agenda - City of Green Cove Springs
agenda - City of Green Cove Springs
AGENDA GREEN COVE SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL 321 WALNUT STREET, GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA REGULAR SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. ANYONE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING ANY TOPIC ON THIS AGENDA IS REQUESTED TO COMPLETE A CARD AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S DESK. SPEAKERS ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO LIMIT THEIR COMMENTS TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE CITY COUNCIL PROHIBITS THE USE OF CELL PHONES AND PAGERS WHICH EMIT AN AUDIBLE SOUND DURING ALL MEETINGS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIRE AND RESCUE OR HEAL TH CARE PROVIDERS ON CALL. PERSONS IN VIOLATION WILL BE REQUESTED TO LEAVE THE MEETING. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Roll Call Mayor to call on members of the audience wishing to address the Council on matters not on the Agenda. AWARDS & RECOGNITION Presentation of FACC Resolution in Recognition of F. Lee Bentley Proclamation - Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation - Public Service Recognition Week Proclamation - National Police Week Recognition of New Hires Mary Jane Lundy - Human Resources Vanessa Patterson - Development Services REORGANIZATION · 1. City Council selection of a Mayor and Vice Mayor to serve from May 5, 2015 to May 3, 2016. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 0-08-2015, an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan of Green Cove Springs, Florida by revising Future Land Use Element Policy 1.6.1 (a), by adding (5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove. 2. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 0-09-2015, an Ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map for 7.3 acres of property located east of Magnolia Avenue and south of Bay Street from RHO - Residential High Density to RFF - Residential Riverfront Magnolia Cove. AGENDA May 5, 2015 Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION ON THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. BACKUP DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON THESE ITEMS. 1. City Council approval of the minutes of the Regular Session on April 7, 2015. 2. City Council approval of Resolution No. R-09-2015, a Resolution amending the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2015. 3. City Council approval of appointments to the Green Cove Springs Police Pension Board. 4. City Council approval of authorization for the Chief of Police to utilize the Police Department's Drug Fund to purchase a monthly page supporting the 2015/2016 Safe & Drug-Free Schools calendar project in an amount not to exceed $300.00. 5. City Council approval of the replacement of the Automatic Transfer Switch and Contacts in the Load Tap Changers at the Chapman Substation in the amount of $52,300. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Monthly FMPA Report - April 2015. Page 2. Update on 2015 Memorial Day RiverFest celebrations. Thomas 3. City Council approval of a Proposal from Heather J. Encinosa, Nabors Giblin & Nickerson, P.A., to assist the City in the development and implementation of Utility Impact Fees in an initial not to exceed fee of $20,000. Judd I Arnold 4. City Manager and City Attorney Reports and/or Correspondence. 5. City Council Reports and/or Correspondence. 6. Adjournment. The City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held in City Hall at 321 Walnut Street and audio recordings of the meetings are posted in the City's website at . The City may take action on any matter during this meeting, including items that are not set forth within this agenda. In accordance with Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting. Public Participation: Pursuant to Section 286.0114, Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2013, the public is invited to speak on any "proposition" before a board, commission, council, or appointed committee takes official action regardless of whether the issue is on the Agenda. Certain exemptions for emergencies, ministerial acts, etc. apply. This public participation does not affect the right of a person to be heard as otherwise provided by law. Exparte Communications: Oral or written exchanges (sometimes referred to as lobbying or information gathering) between a Council Member and others, including staff, where there is a substantive discussion regarding a quasi-judicial decision by the City Council. The exchanges must be disclosed by the City Council so the public may respond to such comments before a vote is taken. AGENDA May 5, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Minutes of the City Council meetings can be obtained from the City Clerk's office. The Minutes are recorded, but are not transcribed verbatim. Persons requiring a verbatim transcript may make arrangements with the City Clerk to duplicate the recordings, or arrange to have a court reporter present at the meeting. The cost of duplication and/or court reporter will be at the expense of the requesting party. Persons who wish to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Whereas, the Office of the Municipal Clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world; and Whereas, the Office of the Municipal Clerk is the oldest among public servants; and Whereas, the Office of the Municipal Clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels, and Whereas, Municipal Clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality, rendering equal service to all; and Whereas, the Municipal Clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community; and Whereas, Municipal Clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the affairs of the Office of the Municipal Clerk through participation in education programs, seminars, workshops and the annual meetings of their state, province, county and international professional organizations; and Whereas, it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Office of the Municipal Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The week of May 3 through May 9, 2015 is proclaimed as ''MUNICIPAL CLERKS WEEK". Section2. The City Council further extends appreciation to our City Clerk, Julia W. Clevinger, and to all Municipal Clerks for the vital se1-vices they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent. Section 3. A true copy of this Proclamation shall be spread upon the Official Minutes of the City Council of the City of Green Cove Springs. DONE AND PROCLAIMED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN REGULAR SESSION THIS STH DAY OF MAY, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk WHEREAS, Americans are served every single day by public servants at the federal, state, county and city levels. These unsung heroes do the work that keeps our nation working; and WHEREAS, Public employees take not only jobs, but oaths; and WHEREAS, Many public servants, including military personnel, police officers, firefighters, border patrol officers, embassy employees, health care professionals and others, risk their lives each day in se1-vice to the people of the United States and around the world; and WHEREAS, Public se1-vants include teachers, doctors, scientists, train conductors, astronauts, nurses, safety inspectors, laborers, computer technicians and social workers, and countless other occupations. Day in and day out they provide the diverse se1-vices demanded by the American people of their government with efficiency and integrity; and WHEREAS, Without these public servants at every level, continuity would be impossible in a democracy that regularly changes its leaders and elected officials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The week of May 3 through May 9, 2015 1s proclaimed as 'PUBLIC SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK". Section 2. The City Council calls upon all citizens to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of government employees at all levels - federal, state, county, and city. Section 3. A true copy of this Proclamation shall be spread upon the Official Minutes of the City Council of the City of Green Cove Springs. DONE AND PROCLAIMED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN REGULAR SESSION THIS STH DAY OF MAY, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor ATTEST: By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk ~ffe\UD@~ffe\[L POL CE ~[g[g~ ~@~@ · - HONORING COURAGE, SALUTING SACRIFICE WHEREAS, there are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the ·United States, including the dedicated members of the Green Cove Springs Police Department; and WHEREAS, nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries; and WHEREAS, since the first recorded death in 1791, almost 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, the names of these dedicated public servants are engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in \V'ashington, D.C.; and WHEREAS, new names of fallen heroes are being added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial this spring, including 117 officers killed in 2014 and 156 officers killed in previous years; and WHEREAS, the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund's 27th Annual Candlelight Vigil on the evening of May 13, 2015;and WHEREAS, the Candlelight Vigil is part of National Police Week, which takes place this year from May 10 through May 16; and WHEREAS, May 15th is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day, in honor of all fallen officers and their families and U.S. flags should be flown at half-staff. NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed that the City Council of Green Cove Springs, Florida, hereby proclaims, May 10-16, 2015, as Police Week in the City of Green Cove Springs, and publicly salutes the se1-vice of law enforcement officers in our community and in communities across the nation. DONE AND PROCLAIMED BY THE CITY COUN FLORIDA, IN REGULAR SESSION THIS 5rn DAY OF MAY, 201 ·. GREEN COVE SPRINGS, CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor ATTEST: By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR HISTORICAL TERMS REORGANIZATION AT 18T MEETING IN MAY YEAR MAYOR VICE MAYOR Mid 1870's THADDEUS DAVIDS (PER CLAY TODAY ARTICLE- 10/16/14) 1981 - 82 1982- 83 1983 - 84 1984- 85 1985 - 86 1986- 87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 - 92 1992- 93 1993 - 94 1994- 95 1995 -96 1996-97 1997 - 98 1998 - 99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003 -2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011 -2012 2012-2013 2013 -2014 2014-2015 JOHN K. BRADLEY (5) GEORGE W. KILLIAN (4) GEORGE W. KILLIAN (4) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) PAUL R. BESELER (3) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) SANDRA DUNNAVANT (4) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) SANDRA DUNNAVANT (4) JAMES W. LONER (3) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) DIANE HUTCHINGS (2) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) JAMES W. LONER (4) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) MATTHEW TINNEY, JR. (3) VIRGINIA HALL (2) RICHARD K. HOBBS (1) MATTHEW TINNEY, JR. (3) ROBERT C. PAGE (4) DEBORAH L. RICKS (5) JOHN E. BUCHANAN (2) MICHAELE. KELTER (1) C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE (3) ROBERT C. PAGE (4) DEBORAH L. RICKS (5) PAMELA J. LEWIS (1) MITCH TIMBERLAKE (2) C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE (3) GEORGE W. KILLIAN (4) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) PAUL R. BESELER (3) DONALD A. FULLERTON (2) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) SANDRA DUNNAVANT (4) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) PAUL R. BESELER (3) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) SANDRA DUNNAVANT (4) JAMES W. LONER (3) M. CALVIN WILCOX (1) DIANE HUTCHINGS (2) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) GREG WILL (4) JAMES W. LONER (4) JERRY K. WILLIAMS (5) MATTHEW TINNEY, JR. (3) VIRGINIA HALL (2) RICHARD K. HOBBS (1) JERRYK. WILLIAMS (5) ROBERT C. PAGE (4) DEBORAH L. RICKS (5) JOHN E. BUCHANAN (2) MICHAELE. KELTER (1) C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE (3) RONALD L. SNOW (5) DEBORAH L. RICKS (5) PAMELA J. LEWIS (1) MITCH TIMBERLAKE (2) C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE (3) VANROYAL(4) CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-08-2015, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY REVISING FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT POLICY 1.6.1 (a), BY ADDING (5) RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT - MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTION OF SCRIVENERS ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE APPLICANT: Magnolia Cove Development, LLC 400 N.E. 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 OWNER: Same PROPERTY LOCATION: East of Magnolia Ave. & South of Bay St. PARCEL NUMBERS: 017494-000-00 FILE NO.: 2015-PZ-08 CURRENT ZONING: PUD CURRENT FLUM DESIGNATION: RHO, Residential High Density SURROUNDING LAND USE: RMD, Residential Medium Density CHI, Commercial High Intensity CON, Conservation PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT Revise Policy 1.6.1 (a) to add the following: (5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove (>12.1 to 20 dwelling units per acre) - This category is for property identified by the Clay County Property Appraiser in the 2015 Tax Rolls as Parcel #017 494-000-00, is located on the St. Johns River and can be developed for single-family, duplex, and multi-family dwelling units and a marina and shall be developed through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning category process. BACKGROUND: In 2007, Ordinance No. 0-20-2007 was adopted rezoning the subject property to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The Future Land Use Map designation for the property in 2007 was RHO, Residential High Density, allowing 12 units per acres, the highest density allowed in the City at that time. Since the PUD for the parcel was approved the MURP, Mixed Use Reynolds Park, and the RRF, Residential Riverfront, Future Land Use Map (FLUM) categories have been created and added to the Comprehensive Plan. The MURP FLUM category allows up to 40 dwelling units per acre and the RRF FLUM category allows for 20 dwelling units per acre. The MURP is restricted to Reynolds Park and a minimum of 10 acres is required for the Residential Riverfront FLUM category. The subject parcel is 7.3 acres in size. With the current economic conditions, the owners of the property now feel that they need to increase density to allow for more dwelling units to make the project viable. The proposed Text Amendment would increase the allowable density from 12 dwelling units per acre to 20 dwelling units per acre. The proposed text amendment would limit the FLUM category to Parcel #017 494-000-00 owned by Magnolia Cove, LLC and would require the development to be approved through the PUD zoning process. The existing RRF FLUM category requires a PUD zoning for development of any property in the category. The City, as per City Code and State Statute, advertised the text amendment in the Clay Today on March 12, 2015, mailed notices to surrounding property owners within a 300' radius of the property, and posted signs on the property notifying of the public hearing. STAFF COMMENTS Consistency with Comprehensive Plan The proposed text amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan. It would promote orderly development of the subject property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 on second and final reading, an Ordinance revising Policy 1.6.1 (a) of the Comprehensive Plan to add the Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove FLUM category. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board held a Public Hearing on the Ordinance at their meeting of March 26, 2015. There were no comments received at the Public Hearing. A motion was made to recommend to the City Council adoption of an Ordinance to amend Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.6.1 (a) to add the Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove FLUM category. The vote was unanimous. MOTION: Approve Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 on second and final reading. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ J is K. Fleet, AICP :::er:t Services Director APPROVED BY: Jr~ Danielle J. Judd ORDINANCE NO. 0-08-2015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY REVISING FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT POLICY 1.6.1 (a), BY ADDING (5) RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT - MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTION OF SCRIVENERS ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, REPEALER, AND . SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, the Community Planning Act, empowers and requires the City Council of Green Cove Springs to (a) plan for the City's future development and growth; (b) adopt and amend Comprehensive Plans, or elements or portions thereof, to guide the future growth and development of the City, (c) establish, support, and maintain administrative instruments and procedures to carry out the provisions and purpose of the action; and WHEREAS, the addition "RRF-Magnolia Cove" is beneficial to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been established pursuant to Article II of the City Charter of the City of Green Cove Springs duly adopted July 15, 1980; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163 .317 4(1 ), Florida Statutes, the City Council of Green Cove Springs, duly designated the Planning and Zoning Board as the Local Planning Agency for the City of Green Cove Springs; and WHEREAS, supporting data and analysis documentation was prepared as background and justification for revising Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Policy 1.6.1 (a) to add the following: ( 5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove (> 12.1 to 20 dwelling units per acre). This category is for property identified by the Clay County Property Appraiser in the 2015 Tax Rolls as RE# Parcel 017494-000-00, is located on the St. Johns River and can be developed for single-family, duplex and multi-family dwelling units and a marina and shall be developed through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning category process. WHEREAS, the City Council, empowered by the above-cited laws and ordinances, and by Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, prepared an amendment to the abovecited Comprehensive Plan amending the Comprehensive Plan 2025 to address more adequately and prepare for Green Cove Springs' future development and growth; and Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, the City of Green Cove Springs Planning and Zoning Board has, in the preparation of these amendments to the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025, caused the performance of necessary studies and surveys; the collection of relevant and appropriate data; the holding of public hearings; and has effectively provided for full public participation, notice to real property owners, opportunity for written comments, and consideration and response to public and official comments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes, the Planning and Zoning Board as the Local Planning Agency held a public hearing on the amendment to the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025 with due public notice having been provided, and having reviewed and considered all comments received during the public hearings and having provided for necessary revisions, on March 26, 2015, recommended the amendments to the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025, to the City Council for approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163 .3184, Florida Statutes, on April 7, 2015 the City Council of Green Cove Springs held a public hearing with due public notice having been provided, on the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan 2025; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Green Cove Springs further considered all oral and written comments received during public hearings, including the data collection and analysis packages, and the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board; and WHEREAS, in exercise of its authority, the City Council of Green Cove Springs has determined it necessary and desirable to adopt the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan 2025, to encourage the most appropriate use of land, water, and resources, consistent with the public interest; to promote the redevelopment of Reynolds Park; and deal effectively with future problems that may result from the use and development of land within Green Cove Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Purpose and Intent. This Ordinance is enacted to carry out the purpose and intent and exercise the authority set out in the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, as amended. Section 2. Adoption of the Revised Future Land Use Element Policy 1.6.1 (a). Future Land Use Policy 1.6.1 (a) of the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025 is hereby amended to add the following: (5) Residential Riverfront- Magnolia Cove (>12.1 to 20 dwelling units per acre). This category is for property identified by the Clay County Property Appraiser in the 2015 Tax Rolls as RE# Parcel 017494-000-00, is located on the St. Johns River and can be developed for single-family, duplex, and multi-family dwelling units and a marina and shall be developed through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning category process. Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 Page 3 of 4 Section 3. Applicability and Effect. The applicability and effect of the amendments to the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025 shall be as provided by the Community Planning Act, Sections 163 .3161 through 163 .3215, Florida Statutes, and this Ordinance. Section 4. Copy on file. (a) A certified copy of the enacting Ordinance, as well as certified copies of the amendments to the City of Green Cove Springs' Comprehensive Plan 2025 and any amendments thereof, shall be filed with the City Clerk of Green Cove Springs. (b) To make amendments to the Comprehensive Plan 2025 available to the public, a certified copy of the enacting Ordinance, as well as certified copies of the amended City of Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan 2025 and any amendments thereto, shall be located in the Development Services Department of the City of Green Cove Springs and shall be available to the public for a reasonable publication charge. Section 5. Repealer. All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Scriveners Errors. Changes necessary to correct scriveners' errors are hereby authorized to be made by the City Manager, City Attorney or their designee. Section 7. Severability. If any portion or portions of this Ordinance is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8. Effective date. This Ordinance shall become effective as allowed by law. INTRODUCED AND PASSED AS TO FORM ONLY ON THE FIRST READING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THIS 7th DAY OF APRIL, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 Page 4 of 4 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THIS 5TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. J. Arnold, III, City Attorney NOTICE TO PROPOSE ATEXT AMENDMENT TO THE GREEN COVE SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOTICE OF INTENT TO PROPOSE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0·08·201 SFORIHE ~EXT~AMENDMENT SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0·09·2015 FOR OF THE FLUM AMENDMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Green Cove Springs, Florida proposes to adopt aText Amendment to Policy 1.6.1to add the following: (5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove(> 12.1to 20 dwelling units per acre). This category is for property identified by the Clay County Property Appraiser in the 2015 Tax Rolls as RE# Parcel 017494-000-00, islocated on the St. Johns River and can be developed for single-family, duplex, and multi-family dwelling units and amarina and shall be developed through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning category process. The parcel is a7.3 acre parcel located south of Bay Street and east of Magnolia Avenue. The existing FLUM designation for the parcel is RHO-Residential High Density and proposed FLUM designation or the property is Residential Riverfront- Magnolia Cove. APublic Hearing for the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 0-08-20 15 relating to the proposed text amendment and a Public Hearing for the second and final reading of No. 0-09-2015 for the FLUM amendment, will be held by the Green Cove Springs City Council in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida at the time stated herein or shortly thereafter: May 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM RHO-RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY TO RRF - RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT MAO NOL IA COVE II The public isinvited to attend this public hearing to offer comments for or against the proposed ordinances and changes to the Comprehensive Plan. Acopy of the Text Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map Amendment, and the proposed Ordinances are available for inspection at City Hall, 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida, during normal working hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, (office is closed on Friday). Written comments may also be submitted. Please be advised that if aperson decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled public meeting, they will need to ensure that averbatim transcript of the proceedings is made, which record includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, any person needing aspecial accommodation to participate in this matter should contact the City Clerk's Office by U.S. Mail addressed to 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, or by telephone at 904-297-7500, no later than three (3) days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given. Hearing impaired persons may access through (904284-4849 (TDD). All interested individuals are invited to attend these public hearings. By: Janis K. Fleet, AICP, Development Services Director Danielle J. Judd, City Manager City of Green Cove Springs 321 Walnut Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Legal 34306 published April 23, 2015 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper. ReviewDate: SRDT_ _ _ P&Z _ _ _ cc ____ Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application A. PROJECT 1. Project Name: Magnolia Cove 2. Address of subject Property:300 3. Parcel ID Number(s): 38-06-26-017 494-000-00 4. Ex~LingUse~Propert~ _V_a_c_a_n_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 5. Future Land Use Map D e s i g n a t i o n : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6. Existing zoning Designation: Residential High Density 7. Proposed Future Land Use Map Designation: - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 8. Acreage: Magnolia Avenue 7 .17 ----------------------------~ IV lwner (title holder) 8. APPLICANT 1. Applicant's Status 2. S. Name of Applicant(s) or Contact Person(s): Lou Campanile, D eht Jr. Title: Manager Company (if applicable): Magnolia Cove Development, LLC Mailing address:400 3. N.E. 3rd Avenue City: Fort Lauderdale state:Florida ZIP: 33301-3234 Telephone:~Sfl-980-8888 FAX: f3§4-763-7615 If the applicant is agent for the property owner• NameofOwner(tilleholder~_N_/A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Mailing address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ZIP: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Telephone: ..... . _.__ _ _ _ _ _ FAX: ...._.__ _ _ _ _ e-mail:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ * Must provide executed Property Owner Affidavit authorizing the agent to act on behalf of the property owner. C. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1Mere any additional cqnta;1t for sale of, or options to purchase, the subject property? Yes ~ No If yes, list names of all parties involved: LJ Ms• is the contracVoption contingent or absolute? Contingent LJ DAbsolute City of Green Cove Springs Development Services Department •321 Walnut Street• Green Cove Springs, FL 32043•(904) 297-7500 Page 1 or2 Revised 11/20/2013 D. ATIACHMENTS (One copy reduced to no greater than 11x17, plus one copy in PDF format.) 1. Statement of proposed change, including a map showing tile proposed Future Land Use Map change and Future Land Use Map designations on surrounding properties 2. Concurrency Impact Analysis which considers the impact on public facilities, including potable water, sanrtary sewer, transportation, solid waste, recreation, stormwater, and public schools. 3. Needs Analysis which demonstrates the necessity of the proposed change. This analysis may consist, in whole or part, of a market impact study or real estate needs analysis. 4. Analysis of Consistency with the City of Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan (analysis must identify specific Goals, Objectives, and Policies and describe in detail how the application complies with the noted Goal, Objective, or Policy.) 5. A current aerial map (Maybe obtained from the Clay County Property Appraiser.) 6. Legal description with tax parcel number. 7. Boundary survey 8. Vicinity Map 9. Warranty Deed or the other proof of ownership 10, Fee. a. b. c. Future Land Use Map Amendments - $1,500 plus $20 per acre Text Amendment to Comprehensive Plan - $1,500 per element All applications are subject 10% administrative fee and must pay the cost of postage, signs, advertisements, and the fee for any outside consultants. No application shall be accepted for processing until the required application fee Is paid in full by the applicant. Any fees necessary for technical review or additional reviews of the application by a consultant will be billed to the applicant at the rate of the reviewing entity. The invoice shall be paid in full prior to any action of any kind on the development application. All 10 attachments are required for a complete application. A completeness review of the applicatio·n will be conducted within five (5) business days of receipt. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the application will be returned to the applicant. I/We certify and acknowledge that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my/our 2 knowled;ge :~~~~==i~ ~Jgnature of Ap cant Signature of Co-applicant (au Campanile, Jr., Manager Typed or printed name and title of applicant Typed or printed name of co-applicant 2/20/2015 Date State of Date Florida County of The foregoing application is acknowledged before me Broward this~ day of February , 2 'J:by _L_o_u___ J__ Signature of Notary Public, State of _ _r Z-' 7J """--'?£ '-'--"-Z...,. ZJ "'--'l,£ ....... Page 2 of 2 Revised t 1/20/2013 CFN # 2008002987, OR BK 2983 Page 2175, Recorded 01/18/2008 at 11:01 AM, Jame$ B. Jett Clerk Circuit Court, Clay County, Doc. D $0.70 Deputy Clerk CASTERLINEH PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: L.J. Arnold, III Attomey nt Law P.O. Box 1570 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Parcel # 380626-017494·000·00 QUIT CLAIM DEED TIIlS QUIT CLAIM DEED made this I 7fl'--day of January, 2008 by PYRAMID MOULDINGS INC., a Delaware corpol'ation, formerly known as Mouldings Acquisitions Co1·p., a Delaware corporation, whose address is: 4630 County Road 209 South, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, hereinafter called Grantor, to MAGNOLIA COVE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, hereinafter called Grantee and whose address is 546 Spinnaker, Weston, Florida 33326-2942. (Whenever used herein the tenns ''first party" Md "second pnrty" shnll include singolnr and plural, heirs, legal rcprescn!ntivcs nnd assigns of individuals, and the successors nnd nssigns of corporations, wherever the conte~t so admils or requires). WITNESSETH: WITNESSETB, that the said first party, for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) and NO/l 00 Dollars and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise} release and quit-claim w1to the said second party forever, all right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot~ piece of parcel ofland, situate, lying and being in the County of Clay, State of Florida, to wit: As described in Exhibit ' 'A' ~ attached hereto SUBJECT TO Covenants, Easements, Reservations and Restrictions of record, if nny. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and siogiilar appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appe1iaining, and all the estate title, interest, lien equity and claim whatsoever of the said first party~ either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoove of the said second party forever. OR BK 2983 PG 2176 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, scaled and delivered in our presence: PYRAMID MOULDINGS INC., a Delaware corporation, formerly known as Mouldings Acquisitions Corp., a Delaware corporation art in ~i~y~ZltLMANN State of Florida County of Clay The foregoing insu·ument was acknowledged before me this/ l.fJfl'... day of January, 2008 by Ronald R. Martin as President on behalfof Pyramid Mouldings Inc., a Delaware corp_)>fation, fo1merly known as Mouldings Acquisitions Corp., a Delaware corporation, who (0has produced driver's license as identification or ( ) is personally know to me. YB. ROGERS 600 90·~ 1200 f t ' w+• Parcel: 38-06-26-017494-000-00 Acres: 7.346 MAGNOLIA COVE DEVELOPMENT LLC MAGNOLIA AVE $3,900,000 on 01-2008 Reason=Y Qual=Q 1710 SE 2ND CT FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 333013763 1,584,000 0 0 1,584MO 1,584,000 0 1,584,000 Ji Cl ay - II t The Clay County Property Appraiser's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied , are provided for lhe data herein, its lJse or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified t8xroll. All (i;:i t;:i is s•.tl:iiP.r::t to change before the next certified taxroll . PLEASE NOTE T.HAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MA PS ARE FOR ASS ESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER CLAY COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY- CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-09-2015, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR 7.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE AND SOUTH OF BAY STREET, IDENTIFIED AS TAX ID # 017494-000-00 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", FROM RHO - RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY TO RRF - RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. APPLICANT: Magnolia Cove Development, LLC 400 N.E. 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 OWNER: Same PROPERTY LOCATION: East of Magnolia Ave. & South of Bay St. PARCEL NUMBERS: 017494-000-00 FILE NO.: 2015-PZ-09 CURRENT ZONING: PUD CURRENT FLUM DESIGNATION: RHO, Residential High Density SURROUNDING LAND USE: RMD, Residential Medium Density CHI, Commercial High Intensity CON, Conservation BACKGROUND: In 2007, Ordinance No. 0-20-2007 was adopted rezoning the subject property to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The Future Land Use Map designation for the property in 2007 was RHO, Residential High Density, allowing 12 .units per acres, the highest density allowed in the City at that time. Since the PUD for the parcel was approved, the MURP, Mixed_Use Reynolds Park, and the RRF, Residential Riverfront, Future Land Use Map (FLUM) categories have been created and added to the Comprehensive Plan. The MURP FLUM category allows up to 40 dwelling units per acre and the RRF FLUM category allows for 20 dwelling units per acre. The MURP is restricted to Reynolds Park and a minimum of 10 acres is required for the Residential Riverfront FLUM category. The subject parcel is 7.3 acres in size. With the current economic conditions, the owners of the property now feel that they need to increase density to allow for more dwelling units to make the project viable. A text amendment is being proposed which would increase the allowable density from 12 dwelling units per acre to 20 dwelling units per acre. This FLUM amendment is to change the FLUM designation of the property from RHO, Residential High Density, to RRF, Residential Riverfront Magnolia Cove. The City, as per City Code and State Statute, advertised the text amendment in the Clay Today on March 12, 2015, mailed notices to surrounding property owners within a 300' radius of the property, and posted signs on the property notifying of the public hearing. STAFF COMMENTS Consistency with Comprehensive Plan A companion text amendment is being proposed for the property. If the text amendment is adopted, the proposed FLUM amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan. It would promote orderly development of the subject property and is compatible with the surrounding land uses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 0-09-2015 on second and final reading, an Ordinance amending the FLUM designation for the property with Tax ID # 017494-000-00 from RHO, Residential High Density to RRF, Residential Riverfront- Magnolia Cove. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board held a Public Hearing on the Ordinance at their meeting of March 26, 2015. There were no comments received at the Public Hearing. A motion was made to recommend to the City Council adoption of an Ordinance to amend the FLUM designation for the property with Tax ID# 017494-000-00 from RHO, Residential High Density to RRF, Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove. The vote was unanimous. MOTION: Approve Ordinance No. 0-09-2015 on second and final reading. SUBMITTED BY: is K. Fleet, AICP evelopment Services Director APPROVED BY: k· ORDINANCE NO. 0-09-2015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR 7.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE AND SOUTH OF BAY STREET, IDENTIFIED AS TAX ID# 017494-000-00 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", FROM RHD RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY TO RRF RIVERFRONT MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has received a request to amend the Future Land Use Map for the subject parcel identified as Tax ID # 017494-000-00 and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, From RHD - Residential High Density to RRF - Residential Riverfront Magnolia Cove; and WHEREAS, the City has the authority pursuant to its home rule and other statutory powers to amend the Future Land Use Map of the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed Public Hearing on this Ordinance was held before the Planning and Zoning Board on the 26 111 day of March, 2015; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed Public Hearing on this Ordinance was held before the City Council of Green Cove Springs on the ?111 day of April, 2015; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth herein are found to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Future Land Map of the Green Cove Springs Comprehensive Plan for the property described in Exhibit "A" shall be designated as RRF - Residential Riverfront Magnolia Cove. Section 2. REPEALER. Any Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3. SEVERABILITY. The various parts, sections, and clauses of this Ordinance are hereby declared severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, section, or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Ordinance No. 0-09-2015 Page 2of3 Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective as allowed by law. INTRODUCED AND PASSED AS TO FORM ONLY ON THE FIRST READING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THIS 7th DAY OF APRIL, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THIS 5TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. J. Arnold, III, City Attorney Ordinance No. 0-09-2015 Page 3of3 EXHIBIT "A" All that property lying Easterly and Southerly of Parcels One, One-A, Two, Three and Four (as so identified in the General Warranty Deed of even date herewith from Grantor to Grantee) and being bounded as follows : On the North by the Southerly line of Bay Street, on the West by the Easterly line of Magnolia Avenue, and on the South and East by the mean high water line of the St. Johns River. Tract "A," Magnolia Cove Condominiums, according to Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 53, Pages 1 and 2, of the Public Records of Clay County, Florida. NOTICE TO PROPOSE ATEXT AMENDMENT TO THE GREEN COVE SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOllCE 0F INTENJ! J;Ol!ROROSE EUTURE EAND USE MAP (~LUM) AMENDMENT.TO.THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-08-201 SFOR THE TEXT AMENDMENT SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-09-201 S FOR OF THE FLUM AMENDMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~~ ~ -~ The City of Green Cove Springs, Florida proposes to adopt aText Amendment to Policy 1.6.1 to add the following: (5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove(> 12.1 to 20 dwelling units per acre). This category is for property identified by the Clay County Property Appraiser in the 2015 Tax Rolls as RE# Parcel 017494-000-00, is located on the St. Johns River and can be developed for single-family, duplex, and multi-family dwelling units and amarina and shall be developed through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning category process. The parcel is a 7.3 acre parcel located south of Bay Street and east of Magnolia Avenue. The existing FLUM designation for the parcel is RHO-Residential High Density and proposed FLUM designation or the property is Residential Riverfront- Magnolia Cove. APublic Hearing for the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 0-08-20 15 relating to the proposed text amendment and a Public Hearing for the second and final reading of No. 0-09-2015 for the FLUM amendment, will be held by the Green Cove Springs City Council in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida at the time stated herein or shortly thereafter· May 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FROM RHO-RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY TO RRF - RESIDENTIAL RNERFRONT MAGNOLIA COVE \ \ The public is invited to attend this public hearing to offer comments for or against the proposed ordinances and changes to the Comprehensive Plan. Acopy of the Text Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map Amendment, and the proposed Ordinances are available for inspection at City Hall, 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida, during normal working hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, (office is closed on Friday). Written comments may also be submitted. Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled public meeting, they will need to ensure that averbatim transcript of the proceedings is made, which record includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, any person needing a special accommodation to participate in this matter should contact the City Clerk's Office by U.S. Mail addressed to 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043, or by telephone at 904-297-7500, no later than three (3) days prior to the hearing or proceeding for which this notice has been given. Hearing impaired persons may access through (904284-4849 (TDD). All interested individuals are invited to attend these public hearings. By: Janis K. Fleet, AICP, Development Services Director Danielle J. Judd, City Manager City of Green Cove Springs 321 Walnut Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Legal 34306 published April 23, 2015 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32 l Walnut Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 (904) 529-2200 ext. 3 l5 (904) 529-1049 (fax) CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APPLICATION FOR SMALL SCALE MAP AMENDMENT DATE: 2/20/15 AMENDMENT#: _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Magnolia Cove Development, LLC 400 N.E. 3rd Avenue NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3234 (954) 980-8888 PHONE CITY, STATE, ZIP Lou Campanile, Jr., P.E. 400 N.E 3rd Avenue NAME OF AUTHORJZED AGENT ADDRESS Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3234 (954) 980-8888 ClTY, STATE, ZIP PHONE 300 S. Magnolia Avenue 38-06-26-017 494-000-00 PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER LEGALDEscRIPrtoN: Tract "A", MAGNOLIA COVE CONDOMINIUMS, Plat Book 53, Pages 1 & 2, Clay County Public Records Residential High Density Residential Riverfront PRESENT LAND USE CATEGORY LAND USE CATEGORY REQUESTED Adjacent Land Use (Plan) EAST (St. Johns River) NORTH wEsT Commercial Residential souTH Municipal Purpose of the Map Change Request: To change the land usa cv.tegory and Increase tile allowable; dwelling unit density. PLEASE CNCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORAMTION: I. 2. 3. 4. Legal description of the property including section, townshit> and rnngc. Vicinity map at scale of ouc inch= 400 feet or larger. Attach copy of deeds(s) for the property ot' properties on which a change is proposed. (f the requesting pnrty is not the owner{s) of the propel'ty ns specified on the deed, a letter from said owncr(s) consenting to the Plan amendment request shall provided. ~~~~~~~~~~·THAT ALL ABOVE ST ATEIVIBNTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. Signature of Applicant: ~;:tl!----~/C-------·Dale February 20, 2015 .... ........... ... ... .. ....... ... ......... .. .. ... .. .... BELOW THIS LINE FOR STAFF ONLY ....... ... .. ...... .... ...... ....... ..... .... ... .. .... ... .. . Date Adopted _ _ _ _ Signs Posted? CJ }'es D No Co111plia11ce D J'es D Additional Comments: Pa)·ment or the following fcc(s) is required prior to the dntc of the public hearing: a} b") c) d) Payment of the officinl filing fee $ IS0.00. Certified mail at c1.nwnt postage rate for each name o( each surrounding property owner within 300 feet. Legal 11d1'l!J'Jfse1111mr fee 10 he ffere1•mf1wl basc!tl 011 S7.00 n c1>f1111111 t11cfl. Cost of sigus $23.00 No CFN ff 2008002987, OR BK 2983 Page 2175, Recorded 01/18/2008 at 11:01 AM, James B . Jett Clerk Circuit Court, Clay County, Doc . D $0.70 Deputy Clerk CASTERLINEH PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: L.J. Arnold, lll Attorney at Luw P.O. Box 1570 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Parcel II 380626-017494-000-00 QUIT CLAIM DEED TIDS QUIT CLAIM DEED made this) 7tf' of January, 2008 by PYRAMID MOULDINGS INC.• a Delaware corpo1·ation, formerly known as Mouldings Acquisitions Corp., a Delaware corporation, whose address is: 4630 County Road 209 South, Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 1 hereinafter called Grantor, to MAGNOLIA COVE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, n Florida limited liabilify company, hereinafter called Grantee and whose address is 546 Spinnaker, Weston, Florida 33326-2942. (Whenever used herein the terms ''first party" nn<l "scc~>nd pony" shall include singular and plurul, heirs, lcgnl rcpresc11t111ivcs !lild assigns of individuals, and the successors nnd nssil',llS of corporalions, whcn:ver lhe contei<t so admits or requires). WITNESSETH: WITNESSETH, that the said first party, for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) and NO/l 00 Dollars and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot, piece of parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Clay, State of Florida, to wjt: As described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto SUBJECT TO Covenants, Easements, Resel'vations and Restrictions of record, if any. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appe11aining, and all the estate, title, interest, lien equity and claim whatsoever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoove of the said second party forever. OR BK 2983 PG 2176 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: PYRAMID MOULDINGS INC., a Delaware corporation, ro .. mcl'ly lrnown as Mouldings Acquisitions Corp., a Delaware corporation ~;~~ State of Florida County of Clay The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this/ lflil'- day of January, 2008 by Ronald R. Martin as President on behalf of Pyramid Mouldings Inc., a Delaware cor~tation, formerly known as Mouldings Acquisitions Corp., a Delaware corporation, who ( 0"has produced driverls license as identification or ( ) is personally know to me. 1J:_~~'\ r{A'7f'*' f<EUY8. ROGERS MY COMMISSION 100 676006 ~~l EXPIRES:June2s.2011 •·· ~id 1lvu tl~ary Pvlllc Unda111'111or1 1200 ft ~ ------~-""+t ~ Parcel: 38-06-26-017494-000-00 Acres: 7.346 ;_g~no_ ~~fqe : MAGNOLIA COVE DEVELOPMENT LLC MAGNOLIA AVE !!3ullgff19 Value: ~i~c,~alui{:$3,900,000 on 01-2008 Reason=Y Qual=Q \Just----· Value;~ 1710 SE 2ND CT ·- : .... I 1,584,000 r.- ·~ 0 0 1,584,000 1,584,000 ~~abl.~ Yfil~- ·-~.J 0 1,584,000 : FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 333013763 - :~~s.essed .Value :.,~~~mp~~al_LLe __ j Clay !, _(- The Clay County Property Appraiser's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein. its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll . All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITH~R CLAY COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--- MINUTES OF THE APRIL 7, 2015 REGULAR SESSION GREEN COVE SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL Call to Order The regular session of the Green Cove Springs City Council was called to order Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 321 Walnut Street, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The invocation was performed by Council Member Lewis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Roll Call COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Ray Braly Pamela J. Lewis Roy M. Timberlake, Jr. Van Royal, Vice Mayor C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: L. J. Arnold, Ill, City Attorney Julia W . Clevinger, City Clerk Janis Fleet, Development Services Director Marlena Guthrie, Finance Director Cynthia Hunter, Personnel Director Danielle J. Judd, City Manager Robert Musco, Chief of Police Mike Null, Asst. City Mgr./Public Works Director Mark Schultz, Electric Utility Director Mayor to call on members of the audience wishing to address the Council on matters not on the Agenda. Mayor Hampshire recognized Patrick Hale, Our Invisible Neighbors I Mercy Support Services, who distributed a hand-out to the City Council, and explained the services they provided. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Presentation of FACC Resolution in Recognition of F. Lee Bentley Mayor Hampshire advised that this item was being pulled at the request of FACC and would be presented at a future meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL LEWIS TO APPROVE THE PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING THE WEEK OF APRIL 12-18, 2015 AS NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK. THERE BEING NO THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR, VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. Proclamation - National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Mayor Hampshire read the Proclamation (see attachment marked Exhibit "A"). On behalf of the Dispatchers of the Green Cove Springs Cove Police Department, Sharon Adamson, Rene Hover, and AnnaMarie Scott, Brandi Acres thanked the City Council for the recognition. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 2of13 Employee of the 2nd Quarter - Candace Mahan Mayor Hampshire read a letter and presented a Plaque to Candace Mahan as the Employee of the 2nd Quarter for 2015. Mrs. Mahan thanked the City Council for the recognition . PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 0-02-2015, an Ordinance voluntarily annexing approximately 14.9 acres of real property in the corporate limits of the City. Fleet I Arnold Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-02-2015 (see attachment marked Exhibit "B") into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, VOLUNTARILY ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 14.9 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; SAID PROPERTY BEING GENERALLY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING SOUTHERN CITY LIMITS, WESTERLY OF OAKRIDGE AVENUE/COUNTY ROAD 15A; DESCRIBING SAID PROPERTY BY METES AND BOUNDS; FINDING THAT THE OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY HAVE PETITIONED THE CITY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO VOLUNTARILY ANNEX SAME; FINDING THAT THE PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS AND REASONABLY COMPACT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Fleet reviewed the information presented in the Staff Report. Mayor Hampshire opened the Public Hearing. She recognized Carolyn Roberts, 717 S. Oakridge Avenue, who expressed her concern regarding people trespassing onto her property from the proposed trail that would be located adjacent to her property. She asked the City to consider the installation of a privacy fence, and not a wooden fence, instead of a natural barrier of shrubs. Mayor Hampshire acknowledged her request saying she was welcome to install her own fence to which Ms. Roberts declined, as she believed it was the City's responsibility. Ms. Judd stated the City would look into her request and asked that she be allowed to consider other options noting that this part of the project would not be happening anytime soon. There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 0-02-2015. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES-COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. CONSENT AGENDA 1. 2. 3. City Council approval of the minutes of the Regular Session on March 17, 2015. City Council approval of construction of the Walnut Street tie-line, Installation of the Hilltop Substation spare transformer, and removal of the Plant Substation transformer, pad, fencing, and poles for an estimated cost of $85,000. City Council approval of LOR Interpretation 2015-03, Residential Use in the Central Business District (CBD) Zoning Category, at 606 Spring Street as it relates to group homes. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 3of13 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. City Council approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement for Water and Wastewater Engineering Services with GAi Consultants, Inc. for the period retroactive to March 15, 2015 through March 14, 2016 and authorization for the Mayor to sign the documents on behalf of the City. City Council approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for Tree Trimming and Removal Services with Evans Contracting Services, Inc. for the period retroactive to April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016 and authorization for the Mayor to sign the documents on behalf of the City. City Council approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Maintenance with Southland Specialties, Inc. for the period of April 15, 2015 through April 14, 2016 and authorization for the Mayor to sign the documents on behalf of the City. City Council approval to piggyback on the Pasco County, Florida Contract with Synagro for sludge dewatering retroactive to October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 in an amount not to exceed $60,000. Request by Jerome Goodman to remove Code Enforcement Lien on 61 O Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Item Nos. 3, 6, and 8 were pulled for discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 1, 2, 4, 5, AND 7 AS LISTED ABOVE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. Item No. 3 - In response to Council Member Braly's inquiry, Ms. Fleet reviewed the Florida Statute. Mayor Hampshire recognized John Kopelousos, Attorney for the Housing and Finance Authority of Clay County, who further explained the community problem and the program designed to assist and solve the problem. He reiterated that if the program did not work, it would be solved or shut down. The house in question would only house up to a maximum of five (5) veterans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VICE MAYOR ROYAL TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 3 AS LISTED ABOVE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. Item No. 6 - Council Member Braly advised he had intended to pull Item No. 8 instead. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRALY TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6 AS LISTED ABOVE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. Item No. 8 - Council Member Braly noted the amount of the lien was considerably more than the value of the property and confirmed with the City Manager that this amount was not booked in the City budget. The City Council recognized Jerome Goodman who had inherited the property and expressed its sincere appreciation for his efforts in cleaning up the property at 610 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (formerly owned by Durham Arline) and bringing it into compliance. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 4of13 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8 AS LISTED ABOVE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRALY. Under discussion of the motion, Mr. Arnold recounted the time years ago when members of the City Council and City Staff had attempted to assist Mr. Arline in cleaning the property. Ms. Judd recognized Marcy James and thanked her for the work and collaboration with Mr. Goodman. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Approval of a Major Special Event Application from the Orange Park Rotary Club for the Community First Credit Union American Pie July 4th Celebration to be held in Reynolds Park. Judd Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding approval of a Major Special Event Application from the Orange Park Rotary Club for the Community First Credit Union American Pie July 4th Celebration to be held in Reynolds Park as presented by Ms. Judd. Mayor Hampshire recognized Jim Cribb, Orange Park Rotary Club, who gave an overview of past events held in Orange Park, the proposed event, and their requests from the City. Mr. Cribb confirmed that an event would also be held at the Moosehaven in Orange Park. Vice Mayor Royal reminded that this was an event for the County, along with each municipality, and asked Mr. Cribb to consider requesting funds from the County. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VICE MAYOR ROYAL TO APPROVE THE MAJOR SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION AND PAY $2,500 TOWARDS THE POLICE [OVERTIME] . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. Under discussion of the Motion, and in reply to Council Member Lewis' inquiry, Ms. Judd advised there was approximately $10,000 left in the Contingency Fund. Vice Mayor felt this was an investment in the City. Council Member Timberlake hoped that the Rotary Club would be able to come before the Council earlier next year so, if possible, funds could be built into the budget. Council Member Braly expressed his concern of the City spending $19,000,000 for a Wastewater Treatment Plant versus $2,500 for this event. Ms. Judd asked that the City Council confirm when making their motion that the other requests including the banners and barricades would be the responsibility of the Rotary Club. The City could accommodate the banners but only in an 8' x 2' size at the Wager Triangle and Esplanade Avenue locations. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. Mayor Hampshire announced that the City Council would now address Council Business Item No. 7. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 5of13 7. Cost Estimates for demolition and/or relocation of the Old Police Station located at 205 Spring Street Null I Thomas Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding cost estimates for demolition and/or relocation of the Old Police Station located at 205 Spring Street as presented by Mr. Null. Mayor Hampshire recognized Peter Hundt, 3526 Shinnecock Lane, who believed the City should plan for the future of the whole site and suggested a major restaurant be allowed to locate on the property. Mayor Hampshire recognized Luke Byrne, 3682 Baltusrol Court, who believed the City should find the money to clean the site so any prospective developer would have a clean pallet to work with. Mayor Timberlake suggested the City Council have Staff: • • • • • look into the current Cl P budget; look at where we are year to date; look at what we anticipate to occur throughout the balance of the year; look and see where we are going to be from a cash flow perspective against the CIP budget to see if there is money that would become available in the latter parts of this fiscal year to go ahead and demolish the building and remove it from the property; and have Staff come back with that set of facts and the Council make a decision on how we proceed . A MOTION WAS SO MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THE MOTION WAS Further discussion included the following points: • • • • • • • Work the cost of the demolition into the fee structure of any prospective lease; Costs for demolition and relocation had been presented to the City Council; Costs for any potential renovation had been presented to the City Council; No further City funds would be spent on the maintenance of the building; Address during the upcoming budget workshops; No need for any type of restaurant in the Park when other properties are available in the City; and Take out building and put in green space. Mayor Hampshire recognized Joe Sobotta, 212 North Street, who questioned why the City could not investigate having City employees and the Fire Department burn the building down. He also agreed to no restaurant in the Park. He hoped that the City would someday own the two (2) full blocks for the Park and not allow private enterprise in the public park. Ms. Judd noted the building had asbestos in it and she would not allow any City employee in there. If the City Council was not going to maintain the structure or spend $500,000 to rehab it, her recommendation was that it really needed to be demolished. Council Member Timberlake clarified his motion to: • • Look at the CIP budget To look at what is currently planned to be spent between now and the end of the year; and April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 6of13 • What will actually be spent; what the cash flows would be; and whether or not there would be money in the GIP budgets to support the demolition of the building at roughly $37,000-$38,000. Ms. Judd attempted to clarify Council Member Timberlake's comment for Vice Mayor Royal such that the plan for using funds that may not be expended from other capital projects be carried over from FY 2015 to FY 2016 for this capital project. Vice Mayor Royal disagreed and wanted to delay this item until the City Council could look at it during the Budget Workshop. Mayor Hampshire clarified that the motion was to only "look at" this issue for possible funding resolutions. Ms. Judd further clarified that the key policy decision was whether or not the City Council wanted to demolish the building. AN AMENDED MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO DEMOLISH THE BUILDING AND THAT WE LOOK TO SEE IF MONEY IS AVAILABLE IN THIS FISCAL YEAR'S BUDGET TO DO IT AND, IF NOT, THEN IT BECOMES SOMETHING THAT GOES IN THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR. THE AMENDED MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. Council Member Braly acknowledged the costs involved with the removal of the asbestos and agreed the building needed to be demolished. Vice Mayor agreed with demolishing the building but reiterated his opposition to looking at it in this fiscal year versus going through the upcoming budget process. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - VAN ROYAL. Ms. Judd clarified the intent of the Motion that passed on a 4-1 vote was to demolish the structure and come back in the 3rd quarter and give the City Council an update on the General Government GIP. The funding source that would pay for any unanticipated expense would have to come from the General Government side of the equation, i.e. Surtax or Depreciation Reserve. She would not put off any GIP project for Water, Sewer, or Electric. Mayor Hampshire passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Royal at 8:53 p.m. and briefly exited the meeting and re-entered the meeting at 8:56 p.m . 2. First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-08-2015, an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan of Green Cove Springs, Florida by revising Future Land Use Element Policy 1.6.1 (a), by adding (5) Residential Riverfront - Magnolia Cove. Fleet Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-08-2015 into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY REVISING FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT POLICY 1.6.1 (a), BY ADDING (5) RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT - MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR CORRECTION OF SCRIVENERS ERRORS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, REPEALER, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Fleet reviewed the information presented in the Staff Report. Pat Leroy, Watson Realty and Agent of Record, gave a brief overview of the proposed layout of the buildings. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 7of13 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 0-08-2015 ON FIRST READING AS TO FORM ONLY AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF THE ORDINANCE FOR MAY 5TH. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRALY. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. 3. First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-09-2015, an Ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map for 7.3 acres of property located east of Magnolia Avenue and south of Bay Street from RHO - Residential High Density to RFF - Residential Riverfront Magnolia Cove. Fleet Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-09-2015 into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR 7.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE AND SOUTH OF BAY STREET, IDENTIFIED AS TAX ID # 017494-000-00 AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", FROM RHO - RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY TO RRF - RESIDENTIAL RIVERFRONT MAGNOLIA COVE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Fleet reviewed the information presented in the Staff Report. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 0-09-2015 ON FIRST READING AS TO FORM ONLY AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF THE ORDINANCE FOR MAY 5TH. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRALY. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. 4. Acceptance of the City's Wastewater Master Plan, approval of the revised Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Capital Improvement Program budget, and authorization for the City Manager to sign a Task Order with Mittauer & Associates to complete a Reclaimed Water Master Plan in the amount of $50,000. Null !Judd Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding acceptance of the City's Wastewater Master Plan, approval of the revised Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Capital Improvement Program budget, and authorization for the City Manager to sign a Task Order with Mittauer & Associates to complete a Reclaimed Water Master Plan in the amount of $50,000 as presented by Ms. Judd. Staff had been successful in making things work; however, she conveyed the urgency of this project. She reviewed the information provided in the spreadsheet in the Staff Report. Other points of discussion included: • • • • • • • New and proposed developments that would impact the WWTP flows; Reynolds Park and the undeveloped commercial locations were not included in the numbers; The flows from two (2) major commercial and industrial users who were no longer in business were not included in the numbers; This project would take 3-5 years from planning to completion; The need to review and develop new rates; The City's Plants were 40 years old and were coming to the end of their useful lives; and The steps the City Council would need to make regarding policy decisions. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 8of13 Mr. Null also advised that the cost of the Task Order had been reduced to $40,000. He reviewed the plant nutrient removal capabilities, which were nearing their maximum capacity. Jason Shepler and Greg Lang, from Mittauer & Associates, presented a PowerPoint presentation, which ultimately recommended Alternative No. 5. Further discussion included the following points: • • • • • • • • • • • • How is the City going to pay for it? There are a variety of funding sources and combinations of sources; Engage professionals to assist with funding sources; When will it be done? Is this a phased project? Construction costs will not go down before 2019; Is this a closed system? How much would fees be increased? Suggestion of $20 per household; This would be determined at a later point in the project; The City Manager believes the debt service would be about $475,000; City's current rates are considerably less than CCUA; This project is also predicated on sending reuse to Magnolia Point Golf Course; Hole #9 is not included in the calculations; Future PUD developments and re-development of Reynolds Industrial Park have to be considered; Maintenance costs exceed $200,000 per year until a new treatment plant goes online; This project is not an "if", but "when"; The City needs an Advanced Wastewater Plant; The City needs to plan a timeline to be presented at a hearing in Tallahassee in August; the process also includes this project coming back to the Council many times over the next several years; Council needs to look at the Wastewater Master Plan and allow Staff to revise the GIP; The three (3) parts to this equation are Reuse, Consolidation, and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant; There is a certain degree of urgency; There has been too much done and the City Manager does not want to leave this project undone, This project cannot "not" be done; and The City cannot grow without this plant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO RECEIVE THE UPDATE AS PRESENTED; WE AGREE WITH THE AUTHORIZATION FOR THE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN AND THAT WE PROCEED WITH THE ACTION ITEMS 1-6 THAT ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE BACK-UP MATERIAL STARTING WITH THE SUBMISSION OF THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION. THIS ALSO INCLUDES AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE TASK ORDER WITH MITTAUER & ASSOCIATES TO COMPLETE A RECLAIMED WATER MASTER PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000. Mr. Null clarified that the amount for the Reclaimed Water Master Plan had been reduced to $40,000 since the Staff Report had been submitted for the Agenda. MAYOR TIMBERLAKE AMENDED HIS MOTION ACCORDINGLY. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 9of13 5. Approval of Resolution No. R-06-2015, a Resolution requesting Staff to submit a Request for Inclusion (RFI) to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for consideration of financing of advanced wastewater treatment and reclaimed water facility improvements. Null I Judd Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding approval of Resolution No. R-06-2015, ·a Resolution requesting Staff to submit a Request for Inclusion (RFI) to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for consideration of financing of advanced wastewater treatment and reclaimed water facility improvements as presented by Ms. Judd. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. R-06-2015 AND DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR INCLUSION (RFI) AS AUTHORIZED IN THE RESOLUTION. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. 6. Monthly Report on Florida Municipal Power Agency. Judd I Page Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding the Monthly Report on Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) as presented Mr. Page. Further discussion included the following points: • The City Council should send a letter to the General Counsel and CEO of FMPA with copies to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee expressing the City's continued concerns and that the City is put off by the fact that the General Counsel and CEO did not show up to the Committee Hearing in Tallahassee. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO HAVE THE CITY SEND A LETTER TO FMPA, SPECIFICALLY THE GENERAL COUNSEL AND CEO, AND INDICATE TO THEM THAT AS A MEMBER CITY OF THE ORGANIZATION, WE ARE PUT OFF BY THE FACT THAT THEY DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING WHEN THEY HAD BEEN ASKED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING. THEY REPRESENT THE CITY AND THEY REPRESENT THE CITY TO OUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES AND EVERYBODY ELSE INVOLVED; AND LIKEWISE, IT SHOULD BE COPIED TO EVERY OTHER MEMBER CITY IN THE FMPA. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. Under discussion of the Motion, the following points were discussed: • • • • • • • • The audit and the response by FMPA not being there would cost the City and every other participatory city; The costs to leave FMPA is prohibitive to the City; FMPA has to be held accountable; FMPA should be able to provide the Part A and Part B costs to every member city on an annual basis; The City Manager and Mr. Page felt a trip to Tallahassee was in order; and The City Manager believes this is a multi-year issue and governance is the first issue that should be addressed and the City can take the lead; With several things coming to an end in 2017, the City Manager was concerned about FMPA making additional commitments; The City has exercised the option to stop the self-renewal process and have an end date; and April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 10 of 13 • Clarification was needed to tell the City what its exit costs would be; 2% of the $1.6 $1.7 billion debt, or $34 million, plus the Stranded Costs (Part B) of $35 million would be the City's costs; the City's outside counsel had previously advised the City that this cost would probably end up being about half of this amount. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS- NONE. Mr. Page requested direction from the City Council on voting at the meeting in April regarding the Taylor Swaps. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO ACCEPT MR. PAGE'S RECOMMENDATION; THAT HE WILL VOTE TO PAY THE FIXED FEES. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR ROYAL. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. The City Manager requested a motion be made to allow her to go to Tallahassee, to coordinate with Mr. Page if he is so willing; also our legislative delegation and potentially others to further the governance start of discussion. A MOTION WAS SO MOVED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. Mr. Page further advised the City Council about Amendment No. 1, which would be on the 2016 Ballot regarding the promotion of solar power in the State. He would provide the information with the City Manager to be shared with the residents. June is "Clean Air Month" and the EPA is going to decide what to do about all the regulation for clean air. FMPA currently cannot meet those EPA requirements even if they shut down all of their coal operations and used only their gas plants. He stated they are one of the best utilities in Florida as far as clean air is concerned and believed prices would increase. Mayor Hampshire recognized Pat Garlinghouse, 103 S. Magnolia Avenue, who requested the City Council consider hiring an architectural reclaim company for the Old Police Station. 7. Cost Estimates for demolition and/or relocation of the Old Police Station located at 205 Spring Street Null I Thomas See Above. 8. Establishment of a Budget Policy Decision Meeting. Guthrie Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding the establishment of a Budget Policy Decision meeting as presented by Ms. Guthrie. The City Council agreed to schedule a Special Session on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. The issue of the City's Red Light Cameras was to be added to the discussion along with a proposed administrative budget adjustment/millage as allowed by Florida Statutes. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page 11 of 13 9. First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-05-2015, an Ordinance voluntarily annexing approximately 140 acres of real property into the corporate limits of the City. Fleet Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-05-2015 into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, VOLUNTARILY ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 140 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; SAID PROPERTY BEING GENERALLY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING SOUTHERN CITY LIMITS, EASTERLY OF OAKRIDGE AVENUE/COUNTY ROAD 15A AND SOUTHERLY OF GREEN COVE AVENUE; DESCRIBING SAID PROPERTY BY METES AND BOUNDS; FINDING THAT THE OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY HAVE PETITIONED THE CITY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO VOLUNTARILY ANNEX SAME; FINDING THAT THE PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS AND REASONABLY COMPACT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding the Ordinance as presented by Ms. Fleet. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 0-05-2015 ON FIRST READING AS TO FORM ONLY AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SECOND AND FINAL READING OF THE ORDINANCE FOR APRIL 21 8 T. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. Under discussion of the Motion, Vice Mayor Royal expressed his opposition to the Ordinance stating he felt the City was premature in ruling out the possibility of getting the County's help at some point in time on that piece of property. He did not believe the County would participate in a joint partnership if they did not have a stake in the property. Ms. Fleet advised that conditions of the State's Grant Agreement and the Annual Management Plan and Stewardship Plan required the City to change the Future Land Use and Zoning to Conservation. There was a substantial cost savings to the City if the Future Land Use and Zoning changes were processed through the City versus the County. Vice Mayor Royal disagreed stating he looked to the future and the possibility of the City approaching Gustafson's and requesting a regional park be included in the future DRI. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - D. RAY BRALY AND VAN ROYAL. 10. First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-06-2015, an Ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map for 140 acres of property located east of Oakridge Avenue I C.R. 15A and south of Green Cove Avenue. Fleet Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-06-2015 into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR 140 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF OAKRIDGE AVENUE/15A AND SOUTH OF GREEN COVE AVENUE, IDENTIFIED AS TAX ID PARCELS #016515-002-00, 016594-000-00, 016598-000-00, 016598-001-00, 016598-002-00, AND 016600-000-00; AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", TO REC RECREATION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page12of13 Discussion ensued with the City Council regarding the Ordinance as presented by Ms. Fleet. Based upon the passing of Ordinance No. 0-05-2015 annexing the property into the City, Ms. Fleet requested a motion to approve Ordinance No. 0-06-2015 on first reading and to direct Staff to transmit the Amendment to the Department of Economic Opportunity and other agencies for review. Once reviewed by the State, the Ordinances would return to the City Council for 2nd and Final Reading. A MOTION WAS SO MOVED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. THE MOTION WAS Under discussion of the Motion, Vice Mayor Royal inquired of Ms. Fleet if she expected any funds to be expended on this park in the next five (5) years. Ms. Judd advised that the City was under a Management Plan. In addition, she noted that the County has a pot of money in their budget that they will match grant applications for parks and recreation to help other municipalities. She was not aware of anyone using it but it was available. In the next five (5) years, she believed the City would have to work on one (1) of the four (4) key elements in the Plan. Mayor Hampshire inquired about tabling Item Nos.1 O and 11 until the City Manager had time to find out more information on the possibility of County funds. Ms. Fleet suggested the City Council continue with Item No. 10. They could table Item 11 until the comments were received from the State regarding the Annexation Ordinance approved in Item No. 9. COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE RESTATED HIS MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 0-06-2015, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR 140 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF OAKRIDGE AVENUE ON FIRST READING WITH SECOND TO COME ON 8 APRIL 21 T AND TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER LEWIS. Vice Mayor Royal expressed his continued opposition stating the County had only tabled the issue of funding a mega-park complex and he did not believe they would be as apt to participate in the project if they had no control within the project. Council Member Lewis' interpretation was that the entire funding (Big League Dreams) had been withdrawn because the County decided they wanted to build roads. Vice Mayor Royal disagreed and reiterated that the possibility of a partnership being built would be because of the City owning the property and it being located in the County. Council Member Braly agreed. The City Manager expressed her observations regarding the County's position. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - D. RAY BRALY AND VAN ROYAL. 11. First Reading of Ordinance No. 0-07-2015, an Ordinance rezoning 140 acres of property located east of Oakridge Avenue I C.R. 15A and south of Green Cove Avenue. Fleet Mr. Arnold read the title of Ordinance No. 0-07-2015 into the record as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA REZONING 140 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF OAKRIDGE AVENUE/15A AND SOUTH OF GREEN COVE AVENUE, IDENTIFIED AS TAX ID PARCELS #016515-002-00, 016594-000-00, AND MORE 016598-000-00, 016598-001-00, 016598-002-00, AND 016600-000-00; PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, TO REC RECREATION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. April 7, 2015 Regular Session Page13of13 A MOTION WAS MADE BY MAYOR HAMPSHIRE TO TABLE COUNCIL BUSINESS ITEM NO. 11 . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS -VAN ROYAL. 12. City Manager and City Attorney Reports and/or Correspondence. The City Manager acknowledged the above reports provided to the City Council for information. The City Manager and City Attorney made comments regarding various city activities, events, operations, and projects. Mr. Arnold gave a brief update on the County's passing of an Anti-Nudity and Adult Entertainment Ordinances, which did not include the City. As such, the City's ban was now considered unconstitutional. Mr. Arnold offered to contact the County Attorney to inquire as to why the City was omitted from inclusion in the Ordinance when the City had specifically requested to be included as documented in the letters sent to the County Commission. He also requested approval from the City Council to research the possibility of utilizing the back-up documentation from the County's Ordinance in the creation of a new City Ordinance. The City Council agreed to individually reach out to the Commission regarding why the City was omitted. A Special Session was scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 10:30 a. m. regarding the Redevelopment of the Old City Hall Building and City Pool and Spring Head. A mass mailing flyer would also be printed and sent out. AN EMERGENCY MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER TIMBERLAKE TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPENSE OF A BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $500 FOR THE NORTHEAST FLORIDA COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY'S ANNUAL AWARDS & RECOGNITION LUNCHEON TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL LEWIS. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - COUNCIL MEMBERS D. RAY BRALY, PAMELA J. LEWIS, ROY M. TIMBERLAKE, JR., VAN ROYAL, AND MAYOR C. FELECIA HAMPSHIRE. NAYS - NONE. 13. City Council Reports and/or Correspondence. The City Council made comments regarding various city activities, ·events, operations, and projects. 14. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 p.m. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA C. Felecia Hampshire, Mayor Attest: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Council approval of Resolution R-09-2015, a Resolution amending the General Fund operating budget for fiscal year 2015 per Exhibit "A". BACKGROUND: This. amendment is to transfer a portion of the contingency budget within the General Fund that was set aside for Contributions to General Fund Reserve to be the funding source for extraordinary legal services for red light camera litigation and the City's contribution toward the Police Overtime for the American Pie July 4th Celebration. This amendment also includes the transfer of the Senior Secretary annual budget allocation from the Office of the City Manager to the Human Resources Department a,nd the transfer of the Clerk-Typist annual budget allocation from the Human Resources Department to the Development Services Department. The anticipated salary savings from the vacancies created while recruiting for the Human Resources Specialist and Clerk-Typist are being transferred to the City Clerk's personal services budget to cover the anticipated over budget due to both the former City Clerk and Interim City Clerk salary expenses being posted there. During FY 2015 budget deliberations, the Council allocated $43,261 for Contribution to General Fund Reserve. The Council approved the request to amend the City Attorney's budget to provide a "not to exceed" amount of $10,000 for extraordinary legal services for red light camera litigation during the December 9, 2014 Council Meeting. The Council approved the $2,500 contribution toward the Police Overtime for the American Pie July 4th Celebration during the April 7, 2015 Council Meeting. The Council approved the transfer of the Senior Secretary annual budget allocation and position count from the Office of the City Manager to the Human Resources Department and the transfer of the Clerk-Typist annual budget allocation and position count from the Human Resources Department to the Development Services Department during the February 17, 2015 Council Meeting. Exhibit "A" is attached listing the budget adjustment #1 for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015. This adjustment is needed to transfer a portion of the contingency budget for the City Attorney and Police Department within the General Fund. This adjustment is also needed to transfer the Senior Secretary Budget allocation from the City Manager to the Human Resources and City Clerk budgets and transfer the Clerk-Typist budget allocation from the Human Resources budget to the Development Services Department and City Clerk budgets. It is not necessary to increase the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 General Fund budget for budget adjustment #1 since the total General Fund budget is not being increased. The total General Fund budget prior to budget adjustment #1 is $6,487,833 and after budget adjustment #1 is posted the total General Fund budget will remain at $6,487,833. FISCAL IMPACT I FUNDING SOURCE: Transfer $12,500 from Contribution to General Fund Reserve to City Attorney Operating Budget and Police Personal Services Budget. Transfer $48,019 from City Manager Personal Services Budget to Human Resources Personal Services Budget in the amount of $10,092 and to City Clerk Budget in the amount of $37,927. Transfer $16,077 from Human Resources Personal Services Budget to Development Services Personal Services Budget in the amount of $16,077. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution R-09-2015 amending the 2015 Operating Budget for the General Fund. MOTION: Approve Resolution R-09-2015 amending the 2015 Operating Budget for the General Fund. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: RESOLUTION NO. R-09-2015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING INTERIM BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. WHEREAS, budget adjustments are necessary to transfer a portion of the contingency budget balance to the General Fund Departments using the funds. WHEREAS, budget adjustments are necessary for changes in General Fund expenditures during Fiscal Year 2014/2015. WHEREAS, it is not necessary to increase the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 General Fund budget for the interim budget adjustments since the total General Fund budget is not increased. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the interim budget adjustment expenditures as indicated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby authorized and approved. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN DUPLICATE, IN REGULAR SESSION THIS 5TH DAY OF MAY 2015. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA ,Mayor ATTEST: Julia W. Clevinger, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: L. J. Arnold, III, City Attorney Resolution No. R-09-2015 EXHIBIT "A" BUDGET AMENDMENT #1 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONS CURRENT BUDGET INCREASE DECREASE JUSTIFICATION ADJUSTED BUDGET GENERAL FUND 001 5009000 General Services (1319) Contribution to GF Reserve TOTALS 43,261 43,261 0 0 12,500 12,500 3o,761Redistribute balance to other GF Departments 30,761 o - - - - -- - --+--N_e_t_D_e_c_re_a_s_e_in_Ex_p_e_n_s_es_ _-+---------+-----~>;,;, ;; ~~29,g.----------+----------------------1 City Attorney (1414) 5003100 Professional Services TOTALS ,___ ____ _-+_ _ _ N_e_t_ln_c_re_a_s_e_in_ Ex~p_e_n_se_s_ 0 10,000 10,000 Increase for extraordinary legal services for red light 10,000 camera litigation 10,000 0 0 _ -+----------;':;;':::;;}p;l?,9.~.------+--------+----------------------1 Police {2021) 5001400 Overtime TOTALS ,___ 62,000 62,000 _ __ _ _-+_ _ _ N_e_ t_ ln_c_re_a_s_e_in_ Ex~p_e_n_se_s_ _-+-------~! 2,500 2,500 64,500 Increase Police OT for American Pie July 4th Celebration 64,500 0 0 ,i ;: ?~~pf:l: ·'.------+--------+----------------------1 City Manager {1212) 5001200 Salaries TOTALS 203,654 203,654 0 0 Senior Secretary annual budget allocation and position 155,635 count transfer 155,635 48,019 48,019 ,,,,,, Net Decrease in Expenses City Clerk (1211) 5001200 Salaries TOTALS 59,923 59,923 Net Increase in Expenses 37,927 37,927 ':,::.:· '3"!"'""'·' Senior Secretary salary savings to cover anticipated budget overage due to both the former City Clerk and Interim City Clerk salary expenses posted to the City Clerk's annual 97,850 budget 97,850 0 0 Human Resources (1213) Senior Secretary annual budget allocation and position 5001200 Salaries 5001200 Salaries TOTALS 94,868 10,092 0 0 94,868 0 10,092 16,077 16,077 Net Decrease in Expenses - ;.· 104,960 reclass Clerk Typist annual budget allocation and position count (16,077) transfer 88,883 '5~.~~. Development Services (1515) 5001200 Salaries TOTALS Net Increase in Expenses 53,568 53,568 16,077 16,077 Clerk Typist annual budget allocation and position count 69,645 transfer for remainder of fiscal year 69,645 0 0 ~= 16;o:n !----------+------+---~~ ...-....-... -. --+! - - - - - - + - -- ·· .... ' ' MGuthrie +'N~tCharig~ ih6f:':8'pens~~ L: ' ., ....., ,:517;27:4: ·· ; '66;504 , : <' .L 66~04 , >. . AMEND#l '" · ·' , , n : s11~274.:: 4/29/2015 7:24 AM CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT May 5, 2015 SUBJECT: City Council Appointments to the Green Cove Springs Police Pension Board. BACKGROUND: The two-year terms for the two members appointed by Council to the Police Pension Board are up in June, 2015. Those currently serving are Deborah Wiedeman and Luke Byrne, and both have indicated they are willing to serve another term if the Council desires. Ms. Wiedeman currently serves as the Chairman of the Board. Per Florida Statute, the Police Pension Board is made up of five members. The City Council appoints two residents who reside within the corporate limits of Green Cove Springs, and the police officer members of the pension plan elect two members from among themselves. These four members of the Board elect the fifth member. Terms are two years. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Council appointment of two Green Cove Springs residents to the Police Pension Board. MOTION: Motion to appoint and _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to the Green Cove Springs Police Pension Board for a tenn of office beginning on June 7, 2015. Submitted: PENSION BOARD APPTS JUNE 2015.DOC Approved: CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Utilization of the Police Department's Drug Fund in support of the county-wide distribution of the annual Safe & Drug-Free Schools calendar project sponsored by Clay Action Coalition, Inc. BACKGROUND: For the past six years, the Police Department has utilized its Drug fund to purchase a page on the yearly Safe & Drug-Free Schools Calendar sponsored by Clay Action Coalition, Inc. The yearly calendar includes original anti-drug artwork from area school children, and pertinent information regarding drugs for parents and concerned citizens promoting a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. The calendar also serves as a most worthwhile tool for parents, containing all significant school year dates; report card and interim report card dates, holidays, and early dismissal dates. The cost for this year's page is $300.00 dollars for 125 calendars and insures that the Police Department's logo and other pertinent information is displayed on a calendar page, all supporting the Police Department's anti-drug message to our youth. RECOMMENDATION: The Police Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Chief of Police to utilize the Police Department's Drug Fund for an amount not to exceed $300.00 dollars, to pay for this important community-wide anti-drug project, as this is not a budgeted item in the Police Department's budget. MOTION: To authorize the Chief of Police to utilize the Police Department's Drug Fund for an amount not to exceed $300.00, for the purchase of a monthly page supporting the 2015/2016 Safe & Drug-Free Schools calendar project. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 19, 2015 Dear Business Partner, Executive Board Donna Wethington, MEd, BS, CPP President Kathy Schofield Vice President Nora Milne Secretary Harold Rutledge Treasurer Chief Gary Goble Officer at Large It is time for our annual fundraiser to support the county-wide distribution of our Safe & Drug-Free Schools calendar project. The calendar includes original artwork from our area school children and pertinent information for parents and concerned citizens promoting a healthy and drug-free lifestyle, obviously its primary purpose. It also serves as a most worthwhile planning calendar for parents, containing all significant school year dates; report card and interim report card dates, holidays, early dismissals, etc. This project was started in 1997 by the Clay County Juvenile Justice Council and has continued to be well supported and received by the community. The project also has the support of Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler and Clay County School Superintendent Charlie Van Zant. The Clay County Juvenile Justice Council members are active participants of Clay Action Coalition, Inc. which is a nonprofit organization comprised of representatives from law enforcement, school district, health care, juvenile justice, government, business sector, substance abuse and mental health providers, youth, parents and interested residents of our community. The purpose of the council is to develop comprehensive juvenile justice prevention and early intervention plans for the youth of our county, as well as working collaboratively with the Department of Juvenile Justice in seeking program improvements to address the many needs of youth that are at risk of delinquency. To partially cover the cost of the calendar printing and to ensure more community-wide distribution, we are seeking community support through donations. A minimum of $400 ensures your company or organization name and logo will be prominently displayed at the bottom of your sponsored page. You will also receive approximately 150 calendars to distribute as you wish through your organization. Thank you in advance for consideration of this request as a sponsor. If I can provide any further information, please feel free to contact me at 904-5294995. Sincerely, 4~,?~ w w7~ 2306 Kingsley Avenue, Bldg. 19 Orange Park, FL 32073 Ph. 904.272.6413 www Donna Wethington, President Clay Action Coalition, Inc. "Promoting Safe, Healthy and Drug Free Communities For All" CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Chapman Substation, Automatic Transfer Switch and Load Tap Changers BACKGROUND: During the annual inspection of the Chapman Substation two problems were found which should be taken care of soon. The Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) pulls low voltage power from either the # 1 transformer or the #2 transformer to provide power to the control building for lights, outlets, and battery charging. The control circuits and automatic switchgear are operated by a large bank of batteries. Without power to charge these batteries, they will go dead in about ~ hour leaving the substation unprotected. When we take either of the large transformers out of service, the ATS automatically switches to the other transformer in order to continue battery charging. We discovered that one side of the ATS has been burned up, most likely due to the housing rusting out and allowing moisture inside. Parts for equipment of this age are difficult to obtain so our engineer, Fred Young, feels that we should replace the entire ATS unit. Also during the inspection it was found that the contacts inside of the Load Tap Changers (L TCs) of both transformers were found to be deteriorating. The travel of movable contacts across the stationary contacts allow the transformer to maintain a constant voltage output as the load varies. During this movement there is a small amount of arcing which, in time, bums up the contacts. These contacts were replaced in one of the two transformers in 2006. I don't know if the set in the other transformer has ever been replaced. There are 54 stationary and 6 movable contacts in each transformer. This work will take about 2 days per transformer so it cannot be performed until after the ATS has been repaired/replaced. This work will also require a very short (minutes) outage of the entire city. FISCAL IMP ACT I FUNDING SOURCE: Total cost for both repairs is $52,330.00 ($4,400 for the A TS and $4 7 ,93 2 for the LTCs ). The funding would be through the funding strategies for CIP projects with proceeds approved at the February 3rd Council meeting by eliminating the field breaker, Harbor Road at Ivey Lane project and reducing the 4 kV conversion project approved at the April 7, 2015 Council meeting by $2,330 due to lower transformer costs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the replacement of the Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and contacts in both Load Tap Changers (LTCs) in the Chapman Substation at a cost of $52,330.00. MOTION: Approve replacement of the Automatic Transfer Switch and contacts in the Load Tap Changers in the Chapman Substation at a cost of $52,330.00. SUBMITTED BY: Mark Schultz, Director of E ctric Utility One of two large transformers in the Chapman Substation. Each transformer contains 54 of these stationary contacts and 6 of these moving contacts inside of the LTC. Stationary contact Moving contact This is the complete ATS including weatherproof enclosure This is the battery bank powering relays, switches, meters, etc. in the control building. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Monthly Report on Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) BACKGROUND: As you know, Mr. Robert Page, former Mayor, was delegated by the Mayor and Council to serve as our primary representative at all FMPA meetings. As such, Mr. Page will begin to periodically report back to the Mayor and Council on FMP A meetings that he attends on our behalf. Mr. Page has prepared a brief update for your review that he will present during the Council meeting, copy attached. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the update and provide further policy directives. MOTION: (1) Receive the update; and (2) Provide further policy directives. SUBMITTED BY: Enclosures - Mr. Robert Page' s Monthly Report FMPA Monthly Report April Conservation & Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (CREAC) •Approved funding for another year at the $700,ooo level. $50,000 will be used to produce new videos for use by members to encourage conservation. • Program to date Green Cove Springs has used 79% of their funds. • EPA Clean Power Regulations should be finalized in June. Could require abandoning current coal generating plants. Projected cost increase of 10-30% by 2030. FMPA currently projects a cost of $n9/MWh for 2030 without these additional costs. April Rate Call • Natural gas storage greater than expected and prices are trending down. Expect gas pricing to remain stable through 2015. EIA forecast calls for increases in 2016. FMPA Board of Directors • Actions to correct Auditor General findings tabled to the May meeting. Staff presented proposed changes but not in actual policy form. BoD will vote on actual policies in May. • St Lucie swaps debt has reached 36% of St Lucie project debt. FMPA Debt Risk Manage:i;nent Policy calls for a max of 35%. Staff recommended approval of an exception. The BoD pushed back and asked for more info based Auditor Generals findings of not following policies. Executive Committee • Settlement with Duke on a refund of transmission fees continues to a favorable conclusion. • Quincy is making security deposits on time to meet new contract guidelines approved last month. • FMPA continues to be in the running to supply Homestead's 15 RFQ for power supply. • Approved extension of Florida Gas Transmission contract to 2026. This contract protects gas supply for the Treasure Coast generating plant. •Approved CROD implementation to always deduct excluded resources from CROD monthly calculations. • CREAC conservation funding approved at $700,000. • Approved $150,000,000 line of credit that supports Series 2008C bonds approved with Bank of America. Fees were reduced by 31%, lowered credit rating threshold by one notch for FMPA to be considered in default, eliminated right of setoff and extended expiration date to 2018. • Approved termination of three (3) Taylor Swaps as soon as practical. As of this writing they have not been terminated ... anticipated this will occur by the end of the month. • Remaining Taylor six (6) swaps will be terminated and used to refinance current bonds callable in 2018 and 2019. Action on actual termination delayed until the Executive Committee approves a final debt repayment schedule. I expected that to happen with a special called telephonic meeting in a week to ten days. To date, no information has been provided or a meeting scheduled. Consultant RFQ Draft Circulation • In addition to addressing the AG Report concerns, I believe, the RFQ needs to include consultant input on FMPA governance and questions raised by the Legislative Committee,i.e., CEO compensation, value/appraisal of assets, standard formula for calculation of Part A and Part B payments to exit the contract and seek broadest possible distribution of the RFQ. CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: 27th Annual Memorial Day RiverFest Celebration BACKGROUND: Over the last several months, we have begun planning and organizing this community celebration that will be held on Monday, May 25, 2015. A recap of the event program and day' s activities planned for this celebration are provided for your information. At this juncture, we are on track in terms of the myriad of details and steps that must be executed to bring forward an event of this magnitude. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Annual Tribute to Fallen Soldiers organized by the City of Green Cove Springs. Vendor applications organized by the City of Green Cove Springs have been on the website since March 2015 and many repeat vendors are registered to date, plus several new vendors have applied. Display of Military Vehicles will be on site. Pool in Spring Park will be closed due to deconstruction of the Old City Hall Building. Planned publicity include radio spots with WSOS 94.1 FM starting on May 20th and ending on May 26th paid by the Clay County Tourist Development Council; Press Release; Clay Today Advertisement; and Flyer sent through the School Board are all underway. Presentation of Colors will be performed by the Scottish American Military Society. The National Anthem and Taps will be performed by Clay County Community Band. They will also provide entertainment immediately after the opening ceremony for about 30 minutes. Floral arrangements for the Gazebo have been ordered. Patriotic Banners have been installed alongside Summer Banners. Flags and patriotic buntings will be installed in the Park and alongside the Pier just before the event. Aerial Flyover will be orchestrated by members of the Howler Air Park south of Green Cove Springs. Fallen Soldiers & Veteran's Tribute will be presented by City staff under the direction of Connie Wainwright. Branch of Services Flags ceremony accompanies the Veteran's Tribute and that will be done by Boy Scout Troop #577 under the leadership of Ruthann Baxley, Scoutmaster. Entertainment venue organized and perfo1mers solicited by the Jim Craft Show whose contract was renewed on February 26, 2014. Entertainment will begin at 12:00 PM. Invitations to Dignitaries have been mailed. 2nd Page 1 of 2 • • • • • Letters to Naval Air Station (NAS) Jax, NAS Mayport, NAS Fleet Readiness Center, and US Coast Guard at NAS Mayport have been mailed. Securing of sites for patron and vendor parking is underway along with certificates of insurance. A copy of the Parking Map is attached. Shuttle service with golf carts will also be available. Proclamation from the Clay County Board of County Commissioners will be presented to us on May 12th. Proclamation declaring Military Service Day will be approved by Council on May 19th. Fireworks will begin at 8:45 PM under the direction of Zambelli Fireworks. The final touches to complete the program will be finalized within the next two weeks and a program will be released prior to the event and available on the website. RECOMMENDATION: Receive progress report for the 27th Annual Memorial Day RiverFest Celebration to be held in Spring Park on May 25, 2015. I MOTION: Accept Progress Report. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Danielle J. Ju Page 2 of2 VyStar Credit Union Bayard St. & Orange Avenue Alfland Site t. & Orange Avenue (West Side) )1 I ---- ____ City Staff Parking St (Old Police Dept.) --~p=mg Vendor Parking City Parking Lot End of Ferris Street City Parking Lot {Handicapped Only) Bay St. & Orange Ave. (West Side) Former Pyramid Site 300 N. Magnolia Avenue CITY OF GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLORIDA STAFF REPORT FOR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2015 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF ENGAGEMENT LETTER ("EL") WITH NABORS GIBLIN & NICKERSON, P.A., ATTORNEYS AT LAW ("NG & N"), TO ASSIST THE CITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CERTAIN UTILITY IMPACT FEES AND RELATED SERVICES. BACKGROUND: The City Council on April 7, 2015, approved the Wastewater Master Plan ("WWMP"). The engineer of record for the City is Jason Shepler of Mittauer & Associates. The Council has now directed that an Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant ("AWWTP"), along with a Reuse System, be built. The goal is to have these projects operational by 2020 for the approximate sum of $20,000,000.00. Of course, the City will need to borrow most of the funds, and in order to repay the loans, we will need to establish new impact fees, other charges and fees ("Impact Fees"). To legally support the Impact fees, the City must have in place a comprehensive Impact Fee Ordinance with extensive support documentation. NG & N is a widely recognized firm, which specializes in this very complex area of the law and will ensure that the City completes all Impact Fee related legislation in compliance with applicable Florida law. A copy of the EL, together with related emails, is attached for Council review. FISCAL IMPACT I FUNDING SOURCE: Staff suggests approval of not to exceed $20,000.00 at this time. Funds will be used from the appropriate utility accounts. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the EL with NG & N with a not to exceed $20,000.00 amount until and unless modified by the Council. MOTION: Approve the Engagement Letter dated April 24, 2015, submitted by Nabors Giblin & Nickerson, P. A. and authorize the execution of same by appropriate City officials with an initial not to exceed fee of $20, 000.00. SUBMITTED BY: - ~G L. : = : r rl, City Attorney APPROVED BY: Nabors Giblin & Nickerson TALLAHASSEE 1500 Mahan Drive Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (850) 224-4070 Tel (850) 224-4073 Fax ATTORNEYS AT LAW TAMPA 2502 Rocky Point Drive Suite 1060 Tampa, Florida 33607 (813) 281-2222 Tel (813) 281-0129 Fax PA FORT LAUDERDALE 110 East Broward Boulevard Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (954) 315-3852 Tel April 24, 2015 Via Electronic Mail L. J. Arnold, Ill City Attorney City of Green Cove Springs 321 Walnut Street Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 Re: Utility Rates and Fees Dear Mr. Arnold: NG&N is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of Green Cove Springs (the "City") to assist the City in the development and implementation of its utility impact fees, and, if requested, additional legal services to assist in financing, general rate making and establishment of a reclaimed water utility. NG&N is dedicated to representing and assisting local governments. NG&N has more than 36 years' experience in providing services exclusively to the public sector. Further, NG&N has extensive experience in assisting local governments on impact fee programs and general public utility representation. NG&N will provide the City with a forward-thinking and legally sound approach to its utility issues. Upon receiving notice to proceed, we will provide the following services to the City: Task 1: Advice on General Utility Rates If requested, NG&N will provide ongoing legal advice and assistance to the City regarding utility rate making, including. structure, methodology and implementation. Task 2: Advise the City on the Set-Up and Implementation of a Reclaimed Water Utility Enterprise. If requested, provide ongoing legal advice and assistance to the City during the set-up and implementation of a reclaimed water utility enterprise, including regulatory requirements, ordinance modifications, rate making and drafting of agreements and releases. L. J. Arnold, Ill April 24, 2015 Page 2 Task 3: Advise City on Legal Requirements of Water and/or Wastewater Impact Fees Provide ongoing legal advice and assistance to the City during the development and implementation of the water and/or wastewater impact fees, its structure, methodology and rate. Task 4: Review Rate Study prepared for Water and/or Wastewater Impact Fees NG&N will review the City's rate study for water and/or wastewater impact fees for legal sufficiency prior to their implementation. Particular attention will be given to the cost calculations and credits provided. Task 5: Ordinance Preparation for Water and/or Wastewater Impact Fees NG&N will draft an ordinance that will impose water and/or wastewater The ordinance will contain all provisions impact fees in the City. necessary for legally defensible impact fee, and adhere to the policy direction provided by the City. Task 6: Review and Adoption of Rates and Fees by City Council NG&N will attend and participate in meetings and public hearings of the City Council. We will present the ordinance, respond to public comments, and assist the City Council in their review and consideration of utility rates and impact fees for the City. Task 7: Financing Counsel If requested, NG&N is available to provide legal advice to the City relating to the financing for the City's planned wastewater treatment plant expansion. NG&N has served numerous cities and counties in Florida as both bond and disclosure counsel. Engaging the same firm that assists in establishment of the City's impact fees in a complimentary financing would provide the City with greater efficiencies. For the legal services to be provided by Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, we will bill the City monthly for time and materials based upon our hourly rates outlined below and actual costs incurred. L. J. Arnold, Ill April 24, 2015 Page 3 The services for Tasks 1-6 would be provided on an hourly basis at our standard hourly rates to be billed monthly: Partnera Associates Law Clerks $275 $250 $75 Compensation for Task 7 would be negotiated separately as such payments are typically lump sums contingent on the closing of the financing. In addition to legal fees, we would propose to be reimbursed for actual costs incurred on long-distance telephone charges, travel expenses and overnight delivery charges. All travel expenses would be reimbursed in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes, and photocopies would be billed at 25¢ per page. NG&N will work with the City in performing its scope of services. Upon review and satisfactory determination, please execute this correspondence by signing below to indicate acceptance of the attached proposal and to serve as proper Notice to Proceed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to working with the City of Green Cove Springs on this very important project. If you or any other City officials have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Heather J. Encinosa HJE/sib AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: City of Green Cove Springs Date