Bancroft Banner March 2015 - San Leandro Unified School District


Bancroft Banner March 2015 - San Leandro Unified School District
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March 2015
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3rd Quarter Progress Reports Mailed
Soccer Team A Home Game vs. Alvarado
“Nightmare on Puberty St.” Assemblies (2)
3:30PM Home Wrestling Meet – BMS Gym
4:00PM Girls Basketball (8th Grade) Home Game vs. Kipp
4:00PM Soccer Team A Away Game @ Newark
8:00AM Bulldog Tournament Wrestling Meet @ Granada
10:30-3:00PM BMT Tap Dancing/ Puppetry Workshop
4:00PM Girls Basketball (8th Grade) Away Game @ Alvarado
4:00PM Girls Basketball (8th Grade) Home Game vs. Newark
4:00PM Soccer Team A Home Game vs. Kipp
5:15PM Girls Basketball (7th Grade) Home Game vs. Newark
8th Grade Panoramic Photo 2º
8:30AM ELAC Meeting
2:30PM SSC Meeting
4:00PM Wrestling Meet @ Hogan (Vallejo)
6:00PM United Parents of Bancroft Meeting
4:00PM Soccer B Team Home Game vs. Canyon
7:00PM District Band Festival – BMS Gym
8:00-10:00AM Saturday School
8:00AM Bronco Classic Wrestling Meet @ SLHS
Book Fair
4:00PM Girls Basketball Away Game (8th Grade) @ Cesar Chavez
4:00PM Soccer A Team Home Game vs. Creekside
4:00PM Soccer B Team Away Game @ Bohannon
5:15PM Girls Basketball Away Game (7th Grade) @ Cesar Chavez
3:30PM Wrestling Meet @ Albany
7:00PM Taste of Jazz Festival @ Arts Education Center
2:00PM Early Dismissal
4:00PM Soccer Team A Away Game @ Washington Manor
Soccer Team B Away Game @ Creekside
6:00PM Open House
8:00AM Harvest Park Tourney Wrestling Meet @ Harvest Park (Pleasanton)
4:00PM Home Wrestling Meet
4:00PM Soccer Team A Away Game @ Edendale
7:00PM District Orchestra Festival – SLHS Gym
8th Grade College for All Field Trip – UC Davis
4:00PM Home Wrestling Meet @ BMS
4:00PM Soccer Team B Home Game vs. Washington Manor
End of 3rd Quarter
8:00AM Wrestling League Championship @ Albany High School
8:00-10:00AM Saturday School
10:30-1:00PM BMT Tap Dancing Workshop
4th Quarter Begin
4:00PM Soccer Team B Home Game vs. Edendale
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS – Cesar Chavez Observance Day/Staff Development Day
4:00PM Soccer Team A Away Game @ Canyon
3rd Quarter Report Cards Mailed Home
4:00PM Soccer Team A Home Game vs. Cesar Chavez
10:00AM Wrestling Girls State Championships @ Napa
Bancroft Chronicle
Bancroft Middle School
Vol. 1 * No. 2
January, 2015
San Leandro *
Two Great Bancroft Role Models
By Antonio Calamateo, Amaryllis Gomez, Jennifer Vivero Avina
Mr. Santillan and Ms. Thomas are our vice principals at Bancroft Middle
School. Mr. Santillan has been here since the beginning of the year, and
Ms. Thomas has been here since November. Mr. Santillan chose to work
here because he
support Bancroft’s
staff as well as the
Thomas chose to
work here because of
the people, and
she thinks that staff is
really respectful.
favorite book is
Tales of San Francisco
because he loves
reading about the history of our San Francisco Bay Area. Mr. Santillan’s
favorite subject is history because he feels like students should learn
about positive ways to make powerful social changes. Mr. Santillan has a
Chihuahua named Vato (that means gangster in Spanish), and loves to
grow all sorts of veggies in his garden. He spends a lot of his spare time
with his family listening to music and cooking. Here at Bancroft Mr.
Santillan is currently working to grow the AVID Program, start a
mentoring club for boys (with the help of Mr. Alvarez), and wants to start
an Upstanders! Club to teach students how to stand up to bullying.
Ms. Thomas’s favorite book is The Three Questions because she believes
that it’s a beautiful allegory about what’s important in life. Ms. Thomas’s
favorite subjects are history, science, P.E, math, and English. She likes to
write poetry. Ms. Thomas doesn’t have a pet, but she does have a fifteenyear-old son. In her spare time Ms. Thomas enjoys yoga, going to the
movies, and travelling.
Mr. Mason’s Intramural Sports Program
By Sophia Mariscal, Edelyn Leon, and Teresa Villagomez
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BMS Student Study
Bancroft Musical
Mr. Mason oversees the Intramural Sports Program during lunch on
block days here at Bancroft. Football and soccer are played on the
field. He watches and supervises the games. He started the program
a few years ago when he saw the kids during lunch playing rough and
tackling each other, so he asked Mr. Del Rio if he could organize
lunchtime sports. He runs the program Tuesdays and Wednesdays
because that’s when all the grades have the same lunchtime. His
favorite sport to referee is soccer because that is the sport he knows
the least about and learns a lot every match. As a kid Mr. Mason
played baseball, basketball, flag football, but played soccer for only
one year (that’s why he’s trying to learn more about the sport by
refereeing). Sometimes while Mr. Mason runs the program, kids
argue and he said that’s the hardest part. He is happy that the kids
like to participate.
The one thing Mr. Mason would change about the program would
be that more girls participate. He plans on doing the same sports
next year, but he is open to any new sports that would get more girls
to come out and play. He is happy with the program he runs and is
happy to see kids being active, and we’re happy that he started the
By Rees Sitchon and Kelly Li
The auditions for our school play, Aladdin, were held on December 15 through 18.
Our director, Ms. Gorham, and our co-director, Ms. A, ran them. The vocal auditions
were on Monday, callbacks were on Wednesday, and the dance auditions were on
Thursday, and there weren’t any callbacks because everyone who wants to dance in
the show can.
Before the auditions, the directors held a mini assembly and told us about themselves.
Ms. Gorham was a Bancroft student and has been directing Bancroft plays for 15
years. The first musical play she directed was in 1994! Besides directing plays, she is
also a programmer at the Jewish Community Center located in the Bay Area.
Hairspray was Ms. A’s first Bancroft play! This is Ms. A’s second year in the Bancroft
play business. She has been dancing since the age of two. She is an incredible director
and actor. She started directing plays so kids can have fun, be active, and let their
inner star shine! The whole play process takes about five months to produce. There
are about 70 Bancroft students in the play, Aladdin, so make sure you go check it out!
An Interview with Dr. Barrett
By Amber Bryant Williams, Vincent Cooper, and Julian Rosas
On Dec.18, 2014 we interviewed Dr. Richard Barrett, the
veterinarian at Canyon Veterinary Hospital in Castro
Valley. We asked him 16 questions. One of those
questions was, “How long did you have to go to college to
become a veterinarian?” Dr. Barrett said that he went to
regular college for four years and four years of
veterinarian school, so in all he went to college for eight
years (WOW!). We asked Dr. Barrett if he enjoys his job,
and Dr. Barrett’s answer was, ‘’Yes, I do like my job
because I love solving pet’s medical problems, and I
enjoy talking with people.”
We also asked Dr.Barrett if it’s ok for dogs to eat bones.
Dr.Barrett said it’s not generally safe to give pet dogs bones because the bones might
get stuck in the stomach or intestines causing an obstruction. Bones can be very hard
to digest and it can be very hard for the dogs to go to the bathroom.
Another thing we asked Dr.Barrett was what he wanted to be when he was a little
boy, and Dr.Barrett said he wanted to be a physician, but then he thought that helping
people take care of their sick pets was more important.
How to Get Good Grades
By Jennifer Ledesma, Olivia Lei, and Saif Salem
In the beginning of class, get out your planner, a pencil, and
your binder. Wait for the teacher’s instructions. Do your
work that your teachers told you to do and pay attention
in class. Don’t forget your school supplies, and ask
someone if you can borrow something if you forgot it.
Don’t cause trouble, and stay away from drama. Write
down notes that will remind you about things that are
supposed to be done.
Don’t bring cell phones to school. Participate in P.E.. Make your best effort in your
classes by studying before a test or quiz. Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t be a
Bystander. Stand up to people; you’ll never know when a teacher might be watching.
Write down every assignment, every day, in your planner. Always have an extra
pencil. Have a book for your reading log. Make sure to wear your uniform for P.E. And
one last thing, you’d better use our advice or else you might fail.
Ms. Hernandez Interview
By Chinonso Elendu, Alfonso Sanchez, Adam Nielsen
We interviewed our six-grade P.E teacher Ms. Hernandez in December. It was just a
Q and A session. These are our questions, and Ms. Hernandez’s answers:
#1 What is your favorite color? Her answer was gray.
#2 What is your favorite dessert? Her answer was macadamia nut cookies.
#3 Where did you work before you came to Bancroft? Her answer was golden state
prep in East Oakland.
#4 Do you have any pets? Her answer was a dog named Ella that is six-years-old.
#5 What made you wants to be a P.E. teacher? Her answer was, “I don't like desk jobs
and wanted to be outside.”
#6 Do you have any kids? Her answer was she has a two-and-a-half-year-old
#7 Why do you teach P.E? Her answer was, “So I can teach about fitness and to see
kids have fun.”
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay I Review
By Demille Taylor
On November 21, 2014 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay was
released. The main characters in the movie and the actors and
actresses who play them are: Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss
Everdeen), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark), Liam Hemsworth
(Gale Hawthorne), and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Plutarch
Heavensbee). The story takes place in the fictional city of Panem. This is the third
movie of the Hunger Games series, and Peeta and the other victors are still in the
Julianne Moore was added to the cast to play the leader of District 13, President Alma
Coin. After Katniss shot her bow at the dome in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The
Capital completely burned down District 12. Katniss, Gale, and her family are now
living in District 13.
Peeta was being tortured in The Capital by President Snow’s Peace Keepers. He was
being beaten and starved. The best part of the movie was when Katniss sang “The
Hanging Tree.” More people are shot, killed, and trampled in District 5. Citizens
revolted by knocking out electricity to the Capitol, and by blowing up the
hydroelectric dam. I liked when Beetee created a weapon for Gale and a bow and
arrows for Katniss. IMDB rated The Hunger Games:Mockingjay 7.1 /10 stars. I give
the movie 10/10 stars. The casting was perfect and the song choice was amazing.
Mr. Mandel’s Chocolate Club
By Ryann Begonia and Jaritza Avina
Did you know about the Chocolate Club? The advisor of the Chocolate Club is Mr.
Mandel who is also a math
teacher here at Bancroft
Chocolate Club is open to all
students, you just need to
get a “C-Pass” from Mr.
Mandel so you can go to
the meetings. Meetings are
once every three Fridays
and are held in Mr. Mandel’s
classroom, 203, during
Mr. Mandel has been
years. He thinks most
likes to hear what kids say
The chocolate club has
working at Bancroft for 25
meetings are fun because he
and it’s fun to see them try
chocolates and like them.
been going on for 10-15
Mr. Mandel buys three different types of chocolate for each meeting. The kinds of
chocolates he generally buys are milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and chocolate with
things in it, like almonds.
Mr. Smothermon’s Amazing Club
By Juan Alvarez and Keyon Jones
Mr. Smothermon is a history teacher
Middle School. He has been working
1992. Over the course of time he has
clubs. They are the Simpsons Club
Tuesdays at lunch, Friends on
meets every Friday at lunch, and
that meets for an hour every
school. All clubs meet in Mr.
room, S-6.
here at Bancroft
at Bancroft since
that meets on
Friday Club that
The Anime Club
The Friends on Friday Club is a place
you can make new
friends and hang out with friends
that you already
have. You can play games, eat lunch,
and even simply
just chat with your friends. The Simpsons Club is a place where you can watch the
television re-runs of the show with the same name. Mr.Smothermon told us that he
wanted to provide a place to watch that great show. The Simpsons Club has been
around for 15 years.
People Should Be Kind To One Another
By Rees Sitchon
Not just at Bancroft, but everywhere, people should be kind to one another. Students
learn better, and more, when they are not worried about being bullied or picked on.
This year our goals should be to be nicer to one another, and not get into fights.
Everyone knows you should be kind to people, but are you really nice to everyone?
Some examples of being nice are helping a
teacher put up chairs after class,
complementing other students, and even a
simple smile can brighten someone’s day!
Being nice to others can also help you make
new friends. It’s also safer to be nice to
people so you don’t get into fights both
physically and through words.
The next time you’re going to be mean ask
yourself, is it really worth it? If someone is being mean to you then tell an adult, or try
to handle it on your own without being mean. Think about your next actions, and how
they can affect other people.
We Are All Scholars and Champions
By Lots of People Who All Love Bancroft
We all know Bancroft students are all Scholars and Champions, and here’s why: we
have many league championship titles . . . we earn lots of Bronco Stars . . . we have
cool dance classes in ASES . . . we all get along most of the time . . . we have two murals
. . . we have a great diversity of students and a great variety of home languages . . . our
students, teachers, and staff are all cool . . . the Counseling Department takes all 8th
grade scholars on college tours . . . our students are known for their artwork,
athleticism, and academics . . . our cafeteria staff loves us . . . 80 students are reading
for the statewide California Young Medal awards (CYRM). . . we get a break after every
two classes . . . we are allies for each other and take care of each other . . . our music
program is outstanding . . . our sports programs are exceptional . . . over 50 kids each
lunch in the library every day . . . Mr. Morse really likes it when we sing with him in
the hall . . . Mr. Gary loves the different foods that kids and their families bring him“De-licious” . . . and, maybe the best fact of all is that Bancroft was built in 1952, the
same year that Mr. Mandel was born!!
Bancroft Times
Bancroft Middle School
Vol. 1 * No. 2
January, 2015
San Leandro * California
Team Work Helps Keep Bancroft Safe
Diego Ramirez, Braffer Brown, William Mapp, and Sione Nau
How do we prepare for an emergency here at Bancroft Middle School, and
what do we need to do in an emergency? We interviewed Vice Principal
Santillan because he is in charge of emergency preparation for our school.
The interview took place at Bancroft Middle School in Mr. Santillan’s
office. We also caught up with Campus Security Officer (CSO) Ms. Tina
whose role is to clear the
building after an event
and make sure students
are returned to their
families safely. Ms. Tina
also has to stay until all
the students have been
families. Ms.Tina told us,
“Sometimes the students
are returned to their
families hours after the
disaster took place.”
Mr.Santillan said, “When
a teacher has a new
class, or student, the class
becomes part of the
teacher’s life, and that the
class becomes part of
the teacher’s family.”
This may be interesting
for the students to know because the students are probably never
thinking about their teachers, but the teachers are thinking about them.
Something else that is interesting is that when there is a lockdown other
staff members work with Mr. Santillan and Ms. Tina risking their own
lives walking around the building to make sure that the perimeter of the
school property is clear.
We noticed that Mr.Santillan really cares about everyone at Bancroft
because he answered all of our questions. That showed us that he is a
very good vice principal and that he knows how to lead a school in a
disaster. He should be thanked for all the sacrifices that he has made for
our school.
Bancroft Middle School’s Newest Vice Principal
Eugene Tu, Rachel Wong, and Andy Ling
We interviewed Ms. Thomas who is the newest vice principal here at
Bancroft Middle School. She came to us from Roosevelt Elementary
because she found out that there was an open spot for a vice principal,
and so she took it. Ms. Thomas became Vice Principal Thomas on
November 3, 2014.
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BMS Student
Study Center
Ms. Thomas has been teaching about 26 years and has known Bancroft
Middle School for over 30 years. When she came to Bancroft, every
student that knew Ms. Thomas welcomed her and that made her feel
good and happy. She told us, “I love the students here, they’re so friendly
and funny.” We asked if she enjoys the learning curve between
elementary and middle school and she said that she does. Then we asked
her what she does as Vice Principal, and she told us that she helps
students manage their behavior, guides students academically, and
supports teachers in any way she can. She is very kind when she is talking
to students, but when they get out of hand she has to talk to them
seriously. All in all, she enjoys being here at Bancroft. When she is not
working she likes to travel and watch movies.
Coach Reggie Leads Us to Victory
By Violet Muir, Craig Watts, Jamie Washington, Elyana Vares,
Giselle Najera
Coach Reggie Walker started to play basketball when he was in
the second grade, and played all through high school. Coach
Reggie is our football and basketball coach here Bancroft Middle
School. Games and practices are held on our field and in our gym,
and at other schools that are in our conference. Games and
practices are on different days. Coach Reggie wanted his son to
be more involved with sports and became a coach to encourage
Besides playing basketball most of his life, Coach Reggie also
played football in college. He coaches both of our boys'
basketball teams, and has been coaching other teams in our city
such as those at the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and at St. Leander’s
for the past seven years. Even though Coach lives in the Bay Area, he prefers the
Lakers to the Warriors. He also prefers the 49ers to the Raiders, but overall he’s a
Cowboy fan.
Wearing Hats in School
By: Osvaldo Hernandez
Are you waiting to show off your new hat in school, but they don’t allow you to wear
it? Hats can protect you from the sun. Hats also help you cover up an embarrassing
haircut. Most of the time
hats can help you match. Hats also
help you represent
yourself so other people know what
you like.
Wearing a hat
some people like eating
me.” Hats can also be
of money for a Diamond
people step on it. What
and how will they react?
indoors may be disrespectful to
and burping without saying, “Excuse
lost, and some hats have some
Imagine your parents saving up a lot
Supply hat, and in school it falls and
do you think your parents will say
Hats can keep you warm. Some classes don’t have heaters. Some hats are for
the cold, like beanies. Some makes you feel hot. There are millions of kind of hats, and
millions of people who like to wear them. It would be a sad world if people couldn’t
wear hats whenever they wanted.
Finding out More About Vice Principal Santillan
By Dajah Matthews, Evelyn Manzo, and Luz Jaurequi
Did you know that this is Vice Principal Santillan’s first year here at
Bancroft Middle School, and he is already one of the staff’s most well
respected members? Mr. Santillan said that he came to Bancroft
because he wanted to raise his family in San Leandro.
Mr. Santillan works a lot, from 7am-4:30pm, NOT counting extra
meetings. Something you might not know about Mr.Santillan is that
he was a Dean at Ralston Middle School for one year. He was also a
History teacher at San Lorenzo High School for six years, and taught
at Bohannon Middle School for four years. He loves being Vice
Principal here because he finds it challenging, and he is needed. His
main priority for Bancroft students is to be safe, happy, and healthy. Even though it’s
his first year at Bancroft, he has done an amazing job.
Mr. Mandel’s Chocolate Club
By Anthony Le and Abigail Mittelstedt
Do you like chocolate? If you do, then you should join
the Chocolate Club! It is held every third Friday during
lunch in Mr. Mandel’s room, 203. Mr. Mandel started
the club because he enjoys chocolate and knew that a
lot of other people enjoy it too. If you go, you can
donate money (to help pay for the chocolate), smell
chocolate, eat chocolate, and talk about how you feel
about chocolate, and how it tastes. The Chocolate Club
is amazing!
All you need to attend this club is your lunch, a “C-Pass”
(ask Mr. Mandel), your manners, and a donation if
possible. Mr. Mandel buys all the chocolate with his
own money and donations. He buys the chocolate from
Trader Joes, Cost Plus, Ghirardelli, and if desperate,
Safeway or Rite Aid. What kind of chocolate does Mr.
Mandel buy? All kinds: milk, dark, white, American,
chocolate from other countries, and chocolate with
things inside of it such as nuts, toffee, or filling. Mr.
Mandel’s favorite types of chocolate are a mocha and
chocolate combo.
Ms. Hernandez Loves
Physical Education
By Erika Castillo, Dominic Charles,
and Dounya Mohamed
We interviewed Ms. Hernandez.
She is our newest physical
education teacher here at Bancroft
Middle School. Ms. Hernandez has
been teaching physical education
for three years. She also worked in
a program for two years teaching
kids how to eat healthy and be
active. She loves to teach PE
because she likes to be outside and
active. Ms. Hernandez also loves to
teach football, which just happens
to be her favorite sport to watch.
Before coming to Bancroft Ms.
Hernandez taught at Golden State
Preparatory in Oakland. Ms.
Hernandez grew up in Windsor,
California and played football as a
kid. Ms. Hernandez has a pet dog,
which is a pit bull mix named Ella.
She has one younger brother, and
she has three people in her
immediate family. Ms. Hernandez
sandwiches. Her favorite sports
teams are the Raiders and the A’s.
She plans on teaching at BMS next
year and everyone is looking
forward to it because she is off to
such a great start here at Bancroft
Middle School.
Bancroft Musicians Go to Disneyland
By Nathaly Haro, Laila Anderson, and Eric Arrizon
Have you ever wondered how Bancroft’s seventh and
eighth grade band and orchestra members get to play
music for the crowds in Disneyland? Their secret is
Mrs. Beck, our amazing music teacher who submits an
application and a video of our musicians to Disneyland
every other year. So, after submitting another winning
application this year, Ms. Beck and our seventh and
eighth grade band and orchestra are heading to
Disneyland. The trip will be May 21 through May 25.
They will be taking Royal Coach buses there.
The 7th and 8th grade band and orchestra will be
performing at Thunder Mountain Jumberine, and will
be performing music from Cars, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, Up, and Beauty
and the Beast. There will be bathrooms and TVs in the Royal Coach buses where the
7th and 8th graders can watch movies and shows. There will also be 20 adult
chaperones on the buses. There will be 124 students going on the Disneyland trip this
year. It cost each student $530.00 and the whole trip it will cost $65,000.00. They will
be staying at Springhill Suites, which is a new hotel. Mr. Gary, Mr. del Rio, Ms. Tina
and high school music teachers will be among the adult chaperones. There are two
rest stops and a one-hour lunch on the road to Disneyland.
Bancroft Musical Theater History
By Gavin Link
This is the history of Bancroft Musical Theater at Bancroft Middle School. Catherine
Heck founded Bancroft Musical Theater in the late 80’s when she was a science
teacher here at Bancroft. Ms.
Gorham joined Bancroft
Musical Theater when she
was a student here 15
years ago. At first Ms.
Gorham didn’t plan on
staying with the program as
long as she has, but she fell
in love with teaching
students musical theater
and that changed her life. She
told me that the main
people who inspired her to
direct theater were not
her family, but three of her
As Bancroft Musical Theater’s director, Ms. Gorham spends many hours and many
days, from December to May, to bring us a show. She has directed, produced, and
designed seventy-five musicals. She was also a costume designer in five Broadway
musicals. Don’t miss her newest production, Aladdin, now in rehearsal starring
Bancroft Scholars and Champions. It will be magical.
Bancroft’s Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA)
By Nicholas Corrie and Ami Eshelman
Do you feel safe being yourself around your school? If you don’t you can join the Gay
Straight Alliance Club. Ms. Passmore is in charge
of this club
at Bancroft. The group meets every Wednesday
at lunch in
her room, 207. It’s a great place to eat lunch and
your friends. The people who started this club
at Bancroft
were science teachers Mrs. Boone and Ms. Pine
longer teach at Bancroft). Ms. Passmore now
this club because she thinks it is important for
kids who are struggling with identity to have a
where they can feel they belong. The GSA helps
members be
confident and strong. You can actually find this
club at all
San Leandro schools.
Ms. Passmore tries to find gay or lesbians stories for each meeting because members
like to hangout and talk about current events. She has shared articles like the one
about what happened on January 6, 2015; Florida became the thirty-sixth state to
approve same sex marriages.
This is Ms. Passmore’s first club in fourteen years. She thinks this club has done a
great job at growing and it is getting bigger and bigger. There are people who don’t
join this gathering but support this club, and are glad to know there is an organization
like this. The people that do join this club appreciate being a part of this great group.
Bancroft Cheer Club
By Yoselin Jovel and Imani Gilbert
Bancroft Cheer Club started in September. Their most
recent cheer event was on January 6th. They practice in
the Bancroft Middle School gym. Ms. Taylor decided to
be a cheer adviser to help bring school spirit and school
pride to Bancroft. The cheer team leaders are Savannah
Loud, Jezhana Stovall, Jessica Rodriguez, Maraiah
Nunley, and Courtney Jimmerson, and Ms.Taylor. There
were 40 cheerleaders at the first practice, and now there
are something around 20 squad members.
The Cheer Club uniforms are blue and white and members sometimes wear bows in
their hair or on their wrists. They named the Cheer Club “Broncos” because broncos
are our school mascot. So far there are 10 cheers. Their practices are on Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday every week. They used to cheer for the football team, but
football season is over, so now they cheer for basketball. They are fun to watch!
Bancroft Middle School
1150 Bancroft Ave.
San Leandro, CA 94577
Smarter Balanced Field Test
Parent and Guardian Notification Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP,
which has replaced the Standardized Testing and Reporting, or STAR Program, is
the new state academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide
information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all
students leave high school ready for college and career. This year, CAASPP
includes computer adaptive tests in English–language arts and mathematics as well
as paper-based tests for science.
Last year, most students participated in a computer-based field test. This practice
run of the test, though no scores were provided, allowed students to experience
computer-based testing and new types of questions. In addition, the field test also
helped evaluate how well districts technology systems could meet the demands of
computer-based tests, and determine what resources teachers and schools would
need to better prepare students for future assessments.
Lessons learned from last year’s field test will help ensure a successful, full launch of
the CAASPP system this school year. In moving forward, students will take the test
in 6th-8th grades from April 13-June 5. To learn about the types of questions on the
computer-based test, you and your child can view the practice test online at the
California Department of Education (CDE) Smarter Balanced Practice Test Web
page at
Following the spring 2015 testing, students will receive individual score reports.
Student score reports will be sent home to parents and will include an overall score,
a description of the student’s achievement level for English–language arts and
mathematics, and other information. It is important to note that these scores cannot
be compared to scores that your child previously received on the STAR Program
tests because this test is based on the new Common Core State Standards, involves
different types of test questions, and will not be reported using the STAR Program
reporting categories.
If you would like more information, please visit the Parent/Student tab of the CDE
CAASPP Web page at If you have any questions
regarding your child’s participation, please contact Eugene Santillan, Vice Principal
at (510) 618-4380 ext. 3676 or
Valentin del Rio
Bancroft Student Study Center
Need help with your homework or your next big project or
assignment? Need a quiet place to do work? Then stop by the
Bancroft Student Study Center in Room 105!
March 2015
March 3
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
March 5
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
March 9
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
March 12
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
March 16
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
March 19
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
March 23
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
March 26
3:15 p.m. – 4:15p.m.
March 30
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.