Terracotta Tile - Middle Earth Tiles
Terracotta Tile - Middle Earth Tiles
NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES PRODUCT CATALOGUE Index: Pages 1: Page 2: Page 3 & 4: Page 5: Pages 6: Page 7: Page 8: Pages 9 & 10: Page 11: Page 12: Page 13: Page 14: Page 15: Page 16: Page 17: Page 18: Page 19: Page 20: Page 21 & 22: Appendix One: Appendix Two: Introduction A Guide to Natural Terracotta Tiles Environmental Impact Statement Slip Resistance Report Summary of Standard Tile Sizes Summary of Cobble Tiles and Accessories Sizes Summary of Terracotta Mosaics Sizes Examples of Terracotta Tile Installations Cobble Tiles Akaroa Squares Honey Comb Tiles Terracotta Mosaics Terracotta Mosaic Strips Bullnose Tiles Sill and Step Tread Tiles Octagonal Tiles Run of Kiln Tiles Handmade Wood-fired Tiles Guide to Installation and Sealing Terracotta Tiles Using Terracotta Tiles in Eco Housing Landscaping Ideas using Cobble Tiles CONTACT DETAILS – Head Office and Showroom: 194 Great North Road Grey Lynn, 1021 Auckland, New Zealand Telephone New Zealand: +64 9 523 4080 or +64 9 360 2638 Telephone Australia: +61 2 8355 7036 (direct line to NZ) Fax: +64 9 523 4090 eMail: sales@middleearthtiles.co.nz Factory: 60 Hudson Road Warkworth, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 425 7172 Fax: +64 9 425 7173 www.middleearthtiles.co.nz A GUIDE TO NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES Middle Earth Tiles made in New Zealand are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ What are Natural Natural unglazed fired clay tiles are often called Terracotta tiles, which literally Terracotta tiles? mean, "baked clay” or “burnt earth." Terracotta may also refer to brownish-orange colors. (Unbaked clay is called “Terracruda”) What is the Fired clay tiles had their origin as many as 4,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. They history of became popular in the Western Europe during the Middle Ages — the rust-coloured Natural Terracotta tiles? tiles were quite popular in the ancient monasteries in England, while artisans in Spain and Portugal added a colourful touch by hand-painting the tiles in bright colours to suit their sunny climate. Quarry tiles and Natural Terracotta tiles are basically the same thing (quarry meaning "square" from the French term quarrel). Why Natural In the production of Natural Terracotta tiles, clay is fired in kilns, with nothing Terracotta tile? added but water. The colours come naturally from the colours of the clay as well as firing techniques and temperatures. These are natural terracotta tiles and the colour is all through the tile. These natural colours are ageless and often replicated in glazed tiles where the colour is painted onto the tiles. These imitation colours are not Natural Terracotta tiles. What are the With softened, irregular edges, the pleasing surface texture and the flamed colour benefits of tones Natural Terracotta Tiles bring back the welcoming atmosphere of country Natural Terracotta Tiles? floors. With wear the tiles, achieve a style, which improves their overall appearance. Important features of Middle Earth natural terracotta tiles are: • Colourfast - will not fade with age (unlike concrete) • Non-slip - the perfect tile for outdoor paving • Do not Reflect Sunlight - will not dazzle in bright sunlight • Long lasting - easy to maintain with no pattern or glaze to wear out • Perfect as a heat soak - retaining heat remarkably well • Factory Treated (except Cobble Tiles) - to protect the tiles from water absorption and frost protection Like good wine, Natural Terracotta tiles improve with age www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Natural Terracotta Tiles Page 2 (2012) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Middle Earth Tiles made in New Zealand are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Introduction At Middle Earth Tiles, we design and develop our products in a way which cares for the environment. We believe that innovation and sustainability can go hand in hand. We use clean craft processes and industrial technology to create sustainable products. Some of the key points detailing the environmental aspects of Middle Earth Tiles are: • Sustainability • Recycled Content • Installation Process and Final Installation • The Manufacturing Process Harakeke / Flax Sustainability Middle Earth Tiles are amongst the longest lasting wall and floor coverings products avaliable. Ceramic tiles have been known to last for decades and even centuries without needing to be replaced. Middle Earth tiles are designed with a thick body and rugged glazes to stand the test of time, just as ceramic tile has throughout the ages. “Cradle to Grave” is fast becoming the standard by which the sustainability of building products are measured. This focus puts emphasis on the entire life cycle of a product and has designers turning to tile, especially well made classic tiles like Middle Earth tiles, because of this important feature. Middle Earth tiles are an excellent “Cradle to Grave” product because the raw material are extracted close to the manufacturing site, they will last for many years, even centuries and the designs are timeless. Middle Earth tiles can be returned to the environment with no ill effects at the end of their life cycle. Recycled Content During the manufacturing process, waste is recovered and returned to the manufacturing process. • Unfired clay is returned to the manufacturing process • Waste fired product is used as a hard pavement or a permanent mulch in gardens • Waste water is recycled www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Environment Statement (Two Pages) (2012) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Middle Earth Tiles made in New Zealand are Sustainable and Eco-friendly • Because all glazing is done by hand and not air sprayed, the waste glaze is very minimal and only from the cleaning of the brushes Installation Process and Final Installation Middle Earth tiles can be installed and sealed with inert products, providing air quality advantages during installation. The kiln-fired natural materials that make up Middle Earth tiles produce no “off-gassing” sometimes associated with other products. • Middle Earth tiles are neither an “orginal source” nor a source for ‘absorbed” volatile organic chemicals (VOC). • Middle Earth tiles will not contribute to the growth of mould or bacteria. • Middle Earth tiles help contribute to a healthy living or work environment. • Another possible source of VOC’s is cleaning products. Middle Earth tiles can be cleaned using non-toxic, water based cleaners. • The long term durability of Middle Earth tiles, means that replacement costs can be reduced to such a degree that lifetime costs are far less than those associated with other products, especially in areas of high wear. The Manufacturing Process • All unused clay is reused in the tile production. • There is no heavy processing of the raw materials. • Raw materials are sourced next to or close to the factory. • Waste water is reused. • No heavy metals are used in the production. • All energy is sourced by gas pipe line or electric power line with no carbon foot-print. • There is no air spray pollution from applying the glaze material • Except for strapping all packaging is recyclable. • It is widely recognised that transportation of products contributes to global warming. Middle Earth tiles proudly “Made in New Zealand” reduce “carbon miles”. • Middle Earth tiles produce no “off-gassing” associated with some other flooring and finishes. • Middle Earth tiles by their very nature are a long lasting sustainable product. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Environment Statement (Two Pages) (2012) SAFETY STEP (NZ) LTD P.O BOX 25, BEACHLANDS, AUCKLAND PHONE (09) 2714355, FAX (09) 2714344 EMAIL sales@safetystep.com SLIP RESISTANCE TEST REPORT Client: Middle Earth Tiles Client's Reference: Guy Roberts Tested By: Kevin Stackhouse Date: 05/04/2007 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE Manufacturer: Middle Earth Tiles Common Name: Terracotta Specimen Size: 300mm x 300mm No. of Specimens Tested: FIVE Material Type: Clay and Sand Surface Type: Un-glazed Surface Coating: Nil METHOD Tests were carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 3661.1 : 1993 Slip Resistance of Pedestrian Surfaces, Part 1- Requirements, Appendix A "Method for the Measurement of the Coefficient of friction of Wet Surfaces". Type of Test: Fixed Location of Test: Safety Step workshop Air Temperature: 20°C SLOPE: Specimen No. one two three four five RESULTS Dilution Ratio WET/DRY Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet SAMPLE MEAN COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION: Mean Coefficient of Friction 0.76 0.74 0.71 0.75 0.72 0.74 REQUIREMENTS Horizontal Surfaces: When tested in accordance with the method set out in Appendix A, the pedestrian surface shall have a mean coefficient of friction of not less than 0.40 and no specimen in that sample shall be less than 0.35. SAFETY STEP (NZ) LTD THE ULTIMATE IN ANTI-SLIP AND WAY FINDING SYSTEMS VISIT SAFETY STEP ON www.safetystep.com NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES Tiles per m² Grade Slip Resistant Salt Resistant Frost Resistant These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Tile Shape PRODUCT SHEET 150x150x12 40 4 Sunset Red Terracotta 200x200x12 24 4 Sunset Red Terracotta 250x250x14 16 4 Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 300x100x14 32 4 Gunmetal Rustic Sunset Red Terracotta 310X150X14 20 4 Doeskin Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Handcrafted 250x250x14 16 4 Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Terracotta Handcrafted 300x300x14 11 4 Doeskin Rustic Sunburst Terracotta Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Tile Size (mm) Colours in Tile Sizes Run of Kiln 200x250x14 20 4 Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Run of Kiln 200x300x14 16.7 4 Doeskin Fireburst Rustic COLOURS Doeskin Fireburst www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 6 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES Tiles per m² or lineal m. Grade Slip Resistant Salt Resistant Frost Resistant These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Tile Shape 16 4 56 4 Antique Red 64 4 Antique Red 64 4 Antique Red Sill Tiles 230x150x20 4.3 4 Sunset Red Terracotta Sill/Pool Tiles 200x200x40 5 4 Doeskin Gunmetal Sunset Red Terracotta 6.6 5 4 Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Tile Size (mm) Handcrafted Octagonal Tiles 250x250x14 Cobble Tiles 125x125x14 Akaroa Squares 115x115x14 Honey Comb Tiles 130x130x14 Tiles are not factory presealed. Tiles should be sealed after installation Round Edge Tiles 150x150x12 200x200x12 250x250x14 5 4 3.3 Step Tread Tiles www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Available in all colours (Made to order) Note: Colours not available in all sizes 6.6 3.3 5 150x150x12 300x200x12 200x100x12 250x100x12 Fireburst Colours Available in the Tile Sizes 4 Bullnose Tiles 200x235x14 250x235x14 300x235x14 Doeskin PRODUCT SHEET Gunmetal 4 Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 7 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES Square 300x300x14 11 Listello 300x300x14 11 Barcode 300x300x14 11 Abstract 300x300x14 11 Barcode Strip 500x100x14 20 16 Diamond Mosaic Strips 420x155mm Grade Mosaic sheets/m² Slip Resistant Mosaic Sheet Size (mm) Salt Resistant Frost Resistant These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Terracotta Mosaics PRODUCT SHEET Colours Available in Tile Sizes 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta 4 Autumn Gold Doeskin Fireburst Gunmetal Rustic Sahara Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta COLOURS Doeskin Fireburst Autumn Gold Sahara www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Gunmetal Rustic Sunburst Sunset Red Terracotta Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 8 (2012) EXAMPLE OF PROJECTS USING MIDDLE EARTH NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Sunburst 310x150mm Tiles Terracotta 300x100mm Tiles Gunmetal 300x100mm Tiles Hand-crafted Sunburst 250x250mm Tiles Hand-crafted Sunburst 250x250mm Tiles Sunset Red 150x150 Tiles www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 10 (2012) EXAMPLE OF PROJECTS USING MIDDLE EARTH NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Hand-crafted Fireburst 250x250mm Tiles Hand-crafted Sunburst 250x250mm Tiles Terracotta 250x250mm Tiles Hand-crafted Rustic 250x250mm Tiles Hand-crafted Sunburst 250x250mm Tiles Doeskin 200x250mm Tiles www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 9 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA 300x100 TILES PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Middle Earth natural terracotta 300x100mm tiles offer an exciting concept for pavements. The 300x100 sized tiles are a traditional form for terracotta tiles. It offers many opportunities of geometric form, allowing designers creativity in pavement design including laying patterns and styles, from the traditional “Stack Bonded” to “Herring Bone” or “Running or Brick Bond” styles. Middle Earth has information on many different tile laying options. Tiles per m² 9 30 32 Terracotta Kg’s per m² 9 Sunset Red Slip Resistant 4-5 Rustic Salt Resistant 300x100x12mm Gunmetal Tile Size Grade Tile Colours Middle Earth Natural Terracotta 300x100 Tiles are factory treated with a water resistant system www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA 310x150 TILES PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Sunburst 310x150 used in an Ecco Home Cool and inviting, natural terracotta floor tiles are like a good wine, they improve enormously with age. 310x150mm tiles are a traditional European size found in France and in Italy. In France this size tile is called "Parefeuilles" and they were created to be installed as a sub-roofing. This size can be found in many private and public buildings including churches. The size offers many opportunities of laying patterns and styles, from the traditional “Stack Bonded” to “Herring Bone” Terracotta Sunset Red Sunburst 20 Rustic Tiles per m² 30 Tile Colours Gunmetal Kg’s per m² 4-5 Slip Resistant 310x150x12mm Salt Resistant Tile Size Grade or “Running or Brick Bond” styles. Terracotta 310x150 Tiles are factory treated with a water resistant system www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA COBBLE TILES PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Middle Earth Cobble Tiles have individual colour and patterns making unique textures and designs and offer a unique effect in lasting ceramic, non-slip, and colourfast tiles. Cobble Tiles are ideal for driveways, patios, swimming pool surrounds, pathways and barbecue areas. Curves, swirls and circles can be obtained with minimum cutting, creating an interesting tiled environment. Tile Sizes Tiles per m² Grade Slip Resistant Kg’s per m² 56 4 Yes 30 Tile Colours Antique Red Unglazed Cobble Tiles are NOT factory sealed. It is recommended that the tiles are sealed during installation. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 11 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA AKAROA SQUARES Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Middle Earth Tiles have created Akaroa Squares as a replica of traditional French Classic Melange floor tiles. The tiles have chipped edges, little craters and are not always the same size. These are not defects; they are what make the Antiqued Akaroa Squares so attractive. Their color will vary even on the same piece. We have called them “Akaroa Squares” in recognition of the early French settlers who settled in New Zealand at Banks Peninsular. Tile Size Colour Available Tiles/m² Grade Weight/m² Tiles/pack 115x115x16mm Terracotta Mixed 64 4 30 kgs 64 Installation Akaroa Square tiles are not pre-sealed; we recommend that the tiles are sealed before grouting with a penetrating sealer. For internal installations, the tiles can be waxed for a stunning classical finish. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 12 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA HONEYCOMB or TOMETTE COBBLES Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Borrowing from history, the concept for the Middle Earth Honeycomb tiles comes from the hexagonal unglazed tiles that were prevalent in the late Roman Empire. However in more recent times it is the French town of Salernes that is famous for the red hexagonal tiles that one sees in nearly every Provençal house. Called “tomettes”, they are made from the rich red iron filled clay prevalent in the area where they are manufactured. Like the Salernes tiles and following the same centuries old techniques, Middle Earth Honeycomb tiles are manufactured from a mixture of high iron content clays which after being shaped by wire cutting are fired at temperatures over 1100 C. With time the tiles will acquire a unique aged patina that will highlight the natural colours of the clays bringing a little bit of Provence to your home. Tile Size Colours Available Tiles/ m² Grade Weight/m² Tiles/pack Antique or Red 70 3-4 30 kgs .5 m² 130x130x16 Hexagonal Unglazed Honeycomb Tiles are NOT factory sealed. It is recommended that the tiles are sealed during installation. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 13 (June) TERRACOTTA MOSAICS Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Autumn Gold Square Mosaic Terracotta Listello Mosaic Autumn Gold Abstract Mosaic Terracotta Barcode Mosaic Terracotta Mosaic sheets offer an exciting new concept in tiling. The tiles are hand cut before being tumbled to round off the sharp corners. The sheets give unlimited possibilities in laying patterns and styles and can be used complete or the sheets trimmed to be used as features. Mosaic Sheet Size: 300x300x14mm – There are 11 Mosaic Sheets per square metre www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 14 (2012) TERRACOTTA MOSAIC STRIPS Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Barcode Strips Abstract Strips Terracotta Mosaic Strips offer an exciting new concept in tiling. The tiles are hand cut before being tumbled to round off the sharp corners. The strips give unlimited possibilities in laying patterns and styles and can be used complete or as individual strips to be used as features. They are perfect for D.I.Y. installation. Mosaic Strip Type Tile Strip Size Strips/m² Grade Weight/m² 500x100x14mm 20 3-4 25 kgs 420x155x14mm 2.4 (per lin. Metre) 3-4 Barcode Strip Abstract Strip Diamond Mosaic Strips www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 15 (2012) TERRACOTTA BULLNOSE TILES Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Middle Earth Natural Terracotta Bullnose Tiles add the finishing touch to many tiling projects. They are suitable for steps and swimming pool edging. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Tile Sizes Grade Salt Resistant Slip Resistant Kg’s per tile 300x235x14mm 4-5 9 9 1.7 250x235x14mm 4-5 9 9 1.5 200x235x14mm 4-5 9 9 1.3 Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 16 (2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA SILLS and STEP TREAD TILES Proudly Made in NZ PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Sill Tiles add the finish touch to brick veneer houses and are suitable for use as a pool edging. Grooved Step Treads are a slip prevention tile as well as providing a visual edge for steps. Tile Size Grade Salt Resistant Slip Resistant Kg’s per tile 4-5 9 9 3 4-5 9 9 2 200x200mm Sill/Pool Tile Sill Tile Thickness 40mm 230x150mm Thickness 20mm 0.5 200x100x12mm 250x100x12mm Rectangular Step Tread 4-5 9 9 300x200x12mm 150x150x12mm 0.6 0.8 4-5 9 9 0.5 Square Step Tread www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 17 (2012) HANDCRAFTED NATURAL TERRACOTTA OCTAGONAL TILES PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Middle Earth natural terracotta Octagonal tiles have hand finished edges to round off sharp corners and give a softer finish and offer a unique and elegant classical pattern to tile flooring. The tiles are suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation and are supplied in a “mix and match”, choose the colour of the tile and the insert separately. Orders can be supplied with all corners shaped or just two or one corner shaped. Tile Size Grade Salt Resistant Slip Resistant Kg’s per m² Tiles per m² 250x250x14mm 4-5 9 9 30 16 The surround tile mosaics are Diamond Mosaic Strips which are available in matching colours www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 18 (July 2011) NATURAL TERRACOTTA RUN OF KILN TILES PRODUCT SHEET These Middle Earth Tiles are Made in New Zealand and are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Proudly Made in NZ Doeskin 250x200 with Doeskin Bullnose at pool edge WHAT ARE RUN OF KILN TILES? • Run of Kiln (ROK) Tiles are the off-cut tile from the production of Bullnose tiles • Their quality is identical to normal natural terracotta tiles • The tiles are factory treated with the same water resistant system as standard tile production • Run of Kiln tiles offer a cost effective tiling solution. Tile Size Grade Salt Resistant Slip Resistant Kg’s per m² Tiles per m² 250x200x14mm 4 9 9 30 20 300x200x14mm 4 9 9 30 16.7 www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Note: Colours shown on this sheet are representative only Page 19 (July 2012) NATURAL TERRACOTTA HANDMADE/WOOD FIRED TILES PRODUCT SHEET NOTE: Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Tiles pictured have been sealed with Classic Java Oil Handmade 300x150x10mm Tiles Handmade 300x300x20mm Tiles Middle Earth Handmade tiles are made using techniques that have not changed in 100’s of years each tile is produced individually and is cured and dried by the sun and wind. When dry the tiles are fired in wood fired kilns for up to 96 hours. This creates beautiful shades, from light yellow, pinks to dark reds often with flashes. All the handmade terracotta tiles are individual pieces with variations giving a special unique finish. Tile Size Tiles per m² 300x300mm 11 300x150x10mm 22 150x150x10mm 40 150x75x10mm 84 100x100x10mm 100 www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Grade 4 Slip Resistant 9 Sealing IMPORTANT: Middle Earth Hand cast tiles are not pre-sealed. All tiles should be sealed after installation with a Penetrating sealer. For internal installation and creating beautiful floors we recommend Classic Java Oil as a sealer Kg’s per m² 28.6 kg 18.7 kg 16.8 kg 17.6 kg 17.6 kg Colours shown on this sheet are representative only. Page 20 (July 2012) INSTALLING and SEALING NATURAL TERRACOTTA TILES Proudly Made in NZ Middle Earth Tiles made in New Zealand are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. Factory Treatment of Terracotta Tiles All Middle Earth terracotta tiles (except cobble style tiles) are treated in the production process to reduce water absorption. This treatment aids cleaning and minimizes potential damage from frost, efflorescence, moss and lichen growth, salt water and water borne contaminants. The factory treatment makes Middle Earth Tiles easier to install by protecting the tile from contaminants during the installation process. Important: As a precaution any tiles that are likely to be exposed to salt water or heavy frosts, need to be resealed with a penetrating sealer. Installing • Due to the hand made nature of our tiles, all tiles are supplied on a “per laid square metre” basis, taking grout joints are taken into account. • When calculating your tile requirements, allow 10% extra for installation wastage • Tiles should be installed in accordance with recognized standards. We recommend BRANZ “Good Tiling Practice”. In particular care must be taken to allow for expansion joints. • To give the best effect, we suggest that when Middle Earth Tiles are being installed, they are taken at random from several different packs. • Middle Earth Tiles recommends the installation the use of quality adhesives and grouts. • Do not wet the tiles before installation • Joint size of 8mm – 12mm is recommended due to the inherent size variation of terracotta tiles • Grout residue should be removed from the tile before it dries on the surface • Any excess grout residue may be removed with a proprietary grout haze remover or diluted phosphoric acid cleaner (When used inside ensure the room is well ventilated as acid fumes may tarnish metal fittings). Do not use a strong acid solution to clean the tiles IMPORTANT: Middle Earth Tiles will not accept any responsibility for obvious physical defects after the tiles have been installed. Sealing - Outdoors For normal outdoor use, Middle Earth Tiles do not require any further sealing. However in areas where the tiles will be exposed to oil based staining, the tiles should be treated with a solvent based penetrating sealer designed to protect the tiles against oil based staining. The penetrating seal is applied after the tiles been installed, grouted and cleaned. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Natural Terracotta Tiles Page 21 (2012) INSTALLING and SEALING TERRACOTTA TILES Proudly Made in NZ Middle Earth Tiles are made in New Zealand are Sustainable and Eco-friendly Colour and shade variation are inherent qualities in all fired ceramic products. What is a penetrating Sealer? - A good penetrating sealer does not alter the appearance of the tiles or grout, yet forms an invisible barrier that repels water and stains. It passes water vapor and will not trap moisture inside the body of the tile. Apply after the grout has dampcured, a minimum of three days. Sealing - Indoors In interior areas a surface sealer is recommended to aid cleaning. The traditional method of sealing terracotta tiles is to apply a coat of boiled linseed oil; this darkens and seals the tiles. The tiles are then buffed using Beeswax or a good quality floor wax. This will give a “tone down” appearance and provides the look of a mature surface after buffing. Our recommended sealer is Java Classic Resin Oil (Java Oil). What is Java Oil? – Java Oil is a superb, hard wearing traditional finish that creates a velvet finish which is fully maintainable for the life of the floor. Java oil penetrates deeply into the tiles. The blend of tree resins and plant oils ensures a robust finish which properly maintained using the Microwax system should provide a floor for life. Perhaps the best advantage of an oiled floor is that it mellows and improves with age. Preparation: The surface must be dry and clean. Application: Apply the resin oil sparingly and evenly, using a paint brush, roller or suitable applicator. Remove any excess oil, which has not penetrated after 10-20 minutes (visible as shiny areas), using a clean, absorbent cloth. Let dry for 12 hours between coats. Several applications of Java Oil should be applied. A typical floor will require two coats of oil. Heavy traffic areas are best treated with three coats. A final coat of undiluted Microwax or liquid wax is optional and can be applied to give the floor a slightly richer patina. Floor Maintenance It is important to maintain sealed Terracotta tiles with pH neutral cleaners (cleaners with no acid or bleach). Acidic cleaners may affect the sealant's capabilities and longevity. Use liquid wax or Microwax (3-4 capfuls into 5L water) as your cleaning agent when damp mopping. This will continue to feed the floor and properly maintained, you will have a floor for life. Liquid wax or Microwax can be used undiluted at any time to add a patina and to increase water resistance. www. middleearthtiles.co.nz Natural Terracotta Tiles Page 22 (July 2011) TERRACOTTA TILES FOR ECO HOUSES Passive Solar Eco House Exceeds Expectations According to the owners, the first urban eco house designed and constructed by eBode Homes in Westmere, a suburb of Auckland has exceeded their expectations. The two-storey, 258m2 house has electric windows which close or open in reaction to external and internal temperatures, providing cooling and ventilation in tandem with the house’s thermal massing properties, which include Middle Earth 310x150mm terracotta style tiles in a Sunburst colour. The tiles have been sealed with Java Oil, a superb hard wearing eco friendly oil, that creates a beautiful velvet finish. The passive solar concepts emphasised in the design include wide eaves, angled carefully for the north-east aspect to allow maximum shading in summer and deep sun penetration in winter. The home’s internal temperature has never dropped below 18°C, which is the World Health Organisation’s recommended minimum for comfort and health. Equally importantly, the temperature has not risen above 25.6°C (the NZ Department of Building and Housing suggests an upper comfort range of 2628.5°C for most people). Middle Earth hand glazed tiles were used extensively through-out the bathrooms and kitchen. For further information on Middle Earth terracotta tiles or copies of photographs contact +64 9 360 2638 or visit www.middleearthtiles.co.nz. For eBode Homes visit www.ebode.co.nz TERRACOTTA TILES FOR ECO HOUSES Exterior view Exterior View www.middleearthtiles.co.nz TERRACOTTA TILES FOR ECO HOUSES Entry Entry www.middleearthtiles.co.nz TERRACOTTA TILES FOR ECO HOUSES Dinning Room Lounge www.middleearthtiles.co.nz TERRACOTTA TILES FOR ECO HOUSES Kitchen featuring Middle Earth Hand Glazed 300x100mm Mercury Tiles Bathroom using Middle Earth 150x150mm Hand Glazed Blanco White and 200x65mm Phuket www.middleearthtiles.co.nz Landscaping Ideas Using Cobble Tiles Simple Entrance using Antique Cobbles Patio using Akaroa Squares Landscaping Ideas Using Cobble Tiles Front Path and Entrance combining Terracotta and Glazed Cobble Tiles Cobble Pavers being installed
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