to see the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals uphold Judge
Walker’s ruling on Prop 8. I look forward to the
day very soon when LGBT service members
will be able to serve openly with respect and
dignity in our armed forces. I am encouraged
that through our conversations with local school boards we will be
able to reduce and someday eliminate anti-gay bullying that our LGBT
youth endure. I am encouraged that we have begun to work diligently
all across the nation to make sure the needs of all LGBT seniors are addressed… . Andy, mostly, I am excited to begin another year doing my
part, working in collaboration with so many, to build a stronger, more vibrant, healthier and more prosperous LGBT community in San Diego.”
see Reflections, pg 6
2010’s top LGBT stories
Oh Candye ...
GSD columnist Candye
Kane to give fans a glimpse
at her raucous ride to stardom at Moxie Theatre.
Year‘s events bode good and bad for 2011, calling for even more nonpartisan political alliances
By Lisa Keen | Keen News Service
If the past is prologue, 2011
should turn out to be a fairly decent one for the LGBT community. It’s not that everything turned
out so rosy for the community
in 2010, but the gains registered
more powerfully than the losses.
Here’s a look at the top five
news stories for the LGBT community in 2010 and why, in many cases, they signal a better tomorrow:
Joan of Snark
She’ll cut a bitch (or a Carson,
or a Winfrey) and have you
begging for more.
Contact Us:
619-519-7775 ext 102
619-519-7775 ext 108
A. Latham
and CEO,
Empowering Spirits
“The tide
is clearly
shifting toward equality and
momentum is on our side. The
Hate Crimes Prevention Act was
signed into law in 2009, followed
by the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t
tell” in late 2010, but we must
not let up. I look forward to our
legislators and activists pushing
for the repeal of the Defense of
Marriage Act and passage of the
Employment Non-Discrimination
Act in 2011.”
President Obama signed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Act of 2010,
Wednesday, Dec. 22, in Washington D.C.
(Courtesy Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
1. Congress passes a bill to
repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell”.
Anyone who was paying attention
DADT repeal sparks praise, concern
among some LGBT San Diegans
By Margie M. Palmer | GSD Reporter
Although LGBT people throughout
the U.S. hailed President Obama for signing “don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) repeal
legislation, not everyone agrees on whether the process should be expedited.
Some currently enlisted gay military personnel, including Justin, who
requested his last name not be used to
protect his anonymity; say that stricter
policies on harassment should be the
first priority.
Justin, who has served in the Navy a
little more than four years, said that while
there are pockets of acceptance within
military ranks, intolerance is still rampant.
“My first reaction [to the repeal]
was that they’re rushing it. I’m glad
that they’re repealing DADT but I don’t
think the policies are in place which will
protect us as of now,” he said.
Others disagree.
Lisa Kove, executive director of
DOD Fed Globe, has been among the
repeal’s most vocal proponents. Unlike
Justin, Kove feels that LGBT service
personnel will have greater protections
once the policy is fully lifted.
“When DADT is gone, if a service
member is harassed for being gay or for
being perceived to be gay, [he or she]
see DADT, pg 3
in 1993 knows what a devastating
setback the community suffered
with the codification of the military’s ban on gays. The community had asked the newly elected
Democratic President, Bill Clinton, to end the military’s longstanding policy banning gays from
service. But instead, Senator Sam
Nunn (D-Georgia) orchestrated a
parade of testimony and innuendo
to suggest that the mere presence
of gays would violate the “sexual
privacy” of heterosexual servicemembers. One female Naval petty
see Events, pg 6
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outr ageously fun!!!
(619/760/858) 570.1100 • Ticketmaster
San Diego’s historic Balboa Theatre
868 Fourth Ave @ E St – San Diego, CA 92101
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Senate confirms lesbian
to Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission
By Lisa Keen | Keen News Service
The U.S. Senate on Dec. 22
gave final approval to lesbian law
professor Chai Feldblum as President Obama’s nominee to the
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC).
Feldblum has been serving
on the five-member commission since April, when President
Obama put her onto the commission using a procedure that enables him to circumvent a Senate
confirmation vote temporarily—
called a “recess appointment”
because it can be done while the
Senate is on recess.
But appointees who take
their positions via the recess
appointment still have to go
through the confirmation vote
in the Senate. That vote, for
Feldblum and three other nominees to the EEOC, has been
held up for months by an unidentified Republican senator—
or senators—using the Senate
rules that enable any senator
to put a hold on an appointee’s
confirmation vote.
The Senate, on Dec. 22,
confirmed the appointments of
Feldblum and three other EEOC
nominees by unanimous consent,
a process by which the Senate
can vote on a number of routine
matters at once.
Interestingly, one letter in support of Feldblum came late in the
process from the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce, the world’s largest
federation of businesses. The
group has been in the news in
recent months for funneling millions of dollars into the mid-term
elections, mostly in support of
Republican interests.
Randel Johnson, senior vicepresident of the chamber, sent a
letter to Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid and Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell Dec. 21, urging
the confirmations of Feldblum
and two other nominees.
“The Chamber has not, and
knows that we will not, agree
with them on every issue,” wrote
Johnson, “but it has been our experience that each is open to hear
and consider the concerns of all
interested stakeholders.”
Another Dec. 21 letter came
from the head of the Society for
Human Resource Management,
Henry Jackson, who said SHRM
had worked with Feldblum on
“critical workplace issues such as
retirement security and workplace flexibility,” when Feldblum
headed Georgetown University
Law Center’s Federal Legislation and Administrative Clinic.
Jackson said that Feldblum and
the other EEOC nominees “have
provided a fair hearing to all
viewpoints and serve as thoughtful and constructive arbiters of
equal opportunity issues in the
Numerous right-wing groups
voiced opposition to Feldblum
shortly after she was nominated
last fall. The Traditional Values
The Senate confirmed Chai Feldblum as President Obama’s nominee to the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission on Dec. 22.
Coalition called her a “radical,” saying she would “use her
power to strip nearly all First
Amendment rights of freedom
of expression/free exercise
of religion from businesses.”
Concerned Women for America
said she “represents one of the
most serious threats to religious freedom we have seen in
a long time.” And The Family
Research Council said Feldblum
“openly admitted to supporting
But, strangely, no opposition surfaced during Feldblum’s
public confirmation hearing last
November. Instead, numerous
pro-civil rights groups, including
the Leadership Conference on
Civil Rights, lobbied hard for her
Feldblum is probably best
known for her work on the
Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), which passed in 1990,
prohibiting discrimination in
employment, public accommodations and other areas against
people with disabilities. The law
also covered people with HIV
She is best known to the
LGBT community as a key
counsel on the drafting and
negotiations over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA). She also served for a
time as legislative counsel for the
American Civil Liberties Union in
Washington, D.C.
Feldblum ser ved for a year
as a law clerk to U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Harr y Blackmun.
And, prior to joining the EEOC,
she was a professor of law at
Georgetown University and
ser ved as co-director of the
university’s Federal Legislation
and Administrative Clinic.•
© 2010 Keen News Service
Eye candy-filled catalogue was a lifeline for
closeted Heartlanders and the fashion inept
Back in the mid-’70s, when platform
shoes and polyester leisure suits ruled
the world, the best that closeted gay and
bisexual men could hope for was some furtive groping after racquetball practice or a
brief guy-on-guy encounter in the context
of a “swinging singles” soiree with the little
missus. There were no home computers
and thus no Internet porn for folks like
Fred Karger, Barney Frank and Jim Swilley to peruse behind locked doors.
Then, a tiny advertisement began
to appear in the back pages of Playboy
and Gentlemen’s Quarterly (today GQ)
magazines. The ad featured the image of
a trim, muscular young man in a pair of
tight-fitting, jockstrap-like briefs called a
“Jock Sock.” It was a mere sampling of
the fashions and flesh buffet to be found
in the pages of Gene Burkard’s inaugural
International Male catalogue.
After placing those ads and the eventual release of his fall-winter 1976 catalogue,
Burkard’s sales skyrocketed.
Burkard, a former classified sales rep
for the Milwaukee Journal, got started in
the mail order men’s apparel business in
the summer of 1972, working out of his
500-square-foot Ocean Beach cabin on
West Point Loma Boulevard.
Prior to launching his catalogue,
Burkard advertised his clothing in both
gay and mainstream publications, nearly
going bankrupt several times in the early
’70s. About 30 percent of the ads ran in gay
men’s magazines such as The Advocate and
After Dark, and 70 percent in mainstream
publications, including the New York Times.
“The Advocate was just a little 12-page
newspaper out of L.A. with a circulation of
about 6,000” Burkard said. “GQ was a tiny
little magazine.”
However it was his first ad in Playboy
that really paid off.
“I thought if I could get into Playboy I
could get to a huge amount of people and I
could really see if this type of product would
sell to supposedly straight guys,” Burkard
said. “I’ll never forget; the ad cost $6,000 …
so I had to borrow it from a friend.”
At the time, Burkard had only one guy
helping him fill orders out of his house.
“He was stoned half the time,” Burkard
said with a laugh. “We were sitting on the
floor of this little beach cabin and we had
piles and piles of these Jock Socks that I
was having made by contractors in L.A. All
the sudden I was in the rag business and I
honestly didn’t know what I was doing.”
One of the things that set International
Male aside from its main competitor, West
Hollywood-based mail order business, Ah
Men, was the move away from caftans and
other androgynous atrocities of the era.
“One of the reasons why we were successful I think is because we butched up
the look of gays; we were saying gay guys
can look butch,” Burkard said. “Part of
see Moments, pg 22
Fall/Winter 1976
On the radio:
Heart’s “Magic Man”; Boston’s “More
Than a Feeling”
TV debut: “Charlie’s Angels”
In the White House:
Gerald and Betty Ford
Gory details:
Al Gore drops out of law school to run
for and win a seat in the U.S. House of
Average cost of living:
New house = $43,400; yearly income =
$16,000; monthly rent = $220; gallon of
gas = 59 cents; Gucci loafers = $89
Gene Burkard (above) displays a vintage International Male ad, featuring a model who
showed up at his L.A. production facility after his car broke down; (below) Burkard with
purchasing and marketing director Gloria Tomita back in the day. (Courtesy Gene Burkard)
From page 1
can report the harassment, which
will allow the leadership the opportunity to act as leaders and
mitigate prejudice,” Kove said,
adding that the repeal may also
help protect heterosexual women
from harassment.
“Women that refuse sexual advances from male coworkers are
being harassed as gay, because
they said ‘no.’ Once DADT dissipates, sexual harassment will be
mitigated at the earliest possible
stage,” she said.
Service members who have
been discharged as a result of
DADT say the repeal has served
as a vindication for LGBT veterans.
“I first heard the vote results
while taking a statistics exam
and was shocked,” said William
Rodriguez-Kennedy, who was discharged from the Marines under
DADT after three years of service.
“I experienced a sort of confusion
of emotions, for a moment shock
and then I sort of re-lived some of
the sad emotions of that time of
my life. After it sank in I was very
happy though. I was relieved. This
chapter of my life was over. I have
a certain level of closure that I
hadn’t for a while.”
Rodriguez-Kennedy, who
hopes to re-enlist as an officer now
that he’s completed college, believes that while some LGBT veterans will return to serve openly,
others may be happy to moved on.
“DADT encompassed a 17year span, and some people may
have moved on or gone to college,” he said. “But it’s going to be
hard to go back if they’ve attached
a negative feeling to that time in
their lives.”
Justin, however, remains
The YuKoN Collection by TeNo:
The Perfect Fit
Cpl. Evelyn Thomas (right) with Petty Officer Autumn Sandeen (left) and
Lt. Dan Choi handcuffed themselves to the White House fence Nov. 15 to
protest the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
strong in his opinion that fasttracking the repeal may do more
harm than good.
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Never get respectable
By Pat Sherman | GSD Editor
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
“I think you’ll see a lot more
see DADT, pg 4
Custom Designs & Jewelry Repair
7510 Hazard Center Dr., No. 405 San Diego 619.297.7666
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Jan. 2
New Year’s resolution crafts: 9 a.m. to 2
p.m., Hillcrest Farmer’s Market, 3960 Normal Street. Create arts and crafts based
on your New Year goals at the information
booth. Free. (619) 299-3330 or
Jan. 3
DJ Dirty Kirty
LGBT Caregivers and Grief Support
Group: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., first Monday of
the month, LGBT Community Center in
Group Room 2, 3909 Centre Street. The
workshop, facilitated by Silverado Hospice,
focuses on the aggrieved and those currently caring for loved ones with a terminal
illness. (888) 328-4558.
Dec. 31
Jan. 4
New Year’s Eve at Lei Lounge: 10 p.m.
4622 Park Blvd. Lipstik Inc Girls perform with DJ dirtyKURTY on the turntables. $20. Only 300 tickets will be sold.
Club Sabbat: 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., 3780 Park
Blvd. New Year’s Eve event hosted by
Linda E and Robin Roth. Special performance by Chain Goddess Brandy and
guests. DJs Robin Roth, Atom, Diskdroid
and Liquid Grey. Free champagne toast at
midnight. $5. (619) 795-8578 or
New Year’s Eve with jazz artist, Tommy Stark: 10 p.m., The Wine Encounter,
690 University Ave. Ring in the New Year
with live music, party favors and a champagne toast at midnight. Light appetizers
included. $10. (619) 543-0676 or
Jan. 1
Voltage Night: 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., Rich’s
Nightclub, 1051 University Ave. Enjoy
a mix of funk and electro house with DJ
Nikno and Rich’s go-go boys. $10. Text VIP
to (619) 578-9055 for a discounted cover.
Info at
Femme on Femme Meet-Up: 6:30 to
8:30 p.m., first Tuesday of the month,
Babycakes, 3766 5th Ave. Socialize exclusively with other feminine lesbian and
bisexual women. Reservations necessary.
E-mail or visit
Jan. 5
Guys, Games and Grub: 6:30 to 9:30
p.m., first Wednesday of every month, The
Center, 3909 Centre Street. Meet for board
games, card games and pizza. For ages 21
and up. Free. (619) 692-2077, ext. 204 or
Dancehall, Soul, and more for women who
love women. Free before 10 p.m., $5 until
11:30 p.m. and $7 after 11:30 p.m. (619)
795-8578 or
Jan. 8
‘One Size Fits All’ opening reception:
6 to 10 p.m. Thumbprint Gallery, 2637 University Ave. View fresh pieces from more
than 30 artists. Free. Show runs from Jan.
8 to Feb. 2.
Jan. 9
Art at the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market: 9
a.m. to 2 p.m., 3960 Normal Street. Watch
a live art demonstration throughout the
market. Free. (619) 299-3330 or
Babette’s Bingo Lunch: starting 11
a.m., Martinis Above Fourth, 3940 Fourth
Ave. Ste 200. Bingo hosted by Babette
Schwartz from 12 to 2 p.m. $15 for advance
purchased meal ticket. (619) 400-4500 or
Jan. 10
Social group for LGBT youth: 6 to 8
p.m., Mondays, Storefront Shelter, 116 W.
Washington St. Teen hang-out providing
free food, transportation, LGBT-themed
movies, and more. (619) 889-7184 or
Down Dog recording artists I-90
Jan. 12
Jan. 14
‘The Maiden’s Prayer’: 8 p.m., Diversionary Theatre, 4545 Park Blvd. Triad
Productions presents a play that examines
the deadening of a married couple’s honeymoon phase. $20 to 25. Show runs through
Jan. 23. (619) 220-0097 or
Political-social change forum: 6:30 to
9 p.m., second Wednesday of the month,
Bamboo Lounge, 1475 University Ave.
Meet with the LGBT Stonewall Young
Democrats of San Diego to discuss pay
raises for state legislators, property tax
re-evaluation and more. Free. (619) 2008194 or and
Jan. 7
Jan. 13
Jan. 6
SoulKiss Night: 9 p.m., Fridays, The
Flame, 3780 Park Blvd., featuring Hip Hop,
GSDBA New Year’s mixer: 5:30 to 7:30
p.m., Top of the Park, 525 Spruce Street.
HIV tests are available at The Center Monday–Friday, 9am–2pm. 619.692.2077 x101
Behavioral Health Services & counseling
(English & Spanish). Counseling services for men and women living
with HIV are available FREE at The Center. 619.692.2077 x208
Food Services
First Tuesday of the month, 9–10:30am, Center parking lot. 619.692.2077 x116
Health education & risk reduction Services
En Español. 619.692.2077 x116
Hillcrest Youth center
HIV positive youth & their friends, ages 14–18. 619.497.2920
Housing Services for Homeless HIV Positive Youth
18–24yrs old. 619.255.7854 x102
For SAn DIeGo’S
HIV communItY
Information & referral for San Diego HIV resources
Information about where in San Diego to get HIV services and help.
619.692.2077 x208
Living with HIV Support Groups
619.692.2077 x208
Acción Positiva Group
619.692.2077 x108
Positive Action Series
(English & Spanish). 619.692.2077 x116
At t H e c e n t e r
The San Diego LGBT Community Center
3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103 • 619.692.2077
Live rock at Lestat’s: 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.,
3343 Adams Ave. Performances by local
bands, I-90 and Oculus Sinister. (619) 2820437 or
Jan. 15
Wet under wear contest: signups start
at 10 p.m., Saturdays, Flicks Video Bar,
1017 University Ave. $100 goes to the
first place winner. Five key winners will
get the opportunity to win a $50 bar tab
and other prizes. Free. (619) 297-2056 or •
From page 3
HIV testing
HoPe. HeLP.
The Greater San Diego Business Association’s first mixer of the New Year will offer
food, beverages and a costume contest.
$10 for members. $25 for guests. (619)
296-4543 or
Services funded, in part, by AIDS Walk & Run San Diego; CDBG Program, US Dept. of HUD;
HRSA through the County of San Diego HHSA; and Dining Out for Life® San Diego.
blatant homophobia if people start
serving openly,” he said. “People
are going to voice their opinions on
it, not all of which will be positive.
I think there will be a lot of people
who remain closeted, because it’s
not like they are going to jump up
and say ‘Hi! I’m gay!” It’s still going
to be a long process.”
Evelyn Thomas, an Oceanside
public school teacher and veteran
who received an honorable discharge under DADT after serving four years with in the United
States Army and the Marine Corp,
was in Washington, D.C. when
President Obama signed the
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Act
of 2010.
“I had the opportunity to personally thank and hug my president, my commander in chief,”
Thomas said. “I will remember
this day for the rest of my life.
“The impact of our brothers
and sisters ‘right to serve our
country and the freedom to serve
in their true essence’ will forever
change the social fabric of the
Armed Forces and this bill will
initiate a stronger military... . We
must understand and become
patient and allow people to adapt
to the social transformation. The
enactment of DADT generated a
group think and tacit approval of
homophobia in the Armed Forces... . The next step is to provide
educational programs to service
members so they may develop the
knowledge, foundation and• skills
to deal with LGBT issues that
will manifest in the work environment.”•
400 new models from more than
30 manufacturers.
On Jan. 1 the show will take
place from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. On
Dec. 31 and Jan. 2 (the annual
Mazda Day) the show will be open
from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The show will feature daily
events such as a Ride and Drive,
the Jeep Rocks and Road Tour, an
Eco-Center and the Camp Jeep for
Kids. For more information visit
These House of Flava shirts
sparked an angry backlash
Offensive apparel cited and
removed from shelves
Oceanside resident Bryan
Watson was shopping at the
House of Flava store in Carlsbad
in December when he noticed a
shirt with an illustration of two
men holding hands and a line
through them. Below the drawing
was printed “No Homo.”
Watson said he was so offended by the design that he decided
to do something about it.
“It’s hateful, and wrong,” Watson told a local CBS news affiliate.
When Watson tried to talk to
the store’s manager and employees
about what he thought was “out
of bounds” and “unbelievable,” he
said his concern fell on deaf ears.
“They said ‘Gee, it’s not what
you think; it’s this reference to an
urban, hip-hop slang term,’” Watson said.
Watson sent a picture of the
shirt to CBS News. Since word of
the episode spread, House of Flava
stores have removed the shirts
from their shelves and have temporarily taken down its website. At
press time, the store’s Facebook
page was still up and running and
being filled daily with messages
either calling for a boycott of the
store, defending the slogan or
sharing Watson’s outrage over the
shirts. Many of the Facebook messages noted the link between hate
speech and 2010’s rash of teen bullying and suicide.
San Diego International
Auto Show returns
The 2011 San Diego International Auto Show will be at the San
Diego Convention Center at 111
West Harbor Dr. through Jan. 2.
The event will feature more than
Bette Davis as the über-demended
Baby Jane Hudson
FilmOut to screen
Crawford-Davis classic
FilmOut San Diego will screen
the classic Bette Davis and Joan
Crawford thriller “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?” Wednesday,
Jan. 19, 7 p.m. at the Birch North
Park Theatre.
Directed by Robert Aldrich,
the unintentional black comedy tells the story of Baby Jane
Hudson (Bette Davis), an aging
ex-vaudeville child star waging
a psychotic reign of terror over
her crippled ex-movie star sister,
Blanche (Joan Crawford). Davis
won her 10th Academy Award
nomination for her portrayal of
the grotesque Baby Jane. The film
was nominated for five Academy
Awards and won an Oscar for best
costume design.
Tickets are $10. For more information visit filmoutsandiego.
com or call (619) 814-3434.
Center to host interview
skills workshop
Center at The San Diego LGBT
Community Center will hold
an inter view skills workshop
Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. entitled “New
Year, New Job, New You!” The
workshop will be in the librar y
at The Center, 3909 Centre St.
in Hillcrest.
The free workshop, led by
consultant Laura Diaz, will cover
the basics of the inter viewing
process, including how to dress
and answering tough questions.
For more information or to
RSVP contact Abby Schwartz at
(619) 692-2077, ext. 212.
Assemblymember Atkins
appointed Majority Whip
Assemblymember Toni Atkins,
who represents District 76 in San
Diego, was appointed Majority
Whip—a key position in the Democratic Caucus Leadership—by
Assembly speaker John A. Pérez.
She also became vice-chair of the
Housing and Community Development Committee and a member of
the Health, Government Organization, Veterans Affairs and Judiciary
Committees. “I am deeply honored by Speaker Pérez’s appointment,” said Atkins in a recent statement. “Serving
my community and the state is a
responsibility that I take very seriously. As Majority Whip, I look forward to working with every member of the Assembly to create jobs
and help bring the state out of this
Recycle your Christmas
tree this year
The City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department will
be offering residents the opportunity to recycle their Christmas tree
during the 37th annual Christmas
Tree Recycling Program from Dec.
26 through Jan. 23.
The program will offer 16 dropoff locations as well as curbside
pickup for homes that already have
waste pickup. There is one location
in Uptown at the Golden Hill Recreation Center, 2600 Golf Course
Dr. Trees can also be dropped off
anytime during daylight hours.
Trees may also dropped off before
Dec. 26 only at The Greenery at
Miramar Landfill on Convoy Street
north of Highway 52, Monday
through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
and Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Trees purchased at commercial lots are only accepted at
The Greenery.
By recycling trees, residents
help reduce the amount of material in the landfill and give holiday
trees a second life as compost or
For more information, call (858)
694-7000 or visit
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Hillcrest’s newest adult
playground to open Jan. 11
For those unfamiliar with
the Old Testament version of
Eden, it was supposedly a site
of lush beauty and sumptuous
food for God’s first man and
woman to consort in. Hillcrest’s
Eden, a new 15,000-square foot
nightclub at 1212 University
Ave. promises to be a similar
respite—though not only for
Adam and Eve.
“I’ve been active in the
Hillcrest community for over 20
years, and I am confident that
Eden will serve as San Diego’s
foremost gay and lesbian venue
by showcasing premier entertainment and upholding the
highest standards of service and
hospitality,” said Eden’s nightlife
manager, Michael Mack, the former co-owner of Club Montage.
Scheduled for a Jan. 11 opening, Eden’s facility is the second
and final installment of the dual
entertainment venue, which
also includes a restaurant that
opened in October. Eden, located in the space that once housed
Universal, is the brainchild of
ChileCo Catering Chef Scotty
Wagner and NightlifeSD’s David
Laurent, who paired up to give
the space a half-million dollar
renovation. The new venue will
debut with a larger localized
floor, custom intelligent lighting
and sound, an overlook lounge
and plush seating.
Eden’s Jan. 7 grand opening
will commence with an inviteonly ribbon-cutting ceremony in
the garden patio from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. Mayor Jerry Sanders and
Councilmember Todd Gloria are
expected to attend. Guests will
enjoy hosted champagne and
light hors d’oeuvres courtesy
of ChileCo Catering. Immediately following the reception,
the gates to Eden’s nightlife
venue will open to the public at
9:00 p.m., free of charge. Musical guests The Perry Twins
will headline the event, accompanied by specialty acts and
“Hillcrest is well-known for
its vibrant and active nightlife,”
Laurent said in a statement.
“Our goal with Eden is to exceed expectations by taking the
local scene up a couple notches,
by raising the bar for Uptown’s
nightlife and dining.”
For further details and
information, visit edensandiego.
com or follow them on Twitter
—GSD Assistant Editor,
Lauren Ventura
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Courtney Ray, Mission Valley
“I want tolerance in 2011.”
From page 1
Mar y Jo Testa, Hillcrest
“I’d like to see people start eating better and watching their health.”
Brett Patrick, Hillcrest
“I want to be happy, for my family and
friends to be healthy, and to work more on
being myself.”
Chris Shaw
Lisa Kove
Todd Gloria
Todd Gloria, San Diego City Councilmember, District 3
“I remain focused on strengthening
public safety and resolving the City’s budget deficit, but for our community I hope
that the progress we’ve seen toward equality in 2010 will continue, and LGBT youth
will know through our actions and those of
our government and our court system, that
it not only gets better, it IS better.”
Leanne Mock, North Park
“I’d like to see a boost in the economy
and I’d also like to see all our military
personnel in Iraq come home.”
Michelle Klussman, North Park
“I’m hoping for health for me and my
family, and to have less stress.”
Skyler Mercure, Hillcrest
“I want to finish school in 2011.”
Lisa Kove, Executive Director DOD
Fed Globe
“What I want for 2011 is for President
Obama to sign three Executive Orders:
first with a short timeline for full implementation of repeal of DADT(60 days for
implementation and 120 days for full diversity training); the second to allow open
service for transgender service members; and the third to fully include LGBT
employees in federal policies, diversity
training and the Equal Employment Opportunity complaint process.”
Tony Freeman, Executive Director,
San Diego Human Dignity Foundation
“What I would like to see in the New
Year is for our community to reach new
levels of inspired philanthropy to bring
needed services to our LGBT youth and
seniors; for San Diego’s LGBT community
to be a model for other communities in
how we come together to address our local
issues and national challenges for equality;
and of course, marriage equality. ”
Matt Ramon, Manager, Urban Mo’s
Bar & Grill
“With Proposition 8 still in debate, I am
hoping to finally see marriage equality in
all states across the country.”
Chris Shaw, Owner, Urban Mo’s, Baja
Betty’s, Gossip Grill
“I would like to see less of an emphasis
on labels and judgment. Why can’t we all
just be? Have fun and enjoy life—it’s the
only one you’ve got.”
Aaron and John
Aaron and John, Hillcrest
“We both want jobs for 2011.”
Big Mike
“Big” Mike Phillips, community activist
“I hope we see complete civil rights
for every LGBT American and that we as
a community will continue to help those
less fortunate. And I am hoping that we as
a nation will be more accepting and open
minded toward all human beings.”
Cr ystal Browning, Hillcrest
“I want to be a good friend, sister and
Arpna Patel
Arpna Patel, Owner, Uptown Cleaners “I’m really hoping to see the California
education system improve, and I’d like to
see the economy get better as well.”
Jen Rogers, Hillcrest
“I’m hoping for continued success,
building off what I was able to accomplish in
From page 1
officer testified that, “You are asking me to sleep and shower with
homosexuals. You are asking me
to expose my sexuality.” Not surprisingly, 56 percent of the public
opposed allowing “homosexuals”
to serve “openly” in the military
in 1993. In December 2010, only
21 percent of Americans felt
that way. And President Barack
Obama, using a strategy of sticks
and carrots which sometimes
angered the LGBT community,
helped drive through passage of
a bill that will eventually lead to a
dismantling of the ban.
What does that say about
2011? Given the shaky economy, high unemployment and
intense partisan divide in Congress, there is little likelihood
the Obama administration will
take on another piece of pro-LGBT civil rights legislation in 2011.
The presidential election campaign of 2012 begins in earnest
now and President Obama must
tend to a wide variety of constituencies. But he has shown—even
before repeal of DADT—that his
administration is willing to use
its power to adopt more LGBT
friendly regulations and policies
that will advance the LGBT civil
rights ball down the field. And
that is likely to be where the action will be, for the Obama administration, in 2011.
Shades Of Light
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*Manufacturer’s rebate offer valid for purchases made January 14 through April 29, 2011. Limitations and restrictions apply. Ask for details.
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2. Federal judge rules Proposition 8 unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Chief
Judge Vaughn Walker ruled Aug.
4, 2010, that California’s voter-ap-
Judge Vaughn Walker ruled Aug.
4, 2010, that California’s Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.
proved constitutional amendment
banning same-sex marriage violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection and due
process. The result came following a three-week-long trial in San
Francisco during which famed
conservative attorney Ted Olson
and famed liberal attorney David
Boies mounted a comprehensive
case against Prop. 8, passed in
2008. They showed how the initiative harmed gay people as a
minority and was driven by the
fear and animus of those who
sought its passage. The participation of Olson and Boies has made
this the most high-profile legal
challenge in LGBT history. And it
seems almost certain to bring before the U.S. Supreme Court the
question of whether the bans in
California and in 44 other states
(by law or decree) are permissible. The 9th Circuit U.S. Court
of Appeals will weigh in on the
dispute in 2011.
What does that say about
2011? The appeal before the
three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit on Dec. 6 seemed to go well
for opponents of Prop. 8. Questions from the judges seemed to
indicate they are seriously considering whether “Yes on 8” proponents have standing to bring
their appeal. But regardless of
how they rule—on standing and/
or on constitutional issues—their
decision(s) will almost certainly
be appealed to the full 9th Circuit
bench and then, eventually to the
U.S. Supreme Court. The composition of the current Supreme
Court, coupled with the activist
tendencies recently demonstrated by its conservatives, makes an
outcome there completely unpredictable. A ruling on the constitutional issues will probably not
be in front of the highest court
until late 2011 at the earliest,
and more likely 2012. But a win
at the 9th Circuit level—even if
later overturned by the Supreme
Court—would go some distance
to undermine the political argument that Walker was just an
“activist judge.” It would also provide another boost of momentum
for public opinion to continue its
journey toward the public getting
acclimated to the idea of samesex couples obtaining marriage
3. Republicans win control of
the House.
History has shown that, to
be successful at passing pro-gay
legislation, it’s best to have a
Democratic president and Democratic majorities in both houses
of Congress. For two years, the
LGBT community has experienced that generally supportive
political climate in Washington.
But on Nov. 2, 2010, Republicans
see Events, pg 7
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
North Carolina ruling jeopardizes same-sex families
Case draws attention to second-parent adoption laws across the country
By Dana Rudolph | Keen News Service
The North Carolina Supreme Court on
Dec. 20 voided the adoption by a lesbian
mother of the child who she and her former partner, the biological mother, were
raising together. The ruling jeopardizes
the legality of all other such “second-parent adoptions” in the state.
State Senator Julia Boseman and her
former partner, Melissa Jarrell, planned for a
child together, and Jarrell consented to Boseman adopting the child in 2005, when he was
almost three, according to court documents.
Boseman was the first openly gay member of North Carolina’s General Assembly
but did not seek re-election this past fall.
The couple split in 2006, and Boseman
sought joint custody. Jarrell first tried to
initiate a class action lawsuit to invalidate
all second-parent adoptions in the state.
Under pressure from the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina
and others, however, she dropped the suit.
Jarrell acknowledged in court that
Boseman was “a very good parent” but
nevertheless petitioned for sole custody,
claiming the adoption should never have
been granted to Boseman because North
Carolina law does not permit second-parent adoptions. A trial court granted joint
custody but did not rule on the adoption,
which had been granted in another district.
Jarrell first appealed to the state Court
of Appeals, which upheld both the custody
order and the validity of the adoption.
Then, she appealed to the state Supreme
Court, which upheld the lower court ruling granting Boseman joint custody. But
a 5 to 2 majority overturned the appeals
court ruling in regards to the adoption.
The majority said the adoption granted
From page 6
Openly gay Congressmember
Barney Frank predicts there will
be “zero” chance of pro-gay legislation passing the next Congress.
won enough seats in the House
to take over majority control,
beginning in January 2011. They
also increased their margin in
the Senate, from 41 seats to 47.
What does that say about
2011? Immediately, there will
be “zero” chance of any pro-gay
legislation passing in the next
Congress, says Rep. Barney
Frank and others. No movement on the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA), no
movement on immigration rights
for gay couples, no movement on
ending tax penalties for gays who
provide health coverage to their
partners or spouses through
work. It also means the LGBT
community must switch from an
offensive mode in Congress to a
defensive one. Given the largely
unbroken Republican opposition to repeal of “don’t ask, don’t
tell,” it would not be a surprise
to see the new Republican chair
of the House Armed Services
North Carolina. Such adoptions have been
to Boseman was invalid from its beginning.
granted in only two counties and impacts
State statutes, said Associate Justice Paul
Newby, writing for the majority, permit adop- perhaps several hundred families, according to Ian Palmquist, executive director of
tions only if the existing parent gives up all
Equality North Carolina.
parental rights or is married to the person
seeking to adopt,
Minter, legal direcas in the case
tor of the National
of a stepparent.
Center for Lesbian
Because this was
Rights, said the
not the situation
court was unclear
for Boseman, the
about whether
adoption court
existing adoptions
did not have the
are now automatiauthority to grant
cally void but he
the adoption,
believes they are
said the majority.
now more vulnerTwo justices
able to challenge.
Minter urged all
Patricia Timparents who have
obtained secondand Robin E.
parent adoptions in
Hudson said
North Carolina to
Jarrell had not
consult a knowlappealed within
edgeable family
the proper time
law attorney.
limits. And TimGreg Nevins,
supervising senior
noted that state
staff attorney at
law requires
Lambda Legal
adoptions to be
Former North Carolina state Sen. Julia Boseman
Defense and Educafinal because
is fighting for custody of the child she and a forthat is in the
mer partner consented to adopt together in 2005. tion Fund, agreed
the status of the
best interest of
other adoptions
minors. The law
remains unclear at this point, but “at a miniallows challenges, she said, only “in narrow
circumstances,” none of which applied here. mum, [the ruling] is causing a lot of anxiety.”
Nancy Polikoff, professor of law at
Hudson also wrote that she felt the matAmerican University, said, however, that
ter of the adoption court’s jurisdiction was,
she believes the ruling makes all secondat most, “an error of law” and should not
parent adoptions in the state “void.”
have led to a voiding of the adoption.
“When the issue of legal parentage
The ruling calls into question the validarises,” said Polikoff, “the adoption decree
ity of all other second-parent adoptions in
Committee, Rep. Buck McKeon
(R-Calif.), hold a hearing about
whether the DADT repeal can,
in fact, be implemented without
negative consequences to military readiness. He said, in November, he would hold a hearing
to examine the Pentagon’s report
regarding repeal implementation. How far might Republicans
try to leverage their power in the
new Congress? Note this: The
new chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security just
announced he would hold a hearing on the “radicalization of the
American Muslim community.”
Apparently, the sky’s the limit.
4. The U.S. Supreme Court
issued two gay-helpful decisions.
The nation’s highest court issued two decisions in June that
bode well for the LGBT community, both on cases from the 9th
Circuit. First, in Doe v. Reed, it upheld a Washington State law that
requires that petitions for putting issues on the ballot be made
public. And second, in Christian
Legal Society v. Martinez, it upheld a California college’s policy
banning discrimination based
on sexual orientation in campus
group membership. In Doe, the
high court held that state laws
requiring public disclosure of
petitions for ballot measures protect the integrity of the electoral
process. A group opposed to domestic partnerships had argued
its petitions should be protected
from disclosure, claiming petition signers would be harassed
by people with a different view.
In Christian Legal, the decision
was of greater symbolic value
than legal: It refused to say that
religious beliefs always trump
non-discrimination policies. A
Christian student group at a public law school in San Francisco
had claimed free exercise rights
to get around the schools nondiscrimination policy.
What does that say about
2011: As much as the Doe decision was helpful, it was also
indecisive. Chief Justice John
Roberts, writing for the 8 to 1
majority, suggested to plaintiffs
that they might get a better result
if they limited their challenge to
how the state law impacted petition signers for the domestic
partnership referendum specifically. The plaintiffs said they
would, so the case is almost certainly going to be back, probably
in 2011. And there seems little
doubt that the Christian Legal
Society, or some other right-wing
religious entities, will find a way
back, too. Such a group has a petition pending before the court
will be a meaningless piece of paper.”
A separate North Carolina law prohibits
unmarried couples from jointly petitioning
to adopt a child, although gay and lesbian
people may do so as individuals.
A number of ultra-conservative organizations submitted friend of the court briefs in
support of Jarrell, including the American
College of Pediatricians—a group of conservative doctors who split from the mainstream
American Academy of Pediatrics when the
latter endorsed adoption by gay parents.
Groups submitting briefs in support
of Boseman included Lambda Legal, the
Equality North Carolina Foundation, the
American Academy of Pediatrics (North
Carolina Chapter), the ACLU of North
Carolina Legal Foundation, the American
Psychological Association, the National
Association of Social Workers, and several
adoption policy centers.
Of the five justices who voted against
the adoption, two hold leadership positions
in churches with strong anti-gay views.
Associate Justice Edward Thomas Brady
devotes an entire section of his official court
biography to “Religious Convictions.” He
sits on the Board of Directors of the Baptist
State Convention of North Carolina, which
in 2006 voted to sever ties with churches that
approve of “homosexuality.”
Associate Justice Newby, who wrote
the majority opinion, is an Elder, Sunday
School teacher, and youth leader at Christ
Baptist Church (CBC) in Raleigh, according to his court biography.
Neither of the dissenting justices lists
their religious affiliations in their court
© 2010 by Keen News Service. All
rights reserved.
now, challenging the city’s right
to prevent them from mounting
a ballot initiative against D.C.’s
marriage law.
5. Republican Scott Brown
wins Ted Kennedy’s seat.
Martha Coakley, Massachusetts’ pro-gay attorney
general, was supposed to have
been a shoe-in to win Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy’s
seat in the U.S. Senate after his
death. But a relatively unknown
Republican state senator Scott
Brown trounced her in the
special election last January. The
Boston Globe called it “one of
the biggest upsets in Massachusetts political history,” but it was
bigger than that. It completely
changed the dynamics of the
111th Congress and quashed the
see Events, pg 9
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“Cutting these services will leave
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Your Nation, Your World
Compiled by Elena Buckley | GSD Reporter
that “it gets better.” The group
consists of 25 higher education
leaders who are openly gay,
representing Antioch University
Los Angeles, the University of the
Rockies, Hampshire College and
Episcopal Divinity School.
Dec 18
Mother begs ‘bullying must
stop’: The ACLU released a
video of Wendy Walsh, a mother
whose 13-year-old son, Seth,
committed suicide after being tormented by antigay harassment.
The YouTube video features
Walsh begging for the bullying
to stop while reading her son’s
suicide note.
Dec 19
Rainbows threatened in S.F.:
The iconic rainbow flags lining
the streets of the Castro in San
Francisco may be taken down.
Preservationists state that the
rust from the fasteners could
ruin the historic lamp posts, but
openly gay City Supervisor Bevan
Dufty is fighting for the flags.
LGBT leaders claim they hold as
much historic significance as the
posts themselves.
Dec 20
College presidents send hope:
A recently formed group, the
LGBTQ College Presidents in
Higher Education, filmed a video
with their partners, assuring
students and school officials alike
Facebook co-founder Chris
Hughes (left) and partner
Sean Eldridge
Dec 21
Matching donations: Chris
Hughes, one of the founders of
Facebook, and his partner Sean
Eldridge, who is the political
director for Freedom to Marry,
donated $50,000 to the Gay and
Lesbian Advocates and Defenders
(GLAD). The couple intends on
making more donations to GLAD
through the end of the year, in
addition to making matching
donations to Freedom to Marry,
Empire State Pride Agenda and
Equality Maryland.
Homeless youth ser vices cut:
To protest proposed budget cuts
that would take away services
for homeless LGBTQ youths in
New York City, LGBT advocates
gathered outside city hall for a
press conference hosted by New
York City Council Assistant Majority Leader Lew Fidler and the
Ali Forney Center. Carl Siciliano,
the Ali Forney Center’s executive director said in a release,
ing and employment laws.
High school student sues
coach for ‘outing’: A high school
sophomore in Texas is suing her
softball coach, Cassie Newell,
assistant coach Rhonda Fletcher
and the school’s assistant athletic
director, Douglas Duke, for invasion of privacy after outing her to
her mother in March and kicking
her off the team. According to
Gawker, the complaint stated that
Newell and Fletcher confronted
the girl before a game and accused her of engaging in a sexual
relationship with another girl.
Dec 24
Professional boxer Christy Martin
Dec 22
Wendy Walsh holds a photo of her
son, Seth, taken just prior to his
suicide in September.
Boxer’s husband facing
murder charges: James Martin,
husband of professional boxer
Christy Martin, is facing charges
of attempted murder and aggravated battery against his wife.
She claims that he attacked her
with a knife and then tried to
shoot her on Nov. 23 after she
told him that she was leaving him
for another woman.
Woman allegedly shoots
transgender brother’s fiancée:
Julie Hopwood, a North Carolina
community college teacher, is accused of murdering her transgender brother’s fiancée of 10 years,
Amy Chebro. In an interview with
ABC News, Lieutenant Thomas
Goralski said that Hopwood
waited for Chebro to get off work
then shot her five times in the
parking lot.
HIV prevention studies honored: Science magazine’s top
10 breakthroughs list for 2010
included two major advancements
in HIV prevention. The first was a
study done in South Africa funded
by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. It showed
that microbicide can reduce HIV
transmission in women by 39
percent. The second was the PreExposure Prophylaxis Initiative
(PREP), a study that showed that
the drug Truvada significantly
lowered HIV transmission in men
who have sex with men if taken on
a daily basis.
Warhol’s brother dies: According to the Pittsburgh-Tribune
Review, John Warhola, Andy Warhol’s brother, died today at age 85
after battling pneumonia. Warhola
helped raise Warhol after their father died and established the Andy
Warhol museum in Pittsburgh.
Dec 23
LGBT protection in Utah:
Grand County in Utah now has
protection from housing and
employment discrimination
based on sexual orientation and
gender identity, making it the
11th county and city in Utah with
these protections. According the
The Salt Lake Tribune, Sen. Ben
McAdams (D-Salt Lake City)
plans to introduce a bill in the
upcoming legislative session that
would add sexual orientation and
gender identity to existing hous-
New parents Sir Elton and Sister
Dec 25
Christmas baby for Elton: Elton John and his husband David
Furnish had a son via surrogate
named Zachary Jackson Levon
Furnish-John. Despite speculation that Furnish, 48, provided
sperm for the surrogacy because
he is younger, it is 63-year-old Sir
Elton who has been recorded as
the boy’s father in Los Angeles.
Furnish is listed as the mother in
computer documents, an official
told the Daily Mail. When the
actual certificate is produced,
the couple can apply to have it
re-issued as Parent 1 and Parent
2. It has been suggested that the
birth may have cost the couple
as much as $1million in fees
and payments to the clinic and
women involved.
Dec 26
No more U.K. gay sex convictions: According to The
Telegraph, gay men in the U.K.
with prior convictions for having
sex with teen boys between the
ages of 16 and 18 will have their
records expunged next year. In
2000, the legal age for consensual sex was changed from 18
to 16, which is the same age for
heterosexuals. Previously, the
men with existing convictions on
their records had to disclose the
information before applying to
work or volunteer.
Dec 28
Commissioner worried about
militar y showers: Commissioner Jennifer Roberts of Mecklenberg County, N.C. crafted a
“thank you” letter to the North
Carolina officials who voted to
repeal DADT. Before sending
it, she asked her fellow commissioners to sign it. This prompted
antigay commissioner Bill James
to write in response, “Homosexuals are sexual predators. Allowing
homosexuals to serve in the U.S.
military with the endorsement of
the Mecklenburg County Commission ignores a host of serious
problems related to maintaining
U.S. military readiness and effectiveness, not the least of which
is the current Democrat plan to
allow homosexuals (male and
female) to share showers with
see Elsewhere, pg 9
Happy New Year from the publisher of Gay San Diego and San Diego Uptown News!
As we say goodbye to 2010
there is much to reflect on:
healthcare reform, earthquakes,
the BP disaster, Wikileaks, immigration, antigay bullying of our
youth, Lady Gaga, GetEQUAL’s
grassroots activism and Judge
Vaughn Walker’s historic ruling
on Proposition 8.
But it is the repeal of the
military’s”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
policy that gives me hope that we
are moving in the right direction. Granted, this movement has
David Mannis
Pat Sherman
(619) 519-7775 x102
Marci Bair
Geof Bartell
Max Disposti
Terese Farmen
Candye Kane
Michael Kimmel
Cuauhtémoc Kish
Kevin Leap
Fawn Lofton
Michele Lowenstein
Scott Marks
Margie Palmer
Frank Sabatini Jr.
Dave Schwab
Jimmy Sullivan
Lauren Ventura
(619) 519-7775 x103
Mike Rosensteel
(619) 519-7775 x108
Elena Buckley
(619) 519-7775 x110
Sean Eshelman
(619) 519-7775 x105
3737 Fifth Ave. Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 519-7775
David Mannis
(619) 519-7775 x101
come much too slowly and at too
great a cost, but its demise seems
to be a harbinger of things to
come, a sign that equality for all
is within reach. We have a long
way to go, but this is a welcome,
significant step.
The economy has been a
challenge for most of us this
year, but there are signs of
recovery in 2011. Toward that
end, I encourage everyone to
think locally and patronize our
local businesses and services
Rowena Yandall
(619) 519-7775 x104
Todd Klein
(619) 519-7775 x107
Louis Guzman
(619) 519-7775 x111
Becah Corbin
(619) 519-7775 x111
Paul Body
(619) 519-7775 x112
before looking outside our area.
My staff and I want to thank
our readers and especially our
advertisers, without whom this
newspaper would not exist. It is
our advertisers’ commitment to
our community and its future, as
well as their faith in our paper as
a effective communication tool,
that allows us to bring you regular news about your community.
We hope you have enjoyed
reading Gay San Diego and
learning about the issues we
face, local businesses and the
people who make our community what it is. We encourage your
letters to the editor; our opinion
page is your platform in which
to stimulate a dialogue about our
community, and to offer ideas
about how we can improve our
May all of you have the happiest of holidays and a prosperous
New Year.
—David Mannis
Gay San Diego encourages letters to the editor and guest
editorials. Please e-mail both to We
only accept digital files. Include phone number and address for verification. We reserve the right to edit letters
and editorials for brevity and accuracy. Letters should be
no longer than 350 words in length unless approved by
staff editors. Letters and guest editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or staff.
Press releases and story ideas are welcome. Send press
releases, tips, photos or story ideas to For breaking news and investigative story
ideas contact the editor by phone or e-mail.
GAY San Diego is distributed free, biweekly, every
other Friday. COPYRIGHT 2010.
All rights are reserved.
Business Improvement Association
From page 7
“hope and change” prospects the
LGBT community expected from
the inauguration of Democratic
President Barack Obama and
a Democratic majority in the
House and Senate. Brown’s election took from Democrats the
60th vote they needed to ensure
that legislation reached the floor
of the Senate. And Republicans
used that advantage throughout
the year to thwart the advancement of numerous pieces of
legislation, including a measure
to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
The Senate became a quagmire
of partisan warfare for the sake
of partisan gain though neither
side really gained much from it.
What does that say about
2011: For the foreseeable future, Congress is like a ship on
a stormy sea of waves, rolling to
one side and then the other. The
LGBT community has already
demonstrated it knows how to
shift its own balance in order
to keep that ship moving in the
right direction. It somehow convinced Brown and five other
Republicans to jump the GOP
ship and join the Democrats to
enable DADT repeal to come to
the floor of the Senate and be
passed. Strengthening those alliances, however temporary and
issue-specific, will be important
to defending current civil rights
gains and pushing for others in
the future.
© 2010 Keen News Service
From page 8
those they are attracted to.”
Chely Wright to unveil Nate
Berkus designed youth
center: Country singer Chely
Wright, who recently came out
as a lesbian, was slated to unveil
the Youth Enrichment Services
(YES) lounge at the LGBT community center in New York on
The Nate Berkus Show.
Dec 29
NOM late with tax returns: The
National Organization for Marriage
(NOM) and the National Organization for Marriage Foundation
(NOMF)—both of which work to
prohibit same-sex marriage—have
been late filing their federal income
tax returns for the third year in a
row. There are several complaints
filed with the IRS against NOM,
which has been labeled as a “hate
group” by the Southern Poverty
Law Center. Fred Karger’s Rights
Equal Rights group has tried
unsuccessfully to get Congress to
investigate the reasons behind the
late returns.•
Presently living for the future
Massachusetts’ pro-gay attorney general, Democrat Martha
Coakley, lost her bid for the late
Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat to Republican Scott Brown in a special
election last January.
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
friend recently told me
I was “crazy” to give up
my “life without kids.” To
her, the lesbian nightlife scene—
staying up late with cocktails as
opposed to wet diapers and the
general freedom from responsibility—constituted the ideal
state of being. She
couldn’t fathom
why I’d trade
in halter tops
for elastic waist
I tried to think
back to that time
in my life and real-
ized somehow it never really was
my life. My memories have all
been the moments that have led
to my daughter’s existence and
to life as it is. It’s almost as if my
past has only now begun to come
into focus as my daughter gains
her own perspective on reality.
raising a child, but to me this
self-critique feels so much more
amenable and endearing within
the confines of motherhood.
In a recent training session
at my work, the instructor asked
a group of us if we had a “life
plan” —including a mission
statement, goals
and a “plan
of attack” on
how to achieve
them. My hand
shot up to the
amusement of
some of my colleagues, but I
wasn’t afraid to
admit it. As time slips like water
through my fingers, it is clear to
me how impossible it is to hold
onto, and how important it is to
drink now.
Ultimately, my life goal is to
live completely in the present
tense. I want to smell each rose.
I want to notice when the trees
have grown new leaves or plants
have bloomed. I want to spend
time with people I love and
learn about the world through
travel, reading, eating, listening,
laughing and loving. My ambition is to have the discipline to
recognize it.
As I look into the future the
New Year brings, I understand
deeply that sharing my life with
my child while in the present
tense will lead to adventure and
introspection of the highest caliber. She gives me a good reason
to look deeply into my heart to
be the best person I can be. If I
trust in this process and find this
calm awareness within myself,
I don’t have to look forward to
“Sharing my life with my child while
in the present tense will lead to adventure and introspection of the
highest caliber.”
Sometimes I feel like I have
been reincarnated within my
own life, giving me the opportunity to improve as a human being simply by paying attention to
this child. When I look at myself
through her eyes, or hear my
mother’s words in my own
voice, I begin to understand what is important and meaningful,
worthwhile. I
begin to understand why I think
and act the way
I do. I am not
proposing that
it is impossible
to gain to this
anything—the wonder of life is
unfolding before my very eyes!
Unlike my friend’s apprehension about my choice, I
have not regretted having a
child and do not feel I have
given up anything, including
freedom. While it would be
easy to be distracted daydreaming about what tomorrow will
bring, I realize time and again
that the most exciting future is
being part of what’s happening
this ver y second—right here,
right now.•
—Terese Farmen lives with
her mind-blowingly smart,
spunky, sparkly 6-year-old and
her witty and wise life partner
of many years. She also works as
an IT project manager and is a
Lindy Hop dancer on the side.
events attheCenter
Wednesday, January 5
Wednesday, January 12
Guys, Games & Grub
Coffee & Conversation
with Cool Women:
Lauren Derose
6:30-9:30 pm, the Center
Have a hankering for an evening of amazing men, board
games, card games and pizza? Like the sound of a free
monthly social event for guys 21+, where you’ll meet
interesting men of all ages? Then don’t miss Guys, Games
& Grub on the first Wednesday of every month. For more
information, contact Jeffrey Wergeles at (619) 692-2077,
ext. 204, or
Monday, January 10
Keeping San Diego Communities
Safe: a Discussion on hate Crimes
& Public Safety in the new Year
6:30 pm, the Center
Come learn about the shared commitment by local public
safety agencies in keeping the diverse communities of San
Diego safe, even in the face of reduced resources and a
challenging economy. Hear about how agencies collaborate
to investigate and prosecute hate crime offenders and what
you can do if you or someone you know is the victim of a
hate crime. The event will be presented by the Office of San
Diego City Councilmember Todd Gloria, San Diego Police
Department, Office of San Diego County District Attorney
Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego LGBT Community Center and
the San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition.
For more information, contact Carlos Marquez at
(619) 692-2077, x103, or
7 pm, the Center
Join us at The Center for Coffee & Conversation With Cool
Women, a monthly community talk show featuring Tryce
Czyczynska (co-founder of 51% – A Woman’s Place is in
Politics) interviewing notable women from the community.
January’s cool woman is local indie-rock performer Lauren
DeRose, who has played the main stage at both San Diego
Pride and San Diego Indie Music Fest and recorded with
hit-maker and producer Linda Perry. She also plays drums
in the all-girl punk band, LadyParts. Please note that
beginning in 2011, Coffee and Conversation moves to
the second Wednesday of every month. This event is
FREE and open to all, but donations are always welcome.
For more information, contact abby Schwartz at
(619) 692-2077, ext. 212, or
Look for the neW Center website.
new year, fresh new look in 2011!
The San Diego LGBT Community Center • 3909 Centre Street • 619-692-2077
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Tired of the same-old, same-old?
Dear Michael,
Today I sat down to make a
list of New Year’s resolutions and
instead decided to e-mail you. I feel
really discouraged. These are the
same as last year’s and the year
before that. No matter what I do,
I can never make them happen.
They’re just wishes and hopes that
never come true. Here they are:
1. A kind, handsome boyfriend
who treats me well.
2. A new job that pays me well,
is interesting to me and has a
great boss.
3. Save up money to buy my own
4. Drink and drug less.
5. Go to the gym at least three
times a week.
6. Eat healthier and lose my
7. Go to church more often.
8. Do some volunteer work in
the community.
9. Improve my self-esteem.
I know that this is a great list,
but so what? I can’t make any of
these wishes come true.
—Tired of the Same-Old Same-Old
Dear Tired,
First of all, let’s see your desires as goals, not wishes. Wishes
imply that you need the Good
Fairy to waive his magic wand
and make it happen. No offense,
but you can’t always count on fairies to come along when you need
them. By seeing your desires
as goals, you reframe them into
something that you have more
control over. They don’t seem so
distant this way. Let’s look at how
you can achieve these goals.
Change comes gradually
Break your goals down into
easy-to-complete steps. For
example, when you write “save
up money to buy my own home,”
what are the steps you need to
take in order to begin to make
this a reality? If you don’t break
down your goals into realistic
steps, your goals will always
elude you. No one can take on
a huge goal like buying a home
without planning. Your first
step may be to make a budget.
Another could be to look at home
prices in the neighborhoods
you want to live in. If you have a
habit of being bad with money, do
some work with that.
Identify the obstacles in your
When I work with clients
on goals, it is crucial to look at
the obstacles in their way. For
example, what has stopped you
in the past from saving money,
volunteering or eating better?
Take each goal and ask yourself,
“Up until now, what has stopped
me from achieving this?” and
write it down. In therapy, I help
my clients chip away at their obstacles, bit by bit. You can do it on
your own, but it goes much faster
if you get support from a therapist, friend, parent or counselor—
someone who will be there for
you to check in with and encourage you when it gets tough.
Build in a reward system for
When you want to achieve
some major goals, it’s wise
to expect that your interest
see Therapy, pg 13
Keeping a secret—
to tell or not to tell ...
With LGBT people everywhere celebrating the repeal of
“don’t ask, don’t tell,” it will be
interesting to see what people
try to keep secret in the coming
years, and what people will
decide to proclaim aloud. In
my opinion, even if you can tell
someone something, at times
it may be better to keep the
Sometimes a secret can protect us from arrest. Back when I
was a porn actress, for instance,
it was better to keep certain details quiet about what I was doing that day. Porn shoots were
illegal then in California and the
location of where we would be
shooting the film was kept from
us for our own good.
Sometimes a secret protects
me. When I am around my
hardcore lesbian friends, I keep
my bisexuality hush-hush. Sure,
they can read it on any of my
websites or bios, but the fact
of my bisexuality often makes
them uncomfortable. I don’t
always want to defend my use of
safe sex practices whilst engaging in heterosexual activity. I
don’t want to have to divulge
which gender I prefer or sleep
with more while in a room full
of potential lesbian lovers. So
my closed mouth policy keeps
me safe and keeps my opportunities open—a sort of self-serving secret.
Sometimes a secret protects
others in our lives and in turn
protects us from their reaction.
I often kept my job as a stripper
and topless model away from
my extended family members
and certainly away from my
children. My parents knew what
I did for a living and they didn’t
judge. However, I remember
meeting an uncle in New York
City when I was 18 and stripping at Show World Center on
42nd Street. I told him I was
in the Big Apple for a musical
engagement. Imagine my horror when he went to catch his
bus home at the port authority,
walking right past the marquee
that screamed “Candye Kane,
Triple Treat Theater.” My uncle
had the good taste to ignore the
glaring signage, keeping my secret safe from the judgment of
the rest of my family for another
day—a courtesy and a necessary secret.
The ridiculous statements
about showering with gay
people making the rounds since
DADT was repealed reminds
me of all the stupid comments I
get as a bisexual from both my
straight and queer friends. “Oh!
Bisexual? That’s means you
can sleep with everyone! You
must have so many opportunities.” Well, no, I am attracted to
people on an individual basis;
it’s not based on what type of
equipment they carry in their
Levis, or whether they have
equipment in the first place.
Every one of us has already
showered with gays, lesbians
and bisexuals in junior high,
high school, college and in gyms
around the world. The fear that
we wouldn’t be able to control
our physical impulses and
would be irresistibly attracted
to a stranger in a shower setting
is the same irrational kind of
fear-based comments I get from
people who misunderstand
bisexuality. No, I’m not attracted
to every man or woman I meet,
any more than a person in a
shower is going to be driven wild
with desire by the mere sight of
a nearby nude body.
As usual, it is the “fear factor” that dictates reactions to
any situation with regard to the
see Secret, pg 12
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
In search of Mid-Century domestic masterpieces
“Who ever said that pleasure
wasn’t functional?”
—Charles Eames F
rom historic Egyptian Revival architecture to vintage clothing boutiques,
there appears to be a trend
toward stepping back in time
developing along Park Boulevard.
Maybe it’s the nostalgia and presence of the former Bush Egyptian
Theater fueling the trend or
perhaps it’s the rumor that the
MTS is entertaining plans for
vintage trolley cars to run up and
down Park Boulevard. Whatever
the reason, there is definitely a
trend toward all things historic
moving into once-vacant retail
spaces (especially among MidCentury furniture and accessory
shops where this presence on the
Park continues to grow). What
started in 1985 with David Skelley and Jeff Spence’s “Boomerang” at 3795 Park Blvd. (now Jeff
Spence’s “Mid-Century”) has now
blossomed into several blocks
filled with one of a kind items.
Between University and Robinson
alone there are now three MidCentury furniture and accessory
shops devoted exclusively to
these classic pieces, with a fourth
one, Ambianic, now open at Polk
Street and Park Boulevard.
The term “Mid-Century” is
applied not only to furniture, but
a whole era of design including
products, furniture and modern
architecture. Many collectors of
Mid-Century pieces have a passion for modern design and the
utopian lifestyle that the post-war
era conveyed: a lifestyle which
celebrated simple living and a
streamlined aesthetic, free of
needless ornamentation. Among
collectors there’s also an appreciation for the craftsmanship and
quality of objects that were made
to last. Much of the furniture
of that time was handmade in
the United States and Scandinavian countries. When studying
architecture I used to think that
“Mid-Century” was just some
clever buzz word being peddled
by retailers. Later, I came to
understand and appreciate the
extraordinary and beautiful work
of so many talented architects
and designers of that era, such
as Charles and Ray Eames, Milo
Baughman, Hans Wegner, Arne
Jacobsen and George Nelson, to
name just a few.
With so much interest lately
in Mid-Century items, the price
tag on pieces can often sting the
uninitiated with sticker shock.
The cost of these collectibles can
run the gamut among the shops
on Park Boulevard,
from a shockingly
expensive pair of table
lamps ($4,000) to a
more grounded, solid
walnut TV credenza
($250). When browsing these shops it’s
helpful to do a bit of
research ahead of time
to know what to look
for. Often what appears to be a scratched
up, old wood desk can
actually be a collector’s
dream worth thousands of dollars.
So, how did the trend of
collecting these pieces begin
and what should new collectors
be aware of? I spoke to Brandon
Vega, owner of Atomic Bazaar at
3816 Park Blvd.
“Collecting has been going on
for over 25 years now and it was
really just
a handful
of people
when it
said Vega,
a former
dancer and
choreographer. “Over
the last 12
years it
Brandon Vega,
has grown
owner of Atomic
into a reBazaar on Park
ally large
of design enthusiasts who are
embracing the pieces, especially
in Southern California. San Diego
only has about 60 percent of
the market that L.A. and Palm
Springs have but there is defi-
nitely a market here. Park
Boulevard is a great location because it runs right
down the middle of two of the
coolest neighborhoods in San Diego, Hillcrest and North Park. So
it’s convenient for a lot of people
who live in the area.”
At six feet tall, with dark hair
and piercing blue eyes, it’s not
hard to picture Vega in his former career, touring with Prince
a year and a half before opening
his store.
“I was on the hunt for
furniture for my own house and
I became obsessed with it,” he
said. “I guess it had always been
in my blood.”
Vega is no stranger to the furniture business. His grandfather
owned several blocks of furniture stores in Los Angeles. His
mother was an art collector and
always bringing new furniture
finds into the home.
Brandon said he loves the
inherent character that vintage
pieces possess.
“I love older furniture,
especially the pieces with a small
scratch or a nick. I
always think that each
little imperfection
tells a story. Sure,
they’re not as glossy
and perfect as some of
the reproductions out
there, but I wonder if
those reproductions
will last as long as
these pieces have.”
Buying Mid-Century furniture is also
an extremely sustainable and green choice.
Brandon often tells
customers when asked about
the age of an older item, “Does
your grandmother still look
this good after 60 years?”
The world of Mid-Century
furnishings and objects is vast.
While some of the shops might
seem intimidating at first, there
are some reasonable bargains to
be had. Each shop varies in price
point so it definitely pays to spend
some time discovering each of
them. Behind those designer
storefronts there’s an abundance
of fascinating history just waiting
to be told.
For a further look into the
world of Mid-Century design visit and•
—Jimmy Sullivan holds a B.A.
in architecture and is the owner of
CitiZen Design Studio, a design firm
located in Hillcrest. Write to Jimmy
at or visit
his website at
Greater San Diego
Business Association
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—Photos by Barbara Steinberg, Premier Photography
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
A Seattle scribe’s hopes for 2011
Amos, head of the Marines
same-sex marriage law. Now
s 2010 draws to a close,
Corps, for his public opposition
conservative legislators in New
I’m looking ahead. Here
to DADT repeal, I can guess
Hampshire are gearing up to reare some of my hopes for
whom Mullen will choose to
peal gay marriage in the Granite
the LGBT community in 2011,
replace him: Lady Gaga.
along with a few predictions.
If she can wear raw meat
Repeal would be a dagger in
I hope next year the Pope
from head to toe, she has the
the heart of every LGBT person
will reveal a new attitude toward
stomach for it.
in the state. Plus it could mess
gays. I predict he won’t.
Turning to other performwith my plans. My partner and
Now for a bolder prediction
ers, country singer Chely
I have been considering getting
concerning Rowan Williams, the
Wright and Christian music
hitched in New Hampshire, my
Archbishop of Canterbury, who
artist Jennifer Knapp came out
home state. If the legislators kill
has the grinding task of holding
this year. Since both hail from
together the worldwide Anglican same-sex marriage, the state will
genres traditionally unfriendly
miss out on all the money we
Communion as it convulses over
to gays, I want this fine trend to
planned to spend—on a six-pack
the gay issue.
continue next year. Hey 2011,
and a bag of cheese popcorn.
I think poor Rowan will chuck
bring us a reggae artist.
Regarding the Prop. 8 litigait all. He’ll become a pagan, and
Each year I hope a male pro
tion, experts tell us that whatperiodically be seen frolicking at
athlete who’s still playing will
ever the outcome in the appellate
Stonehenge wearing nothing but
come out, but so far nobody
a whimsical smile and un-strategi- court, the case won’t really be
has obliged me. I hope 2011
intensity to keep DADT, Mcdecided until it reaches the U.
cally placed flowers.
will be the year a football, baseCain’s passion, or bile, over the
S. Supreme Court. I’ll nonetheTurning to another part of
ball or basketball player does the
issue of gays in the military will
less hope for an appellate court
the planet, it is my sincere hope
deed. But I’ll happily settle for a
continue. Look for him to chain
victory. I’m not against being
that the murderous anti-gay bill
hockey player. With or without
himself to the Pentagon. Or to
bathed in validation.
still pending in Uganda’s parliaDefense Secretary Robert Gates, teeth.
With DADT on its official
ment will be quietly withdrawn.
Finally, I hope that next
causing interesting rumors.
way out of Dodge, what can we
Or loudly withdrawn—I’m not
spring I don’t have to write anBy the way, if Adm. Mike
expect in 2011 from Sen. John
McCain, the Obstructer-in-Chief? Mullen, Chair of the Joint Chiefs, other column about a gay teen’s
Now that the frothing homofight to attend his or her prom
is still peeved with Gen. James
After fighting with such baffling
phobe Yuri Luzhkov has lost his
with the appropriate
job as mayor of Moscow,
date. If Constance Mclet’s hope that city can
Millen could triumph
finally have an open,
in 2010 in small-town
legal Pride. Russian
Mississippi, no place
LGBT folks need an
is safe from prom
infusion of freedom. Luequality.
zhkov, married to a billionaire, needs a soul,
—For approxibut he’ll probably settle
mately the next three
for a Piaget watch.
months, Leslie RobTurning to these
inson will continue
shores, I don’t want
to date her checks
2011 to bring on a case
“2010.” E-mail her at
of “As Maine goes,
so goes New Hampcom, and check out her
shire.” You know that
blog at www.generalgayin 2009 Maine voters
(left) Constance McMillen’s banishment from her prom became an LGBT Cause célèbre in
2010, while Christian music artist Jennifer Knapp (right) came out of the closet.
shot down the state’s
Leslie Robinson
From page 10
LGBT community. The notion
that who we sleep with dictates
how we will do our job is an
entirely fear-based notion. And
it’s not just LGBT people who are
presumed to be incompetent in
the boardroom because of what
we do in our bedrooms. President
Clinton made the unfortunate
choice of getting a blow job in the
oval office. Maybe it wasn’t the
best decision, but it’s not like he
could run off to the local Motel 6
for a tryst with his young intern.
President Clinton got his head,
and then somehow managed to
keep his head while making important decisions about the fate
of our country. Many presidents
before and after him will have
extramarital affairs, kinky love
lives and maybe even homosexual dalliances and still manage to
perform their jobs to the best of
their ability. It has been happening throughout history.
With the repeal of “don’t ask,
don’t tell,” I hope that a certain
kind of pervasive ignorance will
disappear. Imagine baseless fear
being eradicated everywhere!
Imagine straight men at the
YMCA having something else
to worry about than whether
the guy in the Speedo next to
him has a male lover? Imagine
straight women concentrating
on their own sit ups rather than
worrying whether the dyke on
the elliptical machine is staring at
her breasts.
And, best of all, imagine a
world where what we do in the
privacy of our own homes, whom
we decide to love and marry
and spend our lives with, isn’t so
much a secret, but an inconsequential detail to be shared with
whomever we choose. Imagine a
world where your decisions and
actions at work are separate from
who you are at home. Imagine
religious people worrying more
about our environment or world
peace than about who you marry.
Imagine a world where loving
someone doesn’t have to be kept
a secret.
The repeal of DADT is
something to be celebrated, and
will eventually make a secret an
individual choice, instead of an
enforced, uncomfortable reality.
The repeal is paving the way for
us to be defined, not by how we
have sex and with whom, but by
who we are as individuals.
All love and commitment is
sacred and divine—and that’s no
secret. Celebrate!•
with Gianni Versace
(As channeled through Gay San Diego’s
guest medium, Gordie Agar)
Hi Gianni,
My name is Tammy, aka Tammy True,
aka Tammy-Lou, but more importantly,
Tammy in Distress Dress Moda! I’m a carefree, fun-loving bolt of a bird with a kooky
sense of fashion and flair. My problem is
this: Although I’m not afraid of dying (well,
not much; I’m more anxious) I’m terrified
that I might not have the appropriate gear
when I meet my maker. My wardrobe is
crammed full of whacky, patterned leggings,
short shorts, bold push-up thingamajigs and
a variety of flavored f#ck-me pumps. This
might seem like a silly question, but I just
want to know that when I bite the biscuit
my wardrobe will fit in with what the other
fashion plates up there are donning. I think
the bottom line is that I just want to look
good for God. Can you put my mind at ease?
Maybe give me a few pointers? I’m desperate! By the way, I’ve got a tight, perky bottom
but a bit of a flat-pack up top. Any tips on
some heavenly garments or gadgets to accentuate my blackboard bosom would be grand.
Princess of Whales’ Blubber. She doesn’t
speak to me much anymore. Not since I
implied that her adored son Prince William
seems to have lost a lot of his youthful
good looks and now more resembles
a horse, like most of the Windsor clan.
That’s OK with me, actually. Like so many
middle-aged women, Diana wafts around
here like butter wouldn’t melt between her
thighs, always trying to re-write her past. I
try to tell her tactfully that it doesn’t matter
anymore. “You’re already dead,” I say, but
she just goes crazy and starts stuffing her
face with English tea biscuits and clotted
cream buns. It’s sad to see.
The gays don’t care much for me either
here—although Halston is quite sweet.
He’s looking pretty good too. You may be
surprised to know that even though he’s on
the other side now and deader than dead,
he started on the free combination therapy a
few years back and has gained some muchneeded weight. His face has filled out nicely
and is looking less grey and a lot more alive.
Dear Tammy,
You sound like my ideal bella ragazza!
And thank you for writing me. It’s a little
bit lonely here in The Beyond. Although
I’m one of the dead celebrity select, it
turns out I’m not really very popular here
at all. I know Elton cried a million and one
tears when I left your world in a fashion
freefall but he’s not going to be here
anytime soon—unless the pudgy porker
kicks it with a heart attack or simultaneously combusts from one of his hissy fits.
This is just between me and you, but Dear
Lady Di has piled on the pounds in the last
few years—so much so that I now call her
From page 10
in achieving these goals will
ebb and flow over time. How
will you stay motivated when
you feel discouraged? This is
another obstacle in which you
must seek clarity. I suggest
you create a system of rewards
as you progress toward your
goal(s). For example, after
you make a budget, celebrate!
Do something enjoyable for
yourself (it can be free or
inexpensive). This is simple
behavior modification, and it
works. Reward yourself each
step of the way and you’ll find
your progress towards your
goals is both more pleasurable
and sustainable.
It’s doubtful that you can
work on all your goals at once.
Prioritize them. I encourage
my clients to take their goals
and rate them: No. 1 is the
most impor tant; No. 2 is next,
etc. Star t with the goals that
are most impor tant to you.
You’ll automatically be more
motivated to work toward
these. Put the less impor tant
ones aside for now; it’s usually
best to focus on no more than
two or three goals at a time,
other wise you dissipate your
energy and are likely to feel
over whelmed and give up on
all of them.
You can do it
Tr y these ideas and replace
your discouragement and helplessness with competence and
optimism. Use these “tools” (or
any other methods that work for
you), get support from people
who love you and want you to
be happy and I’ll bet that next
year you’ll have a lot to celebrate (and a much shorter list
for 2012).•
Coco Chanel, however, is a total bitch.
She has a real nasty streak, recently tell
ing me she would run a mile from any
man offering to buy her a drink who was
clothed head-to-toe in Versace (although
one expects he would be looking for a hot
boy to buy a drink for). Her vitriol should
be no surprise, since she’s rekindled her
affair with the Nazi spy Hans Gunther von
Dincklage (we just call him ‘Dicky’). Quel
horreur! Coco always wanted to be a music
hall singer and the old goat has started up
again. On any given Friday night you can
hear her crooning these dreary French lullabies to Dicky, wearing some threadbare,
oyster haute couture suit from the ’60s.
Sir Hardy Amies, who designed frocks
for the Queen of England, can’t stand
the air that I breathe or the pasta I eat,
either—such a typical old English queen
himself. He tells everyone my designs are
vulgar, garish and tacky—“very Italian;
very Eurotrash!” Can you imagine? But,
Tammy Titless, I console myself knowing
that I’ve always loathed the monotony of
good taste (my Milan runway shows were
a testament to that). Fortunately, my sweet
sister Donatella carries on my great tradition. It upset me when I heard Joan Rivers
say Donatella’s face looks like something
you’d hang on a door in Africa. But hopefully I won’t have to wait too long to give
Joan a good telling-off, vis-à-vis.
Alexander McQueen tells me that the
Versace website already has its summer 2011 collection online, and it’s just
brimming with the usual glitz, good times
and wealth—nothing understated about
it. Even in these times of global austerity
it’s nice to know that Versace is still about
splashing the cash. Now, if you wanna see
anorexic models who look like they need
to be force-fed in the manner one fattens a
foie gras-fated goose, do check it out!
Two dead ducks I’ve gotten friendly with
here are Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. This
surprised me for some reason. But when I
thought about it, it made perfect sense. They
say fashion trends come full circle every 30
years or so. When I think back to my early
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
’90s collections I can see the hippy-dippy
connections with my new friends’ clothing.
Yes, 40 years on and they’re still continuing
to sport their “elegantly wasted” finery, but
it’s always a good look (if one can exercise
a modicum of restraint when it comes to
crushed velvet and gypsy scarves).
Tammy True, I’m not sure if I’ve answered your question. I really just needed to
get some things off my hairy chest. Though
on earth I preferred only smart but casual
gear (trousers, T-shirt, jacket), I hope I’ve
made you see that here in the great Beyond,
it’s pretty much anything goes fashion-wise.
Chic or shock, sick or schlock—take your
pick and pick it! Just be yourself. That’s
always been my fashion philosophy. If that
sounds awfully trite, that’s because it is.•
Ciao, baby—and hope to see you soon,
if not sooner!
A new progressive
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—Michael Kimmel is a
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specializes in helping LGBT
clients achieve their goals and
deal with anxiety, depression,
grief, sexually addictive behavior, coming out, relationship
challenges and homophobia. His
of fice is located in Kensington
at 5100 Marlborough Drive and
his of fice phone number is (619)
955-3311. For more information, check out his website at
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The Uptown Dis
strict Center
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Ave Ste.
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Tender Greens
2400 Historic Decatur Road (Point
(619) 226-6234
Prices: Big salads, soups, sandwiches and grilled meat plates, $4
to $10.50
Chipotle chicken with
butter lettuce salad and
mashed potatoes. (Frank
Sabatini Jr./GSD)
Before our economy got
stuck in the mud, the most expensive meals at Tender
Greens were $10. Yet as prices for gasoline and food staples
continue to escalate (to the bane of restaurant owners), the
meals now top off at only 50 cents higher—a humane cost
increase from a kitchen that feeds you organically while
minimizing its carbon footprint.
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Garden-fresh salads,
hormone-free meats and
line-caught fish dominate an
all-day menu
that sneaks in
surprises such
as mashed
potatoes laden
with cream and
butter, as well
as decadent
desserts that
often include
thickly frosted
cupcakes and
rich bread
puddings. Their
philosophy seems to be that if
you choose to eat healthy most
of the time, then you’re entitled
to tads of naughty comfort food.
Located in the heart of historic Liberty Station, the eater y
solar energy. Napkins are recycled. Take-out containers are
biodegradable. Staff uniforms
are spun from
organic cotton and the
kitchen uses
environmentally friendly
detergents. As
for those solid
wooden tables
filling the air y
dining room,
they’re made
from a brokendown barn in
The menu is less imaginative
than it is wholesome. “Simple
salads” and “big salads” take
you for romps through regional
farms brimming with frilly red
lettuces, spicy arugula, crisp
romaine and velvety butter
lettuces. The large salads are
$10.50, pulling in ever ything
from flank steak, barbecued
chicken, raw nuts, pea sprouts,
meaty olives, shaved Parmesan—you name it. Dressings
are homemade, although better
on certain days than others.
During my most recent visit,
the normally superb tarragon
dressing adorning red and
green butter lettuces was too
tart, as noted first by my dining
companion before I jabbed my
fork into her leaves. A week
prior, however, the vinegar took
a respectable back seat. Others
that win for consistency and
brightness (based on several
visits) include the lemon-oregano dressing, which matches
swimmingly with the Mediterranean spinach salad, sporting
juicy marinated tomatoes and
creamy feta. A blue ribbon also
goes to the horseradish vinaigrette. It has delivered each
time I’ve succumbed to the
flank steak salad bursting with
radishes and golden beets.
From the “hot stuff” categor y, grilled meats, local
albacore and various veggies
are offered in plate form with
“I jabbed my fork into her
leaves... With a little
shoveling between plates,
I inherited most of her
buttery spuds.”
takes a commendable approach
to protecting Mother Earth.
The operation is powered by
see Greens, pg 20
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Broadway San Diego delivers trio of musicals to ring in the new year
If you were thinking of hopping a plane to New York to catch
a few Broadway shows and thrill
at the touch of falling snow (but
just can’t afford it), cheer up.
Broadway San Diego is ushering
in the new year with three fabulous musicals to brighten your
wintry blues during January and
February. And you won’t have to
trudge through snow and ice—or
be exposed by an airport security
scanner—to enjoy them.
“West Side Stor y” kicks off
the new year at the Civic Theatre
from Jan. 4-9. It’s said to be one
of the greatest love stories of
our time and with Tony Awardwinning director Arthur Laurents
you can’t possibly go wrong.
Arthur Laurents’ book
remains as timely and provocative as ever. The outstanding
score was written by two men
who have reached iconic stature,
Leonard Bernstein and Stephen
Sondheim. And if you’ve spent
any time on this musical planet
you will be ready with puckered
lips, eager to lip-sync to such
standards as “America,” “Somewhere” and “I Feel Pretty” (a
personal favorite).
Not only does this show
boast a musical pedigree, it
employs Jerome Robbins’ Tony
Award-winning choreography as
the foundation for this newest
production, which builds on raw
For the uninitiated, the story
follows two warring 1950s street
gangs and a concurrent tale of
star-crossed lovers. The lovers sustain the show’s tragic,
Shakespearean dimensions
(think Romeo and Juliet). David
Finkle, in a recent New York
Times review of the show, said
Bernstein and Sondheim’s score,
as well as Robbins’ choreography,
remain vital more than 50 years
since they were first showcased
on Broadway.
If any of you were lucky
enough to see Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “In The Heights,” you’ll
be happy to know that he was
enlisted to write all-Spanish lyrics
for “A Boy Like That” and “I Feel
Pretty” for this current produc-
tion. This helps give the show
a more authentic, 21st Century
sensibility. I understand that the
songs now alternate between
English and Spanish.
In a recent interview, Arthur
Laurents said that his new take
on “West Side Story” is tougher
and radically different from the
1957 show, going on to say that it
is the first musical propelled by
dance and choreography based
on actual street movement.
Of course, the show’s ending
is not upbeat, including bigotry,
murder and even an attempted
rape. But if you want to feel the
heat from warring gangs and
enflamed love, you won’t want to
miss this timeless classic.
“Next To Normal” follows
“West Side Story,” running Jan.
18-23. This contemporary musical
about a family trying to take care
of themselves and one another
delivers a roller coaster ride
of emotion. It won three Tony
Awards, including Best Score, as
well as a Pulitzer. It doesn’t get
much better than that.
This extremely well-crafted
show centers around a family
see Broadway, pg 17
Dorothy and Friends (Adam Jepsen, Cassie Okenka, Dusty as Toto, Jesse Coleman and Peter Gosik) in a scene
from San Diego Civic Theatre’s production of “The Wizard of Oz.” (Courtesy Peter Coombs)
NEXT TO NORMAL (Jan. 18-23)
THE WIZARD OF OZ (Feb. 15-20)
San Diego Civic Theatre
3rd Avenue and B Street, downtown San Diego
(619) 570-1100
Visit website for specific days and times
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
‘Dogtooth’ is one scathing assault you won’t want to miss
Directed by: Giorgos Lanthimos
Written by: Efthymis Filippou and Giorgos Lanthimos
Starring: Christos Stergioglou, Michele
Valley, Aggeliki Papoulia, Mary Tsoni,
Hristos Passalis and Anna Kalaitzidou
Is it too late to amend my Top 10 list?
A last minute Christmas Day screening
was all it took to persuade me. Thank you,
Santa! “Dogtooth” is the most original film
of 2010: a brutally twisted, deeply disturbing sci-fi treasure that had me laughing
while shielding my eyes from the screen.
Once upon a time there was a family
bunkered down in a suburban Bertesgarten (minus the eagle’s nest view), living
out their controlled existence far from the
toxic contaminants of popular culture and
so-called polite society. Father (Christos
Stergioglou) and mother (Michele Valley)
want what’s best for their older (Aggeliki
Papoulia) and younger (Mary Tsoni) teenage daughters and strapping son (Hristos
Passalis). The parental unit perceive that
hell is other people and the only hope for
the preservation of the family unit is total
Every morning the children receive
their lessons: an audio cassette of mother
dictating new words and delusional defini-
Hristos Passalis up against it in “Dogtooth.” (Courtesy Kino International)
tions for them to absorb. The “sea” is
characterized as “a leather armchair with
wooden arms,” while “motorway” translates to “a strong wind” and “excursion”
becomes “a very resistant material.” It’s an
experiment in language that would make
Anthony Burgess’ “A Clockwork Orange”
turn positively green with envy!
Without an Xbox or Blackberry to
distract them, the children invent simple
games to while away the hours. They
chase each other around the grounds,
perform plays in the living room and take
their exercise in the backyard pool. When
boredom is at its height, a “game of endurance”—the trio each hold a finger under a
scalding faucet to see who flinches first—is
in order. The most enjoyable diversion of
all is when father brings home a blindfolded co-worker to engage in mechanical
sex with his son. After all, you can’t deny
a growing boy a good time, and gosh only
knows you don’t want him to unleash his
raging hormones on his sisters. Besides,
when it comes to sex father sees no reason
why his daughters can’t provide for one
Where are we? Is this a parallel universe or are we three years down the road
trapped in a post apocalyptic nightmare
that finds its few survivors blindly carrying out time honored traditions? Director
Giorgos Lanthimos and co-writer Efthymis
Filippou purposely withhold vital bits of information (a time frame, backstory, character motivation), providing just enough gray
area to make their resolute satire work.
This isn’t some formulaic who-done-it that
keeps audiences guessing right up to the
point they are rewarded with a revelatory
third act bone. The filmmakers aim is not
to keep audiences guessing, but to make
them think about the future of genealogy
by waging the most scathing assault on the
extinction of the nuclear family since “Pink
Only father is allowed to leave the
gated estate—someone has to bring home
the bacon—and it’s the only glimpse
we’re allowed into the outside world.
(There’s barely an establishing shot in
the picture.) Father works at a nondescript factory that doesn’t appear to have
any say in how he rears his offspring.
The spirit and dedication to preserve
and foster the integrity of the Cleavers,
providing that Ward got Wally and Beaver
laid, comes strictly from within.
There have been several screen attempts of late to use threat and violence
as a means of satirizing the decay of the
family unit (“Funny Games,” “Never Let
Me Go,” “Life During Wartime”), but all
pale in comparison. “Dogtooth” not only
lives up to the promise, it restores faith
in the future of movies. It’s near scythelike sense of humor and unexpected
bursts of uncontrolled violence are
meant to violate audience expectations
and disrupt the normally passive moviegoing experience. (Call it “Anti-Fockers.”) “Dogtooth” opens its exclusive run
at Reading Cinemas Gaslamp 15 on New
Year’s Eve and there is no better way to
ring in the new year of movies than by
mucking out the miserable old one with
the remarkable “Dogtooth.” Let’s close
the 2010 movie year with a solid five
star-review and sentence I never thought
I’d write: I can’t wait to see it with an
—Check out Scott Marks’ website for
more reviews, news and film factoids at
Pitiable figures on parade in a cardboard sham of ‘truth’ retold
“The Fighter”
Directed by: David O. Russell
Written by: Scott Silver, Paul
Tamasy and Eric Johnson
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Melissa
Leo and Mickey O’Keefe
By Scott Marks | GSD Film Critic
“The Fighter” is this year’s
“Precious,” an embarrassing
laugh out loud marionette show
that manages to turn a true story
into a cardboard sham by squeezing in more clichés than a parody
of the same subject.
Micky (Mark Wahlberg) and
his punch drunk half-brother
Dicky (Christian Bale) live in
each other’s shadows. One fight,
in which Dicky may or may not
have knocked down Sugar Ray
Leonard, is all it took for him
to become the pride of Lowell,
Mass. Dicky is his younger
brother’s trainer and a chronic
screw-up. Talk about a confederacy of dunces: Throngs of
toothless blockheads trail the
Pied Piper of Palookaville down
the street, particularly when
HBO Sports is documenting his
every move. The premium cable
service isn’t so much interested
in the punches Dicky took in the
ring. The hits the “coulda’ been”
takes off a crack pipe are bound
to draw higher ratings.
Everyone advises the up
and coming Micky to lose the
albatross, and while the kid is
tired of catching a chill living
in Dicky’s shadow, he doesn’t
want to disappoint his family by
firing his troubled brother. That’s
where girlfriends come in! Enter
Charlene (Amy Adams), a fiery
redhead barkeep who takes an
instant shine to Micky. From
the look of things, Charlene is
a fixture in the bar. Micky’s dad
George (Jack McGee) tells his
son that he put in a good word for
him, but if this is the neighborhood hangout and Micky can
never venture too far from his
family’s clutches, how is it that he
never noticed her before?
The main difference between
this and “Raging Bull” (and
Mother of Mercy there are many)
is that Marty sees his characters for the scum they are, not
a bunch of loveable barbarians
with an inspirational story to sell.
There is not an admirable lowlife
in the lot, even the saintly Charlene. What is it about Micky that
attracts her? After father and son
spend some quality time together
ogling their hostess’ butt—even
Charlene draws attention to her
best feature—the chivalrous pugilist decides to decorate the bar
with the face of a drunken patron
who also passes judgment on her
posterior. Cue the wedding bells.
The playful, pre-credit street
fight Dicky stages for HBO cameras sets the tone of the picture.
It’s “Raging Bowery Boys.” With
his lanky demeanor, rubber face
and duck-bill baseball cap, Bale
is a dead ringer for Huntz Hall
and Wahlberg’s strapping façade
and boyish good looks recall
Billy Halop. With her “Paahk you
caahr” dialect and immovable helmet hair, the generally indispensable Melissa Leo (as the boys’
mother, Alice) comes off sounding like Marge Schott minus the
Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg star as boxing brothers in “The
Fighter.” (Courtesy Paramount Pictures)
racial epithets. I don’t care if it is
based on fact, as presented there
is not one fleshed out character
in the piece—just a cast of highly
respectable performers enlivening stick figures.
Some have argued that Bale
gives a tremendous performance
simply because he worked so
hard to take on the physical
characteristics of the real-life
Dicky Eklund. This is a movie,
not a celebrity look-alike contest.
I bear more of a resemblance to
John Reed than Warren Beatty;
does that diminish the actor’s
credibility in “Reds”? Since when
does Alec Guinness look (or
sound) like Adolf Hitler, yet he
did the Fuhrer proud. And were
Catherine the Great one-tenth as
beautiful as Marlene Dietrich she
would surely have been squired
by a higher class stable of lovers.
There is one legitimately hilarious scene in the film. Micky is
afraid that his friends and family
will give him a hard time if they
see him escorting a liberated
dame around town. (His crowd
considers Pamela Anderson a
feminist because she posed for
Playboy more than once.) He
decides to take Charlene to an art
house showing the subtitled “La
Belle Epoque,” knowing full well
that none of his knuckle-dragging
buddies can read.
This isn’t a picture about the
triumph of the human spirit.
It’s a chance for people to feel
good about their own miserable
lives. No matter how bad the
hand that’s dealt you, it’s a trip to
Disneyland compared to the lots
drawn by the pitiable figures on
parade in “The Fighter.”•
—Check out Scott Marks
website for more reviews, news and
film factoids at
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
San Diego’s ‘Toughest Girl Alive’
takes her stor y to the stage
Jan. 15-Feb. 6 Moxie Theatre 6663 El Cajon Blvd, Suite N Rolando (858) 598-7620
By Cuauhtémoc Kish | Theatre Critic
Visiting the official website of
legendary San Diego blues singer
Candye Kane (,
a two-second delay is followed by
the sound of her strong, confident
pipes bellowing, “I’ve always been
a fighter ... and I’m not going to
take it laying down.”
If you are a fan of Ms. Kane,
you know those lyrics were ripped
from her most recent CD, “Superhero,” which debuted at No.
9 on the Billboard Blues charts.
Kane produced the disc, along
with lead guitarist Laura Chavez,
penning 10 of the songs for the
Delta Groove label. The recording,
released after her well-publicized
battle with pancreatic cancer, puts
her pain, heartache and humor
right out there for listeners to feel
and connect with. She wants people to envision the ways in which
they too can endure, triumph and
feel empowered, becoming the
superheroes of their own lives.
Kane’s gospel of empowerment
and self-acceptance is one she has
woven throughout her more than
two-decade career and is sure to
be a strong theme in her autobiographical one-woman show, “The
Toughest Girl Alive,” at Moxie
Theatre Jan. 15-Feb. 6. A workshop of the show, which includes 23
of her original songs, sold out over
several days last year at Diversionary Theatre. Although upbeat, the
play includes some dark snapshots
from Kane’s past, as she tells the
tale of how she overcame adversity
to become one of the most enduring
and intriguing figures in contemporary blues music. She’s survived
a dysfunctional mother, teenage
pregnancy, rape, gang violence and
the murder of a friend. Oh, and
that much-regretted short chapter of
her life as an adult film star.
Kane, a self-professed and
proud 47-year old bisexual, spoke
with Gay San Diego over the
recent Christmas holiday. Here is
what she had to say.
Gay San Diego: Congratulations
on your show, “The Toughest
Girl Alive.” Could you give us a
bit of back story as to how the
show was conceived?
Candye Kane: My original idea
was to publish my memoirs,
possibly thinking that it would
make a great movie. As I pushed
the book proposal to selected
friends and acquaintances I got
some very interesting and helpful
feedback. San Diego Ballet Director, Javier Velasco, was one of the
individuals who made suggestions, including a suggestion that
the book proposal be adapted for
the stage. Javier eventually wrote
the narrative and picked 23 songs
from my catalog to accompany
the theatrical book. Having been
an ex-gang member, an unwed
teen mother, a 9-year old shoplifter, an adult film star, a cancer
survivor, and a blues singer,
there was obviously enough material to lay the groundwork for
an interesting musical biography.
I truly believe that these ‘challenges’ have strengthened me
as a person. In the end, it’s who
I am.
GSD: I understand that you have
some material that’s from the
second part of your life story that
Javier Velasco specifically asked
you to include in the show.
Kane: Javier added a scene about
my friend, Tiny (Robert Gibson),
who died in 1994. Tiny was working as a prostitute when he was
murdered, having been stabbed
some 32 times by his ‘John.’ I met
Tiny when we were both competing for “Ms. San Diego at Large”
at the Brass Rail, where we just
GSD: The word is out that another member of your family will
also be in the show.
Kane: One of my two sons, Evan
(Caleb), will be in the show.
Blues singer and GSD
columnist Candye Kane.
He’s a drummer. Tommy, my
22-year-old, is currently a jazz
piano major at UC Berkeley. In
addition, Sue Palmer (pianist),
Laura Chavez (guitarist) and Paul
Loranger (bassist) round out
the band. When you look at the
show, and the gays and lesbians
involved with this production, it’s
a real rainbow coalition.
GSD: I would imagine that a
theatrical show would be a nice
change of pace for you, keeping
you and your band in one place
for weeks at a time.
Kane: Since I travel approximately 250 days out of the year, it’s a
very welcome change. We are
working on several theatre bookings currently, and hope to take
the show around the nation.
GSD: Do you consider yourself
both an actor and a musician, and
if so, what hat to you enjoy wearing most?
Ryan Christopher Chotto, Mike Boland and Grant Gustin in San Diego Civic Theatre’s production of “West Side
Story.” (Courtesy Joan Marcus)
From page 15
struggling with its bipolar matriarch, whose illness permeates
the household. Ben Brantley of
the New York Times said “Next to
Normal” is more of a “feel-everything musical” than a feel-good
musical. Critics have praised the
show’s wicked wit and unconventionality, characterizing it as a
moving, compassionate force.
“Next to Normal” takes on
mental illness without fear or
apology, leaving the emotional
fallout right there on the stage,
for all to see.
Tom Kitt’s music and the
lyrics by Brian Yorkey perfectly
underscore the characters’ motivations, allowing the audience
to fully experience the story’s
compassion and humanity.
“Next to Normal” is among
the cannon of contemporary
works that rebel against the
American musical’s legacy as sappily happy, mindlessly romantic
fodder. Those who embrace
musicals with gutsy subject matter, such as predecessors “Rent”
(AIDS) and “Spring Awakening”
(sexual repression), are going to
love this show.
Lastly, “The Wizard of Oz”
will visit San Diego Feb. 15-20.
It has been hailed by some as
the greatest family musical of
all time—and no doubt San
Diegans will be as captivated as
ever watching Dorothy and Toto
walk the Yellow Brick Road with
compatriots the Cowardly Lion,
Tin Man and Scarecrow.
This touring show should not
be confused with “The Wiz” or
“Wicked.” This one is based upon
a production originally presented
by the Royal Shakespeare Company in London.
The show is a celebration of
the iconic 1939 MGM film of the
same name, penned by L. Frank
Baum. This time around, however,
the audience will be transported
to an art deco Oz, complete with
munchkins and flying monkeys.
Look for 12 tittering local
tykes to take on the munchkin
roles, kicking up their heels on
songs such as “Ding Dong the
Witch is Dead.”
I’m certain our gay and
lesbian brothers and sisters
won’t mind traveling “Over the
Rainbow” to experience this stage
performance once again, and or
perhaps for the very first time.•
Kane: First, I don’t consider
myself an actor: I’m a musician.
I’ve always thought that being a
musician allowed me to be my
most genuine self. With acting
I’ve always thought that you
weren’t able to wear your own
face. Since this show is my own,
personal biography, I actually get
to sing and act, and I also get to
wear my own face.
GSD: I would be remiss in my
job if I didn’t congratulate you on
being a cancer survivor, and ask
you about your health.
Kane: The percentages of surviving pancreatic cancer are not
high, so I’m very glad to be alive.
I’ve been cancer free for three
years and have two more years of
tests before I can announce that
I’m “cancer free.”
GSD: I understand that part
of your cancer experience is
chronicled in the lyrics of your
latest CD, “Superhero”—a collection produced by Delta Groove
Records and one that debuted at
see Kane, pg 22
The Pool
Service & Repair
people you keep.
TOM RIVES Cont. Lic# 445392
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Joan Rivers:
A hardworking ‘Piece of Work’
WHEN: Jan. 15, 8 p.m.
WHERE: Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (at E Street) in downtown San Diego
COST: $30 to $65
INFO: (619) 570-1100 or
By Pat Sherman | GSD Editor
With the DVD release of her acclaimed
documentary, “A Piece of Work,” two television shows, a string of live dates and stage
and book projects in the works, at 77, Joan
Rivers shows no signs of slowing down.
Asked how she accomplishes everything on
her ambitious, ever-growing “to-do” list, she
sighed and said, “You just do!”
Rivers will be in San Diego Jan. 15 for
one show at the historic Balboa Theatre.
The Emmy-winning television talk show
host, author, jewelry designer and acerbictongued fashion cop took a break from
wrapping “shove-unda” gifts to speak with
Gay San Diego about her lengthy career
and enduring popularity with LGBT
Joan Rivers: Hi. Sorry, we’re just trying to get my hair done and Christmas
gifts wrapped, and we’re talking about
(heading to) San Diego in January. How
are you?
GSD: I’m good. How are you doing,
Ms. Rivers?
Rivers: Well, not so wonderful, because
of all this shit, but okay, I see you’re
the Gay San Diego paper, so I’m feeling
You say hurray for Ellen and
hurray for the ones that
come out. So I don’t
know if she has been
with Gayle, but if
it is true, then it’s
terribly sad.
GSD: Who’s
the bestdressed lesbian out there
Rivers: Um,
who the hell
cares? Not Ellen.
Ellen doesn’t
dress well. I like
Portia de Rossi.
You know, again,
it’s the fems
that look good,
if that makes
sense. The lipstick
lesbians always look divine. The others
I don’t like because they try to dress
like men, and I think men’s fashion is so
GSD: Really?
Rivers: Yes.
Rivers: Lesbian what?
GSD: Speaking of the guys, more
and more gay men seem to be
dabbling in cosmetic surger y—
sometimes with great results, but
more often with fairly tragic results.
As the author of the book, “Men
Are Stupid … And They Like Big
Boobs,” substitute the word ‘boobs’
and you would have a similar bible
for gay men. What advice would you
give guys going under the knife for
the first time?
GSD: Your lesbian cred—credibility,
street cred with the lesbians.
Rivers: Do very little. Better to do very
little a lot of times than a lot one time.
GSD: Thank you. I was just going to
say, it’s nice to speak to a woman
with such dignity and poise.
Rivers: Yeah, right. Well, then you
missed out. You couldn’t get her on the
line, so you got me instead.
GSD: Perfect. Let’s just get right to
it and talk about your lesbian cred.
Rivers: At this age,
I don’t give a shit
about credibility
with lesbians or gays
or animals or antiSemites. Who cares?
live in New York. You have to go to the
Midwest to suddenly go, ‘That’s right!
(People don’t get it.)” In New York,
nobody gives a damn. In California, nobody gives a damn. Then you go into the
middle of the country and you suddenly
realize, oh yes, this must be pushed
GSD: When you perform in the
Bible Belt is the reaction to your
material any different? Are there
some jokes you won’t do?
Rivers: There’s nothing I won’t do,
because I think it’s my job to shake ‘em
up. The first thing I always say in my act,
and I’ll be saying probably in San Diego,
is “Where are my gays?” If there are gay
men up front you are going to have a
good show.
GSD: Why do you think that is?
Rivers: I love them; they love me. You
know what I’m saying? Who knows?
They get it. They’re
willing to laugh.
They understand
everything is just
stupid and silly
and not to be taken
seriously. They just
make for a wonderful comedy audience.
“I will never sell anything I truly
don’t believe in because my name’s
on it ... unless—wait, wait, wait—unless I can make $500 million.”
GSD: Well, I
didn’t know this,
but I read that you were once in
an off-Broadway production with
Barbra Streisand (a then-unknown
high school student). You played a
lesbian with a crush on her (Babs’)
character [“Driftwood,” 1959].
Rivers: Oh my God, my best friend is a
lesbian. That’s why I’m always thinking
it’s so funny when people say, “Let’s discuss, do you like lesbians?” Too late—I
love Oprah. I watch her all the time.
GSD: Well, once again she said she’s
not a lesbian. What do you think?
Rivers: Well, I think it’s nice to give a
“friend” a $25 million apartment. She
gave Gayle [King] apparently a $25 million apartment. That’s a friend! I don’t
know and I don’t care (if she’s gay), and
the truth is, if you don’t want to say you
are, then don’t say you are. And if she
is, and is so vehemently denying this—if
she is—then this means her whole life
is a sham and that’s very, very, very sad.
You do it so you look the way you still
look and people don’t see the changes.
That’s good plastic surgery. Bad plastic
surgery is when you look like Robert
Redford, who looks like he went through
a wind tunnel. … But you know something, if you think you look good, that’s
all that counts.
GSD: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: The
president just signed its repeal into law.
Gay marriage probably isn’t far behind.
All these activists are suddenly going to
have a lot of time on their hands. What
should they do next?
Rivers: (laughs). They can all come and
decorate my apartment.
GSD: What do you think the next
great civil rights battle will be?
Rivers: I think everyone should be
allowed to sleep with who they want.
Everybody should be allowed to be
who they are. Maybe it’s because I
GSD: As far as your line of QVC
jewelr y, is there anything that you’ve
later regretted hawking on TV?
Rivers: No. I will never sell anything I
truly don’t believe in because my name’s
on it, and that’s the long run. You don’t
want to waste 40 years building up trust
to sell some kind of a stupid piece of jewelry or something where you think this
really sucks—unless, wait, wait, wait—
unless I can make $500 million. Say buy
this piece of shit. I want $500 million and
you’re never going to see me again. That
would be the only time.
GSD: If you could come back as a
gay man in another life, who would
you be and why?
Rivers: I’d be the world’s greatest
opera singer. Can you imagine going out
see Rivers, pg 19
The inimitable Joan Alexandra Molinsky Sanger Rosenberg (aka Joan Rivers)
From page 18
there? Oh, my, my, my—that’s great!
GSD: Back in the day, you had the
balls to have guests such as Grace
Jones and [the late punk singer]
Wendy O. Williams on your show.
Rivers: You know, you want your guests
to be interesting. You want your guests
to be outrageous. You want your guests
to be different, to be talked about. I
think one of the things that is so boring
now is you go to sleep (watching) another actress pushing another
movie that we couldn’t care
less about. I mean, nowadays
everybody’s so (imitates a
starlet’s phony, plastic laugh).
You’re like, oh please, say
something provocative.
four stars in England, so you can’t help
but say thank you for that. My God, we
couldn’t even get the money to get it
made. The girl put her own money up
for it, and then to have this happen, it’s
been extraordinary.
GSD: If a man’s tr ying to seduce
you, what works?
Rivers: Oh, a big gift always works.
How can you say no to somebody who
has just given you a Bentley? You can’t.
GSD: How is your daughter Melissa
Rivers: Melissa is doing great. She’s a
GSD: Before you headlined
in Vegas you were opening for Helen Reddy on the
strip. Rivers: Helen was wonderful.
She was at her height then.
That was “Delta Dawn” and
all that great stuff—“I Am
Woman.” She was terrific and
I was very excited opening for
her, because the audience was
just primed with bright, smart
people, and it was the woman’s
movement. You know, all that
crap was going on.
GSD: Who has been one of
your dullest guests?
Rivers: Usually it’s the very
programmed movie stars,
who are very grand, you
know (effects a British, Emma
Thompson accent). They’re
just boring, because they’re not
going to tell you the truth.
GSD: Did she ever come on
to you?
GSD: What was your biggest
debacle on the red carpet
when you were inter viewing
celebrities for E!
Rivers: Was there a debacle?
Oh no, no, no. What I’m doing
now is so much more fun,
which is the “Fashion Police”
(on E!). That, I love doing. The red carpet
just got to be stupid and a mess, because
too many people were doing it and everybody suddenly was being very careful
what they said. You were always scared to
say that you didn’t like somebody’s dress,
because then they wouldn’t come back.
We would get things like, “Don’t talk
about Angelina Jolie’s dress or she won’t
come by next year.” Then what’s the point
of being there?
Rivers: We were both starting out, she
was 16, (attending) Erasmus (Hall)
high school, and she was wearing a
“Beat Midwood (High School)” button
on her chest, which was their rival
high school. She already knew where
she was going. She knew what she
was going to do. We always run into
each other and we like each other, and
I always say, this is so stupid, “Hello
Barbra with all the “A’s,” because [Her
name was originally spelled] B-a-r-b-ar-a. And she always says, “Hello, Joan
Molinsky” (Rivers’ birth name), because I hadn’t even changed my name
yet. And that’s been our greeting for 40
years to each other.
Rivers: Helen Reddy? No. I
think it’s good she didn’t. We
would have had a very ugly
regular on the daytime Access Hollywood.
She does their fashions every Friday. She’s
producing for E!, and one of the things
she’s producing is the successful “Fashion
Police.” And she’s starring (with me) in
the new television series “Joan & Melissa,”
which comes out on We (TV) —not E!—
on We (TV) the end of January.
GSD: Anything else on the horizon
for you?
GSD: Your recent documentar y,
“Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work” got
pretty decent reviews. Were you
happy with the way it turned out?
Rivers: No. I think that’s enough: Two
television shows on the air, doing all
these concert dates. Everything is just
great. I have no complaints, thank you.
Rivers: I’m never happy with the way
anything turns out. … We’ve gotten
amazing reviews, like four stars out of
GSD: Getting back to that play with
Streisand, what do you remember
about that?
GSD: Through the years,
who are some of the men
whose advances you’ve
Rivers: That I said no I wouldn’t sleep
with? Two of them. One was (actor)
Robert Mitchum and the other was another old-time movie star who came on
“The Tonight Show,” Robert Ryan. He
must have been 50 then. I’m sure he’s
not even alive (now). I look back and go,
“You stupid idiot. You moron.”
GSD: What was the situation?
Rivers: Darling, we’re talking 30 years
ago, so it’s a boring question—for me.
Maybe not for you. They were just charming and flirty and adorable. And I was
married and I said, “No.” But you look
back and you go, it wouldn’t have been so
bad to sleep with Robert Mitchum.•
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
A new year, a new you
here’s no better time than
the New Year to focus on a
new you. When you think of the
New Year, what comes to mind
right away? Yup, those dreaded
resolutions. Read on, and hopefully those resolutions can be
something you look forward to
instead of dread— especially
when you start reaching them.
Many people set goals for a
new year only to find out two
to three months down the road
they haven’t even come close to
reaching those goals. One way
to help you achieve your goals is
to make sure they are attainable.
Your first goal of the New Year
is to make a resolution that you
can and will keep.
Since many New Year’s
resolutions and goals are fitnessrelated, keep it SMART: specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic,
and timely. A fitness goal could be
changing up your current workout program. Are you stuck in a
rut or find yourself at a plateau?
Then a change is needed to spice
up your workouts and keep you
on the road to success. Have you
worked with a personal trainer
before? If not, there’s no better
run, set a goal to sign up for a
5K or 10K run/walk. Signing
up for a race will motivate you
to run or walk a certain amount
of miles each day. Talk with
friends, family members or coworkers and motivate them to
join you. Training with a buddy
is not only fun but you and your
buddy can help each other stay
on track towards your goals.
The feeling you get when you
cross the finish line is a huge
sense of accomplishment.
There are runs almost ever y
weekend in San Diego, so no
excuses—tie up those sneakers
and get moving.
Don’t wait until spring to
clean out your closets. This
year you want to feel like a new
you, so clean out those clothes
you haven’t worn in the past six
months and start anew. Donate
your old clothes, shoes and
accessories to a charity such as
the Salvation Army or Auntie
Helen’s. Not only will you feel
good getting organized, but
you’ll help someone else via
your kindness. Your New Year’s
reward for “out with the old”
could be a new pair of jeans that
fawn lofton
Year’s resolutions, remember
to keep it simple. Set smaller,
short term goals that can be
“There are runs almost every weekend in
San Diego, so no excuses—tie up those
sneakers and get moving.”
time than the New Year to find
a trainer that is right for you—
someone who can suggest a new
exercise program to challenge
your body in new ways for a new
you! Your muscles have memory
and if you continue to do the
same routine and exercise, your
body will adapt to that, while not
reaching your maximum results.
Personal trainers also provide
motivation and accountability.
If your knees allow you to
are a size smaller. Rewarding
yourself is an important part
of your journey toward success and a new you. Another
great reward might be a facial,
massage or day spa experience.
Think of something that will motivate you, and put that image
in your mind as your personal
“atta girl” reward each time
you knock off one of your 2011
“New You” goals.
When making your New
achieved within the first few
months of the year. Goals are
great to keep your motivation
level high and keep you striving towards a new you. To kick
the New Year off right, come in
for a complimentar y personal
training session today. Let me
help you reach your fitness
goals. Call Fawn Lofton, Fitness
Together Mission Hills at (619)
794-0014. Follow us on our blog
From page 14
mashed potatoes and a choice
of “small” salad that proves
substantial. You can also order
the grilled proteins and veggies on sandwiches made with
excellent ciabatta rolls. (Last
I checked, they were hailing
from Liberty Station’s Con
Pane Rustic Breads, a serious
artisan baker y.)
My companion chose a
hot plate of chipotle barbecue
chicken, a recent newcomer
to the meat lineup that uses
a powdered spice to coat
the edges of the cleaver-cut
poultr y that is mostly breast
meat. The spice factor was
subtle and the chicken was
slightly dr y, although curable
with a side of semi-garlicky
aioli sauce that we requested
on the side. Lucky for me,
this particular dining partner
isn’t a fan of white potatoes,
even with Yukon Golds added
into the mash. So with a little
shoveling between plates, I
inherited most of her butter y
I didn’t previously recall
seeing “salt & pepper chicken”
on the menu, so I opted for it in
a sandwich and chose “romaine
hearts” drizzled in Caesar
dressing as my choice of salad.
All sandwiches are blanketed
with soft, roasted red peppers
and aioli. They combine so
deliciously with the ciabatta
that I’d pretty much effuse over
Chihuahua meat if it were the
protein inside.
We also shared a couple
of soups: Rustic chicken and
tomato-basil bread soup. I’ve
yet to acquire a taste for the latter, which consistently reminds
me of acidic spaghetti sauce.
“That’s why I like this,”
said my companion, as I took
my last and final slurp of the
stuff, which was over embellished with basil oil. The
chicken soup, however, was
pacifying and chock full of carrots, celer y and potatoes, just
like the kitchen matriarch in
your family would make it.
We skipped dessert, but
asked for a sample of the
“cider sauce” hydrating the
day’s bread pudding. It tasted
nondescript on its own, but
probably sang tunefully to the
chopped apples and spices
lurking in the soaked bread
Tender Greens in Liberty Station is co-owned by a
couple of former grade school
buddies from Point Loma.
The guys were brought on
board as investors by one of
the restaurant’s founders, who
operates a Tender Greens in
Culver City. The company has
since opened locations in West
Hollywood and Hollywood.
The restaurant still offers a
good bang for the buck to those
with tight budgets. Its airy,
casual atmosphere and sunny
yellow interior is eye appealing
and considerably more comfortable than the franchise eateries
sprinkled throughout these
grounds of Liberty Station. Better yet, what you put into your
mouth is pure and lively.•
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
Setting Effective Fitness Goals for 2011
By Joshua Maness
It is almost that time of year again,
when all the holiday parties come to
an end and all the
excuses as to
why we gorge
on all our
favorite treats
are no longer
And with a
new year, come
resolutions. Many of us take part
in this annual tradition, but how
many of us do so successfully? This
year, be more effective by learning
to properly set goals. Jotting down
goals on a notepad without making a
plan is simply creating a wish list, and
since Santa will have already made
his rounds this is a poor strategy for
success! Try the following tips to
improve your chances of achieving
those elusive resolutions.
Recognize roadblocks and plan for
a detour:
Every goal worth achieving comes
with its fair share of obstacles. Don’t
allow yourself to be overwhelmed
by being unprepared. Recognize
situations that may hinder your
progress and have a course of action
ready to overcome each barrier.
Form a team:
I find it imperative to create a list
of people who provide support in
Michael Kimmel
Author of
“Life Beyond
Therapy” in
Gay San
5100 Marlborough Drive
San Diego, CA 92116
attaining your goal; allow them to
assist you when necessary. Many of
my clients find more success through
teaming up. Whether you find a
friend to hit the gym with or team up
with a loved one to change your eating
habits, having a dedicated partner can
make lifestyle changes fun!
Chose goals you feel passionate
One common mistake we make
is to set goals that may sound nice
but lack a certain desire or sense of
urgency. Desire breeds success! If you
want something bad enough you will
find a way to make it happen. Setting
goals and game planning is the first
step to being successful. Don’t set
yourself up for failure by choosing
goals you aren’t fully committed to
Look for more tips on setting and
tackling your fitness goals in future
Josh Maness and Derek Motsinger
operate Full Circle Fitness Coaching,
a holistic fitness center in Hillcrest
offering a variety of services to
meet your fitness needs. For more
information and guidance regarding
your health and fitness needs, please
contact us at (858) 531-2989 or
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
From page 17
From page 3
the No. 9 spot on the Billboard Blues chart.
what was happening in gay culture at the time was people were
beginning to feel better about
Though Burkard concedes
that sales of his catalogue were
partially fueled by men seeking
a safe, coffee table connection
with the burgeoning gay culture
of the east and west coasts,
there remained those “wild and
crazy” heterosexual guys who
subscribed to International Male
purely to help them pad their
closets with clothes to make
them more attractive to the opposite sex.
“It went right over their
heads,” Burkard said. “We never
said we were a gay catalogue, but
gays ‘got it.’ I mean, gays looked at
it and said, ‘My God, that’s me and
I can get this in the mail because
it’s not saying gay anywhere. It’s
just got these hot guys.’”
Though a protruding package
might have sealed the deal for
some, from the onset the catalogue included a variety of items,
from jogging shorts and pants to
linen shirts and bath accessories.
Flipping through the pages of
some IM catalogues from the ’70s
and early ’80s, Burkard quipped,
“I mean how straight can you get?
I’m even getting bored just looking
at it.”
Ads that ran in gay publications, tended to be a bit more
revealing, Burkard noted, pointing to one published in the first
issue of the defunct San Diego gay
publication, Update.
“You see, we were somewhat
closeted,” he said. (But) I had an
internal slogan and it was, ‘Never
Kane: “Superhero” is my
favorite musical child, from the
10 CDs that I’ve recorded to
date. And, yes, several of the
songs are about my struggle
with cancer. I never forget the
fact that I am a living, breathing miracle, having survived.
GSD: How’s your charity,
United by Music going?
Kane: United By Music, for
those who may not know, is all
about teaching young people
with disabilities about blues
music. It’s no less life-changing for many of these participants. And if they are talented
enough, we even put them on
the stage. And during the run
of the show at Moxie Theatre,
there will be one very special
night dedicated to United by
GSD: I understand that you
were once the student body
president at Palomar College.
Kane: True. In 1989 I wasn’t
able to travel due to the birth
of my youngest son, so I studied music at Palomar College,
and became an activist, and
the Student Body President. I
influenced policy so the first
(chapter of) NOW (National
Organization for Women) on
campus was established, as
well as the first Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance.•
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get respectable.’”
Burkard, who grew up in
Wisconsin and Cheboygan,
Mich., got his first inkling of what
fashion could be while traveling
through Europe, selling beer and
other items to commissaries at
U.S. military bases in Turkey,
Italy, Spain, Greece and England.
“I was aware that they were
wearing sexier clothes in Europe
than they were in the States. Italian fashion’s, they were tighter,”
he said.
After losing a substantial sum in
the stock market in 1969, Burkard
made his way to San Diego, where
friend and Update magazine
founder Don Hauck lived.
“I had made a lot of money in
Europe, but I was always a lousy
investor,” he said.
finished Jock Socks from the various ladies’ homes I would wrap
them in baggies and take them
to the post office,” Burkard said.
“After buying so many baggies at
the local super market I’m sure
they all thought I was in the pot
business. After all, this was OB.”
One of the women who
responded to Burkard’s ad for a
clerk in the San Diego Union is
longtime friend Gloria Tomita,
who went on to become the sole
purchaser for International Male
and Brawn of California.
“He was just starting out, in
his messy, little disorganized
cabin,” Tomita recalled. “He
had two or three sewing girls all
crammed in this cottage, so that
when the phone rang they had
to stop sewing because I couldn’t
Burkard had long desired to
seek his fortune in the mail order
business, inspired by the success
of E. Joseph Cossman, author
and inventor of products such as
the Plastic Ant Farm, Shrunken
Heads and Fly Cakes.
With the image of tighterfitting, bolder European fashions fresh in his mind, Burkard
launched his first line, under the
umbrella name Brawn. One of
his initial products was the butthugging brief, “Buns,” which he
sold three for $10.
However, before Burkard could
sell one pair of briefs, he had to
find a way to get them made.
Walking into a fabric store
on Newport Avenue, he posted
a flier seeking the assistance
of money hungry homemakers
with sewing machines.
“After I would pick up the
With two children, an unemployed husband and no car, the
Ocean Beach resident needed a job
she could ride her bike to, and wasn’t
taken aback by the risqué designs.
“I was a mother with two children; I didn’t care what they were
selling,” Tomita said with a laugh.
“I was just eager to work and he
certainly was a very nice person.”
As the years progressed,
Burkard would go on to open a
production facility and store in
downtown Los Angeles, as well as
stores in Escondido, San Diego and
West Hollywood (for which a rather
wild opening party was held at the
now defunct gay disco, Studio One).
Though Tomita knew very little
about fashion, she quickly took on
purchasing duties for the catalogue.
“He sent me all over world,”
she recalled. “One day he called
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me and said, ‘You’re going to Paris
in a day or two,’ and I went by
myself, never having been there.
“What was so exciting was to
be in this company that grew,”
Tomita said. “We all learned as we
were doing. It evolved into this
wonderful thing that actually made
money, which was so surprising.”
The products became so successful that Burkard was eventually
taken to court by the Jockey company, which claimed the Jock Sock
had a “confusingly similar” name.
The suit was filed after Burkard
began selling his products in major
department stores, alongside the
Jockey brand.
“It was a five-day trial in Superior
Court—five days fooling around
with this and here I am penniless,”
he said. “It was at a time when I had
to let everybody go because I was so
broke. I had this great big Quonset
hut (factory in L.A.) and all these
sewing machines were sitting there
empty. I only kept my friend Gloria.”
Though Burkard eventually
lost the suit, Jockey didn’t get the
huge financial award they were
seeking, only the removal of the
word “Jock” from the Jock Sock.
In the end, Burkard won his
own suit against Jockey and was
awarded $50,000 when the company lifted his trademarked slogan,
“For the Man in Motion.”
“They couldn’t deny that they
stole it from me,” he chimed.
As Anita Bryant’s crusade
against homosexuals began to
heat up, Burkard began to receive
letters from religious leaders outraged over his products.
“People were always writing to
us—some minister or something
… It was always ‘filth’ and ‘why
don’t you people all die?’”
In 1986, Burkard sold what
had become a roughly $24 million
marketing operation to Hanover
House Industries. A year later, he
and Tomita stepped down from the
At its height, the company
had about 180 employees and the
clothes were manufactured in
Hong Kong and other locations
around the globe.
“As a company gets older you
don’t have the camaraderie that
you used to have because you
have so many people to deal with,”
Burkard said. “It just becomes
more complex. I was an idea guy. I
liked the idea of putting catalogues
together and finding products and
coming up with new ideas, not
sitting in my office and running a
Burkard said the AIDS crisis
also took a toll on him psychologically. He lost a number of
his friends and associates in the
company, including the model on
the cover of his first catalogue.
“The people who put this together, most of them are gone now,” he
said, choking back a bit of emotion.
“The music stopped. It’s very sad,
but that’s what happened.”•
Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011
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Dec. 31, 2010-Jan. 13, 2011