ECNV Annual Awards Reception
ECNV Annual Awards Reception
JUNE 20 15 Declaration ECNV Annual Awards Reception In this issue: State Senator Toddy Puller to Receive ECNV Lifetime Achievement Award 2 Thanks to our Top Sponsors! 2 ECNV to Honor Consumer and Local Business at Reception 3 Awards for Transitioning Youth Now Available! 3 A Message From the ECNV Board President 4 A Sample of Annual Awards Reception Silent Auction Items 5 June Calendar 7 ts Ticke 0! 5 $ just You’re Invited... Annual Awards Reception June 11, 2015 6:30 PM The Clarendon Ballroom 3185 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington Tickets and Sponsorships: Lifetime Achievement Award: Virginia State Senator Toddy Puller The Model of Independence Award: Diana Urquiza Business Community Partner Award: P.F. Chang’s Arlington and Tony Bass 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30th Anniversary of the Virginians with Disabilities Act 50th Anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare Silent auction (see page 5) • Hors d’oeuvres • Drinks Live music by Abby Nightingale Thanks to our ECNV Annual Award Reception Sponsors! NOVIL Foundation Silver Sponsors: ADA 25th Host: Henry Claypool and Eve Hill Bronze Sponsors Dr. Olakunle Olaniyan ECNV Friends Helena Berger & Jeff Arpin | Deb Cotter | Dolores Dabney | Yoshiko Dart | Marcie Goldstein | Arlington Julie Nepveu | Lee Page | Maggie and Larry Roffee | Warren G. Stambaugh Memorial Foundation | Tony Young Donors Ruth & David Cohen Soula Antoniou | Sharon Bartlett | Dr. Paul Cannon | Andrew Chukwura | Michael Cooper Cindy Daniel | Ed Fichter | Tiffany Joslyn | Suzanne Lacey | Lenore Levin | Ruchika Lalwani Erica Midboe | Mike & Nancy Moose | Wanita Niehaus | Richard Ruth | Bill Staderman Brewster Thackeray | Selma & Bill Thackeray Silent Auction Donors Arlington Arlington Might Rossyln They Be Giants Courthouse Arlington Ballston Aftertime Comics | Soula Antoniou | Arlington Automotive Group, LLC | Auto Glass Installer | Rep. Don Beyer | Marja Lee Freeman | Tracee Garner | Jewel Sensation | Keith Lombardi | Stephen A. Mabry, DDS | Herbert & Socorro Manila | Vinnie's International Hong Kong Custom Tailors | Jane Walsh & Ray Walsh | Wendy Yacoub | Michael & Kandace Zeman June 2015 Page 2 State Senator Toddy Puller to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at June 11 Reception By Brianna Gross, Communications Manager Virginia State Senator Linda “Toddy” Puller will be awarded the ECNV Lifetime Achievement Award on June 11, 2015 at the ECNV Annual Awards Reception. Care and currently serves on the Disability Commission and the Board of Veterans Services. She was the chair of the Senate Rehabilitation twice and the chair of the Social Services Committee. “We are thrilled to salute Senator Puller with this award,” said ECNV Executive Director, Brewster Thackeray. “Her dedication to disability rights throughout her years of service has made a significant difference in the lives of Virginians with disabilities.” Senator Puller represents the 36th District which includes parts of Fairfax, Prince Williams, and Stafford Counties and will be retiring this year. A tireless advocate for veteran and disability issues, Senator Puller returned to her job after a stroke in 1997. She was already very familiar with disability issues, as her late husband, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lewis Puller, Jr., lost both his legs as a Marine in the Vietnam War and had severe depression. Senator Puller was the first woman to serve as the Chair of the Joint Commission on Health In 2004 Senator Puller was a patron of the legislation to form the legislative Disability Commission. The Disability Commission is a place for members of the legislature, the Lieutenant Governor, the Governor's appointees, and the agencies of the Executive branch to address disability rights issues and work on systematic changes. Senator Puller has also been a champion of health care and Medicaid expansion since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. “Senator Puller has been an essential voice for the disability community throughout her service,” said Thackeray. “Though she richly deserves her retirement, she will be missed in the statehouse.” Thanks to our Top Sponsors! ECNV received a Silver Sponsorship for the Annual Awards Reception from American Airlines. This will include several major items worth thousands of dollars for the silent auction that are sure to be of interest to those who like to travel. Look for further details in our silent auction catalog at the event! The Northern Virginia Foundation for Independent Living (NOVIL) was the lead sponsor of last year’s inaugural ECNV Awards Reception, and returns to generously support our work this year as a Silver Sponsor. Rights division where she serves as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General and leads their work on disability issues. “ECNV has been a critical resource to me in the 17 years I've lived in Arlington,” said Henry. “Their work has been essential to advancing community integration for people with disabilities in Northern Virginia.” We are very thankful to our $1,000 Bronze Sponsors. The Paralyzed Veterans of America serves veterans who have returned from service with spinal cord injuries. Diamond Our ADA 25th Host sponsors are Henry Transportation provides paratransit services in Claypool and Eve Hill. Henry’s work while at Northern Virginia. Ameriprise Financial is a HHS during the Clinton administration includes leader in financial planning as a global financial the implementation of the Supreme Court's institution. Anthem BlueCross BlueShield is a Olmstead decision, implementation of the Ticket health insurance provider that is dedicated to to Work and Work Incentives improvement Act helping improve the health of communities. The and the formation of Real Choice System CENTECH GROUP, Inc. provides systems and Change grants. His most recent stint in federal solutions on federal government contracts/task service had him back at HHS where he worked orders and software development projects. on key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Finally, Dr. Olakunle Olaniyan is a friend of His wife, Eve Hill, serves as a presidential ECNV and the brother-in-law of Layo Oyewole, appointee in the Department of Justice’s Civil the Director of Medicaid Programs at ECNV. ECNV Board of Directors Lee Page President Soula Antoniou Vice President Helena R. Berger Treasurer Tiffany Joslyn Secretary Dolores Dabney Maya Flores Erica Midboe Julie Nepveu Wanita Niehaus William Staderman ECNV Staff Brewster Thackeray Executive Director Community Services Cynthia Evans Director Selvin Garcia Brianna Gross Alexa Mavroidis Andrew Shaw Medicaid Programs Layo Oyewole Director Rachel Henry Hannah Manila Jennifer Reese Advocacy Doris Ray Director Accounting Jorge Pineda Administrative Ruchika Lalwani LEND Office Tracee Garner Jennifer Reese ECNV Project Contractors Robert Lo Ed Weiss The ECNV Declaration Page 3 ECNV to Honor Consumer and Local Business at Reception By Brianna Gross, Communications Manager ECNV is thrilled to present the first ECNV Model of Independence Award to Diana Urquiza at the Annual Awards Reception on June 11th. P.F. Chang’s Arlington and Operating Partner Tony Bass will be the first local business in five years to receive the Business Community Partner Award. preserve the voucher program for others in nursing homes in 2013. She has also been a great friend of ECNV, singing at last December’s Home for the Holidays Reception and speaking at the ADA Legacy Tour in April. Diana’s perseverance to achieve her goals and give back to others make her a model for the mission of independent living. When ECNV staff first met with Diana Urquiza in 2011, she was living in a nursing home and working on exercises to restore her strength after an accident that left her with a disability. Unhappy living in a nursing home, Diana wanted to return to living in the community. ECNV Peer Mentor Alexa Mavroidis worked with Diana to find housing and advocated to get a housing voucher from Diana Urquiza (right) Fairfax County. ECNV Medicaid with ECNV Peer Mentor Programs Coordinator Hannah Alexa Mavroidis Manila also worked with Diana to make sure she would be secure moving into the community. On April 20th, 2012, Diana left the nursing home and moved into her new apartment. P.F. Chang's restaurant and Operating Partner Tony Bass are great supporters of ECNV. They donated food for over 200 people at the Home for the Holidays Reception and ran to get more when it was all eaten. They also donated food for the ADA Legacy Tour and are sponsoring the Annual Awards Reception. ECNV is thrilled to present P.F. Chang’s with the Business Community Partner Award for their P.F. Chang’s Arlington generous support. & Operating Partner Tony Bass (left) with staff “One of the goals for us at P.F. Chang’s in Arlington was to engage the community,” said Tony. “ECNV’s work and programs were a natural fit for us, as its programs and outreach affect a lot of families in not just Arlington, but Northern Since regaining her independence, Diana has become a Virginia as a whole. We hope that our work inspires other tireless local disability rights advocate. She met with Fairfax businesses to become more active in the neighborhoods in Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova in which they operate, as our communities are only as strong September of 2012 to share her story and testified to as the work we put into them.” Awards for Transitioning Youth Now Available! Supported by a grant from HSC Foundation Examples of eligible award items include, but are not The transition from adolescence to adulthood can be a limited to: difficult time in a person's life. This process can be even more challenging for young people with disabilities. Making Laptops, smartphones or other IT equipment with new friends, facing new academic challenges and getting accessibility features into the job market can be especially difficult for a man who Academic or sports equipment or uniforms uses a wheelchair or a woman who has bipolar disorder. Mobility equipment Tutoring or assistive learning tools The ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia (ECNV) Music lessons has become a Life Enrichment Awards Program (LEAP) Clothing for a job or school interview partner, supported by a grant from The HSC Foundation. Art supplies People with disabilities who are between the ages of 14 and 26, and reside in ECNV’s coverage area (Arlington, Payment for training in a specific skill Fairfax, and Loudoun Counties and the Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax) are eligible to apply. Please go to to find the application and Applicants may not have received a LEAP grant within the information form. Please read the eligibility criteria last three years. carefully. If you meet all of the provisions of the award, complete the LEAP Award Application Form and submit it Awards are relatively small and are focused on specific, no later than Friday, June 19. Instructions for submission tangible objects or services. They should be directly linked are on the form. to an academic or employment goal. So, for instance, singing lessons for an aspiring professional vocal Contact Cynthia Evans, Director of Community Services, at performer would be eligible but not singing lessons for (703) 525-3268 or with any questions. someone who simply enjoys singing. June 2015 Page 4 A Message From ECNV Board President Lee Page: Gear up to Celebrate Disability Milestones By Lee Page, ECNV Board President The 2015 ECNV Annual Awards Reception is shaping up to be an incredible event. We are honored to have State Senator Toddy Puller accept the ECNV Lifetime Achievement Award at the historic and elegant Clarendon Ballroom. We are also pleased to present the Model of Independence Award to Diana Urquiza and the Business Community Partner Award to P.F. Chang’s Arlington and Operating Partner Tony Bass. This is a special year as we celebrate three disability milestones: the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the 30th anniversary of the Virginians with Disabilities Act, and the 50th Anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare. A silent auction, live music, refreshments, and connecting with disability rights supporters and advocates will make this a memorable evening. The Annual Awards Reception is ECNV’s premier event to raise funds for the year. As of May 13th, we are more than halfway to surpassing last year’s contributions – but we have a way to go. Your ticket purchases, silent auction contributions, and generous donations help ECNV provide supports and services to your friends and neighbors with disabilities. With your help, we can continue to expand our employment workshops, youth outreach, advocacy work, core services, and much more. ECNV, founded 33 years ago, is growing and we need your support to keep up the momentum. celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ADA. ECNV was honored to have Delegate Kenneth Plum, Arlington County Board Member Jay Fisette, Arlington County Board candidate Peter Fallon, NCIL President Kelly Buckland, and ADA Legacy Tour organizer Tom Olin speak at the event. In the past year we revived the EXCEL! Networking Group, an employment networking group led by Robert Rudney; launched a youth social group for young people with disabilities; and opened Doug’s Place, a model accessible apartment where people learn independent living skills and see accessible modifications. Our Medicaid department staff transition people out of nursing homes and into the community – proving that the independent living model works. We help them find housing, move into apartments, and we continue to offer peer mentoring and supports so they can maintain independence. You’ll see our peer mentors, advocates, and travel trainers working with people throughout Northern Virginia. Your generous donations help us run all these programs and more. Here’s your call to action: Please support ECNV by purchasing a ticket and then share word of the event with a friend or family member. With your help, we can reach as many people as possible. If you cannot join us, please consider sponsoring a youth or community ticket so people of all means are able to attend. I hope to see you at the Clarendon Ballroom on In April, ECNV stood out as a leader in disability advocacy June 11th! in Northern Virginia by hosting the ADA Legacy Tour bus to Why Do You Support ECNV? All donations to ECNV are greatly appreciated! Here is why some of our core ECNV Friends support our work: Yoshiko Dart: The HSC Foundation: “ECNV has been a hub of disability rights and independent living advocacy in Northern Virginia. It has greatly improved accessibility, inclusion, and integration of people with disabilities, young and old, in their community. I support ECNV because it is demonstrating to the world that people with disabilities can lead good quality lives for themselves and others in their family and community by implementing the ADA effectively and wisely.” “The HSC Foundation is proud to support the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia, as we work together to enrich the lives of people with disabilities in the expanded Washington area. Partnerships with communitybased organizations like ECNV helps strengthen our focus on improving access to services for individuals facing social and health care barriers due to disability, chronic illness, or other circumstances that present unique needs.” Maggie Roffee: Marcie Goldstein: “ECNV was a key grass roots player in the passage of the ADA and continues its full inclusion advocacy with individuals with disabilities in Northern Virginia.” “I support ECNV because they continually assist people with disabilities to live and work in the community.” The ECNV Declaration Page 5 A Sample of Annual Awards Reception Silent Auction Items Don’t forget to bring your check books to the Annual Awards Reception to bid on fantastic silent auction items! Items range in value from $25 to over $1,000 with opening bids set low so everyone emerges a winner! Get a sneak peak of some of the items below. Plus 50 more items at the event! Full silent auction catalog to come at TOP TIER ITEMS: American Airlines – 100,000 miles Donated by: American Airlines It’s time to get away on American Airlines! This package of 100,000 miles can get you a roundtrip flight to Europe or, with advance planning, Asia, or the Middle East. Or two roundtrip tickets to paradise, e.g. Hawaii. Or use this cache of miles for up to four roundtrip domestic flights. 50,000 and 25,000 mile packages will also be up for auction! Hilton Arlington Two-Night Club Level Weekend Stay + Breakfast Donated by: Hilton Arlington You or your guests will enjoy a stay at Hilton Arlington, which places you in the heart of Arlington, minutes from Ballston Common Mall and close to Arlington National Cemetery. This hotel is within close proximity of Arlington City Hall and Fort Myer. Enjoy club level access and breakfast too! Residence Inn Arlington Ballston (Marriott), Two-Night Weekend Stay Donated by: Residence Inn Arlington Ballston; Michael Golembe, General Manager Enjoy a weekend getaway or share it with your friends when they come to visit! Good for a Friday and Saturday night stay. This modern residential hotel is within walking distance of the Ballston Metro. Arlington’s newest LEED Gold hotel has 183 suites and an indoor pool, two fitness facilities, and social spaces. Residence Inn Arlington Courthouse (Marriott), Two-Night Weekend Stay Plus $100 gift certificate to Fire Works Pizza Arlington Donated by: Residence Inn Arlington Courthouse; Stephen Javor, Directoro of Marketing A two-night stay valid on Friday and Saturday, OR Saturday and Sunday nights. Located right next to ECNV in the bustling Courthouse section of Arlington. You or your friends will enjoy a top-notch modern residence hotel, plus have $100 to spend on a dinner at the always fun Fire Works Pizza. Weekend at the Courtyard by Marriott Arlington Rosslyn Donated by: Courtyard by Marriott Arlington Rosslyn; Imtiaz Ahmed, General Manager The Courtyard by Marriott Arlington Rosslyn promises a refreshing break from your business routine, with 144 spacious guest rooms and 18 suites. Located right in the heart of it all, in Arlington and across the river from Washington DC. SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Washington Nationals Infield Box, 2 tickets to a 2015 game Donated by: Washington Nationals Take yourself out to the ball park! You’ll be sitting up front and in a great place to watch the action with two infield box tickets good to a 2015 Washington Nationals regular season home game. Washington Nationals Father’s Day game, 4 tickets vs. Pittsburgh Donated by: Soula Antoniou Celebrate Father’s Day at Nationals Park! 4 tickets behind home plate! They Might Be Giants Autographed Fan Pack Donated by: They Might Be Giants/Hornblow Group Three great items! An autographed photograph of TMBG’s John Linnell and John Flansburgh; a copy of their 2011 CD “Join Us” autographed by both; a two-DVD set, “Venue Songs,” signed by Linnell. June 2015 Page 6 Annual Awards Reception Silent Auction Items… Continued ART & ANTIQUITIES Woman with Birds Donated by: Artist Jane Walsh, mother of ECNV consumer Florence 1917 Donated by: Artist Jane Walsh Painting of Circuit Board Donated by: Artist Ray Walsh, an ECNV consumer Charcoal Portrait of Marion Barry Donated by: Artist Ray Walsh Korean Doll Donated by: The Manila Family FINE DINING P.F. Chang’s Ballston — Gift Certificates Donated by: P.F. Chang’s Ballston “We think dining is much more than eating – it’s an experience,” says P.F. Chang’s. Conveniently located near the Ballston Metro. Enjoy signature Chinese dishes from a classic restaurant that has generously donated food to several recent ECNV functions. Cheesecake Factory — Gift Certificate Cheesecake is the end to a great meal at this famous boutique restaurant chain. Enjoy this at the Clarendon location or another of your choice. SERVICES AND OPPORTUNITIES Up to 3 Hours of 1-on-1 Career Counseling and How to STAND OUT, Get Ahead & Get Noticed Autographed Book Marja Lee Freeman, The Employment Lady, has captured her 30+ years of employment specialist know-how into this easy-to read, “soup-to-nuts” book on winning at the employment game. Organizational In-Service Training (Up to 2 hours) Marja Lee Freeman, The Employment Lady, has conducted more than 15,000 seminars and conferences in 11 countries. And as Employment Specialist and President of the Laurie Mitchell Employment Center, she understands the challenges faced by on the job by consumers. This bid includes a 2-hour in-service training at your organization. NCIL Conference To Bring Youth to the Forefront The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is focusing on youth for their 2015 Annual Conference. “Generation ADA Rise Up!” will have a youth track to engage the generation of young people with disabilities born after the ADA was enacted in 1990. The NCIL Annual Conference takes place from July 27 to 30, 2015 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC. The conference hosts nearly 1,000 individuals of all ages from across the country. Falling just after the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this event is expected to draw large numbers. The workshops cover a variety of topics for a range of interests including “Sex, Drugs and Rock N’ Roll: The Sequel,” “Election 2016: Increasing the Disability Vote for Impact,” and “The ADA and Medicaid: Next Generation of Long-term Services and Supports.” A highlight of the conference is the NCIL Rally and March to the Capitol on Tuesday, July 28. One does not have to be registered for the conference to attend. To learn more and register for the conference, go to ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia Events Contact Ruchika Lalwani for ECNV events at (703) 525-3268 or unless otherwise indicated. Fri 5 6:00 p.m. The ENDependents Social Group will be meeting for TGIF Dinner at Arlington Rooftop Bar and Grill, 2424 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, 22201. You are warmly invited to join us! Cost is just the food you order. Thurs 11 6:30 p.m. ECNV Annual Awards Reception, The Clarendon Ballroom, 3185 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, 22201. Tickets and sponsorships at Thurs 18 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. EXCEL! Employment Networking Group at ECNV, 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 305, Arlington, 22201. Fri 19 5:30 p.m. The ENDependents Social Group at ECNV, 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 305, Arlington, 22201. Join us for food and fun for $5! Disability Advocacy Wed 3 12:00 p.m. INOVA Stroke Support Group, Fair Oaks Medical Campus, 3580 Joseph Siewick Drive, Inova Cancer Center, Lower Level – Room B, Fairfax, 22033. Contact Helen Parker at Mon 8 7:00 p.m. Fairfax Area Disability Services Board Meeting, Fairfax County Government Center Conference Room 2 & 3, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. Contact: Matthew Barkley 703-324-5868, TTY 703-449-1186 . Wed 10 7:00 p.m. Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities (ACPD), Chet & Sabra Avery Room 2000, City Hall, 301 King St., Alexandria, 22314. Contact Mike Hatfield at (703) 746-3148(V) or Thurs 11 7:00 p.m. National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Potomac Chapter, St. George's Episcopal Church, Room 115, Arlington. For more information call (703) 646-1130. Tues 16 7:00 p.m. Arlington County Disability Advisory Commission (ACDAC), 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Conference Room 311, 3rd Floor Arlington, 22201. Contact Anna Maynard, (703) 228-7096 (V/TTY) or Thurs 18 7:00 p.m. Loudoun Disability Services Board (DSB), Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison St. S.E. Leesburg, 20177. Contact Catherine Motivans, or (571) 258-3282. Thurs 18 6:30 p.m. National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Fairfax Chapter, the Providence Community Center, 3001 Vaden Drive, Fairfax, 22031. Contact John Bailey at (703) 994-2040 or Tues 23 5:30 p.m. Disability Awareness Awards in conjunction with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, Vola Lawson Lobby at Alexandria City Hall, 301 King St, Alexandria, 22314. Contact Mike Hatfield at (703) 746-3148(V) or Community Events Sat 13 4:30 — 7:30 p.m., Capital Pride 2015, the parade begins at 22nd and P Street NW, Washington, DC, proceeds around Dupont Circle, up New Hampshire to R Street, down 17th Street and then east on P Street, north on 14th Street, ending at R Street. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) celebration in the Nation’s Capital. Full schedule at Wed 24 Thru Sun 28 Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2015, The National Mall, between Third and Fourth St. NW, Washington, DC, and on the grounds of the National Museum of the American Indian. Website: With your help, ECNV connects people with disabilities to training and advocacy tools so we can achieve, maintain, and maximize our freedom. Please join ECNV and support our work as a $50 ENDependence Advocate – or with the membership contribution that you can best afford today. $100 Champion of Independent Living (CIL) $50 ENDependence Advocate $15 Friend of ECNV $_________ Self Advocate (Your choice of amount) It is easy to make a donation to ECNV today with a check made payable to ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia and mailed to our office at 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 305, Arlington VA 22201; or by using PayPal to make a donation via our website at ECNV can also accept credit cards over the phone at (703) 525-3268. Thank you for your support! ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia, Inc. (ECNV) 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 305 Arlington, VA 22201 Voice: (703) 525-ECNV (3268) TTY: (703) 525-3553 Fax: (703) 525-3585 Email: • Website:
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