INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO., INC 240 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Wall Phone with Volume Control Mouse* Phone Sculptura Celebrity ©Wait Disney Productions Housing oroduced by American Telecommunications Corporation E m e r g e n c y n u m b e r WRITE YOUR LOCAL N U M B E R HERE s _ J 1 C o n t e n t s Indiana Bell makes this "Pledge to Consigners." FIRE POLICE CULVER 842-2121 CULVER 842-2525 Business office •—To serve you well. 307 S. Main, South Bend, lnd 842-3301 Your service representative will help you with orders for new or additional service, billing matters, rates, credit cards, or any other information about telephone service you may desire. •—To s t r i v e a/ways t o s e r v e y o u better. •—To t r e a t y o u a s a n individual and not a number. •—To charge you fairly. •—To listen to what you say and to carefully consider it. President • SHERIFF MARSHALL COUNTY Call Long Distance PLYMOUTH, IND FULTON COUNTY Call Long Distance ROCHESTER, IND STARKE COUNTY Call Long Distance KNOX, IND ,.. . „ Office hours Call Long Distance STATE POLICE SOUTH BEND, IND (Make Emergency Calls Collect) Road Information © „„,„DOCTOR Monday through Friday* 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Annoyance calls 223-2819 * except recognized Holidays, Good Friday, Friday following Thanksgiving & December 24th. Buried cable location information call long distance collect Indpls 317-635-3800 772-3771 Manager: Local service rates . . . .page Kent Kledzik Zip codes page 2 Consumer information pages....2&3 233-1123 5 Last Yellow Page Bill Local c a l l i n g 234-3155 When paying in person please bring the bill and bill stub with you. This will save time. office Directory assistance . . . .call 411 Repair service 611 Yellow pages service 842-3301 Paying by m a i l home RllDFAii m C INVESTIGATiON l n d i a n a U.S. SECRET SERVICE Helpful information 936-3187 a " L o p S P° Please mail the bill stub with your pay ment in an envelope to help us credit your account promptly. If the stub is not available, please write your tele phone number on your check and mail it to P. 0. Box 119B, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206, Distance l i s - l n d 317-639-3301 Call Long Distance Indianapolis, lnd Bills may also be paid af 317-269-6444 Culver Mr. T's Rexall Drugs 806 Academy Long distance c a l l i n g Area codes How to call Types of calls Culver, lnd.—IFC 8 Directory assistance in area 219, call 1 + 555-1212 elsewhere, call 1 + area code + 555-1212 for WATS numbers, call 1 + 800 + 555-1212 Rates 22787 © Indiana Bell Telephone Company Incorporated 1978 page page 6 pages.... 6 & 7 page 3 Front cover: The red-eyed t o w h e e (also k n o w n a s t h e r u f o u s - s i d e d t o w h e e ) is c o m m o n t h r o u g h o u t I n d i a n a , a n d J e a n V i e t o r ' s w a t e r c o l o r p i c t u r e s t h e b i r d in a s p r i n g t i m e w o o d e d area o f w h i t e b i r c h a n d b u c k e y e t r e e s . S h e is a H o o s i e r a r t i s t , o n e o f several I n d i a n a Bell h a s e n c o u r a g e d b y p u r c h a s i n g t h e i r w o r k . Y o u m a y p i c k u p a r e p r i n t o f h e r p i c t u r e a t y o u r I n d i a n a Bell b u s i n e s s o f f i c e . Culver, lnd.—A H C o n s u m e r C o n s u m e r information I 3 information v • Consumer Groups We welcome your comments about our policies and procedures, and we are pleased to discuss these matters with groups of customers. To comment or to arrange such meetings, please write or phone our consumer relations supervisor. The address is room 1700, 240 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis 46204: the phone number is 317-265-2593. (call collect.) For your convenience, answers to questions we are asked most frequently appear on this and the next two pages. If you want more Information in any of these areas, please feel free to call your service representa tive in the Indiana Bell business office. • If your deposit has not been returned within a year and you feel your home telephone payments have been prompt, call your service representative, • H o w is m y b i l l i n g d a t e d e t e r m i n e d ? Your billing date is determined by your telephone number and is the same date each month. This date is shown on your bill. • • W h e n w i l l I receive m y bill? You should receive your bill approximately 10 days after your billing date. H o w a m I billed? The monthly charge for your local telephone serv ice is billed one month in advance. Long Distance calls are, of course, billed after you make them. . Installation charges also are billed after the work is done. Is t h e r e a c h a r g e t o m a k e c h a n g e s i n y o u r t e l e p h o n e service? For most changes there is a charge. You can usually save money by including all desired equip ment on the initial Installation. cards Have a p h o n e p r o b l e m ? If your phone is not working properly, please call repair service. For any other problem, your service representative is trained to help and can be reached at the number listed on your telephone bill. • • Employee identification For your protection, any employee who visits cus tomer premises carries an official identification card showing his or her name, signature and photograph. If you have the slightest doubt about anyone who says they are from the telephone company, please ask to see the card. • W h e n m u s t t h e bill be paid? The date by which payment for current charges is due Is printed at the bottom of your bill. It Is 22 to 25 days after your billing date. If I p a y a d e p o s i t , w h e n w i l l i t b e r e t u r n e d ? We want to return your deposit as soon as possi ble. We will review your residence account after a year. If you have been paying promptly, we will return your deposit. • E m e r g e n c y calls o n p a r t y l i n e s State law requires you to hang up the receiver of a party line telephone immediately when told the line is needed for an emergency—a situation In which property or human life is in jeopardy and the prompt summoning of aid is essential. It is also unlawful to take over a party line by stating falsely that the line is needed for an emergency. The penalty for either offense shall be a fine of not more than $1,000 or im prisonment for a term not exceeding 180 days, or both. • Annoyance Calls Don't talk to nuisance callers; they are looking for an audience. Hang up if the caller does not say any thing, does not identify himself satisfactorily, or uses improper language. Call police if a threat is made. Call your Indiana Bell business office if such calls persist; telephone people will work with you and with police to apprehend the caller. According to Indiana State Law, harassing callers shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for any term not exceeding 180 days, or both. • Buried cable information We want to avoid damage to buried telephone cables which could disrupt service. Twenty-four hours before you dig, with spade or power shovel, please call collect 317-635-3800 for specific cable locations. • • Educational aids We have a variety of complimentary educational materials available for teachers from nursery school through college. Contact your Indiana Bell educa tional representative at your local business office. • Directory listings Every effort is made to make the directory as ac curate as possible. The company is not liable for damages resulting from errors or omissions in free listings. Its liability in the case of paid listings shall not exceed the charge for such listings during the life of this directory. Communications consulting service Indiana Bell communication consultants are avail able without charge to analyze the communications needs of business customers. To help plan changes in your communication system, contact your com munications consultant by calling our business office. • meeting. Call 317-265-2597 (collect) for a film from our large library of free-loan films. Programs and films Contact your local business office for a brochure about our programs or to obtain a speaker for your • Customer-provided equipment Equipment, apparatus, devices or systems not furnished by the telephone company may be used with the company's equipment if such use complies with rules and regulations of the Federal Communi cations Commission and company tariffs. A service charge will apply when a repair visit is made and the difficulty is the result of customer-provided equip ment. • • H o w l o n g w i l l it t a k e t o g e t m y p h o n e service? Most of our appointments for residential services can be scheduled for the second business day after your call. Buiness service Installations may take longer. • you • • • • • W h a t w i l l t h e p h o n e c o m p a n y need t o know? The following information will be helpful when call the business office. Complete street address (apartment number If applicable). How you would like your name to appear In the directory. The colors, styles and locations of telephones you want. Information on the back cover will help you decide. Information on previous telephone s e r v i c e where, when and the telephone number. Will I b e a s k e d f o r a deposit? If you have a satisfactory payment record for previous telephone service, you normally will not be asked to pay a deposit. If you have not had previous telephone service, you may be required to pay a deposit based on the service requested. If we find it necessary to require that you pay a deposit, the amount ordinarily will be two months' estimated billing for your local and long distance service. Interest on your deposit will be paid at the rate of 6 per cent per year. As an alternative to paying a deposit, you may provide a letter of responsibility from another cus tomer who already has established credit with us and whose guarantee is acceptable to the company. • H a n d i c a p p e d services If you have difficulty using the telephone, per haps one of our special services win help. We have many services to offer for those with hearing, sight, speech or motion impairments. Some are listed on the inside back cover. For detailed information, con tact our business office. Types • Out-of-town Telephone directories of most cities and towns in the United States may be consulted at our business office. If you call phones in another city regularly, a directory for that city may be obtained by calling the business office. • Party line c a l l i n g Call your Repair Service number listed on page 1 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to obtain in structions for calling another party on your telephone line. • Recorded telephone conversations ("Beep" tone) If you hear a short "beep" tone on your telephone about every 15 seconds, your conversation is being recorded. This signal is provided for your protection. Use of a recorder without recorder-connector equip ment containing a tone-warning device is contrary to company tariffs. If you do not want your conversa tion to be recorded, ask the person to disconnect the recording machine. • of long distance calls directories Tariffs Tariffs which show rates, rules and regulations for telephone service and facilities as approved by the Public Service Commission of Indiana are avail able in our business offices for public inspection. Culver. Ind.—A You can "0-Express" the operator-assisted calls listed below. See page 6 for instruc tions. Time and charges: Customers may request from the operator the amount of time and charge for any operator assisted call. If you want Time and Charges on a call, please be sure to tell the operator when you place the call. Bill to third number: Customers may place calls and bill the charge to another telephone. This service requires operator assistance to record the number to be billed. Conference calls You can talk with several people in different places at the same time. Tell the operator you wish to make a long distance "conference" call. Coin telephone and hotel guest calls: These services require operator assistance to record the charge or billing for the call. Mobile Calls—Air—Land—Marine Collect: You may request the operator to ask the called party if he is willing to accept charges on this type of long distance call. If you want to make a "collect" call, please be sure to tell the operator when you place the call. Credit card: Customers who have Bell System credit cards may place calls and charge them to their credit card numbers. These calls require operator assist ance to record the credit card number. Customers may apply for a credit card by calling their local Indiana Bell business office. Person-to-Person: When the caller wishes to speak only to a particular person, or a particular telephone, department or office reached through a customer's switchboard (PBX), this most expensive of all classes of calls is used. Timing starts when the call is estab lished between the calling party and the party called. Culver. Ind.—A You can make local (where facilities are available) and long distance calls to automobiles, trucks, air craft, boats and ships. Ask the "Operator" for the Mobile, Marine, or High Seas Operator. For informa tion on other Communications Common Carriers, consult the Yellow Pages under PAGING & SIGNAL ING, and RADIOTELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS headings. Wide Area Telecommunications Service (IN-WATS) Station-to-station long distance calls may be made, without charge to you, to those telephones equipped for wide area service. Dial " 1 " plus area code "800" plus the special telephone number of customers hav ing this service. Dial " 1 " plus the area code, "800", plus "555-1212," to obtain the telephone numbers of those customers who offer incoming long distance calls without charge to the caller. call guide call guide C o m m u n i t y locations a n d n u m b e r s Indiana Bell residence service and rates "Prefixes" are the first three digits of the telephone number. Monthly rate - rotary dial, desk or wall model (before tax) Basic Service for customers in: C u l v e r 1 One party Two party Four party $7.85 $6.25 $5.20 Culver t e l e p h o n e s : Calls from Culver to places not shown on map are long distance. See pages 6 & 7 for dialing instructions. 1. Telephone exchange boundaries may differ from city boundaries. A zone charge may also apply depending on the location of your service. Call your service representative in the business office if you have questions. 2. Offered in suburban areas only, One-Time Monthly Rate Charge (before tax) (before tax) Additional Services 842 Extension Service Additional locations for phones $1.50 * Trimline® Phone Illuminated dial i n handset $1.50 * Princess® Phone Compact set w i t h night light $1.20 * Touch-a-matic® 16 A u t o m a t i c a l l y d i a l s 15 p r e - r e c o r d e d numbers $7.95 • T o u c h - T o n e ® Service (Push-button Calling) For e a c h T o u c h - T o n e p h o n e line For each l n d . Bell T o u c h - T o n e P h o n e $1.10 .50 * Design L i n e * * Telephones • • • • • • • Accent Antique G o l d * * * Candlestick*** Celebrity Chestphone*** Commemorative D e c o r a t o r Coin Phone • • • • • • • • Early A m e r i c a n * * * Elite Exeter Mediterranean*** T h e M i c k e y M o u s e * * * * Phone Optique C h e s t p h o n e * * * Sculptura Stowaway • • • • • • • • Add'l Directory Listing Artificial Larynx Signalman Speakerphone Telephone Adapter Toll C r e d i t Card Tone Ringer Volume Control Culver ••Trademark of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company •••Trademark of Ameri can Telecommunica tions Corporation • • • • W a l t Disney Productions Housing produced by American Telecom munications Corporation Special P r o d u c t s a n d A d d i t i o n a l Services 2 $ .— 65.00* 130.00* 70.00* 80.00* 110.00* 105.00* 139.00 t o 185.00* 115.00* 95.00* 55.00* 115.00* 95.00* 110.00* 65.00* 115.00* $ .85 * 2.20 9.10 $49.10 * * no charge 1.10 .55 8.25 no c h a r g e • * •For service charges that may apply, or complete description of services and rates, call your Business Office. You'll find the number listed in the front pages of the phone book. Rates and models subject to change. Culver, lnd.—A Culver, lnd.—A call 6 1g u i1d e call guide L o n g distance rates w i t h i n Indiana L o n g d i s t a n c e lowest rates dial-direct day \ evening \night/weekend Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5 PM m i l e a g e highest rates operator-assisted Finn 2 Min. Each Add'l. Min. Mon.-Fri. 5 PM-11 PM First 2 Min. x Each Add't. Min. Each Min. First 2 Min. Each Add'l. Min. 1-16 (aiampla: between Hartford City & Gaston) $ .30 $.12 $25 $.10 $.10 $ .45 $.17 17-30 (eaemple: batwaan Crawtordavila A Labanon) .18 .45 .35 .14 .12 .65 .24 31-55 (eaantple: batwaan KokomoftIndianapolis) .60 .24 .45 .18 .14 .85 .31 56-100 (axampla: batwaan MunciaftCrawfordsville) .70 .28 .50 .20 .16 1.05 .39 101-172 (example: batwaan EvansvilaftAttica) .80 .32 .55 .22 .1$ 1.15 .43 173-244 (aiampla: batwaan South BandftNew Albany) .90 .36 .60 .24 .16 1.25 .46 245-316 (axampla: batwaan Michigan CityftEvansvila) 1.00 .40 .65 .26 .16 1.35 .50 holldatv ratal " Day/July 4th Labor Day-Thanksgiving Christmas Day " On those legal holidays, the night weekend rate applies all day on dial-diract calls. N t wY Dial-direct calls are those interstate calls (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) completed from a residence or business phone without operator assistance. Dial-direct rates also apply on calls placed with an operator from a residence or business phone where dial-direct facilities are not available On dial-direct calls, you pay only for the minutes you talk The initial rate period is one minute any time of day or night. Additional savings apply if you dial direct during the "discount" time periods indicated on the chart below. Person-toPerson First 2 Min. Each Add'l. Min. .37 1.25 .46 1.45 .54 1.65 .61 1.80 .67 1.90 .70 WEEKDAY to call long Dial-direct (station-to-station) A l l d i a l - d i r e c t calls are s t a t i o n - t o - s t a t i o n w h i c h m e a n s t h e caller is w i l l i n g t o t a l k w i t h anyone w h o answers. Dial-direct calls a r e c h a r g e d a t t h e lowest rate w i t h a d d i t i o n a l sav ings t o t h e c a l l e r if t h e call is placed i n t h e evening or during t h e night a n d weekend t i m e periods. For calls w i t h i n I n d i a n a , t h e i n i t i a l r a t e p e r i o d is o n e o r t w o m i n u t e s , d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t i m e t h e c a l l is p l a c e d . D i a l - d i r e c t calls are t h o s e calls c o m p l e t e d f r o m a residence or business phone w i t h o u t operator assistance. Dial-direct rates also a p p l y o n calls p l a c e d w i t h a n o p e r a t o r f r o m a residence o r b u s i n e s s p h o n e w h e r e d i a l - d i r e c t f a c i l i t i e s a r e n o t avail able. How to dial direct W i t h i n y o u r area — D i a l " 1 " a n d t h e tele phone number. O u t s i d e y o u r area — Dial " 1 " , f o l l o w e d by t h e a p p r o p r i a t e area code and telephone number. Helpful information If y o u r e a c h a w r o n g n u m b e r , d i a l " O p e r a t o r " immediately and explain what happened. N o c h a r g e w i l l be m a d e f o r t h e c a l l . You w i l l n o t be c h a r g e d if y o u h a n g u p be f o r e y o u d i a l t h e c o m p l e t e n u m b e r o r if t h e t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r y o u d i a l is b u s y or d o e s n ' t answer. 8. FULL RATE Minimum charge: 1 minute. 5 P.M. EVENING 35% DIS COUNT 35% DISCOUNT tram FuH Rale. Minimum charge: 1 minute. 11P.M. STATION-TO-STATION PERSON-TO-PERSON FULL RATE FULL RATE ALL DAYS ALL HOURS ALL DAYS ALL HOURS Minimum charge: 3 minutes Minimum charge: 3 minutes Additional minutes are charged at dial-direct rates, and include the same discount applicable to the time period when you call 8 A.M. distance T o f i n d a n area c o d e , c h e c k t h e list o n page If y o u c a n ' t f i n d it t h e r e , d i a l " O p e r a t o r . " To reach l o n g d i s t a n c e d i r e c t o r y a s s i s t a n c e , d i a l " 1 " , t h e n t h e area c o d e f o r t h e d i s t a n t location, then ' " 5 5 5 - 1 2 1 2 . " For n u m b e r s in y o u r area, d i a l " 1 " , t h e n " 5 5 5 - 1 2 1 2 . " Operator-assisted O p e r a t o r - a s s i s t e d calls are t h o s e r e q u i r i n g the assistance of an operator t o complete t h e call. These include person-to-person, coin, c o l l e c t , c r e d i t c a r d , bill t o t h i r d n u m b e r , hotel g u e s t a n d t i m e a n d c h a r g e calls. T h e i n i t i a l p e r i o d f o r all o p e r a t o r - a s s i s t e d calls w i t h i n I n d i a n a is t w o m i n u t e s . H o w t o place o p e r a t o r - a s s i s t e d calls by " O - E x p r e s s " C a l l i n g " O - E x p r e s s " is t h e n e w speedy w a y t o place l o n g d i s t a n c e c a l l s . Dial " 0 " ( z e r o ) i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w e d by t h e a p p r o p r i a t e area code ( i f c a l l i n g b e y o n d y o u r area) a n d t h e d i s t a n t tele phone number. An operator will respond after your dialing. W h e n t h e o p e r a t o r a s k s , " M a y I help y o u ? " , ex plain " I ' m p l a c i n g a p e r s o n - t o - p e r s o n call t o ( n a m e o f t h e person y o u a r e c a l l i n g ) . " " I ' m p l a c i n g a c o l l e c t c a l l . M y n a m e is Operator assisted calls are those requiring the assistance of an operator to complete the call These include.person-to-person. coin, collect, credit card, billed to a third number, hotel guest, time and charge calls The initial period tor all operator assisted calls is three minutes » % DISCOUNT a f5 H o w s t a t e s MOM DAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRD I AY SATURDAY SUNDAY $ .75 $.28 1.00 o t h e r HIGHEST RATES OPERATOR-ASSISTED THREE-MINUTE RATES LOWEST RATES DIAL-DIRECT ONE-MINUTE RATES all hours-all days Ww«d»y»1t PM-SAM Weekend 11 PM Friday to 8 AM Monday r a t e s t o ." " I ' m placing a credit card call. My credit card ." n u m b e r is " B i l l t h i s call t o ( b i l l t o t h i r d n u m b e r ) . " Culver, Ind.—A WEEKDAY SAMPLE RATES FULL RATE Each FROM South Bend Fl r sl AddHlonal TO: Minute Minute .34 Atlanta, Ga .50 .34 .50 Boa ton. Ma .29 .43 Ch-caoo. II .32 andfMwt., Oh .46 .34 Dalle.. Tx .50 Lob Angeles. Ca .52 .36 .52 .36 Miami, Fl .44 .30 Milwaukee, Wl .34 New York, NY .50 .34 Philadelphia, Pa .50 .34 St. Louis, Mo .48 .34 Washington, DC .50 HOLIDAY RATES DIAL-DIRECT EVENING 35% DISCOUNT Each First Additional Minute Minute .32 .23 .32 .23 .27 .19 .21 .29 .32 .23 .24 .33 .24 .33 .20 .28 .23 .32 .32 .23 .23 .31 .32 .23 fc r%£»° .20 .20" .17 .18 ,20 .20 .20 .17 20 .20 19 .20 14 .14 .12 .13 .14 .15 .15 .12 ,14 ,14 I T .14 - 1 OPERATOR-ASSISTED STATION-TO-STATION PERSON-TO-PERSON Fust Each SAMPLE RATES First Each 3 Additional FROM South Bend 3 Additional Minutes Minute Minutes Minute TO: Sao $3.15 Sao Atlanta, Ca $2.05 al-Direct 2.05 Dial-Direct 3.15 Di Boaton, Ma tables at tables et let* under left under 2.75 Chicago. II 1.75 tune period time period Cincinnati. Oh 1.95 that applies 2.95 that applies (Daytime. (Daytime DaHaa, Ti 2.05 Eveni ng or 3.15 Evening or Night & Night & 3.30 Loa Angelea, Ca 2.15 Weekend) Weekend) 3.30 Miami. Fl 2.15 2.85 Milwaukee, Wl 1.85 New York, NY 2.05 3.15 Phlladelphle, Pa 2.05 3.15 St Louie, Mo 2.00 3.05 Washington, DC 2.05 3.15 New Year's Day/July 4th/Labor Day/Thanksgiving/Christmas Day On these legal holidays, the evening rate applies all day on dial-direct calls unless a lower rate would normally apply (nights & weekends). On operator assisted calls, the dial-direct discount rate applies only on additional minutes. Federal Excise Tax and any applicable state and local taxes are not included in the above rates. Discount rates illustrated are rounded. Charges are based upon rates in effect at the time of connection at the calling point, including calls beginning in one rate period and ending in another. *CALLS OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL U.S. (INCLUDING ALASKA AND HAWAII) There are different dial-direct rates that apply on calls to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada and the Bahamas. Other locations capable of being dialed direct are Alaska and parts of Mexico, including Mexico City. For calls to ail other points outside the continental U.S. dial "0" and ask the operator to place your call. The operator can also give you rates for calls to these locations. Culver, Ind.—A 81 call guide A r e a W P A G E S / Extern tkm so, A »4 ONIAilO „J~» : MAN. 7 0 NO 611 si»" / *>• DAKOTA w 1» I/MICH ,408\ « :MASKA \ IOWA \~.'r*-»'*pW 14W'-~»"ln* * I Wan •401 Ml 31* " « I. *•» I I 214 THAI'; 903 NOKTHWKT MIXICO 711 r-J^"iu ti. -jSlAM > 417"' . III : . . . T } .• V K 1(12 J Ww(SW/«-'WO.C i^NTuciiyC^vfto*!!* >w I ^ -j—TTcT 401 •IINNlSHt/^' 41J j C ^ •0 - O 3 r Missouri; 501 401 311 I MISS, MS ' AlA. S.C ;ca. ' »11 UA.I k.FlA.\ J12 « M BERMUDA AND I »IMtAN ISLANDS CA Use the area code when it is different from that of the telephone you are using. 415 209 213 916 714 415 Connecticut 203 Dist. of Columbia Washington DC 202 Florida Jacksonville Miami Orlando Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa 904 305 305 904 904 813 Georgia Atlanta Savannah 404 912 Illinois Bloom ington 309 ChampaignUrbana 217 Chicago 312 East St. Louis 618 Evanston 312 Kankakee 815 Springfield 217 Indiana Anderson Angola E C U L V E R I MINN. -* ' / -*pAKOlA| } | | California Berkeley Fresno Los Angeles Sacramento San Diego San Francisco T o Attintlcl e Mountain tint* HAWAII I (ALPHABETICAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY) c o d e s Pacific tinw aiaskaJ S H 317 219' Attica 317 Auburn 219 Bedford 812 Bloomington 812 Bluffton 219 Bunker Hill 317 Charlestown 812 Clinton 317 Cloverdale 317 Columbia City 219 Columbus 812 Connersville 317 Covington 317 Crawfordsville 317 Crothersville 812 Crown Point 219 Culver 219 East Chicago 219 Edinburg 812 Elizabeth town 812 Elkhart 219 Ellettsvllle 812 Elwood 317 Evansville 812 Fort Wayne 219 Frankfort 317 Franklin 317 French Lick 812 Gary 219 Goshen 219 Gosport 812 Green castle 317 Greensburg 812 Hammond 219 Hartford City 317 Huntington 219 Indianapolis 317 Jasper 812 Jeffersonville 812 Kendallville 219 219 Kentland 219 Knox Long distance directory assistance Kokomo 317 Lafayette 317 Lagrange 219 La Porte 219 Lebanon 317 Linton 812 Logansport 219 Madison 812 Marion 317 Martinsville 317 Michigan City 219 Mishawaka 219 Montezuma 317 Monticello 219 Morgantown 812 Mount Vernon 812 Muncie 317 Nappanee 219 Nashville 812 New Albany 812 New Castle 317 North Manchester 219 North Vernon 812 Ogden Dunes 219 Osceola 219 Pendleton 317 Peru 317 812 Petersburg 219 Plymouth 219 Portland 812 Princeton 219 Rensselaer 317 Richmond 219 Rochester 812 Rockport 317 Rockville 317 Rushville 812 Scottsburg 812 Sellersburg 812 Seymour 317 Shelbyville South Bend Syracuse Tell City Terre Haute Tipton Union City Valparaiso Vincennes Wabash Warsaw Washington Winamac 219 219 812 812 317 317 219 812 219 219 812 219 Iowa Council Bluffs 712 Des Moines 515 Iowa City 319 Kansas Kansas City Topeka Wichita 913 913 316 Kentucky Covington Louisville 606 502 Louisiana Baton Rouge 504 New Orleans 504 Shreveport 318 Michigan Ann Arbor Detroit Grand Rapids Lansing Sault Ste. Marie 313 313 616 517 Minnesota Duluth Minneapolis Rochester St. Paul 218 612 507 612 Missouri Joplin Kansas City St. Louis 417 816 314 Nebraska Grand Island 308 402 Lincoln 402 Omaha New Jersey Atlantic City 609 Newark 201 Trenton 609 New York Albany 518 Binghamton 607 Buffalo 716 Garden City 516 New York City 212 Poughkeepsie 914 Syracuse 315 North Carolina Charlotte 704 Raleigh 919 Ohio Akron Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dayton Toledo Oklahoma Oklahoma City 405 Tulsa 918 Pennsylvania Harrisburg 717 Philadelphia 215 Pittsburgh 412 Tennessee Memphis Nashville 901 615 Texas Amarilio Austin Dallas El Paso Fort Worth Houston 806 512 214 915 817 713 Virginia Arlington Norfolk 703 804 Washington Seattle 206 Spokane 509 Wisconsin Madison Milwaukee Wausau 608 414 715 216 513 216 614 513 419 Ontario, Canada London 519 North Bay 705 Ottawa 613 906 Toronto 416 Dial " 1 , " plus the area code for the city you want, plus 555-1212 For numbers in your Area, dial " 1 " plus 555-1212. Culver, Ind.—A A-1 DISPOSAL INC State Rd 17 842-2583 A & Ft MOTORS 104 Lakeshore Dr 842-2470 A & W Root Beer Lake Shore Dr 842-2122 Abair V R 515 W Jeff 842-3436 Acoustic Audio Services 724 W Wash Av South Bend--287-7221 Adams A E 519 Plymouth 842-2006 Adams Carl Jr 545 South Shore Dr 842-2460 Adams Carl M 520 South Shore Dr 842-2984 Adams Dan 620 E College Av 842-3478 Adams Fred West Shore Dr 842-3195 Adams V Stuart 413 N Slate 842-2302 Aemmer KC 427 W Washington 842-2643 Albert Clothes Doctor The 422 S Plymouth 842-3513 Albert Homer W 14th Rd 842-3259 Albert W Vance Hibbard Ind 842-2294 Albert's Upholstery Hibbard Ind 842-2294 Alleman Howard L Mrs 511 E Lake Shore.Dr—842-2130 Allen A F W 19 B Rd 842-3569 Allen Bill 670 West Shore Dr 842-2321 Allen Rex St Rd 17 842-3210 Allen Sam 571 W Shore Dr 842-3236 AL'S TV & APPLIANCE STORE 115 S Main—842-2982 Al's Tree Service 804 S Main 842-2778 Altheide Audra 921V2 Baker 842-2776 Altheide Henry 1150 E St 842-3677 American Landrace Association Inc IO8V2 N Main—842-3167 American Legion Post 103 State Rd 10 842-2638 American Telephone & Telegraph Co St Rd 10—842-3347 Amond Frank 110 S Main 842-3660 Amor Eldon 14 B Rd 842-3082 842-2647 Anderson Eugene G MD 40 W Shore Drive Anderson Evelyn B MD 40 W Shore Drive 842-2647 Anderson Greggory D Burr Oak 842-2707 Anderson Hugo B 716 Peru Ct 842-3785 Anderson Teena R 327 E Washington 842-3913 Andrews J L 910 S Plymouth 842-2396 ANDY'S CULVER CLOTHIERS 111 S Main 842-2671 Apple Garold St Rd 17 842-2672 842-2677 Arndt C S 515 W Jeff Arnell Donald E 794 West Shore Dr 842-3754 Arnell Roland L 536 S Main 842-3750 ArnettChas 618 Academy Rd 842-3727 842-3932 Arthurhultz C R Hibbard Arthurhultz Dan 209 E Hawkins Ct 842-3624 Arthurhultz Jerry 205 E Wabash 842-2764 Arthurhultz Lynda A 517 Lake Shore Dr 842-2770 Arthurhultz Raymond L 432 S Ohio 842-2142 Artist Harry 1150 E Rd 842-2808 ARVESEN'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 113 Water Plymouth—936-3245 Aschinger Philip LtC 306 North Shore Ln 842-3548 Asper Chas 303 Slate 842-3065 Augustine Paul 60 Oak Crescent Dr 842-3952 AVON PRODUCTS INC 800 543-2711 B BabcockFL OD 203 S Main Babcock George I State Rd 10 W Babcock John L 196 W Terrace Babcock Troy L 2388 East Shore Dr 842-3372 842-3237 842-3696 842-2463 Bach Edwin L 421 Academy Rd Bachman William J 662 S Main BairArlo 451 S Main Bair Clarence Jr 919 Academy Rd Baker Chas 447 S Main Baker David T 940 Academy Rd Baker George Jr 909 S Plymouth Baker Harold L 436 Liberty Baker Harry J 427 Lakeview Baker James A AID 2100 East Shore Dr Baker Kenneth W 723V2 Nueva Gorda Baker M D Dr Fleet Pkwy Baker Marjorie Ann 463 Lakeview Baker Nellie Mrs 912 Lake Shore Dr Baker Norman R 512 School Baker Roy M 610 Obispo Baker Thos E 357 Academy Rd Baker Wm 416 Lakeview Baldwin Robert 321 W Mill Balkema Richard L 316 E Wash Ball William H Jr 1746 East Shore Dr Ballinger J Rose Rd Balmer Jas L 509 S Plymouth Banfield William S West Terrace Pkwy Banks Alan 913 Academy Rd Banks Fred 625 E College Av Banks Louis W 20th A Rd Banks Owen 308 E College Av Banks R E W 19 B Rd Bannon Barney 894 West Shore Dr Bannon M W 18 B Rd Barnes H M Willow Point Barnett Samuel 103 S Ohio Barnette Jos D 874 East Shore Dr BarshesAlex 604 S Main Bartosik E M St Rd 10 Bartosik L M School St Base Louis L Behmer Rd Basham Richard J 515 N Liberty Bateson Norman West Shore Dr Baxter R Norman Maxinkuckee Rd Baxter Richard N Jr 1460 East Shore Dr Bayless Charles E 515 Academy Rd Beach Darreli H Lakeshore Dr Beach Lodge Lake Shore Drive Bean Clifford W 19 Rd Bean Jos S MD 2744 E Shore Dr BeanLeroyW 310 N Plymouth Beaver Paul auctnr State Rd 17 Beaver Paul J Jr W 16 B Rd Beck Clarence W 718 Neuva Gorda Beck J C Climax Beck Robert L 471 South Shore Dr Becker E Allen Res 2450 E Shore Ln Barn 2425V E Shore Ln Becker Edwin H 1870 East Shore Dr Becker Jeffrey St Rd 17 Becker Nelson J 1840 East Shore Dr Begin Paul C St Rd 17 Behmer Eugene L 1010 West Shore Dr Behmer Harold B 515 W Jefferson Behmer J Richard W 14th B Rd Behmer W W 922 Lakeshore Dr Behnke Roland A 321 E Washington Beichler J H 108 Summit Belk William E 616 E College Av Bell John 1024 South Shore Dr Bell V M 215 W Cass Bendy David M 315 W Madison Benedict Eugene G W 18th B Rd Benedict John A W 18th B Rd 2 842-3030 842-3212 842-2606 842-2635 842-2996 842-2507 842-3682 842-3264 842-2732 842-2100 842-3678 842-2662 842-2289 842-2013 842-3276 842-2694 842-2898 842-2410 842-3201 842-3632 842-3086 842-3953 842-3428 842-3786 842-3668 842-2257 842-2117 842-2193 842-2565 842-3539 842-2702 842-3006 842-3692 842-2222 842-2125 842-3483 842-3025 842-2003 842-2345 842-2802 842-3654 842-2433 842-3594 842-2730 842-3510 842-2558 842-2995 842-3460 842-2229 842-3001 842-3530 842-2486 842-2317 842-2807 842-2559 842-2197 842-3925 842-2709 842-2520 842-2906 842-2748 842-2678 842-2346 842-2327 842-3917 842-3468 842-2061 842-3669 842-2887 842-2021 842-2420 10 Ben—Cla CULVER Benner M E 135 North Shore Dr 842-2977 Bennett Carl 0 Burr Oak Ind 842-3286 Bennett Clyde B 921 S Plymouth 842-2056 Bennett F J W 16 Rd 842-3968 Bennett Leon H W 16 Rd 842-2890 Bennett Lorraine 516 Liberty 842-3113 Bennett Michael A State Rd 17 842-3146 Bennett Richard L Rev 403 S Main 842-2133 Bennett Walter 810 West Shore Dr 842-2684 BENNETT'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Lake Shore Dr—842-3228 Bennett's Painters & Decorators Lake Shore Dr—842-3228 BENNETT'S PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Lake Shore Dr—842-3228 Benson Ernest B Fleet Pky 842-2526 BERGER CONSTRUCTION CO INC R R 3 Plymouth—935-5093 Berger Larry 422 W Washington 842-3198 Berger Robert Venetian Village 842-2440 Bernauer Robert 423 Forrest PI 842-3929 Bernhardt Charles 2548 East Shore Ln 842-2476 Berry F P St Road 17 842-2148 Bickel Hershel 318 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3782 Bickel Warren E 521 N State 842-2649 Bickson Larry 31IV2 State 842-2122 Bieker Daniel W DDS Queen Rd 842-3200 Biggins Thomas J St Rd 8 842-2539 Bigler Edw M 815 Obispo 842-2628 BIGLEY DAVID orchrd W 18th B Rd 842-2933 842-3047 Bigley G T Mrs Queen Rd Bigley J Bryce W 18 Rd 842-3586 Bigley John F W 18th B Rd 842-3266 Binkley Real Estate 622 Lk Shore Dr 842-3795 Birk Arthur 614 N Plymouth 842-3690 Bishop J H Mrs 153 N Terrace 842-2916 Bishop Mark D 318 W Washington 842-3710 Bishop Wayne Burr Oak Ind 842-3168 Blazek Milan V 1038 Academy Dr 842-3080 Blessing Orville 14 B Road 842-3522 Blocker H A 184 West Shore Dr 842-2839 BOB'S MARATHON SERVICE STATION 102 S Main—842-3856 Bochantine Raymond 922 Obispo 842-2280 BOETSMA HOME FURNISHINGS INC W Jefferson—842-2626 Boetsma Joe H St Rd 10 842-2765 Boetsma Larry J W 17 Rd 842-3638 Boguslawski M Redwood 842-2156 BONINE FUNERAL HOME 104 E Lake Shore Dr—842-2082 BONINE JAMES D FUNERAL DIRECTOR 104 E Lake Shore Dr—842-2082 Bonine Rosalie R 104 E Lake Shore Dr 842-2673 Bonnell Construction 527 S Main 842-2176 Bonnell Gerald D 300 W Jeff 842-3741 Bonnell Steven 527 S Main 842-2176 Boomhower Elizabeth 915 Baker 842-3005 Bormann David A 1122 South 842-3122 Boschee Dennis E W 16 Rd 842-2088 842-2273 Bossinger C Kline Burr Oak Ind Bostwick Donald Jr 440 State 842-2793 Boswell Hampton 433 Harding Ct 842-2691 BOTTORFF CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 315 E Jefferson Plymouth—936-2965 Bottorff James A W 14 B Rd 842-2841 Boutilier Ray E 209 Climax 842-2811 Bowersox Dale County Line Rd 842-2771 Bowman Donald S Rev 108 College Av 842-3031 Boyne John 712 Neuva Gorda 842-2809 Braasch Chas M Thorn Rd 842-3481 Braasch Donald S Union Rd 842-3762 Brabant Robt W 18 B Rd 842-3138 Bracken Robert 726 Peru Ct 842-2252 Bradley Agnes M State Rd 17 842-2816 842-3043 Bradley C H 1480 East Shore Dr 842-3076 Bradley C H Jr Mrs 1784 East Shore Dr Bradley Marvin State Road 17 N 842-2465 Bramfeld John 1322 East Shore Dr 842-2608 Branaman Wayne F 334 S Main 842-3454 Branham Frank 119 W Mill 842-3095 Branham Fred 114 E Mill 842-3011 Breyfogle Robt 313V2 N Main 842-3258 Brockus Robert State Rd 117 842-3404 Broeker Chas State Rd 8 842-2307 Broeker Clarence Hibbard Indiana 842-3029 Broeker Donald State Rd 8 842-3145 Broeker Joseph St Rd 8 842-2147 Broeker Raymond State Rd 8 842-2374 Broeker Robt L Burr Oak 842-2477 Browder John C 114 E Lake Shore Dr 842-2733 Brown Mary Lou 410 Lake 842-3621 Bruce's Reload Shop W 17th Rd 842-2314 Brugh Dessa 222 Coolidge Ct 842-2430 Bryan John R Mrs 721 Obispo 842-2203 Buckeye Feed & Grain Inc Monterey Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2031 Buckner Maurice 403 S Plymouth 842-2169 BunnerAlan 1012 E Lakeshore Dr 842-2261 Burke David L 820 Lake Shore Dr 842-3293 BurkhartAY 90 South Shore Dr 842-2393 Burleson Kathy 464 State 842-3980 Burns David 419 S Main 842-2051 Burns Helen Durkot 619 Obispo 842-3634 Burr Oak Church Of God Burr Oak Ind 842-2258 BURR OAK HARDWARE Burr Oak Ind 842-2769 Burr Oak Sand & Gravel West 14 B Rd 842-2305 Burrough Elgie State Rd 17 842-2923 Burroughs Cycle Shop Burr Oak Ind 842-2224 BURT'S BODY SHOP INC 1604 W Jefferson Plymouth—936-2780 Busart Bernard 322 W Madison 842-2630 Busart Walter 211 West Shore Dr 842-3097 Bush Richard P W 16th C Rd 842-2187 Butler A N 1680 East Shore Dr 842-3024 Butler Harold Richard W 14th B Rd 842-3235 Butler Robt Hawk Lake 842-2848 Butler Sylvia F Mrs 321 W Marmont 842-2495 Butler Wayne Lee 513 W Jefferson 842-3997 Butt Cindy 212V2 N Main 842-3972 Button Don P 470 South Shore Dr 842-2378 Butts Jack L 1102 South 842-3028 Byrd Charles A 215 Hawkins Ct 842-2866 c Camelot Golf Course St Rd 8 842-3511 Camelot Oil Inc 610 Lake Shore Dr 842-3868 Camelot Universal Corp St Rd 8 842-3815 Camp Ta Ki Kwa S Queen Rd 842-3672 842-3543 Campbell C L Mrs 1355 E Shore Dr Campbell Jack South Shore Dr 842-2247 Campbell John J 715 Neuva Gorda 842-3049 Canada Dry Bottling Co 1330 High South Bend—234-1311 CANDLISH REAL ESTATE 842-2853 Carballo Fernando 815V2 Obispo 842-2644 Carlberg Douglas 421 N Plymouth 842-3918 Carlson Werner W 307 N Shore Ln 842-2632 Carswell Loren R State Rd 17 842-3527 Carter E L 414 Liberty 842-2783 Carter Margaret Mrs 442 Lake 842-3292 Catholic Rectory 124 College Av 842-2522 Caudill James S Thorn Rd 842-3722 Chadwick John W 111 N Terrace 842-2937 Chapter Nellie 814 2 Main 842-2371 Chase Neil L 30 South Shore Dr 842-3646 Chastain Michael E 173 N Terrace 842-3048 Chesser Allen B Sgt Maj 204 E Lake Shore Dr-842-2102 Christensen Arnold St Rd 8 842-3130 Christian Chas 447 South Shore Dr 842-3743 Christman Louise Metzger Mrs 880 West Shore Dr—842-3092 Christner Thos W 20 A Rd 842-3439 Chrysler-Plymouth Motor Sales Agency 110 W Lake Shore Dr—842-2727 CHUCK'S STANDARD SERV Main 842-2401 Cihak Anton State Rd 10 842-2897 Cihak Michael L 109 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3680 Cistaro M St Rd 10 842-3519 City Hall—See Culver City Of 842-3140 Clark Allan Academy Rd 842-3089 Clark Linda 217 N Main 842-3970 Clark Littrell 1040 East Shore Dr 842-2561 Clark Stephen Queen Rd S 842-2213 Clarno Clarence W Terrace 842-2833 Cleavenger W D 763 East Shore Dr 842-2489 Clem Leo V 921 Obispo 842-3635 Clem Raymond 520 S Plymouth 842-3686 Cleveland Chester W 1394 East Shore Dr 842-2172 Cleveland John 845 East Shore Dr 842-3169 Clifton Donovan E 101 S White St 842-3433 Clifton S Bernard 933 Academy Rd 842-3924 Clifton Terry 15 B Road 842-2419 Cline Roth 421 College Av 842-2566 Clothes Doctor 422 S Plymouth 842-3513 Clyne Joseph N 952 West Shore Drive 842-2946 Coffee Shop The 622 Lakeshore Dr 842-2822 Coffey S 304 E Washington 842-2961 Cole Eugene Jr W 14-B Rd 842-2873 Collins Vern Hawk Lake 842-3747 Condon Ralph 413 Lake 842-2625 Conover Helen RR 1 Culver Leiters Ford 542-4308 Cook Chas 117 Winfield 842-2865 Cook Herman Toto Rd 842-2284 Cooper Nelson C State Rd 17 842-2827 Coplen Jas P 154 S Shore Dr 842-2016 Coppens James L 663 East Shore Dr 842-2039 Cornelius Pembroke M 1880 East Shore Dr 842-2838 Corner Tavern S Main 842-3854 842-3448 Cornett Alan G Sr Lt Col 524 N Liberty Cornett Michael 222 Lakeview 842-2576 Costin James C 850 West Shore Dr 842-2115 842-2974 Courtney Jas C 1412 East Shore Dr CowenChasN 425 College 842-2243 Crabb David L W 18th B Rd 842-3705 Crabb Herbert W 18th B Rd 842-2570 Crabb Merl E 114 N Ohio 842-3609 842-3166 Craft G M 909 Baker Craft Lyman 306 W Washington 842-2551 Craft Michael W 14th Rd 842-2975 Craft Wilfred 216 S Ohio 842-2527 Cragin Harold I 301 E Winfield 842-3950 Cramer Bert Jr St Rd 17 842-2019 Cramer Don W State Rd 17 842-2658 CRAMER'S FLOOR COVERING St Rd 17 842-2019 Craycraft Robert H W 16 C Rd 842-2488 CRIDER BROS BODY SHOP 311 E Culver Rd Knox—772-4131 Crider Nona Mrs 1000 E Rd 842-3283 Crider Roland W Garland Rd 842-3019 Cripe Ansel Bud 421 S Ohio St 842-2405 CriseWF State Rd 10 842-2192 Cromley Ira W 20th B Rd 842-2414 Crossgrove Mary A 723 Neuva Gorda 842-2624 Crouse K A 115 E Washington 842-2762 Crow Floyd State Rd 10 842-3177 Crowden Thomas J 2536 East Shore Dr 842-2594 Crowe Charles W 2008 East Shore Dr 842-3182 Crowel Kenneth G 608 N Slate 842-3633 Crowel Steven K 315 White 842-2458 Croy James H 515 W Jeff 842-2682 Croy Russell Underwood Rd 842-3119 Croy Scott St Rd 17 842-3008 CRULL READY MIX Argos Ind 892-6400 Leiters Ford 542-4411 CrumAnnis St Rd 17 842-2202 Crum Clarence W 14th B Rd 842-2097 Crum Clinton W 15B Rd 842-2361 Crum John A W 14 B Rd 842-3563 Crum Richard R W 14th B Rd 842-3994 Crump-Moody R L C M A 842-2134 Cullers George 714 Peru Ct 842-3016 CulterErrol 215 N Ohio 842-2482 842-2850 Cultice C L 503 W Jeff Cultice Donald A St Rd 10 W 842-2859 Cultice Emmitt E 504 W Washington 842-2290 Cultice Gordon 60 West Shore Dr 842-2913 Cultice Robt 404 W Washington 842-2615 Culver Animal Hospital n i l Lakeshore Dr 842-3155 Culver Auto Body Shop 316 E Jeff 842-3780 CULVER AUTO SUPPLY CORP 202 S Main 842-3658 Culver Bible Church S Main 842-2860 Culver Bible Church Parsonage 317 S Ohio 842-3056 CULVER Cla—Die 11 CULVER CITY OF City Hall 200 E Washington 842-3140 Fire Dept 842-2121 Park Lake Shore Drive 842-3510 Sewage Plant Hawk Lake 842-2412 Street Dept 302 N Plymouth 842-3191 Culver Clothiers See Andy's Culver Clothiers—842-2671 Culver Community School Corp Administration Superintendents Ofc 222 N Ohio 842-3364 Bus Garage W Academy Rd 842-3464 Elementary-Junior High School Principal's Ofc Lake Shore Dr 842-3389 High School Culver Community High School N School-842-3391 Culver Craft Wood Products 211 E Jefferson—842-3094 Culver Dental Clinic 1001 Lake Shore Dr 842-3465 CULVER HARDWARE 120 S Main 842-2828 CULVER INN THE Culver Ind 842-3331 CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr—842-2269 CULVER MILITARY ACADEMY Culver 842-3311 CULVER GIRLS ACADEMY Culver 842-3381 Summer School Culver 842-3311 Woodcraft Camp Culver 842-3311 Culver Plumbing & Heating Slate 842-3341 Culver Public Library N Main 842-2941 CULVER SHEET METAL WORKS , 226 S Main—842-3434 Culver Theatre 612 Lake Shore Dr— 842-2315 Culver Tool & Engineering Co W 17th Rd 842-3368 Cummings Roger 819 West Shore Dr 842-2228 Cummins Cary 515 W Jeff 842-2645 Cummins Kerry SCPO Ret 210 S Slate 842-3636 Currens General Store & Implements Burr Oak Ind—842-2884 Currens Joseph L W 14 B Rd 842-2066 Curry B L West Terrace 842-2166 Curry J A C M A 842-2105 Curtis E J State Rd 10 842-3067 Curtis M A 456 Liberty St 842-2326 Curtis Maurice East Shore Dr 842-3186 Curtis Warren 510 School 842-2308 m m m m D Dains Jill A 109V2 S Main Dale Harry L 303 State Dambrauskas Stanley 718 Peru Ct Darr Jim 303 Winfield Davids John 1814 East Shore Dr Davis B J St Rd 117 S Davis Dale W 20th B Rd Davis Donald G 520 Liberty Rd Davis Emery A St Rd 117 Davis Larry E St Rd 10 W Davis Leroy D Academy Rd Davis Ned A Queen Rd Davis Paul H 716 Obispo—• Day Francis W 18th B Rd Day Paul State Rd 17 Dean Maggie McClure Mrs 433 Lake Dearth V 515 W Jeff Deck Floyd E Mrs W 16 C Rd Decker Jas E Sycamore Rd Decker John E 440 Lake DeeryJohn 409 South Shore Dr DEERY MICHAEL MD 921 Lake Shore Dr Dehne Richard St Rd 17 Demaree D E 448 S Shore Dr DeMatteo Charles A 14 B Rd DePoy Geo H Upas Rd De Poy Mike St Rd 8 DeShaney Donald J 924 Academy Rd Dettloff Daniel R County Line Rd DeWitt James C 462 State DeWitt Virgil W 18th B Rd DIAPER PALS 209 Winfield Dicke James F N Terrace 842-3946 842-3060 842-3620 842-3963 842-3074 842-2349 842-3178 842-3657 842-3644 842-3591 842-2219 842-2701 842-3034 842-2119 842-2904 842-3517 842-2978 842-3700 842-2041 842-3251 842-2076 842-3327 842-2500 842-2007 842-3934 842-3137 842-3995 842-3066 842-3179 842-2880 842-2893 „„_, 842-3277 842-3573 M a 12 Die—Gar CULVER Dickey Ernest 605 Williams 842-2992 Dickey Jim St Rd 17 842-3571 Dickson R State Rd 17 842-2028 Dickson Stacy Toto Rd 842-2654 Dillman Ernest 305 W Jefferson 842-2840 Dillon A Judson 1096 South Shore Dr 842-2655 Dinsmore Harry W 18th Rd 842-2889 Dinsmore Herman W 18th Rd 842-2954 842-2418 Discher R J 550 South Shore Dr 842-3702 Ditmire D J 209 S Ohio Ditmire Mildred V S Main 842-3429 DoengesJoseph R 31IV2 E State 842-3916 Doll Glenn 464 Lake 842-2153 Donnelly A J 79 North Shore Dr 842-2596 Donovan Charles 740 West Shore Dr 842-3774 Donovan Michael 118 E Davis 842-2652 Doty James R R R 1 Culver 892-5262 Dowd Everett Castleman Rd 842-2864 Dowd Randy 400 South 842-2929 Dowd Tony R 1150 E Rd 842-2547 Dowd Wilbur Ray 1150 E Rd 842-2614 Downtown Laundromat Dry Cleaners 120 E Madison—842-3893 Dr Pepper Bottling Co 1330 High South Bend—234-1311 Drang John T S Thorn Rd 842-3689 Drenthe Wm G W 14 B Rd 842-2451 Drew Helen F 138 West Shore Dr 842-3737 842-2737 Drompp F G 274 South Shore Dr Duddleson Tressie 603 Obispo 842-3554 Duff Charles T 121 N Terrace 842-3967 Duff Galen J 400 S Road 842-2131 Duke Vincent M 320 W Terrace Dr 842-3244 Duncan Charles T 2255 East Shore Dr 842-3939 Duning Carl Faculty Row CMA 842-2072 Dunn Edward G 1790 East Shore Dr 842-2140 Dunn F W 1790 East Shore Dr 842-2140 Dunn Susan 1290 'East Shore Dr 842-2330 Dunnell Howard 444 Liberty Dr 842-2052 DuttRod Redwood Rd 842-2591 Dyer David J 1346 E Shore Dr 842-3492 Dyer Vallen R R 2 842-3205 Dykstra Harry 346 S Shore Dr 842-2256 E Eagles Fraternal Order Of State Rd 17 842-2976 Earls Stephen 2805 East Shore Dr 842-2475 Easterday Bess 447 Lake 842-2205 Easterday Construction Co Inc Ofc Slate 842-3341 Lumber Yard Slate 842-3341 Easterday Edw L 409 N Slate 842-2017 Easterday Everett E 306 N Ohio 842-2395 Easterday Gregory 0 DDS 1001 Lake Shore Dr—842-3465 Res South St 842-2752 Easterday Jack 610 Academy Rd 842-2553 Easterday Martin R 416 Lake 842-2058 Easterday Russell 309 N Ohio 842-3234 Easterday Wm R 311 W Washington 842-2588 Ebright Scott 641 East .Shore Dr 842-3665 Eckman Earl 440 W Jefferson 842-2728 Eckman Edith 613 N Plymouth 842-2857 Edgell John F 865 East Shore Dr 842-3204 Edgerley Levi F Rose Rd 842-2312 Edgerton's Travel Serv 226 S Main South Bend—232-5864 Edgington Chas 621 N State 842-3002 Edgington Harry 286 South Shore Dr 842-2657 Edgington Rodney St Rd 10 842-2020 Eisenbarth E J 192 West Shore Dr 842-2196 Elli John A 411 Lake 842-3552 Elliott A R Mrs N Terrace 842-2055 Elliott Donald 2014 East Shore Dr 842-2698 Elliott John Queens Rd 842-2260 —Elliott John Enterprises Inc Queens Rd 842-2260 Elliott Martin St Rd 17 N 842-2062 El Rancho Theatre 612 Lake Shore Dr 842-2315 Ely John W State Road 117 842-3791 Emery Solon 470 Lakeview 842-2113 Emmanuel United Methodist Church 401 S Main—842-2133 Emmons Bruce A 908 S Plymouth 842-3742 England Mary Frances 280 Academy Rd 842-2980 Engle Bernard State Rd 17 Epley C William I I I 442 Forrest PI Epley Clarence W Sr 450 Forest Place Epley R B 114 Lake Shore Dr Ergang Craig 145 West Shore Dr Erickson John E 730 West Shore Dr Eskridge Harry 1000 E Rd Eskridge Jerry W 221 S Madison EspichEM Hawk Lake Esser Rupert 324 South Shore Dr Estey Melvyn A Academy Rd Evers Chester Jr 160 West Shore Dr Ewing Richard Paul State Road 8 842-2259 842-3423 842-3446 842-3466 842-3526 842-2584 842-2713 842-3078 842-3098 842-2788 842-2683 842-2719 842-3484 F Failey M R East Shore R d — 842-2379 Farag Rafik MD 2558 East Shore Dr 842-3628 Farlow Bruce Peach Rd 842-2114 Farm Bureau Co-Op 319 E Jeff 842-3450 Farm House 480 East Shore Dr 842-2586 Farmer Cloyd 306 W Jeff 842-3626 Farneti Nello 764 W Shore Dr 842-3486 Farris Denny State Rd 17 842-2663 Faulkner Charles 0 1028 W Shore Dr 842-2170 Faulkner Donald J MD 1002 Academy Rd 842-3614 Felger Bonnie State Rd 17 842-3701 Felke Joe Florist 627 S Michigan Plymouth—936-3165 Fell John E 994 South Shore Dr 842-2763 Ferrier Chas 901 Lake Shore Dr 842-2971 Fetzer Donald W St Rd 17 842-3723 Fieldhouse Sam Jr W 19 Rd 842-2145 Fields Robt E 324 W Jefferson 842-2815 Finkbiner Herman County Line Rd 842-2610 Firari Harvey 196 N Terrace 842-3544 FIRE DEPARTMENT Culver 842-2121 Firestone Wayne E 1074 South Shore Dr 842-2449 pishback Thomas W 450 N Liberty 842-3555 Fishburn Francis Burr Oak Rd 842-2441 Fishburn Frieda 316 N Lakeshore Dr 842-2046 Fisher Carlton W 18th B Rd 842-3147 Fisher Jeremy W 18th B Rd 842-3072 Fisher John A S Main 842-2342 Fiske John A 1054 East Shore Dr 842-2241 Fitch N Anders West 20 B Rd 842-3947 Fitterling Harold 311 Lake Shore Dr 842-3438 ~FtT3Simmons F BBb'S UblSpd ——— 842-2734 Flagg Richard L 430 College Av 842-3612 Flagg Wayne W 504 E College Av 842-3071 Flarsheim Robt 1940 East Shore Dr 842-2174 Flath R A 681 East Shore Dr 842-3942 Flora Barbara Rose Rd 842-2735 Flora Cary 465 Lake 842-2238 Flora Russell Hibbard Ind 842-3079 Flosenzier Jack L Rose Rd 842-3556 Flosenzier Russell Rose Rd 842-2372 Floyd Gerald E Redwood Rd 842-2180 Flynn John J Jr 339 South Shore Dr 842-2519 Follmer A J Tony State Road No 117 842-2692 Forbes Harold C M A 842-3943 Ford A P 1115 Academy Rd 842-3419 Ford Jane 1115 Academy Rd 842-3419 Ford Sales & Service Agency 415 Lake Shore Dr—842-2791 Ford Wilbur 2470 East Shore Dr 842-3216 Foreman M J 280 Academy Rd 842-3707 Fox Jared W 565 West Shore Dr 842-2413 Fox Stephen L 451 Academy Road 842-2753 Franz Geo J S Main 842-3206 842-3715 Fredrickson C A 681 East Shore Dr 842-2319 French C Thomas Rev 215 N Slate Friermood Anna M 515 W Jefferson 842-3622 Frisinger Melvin W St Rd 17 842-2150 Fulk Richard West Terrace Dr 842-3986 FULTON-MARSHALL FARM BUREAU CO-OP 319 E Jeff—842-3450 Furry E E 2420 East Shore Dr 842-2679 Furry W H 2425 East Shore Ln 842-2135 G Gaddis Thos H 7 Venetion Village Gaines Roger A Rose Rd Gallette Peter J II 772 West Shore Dr Garber Leila Powell 394 South Shore Dr 842-2132 842-3936 842-2139 842-2951 Gardner Herman W 106 Lewis 842-2064 Garn D M 431 Vandalia 842-3183 Garn Herbert G RR 2 842-2785 Garver Bill D W 15 B Rd 842-2149 Garzon Jose Manuel CMA 842-3692 Gaskill David H 2255 East Shore Dr 842-2285 Gass R 0 960 West Shore Dr 842-2513 Gastel Edward F 1200 E 842-2611 Geiger Dennis A State Rd 10 842-3285 GeigerMax 442 S Ohio 842-2696 Geiger Michael L W 18 B Rd 842-3246 Geiselman Forrest Jr S Tamarack Rd 842-2384 Geiselman Ralph State Rd 17 842-2681 Geiselman Scott A 414 W Madison 842-2047 Geiselman Wilbur 722 Peru Ct 842-3196 General Electric Co Major Appliance Service 1902 Miami S Bnd--288-0685 Major Appliance Parts 1902 Miami South Bend—287-9940 Genswain Andrew H 918 S Plymouth 842-3242 Gentry Arthur 1000 E Rd 842-3197 Gentry Oris Vergin Rd 842-2498 Gidley Jerry 324 West Shore Dr 842-2502 Gilley George Dennis 344 South Shore Dr 842-2464 Gleason Ronald J 511 N Forrest PI 842-3498 Gohl Richard W 940 West Shore Dr 842-2962 GollnickWO Fleet Parkway 842-2392 Good Elgie G S Thorn Rd 842-2158 Good Herschel E Banks Rd 842-2605 GOOD OIL CO 842-2351 Hawkins Ct Goodman Henry Redwood Rd 842-3761 Gootee H F 515-6 W Jeff 842-3473 Gordon's Texaco Service Main 842-3443 Goss Beatrice 450 School 842-3453 842-2025 Gottschalk Robert C 580 South Shore Dr Grace United Church Of Christ 307 N Plymouth-842-2331 Graham Earl St Road 10 W 842-2932 Graham Elbert 444 Lake 842-2665 Graham Wm J 921 Baker 842-2510 Gray Robert E 1275 East Shore Dr 842-2754 Green Donald Irvin Toto Rd 842-2101 Green Irving 1000 E Rd 842-3159 Green Jas A W 16th C Rd 842-2266 Green leaf Robt W 1100 East Shore D r — 842-3133 Guest House 1080 East Shore Dr 842-3787 Gretter Urban 322 Lake Shore Dr 842-3447 Griffith W C Res 1206 East Shore Dr 842-2009 Hill Top House 1206 E Shore Dr 842-2928 Groot Peter 1660 East Shore Dr 842-2546 Gross Donald 301 W Jeff 842-3045 Grover James W 16 B Rd 842-2837 Grund James A 1004 West Shore Dr 842-2356 Guess Nancy 401 Ohio 842-2343 Guise Mary 710 S Main 842-3553 Gunder Richard L 728 Neuva Gorda 842-2334 Gut Chester 21 Fleet Parkway 842-3927 Guthrie James 1081 West Shore Dr 842-2104 Guyse Burdette M St Rd 8 842-2098 ; H Haase Frederick A W 17 Rd 842-3533 Haeck Roger 619 William 842-2336 Hafert J A Dr 204 South Shore Dr 842-2847 Haig Robt L Hawk Lake 842-2945 Hair Kare 624 Lake Shore Dr 842-3850 Hall Orgie 663 East Shore Dr —842-2275 HamerPaul Ct Barracks 842-2109 Hamilton Donald W 707 Academy Dr 842-3618 Hammond Paul Redwood Rd 842-3046 Hand Donald 426 State 842-3033 Hanna Frederick 2220 East Shore Drive 842-2563 Hansen Melvin A 2380 East Shore Dr 842-3087 Hansen Win C 308 Wabash 842-3630 Hansen's Hardware & Sport Shop 614 Lake Shore Drive—842-3232 Hardeway Avery 425 S Main 842-3461 Haring 0 C 1146 South 842-3425 Harness Steven A W 13th B Rd 842-2478 Harris Robt A 820 West Shore Dr 842-2050 Harris Wm R 906 E Lake Shore Dr 842-2751 CULVER Gar—Hor 13 Harrison Glen East 844 South Shore Drive 842-2915 West 820 South Shore Dr 842-3546 Harrison Wade C 1970 East Shore Dr 842-3131 HartleCA 306 E Wash 842-3058 Hartley J M C M A 842-2767 Hartman Robt B D 136 N Terrace 842-2078 HartzAlvin 310 S Slate 842-2094 Hartz Harry 114 S Ohio 842-3642 HartzHugh 445 Lake 842-2938 Hatten Arthur 508 W Jeff 842-2985 Hatten D Res 310 Cass 842-2851 Cottage 220 South Shore Dr 842-3174 HATTEN MOTOR SALES 110 W Lake Shore Dr—842-2727 Havron Bertha Burr Oak Rd 842-2177 Hawkins Etnery 0 415 Lakeview 842-2870 Hawkins Lloyd 466 State 842-2786 Hawkins Mack 303 Lake Shore Dr 842-2844 Haynes Loy 181 West Shore Dr 842-3764 Hazlewood Jackson Jr 2296 E Shore Drive 842-3475 Healy R E RR 2 842-22% Heath William E 445 Forest PI 842-3777 Heckel J Thos 1470 East Shore Dr 842-2661 HeddingRobtJ 2556 East Shore Dr 842-2829 Heeter L R 914 S Plymouth 842-2353 Heiser Dale 321 W Madison 842-2126 Heiser David W 16th Rd 842-2438 Heiser Russell H W 15 Rd 842-2398 Helber Wallace H 439 Harding Ct 842-2919 Hellstrom Carl S 717 Neuva Gorda 842-2335 Helm Art 928 Academy Rd 842-2580 Helphrey Edward W 303 W Madison 842-2214 Helt John P St Rd 17 Burr Oak 842-2053 Henderson Frank 129 College Av 842-3123 Henderson J W Col 371 Academy Dr 842-2195 Henderson Jas A 2276 East Shore Dr 842-3164 Henricks Janice Truax 728 East Shore Dr 842-2877 Herr David W 14th B Rd 842-3225 Herr Donald State Rd 17 842-3532 Herr George W 14 B Rd 842-3698 HerrWillard 14th B Rd 842-2689 Herrmann Wm L South Shore Dr 842-2523 Herrmann William W 305 W Jefferson 842-3148 Hesgard Kenneth 117 W Mill 842-2712 Hildebrand Howard 303 E Washington 842-3265 Hill Robert 310 S Main 842-2037 Hillis Elwood H 176 S Shore Dr 842-2198 Hineline Orville A 515 Forest PI 842-2455 Hinkle Irene 314 S Main 842-2991 Hinsey Robt P 18-B Rd 842-3151 Hippensteel R R 936 South Shore Dr 842-3064 Hite David H State Rd 17 842-2621 Hockman P L 894 W Shore Dr ; 842-3687 Hodges M E 316 S Plymouth 842-3012 Hodgkin Patrick H Faculty Row 842-3116 Hoesel Evert B 455 Liberty Dr 842-3226 HoeselJohn 449 Liberty 842-3674 Hoffer Cathy 110 S Main 842-2540 Hoffman Leonard 704 N School 842-2068 Hoffman Robt A Tulip Rd 842-2972 842-2065 Hoffmeister C R 515 W Jefferson Hogoboom A M 712 E College Av 842-3607 Hohman Harold W Rev 202 W Lewis 842-3115 Holaday Allan 1132 South 842-3026 Holaday Clayton A 1116 South 842-3084 Holifield Helenglen Kennedy Mrs 210 S Ohio—842-2143 Holifield Loyd Rev 210 S Ohio 842-2143 Holliday Cottage 1570 East Shore Dr 842-3091 Hollowell Robt E Jr 1780 East Shore Dr 842-2953 Home Restaurant 113 S Main 842-2511 Honzik Jeff 531 E Shore Dr 842-3416 Hood Lewis W 512 Peru Ct 842-3641 Hook Omer Mrs 307 E College Av 842-3170 HOOK'S DRUG STORE 103 S Ohio —842-3400 Hopkins Dick State Rd 17 842-3734 HOPPLE GEO E TRUCKING Tamarack Rd 842-2514 Hopple Jas 304 W College Av 842-2910 Hord Stephen Y 1556 East Shore Dr 842-2175 Horn Pat W 1034 W Shore Dr 842-3402 14 Hos—Kow CULVER Hosimer Albert 701 E College Av 842-2249 Hotpoint-General Electric Co Major Appliance Service 1902 Miami S Bnd—288-0685 Major Appliance Parts 1902 Miami South Bend—287-9940 Houbalnc State Rd 17 842-3797 Houghton Forrest 609 N Houghton 842-2402 Houghton Jack 1355 East Shore Dr 842-3969 Houghton Lester 604 N Lakeview 842-2886 Houghton Ray 440 N Lakeview 842-2324 842-3991 Howard Earle C 205 Akron Howard J Richard 2562 East Shore Dr 842-3575 Howard Michael W 14th Rd Plymouth 842-2548 Howell Anna Mae 214 S Main 842-2790 842-3629 Howell W D Jr 480 East Shore Dr Howell W D Lt Col 480 East Shore Dr 842-3592 Hudkins Marilyn W 19th B Rd 842-3245 Hudson John W 2573 East Shore Dr 842-3156 Hudson Joseph P Rose Rd 842-3405 Huffer Ray W W 14th Rd 842-3106 842-2236 Hughes Arthur G W Terrace Hughes Milton 504 East Shore Dr 842-3693 Huhn Daniel Rev 317 S Ohio 842-3056 Humbert Paul A W 16th Rd 842-2444 Humes Cecil 400 South Rd 842-3538 Humes Donald State Rd 10 842-3260 Hummel Dale Thorn Rd 842-3564 Hurford Robert Queen Rd 842-2627 Hurt Lewis J Toto Rd 842-2497 842-3728 Hutchens C E 606 Peru Ct Huth Ronald 340 South Shore Dr 842-3708 Hutson Frank L 312 S Plymouth 842-2406 Huys Charles M State Road 17 842-3726 HylandAlan 411 N Main 842-3193 I Ice Harry T 1110 East Shore Dr 842-2883 IDEAL CLEANERS 105 E Washington 842-2200 INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC Bus Ofc 202 S Michigan S 'Bend 842-3301 Manager 202 S Michigan S Bend 842-3301 Directory Assistance (Information) 411 Repair Service 611 Building Industry Consulting Service Indpls Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2727 Buried Cable Location Service Call Collect—317 635-3800 Local Yellow Pages Service 202 S Michigan S Bnd—842-3301 National Yellow Pages Service 3838 N Rural Indpls Ind No charge to calling party 800382-2068 Indiana Terminix State Road 10 842-2515 ISOBEL'S BEAUTY & WIG SALON 218 S Main—842-3013 842-2461 Ives R J 127 College Av J J & J Motor Sales St Rd 17 842-3900 J & M 820 Academy Rd 842-2274 Jacinavicius Alfred 613 Obispo 842-2724 JACK'S TAXI 302 Lakeshore Dr 842-3366 Jackson M L 503 S Main 842-3776 Jackson Roy W 210 Winfield 842-2592 Jacobson Mark L 423 State 842-2882 James James H 201 N Ohio 842-2190 James Jim 1766 East Shore Dr 842-3749 Jaquish Thomas W 18B Rd 842-3274 Jasinski Joseph S W 13 Rd 842-2849 Jelinek Richard 166 South Shore Dr 842-3597 Jensen G 610 N Plymouth 842-2128 Jewell Lee G 432 School 842-2642 Johnson Geo 0 1014 Academy Rd 842-2031 JOHNSON INGWALD W ROOFING US 31 S Plymouth—936-9603 Johnson Robt 425 S Ohio 842-2457 Johnson Robert S W 16th C Rd 842-3458 Johnson Ronald W 216 W Cass 842-2792 Johnson Thomas R Driftwood Ln Johnson Walter 101 College Av Johnston Jerry J 538 South Shore Dr 304 North Shore Ln Joice Winifred 304 South Slate Clvr Jones Dale 212 College Av Jones Edmund H C M A Jones Jack T 615 State Jones Jas D W 15th B Rd Jones Jerry 444 Forest PI Jones Lewis 15th Rd Jones Mildred South Main Junkin Jack 217 Mill J'S 5 & 10 114 N Main Jurgensen R C Fleet Pky 842-3745 842-3192 842-2182 842-3905 842-2110 842-3128 842-2281 842-2550 842-2435 842-3162 842-3284 842-3688 842-3590 842-3524 842-2152 K Kaiser Shelton 905 Lake Shore Dr 842-2074 Kaley Paul W 301 Akron 842-3240 KaltJasT 315 E Washington 842-2313 Kamin J A Meadow Lark Lane 842-3222 KamrowRobtL 20 Fleet Pkwy 842-2304 Kanaris Mark 1766 East Shore Dr 842-3749 Keegan Harold Dr Venetian Village 842-3037 Keenan Richard L 195 W Terrace 842-3746 Keith Wm F 317 W Washington 842-3770 Keldenich Jack A Venetian Village 842-3134 Keller Loyd Mrs S Tulip Rd 842-2787 Keller Reed S 1071 West Shore Dr 842-2279 Kelly J 604V2 S Main 842-2846 Kelly John F 2160 East Shore Dr 842-2722 Kelly Norman 310 College Av 842-2431 Kelly Paul Hibbard Ind 842-2164 Kelly Paul A 430 Forest Place 842-2032 Kelly Shop The womns apprl 110 N Main 842-2755 Kelly Wm R 1930 E Shore Dr 842-3129 Kelso W Richard 212 Cass 842-2415 Kempf H M 415 Bradley Ct 842-3467 Kemple Homer H 413 State 842-2505 Kemple Kenneth H 212 W Jeff 842-3053 Kenney Harold Ray 222 W Marmont 842-2894 Kepler Henry 411 Academy Rd 842-3549 Kerrigan George H Jr 451 State 842-2745 Kersey Clair 15 Road 842-2484 Kersey Noah 15th B Rd 842-3038 Kersey Ruthanna 820 Lake Shore Dr 842-2183 Kersey Wm 312 S Plymouth 842-3104 Ketcham James L 117 W Madison 842-2090 KeyserJack 439 S Main 842-3683 Kibler Robt A Maj Ret 521 Forest PI 842-2154 Kiefer Chris S 1000 E Rd 842-2601 Kieras Joseph 222 E Davis 842-2704 Kiesling A W 750 West Shore Dr 842-3036 Kimbrough Geo 344 W Shore Dr 842-2246 Kindred Charles H 424 Forest Place 842-3477 King Keith B 2738 East Shore Dr 842-2718 King William Hougton Av 842-3760 Kinney Dana Rose Rd 842-2216 Kinney E R 421 Harding Ct 842-2136 Kinney J L 214 College 842-2215 Kline Clarence 11 Venetian Village 842-2487 Kline Donald Lee State Rd 117 842-3560 Kline R E 1100 South Shore Dr 842-2571 Kline Robt Queen Rd 842-2567 Kline Wayne Queen Rd 842-2417 Kline Whitney W 18 B Rd 842-3127 Kline Wm Mrs 222 W Madison 842-2604 KLINE'S APPLIANCE & TV STORE 102 N 'Main—842-2861 Klingner James H CMA 842-2340 Kmiotek Joseph 1020 South 842-3643 Knepper Jerry 605 College Av 842-3557 Kniesly Forest R 704 West Shore Dr 842-3042 Knippenberg Harry State Rd 17 842-3619 Knox Implement Inc 10 S Heaton Knox 772-3533 Koebbe Jos R 456 Lakeview Dr 842-3673 Koehler Danl F 504 E Wash 842-3574 842-3945 Konzelman Robert C 418 School Kornas Vance 440 S Main 842-2895 Kose Wm W 322 S Slate 842-2426 Koss David R 712 Peru Ct 842-3559 Kowatch Edward 110 W Wash 842-2264 Kowatch Jack W 16 Rd Kramer Antiques 220 N Main Kraning K K MD 834 West Shore Dr Kreighbaum Drisco L State Rd 117 Kreischer Raymond E 223 S Main Krieg M L 215 W Wash Kriner S A Mrs 2118 East Shore Dr Krou James F W 16 Rd Krsek George St Rd 17 KrsekJohn State Road 23 Krsek Joseph State Rd 23 Krsek Tom South Rd Kruder Calvin E County Line Rd N Krueger Everett 400 South Rd Krueger Jeffery L 1150 E Krull Edw W W 14 Rd Krull Richard W 14th B Rd Kruse David 445 Vandalia Kyle Robert K 440 School 842-2935 842-2185 842-3395 842-2189 842-3463 842-3449 842-3153 842-3414 842-3652 842-3108 842-3576 842-2493 842-3487 842-3142 842-2485 842-2987 842-2708 842-2830 842-2492 CULVER Kow—McK 15 M M & R LIVESTOCK CO St Rd 17 842-3373 MacDonald William Maxinkuckee Rd 842-3427 Macey Richard H Tamarack 842-3482 Mackey Ronald W Shore Dr 842-3230 Mac Quillan Wm J 19 Fleet Parkway 842-2217 Maddock Darrell Rev Burr Oak Ind 842-2789 Maddox Electric Thorn Rd 842-3664 Maddox Michael Thorn Rd 842-3664 Maher Frank J 604 S Plymouth 842-2434 Mahler Alan Peach Rd 842-2845 Mahler Flo 715 Obispo 842-3252 Mahler Greg 509 S Main 842-2726 Mahler J Martin Peach Rd—842-3273 Mahler Larry R W 19th Rd 842-2263 Malkowski Leonard R 140 W Shore Dr 842-2060 Mallory Phillip K Queen Rd 842-3417 L Manchester Dean W 20th A Rd 842-2232 Mangun Dale J W 18 B Road 842-3783 L & M SERVICE CENTER Manis Raymond C 607 N Plymouth 842-2855 215 W Jeff 842-3344 Mann Gurney 1040 East Shore Dr 842-2561 LaFaive Patrick 802 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3919 Mann Randall L 980 E Shore Dr 842-2956 Lake Realty 510 E College Av 842-2524 Manor Market 1355 East Shore Dr 842-3004 LAKE SHORE CLINIC Manzuk Andrew County Line Rd 842-3149 921 Lake Shore Dr 842-332T Manzuk James RR 2 842-3751 Lake Shore Lanes bowlg MARATHON SERVICE STATION 620 Lake Shore Dr Clvr—842-3877 102 S Main—842-3856 LaMunion Norman H S Thorn Rd 842-2024 Marchertas Gediminas 663 East Shore Dr 842-2715 Lane Edward 701 West Shore Dr 842-3221 Maris Lee J 260 South Shore Dr 842-2720 Lane Fredk D Fleet Parkway 842-2480 Mars J R C M A 842-2872 Lane Herman F 625 Forest PI 842-3580 Marshall Bros Ford-Mercury Inc LaPorte Transit Co E Lincolnway LaPorte Ind 415 Lake Shore 'Dr—842-3338 No charge to calling party—800 552-2696 ——842-3262 Marshall C A 953 East Shore Dr Large Alfred 515 W Jefferson 842-2245 Marshall County Crime Alert Large John W 18 Rd 842-3093 Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Large Ralph A 320 W Jefferson 842-3647 Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2121 Larsen Carl W Venetian Village 842-3767 MARSHALL COUNTY REDI-MIX INC Lasanowski John T 14 B Rd 842-3645 W 20 A Rd—842-3361 LAWMASTER AMC INC MARSHALL LUMBER & MANUFACTURING INC 620 E Jefferson Plymouth—936-4600 700 W Jefferson Plymouth—936-3191 Lawrance Robert P 810 West Shore Drive 842-2684 Martin Wm J 302 Academy Dr 842-2468 Lawson Latham L 629 Forest PI 842-3456 Martin Wm R Rev W Terrace 842-2656 Leahy Terry Sycamore Rd 842-3681 Marton Antal Houghton 842-2902 LeapTreva 121 E Lewis 842-3759 Masepohl B C 144 South Shore Dr 842-2355 Lee Cecil Redwood Rd 842-2817 Masonic Lodge 112V2 N Main 842-3855 Lee Ronald E State Rd 23 842-2549 Masten Fred Mrs 115V2 E Wash 842-2518 Leef Gerald MD 374 South Shore Dr 842-2842 Master Karl Sr 221 Lakeview 842-3988 Leffert Harry W 14th B Rd 842-2162 Mathis Edward Hibbard Indiana 842-3959 Lemar Teresa 504 W Mill 842-2474 Matthews William M MD 1120 East Shore Dr-842-3044 Lemler Glenn S 870 West Shore Dr 842-2705 Mattox Ruby Mrs 423 College Av 842-2826 LenkJosARev 124 College Av 842-2522 Matzat Henry 1050 Rd 842-3158 Lennen Chauncey B 922 Lakeshore Dr 842-2346 Maull Chas Culver Military Apts 842-2721 Lett Joan Yarlett 842-2676 Maxinkuckee Country Club East Shore Dr 842-3817 Lewis Charles E Lt Col 381 Academy Rd 842-2014 MAXINKUCKEE HOME SUPPLY Lewis Ermil W 17th Rd 842-2922 Licht Ellis E 115 W Marmont 842-3102 State Road 10—842-2515 Lieber Kurt E 2002 East Shore Dr 842-2521 Maxson Lawrence W 14 B Rd 842-3247 Liette E E 309 Lake Shore Dr 842-3547 May Cynthia 216 N Plymouth 842-3794 May Robert 603 School 842-2116 Lindvall Robert Thorn Rd 842-2622 Mayfield A T 163 N Terrace 842-2823 Linhart Albert W 18 B Rd 842-2772 Maynard H D 515 W Jefferson 842-2208 Linhart Brian 17350 St Rd 17 842-3697 McCafferty Larry C M A 842-2186 Lintner J Frederick 811 East Shore Dr 842-2015 Mc Callister Charlie 230 Lakeview 842-2362 Lischko Jacob 462 Liberty 842-2560 McCarthy Joseph A State Rd 17 842-2270 Little Fern 416 Harding Ct 842-2818 McCarthy Jos M W 16th Rd 842-2278 LITTLE GALLERY THE McCarthy Patrick B State Rd 10 842-3541 211 E Washington 842-3604 Mc Carty Bill W 15 B Rd 842-2034 842-2585 Logan John W J 061 West Shore Dr Mc Coige Richard W 18th Rd 842-3003 Long H Dale 762 E Shore Dr 842-3771 Mc Cormack James P 708 South Shore Dr 842-2328 Long Marie 428 Lakeview 842-2852 Mc Cune Kenneth M 20 B Road 842-3562 Lough Greshem 418 Liberty Dr 842-2146 McDonel Jeannine 886 West Shore Dr 842-2542 Louk Russell J 714 South Shore Dr 842-3227 McFarland Carol Burr Oak Rd 842-2337 Lowry Arnold St Rd 17 842-2950 McFarland Harry R 444 S Ohio 842-3233 Lowry Larry 528 S Main 842-3525 McFarland Nancy 443 S Ohio 842-2749 Lowry Raymond 315 W Washington 842-3257 McFarland Orpha 704 Neuva Gorda 842-2067 Lucas Cecil State Rd 10 842-3297 McFeely Verl 215 Lakeview 842-2993 Lucas John C W 14 B Road 842-2936 McGaffey Ward 309 S Ohio 842-3135 Lundy Ethel M 200 N White 842-2422 McGill Mfg Co Inc brngs South State Rd 17—842-3354 Lutz Alice 426 W Jeff 842-2686 McGovern Frank W 15th Rd Burr Oak 842-2447 Lyman Joyce Morrison 1003 South 842-2295 McGowan Hervey 313 S Ohio 842-2036 Lyman LaVerne N Union Rd 842-2646 Mcllwain Robert Dr 484 South Shore Dr 842-2210 Lyons Gerald B 510 Ohio 842-3640 McKee Albert Eugene 433 Lakeview 842-2780 Lysell Harry F 1242 East Shore Dr 842-3015 Lysell Harry F 1242 East Shore Dr 842-3062 16 McK—Osb CULVER McKee Robt L 440 Harding Ct 842-3100 McKeeVern 722 Obispo 842-3069 McKeone William Venetian Village 842-3290 842-2242 McKinney C B 219 S Main Mc Kinney Jas 1128 South 842-3280 McKinnis Robt W 16 B Rd 842-2670 McLane Charles 330 College 842-3052 Mc Lane Frank 227 Winfield 842-3488 McVicker Clifford W 16 C Rd 842-3671 McVicker'Pauline V 703 Obispo 842-2389 Measels Louise W Jefferson 842-2782 Measels Marion E W 16th C Rd 842-2536 Measels P Redwood Rd 842-2739 Medbourn Harry 694 East Shore Dr 842-2268 Medbourn Sam 694 East Shore Dr 842-2453 Meeker William F 1000 East Shore Dr 842-3109 Menser Wayne 522 S Plymouth 842-3014 Merriweather Robert Lee Mrs 303V2 E Lakeshore Dr—842-3531 MerschSara 111 S Slate 842-3718 Meseberg Leonard W 16 B Rd 842-3010 Mevis Ben Underwood Rd 842-2409 Mevis N C W 15 Rd 842-2212 Meyer Geo P 1001 South 842-3403 Middleton John A W 16 Rd 842-2509 Middleton Philip B S Upas Rd 842-2138 842-3975 Middleton R A 431 Forest PI Middleton Richard E 992 West Shore Dr 842-2494 Mikesell Donald School 842-3022 Mikesell Oscar 448 State 842-2508 Millbrath William State Rd 10 842-2069 Miller Beckham 515 W Jeff 842-3615 Miller Bernard W 14th B Rd 842-2108 Miller Cloyde B 316 W Madison— 842-3184 Miller Don B 2520 E Shore Ln 842-3296 Miller Douglass 1000 E Rd 842-2397 Miller Edward K South Barracks Co C 842-3628 Miller Eugene Rose Rd Plymouth 842-3572 Miller Harold Underwood Rd 842-2597 Miller J M Mrs 206 Batabano 842-2070 Miller Kenneth H State Road 10 West 842-3469 Miller Kenneth H Jr St Rd 17 S 842-3250 Miller Leon A Sr 820 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3059 Miller M E 1000 East Shore Dr 842-3109 Miller Merle H 2044 East Shore Dr 842-2843 Miller Perry A 421 Lakeview 842-3623 Miller Robert A 1000 E Rd 842-2538 Miller Robt S Underwood Rd 842-2318 Miller Russell J 470 Lake 842-2248 Miller Tim 663 East Shore Dr 842-2391 Millers Cloverleaf Dairy St Rd 17 S 842-3250 Mills Wm F 303 N Main 842-3740 842-3096 Minneman C J Hawk Lake Miracle James V 136 N Terrace 842-3655 MR T'S REXALL DRUGS 806 Academy 842-2400 Mitchell Paul State Rd 8 842-2797 Mitchell Philip 432 Liberty 842-3795 Mitzell Channing Faculty Row 842-2820 MONTEREY LUMBER CO Monterey Ind 542-2611 Montgomery Dennis 19th B Rd 842-2452 Montgomery George H 594 West Shore Dr 842-2075 Montgomery Patricia 681 East Shore Dr 842-3942 Moon Clayton 24 W Jeff 842-2834 Moore E Kemp Col State Rd 10 842-3288 Moore Lewis K Jr C M A Apt 842-2931 Morgan Helen Mrs 607 Pearl842-2490 MoriartyCO 1004 South 842-2908 Morris Lyman W 321 Slate 842-2535 Morrison Glen St Rd 17 842-2106 Morrison Joe V 618 School 842-2796 Morrison Raymond State Rd 17 842-3120 MORRISON TRUCKING CO INC St Rd 17 842-2473 Morrissey J Steven 915 Obispo 842-3976 Moseley W B 1480 East Shore Dr 842-3043 Moseng Lloyd R N Terrace C M A 842-3625 Muday Walter State Rd 17 842-2768 Muehlhausen Donald W Shore Dr 842-3437 211 S Ohio 842-3512 Muehlhausen Gordon D 2074 East Shore Dr—842-2869 Muehlhausen Walter J Jr 124 South Shore Or-842-2716 Mullins Roger J Sr St Rd 110 842-2801 Murphy Arthur 816 S Main 842-2533 Murphy Wm 37 Venetian Village 842-3035 Musial B 1005 Obispo 842-2033 Myers Alvin 605 N Plymouth 842-2503 Myers Clem L St Rd 117 842-2777 Myers Julie C M A 842-2616 Myers R A 604 N Plymouth 842-2089 Myers Warren L W 14th B Rd 842-3778 N N Y P S 3838 N Rural Indpls Ind No charge to calling party 800 382-2068 Nagy A D 303 North Shore Ln 842-2165 Napier Bob Jr 217 S Ohio 842-3611 Napier Carlo Bob 106 Marmont 842-2124 Napierkowski Jean 1000 E Rd 842-2891 NATIONAL YELLOW PAGES SERVICE 3838 N Rural Indpls Ind No charge to calling party 800 382-2068 Nault William A County Line Rd 842-2095 NazyWmJ W 20 B Rd 842-3107 Neff Ralph W 321 W Wash 842-2092 Neff Steven 428 N Lake 842-3684 Neher Truman Jr W 20 Rd 842-3132 Neidlinger Don W 14 B Rd 842-3249 Neidlinger Ralph State Rd 1 7 — ^ 842-2568 Neidlinger Robt Sam St Rd 10 W 842-2554 Neidlinger Wayne Redwood Rd 842-2757 Nelson David L 167 N Terrace 842-2184 NELSON PIANO & ORGAN CO INC Southlake Mall Merrillville—738-2290 Nelson Wendell 522 N State 842-2858 Newcomb Victoria Mrs W 18th Rd 842-3209 842-2879 Newman Charles G Upas Rd Newman Herbert R Underwood Rd 842-3114 Newman J Allen Upas Rd 842-2879 Newman J Dick W 19th Rd 842-2043 Newman Jesse D Upas Rd 842-2988 News Agency The Culver 108 South Main 842-3420 842-3923 Nichols C A 210 W Wash Nickels Henry H 443 Liberty 842-3582 Nix A J 214 W Washington 842-3784 Nixon Joseph H 742 East Shore Dr 842-3712 Noble Dwight W 16 C Rd 842-3731 842-3973 Noel D R 304 Lake Noel Ronald H 171 Academy Rd 842-3587 Nolin Clifford West 14 B Rd 842-3579 Norman W H MD Venetian Village 842-2359 Norris Everett M Norris Rd 842-2300 NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 101 S Michigan St Plymouth 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM Monday Thru Friday (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask For Enterprise-2142 5:00 AM & Bef 8:00 AM & Saturdays Sundays & Holidays Dial Operator-Ask For Enterprise-2152 Northwestern Mutual Life 2257 E Shore Dr-—842-3961 Nowakowski Bruce N State Rd 17 842-2741 o Oberlin Ben 850 West Shore Dr 842-2940 O'Connell Thomas C M A 842-2086 O'Daniel D Patrick 80 South Shore Dr 842-2881 Ogden Bruce State Rd 10 842-2603 Ogden George Mrs East Shore Rd 842-2623 Oliver Russell D N Terrace CMA 842-3141 O'Neal Perry 1570 East Shore Dr 842-3091 O'Neill Donald D 944 West Shore Dr 842-2375 Onesti P 1103 South 842-2892 Orangias Michael 13th Road 842-2534 ORR'S FLOWERS 1218 S Michigan Plymouth—936-2070 Osborn Dale C State Rd 10 842-3278 Osborn David Res State Rd 10 842-3117 Farm 1150 S Road 842-2579 Osborn Donald 315 N Slate 842-2010 Osborn Gerald State Rd 10 842-2819 Osborn Glen 521 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3187 Osborn Ralph A Jr State 842-2385 Osborn Robert F W Shore Dr 842-2030 Osborn Robert L 433 Forest PI Osborn Seed & Equipment Co Burr Oak Ind 842-2775 Osborn W 0 1680 East Shore Dr 842-3024 Osborne Thomas S 686 West Shore Dr 842-2325 Ott Robert W 404 S Main 842-2042 Overley Gary 313 E Lakeshore Dr 842-2383 Overmeyer Anna S Mrs 213 S Slate 842-2697 Overmyer Albert W 16 Rd 842-2760 Overmyer Body Shop 104 N Plymouth 842-2424 Overmyer Dewey Thorn Rd 842-2544 Overmyer Donovan 303 White 842-2303 Overmyer Earl Dean 16 Road 842-2742 Overmyer Glenn State Road No 17 Burr Oak Ind—842-2073 Overmyer Irvin L State Rd 17 842-2868 Overmyer Jesse L 422 W Jeff 842-2581 Overmyer Lance 611 N State 842-2301 Overmyer Michael E 212 N Main 842-2292 Overmyer Michael L Redwood Rd 842-2446 Overmyer Ned 216 W Washington 842-2141 Overmyer Ora Burr Oak Rd 842-2687 Overmyer Richard 404 E Wash 842-2990 Overmyer Robert W 16th Rd Burr Oak 842-2688 Overmyer Roy Tulip Rd 842-2348 OVERMYER SOFT WATER SERVICE 16 Road—842-2742 Overmyer Wm Thorn Rd 842-2562 P P J's Pier boats rntl 320 E Davis 842-3386 Pachniak Lawrence B 2257 E Shore Dr 842-3961 Palm Matt St Rd 8 842-2810 Palmer Barbara Hibbard Ind 842-2002 Palmer Richard State Rd 8 842-2759 Palmer Wallace J St Rd 8 842-2825 Pancek Frank Toto Rd 842-2251 PAPA'S PIZZA PUB 830 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3721 Papes Elizabeth J 617 Pearl 842-3442 Parduhn Walter H 576 South Shore Dr 842-3904 Pare Albert A 121 N Terrace 842-2339 PARK 'N' SHOP groc 207 E Jeff 842-2450 Parker Camille Killian MD 2710 East Shore Dr-842-2874 Parker EH Route 17 842-2111 Parker Francis W MD 2710 East Shore Dr 842-2874 Parker Morgan W 16th C Rd 842-2367 Parkhurst Donald MD 374 South Shore Dr 842-2842 PARKVIEW HOSPITAL 1401 N Michigan Plymouth Ind—936-3181 Parsons David M 209 Winfield 842-3277 Parsons Ruth 203 Winfield 842-2690 Paswater Raymond E 703 Neuva Gorda 842-2272 Patrick James F Thorn Rd 842-3602 Patrick Odell St Rd 17 842-2949 PattonGlen 622 Pearl 842-3408 Paul Richard I Lt Col Ret 147 N Terrace 842-3180 842-3758 Paulsen R C 327 E Washington Pearish George V 15 W B Rd 842-2235 Pearson William A 641 East Shore Dr 842-3584 Peltz Meredith E 421 W Madison 842-3528 Peltz Steven C 412 W Marmont 842-3032 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co 1330 High South Bend—234-1311 PerineThos 1954 East Shore Dr 842-2004 Perine Thomas A 1954 E Shore Dr 842-3617 Perkins Samuel E IV 964 East Shore Dr 842-2428 Perman Adolph W 18th Rd 842-2717 Perry N A 894 East Shore Dr 842-3165 Personette Homer R Jr Redwood Rd 842-2564 Peters Charles State Rd 10 842-3207 Peters Larry Redwood Rd 842-2209 Peters Velva W 15th B Rd 842-2168 Peterson J K 922 S Plymouth 842-3773 Phelps Orville T 463 Lake 842-2201 Philips Carl B 964 West Shore Dr 842-3775 Pierce Stanley J 434 Forest PI 842-2221 Pinckard Jas H 203 E Washington 842-3996 Pinder Edward 914 Lake Shore Dr 842-3631 FINDER'S RESTAURANT 454 Ohio 842-3415 Plante John P Jr W 16 C Rd 842-2167 POLICE DEPARTMENT Culver 842-2525 CULVER Osb—Rin 17 Pollock Leon Behmer Rd 842-3298 PoppeAlphons 715 College 842-3061 POPPE'S APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 642 Lake Shore Dr—842-2151 Porter Robt Jr 917 Baker 842-2856 Poston Floyd 878 South Shore Dr 842-2609 Potter J B Mrs Mill 842-3211 Powell David B West Terrace Dr 842-3744 Powers Esther 301 E Winfield 842-2710 Powers Mary 515 W Jeff 842-3185 Preuss Gus St Rd 8 842-3039 PRICE'S WALTER ABATTOIR INC R R 4 Plymouth—936-2188 Probst Gary 2742 East Shore Dr 842-3960 Producers Marketing Assn Mentone Ind 353-3415 Prosser Arthur Mrs W 15 Rd 842-2552 Prosser Russell A W 15 Rd 842-3124 P r o u t L E J r RR 2 Box 222 842-3497 PrusieckiVal 1150 South 842-3695 Pugh Thomas M DDS Ofc 1001 Lake Shore Dr — 842-3465 Res St Rd 10 East 842-3736 PULASKI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 616 E 13th Winamac—946-6131 Pura Mabel 232 S Main— 842-2512 Q Quality Grocers 109 S Main Quimby David E 958 West Shore Dr Quivey Jack 501 E Lakeshore Dr 842-2071 842-2087 842-2329 R R N NURSING HOME R R 1 Walkerton 784-2138 Raabe Kenneth M W 20th A Rd 842-3920 Rafferty Michael R 428 School 842-2756 Rakich Milan S 751 East Shore Dr 842-2725 Rakich Steve D W 20 B Road 842-2955 'Ralph's Auto Service 316 E Jefferson St 842-3455 Randolph Allen F 1112 South 842-3118 RANDY'S BODY SHOP State Rd 17 842-3603 842-2373 Ransdell Marianne Mrs 307 N Main Rasmussen Wm M 2738 East Shore Dr 842-2718 Raub Malcolm J 1614 East Shore Dr 842-3238 ReaToss 216 E College Av 842-2758 READY MIX-TRANSIT-MIX INC Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2136 Ready Richard 503 W Madison 842-3911 Ream Chas K 150 South Rd —842-2805 Rector H L 410 South Shore Dr Reed Dianna 515 W Jefferson 842-3661 Reed Edna Mrs 121 W College Av S " ? ? W2.-2l\a Reed Ilah 304 S Slate Reed Jas R Venetian Village 842-3725 Reed Ora R 458 Lake " 2°2 Reed Robt D 311 State St 842-2598 Reese Keith C 2130 East Shore Dr 842-2496 Reichert Ronald A 831 Lake Shore Dr 842-3670 "5^7 Reid Lee W State Rd 17 " 2S Reinholt Virgil State Rd 17 Reininga John C 602 Peru Ct 842-2779 Reininga Kenneth 215 S Ohio 842-2204 Reiss Warren MD 921 Lake Shore Dr 842-3327 Reuter L Dr 234 South Shore Dr 842-2234 Ricciarde Wray CMA 842-3628 Ricciardi C E 108 Summit 842-3917 Ricciardi Chas 452 S Main 842-2286 Rich Jay W 17th Rd 842-2206 Richards K 327 E Washington 842-3529 Richards L T 520 Peru Ct 842-3957 Richter L A 280 West Shore Dr 842-3598 Richter Minnie 254 West Shore Dr 842-2613 Rickman Edward Queen Rd 842-2920 Riester E W 404 Lake Shore Dr 842-2541 Riester E William Jr 415 State 842-2994 Riewoldt Robert H Bradley Ct 842-2911 Riley Patrick 706 Obispo 842-3637 RinehartWm County Line Rd 842-3493 ; 4 2 8 4 2 2 2 8 4 2 8 4 2 2 0 r 4 18 Rin—Spe Sensibaugh Dale 458 Lakeview Shabaz Edw Toto Rd Shaffer Ernest W 14th B Rd Rinesmith Jas E 138 W Shore Dr 842-2471 Shaffer Verlin 1140 South RingleCleoG RR 2 842-3909 Shanks Gladah Ruth 826 College Av 842-2854 Rippy C C 3 Venetian Village Sharkey William W 14 Rd Roberts Gordon 821 Lake Shore Dr 842-3218 Sharzelle Eric G W 18 B Rd Roberts Louis C W 15 B Rd 842-3514 Shaver W C 2358 East Shore Dr Robeson Charles E 44 South Shore Dr 842-2160 Shaw Edgar 426 College Av ROBESON CHUCK & ASSOCIATES Shedrow Gilbert E West 14th B Rd 634 Lake Shore Dr 842-2160 Shed row Skip W 16th Rd 634 Lake Shore Dr 842-2194 Shei Kenneth J W 15th Rd Robison Clay Maxinkuckee Rd 842-2159 ShepardJune 702 E College Av ROBY'S LUMBER CO Shepard Roy 194 W Terrace 115 E Jeff 842-3733 Shepherd Hope 216 N Plymouth Rocap Jas E Jr Shepperd Ivory 1000 Rd Summer 1346 E Shore Dr 842-2675 SHERIFF DEPARTMENTS Winter 1346 E Shore Dr 842-3492 Marshall County Rogers Ben H 508 E Washington 842-3768 Call Long Distance Plymouth Ind Rogers James W 933 Academy Rd 842-2364 Fulton County Rogers Robert W 18th Rd 842-2812 Call Long Distance Rochester Ind Rogers Roger D Burr Oak Rd 842-2191 Starke County RomigVerda 708 E College 842-3188 Call Long Distance Knox Ind Romine Ronald W 14 B Rd 842-3112 Roos John F 400 W 18th Rd 842-2277 Shields John S 389 Academy Rd Ross Robert E PHD psychgst Shilling Oliver C St Rd 17 Shively Clyde L 620 Pearl 2955 E McKinley Av South Bend--232-2121 Roth Charles F Jr 2306 E Shore Ln 842-3223 Shock Don Culver Ind Roth Wm G 912 Academy Rd 842-2370 Shock Howard D W 15th B Rd Ruby Kenneth W 16th C Road 842-3679 Shoddy Richard L 203 S Ohio RuhnowEdwM 310 W Madison 842-3172 Shoe Stable The 107 S Main Ruhnow Emil 912 Baker 842-3261 Sholly Thomas 402 W Cass St RuhnowEmilJr State Rd 17 842-3269 Short Melville K Capt St Rd 10 Shortle Geo E 844 West Shore Dr RUHNOW L P GAS CO 226 S Main 842-3434 Shriner Robert J Jr 173 N Terrace Shumowsky Ray J W 16th Rd Ruhnow Marty L 417 Liberty 842-2322 Siems Herman C State Rd 17 Ruhnow Richard 315 S Slate 842-2501 Silhouette Beauty Salon 313 N Main Ruiz Pedro Osborn Rd 842-3570 Simmons Bob 709 Obispo Runkle George Major 1046 Academy Rd 842-3966 Simmons Charles H 303 W Mill Russell Charles 1090 South Shore Dr 842-2747 Simmons Chauncey D 205 White Rust Robert 830 College Av 842-2310 Simmons Robert C 614 E College Av Simmons S J 216 Lakeview s Sims Jesse E 409 W Jeff Sims Leon St Rd 17 Sage John 439 Lakeview 842-3588 Sims May 434 Lakeview St Mary's Of The Lake Church 124 College Av--842-2522 Sims Printing Co 409 W Jeff If no answer call 842-2587 Singleton Betty J 227 S Main 842-2347 Salvador Peter C 1111 Academy Singleton Chester A Upas Rd SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE THE Singleton Katheryn M W 14th B Rd 314 North Kingston Road Plymouth--936-8822 Singleton Robin 434 S Main Sampson David R W Terrace C M A 842-3662 Siple Dean 15 B Road SAM'S ELECTRIC Siple Jacob W 15th Rd St Rd 10 West 842-3121 SIT AND STITCH Sanders Harry E 302 E Lewis 842-2516 202 N Main Sanders Jack Burr Oak Ind 842-2368 Siudut Sylvester State Rd 23 Sands Kathryn 1200 South Rd 842-3294 Skrzyszowski Frank Burr Oak Savage Alva W 18th B Rd 842-3268 Slusher Clifford RR 2 Redwood Rd Sayger Linda 172 W Shore Dr 842-2863 SlusherWC State Road 10 Schafer Chas 1004 West Shore Dr 842-2466 Slyh Donald L 825 E Lake Shore Dr Schall R 611 Church 842-3421 Small Herbert F 50 West Shore Dr Schaub Joe C 1910 East Shore Dr 842-3125 Smith A Coke West Terrace CMA Schilling E W 1630 East Shore Dr 842-2680 Smith Allen E 515 W Jeff Schilling W Robert St Rd 17 842-3440 Smith Alma J County Line Rd Schilling Wesley Underwood Rd 842-2387 Smith Arthur State Rd 10 Schmid Charles P 286 West Shore Dr 842-2157 Smith Benjamin 1099 West Shore Dr Schmidt M Thomas W 15th B Rd 842-2948 Smith Darlene A 1005 Obispo Schmidt Thomas E County Line Rd 842-2127 Smith David E W 14 B Rd Schmittel Milton W 16 Rd 842-2360 Smith Dewight D County Line Rd Schmitz James 441 S Main 842-3410 Smith Jack L 808 E Lake Shore Dr Schoening John 909 Lake Shore Dr 842-3573 Smith James H 525 Forest PI School See Culver Community School Corp 842-3389 Smith Joyce V 954 West Shore 'Dr Schott Paul W 14 Rd 842-3540 Smith Mikel J 310 S White SchrimsherGlen 422 Lake 842-2903 Smith N A 225 Lakeview St Schrimsher Samuel I S Main 842-2531 Smith 0 T Mrs 918 West Shore Dr Schultz Edw 0 555 West Shore Dr 842-3021 Smith Thelma 708 E College Schwartz Michael 754 South Shore Dr 842-3914 Smitson Harrison A 2314 East Shore Dr Scott J L 809 Obispo 842-2084 Snapp Adrian D W 17 Rd Scott Ronald L Thorn Rd 842-2917 Snyder F Wm 433 State Scruggs Norman M 311 S Main 842-2875 Snyder John R 14 B Rd Sears Roebuck & Co Snyder Paul State Rd 10 116 E Garro Plymouth Ind—936-2171 Snyder Paul Jr State Rd 10 Sears Roebuck & Co Snyder Steve A 220 Coolidge Ct 18 S Main Knox 772-2197 Sommer Roger L 302 N Main Catalog Sales Sparling Floyd L 784 West Shore Dr Knox Ind (No Charge) Speer Donald S 1540 East Shore Dr Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2125 Spencer J S 307 State Spencer Jack 430 State St Seberger Ray E 1444 East Shore Dr 842-3217 842-3703 842-2386 842-2714 842-3593 842-3451 842-2620 842-2876 842-2619 842-2862 842-2556 842-2878 842-2352 842-3729 842-3627 842-2220 842-3605 936-3187 223-2819 772-3771 842-3470 842-3561 842-2059 842-2578 842-3289 842-3515 842-2323 842-3426 842-2905 842-3189 842-2211 842-3601 842-2729 842-2641 842-3558 842-3938 842-2633 842-3717 842-2282 842-2631 842-3070 842-3930 842-2631 842-2555 842-3190 842-3649 842-2557 842-2506 842-2573 842-3088 842-2743 842-2341 842-3550 842-2267 842-3459 842-2569 842-2250 842-2380 842-2287 842-3282 842-2795 842-2033 842-2254 842-2287 842-2293 842-2443 842-3173 842-3779 842-3901 842-2005 842-3188 842-3018 842-2896 842-2574 842-2629 842-2798 842-2637 842-2243 842-3203 842-3101 842-2589 842-2423 842-2926 Speyer George E 607 School 842-3214 Speyer Harry 416 Forrest PI 842-3452 Spiegel David 221 Coolidge Ct 842-3739 Spoor Thomas 1000 E Rd 842-3608 Spratt Esther A 1150 E 842-3639 Sprouls Dale 2802 East Shore Dr 842-2832 Stallings Michael E 502 Lake Shore Dr 842-2118 STANDARD OIL DIVISION AMOCO OIL COMPANY Hawkins Ct—842-2351 STANDARD OIL DIVISION AMOCO OIL COMPANY fertilizer Thorn Rd-842-2572 Stapan Martha 222 W Marmont 842-2894 Starke Memorial Hospital 102 E Culver Knox-772-2131 STATE EXCHANGE BANK THE Main 842-3321 STATE EXCHANGE FINANCE CO Main 842-3321 STATE POLICE Call Long Distance South Bend Ind 233-1123 Steele Paul 14th B Rd 842-2469 Steely Carl V 2250 E Shore Dr 842-2029 Steffen E A 782 East Shore Dr 842-2023 Stef s Mutschler Kitchens S Madison Nappanee—773-3199 Steinhilber Wm A 1424 East Shore Dr 842-2079 Stephenson Robt M II 708 Academy Dr 842-2376 Stetson Colin W Meadowlark 842-3254 Stevens Howard 428 S Main 842-2283 Stoces Carl G Jr W 18th '8 Rd 842-3023 Stoces Donna W 18th B Rd 842-3023 Stone James L Redwood Rd 842-3763 Strader Virgil 460 Forest PI 842-2736 Strait R D DDS 290 South Shore Dr 842-2049 Strait W W 305 N Shore Ln 842-2651 Strang Herschel 409 Lake 842-2155 Strang Kent W 18th B Rd 842-3956 Strang Rose L 122 College Av 842-3020 Strang Ted 215 E Winfield 842-2986 Strang Tot 451 Lakeview 842-2382 Strauch Bill 450 S Main 842-2821 Strow Wm 4 North Shore Dr 842-2545 Strycker John W 417 Forrest PI 842-3041 Stuhbs Carl W 17th Rd 842-2746 STUBBS DON trkng W 17 Rd 842-3176 Stubs Ivan 412 Lake Shore Dr 842-3523 StuntzWm W 18th B Rd 842-2607 Sturman John K 2550 East Shore Dr 842-2456 Surber Frederick Mrs 216V2 W Wash 842-3706 Sutton Susan W 16 C Rd 842-2316 Suverkrup J Carl 2502 East Shore Dr 842-2358 Swanson Margaret 509 Forest PI 842-2472 Swedes David H Hawk Lake 842-3583 SwirlyTop 600 Lakeshore Dr 842-3738 Sytsma Albert Jr 305 Climax 842-2982 Sytsma Richard N Thorn Rd 842-3675 Taber William W 505 Lake Shore Dr 842-2582 Tarns Henry A Jr 14 Venetian Ln 842-3982 Tanguy Robert B BGen 310 South Shore Dr—842-3485 Tanksley Norman 624 Academy Rd 842-2223 Tanner Alan W 16 C Rd 842-3489 Tanner Mike 1200 E Rd 842-2237 Tasch Kenneth 318 W Marmont 842-2667 Taylor Clara W 209 N Plymouth 842-3424 Taylor Wilber Bob 900 Lake Shore Dr 842-2602 Teague Frank W MD 1910 East Shore Dr 842-3125 Terpstra John W 1380 East Shore Dr 842-2091 Texaco Service-Gordon's Main 842-3443 Theatre El Rancho 612 Lake Shore Dr 842-2315 Thelen Aloysius W Rd 16 842-2022 Thews Roger 515 N State 842-2442 Thomas Eugene 440 S Ohio 842-2814 Thomas Gerald R 157 N Terrace 842-2311 Thomas James 641 East Shore Dr 842-2998 Thomas K L 450 School 842-3181 Thomas Kenneth M 419 W Madison 842-2517 Thomas Leroy W 18th B Rd 842-2634 Thomas Real Estate 114 S Main 842-2311 Thomas Robt M 110 Plymouth 842-2528 Thomas V L 16 C Rd 842-2979 Thompson John R R 2 —842-2288 Thompson John M 1530 East Shore Dr 842-3154 CULVER Spe—Van 19 Thompson John M Jr Culver Military Academy-842-2394 Thornburg Ralph Mrs 525 N Lake Shore Dr—-842-2137 Throgmartin Don 790 South Shore Dr 842-2575 ThurinTed State Rd 10 842-2740 Thurin Ted B Sr RFD 1 Culver 542-2711 Top Shop 316 E Jefferson 842-3659 TOP STOP THE brbr 118 S Main 842-3990 TOWN & COUNTRY PACKAGE 1125 E Lake Shore Dr—842-3772 Townsley Floyd W Col Alumni House 842-3007 TRANSIT-MIX INC Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2136 Transit Mix Inc Road 35 South Knox 772-4333 TRASH-A-WAY SANITATION State Rd 17—842-3734 Treece Roger A 422 Lakeview 842-3958 Trinity Lutheran Church 330 Academy Rd 842-3175 Triplet Alvin 412 E Wash 842-3578 Triplet Fern 14 B Rd 842-3077 Triplet Floyd S Ohio 842-3435 Triplet Paul S 14th B Rd 842-2907 Triplet Victor W 14 B Rd 842-2411 Triplett Charles F State Rd 17 North 842-2083 Trone D G 2324 East Shore Dr 842-3083 Trone Peter D 425 E College Av 842-2921 Trone's Shop womns apprl 120 N Main 842-2981 Troyer Lewis Sycamore Rd 842-3090 Troyer Richard 480 Lakeview 842-3752 Trump C 515 W Jefferson 842-3409 Trump Harold C S Redwd Rd 842-3596 Tucker John D 2124 East Shore Dr 842-3790 Tuloma Gas Products Co See Standard Oil Division Amoco Oil Company Fertilizer 842-2572 Turner James B 2370 East .Shore Dr 842-3126 Turner Kenneth 607 Obispo 842-3495 Tursi Antoinette State Rd 10 842-3287 Tusing Ronold RPh 306 N Main 842-2344 Twenty-Four Hour Ice Vending Serv 120 E Madison—842-3893 Tyler Clarence A 916 Baker Clvr 842-3653 842-3219 Tyson Mabel G Mrs 2434 East Shore Ln u U S Civil Service Commission Federal Job Information Center 46 E Ohio Indpls Ind No charge to calling party—800 382-1030 U S GOVERNMENT OFFICES Internal Revenue Service Federal Tax Information & Forms 1317 Mishawaka Av South Bend Ind No charge to calling party-—800 382-9740 Veterans Admn Regional Office Benefits Information & Assistance 575 N Pennsylvania Indpls Ind No charge to calling party—800 382-4540 U S Postal Service W Jefferson 842-2965 Uceny Martin W 14 Rd 842-3462 Uebel Martin Fleet Pky 842-2427 Ulch M 411 E Washington 842-3926 Ulch Ralph E 316 S Slate 842-2178 Ulery Paul S 15 B Rd 842-2912 Ulery Russell D St Rd 17 842-2674 Ulery Stephen L St Rd 17 842-3765 Underwood David W 13 Rd Plymouth 842-3935 United Parcel Service 700 W 16 Indianapolis Ind South Bend Tel No—219 287-7227 Uyttebrouck Gordon 136 N Terrace 842-2939 V V F W P o s t 6 9 1 9 108 E Washington Culver—842-3886 Valenti Anthony 681 East Shore Dr 842-2425 VanDeMark Paul Mrs 1000 E Rd 842-3057 VanDePutteWC W 17th Rd 842-3704 VanHorn H Ronald 712 Academy Rd 842-2038 Van Horn Jon W 15 B Rd 842-2366 Van Namen Jacob 1450 East Shore Dr 842-3577 Van's Carpet Cleaning Service 428 School 842-2756 VAN'S TRANSFER R R 5 Plymouth 936-3400 20 Van—Zwe CULVER VanSipma Charles 434 South Shore Dr 842-2963 842-2448 Vantwoud William Redwood Rd 842-2240 VeenstraGeoA 904 S Plymouth Verl The Barber 108 N Main 842-3593 842-3049 Vermillion Bertha 715 Neuva Gorda 842-2918 Vernum Andrew State Rd 117 Veterans Admn Regional Office Benefits Information & Assistance 575 N Pennsylvania Indpls Ind No charge to calling party—800 382-4540 Villa Maria Lake Rd 842-2587 VILLAGE BEAUTY SHOPPE 112 S Main 842-3565 842-3378 Village Lodge 830 Lake Shore 'Dr 842-3144 Volz Gary G SFC '641 ,East Shore Dr 842-2255 Vondra E St Rd 10 W 842-2085 VonEhr J L 313Vz N Main 842-3027 Von Ehr L 464 Lakeview St Von Tobel's Lumber Co Winamac Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-3144 Dial Operator-Ask for VonVille Geo E W 14 Rd 842-2483 842-2437 Voreis Darl W 14 B Rd Voreis Loren 218 Lake 842-2226 842-2639 Voreis Romie F W 14 B Rd 842-2408 Voreis Rose 515 W Jeff 842-2997 Vories Rex W 16th Rd 842-3676 Vujnovich Dan W 14 B Rd w 842-2244 Wagner Elsie Burr Oak Rd 842-3139 Wagner Glen W 16 Rd 842-2803 Wagner Norman G 1020 E Lake Shore Dr 842-3239 Wagner Raymond K State Rd 17 842-2063 Wagner Robert L 250 South Rd 842-2909 Wagner William L Garland Rd 842-3716 Wagner William M 910 West Shore Dr Wagoner James County Line Rd 842-2930 842-2806 Wagoner Wm 321 S White 842-2744 Waite Anna L 461 Liberty 842-2957 Wakefield Rudy 405 S Ohio 842-2666 Walaitis Frank St Rd 10 842-2738 Walker Asa L Burr Oak 842-2234 Walker Gerald R St Rd 17 842-3043 Walker J W 1480 East Shore Dr 842-2035 Walker Thos K 302 Lake Shore Dr 842-3017 Wallen Irene West Shore Dr 842-2048 Walmoth Raymond K CMA 842-3949 Walter Kenneth G 1355 East Shore Dr 842-2129 Walter Kenneth R 2114 East Shore Dr 842-3406 Walter Raymond West 14th B Rd Walther Joseph E MD 1012 East Shore Dr—842-2543 842-2354 Walther's Shady Bluff 1022 East Shore Dr 842-2314 Walton Bruce W 17th Rd 842-3535 Wamsley George St Rd 10 842-2120 Ward Leslie M 2270 East Shore Dr 842-2695 Warner Geo C 106 Summit 842-3595 Warner Goldie E Mrs Redwood Rd 842-2163 Warner Howard 417 N Slate Warner Marion W 17 Rd 842-3241 842-2054 Warner Otho 228 Lakeview 842-2225 Warner Richard S Redwood Rd 842-3075 Warren Leo 510 Peru Ct 842-3755 Washburn Bill 446 School 842-2077 Washburn Ed 802 College Av 842-3788 Watts Greg 439 State 842-3213 Weaver Allen Thorn Rd 842-2943 Weirick Dan State Rd 17 842-3224 Weirick Mary E 175 West Shore Dr Welch William F 2348 East Shore Dr 842-3685 842-3984 Weldy Ralph W 20 A Rd 842-2107 Welsh Larry Redwd Rd 842-3157 Wentz Max W 18th B Rd Wentzel Chas 918 Baker 842-3163 842-3160 Wentzel Lester 1000 E Rd Wesley United Methodist Church 511 School—-842-2900 Wesley United Methodist Parsonage 108 College Av—842-3031 842-3155 Wesson Oscar DVM 1111 Lakeshore Dr 842-2612 West Harold B 2176 East Shore Dr 842-3545 West Wendell W 14 B Rd Westafer Dennis 180 W Terrace Pkwy 842-2813 Western Union Telegraph Co To Send Telegrams Mailgrams Or International Messages 800 325-5300 No charge to calling party 842-2636 Wheeler Edmund J Venetian Village 842-2968 White Jesse State Rd 10 842-2027 White Lawrence RR 2 White Robt Jr W 14 B Rd 842-3267 842-3009 White Watson C Jr 14th B Rd Whitney Alden W Capt North Terrace C M A--842-3789 842-3671 Whybrew Lillian L 212 W Cass Wieringa Edgar S Redwood Rd 842-2454 842-2390 Wieringa Nita 304 E Jefferson 842-3611 Wiggin Robin Ann 217 S Ohio 842-3730 Wildes Chas T Venetian Village 842-3050 Wilkinson Frank B 2410 East Shore Ln 842-3457 Willhite Henry 416 E Lakeshore Dr Williams D N 310 Lake Shore Dr 842-3948 842-2966 Williams Kenneth W Jeff 842-2593 Williams Warner 309 White Williamson Albert 422 S Plymouth 842-3513 842-3279 Wilson Everett 712 S Main Winet Stephen Culver Military Academy 842-3983 842-2888 Winkler Harry 704 Obispo 842-2421 Winn Paul E State Rd 117 Winslow Walker W Mrs 1640 E Shore Dr 842-2112 842-2173 Winters Ralph E 11 Fleet Pkwy 842-2532 Wiseman David L State Rd 10 842-2781 Witham Lewis Mrs 770 South Shore 842-3903 Wittekind Eugene Maj W Terrace 842-2462 Wolverton Edna Mrs 303 S Ohio 842-2207 Wolverton John Hibbard Ind 842-3793 Woods Walter W 1089 West Shore 'Dr 842-2723 Woodward Ray 411 S Plymouth 842-2706 WoollettJW 2210 East Shore Dr 842-3521 Wright Wilbur H Burr Oak Ind Wurster Fred C 2480 East Shore Dr 842-3769 842-3566 Wynn Bobby D W 18 B Rd 842-2529 Wynn C C 1268 East Shore Dr 842-2018 Wynn C L W 15 B Rd 842-3171 Wynn Nelson 515 S Main 842-2388 Wynn Ruth Mrs W 18th B Rd Y Zechiel Alvin L S Thorn Rd Zechiel Bertha L 203 Lake Shore Dr Zechiel Farm Service W Jefferson Zechiel Jerome J 920 East Shore Dr Zechiel Larry 113 W Mill Zechiel Zina G 1150 E Zehner Henry Z Venetian Village Zink Francis State Rd 17 Zink Martha 107V2 S Main Zukowski Stanley 1107 South Zweig Leonard 471 Lake St 842-2432 842-2537 842-2171 842-2668 842-2369 842-2239 842-2338 842-3542 842-3698 842-2750 842-3407 L O W P A G E S C U L V E R DIRECTORY ACCURACY "Every reasonable precaution is taken to avoid errors in and omissions from the telephone directory, but the Telephone Company does not guarantee listings therein and shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in or omissions from the directory except as provided for in its schedules of rates, rules and regulations filed with and approved by the Public Service Commissions of Indiana or, in the case of classified advertising, upon conditions set forth on the application for classified advertising. Any errors or omissions in this directory should be reported to the Business Office." Advertising-Directory & Guide Abstracters INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No 842-3301 (See Advertisement This Classification) CRESSNER & CO A B S T R A C T S OF T I T L E T I T L E INSURANCE Charter M e m b e r O f I n d & A m e r i c a n L a n d T i t l e Association Continued Established 1892 307 N Center Plymouth new color in your home. COMPLETE T I T L E SERVICE. T I T L E INSURANCE. Agent For Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. Abstracter - Dale E. McKesson 201 W Jefferson Plymouth 936-2555 T - h r T E L L o e u p Y O U R r r - e e plus smart Telephones now come in a variety of modern decorator colors. h a s Page venience of extension telephones Appv'd by the Ind. & American Land Title Ass'n 4 Next Now . . . enjoy all the wonderful con 936-2020 MCKESSON ABSTRACT & TITLE CO T H E COMPLETE ABSTRACT T I T L E P L A N T I N M A R S H A L L CO 2 z L (CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY) Y Yeazel Russell W 14th B Rd 842-2648 Yeazel Wayne R 915 S Plymouth 842-3431 YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING SERVICE 202 'S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No—842-3301 842-2000 Yocom E J Tamarack Rd 842-2377 Young C W 504 S Main 842-3111 Young Herman H W 16th Rd E e - d a n t a y t s i v a l e s e P R O S P E C T S • W H O Y O U ARE • W H A T Y O U SELL • WHERE Y O U ARE LOCATED • W H Y THEY SHOULD DO BUSINESS W I T H Y O U Y E L L O W I t s a P A G E S S N A P 8 4 2 - 3 3 0 1 I n d i a n a B e i l | ^ yellow p a g e s 0 2 Advertising—Auctioneers Automobile 3 Advertising-Directory & Outde-(cont'd) NATIONAL YELLOW PAGES SERVICE" A i r l i n e Ticket Agencies See also Travel Automobile Body Repairing & Painting Bureaus EDGERTON'S TRAVEL SERV INC 226 S Main South Bend Plymouth Travel Center 310 N Michigan Plymouth 234-5006 936-7440 Alterations Clothing yellow pages Designed to market any product or service on a Local Regional or National Basis. Over 4000 Directories to choose from • One Point of Contact • One Contract • One Annual Bill ALBERT CLOTHES DOCTOR THE 422 S Plymouth 842-3513 INFORMATION CALL" NATIONAL YELLOW PAGES SERVICE 3838 N Rural Indpls Ind No charge to calling party 800 382-2068 B0NINE FUNERAL HOME 104 E Lake Shore Dr 842-2082 Bruce's Reload Shop W 17th Rd Bennett's Plumbing & Heating Contractor Lake Shore Dr Culver Sheet Metal Works 226 S Main Doty's Jim Electric Inc R R 1 Culver Shoemaker 0 J Inc 1008 Lincolnway E South Bend Automobile Customizing PLYMOUTH FERTILIZER CO INC DEAD ANIMALS 842-3228 842-3434 892-5262 287-2936 SKYSTREAM INC Plymouth Municipal Airport Plymouth--936-3151 (See Advertisement This Classification) YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Yellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYel.lowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow K Y S T R E A M Randy's Body Shop State Rd 17 I N C . Jet Charter 842-3603 REMOVED It's Bones • F a t • Restaurant Grease, Etc It Just Can Bring Good Business You and More Business It will be faster and easier for out-ofRR 2 Plymouth 936-2144 S E R V I C E CLEANING REPAIRING RECORING * Antigues-DIrs WAIT AUTO GLASS SERVICE Complete BODY and FENDER REPAIR • Autoglass Installation AUTOMOBILE Healer J OM T5 IBURGH PA tTi GLASS C O M P A N Y PAINTING DIAL KNOX 7 7 2 - 4 1 3 i ~ " R I D E R B R O S . stationery and other printed matter. Kramer Antiques 220 N Main 842-2185 You can save time, too, by using the Area Code on all of your long distance calls. B O D Y S H O P KNOX, IND. 311 E. CULVER RD. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No 842-3301 C a l l u s y o u d i g . Y BODY & FENDER b e f o r e WORK Associations See also Fraternal Organizations American Landrace Association Inc IO8V2 N Main Attorneys Cbipman Morrison & Humphrey Eugene M Chipman Martin A Morrison II Jere L Humphrey 316 N Center Plymouth 842-3167 n o t b e o a b l e u m a y t o GLASS CUSTOM WORK PAINTING —LACE WORK WEBBING & FADING -936-2149 Auctioneers 2 4 Beaver Paul State Rd 17 INSTALLATION CUSTOM BODY a f t e r w a r d s . HR. TOWING CALL Don't live in an underphoned home. 8 4 2 - 3 6 0 3 One slashed telephone cable can disrupt service A for thousands - including you. So before you dig, call collect area (317) 635-3800. We'll come out and show you where the cables are. BULANC L S F U G H T 936-3151 Plymouth Municipal Airport Plymouth H w y 31 N When t h e p h o n e rings . . . d o n ' t r u n . J u s t reach a n d r e l a x ! Call t h e B u s i n e s s Office t o order y o u r extensions, today. ® Indiana Beif SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 842-2229 Piston Charter • AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE •AVIONICS • CHARTERS . i J5A1 E SERVICE ?SS^ . „; TRAINING Cessna' SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • STORAGE . RENTAL CARS 24 Hr. Charter Dispatch 1 town customers to call you when you display your Area Code with your phone number on Artificial Larynx Aircraft Charter, Rental & Leasing Service S 842-2314 CRIDER BROS BODY SHOP 311 E Culver Rd Knox 772-4131 (See Advertisement This Classification) Culver Auto Body Shop 316 E Jeff 842-3780 LAWMASTER P0NTIAC INC BODY SHOP 936-4608 610 E Jefferson Plymouth 842-2424 Overmyer Body Shop 104 N Plymouth RANDY'S BODY SHOP State Rd 17 842-3603 (See Advertisement This Classification) Animal Carcass Removal Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems ALL TEMP SERVICE REFRIGERATION - H E A T I N G AIR CONDITIONING Commercial • Industrial • Residential 24 HR. SERVICE Supermarket Equip. - Furnaces Grain Dryers - Dairy Coolers - Boilers Ice Machines - Freezers Main Monterey 542-2100 Or 542-2120 ^ WHILE-YOU- Ambulance Service Ammunition Reloading "FOR ~ BURT'S BODY SHOP INC COMPLETE • BODY & FENDER W O R K • AUTO PAINTING • GLASS I N S T A L L A T I O N A u t o Glass - Wholesale & Retail No Charge for Estimates 1604 W Jefferson Plymouth 936-2780 BODY SHOP I n d i a n a B e l l ST R D 17 4 Automobile Automobile Automobile Dealers-New Cars CHEVROLET AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE AMERICAN MOTORS SALES & SERVICE CONCORD PACER GREMLIN AMX MATADOR f l A M C CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE "DEALERS WHO SELL AND SERVICE CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH CARS" "CALL" "WHERE TO BUY AUTHORIZED THEM" "THE MARK OF GREAT CARS" CHRYSLER Vlymoutfi DON CALHOUN CHEVROLET INC US 31 N Argos 892-5156 936-4600 New baby? © ® © ® ® © ® , © © © © © © ( § © © © © © © ©' © © © © © © "WHERE TO BUY THEM" LAWMASTER AMC INC 620 E Jefferson Plymouth ARGOS DEALERS LAWMASTER AMC INC 620 E Jefferson Plymouth PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE* Automobile Dealers-New Cars-(conl'd) YOUR ONE-STOP CENTER FOR NEW CHEVROLET'S, USED CARS, PARTS AND AUTHORIZED SERVICE! Send your congratulations by Long Distance. HATTEN MOTOR SALES 110 W Lake Shore Dr 842-2727 HATTEN MOTOR SALES 110 W Lake Shore Dr , 842-2727 Lawmaster AMC Inc 620 E Jefferson Plymouth 936-4600 (See Advertisement This Classification) LEONARD RUDD CHEVROLET-BUICK INC 704 S Heaton Knox 772-2191 (See Advertisement This Classification) Marshall Bros Ford-Mercury Inc 415 Lake Shore Dr 842-3338 M Weeks Motor Sales 701 E Jeff Plymouth--936-3153 (See Advertisement This Classification) Automobile Dealers-Used Cars A & R MOTORS • • MERCURY: Cougar Zephyr TO BUY THEM" FOR 842-2470 FOR A WIDER CHOICE OF OK USED CAR AND TRUCK VALUES, CALL YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER. MARSHALL BROS FORD-MERCURY INC 415 Lake Shore Dr 842-3338 PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICEHATTEN MOTOR SALES 110 W Lake Shore Dr— ahead BETTER SPEAKS CHEVROLET OK USED CARS DEALERS CULVER come out CARS AT A PRICE 104 Lakeshore Dr- MERCURY You always BETTER OUR REPUTATION ITSELF LARGE SELECTION OF USED CARS OPEN 6 DAYS 8 AM-5 PM Bobcat "WHERE 936-4600 TRI-R FORD MERCURY • „ , 300 S Heaton Knox 772-2181 (See Advertisement This Classification) VOLKSWAGEN AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICEWARSAW VOLKSWAGEN INC 666 E Winona Av Warsaw 269-1641 MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE Marquis Monarch 5 "CALL" -842-2727 ARGOS 1HE A-1 G O I N G MOTOR SALES C O N C E R N SALES HOURS Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. - to 5:00 p.m. SERVICE & PARTS Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon "WHERE SERVICE AFTER THE SALE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE- DON CALHOUN CHEVROLET INC US 31 N Argos J & J Motor Sales St Rd 17 AUTHORIZED CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE - BUICK Wheel Alignment 7 7 2 - COMPLETE REPAIRING NEW & USED CARS 2 FOR Call L A W M A S T E R L E O N A R D SALES - SERVICE - PARTS » • NEW NEW CARS W • TRUCKS J^h™ USED CARS Motors TRUCKS C M C DATSUN TRUCKS 620 E. JEFFERSON PLYMOUTH, IND. -936-3153 - PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH Automobile Parts & Supplies-New CULVER AUTO SUPPLY CORP 202 S Main 842-3658 (See Advertisement This Classification) Continued INC Next Page "A Full Service Dealership" BUICK A U T O P A R T S 8 P D R T 8 C Q A C H from OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 8 A M - 7 PM MONDAY NIGHT 8 A M - 9:30 PM CALL KNOX DIAL PLYMOUTH 936-4600 A U T H O R I Z E D D E A L E R OF CADILLAC • OLDSMOBILE • BUICK 701 E Jeff Plymouth- INFORMATION 701 E. JEFFERSON CHEVROLET-BUICK • 936-3153 R U D D PONTIAC • GMC - DATS UN - AMC 842-3900 WEEKS MOTOR SALES FOR O N E O F T H E B E S T T R A D E - I N VALUES • SALES - SERVICE - PARTS USED CARS USED TRUCKS 892-5156 "7 " 7 2 - 2 1 9 1 704 S HEATON KNOX a D O O D D Q Q O O O O O O O S O O O i ! CORP "FOR ALL YOUR PARTS SEE US" GOODYEAR BELTS & HOSES MAREMONT EXHAUST SYSTEMS CALL • CHAMPION, AC & AUTOLITE SPARK PLUGS HOURS 8 AM to 5:30 PM MON. THRU FRI. 8 AM to NOON SAT. 842-3658 202 S. MAIN 6 Banks—Beverages Automobile—Banks Automobile Parts & Suppfies-New-(coni'd) Ed's Auto Parts & Supplies 1006 S Heaton Knox -772-2167 Automobile Repairing & Service LEASE AND/OR RENT CARS AND TRUCKS FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET FULL SERVICE DEALER (See Advertisement This Classification) Banquet Rooms CULVER INN THE "For Every "CALL" LEASING &RENTAL ARGOS DON CALHOUN CHEVROLET INC US 31 N Argos TO ^AtTeXCHANGE BANK THE Main-842-3321 KEEP YOUR CAR ON THE GO WITH CHEVROLET PARTS AND FACTORYAUTHORIZED SERVICE CHEVROLET DEALER LEASING" AND RENTAL "WHERE BanksJwnTd) CHEVROLET AUTHORIZED SERVICE Automobile Renting & leasing CALL" 892-5156 DON CALHOUN CHEVROLET INC 892-5156 ©©©©©©@©©©©@©@© ®®®®@®®®@©@®@@@ See Our Ad Under Service StationsGasoline & Oil Main HATTEN MOTOR SALES TUNE-UP A U T O M A T I C TRANSMISSION A I R CONDITIONING BRAKES E X H A U S T SYSTEM REPAIR ELECTRICAL MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 AM-3:00 P M SATURDAY 7:30 AM-5:30 PM 316 E Jefferson 842-3455 S E R V I C E • Air Conditioning • Wheel Alignment • Wheel Balancing • Transmissions • C E N T E R • Certified Auto Inspection • Pick-Up & Delivery H A I R S T Y L I N G FOR MEN & WOMEN PERMANENTS Open 8 A M - 5 :30 P M M o n - F r i 8 AM-4-:30 Saturdays RK & I M A G E 118 S Main FARMERS BANK AND TRUST CO CALL US FOR COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE fingers do the walking 215 W. Jefferson through the Yellow k m Pages e r s Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation m a n y BRANCH KNOX 7 7 2 - 6 2 1 8 DOWNTOWN McGill Mfg Co Inc South State Rd 17- T r u s t p 842-3593 KNOX 7 7 2 - 2 1 4 4 -842-3354 Good Things are happening at Farmers Bank Hair Kare 624 Lake Shore Dr 842-3850 (See Advertisement This Classification) ISOBEL'S BEAUTY & WIG SALON FOR T H E L A T E S T H A I R CARE " C A L L I N H A I R US" E x a c t l y W e Appreciate Y o u r Business 842-3013 218 S Main 136 S Michigan Argos 892-5613 K A R E A s N a m e T h e I m p l i e s . Hair Styling For SILHOUETTE BEAUTY SALON Town & Country Package 1125 E Lake Shore Dr B A N K o & 7 7 2 - 2 9 6 9 Men & Beer & Ale-Retail (Package Carry Out) COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE -DEPOSITORY-CHECKING SAVINGS-MEMBER F.D.I.C. -FINANCING SERVICE -RETIREMENT PLANS TRUST SERVICES -DRIVE-IN BANKING 8 A.M.-5 P.M.-DAILY a SOUTH SIDE 313 N Main 842-2641 (See Advertisement This Classification) 842-3990 Top Stop The 118 S Main 842-3565 Village Beauty Shoppe 112 S Main INDIANA n r Bearings 9 2 M i l l i o n People let t h e i r CULVER, a BASS LAKE PRODUCTS 842-3990 VERL THE BARBER 108 N Main 8 4 2 - 3 3 4 4 E X C H A N G E F C Beauty Salons Banks 20 N Main Knox 772-2144 (See Advertisement This Classification) Tune-Ups B TOP STOP THE See Ad Under Automobile Dealers-New Cars 842-2727 110 W Lake Shore Dr L & M Service Center 215 W Jefferson—842-3344 (See Advertisement This Classification) ®@@®@®@®®®®®®©® @@®@®@@@®®@®@®® M Request' Barbers 842-2401 RALPH'S AUTO SERVICE L & Guest With a Special • Party Catering • Hospitality Suites • Eppley Auditorium • Conference Chambers • Lecture Rooms • Conventions • Banquets • Seminars • Press Conferences Culver Ind 842-3331 CHUCK'S STANDARD SERV ARGOS US 31 N Argos 7 Both Women 8 4 2 - 3 8 5 0 6 2 4 L A K E SHORE DR 842-3772 Beverages-Non-Alcoholic-Whol 1 CANADA DRY BOTTLING CO 1330 High South Bend . 234-1311 COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE 1 " l o v e l i e r hair f o r w o m e n w h o c a r e " DR PEPPER BOTTLING CO 1330 High South Bend 234-1311 MASON'S ROOT BEER BOTTLING CO 1330 High South Bend OWNER Linda Rich 234-1311 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO 1330 High South Bend "Wrong numbers" ends of the l i n e . are a n n o y i n g BLOW DRYING • PERMANENTS 234-1311 at WE CARE FOR WIGS both A v o i d annoyance b y con sulting the directory F I R S T P A G E S before y o u call. OPERATORS Lou Townsend 8 4 2 - 2 6 4 1 3 1 3 N MAIN S I L H O U E T T E BEAUTY SALON Burglar—Chiropractors 8 _9 Boat—Buildings LA PETIT BRIDAL SH0PPE Boat Dealers Culver Marina Inc 3000 East Shore Dr-—842-2269 MERCRU1SER STERN DRIVES— SALES & SERVICE CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr 842-2269 ZIEGLER'S WADE-IN MARINA INC R R 2 Rochester 223-3084 OMC STERN DRIVE— SALES & AUTHORIZED SERVICE CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr 842-2269 0'DAY SAILBOATS— DEALERS CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr 842-2269 — ~ Ladies F o r m a l W e a r Nationally Advertised W e d d i n g Gowns & Dresses Consultant & B r i d a l Service 9 A M - 5 :30 PM Tues. Thru Sat Corner Of Kingston & E Jefferson Plymouth Plaza Plymouth 936-9850 MARINE DEALER ENGINE 842-2269 Boals-Renlal & Charier P J's Pier 320 E Davis 842-3386 Bowling Lake Shore Lanes 620 Lake Shore Dr Price's Walter Abattoir Inc See Our Ad Under Meat-Retail R R 4 Plymouth 288-5515 936-4027 Pre-Engineered Hoosier Construction Inc 515 E Glesner Warsaw 267-6097 (See Advertisement This Classification) MAJORITY BUILDINGS _ CALL BUILDINGS C O L L E C T See Our A d U n d e r Buildings - Pole , 2 6 7 - 6 0 9 7 62900 U S 31 S South Bend For Free E s t i m a t e s Your A u t h o r i z e d Area Builder HOOSIER CONSTRUCTION INC INFORMATION DAVID POOR COMPANY Rd 15 N Warsaw B U I L D I N G S CALL COMMERCE 2 9 1 - 2 0 9 1 COLLECT 62900 U.S. 31 South South Bend. IN 46614 d 1 Available 842-2019 7 Taxicabs Cabinet Makers • • • • Culver Craft Wood Products 211 E Jefferson 842-3094 K0NRAD PHILIP & SON INC R R 1 Knox 772-3966 (See Advertisement This Classification) Cabinet Tops -842-3659 Carpet & Rug Cleaners Residential & Commercial Quality Name B r a n d Carpet E x p e r t Installation L a r g e Selection - Styles & Colors Free s t R d Estimates 10 842-2515 VON TOBEL'S LUMBER CO Winamac Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask f o r — -Enterprise-3144 Chiropractors (D.C.) B0TTORFF CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 315 E Jefferson Plymouth 1ib-£1bb (See Advertisement This Classification) VAN'S CARPET CLEANING SERVICE STEAM CLEANING N o M a c h i n e r y I n Y o u r Home N o Noise I n Y o u r Home F i r e Restoration & D e o d o r i z i n g Service F u r n i t u r e Cleaning Prompt & Expert Service 842-2756 428 School BOETSMA HOME FURNISHINGS INC W Jefferson 842-2626 B E E ( S B S I S S B - S I S E H CALL" BOTTORFF BUILDER "All t h e Comforts of Home" CHIROPRACTIC 267-8814 Buildings-Pole C U S T O M POLE BUILDINGS FOR: R Carpet & Rug Cleaning Equipment-Rental 291-2091 0*m * Turnkey construction services within your Q f t s The other way to buU budget. Stran's systems method of construction helps save costly time on a complete line of commercial/industrial/ professional/institutional buildings. AUTHORIZED M A J O R I T Y t STRAN BUILDINGS "FOR INDUSTRY 842-2828 Buildings-Metal Cost Savings FARMS Also Samples Top Shop 316 E Jefferson also Women's Call T T -936-2188 MAXINKUCKEE HOME SUPPLY" BENNETT'S PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR New Homes-Remodeling-Plumbing-Heating 842-3228 Lake Shore Dr 842-2176 Bonnell Construction 527 S Main Easterday Construction Co Inc Slate St—-842-3341 Maxinkuckee Home Supply See Our Ad Under Lumber-Retail 842-2515 St Rd 10 CULVER HARDWARE 120 S Main BOSWORTH F W CO 203 N Michigan Plymouth 842-2626 CRAMER'S FLOOR COVERING W A L L TO W A L L CARPETS SAMPLES - SHOWROOM SALES & I N S T A L L A T I O N • Free Estimates • _ EXPERT L I N O L E U M & CERAMIC T I L E CONTRACTING Cab Companies See Building Contractors 842-3877 Bridal Shops METAL W Jefferson Butchering Building Materials-New V A R C O - PRUDEN "Visit Our Furniture Showroom" -842-3664 s CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr See also Formal Wear-Rental; Apparel-Retail BURGLAR & FIRE A L A R M SYSTEMS R E S I D E N T I A L & COMMERCIAL SAFEGUARD YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS 24 HOURS A DAY W I T H SILENT I N T R U S I O N A L A R M DIRECT TO LOCAL A U T H O R I T I E S Thorn Rd VOLVO PENTA MARINE ENGINES— AUTHORIZED BOETSMA HOME FURNISHINGS INC Lees • M o h a w k • Milliken • Barwick Room Size & W a l l T o W a l l • Armstrong Linoleum W e Service O u r Owns MADDUX ELECTRIC" WHITELEY'S BRIDAL HOUSE Complete Assortments Wedding Gowns - Crowns and Veils Bridesmaid Dresses - Cocktail Dresses Formals FREE Consultant Service Evenings by Appointment 1413 S Mich So Bend Carpet & Rug Dealers-New RurglarJIarm Systems BURNS CONSTRUCTION INC U S Hwy 31 N Macy 382-2315 HOOSIER CONSTRUCTION INC See Our Information Under Buildings-Metal 267-6097 515 E Glesner Warsaw MAJORITY BUILDINGS 291-2091 62900 U S 31 S South Bend (See Advertisement This Classification). 892-5141 WICKES BUILDINGS R R 2 Argos YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Pages YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow Most Certainly Include Handy 'Phones! Have a telephone at hand in all living areas. It's the modern way! CALL PLYMOUTH 9 3 6 - 2 9 6 5 CLINIC SPINAL X-RAYS BY APPOINTMENT MON. - TUES. - THURS. - FRI. 8:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. WED. AND SAT. 8:30 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. EMERGENCY DR. 1. M. BOTTORFF DR. K. E. MART DR. T. A. MILLER 315 E Jefferson 936-4747 936-2004 936-2648 Plymouth 10 Church—Concrete Concrete Church Organizations Clubs Burr Oak Church Of God Burr Oak Ind 842-2258 Culver Bible Church S Main 842-2860 Emmanuel United Methodist Church 401 S Main 842-2133 Grace United Church Of Christ 307 N Plymouth 842-2331 St Mary's Of The Lake Church 124 College Av 842-2522 Trinity Lutheran Church 330 Academy Rd—842-3175 Wesley United Methodist Church 511 School 842-2900 Fr=Tr See also Fraternal Organizations; Courses-Private V F W Post 6919 108 E Washington d,=li=]B=ll=l|= M A R S H A L L INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No CRULL READY MIX~ CONCRETE - READY M I X Free Bowen Otis R The Center For Human Services 267-7169 703 S Buffalo Warsaw Clothing Bought & Sold SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD STORE T H E RED S H I E L D STORE Furnishings & Clothing F u r n i t u r e - Appliances - C l o t h i n g Paper For Y o u r Salvation A r m y Pickup Service C a l l 936-8822 314 North Kingston Road Plymouth--936-8822 - T Y I N C . Estimates Commercial • Residential - Industrial PARKING LOTS SIDEWALKS CURBING STREETS DRIVEWAYS - FLOORS - PATIOS 542-4411 Leiters Ford Ind If No Ans Call Leiters Ford 542-4589 Or Call Argos Ind 892-6400 I DRIVEWAYS • SIDEWALKS POURED WALLS • CURBS • GUTTERS RENTAL TOOLS n CALL- i I culver 1 8 4 2 - 3 3 6 1 1 OR PLYMOUTH 1 9 3 6 - 3 1 4 9 MARSHALL COUNTY REDI-MIX INC W 20 A Rd 842-3361 If no answer call Plymouth 936-3149 (See Advertisement This Classification) TRANSIT-MIX INC Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-2136 Dial Operator-Ask for (See Advertisement This Classification) i I 2 Locations i W 2 0 A RD CULVER M U C K S A W RD P L Y M O U T H j r = J r = J r = - i r = - i r = J r = = J r = J n = J r = J r==-i r = - » r==-i r = ^ M fcr=Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr 'IRANSITMIX Worship together this week— you'll be richer for it M A R S H A L L C O U N T Y ' S OLDEST & LARGEST PRODUCER OF T h e s e pages p r o v i d e i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t w i l l assist y o u i n s e l e c t i n g the c h u r c h o f y o u r choice. find— You'll LOCATION DAYS end HOURS of SERVICES TYPES of SERVICES conducted EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS " R E A D Y (NO CHARGE) — P L Y M O U T H — CULVER C U S T O M E R S C A L L ENTERPRISE 2136 A l s o h e l p f u l are i n d e n t e d l i s t i n g s f o r t h e R e c t o r y , C o n v e n t , A u d i t o r i u m , Residence a n d o t h e r secondary n u m b e r s . ( 2 ) Indiana Bell 1 1 FOR BID OR ESTIMATE ii 1 ! • FARM • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Concrete-Ready Mixed Clinics N RADIO DISPATCHED 842-3301 MARSHALL COUNTY REDI-MIX INC See Our Ad Under Concrete-Ready Mixed 842-3361 W 20 A Rd 936-3149 If no answer call Plymouth 842-2200 U I Cleaners Ideal Cleaners 105 E Washington O R E D I - M I X 1 Offices-City C 842-3886 Concrete Products See Government iir^r^r^r=Jr=ir==Jr=Err: also Golf Communications Consultants City Offices 'r=Jr=JP 11 M I X C O N C R E T E " D I A L OPERATOR A S K FOR ENTERPRISE KNOX \S CONCRETE BLOCKS V SAND V GRAVEL f FILL 7 7 2 - 4 3 3 ROAD 3 5 SOUTH - O L D ROAD 3 0 W E S T " PLYMOUTH N E W MODERN S T A T E APPROVED PLANTS W E RENT A L L K I N D S OF T O O L S & E Q U I P M E N T T O F A R M S H O M E S INDUSTRIES & C O N T R A C T O R S 3 Electric—Engines 12 Contact—Electric See also Optometrists (O.D.); also Physicians & Surgeons, (M.D.) Babcock F L OD 203 S Main 842-3372 936-4360 Bauer F W OD 111 E Garro Plymouth Decker Theodore F OD 120 E Washington Plymouth 936-3422 Golding Eugene B OD Knox Ofc 204 S Main Knox 772-3832 Plymouth Ofc 110 E Washington Plymouth 936-3023 Contractors-Alteration Bennett's Plumbing & Heating Contractor Lake Shore Dr 842-3228 Contractors Equipment & Supplies-Renting Transit-Mix Inc See Our Ad Under Rental Service Stores & Yards Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-2136 Dial Operator-Ask for Contractors General HOOSIER CONSTRUCTION INC F u l l Service Contractor • CONVENTIONAL BUILDINGS • POLE BUILDINGS • VARCO PRUDEN M E T A L BUILDINGS • D E S I G N / B U I L D SERVICE Free Estimates 515 E Glesner Warsaw 267-6097 Convention Services & Facilities Culver Inn The Culver Ind Allen Robert R Limited To Oral Surgery-Extractions 232-4716 926 E LaSalle Av South Bend Badell Dental Clinic U S 35 Vz Mi So Knox-772-3666 Badell J Douglas 936-4557 120 W Washington Plymouth Culver Dental Clinic Thomas M Pugh DDS RPH Gregory 0 Easterday DDS 1001 Lake Shore Dr 842-3465 English Allen E DDS Inc Oral Surgery Inc Practice Limited To Oral Surgery 282-1244 919 'E Jeff Blvd South Bend 291-4890 If no ans call South Bend Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic Group Practice Limited To Orthodontics 785-2566 Westville Ind Department Stores See also Variety Stores J'S 5 & 10 114 N Main KELLY SHOP THE 110 N Main Sears Roebuck & Co Knox Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for 842-3524 842-2755 Enterprise-2125 Diaper Service 825 N Center Plymouth 936-3127 842-3277 Dishwashing Machines Energy To Enjoy = Nipscn Exciting Todays And ''FOR U A SERVICE CALL" NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY After 5:00 PM And Before 8:00 AM And Saturdays, Sundays And Holidays 101 S Mich Plymouth (No Charge) Enterprise-2152 Dial Operator-Ask for 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM Monday Thru Friday Call --Enterprise-2142 Northern Indiana Public Service Company 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM Monday Thru Friday 101 S Michigan Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-2142 Dial Operator-Ask for 5:00 PM & Before 8:00 AM & Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 101 S Michigan Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-2152 Dial Operator-Ask for G B R • • 233-7255 CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Call Cummins for all ap plications. Automotive, Construction, Generator Sets, Industrial, Agri culture, Mining, Logging and Marine. Genuine Cummins Parts. Expert Diesel Service. 24-HOUR SERVICE "FOR INFORMATION CALL" DEALERS SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4707 W Western Av South Bend---234-9031 Who said our new Trimline® telephone does not look like a telephone? BOB'S ELECTRIC INC Seeing is COMMERCIAL believing—at your local Indiana Bell BusiLICENSED - BONDED - INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Office. 892-5573 Doty's Jim Electric Inc R R 1 Culver 892-5262 ——842-3664 Maddox Electric Thorn Rd (See Advertisement This Classification) 842-3121 Sam's Electric St Rd 10 West (See Advertisement This Classification) Draperies & Curtains-Retail & Custom Made BOETSMA HOME FURNISHINGS INC See Our Ad Under Furniture Dealers-Retail W Jefferson 842-2626 A Engines—Diesef R R 1 Argos See specific headings, i.e., Chiropractors (D.C.), Dentists, Optometrists (O.D.), Physicians & Surgeons, (M.DJ, Veterinarians, etc. N ( Build Better Tomorrows INDUSTRIAL • See also Kitchen Cabinets & EquipmentHousehold Poppe's Appliance Sales & Service 842-2151 642 Lake Shore Dr Drug Stores-Rll Dairies £5 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIAS 1318 Mish Av South Bend Electric Contractors DIAPER PALS 209 Winfield Doctors CREDIT BUREAU OF PLYMOUTH SERVING A L L OF MARSHALL & STARKE COUNTIES N a t i o n w i d e Reports - I n File Reports W r i t t e n Reports - Personal Reports W r i t t e n Out of T o w n Reports WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIACH.LDCRAFT-^ 'pVbucservicecompany APPROVED 842-3331 Credit Reporting Agencies Encyclopedias EJedrjcJojnpanies Dentists Contact Lenses 13 Let the "ABCs" of careful dialing make telephoning a breeze. (A) Look up the LIGHT UP YOUR DREAMS WITH MADDOX ELECTRIC NEW WIRING REWIRING HEATING SYSTEMS SECURITY & MUSICOM SYSTEMS INSTALLED RESIDENTIAL - FARMS COMMERCIAL - ESTIMATES "NO JOB TOO SMALL" See Pharmacies See also Milk Companies MILLERS CLOVERLEAF DAIRY St Rd 17 S number in the directory; (B) jot it down; 842-3250 Now Listed Under Data Communication Service INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No It's Just It Can Bring Good Business You More DRUGGISTS 842-3664 T H O R N RD (C) dial it with care. PHARMACIES iLlCTIR.DC 842-3301 and Business It will be faster and easier for out-oftown customers to call you when you display your Area Code with your phone number on stationery and other printed matter. You can save time, too, by using the Area Code on all of your long distance calls. A u t h o r i z e d Electric Appliances-Major Kline's Appliance & TV Store 102 N Main-842-2861 WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES— SALES & ALARM SYSTEMS NEW WIRING REWIRING D e a l e r s SERVICE POPPE'S APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 842-2151 642 Lake Shore Dr YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Yellow FARM RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL SPECIALIST IN PERSONAL SERVICE for sales a n d service are f o u n d in these Y E L L O W easily PAGES. 842-3121 INSURED ST RD 10 WEST BONDED CULVER 14 Exterminating Exterminating—Fire Exterminating & Fumigating (Pest Control) W O L A n o t h e r R o l l i n s Service A R L R D G E ' S S T t e r m i t e a n d p e s t c o n t r o l c o m p a n y 15 Feed Dealers ARROW PEST CONTROL INC 1815 N Michigan Plymouth 936-9955 (See Advertisement This Classification) Hill Pest Control im-asi* 209 N Michigan Lakeville (See Advertisement This Classification) INDIANA TERMINIX St Rd 10 -842-2515 (See Advertisement This Classification) ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO INC 4612 S Main South Bend 291-0770 (See Advertisement This Classification) Argos Elevator 214 E South Argos 892-5312 Fulton-Marshall Farm Bureau Co-op 319 E Jeff -842-3450 (See Advertisement This Classification) Fence PROJECT FENCE CO INC Residential • Commercial • I n d u s t r i a l ANCHOR FENCE D I S T R I B U T O R Chain L i n k • Rustic • A l u m i n u r n Tennis Court Fence • G u a r d R a i l Fabric Shops D P Hesch - Owner -842-2755 Kelly Shop The 110 N Main-— Located US 31 N 50820 US 31 N South Bend 272-5250 Farm Equipment CALL THE PROFESSIONALS F R FAST, E E I SAFE, N S P E C T I ECONOMICAL O BREEDING'S FARM SUPPLY -936-3290 R R 3 Plymouth H & B EQUIPMENT CO A L L I S CHALMERS • STEIGER KEWANEE • BRILLION NEW H O L L A N D Authorized Sales • Service • Parts Tractors & Complete Line Of Farm Equip. 1 Yr. Service On A l l Equipment Repairing • Maintenance Work • Welding N SERVICE Harold Breeden & Robert McLean, 2 9 1 - 0 7 7 Owners R R 6 N Michigan Rd Plymouth 0 4 6 1 S 2 M a i n S o u t h B e n d OR KIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. c ARGOS ELEVATOR • • b REESE EQUIPMENT CO 523 E Jefferson Plymouth x , I U M 214 E South Argos 936-2523 653-2013 842-3450 CROP-MATE® Fertilizers. Ammonia. Complete line of insecticides & herbicides. See Government "WHERE OHices-U.S. TO CALL" STANDARD OIL DIVISION AMOCO OIL COMPANY Thorn Rd 842-2572 842-2477 If no answer call The Nationwide Pest Control Experts TERMINIX 892-5312 Fulton-Marshall Farm Bureau Co-op 319 E Jeff STANDARD OIL ~ E R M I N I X ! I N D I A N A • AMOCO® Anhydrous KEWANNA IMPLEMENT CO Kewanna Ind ...nmites? P e s t s ? Bonded And Insured A L L TYPES NITROGEN • SPREADING Federal Offices Ask About Our Conditional Guarantee C O M P L E T E SOIL T E S T I N G 936-9921 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FARM & GARDEN TRACTORS- ^ j Fertilizers Let the "ABCs" of careful dialing make Standard Oil Division Amoco Oil Company Thorn Rd 842-2572 NOW OFFERS A $150,000 TERMITE GUARANTEE AGAINST FUTURE DAMAGE Guaranteed: If termite damage occurs after treatment repairs will be made without additional charges. All structural and contents damage will be paid in full up to $150,000. This guarantee is renewable on a continuous basis for a small yearly charge. Insured by the Maryland Casualty Company Upon notification all damage repairs approved and performed by Indiana Terminix Co. FREE ESTIMATES 9 3 6 - 9 9 5 5 PLYMOUTH 15 YRS OF LOCAL SERVICE Complete Pest Control Service For All Insects And Rodents T E R M I T E S CleanoLits and Monthly Service Contracts Financing telephoning a breeze. number in the directory; (B) jot it down; ROACHES - RODENTS - SPIDERS ANTS - MOTHS - ETC. LICENSED & CERTIFIED BY THE STATE / I ARROW SERVICES, i n c . i 1815 N MICHIGAN — PLYMOUTH, IND In termite and pest control, reliability means everything. We have successfully protected property for over 45 years. FOR INSPECTION CALL 8 4 2 - 2 5 1 5 H MAXINKUKEE HOME SUPPLY STATE ROAD 10 CULVER Representing INDIANA TERMINIX M a i 842-3321 n Maddox Electric Thorn Rd (C) dial it with care. 842-3664 FULTON - MARSHALL ({/ T E R M I T E S . Jfi E X T E R M I N A T E D ! d^, "Serving The Midwest" , See also Loans STATE EXCHANGE BANK THE See Our Ad Under Insurance Fire Alarm Systems w Residential - Commercial - Industrial (A) Look up the CALL DAVE HILL HILL PEST CONTROL 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE TERMITES ROACHES FHA & VA LOAN INSPECTIONS We Appreciate Your Patronage 784-8332 209 N. MICH. LAKEVILLE, IND. • B U L K FEED • BAG & B U L K FERTILIZER • FENCING • F A R M SUPPLIES • PETROLEUM PRODUCTS • ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS 842-3450 319 E. J E F F 16 Fire—Funeral Fur—Golf Fire Departments Formal Wear-Rental FIRE DEPARTMENT Culver See also Bridal Shops; also Women's Retail -842-2121 Andy's Culver Clothiers 111 S Main Florists-Retail Culver Area For Over 25 Scheduled Deliveries 1218 S Michigan Plymouth 842-2671 See also Associations; also Clubs Eagles Fraternal Order Of State Rd 17 Masonic Lodge 112Va N Main Years" 936-2070 842-2976 842-3855 CALL COLLECT 208 N Michigan Argos Is it a long distance call or a local call? 842-2082 FURNACE BEND CARRIAGE HOUSE 52345 US 31 N South Bend 272-2526 YON TOBEL'S LUMBER CO Winamac Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-3144 Gasoline Stations See Service Stations-Gasoline ACE HARDWARE IMPORTED & EARLY AMER. GLASS WARE - I M P E R I A L CRYSTAL • GIFTS SUNBEAM • GE • APPLIANCES COMPLETE 842-2583 842-3734 Ace Hardware 102 N Monticello Winamac-946-3911 Gas Companies Energy To Enjoy Little Gallery The 211 E Washington e l k e DAILY DELIVERY TO CULVER l o r 627 S. MICHIGAN PLYMOUTH, IN i s t INC. -PLYMOUTH • 9 3 6 - 3 1 6 5 NIPSCO Glass-Auto, Plate, Window, Etc BURT'S BODY SHOP INC See My Ad Under Automobile Body Repairing & Painting 1604 W Jefferson Plymouth CRIDER BROS BODY SHOP 311 E Culver Rd Knox SERVICE CALL" NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY After 5:00 PM And Before 8:00 .AM And Saturdays, Sundays And Holidays 101 S Mich Plymouth (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2152 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM Monday Thru Friday Enterprise-2142 Call _ C O M P L E T E SERVICE BULK • METERED • BOTTLED Most Certainly Include Handy'Phones! Have a telephone in all Hying It's the modern at areas. way! hand mm Share your scoop by Long Distance. • • PLYMOUTH GLASS & PAINT CO AREA W I D E SERVICE STORE FRONTS - MIRRORS THERMOPANE - AUTO GLASS DESK & FURNITURE TOPS THERMO-RITE GLASS FIRE PLACE SCREENS Earl Wiggins Owner 109 W Washington Plymouth 936-3922 See also Clubs Maxinkuckee Country Club East Shore Dr-842-3817 RESIDENTIAL 2-WAY RADIOS R R 3 Plymouth After 5 PM Call Plymouth—— • 936-4590 935-5098 HICKSGAS SALES & SERVICESERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS. Economical, cleanburning LP for farm, home, industry. Friendly, dependable service - 24 hrs. a day. Bottles and bulk. Heating-Cooking-Motor fuel Grain drying. Conversions. Gas appliances. "FOR —772-4131 Golf Courses-Private Gas—Liquefied Petroleum-Bottled & Bulk COMMERCIAL 936-2780 I I FRANGER GAS CO INC 'All the Comforts of Home" 842-3604 A U T O GLASS S E R V I C E ' Build Better Tomorrows "FOR 946-3911 While-You-Wait Exciting Todays And DELIVERY ALMOST ANYWHERE SELECTION PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL HARDWARE F A R M SUPPLIES • ACE P A I N T L A W N & GARDEN SUPPLIES NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS & Oil 102 N Monticello Winamac A-1 DISPOSAL INC See Our Ad Under Rubbish Removal State Rd 17 Trash-A-Way Sanitation State Rd 17 Garden & Lawn Equipment & Supplies OVER 120 YEARS IN THE FLORAL BUSINESS 842-3434 Gift Shops ETHAN ALLEN GALLERIES— Garbage Collection WHEN YOU THINK OF FLOWERS - THINK OF FELKE SERVICE 226 S Main Furniture Dealers-Retail 892-5113 YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow SERVICING 24 H O U R SOUTH Avoid the inconvenience of a mistake. Check it in the directory F I R S T PAGES. -546-3588 Boetsma Home Furnishings Inc W Jefferson 842-2626 (See Advertisement This Classification) Since 1867 24-Hour Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Service Serving Maxinkuckee, Poplar Grove And Santa Anna Communities WHITEMAN'S GARDEN & GREENHOUSE RFD 2 Plymouth 936-7114 BULK AND CYLINDERS KIMBLE'S FUR SHOP 416 W North Bremen- Van's Carpet Cleaning Service 428 School-842-2756 Funeral Directors BONINE FUNERAL HOME 104 E Lake Shore Dr GROSSMAN FUNERAL HOME RUHNOW LP GAS CO Fur Business-Rtl Furniture Cleaning Fraternal Organizations FELKE FLORIST INC 627 S Michigan Plymouth 936-3165 (See Advertisement This Classification) ~~ ORR'S FLOWERS FLOWERS FOR A L L OCCASIONS • Funeral Designs • Plants • Corsages • Anniversaries • Weddings FLOWERS WIRED MOST A N Y W H E R E "Serving Apparel- 17 SERVICE HICKSGAS KNOX R R 1 Knox CALL" 772-4542 » V ' « B H O M E FURNISHINGS INC. "Offering everything beautiful for your home" KROEHLER LA-Z-BOY - LANE DRAPERIES MOHAWK CARPET LEES CARPET "VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM" 842-2626 W. JEFFERSON COMPLETE INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE 18 Golf—Hearing Heating—Insulation Golf Courses-Public Hardware-Retail Camelot Golf Course St Rd 8 842-3511 Government Offices—City Culver City Of City Hall 200 E Washington Fire Dept Park Lake Shore Drive Police Dept 842-3140 842-2121 842-3510 842-2525 Government Offices—U.S. U S Postal Service W Jefferson 842-2965 Grain Dealers Fulton-Marshall Farm Bureau Co-op 319 E Jeff 842-3450 Grain Drying MIDWEST INDUSTRIES INC Manufacturer-Eureka Grain Drying Equipment 462-7441 U S Hwy 30 Valparaiso Grain Elevators Buckeye Feed & Grain Inc Monterey Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2031 L a w n & Garden Supplies Electrical Supplies - P l u m b i n g Supplies Houswares - G i f t s - Sporting Goods Toro Lawn Mowers 102 N Monticelio Winamac 946-3911 ARVESEN'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Electric and Plumbing Supplies Toys - Housewares - Gifts Paints - Garden Supplies Sporting Goods - Tools 8 AM-8 PM Mon-Fri 8-5 :30 Saturday Closed Sundays 113 Water Plymouth 936-3245 BUGHTEL'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Electric and Plumbing Supplies Toys - Housewares - Gifts Paints - Garden Supplies Sporting Goods - Tools 8 AM-5 :30 PM Mon - Thurs 8 A M - 8:30 PM F R I 9 A M - 5:30 PM Sat Closed Sundays 113 Water Plymouth 936-3245 Grocers-Retail MANOR MARKET O P E N 7 DAYS W I N T E R M O N T H S 10 A M - 7 P M SUMMER MONTHS 7 A M - 9 P M Complete Grocery - F r i e n d l y Service 1355 East Shore Dr PARK ' N ' SHOP 842-3004 — OPEN Monday Thru Thursday 8 A M To 6 PM Fridays & Saturdays 8 AM-S :30 PM OPEN DURING SUMMER H O L I D A Y S Holiday Hours 9 AM-4 PM 842-2450 207 E Jeff QUALITY • 842-2450 WE SPECIALIZE USD A TOP CHOICE BURR OAK HARDWARE "We Got Most Everything" A l a d d i n Lamps - Parts & Accessories Curtain - D r a p e r y H a r d w a r e P l u m b i n g - Electrical - Garden Supls Paint - Housewares - G i f t s North Side Of Culver On St. Rd 17 Burr Oak Ind 842-2769 COAST TO COAST STORES 6 S Main Knox CULVER HARDWARE 772-4402 842-2828 IN MEATS GROCERIES o FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES • FROZEN FOODS Mon - Friday 8 AM to 5 :30 PM Saturday 8 AM to 6:00 PM' Sunday 9 AM - 2 PM 109 S Main 842-2071 irocers-Whol CUBBERLEY'S CASH & CARRY 819 W Bdwy Logansport 753-4177 BENNETT'S PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Lake Shore Dr CULVER SHEET METAL WORKS 226 S Main Sam's Electric St Rd 10 West Hearing Aids ACOUSTIC AUDIO SERVICES Audiologists On Staff 724 W Wash Av South Bend 287-7221 BELT0NE HEARING AID SERV Audiologists On Staff 287-7221 724 W Wash Av South Bend COLLINS-REESE HEARING AID CENTER SPECIALIZING I N Z E N I T H A N D M A N Y MAJOR BRANDS See Motels & Hotels 842-3228 HOTELS 842-3434 842-3121 Now Listed Under Heating Equipment Dot/s Jim Electric Inc R R 1 Culver MOTELS & HOTELS 892-5262 Hospital Equipment & Supplies HOOK'S DRUG STORE 103 S Ohio 842-3400 Insulation Contractors-Cold & Heat H0MEF0AMERS INSULATION' Hospitals Remarkable foam insulation has an "R value" better than fiberglass or rock wool; helps cut fuel consumption, summer and winter. Residential/Industrial/Commercial approved contractor. Free estimates. PARKVIEW HOSPITAL V I S I T I N G HOURS Maternity 2-4 P.M. - 7-8 P.M. Medical & Surgical 2:00 PM to 8 P.M. But For Limited Time Guests Limited - Two Per Patient Complete X-Ray and Laboratory Service 1401 N Michigan Plymouth 936-3181 "FOR INFORMATION CALL" APPLICATOR K0MF0RT K0NTR0L CO Rt 7 Plymouth Ind No charge to calling party PULASKI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL • PEDIATRICS V I S I T I N G HOURS M e d i c a l - Surgical 2 P M T o 8 :30 P M Maternity 2:30 P M T o 4 P M & 7 P M T o 8 :30 P M 938-9120 K0MF0RT K0NTROL CO RFD 7 Plymouth 936-9120 (See Advertisement This Classification) VIKING BLOWN INSULATION 936-9603 US 31 S Plymouth (See Advertisement This Classification) Located On Ind St Rd 14 East 616 E 13th Winamac 946-6131 3 out of 4 adults U s e t h e Yellow P a g e s STARKE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL V I S I T I N G HOURS Medical & Surgical 10 A M T O 8 P M Maternity 2 P M - 3 :30 P M & 7 P M - 8 P M 102 E Culver Knox K u r f e e s Paints - Rust-Oleum Paints House and Kitchenwares - G i f t s B u i l d i n g Supplies - Glass Electric Supplies - Sporting Goods Toys - Live Bait 120 S Main GROCERS Hotels Heating Contractors ACE HARDWARE 19 YOU PAY FOR INSULATION WHETHER YOU HAVE IT OR NOT CELLULOSE FIBRE INSULATION FIBRE GLASS ELECTRIC HEAT 772-2131 ®©©©®®®©@®®©®@® @@@®®®®@®@®®®®® ®®®@®@®@®®®®®®© @@@@©®®@@®®®@®® @@®®@®®®®®®@®@® ®®@@®®®®®@@©@®@ ®®@@®@@@®®®@®®@ ®®®@®@@®®@®®®@® @®®®®®®®@®®@®@® ®®®®®®®®@®@@®®® HOME KOMFORT INSULATION FOR ALL TYPES OF HEATING AND COOLING CALL COLLECT PLYMOUTH 936-9120 KOMFORT KONTROL CO. RFD 7 Don & Steve Schoberg PLYMOUTH Call Today SALES A N D S E R V I C E mms Anderson Bros County Rd E 18 B Tippecanoe BATTERIES ETC 498-6426 105 N Center Plymouth 936-8878 uns & Gunsmiths Bruce's Reload Shop W 17th Rd Advertise here—It pays 842-2314 YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Pages YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellow * Those who mean the most to you appreciate the thoughtfulness of a Long Distance call. It's Fun to Phone i ) | 1 J J v m i n i a OIV. OF INGWALD JOHNSON ROOFING Blown Insulation P.O. Box 52 Plymouth, Indiana 46563 i | 936-9603 * FREE ESTIMATES * FINANCING AVAILABLE I Soooooooooooooeooooooooooooooo 20 Insurance Insurance—Loans Kitchen Cabinets & Equipment-Household Insurance FIREMAN'S FUND A FARM BUREAU INSURANCE A G E N T . . . ISN'T HE THE KIND OF MAN YOU KONRAD PHILIP & SON INC See Our Ad Under Cabinet Makers R R 1 Knox FARM BUREAU INSURANCE AGENCY 900 Lincolnway E Plymouth 936-3143 (See Advertisement This Classification) Insurance WANT CARING FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ? THESE OFFICES SERVE MARSHALL AND FULTON COUNTIES PLYMOUTH 9 3 6 - 3 1 4 3 ROCHESTER 2 2 3 - 2 1 0 9 LIFE . FIRE . AUTO . FARM . GROUP . LIABILITY 21 772-3966 Laboratories-Research & Development CHECKING INSURANCE? ALWAYS CHECK THE HAT. Houba Inc State Rd 17 842-3797 Laundries Diaper Pals 209 Winfield 842-3277 Laundries-Self Service AGENTS STATE EXCHANGE FINANCE CO Main Downtown Laundromat Dry Cleaners 120 E Madison 842-3893 842-3321 Lawn Mowers-Retail MARSHALL FARMERS MUTUAL INS CO 310 N Michigan Plymouth 936-3330 Northwestern Mutual Life 2257 E Shore Dr-842-3961 STATE EXCHANGE FINANCE CO Main -842-3321 (See Advertisement This Classification) L & M SERVICE CENTER SALES • S E R V I C E • P A R T S • W h e e l Horse • Briggs & Stratton • L a w n Boy • Kohler • Lawson • Clinton • Homelite Chain Saws • Service On A l l Makes Of L a w n M o w e r s 215 W Jefferson 842-3344 STATE FARM INSURANCE HOME . HEALTH . MARINE . BUSINESS • ONE CALL CLAIM SERVICE OPEN • FREE PARKING 8:15 AM TO 5:15 PM • MONTHLY • QUARTERLY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SEMI-ANNUAL • ANNUAL 8:15 AM TO 12:00 NOON PREMIUM PAYMENTS SATURDAY P L Y M O U T H - 9 0 0L I N C O L N W A Y EAST CAR • HOME STATE FARM HEALTH • LIFE "Like a good neighbor. INSURANCI State Farm is there." Libraries-Public Culver Public Library N Main "CALL" R O C H E S T E R - 1 1 4 E. 1 0 t h AGENT LEAVELL TOM .INSURANCE. 936-3405 317 W Jefferson Plymouth MORRIS ALVIN D South U S 35 Knox-772-3600 After business hours 892-5040 842-2941 Light Companies See Electric Companies Lime SEE US FOR Hopple George E Trucking Tamarack Rd—842-2514 Intercommunication Equipment, Systems & INSURANCE Linoleum Dealers Service Boetsma Home Furnishings Inc W Jefferson-842-2626 Cramer's Floor Covering See Our Information Under Carpet & Rug Dealers-New 842-2019 St Rd 17 INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind -842-3301 Culver Tel NoJewelers-Retail COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE • Fire - Liability • Auto - Truck - Motor Cook's Jewelry 8 S Main Knox DERF JEWELERS INC 115 N Michigan Plymouth 772-4123 Liquor Retail (Package Carry Out) Mr T's Rexall Drugs 806 Academy Town & Country Package 1125 E Lake Shore Dr 936-2920 842-2400 842-3772 • Marine - Family - Farm Livestock Buyers • Life - Accident - Health • Workman's Compensation M & R LIVESTOCK CO E E E E E i a ® I S E E t 3 i a Ray Morrison • Burglary - "Bonds BUYING • Homeowner's Policies • Crop - Hail - Rain CALL — SPECIALIST All Lines Of 8 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 The N e w Fashion MAIN STREET M O N T H R U SAT. Yards Located 1 M i . North Of Culver On St. Rd. 17 St Rd 17 842-3373 i n t e l e p h o n e s is COLOR Loans INSURANCE A G E N C Y \-STA TE EXCHANGE F I N A N C E C O BANK BLDG. Order yours to accent or • CULVER, IND. DAILY Hrs.9:00 A . M . - 2 : 0 0 P . M Farm Insurance STATE E X C H A N G E - Manager HOGS See also Financing FEDERAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OF WINAMAC State Hwy 14 East Winamac 946-3514 harmonize w i t h the color scheme of any room. Placing more than one call? They're as useful as they are beautiful! the recall button on the new Merely tap Trimline® phone and you are ready to dial again. Mens—Movers 22 Lumber—Meat Lumber-Retail HONDA OF MICHIANA Manufacturers Agents & Representatives EASTERDAY CONSTRUCTION CO INC Marriage 4 Family Counselors Hours 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Mon - F r i 842-3341 MARSHALL LUMBER & MANUFACTURING 936-3191 INC 700 W Jefferson Plymouth (See Advertisement This Classification) MAXINKUCKEE HOME SUPPLY • Lumber & Plywood • Bruce F l o o r i n g & Paneling • Anderson W i n d o w s & Doors • A r m s t r o n g Floor & Ceiling T i l e • Georgia Pacific Paneling FREE ESTIMATES St Rd 10 842-2515 MICHIANA COUNSELING CENTER Recommended B y Courts - Schools Doctors & Ministers - M a r r i a g e Counseling - C h i l d Guidance and Personal Counseling Robert E Ross Certified Psychologist Medical Office Building 232-2121 2505 E Jeff Blvd So Bend 586-22% Walkerton Ofc Meat-Retail Park ' N ' Shop 207 E Jeff PRICE'S WALTER ABATTOIR INC 842-2450 WHOLESALE & RETAIL CUSTOM MONTEREY LUMBER CO Monterey Ind 542-2611 (See Advertisement This Classification) PLYMOUTH LUMBER C0~ O'BRIEN 842-2160 842-2194 MEATS BUTCHERING C O M P L E T E PROCESSING SERVICE % Mile S Of Plymouth On Mushsha-w Rd R R 4 Plymouth Florsheim • Jarmen • Puritan • Jantzen Swirawear • Arrow Shirts Levis • Curlee • Campus Sportswear • Formal Wear Sales & Rental 111 S Main KERSTING'S CYCLE CENTER 842-2671 • H A R L E Y DAVIDSON • KAWASAKI LAUER'S "OF COURSE" Nationally Advertised SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Tues-Sat 9 AM-6 PM Men's & Boy's Wear 4 Miles South of North on Highway 39 Work Clothes and Shoes Luggage F o r m a l W e a r Rentals Official Scout Distributors 121 N Michigan Plymouth 936-3335 842-2071 "FREE D E L I V E R Y " RR3 Winamac Bowen Otis R The Center For Human Services 267-7169 703 S Buffalo Warsaw MOVING IS EASY . . . THE MAYFLOWER WAY I ICC MC-2934 Milk Companies 842-3250 "FOR Mobile Telephone Service venience of extension telephones plus smart new color in your home. Telephones now Manicuring Silhouette Beauty Salon 313 N Main 842-2641 colors. The Yellow Pages Tells Who Sells • • • come in a variety of modern decorator LUMBER SIDING WINDOWS INSULATION it Tit it -£ GENERAL Call the LUMBER it FREE ESTIMATES it FREE DELIVERY C O . MONTEREY, I N D . D ± ± J ind VILLAGE LODGE 830 Lake Shore Dr MARSHALL LUMBER & MANUFACTURING INC BUILDING MATERIALS Motorcycles & Motor Scooters-Dealers ROOFING • KITCHEN CABINETS BUILDERS HARDWARE • PAINT • WALLPAPER Burroughs Cycle Shop Burr Oak Ind Free Estimates FREE DELIVERY I DIAL PLYMOUTH 936-319 700 W. JEFFERSON ST. PLYMOUTH, IND. . f l A L U L D VAN L I N E S AGENT W00DW0RTH STORAGE & TRANSFER INC Call Collect ., 1865 N Kenmore South Bend Ind—-233-1111 -936-3400 Van's Transfer R R 5 Plymouth (See Advertisement This Classification) V A N ' S At Culver Inn's Elegant Payson Room C u l v e r AGENT HQ2-5113 CULVER INN T H E ' • Overlooking Beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee • Air Conditioned Rooms • Television Plus Cocktail Lounge & Dining 542-26 1 1 L U M B E R I.C.C. No. MC-15735 Motels & Hotels NUMBER BEND WORLD'S NO. 1 MOVER CALL" GROSSMAN ROBT E 208 N Michigan Argos CONTRACTORS CALL LONG DISTANCE MONTEREY M O N T E R E Y it CABINETS it PAINT - £ PLYWOOD INFORMATION CALL" AGENT REAVES & SONS INC 54850 Meadow/view South Bend Ind--233-5586 ALLIED VAN LINES You can depend on . . . "FINE MONUMENTS SINCE 1899" ALL TYPES OF MEMORIALS-MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS-MARKERS, including Bronze "FOR TILE HARDWARE MILLWORK ROOFING SOUTH Bonine Funeral Home 104 E Lake Shore Dr-842-2082 WEARLY MONUMENTS Enterprise-3144 INFORMATION STEARNS' MOVING & STORAGE OF KOKOMO INC Call Collect 120 W Monroe Kokomo Ind 317 457-7251 Headings Now . . . enjoy all the wonderful con 842-3733 MaxjHouiers KOKOMO Monuments ROBY'S LUMBER CO 115 E Jeff VON TOBEL'S LUMBER CO Winamac Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for 896-2974 AERO MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE Mental Health Services See Radiotelephone 936-9925 ludson Movers See also Dairies Millers Cioverleaf Dairy St Rd 17 S Quality Grocers See Our Ad Under Grocers-Retail 109 S Main TILE ON D I S P L A Y & I N STOCK 11)6 S Walnut Plymouth Sales - Parts - Service Complete Accessories Dept. For A l l Motorcycles 4035 S Michigan South Bend 291-4311 936-2188 PAINTS PANELING & CEILING HONDA • YAMAHA • TRIUMPH • ANDY'S CULVER CLOTHIERS M E N - BOY'S CLOTHING & SHOES Featuring We Deliver Slate Men's Clothing & Furnishings-Retail Robeson Chuck & Associates 634 Lake Shore Dr 634 Lake Shore Dr C O M P L E T E L U M B E R and B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L SUPPLY SERVICE 23 842-3331 842-3378 842-2224 @®@@®®@@®®@®®@@ ®®@@®@@@@@®®®®@ @@®@®®@@®@@®®@@ ®@@®®@@@®@®@®®@ ©©©©@©@©©©©©@©@ ®®®®®®®®@®@®®@® TRANSFER northAmerican AGENTS FOR ICC MC 18464 WE DO LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE MOVING ALSO STORAGE PACKING AND CRATING For Free Estimates Call JOE VAN VACTOR PLYMOUTH 936-3400 RFD 5 (1VS Mi South On Mich St) PLYMOUTH Nursing—Pest 24 25 Mufflers—Nursing Culver Auto Supply Corp 202 S Main NELSON'S Southlake Mall Merrillville 738-2290 (See Advertisement This Classification) Nursing Homes Mufflers & Exhaust Systems-Engine 842-3658 | jingnuniw_y»«^_ii r See also Retirement Communities & Homes CHASE CENTER News Dealers L a r g e M o d e r n Facility O f f e r i n g Rehabilitation, Convalescence & 2+ H o u r N u r s i n g Daily Weekend Or Vacation Care V.A. Blue Cross Medicare & Medicaid Approved Open Visitation & Tours Welcomed Chase Park Logansport 753-4137 News Agency The Culver 108 South MaIn--642-3420 Newspapers PLYMOUTH PILOT-NEWS 217-223 N Center Plymouth 936-3101 Nurserymen PRICE NURSERIES INC-GARDEN CENTER & LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 2014 N Mich Plymouth 936-4459 COUNTRYSIDE PLACE THE 300 E Culver Rd Knox 772-624? (See Advertisement This Classification) MILLER'S MERRY MANOR INC Oakhill Av Plymouth 936-9981 (See Advertisement This Classification) Advertise h e r e — I t pays - r ^ T ^ T M A N O R REHABILITATION AND CONVALESCENT CENTER 9 3 6 9 9 4 3 Outboard Motors JOHNSON SEA-HORSE OUTBOARDS World leader in sales. Famous for dependability JOHNSON Performance-engineered features proved in racing championships include Loop-Charging. Exhaust Tuning. MagFlash CD Ignition. Pressure-back Piston Rings. Walkerton-784-2138 . f ^ l S e SSSfc» Office FurnHure^Jo^ ACTION BUSINESS IT* E r n0i iU i nH U> E IM I TE N , 0 . ^ r g e s t S T O C K ^ F U R N I T U R E DEALERS _ W H O L E S A L E PRICES Stores I n : Indpls, Anderson, Lafayette, & South Bend Call For Free Catalog & "WHERE Information. 800-382-9898 Indpls Ind-No Charge To CaHfrg Bauer F W OD 111 E Garro Plymouth- MEDICARE AND * * * * * * * * * Facility MEDICAID APPROVED Skilled 24 Hour Professional Nursing Care Warm and Inviting Dining Area and Lounges Appetizing Meals With Therapeutic Diets Available One Story, Air Conditioned, Fireproof Facility With Rustic Decor Professionally Planned and Coordinated Activity Programs Rehabilitation Services Available Physical Therapy • Speech and Hearing Therapy Complete Laundry Service Interdenominational Religious Services 7 7 2 - 6 2 4 8 Knox Ind 300 E Culver Rd 772-2243 PORTAGE BURNS HARBOR MARINE INC 1700 Marine Portage MERCURY OUTBOARD M O T O R S -936-4360 762-2304 ZIEGLER'S WADE-IN MARINA INC R R 2 Rochester Lenses Babcock F L OD Tues Thurs & Fri-9 AM-5 PM Wed & Sat 9 AM-12 Noon Closed Monday -842-3372 203 S Main -936-4360 Bauer F W OD 111 E Garro PlymouthDecker Theodore F OD General Practice-Contact Lenses -936-3422 -Closed Wed PM-Sat PM 120 E Washington Plymouth Golding Eugene B OD Also Contact Lenses -772-3832 Phone For Appointment Knox Ofc 204 S Main Knox -936-3023 Plymouth Ofc 110 E Washington Plymouth Vore Robert 0 OD Hours 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Daily Hrs 9:00 AM-12 Noon Saturdays -936-3212 Closed Wednesdays 120 E Washington Plymouth Paint-Retail Orchards Call Collect for Information 842-2269 FISHBURN FORREST MARINE R R 3 Box 635 Knox Oplometrists (P.P.) H e a l t h C a r e SERVICE KNOX Oil Distributon&Jobbers See also Contact THEM" & CULVER MARINA INC 3000 East Shore Dr Opticians P l a c e BUT SALES CULVER —842-2351 Good Oil Co Hawkins Ct Standard Oil Division .—842-2351 Amoco Oil Company Hawkins Ct— C o u n t r y s i d e TO AUTHORIZED Burr Oak Hardware Burr Oak Ind Culver Hardware 120 S Main-Hansen's Hardware & Sport Shop 614 Lake Shore Drive 842-2933 vnc 3tx OLYMPIC STAINMAXINKUCKEE HOME SUPPLY St Rd 10 Paving Contractors McMahan-O'Connor Construction Co McMahanLucas R Rochester -223-2171 Pest Control See Exterminating & Fumigating Let Bigley David Open Ail Year-Wholesale Retail W 18th B Rd l£~lZ?l w a r n the "ABCs" of (Pest Control) careful dialing t e l e p h o n i n g a breeze. (A) Look make up the Organs BALDWIN « I I S » I I M ^ MERRY M A N O R INC. 600 W. OAKHILL AVE SHIRK PIANO & ORGAN CO 3525 S Mich South Bend N Y P S FITS Y O U R M A R K E T I N G 936-9981 PERU 473-4426 WARSAW HUNTINGTON 267-8196 356-5713 COLUMBIA CITY WABASH LA GRANGE 248-8101 563-7427 463-2172 291-5180 B A L D W I N Learn here quickly to play the £Q d l a l l t w l t h care. K I M B A L L O R G A N S HAMMOND ORGAN ASK ABOUT OUR RENTAL LESSON PLAN Free Home Trial Sales - Service - Teaching • 24 Hour Registered Nursing Care. • Physical Therapist Available • Consultant Dietician. • Approved For Medi-Care And Medicaid. • Built In Fire Detection • Member ANHA & INHA • Certified Skilled & Intermediate Care. 317 (B) jot it d o w n ; B PATTERN H A M M O N D PLYMOUTH number i n the directory; C or N Y P S Call Indiana Bell Telephone Company and ask for National Yellow Pages Service C A L L 7 3 8 - 2 2 9 0 MICHIGAN C I T Y 8 7 9 - 9 4 2 2 Established 1936 1961 SOUTHLAKE MALL MERRILLVILLE INO. 240 E. ROUTE 20, MICHIGAN CITY IND Physicians—Printers 26 27 Pharmacies—Photographers Pizza Physicians & Surgeons, ( H P . ) Pharmacies ARGOS PHARMACY 530 N Michigan Argos 892-5614 HOOK'S DRUG STORE 103 S Ohio 842-3400 (See Advertisement This Classification) MRT'S REXALL DRUGS 806 Academy -842-2400 (See Advertisement This Classification) prescription Pholo Finishing-Retail Hook's Drug Store 103 S Ohio 842-3400 Photographers-Portrait C A R I N G F O Rf » YOUR 1 De Bruler Studio Inc 720 Main Rochester—223-3617 Hart Studio 106 N Michigan Plymouth—936-2631 (See Advertisement This Classification) UMBAUGH PHOTOGRAPHY; Portraits • Weddings • Groups Copy Work and Custom Framing Public Relations & Product Photography In Our Studio Or On Location FAMILY* SINCE 1 9 0 0 C A S H & CARRY PRICES ACCURATELY E\LLED 7 D A Y S A Experienced - Dependable 9 AM-5 PM Mon Thru Sat Eve. & Sun. By Appointment 201 M Michigan Plymouth 936-7405 PRESCR\P\\< W E E K AM TO 10:00 PM " T O 7:00 PM See also Contact Deery Michael Lake Shore Clinic Family Medicine & Obstetrics 921 Lake Shore Dr MONTEREY DOCTORS CLINIC OFC General Practice Office Hours Mon-Tues Wed-Fri 8:30 AM-5 PM Thurs & Sat 8:30 AM-12 Noon Monterey Ind Parker Camille Killian Eye Specialist 2710 E Shore Dr Parker Frances W Eye Specialist 2710 East Shore Drive -842-3327 Plumbing Contractors BENNETT'S PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Lake Shore Dr RUHNOW L P GAS CO 226 S Main 842-3434 -842-2874 Plumbing Fixtures & Supplies-New-Retail ARVESEN'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 113 Water Plymouth 936-3245 -842-2874 Police Departments POLICE DEPARTMENT Culver BALDWIN PIANOS & ORGANS— &• 842-3228 -542 2345 Pianos SALES 842-3721 842-2525 Post Offices SERVICE See Government SHIRK PIANO & ORGAN CO 291-5180 3525 S Mich South Bend NELSON'S Southlake Mall Merrillville 738-2290 (See Advertisement This Classification) Last Pages Offices-US.; of Yellow also Zip Pages Picture hams Codes- Section Printers Sims Printing Co 409 W Jefferson @©@©©©©©@©@©®@@ ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ®®@®®®®®®®®®®@® @©©©@©@©©©©@©©@ @®®@®®®®@@@®®®® ®®®®@®®®®@®®®®@ @®®@®®@®@®®@®®@ ®@®®®@@®®®@®@®@ ®®@@®®@@@@®®®®@ @®@@®@®®@®®®®®® 842-2631 Qea\m CORNER GALLERY CUSTOM FRAMING & MATTING IN WOOD, METAL OR FABRIC Also Ready Made Frames In Standard Sizes Who said o u r new T r i m l i n e ® does n o t l o o k l i k e a t e l e p h o n e ? telephone Seeing is Open 9 AM-5 PM Mon-Sat. —936-7405 201 N Michigan Plymouth believing—at your local Indiana Bell Busi E E S ® ® ® ® ® ® B B E H mmmm ness O f f i c e . MrJPs r ? e * q « Papa's Pizza Pub See Our Ad Under Restaurants 830 E Lake Shore Dr Lenses ® e b j h e h e H M T S U "PHOTOGRAPHY WITH D R U G S PORTRAITS COMMERCIAL WEDDINGS i o > PIANOS FEELING" ORGANS PHOTO FINISHING CAMERAS 8. CAMERA EQUIP. Closed Monday 106 N. MICH. PLYMOUTH 1 J jjjT 9 3 6 - 2 6 3 1 Hours: 9 AM-5:30 PM Tues.-Sat. HALLMARK CARDS • REVLON • COTY • RUSSELL STOVER C A N D I E S • LIQUOR i s T i m • ACROSONIC • HOWARD • BALDWIN : " s k s ^SZ&SSSl^ ? * o f — - ° ° R g N s 2 2 9 o 1961 SOUTHLAKE MALL MERRU^VU^LEJNID^ PRESCRIPTIONS by R0N01D TUSING & ROBERT McKINNIS Reg. Pharmacists for Pay Telephone & I t ' s NIPSO Bills Here the M O D E R N E a s y H O M E . . . Free Prescription Delivery OPEN 7 DAYS 8:30 A . M . - 9:00 P.M. EXCEPT SUN. TILL 5:00 P.M. 8 4 2 - 2 4 0 0 . to find the goods or You'll Save time b y Extension a n d using steps these Telephones services y o u need in in COLOR these Y E L L O W P A G E S . as they are are as beautiful useful YELLOW PAGES 28 Psychologists—Recreational Refrigerating—Retirement Psychologists Radiators-Automotive ROSS ROBERT E 2505 E Jeff Blvd South Bend- -232-2121 l i ^m Ffluioment Commercial Sales & tc{r CRIDER BROS BODY SHOP — • 92 million adults REPAIRING • CLEANING • RECORING • B O D Y R E P A I R I N G & SERVICE • 24 H O U R S E R V I C E 311 E Culver Rd Knox 772-4131 If No Answer Call 842-3019 referred to t h e Yellow Pages more than Radio Communication Equipment & Systems 4 0 times each MOTOROLA FM 2-WAY RADIO— DIRECT during a 12 month FACTORY L Service ALL TEMP SERVICE REFRIGERATION - H E A T I N G AIR CONDITIONING Commercial • Industrial • Residential 24 HR. SERVICE Supermarket Equip. - Furnaces Grain Dryers - Dairy Coolers - Boilers Ice Machines - Freezers Main Monterey 542-2100 Or 542-2120 Commercial - F a r m - Residential W h i r l p o o l Appliances 232-6444 Home H e a t i n g Equip Culver Tel No 842-3301 Real Estate Binkley Real Estate 622 Lake Shore Dr CANDLISH REAL ESTATE Thomas R e a l ^ E s t a t e GERALD THOMAS - BROKER VIRGINIA THOMAS - SALESMAN JUDY PATTON - SALESMAN Grund L A K E Culver 842-3795 Broker" H O M E S - F A R M S - BUSINESS Call T h e " C a n - S e l l " People A t Candlish 842-2594 842-2853 If No Ans Call Collect 317-472-3391 Jefferies Real Estate Agency W 7th & Fulton Rochester 223-6111 Lake Realty 510 E College Av 842-2"5?4 THOMAS REAL ESTATE 114 S Main—842-2311 (See Advertisement This Classification) Real Estate Management 842-2151 Rendering Companies 842-2853 842-2311 COACHMEN RECREATIONAL VEHICLES— DEALERS numbers" are annoying DEAD ANIMALS both -936-2144 RR 2 Plymouth- Rental Service Stores & Yards product & service 114 S M A I N S T ends o f t h e l i n e . WE RENT TOOLS & EQUIP TO FARMS - HOMES - CONTRACTORS & INDUSTRY A v o i d annoyance b y con sulting the directory F I R S T P A G E S before OLD RD 30 W at rear of Ready Mixed Plant PLYMOUTH (NO CHARGE) DIAL OPERATOR ASK FOR C CULVER CUSTOMERS — E N T - 2 1 3 6 headings TRANSIT-MIX INC Plymouth Ind (No Charge) Dial Operator-Ask for Enterprise-2136 (See Advertisement This Classification) Overlooking beautiful LAKE MAXINKUCKEE COCKTAIL LOUNGE Restaurant Equipment & Supplies RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT SUPPLY CORP 2707 LaPorte Av Valparaiso 464-2332 The Payson Room for Elegant Dining Restaurants Jacket Required Coffee Shop The 622 Lakeshore Dr 842-2822 842-3854 Corner Tavern S Main 842-3331 CULVER INN THE Culver Ind (See Advertisement This Classification) Breakfast Served DailyHours : Daily 6 A M - 5 P M Sunday 7 A M - 2 P M D A I L Y SPECIALS Small P a r t y C a t e r i n g 113 S Main 842-2511 842-3877 842-3721 (See Advertisement This Classification) FINDER'S RESTAURANT 8 4 2 - 2 3 1 1 936-99S1 'IRANSITMIX REMOVED 291-3000 at Homes RENTAL CENTER Lake Shore Lanes 620 Lake Shore Dr PAPA'S PIZZA PUB 830 E Lake Shore Dr "Wrong 936-3552 Miller's Merry Manor Inc See Our Ad Under Nursing Homes Oakhill Av Plymouth PLYMOUTH FERTILIZER CO INC HOME RESTAURANT Recreational Vehicles-Dealers SOUTH SIDE TRAILER SALES 60805 U S 31 S South Bend 642 Lake Shore Dr See also specific PROPERTIES Candlish Real Estate Thomas Real Estate 114 S Main See also Nursing Bones • F a t • Restaurant Grease, Etc. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind "Jane 1009 Lincolnway E Plymouth SALES - S E R V I C E Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies Radiotelephone Communications-Common Carrier Banquet H a l l Facilities F o r Y o u r Purposes Old 30 East Retirement Communities & Homes POPPE'S APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE WTCA COMMUNITY SERVICE BROADCASTERS Serving The Tri-County Area 112 W Washington Plymouth 936-40% (See Advertisement This Classification) STREAMLINER THE St Rd 31 S Rochester 223-9286 Swirly Top 600 Lakeshore Dr 842-3738 WARANA RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL L O U N G E Complete C a r r y Out Service "Pizza" - SALES MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS INC 22792 L W W South Bend period Er 29 FINE F A M I L Y D I N I N G • HOME COOKING • H O M E M A D E PIES • CARRYOUT CHICKEN (by the bucket or half bucket) 454 Ohio -842-3415 ~ N T E B HRS: ^ SUMMER MRS: ™ f « " 0 ™ i ^ S i 5.30 pm - 9 00 PM We Welcome -CALL 1 GROUP BUSINESS & O/IO 1 1 1 1 SPECIAL PARTIES O l Z - O J J ] CULVER, IND. 1 Y t f f t P I Z Z A Pub Family Dining FOR P I Z Z A S A N D W I C H E S S T E A K S & RIBS BEER & W I N E 8 4 2 - 3 7 2 1 CALL FOR DELIVERY CARRY OUT OR DINE HERE - OPEN 6 DAYS • HOURS TUESDAY 4 PM - 10 PM WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 11 AM - 10 PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11 AM - MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 4 PM - 9 PM 8 3 0 E. L A K E S H O R E D R . 30 Seeds—Stock Road—Schools Road Service-Automotive See also Sand & Gravel Towing-Automotire Bob's Marathon Service Station 102 S Main CHUCK'S STANDARD SERV See Our Ad Under Service StationsGasoline & Oil Main 84? 842-2401 Rooting Contractors Osborn Seed & Equipment Co Burr Oak Ind BURROUGHS CYCLE SHOP Burr Oak Ind 842-2224 Rubbish Removal A - l DISPOSAL INC State Rd 17 842-2583 (See Advertisement This Classification) TRASH-A-WAY SANITATION 1 INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICES CONTAINERS AVAILABLE 1 T o 8 Yards FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICES CALL DICK HOPKINS R R 2 CULVER State Rd 17 842-3734 Schools-Secondary & Elementary (Academic) EDUCATION A CHRISTIAN WITH PERSPECTIVE College Preparatory Boarding School Co-Ed Grades 7-12 Specialized Training In Horsemanship English & Western • Indoor Arena Live On A Ranch — Go To School In The Country Box 175 Koontz Lake Wlktn 509 Rooseve It Rd Knox -Dealers & Service MAGNAVOX STEREOPHONIC HIGH FIDELITYKLINE'S APPLIANCE & TV STORE 102 N Main 842-2861 772-4266 SOUND SENTER Cass Plaza Logansport—722-2702 Rochester Cement Products R R 2 Rochestel iiJ-J7ij (See Advertisement This Classification) Stock Yards Service Stations-Gasoline & Oil Culver Sheet Metal Works 226 S Main 842-3434 Sheriff Departments A - | 1 D TRASH I S & P O S A GARBAGE L I N SHERIFF DEPARTMENTS Marshall County Call Long Distance Plymouth Ind Fulton County Call Long Distance Rochester Ind Starke County Call Long Distance Knox Ind C R E M O V A L • INDUSTRIAL • R O A D DIAL 223-2819 8 4 2 - 2 4 0 1 772-3771 Shoes-Retail COMMERCIAL -842-2323 CHUCK'S Siding Contractors RESIDENTIAL I Eisenhour Siding Co RFD 7 Box 47 Plymouth- -936-8564 STANDARD | 4 2 - 2 5 8 j 3 P l y m o u t h *. 9 3 6 - 3 9 6 6 1 T O 4 5 CUBIC Y A R D CONTAINER SERVICE AVAILABLE STATE CORNER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON STREETS R O C H E S T E R C E M E N T P R O D U C T S • also D A I L Y 1 8 SERVICE North American Signs StI&m 215 Garst South Bend South Bend Neon 215 Garst South Bend--234-S2i^ S E R V I C E c u l v e r SERVICE • BRAKE SERVICE • WHEEL REPACKING / MINOR TUNE-UPS 4 WASHING, POLISHING / CARBURETOR SERVICE / PICK UP and • TAIL PIPES DELIVERY Signs SEND MAIL TO BOX 274 PLYMOUTH o r W E E K L Y P I C K - U P R D 17 fesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^ssssssssss^) I | BURR O A K 353-3415 936-3187 Shoe Stable The 107 S Main- • PRODUCERS MARKETING ASSN Hog Buying Daily Mentone Ind Bob's Marathon Service Station 842- •3856 102 S Main Camelot Oil Inc 610 Lake Shore Dr 842- 3868 Camelot Universal Corp St Rd 8 842- 3815 Chuck's Standard Serv Main 842- •2401 (See Advertisement This Classification) Gordon's Texaco Service Main St 842- 3443 Hatten Motor Sales 7:30 AM-5:30 PM Mon-Sat See Our Ad Under Auto Dealers New Cars 110 W Lake Shore Dr 842 2727 Sheet Metal Work 586-3854 784-8332 Stereophonic & High Fidelity Equipment Dry Wells Septic Tanks Culver Community School Corp Administration Superintendents Ofc 222 N 0hio---842-3364 842-3464 Bus Garage W Academy Rd Elementary-Junior High School Principal's Ofc Lake Shore Dr 842-3389 High School Culver Community High School N School 842-3391 Culver Military Academy Culver 842-3311 Culver Girls Academy Culver 842-3381 KINGSDAYLE ACADEMY 1 YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Pages Yel low PagesYellowPagesYel low PagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYel low PagesYellowPagesYel low PagesYellow YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYel low PagesYellow PagesYellowPagesYel low YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYel lowPagesYellowPagesYellow PagesYellow Leach Beds Grease Traps - Complete Serv SALES -936-9603 HILL LAWN SPRINKLERS 209 N Michigan Lakeville—— ELECTRIC SEWER M A C H I N E SERV Septic Tanks -936-2440 Sprinklers-Garden & Lawn TAYLOR'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE" MC CULLOCH POWER CHAIN SAWS— -722-3666 YODER'S SPORTS INC 218 N Michigan Plymouth— -842-2775 Septicjank Cleaners Saws CHARLEY LOWE ROOFING CO INC St Rd 17 N Logansport JOHNSON INGWALD W ROOFING US 31 S Plymouth Sporting Goods-Rtl Seeds & Bulbs-Retail Aggregate Service Div McMahan O'Connor Construction Co R R 5 Plymouth 936-2975 842-2305 Burr Oak Sand & Gravel West 14B Rd Marshall County Redi-Mix Inc See Our Ad Under Concrete-Ready Mixed W 20 A Rd 842-3361 If no answer call Plymouth 936-3149 1 31 SHALLOW 400 - 500 800 - 1000 1250 - 1500 gal. c a p . DRY WELLS W E L L PITS GREASE TRAPS MM I I ALL OF CALL DAY OR NIGHT - PLANT 2 2 3 - 3 9 1 7 RES. CALL 223-6338 or 223-6187 TIM & T O M GROSVENOR RR2 ROCHESTER CALL I TYPES Y r t 3 PLASTICS" S E W E R PIPE FIELD TILE CTVC CPVC PVC DWV Tire—Truck 32 33 Tailors—Theatres Albert Clothes Doctor The 422 S Plymouth-842-3513 INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No Taxicabs Jack's Taxi 302 Lakeshore Dr 842-3366 Telephone Companies 92 million adults referred to t h e Yellow Pages m o r e than 4 0 times each during a 12-month period 842-3301 Al's TV & Appliance Store 115 S Main 842-2982 Kline's Appliance & TV Store 102 N Main-842-2861 MAGNAVOX TELEVISION S A L E S KLINE'S APPLIANCE & TV STORE 842-2861 102 N Main Ritter's Taxidermy 623 Madison Rochester-223-5418 INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO INC (See Advertisement This Classification) Bus Ofc 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No 842-3301 Manager 202 S Michigan South 'Bend Ind Culver Tel No 842-3301 411 Directory Assistance (Information) Repair Service 611 Building Industry Consulting Service Indpls Ind (No Charge) Enterprise-2727 Dial Operator-Ask for Buried Cable Location Service 317 635-3800 Call Collect - « • Local Yellow Pages Service 202 S Michigan South Bend Ind Culver Tel No 842-3301 National Yellow Pages Service 3838 N Rural Indpls Ind No charge to calling party 800 382-2068 GOODYEAR TIRES Television & Radio-Dealers-Retail Taxidermists Al's TV & Appliance Store 115 S Main 842-2982 Kline's Appliance & TV Store 102 N Main-842-2861 Termite Control & Fumigating A & R Motors 104 Lakeshore Or (Pest Control) HATTEN MOTOR SALES 110 W Lake Shore Dr 842-Z/*!/ Komet Hockey Club Ticket Office 4000 Parnell Av Fort Wayne 936-2231 483-1111 Theatre El Rancho 612 Lake Shore Dr—842-2315 @®®®®@@®®®®®®@® ®®®®®®®®®®@@@®@ ®®®®@@®®@@®®@@® ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© for MARSHALL COUNTY REDI-MIX INC See Our Ad Under Concrete-Ready Mix W 20 A Rd- 842-2401 842-3603 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FARM & GARDEN TRACTORS— & 936-2523 Located Trailer Renting & Leasing & INFORMATION NEIGHBORHOOD CALL" DEALERS UTH-CENTRAL LUDWIG'S ENCO SERV 1101 W Jefferson Plymouth 935-9973 Communications Travel Bureaus H o m e : See also Airline Our Residence Package offers three or m o r e phones at a special bargain rateCall YOUR SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Indiana Bell 842-3301 202 S MICHIGAN SOUTH BEND Ticket Agencies EDGERTON'S TRAVEL SERVICE INC "World Wide Travel Specialists Since 1924" T O U R S - CRUISES Air - Rail - Steamship Reservations Foreign, Domestic, Business & Pleasure Travel No Service Charge 8:30-5:30 Sat 8:30 Till Noon Offices Also In Elkhart - La Porte & Valparaiso 234-5006 226 S Main South Bend PLYMOUTH TRAVEL CENTER 936-7440 310 N Michigan Plymouth (See Advertisement This Classification) St Joe Bank Travel Agency Plaza Place Bldg South Bend 237-5334 (See Advertisement This Classification) Tree Service • s u n n s Building Leasing ONE-WAY & LOCAL ANYWHERE PLYMO At The Plymouth 310 N Michigan Plymouth- U-HAUL TRAILER RENTALS — MOVING? RENT THE RIGHT I I -4-i Z \ I j EQUIPMENT " . . . at Low Rates. Designed for Self Movers. All Size Trailers. Ford Trucks. Moving Aids. Road Service Included. Free Moving Guide. Insurance. Major Bank Cards Accepted. business c o m m u n i c a t i o n s needs for ONE STOP TRAVEL HEADQUARTERS DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL • Air • Cruise & Tours NO SERVICE CHARGE Open Daily 9 To 5 Evenings 8i Saturday By Appointment SERVICE REESE EQUIPMENT CO 523 E Jefferson Plymouth "FOR CALL YOUR INDIANA BELL —~™ P L Y M O U T H TRAVEL CENTER Tractor Dealers See also Truck Renting Next Page ppiiw Service—Automotive SALES 892-51bb 842-3361 Chuck's Standard Serv Main RANDY'S BODY SHOP State Rd 17 Business: For a c o m p l e t e survey of your ARGOS DON CALHOUN CHEVROLET INC US 31 N Argos S h o p Fast, S h o p Yellow Pages ; MODERN TELEPHONE SERVICE "CALL" Continued Tools-Rental See also Road Theatres FOR LASTING VALUE PLYMOUTH TIRE CO "DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS T H A N GOODYEAR" New • Used • Recapping & Vulcanizing On The Farm Or Road Service We Remove and Replace Liquid In Tractor Tires Towing-Automolive Theatre & Sports Ticket Service 842-2470 CHEVROLET TRUCKS DEALER 112 S Center Plymouth Television & Radio-Service See Exterminating Truck Dealers TireDealers-Retail Telephone Equipment & Systems Tailors-Men's Al's Tree Service 804 S Main 842-2778 (See Advertisement This Classification) ST JOE BANK TRAVEL AGENCY GROUP TRIPS NO SERVICE CHARGE PLAZA PLACE BUILDING SOUTH BEND IND AIRLINE RESERVATIONS 2 3 7 - 5 3 3 4 HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS TOURS. 2. 34 Water—Zip T r u c k — W a t e r Truck DealerMconl'd) GMC Upholsterers TRUCKS— L A W M A S T E R AMC INC 620 E Jefferson Plymouth MACK TRUCKS— SALES SERVICE MICHIANA MACK INC 2802 Home Mish 936-4600 842-2294 219 259-8566 SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4707 W Western Av South Bend 234-9031 Truck Equipment & Parts Well Drilling 4 " - 2 0 " Submersible - Jet Pumps Most Wells Drilled I n One D a y (Regardless O f D e p t h ) Rotary Drilling Stores J'S 5 & 10 114 N Main 842-3524 Veterinarians 1272 Horseprairie Av Valparaiso Emergency Call Culver Animal Hospital See Oscar Wesson DVM 111 Lakeshore Dr SMALL 234-9031 BOARDING Truck Renting & Leasing See also Trailer Renting & & ONE-WAY & LOCAL ANYWHERE "FOB INFORMATION CALL" NEIGHBORHOOD DEALERS PLYUO UTH-CENTRAL LUDWIG'S ENCO SERV 1 1 0 1 W Jefferson Plymouth 935-9973 Truck Repairing & Service CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES— APPROVED DEALERS SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4707 W Western Av South Bend 234-9031 L & M Service Center 215 W J e f f e r s o n - - - 8 4 2 - 3 3 4 4 SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4707 W Western Av South Bend 234-9031 Trucking-Local Cartage Stubbs Don W 17 Rd 842-3176 Tuxedo Rental See formal 9 0 1 Lincolnway E Plymouth E d L a n g f e l d t - 936-4622 N i g h t RFD 4 Plymouth Hudon Office Equipment Inc 103 W LaPorte Plymouth 936-2488 • Sportswear • Fabrics & NotioDs • Lingerie 936-4540 110 N Main Nelson Well Drilling & Plumbing R R 5 Rochester 842-2755 Marian's Modes 1 1 N Main Knox Trone's Shop 120 N Main 223-3318 772-4284 842-2981 Welding Werner's Welding Shop 223-5790 630 E 9 Rochester Winamac Welding & Repair Shop 946-3385 R R 4 Winamac (See Advertisement This Classification) 936-2232 936-3344 936-3260 Who said our new Trimline® telephone Yarn-Retail Sit And Stitch Open Tues-Sat 10 A M - 4 PM 202 N Main 842-3088 Zip Codes See Last Pages of Yellow Pages does n o t l o o k l i k e a t e l e p h o n e ? Seeing Section is believing—at your local Indiana Bell Busi YellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages PagesYellowPagesYellowPagesYellowPages Yellow ness O f f i c e . 842-3155 Veterinarians Equipment & Supplies 842-2171 Washing Machines, Dryers & Ironers-Servicing HOOVER AUTHORIZED LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT S E R V I C E — CONSUMER SERVICE CENTERS HOOVER COMPANY THE 120 W LaSalle Av South B e n d — 2 3 4 - 1 8 9 8 Service & Supplies Typewriters Wear-Rental Surface & Submersible Pumps li I | II m II 1 l|| Water Softening & Conditioning Equipment, Wear-Rental DRILLING 936-2353 PLYMOUTH VETERINARY CLINIC Robert G Lindsey DVM Small Animal Service Only Office Hours Mon-Fri Sat 8 A M - 3 PM Sun 9 A M - 1 0 A M 1 0 7 1 Lincolnway E Plymouth Rudd Veterinary Service Large Animal Service Only N Oak Road Plymouth If no answer call Wesson Oscar Large & Small Animal Practice Small Animal Hospital & Boarding Doctor's Hours 1 P M - 2 PM WeekdaysOther Times By Appointment Emergencies Only On Sunday 111 Lakeshore Dr Zechiel Farm Service W Jefferson also Formal K E L L Y SHOP THE • Residential • F a r m • 2 " or 4 " GROOMING U-HAUL TRUCK RENTALS MOVING? RENT THE RIGHT L I - H A U L EQUIPMENT . . . at Low Rates. Designed for Self Movers Ford Trucks, 10 to 24 f t . Moving Aids. All Size Trailers. Insurance. Road Service Included. Free Moving Guide. Major Bank Cards Accepted. Women's Apparel-Retail Rotary & Jet WELL HOSPITAL OFFICE HOURS DAILY 8:00 A . M . To 5:30 P . M . . M o n - F r i Sat. 8:00 A . M To 5:00 P . M . Leasing Isobel's Beauty & W i g Salon 2 1 8 S M a i n — 8 4 2 - 3 0 1 3 462-7683 464-4390 See also Bridal Shops; A N I M A L 753-3712 Wigs LANGFELDT & PAYNE INC -842-3155 PARRETT VETERINARY CLINIC" SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4707 W Western Av South Bend WELDSTAR COMPANY Linde-Lincoln 1000 E Main Logansport BEACH PLUMBING & W E L L DRILLING Variety Stores See also Department PARTS Welding Equipment & Supplies Water Well Drilling & Service Albert's Upholstery Hibbard Ind 35 Culligan Soft Water Service 326 E Jefferson Plymouth 936-3556 (See Advertisement This Classification) | § 1 | 946-3385 1 AUTOMATIC LINDSAY SOFT WATER— AUTHORIZED DEALERS RABB SOFT WATER CO 303 Argonne Rd Warsaw 936-4805 W E L D I N G ALUMINUM - STAINLESS STEEL & PORTABLE WELDING, (WATER LINES THAWED) HOISTS & EQUIPMENT - ENERGY HOISTS CUSTOM TRUCK BEDS. "CHARLES & CY DE GROOT" 4 Ml. NO. WINAMAC ON w&TcizM RD 35 - R R 4 WINAMAC v cr WINAMAC ^WELDING & REPAIR SHOP^ The New Fashion in HICKSGAS SALES & SERVICE i WORLD-WIDE! O " " WATER CONDITIONING RENTAL, SALES, SERVICE FOR HOME a n d BUSINESS SERVING MARSHALL & STARKE COUNTIES DIAL PLYMOUTH 936-3556 CULLIGAN SOFT WATER 326 E. Jefferson SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Fully automatic, ironfree water conditioning. Free 30-day home trial. Rental units for economical water softening. Free servicing. Free water testing analysis. INFORMATION HICKSGAS KNOX R R 1 Knox Overmyer Soft Water Service 16 Road Rabb Soft Water Co 303 Argonne Rd Warsaw T h e r e ' s nothing like visit by L o n g O r d e r yours to accent h a r m o n i z e w i t h the "FOB color to c h e e r up 772-4542 842-2742 936-4805 scheme of any room. They're as useful as they are beautiful! who a D i s t a n c e or s o m e o n e CALL" SERVICE Plymouth Ind telephones is COLOR h a s b e e n sick. POSTAL ZSP E0OE To help you remember AREA CODE List of ZIP Codes for nearby Communities Argos 46501 Bourbon 46504 Bremen 46506 Burr Oak 46509 Culver 46511 Delong 46922 Donaldson 46513 Elkhart 46514 Grovertown 46531 Hamlet 46532 Kewanna 46939 Knox 46534 Lakeville 46536 Lapaz 46537 Leiters Ford 46945 Logansport 46947 Mishawaka 46544 Monterey 46960 North Judson 46366 Ober 46560 Ora 46968 Plymouth 46563 Rochester 46975 Walkerton 46574 Warsaw 46580 Winamac 46996 Services for Everyone Basic telephone service provides a Plack, standard rotary-dial phone. In addition to individual flat rate service, we also offer party line flat rate service for customers with minimal communications needs. Parly line customers share a line with others and pay a lower monthly charge. Speakerphone With speakerphone, a telephone may be used without lifting the receiver. Conversations may be carried on from anywhere in the room—by one person or an entire family. POST. H EE LLPP UU SS ^ u p n v m i ^ HfcLP Y O U Use Zip Code 36 e e < * a C°de ^/tiona/ information? See the Yellow Pages Postal Service listed f m at Telephone Adapter The adapter is for persons using a hearing aid device with a telephone pickup feature. Small enough to be carried in pocket or purse, it may be attached and removed quickly from a telephone receiver. Trimline phones and some Design Line" sets require the adapter for use with some hearing aids. Go vernmen t Offices - US Culver, Ind.—C PushPutton calling is faster than dialing. The monthly charge is for Touch-Tone service, no matter how many phones you may have. Three or more sets—including Trimline" or Princess' phones—may be ordered at a saving in the TouchTone Package. Special Helpers Volume Control By adjusting a wheel on special phones, the volume of a received voice may be turned up to aid a partially deaf person. Volume control also amplifies weak speech. Mts Touch-Tone* Service Telephone Credit Cards These cards enable customers to quickly charge long distance telephone calls to home or business numbers. They eliminate dropping coins in public phones or billing calls to a third number. Number Card A large Number Card for rotary telephone dials, available at no cost to persons with vision problems. Tone Ringer The Tone Ringer concentrates telephone sound in a freauency range audible to persons with certain types of hearing impairment. Artificial Larynx This small, self-contained device provides a voice for vocally-handicapped persons. It can provide speech volume equal to that of normal vocal cords. The artificial larynx is offered at cost as a public service. * Trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
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