Athenaeum - SumWare Consulting
Athenaeum - SumWare Consulting
SumWare Consulting February 2013 Athenaeum Welcome back. 2013 is the year that SumWare Consulting celebrates 21 years of providing library solutions in one form or another and the year that Athenaeum turns sweet 16. Busiest (most interesting) time of year The start of the year is always, for us, the busiest time of the year as libraries come back on board and everyone wants to get back into the rhythm as quickly as possible. The best point of contact is, as always, We prefer this address to individual addresses, as whoever is available first will answer. We endeavour to answer all e-mails, however, support contract holders do take priority. If you want to know more about support contracts, e-mail us at that address or go to http:// (or both!). New year tasks There are usually only a few things you need to do at the beginning of the year • update your borrower lists (this should be automatic for KAMAR users) • ensure your recesses and holidays are correct • ensure latest dates are set correctly or cleared • get those jolly teachers to return last year's books Update recesses, holidays, latest due When Athenaeum Pro issues items, it tries to calculate due dates so that items are not due on weekends, during library recesses or on public holidays and is before the calculated "latest" date for the borrower. You define recesses and public holidays in the dates tab in the Admin section of Athenaeum (press "A" on the keyboard at the main menu to get there quickly). You can manually enter recesses (e.g. school holidays for school libraries) and "public holidays" (days where the library is closed - these can also be days like teacher only days for schools) or you can have Athenaeum import them from the internet. If your network does not lock down Athenaeum, it will make these processes each a single click action. The data is imported either from or from (so ask your IT administrator SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480, Kumeu, 0841 to ensure those domains and FileMaker - are not blocked). Useful links: Athenaeum Pro Manual Athenaeum Pro downloads Support e-mail Support details Athenaeum Notes YouTube Channel Customer Quotes There are potentially three sets of latest due dates: • the system latest due (on the dates tab in admin) • latest due dates for each individual borrower types • individual latest dates for borrowers. Dates are entered in your computer's default format. In Australia and New Zealand, that is usually d/m/y format though not if your region setting is incorrect. The date picker will default to the correct format. Athenaeum will NOT recognise full date descriptions like "Wednesday, 24 April 2013". Do you have to "Close" off financials? No. Athenaeum calculates financials on the fly. The annual report can be calculated for any year you specify at any time. Financial summaries of "found sets" of catalogue items, issues or historical issues are also "real-time". There are many reports you can generate, if you are not sure or can't find what you want in the manual, simply e-mail us with your specific requirements and we will work out what your accountant is really wanting! Importing from an “SMS” School libraries need to update their borrower lists quite regularly. The lists normally come from your school administration system. KAMAR users will be familiar with the integration with Athenaeum and KAMAR and that this is a "no-brainer". It's not hard to set up exports from other systems (we are not aware of any that can't export) and then import and update your Athenaeum lists. Usually, this is a 5 minute job. The hardest thing might be getting harried IT or office admin staff to create the export file. If this does seem hard, please contact us and we will help you. Remote Training We can schedule a quick 15 minute remote training session or stretch it out up to 2 hours and help you with any of the above. For those with current Support Contracts, this is a no-brainer, just book a time. For ad-hoc support, we are invoice that in 15 minute blocks at $25+GST per block. To get the most out of your support session, e-mail your questions and topics to us before hand. Where is that Jolly Catalogue Archive Button? Possibly the most asked question for all libraries who have upgraded to Athenaeum Pro 2012 is "Where is the Archive button that used to be on the main menu?". It's still there, but it moved out of the way to the Nav sub-menu. But really, just press the "R" key on the keyboard (think of a pirate saying "archive" to remember this) and you will jump straight to the catalogue archive. Late 2012 update While we are talking about the catalogue archive, late last year we added some convenience buttons making it much easier and quicker to return many items in one go. If you are not up to date, then have your IT staff chat to us (for many support contract holders who have given us access to your server, we might have already done those updates for you). Taking Stock of Items Returns Them Another oft asked question, at least by newer users. During your stock take, when scanning an item that was issued, Athenaeum worked on the assumption that, if you were holding the item in question in your hot little hand, then it probably was no longer issued and returned it automatically for you. SumWare Consulting Limited PO Box 480, Kumeu, 0841 Work on Athenaeum Pro 2013 We hadn’t completed Athenaeum Pro 2012 when we had already started planning and work on Athenaeum Pro 2013. This is an ambitious project that re-engineers many aspects of the programme, enabling new features, more web features and electronic document storage with a goal of strong performance and flexibility. With a bit of luck, this will be available in the second half of the year. There will continue to be tweaks to Athenaeum Pro 2012 where we can-if you ask for them (hint). Athenaeum Light 2013 A new "lightweight" Athenaeum Light is almost done. A single, tight file that works well on iPads and netbooks, it is also picking up some options more suitable for resources and rental. Web Templates Late last year, there were performance optimisations to the web templates as well as some new "skins". And keep an eye out for some new features. Generating Statistics An easily answered questions is "how many issues were there last year?". This 30 second youtube video shows you how: You can easily summarise the results of that search using any one of the print reports. One of the more useful reports is the most issued "titles" or top "copies". This video on the Athenaeum Notes web site shows you how: Curliest Question... I have set the latest due date to the end of 2013, yet some of my borrowers still can't borrow without me needing to override. You may have had a latest due date set against a particular borrower type -- maybe the senior borrower type had an earlier date than everyone else to accommodate their earlier leaving date. Simply go to the Types (press "T" on the keyboard at the main menu or choose "Types" from the Nav menu) and check the latest due date for each borrower type and adjust these if necessary.