Wayne Holdsworth
Wayne Holdsworth
Miles be SILV EST ER S YAMAHA Y Z 2 5 0 F 06 blue IN STOC K YELLO W GENUINE YAMAHA PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FAST MAIL ORDER SERVICE 01484683665 * 01484686683 Holmfirth West Yorkshire M O T O T R E M E OFFICIAL KAWASAKI DEALER STOCKISTS OF MOST LEADING BRANDS FUll RANGE OF2006 KAWASAKI’S IN STOCK To view the full range of new and used bikes go online @ www.motoxtreme.co.uk Tel: 01225 892 227 • Fax: 01225 892 069 2 Bell Square, Tormarton Road, Marshfield, Chippenham email: sales@motoxtreme.co.uk a iM SPORT MOTORCYCLES COMPETITION DEALER m N °1 IN SU R R EY firs t punch show ed M orp h e tt on a cool eight with Jono on 12. T he second to u r saw Richardson edge ahead with a two on C rosser’s w here Ben took three but the cru cial m arks went in the mud at the first section w here the line cut down to soft slippery going. It was settled on lap two when Rich cleaned the rocks at th e sixth w here Morph had his feet down. So ended the opener. All the sections were cleaned which was good. The time will be discussed by all but, and it is a big but, the top nine Class B riders all got round in tim e with no penal ties. T he Class A riders sat a b o u t a t se ctio n nine for alm ost 15 m inutes and were caught by the Class B run ners but in both 125cc and ► 250cc classes, some riders com pleted the entire course without any tim e faults, so five hours a llow ance was enough. Although over one hun dred youngsters took part in the trial, there was only one in ju ry recorded, w hen course-plotter Mr Noble fell off his M ontesa while test riding the sections! James broke two ribs in his bonecrushing crash. Rachel Haley ran the con trol centre and took on the du tie s of event se cre ta ry while Cherry Dabill acted as Chief Marshal. Her son Jam es presented the awards and was in turn presented with the Colonial Trial trophy, which he won the previous week, by organ iser Keith Ellis of the Eboracum club. FORA il YOUR KTM NEEDS ■ m n n 06 M O D ELS N O W A VA ILABLE STOCKISTS OF PULSE RACING PRODUCTS N O W S TO C K IS T OF M BO T E A M RACE PARTS uzuki 250 05 Im m aculate......................................... £2,800 4 2(X) Exc\A5C choice of 2 from...................................... £2,500 4 640SuperMoto, excellent condition, many extras inc big tank, silencer............................ £3,400 | Full W orkshop Engine/Fork/ I Shock Rebuilds Motorite Comp Shop 137-139 Hook Rd, Surbiton, Surrey Kawasaki SU ZU K I HONDA DIADORA YAMAHA Telephone: 0208 397 4876 Y R E S Tel: 01639 7222S1 Fax: 01639 722250 Mobile: 07973 458041 Units 1 & 2. Glvnneath Village Workshops, Glvnneath. SA115RG S tik o le n e motorex PJI rWl’i-iH sow M o u s s e s available M e tz le r E n d u ro tyres 4 x 4 a n d ra cing q u a d tyre s n o w available -isbo Pro 8 p a n ts ................................£79 Hebo Pro 8 J e r s e y ............................. £38 Hebo Pro 8 G lo v e s ............................. £28 Forma Trials B o o t............................. £100 Hebo Helmets from ...........................£63 06 Airoh H e lm e ts ................................ Out Honda CRM250 AR 2000 ..............£2150 YZ WR 450 Dep Pipe (Full) ............. £300 YZ 85 04 ...........................................£1400 KX60 99 .............................................£550 Shark H e lm e ts ......................... Good Deal Oiadora Mx3 B o o ts ............................£120 Junior Ikon DX 3 B o o ts .......................£40 ACD Enduro Sump G u a rd s ..................£55 Sidi Flex Force Boots .......................£170 Bills pipes ......................................ZT + 4T Beanies f r o m ........................................ £11 Shark helmets fro m .............................. £50 Oakley Goggles ................................... £25 Progrip G o g g le s................................... £30 Enduro bum bags with one bottle . . .£30 DVD's available,Trials clothing available Tyres fitted free of charge - loose wheels SFB PRODUCTS, CRD & ACD PRODUCTS, DEP PIPES & TALON WHEELS FMF PIPES Clothing Available Ulsterm an Robert Andrew s took the final podium spot in A 125cc. Ben Price fires over the rockery to a top-six finish in A 250cc. Selection of: Micheiin trial tyres and mousses available •No.1 Michelin Dealer in South Wales www.paulgreenbiketyres.co.uk* E-Mail - sales@paulgreenbiketyres.co.uk C( 8 Sheddingdean Business Centre, Burgess Hill. West Sussex RH15 8QY Tel; 01444 871553 Fax: G1444 871554Email: sussexsportmc@btconnect.com 2006 OFFROAD MODELSINSTOCK New and used bikes in r Stock Now!, Bikes*Brighton 3 0 PRESTON ROAD ( A23) BRIGHTON 0 1 2 7 3 2006IN STOCK. MODELS P h o n e f o r a v a il a b i l it y im m m EXCINSIOCK oxtar Alpine & No Clothing now in stock Race Tuning specialists, In house modifications &Ucfi WleW»n9 ^ WW Clothing g No Fear Helmets in stock I525SKroadiq 'tM 12500 T.T.R. 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