Newsletter Easter 2015 - The Maplesden Noakes School
Newsletter Easter 2015 - The Maplesden Noakes School
Newsletter Easter 2015 Dear Parents and Students, The past two terms have been extremely busy and you will see from the newsletter that a number of events have taken place since January. This newsletter gives you an idea of some of those events plus additional information and dates related to terms 5 and 6. We have one member of the teaching staff leaving us at the end of April – Mr Dear (Maths) will be leaving and Mrs Neeve (Head of Maths) will be returning after maternity leave. School starts after the Easter break on Monday 20th April and it will be WEEK 2, Day 6 on the timetable. Hopefully this will coincide with a change in the weather and we will have some much needed warmth and sunshine for the remainder of the year! Wishing you all a very Happy Easter. Best wishes, Jane Prideaux Turner Contemporary Award The Art Department is incredibly proud to announce that Year 13 A Level Art student, Lauren Moule has won the Turner Contemporary’s ‘This Is Me’ competition with her stunning self-portrait in oil. The judges were very impressed with Lauren’s work and praised her wonderful talent. Her painting will now be exhibited at the gallery as part of the ‘Portfolio’ exhibition, which will run from 2nd April to 10th May 2015. Congratulations, Lauren! Attendance We would like to introduce our new Attendance Officer, Miss Stacy-Jane Rodger. Stacy joined us last month and is your new contact for student absences. Please can we remind parents that if your child is unwell, you must contact Stacy first thing in the morning on each day of absence. Stacy can be contacted either via the telephone 01622 759036 or via email at Could we also ask that wherever possible, medical appointments are made outside of school time. We appreciate that there are times where urgent appointments in school time are the only option and if this is the case please contact Stacy (so that the appointment can be authorised) with details of where the appointment is, together with the date and time of appointment. Attendance Facts: 10 minutes late to school each day = 33 hours lost in one academic year! 90% attendance through school life is equal to a whole year of school being missed! ‘Move It’ Rewards Trip Thirty of our dance and drama students visited ‘Move It’ – the huge dance exhibition held in London’s Olympia. The students were invited on this exciting trip as a reward for their hard work and commitment in both drama and dance. The group arrived at Olympia at 10.30am to watch live dance performances from colleges and professional dance companies. Our students then went off to participate in three different workshops which ranged from: girls’ commercial dance; disco; Fosse Jazz; Priscilla, Queen of the Desert; and ‘Chicago’ inspired classes. Dance teacher, Miss Gatt, said, “After the workshops, the students had a chance to shop around the exhibition and talk to teachers and students from Performing Arts colleges. There was also time to get some lunch, watch more performances and even meet some celebrities such as contemporary dancer Lukas McFarlane – the inspirational Canadian dancer who won ‘Got to Dance’ in 2013. Our students really enjoyed the day and left feeling inspired and motivated.” Fran Taylor, Year 9, summed up her day, “The workshops were really fun, especially the class inspired by ‘Pricilla, Queen of the Desert’ because it was challenging, fast and energetic.” Harry Tapp, Year 7, found the whole day really thrilling, “I enjoyed the disco class because the movement was so energetic.” Year 9 Showcase Our Year 9 Performing Arts Showcase hands the stage to the new Year 9 talent coming through the GCSE and BTEC Performing Arts in Dance, Drama and Music. This gives our students a valuable opportunity to showcase their newfound or developed talent; giving the new exam groups the opportunity to perform together on stage in front of a live audience. Year 9 is a pre-exam preparation course in which students complete practice units for the course that begins properly in Year 10. This allows students in Year 9 to experience performing under exam conditions; giving the disciplines of Dance, Drama and Music a chance to come together and become ‘Performing Arts’. The Year 9 Dance BTEC group performed two pieces; a disco routine and a piece based on Matthew Bourne’s Car Man. Our Drama students performed duologues and a poignant piece devised by the whole class, based on the Thailand tsunami. Our Music students’ programme varied between band numbers, soloists and singers and instrumentalists. Health & Social Care News It has been a busy term in the Health & Social Care department with lots of enrichment activities happening to extend our students learning experiences. Year 9 The Year 9 GCSE Child development students have been busy completing a one day First Aid course and finding out about pregnancy and new born babies. We were lucky enough for Miss Noble to come in with baby Noah. The Year 9 BTEC Health and Social Care students have been learning about different communication skills and why are they important in health and social care settings. A number of Year 9 and 10 students have completed their British Red Cross looking after young children course to enable them to be competent babysitters. They have also completed a one day first Aid course to allow them to participate in some emergency First Aid as well. Year 10 The Year 10 students have been researching and learning about health and social care values which has helped them understand the importance of dignity and respect when working in health and social care. We were fortunate enough to have Gavin Astor nursing home come in and work with our students and have some young children coming in to support the students with their interactions. Year 11 students Some of our Year 11 health and social care students have recently participated in a non-smoking day assembly on 9th March along with some professionals from Maidstone healthy schools. Four students gave an assembly to Year 7 and 8 about the dangers of smoking. Sixth Form Both Health and Social Care sixth form classes have been working hard this term working towards their final coursework grades. Some sixth form students have had the opportunity of working at Maidstone hospital for 2 days to gain a valuable in-sight into different NHS job opportunities. Some trainee nurses have recently come in to talk to the students about skills and qualities needed to work as a nurse. Medea On Friday 27th March, seven 6th form students and three staff attended the production of Medea at Norton Knatchbull School in Ashford. The director of this school production, Mr Paul Found stated ‘There is currently a national ‘push’ for Classics to lose its elitist tag and for it to be introduced to state schools’, so this seemed a great opportunity for a few students from The Maplesden Noakes school to experience this ancient and traditional form of theatre, with a modern twist. The play tells the macabre story of a mother who kills her two children to spite her husband, who has run off with another woman. Students studying AS English Literature enjoyed the chance to see a play that they may not have usually chosen for their Friday night entertainment. School Council The School Council has recently welcomed two new members from year 7, Ella Luxon and Matt Elliott… and Charlotte McLaughlin is Deputy Chair for the term. The students are working hard to co-ordinate the litter project and are moving on to clear up chewing gum and to tidy the school pond. They have recently conducted a survey finding out if students would like Breakfast Club, they have spoken to the Restaurant Manager and presented the findings to the Senior Leadership Team. They are also consulted on restaurant menus and provide valuable feedback. School Council Members: Scott McLeod (Chair), Charlotte McLaughlin (Deputy Chair), Brad Duncan, Joe Sparrowhawk, Tom Judd, Nicholas Keon, Nicholas Gibbons, Sean Trevillion, Rhys Lawrence, Brad Venn, Josh Large, Charlotte Crouch, Georgia Chell, George Piskov, Ella Luxon, Matt Elliott. Charity News This year the school is supporting the Starfish Malawi charity and we have been twinned with Maganga Secondary School. We have booked some space on a container ship which leaves for Malawi in May and we are continuing to appeal for pairs of shoes that we can send out to the children in the school. Please have a look in your wardrobes at home and send into school any pairs that you are able to donate, also stationary and any small (non-electric) games e.g. blow-up balls etc. Secondly, we are also looking for donations of material (heavy fabric preferably) and also manually operated sewing machines. This is to help the GATEWAY (Girl’s Access to Education) scheme. Starfish Malawi are currently out in Malawi training women how to produce sanitary packs so girls are able to attend school. So far our total stands at £1,034, some of this will fund the space on the container ship and any left over will be used to buy much needed supplies. The students efforts on Red-Nose day raised a total of £716.50, a special mention must go to Kerry Batt in 7L who organised and ran a cake sale which alone brought in £200. Thanks to all those parents that sent in donations of cakes on the day and also to Charlie Holden in 8S who stepped in at the last moment to help Kerry out on the stall. Many students also took part in a Sponsored Silence which also helped bring in more money. In June we are welcoming Wales Duwe, the Headteacher from Maganaga Secondary School, he will be experiencing the very different school life we have in Maplesden Noakes compared to Malawi. Finally, if anyone would like to help out with our fund raising please contact either Miss Hillier or Miss Kinnear. Year 8 Careers Taster Day In preparation for option choices Year 8 spent the day trying out different careers in practical hands on sessions. The range of sectors covered were accounting, armed forces, science, catering, hair & beauty, art, music, nursing & paramedics and engineering , with the Beat Project, BAE Systems and Pfizer running inspirational challenge sessions. The famous drum and bass MC Harry Shotta joined students during the Beat Project session to produce a Maplesden Noakes rap. Harry has won three awards including Best Lyrical MC and has built up a massive live presence all over the globe; he is now one of the most booked MCs in the UK and overseas, with shows in Canada, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Paris, Amsterdam, Russia and Barcelona. Year 8 also spent time during the day with Money Matters who took them through what you earn in certain careers, how to look after your money once you start work and how to avoid getting in debt. Money Matters donated a prize for their session of an Amazon Kindle Fire and this was won by Tyla Winter of 8S. 92% of the students said the day was brilliant and wanted it to last for a second day and despite a strong vote for the Beat Project music session, MidKent College’s hair & beauty session was voted the most popular by both boys and girls. Fast Track to the Future On 8th January the second half of Year 10 had their careers focus day; an earlier identical day had been run in December 2014 for the first half of Year 10. Students enjoyed a full day of concentrated careers advice to help them discover and understand all the pathways open to them at Post-16: sixth form studies, college studies, moving on to further and higher education, apprenticeships and employment options. There were in-depth presentations by the School’s own Sixth Form Forum and representatives from Kent County Council were in attendance to enthuse students with the wide and growing range of Apprenticeships currently available. The Job Centre provided a representative to talk students through the potential minefield of Job Seeking in the Digital Age. Hadlow College provided representatives to present information on the diverse courses of study available in this important local institution. Representatives from Mid Kent College held introductory discussion sessions with videos and some fascinating hands-on opportunities. Trust Careers ran sessions for the Year 10 students on the range of pathways and options open to students after Year 11. Spirits lifted, horizons widened and armed with all this new information, the students ended the day with a really positive slant on what might lay ahead for them. As one student put it “This type of focus day is far more interesting than others and I now know what to do for sure!” Rachel Mannering, Events Officer for Mid Kent College discusses potential course options while Katie Rowe, MKC Student Union Representative (and former Maplesden student) explains aspects of college life. Sports Science Year 12 Sports Science students took part in a visit to Canterbury Christ Church University on 10th March. The A level PE and BTEC Sports students spent the day in the university’s Physiology department taking part in sport science based testing, which included both field and laboratory tests for a variety of fitness components. Students gained an in depth understanding of the reasons for fitness testing and how the results vary between indirect field tests and direct laboratory analysis. Students were able to measure their own fitness levels and specific students were also able to have their aerobic capacity, anaerobic power and body composition measured using the universities laboratory equipment. Chartwell News The days are finally becoming longer and recently we have had glimpses of sunshine; we all hope it is here to stay! Chartwell, like the rest of the school, has had a very busy term. In particular years 11, 12 and 13 have been working hard preparing for exams and completing coursework. Changes to House staff Mrs Palmer has taken on a new job role and is now working as Chartwell’s Student Manager and Head of House. She has been doing a fantastic job and you can find her in the Student Manager’s office, which is her new home! Also, Miss Bowes has also taken over as Head of Chartwell House for L side. They are both looking forward to working with the students – after all, Chartwell is the best house at Maplesden! Attitude to Learning It is important to recognise the fantastic academic achievement of the students in our house; we do this by rewarding the top students, a boy and a girl, from each year group for their attitude to learning. This is determined by their attainment, focus in class, and the standard of their homework. We would like to congratulate our top students, who are: Year 7: Thomas Rudd (top in the year) & Sian Fearn Year 8: Oliver Coleman & Shrishma Nembang Year 9: Samuel Hooper & Charley Banfield Year 10: Zak Allam & Emily Smith Year 11: Fran Jordan (top in the year) & Brendan Collins Keep up the brilliant work and a huge well done to you all. We would also like to congratulate Ben Keaveney who has been selected to play District Football – what an achievement! Comic Relief Students came together to ‘do something funny for money’. Mrs Palmer looked particularly fetching in her bobble headband! We were thrilled to see so many students take part; the school really did look vibrant with a vast array of wigs, painted faces and moustaches. It was also a little quieter, with some students taking part in sponsored silences! Many of those who did not take part still contributed and all money raised was split between Comic Relief and Starfish Malawi – both worthy causes. Careers Fair Ms Mortley took some of our year 10 students to the Detling Careers Fair; she has commented that they were an absolute pleasure to be with, behaving impeccably and were excellent ambassadors for the school. Well done! Emily Smith, Lucy Cox, Jack Batty, Charlotte Lines, Josh McNae, Lloyd Tucker, Anastasija Konovalenoka, Courteney Costello, Jamie Davies, Michael Fuller, Ryan Venables, Morgan Lee, Christiaan Very, Charley Jarrett, Luke Reeves, Chun Kong Chong, Ryan Jones and Kerry O’Flaherty Easter egg hunt In the final week of term we will be holding our annual Easter egg hunt. The hunt takes place during form time and is always popular with the students. Unfortunately, the staff do not take part in the hunt but we are sure the students won’t mind sharing theirs with us! We hope you all enjoy your break; please have fun, but stay safe. If you have exams coming up, make sure you study hard – we wish you all the luck in the world and know you will be brilliant. The Chartwell House Team Knole House Time seems to have flown past this year, it only seems like yesterday when we were writing the Christmas Newsletter and now suddenly Easter is upon us! Despite this there are a number of news items that we would like to share with you. Attitude to Learning Firstly we would like to congratulate all the students that achieved high attitude to learning scores in Term 3 (Term 4 data is not yet in). These scores are taken from scores for classwork, class behaviour, homework quality and punctuality. Our top performers in each Year group were: Year 7 = Alex Gray 7S & Olivia Dearnaley 7S Year 8 = Georgi Piskov 8M & Amy May Friend 8M Year 9 = Amaan Boodhoo 9M & Ellie Buchan 9S Year 10 = Haroon Mirza 10M & Sammi Ta 10M Year 11 = Curtis Bailey 11M & Georgia Head 11S Congratulations to these students who have worked incredibly hard across all their subjects, each one received an Amazon voucher in recognition of their efforts Top Reward Earners Whilst we may not currently be the top House for reward points (there is still time!), we do have lots of students who are regularly receiving reward points for good work, taking part in after school activities and displaying good manners. Our top reward earners since Christmas are: Top Year 7 – Ellie Tucker 7M Top Year 8 – Charlotte Gooderham 8S Top Year 9 – Chloe Marshall- Angus 9S Top Year 10 – Connaugh Gill 10M Top Year 11 – Harry Parker 11M Again, we would like to congratulate them on all the positive contributions that they are making across the school. Valentine’s Delivery Service This year Knole took over the reigns of the Valentine Delivery Service, which offered to deliver a card to a person of your choice on Friday 13th February for the small fee of 50p, in keeping with tradition it was completely anonymous. Altogether around 50 cards were delivered to surprised students and the event raised some additional funds for the Starfish Malawi Charity which we are supporting in school. Easter Egg Hunt Students celebrated Easter with an Easter egg hunt on Monday 30th March. Lots of prizes were to be won! Well done to all the staff and students in Knole House who helped raise £716.50 for Comic Relief! This included cakes sales, student v teacher challenges and a staff v student Netball match. Better luck next year students!!! CONGRATULATIONS… TO TYLA WINTER!!! Who won a Kindle Fire for her excellent effort on a Year 8 Focus Day! Hever House As Easter arrives again, it’s time to reflect on the events and achievements of the year since January. While there have been many exams and mocks during this time, it has not been so easy to get the entire House together to congratulate them publicly for all their efforts and hard work. Here are the highlights. Not forgetting, of course, that Hever pupils are doing great things every day. Form Tutor Nominations The following pupils were all nominated by their Form Tutors for being an Outstanding Member of the Form: 7E: Oliver Hewett & Ana Nunes Gouveia 7P: Sydney Mutter & George Clarke 8E: Joshua Winchcombe & Charlotte Crouch 8P: Jordan Britton & Ellie Davies 9E: Harry Papworth & Sharleen Lemee 9P: Anna Baker & Joe Barker 10E: Leoni Gladdish & James Bromley 10P: Sarah Colyer & Michael Trumper Barnsley 11E: Amy Harvey & Sam Butler 11P: Scott McLeod & Abbey Lansdowne Each pupil was recognised in the last house assembly, but there’s never a bad time to celebrate the achievements of our pupils! Top ATL By the time we got to the February half-term holiday, the following pupils had all been recognised for their outstanding Attitude to Learning across the school: Carris Tyler 7E William Hopkins 7P Mia Probets 8E Ellie Pereira 8P Jamie Hayre 9E Cameron Clay 9P Charlie-May Loft 10E Samuelis Kvedaravicius 10P Amy Harvey 11E Zander McPherson 11P We are very proud that a number of students in the House are repeatedly attaining very high ATL scores of 4.9 and even 5 out of 5! Well done to you all and don’t forget that ATL changes every term so the new figures will be available the next time the reports are issued. REWARDS Hever pupils are working extremely hard every day to obtain as many rewards as they can. The current house total it 8284! This leaves us in second place behind Chartwell, but definitely not out of the race! The form group with the highest total rewards points in the house is currently 7E with an astounding 1948 reward points! This is an outstanding achievement, not least because they have held the position of rewards leaders since the beginning of the year! Well done to you all and to Miss Maycock for having such an outstanding form! It will be little surprise to discover that the point’s leaders for R1’s is also 7E. However, the picture for R2’s is a little different. With a clear 11 points above 7E are 7P with a grand total of 936! R3’s see us return to 7E (137) again as the leaders, but not far behind with 120 points are 9P! Well done guys, keep up the politeness and helpfulness and you might just take the lead! Finally, R4’s, for afterschool clubs and extracurricular work. This category sees 7P spring back into the lead with 142 points, showing their dedication and enthusiasm for activities and clubs. Well done everyone who works hard every day to earn more rewards, you are fantastic and we are very proud of you. Attendance Every term, the House recognises those pupils that have made it from the start to the finish without missing a single day, attaining 100% attendance. This is not always as easy as it might sound, illnesses and such like can get in the way and it can be rare that a pupil would last an entire year without a single absence. Imagine how excited and impressed we were to discover that we have one pupil in Hever House who has managed to maintain 100% attendance from the beginning of Year 7. She is now in YEAR 11! An amazing well done to Abbey Lansdowne, who has become the happy recipient of a £50 voucher as our way of saying a huge well done for such a massive achievement! Easter Egg Hunt We are currently getting very excited as our last day of the term is also the Hever House Easter Egg hunt! A number of different stickers, small chicks (not live or real!) and one large golden ticket will be hidden around the school site. On Wednesday morning, Hever pupils will have the chance to hunt across the school grounds for their chance to win an Easter treat. We wish all our pupils the best of luck for Wednesday morning and also best wishes for a Happy Easter too! Have a great break and see you in the summer term! The Hever Team