Sp pons orsh hip O Oppo ortun nities s
Sp pons orsh hip O Oppo ortun nities s
Sp ponsorsh hip Oppo O ortun nitiess Conditions: * Denotes D Sponssor to supply siggnage PR RESENTIN NG Partner All proposals mayy be subject to change EVENT Partner LARGEE Logo incl: TV Print ‐‐ media and posterss Website ‐ all pages, w/liinks GOLD Sponsorr MEDIIUM Logo incll: TV Print ‐ ‐ media and posterss Website Sponsors page, w/links LINE listing incl. SMALLL Logo on: MEDIIUM Promo: Webssite Sponsors page,, w/links Radio Facebook Posts Prominent Signage Spaces* On Strreet Fence Banners At Gatte Entrance On Ticckets & Program ms On Mo ovie Screen SMALLL Promo: Facebbook Posts Plus.... Plus… … Plus.... 8 VIP P Passes ‐ Fri and Sat 2 VIP P Passes ‐ Art Opeening Laminaated Certificatee 6 VIP Passes ‐ Fri and d Sat 2 VIP Passes ‐ Art Opening Lamin nated Certificate e 4 VIP Passes ‐ Fri and d Sat 2 VIP Passes ‐ Art Op pening Laminnated Certificatte LARGEE Exclusive Prromo: Via Intterviews and Ad dverts Radio ook Posts Facebo On Staage Signage* On Street Fence Bann ners At Gatte Entrance On Tickets & Program ms e Acknowledgem ment Emcee On Mo ovie Screen Cash//including value in n kind 3 ‐ 4 ‐ 5 Novvember 2016 2 Cash//including value in i kind Fri 4 No ov BRONZEE Sponsorr SMALL Logo on: Webssite Sponsors Page,e, w/links LINE E Listing on: LISTIN NG Promo: Faceb book Posts At Gate Entrance Webssite Sponsors Pagee, w/links LISTIING Promo: At Ga ate Entrance Plus... Plus.... 4 VIP Passes ‐ Fri andd Sat nated Certificatte Lamin 2 VIP Passes ‐ Fri and Sat Laminated Certificatte $500 $1,000 4 Only 2 Only ! Cash/i /including value inn kind Adverrtising Space* At Gaate Entrance On Ticckets & Prograams On M Movie Screen $2,500 $4,500 $ SILVER Sponsorr Print ‐‐ media and posterrs $250 Cash//including value iin kind 6pm m ‐ 10pm m Cash//including value in i kind Sat 5 Nov 10 0.30am ‐ 6pm Lakesside Open A Art Exhibitio on Inaug gural 4 day eexhibition of stunning art worrks at Tuncu urry Memo orial Hall. O Opening nigh ht Thursday evening g 5 ‐ 7 pm for f our VIP's with canapéés & wine ta astings. Moonlight Movie Family F frienndly movie on o the big screen. s No nneed to coo ok...delicious food f and w wine availablle. A fun evenin ing for with pre movie entertainme e ent for all ages a . Lakesiide Festivall ‐ Main Evvent A feasst for all thee senses with an awesoome view. Live m music all dayy, local food d, wine, art maarket, displa ays and chilldren’s enterttainment. Lake eside Feestival iss now in n its 4th YYEAR an nd is a “not for profit” commu unity evvent. Th he festivval is run n by vollunteerss with all a proceeeds raised goin ng dire ectly tow wards th he follo owing ye ears’ eveent. Lakesside Festtival Misssion: Lakeside Festival brrings an annu ual flagship e event to Forsster Tuncurryy attracting ‘‘out of seasoon’ visitors and tourism. We pro omote the region by expaanding aware eness of exp eriences and d attractions on offer loccally. The eve ent is a show wcase of local live music, ffood, wine, aarts, crafts an nd other locaal services an nd produce, on the beauutiful shores of Wallis Lakke. Factss & Figurees: Lakeside Festival em mbraces the 100 mile envvironmental concept where preferen nce is given tto suppliers, produce ers and stall holders from m within thatt range of Foorster Tuncurry. • Gene erating Local economic sttimulus of ovver $100,0000 in 2015 • New tourism visittors to the feestival were 25% of attenndance in 20 015 • Engagging the locaal communityy, business a and volunteeer association ns Sign S us up! Return complleted documennt to info@lakkesidefestival.ccom.au or PO BBox 4220, Forsster, NSW 242 28 Business Na B ame: Address: A Contact: C Posittion: Phone: P Email: E Web bsite: Sponsorship S p Category: Donation only o of: $ Authorized S A Signature: Can you offe C er any valuee in kind Go oods or Servvices? Yes We wiill call you to disccuss Can you don C nate a Luckyy Door Prize e (Min. valuue $100)? Yes We wiill call you to disccuss Would you l W like to receive our Quarterly Lakesside Newsle etter? Enqu uiries please contact evvent coordiinator Katerrina Dobbie e ‐ 0409 320 0 620 or infoo@lakeside efestival.com m.au Th hank yo ou for su upportin ng the LLakeside e Festiva al and FForster ‐ Tuncurrry
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Lakesside Festtival Misssion:
Lakeside Festival brrings an annu
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We pro
omote the region by expaanding...